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S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie


:: Promenade/Public Brother | Melok Nor ::

Kyan was surprised when he cut Doctor Fellows loose and she bolted. "Hey ye got no.... weapon" he finished with a sigh. Then he shrugged it off. Grups was gonna group after all. Hopefully she didn't get taken out. That's the last thing anyone needed. The Captain's girlfriend getting waxed on an away mission? Galloway would be beside himself. And no doubt be even the more crustier and more gruppish than normal.

"Mister Mrekrerhas we'd best be...." He turned to where he'd last seen the Caitian and he was likewise gone. "Ok." he muttered, bringing his rifle up to ready. "Sure and we're gonna have a talk about all this leaving me tae fend for me self!" Kyan scanned the area, insofar as he could scan it. Fires dotted the upper promenade, and there was smoke filling the level below. And in addition to that, there were Cardassians fighting Cardassians and Jem Hadar, some one whom were just having a go at everyone. It was what Humans sometimes called a chicken orgy... something with sex and chickens anyway. Grups always managed to make it gross.

From behind him, a gruff voice called to him. "You! Human boy!"

Kyan turned to see a Cardassian who'd obviously been in the thick of things bearing down on him with a knife. "Melot was my be......."

"Piss off ya daft wankstain!" Kyan replied pulling the trigger. The beam lanced out and charred his armor. The Cardassian fell back into the smoke with a pained grunt.

Kyan turned and waded into the smoke in the direction that Fellows had gone. Just as she had, he had to dodge soldiers, weapons fire, and the occasional piece of debris. But as he got further away from the Auction block, the action died down. Eventually he turned a order to find no one in sight. Something falling up ahead caught his eye and he followed it down, which is where he saw both Fellows and Zhuk.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 19, 2023, 09:56:14 PM

He instinctively pushed her out of the way as a piece of metal debris almost fell upon her, and forced her into cover behind a smoldering piece of railing from the upper level of the Promenade.

"Sorry! Stay low! I will protect you if you follow me! I am from the United Federation of Planets, though I require to know: by any chance, did you saw were the Betazoid went to? The female?" He avoided another disruptor fire, gritting his teeth as he answered it with his own gun.

"Ah good!" He thought aloud. Then he called out to them "Hey!" As he did, disruptor fire lanced out from behind him, which Zhuk rose and answered. Kyan dropped to the deck to avoid getting caught in a crossfire. After a moment he pushed up and ran for their position. He was a few meters away when he felt a sharp pain in his right foot. Thinking he was hit, he dove behind the smoldering railing where Fellows and Zhuk were crouched.

"Ahh fook me; SHITE! jobby fooker got me in the foot the creature!" He scrambled to a knee and fired a dozen shots back in the direction from which he came. "Eat it up ya spoon haided rockets!" When the weapon cycled he ducked back down and looked at his foot, the bottom of which was covered in blood and had something sticking out of it. "Well this is a fine fooking development so it is! Hackit wanker arse Cardies!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on July 19, 2023, 10:57:11 PM

[Captain Ulysses Vaughn | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B | Just Outside The Badlands]

Some time later, the Valiant and the Challenger have arrived at the rendezvous. Vaughn was surprised at what they saw.

"Really? This many ships to greet us?"

"There are several dozen Inquiry-class starships that have joined in," said Nuyu, changing the viewscreen to see.

"We're receiving word from the Legacy, incoming," said Nuyu. "Admiral Kira is going to be coming aboard shortly."

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

T'Kel looked up in time for the Legacy to make a flyby. Why do humans have to show off sometimes?

Knowing that was Admiral Gillespie's flagship...

"Captain, the Legacy is hailing us," she said.

Once the channel was open, they all saw Admirals Kira and Gillespie, side by side.

"Glad you lot can make it," said Gillespie with a grin. "Where the blazes is the Discovery? Nae here yet? Well, we can spare a few of the cookie cutters to go off t'find him."

"We just got the database from Melek Nor," Kira said. "It's encrypted, but the Intelligence people will be able to make use of it. Now it's time to go and corner the old man. We should have enough, plus what Garak, Nural and Rahab are bringing along. I'm going to transfer over to the Valiant and lead some attack wings, with some attached corvettes, to strafe him. Hopefully, he'll recognize us and will want to focus on us. Meanwhile, the rest of the fleet form a perimeter around the station and take care of any Breen and Dominion ships around. We'll be in a good position to bombard the Breen station as long as we're at it."

T'Kel had to raise an eyebrow. The smaller ships, including the Valiant, totaled thirty, and the rest comprised fifty, including the "cookie cutter" reinforcements.

"Besides, the sooner, the better," added Kira. "Legate Nural has got a report that his men, his main whistleblower being the leader, have begun their attack. What's more, a great deal of the infiltration team's been captured, but they're steadily escaping, fighting back and commencing sabotage. Pity our plans don't work as well as expected...we'd best get there as soon as we can."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt sheepish on learning that Discovery was missing. He thought of the ship as immortal, so it never occurred to him that they could be in trouble. He had to push all that aside as he replied to Gillespie

"Admiral, it was a real furball in the Badlands and we got separated. Valiant was in trouble and after settlin' our business with the Breen, we moved ta him them. I'm ashamed ta say I lost track of Discovery."

When Kira began speaking, Ian barely heard her. He did hear that Challenger would be part of the perimeter and that sparked an idea.

"Admirals, request permission for Challenger ta operate independently and go in search of Discovery."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 19, 2023, 09:56:14 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Brothel | Promenade | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Suddenly, however, the station was rocked by explosions that made him lose his grip on Nori, instinctively reaching for his own weapon instead. He saw her run away, his senses overwhelmed by the current shouts "For Cardassia!" and the discharge of weapons from all around him. His ears pivoted towards Gul Sherem, as he deduced, correctly, that he was also an infiltrator. 'H'Riss'' anger was finally projected outwards, a scowl being offered as he tried to fire his weapon at Sherem.

He ended up having the faster trigger, though, burning the tips of his ears just barely as Nira intervened by grabbing ahold of him and causing him to miss the shot. He fell back, as she told him to run away. The pain, sound, and confusion, against his better judgment, won over, and he scrambled away with a weapon in hand, unsure of whom to even fire toward in his panic.

He had no clear goal, and he had no indication of what he should do. Maybe Nori. Maybe getting her out of there could be a good idea. Maybe trying to meet with Kyan or M'nia or Doctor Fellows. He didn't know, he didn't know and he was in danger as he ducked, vaulted, jumped, and sprinted with his dexterous Caitian body.

Finally, his mind cleared enough to shoot toward a Cardassian soldier, currently strangling another that seemed to be on his team. He fired at his arm, causing him to lose his grip and make the tables turn. At least, he hoped he was on his team. Within his path, he managed to gaze at a blur of someone familiar. Jess. Doctor Fellows. He tried to run towards her but was barely able to avoid a blur in his vision. One of the Cardassian prostitutes.


He instinctively pushed her out of the way as a piece of metal debris almost fell upon her, and forced her into cover behind a smoldering piece of railing from the upper level of the Promenade.

"Sorry! Stay low! I will protect you if you follow me! I am from the United Federation of Planets, though I require to know: by any chance, did you saw were the Betazoid went to? The female?" He avoided another disruptor fire, gritting his teeth as he answered it with his own gun.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 20, 2023, 03:52:24 AM

:: Promenade/Public Brother | Melok Nor ::

Kyan was surprised when he cut Doctor Fellows loose and she bolted. "Hey ye got no.... weapon" he finished with a sigh. Then he shrugged it off. Grups was gonna group after all. Hopefully she didn't get taken out. That's the last thing anyone needed. The Captain's girlfriend getting waxed on an away mission? Galloway would be beside himself. And no doubt be even the more crustier and more gruppish than normal.

