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S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck two - Observation Lounge (staging area for Damage Control Team One)]

Quote from: Nira Said on July 19, 2023, 10:57:11 PM

[Captain Ulysses Vaughn | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B | Just Outside The Badlands]

Some time later, the Valiant and the Challenger have arrived at the rendezvous. Vaughn was surprised at what they saw.

"Really? This many ships to greet us?"

"There are several dozen Inquiry-class starships that have joined in," said Nuyu, changing the viewscreen to see.

"We're receiving word from the Legacy, incoming," said Nuyu. "Admiral Kira is going to be coming aboard shortly."

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

T'Kel looked up in time for the Legacy to make a flyby. Why do humans have to show off sometimes?

Knowing that was Admiral Gillespie's flagship...

"Captain, the Legacy is hailing us," she said.

Once the channel was open, they all saw Admirals Kira and Gillespie, side by side.

"Glad you lot can make it," said Gillespie with a grin. "Where the blazes is the Discovery? Nae here yet? Well, we can spare a few of the cookie cutters to go off t'find him."

"We just got the database from Melek Nor," Kira said. "It's encrypted, but the Intelligence people will be able to make use of it. Now it's time to go and corner the old man. We should have enough, plus what Garak, Nural and Rahab are bringing along. I'm going to transfer over to the Valiant and lead some attack wings, with some attached corvettes, to strafe him. Hopefully, he'll recognize us and will want to focus on us. Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet form a perimeter around the station and take care of any Breen and Dominion ships around. We'll be in a good position to bombard the Breen station as long as we're at it."

T'Kel had to raise an eyebrow. The smaller ships, including the Valiant, totaled thirty, and the rest comprised fifty, including the "cookie cutter" reinforcements.

"Besides, the sooner, the better," added Kira. "Legate Nural has got a report that his men, his main whistleblower being the leader, have begun their attack. What's more, a great deal of the infiltration team's been captured, but they're steadily escaping, fighting back and commencing sabotage. Pity our plans don't work as well as expected...we'd best get there as soon as we can."

The view of the fleet assembling in the badlands was impressive.  Even the lackadaisical Andorian stared out the window in awe.   Damn... even the battle against Leyton hadn't required this many ships at once.   This was stuff of legends.

Suddenly, the textbook image of the Battle at Wolf 359 suddenly came to mind and the Andorian shook his head hard to dislodge the thought lest it jinx the entire mission.

Ever curious as to what was going on Lahr moved a bit away from the others of DCT1, to pull out his Padd and using Ruth's command codes accessed the Bridges's cameras to watch and listen in on what was going on.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 20, 2023, 10:31:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt sheepish on learning that Discovery was missing. He thought of the ship as immortal, so it never occurred to him that they could be in trouble. He had to push all that aside as he replied to Gillespie

"Admiral, it was a real furball in the Badlands and we got separated. Valiant was in trouble and after settlin' our business with the Breen, we moved ta him them. I'm ashamed ta say I lost track of Discovery."

When Kira began speaking, Ian barely heard her. He did hear that Challenger would be part of the perimeter and that sparked an idea.

"Admirals, request permission for Challenger ta operate independently and go in search of Discovery."

Quote from: Nira Said on July 23, 2023, 11:11:21 AM

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Permission denied, Captain," said Kira. "However, we can spare a few ships to find them...Captain Vaughn has apprised us of the Discovery's last known location..."

"Yeah, the Eagle's headed in that direction with a handful of other ships," Gillespie said. "We'll divert them over to their position. Dinnae worry, they'll fine them," he added.


Among the slew of Galors, Hidekis and who knows other ships, bringing up the rear were some Ghemor-class carriers as well.

"Is one of those carriers the Kalnak?" asked Sherem. The scanning officer checked, then looked up and nodded.

He pursed his lips. "Rahab and Kira...maybe even Nural and Garak...all my enemies in one place..."

Nira could tell that he was looking torn. Should he fight or should he run. The Cold One, however, certainly seemed to make up his mind.

"Well, what are you standing around for, waiting to be surrounded?" he snarled. "Get the transwarp coil online! And assemble our fleet!"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 23, 2023, 11:36:17 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's jaw locked down at the denial, but try as he might to find some wiggle room to 'misunderstand' what he'd been told, he couldn't so he had to accept that finding Discovery would have to fall to some other ship. He knew whoever it was, they wouldn't be as quick about it as Challenger would, but he had to trust his other captains that they would get the job done in time for it to matter.

"Understood Sir."

He replied, but after a moment's thought, he decided there was more to be said.

"Admiral, my science department has devised a means of detectin' transwarp signatures prior ta them openin'. Not a lot of warnin', just twenty seconds or so, but tis better than nothing. They also have a trace on Discovery's last known position, I'll have the information transmitted ta the fleet."

With a nod, T'Kel sent out the information and all Ian could do was hope it helped with finding the Discovery.

Lahr could tell by the tightening of the Captain's jaw, that Challenger not being allowed to search for their 'guide ship' was upsetting to Galloway.   Well, maybe he could help the search?

With Ruth's command codes, Lahr mirrored the Ops console to his PADD and began first with a search of the comm signals.   If the ship were in trouble, surely they would call for help and it was just a matter of picking up that signal in amongst the hundreds of other comm chatter signals that was filling the badlands.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 23, 2023, 12:30:06 AM


They lost the bridge.
Kinley picked herself up off the ground and nodded to the Captain as he ordered everyone to evacuate the bridge. Her ears were ringing, but one look at the shambles of the room was pretty apparent. It was a miracle that most of them were alive.
The last thing she saw as she evacuated the quickly-failing bridge was a flash of light as the blast doors closed behind them. But they couldn't stop now. They had to get help, and fast, or else none of them would be making it out of this alive, much less the Away team they were trying to wait for. Fortunately, this terminal still worked, so she tried hailing the Challenger. =/\= "œDiscovery to Challenger and all other Federation ships. We need immediate assistance if you can help.  Repeat, we need assistance. =/\=

As luck would have it, the Andorian had barely started his search when the Discovery called for assistance. The signal was faint and broken but the Andorian was certain that it was them.  In an attempt to avoid being discovered using Ruth's command codes, Lahr discreetly guided the Ops comm channel subspace frequency to match that of the incoming distress call, then left it to the new Ops officer to report the find.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on July 23, 2023, 07:26:36 PM

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil yelped when he heard Lt. Sigurdsdottir talk to him. The Ensign didn't think that he had said his opinion about the Jem'Hadar so loud. "œ I wonder if there was a Vorta inside that ship." the young Betazoid said, remembering the stories about how the Dominion used this species to control his homeworld. Having one less of these around the Galaxy wasn't bad.

He also wouldn't drop tears for possible Jem'Hadar and Vortas that were killed. The Dominion could breed and clone them in the thousands. One less wouldn't make any difference.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO:Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"Sorry Ensign, I didn't mean to startle you!" Ruth apologised to Aarwendil showed surprise.  "It's the province of those who have had command..." she explained, "...and those who have been pseudo parents, I brought up my younger sisters... to not only have eyes in the back of my head but 'x-ray ears as my non-scientific sister called it when she was about 5!  They swore I could hear what they were thinking.  That may seem strange for a Betazoid and I'm in no way telepathic, although sometimes it seems like that, and I seem to be a good receptor of telepathic thought, my friends who have the ability, Betazoid, Vulcans and the like have used it to secretly pass messages to me in battle." The CSO explained.

"About the Vorta... perhaps but it is my understanding that so long as there is enough supply of 'The White' a Vorta need not be on the ship.  If they still use that method of course.  They may have evolved to self production of the stuff internally or something by now.  We tend to prefer to not engaging the Jem'Hadar so we don't have as much intel on that as we'd like.  Perhaps this mission may give us more information."

She worried about the Discovery, she had friends on that ship, many of them did, and she wasn't going down without a fight.

Knowing that Hrafn had a habit of using the mostly defunct Bajoran Resistance channel she opened that on her PADD and slipped in an earbud, a trick she'd learned from Lahr, and listened to the chatter, she also sent a quick message to Lahr.

Babe, I've got the Bajoran Resistance channel open on PADD, there's a half chance if Hrafn uses it she got the idea from Capt. Tekin... dunno if you can use that to 'boost the signal' a bit ... y'know put eyes where we don't currently have them.  Our friends are on that ship, we can't just lose them and Gilespie is disinclined to let us go look for them.  Your mission, should you choose to accept....

She hoped Lahr remembered the movies they'd watched sometime about an undercover agent, spy call him what you will called Ethan Hawke... Mission:Impossible movies and set the message to play the theme tune from those movies quietly as he read.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, cover blown | Promenade | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 24, 2023, 04:42:15 AM

:: Promenade | Melok Nor ::

Kyan hadn't been still for this long since he'd escaped the Changeling. Since then he'd been moving and fighting. Well, except for the time spent listening to the Cardassian spill his guts, literally, in the bathroom. But even then his adrenaline was up. Now he was sitting still and his foot was throbbing, as things often did when foreign objects were sticking out of them. His mind was free to take stock of his condition.

