S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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[Challenger - Sickbay]

Evan did not need to be on the bridge to know that they were being fired at. The ship rocked and recoiled, her normally graceful movement stuttering like a man walloped against his chest. He should have known it was coming, but the first jolt still caught Evan off guard and he had to grip the edge of his work station just to keep from falling out of his chair.

Once the ship settled long enough to stand, he rose, shaking the stiffness from his hands. Thankfully, everything in sickbay was secured in place as it wouldn't do to have important medicine or tools flying across the room and breaking. The same couldn't be said for the people. Evan heard a few groans, knowing it was only a matter of time before other members of the crew started to trickle in.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: myne on June 26, 2023, 02:04:46 PM

[ Ensign Seyefa - Deck 4/ Corridor - USS Challenger-A ]

The Ekosian Ensign, human technically was unprepared as the starship decided it was a starfighter. At one moment she was running to her tasks heading to Engineer, but then she was staring up at the corridor lights as everything blurred. She had hit her head hard on the floor but nothing 'else' got hurt. Too bad she was Engineering not Security. She needed that brain.

Laying there a moment she couldn't focus her vision and let out a pained 'help' unsure if it was loud enough to be heard. Although in her head everything was so so loud and ringng. Her blonde hair was strewn behind her as a bit of red could be seen in the hair.

"Help!", she whimpered out again as she hurt to move, but her toes and fingers worked, so progress!

[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4/ Corridor]

Aarwendil wasn't the only one that decided to help the others. Whoever didn't get hurt after falling on the floor promptly went to offer aid to those that weren't so lucky. He couldn't avoid stopping for a brief moment to watch how different species were helping each other. It was the union in a moment of adversity. The young Betazoid was watching several of the values of the Federation being applied in a simple corridor.

His contemplative musings were interrupted by a whimpered request for help. Aarwendil turned and saw a woman from Engineering with blood running from her head in a large amount. Even if he wasn't a telepath, the young Betazoid could tell that she was feeling a lot of pain by only seeing the situation of her wound.

Here, let me help you." Aarwendil said, while he approached the woman. The first thing that he noticed was that she was an Ensign like him. The young officer wondered how long she was working at the Challenger and, if like him, it was her first time in a combat like this one. However, it was a talk for another time.

He would help the woman get to her feet, then would put her arm around his neck. Aarwendil would allow her to lean on him, while they walked toward the nearest turbolift and from here to the Sickbay. The other officers that were helping their coworkers had similar ideas, with some even needing help to carry others due to them being totally unconscious.

Quote from: Buehler on June 26, 2023, 05:24:55 PM

[Challenger - Sickbay]

Evan did not need to be on the bridge to know that they were being fired at. The ship rocked and recoiled, her normally graceful movement stuttering like a man walloped against his chest. He should have known it was coming, but the first jolt still caught Evan off guard and he had to grip the edge of his work station just to keep from falling out of his chair.

Once the ship settled long enough to stand, he rose, shaking the stiffness from his hands. Thankfully, everything in sickbay was secured in place as it wouldn't do to have important medicine or tools flying across the room and breaking. The same couldn't be said for the people. Evan heard a few groans, knowing it was only a matter of time before other members of the crew started to trickle in.

[USS Challenger-A - Sickbay]

When they finally reached the Sickbay, Aarwendil helped the other Ensign enter the room. "œDoctor, she hit her head." he said to the man that was there. "œThere are others like her coming. I think that some are even in worse conditions.

Betazoid, Male

Lina Knight

Lina did her best to keep steady with the ship as she kept her work up "those shields can only handle so much... but they sure handle a lot." she sighs tail flicking anxiously as they worked their way through the situation. it wasn't easy to keep your cool but she sure tried her best, looking around the bridge it was chaotic, but it made her feel alive. She smiles as she broadens her haste with newfound vigor making sure to keep things steady lest she be the fault they blow up

                   Female half-Caitian

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 25, 2023, 11:17:48 PM

:: S.S. Abandon All Hope | En Route to the Transporter Room ::

Kyan was uncharacteristically quiet as the away team made their way to the transporter room. He had been replaying the interaction with Sherem in his head since leaving the bridge. It felt off. Before coming back to the fleet proper with his stint on Katra, he'd spent a few years working for the fine folks at Starfleet Intelligence. Given his unique physiology, he'd gone undercover most of the time. And he'd developed a pretty fair sense of when he was made.

It felt kinda like this.

There was always a tip off. A tell, if you prefer the poker parlance. The mark, in this case Sherem, would give a look, act a certain way, or in this case make some remark. "I wasn't aware Captain Vaughn had children." In Kyan's estimation, there was a very slim chance that Sherem, being a spook himself, was "unaware" of much where it concerned prominent Starfleet officers in his area of operation. And if that were true, then they were walking into a trap.

