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S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest

Started by Ian Galloway, August 14, 2023, 10:23:44 AM

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Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on August 14, 2023, 07:34:42 PM

First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate 78244.7. We have made it to Starbase 153, though we're expected to get back into the thick of former Star Empire territory soon after. I'm hoping the crew can make the most of their expected shore leave.

I have to admit, I've kept busy with the crew. Especially in sparring sessions with Kyan Mackenzie. I learned a great deal from him, though I expect more sparring with him in days to come, especially to be more on the alert. But I've been especially busy with something else.

Every day, I go over with Commander Catalan from Ops to look over the new formation program we have installed. As relieved as I am that the program was uploaded in an isolated and removable memory module, I feel uneasy. I've heard stories about wolves, when attempted to be raised as pets as cubs, turned against their owners. As such, I've asked for checks on the program every so often to check for anything wrong with it. Yes, I feel uneasy about it, and so am wanting to know if there will be anything wrong with it.

At the same time, I'm looking over the copy of the files we downloaded from Melek Nor's database. All this time and the computer cannot decrypt what lies inside. I feel more determined to find out for myself. Twenty days. If we were at Starfleet Intelligence, it would've been cracked in eighteen hours (and I'm not saying minutes; the Intelligence people are good, but not that good, for Allah's sake). But I can't be sure if there will be Changelings, not with them on the loose. No, it's best for me to figure it out, and I've had Savar help with decrypting it whenever he had the time.

Savar does tell me that the copied database file, with what information is contained within, has a unique sort of encryption. It's designed to be unlocked on a certain time on a certain day. And we've determined it's to unlock for the celebration at Frontier Day. April Twelfth. I'm concerned that we can't wait that long, but by ourselves, I'm not sure how much we can do before we unlock this by the Twelfth.

I have my other duties to attend to, but I have not forgotten this. And if it makes me look more paranoid than before...well, I've gotten paranoid on stuff less than this...

[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Is this why you got up so early, Imzadi?" asked Savar from behind Nira, his voice muffled as his lips touched one shoulder.

Nira hadn't even bothered dressing. It was the first thing she did whenever she woke up, checking on the automated decryption of the files from Melek Nor's database that they took. There had been no change in twenty days, not since she had her console start work on decrypting the files, one of the first things she had done since a partial release from Sickbay, not even before her full medical discharge. However, she did promise to drop by for checkups every so often, and for good reason.

She was still in her dancer's attire that had also doubled as underwear. Nira, as a Betazoid, was especially comfortable with showing her skin. But most prominent on her skin now were her new tattoos printed around the carved Cardassian brand permanently scarred on her hip. One of the first things she did for the bout of shore leave at Deep Space Nine after the Battle of Panora was to look into tattoos, and she was delighted to discover that there was a tattoo artist at one of the stalls on the Promenade. The artist was certainly surprised that she wanted tattoos around the scarring, and even on if possible.

But Nira was determined. The brand was carved there personally by Nehor Sherem, as he did with other Bajoran victims in the days during the Occupation of Bajor. It was deep enough into the skin that even modern Starfleet medical technology could do nothing to make it completely heal. It was there permanently. As such, it gave Nira the idea of tattoos around it. And she chose Arabic calligraphy to put around it. After all, she had realized how much Cardassian calligraphy looked like Arabic, albet with blocks and square edges rather than curves. Where Sherem had the brands indicate dangerous defiers who needed to be broken, Nira had the Arabic lettering to indicate she was a beautiful rose - beautiful but dangerous if need be.

Nira turned back and kissed him. "No change as of yet," she said.

"Twenty days and nothing," said Savar with a shrug. "We did find it will unlock on..."

"We know, but we can't wait until then," said Nira.

"Nira," said Savar wisely, "I feel you need something to put this aside. We're hitting walls when it comes to this. There won't be a thing we can do."

"All the same, we have to keep a cautious eye out," said Nira. "We're losing more and more ships as they head for Earth for the 250th Frontier Day, and there are Romulan factions hostile to the Federation who could take advantage of their absence."

Savar shrugged, kissed her briefly on the lips, then stood and threw over her uniform.

"Well, a first officer's duties are never done," said Savar. "Time to go to work."

Nira giggled and said, "Whatever you say, Imzadi."

[Commander Nira Said | Main Engineering >- Cetecean Labs | Deck Thirteen >- Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The positive mood Nira had when she left fully dressed diminished a little as she got to work on her rounds before going to the Bridge. She brought her paperwork along with her, just so she could have something to do as she walked between sections. Among her paperwork, she had a list of ships in the Seventh Fleet, which were the fellow starships in the Otorin Sector, their initial destination. As a First Officer, it was the best she could do, and she wanted to know at least the number of ships in that fleet. In light of the news of ships heading to Earth for Frontier Day, she needed to know about the Seventh Fleet, and she didn't like what she was seeing. The Seventh Fleet was being depleted of ships faster than Nira had realized. As of Challenger's arrival time at Starbase 153, less than a third of the fleet is left in the sector, and even then, only two of the remaining ships were of the newer classes of fleet: The Kirishima, an Alita-class cruiser, and the Vincennes, a Sutherland-class battleship. Two other ships she had noted looked prominent but outdated enough to be left out of the party: The Caledonia, Ambassador-class, and the Boldt, Saber-class.

That number of ships, with so many hostile Romulan factions, it made Nira worried. Finally, she set the list aside, deciding to focus internally, focus on the crew. Besides, there were no indications of raids from hostile factions...not yet, anyhow.

Her wanderings had taken her to Main Engineering, and she was surprised by the scene before her: Commander Mackenzie was yelling for Commander Tharn. It usually wasn't wise to rile a Tellarite, but Nira had seen what Kyan was capable of. She could see why the psychotic little Antican Deej Cloten was scared of him.

"Commander," said Nira, gentle but firm. "I don't think it'll do much good to potentially antagonize Commander Tharn like that. However, I can understand if there needs to be a system looked at. If I may, though, maybe we could go for a melee sparring session later today, if you're able to?"

She waited for Kyan's reply, checked around some more. Passed Commander Tharn and made a passing "Good Morning" before beelining in the opposite direction, though she noticed Aarwendil and Neva in passing.

"Why, hello there," said Nira. "How have things been, Ensigns?" she asked Aarwendil and Neva. "Systems running alright?"

Neva snapped to attention at the sight of the First Officer. "Almost, Sir," she conceded. "On my way to tune up the port nacelle's systems a bit, actually." Neva gave a small grin.

Upon leaving Engineering, she felt a bit of a negative mood, given the potential of Tharn's rage. So, Nira decided to head to another place to cheer her up. And that took her to the Cetacean Labs to meet the Dolphins.

"Girls?" she asked for the dolphins. "Are you around? It's Nira!"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 14, 2023, 03:07:15 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded in commiseration at Jettis' plight before he replied with a big smile.

