S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on August 05, 2023, 05:41:28 PM

Slowly, the sobs subsided as M'nia was able to let it all out. It had been an ordeal. She was slowly processioning everything. Slowly her strength returned. When she was finally able to talk she said, "Th-thanks Commander Molly." At least sherem was dead. He deserved to die! Slowly she struggled to her feet. "So what happens now commander?"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on August 05, 2023, 08:48:09 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Transporter Room | Melek Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Zhukdra'shar's ears swished a bit as he swore he could overhear Commander Nira telling someone about how tired he was, and that he required some help. He glanced over to her to try and determine what she meant by it, but before he could even gather his thoughts properly, he was scooped up by some surprisingly strong set of arms.

He slowly raised his head, being met with a tall, beautiful female Deltan. He was momentarily left out without a breath before she commented upon him being a 'wittle kitty'. Zhuk frowned, as his ears were flushed red, and he glanced away, unable to suppress how embarrassed he was at that statement. Even then, he embraced her gently, allowing himself to be taken to the Medbay. He felt a sense of relief, the discomfort flushing away from his body, almost as if it were magic. It made him blink slowly, and he felt compelled to place his head on her shoulder.

"Mm... this feels... nice... thank you..."

He could only mutter, as eventually she was regaled with a vibrating sensation from him. He was purring, and rubbing against her like any Earth cat would. For now, the idea that he might be degrading himself went out of the window. He just wanted to hug her and never let go...

[Commander Nira Said | Sickbay >- Bridge | Deck Two >- Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"Now we need some rest and recuperation," said Nira to M'Nia. "Hopefully we'll be heading back to Deep Space Nine."

Once at Sickbay, Nira could see how limiting it was in Sickbay. After all, the Valiant was more of a detached vessel to a station. The best Doctor Bashir could do was give a quick patch for her. For Rahab, she had to have some work done to prevent the internal bleeding and delay her deterioration. While others worked on Kyan and Zhuk, Nira replicated a fresh red uniform and made her way to the bridge with Molly.

There, she was just in time to see the explosion...and Melek Nor being flown about like a discus in a hurricane.

"Holy Allah," she said in surprise. "Uh, sorry...permission to enter the bridge, Admiral Kira?"

"Permission granted, Commander," said Kira. "You're just in time...how the hell is Melek Nor still intact?"

"Well, it's still losing structural integrity," said Nira. "And something's happening to the transwarp reactor, look," she added, pointing at the green-glowing reactor.

There was definitely something happening, the lighting flickering.

"Looks like whatever M'Nia and I did to it may be having a kind of affect," said Molly.

"Then we got the right place to finish it off," said Kira grimly. Turning back to the viewscreen, she called for a general broadcast to the fleet.

"Admiral Kira to all Starfleet and Cardassian loyalist ships. Concentrate all your fire on the reactor."

What happened next as Nira watched was a blur. Starships bombarded and the smaller ships made strafing runs. Nira certainly felt like she was back on Ian's "Flying Tigers" program, though as a dive bomber gunner.

A few hits later, with multiple impacts exploding on the hull or blowing apart the rings above, suddenly the reactor made a more pronounced green. The ships pulled back again, thanks to another warning from Kira, and Nira watched in amazement as a transwarp conduit seemed to flare from the reactor, almost like a butterfly made of green flames billowing from a pupa.

"Oh my gahd," said Molly, relieving an officer on the science console. "The reactor's expelling...somehow a singularity is forming, more of the style of Borg transwarp conduits..."

Then a burst of green light and energy and suddenly, Melek Nor imploded. Not exploded. Imploded. The singularity sucked in everything around it, including the reactor it emanated from, and the station crumpled inward, like the singularity was a kind of hand crumpling a sheet into a ball. Melek Nor crumpled inward, the singularity swallowing it before swallowing itself. Any of Sherem's minions, including underling Jem'Hadar ships, that were too close to it got sucked with it.

"Holy Allah," said Nira in surprise.

"Holy Prophets," said Kira at the same time, and the two women looked aside at each other with their simultaneous responses.

"We're getting word," said Nuyu. "Sherem's minions are now fleeing or are surrendering."

Kira smiled in smug satisfaction. "Notify Garak. He can have them. Starfleet was just helping out...and the final Dominion influence on Cardassia is gone."

"But we now know the Dominion is hiding in pockets around the Alpha Quadrant," said Nira. "Not just Breen space."

"Get some rest, Commander," said Kira soothingly. "We can talk more on the way back."

"Of course, Admiral," said Nira. "And, if it's all right with you, I wish to have my team and myself sent over to Challenger, we have more medical facilities on hand."

"Permission granted," said Kira. "We'll get you back to your ship," she added with a warm smile. Nira nodded in appreciation and left the bridge.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on August 06, 2023, 10:59:43 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Sickbay >- Bridge | Deck Two >- Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"Now we need some rest and recuperation," said Nira to M'Nia. "Hopefully we'll be heading back to Deep Space Nine."

"That would be nice. I want to put all this behind me! It's been a lot although I have to thank Zhuk for sticking by me and helping me! He gave me the courage to continue on! I'm glad I met him! Molly was great too! I think the two of us made a great team!" Some of the light had returned to her eyes. I had been a lot and it seemed like it all caught up to her at once but she was slowly getting her footing back so to speak!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Amongst the organised chaos in the Sickbay, the chaos being the amount of people coming to be seen to, the organisation being the cool calm exuded by the Challenger's medical staff, Ruth flitted here and yon applying dressings and processing people for triage.

As one came in, a random Engineering or Ops Crewman she wasn't familiar with, she struck up a conversation to try and cheer the poor girl up.

"What's happening out there?  I'm so used to being on the Bridge and being able to look out in a battle, it's rather strange not having a window!  Did we get the Melek Nor or is Captain Galloway's themetune not working these days?!"

The young woman gave Ruth a wide eyed look of incredulity.  Firstly the ex-skipper of the ship whom she'd heard so much about was speaking to her and secondly, how did she not know what was going on?

"Erm... the Melek Nor and the station imploded, er, Ma'am." the poor shell-shocked lass answered.

"Imploded?  Don't you mean *ex*ploded?" the CSO asked.

"No Ma'am... I'm friends with the duty officer up there and they said it was like someone got a bit of aluminium foil and crumpled it then it was kinda sucked into a... sin... sing... Black Hole."

"Singularity,.." Ruth threw off the word nonchalantly like it was something she said every day.  "Intriguing... I'm going to have to look at the telemetry on that one and liaise with Science crews from other ships to see what actually happened.  I believe you, I wouldn't be CSO if I didn't think strange and marvellous things happen in outer space.  But as to what happened to cause that?  I'll have to get onto Melly.. um Ensign Pwllgwll... whatever, you might have seen her... redhaired Onlie Ensign, like a female version of Lt. Mackenzie... might be something to do with the Transwarp thing... who knows?!"

The CSO gave a brief shrug and carried on getting the things together to clean a graze then stuck a band-aid over the area. She sighed thinking about and missing Melly.  The girl had her faults but she had thought of her two newest Ensigns who were quickly transferred due to Melly's expertise on the Transwarp conduit thing, as younger sisters, and missed them in the same way.

"There you go, all finished.  If that head aches or your eyes get blurry or you're sick, you feel faint etc come back you may have concussion.  In the meantime go and sit in one of those side rooms and I'll bring you a hot drink once I have half a minute.  I'm no doctor but I know what concussion is like and it doesn't always manifest itself until 24 hours or more later, so take it easy.  A medical orderly will have to check you out fully before you can leave but I've saved them 10 mins on that graze.  Thanks for the info on the Melek Nor.  Glad they got their come-uppence!"