In Intelligence, there were built in plans for when marks got smart; a codeword, or a signal, or a plan B. He'd brought along a contingency for himself in the form of a palm phaser disassembled and hidden in various places on his person. It could be assembled in under twenty seconds if he had to. The emitter crystal was part of his necklace, tucked into his shirt... or would be if the collar hadn't been ripped. Now it was hanging out. It looked like a Bajoran charm necklace though, so he wasn't worried about that. What did worry him was that he was unaware of a broader contingency for the whole team should plan A fail.

"I think Old man Sherem is onto us," he said to Nira as they walked. "D'ya want me tae come up with a backup story if he ain't buying this one?"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on June 26, 2023, 11:49:14 AM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

A boisterous laugh escaped 'H'Riss's' muzzle as he picked up on 'The Ambassador's' comment about him. So delightfully evil, he expected this to make his act even more convincing. A grin was offered to her, "Ah, ah... that is not what me ladies say~ A shame I has no time t' convince'cha I'm not all bad, hehe..."

A gleeful look was on his face as he saw the battle unfold, seemingly glad that them 'Federates' had been repelled. Deep down, and suppressed due to the situation, however, Zhukdra'shar was worried about the Challenger, the Discovery, and the Valiant. Things could go wrong quickly if they did not escape from the general premises promptly. Especially with the arrival of the Cardassian space station. A gasp of sheer surprise was given, though inside, he felt a twinge of fear as Melek Nor unleashed a ray of green energy towards the ships.

He hoped that they had been able to clear out on time. Else Chloe, Lahr, Myne, Captain Galloway, would most likely not come over to pick them up.

Clearing his mind, he gave a step forward as he was introduced by Neyos, offering somewhat of a polite bow towards Gul Sherem on screen. He waited to speak, however, not wanting to be seen as overly eager. Or impolite. Especially to a man like Sherem.

Still, he couldn't help but offer an added look of incredulity, and then a grin, over as Cloten made an offer to be paid more for his services. A snicker then followed as the figure was more than generous. The transmission soon stopped, and 'H'Riss' couldn't help but offer Cloten a pat on the shoulder as Nira called for the away team to be assembled in the transporter room.

"Well done, Cloten~ 'Tis was a nice deal you got goin'. Well, gotta deliver the package, eh?" He let go of M'Nia, just to not make his presence unwelcome, though it seemed that he was set on maintaining character. His pace as he made his way to the room was much more casual, tail swishing from side to side, compared to the usual neutral and serious expression that he had while serving on the USS Challenger.

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | En route to the Transporter Room | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

'H'Riss's' sensitive ears pivoted towards 'Vaugh's son' direction, and he proceeded to move in closer. Almost if wanting to pounce on him. Kyan then could feel his hands on his shoulders, and his breath against his ear, "Hey, hey, kiddo. Don't salt dis. But what story you have?" He asked, in character, wanting to see if maybe he could be privy to what his idea was.

"Purrsonally, if things go South, I was plannin' on revealin' I realize the whole plan n' kick Nira in the chest. I unmask 'er n' I gain Sherem's trust. No offense, missus." He glanced over to Nira with a bit of an apologetic look. "That, or we do the inverse, n' you break me character. Not directly outin' me as a darn officer, but yes as someone who wantid to trick the ol' man. N' that way, 'Hubs' keeps its cover. Either way, I's feels we gotta maintain our illusion for as long as possible to be able to mess with the station. Fightin' so many Cardassians ain't gonna result well."

He let go of Kyan, and straightened up. He believed he could hear both Nira's and his' responses when they offered them up.

Quote from: M'Nia on June 26, 2023, 04:11:35 PM

"Youuu!" pretending to be outraged she clawed at H'riss while hissing at him. "How dare you! I would never let you lay a hand on me if I could help it!" Of course she knew he was only acting but so was she. She had to make it convincing although Zhuk almost had her fooled. Of course she didn't really want to hurt him. She liked him.he was hat good. Kyan was doing a good job too. However they had to convince their soon to be host. She wasn't 100% sure they could, especially as she heard Kyan's misgivings about walking into a trap but she would preservere.

[Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room | Deck Two | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Nira heard out Kyan as they proceeded to the transporter room. It did occur to her to replay that memory...yes, Gul Sherem was sounding suspicious. It could potentially be harder to fool him. Zhuk's proposal of a backup plan sounded uneasy to Nira. "Well, hopefully, we won't resort to that," she said.