"Mister Mrekrerhas we'd best be...." He turned to where he'd last seen the Caitian and he was likewise gone. "Ok." he muttered, bringing his rifle up to ready. "Sure and we're gonna have a talk about all this leaving me tae fend for me self!" Kyan scanned the area, insofar as he could scan it. Fires dotted the upper promenade, and there was smoke filling the level below. And in addition to that, there were Cardassians fighting Cardassians and Jem Hadar, some one whom were just having a go at everyone. It was what Humans sometimes called a chicken orgy... something with sex and chickens anyway. Grups always managed to make it gross.

From behind him, a gruff voice called to him. "You! Human boy!"

Kyan turned to see a Cardassian who'd obviously been in the thick of things bearing down on him with a knife. "Melot was my be......."

"Piss off ya daft wankstain!" Kyan replied pulling the trigger. The beam lanced out and charred his armor. The Cardassian fell back into the smoke with a pained grunt.

Kyan turned and waded into the smoke in the direction that Fellows had gone. Just as she had, he had to dodge soldiers, weapons fire, and the occasional piece of debris. But as he got further away from the Auction block, the action died down. Eventually he turned a order to find no one in sight. Something falling up ahead caught his eye and he followed it down, which is where he saw both Fellows and Zhuk.

"Ah good!" He thought aloud. Then he called out to them "Hey!" As he did, disruptor fire lanced out from behind him, which Zhuk rose and answered. Kyan dropped to the deck to avoid getting caught in a crossfire. After a moment he pushed up and ran for their position. He was a few meters away when he felt a sharp pain in his right foot. Thinking he was hit, he dove behind the smoldering railing where Fellows and Zhuk were crouched.

"Ahh fook me; SHITE! jobby fooker got me in the foot the creature!" He scrambled to a knee and fired a dozen shots back in the direction from which he came. "Eat it up ya spoon haided rockets!" When the weapon cycled he ducked back down and looked at his foot, the bottom of which was covered in blood and had something sticking out of it. "Well this is a fine fooking development so it is! Hackit wanker arse Cardies!"

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess let out a most un-Starfleet like scream when she was knocked down and wheeled ready to shoot her attacker when she recognized Zhuk. She didn't know the security officer well, but she sighed in relief to see she was no longer alone. Before she could thank him for saving her, a small red-headed tornado landed next to them cursing an ultraviolet streak. This made her smile in spite of the situation until he cried out that he'd been hit. Immediately, the doctor took over and she began to examine him.

"Good to see you too Lieutenant. Let me see to that foot."

As she worked, she finally remembered Zhuk's question.

"Sherem took her to Ops. Stop squirming Lieutenant if you want to keep this foot!"


Ens. M'nia, engineering

Quote from: Nira Said on July 19, 2023, 10:06:40 PM

[Commander Molly O'Brien | Maintenance Conduits >- Reactor Corridors | Melek Nor]

Molly chuckled. "That's nothing, M'Nia," she said. "I've experienced gobbledegook more baffling and embarrassing. Like either when I was mollycoddled by Lxwana Troi and spewed badly. Or when I stepped out briefly with me mam and caught Julian Bashir and Ezri Dax snogging their way to...don't know whose quarters they went..."

"Wow! Ok that's...umm interesting! I have heard of Lxwana troi!" what else could she say? she really didn't know any of these people although Lxwanna Troi enjoyed a certain reputation. M'nia was somewhat intimidated by that although she had never met the woman, she had heard about her and had well she had dreamt of Lxwanna troi, although she'd never admit it to anybody!


A moment later, they were close to the reactor section, and they saw the door guarded by three Cardassians and a pair of Jem'Hadar, each one having two of the Cardassians behind them.

"Stay here," said Savar. "I'll go first."

He then approached the guards in a hurry. "You, there's an attack on the Promenade! It's almost like Damar's rebellion out there!"

"I wasn't notified," snapped the leading Cardassian. "But if there are sympathizers to that damn traitor on the station, if you have information, you'd best verify."

The other two Cardassians, out of sight of the commander and the Jem'Hadar, smiled in respect. Those reactions told Savar plenty. What was more, they were familiar.

"Lead the way to Gul Sherem, then," said Savar, stepping back in his Breen suit to allow the Cardassian to pass, and as he did, Savar withdrew a glove, showing a more pink hand, pinched the Cardassian. The other two shot the Jem'Hadar before just as they moved to get at him. Savar looked over at the two, and he recognized them at once.

"You are Joram and Kimnor," he said. "Molly, M'Nia, all clear."

"Gars Joram and Kimnor," Kimnor said. "We may have a short window, my brother's informed me that Luram and his men will be setting off bombs at the Promenade soon."

"If it's a diversion, it's one helluva," said Molly as she approached with M'Nia.

"It'll have to be," Joram replied. "Most of the old man's men are down in the reactor section, protecting it and the transwarp coil. Only the Promenade rivals the reactor section in terms of most troops at any given time on the station."

"Then what in foog's name is with the bombs?" asked Molly.

"Luram has made contact with your man, Mackenzie," Kimnor said. "The bombs have dual purpose in distractions. The other is to sow chaos while he escapes with your First Officer and Chief Medical Officer."

"What? not on my watch! Now that we know we can stop him! I've been wanting to sink my claws into him anyway! There is no way we can let him take the commander and the doctor. No way!" M'nia said, the anger flashing in her feline eyes!

"And you're hoping the bombs will draw the troops from the reactor?" asked Savar.

"As many as possible," said Joram. "Hopefully, it'll make the job easier."

"Then the sooner, the better," said Savar. He worked his way to activating the viruses with his Heads-Up Display in his helmet. In moments, everything in the station's database will be transmitted to the Federation. And none too soon, for the station klaxons blared.

"I'm guessing those were because of the bombs," said Molly.

"Inside," said Kimnor, and with the punch of a button, they stepped in.

Molly was gobsmacked. It was as if they stepped from a Cardassian Nor station into a Borg ship. It was dark in some places, muggy, loads of black and green, plenty of green nodes. There were even regeneration alcoves, and some were occupied. Only there weren't any Borg drones, but they could've come close. They were all Bajorans or Bajoran hybrids, and many of them were staring blankly ahead into space. A close look showed Borglike implants just under their necks.

"Oh my gawd," Molly said.

"All genetically cloned from the old man's harem," said Kimnor uneasily. "Cloning technology, plus with Borg nanoprobes injected and modified to ensure no free will."

"By K'tal, I think I'm going to be sick! How can anyone do this? It's horrible! Molly is there anything we can do about these poor people?" She tried to control the sickness in her stomach as this was one of the most revolting sights she has ever seen! How could anyone be so horrible?

"Bast..." but Molly's insult was interrupted at the sound of footsteps. They all ducked in an alcove and saw a stampede of Cardassians and Jem'Hadar storming past. When they were gone, Molly said, "Looks like it's working."

Pulling up a console to check the cameras, Joram muttered, "Still too much around the reactor, and the coil, to directly do something."

"Is the transwarp connected to the reactor?" asked Molly.

"It is," Kimnor said. "It's virtually powered directly. As such, there had to be extra deuterium tanks built to guarantee constant power for transwarp."

