S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

In a swirl, Cloten's transporter room disappeared and they reappeared in a familiar room. If it wasn't for the blue gasoline-fire-esque view of the Badlands outside the windows, Nira would've presumed they were back on Deep Space Nine...or, more specifically, Terok Nor, circa Occupation era, given all the Cardassians. Or maybe Deep Space Nine pre-Operation Retrieve, given the Jem'Hadar and Cardassian soldiers around.

From inside the Breen helmet, she looked around at her fellow fake Breen and "H'riss" and his "captives." She managed to convey her body language so that it was more saying, "Where's the man in charge?"

And just like that, he stood before her. Maybe she wasn't paying much attention, but he seemed to have some kind of Allah-to-goodness way of sneaking up on people.

"Welcome to Melek Nor," said the old man. "I assume you're here to make your delivery."

"That we are," Nira answered as "Hubs." "I speak for my fellow Breen, but we have H'Riss to thank for the brains, execution, and know-how regarding the Ambassador."

She gestured at Zhuk and M'Nia, but Old Man Sherem was scowling at Kyan.

"And this is Captain Vaughn's son?" he said. He was leering long and hard at the boy. From his body language, Nira can see that the old man was wondering if the boy was familiar.

"Our insurance policy, as Mister Cloten so put it," she said. "To guarantee the Federation leaves us alone when we made off with our prize."

"And what reason do you have?"

"Hubs" pulled up her PADD. "This," she said. "Fleet positions everywhere this side of the Federation border. Every. Single. Federation. Starship. I bet you'd love to know where they all can be so you can hunt them down and eliminate them."

Now the old man was interested, finally pulling his eyes away from Kyan. "Well...now you have my attention," he said in an intriguingly oily voice. "It could speed things up considerably with my jumping the station around. I could whittle down the fleet a lot more; Bajor could be wide open, along with Tarkalia, Denobula...It can save me a lot of time. Still, my Dominion friends have other plans for Starfleet, and if they had the number of ships they had at the height of the old war, when they had the Alpha Quadrant in their fingers, already here, the Federation would be mine, and the Dominion's and the Breen's already."

Now that the old man had mentioned it, it dawned on Nira when she saw the ships around the Breen station, she wondered why there weren't any more ships, especially Dominion ships, around the station.

"Well, if there were that many numbers," "Hubs" said, "if our enemies knew, they'd be cowering in fear. They're probably spread around."

"Very spread around," the old man boasted with a chuckle. "What the Breen has here is just one of many. There are similar stations and dockyards all over Breen space, all under the protection of the Breen, all guaranteeing the Dominion's return to power. I doubt you'd know that if you bunch were working as mercenaries, especially if you haven't been back for some time."

"It's true we've been away a while," said "Hubs" with a shrug. "Seems we're set to rule the Alpha Quadrant again."

"And we're not the only ones," said the old man with a maniacal grin. "There are plenty of peoples with grudges against the Federation and even the Klingons who have a bountiful of Dominion influences on the rise and hidden away. Romulans warlords, Tzenkethi clans, Kzinti tribes, oh they want very much to have Jem'Hadar soldiers and Dominion firepower at their beck and call."

"Well. The Federation and the Klingons are bound to be surrounded on all sides, am I right, comrades?" said "Hubs," looking around at her fellow "Breen." However, Nira was gobsmacked at the news. This was dangerous news if the Dominion have pockets of refuge around Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

"Now, we have the two prisoners for you and the Ambassadors' information," "Hubs" said, to which Sherem shrugged.

"Well, if you wish for your cut," he said, "by all means. The little furball probably won't likely provide so much as a slip of latinum, will he? Meantime, let's see the information."

"Hubs" handed the PADD over to the old man. So far, it seemed to be going according to plan, though Nira was determined to keep an eye on the old man's reactions. He was looking more and more suspicious, and she had to consider the possibility of a backup plan. Still, the determination to keep an eye on Old Man Sherem was going to prove challenging; she could see Commander Belvedere's hand shaking, still shaking, out of sight from the soldiers. She could determine Savar and Doctor Fellows and Commander O'Brien under their helmets just from empathy, but she was having trouble with Belvedere...he kept his shaking hand out of  sight, even more so when "Hubs" looked at him, but it was not lost on Nira.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Ops | Melok Nor ::

As his molecules finished coalescing once more into their proper places, Kyan fought to urge to do his customary pat down to ensure everything was where it ought to be. Instead he took stock of his situation. The place was packed with Breen, Jem Hadar, and Cardassians. Leading the welcoming party was Gul Sherem himself. Now that he was here in front of him, Kyan had a nagging sensation that he had either seen or met the man before. But where?