She then noticed Commander Belvedere was shaking like blazes...his shaking hands apparently worsening the three days of their journey. "Are you all right, Commander?" Nira asked.

"I think I can manage," said Belvedere with an inhale. "I may have left behind my medication, but I can manage."

Much as he's trying to sound labored, there was definitely something off about him. Nira should've been feeling pain, fatigue...and she wasn't. She brushed that briefly, but she couldn't get something definite...maybe it'll present itself when they're waiting aboard.

Once at the transporter room, Nira ordered helmets donned and secured. Once secure, she looked around at her team.

"Doing well, everybody? Especially you, Doctor?" she said, indicating to Doctor Fellows. Once she got the acknowledgements from the team, Nira looked at Cloten's transporter chief.

"Ops is ready to receive you," he said seedily. The team then climbed on.

"Energize," ordered Nira.


First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kinley Garrison


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian gritted his teeth as Catalan at Ops relayed the message from Discovery.

=/\= "We're just bloody loverly. There's a right fine bird I was thinkin' about chattin' up. How do you bloody think we're doin'? What are you waitin' for, it's way past time ta do a runner!" =/\=

He growled, not in anger, but wondering why the order to fall back was waitin' on him, he was the junior captain in this party."

Kinley nodded. =/\= "œWe hear you. We got delayed a bit but we're here. Our side is in position now, so do what you feel best and we'll be covering you.=/\= she said.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 24, 2023, 01:59:44 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's eyes never left his console display as he monitored the Challenger's as well as the other ship's movement and distance. He spoke in firm tones as he continued to assess the situation.

"Tis nae the time for battle music. This is all a show and I'll nae sully 'Scotland the Brave' while retreatin'. When we're about ta enter a real fight, I'll have it piped shipwide."

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sciences 1 - Bridge - USS Challenger-A][/color]

Ruth chuckled and muttered "I wonder if Lahr could mash up that with Ride of the Valkyries and have it sound good... hmm.  Either way, both are good battle songs!" she looked sidelong at her Ensigns and said "If you're wondering it's a bit of a joke we started me and Lahr and then the Captain when Lahr was Operations Bridge officer, If I was going into battle it was Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' because of my Viking-ness, and for Captain Galloway..."

She dropped into a not too bad, for all it was in a female voice, approximation of Ian's accent.  "There's nae a song mehr suited tae battle than Scotland the Braave on the pipes, lassies!"  Injecting some humour into a stressful situation was something over the years she'd learned to do.

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 24, 2023, 06:42:19 PM

Lina whilst still making sure to keep her focus on the scans gives her officer a nod tail flicking in anticipation as she kept herself as ready as possible for it. This was going to be a bit rough she could tell. Usually was mid an attack of course, but that's what training was for. Getting it drilled into your head that no matter what always prepare for the worst and keep things as they should be if you can. "all readings look clear ma'am." she says calmly as she can

Ruth nodded back with an approving smile.  'This one is harnessing the fear and stress to best effect!' she thought to herself.
Quote from: myne on June 24, 2023, 08:44:23 PM

Myne, felt the 'older' Ladies hand and looked up with a look that betrayed her percieved age rather then her true one. She was a scared girl but would try her best as she had been trained but that form of encouragement helped her greatly. As long as it was a female doing it, a male... it might trigger some trauma.

Myne did not wish to go tumbling from her chair, rolling across the deck or worse her tiny form flinging out and landing in the Captains lap. A number of cute jokes went threw her head she would say like telling him what she would want for Christmas or the like but this was a coping method to help with the fear she was going threw. She did up the strap but had to be sitting on her heels in the chair to reach up so the strap could only do so much.

Myne held tight as she could, her small hands gripping hard. Not her first conflict but this was her first since her shattering inside.

Myne's face was so happy. It was like back on Orion when she would win a dance competition. To be given a good girl just lit her up so much. But there was work to do. "Thank You Captain." She said meekly and went back to her focus.

Myne's face brightened, she was so happy. Not just for the treat but because she had done well. That was worth a thousand treats to her!

It might be the fact she was in nappies on the bridge. But the thought of the booster seat made her giggle. She only wore them because she was worried. She wanted to be strong but still had doubts. The last thing she wanted to hear was the Captain screaming in his very Scottish voice, 'Don't be a piddlin on me bridge!'.

She smiled to her Department Head and nodded, "A good idea Ma'am. I think those might help a lot."

Myne turned and gave a thumbs up to her half caitian coworker. She was happy to have the support and nodded listening to her as she kept the scanners going as well getting any data she could on trnswarp signatures.