"Thank you Ma'am, and yeah... know about concussion, I play Parrises Squares and Racquetball... the former is known for being violent!" the girl grinned.

"Oh yeah... I play too... maybe we can have a game together sometime, when that head is healed!" the Lieutenant joked.

"Maybe Ma'am, maybe.  I warn you now tho, uniform off I don't hold back... as in if your pips aren't showing and you're an opponent.. you're going down!"

Ruth laughed.  "Fully expect that, Crewman. Don't let CPO ch'Verret hear your phrase it quite like that, he would be giving you Lt. Lek's favourite toothbrush hull cleaning exercise as punishment! The 'uniform off' part I mean! I don't wish for preferential treatment only the respect I deserve, which on the Bridge is for my pips/rank and on a court for a fellow combatant and that means giving the best of yourself.  Well I suppose that's the same on the Bridge too... but you know what I mean."

"Yes Ma'am... and if I'm allowed caffeine mine is a Ratkajino... the hot drink?!"

"I'll check, if you are then I'll come join you and we can talk about sport more.  Laters, Crewman, take care."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Tekin Nevir

Comm for Captain Galloway:

"Ian, thanks for sending people over.  They want us to start making our way back once warp engines are online and the hull breaches are secured.  I am not looking forward to hearing it from Gillespie. Heard I missed a hell of a fight. Oh.. and Command wants me to ask when will you stop delaying getting their hands on Challenger's system."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on August 06, 2023, 10:59:43 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Sickbay >- Bridge | Deck Two >- Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"Now we need some rest and recuperation," said Nira to M'Nia. "Hopefully we'll be heading back to Deep Space Nine."

Once at Sickbay, Nira could see how limiting it was in Sickbay. After all, the Valiant was more of a detached vessel to a station. The best Doctor Bashir could do was give a quick patch for her. For Rahab, she had to have some work done to prevent the internal bleeding and delay her deterioration. While others worked on Kyan and Zhuk, Nira replicated a fresh red uniform and made her way to the bridge with Molly.

There, she was just in time to see the explosion...and Melek Nor being flown about like a discus in a hurricane.

"Holy Allah," she said in surprise. "Uh, sorry...permission to enter the bridge, Admiral Kira?"

"Permission granted, Commander," said Kira. "You're just in time...how the hell is Melek Nor still intact?"

"Well, it's still losing structural integrity," said Nira. "And something's happening to the transwarp reactor, look," she added, pointing at the green-glowing reactor.

There was definitely something happening, the lighting flickering.

"Looks like whatever M'Nia and I did to it may be having a kind of affect," said Molly.

"Then we got the right place to finish it off," said Kira grimly. Turning back to the viewscreen, she called for a general broadcast to the fleet.

"Admiral Kira to all Starfleet and Cardassian loyalist ships. Concentrate all your fire on the reactor."

What happened next as Nira watched was a blur. Starships bombarded and the smaller ships made strafing runs. Nira certainly felt like she was back on Ian's "Flying Tigers" program, though as a dive bomber gunner.

A few hits later, with multiple impacts exploding on the hull or blowing apart the rings above, suddenly the reactor made a more pronounced green. The ships pulled back again, thanks to another warning from Kira, and Nira watched in amazement as a transwarp conduit seemed to flare from the reactor, almost like a butterfly made of green flames billowing from a pupa.

"Oh my gahd," said Molly, relieving an officer on the science console. "The reactor's expelling...somehow a singularity is forming, more of the style of Borg transwarp conduits..."

Then a burst of green light and energy and suddenly, Melek Nor imploded. Not exploded. Imploded. The singularity sucked in everything around it, including the reactor it emanated from, and the station crumpled inward, like the singularity was a kind of hand crumpling a sheet into a ball. Melek Nor crumpled inward, the singularity swallowing it before swallowing itself. Any of Sherem's minions, including underling Jem'Hadar ships, that were too close to it got sucked with it.

"Holy Allah," said Nira in surprise.

"Holy Prophets," said Kira at the same time, and the two women looked aside at each other with their simultaneous responses.

"We're getting word," said Nuyu. "Sherem's minions are now fleeing or are surrendering."

Kira smiled in smug satisfaction. "Notify Garak. He can have them. Starfleet was just helping out...and the final Dominion influence on Cardassia is gone."

"But we now know the Dominion is hiding in pockets around the Alpha Quadrant," said Nira. "Not just Breen space."

"Get some rest, Commander," said Kira soothingly. "We can talk more on the way back."

"Of course, Admiral," said Nira. "And, if it's all right with you, I wish to have my team and myself sent over to Challenger, we have more medical facilities on hand."

"Permission granted," said Kira. "We'll get you back to your ship," she added with a warm smile. Nira nodded in appreciation and left the bridge.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Breen station explode and Melek Nor implode, which resulted in the remaining Dominion ships fleeing, he exhaled in relief. He was glad to see the immediate threat to the Alpha Quadrant was over. He was beyond pleased that Challenger had not sustained any meaningful damage. The only sobering remnant of the battle was when he looked at Discovery and saw her hull scored and pitted from heavy damage. It was at that moment that T'Kel informed him that he had an incoming message.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 07, 2023, 10:11:06 AM

Comm for Captain Galloway:

"Ian, thanks for sending people over.  They want us to start making our way back once warp engines are online and the hull breaches are secured.  I am not looking forward to hearing it from Gillespie. Heard I missed a hell of a fight. Oh.. and Command wants me to ask when will you stop delaying getting their hands on Challenger's system."

"Anything you need Captain, it's yours. As for the point of impact shieldin', the genius that invented them is aboard your ship. I suggest you kick him in his orange arse and get him ta work. We've been singin' the merits of the system ta Command for a couple years now, perhaps with a couple admirals havin' seen them in action, perhaps the hundred kilo heads will get in their dense skulls ta do summat for a change."

Ian gave Tekin a big pilot's lopsided grin.

"And seein' as how you gave us a lift here, I'm more than prepared ta give you a tow ta Deep Space Nine should you require it. Galloway out."

Ian then began issuing orders.

"Science, I want full active scans on all bands. I'll nae have anyone sneakin' up on us. Helm, keep us at station keepin' until Discovery signals she's ready ta move. Ops stand down from yellow alert, be prepared ta tractor the Discovery if'n she cannae get herself underway."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Four - Transporter Room Four >> USS Discovery - Deck 8 - Transporter] (as posted on Discovery... )

Quote from: Lek on August 04, 2023, 12:40:54 PM

[Engineering - USS Discovery] - [Lieutenant Giancarlo Gianetti]

Gianetti looked up from the pool table and looked harried as he tried to coordinate the multiple ongoing repairs.

"What? Oh, glad to have you. We've just got the main bridge resealed with forcefields. It would be a big help if you can check it out and see what's left and place some hull patches to fully seal the breaches."

"Sure thing!  We can do that no prob!  Can we get authorization to use the  industrial replicators for making the hull patches? Or do you have anyone to spare to send them up to us?"
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 04, 2023, 12:35:09 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottor, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth nodded briefly at Ian and gave him a sympathetic look.  "A wee dram in the Ready Room would probably be appropriate around now!" she said in a low voice so only he could hear.  "I'm sure someone else could sit in the big chair for a while to give you a little break, Sir.  You've been on full alert a while now!Medicinal!" and gave a wink.