He ran through prominent meetings with Cardassians beginning at Setlik III in 2362. He'd been an Ensign... or had he gotten promoted? No. That was after the whole punching the XO in the nethers thing. He was definitely an ensign. The Cairo had gotten there way after the Rutledge and was helping to find survivors and recover bodies. There was a Cardassian ship too... but no battle. In any case, Kyan didn't remember interacting with any Cardassians then.

Running through the Dominion War, he couldn't recall interacting with Sherem before. But there was definitely something odd about him... and familiar. His speech was different. He'd call it a "twang" if Sherem was from Earth. It was distinctive anyway. Maybe it was that? He'd served with a lot of American Southerners. Their speech was always different.

Finally, he decided that he wasn't going to remember and quit trying, consciously anyway. Instead, he worked on stealing glances around and trying to figure out how many people were there... just in case. But as he was doing that, he felt eyes on him.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

She gestured at Zhuk and M'Nia, but Old Man Sherem was scowling at Kyan.

"And this is Captain Vaughn's son?" he said. He was leering long and hard at the boy. From his body language, Nira can see that the old man was wondering if the boy was familiar.

Kyan looked up for an instant and away just as quickly. If he WAS familiar to Sherem, eye contact would give it away for a few different reasons. He'd heard it said by grups that Onlies were distinctive that way. Some called it sad eyes; or haunted. He didn't consider himself "haunted" but he supposed there might be something to it. But besides that, he was supposed to be scared. And prolonged eye contact with your "captor" sent a different message."

Luckily, Commander Said was able to capture Sherem's attention with their stolen ship deployments; which allowed him to carry on getting the lay of the land. When he got around to Belvedere, he looked off. Like something was wrong with him. Kyan didn't know him so he couldn't say. Maybe he was just a weirdo. Grups always had some thing or another wrong with them. Some syndrome or sickness. It was probably why they kept so many doctors and headshrinks around.

As Sherem blathered on about the coming conflict; wherein he and his pals would destroy the Federation and Klingons and the usual demented grup stuff that the baddies usually got on about, which seemed like pretty standard "pissed because we lost the war and trying to get revenge" stuff, Kyan looked over at "H'Riss".

"Hey, Calico Jack. I gotta go to the bathroom." he spoke up in his "Americanized" accent. He figured, if nothing else, needing to pee at an inopportune time was a sufficiently good way to convince people that he was in fact, a scared kid... even if it was only half true. And he might be able to get enough time alone to put together his palm disruptor in case things went off the rails.

Mainly though, he was telling the truth. He really DID need to go.


Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on June 26, 2023, 07:35:46 PM

[USS Challenger-A - Sickbay]

When they finally reached the Sickbay, Aarwendil helped the other Ensign enter the room. "œDoctor, she hit her head." he said to the man that was there. "œThere are others like her coming. I think that some are even in worse conditions.


No sooner had the thought of casualties crossed his mind than the doors to sickbay opened to admit his first patient. "Thank you, Ensign," Evan said to the young man in yellow. "No doubt you're right," he added as he transferred the injured woman onto a biobed with the young man's help.

"Are you yourself injured at all, Ensign ---?" Evan asked, not finding any visible marks as he gave the kid a quick once over. He turned his attention back to the woman on the biobed, running a scanner around her head to check for internal bleeding. Thankfully there was none, and the gash on her forehead, though considerable, wasn't quite as scary as it looked. Flesh wounds on the face tended to bleed like a stuck pig. The concussion, however, was another story.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.



"Are you yourself injured at all, Ensign ---?" Evan asked, not finding any visible marks as he gave the kid a quick once over. He turned his attention back to the woman on the biobed, running a scanner around her head to check for internal bleeding. Thankfully there was none, and the gash on her forehead, though considerable, wasn't quite as scary as it looked. Flesh wounds on the face tended to bleed like a stuck pig. The concussion, however, was another story.

[ Ensign Seyefa - Sickbay - USS Challenger-A ]

Ensign Seyefa rubbed her head, "Hit my head, felt like it cut, disoriented and throwing up, trouble standing. I think thats it. Pounding headache. Any way I can get back to work soon? Or least tell the Chief Engineer I am not reporting for duty?"

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Ops | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: Nira Said on June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

In a swirl, Cloten's transporter room disappeared and they reappeared in a familiar room. If it wasn't for the blue gasoline-fire-esque view of the Badlands outside the windows, Nira would've presumed they were back on Deep Space Nine...or, more specifically, Terok Nor, circa Occupation era, given all the Cardassians. Or maybe Deep Space Nine pre-Operation Retrieve, given the Jem'Hadar and Cardassian soldiers around.

From inside the Breen helmet, she looked around at her fellow fake Breen and "H'riss" and his "captives." She managed to convey her body language so that it was more saying, "Where's the man in charge?"

And just like that, he stood before her. Maybe she wasn't paying much attention, but he seemed to have some kind of Allah-to-goodness way of sneaking up on people.

