S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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Quote from: Nira Said on July 12, 2023, 09:09:56 PM

[Glinn Gilgal Luram | Habitat Ring Head | Melek Nor]

Glinn Luram appeared in the head; the computer told him Nakal was there. Stepping in, he was surprised by the smell.

"Nakal!" he shouted. "There you are. I need your report in. What was in that kanar sauce to make you this?"

He had a tricorder, part of his cover, that suddenly indicated that there was a non-Cardassian signature indicative. He had a good idea who it was. However, he shut it off after he got into the head.

Once he heard Nakal out from the stall, he said, "Well come along, the boy was reported to be around the docking ring. I did hear he was sighted near Section Ten, near the VIP quarters where we're keeping the Caitian Ambassador and the Setlik Three Hero's daughter. Of course, I doubt he'd stand a chance with the guards there, no matter how many there are!"

He raised his voice to indicate a pompous shout, like the Jem'Hadar were idiots. He hoped the boy could get the hint. Once Nakal was out of the stall, he practically dragged him away, chewing him off for his bowels.
[Commander Molly O'Brien | Habitat Ring | Melek Nor]
Molly looked over at M'Nia and Savar. "Well, I think the numbers are lowered to our advantage. It'll depend on how many there will be out there, though we can assume they'll be lightly guarded."

"No matter how lightly guarded it'll be, it won't be easy," said Savar. "In any case, it would be unwise to go sauntering through the corridors for us to be seen."

"We could probably try the crawlways," said Molly. "If I remember the layout, we're in Section Ten...but it'll depend on how secure any access besides the door can be. Guards are one thing, but we need to make sure about security forcefields. And knowing that sick bahstehd, the forcefields will hurt."

Savar shuddered, and Molly could understand. She had often seen Savar and Nira together when they weren't drilling, taking time to relax. She often saw them taking a snog when they thought nobody was looking, and she could understand how close they are.

"Interesting! I like it! It could work! So once we're out where to? We need to rescue the commander and I'd like to get Zhuk out of here too! Of course getting my claws on Sherem would be a huge bonus. Do you think you could deactivate the force fields?" M'nia was worried somewhat about Zhuk although his cover seemed intact for now The commander was the one she was really worried about That monster was really laying into her and taking great please doing so! The woman was tough but how long could she last! She took a deep breath! "And what about the helmets? how do they figure in?"

She had been proud and excited to be a part of this mission but now she was more scared than anything. Scared and angry! She had no idea why she had been picked for this assignment  but she would do her best to do her duty but she was worried at the cost of it! One thing was for sure, she'd never be the same after this!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 11, 2023, 10:29:22 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian said nothing as the women at the science stations chattered. Different people handled battle differently and some needed to talk. Closing on the fighters attempting to sneak up on the Valiant was taking longer than he liked, but the weapons fire had stirred up everything even remotely combustible in the area and the resulting turbulence was forcing Rin, to detour around the worst of the secondary explosions. When Ruth mentioned pockets of gases, it gave him an idea.

"Science, feed the locations of those gas pockets ta Tactical. T'Kel, target those pockets with the phasers. I want ta make as much of a spectacle as possible ta grab the attention of those Jem'Hadar. Maybe, we can give Valiant more time or even draw them away from her and after us."

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth nodded regarding the gas pockets then started humming the 1812 Overture to herself imagining the gas pockets being blown up like the version she'd heard of the peice being done with the Blues and Royals offering their services with live canons!

Quote from: myne on July 11, 2023, 06:07:08 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Bridge | USS Challenger-A ]

Myne gulped as she nodded to her Department Head. "Yes Ma'am, on the version of Earth that Planet Miri is.. i'm from a region called 'Wales'. We've heard of the highlanders but there not within walking distance so we never interacted till the Federation started scooping us all up. So I am not accustom to there music."

Listening about the Methane clouds. "Captain permission to try the gravity well trick I wanted to use on the transwarp tunnel? In the bad lands it may work better do to the limited passive sensors, trick the Jem'Hadar attack ships into thinking theres a solid mass of planetoid or moon infront of them and they have to go around. Might only give the Valiant a dozen extra seconds but distance is distance?"

"Guessed that with the name." the CSO said smiling.  "You don't willingly get a gobful of letters like someone dropped a Scrabble tile bag by choice... same with my name.  We have to be grateful that we can be called 'Ma'am'!  Great idea about the gravity wells!" Ruth chuckled.

Ruth smiled as Melly made the request to Captain Galloway about using the gravity well trick.  It was nice to know her department was well on top of things.

Quote from: Lina Knight on July 11, 2023, 11:41:08 PM

Lina nods to Ruth "that'd help a lot ma'am, sensitive ears are a problem at times. loud as some might say, 'obnoxious' music can be a pain. but getting used to it will help." she nods to Ian "will do sir." she quickly taps away to send the scans to them making sure not to miss a single detail for them as she keeps her eyes on all her work and mumbles a little as she taps away mostly talking to herself about little things in each of the scans and their details feeling most at home doing this at times

The CSO nodded reassuringly at Lina.  "Yes, agreed.  Like most unpleasant things the more you do them, the less it bothers you.  Like injections.  Where I'm from on Earth the medical advances aren't yet up to hypospray type injections.  Sometimes they have to resort to older hypodermics... not pleasant but you get used to it.  The music is the same.  I'm not particularly fond of opera for example.. but an ex partner a long time ago liked it so I learned to manage to appreciate it and listen without feeling like my ears were bleeding!"  she chuckled.  "This piece tho... there's something about the pipes which, after a while even when you don't really like them, get to stirring the blood!..."
Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 13, 2023, 10:09:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the Challenger accelerated to chase the Jem'Hadar, T'Kel began firing the phasers in what seemed like a random pattern at the pockets of combustible gas, which exploded in varying sizes, which forced Rin to dodge and weave madly through the chaos of the Badlands, Ian smiled.

He would never admit it, but he thrived in these moments when the ship danced through fire with weapons blazing. There simply wasn't anything in the universe that made him feel more alive than he felt in these moments.

When Mel asked to attempt to fool the Jem'Hadar with false gravity projections, it was worth the try. The Valiant needed help and anything that increased their odds of survival was on the table.

"Permission granted Mr. Pwllgwyngyll. Ops, send Scotland the Brave out over every known subspace channel. I want the bloody Jem'Hadar ta ken full well help is on the way."

Ruth grinned while being thrown this way and that in her seat.  "...and scare the living daylights out of our opponents!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 13, 2023, 10:09:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the Challenger accelerated to chase the Jem'Hadar, T'Kel began firing the phasers in what seemed like a random pattern at the pockets of combustible gas, which exploded in varying sizes, which forced Rin to dodge and weave madly through the chaos of the Badlands, Ian smiled.

He would never admit it, but he thrived in these moments when the ship danced through fire with weapons blazing. There simply wasn't anything in the universe that made him feel more alive than he felt in these moments.

When Mel asked to attempt to fool the Jem'Hadar with false gravity projections, it was worth the try. The Valiant needed help and anything that increased their odds of survival was on the table.