As she stepped into the turbolift she offered up a sincere prayer of thanks to Odin and Freya that the Discovery had made it and a second to Eir1 to hold those injured in her healing hands.  Ruth wanted so badly just to run to Lahr and have a cuddle but professionalism must be observed so instead on the way down she sent him a message to his PADD

TO: CPO Shran'Lahr ch'Verret
FROM: Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO

Hoping you're ok, babe.  Missing you.  I'm going down to the Sickbay to see if I can help triage or anything.  I'll try to find out what I can about Nevir, Hrafn and the kids, anyone else you want me to ask about?  See you when I can.  Remember Á©g elska Á¾ig2


Lahr was on his way up to what remained of the Discovery's Bridge when a notification pinged in his earbuds.  He pulled his PADD and say the EYES ONLY message and grinned.  He slowed his pace a bit a fell a little behind the others so he could open the message in private.

He was a little disappointed that she got his hopes up with the EYES ONLY header... but hadn't written or sent anything that was really worthy of the EYES ONLY designation.  She had definitely been more risque as a Captain, he felt.  Every conversation back then had been charged with innuendo.  He sometimes missed that...

Had they gotten too familiar with one another? Too comfortable?   GASP!  Were they an old married couple!?   His antennae twitched at the notion.  Oh, that was worrisome.  He needed to fix this.. but unfortunately, now was not the right time.  He'd need to think on this and what it meant...  For the moment, Lahr simply replied back with an answer to her question.

Helga and Lek...

He typed one handed on the PADD as he slowly followed Neva into turbolift.  The lift wouldn't get them all the way to the bridge but rather just to Deck Two and from there up they were reliant on jeffries tubes.

Yet even the need to use the jeffries tubes to climb up to the Bridge section, didn't prepare Lahr for shocking sight of the Bridge damage.


NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 04, 2023, 12:35:09 PM


As the CSO arrived at the Sickbay she looked around in dismay at the people injured.  Spying someone in teal she gave a sort of hopeful look in their general direction and smiled.

"Lt. Sigurdsdottir, CSO... I hoped I could be of some assistance for general menial tasks.  I'm no brain surgeon but I can triage, fetch things, hold things, field medicine and such...make use of me how you can!"

1 Norse Goddess of Healing
2 I love you in Icelandic

Chloe almost choked on a bitter laugh as the CSO introduced herself.  Yeah, Chloe knew Ruth all too well.  The Head Nurse was so tempted to turn the now Lieutenant away saying they were good and didn't need additional help.   But one look would show how that was a lie, so Chloe swallowed her personal feelings and directed Ruth to the section where the minor injuries were being treated by the enlisted medical personnel.  "You can help them out."
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 07, 2023, 09:35:07 AM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Amongst the organised chaos in the Sickbay, the chaos being the amount of people coming to be seen to, the organisation being the cool calm exuded by the Challenger's medical staff, Ruth flitted here and yon applying dressings and processing people for triage.

As one came in, a random Engineering or Ops Crewman she wasn't familiar with, she struck up a conversation to try and cheer the poor girl up.

"What's happening out there?  I'm so used to being on the Bridge and being able to look out in a battle, it's rather strange not having a window!  Did we get the Melek Nor or is Captain Galloway's themetune not working these days?!"

The young woman gave Ruth a wide eyed look of incredulity.  Firstly the ex-skipper of the ship whom she'd heard so much about was speaking to her and secondly, how did she not know what was going on?

"Erm... the Melek Nor and the station imploded, er, Ma'am." the poor shell-shocked lass answered.

"Imploded?  Don't you mean *ex*ploded?" the CSO asked.

"No Ma'am... I'm friends with the duty officer up there and they said it was like someone got a bit of aluminium foil and crumpled it then it was kinda sucked into a... sin... sing... Black Hole."

"Singularity,.." Ruth threw off the word nonchalantly like it was something she said every day.  "Intriguing... I'm going to have to look at the telemetry on that one and liaise with Science crews from other ships to see what actually happened.  I believe you, I wouldn't be CSO if I didn't think strange and marvellous things happen in outer space.  But as to what happened to cause that?  I'll have to get onto Melly.. um Ensign Pwllgwll... whatever, you might have seen her... redhaired Onlie Ensign, like a female version of Lt. Mackenzie... might be something to do with the Transwarp thing... who knows?!"

The CSO gave a brief shrug and carried on getting the things together to clean a graze then stuck a band-aid over the area. She sighed thinking about and missing Melly.  The girl had her faults but she had thought of her two newest Ensigns who were quickly transferred due to Melly's expertise on the Transwarp conduit thing, as younger sisters, and missed them in the same way.

"There you go, all finished.  If that head aches or your eyes get blurry or you're sick, you feel faint etc come back you may have concussion.  In the meantime go and sit in one of those side rooms and I'll bring you a hot drink once I have half a minute.  I'm no doctor but I know what concussion is like and it doesn't always manifest itself until 24 hours or more later, so take it easy.  A medical orderly will have to check you out fully before you can leave but I've saved them 10 mins on that graze.  Thanks for the info on the Melek Nor.  Glad they got their come-uppence!"

"Thank you Ma'am, and yeah... know about concussion, I play Parrises Squares and Racquetball... the former is known for being violent!" the girl grinned.

"Oh yeah... I play too... maybe we can have a game together sometime, when that head is healed!" the Lieutenant joked.

"Maybe Ma'am, maybe.  I warn you now tho, uniform off I don't hold back... as in if your pips aren't showing and you're an opponent.. you're going down!"

Ruth laughed.  "Fully expect that, Crewman. Don't let CPO ch'Verret hear your phrase it quite like that, he would be giving you Lt. Lek's favourite toothbrush hull cleaning exercise as punishment! The 'uniform off' part I mean! I don't wish for preferential treatment only the respect I deserve, which on the Bridge is for my pips/rank and on a court for a fellow combatant and that means giving the best of yourself.  Well I suppose that's the same on the Bridge too... but you know what I mean."

"Yes Ma'am... and if I'm allowed caffeine mine is a Ratkajino... the hot drink?!"

"I'll check, if you are then I'll come join you and we can talk about sport more.  Laters, Crewman, take care."

Chloe passing by overheard about the station and frowned a bit.  She knew that's where her friend Zhuk had been assigned.   Had he made it out alive?!  Surely if the Away Team had been on the Nor station when it collapsed the crew would have been informed, right?  Still Chloe worried.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 07, 2023, 11:30:03 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Breen station explode and Melek Nor implode, which resulted in the remaining Dominion ships fleeing, he exhaled in relief. He was glad to see the immediate threat to the Alpha Quadrant was over. He was beyond pleased that Challenger had not sustained any meaningful damage. The only sobering remnant of the battle was when he looked at Discovery and saw her hull scored and pitted from heavy damage. It was at that moment that T'Kel informed him that he had an incoming message.

"Anything you need Captain, it's yours. As for the point of impact shieldin', the genius that invented them is aboard your ship. I suggest you kick him in his orange arse and get him ta work. We've been singin' the merits of the system ta Command for a couple years now, perhaps with a couple admirals havin' seen them in action, perhaps the hundred kilo heads will get in their dense skulls ta do summat for a change."

Ian gave Tekin a big pilot's lopsided grin.

"And seein' as how you gave us a lift here, I'm more than prepared ta give you a tow ta Deep Space Nine should you require it. Galloway out."

Ian then began issuing orders.

"Science, I want full active scans on all bands. I'll nae have anyone sneakin' up on us. Helm, keep us at station keepin' until Discovery signals she's ready ta move. Ops stand down from yellow alert, be prepared ta tractor the Discovery if'n she cannae get herself underway."

