S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: myne on June 27, 2023, 05:19:06 PM

[ Ensign Seyefa - Sickbay - USS Challenger-A ]

The Ensign was dizzy and hardly able to stay on her feet as she was brought in. The red in her blonde hair now dripped to her gold engineering uniform as she braced on the Betazoid officer. "Sir.. where.. are we?", Ensign Seyefa asked groggily. "I don't.. know where I am." Her thoughts if scanned were all over the place and disjointed, showing the mental signs of a concussion.

Then she threw up.

This knocked her back to some control, to some clarity long enough to say, "I'm sorry." Then her legs went out only being held upright by the kind Ensign Aarwendil.

[USS Challenger-A - Sickbay]

We are at the Sickbay." Aaarwendil said, while he tried to maintain the woman upright. If she was suffering from a lack of memory, the blow to her head had been worse than he imagined. The young Betazoid could even feel her confusion and hear the disjointed thoughts that were coming from the Engineer's mind.

Then, the Engineer threw up. Aarwendil avoided being hit by it due to changing positions as soon as he noticed what was going to happen. He was still holding the woman, but now had left a space between them, so she could have some air. The Betazoid looked at the puddle in the floor and thought that after this battle ended, someone would need to clean it.

It's fine." the Ensign said to his coworker, after she offered an apology for having thrown up. He even smiled at her, trying to show that he wasn't irritated by it. She was wounded and what happened wasn't her fault. The Betazoid was going to offer some other comforting words when the woman fainted.

He was forced to hold all her weight against him. "œDoctor, she needs help!" Aarwendil screamed, while passing the woman to one of the nurses in the Sickbay. At this moment, the other wounded started to enter the room. With how crowded the place was starting to get, the young Betazoid decided to slip out of there. Since medicine wasn't his area of expertise, he decided to get out of the doctors way.

Besides that, he didn't want to get hit by someone's vomit.

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

With the wounded Engineer safe in the sickbay, Aarwendil decided to follow his original plan: see if the people at the bridge needed help. When the turbolift finally stopped, the young Betazoid took a deep breath before walking out to present himself there. "œEnsign Aarwendil Cheizex from Ops presenting for duty. Is there any way that I can help?

Betazoid, Male



[USS Challenger-A - Sickbay]

He was forced to hold all her weight against him. "œDoctor, she needs help!" Aarwendil screamed, while passing the woman to one of the nurses in the Sickbay. At this moment, the other wounded started to enter the room. With how crowded the place was starting to get, the young Betazoid decided to slip out of there. Since medicine wasn't his area of expertise, he decided to get out of the doctors way.

Besides that, he didn't want to get hit by someone's vomit.

[ Ensign Seyefa - USS Challenger-A - Sickbay ]

The Ekosian Ensign whimpered as she steadied while the young Betazoid officer helped her to the biobed. With a smile. "Thank You Sir..", she said sitting back shivering rather clammy. "Your a hero, please know that. I doubt I could have.. gotten here alone..."

As the Betazoid Ensign headed out the Ekosian waved before turning to wait for the Doctor.


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sciences 1, Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth smiled across, reassuringly.  "20 seconds is brilliant, it's probably saved us in all honesty.  5 seconds wouldn't have been and yes, hopefully when we get out of this, we can work on refining it.  Quite possibly this might go fleet wide if you can get it up a little more."

She saw how valiantly Melly was hiding obvious pain and was super proud of her.

"That will probably bruise, see medical once you can for something to alleviate it, and, if it's something which could make your life easier, after all you're not going to suddenly be 5ft 7in tall or something.  My knowledge on Only biological information is limited but I don't know any that tall, then we will need to see if we can get something sorted regarding some protective padding. After all, you are an officer, you will have Bridge duty... that's not something which is going away... we work around problems, we Science our way around it... or engineer it!  We can sit down with Mr ch'Verret and work out practical yet Bridge decorum-ready solutions.  We can't have you looking like the Marshmallow Man from those old Earth movies."

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Ensign Myne smiled hearing Lieutenant Ruths words. She was happy that she could find something useful to do even if she would have more trouble refining it further. It was pretty niche but you never know. But then she listened about the pillow and nodded, "Yeah it hurts I will get it checked and I am eight Ma'am.." She then looked around panicing, "I am four hundred and forty three years old!"