Molly thought momentarily. Their viruses were designed to hack the station database, but not to the controls, least of all to the reactors.

"I gather the reactors are on their own separate systems?" she asked.

"Yes. It's to guarantee protection against external hackers," said Kimnor.

Molly smiled grimly. "Suppose we rearranged reactor control to, say, cause a big bloody overload?" she said. "Arranged so the main reactor's stabiliziers are deactivated..."

"Could be possible, from the reactor room," said Kimnor.

"Then let's see if we can get there and M'Nia and I work a miracle," said Molly. "I remember when my father headed over there when Deep Space Nine went wonky."

"Umm Wonky? oh yes, I remember that term from the academy. I think we can do that! I am an engineer. I just want to make sure all the innocent people are off when we set it off! Heck I'd like to be off before everything goes up! If sherem were here when that happened, I'd consider that a bonus! She wondered how Zhuk was doing? Probably ok. He was a great actor and seemed to be really convincing! Kyan , well the onlie could take care of himself!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie


"Good to see you too Lieutenant. Let me see to that foot."

As she worked, she finally remembered Zhuk's question.

"Sherem took her to Ops. Stop squirming Lieutenant if you want to keep this foot!"

Kyan had been on his knees periodically looking over the smoldering railing so as to see if any of Sherem's men were coming out of the smoke filled promenade. Thus far, none had. When he turned and sat down, Fellows took his foot up and started working on it. He kept trying to peek over the railing but couldn't get there because Fellows had him by the ankle.

"œAye. I was thinkin that too"¦ An that's where we'd be after going too the now." Then her last bit registered. "œHey what're ye on about keepin it? It's nothin but some metal stickin out. Here." He reached in one of the pouches on his Breen utility belt and produced the multi tool. "œYous can use this tae get it if ye dinae have one of yer own."

Then he remembered where that tool, specifically the blade, had been. "œUhh"¦ there's some Cardassian blood on it. It won't make me sick or nothin will it?

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 22, 2023, 08:05:13 AM

Kyan had been on his knees periodically looking over the smoldering railing so as to see if any of Sherem's men were coming out of the smoke filled promenade. Thus far, none had. When he turned and sat down, Fellows took his foot up and started working on it. He kept trying to peek over the railing but couldn't get there because Fellows had him by the ankle.

"œAye. I was thinkin that too"¦ An that's where we'd be after going too the now." Then her last bit registered. "œHey what're ye on about keepin it? It's nothin but some metal stickin out. Here." He reached in one of the pouches on his Breen utility belt and produced the multi tool. "œYous can use this tae get it if ye dinae have one of yer own."

Then he remembered where that tool, specifically the blade, had been. "œUhh"¦ there's some Cardassian blood on it. It won't make me sick or nothin will it?

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess' look at Kyan was incredulous as it was clear the child/not child had forgotten even the basics of first aid during his long service.

"Lieutenant, have you got any idea how many bones, nerves, and vessels are in a foot. That bit of metal may be the only thing keeping you from bleeding out from a damaged artery. And the wound seems to be contaminated with... what is that? Glitter?"

At that point, Jess' nose wrinkled in disgust.

"What an incredible smell you've discovered! Lieutenant, what have you been up to? Wait, don't answer that, I'm going to invoke the 208th Rule of Acquisition and just immobilize the shrapnel so we can get out of here."

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

After some efforts, the Jem'Hadar ship was finally destroyed. "œGood riddance." Aarwendil thought, not feeling even a bit sad when only pieces of the enemy vessel were floating in the place where the whole thing had been some moments ago. The young Betazoid don't lived during the occupation, but he had no love for the Dominion and its servants.

With the ship down, the Challenger went to reunite with the Valiant. There, they were received by an entire fleet. The Betazoid could avoid thinking that he had joined the crew right on the time to participate in some memorable moments. It wasn't everyday that a new Ensign could see that much action in their first mission.

Betazoid, Male

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on July 22, 2023, 07:15:43 PM

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

After some efforts, the Jem'Hadar ship was finally destroyed. "œGood riddance." Aarwendil thought, not feeling even a bit sad when only pieces of the enemy vessel were floating in the place where the whole thing had been some moments ago. The young Betazoid don't lived during the occupation, but he had no love for the Dominion and its servants.

With the ship down, the Challenger went to reunite with the Valiant. There, they were received by an entire fleet. The Betazoid could avoid thinking that he had joined the crew right on the time to participate in some memorable moments. It wasn't everyday that a new Ensign could see that much action in their first mission.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth overheard the Betazoid Ensign and smiled.  "Inclined to agree with you there, Ensign, even if I despise loss of lives generally speaking.  So... I'd say this has been an eventful first mission for you, but you came out at least physically unscathed I'm hoping.  Once we find the Discovery I'm hoping that we get some down time, and if so... I believe I might owe you, my Science staff and our brilliant helmswoman there a drink!"

She grinned once the exchange from the Legacy finished, appeared that even Captains still got mild bolloxings at times, however sugarcoated and 'correctly spoken' they were.  Speaking brightly to try to make things seem not as bad as they could be, if the Discovery was indeed missing, she addressed Ian.

"Don't feel bad, Captain.  You're right, the Valiant needed us, Discovery has enough oompf generally speaking and a savvy Captain and crew to get her out of scrapes.  If she didn't that's as much on Captain Nevir as anything.  I have already put out a warp trail signature search for the Discovery, it may take a little longer than normal since there was so much out there and you know how the Badlands is aptly named cuz everything is squiffy... but the system'll sniff it out like a prize Bloodhound soon!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 20, 2023, 10:31:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt sheepish on learning that Discovery was missing. He thought of the ship as immortal, so it never occurred to him that they could be in trouble. He had to push all that aside as he replied to Gillespie

"Admiral, it was a real furball in the Badlands and we got separated. Valiant was in trouble and after settlin' our business with the Breen, we moved ta him them. I'm ashamed ta say I lost track of Discovery."

When Kira began speaking, Ian barely heard her. He did hear that Challenger would be part of the perimeter and that sparked an idea.

"Admirals, request permission for Challenger ta operate independently and go in search of Discovery."

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Permission denied, Captain," said Kira. "However, we can spare a few ships to find them...Captain Vaughn has apprised us of the Discovery's last known location..."

"Yeah, the Eagle's headed in that direction with a handful of other ships," Gillespie said. "We'll divert them over to their position. Dinnae worry, they'll fine them," he added.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on July 19, 2023, 09:56:14 PM

Suddenly, however, the station was rocked by explosions that made him lose his grip on Nori, instinctively reaching for his own weapon instead. He saw her run away, his senses overwhelmed by the current shouts "For Cardassia!" and the discharge of weapons from all around him. His ears pivoted towards Gul Sherem, as he deduced, correctly, that he was also an infiltrator. 'H'Riss'' anger was finally projected outwards, a scowl being offered as he tried to fire his weapon at Sherem.

He ended up having the faster trigger, though, burning the tips of his ears just barely as Nira intervened by grabbing ahold of him and causing him to miss the shot. He fell back, as she told him to run away. The pain, sound, and confusion, against his better judgment, won over, and he scrambled away with a weapon in hand, unsure of whom to even fire toward in his panic.

He had no clear goal, and he had no indication of what he should do. Maybe Nori. Maybe getting her out of there could be a good idea. Maybe trying to meet with Kyan or M'nia or Doctor Fellows. He didn't know, he didn't know and he was in danger as he ducked, vaulted, jumped, and sprinted with his dexterous Caitian body.