"Nothing ta do at the moment, I was just finishin' my log before reducin' mannin' ta skeleton levels. You're free ta do whatever boffin stuff you need ta do. However, I guess I have ta let you know Hyperion is still aboard. He's been working as a civilian consultant ever since we found him. Since he wasn't positronic and is not human lookin' the ban on Synths never applied ta him.

"Now, I was about ta report ta the Admiral for a sector status briefin'. Perhaps we can meet in The Lounge later for a drink and a chance ta catch up."

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

Jettis scrunched his nose at the news the Hyperion was still on board. That hunk of metal was still able to interface with Starfleet tech? He thought it would be long obsolete by now, but he supposed it was a bit too sentient to just throw away. Unfortunately.

"I'm surprised that thing hasn't been airlocked yet." Whether that was just an observation, or a threat was immediately laughed off by Jettis. "I will take you up on that Lounge offer though. It is good to be back." Somewhere I am wanted, he completed silently.

He turned as the Flight officer spoke up, noting he was someone he'd met in the lounge at DS9. Right, the man had said he was Challenger's new flight officer. He gave a slight nod, though he was not the one being spoken to. "I as well. Commander Sigurdsdottir can enjoy some downtime, I'm afraid I'm very sick of Starbases. Please, let me know if I can do anything, I'll be down in the labs." It was punctuated by him saluting shortly, and then turning to board the turbolift to deck 7.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 14, 2023, 06:49:59 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Engineering | USS Challenger]

Once again Kyan had a third pip. And once again he was the Chief of Security on a starship. Since the Vulcan woman had also gotten promoted and shuffled off to another ship, Kyan was in charge os Security now. He didn't think that was the only reason though. He attributed his promotion to the fact that he and Zhuk, who had also been promoted, had kept the Captain's girlfriend from being killed on Melok Nor. He made a mental note to go save some Admiral's girlfriend and see if he could get his own ship.

But that would have to wait. Currently, the Challenger's phaser practice range was on the fritz. It had been since the Battle at the Badlands. And there were a handful of brand new crewmen and a few ensigns in security who needed to practice. They'd put in requisitions and requests and the Petty Officer who'd done so told Kyan that the engineers said it would be fixed. It had not. So now Kyan would have to see to it himself.

"Thaaaarn!" the Onlie yelled, rolling into the Tellarite's house like a pint sized el Nino. "Ye said ye'd fix the phaser range yesterday an it ain't fixed!"

Not seeing the Tellarite, Kyan began looking around the room. He spotted an Ensign with a toolkit. "Hey you!" he called over. "Can ye tell me where tae find dat Tellarite boss of yours?"

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

When Kyan called out, there was a fairly long pause, which allowed Neva to tell him where to find Tharn. On finding the Chief Engineer, Kyan noted she was in her office, stubby legs propped up on her desk with her smiling in obvious amusement.

"Oh hey, it's The Mouse That Roared. You got rid of all the glitter yet chuckles? I suppose now that you've got that half pip you think you're somebody, but let me clue you in little one. This is my engine room, and here, you are guest and an unwelcome one at that.

"Now in case your 'Me security. Me shoot' brain has difficulty with this, you might have overlooked just how hard we've been pushing the engines to get here. When that happens, they need tuning, so your little popgun play time is going to have to wait until that's done. So unless you have something useful to say or can figure out a way to amuse me further, I suggest you go finger paint or something."

Quote from: Cole Shepard on August 14, 2023, 11:03:51 PM


Cole sat at the Helm and took in the site of the starbase they were he had just recently docked at. He had gotten in a lot of helm time during the last eight days that they had taken to travel here. He still couldn't believe he got to pilot a Trailblazer class. He would have never thought it possible back in the Academy. He heard the CO's announcement and turned his way.

"Sir. With your permission, I'd like to stay aboard." he said.

He'd had more than enough shore leave during his few days on DS9.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was surprised the young flight officer wanted to stay on the ship. Typically, ensigns were up to as much mischief as they could get away with and leapt at any excuse to get off the ship. He should know as he'd sure raised his share of hell as an ensign.

"What ye do with your time Ensign is up ta you. I have a holoprogram that might interest you. Set in the Second World War, yes I ken full well that's ancient history ta a wee bairn like yourself, but if'n you're half the pilot you think you are, you will learn summat ye dinna ken ta give it a try.

"Doubt I'll have time while we're docked, but once we're under way again, we can meet at the holodeck and you can see if'n ye have what it takes ta fly summat that can't fly itself."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 15, 2023, 10:26:20 AM

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

Jettis scrunched his nose at the news the Hyperion was still on board. That hunk of metal was still able to interface with Starfleet tech? He thought it would be long obsolete by now, but he supposed it was a bit too sentient to just throw away. Unfortunately.

"I'm surprised that thing hasn't been airlocked yet." Whether that was just an observation, or a threat was immediately laughed off by Jettis. "I will take you up on that Lounge offer though. It is good to be back." Somewhere I am wanted, he completed silently.

He turned as the Flight officer spoke up, noting he was someone he'd met in the lounge at DS9. Right, the man had said he was Challenger's new flight officer. He gave a slight nod, though he was not the one being spoken to. "I as well. Commander Sigurdsdottir can enjoy some downtime, I'm afraid I'm very sick of Starbases. Please, let me know if I can do anything, I'll be down in the labs." It was punctuated by him saluting shortly, and then turning to board the turbolift to deck 7.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded to Jettis and sketched a return salute as the El-Aurian headed off to so something Ian was fairly certain he wouldn't begin to understand.


He muttered and left the bridge in the hands of Lieutenant Adelle Booker from Ops who had obviously drawn the short straw and had to man the bridge while they were docked.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 14, 2023, 07:34:42 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Main Engineering >- Cetecean Labs | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]
Upon leaving Engineering, she felt a bit of a negative mood, given the potential of Tharn's rage. So, Nira decided to head to another place to cheer her up. And that took her to the Cetacean Labs to meet the Dolphins.

"Girls?" she asked for the dolphins. "Are you around? It's Nira!"

[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

The dolphins were fully self-sufficient and with the ship docked, the humanoids assigned to the lab had taken the opportunity to explore Starbase 153, so the lab was empty when Nira entered. It was always difficult to distinguish the dolphins until they spoke and their personalities allowed one to tell them apart. Thus, when the first sleek head popped, Nira didn't know if it was Sarah, Miriam and Ruth that had arrived. Until, that is, the dolphin deliberately splashed water all over Nira, that it was obvious who the trickster was...Sarah. Who, along with Miriam and Ruth were now laughing raucously at the now soaked Nira.

"Where else would we be Commander?"

Ruth  replied, which led to another round of laughter.

"Right, it's not like we were strolling in The Lounge."

Sarah added to more laughter.

"I must apologize for my sister's Commander, what can we do for you?"

The last one to speak could only be Miriam, who was the most serious of the trio.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on August 14, 2023, 07:25:55 PM

Is everything fine?" he asked, noticing Kyan and Neva. "œI heard some loud voices and thought that you could be needing some help.