The CSO was relieved to see Melly so focused.  "I'll have to speak to Dr. Buehler about our arrangement if you carry on doing so well!" she said, eyes barely flickering from her own console.  She was still coiled inside ready to brace either of the girls if necessary rather than any thought of keeping herself safe.  To Ruth, being department head called not just for leadership of a department but the wellbeing of them as well.  If that meant putting herself in danger because of them... so be it.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 25, 2023, 10:13:34 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger rocked again confirming T'Kel's comments about the firepower of these new cruisers. If not for the Point of Impact shields, they would be in trouble, but even they could only take so much and were much less effective in multi-ship engagements.

"Helm. Evasive Pattern Beta One ta port. Ops, route available power ta structural integrity. T'Kel, continuous proximity photon fire. Keep their targetin' sensors scrambled. Hang onto your knickers everyone, it's about ta get interestin'!"

Pattern Beta was typically reserved for smaller ships, consisting of two rolls on a course away from the enemy ship, then hard turn. Rolling a ship of more than three million metric tons put enormous strain on the the hull and even more on the inertia dampeners.

"Dashlish is goin' ta have a fit."

Ian murmured as Ensign Amaya began the maneuver.

"At this rate, Captain, we're going to need new ones!" she quipped at the comment about knickers but motioned with her head to the Science Ensigns to hold on best they could.  She reached down and locked the swivel on Melly's chair so it was more secure.  The base was of course fixed to the deck plating via magnetic seals but the top was like a normal office chair allowing the occupant to turn to talk to people.

"That might be more secure, Melly..." she said in a hushed voice.  "I know you need to keep checking the transwarp telemetry so that's important.  I have my scans and recordings automated, so I can do other things with my hands so long as I can see my screens.  You, however, are doing a vital job, we all are, but you're our early warning system... that's crucial, so you carry on.  You're doing great!"

Ruth 'rolled with the punches' on semi-automatic with the grace of anyone trained in flight, some compartment in her brain responding on automatic to what Ian was ordering the helm to do, and good as she was, the helm was reacting with pinpoint accuracy.  If Challenger was getting a battering it wasn't for poor piloting skills!

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 25, 2023, 10:39:15 PM

[Bridge: Discovery]
Kinley nodded and brought up a hailing signal to the Challenger . =/\= "œChallenger. This is Lieutenant Kinley Garrison on behalf of the Discovery. What's your status? Do you have any updates on your situation?=/\=

Ruth smiled at the known  voice of Kinley Garrison.  She knew Sciences were in good hands if Kinley was on the Bridge.
Quote from: myne on June 26, 2023, 07:20:21 AM

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ensign Myne had strapped in, however as she was sitting on her knees in the chair the strap could only do so much. She reached and grabbed the panel sides to no avail but instead gripped the sides of the chair glad that the magnetic seals kept the chair in place. But she did get tossed hard in the chair with the ever so slightly whimper as the belt dug in. But better then the alternative.

"It's ok Mel... you're doing great." Ruth wished she could strip off and fold her tunic top between the belt and Melly's stomach or go replicate a pillow or something, but they were in the middle of a battle.  "I've got you covered."
Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 26, 2023, 12:40:51 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian heard the ship groan in protest at the extreme maneuver, but it worked. The Breen's fire was scattered and what few disruptors that managed to hit were complete ineffective against the point of impact shields.

=/\= "Captain! With as little respect as is required, if you try something like that again, you'll find my biggest spanner across your skull!" =/\=

Ian winced as the chief engineer berated him for his actions.

=/\= "I know Dashlish, I know, but you would have liked what those Breen cruisers had planned even less." =/\=

As stressful for the ship as the evasive maneuver had been, the Challenger had evaded the firing envelop of Melek Nor and was free to go to warp as soon as the order was given. Ian however, had one additional surprise ready for the Breen.

"T'Kel, Amaya, let's make them think that last shot did summat. Amaya vent some plasma from the port nacelle. T'Kel, only fire with one of the aft photons. Have the other launcher release the torpedoes unguided and unpowered. With any luck, the unguided torpedoes will act as mines."

Ian smiled ferally and hoped the fall back order would come soon.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian gritted his teeth as Catalan at Ops relayed the message from Discovery.

=/\= "We're just bloody loverly. There's a right fine bird I was thinkin' about chattin' up. How do you bloody think we're doin'? What are you waitin' for, it's way past time ta do a runner!" =/\=

He growled, not in anger, but wondering why the order to fall back was waiting on him, he was the junior captain in this party.

The CSO had to hold back giggles despite the situation, first at the Chief's comment to the Captain, and then the Captain's to the Discovery.

Cricking her neck she looked over at Ian raising one eyebrow also querying why they were waiting on a fall back order.