"Welcome to Melek Nor," said the old man. "I assume you're here to make your delivery."

"That we are," Nira answered as "Hubs." "I speak for my fellow Breen, but we have H'Riss to thank for the brains, execution, and know-how regarding the Ambassador."

She gestured at Zhuk and M'Nia, but Old Man Sherem was scowling at Kyan.

"And this is Captain Vaughn's son?" he said. He was leering long and hard at the boy. From his body language, Nira can see that the old man was wondering if the boy was familiar.

"Our insurance policy, as Mister Cloten so put it," she said. "To guarantee the Federation leaves us alone when we made off with our prize."

"And what reason do you have?"

"Hubs" pulled up her PADD. "This," she said. "Fleet positions everywhere this side of the Federation border. Every. Single. Federation. Starship. I bet you'd love to know where they all can be so you can hunt them down and eliminate them."

Now the old man was interested, finally pulling his eyes away from Kyan. "Well...now you have my attention," he said in an intriguingly oily voice. "It could speed things up considerably with my jumping the station around. I could whittle down the fleet a lot more; Bajor could be wide open, along with Tarkalia, Denobula...It can save me a lot of time. Still, my Dominion friends have other plans for Starfleet, and if they had the number of ships they had at the height of the old war, when they had the Alpha Quadrant in their fingers, already here, the Federation would be mine, and the Dominion's and the Breen's already."

Now that the old man had mentioned it, it dawned on Nira when she saw the ships around the Breen station, she wondered why there weren't any more ships, especially Dominion ships, around the station.

"Well, if there were that many numbers," "Hubs" said, "if our enemies knew, they'd be cowering in fear. They're probably spread around."

"Very spread around," the old man boasted with a chuckle. "What the Breen has here is just one of many. There are similar stations and dockyards all over Breen space, all under the protection of the Breen, all guaranteeing the Dominion's return to power. I doubt you'd know that if you bunch were working as mercenaries, especially if you haven't been back for some time."

"It's true we've been away a while," said "Hubs" with a shrug. "Seems we're set to rule the Alpha Quadrant again."

"And we're not the only ones," said the old man with a maniacal grin. "There are plenty of peoples with grudges against the Federation and even the Klingons who have a bountiful of Dominion influences on the rise and hidden away. Romulans warlords, Tzenkethi clans, Kzinti tribes, oh they want very much to have Jem'Hadar soldiers and Dominion firepower at their beck and call."

"Well. The Federation and the Klingons are bound to be surrounded on all sides, am I right, comrades?" said "Hubs," looking around at her fellow "Breen." However, Nira was gobsmacked at the news. This was dangerous news if the Dominion have pockets of refuge around Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

"Now, we have the two prisoners for you and the Ambassadors' information," "Hubs" said, to which Sherem shrugged.

"Well, if you wish for your cut," he said, "by all means. The little furball probably won't likely provide so much as a slip of latinum, will he? Meantime, let's see the information."

"Hubs" handed the PADD over to the old man. So far, it seemed to be going according to plan, though Nira was determined to keep an eye on the old man's reactions. He was looking more and more suspicious, and she had to consider the possibility of a backup plan. Still, the determination to keep an eye on Old Man Sherem was going to prove challenging; she could see Commander Belvedere's hand shaking, still shaking, out of sight from the soldiers. She could determine Savar and Doctor Fellows and Commander O'Brien under their helmets just from empathy, but she was having trouble with Belvedere...he kept his shaking hand out of  sight, even more so when "Hubs" looked at him, but it was not lost on Nira.

Zhukdra'shar would admit this to one. But he didn't enjoy being transported in this manner. He much preferred using a shuttle. His fur always felt a little strange with this procedure right afterwards, but he wasn't sure if it was something psychological, or if it was something tangible.

He wasn't Zhuk, though, he was 'H'Riss'. And he had decided that he did not mind being beamed. So, he endured it.

As 'Hubs' began to talk, he offered a smirk and a bit of a bow towards Gul Sherem, wanting to show off that he had some respect for him. A twinge of worry came awash him as Sherem seemed to suspect 'Vaughn's son' for some reason, though he fought the urge to bristle his fur successfully. To everyone in the room, he looked calm, collected, and quite frankly, overly confident. Cocky, even.

Except when it came to Nira. She probably could feel his emotions all swelling and changing inside. He listened with interest to the information that he had unwittingly unveiled. It couldn't be possible for the Breen to be operating in so many places without the Federation having noticed before, correct? At least, they had a bunch of information that they could employ to bring them down if it came to pass.

The news of the Tzenkethi, the Kzinti, and the Romulans was also unwelcome. Maybe perhaps even more so than those of the Breen before. Though, he supposed it was to be expected. He had never met a Kzinti before, but he had heard they were savage and brutal, with a mindset that would see them conquer and subjugate everyone they perceived as weaker. He hadn't heard much of the Tzenkethi, but he would assume based on this that, as the Romulans, all wanted a piece of the cake that they believed the fall of the Federation would give them.