This was the part of combat that he didn't like. In the thick of it, especially if he was winning, he always felt invincible. The pain barely registered. There was only the struggle. Win or lose. Live or die. But in these moments when there was a long lull, or even after it was over, the adrenaline slowed down. Pain registered. Fear gnawed at you.

He felt cold, even though it was hot here compared to a Federation ship. He was suddenly very aware of his lack of a shirt, and the fact that his shorts were still damp from falling into the fountain. His ears rang still from where Melot had backhanded him, but that was nothing. And he hadn't really noticed it till now, but he did smell like some foul mixture of grease, sweat, and some sickeningly sweet smelling perfume. And he DID have glitter and body paint splotched everywhere.

But as far as situations went, he'd fared worse. The Hunters invasion of Katra came to mind. As well as his nearly getting killed on the Majestic back in 2356. He was laid up in a hospital on Starbase 201 for months after that. All he got from this was a piece of metal in his foot and a funny story about fighting the Boss hooker. Plus, not for nothing, but he had slain a proper fookin Giant. He smiled at that.

A stab of pain in his foot and Doctor Fellows speaking brought him out of his reverie. When he looked up, Luram and his men were gathered around and had apparently given her a padd. Kyan looked up at her and then at his foot.  "œBut if me foot's all wrapped up with this thing stickin out, I cannae walk!" Kyan complained. "œHow am I tae fight?"

Kyan accepted the offered hand and rose, keeping his leg raised in order to keep it off the deck. "œAye, but um"¦ Do ye think it possible I can hitch a ride the now? On account of this?" he asked indicating his foot. "œI dinnae weigh much."

The request was an odd one, of course. And Zhuk felt a little awkward at being asked if he could carry the Lieutenant. But then again, he was wounded, and it was his duty as his fellow Security officer to provide assistance whenever possible. So the answer came in a simple manner, "Of course. I would not have any problems carrying you."

He let go of his hand, before turning around and squatting, hoping it would be a little less awkward for them both if he gave him a back ride. Once Kyan was all set in, he ensured he was secure and had a good grip, before standing up and going towards the maintenance hatch. Kyan was the first to go in, followed by him, and then by Dr. Fellows.

He remained mostly silent throughout, wondering silently what the state of Commander Said would be. He was worried that she might have already been executed, but then again, he supposed that she would not have been taken back to Ops if that was the case. He steeled himself forward and kept crawling, doing his best not to accidentally hit the Doctor with his tail.


~ Several minutes later ~

:: Prefect's office | Melok Nor ::

Kyan crawled out of the maintainence hatch and into the brighter light of the office. He pulled himself up on the bulkhead and addressed the other two as they emerged. "œYe see?" he asked with a cheeky smile. "œTold ye I knew where it was!"

When they were all in the office, he hopped and used the furniture to get over to where he could peek out the doors.

When he saw the others come up in the lift, Kyan turned back to Fellows and Zhuk. "œO'brien and the others are here too the now, and the Changeling's got Commander Said." He pulled his disruptor around the the front and checked the charge. Seeing that it was ready, he brought the weapon to the ready.

Normally, Kyan would have been first out the door and shooting. And he still wanted to be. But he knew he could barely stand up, let alone place well aimed shots if things got chaotic. And he didn't know the Caitian Security officer that well. He'd been good on the bridge at tactical, and from what he'd seen thus far Kyan had no reason to think he wasn't just as capable in close combat.

"œOk"¦" he paused, but then settled on his plan. He'd given thought to letting Fellows go second, but dismissed it. She was a doctor after all, and he was a Security Officer. Plus, he was hobbled, not dead. Which was what he'd have to be before letting a grup girl go into danger before he did. "œAnd the Guardians'd be havin a good laugh at me if I did so they would!" he told himself. No. He'd be second. She would cover them. He continued. "œMister Mrekrerhas, yer gonna be first out. Den me, and then Doctor Fellows here. We'll give em the chance tae surrender. If they don't, then we start droppin em! Yous guys ready?"

Finally, Kyan emerged through a bulkhead, and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his comment, "I did not doubt you once, Lieutenant."

He attempted to help Dr. Fellows in getting out, once he exited the tunnel. Afterward, he sneakily followed Kyan, before he stopped as his ears picked up something. They swished towards the source, and he then turned towards Kyan as he stated what he already suspected. Their allies had come.


He readied his weapon to engage, already preparing to unleash his rays upon Sherem and the Changeling. That Kyan wanted to take things more peacefully came as a surprise to him. But still, he supposed that it was a fair tactic, considering that Nira could still be on the line of fire. He nodded, giving him a confident look, "Yes, I am ready. Let us do this."

Once the confirmation from Doctor Fellows came, Zhuk sneakily approached the door, peeking through to get a read on the situation, before he swiftly moved out of cover, weapon drawn, and finger close to the trigger.

"Greetings, gentlemen. I would suggest that you surrender immediately, and allow Commander Said to return safely. If these statements are not met in 10 seconds, I shalt open fire upon thee. Am I being clear enough?" There was a hint of a predatory look upon Zhuk's uncovered eye. He was not bluffing when he offered his threat, and he seemed more than keen on firing first at any inconvenience. They both deserved it, after all.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 26, 2023, 11:48:51 AM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, cover blown | Promenade | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

The request was an odd one, of course. And Zhuk felt a little awkward at being asked if he could carry the Lieutenant. But then again, he was wounded, and it was his duty as his fellow Security officer to provide assistance whenever possible. So the answer came in a simple manner, "Of course. I would not have any problems carrying you."

He let go of his hand, before turning around and squatting, hoping it would be a little less awkward for them both if he gave him a back ride. Once Kyan was all set in, he ensured he was secure and had a good grip, before standing up and going towards the maintenance hatch. Kyan was the first to go in, followed by him, and then by Dr. Fellows.

He remained mostly silent throughout, wondering silently what the state of Commander Said would be. He was worried that she might have already been executed, but then again, he supposed that she would not have been taken back to Ops if that was the case. He steeled himself forward and kept crawling, doing his best not to accidentally hit the Doctor with his tail.

Finally, Kyan emerged through a bulkhead, and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his comment, "I did not doubt you once, Lieutenant."

He attempted to help Dr. Fellows in getting out, once he exited the tunnel. Afterward, he sneakily followed Kyan, before he stopped as his ears picked up something. They swished towards the source, and he then turned towards Kyan as he stated what he already suspected. Their allies had come.


He readied his weapon to engage, already preparing to unleash his rays upon Sherem and the Changeling. That Kyan wanted to take things more peacefully came as a surprise to him. But still, he supposed that it was a fair tactic, considering that Nira could still be on the line of fire. He nodded, giving him a confident look, "Yes, I am ready. Let us do this."

Once the confirmation from Doctor Fellows came, Zhuk sneakily approached the door, peeking through to get a read on the situation, before he swiftly moved out of cover, weapon drawn, and finger close to the trigger.

"Greetings, gentlemen. I would suggest that you surrender immediately, and allow Commander Said to return safely. If these statements are not met in 10 seconds, I shalt open fire upon thee. Am I being clear enough?" There was a hint of a predatory look upon Zhuk's uncovered eye. He was not bluffing when he offered his threat, and he seemed more than keen on firing first at any inconvenience. They both deserved it, after all.

[Ops - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess rushed into Ops with her disruptor at the ready with the most fearsome expression she could muster, the one she usually leveled at someone who made a mistake when she was operating. All she could do was hope that it was as scary as she had been told it was.

Truth be told, and in complete violation of her Hippocratic Oath, Jess hoped Sherem would resist. She was able to reconcile this inconsistency with the Oath was to 'do no harm' as a doctor. At the moment, she wasn't acting as a doctor, like it or not, she'd been dragooned into being a commando and she was okay with whatever followed next.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 26, 2023, 11:48:51 AM

"Greetings, gentlemen. I would suggest that you surrender immediately, and allow Commander Said to return safely. If these statements are not met in 10 seconds, I shalt open fire upon thee. Am I being clear enough?"

Kyan hopped out after Zhuk and took up a position beside a console, leaning on it for balance as he took stock of the situation. "Yeah. Sure and the jig is up ya pack of smelly bawbags. Now trow down before we light yer arses up like a yule tree!"

Then he trained his disruptor rifle on the Changeling. "And you can let Commander Said go ye spoiled milkshake lookin git, elsewise I'll blast you where it won't grow back."

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 23, 2023, 11:46:20 AM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, cover blown | Promenade | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Zhuk's fur rose up at being pointed at with a weapon by who he at first had assumed to be one of the women in the brothel, though another quick glance would reveal that she was none other than Doctor Fellows. He relaxed and went back to keeping an eye out for danger.