"Permission granted Mr. Pwllgwyngyll. Ops, send Scotland the Brave out over every known subspace channel. I want the bloody Jem'Hadar ta ken full well help is on the way."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 13, 2023, 12:11:22 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth grinned while being thrown this way and that in her seat.  "...and scare the living daylights out of our opponents!"

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil was already preparing himself for the explosion of the gas pockets when the Captain asked him to transmit the song to the Jem'Hadar's ships. From what he heard Lieutenant Sigurdsdottir say, this was some way of intimidating their enemies. Depending of good was their hearing, the young Betazoid would consider it outright torture.

At least now he knew the name of the song. While he wasn't a specialist in Earth, Aarwendil recognized the word Scotland as the name of a region from the planet. What he didn't know was the relation of this place with the sound that was still filling the bridge. The Ensign was nearly sure that it was some animal from Scotland vocalizing against its predators.

I'll  do it right now." Aarwendil said, while typing the commands in his console. Soon, Scotland the Brave was transmitted to the Jem'Hadar's ships. A small smile appeared on his lips, thinking how much their enemies would be disturbed by this song. He hoped that there could be some Vortas and even a Changeling inside it, so they could also suffer with it.

Perhaps this music could force a Changeling back to a puddle of goo. To make sure that it could at least hurt the hearing of those inside the enemy ships, Aarwendil sent the transmission far louder than originaly, with his small smile becoming a full grim.

Betazoid, Male



[Captain Galloway - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

As the Challenger accelerated to chase the Jem'Hadar, T'Kel began firing the phasers in what seemed like a random pattern at the pockets of combustible gas, which exploded in varying sizes, which forced Rin to dodge and weave madly through the chaos of the Badlands, Ian smiled.

He would never admit it, but he thrived in these moments when the ship danced through fire with weapons blazing. There simply wasn't anything in the universe that made him feel more alive than he felt in these moments.

When Mel asked to attempt to fool the Jem'Hadar with false gravity projections, it was worth the try. The Valiant needed help and anything that increased their odds of survival was on the table.

"Permission granted Mr. Pwllgwyngyll. Ops, send Scotland the Brave out over every known subspace channel. I want the bloody Jem'Hadar ta ken full well help is on the way."


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth grinned while being thrown this way and that in her seat.  "...and scare the living daylights out of our opponents!"

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had been preparing this for slowing the transwarp exit of the Melek Nor station. Transwarp happens by opening a tunnel to enter such as a single entry and use wormhole. If a ships sensors detect a large planetary mass in the way the failsafes would delay entry while recalibrating to determine a false positive. By using the deflector dish to make a false positive projection it would fool the sensors for about thirty seconds, long enough to blast and overheat more energy transfer tubes. In normal space against another vessel this would be immediately detected as false. But transwarp is different as is the Badlands. Using only passive sensors which is the only way in the badlands there is a chance less someone looks out a window.

Initiating the program to align and pulse the deflector dish she knew the threat this could cause. It would give the ship a split second of the deflector not fully protecting but it needed to be done. Hitting each button she tried to lean up and hit the last but could not reach. She would not be able to with her belt, so ignoring personal safety she unlatched the belt and leaned up hitting the last button.

"Brace please!", she said as the ship shuddered hard causing her to tumble from her chair and roll across the floor. With a whimper she shook her head and looked up watching the program as it worked.

In front of the two Jem'Haddar attack ships there collective sensors viewed in the cloudy pockets something that registered as a moon. The ships quickly veered and went around the mass, however this gave the Valiant at least an additional thirty to forty seconds of escape time.

Rubbing her sore shoulder from where she landed a smile formed, "There buying it Captain! There diverting around the gravity well. I hope Captain Vaughn uses the time wisely!"

Female Only

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck two - Observation Lounge (staging area for Damage Control Team One)]

With uplifted spirits because of Challenger's 'signature' song playing, Lahr responded to the repair calls that came in with speed and efficiency.   Most were minor.  The ship was weathering this battle better than anticipated.   Not at all what he'd expected when the Admirals suggested their plan.  Lahr was glad he had been wrong.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on July 13, 2023, 08:05:47 PM

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had been preparing this for slowing the transwarp exit of the Melek Nor station. Transwarp happens by opening a tunnel to enter such as a single entry and use wormhole. If a ships sensors detect a large planetary mass in the way the failsafes would delay entry while recalibrating to determine a false positive. By using the deflector dish to make a false positive projection it would fool the sensors for about thirty seconds, long enough to blast and overheat more energy transfer tubes. In normal space against another vessel this would be immediately detected as false. But transwarp is different as is the Badlands. Using only passive sensors which is the only way in the badlands there is a chance less someone looks out a window.

Initiating the program to align and pulse the deflector dish she knew the threat this could cause. It would give the ship a split second of the deflector not fully protecting but it needed to be done. Hitting each button she tried to lean up and hit the last but could not reach. She would not be able to with her belt, so ignoring personal safety she unlatched the belt and leaned up hitting the last button.

"Brace please!", she said as the ship shuddered hard causing her to tumble from her chair and roll across the floor. With a whimper she shook her head and looked up watching the program as it worked.

In front of the two Jem'Haddar attack ships there collective sensors viewed in the cloudy pockets something that registered as a moon. The ships quickly veered and went around the mass, however this gave the Valiant at least an additional thirty to forty seconds of escape time.

Rubbing her sore shoulder from where she landed a smile formed, "There buying it Captain! There diverting around the gravity well. I hope Captain Vaughn uses the time wisely!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was pleased to see that Mel seemed to be handling the battle well. Regardless of this progress, she was still probationary until she proved she could handle being assigned to an away team. Time would tell and he hoped her current performance was a positive indicator for the future.

Turning his focus of his attention back to the battle. With the Jem'Hadar splitting up in reaction to the false gravity well they'd created, it was time to bring this battle to a quick end.

"Ops signal Valiant ta take the one that broke ta starboard, we'll get the other one. Helm, full impulse an dinnae lose them. Tactical, weapons free. Burn them out of the bloody sky."

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: myne on July 13, 2023, 08:05:47 PM

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had been preparing this for slowing the transwarp exit of the Melek Nor station. Transwarp happens by opening a tunnel to enter such as a single entry and use wormhole. If a ships sensors detect a large planetary mass in the way the failsafes would delay entry while recalibrating to determine a false positive. By using the deflector dish to make a false positive projection it would fool the sensors for about thirty seconds, long enough to blast and overheat more energy transfer tubes. In normal space against another vessel this would be immediately detected as false. But transwarp is different as is the Badlands. Using only passive sensors which is the only way in the badlands there is a chance less someone looks out a window.

Initiating the program to align and pulse the deflector dish she knew the threat this could cause. It would give the ship a split second of the deflector not fully protecting but it needed to be done. Hitting each button she tried to lean up and hit the last but could not reach. She would not be able to with her belt, so ignoring personal safety she unlatched the belt and leaned up hitting the last button.

"Brace please!", she said as the ship shuddered hard causing her to tumble from her chair and roll across the floor. With a whimper she shook her head and looked up watching the program as it worked.

In front of the two Jem'Haddar attack ships there collective sensors viewed in the cloudy pockets something that registered as a moon. The ships quickly veered and went around the mass, however this gave the Valiant at least an additional thirty to forty seconds of escape time.