Hm. Like if that was ever going to happen.

At the mention of payment, his ears swished both in Gul Sherem's direction. He offered a grin, "Oh yes... that's my hard-earned latinum. No offense," He turned over to 'Hubs',"But there's a moon I still wanna buy~ Can't let my broder get his furry mitts on it first, yes?"

So far so good. So far so good. Gul Sherem still apparently believed the ruse. Everyone had just to keep up with the excellent work so far. And perhaps fail to see Beldevere's motions. Calm down 'H'Riss'. Its all going well so far...

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 28, 2023, 07:52:13 AM

:: Ops | Melok Nor ::

As his molecules finished coalescing once more into their proper places, Kyan fought to urge to do his customary pat down to ensure everything was where it ought to be. Instead he took stock of his situation. The place was packed with Breen, Jem Hadar, and Cardassians. Leading the welcoming party was Gul Sherem himself. Now that he was here in front of him, Kyan had a nagging sensation that he had either seen or met the man before. But where?

He ran through prominent meetings with Cardassians beginning at Setlik III in 2362. He'd been an Ensign... or had he gotten promoted? No. That was after the whole punching the XO in the nethers thing. He was definitely an ensign. The Cairo had gotten there way after the Rutledge and was helping to find survivors and recover bodies. There was a Cardassian ship too... but no battle. In any case, Kyan didn't remember interacting with any Cardassians then.

Running through the Dominion War, he couldn't recall interacting with Sherem before. But there was definitely something odd about him... and familiar. His speech was different. He'd call it a "twang" if Sherem was from Earth. It was distinctive anyway. Maybe it was that? He'd served with a lot of American Southerners. Their speech was always different.

Finally, he decided that he wasn't going to remember and quit trying, consciously anyway. Instead, he worked on stealing glances around and trying to figure out how many people were there... just in case. But as he was doing that, he felt eyes on him.

Kyan looked up for an instant and away just as quickly. If he WAS familiar to Sherem, eye contact would give it away for a few different reasons. He'd heard it said by grups that Onlies were distinctive that way. Some called it sad eyes; or haunted. He didn't consider himself "haunted" but he supposed there might be something to it. But besides that, he was supposed to be scared. And prolonged eye contact with your "captor" sent a different message."

Luckily, Commander Said was able to capture Sherem's attention with their stolen ship deployments; which allowed him to carry on getting the lay of the land. When he got around to Belvedere, he looked off. Like something was wrong with him. Kyan didn't know him so he couldn't say. Maybe he was just a weirdo. Grups always had some thing or another wrong with them. Some syndrome or sickness. It was probably why they kept so many doctors and headshrinks around.

As Sherem blathered on about the coming conflict; wherein he and his pals would destroy the Federation and Klingons and the usual demented grup stuff that the baddies usually got on about, which seemed like pretty standard "pissed because we lost the war and trying to get revenge" stuff, Kyan looked over at "H'Riss".

"Hey, Calico Jack. I gotta go to the bathroom." he spoke up in his "Americanized" accent. He figured, if nothing else, needing to pee at an inopportune time was a sufficiently good way to convince people that he was in fact, a scared kid... even if it was only half true. And he might be able to get enough time alone to put together his palm disruptor in case things went off the rails.

Mainly though, he was telling the truth. He really DID need to go.

'H'Riss' overheard the Americanized voice of 'Vaugh's son', and almost immediately rolled his eye. He raised his hands upwards, claws coming into view as he then turned towards him and slightly lowered himself, threatening with hurting him. However, he didn't, instead returning to a more neutral, if angry, position.

"Grrr... pipsqueak... you're makin' me look bad in front of the big honcho..." He feigned taking a deep breath to try and calm down. Clearly looking embarrassed, he turned over to Gul Sherem, and in his best diplomatic, though fed-up voice that he could muster, he spoke up, "Esteemed... Gul Sherem. Perhaps you will be... gracious to let me take dis brat over to the bathroom..."

He raised a finger up, before glancing over at Kyan, "Grr... he is real good at pesterin' me when he wants somethin'... food, water, entertainment," He listed, using his fingers to do so.

"Am frankly at my wits end with this brat... grr... just want to get this over with... this is the last time I kidnap one of these... at least there is no escape now... heehe..." He ranted on a hushed voice, just to make the proposal more likely. He still wasn't sure what he had in mind, but, why not give him a chance?

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on June 29, 2023, 01:04:35 AM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Ops | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Zhukdra'shar would admit this to one. But he didn't enjoy being transported in this manner. He much preferred using a shuttle. His fur always felt a little strange with this procedure right afterwards, but he wasn't sure if it was something psychological, or if it was something tangible.

