S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne was a lot calmer now. The anxiety medicine plus the sweet sugary food which she had avoided save with Kyan helped to give her a more stable outlook. However a 72 hour hold was very boring..

She was reviewing in her time sitting on the bed cuddling the plush Alfa 117 canine her program she wrote during the battle with the station. The program was designed to cause an alert a few seconds before the full materialization of the transwarp. This was do to detecting the transwarp conduit forming by measuring chroniton and tachyon fluxuations.

In addition she was making a more pin point where to shoot guide to cause the transwarp core to end up pulling so much power it would sap the rest of the station. However her access to the mission data was restricted do to her breakdown. However pulling up a Nor station she was able to map normally.

Finally she was working on a plan to stall the transwarp should it begin. It would not be a full prevention but it could 'slow' things a bit. Happy with her work she sent a report via the PADD to the Captain.

To: Captain ian Galloway
From: Ensign Myne


I am seeking to be useful while I sit here having vitals and being checked over by nurses and doctors. In the time I have done several projects with the hope to help until I can return when the psychiatric hold is finished. I am eager to return to active duty. All of my experience with Borg Transwarp comes from my time as a Borg drone. Do to my tiny size they used me for transwarp maintence.

So as for the projects..

- I am including a update of the alert program I created on the bridge. It should alert to the opening of a Borg Traswarp conduit with twenty seconds rather then five seconds by measuring increases of tachyon and chronitons.
- As my access to the mission data is currently restricted I had to use a old Nor station layout. I have marked the areas I previously stated to be aimed for. If half of the transfer nodes are damaged, the amount of power the transwarp core would draw would cause roaming blackouts in the station. Not all over but it would be random system hassles. It would at least as I stated before during the fight cause the transwarp to have issues warping.
- Finally. A Borg transwarp creates a conduit to escape. This is done by the Tachyon Matrix to open the conduit to enter, but the larger the vessel the more temporal stress and chroniton elevation. One could potentially use the deflector to create large mass images in the entrance of the conduit. The same as a spacial body such as a moon. This would not stop the manual entrance into the conduit. But it would cause the automated fail safes to stop and try to identify if the false image is a gravity well or if it's a false positive. This could allow a small amount more of time but no more then maybe 30 seconds.

I apologize for not being able to be on the mission. I hope this data is useful though and goes to make up for my failure.

Myne hit send and put the PADD beside her. She went back to cuddling the plush finding joy and safety in doing so.

Female Only

Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Now that they were on the way, following the smuggling fleet, and the viewscreen deactivated, Nira removed her face section of the helmet so as to talk to Cloten. She gestured for Commanders tr'Lhoell, Belvedere and Sisko to do the same, and they conferred in a huddle surrounding Cloten.

"œOkay, we're on the way," she said. "œHow long do you estimate we'll be at our destination?"

"œThe Breen station," said Cloten, "œin the Panora system's Kuiper Belt, currently occupied by the Breen, currently focused on raids on Veloz Prime to soften for conquering, and popular home turf for Old Man Nehor Sherem"¦I got ears, don't I?"

"œAs long as your ears are used correctly," said Nira in a hard way. "œHow long until we get ther?"

"œThree days."

Nira actually stared, gobsmacked, at a loss of words for a moment, before she said in quiet menace, "œWhat?" One could swear the whole bridge could've gotten so cold, the only way it could've gotten colder would be if it was a room for an unsuited Breen.

"œYou heard me. Three days."

Rebecca looked on at the exchange and admired how Cloten wasn't so much as quailing under Nira's gaze, those black eyes bringing to mind cold dark pits. She could even see Belvedere shivering, actually looking nervous at Nira's expression. Father would've liked this officer, she thought, bearing to mind how people often were intimidated by Benjamin Sisko.

"œYou could explain why in Allah's name why we're proceeding that damn slowly," said Nira, her fury evident in her near hissing whisper.

Cloten shrugged and spoke. "œBear in mind, this is a fleet that's moving at the normal pacing of a typical trading fleet. That's because it's supposed to look like a trading fleet on the outside, so it has to move like that. Nobody will look twice at a normal-moving trading fleet, and the only way one would figure out where it's going would be if one was really paying attention. Like your ships. And Deep Space Nine, now. We're maintaining our usual pacing so we don't look suspicious to Starfleeters. And now, to Breen. And Dominion.