Kyan looked up at the new arrival. He initially thought he might be one of Thaarn's engineers, but he recalled seeing him on the bridge.

"Nae, is nothin so it is. Just after finding that walking Yule ham passin herself off as a Chief Engineer."

Quote from: Nira Said on August 14, 2023, 07:34:42 PM

"Commander," said Nira, gentle but firm. "I don't think it'll do much good to potentially antagonize Commander Tharn like that. However, I can understand if there needs to be a system looked at. If I may, though, maybe we could go for a melee sparring session later today, if you're able to?"

Kyan turned on his heel and peered up at Challenger's stealthy First Officer. Her ability to suddenly be there was impressive. And she wanted to spar? Again? That was a first. Folks generally didn't come back for seconds. But she was an adept combatant. Much more so than any of his other First Officers. Certainly more than most grup girls he'd seen in any case.

"She needs tae get off her arse the now and fix the phaser range." Kyan noted. "It's been wonky fer the whole week an we got a whole crop of brand new Crewman an Ensigns what cannae hit water if I dropped their baby arses out of a boat when it was rainin!" Then shifting gears on a dime he nodded eagerly. "Aye, we can go again. I'm after seein how ye go with those knives ye got. I like those so I do. An I'd be after learning how tae use em!."

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 15, 2023, 06:59:58 AM

Neva stopped once more, fighting to keep the malice out of her voice. "She's by the Warp Core. Can't miss 'er, Sir!" She then nodded in deference to the...uh..Neva saw the pips on his uniform, noted rank, and red hair. "Hey, you were with us at Quark's, right Sir?" She relaxed a little and gave a small smile."Forgive my question, Sir. I'm trying to put names to faces I've seen."

"Aye twas me sure." Kyan answered. "Dat was a fun party an no mistake. Quark earned his latinum fer that day!" Then he turned to go find Tharn, adding over his shoulder as he went... "An thanks fer tellin me where tae find yer boss."

On his way to the warp core, Kyan passed by the Chief's office. Looking inside, he saw the Tellarite at her desk with her hoofed feet on the desk, looking comfortable. He switched directions and strode through the door.

"Hey! Whats the holdup on the phaser range!?" he asked/demanded. "Can ye no spare any of yer folk ta wave a spanner over it an get it working?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway

"Oh hey, it's The Mouse That Roared. You got rid of all the glitter yet chuckles? I suppose now that you've got that half pip you think you're somebody, but let me clue you in little one. This is my engine room, and here, you are guest and an unwelcome one at that.

"Now in case your 'Me security. Me shoot' brain has difficulty with this, you might have overlooked just how hard we've been pushing the engines to get here. When that happens, they need tuning, so your little popgun play time is going to have to wait until that's done. So unless you have something useful to say or can figure out a way to amuse me further, I suggest you go finger paint or something."

Kyan listened to her diatribe, a grin seeping across his face as she, in typical Tellarite fashion, expressed herself.

"Yeah I got it all off, thanks bein tae me own perseverance and not those busted sonic showers that yer own bollocks engineers canne make work right. And dinnae gimme that shite about the engines. Dats all you lot always say "Oh we cannae fix nothin... the engines are gonna break if I dinnae hold em like a wee bairn an stroke em and tell em their special all the way tae where we're going." I been in Starfleet long enough tae know yer engineer tricks. Looks like the only pushing you been doing is yer arse pushing that chair down."

Kyan loved Tellarites. They were so fun to deal with. And they knew how to craft a good jib. "I know bein Kermit the Frog's girlfriend keeps ye busy but if yer not after riding a spit the next time we get into a proper scrape with the Gorn or whoever, and havin yer chair pushing arse hanging over a fire fer their dinner, then you'll want tae be fixin our pop gun range. On account of because like yerself, I got a whole load of new Crewmen an Ensigns what need the practice. So who can ye spare? Or should I just snatch one of the ones standing around out there?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on August 14, 2023, 06:49:59 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Engineering | USS Challenger]

Once again Kyan had a third pip. And once again he was the Chief of Security on a starship. Since the Vulcan woman had also gotten promoted and shuffled off to another ship, Kyan was in charge os Security now. He didn't think that was the only reason though. He attributed his promotion to the fact that he and Zhuk, who had also been promoted, had kept the Captain's girlfriend from being killed on Melok Nor. He made a mental note to go save some Admiral's girlfriend and see if he could get his own ship.

But that would have to wait. Currently, the Challenger's phaser practice range was on the fritz. It had been since the Battle at the Badlands. And there were a handful of brand new crewmen and a few ensigns in security who needed to practice. They'd put in requisitions and requests and the Petty Officer who'd done so told Kyan that the engineers said it would be fixed. It had not. So now Kyan would have to see to it himself.

"Thaaaarn!" the Onlie yelled, rolling into the Tellarite's house like a pint sized el Nino. "Ye said ye'd fix the phaser range yesterday an it ain't fixed!"

Not seeing the Tellarite, Kyan began looking around the room. He spotted an Ensign with a toolkit. "Hey you!" he called over. "Can ye tell me where tae find dat Tellarite boss of yours?"

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

Tharn sputtered at Kyan and then burst into full belly laughs.

"I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the Glitter Gangsta, don't think I didn't hear that one, actually amused me. So few humans have any idea how to communicate properly. Most get their feelings hurt and slink off to whine to someone about how I made them sad.

"However, the last laugh is on you junior. You want your 'shooty playtime pen' fixed, then I'll gave you the perfect amount attention you deserve."

Tharn tapped her combadge.

=/\= "Mister ch'Verret. Get your worthless blue butt to the phaser range. Little Lord Buttercup wants his toy fixed and you're just the useless dunsel for the task."  =/\=

She then turned to face Kyan again.

"Happy? Don't care, you wanted an engineer, you got one. Not my problem you didn't get one worth a tinker's damn. Now get out of my officer before I rig your sonic shower to spray nothing but glitter on your cherry red butt."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 15, 2023, 02:33:07 PM

[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

The dolphins were fully self-sufficient and with the ship docked, the humanoids assigned to the lab had taken the opportunity to explore Starbase 153, so the lab was empty when Nira entered. It was always difficult to distinguish the dolphins until they spoke and their personalities allowed one to tell them apart. Thus, when the first sleek head popped, Nira didn't know if it was Sarah, Miriam and Ruth that had arrived. Until, that is, the dolphin deliberately splashed water all over Nira, that it was obvious who the trickster was...Sarah. Who, along with Miriam and Ruth were now laughing raucously at the now soaked Nira.

"Where else would we be Commander?"

Ruth  replied, which led to another round of laughter.

"Right, it's not like we were strolling in The Lounge."

Sarah added to more laughter.

"I must apologize for my sister's Commander, what can we do for you?"

The last one to speak could only be Miriam, who was the most serious of the trio.