He wasn't Zhuk, though, he was 'H'Riss'. And he had decided that he did not mind being beamed. So, he endured it.

As 'Hubs' began to talk, he offered a smirk and a bit of a bow towards Gul Sherem, wanting to show off that he had some respect for him. A twinge of worry came awash him as Sherem seemed to suspect 'Vaughn's son' for some reason, though he fought the urge to bristle his fur successfully. To everyone in the room, he looked calm, collected, and quite frankly, overly confident. Cocky, even.

Except when it came to Nira. She probably could feel his emotions all swelling and changing inside. He listened with interest to the information that he had unwittingly unveiled. It couldn't be possible for the Breen to be operating in so many places without the Federation having noticed before, correct? At least, they had a bunch of information that they could employ to bring them down if it came to pass.

The news of the Tzenkethi, the Kzinti, and the Romulans was also unwelcome. Maybe perhaps even more so than those of the Breen before. Though, he supposed it was to be expected. He had never met a Kzinti before, but he had heard they were savage and brutal, with a mindset that would see them conquer and subjugate everyone they perceived as weaker. He hadn't heard much of the Tzenkethi, but he would assume based on this that, as the Romulans, all wanted a piece of the cake that they believed the fall of the Federation would give them.

Hm. Like if that was ever going to happen.

At the mention of payment, his ears swished both in Gul Sherem's direction. He offered a grin, "Oh yes... that's my hard-earned latinum. No offense," He turned over to 'Hubs',"But there's a moon I still wanna buy~ Can't let my broder get his furry mitts on it first, yes?"

So far so good. So far so good. Gul Sherem still apparently believed the ruse. Everyone had just to keep up with the excellent work so far. And perhaps fail to see Beldevere's motions. Calm down 'H'Riss'. Its all going well so far...

'H'Riss' overheard the Americanized voice of 'Vaugh's son', and almost immediately rolled his eye. He raised his hands upwards, claws coming into view as he then turned towards him and slightly lowered himself, threatening with hurting him. However, he didn't, instead returning to a more neutral, if angry, position.

"Grrr... pipsqueak... you're makin' me look bad in front of the big honcho..." He feigned taking a deep breath to try and calm down. Clearly looking embarrassed, he turned over to Gul Sherem, and in his best diplomatic, though fed-up voice that he could muster, he spoke up, "Esteemed... Gul Sherem. Perhaps you will be... gracious to let me take dis brat over to the bathroom..."

He raised a finger up, before glancing over at Kyan, "Grr... he is real good at pesterin' me when he wants somethin'... food, water, entertainment," He listed, using his fingers to do so.

"Am frankly at my wits end with this brat... grr... just want to get this over with... this is the last time I kidnap one of these... at least there is no escape now... heehe..." He ranted on a hushed voice, just to make the proposal more likely. He still wasn't sure what he had in mind, but, why not give him a chance?

"Serves you right for kidnapping him in the first place!" M'nia said. "Listen up seagul, when the federation finds out what you and this disgrace of a caitian have done, you'll be in so much trouble! Bad enough kidnapping an ambassador but a captains son? Really! That's pretty low to kidnapping a little kid! I knew Cardassian's were low but this is a new one!" She didn't know what Kyan and Zhuk were up to but she had faith in them. This guy was obviously one of the bad ones. Some cardassians were good people. This guy though, well kidnapping a little kid and an ambassador does not put in a good light with the federation Of course they knew it was a setup. He had no clue. At least hopefully he didn't. She was getting nervous too. Oh k'tals claws, she had been nervous since they started this If this kept up much longer she would have to go

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on June 28, 2023, 06:25:28 PM

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

With the wounded Engineer safe in the sickbay, Aarwendil decided to follow his original plan: see if the people at the bridge needed help. When the turbolift finally stopped, the young Betazoid took a deep breath before walking out to present himself there. "œEnsign Aarwendil Cheizex from Ops presenting for duty. Is there any way that I can help?

Quote from: myne on June 28, 2023, 09:34:33 PM

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Ensign Myne smiled hearing Lieutenant Ruths words. She was happy that she could find something useful to do even if she would have more trouble refining it further. It was pretty niche but you never know. But then she listened about the pillow and nodded, "Yeah it hurts I will get it checked and I am eight Ma'am.." She then looked around panicing, "I am four hundred and forty three years old!"

She whimpered and kept looking around hoping none heard.

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Turning from her revealing faux paw she saw the Betazoid (which she didn't know till she saw his eyes) Officer enter. He was cute! But she smiled and remains on her knees in her chair leaned up and hitting buttons. When he came close the red pigtailed little Onlie Ensign waved to the man and continued her work.

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Ensign Myne turned to her department head quickly asking, "Do you want to scan or should I? I don't think we need transwarp tracing now Ma'am?"

