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S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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Lina Knight

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 10, 2023, 09:32:39 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

"Hey, if I'd been reprimanding you really you'd have known about it, this is just a mild observation, and don't do it again sort of thing." Ruth chuckled.  "You're right though, he is cute!"

The CSO considered Melly's other question put her head on one side and her eyes dancing with merriment answered "Boffins are people who are engaged in Scientific research.  It's our beloved Captain's favourite nickname for us because he prefers not to try getting his head around the quantum physics or whatever the way I barely know my way around a hyperspanner... I leave Engineering to the Engineers and he leaves the boffining to the Boffins!"

"Anytime, Chief.  We'll welcome you up here... go do what you do best! Well, second best!" Ruth winked as he left.  The last sentence was said more as a mutter that only Melly and Lina would have heard.  She'd explain away the giggles for them if they had heard!  "Kissing, I was deffo just talking about kissing! Or DJing... yeah DJing... def-in-ITE-elly DJing!" she said trying not to giggle herself.

"You still strapped in girls?!" she said quickly, looking to check before bracing herself.

Ruth was trying not to panic herself and had been using comedy to divert the feeling in the pit of her stomach that she always got going into battle.  Ian's comments however were contributing to the feeling that she wanted to giggle so it was becoming difficult not to laugh, she managed to control it to a smile... albeit she was probably grinning like a raving lunatic, it might be taken as a grimace at the turning of the ship and situation rather than she was finding the situation funny.  It wasn't the situation as much as she was finding humour where she could and utilising it to get her through it while she was trying to keep her head in the game while making sure the girls alongside her were fine.

The CSO couldn't help but laugh out loud at Captain Galloway's outburst of triumph, proving that even seasoned officers could lose their composure at times.  Plus his order for Scotland the Brave in full pipe band going through the ship.

Turning and tipping the Captain the wink.  She grinned and said "Any chance that there's a Battle 2 file too, that can be played if we need to have more battle worthy music?!  Special request for your lovely boffins?!" she said knowing he would realise she meant Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries'

"As for the Transwarp.  Miss Pwllgwyngyll that's your job, Miss Knight just keep on doing what you're doing great at!  I find concentration on the task at hand means you're less likely to worry about what's going on outside the ship. Well... I mean the explosions and such rather than us knowing exactly where our enemies are!"

"You, OK Lina?" the concerned CSO put a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder as she noticed the ears come forward and the distressed flicks of the tail "Good spot!" she said as the girl noticed the blip.

Ruth almost chuckled when Melly also cringed from the sound of the pipes.  "You girls will have to get used to that, it's our battle cry so to speak.  Mine is Ride of the Valkyries." she shrugged.  "Anyhow didn't you know the bagpipes are officially proclaimed a weapon of war?  Scared the living daylights out of people hearing a full contingent coming over a hill, and then seeing 100 or more ginger madmen in plaid skirts, known of course as kilts.  Be very sure you are going to win if you want to pick a fight with a Scot!"  she thumbed over her shoulder "Point in case..never get on his bad side.  Outside of battle, loveliest person you could know, if somewhat gruff... that comes with being a Highlander!"

The CSO adjusted the atmospheric scans to be more detailed and added that data to the other Science consoles and Helm's navigational to compensate on autopilot.  "Captain, I'm doing minute by minute adjustments to the atmospheric scans so that should help, it would be like we are running in calm waters on a flat sea so to speak now." she said 'de-boffin-ing' it specially for Ian.

Following the turns and dives automatically like any trained pilot, Ruth still was aching at the sudden movements and vowed to get back to do some flight training if only in the holodeck so she would ache less in such situations.

"Here goes nothing and everything." she said when the Captain mentioned 'calling on' the Jem'Hadar.

Still trying to use humour to cover her worry for the battle at hand she said "Knock, Knock... hello can we interest you in some pamphlets about our organisation, Starfleet Command... we can leave them with you, they come free with blowing your asses out of the sky..." she said in her best 'Mormon missionary' impersonation.

[OOC: FYI this wasn't a dig at the LDS missionaries.  I used to be LDS/Mormon so it's poking fun a little at friends of mine, who themselves were missionaries and agreed you could spot them a mile off as parodied by 'The Book of Mormon' musical!]

Lina looks to Ruth with a nod of thanks and relaxes after a bit "that was a bit jarring, must music be so loud?" she sighs and spins a little "but at least we got out of that trouble. frustrating as it is we have to keep an eye on all threats no matter how small. one lucky shot and we're done for" she grins a bit "but that's the thrill of battle yeah?"
                   Female half-Caitian


Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 09, 2023, 09:21:41 PM


} [Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Ops | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

"Haha! She was weak. And so are you, my dearest Ambassador," Was Zhukdra'shar's comment to the leaving M'nia. He hoped that she was taking all of this well and that she would be able to remain focused. He tried not too dwell too much on the worry he had for her, however, and returned back to Sherem and the captured Nira and Dr. Fellows, placing what he felt for M'nia away, "Buh-bye!"

"Barbarian!" Unfortunately there was not much she could do for the commander at this moment! She had to continue playing her part as Zhuk had to continue playing her part as did Zhuk. She hated to see the commander in pain but this was the job. Although this was not what she had bargained for. he was an engineer, fresh out of the academy.


'H'Riss' offered a polite nod over to Sherem. Internally, however, he was seething. He could have used this opportunity to find Kyan and coordinate! Dang it! For now though, he was subjected to having to see his higher-ranking officer be subjected to threats and be threatened to be taken off to who knows where. However, at least he managed to discover something sensitive about the Jem'Hadar: they were apparently afraid of Betazoids. Strange weakness, but he was a firm believer that every piece of information, especially one as sensitive as this, could be employed in the right manner after some thought.

