S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest

Started by Ian Galloway, August 14, 2023, 10:23:44 AM

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Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In response to Challenger's obvious ability and willingness to engage in further hostilities. Kharn's Bird of Prey the J'DoQ speared the second B'Rel, the R'Qla with a tractor beam and fled. No longer under immediate threat, Ian was able to respond to the calls for assistance they'd received from both Nira's and Jettis' away team.

=/\= "Galloway ta Lieutenant Jyur. We're on our way ta you now, will be there shortly. Commander Said, we've ta make a stop at Iota Thelonis IV-B ta pick up the survivors of the Burke. You'll have ta hold out for two more hours before we can assist you." =/\=

Closing the channel, he added.

"Tactical, keep us at yellow alert. Helm, best speed ta Iota Thelonis IV-B."

Cole Shepard


Other than having to out maneuver the Klingon ships, everything else Cole had had to do had been a piece of cake. He laid in the coordinates for Iota Thelonis IV-B. Cole had been taught that "Best possible speed" typically meant as quick as possible without over taxing the engines.

"On our way, Sir. Sixteen minutes out at full impulse." he reported to the CO.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 11, 2023, 01:06:05 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In response to Challenger's obvious ability and willingness to engage in further hostilities. Kharn's Bird of Prey the J'DoQ speared the second B'Rel, the R'Qla with a tractor beam and fled. No longer under immediate threat, Ian was able to respond to the calls for assistance they'd received from both Nira's and Jettis' away team.

=/\= "Galloway ta Lieutenant Jyur. We're on our way ta you now, will be there shortly. Commander Said, we've ta make a stop at Iota Thelonis IV-B ta pick up the survivors of the Burke. You'll have ta hold out for two more hours before we can assist you." =/\=

Closing the channel, he added.

"Tactical, keep us at yellow alert. Helm, best speed ta Iota Thelonis IV-B."

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Jyn Outpost | In orbit of Iota Thelonis IX]

Nira heard Captain Galloway from her comm badge and stared grimly. "Two hours is all I'll need, Captain," she replied. "I may be getting close to potential answers. Said out."

She peered at the Klingon and they circled like wrestlers. Then the Klingon drew his d'k'tahg and jabbed, but Nira leaped back and drew her jambiyas. Parried with one while hooking the other into the space in the d'k'tahg. But the Klingon then proceeded to clamp his jagged teeth into Nira's arm. She yelped, drew back the jambiya that's hooked, and thudded its butt against his head. It was enough to get him off-balance, and his teeth ripped from her arm, cutting it and ripping her sleeve.

"Dishonorless petaQ!" Nira snarled.

"And what would you know of honor, Starfleet?" snarled the Klingon back.

"Because I know ways of blades, fellow warrior, despite our planets of origin," Nira hissed. "Bad enough you attacking these people, the Jyn, but I'd thought you'd regard the art of the blade with more respect, a better respect to your house."

"PAH!" spit the Klingon. "What respect does the House of K'Raen hold now?"

"And what is the House of K'Raen?" Nira asked. She remembered the house conflicts in the Klingon Empire, remembering the feud between the House of Korath and the House of I'Progo during her Officer Exchange.

"House of K'Raen, son of Tarcaus, a man who has long been denied glory, one who could die in his sleep at any time." The Klingon seemed to shudder. Nira understood; it was better to die with a weapon in hand at best than die when his body and old age failed him. Sounded like he was getting somewhere...

"And you think these raids will give your house glory?" snapped Nira.

"So deems Kharn, Son of K'Raen," snarled the Klingon. "And the Jyn die...and you with them, Starfleet!"

And he pushed on. Nira was on the defensive; this was a desperate Klingon. Was his house so badly off that he was desperate for any glory? He was pushing so hard, Nira had to stop his dagger with both blades but it left an opening for the sycophant of the House of K'Raen to grab Nira by the throat, scratching a clawed fingernail from his thumb into her cheek...

"Kyan!" Nira gagged...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Nira Said

And then suddenly a guttural groan sounded and Nira whirled around. She then saw the mass of Klingon bodies, hidden by a big cluster of flames. Nira had to focus hard to see the bodies, and it was clear to Nira that the Jyn had fought off some boarding parties, and the Klingons had been fighting to get to some crates, crates that Nira recognized from Satra, crates containing kemocite...and the Klingons, judging from the scattered disruptors, had fought at a distance to the last man...almost. A Klingon was lifting a crate of Kemocite, clearly straining under the weight, but he was lifting it off with some strain.