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 29, 2023, 04:45:27 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]
Rin wouldn't argue the point. The captain was much more experienced and much more knowledgable on the space and the people attacking us that she was. She was just glad that the captain actually heard her out as she would start preparations for his method right now. She was a little more risky than most and having a level head probably was a good thing to have around her because she'd probably get a bit carried away with crazy and intense ideas. She heard the second world war again and was trying to hide a quiet chuckle knowing his enjoyment and love of the era. She'd slow everything down and calmed and centerred herself moving slowly through space trying to use some of the plasma storms almost as a cover of view.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the new Ops officer arrived, Ian decided they were out of immediate danger and decided that it was time to give Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n a break.

"Fernando. Don't think I don't ken how long you've been at your station. You're ta take four hours of down time. Ensign Cheizex take over the Ops station."

As the Ops officers swapped out positions, Ian's eyes fell on Mel and he again wondered at the wisdom of allowing Onlies to serve. So far, however, she'd done her job and thanks to her transwarp detection algorithm, they'd had a useful heads up announcing the arrival of Melek Nor. He'd keep his eye on her and trust Ruth to steer her in the right direction.

"And speakin' of steerin' in the right direction."

He thought.

"Rin seems ta have the spirit, just need ta tamp that down a wee bit before she gets herself in trouble."

As the Challenger did her best to mask her existence, the Breen cruisers proved they were going to be persistent in their search for them.

"Looks like we're goin' ta have ta get creative here."

He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Department heads ta the briefin' room." =/\=

As he stood, he turned to Randell at Science Two.

"Evan, you have the bridge."

Lina Knight


Lina quietly watched the transpiring without making herself a bother. waiting for dismissal if necessary but not asking as to not intrude on the moment "this is all a bit sudden, may I take my leave Captain? I don't wish to intrude on discussions between my commanders. it's not my place as a new member. nor do I feel I should stay and be in the way." she shifted a bit in her seat not getting up without his permission. clearly awkward as hell for her "or maybe I should do a scan of pockets?" she looked to Ruth "just for before I go."

                   Female half-Caitian

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: myne on June 28, 2023, 09:34:33 PM

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Ensign Myne smiled hearing Lieutenant Ruths words. She was happy that she could find something useful to do even if she would have more trouble refining it further. It was pretty niche but you never know. But then she listened about the pillow and nodded, "Yeah it hurts I will get it checked and I am eight Ma'am.." She then looked around panicing, "I am four hundred and forty three years old!"

She whimpered and kept looking around hoping none heard.

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Turning from her revealing faux paw she saw the Betazoid (which she didn't know till she saw his eyes) Officer enter. He was cute! But she smiled and remains on her knees in her chair leaned up and hitting buttons. When he came close the red pigtailed little Onlie Ensign waved to the man and continued her work.

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Ensign Myne turned to her department head quickly asking, "Do you want to scan or should I? I don't think we need transwarp tracing now Ma'am?"

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sciences 1, Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

The CSO gave a reassuring smile to the Onlie next to her.

"It's ok Ensign, I know how Onlie's 'work' I know Mr. Mackenzie pretty well.  We'll sort that out at some point later."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 29, 2023, 07:41:54 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the new Ops officer arrived, Ian decided they were out of immediate danger and decided that it was time to give Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n a break.

"Fernando. Don't think I don't ken how long you've been at your station. You're ta take four hours of down time. Ensign Cheizex take over the Ops station."

As the Ops officers swapped out positions, Ian's eyes fell on Mel and he again wondered at the wisdom of allowing Onlies to serve. So far, however, she'd done her job and thanks to her transwarp detection algorithm, they'd had a useful heads up announcing the arrival of Melek Nor. He'd keep his eye on her and trust Ruth to steer her in the right direction.

"And speakin' of steerin' in the right direction."

He thought.

"Rin seems ta have the spirit, just need ta tamp that down a wee bit before she gets herself in trouble."

As the Challenger did her best to mask her existence, the Breen cruisers proved they were going to be persistent in their search for them.

"Looks like we're goin' ta have ta get creative here."

He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Department heads ta the briefin' room." =/\=

As he stood, he turned to Randell at Science Two.

"Evan, you have the bridge."

Ruth rose to leave for the briefing room with a small nod towards the Captain.  She patted, and squeezed Melly's shoulder.  "As for your question, looks like I'm needed elsewhere so... go to, scan away!  If you have any problems, Lt. Randall is here."
Quote from: Lina Knight on June 29, 2023, 08:57:07 PM

Lina quietly watched the transpiring without making herself a bother. waiting for dismissal if necessary but not asking as to not intrude on the moment "this is all a bit sudden, may I take my leave Captain? I don't wish to intrude on discussions between my commanders. it's not my place as a new member. nor do I feel I should stay and be in the way." she shifted a bit in her seat not getting up without his permission. clearly awkward as hell for her "or maybe I should do a scan of pockets?" she looked to Ruth "just for before I go."