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 26, 2023, 11:30:57 PM

Lina did her best to keep steady with the ship as she kept her work up "those shields can only handle so much... but they sure handle a lot." she sighs tail flicking anxiously as they worked their way through the situation. it wasn't easy to keep your cool but she sure tried her best, looking around the bridge it was chaotic, but it made her feel alive. She smiles as she broadens her haste with newfound vigor making sure to keep things steady lest she be the fault they blow up

"That's what they're there for!  But yeah..." Ruth patted her console as if the ship would take comfort from the gesture like patting the neck of a horse after a clear round at show jumping.  ".. she's a tough old gal... keeps going no matter what we throw at her, or rather other people throw at her!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 27, 2023, 01:49:02 AM

Kinley nodded. =/\= "œWe hear you. We got delayed a bit but we're here. Our side is in position now, so do what you feel best and we'll be covering you.=/\= she said.
[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked in surprise to hear the other ships were deferring to him, but if that was what was being offered, he'd certainly take it.

"Commander Catalan, signal ta all ships, break off for the Badlands immediately!"

As the ship went to warp, Ian relaxed marginally, until T'Kel reported.

"We are being pursued by a pair of Breen cruisers."


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 27, 2023, 09:33:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked in surprise to hear the other ships were deferring to him, but if that was what was being offered, he'd certainly take it.

"Commander Catalan, signal ta all ships, break off for the Badlands immediately!"

As the ship went to warp, Ian relaxed marginally, until T'Kel reported.

"We are being pursued by a pair of Breen cruisers."

[Ensign Rin Amaya-USS Challenger- Flight deck]
"Captain I have an idea." Rin would have a smile on her face as she looked up at them. She was always the one to try and think of a plan on the spot even though it was a little riskier on the side. "The badlands are known as the badlands for a reason... as we all know. However we can use our enviroment to evade and maybe destroy these ships. The thing is that there wcould be a few risky maneuveurs nearby the storms and some of the gravitational readings... but if we can avoid them to the point of keeping us all safe while pushing the breen ships into the danger zones possibly trying to knock them off course into these dangerous areas... We could possibly end this quickly. It's a risk but could pay off with little damage to all of us as they're probably going to chase us down no matter what we do until we get into a sector that's not at all as risky as this." Rin would try and suggest to the captain as she would keep them from hitting one of the many plasma storms as they just got out of warp.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 27, 2023, 12:06:25 PM

[Ensign Rin Amaya-USS Challenger- Flight deck]
"Captain I have an idea." Rin would have a smile on her face as she looked up at them. She was always the one to try and think of a plan on the spot even though it was a little riskier on the side. "The badlands are known as the badlands for a reason... as we all know. However we can use our enviroment to evade and maybe destroy these ships. The thing is that there wcould be a few risky maneuveurs nearby the storms and some of the gravitational readings... but if we can avoid them to the point of keeping us all safe while pushing the breen ships into the danger zones possibly trying to knock them off course into these dangerous areas... We could possibly end this quickly. It's a risk but could pay off with little damage to all of us as they're probably going to chase us down no matter what we do until we get into a sector that's not at all as risky as this." Rin would try and suggest to the captain as she would keep them from hitting one of the many plasma storms as they just got out of warp.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian wasn't completely surprised the Breen were pursuing. They had just bearded the lion in its own den, so to speak, thus they were likely embarrassed and were seeking vengeance.

"Okay Ensign, let's hear this plan of yours."



[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4/ Corridor]

Aarwendil wasn't the only one that decided to help the others. Whoever didn't get hurt after falling on the floor promptly went to offer aid to those that weren't so lucky. He couldn't avoid stopping for a brief moment to watch how different species were helping each other. It was the union in a moment of adversity. The young Betazoid was watching several of the values of the Federation being applied in a simple corridor.

His contemplative musings were interrupted by a whimpered request for help. Aarwendil turned and saw a woman from Engineering with blood running from her head in a large amount. Even if he wasn't a telepath, the young Betazoid could tell that she was feeling a lot of pain by only seeing the situation of her wound.

"œHere, let me help you." Aarwendil said, while he approached the woman. The first thing that he noticed was that she was an Ensign like him. The young officer wondered how long she was working at the Challenger and, if like him, it was her first time in a combat like this one. However, it was a talk for another time.

He would help the woman get to her feet, then would put her arm around his neck. Aarwendil would allow her to lean on him, while they walked toward the nearest turbolift and from here to the Sickbay. The other officers that were helping their coworkers had similar ideas, with some even needing help to carry others due to them being totally unconscious.