Finally, his mind cleared enough to shoot toward a Cardassian soldier, currently strangling another that seemed to be on his team. He fired at his arm, causing him to lose his grip and make the tables turn. At least, he hoped he was on his team. Within his path, he managed to gaze at a blur of someone familiar. Jess. Doctor Fellows. He tried to run towards her but was barely able to avoid a blur in his vision. One of the Cardassian prostitutes.


He instinctively pushed her out of the way as a piece of metal debris almost fell upon her, and forced her into cover behind a smoldering piece of railing from the upper level of the Promenade.

"Sorry! Stay low! I will protect you if you follow me! I am from the United Federation of Planets, though I require to know: by any chance, did you saw were the Betazoid went to? The female?" He avoided another disruptor fire, gritting his teeth as he answered it with his own gun.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 20, 2023, 03:52:24 AM

:: Promenade/Public Brother | Melok Nor ::

Kyan was surprised when he cut Doctor Fellows loose and she bolted. "Hey ye got no.... weapon" he finished with a sigh. Then he shrugged it off. Grups was gonna group after all. Hopefully she didn't get taken out. That's the last thing anyone needed. The Captain's girlfriend getting waxed on an away mission? Galloway would be beside himself. And no doubt be even the more crustier and more gruppish than normal.

"Mister Mrekrerhas we'd best be...." He turned to where he'd last seen the Caitian and he was likewise gone. "Ok." he muttered, bringing his rifle up to ready. "Sure and we're gonna have a talk about all this leaving me tae fend for me self!" Kyan scanned the area, insofar as he could scan it. Fires dotted the upper promenade, and there was smoke filling the level below. And in addition to that, there were Cardassians fighting Cardassians and Jem Hadar, some one whom were just having a go at everyone. It was what Humans sometimes called a chicken orgy... something with sex and chickens anyway. Grups always managed to make it gross.

From behind him, a gruff voice called to him. "You! Human boy!"

Kyan turned to see a Cardassian who'd obviously been in the thick of things bearing down on him with a knife. "Melot was my be......."

"Piss off ya daft wankstain!" Kyan replied pulling the trigger. The beam lanced out and charred his armor. The Cardassian fell back into the smoke with a pained grunt.

Kyan turned and waded into the smoke in the direction that Fellows had gone. Just as she had, he had to dodge soldiers, weapons fire, and the occasional piece of debris. But as he got further away from the Auction block, the action died down. Eventually he turned a order to find no one in sight. Something falling up ahead caught his eye and he followed it down, which is where he saw both Fellows and Zhuk.

"Ah good!" He thought aloud. Then he called out to them "Hey!" As he did, disruptor fire lanced out from behind him, which Zhuk rose and answered. Kyan dropped to the deck to avoid getting caught in a crossfire. After a moment he pushed up and ran for their position. He was a few meters away when he felt a sharp pain in his right foot. Thinking he was hit, he dove behind the smoldering railing where Fellows and Zhuk were crouched.

"Ahh fook me; SHITE! jobby fooker got me in the foot the creature!" He scrambled to a knee and fired a dozen shots back in the direction from which he came. "Eat it up ya spoon haided rockets!" When the weapon cycled he ducked back down and looked at his foot, the bottom of which was covered in blood and had something sticking out of it. "Well this is a fine fooking development so it is! Hackit wanker arse Cardies!"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 20, 2023, 10:31:26 AM

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess let out a most un-Starfleet like scream when she was knocked down and wheeled ready to shoot her attacker when she recognized Zhuk. She didn't know the security officer well, but she sighed in relief to see she was no longer alone. Before she could thank him for saving her, a small red-headed tornado landed next to them cursing an ultraviolet streak. This made her smile in spite of the situation until he cried out that he'd been hit. Immediately, the doctor took over and she began to examine him.

"Good to see you too Lieutenant. Let me see to that foot."

As she worked, she finally remembered Zhuk's question.

"Sherem took her to Ops. Stop squirming Lieutenant if you want to keep this foot!"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 22, 2023, 08:05:13 AM

Kyan had been on his knees periodically looking over the smoldering railing so as to see if any of Sherem's men were coming out of the smoke filled promenade. Thus far, none had. When he turned and sat down, Fellows took his foot up and started working on it. He kept trying to peek over the railing but couldn't get there because Fellows had him by the ankle.

"œAye. I was thinkin that too"¦ An that's where we'd be after going too the now." Then her last bit registered. "œHey what're ye on about keepin it? It's nothin but some metal stickin out. Here." He reached in one of the pouches on his Breen utility belt and produced the multi tool. "œYous can use this tae get it if ye dinae have one of yer own."

Then he remembered where that tool, specifically the blade, had been. "œUhh"¦ there's some Cardassian blood on it. It won't make me sick or nothin will it?

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 22, 2023, 11:48:36 AM

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess' look at Kyan was incredulous as it was clear the child/not child had forgotten even the basics of first aid during his long service.

"Lieutenant, have you got any idea how many bones, nerves, and vessels are in a foot. That bit of metal may be the only thing keeping you from bleeding out from a damaged artery. And the wound seems to be contaminated with... what is that? Glitter?"

At that point, Jess' nose wrinkled in disgust.

"What an incredible smell you've discovered! Lieutenant, what have you been up to? Wait, don't answer that, I'm going to invoke the 208th Rule of Acquisition and just immobilize the shrapnel so we can get out of here."

[Glinn Gilgal Luram | Brothel | Promenade | Melek Nor]

Luram managed to make it to the Starfleeters, with half a dozen of his men getting to them to protect them as Fellows treated Mackenzie.

"Here," he said, handing over a PADD. "These contain access codes into OPs. You'll have to get in through the maintenance conduits, Ops will likely be in lockdown now that the station's on alert. These codes work anywhere, can even override the old man's."

[Commander Nira Said | Prefect's Office | Ops | Melek Nor]

The tendrils were tightening, and especially around Nira's neck. She gasped a little. Not just because she was being constricted but because they felt so...cold.

"Cold...Breen...?" she asked. The Cold One smiled, virtually a cobra's smile.

"Oh, the Breen didn't just help sustain our forms without the Great Link," he added. "We were all afflicted with a virus. But we, among the Breen, were treated. It was a matter of neutralizing the virus with cold, but not without the side affects," he added, gesturing at his pale complexion.

The tendrils had accumulated so high that Nira bowed her head and bit hard into it. She wasn't sure if it caused pain, but it certainly surprised him enough to loosen her. She dropped, taking a bit of cold Changeling with her in her mouth. She spit it out, backflipped and drew her blades from her boots.

"You sick evil worms!" she snarled. "Both of you!"

The Cold One curled his lips and the tendrils folded back. His hands then changed until each one became a Mugato head, down to the huge tusk.

"Blade vs blade, but why not make it interesting?" he said.

"Aren't you forgetting?" the old man sneered, reaching for the torture button. But Nira was faster; she scrambled and destroyed the device with a chop. As much as she stopped the means of pain, her back was turned, and the Cold One enveloped her in a bear hug of tendrils and she was virtually pinned to his side, her blades stuck in the virtual cocoon.

"Did not the Romulans say never turn your back on the Breen?" he asked with a sneer. "You really don't know us as well as you think, beloved Nira. Least of all us in particular."

Nira turned her head, her face inches away from the pale monster's leering face. And it was more than a leer.

"I must say, I never met a more beautiful Solid," he added. "And the traitor Odo had one of his own..."

Fortunately, she was spared by an interruption from a Cardassian officer.

