S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


"We can get some food later an talk more on it." Kyan said, looking over at the other Onlie. Then we went over to her station. It had been a long time since he'd seen another of his own kind, and he knew people took things differently. He was usually happy to have a proper fight and didn't give alot of thought to the ones who didn't make it. After all, they were in the Summerlands now and not worried over mortal concerns life living and dying. But he also knew that most people didn't see it that way, especially if it were a friend or family member that was gone.

Seeing Myne crying over the battle hit him in a way that he wasn't used to. For a moment, he just looked at her, unsure of what he was meant to be doing. Then, before he knew what he was doing, he reached over and drew her into a hug. "It's ok." he spoke quietly. "Sure and it's a good job ye done. An ye cannae worry on them that's gone the now. They're off in the Summerlands drinking and having fun so. And lots more than that are still here. So it's ok. Ye dinnae hafta cry little sister because ye done good." Patting her on the back he went on in a whisper so only she could hear. "An it's safe the now, an no one's gonna hurt you again. It's me they'll be seein if they try. I promise."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the battle ended faster than expected, Ian's adrenaline battle rush faded just as fast. He saw the new science ensign's tears and was conflicted. Though she appeared to be no more than a child, she was over 200 years old. This made for a puzzling dichotomy. Part of him wanted to comfort her as he would any hurt little girl, but the logical part of him told him she was an Ensign in Starfleet and that tears had no place on the bridge. Regardless of what was appropriate for a Starfleet officer, Ian could not bring himself to be harsh, thus when he spoke, it was in a soft tone.

"The first time you see a ship lost with all hands is hard. Should it ever stop bein' hard, then it is time ta leave the service. A very famous general from Earth said long before even you were born, 'Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.' If'n you need a moment Lass, you are welcome ta leave the bridge."

The comforting words and hug of the other Only and the comfort of the Captain was enough to snap her out. She was a grown woman by Human stardards. She had seen so much, she was a brilliant scientist, she had endured much at the hands of so many. But by her own species standards? She was eight. So she still would have her moments of cheerfulness and sadness. But the combined efforts of the other Only and the Captain was everything she needed. She would definitely need to learn about these 'Summerlands' from the other Only but she would be strong and he seemed ready to help her when she was not. "I.. am okay Captain. Sorry just first combat. I'll go back and keep scanning. Maybe I missed something?"

She smiled to everyone then back up on her knees as she scanned again and again. After a few minutes.

"Captain!", Myne yelled with glee. "The photons fired to scramble the station shields was effecting ours! Three escape pods! Sadly thats not many but it's not a entire loss!" She bounced up and down on her knees in the chair so happy.

Female Only

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on May 02, 2023, 11:22:02 AM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The comforting words and hug of the other Only and the comfort of the Captain was enough to snap her out. She was a grown woman by Human stardards. She had seen so much, she was a brilliant scientist, she had endured much at the hands of so many. But by her own species standards? She was eight. So she still would have her moments of cheerfulness and sadness. But the combined efforts of the other Only and the Captain was everything she needed. She would definitely need to learn about these 'Summerlands' from the other Only but she would be strong and he seemed ready to help her when she was not. "I.. am okay Captain. Sorry just first combat. I'll go back and keep scanning. Maybe I missed something?"

She smiled to everyone then back up on her knees as she scanned again and again. After a few minutes.

"Captain!", Myne yelled with glee. "The photons fired to scramble the station shields was effecting ours! Three escape pods! Sadly thats not many but it's not a entire loss!" She bounced up and down on her knees in the chair so happy.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded once to the ensign to indicate that the matter was closed, but brightened when she reported survivors.

"Excellent Ensign. Have the survivors beamed aboard immediately. Ops tractor the escape pods ta cargo bay three. Stand down ta yellow alert, maintain full scans. We'll nae be havin' that pillock Sherem sneakin' up on us."


Ian opened a channel to the Intrepid and the news was grim. The ship was salvageable, but she would not be going to Deep Space Nine. Between her damage and her casualties, the ship was no longer combat effective. Damage control teams from Challenger were helping her get back under way on her own power, but that was as good as they could do outside of a spacedock.

"Two ships down and we haven't even gotten ta DS9 yet. I hope Admiral Gillespie can call in some favors and get us more ships, because I'm certain no one counted on a bloody transwarp capable Nor-Class space station into whatever is goin' on out here."

He said to no one in particular as he waited for a report from the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Fellows on the casualties the Challenger, the Xerox, and the Intrepid had suffered.


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded once to the ensign to indicate that the matter was closed, but brightened when she reported survivors.

"Excellent Ensign. Have the survivors beamed aboard immediately. Ops tractor the escape pods ta cargo bay three. Stand down ta yellow alert, maintain full scans. We'll nae be havin' that pillock Sherem sneakin' up on us."

"Yes Captain!", Myne said as she hit a few buttons and contacted transporter room 3. "Bridge to transporter room 3. Sending coordinates for escape pod survivor retrieval. Stop snickering I'm an Ensign! Captain wants them beamed up."

Closing the channel she began scanning, "Scanning as ordered Captain, Setting up a secondary scan to scan for Quantum Signatures aligned with the transwarp core. It should give a few moments warning if he plans to reappear Sir!."

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: myne on April 30, 2023, 01:48:18 PM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne smiled weakly and said, "After the first half dozen enslavements... you get used to it."

A few minutes ago...
While Zhukdra'shar believed that the current conversation between the Science tyke and him was over, he was once more surprised by a statement made. Against his better judgement, though feeling empathetic towards her plight, he responded, a tad shocked by such a revelation, "First half-dozen enslavements?! Why did you ended up in such plight so many times?!"

He sighed. The galaxy truly was a chaotic place. He had enough with just one, but that little girl had gone through several- wait, how old was she? "Is this... veridic, errr... the truth? It... cannot be, you are but a child... something is not... adding up..." He commented, his eyes returning to the screen, humming softly to himself as the situation vexed him significantly.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 30, 2023, 10:45:41 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The weapons flew free. Challenger's own created the desired effect of a flashbang. The others hit around the marks and especially around the reactors. Nira could see from a viewscreen pulled up from her chair, seeing as how Old Man Sherem was still on the viewscreen and reeling in surprise, which was why communications are still connected with him. The old man's reaction was priceless, and judging from the smirks she was seeing around the bridge and the feelings of elation, Nira wasn't the only one to notice.