[Challenger - Sickbay]

Evan did not need to be on the bridge to know that they were being fired at. The ship rocked and recoiled, her normally graceful movement stuttering like a man walloped against his chest. He should have known it was coming, but the first jolt still caught Evan off guard and he had to grip the edge of his work station just to keep from falling out of his chair.

Once the ship settled long enough to stand, he rose, shaking the stiffness from his hands. Thankfully, everything in sickbay was secured in place as it wouldn't do to have important medicine or tools flying across the room and breaking. The same couldn't be said for the people. Evan heard a few groans, knowing it was only a matter of time before other members of the crew started to trickle in.


[USS Challenger-A - Sickbay]

When they finally reached the Sickbay, Aarwendil helped the other Ensign enter the room. "œDoctor, she hit her head." he said to the man that was there. "œThere are others like her coming. I think that some are even in worse conditions."

[ Ensign Seyefa - Sickbay - USS Challenger-A ]

The Ensign was dizzy and hardly able to stay on her feet as she was brought in. The red in her blonde hair now dripped to her gold engineering uniform as she braced on the Betazoid officer. "Sir.. where.. are we?", Ensign Seyefa asked groggily. "I don't.. know where I am." Her thoughts if scanned were all over the place and disjointed, showing the mental signs of a concussion.

Then she threw up.

This knocked her back to some control, to some clarity long enough to say, "I'm sorry." Then her legs went out only being held upright by the kind Ensign Aarwendil.

Female Only



The CSO was relieved to see Melly so focused.  "I'll have to speak to Dr. Buehler about our arrangement if you carry on doing so well!" she said, eyes barely flickering from her own console.  She was still coiled inside ready to brace either of the girls if necessary rather than any thought of keeping herself safe.  To Ruth, being department head called not just for leadership of a department but the well being of them as well.  If that meant putting herself in danger because of them... so be it.

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ensign Myne's face brightened as she heard the praise from her department head. She was going to do good and make her proud. But first she needed to continue the fight with the chair from before!


"At this rate, Captain, we're going to need new ones!" she quipped at the comment about knickers but motioned with her head to the Science Ensigns to hold on best they could.  She reached down and locked the swivel on Melly's chair so it was more secure.  The base was of course fixed to the deck plating via magnetic seals but the top was like a normal office chair allowing the occupant to turn to talk to people.

"That might be more secure, Melly..." she said in a hushed voice.  "I know you need to keep checking the transwarp telemetry so that's important.  I have my scans and recordings automated, so I can do other things with my hands so long as I can see my screens.  You, however, are doing a vital job, we all are, but you're our early warning system... that's crucial, so you carry on.  You're doing great!"

Ruth 'rolled with the punches' on semi-automatic with the grace of anyone trained in flight, some compartment in her brain responding on automatic to what Ian was ordering the helm to do, and good as she was, the helm was reacting with pinpoint accuracy.  If Challenger was getting a battering it wasn't for poor piloting skills!

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

"Yes Ma'am. I wish I could do more. Twenty seconds wasn't long enough.. but I got it up from five seconds. I wish I could find a way to refine it more. Hopefully we won't need it after this is resolved!", Myne said as she kept hard at work, so happy the chair wasn't moving anymore.


"It's ok Mel... you're doing great." Ruth wished she could strip off and fold her tunic top between the belt and Melly's stomach or go replicate a pillow or something, but they were in the middle of a battle.  "I've got you covered."

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

"Sorry about that Ma'am!", Myne said as she probably will have a mark on her tummy in the morning. But she would not cry nor make a fuss. She was an officer and would do her job.

Female Only


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 27, 2023, 04:06:39 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian wasn't completely surprised the Breen were pursuing. They had just bearded the lion in its own den, so to speak, thus they were likely embarrassed and were seeking vengeance.

"Okay Ensign, let's hear this plan of yours."

[USS Challenger- Really dumb idea o'clock - Flight deck]
Rin would stretch and go in thought knowing she might be ridiculed for such a dumb idea. She was nervous and uncomfortable as she thought to themselves. She was thinking on her feet and would take a few deep breaths. "We can't risk another major turn like the evasive plans however what if we don't have to we just have to go straight in between a pair of gravitational eddies. In it's weakest pull area and vent plasma and torpedo's. Which in turn causes the eddie pulls to cause an unpredictable minefield while we fly through with a bit of turbulence but all we just got to do is fly through it straight through. I know engineering is going to kill me for suggesting that but it could be also we just risk making some more riskier turns around the plasma storms and just try and just out maneuver them." Rin would say sighing a little bit knowing this was probably a really risky idea. "However that depends on how much damage our SIF took and how much energy we have left for our shields and that field as well." Rin would say. "As if we do that we need to be at least able to survive going through the pulls."