Nevir laughed.  "Oh, no, not that one.. the one that Command has been absolutely giddy about.  The one we talked about earlier.  They feel like you don't like them anymore." he said with a grin, before letting the channel close.  With that done, he returned to the status reports.

"Bridge to Engineering, power is being restored up here as we speak.  How are we on propulsion?"

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil stared wide-eyed at what was happening with Melek Nor. At first the station looked like it was being sucked into itself. He never thought that something like that could happen with a station so big like that. It was indeed an impressive sight.

And it became even more impressive. Melek Nor ended up sucking itself totally into oblivion, dragging some Jem'Hadar ships with it. In the end, nothing of it was left behind, not even a piece of metal.

Without any doubt this mission had been very eventful. He was sure that few Ensigns were able to watch a Cardassian space station implode by swallowing itself.

Betazoid, Male

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay | USS Valiant]

During the brief interval between being scooped up by the lady grup in the Valiant's transporter room and arriving in sickbay, Kyan had actually fallen asleep. Or he'd passed out from losing blood. Which It was he couldn't say. All he knew was that he'd zonked out. But that wouldn't last. Upon arriving in the ship's Spartan medical facilty, the woman deposited her patient on one the of the three bio beds and went to collect her equipment. When she'd done so, she came back over and set to work.

After a few moments, Kyan's eyes shot open and he sat up. Looking down at his feet, he saw that she was sitting on the bed with his injured foot in her lap. She was using a tool that he'd never seen before.

"œWhat are ye doin to it?" he asked, groggily. "œThat's not a dermal regene-thing."

The woman stopped and looked back at him. "œWell hello. I thought you were clocked out for the day."

Kyan had no idea what "œclocked out" meant. And he didn't care either. The pressing question on his mind what exactly what this cheerful blueshirt was on about. He craned his neck trying to get a look at the tool she was using. "œI dinnae ken what that is. What are ye doin tae me foot?"

"œI'm cleaning your wound." The woman smiled. "œYou've got dirt, grease"¦ and some glitter in there."

Kyan was suspicious of medical types by default. He had been his whole life, which was ironic since he frequently had need of their skills. But to his mind, if they weren't after poking you with a hypospray, then they were poking or prodding with some other tool. And when they weren't doing that, they were running experiments on people or drugging them. The latter had happened to him on Katra. He'd been given an adult dose of pain medication and ended up loopy for several hours. Then there had been the cranky old Denobulan on the Discovery. He'd chased the boy all over the ship, and even outside the ship just to poke at him.

"œYeah yeah"¦ I know about that. But what's that thing yer usin?" he asked, trying to get a look at it.

"œIt's an S.I.D spanner." she answered, holding it up so that he could see it. Aside from the color, it looked nearly identical to the spanner tools that engineers were always using.

"œAre ye daft?" he asked incredulously. "œYe cannae just swipe an engineering tool and use it on folks!"

She laughed, which was definitely not the response he was looking for. Kyan tried to jerk his foot away from her and moved to get off the bed. The nurse was quick, however, and maintained her hold on his injured appendage.

"œNo no"¦ it stands for "œsonic Irrigation and debridment spanner." She told him. "œYou've used a sonic shower before right?"

He nodded warily. "œYeah, course I have."

"œOk. Well this"¦" she went on, holding the spanner up, "œis like that. Except smaller, and made to clean wounds."

Kyan supposed that made sense, even if part of him was still suspicious. "œWell ok then." He laid back on the bed but then popped his head back up. "œBut sure and ye best not be stabbing me with none of yer hypo-sprayers when I ain't lookin. It's tired I am, so I'm just gonna lay here while you do yer sonic spannin."

"œOk sweetie." She smiled. "œWhy don't you tell me how you got this glitter in your foot?"

Kyan put his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. "œIt's a good story that." He began, yawning. "œThere was a harem on the station, what you'd be after calling a brothel, except the prostitutes dinnae get paid fer it ye see, they had tae do it for free." He couldn't see the slack jawed stare she was giving him and continued. "œSo I was in the maintainence tubes tryin tae get over tae where they had yer Commander O'Brien and the others. But I fell through a grate and landed in the fountain thing. All the harem girls was after helpin me"¦ but then the boss of em, an old Cardassian lady showed up. Now she was ugly and no mistake. She wouldn't have made much latinum at all if they was getting paid."

"œOkay"¦" the nurse muttered, having completely stopped working and now trying to process the story.

"œYeah that one had a face like the arse of a targ so"¦ and probably looked even worse naked so she did. She was a good fighter though, for an old grup girl. But dinne worry on that. I sorted her out."

The nurse sat listening for a moment before remembering that she was working. So while Kyan carried on telling the story she went back to using the spanner.

"œ"¦.and then she threw me into a table what was full of bottles of perfume and paint and bowls full of glitter. I dinnae ken what they were after usin it for the now, probably makin pictures or summat. But it got all over me. But like I told ye though, she got sorted out"¦ Well then the other girls helped me escape so they did. They was all right"¦ fer grups anyways"¦.."

It was then that Kyan heard the doors open again and another grup female came in carrying Zhuk, who looked as though he was having a great time."

Kyan waved at him. "œHeya!" he called over. "œGood service they got on this ship innit Mister Mrekrerhas."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 07, 2023, 05:02:22 PM

Nevir laughed.  "Oh, no, not that one.. the one that Command has been absolutely giddy about.  The one we talked about earlier.  They feel like you don't like them anymore." he said with a grin, before letting the channel close.  With that done, he returned to the status reports.

"Bridge to Engineering, power is being restored up here as we speak.  How are we on propulsion?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was confused by Tekin's comment about Challenger's systems, but then it clicked and he replied shaking his head.

=/\= "You mean that Swarm thing? I can see some of the basic merits of the idea, but I think the whole concept comes with a massive weakness. I dinna think it's a good idea ta give remote access ta a ship and nae have a means ta override that access when things go wrong. I'll follow orders and have the program installed while we're at Deep Space Nine, but sure'n the sun rises in the east on Earth, I'll be takin' precautions and I suggest you do too. Galloway out." =/\=


[Sickbay - USS Valiant] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess stayed with Rahab, holding pressure on the wound until Valiant staff pushed her back from the Cardassian as she entered what passed for an operating room. It was then, that the pain, held in check by the massive adrenaline dump from the battle drained and she gasped in pain and sagged to her knees.

Medical personnel from the Valiant rushed to her and soon she was blissfully drugged as her disruptor burn was treated. She laid back and let the others work and finally felt like the mission was really over. She was safe and she thought as she faded out.

"Ian sooo owes me."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Medbay | Deck ??? | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: Nira Said on August 06, 2023, 10:59:43 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Sickbay >- Bridge | Deck Two >- Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"Now we need some rest and recuperation," said Nira to M'Nia. "Hopefully we'll be heading back to Deep Space Nine."

Once at Sickbay, Nira could see how limiting it was in Sickbay. After all, the Valiant was more of a detached vessel to a station. The best Doctor Bashir could do was give a quick patch for her. For Rahab, she had to have some work done to prevent the internal bleeding and delay her deterioration. While others worked on Kyan and Zhuk, Nira replicated a fresh red uniform and made her way to the bridge with Molly.

There, she was just in time to see the explosion...and Melek Nor being flown about like a discus in a hurricane.

"Holy Allah," she said in surprise. "Uh, sorry...permission to enter the bridge, Admiral Kira?"

"Permission granted, Commander," said Kira. "You're just in time...how the hell is Melek Nor still intact?"