"Gul, sensors are down!" called an officer on their Ops. "We're taking fire from...everywhere!"

"Fire manually!" snarled the old man.

By the time the station began raining fire, the Inquiries were making strafing runs, the newly arrived Lich Lord was unloading a payload mixture of photon and quantum torpedoes, and the Davis was practically circling and bombarding like an ancient galleon. The news of the cables to be disconnected quickly made Nira worry about any EV-suited engineers on the hull, but the cables were quickly disconnected and Challenger was able to join the Davis in broadsiding the station, among its other trademark sucker-punch maneuvers. Of course, the varied blind fire shooting off everywhere meant every ship got hit at least once.

After a moment, T'Kel spoke up. "Captain, Commander, I'm not sure how much longer we can hold up against that thing, even with our shields. We're already taking fire. The Intrepid is already dead in the water and on fire, and the Xerox has been destroyed."

"McNair, unmute the channel," said Nira grimly. Then, adding loudly, "T'Kel, Zhuk, how soon can we get below the station and target the Borg signature on the station and thus the transwarp system?"

Now that really got a reaction not just from the old man but also his lackeys. Even the Jem'Hadar; Nira can definitely see them flinching and widening their eyes.

"Sir, the transwarp!" called the Glinn. "Even if we finished off that merchant fleet...!"

"I realize that, glinn!" snarled Sherem. He turned back at the captains and snarled, "You won this round. Next time, expect the full brunt of the Dominion, Jem'Hadar and Breen alike, behind my back!"

He cut communications to all Starfleet frequencies. The station came on the viewscreen, and Nira was satisfied further to see that something that looked like green smoke was billowing from the reactor at the bottom of the station, while shields were flickering from the constant Federation fire, while one pylon was catching fire, shields just coming off. But then, the reactor glowed an unusual green hue, and in a green flash, the whole station disappeared into a transwarp conduit.

"Holy Allah, he wasn't lying when he said he rigged that thing with a transwarp coil," Nira said in amazement.

At the effectiveness of his attacks, Zhukdra'shar quite plainly puffed up his chest, as a bright grin of sharp teeth came to be viewed on his face for a few seconds. He had managed to perfectly score with both photons and phasers, causing significant damage to the station, especially towards the reactors. All according to the plan.

Soon, the other Federation ships had began to make strafing runs across the surface of the station, and while his aim had managed to cripple it, it was not yet out of combat. He frowned as he overheard damage being reported into the other vessels, just as the Challenger moved in to fight. The Engineers had made a fine job on de-coupling it, he thought, as he was quite readily able to fire barrages upon the station's hull.

Things were not going as smoothly as he would have imagined, though. The Xerox was gone.

His ear swished as he overheard Nira's question, and promptly answered, "We should be able to reach the transwarp system by maneuvering under in T-minus-" He was cut short as the transmission was cut off and the station suddenly dissapeared in the vacuum of space.

Drat. Zhuk frowned as his claws were extended, fur bristling up. Trying to find it within the sensors was useless. It had managed to escape. Grr...

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 01, 2023, 04:25:21 PM

:: Bridge | USS Challenger ::

After things came to a sudden and, if he was being honest, very UNsatisfying conclusion; No boarding actions? No hand-to-hand with the Jem'Hadar? Really?!; Kyan ordered a post-action systems check and review from the computer. Then he swiveled around and hopped off his chair. Passing the Captain and XO, he walked over to the Tactical station where Mrekrerhas was still working. "Aye.. it's fine shooting you did mate, and no mistake." He clapped the Caitian on the back. "Twas well fought so. Good job!"

"We can get some food later an talk more on it." Kyan said, looking over at the other Onlie. Then we went over to her station. It had been a long time since he'd seen another of his own kind, and he knew people took things differently. He was usually happy to have a proper fight and didn't give alot of thought to the ones who didn't make it. After all, they were in the Summerlands now and not worried over mortal concerns life living and dying. But he also knew that most people didn't see it that way, especially if it were a friend or family member that was gone.

Seeing Myne crying over the battle hit him in a way that he wasn't used to. For a moment, he just looked at her, unsure of what he was meant to be doing. Then, before he knew what he was doing, he reached over and drew her into a hug. "It's ok." he spoke quietly. "Sure and it's a good job ye done. An ye cannae worry on them that's gone the now. They're off in the Summerlands drinking and having fun so. And lots more than that are still here. So it's ok. Ye dinnae hafta cry little sister because ye done good." Patting her on the back he went on in a whisper so only she could hear. "An it's safe the now, an no one's gonna hurt you again. It's me they'll be seein if they try. I promise."

He jumped up a little as he overheard a voice behind him, followed by a pat on his back to praise him. As he turned though, his anger was quite visible for just one moment, claws ready to strike. But they stopped, as they noticed the other kid. Soon, the sharp objects were out of sight and mind, and he nodded, "I... would have liked to stop the station too..." He smiled a tad, then sighed, "I do suppose that my shooting was quite effective on disabling it. I appreciate the compliment."
Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 02, 2023, 10:48:47 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the battle ended faster than expected, Ian's adrenaline battle rush faded just as fast. He saw the new science ensign's tears and was conflicted. Though she appeared to be no more than a child, she was over 200 years old. This made for a puzzling dichotomy. Part of him wanted to comfort her as he would any hurt little girl, but the logical part of him told him she was an Ensign in Starfleet and that tears had no place on the bridge. Regardless of what was appropriate for a Starfleet officer, Ian could not bring himself to be harsh, thus when he spoke, it was in a soft tone.

"The first time you see a ship lost with all hands is hard. Should it ever stop bein' hard, then it is time ta leave the service. A very famous general from Earth said long before even you were born, 'Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.' If'n you need a moment Lass, you are welcome ta leave the bridge."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 03, 2023, 10:29:39 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded once to the ensign to indicate that the matter was closed, but brightened when she reported survivors.

"Excellent Ensign. Have the survivors beamed aboard immediately. Ops tractor the escape pods ta cargo bay three. Stand down ta yellow alert, maintain full scans. We'll nae be havin' that pillock Sherem sneakin' up on us."


Ian opened a channel to the Intrepid and the news was grim. The ship was salvageable, but she would not be going to Deep Space Nine. Between her damage and her casualties, the ship was no longer combat effective. Damage control teams from Challenger were helping her get back under way on her own power, but that was as good as they could do outside of a spacedock.