"œBesides, we're heading for the Badlands, after all," said Cloten with a placating gesture, holding his hands up. "œWe have to take things slowly. Warp speed limits and all."

The silence was so total, a pin could've been heard. Nira finally breathed out, albeit it was short and tempered like a bull's.

"œFine," said Nira. "œBut in our maintaining our disguises, we will be watching you. If we catch you and your crew doing anything to give us away"¦"

"œYou'll kill me?" said Cloten in an unimpressed forestalling deadpan, looking at Kyan as he said it, remembering his words.

"œNo, but we'll make sure you'll regret it," hissed Nira. "œWe might even impound your ship and haul it back to Daystrom ourselves."

Now that got a reaction out of Cloten. The only indication in his deadpanness was his widening eyes.

"œYou wouldn't dare," he said in a squeak trying to sound like a growl.

"œWe. Very. Much," said Nira, looking around at her comrades.

"œNow the question is, what the hell are we going to do in this craphole?" asked Rebecca.

"œDon't worry, I got a holodeck on this ship," said Cloten. "œYou can run your usual programs and crap, and we won't be watching. It may have one or two bugs, though, so let my engineers know if it starts crapping out or you end up facing random animal women or Vulcan Love Slave characters instead of the usual goons you expect to fight in your program."

"œWell, all the same, we'll have to notify our ships of our slow progress," said Nira. "œHmmm"¦I think we can send a disguised transmission to let them know of our slow progress, and then when we arrive, the boy," she added, nodding at Kyan, "œwill "˜escape,' of sorts, find a terminal and transmit a call for help."

"œThis has to be the best snow job that I've been a part of," said Cloten with a manic grin. "œAnd the irony is on where the Breen come from."

"œYou realize that both teams are going to hate the idea of staying here three days," said Rebecca. "œThey can hardly stand this ship for three minutes."

"œThe fleet's preparing to make the warp jump," the helmsman called.

"œMatch their course and speed," Cloten said. "œWarp 8.5 until we get to the Badlands."

And with that, the fleet entered warp. Nira turned to Commander tr'Lhoell and said, "œLooks like we have some bad news to break to our teams. And we'll have to arrange a schedule for how long each team drills in Cloten's holodeck."

"œAnd our services are at your disposal," added Cloten.

Nira curled her lips. She didn't want to know about the services he had in mind. She hated to think what was going to be on the menu when the next meal came.

"œCommanders," she whispered to tr'Lhoell and Rebecca (she still couldn't place a finger on Belvedere, something was off about him), "œLet's inform our ships. Now, just to make sure, do any of you know Morse Code?"

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

A message had come in from Nira. T'Kel looked it up.

"œCaptain, we're getting a message from Commander Said. Morse code only," she said.

[Admiral Kira Nerys | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

Not for the first time, the Valiant was making Kira nostalgic for the Defiant. Or even the old ships from the Occupation. These Adamant-classes, however, these ships can pack a punch. Maybe more so than the Defiant. Tough little ship.

She almost got distracted from her discussing with Captain Vaughn when Ops called. "Ops to Admiral Kira. Transmission from the Challenger."

"Patch her Captain through down here," said Kira. She got Captain Galloway on the viewscreen, smirking a tad. Even if he was all business, she could always see the twinkle of admiration in somebody talking to a legend, after all these years.

As she heard out Captain Galloway, Kira sniffed a little, though inwardly, she was expecting to hear the Discovery call her about it at any moment. "Ah, I should've known. The Badlands always make for tricky circumstances. Warp five is generally the limit when it comes to warp speeds in the Badlands. The plan by the First Officers is a sound one, particularly if we time it right. If you have to follow them, it may be best to keep out of their sensor range while tracking them with yours. Otherwise, at the right time, the Valiant will be there. Slipstream will get her close to the Badlands fast, once the 'alert' happens, but it'll have to be regular warp speeds at the Badlands.

"Still, three days will give plenty of time for Admiral Gillespie to assemble more starships," she said. "That'll be his job, but he'll answer more to me since I'm in charge of affairs around this sector. Follow or wait, it'll be up to you, but either will be slow going, though if you don't want to be towed through slipstream, it's understandable, Captain."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Bridge | S.S. Abandon All Hope ::

There was a cacophony of smells aboard Cloten's ship. Sweat and body odors from several different species was the most off putting of them. But there was also stale food and the acrid smell of burnt out components. In his berth, Kyan thought that some of the Selay bones hadn't been removed from their owners' long enough to be fully bleached. That wasn't much of a surprise, considering that Cloten had a longstanding issue with the Selay, as did most Anticans. On the bridge, not all of the lighting was operational meaning that some parts of the bridge were bright, and other areas were dimly lit. It was also several degrees warmer than a Starfleet ship would be, which made him glad not to be wearing a Breen suit. He was already hot enough that his unkempt mop of crimson hair was sticking to the back of his neck and forehead.