After briefly returning his fire, Zhuk could swear he had seen someone familiar. Soon enough, that initial overview proved correct, as Kyan dived in behind the debris that Zhuk had found. As he quickly informed that he had been injured, he proceeded to return more than a few dozen shots in a rather uncivilized manner. Heh. Though, he didn't appreciate much his insults toward the Cardassians.

Still, the Caitian made sure to reply in kind too, providing cover fire so that Kyan wouldn't be sniped from afar. Afterward, he quickly returned to taking cover, a couple of shots searing the concrete and metal, though the trio had remained safe and sound from the attack.

Once more, he stood vigil to keep Doctor Fellows and Kyan safe while the former inspected the latter's injury, "That is certainly unpleasant news. We must recover Commander Said. And I would argue that must be done as soon as possible."

"Do not worry, Lieutenant Mackenzie. I may stand here to guard you both. You need not worry about that for the time being. Just focus on keeping still so that your combat effectiveness increases after the treatment." Zhuk spoke toward Kyan, hoping that his statement wouldn't be taken as an offense, considering that he was a much lower rank than him. But he felt that making sure Kyan relaxed and allowed Doctor Fellows to work was the smarter choice. Besides, thus far, things had been calm on this side of the battlefield, or as calm as they could be, anyways.

His ear pivoted towards the statement of the Doctor, and he sighed. It seemed as if Kyan would be left immobilized for the time being, and that was something concerning. For now, though, it seemed as if he was stable, and that did bring him some piece of mind. He too was glad he had kept his distance, as his nose really did not want to find out the stench that he carried alongside him.

Things soon changed, as a group of Cardassians moved in towards their position. At first, Zhukdra'shar was ready to fire upon them, but soon enough, he recognized a face amongst them, one that he had spoken to before. He made sure to raise his weapon, before turning to Fellows and Kyan, "Be advised: I believe we have reinforcements coming. Our Cardassian allies have seen us."

His assumption proved to be correct, as the soldiers formed in a perimeter to keep them safe while the medical magic was worked on, with Zhuk taking in the PADD that Luram offered, to keep either of his fellow officers from becoming distracted by it, "Appreciated. This information too. I believe that will allow us to infiltrate Ops, and retrieve Commander Said. And perhaps, cut the head of this... 'serpent' once and for all. Without leadership, they will crumble under our claws."

He glanced over to gaze at Doctor Fellows and Kyan, wondering what would their thoughts be in this matter.

Well, it seemed as if it was settled then. He stood up, carefully, before offering Doctor Fellows a hand to stand up. Immediately after, he did the same with Kyan, "Do you feel operational, Lieutenant?" He asked, with clear concern, as he then motioned for them to follow,"I believe I gazed upon one of those maintenance conducts before the explosions..."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 24, 2023, 04:42:15 AM

:: Promenade | Melok Nor ::

Kyan hadn't been still for this long since he'd escaped the Changeling. Since then he'd been moving and fighting. Well, except for the time spent listening to the Cardassian spill his guts, literally, in the bathroom. But even then his adrenaline was up. Now he was sitting still and his foot was throbbing, as things often did when foreign objects were sticking out of them. His mind was free to take stock of his condition.

This was the part of combat that he didn't like. In the thick of it, especially if he was winning, he always felt invincible. The pain barely registered. There was only the struggle. Win or lose. Live or die. But in these moments when there was a long lull, or even after it was over, the adrenaline slowed down. Pain registered. Fear gnawed at you.

He felt cold, even though it was hot here compared to a Federation ship. He was suddenly very aware of his lack of a shirt, and the fact that his shorts were still damp from falling into the fountain. His ears rang still from where Melot had backhanded him, but that was nothing. And he hadn't really noticed it till now, but he did smell like some foul mixture of grease, sweat, and some sickeningly sweet smelling perfume. And he DID have glitter and body paint splotched everywhere.

But as far as situations went, he'd fared worse. The Hunters invasion of Katra came to mind. As well as his nearly getting killed on the Majestic back in 2356. He was laid up in a hospital on Starbase 201 for months after that. All he got from this was a piece of metal in his foot and a funny story about fighting the Boss hooker. Plus, not for nothing, but he had slain a proper fookin Giant. He smiled at that.

A stab of pain in his foot and Doctor Fellows speaking brought him out of his reverie. When he looked up, Luram and his men were gathered around and had apparently given her a padd. Kyan looked up at her and then at his foot.  "œBut if me foot's all wrapped up with this thing stickin out, I cannae walk!" Kyan complained. "œHow am I tae fight?"

Kyan accepted the offered hand and rose, keeping his leg raised in order to keep it off the deck. "œAye, but um"¦ Do ye think it possible I can hitch a ride the now? On account of this?" he asked indicating his foot. "œI dinnae weigh much."

~ Several minutes later ~

:: Prefect's office | Melok Nor ::

Kyan crawled out of the maintainence hatch and into the brighter light of the office. He pulled himself up on the bulkhead and addressed the other two as they emerged. "œYe see?" he asked with a cheeky smile. "œTold ye I knew where it was!"

When they were all in the office, he hopped and used the furniture to get over to where he could peek out the doors.

When he saw the others come up in the lift, Kyan turned back to Fellows and Zhuk. "œO'brien and the others are here too the now, and the Changeling's got Commander Said." He pulled his disruptor around the the front and checked the charge. Seeing that it was ready, he brought the weapon to the ready.

Normally, Kyan would have been first out the door and shooting. And he still wanted to be. But he knew he could barely stand up, let alone place well aimed shots if things got chaotic. And he didn't know the Caitian Security officer that well. He'd been good on the bridge at tactical, and from what he'd seen thus far Kyan had no reason to think he wasn't just as capable in close combat.

"œOk"¦" he paused, but then settled on his plan. He'd given thought to letting Fellows go second, but dismissed it. She was a doctor after all, and he was a Security Officer. Plus, he was hobbled, not dead. Which was what he'd have to be before letting a grup girl go into danger before he did. "œAnd the Guardians'd be havin a good laugh at me if I did so they would!" he told himself. No. He'd be second. She would cover them. He continued. "œMister Mrekrerhas, yer gonna be first out. Den me, and then Doctor Fellows here. We'll give em the chance tae surrender. If they don't, then we start droppin em! Yous guys ready?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 23, 2023, 11:36:17 AM

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess never looked up from Kyan's foot. She'd had to improvise and she'd done so by using the multi-tool to cut a sleeve off of her tunic and using the cloth to wrap the foot tightly to keep the shrapnel from moving. It wasn't pretty, but then again, field medicine rarely was.

"Thank you." She said to the Cardassian aiding them, but as she didn't know his name, she simply continued. "Let's go get Nira."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 24, 2023, 01:07:09 PM

[Promenade --> Ops - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

After bandaging Kyan's foot, which she knew how to do and understood, Jess found herself crawling through Jeffries tubes to go rescue Nira and wondering how she got roped into doing so.

"Dammit, I'm a doctor not a commando!"

She screamed internally as she followed the others. Once they were at their destination, Kyan briefed the plan and all Jess could do was nod as there wasn't an alternative option. Even though the idea of getting into a shooting match terrified her, she was a Starfleet officer and she would not let her shipmates down.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 26, 2023, 11:48:51 AM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, cover blown | Promenade | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

The request was an odd one, of course. And Zhuk felt a little awkward at being asked if he could carry the Lieutenant. But then again, he was wounded, and it was his duty as his fellow Security officer to provide assistance whenever possible. So the answer came in a simple manner, "Of course. I would not have any problems carrying you."

He let go of his hand, before turning around and squatting, hoping it would be a little less awkward for them both if he gave him a back ride. Once Kyan was all set in, he ensured he was secure and had a good grip, before standing up and going towards the maintenance hatch. Kyan was the first to go in, followed by him, and then by Dr. Fellows.

He remained mostly silent throughout, wondering silently what the state of Commander Said would be. He was worried that she might have already been executed, but then again, he supposed that she would not have been taken back to Ops if that was the case. He steeled himself forward and kept crawling, doing his best not to accidentally hit the Doctor with his tail.

Finally, Kyan emerged through a bulkhead, and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his comment, "I did not doubt you once, Lieutenant."

He attempted to help Dr. Fellows in getting out, once he exited the tunnel. Afterward, he sneakily followed Kyan, before he stopped as his ears picked up something. They swished towards the source, and he then turned towards Kyan as he stated what he already suspected. Their allies had come.


He readied his weapon to engage, already preparing to unleash his rays upon Sherem and the Changeling. That Kyan wanted to take things more peacefully came as a surprise to him. But still, he supposed that it was a fair tactic, considering that Nira could still be on the line of fire. He nodded, giving him a confident look, "Yes, I am ready. Let us do this."