Rubbing her sore shoulder from where she landed a smile formed, "There buying it Captain! There diverting around the gravity well. I hope Captain Vaughn uses the time wisely!"

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil gripped the console in front of him with a vice grip, while the entire Challenger was shaken. He felt relieved for having tightened the belt, because even holding onto something he was sure that it wasn't going to be  enough for not being thrown out of his seat and end rolling around the floor.

Like how Myne was doing right now.

Are you fine?" he asked the Only with wide eyes, while she returned to her seat. It was at this moment that the young Betazoid noticed that Myne wasn't wearing the belt. It was a bit obvious that she wasn't, since with it the girl would not be able to reach the console. She was too small, with her working station not having been built for some with her height.

The Federation really needed to think about the accessibility of smaller species when projecting these stations.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 14, 2023, 12:04:43 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was pleased to see that Mel seemed to be handling the battle well. Regardless of this progress, she was still probationary until she proved she could handle being assigned to an away team. Time would tell and he hoped her current performance was a positive indicator for the future.

Turning his focus of his attention back to the battle. With the Jem'Hadar splitting up in reaction to the false gravity well they'd created, it was time to bring this battle to a quick end.

"Ops signal Valiant ta take the one that broke ta starboard, we'll get the other one. Helm, full impulse an dinnae lose them. Tactical, weapons free. Burn them out of the bloody sky."

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil turned his attention away from Myne when he heard the Captain talk. "œOn it, sir." he said, while typing his commands in the console. Soon, the young Betazoid established communications with the other ship.

Valiant, here is the Challenger. You should take the ship that broke on the starboard, we are going after the other." once it was done, the  young Betazoid prepared himself. He was sure that ship was going to shake some more.

Betazoid, Male

Kyan Mackenzie


:: Melok Nor | Environmental Maintainence Tubes ::

Kyan had been back to crawling through the maintainence shafts and tunnels since finally escaping the bathroom. He wasn't entirely certain that the Cardasian who'd come in and talked to the smelly guy was talking to him, but it seemed like he was. And in any case, he didn't have anywhere else to go. So he'd decided to go see if what he'd said about the other membrs of the away team was right. Unfortunately for him, it was fairly slow going"¦ and long since section 10 was on the opposite side of the station. It was also hot and dirty in the tubes.

"œNasty arse creatures the Spoonies are, and no mistake!" he muttered as he crawled toward a bright spot ahead. As he got closer he heard voices, mostly females from the sound of them"¦ of all ages. It smelled different too. Instead of dust and the acrid scents of machine lubricants and chemicals, he now smelled flowery things and burning incense.

Finally he reached the spot, which was large grate. He could see into the room, but it didn't look like anything he'd seen before. Firstly, there was a pool; no, a fountain directly beneath him. And lots of girls milling around it, in various stages of dress"¦ or undress in some cases. They looked like they were just talking to each other. Some were laughing. He couldn't make out facial features because of the smoke from incense and torches"¦ and steam coming off of some hot rocks near the fountain, but he could tell they weren't all Cardassians.

There wasn't time to figure it out though. He needed to get to the VIP quarters. Kyan pushed the grating to see if it would support his weight. Satisfied that it would, he began crawling across it. When he was fully on it, he heard a creak, followed shortly by a snap. The left side drooped and he caught himself on the wall of the tube. He stayed still, afraid to go back but unable to go forward. Another creak"¦ and snap.

"œShite!" he cursed loudly. But before he could grab the ledge Kyan was falling, his arms flailed to grab at the ledge but he missed it. He landed full on his stomach in the water. It felt like a huge hand had smacked him hard in the gut. The shock knocked out his wind for a moment and he was momentarily disoriented. Luckily the fountain was only a few feet deep. Kyan got his knees under him and crawled toward the edge of the fountain, gasping as he went to get air back into his lungs.

Some of the women gasped or shrieked when the grate broke and he fell. However, as he crawled to the edge many of them crowded around the edge of the fountain.

"It's a boy!" one called out, the voice not much older than his own.

"Aww... hello cutie!" another cooed.

"It's raining men now....and on our day off." still another called out.

That drew laughter from the little crowd. Kyan got air in his lungs finally and hauled himself up over the smooth stone to sit on the edge of the fountain. He looked up at the onlookers, incredulous and more than a little confused at what he was looking at and exactly where he was.

"Look. He's a Neri kima! like Nori." a little girl spoke up from the back.

Finally able to take in enough air to get his wits about him, Kyan's first thought was "What fresh flower-smelling hell have I fallen into?"

"Ummm who... where am I? he stammered finally.

One of the older ones draped a big towel thing over him. Then she scooped him up and deposited him on a velvety bench nearby. He winced at the treatment but didn't protest, still trying to figure out just what the hell was happening.

"œWho are you boy? And why are you skulking around the maintainence tubes?" she asked, her question equal parts gruppish authority and casual mirth.

"œI'm uhhh.."

"œTrying to get a look at the girls were you?" she interrupted, smiling knowingly.

"œI was not!" Kyan shot back quickly. "œI was tryin tae"¦wait." He paused, looking around. "œWho are you? What is this place?"

The one who had picked him up laughed. "As if you don't know."

"I don't. I was just going through the tubes... trying tae get ta... "

"It's Gul Sharem's harem tesharo (little man in Bajoran) she offered sweetly.

Kyan had heard the word "harem" before but he didn't remember what it meant. His Universal translator didn't catch "tesharo"... which sounded Bajoran, maybe harem was a Bajoran thing too. "What's a harem?"

"It's where all the girls stay." the young voice laughed. "And then boys come to..."

Then it clicked. Kyan's face began to match his hair. "Oh.. Oh... No... I dinnae mean tae come here... " Kyan had heard of harems before, what some grups called a brothel. .. no, that was different. You had to pay at a brothel"¦ a harem was"¦ it was a sex room for slaves. "œSo you're all sex slaves?" he asked, putting it together. "œThat's disgusting!" Visions of all the various sex diseases assaulted him. Cooties was just the beginning of that parade of nastiness. He'd heard groups talking about then, and they had a whole class about it at the academy. Andorian Goner... something or other... but it was bad. And he had no intention of catching any of them. He stood up. "I gotta go... umm.. I was meant tae go to uhh.."

"What in the four hells is going on here!?" an old lady demanded, pushing through the girls. When she got to the front she peered imperiously down at Kyan. "And who's this welp?"

Kyan noticed the change in mood. The giggling was gone, and some of the closer ones backed away. The old woman, a Cardassian was dressed in much better clothes than everyone else, and her hair was pulled back in a tight bun. She could have been a School teacher. "I'm Kyan..." he offered, meeting her gaze defiantly. "...Mackenzie. Who da hell are you?

The old lady replied. "œI am Ladine Larok, First Mistress."

"You run this place? Aren't you kinda old fer flopping around naked with people?"

Some of the women snickered at his comment, but were silenced at a glance from Larok. "œI do." She answered cooly, about to offer a retort to his comment about her age. Then she noticed his distinct lack of nose ridges. "œYou aren't Bajoran. And there aren't any humans on the station." she eyed him suspiciously. "What are you doing here?"