"Two ships down and we haven't even gotten ta DS9 yet. I hope Admiral Gillespie can call in some favors and get us more ships, because I'm certain no one counted on a bloody transwarp capable Nor-Class space station into whatever is goin' on out here."

He said to no one in particular as he waited for a report from the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Fellows on the casualties the Challenger, the Xerox, and the Intrepid had suffered.

Less welcome were the news that of no life-pods had been found from the Xerox. Poor souls, he supposed, but in the end, it was a risk that they had been aware of. The crying did got to him, making his ears stick close to his head. He didn't enjoy hearing children cry... but then again he wasn't sure if he should head over and hug her. Would be a bit awkward.

So he returned to his duties, being pleasantly surprised to hear that there had been indeed survivors, and that Myne was no longer mopping.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 03, 2023, 10:29:39 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded once to the ensign to indicate that the matter was closed, but brightened when she reported survivors.

"Excellent Ensign. Have the survivors beamed aboard immediately. Ops tractor the escape pods ta cargo bay three. Stand down ta yellow alert, maintain full scans. We'll nae be havin' that pillock Sherem sneakin' up on us."


Ian opened a channel to the Intrepid and the news was grim. The ship was salvageable, but she would not be going to Deep Space Nine. Between her damage and her casualties, the ship was no longer combat effective. Damage control teams from Challenger were helping her get back under way on her own power, but that was as good as they could do outside of a spacedock.

"Two ships down and we haven't even gotten ta DS9 yet. I hope Admiral Gillespie can call in some favors and get us more ships, because I'm certain no one counted on a bloody transwarp capable Nor-Class space station into whatever is goin' on out here."

He said to no one in particular as he waited for a report from the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Fellows on the casualties the Challenger, the Xerox, and the Intrepid had suffered.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck nodded. "Aye Cap." He began to type in the system to lock onto the surviving pods. That would give a few of them some hope that they had salvaged something. Though they were yet to judge the survivors' conditions once they had beamed aboard. "Locked...3...2...1. Should be appearing in cargo three any moment."

He glanced around to get a feeling of what the bridge was like, people seem to be settling because of the fact they had found some survivors. But grim news wasn't far from them as their Captain revealed the extent that Intrepid would not be continuing with them into DS9. "Cap, permission to leave the bridge to check on the shuttles and their transport?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 01, 2023, 09:07:11 PM

[Bridge / USS Challenger]

Kina fist tightened hard. She wanted to scream. This man talked praise about Dukat while disowning the life of Damar. It was true and not hidden, that Damar did things during the war, that he worked with the Dominion and Dukat, and when he first turned against the Dominion, it was in pure preservation of his own life. But after that, when he chose to fight for the People of Cardassia, and he gave his life for them, Damar was a hero.

She was ready to speak when the Captain gave the order to attack. Everything moved so fast, she could hardly keep up. Kina looked at the station just in time to see it disappear. If he was in possession of such technology, it could be bad for Cardassia. Hopefully her father knew about this and could do something.

She then heard the captain give orders to prepare to held the Intrepid. With that, her place wasn't on the bridge, but sickbay. She looked to McNair as she immediately made her way to the turbolift. "œBeam all reported injuries to Sickbay. We'll triage there and assist." With that taken care of, she made her way back and prepared for anything.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 03, 2023, 03:50:23 PM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

A few minutes ago...
While Zhukdra'shar believed that the current conversation between the Science tyke and him was over, he was once more surprised by a statement made. Against his better judgement, though feeling empathetic towards her plight, he responded, a tad shocked by such a revelation, "First half-dozen enslavements?! Why did you ended up in such plight so many times?!"

He sighed. The galaxy truly was a chaotic place. He had enough with just one, but that little girl had gone through several- wait, how old was she? "Is this... veridic, errr... the truth? It... cannot be, you are but a child... something is not... adding up..." He commented, his eyes returning to the screen, humming softly to himself as the situation vexed him significantly.

At the effectiveness of his attacks, Zhukdra'shar quite plainly puffed up his chest, as a bright grin of sharp teeth came to be viewed on his face for a few seconds. He had managed to perfectly score with both photons and phasers, causing significant damage to the station, especially towards the reactors. All according to the plan.

Soon, the other Federation ships had began to make strafing runs across the surface of the station, and while his aim had managed to cripple it, it was not yet out of combat. He frowned as he overheard damage being reported into the other vessels, just as the Challenger moved in to fight. The Engineers had made a fine job on de-coupling it, he thought, as he was quite readily able to fire barrages upon the station's hull.

Things were not going as smoothly as he would have imagined, though. The Xerox was gone.

His ear swished as he overheard Nira's question, and promptly answered, "We should be able to reach the transwarp system by maneuvering under in T-minus-" He was cut short as the transmission was cut off and the station suddenly dissapeared in the vacuum of space.

Drat. Zhuk frowned as his claws were extended, fur bristling up. Trying to find it within the sensors was useless. It had managed to escape. Grr...

He jumped up a little as he overheard a voice behind him, followed by a pat on his back to praise him. As he turned though, his anger was quite visible for just one moment, claws ready to strike. But they stopped, as they noticed the other kid. Soon, the sharp objects were out of sight and mind, and he nodded, "I... would have liked to stop the station too..." He smiled a tad, then sighed, "I do suppose that my shooting was quite effective on disabling it. I appreciate the compliment."

Less welcome were the news that of no life-pods had been found from the Xerox. Poor souls, he supposed, but in the end, it was a risk that they had been aware of. The crying did got to him, making his ears stick close to his head. He didn't enjoy hearing children cry... but then again he wasn't sure if he should head over and hug her. Would be a bit awkward.

So he returned to his duties, being pleasantly surprised to hear that there had been indeed survivors, and that Myne was no longer mopping.

Quote from: Buck McNair on May 03, 2023, 04:57:06 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck nodded. "Aye Cap." He began to type in the system to lock onto the surviving pods. That would give a few of them some hope that they had salvaged something. Though they were yet to judge the survivors' conditions once they had beamed aboard. "Locked...3...2...1. Should be appearing in cargo three any moment."