Kyan didn't mind heat. He preferred it to cold in any case. He'd been sitting on the railing that circled the "command well" of the bridge since the communication with the scarred up Andorian, listening to the back and forth between the various parties involved when he picked up on Nira and Cloten's conversation.


"œYou'll kill me?" said Cloten in an unimpressed forestalling deadpan, looking at Kyan as he said it, remembering his words.

The Onlie smiled and nodded emphatically even as Nira went a different direction. It wasnt bluster either. He had every intention on following through on his promise, should the Antican double crossed them. In all honesty though, he didn't expect him to. Not because he was afraid of getting killed, but because it made too much sense to have some good deeds to fall back on. And because Sharem wasn't going to be a cash cow forever. Eventully he'd be brought down by Starfleet. And then Deej Cloten would need other opportunities, which would be easier to find and exploit without Starfleet breathing down his neck.

Kyan trusted the Antican's preservation instincts.


"œHmmm"¦I think we can send a disguised transmission to let them know of our slow progress, and then when we arrive, the boy," she added, nodding at Kyan, "œwill "˜escape,' of sorts, find a terminal and transmit a call for help."

That send Kyan's eyebrows up like a Vulcan in hamburger factory. And...."the boy"? Like he wasn't the most experienced combat officer on the ship by a long shot? He didn't have a problem with the plan. He could do that. It was the flippantness. Was that a word? Flippance?

Eventually he shrugged it off and spoke up. "Aye." He began. "I can get away long enough tae send a message so I can. Dats easy. But if Ole Spoons McNasty gets it in is stupid head tae cut me when I come back, like ye said he done, then I'm gonna sort him out myself, right and proper, and no mistake."

And he would. Brig, demotion, or come what may, he'd not get "branded" by some fat arsed Cardassian grup with delusions of grandeur. Of course he didn't have a knife or phaser to hand, they'd made sure of that before the away teams left....smart arses. But if Sharem came at him with one, he felt confident he could handle that. And he might even have time while he was "escaped" to assemble the handheld backup, the so called "type 2 palm phaser" that was disassembled in various places on his person. But that was just a contingency.

Kyan stifled a laugh at the prospect of some Orion "companions" making their way into the training holos. Or Draylaxian pleasure dancers...with their triple endowments. He wondered if some of the team members would shoot them or start digging for latinum in their suits.

"Hey." He added after Nira's message to Challenger and Discovery. "I ain't after sharing a bunk with all them down there so. And since me da is important after all, can I get me own room the now?" He said it as though it were a joke, but hoped she'd take it for the real request it was. Kyan never had liked sharing accommodations with grups, especially those he didn't know.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on June 17, 2023, 09:34:54 PM

[Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne was a lot calmer now. The anxiety medicine plus the sweet sugary food which she had avoided save with Kyan helped to give her a more stable outlook. However a 72 hour hold was very boring..

She was reviewing in her time sitting on the bed cuddling the plush Alfa 117 canine her program she wrote during the battle with the station. The program was designed to cause an alert a few seconds before the full materialization of the transwarp. This was do to detecting the transwarp conduit forming by measuring chroniton and tachyon fluxuations.

In addition she was making a more pin point where to shoot guide to cause the transwarp core to end up pulling so much power it would sap the rest of the station. However her access to the mission data was restricted do to her breakdown. However pulling up a Nor station she was able to map normally.

Finally she was working on a plan to stall the transwarp should it begin. It would not be a full prevention but it could 'slow' things a bit. Happy with her work she sent a report via the PADD to the Captain.

To: Captain ian Galloway
From: Ensign Myne


I am seeking to be useful while I sit here having vitals and being checked over by nurses and doctors. In the time I have done several projects with the hope to help until I can return when the psychiatric hold is finished. I am eager to return to active duty. All of my experience with Borg Transwarp comes from my time as a Borg drone. Do to my tiny size they used me for transwarp maintence.

So as for the projects..