"I was fixing the air scrubbers." Kyan deadpanned. "Then I fell in the grate... on account of Gul Sharem being a tight arse with the platinum."

"Liar!" Larok hissed. "You're not a repair boy." She looked over to a teenaged girl who looked Bajoran. "œNares! Call security. We'll see what the Gul has to say about this stowaway."

This was headed south. If security came, he was caught for sure. Looking up at the vent, he knew it wasn't an option. Too high. He'd have to get out the door. The door, which happened to be on the other side of the old woman. Kyan threw off the flower blanket and swung his rifle around to his front and trained it on her. "œDinnae do that Nares." He said glancing over at the girl. "œI'm not after hurting any of you ladies the now, even you ye old bat, but I cannae be letting ya call up yer boss and get me caught."

Kyan clicked the safety off with a trained flick of his thumb as he spoke, keeping his eyes and his rifle on Larok. He was surprised when she lunged at him. She kicked at the rifle and Kyan pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

Then her kick connected with it, knocking it out of his hands. It went up over his head, sling and all, and clattered across the floor and under a long table set with food and drinks. He turned to go after it, but Larok had him by the belt before he could get away. She yanked him toward her. Kyan dropped his weight and rolled against her wrist, attempting to break her grip. Instead, she turned him back over and hauled him up. Once his feet were under him he turned his body and planted a thrust kick to the inside of her leg. It wouldn't break it, but it was hard enough to hurt. She crumpled a bit and cursed as she let go.

Kyan went for the rifle again, but Larok once again caught him. She was fast for an old lady he thought, annoyed. He didn't have time to dwell on it though, as she caught him with the other hand. Then she jerked him back and swung him around like a shotput. When she let go, the momentum carried him flailing into a table set up near a wall.

Kyan crashed through the table and ended up on the floor. Bottles of perfume, bowls of body paint and sparkly glitter rained down on him, covering his face, hair and torso. He sighed. "Sure and it is Hell. And now I'm covered in sex glitter."

Larok laughed at his predicament. "You'd make a fine addition to this harem now. You look like a proper little pleasure girl."

Dragging himself up, Kyan angrily wiped the sparkly paint and glitter from his face. He wasn't usually the type to fight old women, or girls in general, but given the circumstances....

"Okay ye old Spoon head thlut...." he spat the last word, literally because there was glitter in his mouth. "You want to have a proper go with me the now? I'll have yer wrinked arse in the infirmary."

"I've tamed this bunch." Larok smiled. "and I can do the same for a little brat like you."

Kyan laughed. "I'm Kyan Mackenzie you wispy haired wankstain! Sure and better grups den you been after havin me tame for a hundred years. Come and try it then!"

She didn't get the insult exactly, but it had the desired effect. She rushed him. When she was close enough, she tried grabbing him but he shifted his weight and ducked to her left, leaving a foot out to trip her. She went headfirst into the ruined table and all its various oils perfumes and glitter. That drew gasps and some hand muffled laughs from the girls and women standing around.

"Too slow cow face. Back on yer horse and try again." Kyan giggled, backing up several feet "Or is it enough for ye?"

When Larok rose, she had a table leg in her hand and lethal intent on her face. "When I'm done with you boy..." she seethed.

Kyan knew she was nearly where he wanted her. "Ya gonna beat me arse with that stick granny?" he smiled, turning around. "Well come on then. Here it is!" He shook his bum at her, taunting her.

That drew more laughs, some unmuffled this time from the peanut gallery. And that had the desired effect. Lorak started for him and he went for the long table, under which was the rifle. He dove under it when he got there and scrambled for the weapon. He reached it just as she upended the table with a gutteral scream.

Rolling over to his back, Kyan thumbed the weapon from kill to stun, hoping that the kill setting was somehow just shorted out by the water. "Come on Morrigu!..." he thought to the crow goddess, "...dinnae leave me hanging!" Lorak raised the table leg above her head, ready to bring it down on the ancient boy. Kyan raised the rifle, taking a quick aim at her chest. When she began bringing the makeshift club down, he pulled the trigger.

A yellow beam lanced out from the barrel smacking Lorak full in the chest. She stopped mid swing and crumpled to the floor, unconscious. Kyan sighed as he dropped his hands to his sides and rested his head on the floor. Offering silent thanks to the Raven feathered goddess, he laid there for a moment before getting up. The shocked silence of the onlooking slave women turned into hushed whispers and frightened words.

"You have to get out of here. They'll be coming!" the one who'd given him a blanket said, looking at the door.

"Aye.. but I cannae get back to the vents."

She thought for a moment. Then she smiled at a few of the girls near her. "Ladies..." she said. "Let's get to work."

Kyan didn't like the sound of that... at all.

~ Fifteen minutes later. ~

:: VIP Quarters | Melok Nor ::

As Molly Obrien and the others pondered their options, a commotion began outside. Muffled by the door, they heard shouts and the whine of disruptors. Several shots rang out and then two thuds. After a few tense moments, the doors whisked open to reveal a small form in a silk face covering and robe. They were holding a Cardassian disruptor in one hand and two of a Jem Hadar make in the other. The Jem Hadar who were guarding the door were lying in front of it. The figure stepped over the falled guards and the doors whisked shut behind them.

The Jem Hadar rifles were tossed on the floor and Kyan pulled the face covering and silk robe dress thing off. "Aye and Merry Met again." he smiled. "Anyone wanna go cause some trouble with me?"


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 14, 2023, 07:49:24 PM

:: Melok Nor | Environmental Maintainence Tubes ::

"You have to get out of here. They'll be coming!" the one who'd given him a blanket said, looking at the door.

"Aye.. but I cannae get back to the vents."

She thought for a moment. Then she smiled at a few of the girls near her. "Ladies..." she said. "Let's get to work."

Kyan didn't like the sound of that... at all.

~ Fifteen minutes later. ~

:: VIP Quarters | Melok Nor ::

As Molly Obrien and the others pondered their options, a commotion began outside. Muffled by the door, they heard shouts and the whine of disruptors. Several shots rang out and then two thuds. After a few tense moments, the doors whisked open to reveal a small form in a silk face covering and robe. They were holding a Cardassian disruptor in one hand and two of a Jem Hadar make in the other. The Jem Hadar who were guarding the door were lying in front of it. The figure stepped over the falled guards and the doors whisked shut behind them.

The Jem Hadar rifles were tossed on the floor and Kyan pulled the face covering and silk robe dress thing off. "Aye and Merry Met again." he smiled. "Anyone wanna go cause some trouble with me?"