He glanced around to get a feeling of what the bridge was like, people seem to be settling because of the fact they had found some survivors. But grim news wasn't far from them as their Captain revealed the extent that Intrepid would not be continuing with them into DS9. "Cap, permission to leave the bridge to check on the shuttles and their transport?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 03, 2023, 10:29:39 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded once to the ensign to indicate that the matter was closed, but brightened when she reported survivors.

"Excellent Ensign. Have the survivors beamed aboard immediately. Ops tractor the escape pods ta cargo bay three. Stand down ta yellow alert, maintain full scans. We'll nae be havin' that pillock Sherem sneakin' up on us."


Ian opened a channel to the Intrepid and the news was grim. The ship was salvageable, but she would not be going to Deep Space Nine. Between her damage and her casualties, the ship was no longer combat effective. Damage control teams from Challenger were helping her get back under way on her own power, but that was as good as they could do outside of a spacedock.

"Two ships down and we haven't even gotten ta DS9 yet. I hope Admiral Gillespie can call in some favors and get us more ships, because I'm certain no one counted on a bloody transwarp capable Nor-Class space station into whatever is goin' on out here."

He said to no one in particular as he waited for a report from the Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Fellows on the casualties the Challenger, the Xerox, and the Intrepid had suffered.

Quote from: myne on May 03, 2023, 11:03:30 AM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Yes Captain!", Myne said as she hit a few buttons and contacted transporter room 3. "Bridge to transporter room 3. Sending coordinates for escape pod survivor retrieval. Stop snickering I'm an Ensign! Captain wants them beamed up."

Closing the channel she began scanning, "Scanning as ordered Captain, Setting up a secondary scan to scan for Quantum Signatures aligned with the transwarp core. It should give a few moments warning if he plans to reappear Sir!."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Ready Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit that everybody performed admirably. Zhuk's handling of the ship's arsenal certainly brought back memories of her own time at Tactical. For Nurse Nural, Nira had to admit, she could tell how incensed she was by the insults Old Man Sherem gave out. Feeling was mutual, she could understand, but she planned on having a talk with her later.

The news from the Intrepid certainly wasn't good. Nira made a note to check in with Medical as well as Engineering to see how things will be. Chances are, they're both going to be busy. Just then, Ops called to inform them that Admiral Gillespie was calling for a report from each of the ships, starting with Challenger and Discovery.

"Looks like we're informing him sooner than later."

Once she and Ian were connected with Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell, the call from the Admiral came in.

"Report, yeh two pairs," he said gruffly.

Nira proceeded first, and they all explained what had happened in the engagement with Melek Nor, and that it was responsible for the attack on the trading fleet.

"Bullocks," Gillespie hissed when the reports were finished. "This is even more serious than realized. It's one thing for Cardassian pirates, but if that old man is openly attacking around the borders of this side of the Federation, it's looking very serious. He's gone from making like it's attacks from Tzenkethi raiders and Orion pirates...well, I'll have't fill yeh in on the details when we get to Deep Space Nine."

"Admiral?" asked Nira curiously.

"We dinnae ken enough...currently," said the admiral. "Then again, what with things going on around here, hopefully Admiral Kira will have more information."

"And hopefully we'll have more ships handy," added Nira.

"Count on it," said Gillespie. "We're going to be expecting. Still, the Xerox gone...and the Intrepid, well...its systems were being wee dodgy lately, most of the Pathfinder-classes have been. The Intrepid's been due for a spot in the mothball fleet anyway; the new Intrepid, Duderstadt-class specifically, it's due for launch in a fortnight. Still, Starfleet will understand the slow arrival; I'm going to assign the Samshir to tow the Intrepid to Tellar and await decommissioning. The rest of yeh, yeh know what to do."

Nira looked at Ian; naturally, they knew what to do. Clean up, heal up, return to the fleet, and then await the next slipstream jump to Deep Space Nine.

"We certainly do," she said. "Am I right, Captain?"

"Well, good to hear, yeh lot," said Gillespie. "Once we get there, I especially expect yeh to meet me at the station's Operations Center, assuming..."

But he stopped himself in time, but not before leaving a sense of curiosity.

"Assuming what?" asked Nira.

"Like I said, when we get there," said Gillespie.


First Officer's Log, Stardate 78151.18. The return to the initial fleet was uneventful and repairs were made in time. The Samshir has towed the Intrepid to Tellar for decommissioning, and with the destruction of the Xerox, that's three ships down. Well, four, as the Davis has taken over escorting the Tarkalia Triangle fleet for further protection, and hopefully the sight of a huge ship like that will dissuade any further pirates. Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Gul Sherem and his Borg-rigged platform, and I dread the potential of having to face him again.

Hopefully we can coordinate with Lieutenant Jael Sherem from over on Discovery to determine what is known about her father we don't. Admiral Gillespie has informed us that there will be more answers at Deep Space Nine. Which implies something is happening around the station's neck of the woods, if not this side of the Federation.

We've dropped out of slipstream just a lightyear away per Admiral Gillespie's order, which is understandable, seeing as we don't want to scare the station with the arrival of a slipstream-towed fleet. It's totally fine, this means we'll be in for a sight when we arrive.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Upon word of closing in, Nira requested, "On screen."

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

"We've made it," said Nira. "Shore leave, of course...well, I can't say how much that's being anticipated, especially after we went through at Ferenginar."
First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

[Bridge --> Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

After the second Battle of AR 558, events had occurred quickly. After lending as much assistance as possible to the crippled USS Intrepid, the Challenger reconnected to the Discovery and rode the short 20 minute Slipstream to the vicinity of Deep Space Nine. During the regular warp speed trip for that last light year to the station and the Bajorian system, Ian finally got some good news and immediately activated shipwide communications.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.

Kina Nural

Quote from: Nira Said on May 04, 2023, 12:27:02 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Ready Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit that everybody performed admirably. Zhuk's handling of the ship's arsenal certainly brought back memories of her own time at Tactical. For Nurse Nural, Nira had to admit, she could tell how incensed she was by the insults Old Man Sherem gave out. Feeling was mutual, she could understand, but she planned on having a talk with her later.

The news from the Intrepid certainly wasn't good. Nira made a note to check in with Medical as well as Engineering to see how things will be. Chances are, they're both going to be busy. Just then, Ops called to inform them that Admiral Gillespie was calling for a report from each of the ships, starting with Challenger and Discovery.

"Looks like we're informing him sooner than later."

Once she and Ian were connected with Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell, the call from the Admiral came in.

"Report, yeh two pairs," he said gruffly.