[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit, she was often surprised when the dolphins appeared. The water in the tank was thick enough, very much like ocean water, that she was never often sure whether they were in the tank she was over or crouched like she was. Additionally, even though she spent as much time as possible at the Cetacean labs, she can never distinguish the dolphins until they spoke or, in this case, displayed behavior.

Ah. It came to her. Sarah was the splashing trickster. Miriam was the more serious businesslike one. Ruth was...well, funny, as far as Nira could tell.

In any case, Nira just giggled at being soaked. Oh, this definitely brought back memories of Dolphin Bay at Dubai. When she was little, she came as much as she could to see marine life, especially dolphins. When her telepathic abilities manifested, she came to frequent Dolphin Bay more frequently. Between that time and joining the Academy, she had more friends that were animals than actual people. At least, tamed animals were. Her closest animal friend was, in fact, the Said traditional family dog, usually named Ahkbar, though she liked to think she had friendly terms with as many dolphins as she met, even though she visited less and less as her teens progressed.

"My pardons, girls," said Nira, amidst her giggles. "It's often hard to see where you can be in these tanks. I admit, I haven't been splashed by a dolphin since I was a teenager."

She cleared her throat and addressed Miriam. "I've been conducting my rounds, just checking things over with the crew. I have to admit, your contributions to the flight department are remarkable, but I can still never see where your workstations in the tanks can be," she added, peering around the tanks.

"I also admit, I felt a need to get to know you more," said Nira. "It's why I keep coming back here. I've always been fascinated by dolphins, after all. I do wonder how you conduct your work as well. Again, I can never see where your workstations are.

"I also have a personal question to ask of you as well," added Nira. "I had been meaning to ask your permission if I can, sometime on my off-duty hours, if I can swim in your tank with you. It is your tank, after all, and I felt I wanted to ask your permission."

It was a courteous thing for Nira to do, given that the dolphins were intelligent. Plus, she had seen Captain Galloway get wet sometimes, enough for Nira to determine he had been with the dolphins, but she had heard that he often went swimming with them. It made sense, it was a good pool facility as well, but she felt the need to ask them permission first.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support Area]

Eighteen days of warp 8 to get the ship to Starbase 153 and during all that time Lahr was kept to the Upper Engineering Support Area.  It was typically where the Chief relegated those who she didn't want have to deal with.

Lahr had been up here so often over the past couple months, in the same far back corner, watching the tertiary EPS flow regulatory, that the Andorian had replicated himself a name plate and attached to 'his' console to make his space more reflective of his personality.   It read:

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret,
aka DJ Lahr,
- Power Overlord, and Bane of the CoE

At the moment Lahr was lounging in his seat, feet propped up on the edge of his console, with his PADD on lap as he recorded the hourly readings into the Engineering electronic logbook.   He had his earbuds in, listening to some of Bajor's folk music that he'd picked up while on DS9.  Yeah, it wasn't his usual style but Lahr liked to explore and it had an okay tempo so he was already envisioning ways to remix into something more vibing.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 15, 2023, 04:16:50 PM

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

Tharn sputtered at Kyan and then burst into full belly laughs.

"I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the Glitter Gangsta, don't think I didn't hear that one, actually amused me. So few humans have any idea how to communicate properly. Most get their feelings hurt and slink off to whine to someone about how I made them sad.

"However, the last laugh is on you junior. You want your 'shooty playtime pen' fixed, then I'll gave you the perfect amount attention you deserve."

Tharn tapped her combadge.

=/\= "Mister ch'Verret. Get your worthless blue butt to the phaser range. Little Lord Buttercup wants his toy fixed and you're just the useless dunsel for the task."  =/\=

She then turned to face Kyan again.

"Happy? Don't care, you wanted an engineer, you got one. Not my problem you didn't get one worth a tinker's damn. Now get out of my officer before I rig your sonic shower to spray nothing but glitter on your cherry red butt."

The call from Tharn paused his music and the Tellerite's graveled voice grated on the Andorian's sensitive hearing.

Lahr sighed and rolled his eyes at the various insults from the Chief.  He knew it was Tellerite custom still it was damn annoying - especially when he knew there was some sort of double standard going on when it came to him.  It was said that culturally, Tellerites expected that those they insulted, would give back as good as they got.   However, when Lahr tried that the first time, he ended up on hull cleaning duty.   Now he didn't bother trying to be culturally respectful.

The less he dealt with Tharn the better he felt.  Rather than acknowledge the comm with a verbal response, the Andorian texted her PADD with a home-brew emoji.  A big blue thumbs up.

Lahr then signed off his console.  Being the tertiary control, no one would replace him until shift change.  Most only rotated through the undesirable spot, but it seemed to Lahr that Tharn still hadn't forgiven him for the Rave in Main Engineering during the Polywater incident because there seemed to be no change in schedule for the next several weeks.

As he gathered up his tools from his locker, Lahr wondered who Little Lord Buttercup was.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on August 15, 2023, 07:17:30 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit, she was often surprised when the dolphins appeared. The water in the tank was thick enough, very much like ocean water, that she was never often sure whether they were in the tank she was over or crouched like she was. Additionally, even though she spent as much time as possible at the Cetacean labs, she can never distinguish the dolphins until they spoke or, in this case, displayed behavior.

Ah. It came to her. Sarah was the splashing trickster. Miriam was the more serious businesslike one. Ruth was...well, funny, as far as Nira could tell.

In any case, Nira just giggled at being soaked. Oh, this definitely brought back memories of Dolphin Bay at Dubai. When she was little, she came as much as she could to see marine life, especially dolphins. When her telepathic abilities manifested, she came to frequent Dolphin Bay more frequently. Between that time and joining the Academy, she had more friends that were animals than actual people. At least, tamed animals were. Her closest animal friend was, in fact, the Said traditional family dog, usually named Ahkbar, though she liked to think she had friendly terms with as many dolphins as she met, even though she visited less and less as her teens progressed.

"My pardons, girls," said Nira, amidst her giggles. "It's often hard to see where you can be in these tanks. I admit, I haven't been splashed by a dolphin since I was a teenager."

She cleared her throat and addressed Miriam. "I've been conducting my rounds, just checking things over with the crew. I have to admit, your contributions to the flight department are remarkable, but I can still never see where your workstations in the tanks can be," she added, peering around the tanks.

"I also admit, I felt a need to get to know you more," said Nira. "It's why I keep coming back here. I've always been fascinated by dolphins, after all. I do wonder how you conduct your work as well. Again, I can never see where your workstations are.

"I also have a personal question to ask of you as well," added Nira. "I had been meaning to ask your permission if I can, sometime on my off-duty hours, if I can swim in your tank with you. It is your tank, after all, and I felt I wanted to ask your permission."

It was a courteous thing for Nira to do, given that the dolphins were intelligent. Plus, she had seen Captain Galloway get wet sometimes, enough for Nira to determine he had been with the dolphins, but she had heard that he often went swimming with them. It made sense, it was a good pool facility as well, but she felt the need to ask them permission first.