"Well, it's still losing structural integrity," said Nira. "And something's happening to the transwarp reactor, look," she added, pointing at the green-glowing reactor.

There was definitely something happening, the lighting flickering.

"Looks like whatever M'Nia and I did to it may be having a kind of affect," said Molly.

"Then we got the right place to finish it off," said Kira grimly. Turning back to the viewscreen, she called for a general broadcast to the fleet.

"Admiral Kira to all Starfleet and Cardassian loyalist ships. Concentrate all your fire on the reactor."

What happened next as Nira watched was a blur. Starships bombarded and the smaller ships made strafing runs. Nira certainly felt like she was back on Ian's "Flying Tigers" program, though as a dive bomber gunner.

A few hits later, with multiple impacts exploding on the hull or blowing apart the rings above, suddenly the reactor made a more pronounced green. The ships pulled back again, thanks to another warning from Kira, and Nira watched in amazement as a transwarp conduit seemed to flare from the reactor, almost like a butterfly made of green flames billowing from a pupa.

"Oh my gahd," said Molly, relieving an officer on the science console. "The reactor's expelling...somehow a singularity is forming, more of the style of Borg transwarp conduits..."

Then a burst of green light and energy and suddenly, Melek Nor imploded. Not exploded. Imploded. The singularity sucked in everything around it, including the reactor it emanated from, and the station crumpled inward, like the singularity was a kind of hand crumpling a sheet into a ball. Melek Nor crumpled inward, the singularity swallowing it before swallowing itself. Any of Sherem's minions, including underling Jem'Hadar ships, that were too close to it got sucked with it.

"Holy Allah," said Nira in surprise.

"Holy Prophets," said Kira at the same time, and the two women looked aside at each other with their simultaneous responses.

"We're getting word," said Nuyu. "Sherem's minions are now fleeing or are surrendering."

Kira smiled in smug satisfaction. "Notify Garak. He can have them. Starfleet was just helping out...and the final Dominion influence on Cardassia is gone."

"But we now know the Dominion is hiding in pockets around the Alpha Quadrant," said Nira. "Not just Breen space."

"Get some rest, Commander," said Kira soothingly. "We can talk more on the way back."

"Of course, Admiral," said Nira. "And, if it's all right with you, I wish to have my team and myself sent over to Challenger, we have more medical facilities on hand."

"Permission granted," said Kira. "We'll get you back to your ship," she added with a warm smile. Nira nodded in appreciation and left the bridge.

Zhuk kept on purring as he held on to the Deltan for dear life. He made sure to keep his claws out of the equation, however. Such activity usually made his body feel much better when sick or injured. Then again, he did think for a moment that it was a little peculiar that nothing hurt any longer. Usually, his purrs only helped mitigate the discomfort but did not outright remove it. What was happening then?

He did not really have the mind to find an answer, though he did not have to think much more as a question was raised to him from the Deltan, "Aww... is the 'wittle kitty' having a good time being carried by big, ol' strong me?"

The tease made the embarrassment return almost immediately. In usual circumstances, Zhuk would have made a big ruckus about being treated like that. But considering the current events, he would allow it.Deep down, even, he was becoming quite fond of this. But he would never admit it.

"Mrowl... yes... you are... tough... and... soft..." He replied, meekly, eyes closed. "I... like you..."

The comment earned a chuckle from her, as she proceeded to offer some strokes to his neck, which prompted Zhuk to rub against her touch as she got a better grip on his lower back. "Hah~ Pretty friendly for a 'kitty witty' with several lacerations... or should I say, went through a 'cat-astrophe?' Haha!"

Zhuk cringed at that, but at the same time, he couldn't help but offer a weak laugh himself, "Mmm... I... am just... sweet... to people I... like..."

"I see~ Well, that is nice to hear!"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 08, 2023, 06:02:13 AM

[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay | USS Valiant]

During the brief interval between being scooped up by the lady grup in the Valiant's transporter room and arriving in sickbay, Kyan had actually fallen asleep. Or he'd passed out from losing blood. Which It was he couldn't say. All he knew was that he'd zonked out. But that wouldn't last. Upon arriving in the ship's Spartan medical facilty, the woman deposited her patient on one the of the three bio beds and went to collect her equipment. When she'd done so, she came back over and set to work.

After a few moments, Kyan's eyes shot open and he sat up. Looking down at his feet, he saw that she was sitting on the bed with his injured foot in her lap. She was using a tool that he'd never seen before.

"œWhat are ye doin to it?" he asked, groggily. "œThat's not a dermal regene-thing."

The woman stopped and looked back at him. "œWell hello. I thought you were clocked out for the day."

Kyan had no idea what "œclocked out" meant. And he didn't care either. The pressing question on his mind what exactly what this cheerful blueshirt was on about. He craned his neck trying to get a look at the tool she was using. "œI dinnae ken what that is. What are ye doin tae me foot?"

"œI'm cleaning your wound." The woman smiled. "œYou've got dirt, grease"¦ and some glitter in there."

Kyan was suspicious of medical types by default. He had been his whole life, which was ironic since he frequently had need of their skills. But to his mind, if they weren't after poking you with a hypospray, then they were poking or prodding with some other tool. And when they weren't doing that, they were running experiments on people or drugging them. The latter had happened to him on Katra. He'd been given an adult dose of pain medication and ended up loopy for several hours. Then there had been the cranky old Denobulan on the Discovery. He'd chased the boy all over the ship, and even outside the ship just to poke at him.

"œYeah yeah"¦ I know about that. But what's that thing yer usin?" he asked, trying to get a look at it.

"œIt's an S.I.D spanner." she answered, holding it up so that he could see it. Aside from the color, it looked nearly identical to the spanner tools that engineers were always using.

"œAre ye daft?" he asked incredulously. "œYe cannae just swipe an engineering tool and use it on folks!"

She laughed, which was definitely not the response he was looking for. Kyan tried to jerk his foot away from her and moved to get off the bed. The nurse was quick, however, and maintained her hold on his injured appendage.

"œNo no"¦ it stands for "œsonic Irrigation and debridment spanner." She told him. "œYou've used a sonic shower before right?"

He nodded warily. "œYeah, course I have."

"œOk. Well this"¦" she went on, holding the spanner up, "œis like that. Except smaller, and made to clean wounds."

Kyan supposed that made sense, even if part of him was still suspicious. "œWell ok then." He laid back on the bed but then popped his head back up. "œBut sure and ye best not be stabbing me with none of yer hypo-sprayers when I ain't lookin. It's tired I am, so I'm just gonna lay here while you do yer sonic spannin."

"œOk sweetie." She smiled. "œWhy don't you tell me how you got this glitter in your foot?"

Kyan put his hands behind his head and looked up at the ceiling. "œIt's a good story that." He began, yawning. "œThere was a harem on the station, what you'd be after calling a brothel, except the prostitutes dinnae get paid fer it ye see, they had tae do it for free." He couldn't see the slack jawed stare she was giving him and continued. "œSo I was in the maintainence tubes tryin tae get over tae where they had yer Commander O'Brien and the others. But I fell through a grate and landed in the fountain thing. All the harem girls was after helpin me"¦ but then the boss of em, an old Cardassian lady showed up. Now she was ugly and no mistake. She wouldn't have made much latinum at all if they was getting paid."

"œOkay"¦" the nurse muttered, having completely stopped working and now trying to process the story.

"œYeah that one had a face like the arse of a targ so"¦ and probably looked even worse naked so she did. She was a good fighter though, for an old grup girl. But dinne worry on that. I sorted her out."