Nira proceeded first, and they all explained what had happened in the engagement with Melek Nor, and that it was responsible for the attack on the trading fleet.

"Bullocks," Gillespie hissed when the reports were finished. "This is even more serious than realized. It's one thing for Cardassian pirates, but if that old man is openly attacking around the borders of this side of the Federation, it's looking very serious. He's gone from making like it's attacks from Tzenkethi raiders and Orion pirates...well, I'll have't fill yeh in on the details when we get to Deep Space Nine."

"Admiral?" asked Nira curiously.

"We dinnae ken enough...currently," said the admiral. "Then again, what with things going on around here, hopefully Admiral Kira will have more information."

"And hopefully we'll have more ships handy," added Nira.

"Count on it," said Gillespie. "We're going to be expecting. Still, the Xerox gone...and the Intrepid, well...its systems were being wee dodgy lately, most of the Pathfinder-classes have been. The Intrepid's been due for a spot in the mothball fleet anyway; the new Intrepid, Duderstadt-class specifically, it's due for launch in a fortnight. Still, Starfleet will understand the slow arrival; I'm going to assign the Samshir to tow the Intrepid to Tellar and await decommissioning. The rest of yeh, yeh know what to do."

Nira looked at Ian; naturally, they knew what to do. Clean up, heal up, return to the fleet, and then await the next slipstream jump to Deep Space Nine.

"We certainly do," she said. "Am I right, Captain?"

"Well, good to hear, yeh lot," said Gillespie. "Once we get there, I especially expect yeh to meet me at the station's Operations Center, assuming..."

But he stopped himself in time, but not before leaving a sense of curiosity.

"Assuming what?" asked Nira.

"Like I said, when we get there," said Gillespie.


First Officer's Log, Stardate 78151.18. The return to the initial fleet was uneventful and repairs were made in time. The Samshir has towed the Intrepid to Tellar for decommissioning, and with the destruction of the Xerox, that's three ships down. Well, four, as the Davis has taken over escorting the Tarkalia Triangle fleet for further protection, and hopefully the sight of a huge ship like that will dissuade any further pirates. Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Gul Sherem and his Borg-rigged platform, and I dread the potential of having to face him again.

Hopefully we can coordinate with Lieutenant Jael Sherem from over on Discovery to determine what is known about her father we don't. Admiral Gillespie has informed us that there will be more answers at Deep Space Nine. Which implies something is happening around the station's neck of the woods, if not this side of the Federation.

We've dropped out of slipstream just a lightyear away per Admiral Gillespie's order, which is understandable, seeing as we don't want to scare the station with the arrival of a slipstream-towed fleet. It's totally fine, this means we'll be in for a sight when we arrive.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Upon word of closing in, Nira requested, "On screen."

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

"We've made it," said Nira. "Shore leave, of course...well, I can't say how much that's being anticipated, especially after we went through at Ferenginar."
Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 04, 2023, 10:31:49 AM

[Bridge --> Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

After the second Battle of AR 558, events had occurred quickly. After lending as much assistance as possible to the crippled USS Intrepid, the Challenger reconnected to the Discovery and rode the short 20 minute Slipstream to the vicinity of Deep Space Nine. During the regular warp speed trip for that last light year to the station and the Bajorian system, Ian finally got some good news and immediately activated shipwide communications.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina arrived in Sickbay a few seconds before the first patient was beamed to her. She took her medical tricorder and scanned them quickly, determining what was needed right away. "œGet this one to biobed two, several fractures to extremities, concussion, and abdominal bleeding" She then moved onto the next one, and the next one, sorting out the mild injuries from the severe ones. Once that was done, she started healing the injured.

Medical Officer Nural's Log: Stardate 78151.18

All in all, we have 174 casualties beamed to Sickbay from Intrepid. Thankfully, all those beamed aboard have not lost their lives during the encounter with Sherem. Minor injuries to report: a few broken bones, lesions, and a mild concussion here and there. Those individuals have been treated and are ready to report back to duty.

The most severe injuries are currently in recovery and are expected to return to active duty within the next day or so. Appropriate records have been updated and set to transmit to Starfleet Medical when such a time is needed. On a personal note: I am"¦.eager to see my father again. It has been some time since I have seen him, and I am hoping that he will be able to provide some information that will aide us in preventing such injuries from occurring again.

[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

Once Kina heard the announcement to muster in the cargo bay, she finished what reports were needed and proceeded straight away. Perhaps this was a briefing on what transpired before their arrival to DS9, and hopefully she would be able to inform the Captain of the information she received. Once she arrived, she made her way to her section of the formation and stood by.

When the Captain called Nira up to the front, she was surprised, and wondered what was happening. She smiled when she heard the orders for her to be promoted to Commander. Afterwards, she applauded with the rest of the crew, happy for the achievements of the newly promoted first officer. Once they were allowed, she walked up to Nira and happily shook her hand. "œCongratulations Commander. Very well deserved."



[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.


Once Kina heard the announcement to muster in the cargo bay, she finished what reports were needed and proceeded straight away. Perhaps this was a briefing on what transpired before their arrival to DS9, and hopefully she would be able to inform the Captain of the information she received. Once she arrived, she made her way to her section of the formation and stood by.

When the Captain called Nira up to the front, she was surprised, and wondered what was happening. She smiled when she heard the orders for her to be promoted to Commander. Afterwards, she applauded with the rest of the crew, happy for the achievements of the newly promoted first officer. Once they were allowed, she walked up to Nira and happily shook her hand. "œCongratulations Commander. Very well deserved."

[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

Melly wiggled her way, as a 'child' would threw the crowd and was able to stand in the front line between two officers without interuption. She was not trying to stick out or be disrespectful but she simply would not be able to see otherwise. Once the announcement was made she clapped enthusiasticly as everyone else did. Then when it was allowed to approach she forgoed the shaking of hands as it would be awkward and instead did the traditional way her species congratulates. She hugged around the nice ladies legs the small girl smiled up, "Congratulations Ma'am I am so very happy for you!"

Female Only

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Intrepid - Engineering Section]

After doing all he was capable of to the Intrepid's engine's it was determined, that it was a lost cause.  The most that could be done was take the engines offline entirely to prevent the ship from suffering a catastrophic warp core failure that would endanger not just the ship but other vessels around it.