[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

There was a moment of chattering too fast for their translators to keep up with before the three dolphins excitedly replied.

"You are very welcome to join us Commander!"

"We'd love to swim with you!"

"Thank you for wanting to visit with us."

"Just like the Captain does!"

"You could join us while we are docked, but I think you will like it better if you visit while we are underway."

"Yes! Yes! Learn to swim through the stars!"

The three dolphins began excitedly swimming about before Sarah, who else but Sarah, splashed Nira again and dove out of sight.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt the docking clamps release as Challenger backed away from Starbase 153. She maneuvered smoothly away from the station and went to warp with a familiar shudder through the deckplates as she did so. Once clear of the station, Ian activated the record function on the command chair.

"Captain's Log Supplemental. As directed, the Challenger has departed Starbase 153 after all too short a layover. We are now en route ta the Iota Thelonis System, a small, unexplored system in the Thelonis Sector, which is the next sector coreward of the Otorin Sector. The Thelonis Sector is an unclaimed area of space along the Federation-Klingon border and lies five light years "below" the galactic plane. Havin' been surveyed, the area was largely ignored as bein' too far from the potential conflict zones with the Klingons ta merit occupation or colonization.

"The Thelonis Sector was briefly considered for inclusion in the Organian Neutral Zone, but was never formally added. The sector was first charted by Jyn Faisha explorers while much of the Earth was fightin' World War II. Federation surveyors first explored the area in 2197.

"The system was specifically surveyed by the Jyn Erain who are major Jyn Faisha clan of just over 20,000 people, mostly headquartered in a city ship of the same name. The Jyn Faisha make their livin' as do most of their kind as nomadic merchants and tradesmen, though rumors persist about "free-lance" smugglin' and piracy, as well.

"It is this latter trait that has resulted in the Challenger bein' dispatched ta investigate renewed reports of attacks on Federation shippin' in the Thelonis Sector. Admiral Ben-Simon was very clear we needed ta get ta the sector as quickly as possible, thus I have ordered us ta 'sprint/drift' the ten light years ta the Iota Thelonis System which is reported at the center of these attacks.

"Although tough on the engines, usin' sprint/drift will get us there in 48 hours. I have ordered increased passive sensor scans as we proceed as I want ta gather as much information as possible before we reach our destination. End log."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 16, 2023, 11:10:46 AM

[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

There was a moment of chattering too fast for their translators to keep up with before the three dolphins excitedly replied.

"You are very welcome to join us Commander!"

"We'd love to swim with you!"

"Thank you for wanting to visit with us."

"Just like the Captain does!"

"You could join us while we are docked, but I think you will like it better if you visit while we are underway."

"Yes! Yes! Learn to swim through the stars!"

The three dolphins began excitedly swimming about before Sarah, who else but Sarah, splashed Nira again and dove out of sight.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt the docking clamps release as Challenger backed away from Starbase 153. She maneuvered smoothly away from the station and went to warp with a familiar shudder through the deckplates as she did so. Once clear of the station, Ian activated the record function on the command chair.

"Captain's Log Supplemental. As directed, the Challenger has departed Starbase 153 after all too short a layover. We are now en route ta the Iota Thelonis System, a small, unexplored system in the Thelonis Sector, which is the next sector coreward of the Otorin Sector. The Thelonis Sector is an unclaimed area of space along the Federation-Klingon border and lies five light years "below" the galactic plane. Havin' been surveyed, the area was largely ignored as bein' too far from the potential conflict zones with the Klingons ta merit occupation or colonization.

"The Thelonis Sector was briefly considered for inclusion in the Organian Neutral Zone, but was never formally added. The sector was first charted by Jyn Faisha explorers while much of the Earth was fightin' World War II. Federation surveyors first explored the area in 2197.

"The system was specifically surveyed by the Jyn Erain who are major Jyn Faisha clan of just over 20,000 people, mostly headquartered in a city ship of the same name. The Jyn Faisha make their livin' as do most of their kind as nomadic merchants and tradesmen, though rumors persist about "free-lance" smugglin' and piracy, as well.

"It is this latter trait that has resulted in the Challenger bein' dispatched ta investigate renewed reports of attacks on Federation shippin' in the Thelonis Sector. Admiral Ben-Simon was very clear we needed ta get ta the sector as quickly as possible, thus I have ordered us ta 'sprint/drift' the ten light years ta the Iota Thelonis System which is reported at the center of these attacks.

"Although tough on the engines, usin' sprint/drift will get us there in 48 hours. I have ordered increased passive sensor scans as we proceed as I want ta gather as much information as possible before we reach our destination. End log."

[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Thank you, girls!" said Nira, suddenly feeling excited. "I'll be on the ship as we're docked, but on the next chance I get off-duty, I'll gladly join you. We might be on the way again later today, so I look forward to swimming in the stars as you say."

Then they were gone, but not before she got splashed again by Sarah. Nira just giggled and continued on her way...albeit heading back to her quarters to change.

[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Why are you wet?" asked Savar with surprise. Nira had bumped into him outside their quarters.

"The Cetacean Labs," said Nira. "Sarah always keeps on splashing."

"She always keeps doing that," said Savar with a shrug; he heard plenty about the dolphins from Nira. He once came to the labs to see what it was like working there. The only word he could think of when it came to working there was "wet." But Nira liked coming by, she liked dolphins, he knew. She dropped by frequently enough that she found out their names.

"I plan to swim with them when I go off-duty," said Nira as she changed uniforms. "I'll have to ask them if you can come along."

"I'd appreciate that," said Savar. "I feel more comfortable getting wet in a body of water anyhow."

"What are you doing back here?" asked Nira.

Savar turned around to show a rip in the back of his uniform. "The door snagged my uniform as I was leaving deflector control. Closed too quickly. I plan on talking to somebody in Engineering to take a look at it after I change."

"So we both have uniforms to change," said Nira with a shrug. "Shall we have lunch when we conclude our next bits of business?"

"Suits me, Imzadi," said Savar. "There's many of the crew who have the ships to themselves now that they're on leave."

"Well, we've had enough leave time on Deep Space Nine," said Nira. "I'll be down to inspect Security, see how Zhuk is doing if he's still on the ship. Then I'll sparring with Commander Mackenzie in the afternoon."

"We got ourselves plenty to do while crew have their leave on the starbase, then," said Savar. Nira nodded with a giggle and then a kiss in parting.

[Commander Nira Said | Gymnasium | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

After lunch, Nira was waiting for Commander Mackenzie, eagerly looking forward to another spar with him. She stretched and made her warm-ups.

Stardate 78246.16...
[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The timing couldn't be better. Challenger was on its way, albeit more into Federation space in the Otorin sector. Nira was a little surprised to hear they were heading for the Thelonis sector, passing back into Federation space to get there. Also, it made a nice change going somewhere "below" the galactic plane. After all, "up" and "down" are never really ever taken for granted in terms of travel.