He crossed his arms, as he finally saw the Jem'Hadar taking her. Instead of being forced out of Ops, like the 'Ambassador', and Molly had, however, she was placed in cuffs, and then hung from a pillar within the room. He had to suppress the horrifying scene that came afterward, as her uniform was ruined, and she was branded with a knife employed by Gul Sherem. He stared on ahead, a cruel smirk disguising the sheer anger and pain that seeing Nira in such a state caused him. He had a new objective now.

He would make sure to eliminate Gul Sherem when able. He wouldn't live to regret this. Or if he did, he would make sure that he would at least suffer as much as Nira was at this point in time.

The pain that rocked her body was noted too. He was not too sure how he had done it, but that button on his remote, and the knife had something to do with it. Perhaps if he could acquire it... he would be able to employ it. For now, though, his dreams of vengeance were staunched by his need to remain in character, so he cleared his thoughts and focused on playing 'H'Riss'.

"Ah... that was just lovely~ I do love to hear Federates screamin'... hehe... well done, Gul Sherem~" He offered a soft, meaningful clap, hoping that kissing his feet would earn him at least a small modicum of trust.

His sharp hearing managed to pick up some voice that he surely recognized, speaking of him having acquired a rifle. He felt a chill run down his spine, as he suddenly feared that Sherem would realize that 'Vaughn's son' wasn't such an innocent little kid as he had been leading them to believe thus far. He internally admonished Kyan for such a rash action. Sure, eliminating the Gul's forces was fine, and was what he was expecting.

She heard the phaser go off and groaned inwardly. Kyan no doubt. Hopefully he was ok and the whole operation wasn't blown

Things got even trickier when he overheard another conversation from a Cardassian reporting that this individual, Almor, was truly dead. He decided not to show much of a reaction, though, as Sherem didn't have to know he could hear the communications they were having. He waited for any instructions, or to just remain there, his emotions boiling deep within.[/color]


An unexpected visitor made herself known within Ops as she was let through by the guards posted around here. What seemed to be a Bajoran/Cardassian hybrid, after a quick glance over to her. He saw her approach Dr. Fellows, offering her a drink meekly. He senses no malice from her, she was but a teen. She reminded him of himself when younger. He even could see a collar that kept her bound to the chains of these Cardassians. Not too dissimilar to the one he had with the Orions. Though his' was smaller.

Hm. Perhaps a test could be at hand.

'H'Riss' approached the girl as she gave the cup to Dr. Fellows, standing behind her, though giving her enough space to maneuver if she suddenly was to turn over to him.

"Ey! I also wanna drink, you hear?!" He spoke up, hoping that she would turn, and he could gauge her better. And perhaps, determine if she could be trusted.

M'nia saw the girl come in. A cajoran as she believed they were called. No doubt a slave of some sort. Who knows what they had done to her.? poor thing! And poor Molly! She barely knew any of the crew but still she was a woman of deep feeling. "Gul Sherem, this I swear! In K'tal's name, you will pay for all you have done! If not by my hand then by another but you will pay!" she was furious and outraged and all she wanted to do was tear his throat out for all the pain he had caused, all the suffering! She could tell Zhuk felt the same way! He had to hide it but she could be outraged about it! She had to keep it under control but she was young and full of fire! Caitians still had some of the wild in them and nothing brought it out more than things like this!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Lina Knight on July 10, 2023, 05:55:33 PM

Lina looks to Ruth with a nod of thanks and relaxes after a bit "that was a bit jarring, must music be so loud?" she sighs and spins a little "but at least we got out of that trouble. frustrating as it is we have to keep an eye on all threats no matter how small. one lucky shot and we're done for" she grins a bit "but that's the thrill of battle yeah?"

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Bridge - USS Challenger-A

Ruth gave the young Caitian an answering grin.  "I'm not sure 'thrill' is the right word, not sat here.  Out flying a small ship or similar and you being in control of flying and firing, yes, there is a certain thrill to it.  However, you're right about keeping an eye out for any threats.  As for the Captain's battle music..."

She gave a quick backward head nod in the direction of Ian.  "First, if we find ourselves in a similar situation in future, you know what to expect so you will be better prepared, and in the meantime, I quite like bagpipe music so you can... acclimatise yourself to it better if I play it in the Science labs occasionally.  There's some really beautiful pieces to hear."

The CSO checked the monitor, noticing several large patches of methane to their port side.  "There are a few pockets of combustible gases around if we need to make use of them Captain.  Just relaying, as another 'tool' in our arsenal."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 10, 2023, 09:32:39 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

"Hey, if I'd been reprimanding you really you'd have known about it, this is just a mild observation, and don't do it again sort of thing." Ruth chuckled.  "You're right though, he is cute!"

The CSO considered Melly's other question put her head on one side and her eyes dancing with merriment answered "Boffins are people who are engaged in Scientific research.  It's our beloved Captain's favourite nickname for us because he prefers not to try getting his head around the quantum physics or whatever the way I barely know my way around a hyperspanner... I leave Engineering to the Engineers and he leaves the boffining to the Boffins!"

"Anytime, Chief.  We'll welcome you up here... go do what you do best! Well, second best!" Ruth winked as he left.  The last sentence was said more as a mutter that only Melly and Lina would have heard.  She'd explain away the giggles for them if they had heard!  "Kissing, I was deffo just talking about kissing! Or DJing... yeah DJing... def-in-ITE-elly DJing!" she said trying not to giggle herself.

"You still strapped in girls?!" she said quickly, looking to check before bracing herself.

Ruth was trying not to panic herself and had been using comedy to divert the feeling in the pit of her stomach that she always got going into battle.  Ian's comments however were contributing to the feeling that she wanted to giggle so it was becoming difficult not to laugh, she managed to control it to a smile... albeit she was probably grinning like a raving lunatic, it might be taken as a grimace at the turning of the ship and situation rather than she was finding the situation funny.  It wasn't the situation as much as she was finding humour where she could and utilising it to get her through it while she was trying to keep her head in the game while making sure the girls alongside her were fine.

The CSO couldn't help but laugh out loud at Captain Galloway's outburst of triumph, proving that even seasoned officers could lose their composure at times.  Plus his order for Scotland the Brave in full pipe band going through the ship.