When she recognized Kyan, M'nia couldn't help herself. "Ohh K'tal's whiskers!" and she broke up laughing. She couldn't stop! Kyan looked so silly especially with all the glitter. Finally after a few minutes. "Oh Kyan what? where did all the glitter come from?" On one level she knew they should get moving but he was so ridiculous "Ahem, yes, Maybe we'd better get moving while we can!" She said as she tried to suppress her laughter. Her tail flicking back in forth in amusement. Boy was she going to have a story when this was over! her whiskers would be twitching for a while in amusement.  "So any weapons available?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lina Knight

Linas ears folded at the mention of injections "ironic as it is, could we not discuss such things as needles while in the middle of combat? tense enough as it is, I really REALLY don't like needles" she flicked her tail anxiously "I never have it's silly I'm told. I'm an adult it's just a tiny prick yada yada. But I can't get over it, hell, I'm not even a full animal and the mention of a V. E. T is unnerving!" she frowns "is that silly? I used to be made fun of for such fears as a kid... heh. If they all could see me now..." she sighs and tries to relax tapping away at her station to keep everything and everyone updated on new readings

                   Female half-Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: M'nia

When she recognized Kyan, M'nia couldn't help herself. "Ohh K'tal's whiskers!" and she broke up laughing. She couldn't stop! Kyan looked so silly especially with all the glitter. Finally after a few minutes. "Oh Kyan what? where did all the glitter come from?" On one level she knew they should get moving but he was so ridiculous "Ahem, yes, Maybe we'd better get moving while we can!" She said as she tried to suppress her laughter. Her tail flicking back in forth in amusement. Boy was she going to have a story when this was over! her whiskers would be twitching for a while in amusement.  "So any weapons available?"

Kyan looked down at himself. He didn't have any shoes, nor socks"¦ or a shirt. He was wearing a Breen utility belt, which was a bit too big for him, and he had glitter and sparkly body paint splattered all over him. Not to mention the fact that he smelled like he'd just gone for a swim in a pool of perfume, which he supposed he had. Kyan wondered if he ought to tell her the story of his trip to Gul Sherem's Little Palace of Nastiness. He decided to save it for later. After all, it was a good story, and he didn't have time to tell it properly now.

"œSure and I had a rowe with the glitter skank." He said simply. "œI'll tell ya the rest when we get back ta the ship"¦ and after I take a shower"¦ or five." Then he indicated the Jem Hadar rifles he'd collected from the guards. "œJust those. And we better be hurrying, this Cardassian one I shot em with only works on stun now." He headed for the bathroom to wash his face off. Then before he went in, "œAnd if you see an old Cardassian lady with glitter on her and a face like a skelpted arse"¦. Shoot her."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: myne on July 13, 2023, 08:05:47 PM

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had been preparing this for slowing the transwarp exit of the Melek Nor station. Transwarp happens by opening a tunnel to enter such as a single entry and use wormhole. If a ships sensors detect a large planetary mass in the way the failsafes would delay entry while recalibrating to determine a false positive. By using the deflector dish to make a false positive projection it would fool the sensors for about thirty seconds, long enough to blast and overheat more energy transfer tubes. In normal space against another vessel this would be immediately detected as false. But transwarp is different as is the Badlands. Using only passive sensors which is the only way in the badlands there is a chance less someone looks out a window.

Initiating the program to align and pulse the deflector dish she knew the threat this could cause. It would give the ship a split second of the deflector not fully protecting but it needed to be done. Hitting each button she tried to lean up and hit the last but could not reach. She would not be able to with her belt, so ignoring personal safety she unlatched the belt and leaned up hitting the last button.

"Brace please!", she said as the ship shuddered hard causing her to tumble from her chair and roll across the floor. With a whimper she shook her head and looked up watching the program as it worked.

In front of the two Jem'Haddar attack ships there collective sensors viewed in the cloudy pockets something that registered as a moon. The ships quickly veered and went around the mass, however this gave the Valiant at least an additional thirty to forty seconds of escape time.

Rubbing her sore shoulder from where she landed a smile formed, "There buying it Captain! There diverting around the gravity well. I hope Captain Vaughn uses the time wisely!"

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"MELLY!" Ruth shrieked forgetting herself in her concern for the young Ensign.

In one swift movement she was out of her seat going to check on her, looking at the girl concerned.

She grinned as the girl just sat up and rubbed her shoulder then announce that her trick was working.

The CSO sighed.  "Sooner we get you something sorted for being more secure in that seat the better.  And promise soon as this is over you go and get checked out by Medical.  I think you're ok for now.  But if you need medical assistance then tell me now and I'll arrange relief."

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on July 14, 2023, 07:34:05 PM

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil gripped the console in front of him with a vice grip, while the entire Challenger was shaken. He felt relieved for having tightened the belt, because even holding onto something he was sure that it wasn't going to be  enough for not being thrown out of his seat and end rolling around the floor.

Like how Myne was doing right now.

Are you fine?" he asked the Only with wide eyes, while she returned to her seat. It was at this moment that the young Betazoid noticed that Myne wasn't wearing the belt. It was a bit obvious that she wasn't, since with it the girl would not be able to reach the console. She was too small, with her working station not having been built for some with her height.

The Federation really needed to think about the accessibility of smaller species when projecting these stations.

"I think someone likes you!" Ruth whispered and grinned "Mr. Cute Ops Officer!"  She gave Aarwendil a grateful smile for being concerned about the girl.

She proffered a hand to help the Ensign up and gingerly made her way back to her seat.

Quote from: Lina Knight on July 15, 2023, 12:12:09 AM

Linas ears folded at the mention of injections "ironic as it is, could we not discuss such things as needles while in the middle of combat? tense enough as it is, I really REALLY don't like needles" she flicked her tail anxiously "I never have it's silly I'm told. I'm an adult it's just a tiny prick yada yada. But I can't get over it, hell, I'm not even a full animal and the mention of a V. E. T is unnerving!" she frowns "is that silly? I used to be made fun of for such fears as a kid... heh. If they all could see me now..." she sighs and tries to relax tapping away at her station to keep everything and everyone updated on new readings

Now sat again Ruth turned her attention to her other Ensign.

"Hell no, it's not silly and I'm sorry... my bad.  Everyone has different triggers and phobias in life.  For example I hate spiders.  I mean ok it might be right to be scared of something venomous but I'm talking itty bitty ones...I'll run out of the shower and get Lahr to deal with it!"  she said and laid a comforting hand on Lina's.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Do you a deal, no talk of ne... those things you don't like and you don't talk about 8 legged bugs... OK?!"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 14, 2023, 12:04:43 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was pleased to see that Mel seemed to be handling the battle well. Regardless of this progress, she was still probationary until she proved she could handle being assigned to an away team. Time would tell and he hoped her current performance was a positive indicator for the future.

Turning his focus of his attention back to the battle. With the Jem'Hadar splitting up in reaction to the false gravity well they'd created, it was time to bring this battle to a quick end.

"Ops signal Valiant ta take the one that broke ta starboard, we'll get the other one. Helm, full impulse an dinnae lose them. Tactical, weapons free. Burn them out of the bloody sky."

Ruth muttered to herself "Now is the time for my theme music... it fits chasing down people much more!" and started humming 'Ride of the Valkyries' while adding her own lyrics of "Let's kill the Bas-tards, let's kill the bas-tards, blow them to matchsticks, set fire to the sky..."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]

Nira was surprised at the redheaded Cardassian girl who appeared to offer drinks. She couldn't tell what disturbed her more, the fact that the old man kept a slave and Allah knows how many more, the fact that she was barely prepubescent, or just how normal it was. The reactions weren't lost especially to the old man.