"Sirs!" he shouted. "There's a transmission incoming! It's from the Valiant!'

Old Man Sherem sneered. "Then I'm going to look forward to my word with Vaughn," he said. All three, with Nira bound to the Cold One, stepped into Ops and Sherem answered the transmssion. Except it wasn't Captain Vaughn.

"Gul Sherem. Remember me?" Admiral Kira said from the viewscreen.

The old man's lips thinned. Nira could definitely feel a virtual volcano from his emotions.


The single name alone and Nira could definitely hear the wonton venom in his voice. What was more, Nira could hear the name from his mind, and more; it was like his thoughts exploded from his head: she could see the old man in his younger days, furious that not even he can capture her and her resistance cell during the Occupation, from finding evidence of their doings too late to his rantings before Gul Dukat. And then his gobsmacked reactions in his keeping tabs of them: All dead except for Kira and Shakaar. Ironically, killed, of all people, by a scarred butler. And the memory of her face, over the years, finding her before escaping, her file images, from the angry young resistance fighter to the military representative of Deep Space Nine, from rags to red uniform to even the Starfleet uninformed images as she assisted Damar's own resistance.

Forcing his memories from her head, Nira saw the face of Kira in reality, now well into old age, but virtually making a taunting leer.

"So you do remember me."

"How can I forget anybody from Shakaar's pitiful band?" snarled the old man. "Come to settle the score with me after all these years?"

"Well, how can you resist unfinished business with the Bajoran Resistance?" said Kira coolly.

" seems you have plenty of people who learned under you on the station," the old man retorted. "Of which I will take care of in due time."

He nodded and the Cold One stepped to his side, lifting Nira like a trophy. Kira's smile wiped from her face.

"Belvedere?" she asked.

"Losing your touch, Admiral," he said. "Like the old man. Would you have preferred Odo?"

"What are you doing to her?" Kira said with worry.

"Our usual," said the old man. Kira's face paled enough that, any further shade of pale would match her hair, or even the Cardassian skin complexion. "Oh, yes, and I'd be happy to continue the show for you," he added. "Bring back memories of my old shows with Bajorans."

"Well, since we have you well and cornered, then maybe we can end it once and for all."

The old man guffawed a laugh. "Just you alone? The Breen have jurisdiction of Panora."

"Unrecognized by the Federation," she added. "And I think there will be more who, as you put it, 'learned under me,' who I may have to get in line behind you."

Now it was Sherem's turn to be given pause. Nira saw an officer working feverishly and looked up in horror.

"Sir, two huge fleets are en route to our position!" he said shrilly. "One of them is Cardassian! And they're closer than the other...the Federation!"

"Cut transmission and put on screen," ordered the Gul. The viewscreen showed a huge Cardassian fleet approaching just past Panora.

Among the slew of Galors, Hidekis and who knows other ships, bringing up the rear were some Ghemor-class carriers as well.

"Is one of those carriers the Kalnak?" asked Sherem. The scanning officer checked, then looked up and nodded.

He pursed his lips. "Rahab and Kira...maybe even Nural and Garak...all my enemies in one place..."

Nira could tell that he was looking torn. Should he fight or should he run. The Cold One, however, certainly seemed to make up his mind.

"Well, what are you standing around for, waiting to be surrounded?" he snarled. "Get the transwarp coil online! And assemble our fleet!"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on July 23, 2023, 11:11:21 AM

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Permission denied, Captain," said Kira. "However, we can spare a few ships to find them...Captain Vaughn has apprised us of the Discovery's last known location..."

"Yeah, the Eagle's headed in that direction with a handful of other ships," Gillespie said. "We'll divert them over to their position. Dinnae worry, they'll fine them," he added.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's jaw locked down at the denial, but try as he might to find some wiggle room to 'misunderstand' what he'd been told, he couldn't so he had to accept that finding Discovery would have to fall to some other ship. He knew whoever it was, they wouldn't be as quick about it as Challenger would, but he had to trust his other captains that they would get the job done in time for it to matter.

"Understood Sir."

He replied, but after a moment's thought, he decided there was more to be said.

"Admiral, my science department has devised a means of detectin' transwarp signatures prior ta them openin'. Not a lot of warnin', just twenty seconds or so, but tis better than nothing. They also have a trace on Discovery's last known position, I'll have the information transmitted ta the fleet."

With a nod, T'Kel sent out the information and all Ian could do was hope it helped with finding the Discovery.


Quote from: Nira Said on July 23, 2023, 11:11:21 AM

[Glinn Gilgal Luram | Brothel | Promenade | Melek Nor]

Luram managed to make it to the Starfleeters, with half a dozen of his men getting to them to protect them as Fellows treated Mackenzie.

"Here," he said, handing over a PADD. "These contain access codes into OPs. You'll have to get in through the maintenance conduits, Ops will likely be in lockdown now that the station's on alert. These codes work anywhere, can even override the old man's."

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess never looked up from Kyan's foot. She'd had to improvise and she'd done so by using the multi-tool to cut a sleeve off of her tunic and using the cloth to wrap the foot tightly to keep the shrapnel from moving. It wasn't pretty, but then again, field medicine rarely was.

"Thank you." She said to the Cardassian aiding them, but as she didn't know his name, she simply continued. "Let's go get Nira."

Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on July 20, 2023, 12:24:24 PM

Ens. M'nia, engineering
"Wow! Ok that's...umm interesting! I have heard of Lxwana troi!" what else could she say? she really didn't know any of these people although Lxwanna Troi enjoyed a certain reputation. M'nia was somewhat intimidated by that although she had never met the woman, she had heard about her and had well she had dreamt of Lxwanna troi, although she'd never admit it to anybody!

"What? not on my watch! Now that we know we can stop him! I've been wanting to sink my claws into him anyway! There is no way we can let him take the commander and the doctor. No way!" M'nia said, the anger flashing in her feline eyes!

"By K'tal, I think I'm going to be sick! How can anyone do this? It's horrible! Molly is there anything we can do about these poor people?" She tried to control the sickness in her stomach as this was one of the most revolting sights she has ever seen! How could anyone be so horrible?

"Umm Wonky? oh yes, I remember that term from the academy. I think we can do that! I am an engineer. I just want to make sure all the innocent people are off when we set it off! Heck I'd like to be off before everything goes up! If sherem were here when that happened, I'd consider that a bonus! She wondered how Zhuk was doing? Probably ok. He was a great actor and seemed to be really convincing! Kyan , well the onlie could take care of himself!

[Commander Molly O'Brien |  Reactor Corridors >- Reactor Control | Melek Nor]

"Unfortunately, no," said Kimnor. "They're nothing more like the Jem'Hadar. Mindless. No individuality. Only close enough to Borg drones."

"Let's get going," said Molly.

A few times, they ducked into alcoves to avoid Cardassian soldiers. Finally, they got to Reactor Control and took care of the guards...however much there was left.

Inside, things were getting trickier. As Molly and M'Nia worked, there was an increasingly loud humming noise.

"Holy Prophets, the transwarp coil is warming up!" Kimnor shouted.

"Well, then, I think we can work out a unique surprise," added Molly. After some adjustments, she told M'Nia, Savar and the escorting Cardassians, "Got it, let's get the bejaisus out of here!"

They had scrambled into the turbolift, making it just as the shields went up in front of the door and the rumbling happened.

"Savar, now the virus!" she shouted. Savar nodded and got to work. The Cascade Virus had just begun its work. It managed to get a few systems before its process was interrupted.

"Damn," he snapped. "The virus was shut off, but it did succeed in getting a few systems."