Turning and tipping the Captain the wink.  She grinned and said "Any chance that there's a Battle 2 file too, that can be played if we need to have more battle worthy music?!  Special request for your lovely boffins?!" she said knowing he would realise she meant Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries'

"As for the Transwarp.  Miss Pwllgwyngyll that's your job, Miss Knight just keep on doing what you're doing great at!  I find concentration on the task at hand means you're less likely to worry about what's going on outside the ship. Well... I mean the explosions and such rather than us knowing exactly where our enemies are!"

"You, OK Lina?" the concerned CSO put a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder as she noticed the ears come forward and the distressed flicks of the tail "Good spot!" she said as the girl noticed the blip.

Ruth almost chuckled when Melly also cringed from the sound of the pipes.  "You girls will have to get used to that, it's our battle cry so to speak.  Mine is Ride of the Valkyries." she shrugged.  "Anyhow didn't you know the bagpipes are officially proclaimed a weapon of war?  Scared the living daylights out of people hearing a full contingent coming over a hill, and then seeing 100 or more ginger madmen in plaid skirts, known of course as kilts.  Be very sure you are going to win if you want to pick a fight with a Scot!"  she thumbed over her shoulder "Point in case..never get on his bad side.  Outside of battle, loveliest person you could know, if somewhat gruff... that comes with being a Highlander!"

The CSO adjusted the atmospheric scans to be more detailed and added that data to the other Science consoles and Helm's navigational to compensate on autopilot.  "Captain, I'm doing minute by minute adjustments to the atmospheric scans so that should help, it would be like we are running in calm waters on a flat sea so to speak now." she said 'de-boffin-ing' it specially for Ian.

Following the turns and dives automatically like any trained pilot, Ruth still was aching at the sudden movements and vowed to get back to do some flight training if only in the holodeck so she would ache less in such situations.

"Here goes nothing and everything." she said when the Captain mentioned 'calling on' the Jem'Hadar.

Still trying to use humour to cover her worry for the battle at hand she said "Knock, Knock... hello can we interest you in some pamphlets about our organisation, Starfleet Command... we can leave them with you, they come free with blowing your asses out of the sky..." she said in her best 'Mormon missionary' impersonation.

Quote from: Lina Knight on July 10, 2023, 05:55:33 PM

Lina looks to Ruth with a nod of thanks and relaxes after a bit "that was a bit jarring, must music be so loud?" she sighs and spins a little "but at least we got out of that trouble. frustrating as it is we have to keep an eye on all threats no matter how small. one lucky shot and we're done for" she grins a bit "but that's the thrill of battle yeah?"

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 11, 2023, 09:46:47 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Bridge - USS Challenger-A

Ruth gave the young Caitian an answering grin.  "I'm not sure 'thrill' is the right word, not sat here.  Out flying a small ship or similar and you being in control of flying and firing, yes, there is a certain thrill to it.  However, you're right about keeping an eye out for any threats.  As for the Captain's battle music..."

She gave a quick backward head nod in the direction of Ian.  "First, if we find ourselves in a similar situation in future, you know what to expect so you will be better prepared, and in the meantime, I quite like bagpipe music so you can... acclimatise yourself to it better if I play it in the Science labs occasionally.  There's some really beautiful pieces to hear."

The CSO checked the monitor, noticing several large patches of methane to their port side.  "There are a few pockets of combustible gases around if we need to make use of them Captain.  Just relaying, as another 'tool' in our arsenal."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian said nothing as the women at the science stations chattered. Different people handled battle differently and some needed to talk. Closing on the fighters attempting to sneak up on the Valiant was taking longer than he liked, but the weapons fire had stirred up everything even remotely combustible in the area and the resulting turbulence was forcing Rin, to detour around the worst of the secondary explosions. When Ruth mentioned pockets of gases, it gave him an idea.

"Science, feed the locations of those gas pockets ta Tactical. T'Kel, target those pockets with the phasers. I want ta make as much of a spectacle as possible ta grab the attention of those Jem'Hadar. Maybe, we can give Valiant more time or even draw them away from her and after us."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Ops | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: M'Nia on July 10, 2023, 06:33:04 PM

M'nia saw the girl come in. A cajoran as she believed they were called. No doubt a slave of some sort. Who knows what they had done to her.? poor thing! And poor Molly! She barely knew any of the crew but still she was a woman of deep feeling. "Gul Sherem, this I swear! In K'tal's name, you will pay for all you have done! If not by my hand then by another but you will pay!" she was furious and outraged and all she wanted to do was tear his throat out for all the pain he had caused, all the suffering! She could tell Zhuk felt the same way! He had to hide it but she could be outraged about it! She had to keep it under control but she was young and full of fire! Caitians still had some of the wild in them and nothing brought it out more than things like this!

Quote from: myne on July 09, 2023, 09:44:39 PM

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

The girl eeeped hearing the command and immediately sat the cup within reach of the woman. "Please drink Mistress, You seem most distressed."

She then turned and knelt before the man calling out behind her. She did not know his voice, did not know his smell, the sound of his feet so he must be new. He was, and a Cat species. She had seen such in books her mother showed her but never petted a cat nor met a cat person.

Turning to a kneel on her knees before him she shifted to make sure the carved brand was in sight, she took a spare cup and dipped out some cool clear water and held it up for him. Her eyes looked up only long enough to show where to offer before she lowered them. She knew to meet eye contact with a better could warrant a slap, a kick, or something worse.

"Your water Master at once!", she said holding it up to him. "I hope the water refreshes and pleases you.", a tremble in her voice shown her fear of displeasing. She had no malice, only fear.

M'nia certainly was right. He despised this. It made his blood boil to see a slave like he once had to tend to these disreputable war hawks. He could see how fearful she was to even gaze over at him. It placed him in a strange spot. He analyzed several possibilities: telling her that he was an undercover agent of the Federation and that he would help her if she cooperated with them, to make a scene with her in order to further gauge how she would react when the jig was up, or go ahead and make his true intentions be known. The first option was risky, and would leave him exposed if she snitched on him. His experience told him she was likely to. So that wasn't wise.