She had to admit, she was intrigued and interested to meet the Jyn Erain...or Jyn Faisha, whichever. Given they sounded like nomads, it was why Nira was intrigued, since the first thing that came to mind about nomads were Bedouins. Yes, there were still Bedouins in modern Earth. Even if they had access to advanced technology, they still preferred to wander. Nira had seen Bedouins before on Earth. Of course, she heard of some Bedouins who joined the Academy or just simply acquired ships to continue wandering, but most stayed on Earth, mostly to care for their animals; there weren't suitable spaces or conveniences for raising herd animals on starships of any kind.

Still, it did mean good timing. After bridge time, and realizing they were moving again, it was as good a chance as any for the kind of swim the girls recommended when she got off-duty.

So here Nira was back at the labs, but instead of uniform, she was dressed for swimming. She had on her variation of dancer outfit, a copy of her underwear/dance attire, but it was made more for beachgoing, sunbathing and swimming. What made it different was that it didn't have the attached skirt; Nira figured it would snag if she was swimming. She had a towel wrapped around her like a veil and she cast it aside as she got to the water.

"Girls?" she called. "I'm back and I'm ready to swim through the stars with you!"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on August 16, 2023, 02:28:01 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Thank you, girls!" said Nira, suddenly feeling excited. "I'll be on the ship as we're docked, but on the next chance I get off-duty, I'll gladly join you. We might be on the way again later today, so I look forward to swimming in the stars as you say."

Then they were gone, but not before she got splashed again by Sarah. Nira just giggled and continued on her way...albeit heading back to her quarters to change.

[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Why are you wet?" asked Savar with surprise. Nira had bumped into him outside their quarters.

"The Cetacean Labs," said Nira. "Sarah always keeps on splashing."

"She always keeps doing that," said Savar with a shrug; he heard plenty about the dolphins from Nira. He once came to the labs to see what it was like working there. The only word he could think of when it came to working there was "wet." But Nira liked coming by, she liked dolphins, he knew. She dropped by frequently enough that she found out their names.

"I plan to swim with them when I go off-duty," said Nira as she changed uniforms. "I'll have to ask them if you can come along."

"I'd appreciate that," said Savar. "I feel more comfortable getting wet in a body of water anyhow."

"What are you doing back here?" asked Nira.

Savar turned around to show a rip in the back of his uniform. "The door snagged my uniform as I was leaving deflector control. Closed too quickly. I plan on talking to somebody in Engineering to take a look at it after I change."

"So we both have uniforms to change," said Nira with a shrug. "Shall we have lunch when we conclude our next bits of business?"

"Suits me, Imzadi," said Savar. "There's many of the crew who have the ships to themselves now that they're on leave."

"Well, we've had enough leave time on Deep Space Nine," said Nira. "I'll be down to inspect Security, see how Zhuk is doing if he's still on the ship. Then I'll sparring with Commander Mackenzie in the afternoon."

"We got ourselves plenty to do while crew have their leave on the starbase, then," said Savar. Nira nodded with a giggle and then a kiss in parting.

[Commander Nira Said | Gymnasium | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

After lunch, Nira was waiting for Commander Mackenzie, eagerly looking forward to another spar with him. She stretched and made her warm-ups.

Stardate 78246.16...
[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The timing couldn't be better. Challenger was on its way, albeit more into Federation space in the Otorin sector. Nira was a little surprised to hear they were heading for the Thelonis sector, passing back into Federation space to get there. Also, it made a nice change going somewhere "below" the galactic plane. After all, "up" and "down" are never really ever taken for granted in terms of travel.

She had to admit, she was intrigued and interested to meet the Jyn Erain...or Jyn Faisha, whichever. Given they sounded like nomads, it was why Nira was intrigued, since the first thing that came to mind about nomads were Bedouins. Yes, there were still Bedouins in modern Earth. Even if they had access to advanced technology, they still preferred to wander. Nira had seen Bedouins before on Earth. Of course, she heard of some Bedouins who joined the Academy or just simply acquired ships to continue wandering, but most stayed on Earth, mostly to care for their animals; there weren't suitable spaces or conveniences for raising herd animals on starships of any kind.

Still, it did mean good timing. After bridge time, and realizing they were moving again, it was as good a chance as any for the kind of swim the girls recommended when she got off-duty.

So here Nira was back at the labs, but instead of uniform, she was dressed for swimming. She had on her variation of dancer outfit, a copy of her underwear/dance attire, but it was made more for beachgoing, sunbathing and swimming. What made it different was that it didn't have the attached skirt; Nira figured it would snag if she was swimming. She had a towel wrapped around her like a veil and she cast it aside as she got to the water.

"Girls?" she called. "I'm back and I'm ready to swim through the stars with you!"

[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

As the ship was underway by the time Nira returned, the regular crew assigned to the lab were present, Ensign Alexandria Winsdor, PO2 Fred Lancaster, and Crewman Cirasha Ri. All wore an aquatic version of the standard Starfleet uniform as their duties didn't just include caring for the dolphins, but working with them on their assigned astrogation tasks. As Nira entered, she was greeted by PO2 Lancaster.

"Hello Sir. The Ladies let us know you'd be coming so we are ready. First, let's get you in the tank. The water is a bit cool for human tastes, but the temperature was chosen by the cetaceans."

Once Nira was settled in, Lancaster climbed in and handed her an object.

"This is the neural interface we land born, as the Ladies call us use to link with them and the ship's astrogation computer. It takes a bit of getting useful and can cause headaches at first, but it is so worth it."

By this time, Ruth, Miriam, and Sarah had arrived and were gently nudging both Lancaster and Nira in a playful manner.

"Yes! Yes! Come see how we see the universe."

Miriam urged.

As Lancaster adjusted the neural link, at first all Nira saw was flashing bands of color until the device synched with her brain waves and, for a second, there was a flash of fear as the entire ship melted away leaving Nira literally swimming through space at warp!

Once the initial shock wore off, Nira could see the dolphins and Lancaster all swimming along side her.

"Isn't it amazing!"

Ruth exclaimed

"Welcome to our world Commander!"

Sarah added as she corkscrewed through open space clearly enraptured by the experience. Nira too was at a loss for words to swim through space was an event unlike anything she'd ever experienced.

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 16, 2023, 11:10:46 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt the docking clamps release as Challenger backed away from Starbase 153. She maneuvered smoothly away from the station and went to warp with a familiar shudder through the deckplates as she did so. Once clear of the station, Ian activated the record function on the command chair.

"Captain's Log Supplemental. As directed, the Challenger has departed Starbase 153 after all too short a layover. We are now en route ta the Iota Thelonis System, a small, unexplored system in the Thelonis Sector, which is the next sector coreward of the Otorin Sector. The Thelonis Sector is an unclaimed area of space along the Federation-Klingon border and lies five light years "below" the galactic plane. Havin' been surveyed, the area was largely ignored as bein' too far from the potential conflict zones with the Klingons ta merit occupation or colonization.