- I am including a update of the alert program I created on the bridge. It should alert to the opening of a Borg Traswarp conduit with twenty seconds rather then five seconds by measuring increases of tachyon and chronitons.
- As my access to the mission data is currently restricted I had to use a old Nor station layout. I have marked the areas I previously stated to be aimed for. If half of the transfer nodes are damaged, the amount of power the transwarp core would draw would cause roaming blackouts in the station. Not all over but it would be random system hassles. It would at least as I stated before during the fight cause the transwarp to have issues warping.
- Finally. A Borg transwarp creates a conduit to escape. This is done by the Tachyon Matrix to open the conduit to enter, but the larger the vessel the more temporal stress and chroniton elevation. One could potentially use the deflector to create large mass images in the entrance of the conduit. The same as a spacial body such as a moon. This would not stop the manual entrance into the conduit. But it would cause the automated fail safes to stop and try to identify if the false image is a gravity well or if it's a false positive. This could allow a small amount more of time but no more then maybe 30 seconds.

I apologize for not being able to be on the mission. I hope this data is useful though and goes to make up for my failure.

Myne hit send and put the PADD beside her. She went back to cuddling the plush finding joy and safety in doing so.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian heard his PADD indicate he had a message. He read through the file and the attachment. He nodded at the quality of the work and forwarded the attachment to Lieutenant Randell at the Science One station.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 18, 2023, 12:24:22 AM

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

A message had come in from Nira. T'Kel looked it up.

"œCaptain, we're getting a message from Commander Said. Morse code only," she said.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian prided himself on being able to translate Morse by ear, so when he first heard the message from Discovery, he thought the sender was having a stroke. It was only on the second listen that he understood the phrasing and could follow what was being said.

"Reply via same method the following."

Ian tapped out on the command chair "--- --. . .-. .- -.--"

Quote from: Nira Said on June 18, 2023, 12:24:22 AM

Admiral Kira Nerys | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

Not for the first time, the Valiant was making Kira nostalgic for the Defiant. Or even the old ships from the Occupation. These Adamant-classes, however, these ships can pack a punch. Maybe more so than the Defiant. Tough little ship.

She almost got distracted from her discussing with Captain Vaughn when Ops called. "Ops to Admiral Kira. Transmission from the Challenger."

"Patch her Captain through down here," said Kira. She got Captain Galloway on the viewscreen, smirking a tad. Even if he was all business, she could always see the twinkle of admiration in somebody talking to a legend, after all these years.

As she heard out Captain Galloway, Kira sniffed a little, though inwardly, she was expecting to hear the Discovery call her about it at any moment. "Ah, I should've known. The Badlands always make for tricky circumstances. Warp five is generally the limit when it comes to warp speeds in the Badlands. The plan by the First Officers is a sound one, particularly if we time it right. If you have to follow them, it may be best to keep out of their sensor range while tracking them with yours. Otherwise, at the right time, the Valiant will be there. Slipstream will get her close to the Badlands fast, once the 'alert' happens, but it'll have to be regular warp speeds at the Badlands.

"Still, three days will give plenty of time for Admiral Gillespie to assemble more starships," she said. "That'll be his job, but he'll answer more to me since I'm in charge of affairs around this sector. Follow or wait, it'll be up to you, but either will be slow going, though if you don't want to be towed through slipstream, it's understandable, Captain."

"Understood Admiral, we're ready ta play our part. I am also goin' ta transmit a set of sensor protocols, Science Officer Ensign Pwllgwyngyll created that can provide 20 seconds of warnin' of a formin' transwarp corridor. This nae much, but it will give us summat that wanker Sherem will nae ken.


[Ensign Rin Amaya-Uss Challenger-A]

Rin had been slightly nervous about the mission as she had been super distracted outside on her shore leave as she knew she was preparing mentally for the mission as she'd sit carefully on her chair on the flight deck. Her hands had tapped on the inert parts of the console as she looked and read the monitors with a nervous and uncomfortable look. This was her first major mission and hearing they were going to the badlands was really worried as she knew that it possibly could end in some kind of a fight. "You'll be fine." She would take a deep breath as she had listened carefully.

They'd read the monitors and manage power levels and make sure everything was running smoothly. She was reading some of the readouts of the scanners as she would be trying her best to impress the others with her inert knowledge. However that wouldn't matter if say something happened. The veterans are veterans for a reason and she's just a newbie.