She whimpered and kept looking around hoping none heard.


[Ensign Aarwendil Cheizex - USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

With the wounded Engineer safe in the sickbay, Aarwendil decided to follow his original plan: see if the people at the bridge needed help. When the turbolift finally stopped, the young Betazoid took a deep breath before walking out to present himself there. "œEnsign Aarwendil Cheizex from Ops presenting for duty. Is there any way that I can help?"

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Turning from her revealing faux paw she saw the Betazoid (which she didn't know till she saw his eyes) Officer enter. He was cute! But she smiled and remains on her knees in her chair leaned up and hitting buttons. When he came close the red pigtailed little Onlie Ensign waved to the man and continued her work.


[ Captain Galloway - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]
Science, you're ta find me pockets of instabilities or anything else that will scramble sensors. We're ta disappear and make the buggers find us."

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Ensign Myne turned to her department head quickly asking, "Do you want to scan or should I? I don't think we need transwarp tracing now Ma'am?"

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]


"Youuu!" pretending to be outraged she clawed at H'riss while hissing at him. "How dare you! I would never let you lay a hand on me if I could help it!" Of course she knew he was only acting but so was she. She had to make it convincing although Zhuk almost had her fooled. Of course she didn't really want to hurt him. She liked him.he was hat good. Kyan was doing a good job too. However they had to convince their soon to be host. She wasn't 100% sure they could, especially as she heard Kyan's misgivings about walking into a trap but she would preserve.

'H'Riss', internally, and externally, was rather giddy over at the convincing acting that M'nia was displaying as the 'Ambassador'. It was a pleasant surprise to see someone as relatively new as an Ensign getting so much into character and playing along so well with his own cues. He had to remember to invite her for a drink later (maybe for some of that delicious Slug-O-Cola he had tried back at Ferenginar, yum-yum~!) and praise her for her good job. Maybe invite her to the acting troupe that he was trying to set up within the USS Challenger.

It was still in the planning stages, but he thought it had promise. Especially for incognito missions such as this one.

Now, at 'the Ambassador's' response and hiss, he proceeded to laugh once again, only barely reacting to the clawing he had received. "Ah, you're feisty, eh?! That's exactly how I like my women! Haha! Now, be a good girl n' beheve, eh? I dun' want to git myself gettin' all angry, right?"

Quote from: Nira Said on June 27, 2023, 12:28:14 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room | Deck Two | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Nira heard out Kyan as they proceeded to the transporter room. It did occur to her to replay that memory...yes, Gul Sherem was sounding suspicious. It could potentially be harder to fool him. Zhuk's proposal of a backup plan sounded uneasy to Nira. "Well, hopefully, we won't resort to that," she said.

She then noticed Commander Belvedere was shaking like blazes...his shaking hands apparently worsening the three days of their journey. "Are you all right, Commander?" Nira asked.

"I think I can manage," said Belvedere with an inhale. "I may have left behind my medication, but I can manage."

Much as he's trying to sound labored, there was definitely something off about him. Nira should've been feeling pain, fatigue...and she wasn't. She brushed that briefly, but she couldn't get something definite...maybe it'll present itself when they're waiting aboard.

Once at the transporter room, Nira ordered helmets donned and secured. Once secure, she looked around at her team.

"Doing well, everybody? Especially you, Doctor?" she said, indicating to Doctor Fellows. Once she got the acknowledgements from the team, Nira looked at Cloten's transporter chief.

"Ops is ready to receive you," he said seedily. The team then climbed on.

"Energize," ordered Nira.



[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Transporter Room | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

'H'Riss' nodded over at Nira. It was a bad situation if they had to resort to such a plan, but he still felt it was fair to share it. In case it was shot down, or something better came up. His eye glanced over to Beldevere, and he hummed. That wasn't good. Another piece of the puzzle that Gul Sherem could notice and potentially act upon.

He opened his muzzle slightly but ultimately decided against it. Commander Beldevere was a much higher rank than him, and asking him to step out of the mission while they were in such a critical stage simply felt like a terrible idea. His mission could be jeopardized, though, and he was unsure whether he was aware, or perhaps just trying to reassure himself that he could.