Lina Knight

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 27, 2023, 05:53:41 PM

[USS Challenger- Really dumb idea o'clock - Flight deck]
Rin would stretch and go in thought knowing she might be ridiculed for such a dumb idea. She was nervous and uncomfortable as she thought to themselves. She was thinking on her feet and would take a few deep breaths. "We can't risk another major turn like the evasive plans however what if we don't have to we just have to go straight in between a pair of gravitational eddies. In it's weakest pull area and vent plasma and torpedo's. Which in turn causes the eddie pulls to cause an unpredictable minefield while we fly through with a bit of turbulence but all we just got to do is fly through it straight through. I know engineering is going to kill me for suggesting that but it could be also we just risk making some more riskier turns around the plasma storms and just try and just out maneuver them." Rin would say sighing a little bit knowing this was probably a really risky idea. "However that depends on how much damage our SIF took and how much energy we have left for our shields and that field as well." Rin would say. "As if we do that we need to be at least able to survive going through the pulls."

Lina after nodding to her commander looked at the new pilot in abject horror "that's about as suicidal as it is brilliant. at this point we'd have as good a chance of dying to that as we do not doing it." she sighs as she runs some tests while keeping an eye on the scans "yeah, math checks out." she frowns "but it's not the worst idea I've ever heard."
                   Female half-Caitian

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 27, 2023, 05:53:41 PM

[USS Challenger- Really dumb idea o'clock - Flight deck]
Rin would stretch and go in thought knowing she might be ridiculed for such a dumb idea. She was nervous and uncomfortable as she thought to themselves. She was thinking on her feet and would take a few deep breaths. "We can't risk another major turn like the evasive plans however what if we don't have to we just have to go straight in between a pair of gravitational eddies. In it's weakest pull area and vent plasma and torpedo's. Which in turn causes the eddie pulls to cause an unpredictable minefield while we fly through with a bit of turbulence but all we just got to do is fly through it straight through. I know engineering is going to kill me for suggesting that but it could be also we just risk making some more riskier turns around the plasma storms and just try and just out maneuver them." Rin would say sighing a little bit knowing this was probably a really risky idea. "However that depends on how much damage our SIF took and how much energy we have left for our shields and that field as well." Rin would say. "As if we do that we need to be at least able to survive going through the pulls."

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 28, 2023, 08:41:55 AM

Lina after nodding to her commander looked at the new pilot in abject horror "that's about as suicidal as it is brilliant. at this point we'd have as good a chance of dying to that as we do not doing it." she sighs as she runs some tests while keeping an eye on the scans "yeah, math checks out." she frowns "but it's not the worst idea I've ever heard."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the report from Discovery as well as the chatter on the bridge before he responded.

"As I've been in Starfleet a wee bit longer than either of you, I am well aware of the 'that's so crazy it could work school of thought', but tis a bit too soon for drastic members. Especially as now we got Jem'Hadar fighters in the mix. And there's another factor. We get ta makin' too much fuss and we may draw the attention of Melek Nor and that's a battle we cannae win if'n it decides ta join the party.

"No, we're goin' ta have ta come at this a different way. I doubt any of you are aware of submarines. Ships that operate under water and are difficult ta detect. Back in the Second World War, there was a long campaign of these submarines tryin' ta sink freighters carryin' war supplies and escortin' surface war ships that were assigned ta protect those freighters. We're goin' ta play submarine while the Breen and Jem'Hadar play destroyer. We're ta hide and they're ta seek.

"Ops, reduce all power ta minimum. Tactical, no active sensors, passive only. Helm, nae more than one quarter impulse. Science, you're ta find me pockets of instabilities or anything else that will scramble sensors. We're ta disappear and make the buggers find us."

Ian only half heard the "Aye Sirs" as he studied the display built into the arm of the command chair and purred.

"Run silent. Run deep. We will."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: myne on June 27, 2023, 05:31:04 PM

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ensign Myne's face brightened as she heard the praise from her department head. She was going to do good and make her proud. But first she needed to continue the fight with the chair from before!

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

"Yes Ma'am. I wish I could do more. Twenty seconds wasn't long enough.. but I got it up from five seconds. I wish I could find a way to refine it more. Hopefully we won't need it after this is resolved!", Myne said as she kept hard at work, so happy the chair wasn't moving anymore.

[ Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger ]

"Sorry about that Ma'am!", Myne said as she probably will have a mark on her tummy in the morning. But she would not cry nor make a fuss. She was an officer and would do her job.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sciences 1, Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth smiled across, reassuringly.  "20 seconds is brilliant, it's probably saved us in all honesty.  5 seconds wouldn't have been and yes, hopefully when we get out of this, we can work on refining it.  Quite possibly this might go fleet wide if you can get it up a little more."