The Samshir was assigned to tow the Intrepid away to be decommissioned.  Lahr, as he was teleported away back to the Challenger, gave the Intrepid's Chief a parting solemn nod.

[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock]
Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 04, 2023, 10:31:49 AM

[Bridge --> Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

After the second Battle of AR 558, events had occurred quickly. After lending as much assistance as possible to the crippled USS Intrepid, the Challenger reconnected to the Discovery and rode the short 20 minute Slipstream to the vicinity of Deep Space Nine. During the regular warp speed trip for that last light year to the station and the Bajorian system, Ian finally got some good news and immediately activated shipwide communications.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

Once back the ship, Lahr and his team were once more sent out to reconnect the two ships though he was impressed to see the cables were detachable from their end, and retractable by the Discovery as well.  That should make things easier if they ever make this a common means of 'guiding' other ships through slipstream.

Slipsteam was a bit smoother this time, Tharn and Lek no doubt having gotten together at some point to 'work out the kinks' in the plan.

Lahr remained stationed by the Airlock.

Unfortunately, for Lahr and the other engineers listening in to the Captain's announcement, their role was considered critical, and the Andorian had to remain where he was in case of an emergency.

But Lahr wasn't about to miss out on whatever news the Captain planned to share.  He got on comms and called up the Buck  =/\= "Sir, was wondering if you or any of the other Ops personnel could do us EVA team a favor and stream the assembly over a video comm channel so we can watch?" =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 04, 2023, 10:31:49 AM

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.

That was how 15 minutes later Lahr was watching from the wall panel, as Said got promoted to Commander.  Lahr gave a whoop of approval - not that she could hear.  He'd have to congratulate her later.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 04, 2023, 12:27:02 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Upon word of closing in, Nira requested, "On screen."

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

"We've made it," said Nira. "Shore leave, of course...well, I can't say how much that's being anticipated, especially after we went through at Ferenginar."
Upon arriving at DS9, Lahr and the EVA team were still waiting in the airlock - just in case the quick release wasn't as effective as they all hoped.

He could hear over his comm... a familiar voice - a former Security Chief he once knew calling.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 04, 2023, 09:28:32 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (near AR-558)

Once the hulls were integrated, Discovery assisted in the rescue efforts and repair work to be done on the Intrepid.  During this time, Engineering and Ops working together - with more than 5 minutes to plan - designed quick release and retracting tow cables and an ODN to use during the last leg of their slipstream 'guiding' Challenger.

This was done because of the complications encountered by the other slipstream guides.   One of the guided ships, on the way to AR-558, had nearly been thrown out of slipstream and afterwards had inquired to Discovery about their design for the tow cable system.  Admiral Gillespie was less than pleased with yet another pair of ships, altering his plan.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at Deep Space Nine)

Having dropped out of slipstream at the edge of the Bajoran system, Rayek called for status reports from all stations and from Challenger.

=/\= "Challenger EVA team - on standby" =/\=  Lahr reported out smiling, wondering if the Romulan would recognize his voice.  It had been 2 years since they last seen one another - that horrid Yule at Katra Station when the Wanderers had attacked on mass and everyone had an 'out of body' experience.

=/\= "Acknowledged... Mr. ch'Verret..."=/\=  To most, the response from the Romulan might sound rather mundane, but Lahr who had spent a year learning to read the cues from that particular Romulan, chuckled at the confusion he heard in the man's tone.  Obviously, Rayek hadn't gotten the memo that Lahr was in engineering these days.  It seemed everytime they met, Lahr was in a different department.  Sec/Tac, to Ops and now Engineering.   Maybe he should start pestering Litt for lessons and he could join him on the Bridge as Flight... had to be way better than this!

Despite the EVA team's readiness, the release went smoothly and Lahr was finally able to get out of the EVA suit he'd been in for hours.  There was rumor going around that Shore Leave would be granted at DS9... at the moment Lahr just wanted a shower.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger --> Ops - Deep Space Nine]

After all the docking approvals were granted, Challenger found herself attached to upper pylon three of the Nor-Class space station. Once the docking clamps were secure and the ship's umbilicals were connected. Ian could relax, well, allow the crew to relax.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Forty-eight hours of shore leave is granted per the direction of the department heads. However, based on the uncertain nature of the threat level in the area, all hands will be subject to recall at any time. Enjoy the time off, you have earned it. That is all." =/\=

Ian closed the comm on the command chair and turned the bridge over to Lieutenant Adelle Booker of Ops and headed for the turbolift. He headed to the airlock and the station's turbolift for transport to Ops. On arrival, he joined the other ship's commanders for a briefing regarding why they'd been sent to the station in the first place.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 04, 2023, 10:31:49 AM

[Bridge --> Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

After the second Battle of AR 558, events had occurred quickly. After lending as much assistance as possible to the crippled USS Intrepid, the Challenger reconnected to the Discovery and rode the short 20 minute Slipstream to the vicinity of Deep Space Nine. During the regular warp speed trip for that last light year to the station and the Bajorian system, Ian finally got some good news and immediately activated shipwide communications.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Cargo Bay One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Joining the ceremony in Cargo Bay One - and it was certainly a big one if it was taking place in a cargo bay instead of a lounge - Nira wondered what it was all about. What ultimately surprised her was that the ceremony was for her and she was being promoted to full Commander, with backing from Admiral Gillespie!

Utterly gobsmacked, Nira stood in surprise; the last time she had been promoted that quickly had been her jump from Ensign to Junior Lieutenant on the Athena. Now, almost two months later, this happens, just barely behind her first promotion when it came to short amount of time.

Quote from: myne on May 04, 2023, 11:30:30 AM

[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

Melly wiggled her way, as a 'child' would threw the crowd and was able to stand in the front line between two officers without interruption. She was not trying to stick out or be disrespectful but she simply would not be able to see otherwise. Once the announcement was made she clapped enthusiastically as everyone else did. Then when it was allowed to approach she forgone the shaking of hands as it would be awkward and instead did the traditional way her species congratulates. She hugged around the nice ladies legs the small girl smiled up, "Congratulations Ma'am I am so very happy for you!"

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 04, 2023, 11:11:27 AM

[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

Once Kina heard the announcement to muster in the cargo bay, she finished what reports were needed and proceeded straight away. Perhaps this was a briefing on what transpired before their arrival to DS9, and hopefully she would be able to inform the Captain of the information she received. Once she arrived, she made her way to her section of the formation and stood by.