The nurse sat listening for a moment before remembering that she was working. So while Kyan carried on telling the story she went back to using the spanner.

"œ"¦.and then she threw me into a table what was full of bottles of perfume and paint and bowls full of glitter. I dinnae ken what they were after usin it for the now, probably makin pictures or summat. But it got all over me. But like I told ye though, she got sorted out"¦ Well then the other girls helped me escape so they did. They was all right"¦ fer grups anyways"¦.."

It was then that Kyan heard the doors open again and another grup female came in carrying Zhuk, who looked as though he was having a great time."

Kyan waved at him. "œHeya!" he called over. "œGood service they got on this ship innit Mister Mrekrerhas."

Soon, they were on the Sickbay, where Zhuk was taken towards a nice bed, and deposited gently on top. He proceeded to groan as she attempted to let go of him, but Zhuk clung tightly, staunchly refusing as he began to purr harder - something that could have most likely be heard and seen by Kyan and his nurse. After noticing a frown coming from the nurse, followed by a huff, Zhuk almost immediately let go of her, which earned a content smile.

It also filled him with pain.

"Alright, kitty. Don't move, I am going to fix you up in a moment~" Zhuk obeyed, remaining as still as possible while she retrieved her tools, only moving his ears and looking towards the direction of the voice. He discovered Kyan talking to him, and he felt a knot in his stomach. He hadn't seen that, had he?

"G-Greetings... Lieutenant," He weakly nodded towards him, a small smile returning to his muzzle, "Y-Yes... pretty... nice he must... s-say... lovely, even..."

Charming, Zhuk, charming, he thought, hoping that perhaps the Deltan would take the hint, as she worked on cleaning the injury on his shoulder, removing the cloth on the way and making sure to disinfect it. For a moment, as he considered how Kyan could make for a pal, his mind went over to his friends, Lahr and Chloe. He wondered how they were doing, and if the Challenger had taken in any damage from the battle, as he felt himself slowly begin to drift off towards sleep. He fought it, though, trying to remain conscious through the process. He just hoped they and the crew were okay.

Also M'nia. And Doctor Fellows. Nori... many people that he had got to know in this mission. Funny that...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

First Officer's Log. Stardate 78177.17. We're on our return journey to Deep Space Nine. The battle against the last of the Dominion influence on Cardassia is over. As impactful to some as it is, it's scarring to others.

Unfortunately, what's gleaned from this is that the Dominion are scattered and in hiding around the Alpha Quadrant since the Dominion War. Everybody in the fleet had to be promised to secrecy to not allow word that the Dominion, let alone Changelings, are still in the Alpha Quadrant to get out. It would be perfectly obvious why. It would mean a shattering of the peace, comfort and the security felt around the Quadrant since the end of the Dominion War, not to mention an instant declaration of war on the Dominion, on every splinter group, even on the New Dominion.

I anticipate that once the fleet returns to DS9, there will debriefs and scatterings, and the information we downloaded are going to be forwarded on to Starfleet Intelligence for decoding and for searching out for Changelings. A copy of that information is now in Challenger, but decoding is going to be difficult without Intelligence means. Still, I wanted to see what's what, and what the Changelings are up to in the Alpha Quadrant all these years, but I can accept if I'm the last to know. If we are the last to know.

But something's bothering me much more than memories of Nehor Sherem's brutality, more than being subjected to the humiliation wreaked by The Cold One, more than the Dominion presence that are hiding among spheres of influence in the Alpha Quadrant who have a grudge against the Federation.... *breathing sounds* ...it's the behavior the Command structure are demonstrating in the days since the battle, our Admirals in command...with exception to Admiral Kira, of course. Admiral Gillespie's grown grumpier than usual...Allah sake, what's going on? Could there be indications of Changeling infiltrators? Allah help us.

The respective away teams have each returned to their respective ships - Rayek's team have even brought home an updated Jem'Hadar fighter as a souvenir - we keep having check-ups in Sickbay on our respective injuries. Me in particular with the old man's knife brand. As for Rahab Sherem...the Valiant sped ahead back to Deep Space Nine to treat her fully, but there's no denying she's dying. It's going to hit Jael hardest.

[Commander Nira Said | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira laid on the side of a biobed, her undershirt raised up as she was examined by the EMH Mark Twelve, given most of Sickbay was still making rounds and going between ship to ship in making treatments. The brand he was examining was still imprinted as he made his checkup.

Upon returning to Challenger, she hoped the full facilities available would do something about the brand carved into her flesh. The EMH was already available and he had got to work.

"My God," he kept repeating as he examined. "It's...oh my God, whatever did this, it carved very deep in your flesh. It's so deep, it's hit bone in a few places. Some cuts in the pelvis and your hip joint got grazed. It's a miracle you're even able to walk like that! The man who carved that seems barbarously skillful, I'm presuming he wanted it to hurt..."

"He did," Nira had said.

"Well, one part of the pelvis was cut a bit deep and something inserted inside..."

"Yes, a little torture device," said Nira.

"Oh my GOD, it was bad enough to have that carving, but to add in further pain...!"

And without further question, the EMH set to work to extract the torture device. All the same, the carving was such that even with modern medical technology, the carving brand will still show. Fortunately, the medical officers on hand were able to heal the damage under the skin. Now Nira was being looked over.

"Well, you'll be able to walk alright," the EMH told her. "That brand won't ever fully heal, I'm afraid. Might ruin your look, with your off-duty reputation."

"As you keep saying," said Nira with a shrug. "I had been thinking that over, and I'm thinking of having a tattoo over and around that brand. Enough Arabic lettering and decor could over that Cardassian marking. I mean, the Cardassian written language looks so similar to Arabic, only with so many blocks rather than lines and curves."

"Hmph. Dermal art," muttered the EMH with a shrug. "Whatever you prefer. Aside from that, you got yourself a clean bill of health. Just check out with the other organic doctors," he added, nodding at Chloe Davies and Jess Fellows.

=/\="Bridge to Commander Said," called T'Kel. "Admiral Gillespie is requesting your presence at Captain Galloway's ready room." =/\=

"Tell him I'll be there in a while, I'm collecting my clean bill of health," said Nira.

=/\="Understood." =/\=

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

In full uniform, Nira arrived to see Gillespie glowering more than usual at Ian, but he looked up when she saw him enter.

"Ah, good, yehr here, lass," he said. "I had planned on discussing this with the both of yeh."

"What are you wanting to show us, Admiral?" asked Nira.

"Well, Galloway kens about it already," said Galloway. "It's a Captain's-information kind of thing, but I feel it's usually good to discuss things with a captain and first officer. Especially since you're an officer I can take into confidence."

Nira shrugged; Gillespie had often talked about making her a ship liason to Starfleet Intelligence, and it made sense, given her assignments he had given her in the past.

"And you need an opinion on what you have to show," said Nira. "You seem that particularly anxious."

"And yeh are correct," said Gillespie. Nira thought his accent was more pronounced, it usually was when he wasn't happy, and he had been glowering at Ian. "We're planning on installing this latest program on Challenger, for the old barge to keep up with what the rest of the fleet are getting."

He then pulled up a computer simulation of Starfleet ships in immense numbers and in synchronized formation.

"Fleet Formation Mode," Gillespie said. "A synchronized swarm formation operating in coordination with an automation mainframe, wherein a large number of ships operate as a coordinated whole. The more ships there are, the more firepower to act as one. Hence the 'swarm' nickname. It means giving ships automated mainframe control when activation."

Nira pursed her lips. As a former sec/tac officer, she could appreciate the firepower, but her more analytical side could see something Allah-awfully wrong with it.