"Yes, Nori, a drink will suffice for our guest, H'riss, here," he said. "But I'm afraid not for the girls. Especially her," he added, indicating to Nira. "But I suppose this requires a bit more...interest. Guards, bring the prisoners to my office. Join us,  Nori, continue serving us refreshment. Meantime, see if you can get our friend to reform faster."

He gestured to the liquid mess that was Belvedere. The Jem'Hadar brought Nira down and took her and Doctor Fellows to the office. A little more privacy...seems like a little more fun. Nira could see the envious looks around the officers in Ops...with exception to Malat, who had, at the news of his brothers' death, would've ripped the console and flung it upside-down if the console wasn't pinned to the floor...though he could easily if he made the effort; Nira was definitely sure he was part Gorn, having passed close to him on her way to the office. His teeth were still grit, and Nira could see the sharp teeth. They could've been filed so he could be more savage, but they looked too jagged to look filed, unless he was extremely specific...

The burning hatred was certainly rivaled by Zhuk's. Nira could feel the rage from him despite his expressions. Oh, he was a great actor; Nira hoped to give him a commendation if and when they got out of this.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

Nori smiled as he had remembered her name. Lifting the bucket to empty the water and obediently taking the cup offered to Dr Fellows she helped coax Belvedere into the bucket. Carrying him along she walked behind her Father/Master, behind the Caitian Mercanary and the Jem'Hadar, but before the prisoners. A distinctively pecking order was observed, not that she thought herself above the Prisoners as each were infimitely more valuable then her. But High Protocol must be followed, for she knew her place. The Cat however was a interesting creature and she hoped she would get to spend time asking him questions. But if not she would just put the memory with others and try to not have regrets. Slaves were not allowed regrets.


[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]
In the office, Doctor Fellows were seated in front of the old man, and Nira had her bound hands brought onto a hook on the ceiling, one the guards attached before she was hung up. Nori served...and Nira was shocked further to find, up close, she was Bajoran. Part Bajoran, anyhow, she could tell from the extra ridges.

"You clearly haven't released your Bajoran slaves, old man," Nira sneered.

The old man responded with a brief press of a button, resulting in Nira wriggling midair in pain for a brief moment, before he stopped and retorted, "Of course. But Nori's mother wasn't from their so-called Occupation. She was captured during the war of defiance against the Dominion."

Nira took note of the old man's choice of words, the way he described the Occupation from the Bajoran (and everybody else's) point of view not in his view, and how he described the Dominion War as "a war of defiance." His megalomania must be why he fit right in with the Dominion.

"You can never keep your hands off Bajoran women, can you?" hissed Nira. "No Cardassian officer ever had, even Dukat."

"Dukat ever felt particular close to that Tora woman that begot that Ziyal girl," the old man sneered. "He certainly never saw a big picture to clearly. Whereas me, of course I never stopped. From birth, I assess and judge before I sort my offspring into categories: Agents or slaves."

"So...Nori's your...?"

"That's right," he said with a sneer. "And she's not the only one. Half the harem kept in the Promenade are offspring, though some make good revenue with the Orion Syndicate."

"Ibn al Khab!" snarled Nira momentarily in Arabic. "I can see why your wife left you!"

Another jab of pain with the press of a button. And then the old man narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, Rahab was well aware of what I was doing," he said. "She always had a soft heart for Bajorans."

"Hasn't it occurred to you why? Maybe because of what you do to Bajorans is why she follows the Bajoran faith!"

Another jab of pain before he responded. "Believe me, my progeny are better than Rahab and her children. Either to serve me with loyalty or pleasure. And maybe either of you would enjoy your stay with them as well."

Nira stared in shock. This was one sick old man.

"I won't be a slave to you! Never!" she snarled.

"Oh, but look at Nori," he said soothingly. "She serves me excellently. She is quite happy and content here. Perhaps you will be, too. With enough time, your tongue could be loosed as to your real intentions. Perhaps before my Changeling friend re-forms and gives you the Dominion treatment. Obey me and live enjoyably. Defy me, and this will occur..."

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]
The girl had followed as ordered and placed the bucket beside her Father's desk, hopefully the shade and confinement of the bucket would aid in reforming. At this point she quickly hurried about busily to not be dawdling. She took the bottle of kanar and poured two glasses, one for Him and one for the Mercenary. Offering the first glass up to Sherem she then offered the next when he took it to the Caitian mercenary.

Her face lit up however when she heard her Father. Taking a bold move which might cause a slap she said happily. "Girl is happy to serve Master. He feeds us, clothes us, and gives us purpose. He expects loyalty and we give it because we are good girls."

She smiled then looked to Nira with a genuine concerned frown, "Mistress? Father taught us that pain is the result of being bad, good girl's don't hurt. So be a good girl and you won't hurt?" She said looking confused but then suddenly put a hand over her own mouth, "Master I mean Master, not Father. Master." She looked to him in terror hoping not to be beaten but accepting it if he did.


[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]
And another jab of pain with the press of a button.

"I must say, I enjoy the prospect of keeping a Betazoid again," he added with venomous charm.

"Oh, you tried to get a harem during the war when the Dominion occupied Betazed?" snarled Nira.

"Unfortunately, the ones I acquired escaped too easily, especially since what they did to the Jem'Hadar," he said with disappointment. Nira thought he knew what he was talking about: that Betazed was liberated when it was discovered that the Jem'Hadar were sensitive to telepathy. Maybe that was why the Jem'Hadar looked to be afraid of her.

"I got a good idea," she said. "They were too scared of Betazoids, or they got themselves out."

"That depends," he shrugged. "And if a group I had chosen to join my harem would've made it if some fool didn't sneak aboard Sentok Nor before transfer and sacrificed himself to get them away...what was his name, Elder?"

He asked this to a Jem'Hadar standing next to him...and Nira was in for a new surprise. The Jem'Hadar was old, like a wrinkled cartoon dinosaur, though he'd look like that if it weren't for the horns. This must be a rare Jem'Hadar Elder, a Jem'Hadar that lived to the old age of thirty, in regards to Jem'Hadar, since they never lived past their thirties if they didn't die in battle. And now that she looked at him, she could see he was studying her intently.

"If I recall," the Elder said, "his name was Usul Atruk."

Nira now stared long and hard at the Elder. He...he was there. And that group about to be sent to Melek Nor for the old man's harem...was it possible he took interest in the women in that group and had them diverted from Crell Moset's lab, and that the momentary transfer gave advantage for somebody to surprise them guards and give time for them to escape? He must've been there. When Usul Atruk, her father, her biological father, gave his life to save her mother...and herself when she was still in the womb. And if it wasn't for Usul, now that it occurred to Nira, her mother, Muri Tenid-Atruk, would've ended up at Melek Nor and Nira would've grown up a slave.

"Well, stop gawking at the girl," he said. "It's a little unusual, I wasn't aware Jem'Hadar were interested in girls. Perhaps you can escort them to the Promenade for them time where they can get accustomed to their surroundings. You can show H'Riss our harem for his choice in pleasure before he stays in our suites. Nori can guide the way to the slave accommodations."