The second idea he was not fully sure how to do it. Perhaps ask her about what she felt about Jeniffer's situation subtly? Playing into his villainous role? Might work. The third choice was no one at all. He even scolded himself mentally for thinking about it. He would not dare risk the mission to save his fellow officers until he knew that he could win the battle and that their main goal had been set in motion. So that would have needed to be placed on hold, even though he wasn't sure how much pain and screams he would be able to process. Not from his friends.

He took the drink offered gracefully in his fingers, chugging it in one go before returning it to the girl. He offered a pleased expression, taking a moment to swallow with his cheeks full before finally responding. He did made sure to look pretty appreciative about it, however.

"Ah... yeah, I was plenty thirsty," He glanced down at her for a moment, squinting his eye,"Dunno why are you so nice to them prisoners..." He commented on, casually, as he got an idea, "They're weak... you shouldn't worry your pretty, lil' head none 'bout 'em."

He let out a chuckle, while he awaited her response.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)



Ruth almost chuckled when Melly also cringed from the sound of the pipes.  "You girls will have to get used to that, it's our battle cry so to speak.  Mine is Ride of the Valkyries." she shrugged.  "Anyhow didn't you know the bagpipes are officially proclaimed a weapon of war?  Scared the living daylights out of people hearing a full contingent coming over a hill, and then seeing 100 or more ginger madmen in plaid skirts, known of course as kilts.  Be very sure you are going to win if you want to pick a fight with a Scot!"  she thumbed over her shoulder "Point in case..never get on his bad side.  Outside of battle, loveliest person you could know, if somewhat gruff... that comes with being a Highlander!"

[ Ensign Myne | Bridge | USS Challenger-A ]

Myne gulped as she nodded to her Department Head. "Yes Ma'am, on the version of Earth that Planet Miri is.. i'm from a region called 'Wales'. We've heard of the highlanders but there not within walking distance so we never interacted till the Federation started scooping us all up. So I am not accustom to there music."

Listening about the Methane clouds. "Captain permission to try the gravity well trick I wanted to use on the transwarp tunnel? In the bad lands it may work better do to the limited passive sensors, trick the Jem'Hadar attack ships into thinking theres a solid mass of planetoid or moon infront of them and they have to go around. Might only give the Valiant a dozen extra seconds but distance is distance?"

Female Only



e took the drink offered gracefully in his fingers, chugging it in one go before returning it to the girl. He offered a pleased expression, taking a moment to swallow with his cheeks full before finally responding. He did made sure to look pretty appreciative about it, however.

"Ah... yeah, I was plenty thirsty," He glanced down at her for a moment, squinting his eye,"Dunno why are you so nice to them prisoners..." He commented on, casually, as he got an idea, "They're weak... you shouldn't worry your pretty, lil' head none 'bout 'em."

He let out a chuckle, while he awaited her response.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

Nori looked up in worry at the 'guest' until she saw his appreciative look. She knew to read people more then she knew to 'hear' them. Taking a deep breath the slave kept her eyes glued to the Caitians booted feet all the while wondering if he had toebeans?

Pushing this out she quickly answered, "I am weak too Master. It is not a slaves place to choose whom to serve. I am to serve all weak or strong until told otherwise. That is my place, and I know my place. I will do as told and then I will go and have a bowl of rice in milk. I will sleep on the floor and when it is time to be up I will be up and smiling and doing as told. If I do not do as told I will be given pain. Pain is the result of being bad, good girls don't hurt. So I will be good and live another day and get another bowl of rice with floating in milk. If I am bad I will be thrown into space like Fath... like Master did to Mother. I will be good. I promise to be good."

Female Only

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Like some other non-human members of the crew, Aarwendil was still clueless about the song that was being blasted through the bridge. The source of such a strange sound was still a mystery for him. Since the hornpipes and similar instruments are completely absent from Betazoid culture.

If his mother was there, she probably would think that someone was choking an animal.

However, the disturbing song wasn't the problem. They were going to help the Valiant against  some Jem'Hadar fighters. Aarwendil was still surprised that these lap dogs of the Dominion were still causing trouble. The war against them had ended years ago, it only shows that the Changelings were a bunch of sore losers.

The Dominion's presence made Aarwendil remember of how his parents disliked the Changelings and anything related to them. To be honest, he was sure that his mother hated Changelings, Jem'Hadar and Vortas. After they conquered Betazed, such feeling was common among those of his species that  lived during the time of the occupation. The Ensign would be lying if he said that he didn't share such feelings with the other Betazoids.

He wondered what his crewmembers would think if they knew that. Would they see it as prejudice from his part? The ships comming after the Valiant didn't help change his opinion about the Dominion.

When he heard the Captain's plan, the young Betazoid abandoned his musings. Biting his lip, he maintained his hands close to his console, this way he could work and hold it if something happened. The explosions that were going to come could shook the entire ship and even having tightened his belt, there was still the risk of him being throw around.

Betazoid, Male

Lina Knight

Lina nods to Ruth "that'd help a lot ma'am, sensitive ears are a problem at times. loud as some might say, 'obnoxious' music can be a pain. but getting used to it will help." she nods to Ian "will do sir." she quickly taps away to send the scans to them making sure not to miss a single detail for them as she keeps her eyes on all her work and mumbles a little as she taps away mostly talking to herself about little things in each of the scans and their details feeling most at home doing this at times

                   Female half-Caitian


Well, she and her companions had been shown to their quarters. A very nice cabin, but still a cage. Fortunately they were allies with her. Including a friendly cardassian. Evidently an undercover operative. "Molly what do you have in mind?" She was curious what Molly was up to She didn't know her very well at all but from what she had heard, Molly was indeed very smart and clever. Maybe things weren't as dark as they seemed.  Her tail twitched as she awaited Molly's answer. She still wanted to get her hands on that lousy monster Sherem! She really wanted to make him pay!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 08, 2023, 11:51:47 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Starship combat was like 3D chess, but with the added complication of never knowing how many pieces of what value were in play at any time. Initially, there were just two Breen and the Challenger. Now, the game flipped and two new unplanned pieces had entered the board.