[Commander Nira Said | Ops | Melek Nor]

A new alarm blared and everybody within flinched.

"The reactor's on overload!" an officer shouted.

"Get some men down there and stop it!" Sherem snarled.

"It's too late...!"

And the station rumbled like a planet being ripped asunder. Nira could see bolts emitting like thunder. And then it stopped.

"What the hell just happened?" the old man snarled.

"The energy overload's wiped power from the reactor!" said the officer in astonishment. "Bits of the reactor are adrift...the energy had been directed into the transwarp coil!"

"So...we're immobile," sneered the Cold One. Nira could only smile and let out a soft giggle.

"Trapped like rats you are," she snarled in triumph.

The old man didn't bother with the torture button this time. He just instead delivered a punch in Nira's face, causing blood to flow from her nose.

A whirring and consoles blinking caused a new problem. Officers flinched. "Sirs, there's a system shutdown happening!"

The Cold One whirled and noticed the PADD from M'Nia was beeping, connected to the central console. He dropped Nira and worked on the console, and the whirring stopped. Then he looked savagely around at her.

"A Cascade Virus," he snarled. "It wasn't the only thing in the 'fleet movements,' was it? Well, with so many files alongside, it was too slow."

"Shield generators and communications are disabled, computer data wiped on them," another officer said. "Everything else is spared. We may have teeth, but we're still vulnerable. The armor plating won't hold long."

"Then we'll unload everything we have," the old man snarled. "Order our fleet into protective formation. Whatever we have left."

"If we had more ships...but no, the order had to come to stop making more ships," muttered the Cold One.

"And you should take your own advice, with the Romulan saying," snarled Nira. The Cold One was surprised as Nira sunk both her blades into his shoulders...she would've aimed for something more vital if the old man didn't spot her and immobilized her with a button. The Changeling had enough time to bind Nira again and wrap her blades and hands in tendrils.

"In the back, Nira?" he sneered.

"Sir, the Cardassian fleet is in range," he said.

"Target the incoming fleet and open fire!" the old man ordered.

And the station opened fire on the incoming Cardassian ships. The battle had begun.

The Cold One had just turned Nira around and began to frog-march her to the turbolift when it appeared, carrying...well, they didn't look like the old man's men.
First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, cover blown | Promenade | Melek Nor | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 20, 2023, 10:31:26 AM

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess let out a most un-Starfleet like scream when she was knocked down and wheeled ready to shoot her attacker when she recognized Zhuk. She didn't know the security officer well, but she sighed in relief to see she was no longer alone. Before she could thank him for saving her, a small red-headed tornado landed next to them cursing an ultraviolet streak. This made her smile in spite of the situation until he cried out that he'd been hit. Immediately, the doctor took over and she began to examine him.

"Good to see you too Lieutenant. Let me see to that foot."

As she worked, she finally remembered Zhuk's question.

"Sherem took her to Ops. Stop squirming Lieutenant if you want to keep this foot!"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 20, 2023, 03:52:24 AM

:: Promenade/Public Brother | Melok Nor ::

Kyan was surprised when he cut Doctor Fellows loose and she bolted. "Hey ye got no.... weapon" he finished with a sigh. Then he shrugged it off. Grups was gonna group after all. Hopefully she didn't get taken out. That's the last thing anyone needed. The Captain's girlfriend getting waxed on an away mission? Galloway would be beside himself. And no doubt be even the more crustier and more gruppish than normal.

"Mister Mrekrerhas we'd best be...." He turned to where he'd last seen the Caitian and he was likewise gone. "Ok." he muttered, bringing his rifle up to ready. "Sure and we're gonna have a talk about all this leaving me tae fend for me self!" Kyan scanned the area, insofar as he could scan it. Fires dotted the upper promenade, and there was smoke filling the level below. And in addition to that, there were Cardassians fighting Cardassians and Jem Hadar, some one whom were just having a go at everyone. It was what Humans sometimes called a chicken orgy... something with sex and chickens anyway. Grups always managed to make it gross.

From behind him, a gruff voice called to him. "You! Human boy!"

Kyan turned to see a Cardassian who'd obviously been in the thick of things bearing down on him with a knife. "Melot was my be......."

"Piss off ya daft wankstain!" Kyan replied pulling the trigger. The beam lanced out and charred his armor. The Cardassian fell back into the smoke with a pained grunt.

Kyan turned and waded into the smoke in the direction that Fellows had gone. Just as she had, he had to dodge soldiers, weapons fire, and the occasional piece of debris. But as he got further away from the Auction block, the action died down. Eventually he turned a order to find no one in sight. Something falling up ahead caught his eye and he followed it down, which is where he saw both Fellows and Zhuk.

"Ah good!" He thought aloud. Then he called out to them "Hey!" As he did, disruptor fire lanced out from behind him, which Zhuk rose and answered. Kyan dropped to the deck to avoid getting caught in a crossfire. After a moment he pushed up and ran for their position. He was a few meters away when he felt a sharp pain in his right foot. Thinking he was hit, he dove behind the smoldering railing where Fellows and Zhuk were crouched.

"Ahh fook me; SHITE! jobby fooker got me in the foot the creature!" He scrambled to a knee and fired a dozen shots back in the direction from which he came. "Eat it up ya spoon haided rockets!" When the weapon cycled he ducked back down and looked at his foot, the bottom of which was covered in blood and had something sticking out of it. "Well this is a fine fooking development so it is! Hackit wanker arse Cardies!"

Zhuk's fur rose up at being pointed at with a weapon by who he at first had assumed to be one of the women in the brothel, though another quick glance would reveal that she was none other than Doctor Fellows. He relaxed and went back to keeping an eye out for danger.

After briefly returning his fire, Zhuk could swear he had seen someone familiar. Soon enough, that initial overview proved correct, as Kyan dived in behind the debris that Zhuk had found. As he quickly informed that he had been injured, he proceeded to return more than a few dozen shots in a rather uncivilized manner. Heh. Though, he didn't appreciate much his insults toward the Cardassians.

Still, the Caitian made sure to reply in kind too, providing cover fire so that Kyan wouldn't be sniped from afar. Afterward, he quickly returned to taking cover, a couple of shots searing the concrete and metal, though the trio had remained safe and sound from the attack.

Once more, he stood vigil to keep Doctor Fellows and Kyan safe while the former inspected the latter's injury, "That is certainly unpleasant news. We must recover Commander Said. And I would argue that must be done as soon as possible."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 22, 2023, 08:05:13 AM

Kyan had been on his knees periodically looking over the smoldering railing so as to see if any of Sherem's men were coming out of the smoke filled promenade. Thus far, none had. When he turned and sat down, Fellows took his foot up and started working on it. He kept trying to peek over the railing but couldn't get there because Fellows had him by the ankle.

"œAye. I was thinkin that too"¦ An that's where we'd be after going too the now." Then her last bit registered. "œHey what're ye on about keepin it? It's nothin but some metal stickin out. Here." He reached in one of the pouches on his Breen utility belt and produced the multi tool. "œYous can use this tae get it if ye dinae have one of yer own."

Then he remembered where that tool, specifically the blade, had been. "œUhh"¦ there's some Cardassian blood on it. It won't make me sick or nothin will it?

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 22, 2023, 11:48:36 AM

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess' look at Kyan was incredulous as it was clear the child/not child had forgotten even the basics of first aid during his long service.