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]
Nori offered a small hand up to Zhuk, "I have many charming and pleasing sisters you may find fair. As well as other girls if you do not wish my sisters. The choice is yours, just tell me as I will relay to the First Mistress who runs the harem that Master has given you choice?" She smiled sweetly and happily up to him as she waited for him to take her hand or not.

[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]
The Elder nodded and the Jem'Hadar took Zhuk and the prisoners to the turbolift, as the Elder continued to stare intently at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" snapped Nira.

"I've seen you before," the Elder said.

"Oh, I'm sure the Dominion keep tabs on Starfleet officers to get information about them," retorted Nira defiantly.

"No. I've seen you on Sentok Nor."

Nira blinked in surprise. "Sentok Nor was destroyed when Betazed was liberated. And it was a long time ago."

"I wasn't even an elder, then. I was a Third."

Nira sniffed dirisively and turned away. However, she had an inkling from his words, and she wondered...wondered about her mother...

Female Only



[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"MELLY!" Ruth shrieked forgetting herself in her concern for the young Ensign.

In one swift movement she was out of her seat going to check on her, looking at the girl concerned.

She grinned as the girl just sat up and rubbed her shoulder then announce that her trick was working.

The CSO sighed.  "Sooner we get you something sorted for being more secure in that seat the better.  And promise soon as this is over you go and get checked out by Medical.  I think you're ok for now.  But if you need medical assistance then tell me now and I'll arrange relief."

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"Yeah sucks to be small. I'll live just hit and am sore, nothing broken. I'll live, had worse during my time as a slave." She tried to not think of that time as the telepath was here, nothing wantng to flood him with bad things.

Shaking her head, "No need to have me checked, maybe a hand back up?". She offered a smile.


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]
"I think someone likes you!" Ruth whispered and grinned "Mr. Cute Ops Officer!"  She gave Aarwendil a grateful smile for being concerned about the girl.

She offered a hand to help the Ensign up and gingerly made her way back to her seat.


[Ensign Aarwendil - USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil gripped the console in front of him with a vice grip, while the entire Challenger was shaken. He felt relieved for having tightened the belt, because even holding onto something he was sure that it wasn't going to be  enough for not being thrown out of his seat and end rolling around the floor.

Like how Myne was doing right now.

"œAre you fine?" he asked the Only with wide eyes, while she returned to her seat. It was at this moment that the young Betazoid noticed that Myne wasn't wearing the belt. It was a bit obvious that she wasn't, since with it the girl would not be able to reach the console. She was too small, with her working station not having been built for some with her height.

The Federation really needed to think about the accessibility of smaller species when projecting these stations.

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]
Ensign Myne blushed ear to ear then all the way back around to her ear again! Her thought of him being cute were flowing out as she hoped he would not pick up on them. He was too young for her anyway.

Carefully with Ruths help the girl rose and was back in her chair to get strapped in again. Looking to the ops with a smile and blush, "Yes I am fine, thank You Sir, thank You."

Then back to scanning, yes scanning.

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Prefect's Office ---> Turbolift | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]


[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]

Nira was surprised at the redheaded Cardassian girl who appeared to offer drinks. She couldn't tell what disturbed her more, the fact that the old man kept a slave and Allah knows how many more, the fact that she was barely prepubescent, or just how normal it was. The reactions weren't lost especially to the old man.

"Yes, Nori, a drink will suffice for our guest, H'riss, here," he said. "But I'm afraid not for the girls. Especially her," he added, indicating to Nira. "But I suppose this requires a bit more...interest. Guards, bring the prisoners to my office. Join us,  Nori, continue serving us refreshment. Meantime, see if you can get our friend to reform faster."

He gestured to the liquid mess that was Belvedere. The Jem'Hadar brought Nira down and took her and Doctor Fellows to the office. A little more privacy...seems like a little more fun. Nira could see the envious looks around the officers in Ops...with exception to Malat, who had, at the news of his brothers' death, would've ripped the console and flung it upside-down if the console wasn't pinned to the floor...though he could easily if he made the effort; Nira was definitely sure he was part Gorn, having passed close to him on her way to the office. His teeth were still grit, and Nira could see the sharp teeth. They could've been filed so he could be more savage, but they looked too jagged to look filed, unless he was extremely specific...

The burning hatred was certainly rivaled by Zhuk's. Nira could feel the rage from him despite his expressions. Oh, he was a great actor; Nira hoped to give him a commendation if and when they got out of this.

In the office, Doctor Fellows were seated in front of the old man, and Nira had her bound hands brought onto a hook on the ceiling, one the guards attached before she was hung up. Nori served...and Nira was shocked further to find, up close, she was Bajoran. Part Bajoran, anyhow, she could tell from the extra ridges.

"You clearly haven't released your Bajoran slaves, old man," Nira sneered.

The old man responded with a brief press of a button, resulting in Nira wriggling midair in pain for a brief moment, before he stopped and retorted, "Of course. But Nori's mother wasn't from their so-called Occupation. She was captured during the war of defiance against the Dominion."

Nira took note of the old man's choice of words, the way he described the Occupation from the Bajoran (and everybody else's) point of view not in his view, and how he described the Dominion War as "a war of defiance." His megalomania must be why he fit right in with the Dominion.

"You can never keep your hands off Bajoran women, can you?" hissed Nira. "No Cardassian officer ever had, even Dukat."

"Dukat ever felt particular close to that Tora woman that begot that Ziyal girl," the old man sneered. "He certainly never saw a big picture to clearly. Whereas me, of course I never stopped. From birth, I assess and judge before I sort my offspring into categories: Agents or slaves."

"So...Nori's your...?"

"That's right," he said with a sneer. "And she's not the only one. Half the harem kept in the Promenade are offspring, though some make good revenue with the Orion Syndicate."

"Ibn al Khab!" snarled Nira momentarily in Arabic. "I can see why your wife left you!"

Another jab of pain with the press of a button. And then the old man narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, Rahab was well aware of what I was doing," he said. "She always had a soft heart for Bajorans."

"Hasn't it occurred to you why? Maybe because of what you do to Bajorans is why she follows the Bajoran faith!"

Another jab of pain before he responded. "Believe me, my progeny are better than Rahab and her children. Either to serve me with loyalty or pleasure. And maybe either of you would enjoy your stay with them as well."

Nira stared in shock. This was one sick old man.

"I won't be a slave to you! Never!" she snarled.

"Oh, but look at Nori," he said soothingly. "She serves me excellently. She is quite happy and content here. Perhaps you will be, too. With enough time, your tongue could be loosed as to your real intentions. Perhaps before my Changeling friend re-forms and gives you the Dominion treatment. Obey me and live enjoyably. Defy me, and this will occur..."

And another jab of pain with the press of a button.

"I must say, I enjoy the prospect of keeping a Betazoid again," he added with venomous charm.

"Oh, you tried to get a harem during the war when the Dominion occupied Betazed?" snarled Nira.

"Unfortunately, the ones I acquired escaped too easily, especially since what they did to the Jem'Hadar," he said with disappointment. Nira thought he knew what he was talking about: that Betazed was liberated when it was discovered that the Jem'Hadar were sensitive to telepathy. Maybe that was why the Jem'Hadar looked to be afraid of her.