Once the confirmation from Doctor Fellows came, Zhuk sneakily approached the door, peeking through to get a read on the situation, before he swiftly moved out of cover, weapon drawn, and finger close to the trigger.

"Greetings, gentlemen. I would suggest that you surrender immediately, and allow Commander Said to return safely. If these statements are not met in 10 seconds, I shalt open fire upon thee. Am I being clear enough?" There was a hint of a predatory look upon Zhuk's uncovered eye. He was not bluffing when he offered his threat, and he seemed more than keen on firing first at any inconvenience. They both deserved it, after all.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 26, 2023, 12:26:12 PM

[Ops - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess rushed into Ops with her disruptor at the ready with the most fearsome expression she could muster, the one she usually leveled at someone who made a mistake when she was operating. All she could do was hope that it was as scary as she had been told it was.

Truth be told, and in complete violation of her Hippocratic Oath, Jess hoped Sherem would resist. She was able to reconcile this inconsistency with the Oath was to 'do no harm' as a doctor. At the moment, she wasn't acting as a doctor, like it or not, she'd been dragooned into being a commando and she was okay with whatever followed next.

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

The turbolift had arrived to show Molly, M'Nia and Savar in the turbolift, two Cardassian Gars flanking their rear. Savar, of course, was in his Breen suit, but Nira could tell who it was. Unfortunately, he reacted for a nanosecond...but it was enough time for the Cold One to realize it wasn't a Breen.

"Ah. M'Nia. O'Brien," he said with a hiss. "And...Mister Savar, I gather?"

He extended a tendril and the Vulcan was brought to his knees. The helmet was ripped off, and Savar glared daggers at him.

"If you've hurt her, I will rip your head off!" he snarled.

"Ah, the boyfriend," Sherem said coolingly. "But I never saw a Vulcan like that before..."

"A V'tosh Ka'tur, an extremely rare subculture," answered the Cold One. "Perhaps I can keep him, too, as a trophy. With the girl as...good company...And M'Nia...oh, you are no Ambassador, but I'm afraid, all, your plan has failed..."

He had noticed through the glass the rest of the team emerging, making themselves known as they stepped through the doors. But Zhuk's offer to surrender made everybody laugh. Even the Cold One howled, and in an instant, he had them all in his clutches, all in separate tendrils, hanging them up each like a giant squid holding up their victims.

"Malachi, our plan didn't fail!" snarled Molly. "Your station is vulnerable. You're not going anywhere."

"Be it as it may, we still have teeth," The Cold One sneered.

"But at least no shields."

The Cold One's expression hardened. He brought Nira and Molly closer, the tendrils around them increasing. He looked between them in wonderment.

"Hmmm...which one to take to enjoy, decisions, decisions," he said. "The Betazoid is, Molly...beautiful but troublesome as always....and how would the shields matter? Even if more traitors beam in, we have more reinforcements from the Breen."

Amidst the talking, Nira noticed some simmering lights behind them, and even the old man.

"And speaking of the Breen, you keep not watching your backs," Nira snarled.

"What in the name of the Founders are you...?"

But a disruptor bolt hit him in the shoulder-blade. At least, in humanoid terms. It was enough for the Cold One to drop them all...and enough time for hell to break loose. Everybody whirled and saw a new team of Cardassians, led by a familiar face...

"Did you miss me, Nehor?" called out Rahab Sherem, a disruptor rifle now aiming his way.

"You missed!" the old man called as he went for cover. Everybody was taking their respective covers and shooting. Nira, of course, still had her blades, but she was ready to engage, anyhow. Everybody got their respective ranged weapons, but Nira had one target in mind...though it wasn't the old man. Granted, he was bound to be a target, but her real concern was the Cold One.

And instantly, a white body smacked her and sent her flying. Only the door to the prefect's office stopped the flight. In pain as she was, she looked up in time to see the monster rushing toward her like a man-sized scorpion, and she sliced at him when he got close enough, drawing...well, not blood, but Changeling goo that was pale enough to look like milk.

Recoiling briefly, he took form and jabbed with hands extending huge claws. He had Nira pinned briefly, but he didn't move in for the kill. He just leered close to her face.

"Pity you have to make it this way, beautiful Solid," he said creepingly. Nira responded in kind by slicing her blades upward and slicing his head off in a scissor-like way. She ducked and rolled, but the headless grabbed her and pinned her up next to a window. The mass of goo slipped back to him, and his head regrew.

"Decapitation?" he said. "Really? It's so annoying, and it never works."

"All the same, you can be killed," hissed Nira.

"You wish," he said, but then he noticed something looking out the window. Nira looked his way and saw that the Federation fleet had arrived. A good deal of them were engaging the attendant Jem'Hadar and Breen ships, but the bulk were surrounding the station in an unusual way.

"I don't believe it," the Cold One said in astonishment. It occurred to Nira that he recognized this new formation...

Then he yowled in pain and collapsed, bringing Nira with him. She was satisfied to see his Achilles' tendons - again, in a humanoid - being slashed. All the same, Nira was astonished at how Kyan and Zhuk worked together, surrounded by Jem'Hadar while hovering around the Cold One, like fending off other jackals when two tigers had just crippled a kill.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 23, 2023, 11:36:17 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's jaw locked down at the denial, but try as he might to find some wiggle room to 'misunderstand' what he'd been told, he couldn't so he had to accept that finding Discovery would have to fall to some other ship. He knew whoever it was, they wouldn't be as quick about it as Challenger would, but he had to trust his other captains that they would get the job done in time for it to matter.

"Understood Sir."

He replied, but after a moment's thought, he decided there was more to be said.

"Admiral, my science department has devised a means of detectin' transwarp signatures prior ta them openin'. Not a lot of warnin', just twenty seconds or so, but tis better than nothing. They also have a trace on Discovery's last known position, I'll have the information transmitted ta the fleet."

With a nod, T'Kel sent out the information and all Ian could do was hope it helped with finding the Discovery.

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Legacy NCC-75001-B]

Gillespie could see Galloway's reaction at the denial. He was that close to Discovery, was he?

"That'll be fine," he said. "Transmit to us and we'll forward it to the closest ships to their last known position. I believe it would be the Eagle and a few other ships?"

A nod from Tactical gave him good reassurance.

"Brilliant, then. We'll dispatch. Noo follow us along for the main event."

Time passed quickly - as expected when one isn't paying attention to chronometers - and they had arrived.

"Crikey, the poor buggers are taking a beating," he said, noting the Dominion ships - Jem'Hadar and Breen alike - whalloping the Cardassian Union ships. The fire from both stations certainly wasn't helping matters.

"The station still has teeth," called the Tactical officer - Leftenant Gelding, he remembered - "but the shields are down."

"Brilliant," said Gillespie. "Call in Galloway."

Once transmission was established, Gillespie explained. "Right, here's what's up. Kira will lead attack wings Able, Baker and Charlie to assault the station and other ships in dogfights. You'll take these bunch," he added, nodding at Tactical as they transmitted a list of twenty ships, most of them a bit older but still fight-worthy, "and engage the cruisers. The rest of us will take up formation to surround and bombard the station."

And as such, the fleet began their work, although Gillespie saw an instant snag...

"Jem'Hadar carrier incoming!" called Gelding.

"I see it," said Gillespie grimly. "Tell Commodore Ridalr to start without us. We'll handle these gits. Bring us alongside. Point blank....broadside," he added with relish.

"We're going to get pretty singed at that range, Admiral," Gelding said with caution.

"Nae as singed as they're gonna get, lassie!" Gillespie added with a grin.

Gelding worked furiously to get the starboard pulse phaser turrets online, a handy feature for use in battle. Legacy may not be as fast as Challenger, but was just as defense-heavy and probably packed a greater punch, and that made it Gillespie's perfect flagship, particularly for combat.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck two - Observation Lounge (staging area for Damage Control Team One)]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 25, 2023, 08:44:47 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO:Bridge - USS Challenger-A]
She worried about the Discovery, she had friends on that ship, many of them did, and she wasn't going down without a fight.

Knowing that Hrafn had a habit of using the mostly defunct Bajoran Resistance channel she opened that on her PADD and slipped in an earbud, a trick she'd learned from Lahr, and listened to the chatter, she also sent a quick message to Lahr.

Babe, I've got the Bajoran Resistance channel open on PADD, there's a half chance if Hrafn uses it she got the idea from Capt. Tekin... dunno if you can use that to 'boost the signal' a bit ... y'know put eyes where we don't currently have them.  Our friends are on that ship, we can't just lose them and Gilespie is disinclined to let us go look for them.  Your mission, should you choose to accept....

She hoped Lahr remembered the movies they'd watched sometime about an undercover agent, spy call him what you will called Ethan Hawke... Mission:Impossible movies and set the message to play the theme tune from those movies quietly as he read.