He fixed his 'uniform' up, making sure that he was presentable for meeting with Sherem, as Nira gave the go for them to be beamed into the station. He took a deep breath as he felt his particles and molecules heading somewhere else...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 28, 2023, 10:34:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the report from Discovery as well as the chatter on the bridge before he responded.

"As I've been in Starfleet a wee bit longer than either of you, I am well aware of the 'that's so crazy it could work school of thought', but tis a bit too soon for drastic members. Especially as now we got Jem'Hadar fighters in the mix. And there's another factor. We get ta makin' too much fuss and we may draw the attention of Melek Nor and that's a battle we cannae win if'n it decides ta join the party.

"No, we're goin' ta have ta come at this a different way. I doubt any of you are aware of submarines. Ships that operate under water and are difficult ta detect. Back in the Second World War, there was a long campaign of these submarines tryin' ta sink freighters carryin' war supplies and escortin' surface war ships that were assigned ta protect those freighters. We're goin' ta play submarine while the Breen and Jem'Hadar play destroyer. We're ta hide and they're ta seek.

"Ops, reduce all power ta minimum. Tactical, no active sensors, passive only. Helm, nae more than one quarter impulse. Science, you're ta find me pockets of instabilities or anything else that will scramble sensors. We're ta disappear and make the buggers find us."

Ian only half heard the "Aye Sirs" as he studied the display built into the arm of the command chair and purred.

"Run silent. Run deep. We will."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]
Rin wouldn't argue the point. The captain was much more experienced and much more knowledgable on the space and the people attacking us that she was. She was just glad that the captain actually heard her out as she would start preparations for his method right now. She was a little more risky than most and having a level head probably was a good thing to have around her because she'd probably get a bit carried away with crazy and intense ideas. She heard the second world war again and was trying to hide a quiet chuckle knowing his enjoyment and love of the era. She'd slow everything down and calmed and centerred herself moving slowly through space trying to use some of the plasma storms almost as a cover of view.


Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on June 28, 2023, 11:48:18 PM


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

'H'Riss', internally, and externally, was rather giddy over at the convincing acting that M'nia was displaying as the 'Ambassador'. It was a pleasant surprise to see someone as relatively new as an Ensign getting so much into character and playing along so well with his own cues. He had to remember to invite her for a drink later (maybe for some of that delicious Slug-O-Cola he had tried back at Ferenginar, yum-yum~!) and praise her for her good job. Maybe invite her to the acting troupe that he was trying to set up within the USS Challenger.

It was still in the planning stages, but he thought it had promise. Especially for incognito missions such as this one.

Now, at 'the Ambassador's' response and hiss, he proceeded to laugh once again, only barely reacting to the clawing he had received. "Ah, you're feisty, eh?! That's exactly how I like my women! Haha! Now, be a good girl n' beheve, eh? I dun' want to git myself gettin' all angry, right?"


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Transporter Room | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

'H'Riss' nodded over at Nira. It was a bad situation if they had to resort to such a plan, but he still felt it was fair to share it. In case it was shot down, or something better came up. His eye glanced over to Beldevere, and he hummed. That wasn't good. Another piece of the puzzle that Gul Sherem could notice and potentially act upon.

He opened his muzzle slightly but ultimately decided against it. Commander Beldevere was a much higher rank than him, and asking him to step out of the mission while they were in such a critical stage simply felt like a terrible idea. His mission could be jeopardized, though, and he was unsure whether he was aware, or perhaps just trying to reassure himself that he could.

He fixed his 'uniform' up, making sure that he was presentable for meeting with Sherem, as Nira gave the go for them to be beamed into the station. He took a deep breath as he felt his particles and molecules heading somewhere else...

M'nia was still worried about how this could go sideways. She and Zhuk were putting on a good act but so many things could still go wrong. She had heard the conversation between Zhuk and Kyan. She was much more nervous than it showed on the outside. Still she was a starfleet officer. She would do what she needed. Her tail continued to flick nervously.
Kyan seemed to be alright with this  He was prepared for the worst. He was doing good pretending to be the admirals son. One of the advantages of being an onlie. He seemed to have it together.She knew she could do this. At least that's what she kept telling herself. So much on the line. Still she had been given this opportunity despite being fresh out of the academy so she would not waste it.
She hissed at "h'riss" keeping up the act. Zhuk understood and played along . Thank K'tal that he was so good at this. His energy was really helping her remain in control and continue the act!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

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