Ian knew the Valiant was an excellent design built along the lines of the legendary Defiant-Class and could hold its own versus a pair of Jem'Hadar fighters, but they were already engaged with something else and Challenger was in a position to help, that changed the equation for how he had to deal with the remaining Breen cruiser. He had a moral obligation to help a fellow Starfleet ship and that requirement likely saved everyone aboard the second Breen cruiser.

"T'Kel, change of targetin' priority on cruiser two. Shift fire ta concentrate on her engines. I need her disabled as quickly as possible. Ops punch a signal through ta Valiant that they've got unwelcome company. Helm, stay behind the cruiser, dinnae give them a chance ta come about, you are now their bloody shadow."

The fire from the Challenger never slackened, but instead, narrowed focus as T'Kel at tactical went from firing with the intent to score as many hits as possible to a concentrated barrage against a single point on the Breen cruiser, specifically, her aft shields and engine nacelles.

The cruiser tried everything to elude Rin, but she refused to be eluded and T'Kel's lethal precision soon hammered down the aft shields and left both of the Breen's nacelles scored and rent from repeated hits. Crippled, the Breen's focus was now reduced to limping away and trying to avoid the notorious plasma storms of the Badlands.


Ian purred as the cruiser lurched and turned to break off.

"Helm, hard over, we've a callin' on the Jem'Hadar ta do!"

Rin would nod as they would start to turn to move. She was now being a little bit more careful than she was before making steady and calculated movements as she knew that she had to make sure that each movement and each attack was planned in advance. "Captain will be moving to make contact with the other ship." She was proud of her controls at the helm as she knew what she was doing weaving through the plasma storms and even taking a few tighter turns than normal though without putting to much stress on the large ship be that she didn't get yelled at by engineering. The ship would turn to make sure they were ready for the next moments.  She would gasp and would take a harder turn than normal to avoid a plasma storm she had misscalculated but luckily took it in time. "P-phew." She was still an ensign she would make a few mistakes as long as it didn't kill them it was fine.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 09, 2023, 11:29:36 AM

[Prefect's Office - Melek Nor] [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Throughout the ordeal of discovering Belvedere was a Changling and their capture, Jess remained silent. It was a sort of delusion she was holding onto in a vain attempt to pretend if she didn't say anything, somehow she'd disappear and not actually be a prisoner. It was a forlorn hope, but it was keeping her from screaming or curling up in a fetal position.

As Nira's ordeal began, Jess clinched her fists and trembled as she returned to her mantra.

"In through the nose for a count of two, out through the mouth for a count of four. In through the nose for a count of two, out through the mouth for a count of four. In through the nose for a count of two, out through the mouth for a count of four..."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 09, 2023, 09:21:41 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Ops | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

"Haha! She was weak. And so are you, my dearest Ambassador," Was Zhukdra'shar's comment to the leaving M'nia. He hoped that she was taking all of this well and that she would be able to remain focused. He tried not too dwell too much on the worry he had for her, however, and returned back to Sherem and the captured Nira and Dr. Fellows, placing what he felt for M'nia away, "Buh-bye!"

'H'Riss' offered a polite nod over to Sherem. Internally, however, he was seething. He could have used this opportunity to find Kyan and coordinate! Dang it! For now though, he was subjected to having to see his higher-ranking officer be subjected to threats and be threatened to be taken off to who knows where. However, at least he managed to discover something sensitive about the Jem'Hadar: they were apparently afraid of Betazoids. Strange weakness, but he was a firm believer that every piece of information, especially one as sensitive as this, could be employed in the right manner after some thought.

He crossed his arms, as he finally saw the Jem'Hadar taking her. Instead of being forced out of Ops, like the 'Ambassador', and Molly had, however, she was placed in cuffs, and then hung from a pillar within the room. He had to suppress the horrifying scene that came afterward, as her uniform was ruined, and she was branded with a knife employed by Gul Sherem. He stared on ahead, a cruel smirk disguising the sheer anger and pain that seeing Nira in such a state caused him. He had a new objective now.

He would make sure to eliminate Gul Sherem when able. He wouldn't live to regret this. Or if he did, he would make sure that he would at least suffer as much as Nira was at this point in time.

The pain that rocked her body was noted too. He was not too sure how he had done it, but that button on his remote, and the knife had something to do with it. Perhaps if he could acquire it... he would be able to employ it. For now, though, his dreams of vengeance were staunched by his need to remain in character, so he cleared his thoughts and focused on playing 'H'Riss'.

"Ah... that was just lovely~ I do love to hear Federates screamin'... hehe... well done, Gul Sherem~" He offered a soft, meaningful clap, hoping that kissing his feet would earn him at least a small modicum of trust.

His sharp hearing managed to pick up some voice that he surely recognized, speaking of him having acquired a rifle. He felt a chill run down his spine, as he suddenly feared that Sherem would realize that 'Vaughn's son' wasn't such an innocent little kid as he had been leading them to believe thus far. He internally admonished Kyan for such a rash action. Sure, eliminating the Gul's forces was fine, and was what he was expecting.

But he wasn't counting on him actually revealing he had done it, hoping that the element of surprise could throw off any preconceived conceptions that the Cardassians had about this mission. Maybe, realizing that some other Federation members had infiltrated into the station.

In any case, it seemed that Kyan was in the clear, as Sherem apparently believed that his soldier was doing a poor job communicating his capture. Lucky him, he supposed. Unfortunately, that sense of relief soon was washed away by hearing the cries of Nira once more. He was strong, however, and steeled his heart to them.