Lina Knight

Lina would have returned to the lab. She was doing some tests on samples and other such small things as to keep busy and learn all  she could to help the ship if and how she could. She loved the sights of all the strange and beautiful organisms both micro and normal

                   Female half-Caitian

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 19, 2023, 04:04:49 PM

[Ensign Rin Amaya-Uss Challenger-A]

Rin had been slightly nervous about the mission as she had been super distracted outside on her shore leave as she knew she was preparing mentally for the mission as she'd sit carefully on her chair on the flight deck. Her hands had tapped on the inert parts of the console as she looked and read the monitors with a nervous and uncomfortable look. This was her first major mission and hearing they were going to the badlands was really worried as she knew that it possibly could end in some kind of a fight. "You'll be fine." She would take a deep breath as she had listened carefully.

They'd read the monitors and manage power levels and make sure everything was running smoothly. She was reading some of the readouts of the scanners as she would be trying her best to impress the others with her inert knowledge. However that wouldn't matter if say something happened. The veterans are veterans for a reason and she's just a newbie.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was in the command chair as the ship entered the Badlands. He eyed the new face at Helm and his lips curled into a smile.

"Ensign Rin Amaya. First time in the Badlands? Makes for some interestin' flyin'. You think you're ready ta dodge the eddies here?"

Quote from: Hyperion on June 19, 2023, 05:52:46 PM

[Science Lab - USS Challenger]

On entering the lab, Hyperion noted a new crewmember. He had familiarized himself with all science personnel and based off of this one's physical dimensions and characteristics, this was Lina Knight. Ensign. Human/Caitian hybrid. Female.

"Greetings Ensign. How is your research progressing?"


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 19, 2023, 05:56:23 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was in the command chair as the ship entered the Badlands. He eyed the new face at Helm and his lips curled into a smile.

"Ensign Rin Amaya. First time in the Badlands? Makes for some interestin' flyin'. You think you're ready ta dodge the eddies here?"

[Rin Amaya - Bridge- USS Challenger]
Rin would almost jump hearing the voice pointed towards her. She kept her composure and would give a quiet nod. She knew that she had to be prepared even though this was her first true mission. Lives were on the line and it wasn't like the simulations at all. This was real. "Yes Captain. This is my first time in the badlands that isn't in a simulation. Of course the simulation is different when it comes to real life as unexpected things can happen. But it is what I am trained for so I will do my best." She tried to keep an air of proffessionalism as she spoke trying to impress the captain even though her nerves and face was slightly showing. However Rin would do a little shake and a shiver as she would then look back to serious almost shaking off those nerves. "I promise that I will do my job. No matter what happens." Her eyes kept careful check on the monitors and information as her eyes skitted across the screens as she would be in position. "It's what I have trained to do Captain."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 19, 2023, 07:17:15 PM

[Rin Amaya - Bridge- USS Challenger]
Rin would almost jump hearing the voice pointed towards her. She kept her composure and would give a quiet nod. She knew that she had to be prepared even though this was her first true mission. Lives were on the line and it wasn't like the simulations at all. This was real. "Yes Captain. This is my first time in the badlands that isn't in a simulation. Of course the simulation is different when it comes to real life as unexpected things can happen. But it is what I am trained for so I will do my best." She tried to keep an air of proffessionalism as she spoke trying to impress the captain even though her nerves and face was slightly showing. However Rin would do a little shake and a shiver as she would then look back to serious almost shaking off those nerves. "I promise that I will do my job. No matter what happens." Her eyes kept careful check on the monitors and information as her eyes skitted across the screens as she would be in position. "It's what I have trained to do Captain."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Rin spoke, it was the classic answer to being put on the spot, which was exactly what he meant to do. As she mentioned unexpected things could and did happen and she would have to be ready to be put under stress. He replied with a big smile.

"One things the simulations cannae teach you is summat I have in a holodeck program that will help make you a much better pilot if'n you're game. It's a historical recreation of a mid-20th Century conflict and a specific theater of operations called the Flyin' Tigers. Given we have three days ta our destination, that program will teach you things the Academy can't because their holodecks are nae configured ta do so. If'n you'd like ta try summat completely different, you let me know. I know a guy that can get us holodeck time."


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 19, 2023, 08:43:45 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Rin spoke, it was the classic answer to being put on the spot, which was exactly what he meant to do. As she mentioned unexpected things could and did happen and she would have to be ready to be put under stress. He replied with a big smile.