When the Captain called Nira up to the front, she was surprised, and wondered what was happening. She smiled when she heard the orders for her to be promoted to Commander. Afterwards, she applauded with the rest of the crew, happy for the achievements of the newly promoted first officer. Once they were allowed, she walked up to Nira and happily shook her hand. "œCongratulations Commander. Very well deserved."

Nira shook Nurse Nural's hand gladly and was certainly surprised by Ensign Myne's hug...she made a note to get to know the two girls later, especially the latter.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 05, 2023, 03:26:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger --> Ops - Deep Space Nine]

After all the docking approvals were granted, Challenger found herself attached to upper pylon three of the Nor-Class space station. Once the docking clamps were secure and the ship's umbilicals were connected. Ian could relax, well, allow the crew to relax.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Forty-eight hours of shore leave is granted per the direction of the department heads. However, based on the uncertain nature of the threat level in the area, all hands will be subject to recall at any time. Enjoy the time off, you have earned it. That is all." =/\=

Ian closed the comm on the command chair and turned the bridge over to Lieutenant Adelle Booker of Ops and headed for the turbolift. He headed to the airlock and the station's turbolift for transport to Ops. On arrival, he joined the other ship's commanders for a briefing regarding why they'd been sent to the station in the first place.

[Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One >- Ops | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A >- Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira waited at the transporter room with her three gleaming pips for Captain Galloway. She figured they were to head over to Ops instantly; she heard plenty about how DS9's Ops had a transporter pad. Odds were, Nira and Ian were going to meet with DS9's command officers...in which case, it's most likely Admiral Kira Nerys, commanding officer of Starfleet operations in the Bajor Sector.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 05, 2023, 06:47:06 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Once the ship was reformed, and they were attached to the Challenger again, the journey to DS9 was thankfully uneventful. The slipstream was still very much shakey and unstable, but before he knew it, they were suddenly at the warp point.  About ten minutes till they made the final warp to DS9.

"Signal to Challenger, and release the cables.  We have ten minutes before warp." he ordered, as he looked over another PADD.  Soon they were pushing through at warp and revealed themselves to the old station where Nevir was closest to calling home.

Deep Space Nine... the station of the Emissary.  The gateway to the Gateway of the Celestial Temple.  The source of the Federation's greatest defeat and greatest victory.  He was young when the Occupation ended, and the Dominion War was a big part of his early life.  His first assignment out of the Academy was here on the station, before he had a first ship post.  It was short, but it was home.

Before the Captain could say anything, his Ops Ensign suddenly spoke up, surprising him.  Especially since she took the comms.

"Ensign... only the command crew has the authority to change the ship's alert level.  And yellow alert is for unknown threats and combat readiness.  Not for dropping out of warp for docking.  Unless you think there is a threat at Deep Space Nine."

Luckily, his XO did order the docking authority, and when they got the all-clear, he nodded at the Ensign.  "Alright, helm bring us to upper docking pylon 3 and begin docking procedures," he ordered, waiting for the ship to dock.

"Secure stations.  Rayek, get the first team for shore leave, and then I assume join us in the boardroom when called.  I will be going straight to Ops." he stated, standing up and going to the turbolift to leave.

Materializing, Nira took in the Operations Center with awe. She never had been in a station's Ops before, and she could see how it differed drastically from the bridge of a starship. There was such a circular setup that naturally showed how much it was an Operations Center, with a unique Cardassian "pool table" in the center.

She could see that Admiral Gillespie was already there, and Captain Tekin had just joined them. Nira gave him a nostalgic smile and a nod in greeting as he arrived; it felt like a lifetime since her promotion to First Officer and the last time they parted.

"Aboot bloody time," grumbled Gillespie. "Where's yehr First Officer, Tekin?"

But the Command officers were interrupted by an approaching officer with an exceptionally wide smile and a plucky attitude and an incredibly bubbly body language.

"What ho, what ho!"

A second officer from behind him, in just as much a red uniform as the newcomer's, approached from behind. She looked very much stern and looked very familiar...

"Is this really the right time for that, Malak?" she muttered.

"Well, I wouldn't know, would I, Becca?" asked the bubbly man. "Always the friendly welcome wagon."

Rolling her eyes, Becca pressed her comm badge and said, "Captain to Ops, please."

She looked over at the office and Nira followed her gaze to see a captain emerge from the office. He looked gruff and certainly smelled clean-shaven. Naturally, he oozed professionalism. Of course, since Nira was expecting a particular Bajoran, naturally, in her astonishment, she said, "You're not Admiral Kira."

"Not by a longshot, Commander," he said formally. Turning to the three commanding officers, he said, "Welcome to Deep Space Nine. I'm Captain Ulysses Vaughn, station commanding officer. This is my First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere, and my recently promoted Strategic Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Jae Sisko."

Nira whirled around to look at the steely woman who had greeted them while Captain Vaughn made his introductions to his bubbly First Officer and steely... Sisko...? Was she related...?

Rebecca had seen Nira's reaction and made a "here we go again" shrug. "I believe everybody knows my father. The Emissary."

That was what the Bajorans called him...and Nira recognized her at once. She could definitely see the same steely eyes and demeanor as she saw of holo-footage of Benjamin Sisko. But it was more than just that...

"I think I've heard of you," said Nira. "You were at the Academy a year behind me."

"Of course you would've heard of me. How hard is it to escape a famous father's shadow? And it's even harder because he's gone so much, but at least Big Brother Jake doesn't go away as much..."

"Lay off Academy nostalgia, will yeh, yeh wee lassies?" asked Admiral Gillespie. Turning to Captain Vaughn, he asked, "Where's Admiral Kira?"

"Out with the Valiant," Vaughn answered. "She contacted us just before your fleet arrived, Admiral She's due to return in an hour or two."

"Funny, I had assumed the Defiant was the attached starship," said Nira, having heard plenty of the famous attachment starship.

"It was," Vaughn answered. "The Defiant's now retired and leaving peaceably in the Fleet Museum. And, technically, the Valiant doesn't belong to the station, it's just assigned to this sector..."

"Well, then, we should be able to get up to speed before we hear from Kira's own words." Gillespie's tone certainly indicated he wanted to hear what was what.

"Of course," said Vaughn. "Captains? Commander? Please join me and Admiral Gillespie in the boardroom," he said with a gesture. "Can I offer some refreshment while we wait for your other First Officer? Save time from explaining twice."