"Lieutenant, have you got any idea how many bones, nerves, and vessels are in a foot. That bit of metal may be the only thing keeping you from bleeding out from a damaged artery. And the wound seems to be contaminated with... what is that? Glitter?"

At that point, Jess' nose wrinkled in disgust.

"What an incredible smell you've discovered! Lieutenant, what have you been up to? Wait, don't answer that, I'm going to invoke the 208th Rule of Acquisition and just immobilize the shrapnel so we can get out of here."

"Do not worry, Lieutenant Mackenzie. I may stand here to guard you both. You need not worry about that for the time being. Just focus on keeping still so that your combat effectiveness increases after the treatment." Zhuk spoke toward Kyan, hoping that his statement wouldn't be taken as an offense, considering that he was a much lower rank than him. But he felt that making sure Kyan relaxed and allowed Doctor Fellows to work was the smarter choice. Besides, thus far, things had been calm on this side of the battlefield, or as calm as they could be, anyways.

His ear pivoted towards the statement of the Doctor, and he sighed. It seemed as if Kyan would be left immobilized for the time being, and that was something concerning. For now, though, it seemed as if he was stable, and that did bring him some piece of mind. He too was glad he had kept his distance, as his nose really did not want to find out the stench that he carried alongside him.

Quote from: Nira Said on July 23, 2023, 11:11:21 AM

[Glinn Gilgal Luram | Brothel | Promenade | Melek Nor]

Luram managed to make it to the Starfleeters, with half a dozen of his men getting to them to protect them as Fellows treated Mackenzie.

"Here," he said, handing over a PADD. "These contain access codes into OPs. You'll have to get in through the maintenance conduits, Ops will likely be in lockdown now that the station's on alert. These codes work anywhere, can even override the old man's."

Things soon changed, as a group of Cardassians moved in towards their position. At first, Zhukdra'shar was ready to fire upon them, but soon enough, he recognized a face amongst them, one that he had spoken to before. He made sure to raise his weapon, before turning to Fellows and Kyan, "Be advised: I believe we have reinforcements coming. Our Cardassian allies have seen us."

His assumption proved to be correct, as the soldiers formed in a perimeter to keep them safe while the medical magic was worked on, with Zhuk taking in the PADD that Luram offered, to keep either of his fellow officers from becoming distracted by it, "Appreciated. This information too. I believe that will allow us to infiltrate Ops, and retrieve Commander Said. And perhaps, cut the head of this... 'serpent' once and for all. Without leadership, they will crumble under our claws."

He glanced over to gaze at Doctor Fellows and Kyan, wondering what would their thoughts be in this matter.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 23, 2023, 11:36:17 AM

[Promenade - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess never looked up from Kyan's foot. She'd had to improvise and she'd done so by using the multi-tool to cut a sleeve off of her tunic and using the cloth to wrap the foot tightly to keep the shrapnel from moving. It wasn't pretty, but then again, field medicine rarely was.

"Thank you." She said to the Cardassian aiding them, but as she didn't know his name, she simply continued. "Let's go get Nira."

Well, it seemed as if it was settled then. He stood up, carefully, before offering Doctor Fellows a hand to stand up. Immediately after, he did the same with Kyan, "Do you feel operational, Lieutenant?" He asked, with clear concern, as he then motioned for them to follow,"I believe I gazed upon one of those maintenance conducts before the explosions..."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


Quote from: Nira Said on July 23, 2023, 11:43:26 AM

[Commander Molly O'Brien |  Reactor Corridors >- Reactor Control | Melek Nor]

"Unfortunately, no," said Kimnor. "They're nothing more like the Jem'Hadar. Mindless. No individuality. Only close enough to Borg drones."

"Let's get going," said Molly.


"How Horrible! poor people! Never had a chance!" M'nia said. She felt terrible about those people but she knew there was nothing she could do.


A few times, they ducked into alcoves to avoid Cardassian soldiers. Finally, they got to Reactor Control and took care of the guards...however much there was left.

Inside, things were getting trickier. As Molly and M'Nia worked, there was an increasingly loud humming noise.

"Holy Prophets, the transwarp coil is warming up!" Kimnor shouted.

"Well, then, I think we can work out a unique surprise," added Molly. After some adjustments, she told M'Nia, Savar and the escorting Cardassians, "Got it, let's get the bejaisus out of here!"


"I am right behind you Molly! I hope Zhuk can get the commander out in time!"[color]


They had scrambled into the turbolift, making it just as the shields went up in front of the door and the rumbling happened.

"Savar, now the virus!" she shouted. Savar nodded and got to work. The Cascade Virus had just begun its work. It managed to get a few systems before its process was interrupted.

"Damn," he snapped. "The virus was shut off, but it did succeed in getting a few systems."

"Good! That's a good start! This whole place needs to go with Sherem in it and us not in it!" She followed Molly and the rest to the turbolift!She wasn't sure what would happen next but she was ready to get out of here!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on July 23, 2023, 08:13:36 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth overheard the Betazoid Ensign and smiled.  "Inclined to agree with you there, Ensign, even if I despise loss of lives generally speaking.  So... I'd say this has been an eventful first mission for you, but you came out at least physically unscathed I'm hoping.  Once we find the Discovery I'm hoping that we get some down time, and if so... I believe I might owe you, my Science staff and our brilliant helmswoman there a drink!"

She grinned once the exchange from the Legacy finished, appeared that even Captains still got mild bolloxings at times, however sugarcoated and 'correctly spoken' they were.  Speaking brightly to try to make things seem not as bad as they could be, if the Discovery was indeed missing, she addressed Ian.

"Don't feel bad, Captain.  You're right, the Valiant needed us, Discovery has enough oompf generally speaking and a savvy Captain and crew to get her out of scrapes.  If she didn't that's as much on Captain Nevir as anything.  I have already put out a warp trail signature search for the Discovery, it may take a little longer than normal since there was so much out there and you know how the Badlands is aptly named cuz everything is squiffy... but the system'll sniff it out like a prize Bloodhound soon!"

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil yelped when he heard Lt. Sigurdsdottir talk to him. The Ensign didn't think that he had said his opinion about the Jem'Hadar so loud. "œ I wonder if there was a Vorta inside that ship." the young Betazoid said, remembering the stories about how the Dominion used this species to control his homeworld. Having one less of these around the Galaxy wasn't bad.

He also wouldn't drop tears for possible Jem'Hadar and Vortas that were killed. The Dominion could breed and clone them in the thousands. One less wouldn't make any difference.

Betazoid, Male

Kyan Mackenzie


:: Promenade | Melok Nor ::

Quote from: Jess Fellows

Jess never looked up from Kyan's foot. She'd had to improvise and she'd done so by using the multi-tool to cut a sleeve off of her tunic and using the cloth to wrap the foot tightly to keep the shrapnel from moving. It wasn't pretty, but then again, field medicine rarely was.

Kyan hadn't been still for this long since he'd escaped the Changeling. Since then he'd been moving and fighting. Well, except for the time spent listening to the Cardassian spill his guts, literally, in the bathroom. But even then his adrenaline was up. Now he was sitting still and his foot was throbbing, as things often did when foreign objects were sticking out of them. His mind was free to take stock of his condition.

This was the part of combat that he didn't like. In the thick of it, especially if he was winning, he always felt invincible. The pain barely registered. There was only the struggle. Win or lose. Live or die. But in these moments when there was a long lull, or even after it was over, the adrenaline slowed down. Pain registered. Fear gnawed at you.