Things got even trickier when he overheard another conversation from a Cardassian reporting that this individual, Almor, was truly dead. He decided not to show much of a reaction, though, as Sherem didn't have to know he could hear the communications they were having. He waited for any instructions, or to just remain there, his emotions boiling deep within.

An unexpected visitor made herself known within Ops as she was let through by the guards posted around here. What seemed to be a Bajoran/Cardassian hybrid, after a quick glance over to her. He saw her approach Dr. Fellows, offering her a drink meekly. He senses no malice from her, she was but a teen. She reminded him of himself when younger. He even could see a collar that kept her bound to the chains of these Cardassians. Not too dissimilar to the one he had with the Orions. Though his' was smaller.

Hm. Perhaps a test could be at hand.

'H'Riss' approached the girl as she gave the cup to Dr. Fellows, standing behind her, though giving her enough space to maneuver if she suddenly was to turn over to him.

"Ey! I also wanna drink, you hear?!" He spoke up, hoping that she would turn, and he could gauge her better. And perhaps, determine if she could be trusted.

Quote from: myne on July 09, 2023, 09:44:39 PM

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

The girl eeeped hearing the command and immediately sat the cup within reach of the woman. "Please drink Mistress, You seem most distressed."

She then turned and knelt before the man calling out behind her. She did not know his voice, did not know his smell, the sound of his feet so he must be new. He was, and a Cat species. She had seen such in books her mother showed her but never petted a cat nor met a cat person.

Turning to a kneel on her knees before him she shifted to make sure the carved brand was in sight, she took a spare cup and dipped out some cool clear water and held it up for him. Her eyes looked up only long enough to show where to offer before she lowered them. She knew to meet eye contact with a better could warrant a slap, a kick, or something worse.

"Your water Master at once!", she said holding it up to him. "I hope the water refreshes and pleases you.", a tremble in her voice shown her fear of displeasing. She had no malice, only fear.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 10, 2023, 01:12:53 PM

[Prefect's Office - Melek Nor] - [Dr Jessica Fellows]

Jess started in surprise when the young multi-species girl offered her water. She didn't trust Sherem to not drug the water and would not be foolish enough to assist the vile old man in her own interrogation. She merely shook her head to indicate she didn't want any and went back to her rhythmic breathing to keep her terror in check.

[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]

Nira was surprised at the redheaded Cardassian girl who appeared to offer drinks. She couldn't tell what disturbed her more, the fact that the old man kept a slave and Allah knows how many more, the fact that she was barely prepubescent, or just how normal it was. The reactions weren't lost especially to the old man.

"Yes, Nori, a drink will suffice for our guest, H'riss, here," he said. "But I'm afraid not for the girls. Especially her," he added, indicating to Nira. "But I suppose this requires a bit more...interest. Guards, bring the prisoners to my office. Join us,  Nori, continue serving us refreshment. Meantime, see if you can get our friend to reform faster."

He gestured to the liquid mess that was Belvedere. The Jem'Hadar brought Nira down and took her and Doctor Fellows to the office. A little more privacy...seems like a little more fun. Nira could see the envious looks around the officers in Ops...with exception to Malat, who had, at the news of his brothers' death, would've ripped the console and flung it upside-down if the console wasn't pinned to the floor...though he could easily if he made the effort; Nira was definitely sure he was part Gorn, having passed close to him on her way to the office. His teeth were still grit, and Nira could see the sharp teeth. They could've been filed so he could be more savage, but they looked too jagged to look filed, unless he was extremely specific...

The burning hatred was certainly rivaled by Zhuk's. Nira could feel the rage from him despite his expressions. Oh, he was a great actor; Nira hoped to give him a commendation if and when they got out of this.

In the office, Doctor Fellows were seated in front of the old man, and Nira had her bound hands brought onto a hook on the ceiling, one the guards attached before she was hung up. Nori served...and Nira was shocked further to find, up close, she was Bajoran. Part Bajoran, anyhow, she could tell from the extra ridges.

"You clearly haven't released your Bajoran slaves, old man," Nira sneered.

The old man responded with a brief press of a button, resulting in Nira wriggling midair in pain for a brief moment, before he stopped and retorted, "Of course. But Nori's mother wasn't from their so-called Occupation. She was captured during the war of defiance against the Dominion."

Nira took note of the old man's choice of words, the way he described the Occupation from the Bajoran (and everybody else's) point of view not in his view, and how he described the Dominion War as "a war of defiance." His megalomania must be why he fit right in with the Dominion.

"You can never keep your hands off Bajoran women, can you?" hissed Nira. "No Cardassian officer ever had, even Dukat."

"Dukat ever felt particular close to that Tora woman that begot that Ziyal girl," the old man sneered. "He certainly never saw a big picture to clearly. Whereas me, of course I never stopped. From birth, I assess and judge before I sort my offspring into categories: Agents or slaves."

"So...Nori's your...?"

"That's right," he said with a sneer. "And she's not the only one. Half the harem kept in the Promenade are offspring, though some make good revenue with the Orion Syndicate."

"Ibn al Khab!" snarled Nira momentarily in Arabic. "I can see why your wife left you!"

Another jab of pain with the press of a button. And then the old man narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, Rahab was well aware of what I was doing," he said. "She always had a soft heart for Bajorans."

"Hasn't it occurred to you why? Maybe because of what you do to Bajorans is why she follows the Bajoran faith!"

Another jab of pain before he responded. "Believe me, my progeny are better than Rahab and her children. Either to serve me with loyalty or pleasure. And maybe either of you would enjoy your stay with them as well."

Nira stared in shock. This was one sick old man.

"I won't be a slave to you! Never!" she snarled.

"Oh, but look at Nori," he said soothingly. "She serves me excellently. She is quite happy and content here. Perhaps you will be, too. With enough time, your tongue could be loosed as to your real intentions. Perhaps before my Changeling friend re-forms and gives you the Dominion treatment. Obey me and live enjoyably. Defy me, and this will occur..."

And another jab of pain with the press of a button.