"You're not bothered about ships surrendering control? Like Borg drones? Either of you?" she asked, looking poignantly at Ian, especially when she mentioned Borg. The underlying tone she hoped Ian would pick up, seeing she instantly recalled when the two of them fought Borg drones in the Devali Nebula.

"The Borg is part of the inspiration," Gillespie said. "Look at the firepower they can pack together. It's been a work in progress for some time..."

"...but surrendering control to an automatic mainframe?" said Nira. "There's just one problem, one I think you men of all people ought to realize," she said, looking back and forth between Gillespie and Ian. "I mean, haven't there been concerns raised that the system, the protocol, the formation could get hacked? I mean, a skilled hacker could easily take control of a whole fleet, and for Allah knows how much ill intent."

"That had been considered. I will point out that a hacker is an individial," said Gillespie. "Even with multiple hackers, it would have to take a hell of a computer system to override the mainframe, particularly when there are hundreds of ships activated in the protocol. I mean, the computer core to pull that off would have to be like if Earth's poles extended from North to South via the planet's core. Exactly as long as Earth's radius, for God's sake."

"Come off it," snapped Nira. "It would take time, but something of that size would be doable. I mean, planet-sized structures are possible. Look at the Breen, with the station we fought. Look at the Borg, with its Unimatrices based on what the Voyager discovered."

"Yeah, but how much time, hmm?" said Gillespie, his own emotions gradually charging. "Suppose some git foond oot aboot this, they get building. We find out, we get on them and then hand their arses back to them in fish'n'chips wrappings. Project stopped."

Nira stared long and hard at Gillespie for a moment, pursing her lips.

"The fact that I can sense your emotions at all demonstrates you're no Changeling, Admiral," she said low and hard. "Otherwise, I'd say it's an aversion so aggressive you'd have to be. I can't understand the lingering affects of aggression after such an intense battle. And, Captain, you're fine with having this in the Challenger's systems?!?"

"The fact that getting this among the systems upgrade is among some of the best I have to offer, lass," snapped Gillespie. "Kening your attitude, Galloway," he added, turning to Ian, "yehr reputation for the stagnation of appearance in yehrr ship precedes yehrrself. I ken you are also a good officer, but there are worse ways to punish you for yehr bloody insubordination!"

"He was trying to save the lives of the Discovery," said Nira, almost in a pleading way; she heard about Challenger breaking formation from the fleet to go save the Discovery from destruction. "How dare you call that insubordination...!"

"It is if it's disobeying orrrders!" growled Gillespie. "Of course, you were looking oot fehr the well-being of yehr old ship." After a breath, he added, "I nae gonna court-martial yeh, lad. Not to a good officer and a good captain. I'm nae gonna demote yeh or remove yeh from command. But, again, I ken plenty aboot yehr insistence of the old-fashioned when it comes to the Challenger. Yeh'r a smart lad, Ian. I ken how to handle smart lads. As such, the worst I can do to yeh is what I can do to yehr ship, and that's to get it the god-awful-long overdue bloody refit.

"However, yehr adamancy has earned some respect to some certain old fogies in Command," added Gillespie. "But a form of punishment is still in orrrder. The invitation to assemble for the festivities of the 250th Anniversary of the launch of the first exploration vessel, the holiday ken as Frontier Day, had been extended to the fleet, to as many ships as can be gathered. From the grand new ships of th'line to the old historical barges, but many had to be turned doon due to time restraints. Some had to have their invitations annulled. And yehr ship has jest made th'top of that list of invitation annulments.

"In fact, especially with yehr First Officer as witness, Ian Galloway," snapped Gillespie further, "I have a better punishment for yeh and yehr ship. Consider yeh lot banished from Earth, from the Sol system, for the period including the next quarter of the year. Plenty long enough nae jes t'miss th'festivities, and enough for me point to be hammered in yeh lot's heads! Expect to get back to the Romulan Borders after your expected system updates and after necessary shore leave. Especially deep in former Star Empire territory. See how long yeh lot get back in this slug!"

Nira practically flinched. Gillespie was furious, but what he had done was crossing the line. She was shocked by what he had to say, what he did to Ian.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on August 09, 2023, 11:07:53 PM

=/\="Bridge to Commander Said," called T'Kel. "Admiral Gillespie is requesting your presence at Captain Galloway's ready room." =/\=

"Tell him I'll be there in a while, I'm collecting my clean bill of health," said Nira.

=/\="Understood." =/\=

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

In full uniform, Nira arrived to see Gillespie glowering more than usual at Ian, but he looked up when she saw him enter.

"Ah, good, yehr here, lass," he said. "I had planned on discussing this with the both of yeh."

"What are you wanting to show us, Admiral?" asked Nira.

"Well, Galloway kens about it already," said Galloway. "It's a Captain's-information kind of thing, but I feel it's usually good to discuss things with a captain and first officer. Especially since you're an officer I can take into confidence."

Nira shrugged; Gillespie had often talked about making her a ship liason to Starfleet Intelligence, and it made sense, given her assignments he had given her in the past.

"And you need an opinion on what you have to show," said Nira. "You seem that particularly anxious."

"And yeh are correct," said Gillespie. Nira thought his accent was more pronounced, it usually was when he wasn't happy, and he had been glowering at Ian. "We're planning on installing this latest program on Challenger, for the old barge to keep up with what the rest of the fleet are getting."

He then pulled up a computer simulation of Starfleet ships in immense numbers and in synchronized formation.

"Fleet Formation Mode," Gillespie said. "A synchronized swarm formation operating in coordination with an automation mainframe, wherein a large number of ships operate as a coordinated whole. The more ships there are, the more firepower to act as one. Hence the 'swarm' nickname. It means giving ships automated mainframe control when activation."

Nira pursed her lips. As a former sec/tac officer, she could appreciate the firepower, but her more analytical side could see something Allah-awfully wrong with it.

"You're not bothered about ships surrendering control? Like Borg drones? Either of you?" she asked, looking poignantly at Ian, especially when she mentioned Borg. The underlying tone she hoped Ian would pick up, seeing she instantly recalled when the two of them fought Borg drones in the Devali Nebula.

"The Borg is part of the inspiration," Gillespie said. "Look at the firepower they can pack together. It's been a work in progress for some time..."

"...but surrendering control to an automatic mainframe?" said Nira. "There's just one problem, one I think you men of all people ought to realize," she said, looking back and forth between Gillespie and Ian. "I mean, haven't there been concerns raised that the system, the protocol, the formation could get hacked? I mean, a skilled hacker could easily take control of a whole fleet, and for Allah knows how much ill intent."

"That had been considered. I will point out that a hacker is an individial," said Gillespie. "Even with multiple hackers, it would have to take a hell of a computer system to override the mainframe, particularly when there are hundreds of ships activated in the protocol. I mean, the computer core to pull that off would have to be like if Earth's poles extended from North to South via the planet's core. Exactly as long as Earth's radius, for God's sake."

"Come off it," snapped Nira. "It would take time, but something of that size would be doable. I mean, planet-sized structures are possible. Look at the Breen, with the station we fought. Look at the Borg, with its Unimatrices based on what the Voyager discovered."

"Yeah, but how much time, hmm?" said Gillespie, his own emotions gradually charging. "Suppose some git foond oot aboot this, they get building. We find out, we get on them and then hand their arses back to them in fish'n'chips wrappings. Project stopped."

Nira stared long and hard at Gillespie for a moment, pursing her lips.