He felt cold, even though it was hot here compared to a Federation ship. He was suddenly very aware of his lack of a shirt, and the fact that his shorts were still damp from falling into the fountain. His ears rang still from where Melot had backhanded him, but that was nothing. And he hadn't really noticed it till now, but he did smell like some foul mixture of grease, sweat, and some sickeningly sweet smelling perfume. And he DID have glitter and body paint splotched everywhere.

But as far as situations went, he'd fared worse. The Hunters invasion of Katra came to mind. As well as his nearly getting killed on the Majestic back in 2356. He was laid up in a hospital on Starbase 201 for months after that. All he got from this was a piece of metal in his foot and a funny story about fighting the Boss hooker. Plus, not for nothing, but he had slain a proper fookin Giant. He smiled at that.

Quote from: Jess Fellows

"Thank you." She said to the Cardassian aiding them, but as she didn't know his name, she simply continued. "Let's go get Nira."

A stab of pain in his foot and Doctor Fellows speaking brought him out of his reverie. When he looked up, Luram and his men were gathered around and had apparently given her a padd. Kyan looked up at her and then at his foot.  "œBut if me foot's all wrapped up with this thing stickin out, I cannae walk!" Kyan complained. "œHow am I tae fight?"
Quote from:  Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Well, it seemed as if it was settled then. He stood up, carefully, before offering Doctor Fellows a hand to stand up. Immediately after, he did the same with Kyan, "Do you feel operational, Lieutenant?" He asked, with clear concern, as he then motioned for them to follow,"I believe I gazed upon one of those maintenance conducts before the explosions..."

Kyan accepted the offered hand and rose, keeping his leg raised in order to keep it off the deck. "œAye, but um"¦ Do ye think it possible I can hitch a ride the now? On account of this?" he asked indicating his foot. "œI dinnae weigh much."

~ Several minutes later ~

:: Prefect's office | Melok Nor ::

Kyan crawled out of the maintainence hatch and into the brighter light of the office. He pulled himself up on the bulkhead and addressed the other two as they emerged. "œYe see?" he asked with a cheeky smile. "œTold ye I knew where it was!"

When they were all in the office, he hopped and used the furniture to get over to where he could peek out the doors.

Quote from: Nira Said

And the station opened fire on the incoming Cardassian ships. The battle had begun.

The Cold One had just turned Nira around and began to frog-march her to the turbolift when it appeared, carrying...well, they didn't look like the old man's men.

When he saw the others come up in the lift, Kyan turned back to Fellows and Zhuk. "œO'brien and the others are here too the now, and the Changeling's got Commander Said." He pulled his disruptor around the the front and checked the charge. Seeing that it was ready, he brought the weapon to the ready.

Normally, Kyan would have been first out the door and shooting. And he still wanted to be. But he knew he could barely stand up, let alone place well aimed shots if things got chaotic. And he didn't know the Caitian Security officer that well. He'd been good on the bridge at tactical, and from what he'd seen thus far Kyan had no reason to think he wasn't just as capable in close combat.

"œOk"¦" he paused, but then settled on his plan. He'd given thought to letting Fellows go second, but dismissed it. She was a doctor after all, and he was a Security Officer. Plus, he was hobbled, not dead. Which was what he'd have to be before letting a grup girl go into danger before he did. "œAnd the Guardians'd be havin a good laugh at me if I did so they would!" he told himself. No. He'd be second. She would cover them. He continued. "œMister Mrekrerhas, yer gonna be first out. Den me, and then Doctor Fellows here. We'll give em the chance tae surrender. If they don't, then we start droppin em! Yous guys ready?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on July 24, 2023, 04:42:15 AM

:: Promenade | Melok Nor ::

Kyan hadn't been still for this long since he'd escaped the Changeling. Since then he'd been moving and fighting. Well, except for the time spent listening to the Cardassian spill his guts, literally, in the bathroom. But even then his adrenaline was up. Now he was sitting still and his foot was throbbing, as things often did when foreign objects were sticking out of them. His mind was free to take stock of his condition.

This was the part of combat that he didn't like. In the thick of it, especially if he was winning, he always felt invincible. The pain barely registered. There was only the struggle. Win or lose. Live or die. But in these moments when there was a long lull, or even after it was over, the adrenaline slowed down. Pain registered. Fear gnawed at you.

He felt cold, even though it was hot here compared to a Federation ship. He was suddenly very aware of his lack of a shirt, and the fact that his shorts were still damp from falling into the fountain. His ears rang still from where Melot had backhanded him, but that was nothing. And he hadn't really noticed it till now, but he did smell like some foul mixture of grease, sweat, and some sickeningly sweet smelling perfume. And he DID have glitter and body paint splotched everywhere.

But as far as situations went, he'd fared worse. The Hunters invasion of Katra came to mind. As well as his nearly getting killed on the Majestic back in 2356. He was laid up in a hospital on Starbase 201 for months after that. All he got from this was a piece of metal in his foot and a funny story about fighting the Boss hooker. Plus, not for nothing, but he had slain a proper fookin Giant. He smiled at that.

A stab of pain in his foot and Doctor Fellows speaking brought him out of his reverie. When he looked up, Luram and his men were gathered around and had apparently given her a padd. Kyan looked up at her and then at his foot.  "œBut if me foot's all wrapped up with this thing stickin out, I cannae walk!" Kyan complained. "œHow am I tae fight?"

Kyan accepted the offered hand and rose, keeping his leg raised in order to keep it off the deck. "œAye, but um"¦ Do ye think it possible I can hitch a ride the now? On account of this?" he asked indicating his foot. "œI dinnae weigh much."

~ Several minutes later ~

:: Prefect's office | Melok Nor ::

Kyan crawled out of the maintainence hatch and into the brighter light of the office. He pulled himself up on the bulkhead and addressed the other two as they emerged. "œYe see?" he asked with a cheeky smile. "œTold ye I knew where it was!"

When they were all in the office, he hopped and used the furniture to get over to where he could peek out the doors.

When he saw the others come up in the lift, Kyan turned back to Fellows and Zhuk. "œO'brien and the others are here too the now, and the Changeling's got Commander Said." He pulled his disruptor around the the front and checked the charge. Seeing that it was ready, he brought the weapon to the ready.

Normally, Kyan would have been first out the door and shooting. And he still wanted to be. But he knew he could barely stand up, let alone place well aimed shots if things got chaotic. And he didn't know the Caitian Security officer that well. He'd been good on the bridge at tactical, and from what he'd seen thus far Kyan had no reason to think he wasn't just as capable in close combat.

"œOk"¦" he paused, but then settled on his plan. He'd given thought to letting Fellows go second, but dismissed it. She was a doctor after all, and he was a Security Officer. Plus, he was hobbled, not dead. Which was what he'd have to be before letting a grup girl go into danger before he did. "œAnd the Guardians'd be havin a good laugh at me if I did so they would!" he told himself. No. He'd be second. She would cover them. He continued. "œMister Mrekrerhas, yer gonna be first out. Den me, and then Doctor Fellows here. We'll give em the chance tae surrender. If they don't, then we start droppin em! Yous guys ready?"

[Promenade --> Ops - Melek Nor] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

After bandaging Kyan's foot, which she knew how to do and understood, Jess found herself crawling through Jeffries tubes to go rescue Nira and wondering how she got roped into doing so.

"Dammit, I'm a doctor not a commando!"

She screamed internally as she followed the others. Once they were at their destination, Kyan briefed the plan and all Jess could do was nod as there wasn't an alternative option. Even though the idea of getting into a shooting match terrified her, she was a Starfleet officer and she would not let her shipmates down.

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