"I must say, I enjoy the prospect of keeping a Betazoid again," he added with venomous charm.

"Oh, you tried to get a harem during the war when the Dominion occupied Betazed?" snarled Nira.

"Unfortunately, the ones I acquired escaped too easily, especially since what they did to the Jem'Hadar," he said with disappointment. Nira thought he knew what he was talking about: that Betazed was liberated when it was discovered that the Jem'Hadar were sensitive to telepathy. Maybe that was why the Jem'Hadar looked to be afraid of her.

"I got a good idea," she said. "They were too scared of Betazoids, or they got themselves out."

"That depends," he shrugged. "And if a group I had chosen to join my harem would've made it if some fool didn't sneak aboard Sentok Nor before transfer and sacrificed himself to get them away...what was his name, Elder?"

He asked this to a Jem'Hadar standing next to him...and Nira was in for a new surprise. The Jem'Hadar was old, like a wrinkled cartoon dinosaur, though he'd look like that if it weren't for the horns. This must be a rare Jem'Hadar Elder, a Jem'Hadar that lived to the old age of thirty, in regards to Jem'Hadar, since they never lived past their thirties if they didn't die in battle. And now that she looked at him, she could see he was studying her intently.

"If I recall," the Elder said, "his name was Usul Atruk."

Nira now stared long and hard at the Elder. He...he was there. And that group about to be sent to Melek Nor for the old man's harem...was it possible he took interest in the women in that group and had them diverted from Crell Moset's lab, and that the momentary transfer gave advantage for somebody to surprise them guards and give time for them to escape? He must've been there. When Usul Atruk, her father, her biological father, gave his life to save her mother...and herself when she was still in the womb. And if it wasn't for Usul, now that it occurred to Nira, her mother, Muri Tenid-Atruk, would've ended up at Melek Nor and Nira would've grown up a slave.

"Well, stop gawking at the girl," he said. "It's a little unusual, I wasn't aware Jem'Hadar were interested in girls. Perhaps you can escort them to the Promenade for them time where they can get accustomed to their surroundings. You can show H'Riss our harem for his choice in pleasure before he stays in our suites. Nori can guide the way to the slave accommodations."

The Elder nodded and the Jem'Hadar took Zhuk and the prisoners to the turbolift, as the Elder continued to stare intently at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" snapped Nira.

"I've seen you before," the Elder said.

"Oh, I'm sure the Dominion keep tabs on Starfleet officers to get information about them," retorted Nira defiantly.

"No. I've seen you on Sentok Nor."

Nira blinked in surprise. "Sentok Nor was destroyed when Betazed was liberated. And it was a long time ago."

"I wasn't even an elder, then. I was a Third."

Nira sniffed dirisively and turned away. However, she had an inkling from his words, and she wondered...wondered about her mother...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 09, 2023, 08:58:08 AM

:: Community head | Habitat ring ::

As the toilet flushed, Kyan was relieved that he's been able to find a maintainence tube that happened to run past a bathroom. He wasn't lying when he told "œH'Riss" that he needed to go. And then before he'd gotten the chance, the Changeling made himself know"¦ there was some running for his life"¦ and then of course he'd done for the Cardassian. Then it was back into the tubes. By the time he'd managed to get the mesh grate thing off the wall and get into the head, he was about to say to hell with it and just do it in the maintainence tube. But then what if he peed on a plasma conduit or something?

Thankfully it hadn't come to that. He almost giggled at the thought of ole Sherem finding him deep fried in a compromising position in the maintainence tubes.

Now he had relieved himself, and was even able to wash his hands and face. Between carbon residue from the tubes, his and Almor's blood, and the sweat intermingling them, he looked like a proper hobo. It was hot in the maintainence tubes and his hair was wet with sweat and the afor-mentioned blood and grease. Of course it was Cardassians in charge, so really it was pretty hot everywhere. The tubes just made it worse. He decided to take one of the sleeves of his shirt and make a headband, to keep his hair out of his eyes, and to catch sweat. And since the metal grating was hell on his knees he decided to use the rest for some makeshift kneepads, since he'd be crawling around in there for the forseeable future. "œShoulda used the socks fer dat so!" he chided himself as he prepared to go back into the tubes. He grabbed the Breen belt and clipped it back on, and slung the disruptor rifle on his back.

He was just about to hop up into the ducts again when the door whisked open to reveal a Cardassian with his back turned. A voice called to him from a little further down the corridor.

"œSlet your yeso Heral! We need to find this Human boy or the old man is going to brand US."

"œI'll just be a minute!" the one in the doorway told whoever he was with. "œDoesn't matter anyway. When Nakal finds this little tizUt, he's going to rip him in half. He's going nuts in ops.

Kyan didn't chance the duct, instead opting to slip into a stall and perch himself on the toilet there. Thankfully Cardassian toilets weren't all the different than human made ones.

"œPlease be number one"¦." Kyan thought to himself.

Kyan heard the rustle of getting body armor up and off and then discarded onto the floor with a thud. Then the Cardassian plopped down on the commode. The Onlie boy's hopes were dashed when the foul noises started. Grunting....heavy breathing, the whole production. It appeared that Heral was waging an all out struggle with whatever he'd eaten. This was going to take a while.

And then the smell hit.

[Glinn Gilgal Luram | Habitat Ring Head | Melek Nor]

Glinn Luram appeared in the head; the computer told him Nakal was there. Stepping in, he was surprised by the smell.

"Nakal!" he shouted. "There you are. I need your report in. What was in that kanar sauce to make you this?"

He had a tricorder, part of his cover, that suddenly indicated that there was a non-Cardassian signature indicative. He had a good idea who it was. However, he shut it off after he got into the head.

Once he heard Nakal out from the stall, he said, "Well come along, the boy was reported to be around the docking ring. I did hear he was sighted near Section Ten, near the VIP quarters where we're keeping the Caitian Ambassador and the Setlik Three Hero's daughter. Of course, I doubt he'd stand a chance with the guards there, no matter how many there are!"