As they proceeded, Gillespie approached Nira and said quietly, "I saw yeh finally got the third gold pip. Congratulations on yehr promotion, lass."

"Thank you, Admiral," said Nira with a smile. "And thank you, as well, for recommending the promotion."

Gillespie returned the smile and then resumed his taciturn demeanor as they made their way to the boardroom.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at DS9)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 04, 2023, 10:37:35 PM

Finally, it was time to arrange for docking, and she opened a channel again. "Ens. Lorut Vila, USS Discovery, requesting permission to dock...Commander  tr'Lhoell at the Helm today...Roger. Lorut out". She turned. "Sirs, we're cleared to dock." She stepped back; this one was automated so she wouldn't need the hoses again just yet.

She was too old for this.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 05, 2023, 06:47:06 PM

Soon they were pushing through at warp and revealed themselves to the old station where Nevir was closest to calling home.

Deep Space Nine... the station of the Emissary.  The gateway to the Gateway of the Celestial Temple.  The source of the Federation's greatest defeat and greatest victory.  He was young when the Occupation ended, and the Dominion War was a big part of his early life.  His first assignment out of the Academy was here on the station, before he had a first ship post.  It was short, but it was home.

Luckily, his XO did order the docking authority, and when they got the all-clear, he nodded at the Ensign.  "Alright, helm bring us to upper docking pylon 3 and begin docking procedures," he ordered, waiting for the ship to dock.

"Secure stations.  Rayek, get the first team for shore leave, and then I assume join us in the boardroom when called.  I will be going straight to Ops." he stated, standing up and going to the turbolift to leave.

No sooner had the ship began to move towards Upper Pylon 3 than they received a call from the station with a correction.  They were now directed to Upper Pylon 2.

"You heard them Mr. Graham.   Upper Pylon 2."

Soon the ship was docked with umblicals attached ready to supply the ship should she need anything, but having just left Starbase 153, earlier that morning, their fueling needs were few.

At the Captain's departing orders, Rayek nodded.  "Yessir."

The first rotation to be granted shore leave was the Alpha shift, which had just finished their work some 15 minutes prior.  The only reason the Bridge crew were still at their stations was because no one had wanted to miss the opportunity to see their arrival at DS9.

=/\= "Alpha shift- First Rotation, hand off your stations and report to the transporter room to begin shore leave, you have 24 hours unless recalled." =/\=

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room >>> Deep Space Nine - Transporter room >>> DS9 Board room]

Fully aware that the other Command officers were waiting on him, Rayek double timed it from his office to the transporter room, where he was beamed off the Discovery and brought onto DS9. From the station's transporter room, Rayek once more double timed it to arrive at the stations main boardroom.  He hoped he hadn't kept the Captain too late.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kina Nural

[Cargo Bay 1 / USS Challenger]

Kina waited until everyone had congregated Nira before deciding what to do next. The captain authorized shore leave for all personnel onto DS9 and while she was eager to return to sickbay and continue working, it had been some time since she had been to the station. Her father brought her here once when she was young to educate her about the occupation and to meet a few of the Bajorans and hear their troubles. Elor never hid her from the truth, only gave her all the information he could and let her be the judge.

She smiled at remembering a Ferengi at a bar trying to get her father into some holosuite or any information in exchange for latinum. Her father refused, but it was amusing to watch him try. She considered going to the station by herself when she thought more about the ship. She was a member of the crew, and should bond with some, since she will be with them for the foreseeable future. She walked up to an ensign who looked like a small child and smiled. "œHello. I'm Kina. I was going to head to the station to walk around or get something to eat. I was wondering"¦"¦if you would like to join me."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger -  NCO quarters >> Deck 5 - Airlock]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 05, 2023, 03:26:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

After all the docking approvals were granted, Challenger found herself attached to upper pylon three of the Nor-Class space station. Once the docking clamps were secure and the ship's umbilicals were connected. Ian could relax, well, allow the crew to relax.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Forty-eight hours of shore leave is granted per the direction of the department heads. However, based on the uncertain nature of the threat level in the area, all hands will be subject to recall at any time. Enjoy the time off, you have earned it. That is all." =/\=

Lahr's sonic shower was quick.  Though it got the job done to get him clean, it lacked that 'feel' of a proper water shower.  Unfortunately, with Ruth off ship, Lahr no longer had unlimited access to that luxury.  He felt twinge of guilt at missing the luxuries almost as much as he missed his girlfriend.

But his guilt was assuaged by the knowledge that Ruth was that bubbly effervescent type of person who could make champagne from a pile of rotting grapes.   She was probably having the time of her life teaching at the Academy - invited to speak at whatever conference of the day.

Maybe he should have gone along, been the eye-candy boyfriend who escorted her to all the VIP functions that former Captains' got invited to.  But the offer to join her while at the Academy had come shortly after she brought up the idea of marriage.   Lahr got spooked, feeling suddenly trapped their relationship.  A relationship that made him happy, with a woman he loved - but still a trap.

Stepping out of the sonic shower, Lahr listened to the recorded message on his commbadge of the Captain giving everyone 48 hrs shore leave.  YES!  Time to hit up Quarks!

The Andorian quickly dressed into something casual and then hurried his way back to that damn airlock on Deck 5 - which now connected the ship to Upper Pylon of the Station.  As per protocol, he had his commbadge on him and he used it to see if he could coordinate a group to hang with.

He first tried is usual gang from Sec/Tac - Burke, Gnald and the others.. but it seemed their team got tapped with being the 'skeleton security' on the ship.  That was disappointing but Lahr new others to hang with.

=/\= ch'Verret to Litt, Mrekrerhas, McNair.  I'm headed to the  Quarks for a drink, grab a few of your buddies and let's see what it takes to be too rowdy for a Ferengi bar." =/\=  He laughed.

=/\= "I'll meet you there!" =/\=

Lahr was half way to the airlock when he paused, he'd invited his friends from Sec/Tac, and his friends from his time spent on the Bridge at Ops... but he'd neglected his current workmates in Engineering.   The Andorian's antennae flicked a moment before he called up the EVA team he'd just spent 8 hrs with and even his department Chief to invited them along as well.  Their responses were half hearted so he doubted they would show but he'd made the attempt anyways.

(OOC next post will be on the Featured Mission thread)
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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