"One things the simulations cannae teach you is summat I have in a holodeck program that will help make you a much better pilot if'n you're game. It's a historical recreation of a mid-20th Century conflict and a specific theater of operations called the Flyin' Tigers. Given we have three days ta our destination, that program will teach you things the Academy can't because their holodecks are nae configured ta do so. If'n you'd like ta try summat completely different, you let me know. I know a guy that can get us holodeck time."

[Rin Amaya - Bridge- USS Challenger]
Rin would just listen and would give them a quiet nod as she would listen to the captain. They didn't want to say something incorrect or disrespectful to the captain by accident. Not that she would have intentionally but maybe it would be a good time to learn with the captain themselves. Learn from the expert. They'd have different experiences to the standard just basic information training. However the offer deffinetly sounded interesting as her eyes piqued with in interest and curiousity. "That would be appreciated Captain. Anything to learn for the future to improve my skills for the sake of everyone in the future." She was still kind of in a professional styled mode in her mind. She was probably ingrained from her training in the academy she was told to be taught to be serious but she would try and calm herself down as she would finally try and take themselves a little down a notch. Not to the point of disrespectful but not as stuck up or as tense. " The world is a facinating place and the world of the battle out there can be so different..." Her voice sounded curious but also slightly pessimistic. "But that's the world that can be. It can be so beautiful yet so dangerous."

Lina Knight

Lina's ears flick hearing the ships ai speak up "ah, hyperion was it? my research is going alright I suppose, nothing too important of note. That's not to say learning more of different fauna and flora of all worlds isn't a good idea. just it's nothing ground breaking in our learning."

                   Female half-Caitian


Quote from: Nira Said on June 18, 2023, 12:24:22 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Meanwhile, M'nia Whispering so only cloten could hear asked the captain, cloten, "OK so you're in on the plan but the rest of the crew? are they in the plan or do we need to keep up the act in front of them?" a genuine concern. She didn't want to screw up but she was still nervous. She wanted this to work. Zhuk was great! He knew exactly how to play it She was pretty sure she knew what to do and yeah she was eager to prove herself but so much was riding on this. She looked to Zhuk. He seemed to have it down. She remembered what he said. Just commit to the role and she'll be fine. She wasn't sure she trusted Cloten but  he knew what would happen if he double crossed them! She trusted Zhuk. He would protect her if need be.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 18, 2023, 03:50:58 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Bridge] - AWAY TEAM ONLY

Rayek had expected to be on the Bridge alone with the Commanders.  However, miscommunication occurred again and instead of his team waiting for him in the Cargo bay with Challengers Team members,  several of Discoveries Away Team made their way one at a time up to the Bridge where Rayek met them with a stern frown - which unfortunately because of the Breen suit couldn't be seen.

Because the suits altered the sound of each team member's voice, it took Rayek a moment to recall which team member had that particular suit's design and coloring.  Willard? he queried in Federation standard while nodding in acknowledgement.  The Romulan then leaned in to reply back. "Good to know.  Hopefully you will be equally proficient in reading an actual Breen."

Despite Cloten having several suits on board, Rayek knew from his scan prior to boarding that there were no actual Breen on board. Or at least none in an area he was capable of scanning.  He had yet to check the ships' smuggling area (which would of course be hidden from scanners) but planned to do that as soon as he could slip away from Cloten and his watchful crew.

Of course, Rayek had doubts. It was only by being open to all various ways his plan could fail, did the Romulan discovery ways to improve it.  Though he knew Tess always professed honesty,  Rayek had learned that his silence was a better response most of the time, when honesty showed weakness to others.  Rayek looked to the Breen-suited team member - Dersch he believed - and gave a slight scoffing noise before addressing his team members who had invited themselves to the Bridge.

"Anyone of a rank less than Lieutenant, should NOT be on the Bridge. Wait for me down in the Cargo Bay." he called out, the vocalizer making his words sound even more cold than usual.

Gohun would be disappointed to realize after but a few short moments that the engineering of the ship he was on (Cloten's ship) wasn't anything like a Breen warship or a Breen base for that matter.  And moreover Cloten had his goons keep the Starfleeters away from anything that could be useful.  Gohun would be 'escorted' back to the Cargo Bay and told to stay there.  Bunks and were set up in the Bay for the Away Team members.  It wasn't comfortable but it wasn't any worse than boot camp.
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Bridge]
Rayek was hesitant about removing his helmet while surrounded by Cloten's men.  All it would take was one to sneak a message to Sherem and their plan would be foiled.   Reluctantly, Rayek pulled off the helmet.