"I got a good idea," she said. "They were too scared of Betazoids, or they got themselves out."

"That depends," he shrugged. "And if a group I had chosen to join my harem would've made it if some fool didn't sneak aboard Sentok Nor before transfer and sacrificed himself to get them away...what was his name, Elder?"

He asked this to a Jem'Hadar standing next to him...and Nira was in for a new surprise. The Jem'Hadar was old, like a wrinkled cartoon dinosaur, though he'd look like that if it weren't for the horns. This must be a rare Jem'Hadar Elder, a Jem'Hadar that lived to the old age of thirty, in regards to Jem'Hadar, since they never lived past their thirties if they didn't die in battle. And now that she looked at him, she could see he was studying her intently.

"If I recall," the Elder said, "his name was Usul Atruk."

Nira now stared long and hard at the Elder. He...he was there. And that group about to be sent to Melek Nor for the old man's harem...was it possible he took interest in the women in that group and had them diverted from Crell Moset's lab, and that the momentary transfer gave advantage for somebody to surprise them guards and give time for them to escape? He must've been there. When Usul Atruk, her father, her biological father, gave his life to save her mother...and herself when she was still in the womb. And if it wasn't for Usul, now that it occurred to Nira, her mother, Muri Tenid-Atruk, would've ended up at Melek Nor and Nira would've grown up a slave.

"Well, stop gawking at the girl," he said. "It's a little unusual, I wasn't aware Jem'Hadar were interested in girls. Perhaps you can escort them to the Promenade for them time where they can get accustomed to their surroundings. You can show H'Riss our harem for his choice in pleasure before he stays in our suites. Nori can guide the way to the slave accommodations."

The Elder nodded and the Jem'Hadar took Zhuk and the prisoners to the turbolift, as the Elder continued to stare intently at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" snapped Nira.

"I've seen you before," the Elder said.

"Oh, I'm sure the Dominion keep tabs on Starfleet officers to get information about them," retorted Nira defiantly.

"No. I've seen you on Sentok Nor."

Nira blinked in surprise. "Sentok Nor was destroyed when Betazed was liberated. And it was a long time ago."

"I wasn't even an elder, then. I was a Third."

Nira sniffed dirisively and turned away. However, she had an inkling from his words, and she wondered...wondered about her mother...

'H'Riss' listened to the conversation at hand over at the Prefect's Office but responded little to it. His mind was focused on the information that Sherem had told them. He found it absolutely appalling how he had talked about having a bunch of women to share around for him and his men. And some of which may or may not be related to him, if he had understood correctly. It gave him a chill down his spine then, and even now, he couldn't quite wrap his mind around such statements.

While he precisely was not tied down to traditional relationship norms, considering his own genetics as a Caitian, his spirit, and his training in the arts of dance and pleasure by his ex-Orion mistress, he still found himself deeply upset by the circumstances. Sure, if these girls were under her own volition, then, he probably wouldn't have much of an issue with it. Heck, he would have been tempted, even. But he very much doubted this was the case.

His thoughts about this matter had not yet fully settled, but his resolve was even stronger now about taking Sherem and his cursed station down. The question was if there were innocent individuals aboard, what was there to do to assist them without accidentally harming them?

Quote from: myne on July 15, 2023, 08:19:05 PM

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

Nori smiled as he had remembered her name. Lifting the bucket to empty the water and obediently taking the cup offered to Dr Fellows she helped coax Belvedere into the bucket. Carrying him along she walked behind her Father/Master, behind the Caitian Mercanary and the Jem'Hadar, but before the prisoners. A distinctively pecking order was observed, not that she thought herself above the Prisoners as each were infimitely more valuable then her. But High Protocol must be followed, for she knew her place. The Cat however was a interesting creature and she hoped she would get to spend time asking him questions. But if not she would just put the memory with others and try to not have regrets. Slaves were not allowed regrets.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]
The girl had followed as ordered and placed the bucket beside her Father's desk, hopefully the shade and confinement of the bucket would aid in reforming. At this point she quickly hurried about busily to not be dawdling. She took the bottle of kanar and poured two glasses, one for Him and one for the Mercenary. Offering the first glass up to Sherem she then offered the next when he took it to the Caitian mercenary.

Her face lit up however when she heard her Father. Taking a bold move which might cause a slap she said happily. "Girl is happy to serve Master. He feeds us, clothes us, and gives us purpose. He expects loyalty and we give it because we are good girls."

She smiled then looked to Nira with a genuine concerned frown, "Mistress? Father taught us that pain is the result of being bad, good girl's don't hurt. So be a good girl and you won't hurt?" She said looking confused but then suddenly put a hand over her own mouth, "Master I mean Master, not Father. Master." She looked to him in terror hoping not to be beaten but accepting it if he did.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]
Nori offered a small hand up to Zhuk, "I have many charming and pleasing sisters you may find fair. As well as other girls if you do not wish my sisters. The choice is yours, just tell me as I will relay to the First Mistress who runs the harem that Master has given you choice?" She smiled sweetly and happily up to him as she waited for him to take her hand or not.

The answer came in the way of the docile Nori, who offered him a glass of Kanar. He took it, and with gusto, chugged down the beverage. He had to admit that amongst the alcoholic drinks he had partaken in, it had to be one of his favorites. Still, he enjoyed taking his time drinking it, so taking it all in one gulp was a big shock to his throat. Nonetheless, he endured it, returning the glass to her once he was done, with some politeness, "Pretty nice, girlie. That's much better... hah~"

He glanced down over at her hand as it was offered to him, and with a roll of his eyes, just for show, he took it. His grip, for being a mercenary, was surprisingly gentle, Nori would be able to find. Considering her question for a moment, he let out a bit of a creepy smile as he internally chastised himself for what he was going to say. Sure, 'H'Riss' was evil, and a mean bean, but this was worse as he had originally envisioned his character to be...

"Heh... why, girlie, I betcha you got lots of pretty sisters to show me, hm~? Maybe 'chu can tell me who are the... eh... most endowed? Hehe..." He let out an animated chuckle, "Though... perhaps instead... hm..."

He gazed at her, making a show of inspecting her for a moment, before turning over towards Gul Sherem. He offered a bit of a respectful nod towards him, as he then spoke up, "Great Gul Sherem... I might be... ah... perhaps so bold as to... request her instead? I am... tired for today, and I wouldn't want to disappoint your girls. But a... servant to brush my hair would'be nice~ I promise to take... good care of her, of course~"

Another grin, internally hoping that he would accept his request, as he hoped that Nori could give her much-needed intel to gain a better understanding of what options he would have within this place. And gain a plus one on the mission. Perhaps, with some luck, freeing her from this wretched destiny that she had for life.

Afterward, he walked with no hesitation over to the Turbolift. Once more, he casually listened over to the conversation between the hurt Lieutenant Commander Nira and the Elder, while he discussed his role in the invasion to Betazed. And what Nira felt at that moment. He wondered momentarily if eliminating the Elder at this moment would be a good idea. But, ultimately, he decided against it.

Focus, Zhuk. Focus.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

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