"The Thelonis Sector was briefly considered for inclusion in the Organian Neutral Zone, but was never formally added. The sector was first charted by Jyn Faisha explorers while much of the Earth was fightin' World War II. Federation surveyors first explored the area in 2197.

"The system was specifically surveyed by the Jyn Erain who are major Jyn Faisha clan of just over 20,000 people, mostly headquartered in a city ship of the same name. The Jyn Faisha make their livin' as do most of their kind as nomadic merchants and tradesmen, though rumors persist about "free-lance" smugglin' and piracy, as well.

"It is this latter trait that has resulted in the Challenger bein' dispatched ta investigate renewed reports of attacks on Federation shippin' in the Thelonis Sector. Admiral Ben-Simon was very clear we needed ta get ta the sector as quickly as possible, thus I have ordered us ta 'sprint/drift' the ten light years ta the Iota Thelonis System which is reported at the center of these attacks.

"Although tough on the engines, usin' sprint/drift will get us there in 48 hours. I have ordered increased passive sensor scans as we proceed as I want ta gather as much information as possible before we reach our destination. End log."

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

Jettis stood on at his panel absently, sipping at perhaps his fourth cup of java today. The work was just routine enough for him to struggle to keep alert. Scanning, compiling, and cataloguing the most important information while shoving the rest into a file to be sorted later. It was equal parts comforting to be back, and tiresome just how repetitive the work was. He knew better than to complain though, lest something go horrifically wrong. Similar to a cashier saying 'wow, store's slow today huh?' any sort of implication that his shift was boring only led to something or another exploding, disintegrating, or a gorilla getting court marshaled. So, for legal purposes, Jettis was having the most fun he'd ever had.

Investigating reports of pirates and attacks on Federation ships seemed like something above his paygrade, so at least he would take this time to get reoriented with ship life and his crewmates. Absently listening to Galloway's log, his brows pulled up slightly.  "So, Kaptain," he piped up from behind his station, still looking down at his screen. "Do we know much about the nature of these attacks, or will we find out once we're boarded?" The man's deadpan humor was only given away by the slight tension in his voice, holding back a snicker. "Just want to be sure I'm scanning for the right things and all."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 16, 2023, 02:57:36 PM

[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

As the ship was underway by the time Nira returned, the regular crew assigned to the lab were present, Ensign Alexandria Winsdor, PO2 Fred Lancaster, and Crewman Cirasha Ri. All wore an aquatic version of the standard Starfleet uniform as their duties didn't just include caring for the dolphins, but working with them on their assigned astrogation tasks. As Nira entered, she was greeted by PO2 Lancaster.

"Hello Sir. The Ladies let us know you'd be coming so we are ready. First, let's get you in the tank. The water is a bit cool for human tastes, but the temperature was chosen by the cetaceans."

Once Nira was settled in, Lancaster climbed in and handed her an object.

"This is the neural interface we land born, as the Ladies call us use to link with them and the ship's astrogation computer. It takes a bit of getting useful and can cause headaches at first, but it is so worth it."

By this time, Ruth, Miriam, and Sarah had arrived and were gently nudging both Lancaster and Nira in a playful manner.

"Yes! Yes! Come see how we see the universe."

Miriam urged.

As Lancaster adjusted the neural link, at first all Nira saw was flashing bands of color until the device synched with her brain waves and, for a second, there was a flash of fear as the entire ship melted away leaving Nira literally swimming through space at warp!

Once the initial shock wore off, Nira could see the dolphins and Lancaster all swimming along side her.

"Isn't it amazing!"

Ruth exclaimed

"Welcome to our world Commander!"

Sarah added as she corkscrewed through open space clearly enraptured by the experience. Nira too was at a loss for words to swim through space was an event unlike anything she'd ever experienced.

[Commander Nira Said |  Cetacean Labs | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had recalled seeing the Cetacean personnel in times past, but her attention had been mainly focused on the dolphins. And her last visit, she was alone. Now they were back, but they were the people who had the expertise with the dolphins, like the dolphin trainers and caretakers she had seen in Dolphin Bay.

Her focus now were on the Cetacean specialists. She noted with interest the aquatic version of their uniforms. She had seen uniform jumpsuits before, mostly as a means for diving or swimming for long periods of time. But these were definitely made in a way like the kind of aquatic jumpsuits that marine animal caretakers and trainers had; just one more bit of nostalgia for Dubai's Dolphin Bay. As Mister Lancaster guided her in, Nira had in mind that he was the expert and she was the tourist, what with their choices of attire.

It was cool, that much was certain, but that water didn't just remind her of Dolphin Bay, but in fact, the beach fronts around Dubai, Abu Dhabi, virtually the eastern coast of the Arabian peninsula. She remembered how surprised she was that the water was cold, but she eventually came to expect it.

Then Nira was given the neural interface. She was impressed that it links the dolphins with the astrogation computer. Here she had been inquiring about where their workstations were, and she realized it was attached to their heads. As a dancer, Nira felt it fit, it made it feel like headwear. Not necessarily a crown, more of a jeweled tiara, but with today's technology, some headwear simply just attach to the skin.

She felt a nudge and she looked around to see the dolphins nudging them, and she giggled. Then the device adjusted. She was briefly seeing psychedelic before seeing that everything melted away into at warp. Nira gasped in surprise at the sight. She was floating in space! She reached out a hand a felt the wall of the tank; touch at least told her differently. She was aware of water.

"Yes, it is amazing!" said Nira, once the shock wore off and she was reassured she really wasn't in space. So that was what they meant by swimming in space. She had wondered if there had been a window or two in proximity to the tanks, but she realized it wouldn't do for the safety of the dolphins. But this was a beautiful alternative.

"Thanks, Sarah!" said Nira. "And you can call me Nira, at least when I'm joining you."

And she took a breath and dove in. Oh, how swimming came natural. Oh, how Nira missed this. She swum a lot in her adopted hometown, and she spent as much time as she could at the pool at the Academy, although she eventually stopped when she realized she was attracting crowds, mostly aroused males.

She felt she could understand the Betazoid affinity with water. Betazed was a tropical world like Risa, and thus came with many beautiful water bodies. Nira could appreciate that, especially having been raised a desert dweller. Plus, she could see how Betazoids loved feeling the water on their skin. Nira was virtually feeling like a mermaid herself, and her new Arabic tattoos around her hip and waist, all covering the carved-in-flesh brand of Cardassian markings added to the feel of being a mermaid, like markings of a beautiful creature of the sea.

She always remembered to surface for a breath but always dove back in. It was an exhilarating experience. Once or twice, she rode one one of the dolphins to really get it in.

Now she surfaced and just floated, closed her eyes and felt like drifting. It was bliss, she could feel. Inwardly, she made a note to have a bathtub rather than a sonic shower.