Learning that it would take three days to reach the station, Rayek's suspicions of a trap grew.  However, the Antican's justification for taking his time..  made sense.

Quote from: M'Nia on June 19, 2023, 09:53:37 PM

Meanwhile, M'nia Whispering so only cloten could herea  asked the captain, cloten, "OK so you're in on the plan but the rest of the crew? are they in the plan or do we need to keep up the act in front of them?" a genuine concern. She didn't want to screw up but she was still nervous. She wanted this to work. Zhuk was great! He knew exactly how to play it She was pretty sure she knew what to do and yeah she was eager to prove herself but so much was riding on this. She looked to Zhuk. He seemed to have it down. She remembered what he said. Just commit to the role and she'll be fine. She wasn't sure she trusted Cloten but  he knew what would happen if he double crossed them! She trusted Zhuk. He would protect her if need be.

[Deej Cloten | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"I wondered when you were going to bring that up," said Cloten. "And why Miss Said here is so willing...Most of the crew know as well as I do. And there aren't a lot of crew left on this ship, anyhow. With exception to a few promises I had to make, the promise of payment has bought their silence. How do the Ferengi put it? Greed is eternal?"

"He is right," said Nira, especially to the others. "Our being here, after all, plus a widespread sense of knowing. Nonetheless, some security precautions are on hand..."

She looked over at the heavily branded Galen Mal, who scowled from Tactical.

"Relax," said Cloten. "It didn't take much to promise him; any opportunity to go against Nehor Sherem is welcome to him, he's so determined for revenge. Any opportunity, hell, he'd do it for free. I mean, pick out a still-bloodthirsty Occupation-era Bajoran, ask who they hate most among Cardassians, point him in the right direction, and he'd make a beeline, Dominion, Badlands, fleet patrols, all of the above be damned."

Nira had to admit, she was a little bothered by the casual, if not excited, way Cloten put it out. All the better reason to watch him.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 18, 2023, 07:13:36 AM

:: Bridge | S.S. Abandon All Hope ::

There was a cacophony of smells aboard Cloten's ship. Sweat and body odors from several different species was the most off putting of them. But there was also stale food and the acrid smell of burnt out components. In his berth, Kyan thought that some of the Selay bones hadn't been removed from their owners' long enough to be fully bleached. That wasn't much of a surprise, considering that Cloten had a longstanding issue with the Selay, as did most Anticans. On the bridge, not all of the lighting was operational meaning that some parts of the bridge were bright, and other areas were dimly lit. It was also several degrees warmer than a Starfleet ship would be, which made him glad not to be wearing a Breen suit. He was already hot enough that his unkempt mop of crimson hair was sticking to the back of his neck and forehead.

Kyan didn't mind heat. He preferred it to cold in any case. He'd been sitting on the railing that circled the "command well" of the bridge since the communication with the scarred up Andorian, listening to the back and forth between the various parties involved when he picked up on Nira and Cloten's conversation.

The Onlie smiled and nodded emphatically even as Nira went a different direction. It wasnt bluster either. He had every intention on following through on his promise, should the Antican double crossed them. In all honesty though, he didn't expect him to. Not because he was afraid of getting killed, but because it made too much sense to have some good deeds to fall back on. And because Sharem wasn't going to be a cash cow forever. Eventully he'd be brought down by Starfleet. And then Deej Cloten would need other opportunities, which would be easier to find and exploit without Starfleet breathing down his neck.

Kyan trusted the Antican's preservation instincts.

That send Kyan's eyebrows up like a Vulcan in hamburger factory. And...."the boy"? Like he wasn't the most experienced combat officer on the ship by a long shot? He didn't have a problem with the plan. He could do that. It was the flippantness. Was that a word? Flippance?

Eventually he shrugged it off and spoke up. "Aye." He began. "I can get away long enough tae send a message so I can. Dats easy. But if Ole Spoons McNasty gets it in is stupid head tae cut me when I come back, like ye said he done, then I'm gonna sort him out myself, right and proper, and no mistake."