"Scan for pockets, Ensign.  We'll be in the Briefing Room so you're more use here on the Bridge, trust me... unless Captain Galloway feels otherwise?"

She gave Lina a bright encouraging smile and rubbed her shoulder as she went past in a comforting way.  Both her Ensigns on the Bridge were doing a sterling job of keeping it together and working under pressure.  And once this was over she'd make sure they knew about it with some small reward.

[Briefing Room]

She then made her way to the Briefing Room and sat near the head of the table, the spot she'd always taken as CSO rather than XO or the Captain's that is, helping herself to some water from the replicator before she did so.  She didn't know, given they were going to be fighting or at least on duty long enough, when she might get a break.  She knew Ian was conscious of such things having just seen the 'changing of the guard' at the Ops station, but she knew also that he was aware that with enough Ratkajino on offer she'd rather swap out every one of her staff before taking a break herself so that they were well looked after. 

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 30, 2023, 08:32:38 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sciences 1, Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

[Briefing Room]

She then made her way to the Briefing Room and sat near the head of the table, the spot she'd always taken as CSO rather than XO or the Captain's that is, helping herself to some water from the replicator before she did so.  She didn't know, given they were going to be fighting or at least on duty long enough, when she might get a break.  She knew Ian was conscious of such things having just seen the 'changing of the guard' at the Ops station, but she knew also that he was aware that with enough Ratkajino on offer she'd rather swap out every one of her staff before taking a break herself so that they were well looked after.

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian took his seat and looked around the room. Here were Lieutenant Hector Espada from Flight; Lieutenant Commander T'Kel for Security; Lieutenant Ruth Sigurdsdottir for Science; Lieutenant jg Rebecca Fisk from Engineering; Lieutenant Adelle Booker covering for Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n at Ops; Lieutenant Evan Buehler representing Medical; which caused him a sharp pang of concern to know Jess was on the away team and in danger, along with Lieutenant Gemma Mills as Ship's Counselor.

"Okay, I will get right ta the point. I'm nae worried about bein' able ta handle those Breen cruisers, especially if'n we can fight them singularly. Even if'n we had ta fight the pair, I'm nae worried about that either. My only concern is if'n we get into a scrap with either or both, they'll call in Melek Nor and we are nae capable of fightin' that beastie.

"As with smugglers, the Maquis, and malcontents since ships knew of the Badlands, we're ta hide here among the plasma storms and gravitational anomalies. As little as I like ta say it, we're the mouse and they're the cats. We've got ta make ourselves disappear.

"However, you all ken me well enough ta know I'm nae for waitin' passively. If'n we can lure the cats into a plasma storm or manage an ambush, that is my preferred option. And is the crux of why I've called this meetin'. I need ideas, plans, schemes, and whatever skullduggery you lot can come up with ta make my plan happen. The floor is open."

Lina Knight

Lina brightened a bit "yes ma'am, I'll make sure not to disrupt you unless it's urgent." she turns back to the task at hand punching in the necessary buttons and such to get the scans started on this specific task feeling reinvigorated to not be in the way. first time jitters would do that to you. "everything seems clear so far.." she muttered to herself tail flicking back and forth as she scanned thoroughly

                   Female half-Caitian


[ Ensign Myne | Bridge | USS Challenger-A ]

Ensign Myne used passive scans because of the instability of the badlands. Anything more would be ineffective. Scanning the plasma storms, the gravitational anomilies that plague the badlands she tried to find a ionic nebula big enough for the ship. But staying there would wreck havok on systems. So she continued her scans hoping to have something by the time the Captain exited the ready room. So she scanned and scanned as her stomach caused a whimper from where the belt caught her. But she was strong, she was a survivor.

Female Only

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: myne on June 28, 2023, 09:34:33 PM

[ Ensign Myne - USS Challenger-A - Bridge ]

Turning from her revealing faux paw she saw the Betazoid (which she didn't know till she saw his eyes) Officer enter. He was cute! But she smiled and remains on her knees in her chair leaned up and hitting buttons. When he came close the red pigtailed little Onlie Ensign waved to the man and continued her work.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 29, 2023, 07:41:54 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the new Ops officer arrived, Ian decided they were out of immediate danger and decided that it was time to give Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n a break.

"Fernando. Don't think I don't ken how long you've been at your station. You're ta take four hours of down time. Ensign Cheizex take over the Ops station."

As the Ops officers swapped out positions, Ian's eyes fell on Mel and he again wondered at the wisdom of allowing Onlies to serve. So far, however, she'd done her job and thanks to her transwarp detection algorithm, they'd had a useful heads up announcing the arrival of Melek Nor. He'd keep his eye on her and trust Ruth to steer her in the right direction.