No sooner had Lahr sent off the transmission to the Bridge than the Bridge (or rather Ruth from the Bridge) was messaging him about some Bajoran Resistance channel she wanted him to use.  Lahr grinned at the automatic music that played.  He was glad he was listening via earbud or the music might have attracted the attention of the other members of the Damage Control Team

He quickly typed up a message back.

Have Ops do another scan of the channels. Discovery's calling for aid. I heard them.  I boosted the signal so it would ping a scan.  Gimme a sec... I'll see if I can triangulate their signal.  He sent the message then tried to do on his PADD what he used to do up at Ops... but a PADD was far too limiting.  Nope. It would have to be Cheizex or some other Ops personnel at a proper console, to run the triangulation.   His antennae drooped. He missed being at the center of all things.  That's what being Ops was ... the heart of it all.

Sorry Babe, am not at a console, and this sort of thing can't be done via PADD.  Besides which I'm pushing my luck that someone will notice my activities... ain't exactly using my level of authorization ... if you catch my meaning.  :P   Have Ops run the scan... they'll pick up the signal this time. Have them run a triangulation; from that you'll get the Discovery's coordinates.

He sent the message and lifted his head to watch the spectacle outside the observation window.  And that's how he felt .... a spectator in this whole battle.

Quote from: Nira Said on July 26, 2023, 07:15:51 PM

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Legacy NCC-75001-B]

Gillespie could see Galloway's reaction at the denial. He was that close to Discovery, was he?

"That'll be fine," he said. "Transmit to us and we'll forward it to the closest ships to their last known position. I believe it would be the Eagle and a few other ships?"

A nod from Tactical gave him good reassurance.

"Brilliant, then. We'll dispatch. Noo follow us along for the main event."

Time passed quickly - as expected when one isn't paying attention to chronometers - and they had arrived.

"Crikey, the poor buggers are taking a beating," he said, noting the Dominion ships - Jem'Hadar and Breen alike - whalloping the Cardassian Union ships. The fire from both stations certainly wasn't helping matters.

"The station still has teeth," called the Tactical officer - Leftenant Gelding, he remembered - "but the shields are down."

"Brilliant," said Gillespie. "Call in Galloway."

Once transmission was established, Gillespie explained. "Right, here's what's up. Kira will lead attack wings Able, Baker and Charlie to assault the station and other ships in dogfights. You'll take these bunch," he added, nodding at Tactical as they transmitted a list of twenty ships, most of them a bit older but still fight-worthy, "and engage the cruisers. The rest of us will take up formation to surround and bombard the station."

And as such, the fleet began their work, although Gillespie saw an instant snag...

"Jem'Hadar carrier incoming!" called Gelding.

"I see it," said Gillespie grimly. "Tell Commodore Ridalr to start without us. We'll handle these gits. Bring us alongside. Point blank....broadside," he added with relish.

"We're going to get pretty singed at that range, Admiral," Gelding said with caution.

"Nae as singed as they're gonna get, lassie!" Gillespie added with a grin.

Gelding worked furiously to get the starboard pulse phaser turrets online, a handy feature for use in battle. Legacy may not be as fast as Challenger, but was just as defense-heavy and probably packed a greater punch, and that made it Gillespie's perfect flagship, particularly for combat.

Seeing the battle engage once more, Lahr gathered up his repair kit and workbelt once more.   He doubted Challenger would go as unscathed this time.  Not against a Nor-station. 
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Ops | Melok Nor ::

Kyan had landed on his feet when the Changeling dropped him. Both feet. That mistake had driven the shrapnel further in and elicited a string of curses that might have peeled the paint off the bulkheads. In a moment of rage, the boy had yanked the whole thing out and thrown it across the room. He waited for the spurts of blood that would indicate he'd opened an artery but it never came. Instead it was a steady oozing of dark blood that indicated it wasn't arterial. He'd lose quite a bit, but it wouldn't kill him. And now he had his mobility back, albeit with the addition of a bloody footprint wherever he walked.

He and Zhuk had been working toward Nira and the Changeling since things had popped off properly, fighting through a few Cardassians and Jem Hadar. Kyan baseball slid between a Jem Hadar's legs and came up behind the Changeling, who was holding Nira. The Jem Hadar reached down for him, but was mauled by a blur of Caitian claws and fur for his troubles.

Kyan gave a pair of slashes with the Jem Hadar punch dagger.

Quote from: Nira Said on July 26, 2023, 06:49:13 PM

Then he yowled in pain and collapsed, bringing Nira with him. She was satisfied to see his Achilles' tendons - again, in a humanoid - being slashed. All the same, Nira was astonished at how Kyan and Zhuk worked together, surrounded by Jem'Hadar while hovering around the Cold One, like fending off other jackals when two tigers had just crippled a kill.

"Told ya I'd see to ye." he offered as he stood back up and glanced around at the Jem Hadar reforming around he and Zhuk. "Ya great Snotter."

Kyan sheathed the punch dagger and picked up the kar'tarkin dropped by the Jem Hadar that Zhuk had mauled, testing it's balance. It was a bit heavier than he preferred, but still a better choice than the punch dagger for fighting the Jem Hadar who were all using the same weapon in these close quarters. His eyes shifted between the Changeling with Nira and the Jem Hadar surrounding himself and Zhuk. He adopted a wide, loose stance and gripped the kar'tarkin in a two handed defensive posture with one on the bottom of the pole and the other closer to the top, with the blade out.

"Arright boyos, come get some then!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on July 26, 2023, 06:49:13 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

The turbolift had arrived to show Molly, M'Nia and Savar in the turbolift, two Cardassian Gars flanking their rear. Savar, of course, was in his Breen suit, but Nira could tell who it was. Unfortunately, he reacted for a nanosecond...but it was enough time for the Cold One to realize it wasn't a Breen.

"Ah. M'Nia. O'Brien," he said with a hiss. "And...Mister Savar, I gather?"

He extended a tendril and the Vulcan was brought to his knees. The helmet was ripped off, and Savar glared daggers at him.

"If you've hurt her, I will rip your head off!" he snarled.

"Ah, the boyfriend," Sherem said coolingly. "But I never saw a Vulcan like that before..."

"A V'tosh Ka'tur, an extremely rare subculture," answered the Cold One. "Perhaps I can keep him, too, as a trophy. With the girl as...good company...And M'Nia...oh, you are no Ambassador, but I'm afraid, all, your plan has failed..."

He had noticed through the glass the rest of the team emerging, making themselves known as they stepped through the doors. But Zhuk's offer to surrender made everybody laugh. Even the Cold One howled, and in an instant, he had them all in his clutches, all in separate tendrils, hanging them up each like a giant squid holding up their victims.

"Malachi, our plan didn't fail!" snarled Molly. "Your station is vulnerable. You're not going anywhere."

"Be it as it may, we still have teeth," The Cold One sneered.

"But at least no shields."

The Cold One's expression hardened. He brought Nira and Molly closer, the tendrils around them increasing. He looked between them in wonderment.

"Hmmm...which one to take to enjoy, decisions, decisions," he said. "The Betazoid is, Molly...beautiful but troublesome as always....and how would the shields matter? Even if more traitors beam in, we have more reinforcements from the Breen."

Amidst the talking, Nira noticed some simmering lights behind them, and even the old man.

"And speaking of the Breen, you keep not watching your backs," Nira snarled.

"What in the name of the Founders are you...?"

But a disruptor bolt hit him in the shoulder-blade. At least, in humanoid terms. It was enough for the Cold One to drop them all...and enough time for hell to break loose. Everybody whirled and saw a new team of Cardassians, led by a familiar face...

"Did you miss me, Nehor?" called out Rahab Sherem, a disruptor rifle now aiming his way.

"You missed!" the old man called as he went for cover. Everybody was taking their respective covers and shooting. Nira, of course, still had her blades, but she was ready to engage, anyhow. Everybody got their respective ranged weapons, but Nira had one target in mind...though it wasn't the old man. Granted, he was bound to be a target, but her real concern was the Cold One.

And instantly, a white body smacked her and sent her flying. Only the door to the prefect's office stopped the flight. In pain as she was, she looked up in time to see the monster rushing toward her like a man-sized scorpion, and she sliced at him when he got close enough, drawing...well, not blood, but Changeling goo that was pale enough to look like milk.

Recoiling briefly, he took form and jabbed with hands extending huge claws. He had Nira pinned briefly, but he didn't move in for the kill. He just leered close to her face.

"Pity you have to make it this way, beautiful Solid," he said creepingly. Nira responded in kind by slicing her blades upward and slicing his head off in a scissor-like way. She ducked and rolled, but the headless grabbed her and pinned her up next to a window. The mass of goo slipped back to him, and his head regrew.

"Decapitation?" he said. "Really? It's so annoying, and it never works."