He raised his voice to indicate a pompous shout, like the Jem'Hadar were idiots. He hoped the boy could get the hint. Once Nakal was out of the stall, he practically dragged him away, chewing him off for his bowels.

Quote from: M'Nia on July 12, 2023, 12:28:51 AM

Well, she and her companions had been shown to their quarters. A very nice cabin, but still a cage. Fortunately they were allies with her. Including a friendly cardassian. Evidently an undercover operative. "Molly what do you have in mind?" She was curious what Molly was up to She didn't know her very well at all but from what she had heard, Molly was indeed very smart and clever. Maybe things weren't as dark as they seemed.  Her tail twitched as she awaited Molly's answer. She still wanted to get her hands on that lousy monster Sherem! She really wanted to make him pay!

[Commander Molly O'Brien | Habitat Ring | Melek Nor]
Molly looked over at M'Nia and Savar. "Well, I think the numbers are lowered to our advantage. It'll depend on how many there will be out there, though we can assume they'll be lightly guarded."

"No matter how lightly guarded it'll be, it won't be easy," said Savar. "In any case, it would be unwise to go sauntering through the corridors for us to be seen."

"We could probably try the crawlways," said Molly. "If I remember the layout, we're in Section Ten...but it'll depend on how secure any access besides the door can be. Guards are one thing, but we need to make sure about security forcefields. And knowing that sick bahstehd, the forcefields will hurt."

Savar shuddered, and Molly could understand. She had often seen Savar and Nira together when they weren't drilling, taking time to relax. She often saw them taking a snog when they thought nobody was looking, and she could understand how close they are.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

[Captain Ulysses Vaughn | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"There are still Jem'Hadar ships on our tail?" said Vaughn in surprise.

"Affirmative." Lieutenant Nuyu Sij cursed in Bajoran for a moment. "Somehow they're still tracking our trail."

"Helm, are you sure we can't risk a jump to slipstream?" called Vaughn.

Lieutenant Miki Tenmei turned and looked in concern. Born to Prynn Tenmei, who was daughter of Elias Vaughn and Ruriko Tenmei, which ultimately made her something of a cousin, it meant they were both connected in a way, though Miki was somewhere between daughter, younger cousin and baby sister to Ulysses.

"Not really, cousin," she said. "Interference from the Badlands still makes slipstream risky. We're still too far from the perimeter of the Badlands, much less the Admirals' designated rendezvous."

"Isn't there anything we can do, Shria?" asked Ulysses.

The pale Aenar science officer, Jhivi Sh'shriarret, who preferred to be referred to as Shria, was still going over the sensors.

"Rhooz," she muttered. "Don't know what we can do here without damaging the Valiant."

Ulysses pursed his lips. Shria is doing her best to try to find solutions, but there aren't any good ones that she could determine. This was very tricky.

"Captain!" Shria shouted.

"What's wrong, Commander?" asked Ulysses.

The lieutenant commander Science Officer looked up in surprise. "There's a faint Federation signature. It's too far away to determine who it is. But what's more, something's happening."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on July 12, 2023, 10:49:55 PM

[Captain Ulysses Vaughn | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"There are still Jem'Hadar ships on our tail?" said Vaughn in surprise.

"Affirmative." Lieutenant Nuyu Sij cursed in Bajoran for a moment. "Somehow they're still tracking our trail."

"Helm, are you sure we can't risk a jump to slipstream?" called Vaughn.

Lieutenant Miki Tenmei turned and looked in concern. Born to Prynn Tenmei, who was daughter of Elias Vaughn and Ruriko Tenmei, which ultimately made her something of a cousin, it meant they were both connected in a way, though Miki was somewhere between daughter, younger cousin and baby sister to Ulysses.

"Not really, cousin," she said. "Interference from the Badlands still makes slipstream risky. We're still too far from the perimeter of the Badlands, much less the Admirals' designated rendezvous."

"Isn't there anything we can do, Shria?" asked Ulysses.

The pale Aenar science officer, Jhivi Sh'shriarret, who preferred to be referred to as Shria, was still going over the sensors.

"Rhooz," she muttered. "Don't know what we can do here without damaging the Valiant."

Ulysses pursed his lips. Shria is doing her best to try to find solutions, but there aren't any good ones that she could determine. This was very tricky.

"Captain!" Shria shouted.

"What's wrong, Commander?" asked Ulysses.

The lieutenant commander Science Officer looked up in surprise. "There's a faint Federation signature. It's too far away to determine who it is. But what's more, something's happening."

Quote from: myne on July 11, 2023, 06:07:08 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Bridge | USS Challenger-A ]

Myne gulped as she nodded to her Department Head. "Yes Ma'am, on the version of Earth that Planet Miri is.. i'm from a region called 'Wales'. We've heard of the highlanders but there not within walking distance so we never interacted till the Federation started scooping us all up. So I am not accustom to there music."

Listening about the Methane clouds. "Captain permission to try the gravity well trick I wanted to use on the transwarp tunnel? In the bad lands it may work better do to the limited passive sensors, trick the Jem'Hadar attack ships into thinking theres a solid mass of planetoid or moon infront of them and they have to go around. Might only give the Valiant a dozen extra seconds but distance is distance?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the Challenger accelerated to chase the Jem'Hadar, T'Kel began firing the phasers in what seemed like a random pattern at the pockets of combustible gas, which exploded in varying sizes, which forced Rin to dodge and weave madly through the chaos of the Badlands, Ian smiled.

He would never admit it, but he thrived in these moments when the ship danced through fire with weapons blazing. There simply wasn't anything in the universe that made him feel more alive than he felt in these moments.

When Mel asked to attempt to fool the Jem'Hadar with false gravity projections, it was worth the try. The Valiant needed help and anything that increased their odds of survival was on the table.

"Permission granted Mr. Pwllgwyngyll. Ops, send Scotland the Brave out over every known subspace channel. I want the bloody Jem'Hadar ta ken full well help is on the way."

🡱 🡳

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