Just then, she felt Savar enter and she swam his direction...and there he was. In her perspective, he seemed to stand there, eyebrows raised in interest, a slight smile on his face, indicative of his heritage as a V'Tosh Ka'tur. He was standing casually, as opposed to formally as he often did, as Vulcans typically do. He was dressed not in his uniform but in meditative robes. She could feel the side of the tank with her hands, and she waved with a giggling grin, and then surfaced.

"Savar!" she called to him. "This is amazing! I can see space around me...I can see how they see! It's beautiful!"

"I can see that," said Savar. "It sounds absolutely fascinating. Thought I'd see how you're doing in there, it's why I came down."

"You have to try this, Savar!" said Nira. "It's totally worthwhile! And if it's okay, too," she added, looking at Sarah, Ruth and Miriam.

"I'd be glad to do so," said Savar. He had swimming experience, though he never swum since swimming lessons, and he wasn't as elegant as Nira, but his attractive body did make up for it. One of the reasons he quit swimming instructions were that girls had been fawning over him when he dressed for swimming. Then it had occurred to him...

"Granted, I haven't brought swimwear..."

"That's okay, you can replicate some," said Nira with a giggling grin, and she dove back in and swum gracefully through.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 16, 2023, 05:27:16 PM

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

Jettis stood on at his panel absently, sipping at perhaps his fourth cup of java today. The work was just routine enough for him to struggle to keep alert. Scanning, compiling, and cataloguing the most important information while shoving the rest into a file to be sorted later. It was equal parts comforting to be back, and tiresome just how repetitive the work was. He knew better than to complain though, lest something go horrifically wrong. Similar to a cashier saying 'wow, store's slow today huh?' any sort of implication that his shift was boring only led to something or another exploding, disintegrating, or a gorilla getting court marshaled. So, for legal purposes, Jettis was having the most fun he'd ever had.

Investigating reports of pirates and attacks on Federation ships seemed like something above his paygrade, so at least he would take this time to get reoriented with ship life and his crewmates. Absently listening to Galloway's log, his brows pulled up slightly.  "So, Kaptain," he piped up from behind his station, still looking down at his screen. "Do we know much about the nature of these attacks, or will we find out once we're boarded?" The man's deadpan humor was only given away by the slight tension in his voice, holding back a snicker. "Just want to be sure I'm scanning for the right things and all."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian smirked at Jettis' comment as it was a valid question. After all 'look for something' meant you would absolutely find something. The trick was to find the right something.

"Well, ta answer that, I'd suggest dive into the Jyn Faisha. You can't really call them a 'power' they are more of a presence in this area. Nomadic, individualistic, independent, and mostly fun lovin', but, given their loose association with rules or other constraints, sometimes, they are opportunistic and if'n a prize wallows their way, they think 'who are we ta say no ta such providence?'

"They live their entire lives in massive, and generally ancient, warp-capable city ships. These space-goin' leviathans are slow, no more that warp 4, but they carry tens of thousands of people, and are for the most part self-contained. They are equipped with extensive manufacturin' and repair capabilities. The city ships in themselves boast a staggerin' variety and number of defensive armaments.

"And your goal is ta look for the vast support fleet of small runabout-style starcraft and fighters. The Jyn use ta supplement the impressive firepower of the city ships. Clearly the city ships are unlikely ta be who's behind the attacks, but their smaller ships are perfect for that sort of thing.

"There's more information on the Jyn in the ship's computer if'n you want ta ken more about them. I think we're here mainly ta show the flag and get them ta find safer huntin' grounds."


[Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

Despite the element of wonder and undeniable fun of swimming through space, the dolphins had work to do, so as Nira frolicked, Miriam, Ruth, and Sarah would break away their assigned tasks, but they made certain one of them was with her for the entire time she was in their tank. At one point, Ruth swam slowly along side Nira, inverted for some odd reason and said.

"Your mate is quite handsome. I love my sisters, but it would have been nice if someone had thought about mates for us, even if only as temporary visitors. A girl has needs you know."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 10 - Phaser Range]

It had been quite some time since Lahr had stepped foot on the Phaser Range.  Not since he had transferred out of the Sec/Tac department to join Ops.  That had been right have his release from Sickbay after the Battle at Innominatum Outpost.

Just thinking of the outpost's name brought back terrible remembrances of the many dead from that battle.  He missed M'lenda, a crewman on his Sec/Tac team.  He could still recall vividly how she'd given up her life to save an officer.  That had been a tipping point for Lahr.  He got reckless after that...  and nearly got himself killed.

Shaking his head to free him from his sudden stillness standing in the hall just ahead of the Phaser Range door, Lahr moved forward triggering the sensor and activated the automated door.

Inside, he looked about.  At one point in time, Lahr knew personally every Sec/Tac personnel on the ship - now he only knew a handful.   They kept dying.. a few at time on missions, during battles.   It seemed an endless cycle.

His antennae were hanging low as he called out.  "I'm looking for 'Little Lord Buttercup'.   Chief Tharn sent me to take a look at some problem you have with the Phaser Range..?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 17, 2023, 11:05:57 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian smirked at Jettis' comment as it was a valid question. After all 'look for something' meant you would absolutely find something. The trick was to find the right something.

"Well, ta answer that, I'd suggest dive into the Jyn Faisha. You can't really call them a 'power' they are more of a presence in this area. Nomadic, individualistic, independent, and mostly fun lovin', but, given their loose association with rules or other constraints, sometimes, they are opportunistic and if'n a prize wallows their way, they think 'who are we ta say no ta such providence?'

"They live their entire lives in massive, and generally ancient, warp-capable city ships. These space-goin' leviathans are slow, no more that warp 4, but they carry tens of thousands of people, and are for the most part self-contained. They are equipped with extensive manufacturin' and repair capabilities. The city ships in themselves boast a staggerin' variety and number of defensive armaments.

"And your goal is ta look for the vast support fleet of small runabout-style starcraft and fighters. The Jyn use ta supplement the impressive firepower of the city ships. Clearly the city ships are unlikely ta be who's behind the attacks, but their smaller ships are perfect for that sort of thing.

"There's more information on the Jyn in the ship's computer if'n you want ta ken more about them. I think we're here mainly ta show the flag and get them ta find safer huntin' grounds."

[ USS Challenger - Bridge - Science Station 1 ]

As the Captain spoke, Jettis was already typing. The description intrigued him, though there were differences the Jyn seemed not unlike El-Aurians. And very similar to his former lifestyle, for better or for worse. "Well, being nomadic, being opportunistic often comes with the territory," he mused aloud in response to Ian's observation. "With no home base, something is bound to run out eventually."

Perusing through the files, he flipped between that, and monitoring the ongoing scans. So far nothing stood out to him on either front, but there was a long shift ahead of him of reading and filing. "If there's truly a whole colony on these city ships, do you think one Trailblazer is going to light a fire in their boots? 'Might take it as a bluff." If they were as risk-taking as it seemed, they might even 'raise' in return. The idea of waltzing up to a city ship and its small army of runabouts certainly was amusing, if nothing else.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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