She saw how valiantly Melly was hiding obvious pain and was super proud of her.

"That will probably bruise, see medical once you can for something to alleviate it, and, if it's something which could make your life easier, after all you're not going to suddenly be 5ft 7in tall or something.  My knowledge on Only biological information is limited but I don't know any that tall, then we will need to see if we can get something sorted regarding some protective padding. After all, you are an officer, you will have Bridge duty... that's not something which is going away... we work around problems, we Science our way around it... or engineer it!  We can sit down with Mr ch'Verret and work out practical yet Bridge decorum-ready solutions.  We can't have you looking like the Marshmallow Man from those old Earth movies."

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 27, 2023, 05:53:41 PM

[USS Challenger- Really dumb idea o'clock - Flight deck]
Rin would stretch and go in thought knowing she might be ridiculed for such a dumb idea. She was nervous and uncomfortable as she thought to themselves. She was thinking on her feet and would take a few deep breaths. "We can't risk another major turn like the evasive plans however what if we don't have to we just have to go straight in between a pair of gravitational eddies. In it's weakest pull area and vent plasma and torpedo's. Which in turn causes the eddie pulls to cause an unpredictable minefield while we fly through with a bit of turbulence but all we just got to do is fly through it straight through. I know engineering is going to kill me for suggesting that but it could be also we just risk making some more riskier turns around the plasma storms and just try and just out maneuver them." Rin would say sighing a little bit knowing this was probably a really risky idea. "However that depends on how much damage our SIF took and how much energy we have left for our shields and that field as well." Rin would say. "As if we do that we need to be at least able to survive going through the pulls."

Ruth, with a trained flight ear, and a scientific mind listened intently to what Rin had to say.  It was crazy but no crazier than stunts she'd pulled as Captain, and it was the sort of thing that gave the Challenger an edge.  She fully agreed that the Tellerite Chief of Engineering was probably going to kill someone for it, that's if they didn't all die anyhow, it was at least a chance to survive.

She glanced first at Captain Galloway then at Ensign Knight to see what they made of it.

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 28, 2023, 08:41:55 AM

Lina after nodding to her commander looked at the new pilot in abject horror "that's about as suicidal as it is brilliant. at this point we'd have as good a chance of dying to that as we do not doing it." she sighs as she runs some tests while keeping an eye on the scans "yeah, math checks out." she frowns "but it's not the worst idea I've ever heard."

"I concur, not that I was checking your work but I'm in a unique position here.  I've sat where yourself, Ensign Amaya and Captain Galloway have sat... I'm seeing it from all angles here, and yes, marginally suicidal it's not the worst idea I've heard, nor acted upon, unless you're scared of a certain Tellerite Chief, but... yeah, I think it's the best option we've got.  I've hidden out in the Badlands before so I'm more than happy to help with the navigation personally too. "
Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 28, 2023, 10:34:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the report from Discovery as well as the chatter on the bridge before he responded.

"As I've been in Starfleet a wee bit longer than either of you, I am well aware of the 'that's so crazy it could work school of thought', but tis a bit too soon for drastic members. Especially as now we got Jem'Hadar fighters in the mix. And there's another factor. We get ta makin' too much fuss and we may draw the attention of Melek Nor and that's a battle we cannae win if'n it decides ta join the party.

"No, we're goin' ta have ta come at this a different way. I doubt any of you are aware of submarines. Ships that operate under water and are difficult ta detect. Back in the Second World War, there was a long campaign of these submarines tryin' ta sink freighters carryin' war supplies and escortin' surface war ships that were assigned ta protect those freighters. We're goin' ta play submarine while the Breen and Jem'Hadar play destroyer. We're ta hide and they're ta seek.

"Ops, reduce all power ta minimum. Tactical, no active sensors, passive only. Helm, nae more than one quarter impulse. Science, you're ta find me pockets of instabilities or anything else that will scramble sensors. We're ta disappear and make the buggers find us."

Ian only half heard the "Aye Sirs" as he studied the display built into the arm of the command chair and purred.

"Run silent. Run deep. We will."

"Aye Captain... ready for anything that hits us, metaphorically speaking.  As you say.. run silent, run deep.  May Odin lead our win, Thor guide our endeavours and Loki keep the hell out of it and go meddle with the opposition.  Hamingja be with us." Ruth prayed out aloud, then cricked her neck, pulled back her shoulders and set her face in her 'Resting Valkyrie' ready for action.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

🡱 🡳

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