"All the same, you can be killed," hissed Nira.

"You wish," he said, but then he noticed something looking out the window. Nira looked his way and saw that the Federation fleet had arrived. A good deal of them were engaging the attendant Jem'Hadar and Breen ships, but the bulk were surrounding the station in an unusual way.

"I don't believe it," the Cold One said in astonishment. It occurred to Nira that he recognized this new formation...

Then he yowled in pain and collapsed, bringing Nira with him. She was satisfied to see his Achilles' tendons - again, in a humanoid - being slashed. All the same, Nira was astonished at how Kyan and Zhuk worked together, surrounded by Jem'Hadar while hovering around the Cold One, like fending off other jackals when two tigers had just crippled a kill.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 27, 2023, 12:35:06 PM

:: Ops | Melok Nor ::

Kyan had landed on his feet when the Changeling dropped him. Both feet. That mistake had driven the shrapnel further in and elicited a string of curses that might have peeled the paint off the bulkheads. In a moment of rage, the boy had yanked the whole thing out and thrown it across the room. He waited for the spurts of blood that would indicate he'd opened an artery but it never came. Instead it was a steady oozing of dark blood that indicated it wasn't arterial. He'd lose quite a bit, but it wouldn't kill him. And now he had his mobility back, albeit with the addition of a bloody footprint wherever he walked.

He and Zhuk had been working toward Nira and the Changeling since things had popped off properly, fighting through a few Cardassians and Jem Hadar. Kyan baseball slid between a Jem Hadar's legs and came up behind the Changeling, who was holding Nira. The Jem Hadar reached down for him, but was mauled by a blur of Caitian claws and fur for his troubles.

Kyan gave a pair of slashes with the Jem Hadar punch dagger.

"Told ya I'd see to ye." he offered as he stood back up and glanced around at the Jem Hadar reforming around he and Zhuk. "Ya great Snotter."

Kyan sheathed the punch dagger and picked up the kar'tarkin dropped by the Jem Hadar that Zhuk had mauled, testing it's balance. It was a bit heavier than he preferred, but still a better choice than the punch dagger for fighting the Jem Hadar who were all using the same weapon in these close quarters. His eyes shifted between the Changeling with Nira and the Jem Hadar surrounding himself and Zhuk. He adopted a wide, loose stance and gripped the kar'tarkin in a two handed defensive posture with one on the bottom of the pole and the other closer to the top, with the blade out.

"Arright boyos, come get some then!"

[Ops - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

When the shooting started, Jess' Starfleet training kicked in and she alternated between wild dodges to avoid being hit, interspersed with quick shots from her disruptor fired with surgical precision. As she bobbed and weaved between shots, the illogical part of her brain became fixated on a single thought she knew made no sense but was stuck in her head and would not leave.

"So this is what the inside of a kaleidoscope looks like."

The compartment was alive with crossfire, screaming soldiers, and exploding panels. She might not have been a commando, but Jess found herself caught up in the rush of her first ever firefight. She was terrified and exhilarated at the same time and despite the fear, she knew the real danger here was not Sherem. Although she wouldn't mind being the one that wiped that smug expression off his face, no the threat was that pasty white blob of a Changling that was the threat and every chance she could manage it, she pumped shots into the Cold One. She didn't know a lot about Changling physiology, but she knew if she shot it enough, it would burst like an over ripe melon.


Quote from: Nira Said on July 26, 2023, 07:15:51 PM

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Legacy NCC-75001-B]

Gillespie could see Galloway's reaction at the denial. He was that close to Discovery, was he?

"That'll be fine," he said. "Transmit to us and we'll forward it to the closest ships to their last known position. I believe it would be the Eagle and a few other ships?"

A nod from Tactical gave him good reassurance.

"Brilliant, then. We'll dispatch. Noo follow us along for the main event."

Time passed quickly - as expected when one isn't paying attention to chronometers - and they had arrived.

"Crikey, the poor buggers are taking a beating," he said, noting the Dominion ships - Jem'Hadar and Breen alike - whalloping the Cardassian Union ships. The fire from both stations certainly wasn't helping matters.

"The station still has teeth," called the Tactical officer - Leftenant Gelding, he remembered - "but the shields are down."

"Brilliant," said Gillespie. "Call in Galloway."

Once transmission was established, Gillespie explained. "Right, here's what's up. Kira will lead attack wings Able, Baker and Charlie to assault the station and other ships in dogfights. You'll take these bunch," he added, nodding at Tactical as they transmitted a list of twenty ships, most of them a bit older but still fight-worthy, "and engage the cruisers. The rest of us will take up formation to surround and bombard the station."

And as such, the fleet began their work, although Gillespie saw an instant snag...

"Jem'Hadar carrier incoming!" called Gelding.

"I see it," said Gillespie grimly. "Tell Commodore Ridalr to start without us. We'll handle these gits. Bring us alongside. Point blank....broadside," he added with relish.

"We're going to get pretty singed at that range, Admiral," Gelding said with caution.

"Nae as singed as they're gonna get, lassie!" Gillespie added with a grin.

Gelding worked furiously to get the starboard pulse phaser turrets online, a handy feature for use in battle. Legacy may not be as fast as Challenger, but was just as defense-heavy and probably packed a greater punch, and that made it Gillespie's perfect flagship, particularly for combat.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the mission brief and noted the twenty ships designated for Challenger to engage. Even with support, this was going to be a hard fight.


Ian growled and began barking orders.

"Helm, course 147 mark 88, full impulse. Tactical, Attack Pattern Beta Four. Weapons free. Ops, bring the second warp core online and apply the entire output ta point of impact shields. Cue 'Scotland the Brave' on all channels. We're ta break those cruisers and break them we shall! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! FIRE!!"

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on July 27, 2023, 04:00:00 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck two - Observation Lounge (staging area for Damage Control Team One)]
No sooner had Lahr sent off the transmission to the Bridge than the Bridge (or rather Ruth from the Bridge) was messaging him about some Bajoran Resistance channel she wanted him to use.  Lahr grinned at the automatic music that played.  He was glad he was listening via earbud or the music might have attracted the attention of the other members of the Damage Control Team

He quickly typed up a message back.

Have Ops do another scan of the channels. Discovery's calling for aid. I heard them.  I boosted the signal so it would ping a scan.  Gimme a sec... I'll see if I can triangulate their signal.  He sent the message then tried to do on his PADD what he used to do up at Ops... but a PADD was far too limiting.  Nope. It would have to be Cheizex or some other Ops personnel at a proper console, to run the triangulation.   His antennae drooped. He missed being at the center of all things.  That's what being Ops was ... the heart of it all.

Sorry Babe, am not at a console, and this sort of thing can't be done via PADD.  Besides which I'm pushing my luck that someone will notice my activities... ain't exactly using my level of authorization ... if you catch my meaning.  :P   Have Ops run the scan... they'll pick up the signal this time. Have them run a triangulation; from that you'll get the Discovery's coordinates.

He sent the message and lifted his head to watch the spectacle outside the observation window.  And that's how he felt .... a spectator in this whole battle.

Seeing the battle engage once more, Lahr gathered up his repair kit and workbelt once more.   He doubted Challenger would go as unscathed this time.  Not against a Nor-station.
[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth let a wry smile cross her face, she knew exactly what Lahr was saying, and pinged him a quick 'Acknowledged'. She was surprised her access codes were still active but she kept that to herself, who knows when her clearance might be useful.

She swivelled in her chair.  "I dunno if the Captain remembers but I know Lt.Cmdr Falleg-Tekin used the old Bajoran Resistance channels to search too... I'm sure it was something she picked up from her husband Captain Tekin.  That being the case it might help the ships going on the search to find them, they may be putting out info on that to circumvent 'normal' channels and avoid the Jem'Hadar detecting comms. If could you run that scan on the channel I'm sending you, Mr Cheizex?  I figure the more ammo, literally and figuratively we have at our disposal the better."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 27, 2023, 03:25:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the mission brief and noted the twenty ships designated for Challenger to engage. Even with support, this was going to be a hard fight.


Ian growled and began barking orders.

"Helm, course 147 mark 88, full impulse. Tactical, Attack Pattern Beta Four. Weapons free. Ops, bring the second warp core online and apply the entire output ta point of impact shields. Cue 'Scotland the Brave' on all channels. We're ta break those cruisers and break them we shall! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! FIRE!!"

The CSO stifled a laugh with a cough, mostly because she knew the Captain of old.  "Are we attacking with extreme prejudice here, Captain?!" she said mischievously.  "They'll be matchsticks by the time we're finished with them.  Environmental and atmospheric scans sent to the Tactical and Helm stations so use those gas pockets if you see fit, they probably won't knock out a cruiser by themselves but serve to at least knock them off their game.  Even a split second will give them pause and that's our chances made."