"The fact that I can sense your emotions at all demonstrates you're no Changeling, Admiral," she said low and hard. "Otherwise, I'd say it's an aversion so aggressive you'd have to be. I can't understand the lingering affects of aggression after such an intense battle. And, Captain, you're fine with having this in the Challenger's systems?!?"

"The fact that getting this among the systems upgrade is among some of the best I have to offer, lass," snapped Gillespie. "Kening your attitude, Galloway," he added, turning to Ian, "yehr reputation for the stagnation of appearance in yehrr ship precedes yehrrself. I ken you are also a good officer, but there are worse ways to punish you for yehr bloody insubordination!"

"He was trying to save the lives of the Discovery," said Nira, almost in a pleading way; she heard about Challenger breaking formation from the fleet to go save the Discovery from destruction. "How dare you call that insubordination...!"

"It is if it's disobeying orrrders!" growled Gillespie. "Of course, you were looking oot fehr the well-being of yehr old ship." After a breath, he added, "I nae gonna court-martial yeh, lad. Not to a good officer and a good captain. I'm nae gonna demote yeh or remove yeh from command. But, again, I ken plenty aboot yehr insistence of the old-fashioned when it comes to the Challenger. Yeh'r a smart lad, Ian. I ken how to handle smart lads. As such, the worst I can do to yeh is what I can do to yehr ship, and that's to get it the god-awful-long overdue bloody refit.

"However, yehr adamancy has earned some respect to some certain old fogies in Command," added Gillespie. "But a form of punishment is still in orrrder. The invitation to assemble for the festivities of the 250th Anniversary of the launch of the first exploration vessel, the holiday ken as Frontier Day, had been extended to the fleet, to as many ships as can be gathered. From the grand new ships of th'line to the old historical barges, but many had to be turned doon due to time restraints. Some had to have their invitations annulled. And yehr ship has jest made th'top of that list of invitation annulments.

"In fact, especially with yehr First Officer as witness, Ian Galloway," snapped Gillespie further, "I have a better punishment for yeh and yehr ship. Consider yeh lot banished from Earth, from the Sol system, for the period including the next quarter of the year. Plenty long enough nae jes t'miss th'festivities, and enough for me point to be hammered in yeh lot's heads! Expect to get back to the Romulan Borders after your expected system updates and after necessary shore leave. Especially deep in former Star Empire territory. See how long yeh lot get back in this slug!"

Nira practically flinched. Gillespie was furious, but what he had done was crossing the line. She was shocked by what he had to say, what he did to Ian.

[Captain's Ready Room - USS Challenger]

As Gillespie spoke, Ian remained silent. His eyes flashed when Nira spoke out of turn, but other than that, he presented the very image of the 'position of parade rest' as Gillespie shouted and announced his punishment. When the admiral finished speaking, Ian replied with a terse.

"Aye Sir, the upgrades will be done immediately."

This seemed to mollify Gillespie enough that he left the ready room with just a gruff.

"See that ye do."

Once the door closed, Ian relaxed from parade rest, but then fixed a hard stare at Nira.

"Commander. You are goin' ta have ta learn when you are in a two way conversation and when you are not. It wasn't your place ta speak ta the admiral that way. We were the ones on the carpet, nae him. At times like that meetin', you're only response ta anything he says is 'Aye Sir'.

"Now, we will be installin' this idiotic program of theirs because we've been ordered ta do so. But there was nae said by the good admiral aboot takin' precautions. I get you're a smart Lass, but you're nae the only smart person aboard Challenger. As soon as he mentioned remote access, my arse puckered. I'll nae be havin' anyone havin' remote access ta my ship that I cannae override.

"So, we will do as ordered, but with a wee bit of caution added. First, the program will be installed in an isolated and removable memory module. There will also be a manual override switch, and I mean an actual mechanical switch, on the bridge and a second in engineerin'. If'n I so much as get a whiff of summat I don't like, I'll order both switches thrown and that module forcibly yanked from the bloody computer. Because you are nae the only one ta see the massive gapin' hole in security this program represents.

"Now, put on the best damn smile you ken and we're ta head out ta the bridge as if we're strollin' through the park on a summer day of blissful joy. Bein' banished from that dog and pony show they're throwin' is nae a punishment ta my mind, but a blessin'. Carry on Commander."

Ian then exited the ready room and reclaimed the command chair from T'Kel while sporting a 'Cheshire Cat' smile before ordering.

"Helm, steady as she goes ta Deep Space Nine. You're ta keep pace with Discovery at whatever speed she can manage."


Well now it was over. Her friends had gone off to do whatever it was they were doing. She was left to her own devices apparently! She felt lonely at the moment. She really didn't know anyone here other than Zhuk, Molly and the commander. Apparently everybody had other things to do. She understood. They had their duties. Not like she could just walk up and ask for permission to see the bridge.

She probably should get a uniform on. Her ambassador clothes were getting a little ragged plus that was over. She was back to being ensign M'nia. She was feeling let down now that it was over. She really didn't know where to go. Well she needed to find a place to change. Maybe once back in uniform she would feel better!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 07, 2023, 11:30:03 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Breen station explode and Melek Nor implode, which resulted in the remaining Dominion ships fleeing, he exhaled in relief. He was glad to see the immediate threat to the Alpha Quadrant was over. He was beyond pleased that Challenger had not sustained any meaningful damage. The only sobering remnant of the battle was when he looked at Discovery and saw her hull scored and pitted from heavy damage. It was at that moment that T'Kel informed him that he had an incoming message.

"Anything you need Captain, it's yours. As for the point of impact shieldin', the genius that invented them is aboard your ship. I suggest you kick him in his orange arse and get him ta work. We've been singin' the merits of the system ta Command for a couple years now, perhaps with a couple admirals havin' seen them in action, perhaps the hundred kilo heads will get in their dense skulls ta do summat for a change."

Ian gave Tekin a big pilot's lopsided grin.

"And seein' as how you gave us a lift here, I'm more than prepared ta give you a tow ta Deep Space Nine should you require it. Galloway out."

Ian then began issuing orders.

"Science, I want full active scans on all bands. I'll nae have anyone sneakin' up on us. Helm, keep us at station keepin' until Discovery signals she's ready ta move. Ops stand down from yellow alert, be prepared ta tractor the Discovery if'n she cannae get herself underway."

[Lt. Evan Randall - Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Full active scans, aye Captain.  Ru... Lt. Sigurdsdottir would have my ass if I let anyone sneak up on us, Sir!" Evan responded semi-automatically in the case of acknoweledging the order.  He knew Captain Galloway and the CSO went back a long ways so he hoped that the boss would forgive the unintentional slip knowing how informal Ruth was in the labs.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir]

Having made herself as useful as she could in the Sickbay, Ruth returned to the Bridge to relieve any of the Science personnel who needed a break and thus stepping out of the turbolift, caught the end of Evan's comment to Ian.

"Guts for garters was the exact phrase, Lieutenant.  But yes... " she slid into a seat next to him.  "I'm going to be running some experiments in the labs over the next few weeks that need careful tending that, no offense to anyone else, I only trust myself doing.  That's short for if anyone balls it up, I'd prefer it to be me."

She grinned and shot a look over at the Captain.  "Thus, Bridge duty is largely going to fall on your shoulders, and..."  the CSO included Ian in her conversation now "...if it's ok with Captain Galloway I'd like you to be a sort of interim deputy CSO.  Naturally if you need me to give a final judgement... I am still here..."

She looked to the Captain for confirmation and smiled at Evan.  The man was more than capable and it was good that he got some Bridge time more than he normally did.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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