And he would. Brig, demotion, or come what may, he'd not get "branded" by some fat arsed Cardassian grup with delusions of grandeur. Of course he didn't have a knife or phaser to hand, they'd made sure of that before the away teams left....smart arses. But if Sharem came at him with one, he felt confident he could handle that. And he might even have time while he was "escaped" to assemble the handheld backup, the so called "type 2 palm phaser" that was disassembled in various places on his person. But that was just a contingency.

Kyan stifled a laugh at the prospect of some Orion "companions" making their way into the training holos. Or Draylaxian pleasure dancers...with their triple endowments. He wondered if some of the team members would shoot them or start digging for latinum in their suits.

"Hey." He added after Nira's message to Challenger and Discovery. "I ain't after sharing a bunk with all them down there so. And since me da is important after all, can I get me own room the now?" He said it as though it were a joke, but hoped she'd take it for the real request it was. Kyan never had liked sharing accommodations with grups, especially those he didn't know.

Nira looked over at Kyan. "I'm not sure it could be a good idea," she said, "with a ship like this. Besides, it's Cloten's ship, and he has his say."

"Actually, yeah, Baby-Face can have his own room," said Cloten, surprising Nira with his easily agreeing. "And he'll be perfectly fine. It's not a good idea to underestimate him, and the crew know about Baby-Face from Katra. Most of them," he added, nodding at Galen Mal.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on June 19, 2023, 11:42:24 PM

[Deej Cloten | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"I wondered when you were going to bring that up," said Cloten. "And why Miss Said here is so willing...Most of the crew know as well as I do. And there aren't a lot of crew left on this ship, anyhow. With exception to a few promises I had to make, the promise of payment has bought their silence. How do the Ferengi put it? Greed is eternal?"

"He is right," said Nira, especially to the others. "Our being here, after all, plus a widespread sense of knowing. Nonetheless, some security precautions are on hand..."

She looked over at the heavily branded Galen Mal, who scowled from Tactical.

"Relax," said Cloten. "It didn't take much to promise him; any opportunity to go against Nehor Sherem is welcome to him, he's so determined for revenge. Any opportunity, hell, he'd do it for free. I mean, pick out a still-bloodthirsty Occupation-era Bajoran, ask who they hate most among Cardassians, point him in the right direction, and he'd make a beeline, Dominion, Badlands, fleet patrols, all of the above be damned."

Nira had to admit, she was a little bothered by the casual, if not excited, way Cloten put it out. All the better reason to watch him.

"I see. Thank you both for that explanation and I appreciate you letting me in on this mission commander. I will do my best!" she said. Her tail twitched as she walked This was very important. If her mother could see her now she would be so proud that her little kitten was part of this big important operation It made her feel very good about herself. it wasn't that she lacked self confidence but she was still very new and inexperianced so naturally she had a lot to learn really didn't want to let anybody down. Still she felt a little more confident than she had when she got up this morning. She would do her part and with K'tal's blessing, they would all come back safe and sound.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 19, 2023, 09:00:31 PM

[Rin Amaya - Bridge- USS Challenger]
Rin would just listen and would give them a quiet nod as she would listen to the captain. They didn't want to say something incorrect or disrespectful to the captain by accident. Not that she would have intentionally but maybe it would be a good time to learn with the captain themselves. Learn from the expert. They'd have different experiences to the standard just basic information training. However the offer deffinetly sounded interesting as her eyes piqued with in interest and curiousity. "That would be appreciated Captain. Anything to learn for the future to improve my skills for the sake of everyone in the future." She was still kind of in a professional styled mode in her mind. She was probably ingrained from her training in the academy she was told to be taught to be serious but she would try and calm herself down as she would finally try and take themselves a little down a notch. Not to the point of disrespectful but not as stuck up or as tense. " The world is a facinating place and the world of the battle out there can be so different..." Her voice sounded curious but also slightly pessimistic. "But that's the world that can be. It can be so beautiful yet so dangerous."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's smile was warm as he replied, because he was always pleased to talk with a fellow pilot.

"Excellent Ensign. I've run many people through the Flyin' Tigers program, but I always especially happy ta have a helmsman take a try. I was helm myself and as I nae get ta fly much anymore since goin' down the command track, I use the program ta stay sharp. You see, unlike anything you've ever flown before, the P-40 Tomahawk is completely manual. She predates computers by 50 years, so you have ta truly fly one, because there's nae any assistance ta be had. I'll send you the file for you ta replicate the proper equipment and uniform. We'll meet at holodeck two at 2000."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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