Grinning she gave the Captain a look "Never took you for a Shakespeare buff, Sir! However, quote is apt and let's hope the dogs of war are Doberman Pincers, really pissed off Chihuahuas or something and not Toy Poodles!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, cover blown | Ops | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: Nira Said on July 26, 2023, 06:49:13 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

The turbolift had arrived to show Molly, M'Nia and Savar in the turbolift, two Cardassian Gars flanking their rear. Savar, of course, was in his Breen suit, but Nira could tell who it was. Unfortunately, he reacted for a nanosecond...but it was enough time for the Cold One to realize it wasn't a Breen.

"Ah. M'Nia. O'Brien," he said with a hiss. "And...Mister Savar, I gather?"

He extended a tendril and the Vulcan was brought to his knees. The helmet was ripped off, and Savar glared daggers at him.

"If you've hurt her, I will rip your head off!" he snarled.

"Ah, the boyfriend," Sherem said coolingly. "But I never saw a Vulcan like that before..."

"A V'tosh Ka'tur, an extremely rare subculture," answered the Cold One. "Perhaps I can keep him, too, as a trophy. With the girl as...good company...And M'Nia...oh, you are no Ambassador, but I'm afraid, all, your plan has failed..."

He had noticed through the glass the rest of the team emerging, making themselves known as they stepped through the doors. But Zhuk's offer to surrender made everybody laugh. Even the Cold One howled, and in an instant, he had them all in his clutches, all in separate tendrils, hanging them up each like a giant squid holding up their victims.

"Malachi, our plan didn't fail!" snarled Molly. "Your station is vulnerable. You're not going anywhere."

"Be it as it may, we still have teeth," The Cold One sneered.

"But at least no shields."

The Cold One's expression hardened. He brought Nira and Molly closer, the tendrils around them increasing. He looked between them in wonderment.

"Hmmm...which one to take to enjoy, decisions, decisions," he said. "The Betazoid is, Molly...beautiful but troublesome as always....and how would the shields matter? Even if more traitors beam in, we have more reinforcements from the Breen."

Amidst the talking, Nira noticed some simmering lights behind them, and even the old man.

"And speaking of the Breen, you keep not watching your backs," Nira snarled.

"What in the name of the Founders are you...?"

But a disruptor bolt hit him in the shoulder-blade. At least, in humanoid terms. It was enough for the Cold One to drop them all...and enough time for hell to break loose. Everybody whirled and saw a new team of Cardassians, led by a familiar face...

"Did you miss me, Nehor?" called out Rahab Sherem, a disruptor rifle now aiming his way.

"You missed!" the old man called as he went for cover. Everybody was taking their respective covers and shooting. Nira, of course, still had her blades, but she was ready to engage, anyhow. Everybody got their respective ranged weapons, but Nira had one target in mind...though it wasn't the old man. Granted, he was bound to be a target, but her real concern was the Cold One.

And instantly, a white body smacked her and sent her flying. Only the door to the prefect's office stopped the flight. In pain as she was, she looked up in time to see the monster rushing toward her like a man-sized scorpion, and she sliced at him when he got close enough, drawing...well, not blood, but Changeling goo that was pale enough to look like milk.

Recoiling briefly, he took form and jabbed with hands extending huge claws. He had Nira pinned briefly, but he didn't move in for the kill. He just leered close to her face.

"Pity you have to make it this way, beautiful Solid," he said creepingly. Nira responded in kind by slicing her blades upward and slicing his head off in a scissor-like way. She ducked and rolled, but the headless grabbed her and pinned her up next to a window. The mass of goo slipped back to him, and his head regrew.

"Decapitation?" he said. "Really? It's so annoying, and it never works."

"All the same, you can be killed," hissed Nira.

"You wish," he said, but then he noticed something looking out the window. Nira looked his way and saw that the Federation fleet had arrived. A good deal of them were engaging the attendant Jem'Hadar and Breen ships, but the bulk were surrounding the station in an unusual way.

"I don't believe it," the Cold One said in astonishment. It occurred to Nira that he recognized this new formation...

Then he yowled in pain and collapsed, bringing Nira with him. She was satisfied to see his Achilles' tendons - again, in a humanoid - being slashed. All the same, Nira was astonished at how Kyan and Zhuk worked together, surrounded by Jem'Hadar while hovering around the Cold One, like fending off other jackals when two tigers had just crippled a kill.

Zhukdra'shar was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of tendrils from the Changeling that suddenly had him and the rest of his team bound. He discharged a shot, though that was all he could do, and to make things worse, it had gone towards the wall after his body had suddenly been pushed against the wall, his offending hand bound by another tendril as he was squeezed by the ribs. Though he still did not feel them crack, he could feel the pressure increasing steadily... until a disruptor beam hit the Changeling on the equivalent of its shoulder.

It dropped them, an opportunity that Zhuk did not squander, as he began to fire with his own Cardassian phaser pistol, towards the Cardassians and Jem'Hadar that sought to protect Sherem and the Cold One. Nimbly dodging out of the way as the fire was returned to him, he still managed to get grazed in the thigh by one of the weapons of his enemies.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 27, 2023, 12:35:06 PM

:: Ops | Melok Nor ::

Kyan had landed on his feet when the Changeling dropped him. Both feet. That mistake had driven the shrapnel further in and elicited a string of curses that might have peeled the paint off the bulkheads. In a moment of rage, the boy had yanked the whole thing out and thrown it across the room. He waited for the spurts of blood that would indicate he'd opened an artery but it never came. Instead it was a steady oozing of dark blood that indicated it wasn't arterial. He'd lose quite a bit, but it wouldn't kill him. And now he had his mobility back, albeit with the addition of a bloody footprint wherever he walked.

He and Zhuk had been working toward Nira and the Changeling since things had popped off properly, fighting through a few Cardassians and Jem Hadar. Kyan baseball slid between a Jem Hadar's legs and came up behind the Changeling, who was holding Nira. The Jem Hadar reached down for him, but was mauled by a blur of Caitian claws and fur for his troubles.

Kyan gave a pair of slashes with the Jem Hadar punch dagger.

"Told ya I'd see to ye." he offered as he stood back up and glanced around at the Jem Hadar reforming around he and Zhuk. "Ya great Snotter."

Kyan sheathed the punch dagger and picked up the kar'tarkin dropped by the Jem Hadar that Zhuk had mauled, testing it's balance. It was a bit heavier than he preferred, but still a better choice than the punch dagger for fighting the Jem Hadar who were all using the same weapon in these close quarters. His eyes shifted between the Changeling with Nira and the Jem Hadar surrounding himself and Zhuk. He adopted a wide, loose stance and gripped the kar'tarkin in a two handed defensive posture with one on the bottom of the pole and the other closer to the top, with the blade out.

"Arright boyos, come get some then!"

Fur-singed and burnt skin could be felt and seen by Zhuk, but that still did not stop him from charging in with his claws on his left hand to assist Kyan on his maneuver, as a Jem'Hadar closed in and tried to grab him. He turned the Jem'Hadar's face into ribbons as he hissed, the adrenaline still keeping him together and preventing him from focusing on the pain. When the Jem'Hadar proved to be too tough to desist from his attack from just that, and instead decked him with his fist, Zhuk proceeded to fire upon his chest. That placed him out of commission for good.

He groaned in pain as he stumbled back, noticing that Kyan had adopted a defensive stance with his weapon. He noticed the arrival of even more Jem'Hadar to assist the Changeling, and so, Zhuk proceeded to fire upon them, diving towards the floor, and close to a chair, to try and keep himself out of harm's way. As a Jem'Hadar came to slash him with a kar'takin, Zhuk proved to be nimbler as he rolled out of the way from the attack, before springing back up to his feet and aiming at his reptilian face twice.

"I shalt show you why it was a mistake not to surrender! Have at thee, you obstreperous bastards!"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 27, 2023, 03:25:08 PM

[Ops - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

When the shooting started, Jess' Starfleet training kicked in and she alternated between wild dodges to avoid being hit, interspersed with quick shots from her disruptor fired with surgical precision. As she bobbed and weaved between shots, the illogical part of her brain became fixated on a single thought she knew made no sense but was stuck in her head and would not leave.

"So this is what the inside of a kaleidoscope looks like."

The compartment was alive with crossfire, screaming soldiers, and exploding panels. She might not have been a commando, but Jess found herself caught up in the rush of her first ever firefight. She was terrified and exhilarated at the same time and despite the fear, she knew the real danger here was not Sherem. Although she wouldn't mind being the one that wiped that smug expression off his face, no the threat was that pasty white blob of a Changling that was the threat and every chance she could manage it, she pumped shots into the Cold One. She didn't know a lot about Changling physiology, but she knew if she shot it enough, it would burst like an over ripe melon.