"And speakin' of steerin' in the right direction."

He thought.

"Rin seems ta have the spirit, just need ta tamp that down a wee bit before she gets herself in trouble."

As the Challenger did her best to mask her existence, the Breen cruisers proved they were going to be persistent in their search for them.

"Looks like we're goin' ta have ta get creative here."

He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Department heads ta the briefin' room." =/\=

As he stood, he turned to Randell at Science Two.

"Evan, you have the bridge."

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

The bridge was exactly what Aarwendil expected, full of officers working in their stations. Well, perhaps it wasn't exactly what he expected, because the people had emotions ranging from simple apprehension to growing fear. The young Betazoid had thought that his coworkers would be more calm, but the lack was expected. They were in the middle of a combat, few could remain tranquil in such situations.

Unless you were a Vulcan, of course. Without any doubt panic wasn't logical.

While he looked around the bridge, Aarwendil noticed a red-haired girl in one of the stations. She was so small that she couldn't reach the console, needing to kneel in the chair to do it. At first the Ensign was confused, not believing that the Federation was recruiting children to work in its starships. However, he soon remembered that there were some Onlies at the Challenger.

He nodded at her, before Captain Galloway ordered him to replace Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n on his station. "œYes, sir!" the Betazoid said, before walking toward it. Aarwendil stared at the console in front of him, it was going to be the first time that he worked in the bridge during a combat. Although the situation seemed to have become calmer now, he wasn't going to need to deal with a fight now.

After the Captain called the department heads to the briefing room, Aarwendil would use this opportunity to get to know some of his fellow officers. "œHey! What is your name?" he asked the Only. While he waited for her answer, the Betazoid would use his console to identify any possible anomaly that the Badlands could throw at them. This place was treacherous.

Betazoid, Male



[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian took his seat and looked around the room. Here were Lieutenant Hector Espada from Flight; Lieutenant Commander T'Kel for Security; Lieutenant Ruth Sigurdsdottir for Science; Lieutenant jg Rebecca Fisk from Engineering; Lieutenant Adelle Booker covering for Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n at Ops; Lieutenant Evan Buehler representing Medical; which caused him a sharp pang of concern to know Jess was on the away team and in danger, along with Lieutenant Gemma Mills as Ship's Counselor.

"Okay, I will get right ta the point. I'm nae worried about bein' able ta handle those Breen cruisers, especially if'n we can fight them singularly. Even if'n we had ta fight the pair, I'm nae worried about that either. My only concern is if'n we get into a scrap with either or both, they'll call in Melek Nor and we are nae capable of fightin' that beastie.

"As with smugglers, the Maquis, and malcontents since ships knew of the Badlands, we're ta hide here among the plasma storms and gravitational anomalies. As little as I like ta say it, we're the mouse and they're the cats. We've got ta make ourselves disappear.

"However, you all ken me well enough ta know I'm nae for waitin' passively. If'n we can lure the cats into a plasma storm or manage an ambush, that is my preferred option. And is the crux of why I've called this meetin'. I need ideas, plans, schemes, and whatever skullduggery you lot can come up with ta make my plan happen. The floor is open."

[ Lieutenant JG Rebecca Fisk | Ready Room | USS Challenger ]

Lieutenant JG Rebecca Fisk was not used to being in the Ready room on the spot like this. A much more ideal place would be in Engineering listening to the hum of the warp core as it was soothing to her. There were Breen after them and she could hear in her head the Angry Tellerite Chief Engineer if she came up with a bad idea that might hurt his ship.

She paced back and forth a moment and came up with a simple solution. "Vent some plasma, simulate a small explosion on the ships from the Badlands interfeerance, send out a distress call on a comprimised channel, and launch a series of escape pods full of explosives enough that when they scoop them up as prisoners it can internally damage them or remote detonate it near a prime plasma cloud? Play hurt and lure them in. Maybe in the distress call mention we have that officer who can track Melek Nor when it Transwarps, play that up a lot so they want to capture us not blow us up. Anything to keep the Chief from throwing spanners at us!"

Female Only



After the Captain called the department heads to the briefing room, Aarwendil would use this opportunity to get to know some of his fellow officers. "œHey! What is your name?" he asked the Only. While he waited for her answer, the Betazoid would use his console to identify any possible anomaly that the Badlands could throw at them. This place was treacherous.

[ Ensign Myne | Bridge | USS Challenger-A ]

Myne turned as addressed and smiled to the Betazoid, her mind was full of wonder but also painful darkness. The Ops officer could also detect if he looked that she found him cute. "My name is Myne. Whats yours?", she smiled brightly as her pigtails bounced. The word myne sounding like 'mine'. The girl looked and sounded about eight human years old. "It's such a pleasure to meet you!" Her enthusiasm and joy for meeting him was genuine.

Female Only

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