As he went in to retrieve the kar'takin, he noticed from the corner of his eye that Doctor Fellows was doing quite well by herself as she fended off her attackers with a disruptor. He would have commented on her rather precise aim and tried to make a note of practicing with her later after all this was over in the shooting range, but another Jem'Hadar stormed his position with his polearm, just as he had managed to grab ahold of his new weapon.

Zhuk's reflexes proved effective, but his lack of training on such a weapon, and the fact that the Jem'Hadar outmatched him in strength, meant that he could barely shift to avoid the worst of the attack. Changing his intent, however, the Jem'Hadar outmaneuvered Zhuk as instead of stabbing his chest, he proceeded to cut at his right shoulder, before tackling Zhuk with full force, causing him to slam on the metal floor, hard.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 28, 2023, 11:13:16 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth let a wry smile cross her face, she knew exactly what Lahr was saying, and pinged him a quick 'Acknowledged'. She was surprised her access codes were still active but she kept that to herself, who knows when her clearance might be useful.

She swivelled in her chair.  "I dunno if the Captain remembers but I know Lt.Cmdr Falleg-Tekin used the old Bajoran Resistance channels to search too... I'm sure it was something she picked up from her husband Captain Tekin.  That being the case it might help the ships going on the search to find them, they may be putting out info on that to circumvent 'normal' channels and avoid the Jem'Hadar detecting comms. If could you run that scan on the channel I'm sending you, Mr Cheizex?  I figure the more ammo, literally and figuratively we have at our disposal the better."

The CSO stifled a laugh with a cough, mostly because she knew the Captain of old.  "Are we attacking with extreme prejudice here, Captain?!" she said mischievously.  "They'll be matchsticks by the time we're finished with them.  Environmental and atmospheric scans sent to the Tactical and Helm stations so use those gas pockets if you see fit, they probably won't knock out a cruiser by themselves but serve to at least knock them off their game.  Even a split second will give them pause and that's our chances made."

Grinning she gave the Captain a look "Never took you for a Shakespeare buff, Sir! However, quote is apt and let's hope the dogs of war are Doberman Pincers, really pissed off Chihuahuas or something and not Toy Poodles!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was sitting leaning forward in the command chair his entire body tense from the rapidly approaching battle. He was angry and ready to vent that anger on the Breen and Dominion standing in the way of the search for the Discovery. When Ruth spoke, it broke the spell he was in.

"Not really a Shakespeare fan, but the 'cry havoc' line seemed appropriate. However, yes, we are attackin' these gits with extreme prejudice. Sooner we burn these buggers down, the sooner we can look for the Discovery."


Quote from: Nira Said on July 26, 2023, 06:49:13 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

The turbolift had arrived to show Molly, M'Nia and Savar in the turbolift, two Cardassian Gars flanking their rear. Savar, of course, was in his Breen suit, but Nira could tell who it was. Unfortunately, he reacted for a nanosecond...but it was enough time for the Cold One to realize it wasn't a Breen.

"Ah. M'Nia. O'Brien," he said with a hiss. "And...Mister Savar, I gather?"

He extended a tendril and the Vulcan was brought to his knees. The helmet was ripped off, and Savar glared daggers at him.

"If you've hurt her, I will rip your head off!" he snarled.

"Ah, the boyfriend," Sherem said coolingly. "But I never saw a Vulcan like that before..."

"A V'tosh Ka'tur, an extremely rare subculture," answered the Cold One. "Perhaps I can keep him, too, as a trophy. With the girl as...good company...And M'Nia...oh, you are no Ambassador, but I'm afraid, all, your plan has failed..."

He had noticed through the glass the rest of the team emerging, making themselves known as they stepped through the doors. But Zhuk's offer to surrender made everybody laugh. Even the Cold One howled, and in an instant, he had them all in his clutches, all in separate tendrils, hanging them up each like a giant squid holding up their victims.

"Malachi, our plan didn't fail!" snarled Molly. "Your station is vulnerable. You're not going anywhere."

"yeah gotta second that Your problem is overconfidence! Never underestimate the good guys! That's us by the way! So you're right. I'm no ambassador but I fooled your buddy" M'nia said with a feral grin as she struggled against the tendrils. "You have us for the moment but it won't last!"

"Be it as it may, we still have teeth," The Cold One sneered.

"Teeth can be pulled slimy!" M'nia said defiantly!


"But at least no shields."

The Cold One's expression hardened. He brought Nira and Molly closer, the tendrils around them increasing. He looked between them in wonderment.

"Hmmm...which one to take to enjoy, decisions, decisions," he said. "The Betazoid is, Molly...beautiful but troublesome as always....and how would the shields matter? Even if more traitors beam in, we have more reinforcements from the Breen."

Amidst the talking, Nira noticed some simmering lights behind them, and even the old man.

"And speaking of the Breen, you keep not watching your backs," Nira snarled.

"What in the name of the Founders are you...?"

But a disruptor bolt hit him in the shoulder-blade. At least, in humanoid terms. It was enough for the Cold One to drop them all...and enough time for hell to break loose. Everybody whirled and saw a new team of Cardassians, led by a familiar face...

"Did you miss me, Nehor?" called out Rahab Sherem, a disruptor rifle now aiming his way.

"Don't know who you are lady but I take ti you are on our side! Welcome to the party!"


"You missed!" the old man called as he went for cover. Everybody was taking their respective covers and shooting. Nira, of course, still had her blades, but she was ready to engage, anyhow. Everybody got their respective ranged weapons, but Nira had one target in mind...though it wasn't the old man. Granted, he was bound to be a target, but her real concern was the Cold One.

And instantly, a white body smacked her and sent her flying. Only the door to the prefect's office stopped the flight. In pain as she was, she looked up in time to see the monster rushing toward her like a man-sized scorpion, and she sliced at him when he got close enough, drawing...well, not blood, but Changeling goo that was pale enough to look like milk.

Recoiling briefly, he took form and jabbed with hands extending huge claws. He had Nira pinned briefly, but he didn't move in for the kill. He just leered close to her face.

"All the same, you can be killed," hissed Nira.

"You wish," he said, but then he noticed something looking out the window. Nira looked his way and saw that the Federation fleet had arrived. A good deal of them were engaging the attendant Jem'Hadar and Breen ships, but the bulk were surrounding the station in an unusual way.

"I don't believe it," the Cold One said in astonishment. It occurred to Nira that he recognized this new formation...

Then he yowled in pain and collapsed, bringing Nira with him. She was satisfied to see his Achilles' tendons - again, in a humanoid - being slashed. All the same, Nira was astonished at how Kyan and Zhuk worked together, surrounded by Jem'Hadar while hovering around the Cold One, like fending off other jackals when two tigers had just crippled a kill.

"That's half your problem slimey. You don't believe what is obviously true! Commander, you alright?" M'nia said. "By the way, Nice shot! How did you hurt him?" she fired a shot from her disruptor that she had taken off one of the guards at the cold one  to see if that did anything. "I though blades didn't hurt them?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 27, 2023, 03:25:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the mission brief and noted the twenty ships designated for Challenger to engage. Even with support, this was going to be a hard fight.


Ian growled and began barking orders.

"Helm, course 147 mark 88, full impulse. Tactical, Attack Pattern Beta Four. Weapons free. Ops, bring the second warp core online and apply the entire output ta point of impact shields. Cue 'Scotland the Brave' on all channels. We're ta break those cruisers and break them we shall! Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! FIRE!!"

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Already on it, sir!"  Aarwendil said, while moving his hands across the console. As the Captain had ordered, the young Betazoid put the other warp core online and applied the output in the shields. If they were going to engage other ships, doing it would increase the Challenger's defenses.

The only thing that he didn't understand was why the Captain still wanted the song that sounded like agonizing animals to be blasted on all the channels. However, it seemed to help in the fight so far. He wasn't going to question this order. Aarwendil immediately made what he was ordered and soon "œScotland the Brave" was sounding in all the channels connected to the Challenger.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 28, 2023, 11:13:16 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth let a wry smile cross her face, she knew exactly what Lahr was saying, and pinged him a quick 'Acknowledged'. She was surprised her access codes were still active but she kept that to herself, who knows when her clearance might be useful.

She swivelled in her chair.  "I dunno if the Captain remembers but I know Lt.Cmdr Falleg-Tekin used the old Bajoran Resistance channels to search too... I'm sure it was something she picked up from her husband Captain Tekin.  That being the case it might help the ships going on the search to find them, they may be putting out info on that to circumvent 'normal' channels and avoid the Jem'Hadar detecting comms. If could you run that scan on the channel I'm sending you, Mr Cheizex?  I figure the more ammo, literally and figuratively we have at our disposal the better."

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Yes, ma'am." Sigurdsdottir didn't need to ask twice, Aarwendil was already working to find the location of the Discovery. He scanned the channel and located the ship.  "œFound it! Transmitting the information to you, ma'am.

Betazoid, Male

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