"We missed one!" Bikole shouted. Nira turned at him and he explained, "Klingons were boarding everywhere on the station. They were even storming up here to get to the crates up that were loaded here..."

"Mackenzie!" said Nira to Kyan. "With me! Blades if you have them, fists and martial arts to your best if not."

At the sound of his name, Kyan looked up from a crate he'd been examining. Apparently there was still a Klingon here. And he was trying"¦ still to make off with some kemocite. Even though all his mated were lying about, this one was still going about his business. Kyan admired the gall.
Quote from: Nira Said

And he pushed on. Nira was on the defensive; this was a desperate Klingon. Was his house so badly off that he was desperate for any glory? He was pushing so hard, Nira had to stop his dagger with both blades but it left an opening for the sycophant of the House of K'Raen to grab Nira by the throat, scratching a clawed fingernail from his thumb into her cheek...

"Kyan!" Nira gagged..

"œMust have been pissed." Kyan thought with a shrug as Nira started fighting the Klingon"¦ with her knives. Even though she was good, the Klingon was young and desperate, which on occasion beat out skill. Apparently this was one of those occasions. As his back was to him, the Klingon was an easy target. Kyan's first instinct was to go for his karambit and go at him, his hand went to the safety ring of the knife sheathed at the back of his pants, but he paused. These Klingons were wankers. They didn't deserve a straight up fight, and Kyan decided not to give him one. Instead, he drew his phaser and set it to heavy stun. Without a word he aimed and fired. The blue beam lanced out and caught the Klingon in the middle of the back. He crumpled to the deck with a grunt.

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Jyn Mining Station ]

(After the Attack, after Nira beamed back down to the surface )

After Kyan, Nira, and Crewman Roscoe Slater had subdued the Klingon, they'd bound him and put him in an empty office. Bikole wanted to finish him off, but Kyan thought he might have some information that could prove useful. Besides which, he hadn't interrogated a Klingon in quite a while. And since he was the only one left alive of his boarding party, Doctor Fellows was busy treating wounded Jyn, and Catalan was off helping the Jyn fix things"¦ that left him free to give the Klingon his undivided attention.

"œBut what if he gets free?" Slater asked worriedly as they stood outside the door where they'd stashed their prisoner.

Kyan looked up at the lanky crewman as though he'd grown a second head. "œThen we'll "œunfree" him Mister Slater." He offered back deliberately, as if Slater were slow"¦ which in this case"¦

"œRight but, he"¦.."

The Onlie sighed. "œIs it worried ye are that the big bad Klingon, who's probably yer own age or a wee bit more"¦ is gonna get free the now an hurt me?"

Slater nodded.

"œDinnae worry yerself." Kyan answered with a grin. "œI'm nae gonna get me arse kicked by some baby grup Klingon." As he was reassuring Slater, an idea blossomed in his head which made made him grin. It was crazy to be sure"¦ but in Kyan's experience, those were the ones that tended to work best. "œOk Mister Slater, I got a mission fer ye so I do.. and an important one."

"œOh"¦.kay." Slater nodded, the little commander's predatory grin giving him no less pause.

Kyan ignored the misgiving and plunged ahead. "œNow, I seen where one of them Klingons was wearing a a coat with fur on it. So here's what I want ye tae do"¦"

~ A few minutes later ~

The Klingon's d'k'tahg in hand, Kyan strode casually into the room where the prisoner was seated behind a desk. If looks could kill, the crimson haired youth would have dropped dead as soon as he walked through the door. As it was, they couldn't. He gave the Klingon a cheeky grin as he walked toward the table.

"œMerry Met again." He offered casually. "œI'm Commander Kyan Mackenzie from da Starship Challenger. What's yer name?"

"œKolak, Son of M'Kal." The Klingon spat in reply. "œIs Starfleet allowing children to crew their ships now?"

It would have been plain to anyone listening that he meant "œchildren" to be an insult to him. To someone else Kyan supposed it would have been taken as such. But he was a child, his actual age notwithstanding. His only reply was a shrug as he deposited himself in the chair across from Kolak. Drawing his legs up into the seat he sat cross legged as he laid the Klingon's d'k'tahg on the durasteel surface with a klank. He was silent for a few moments, allowing Kolak to stare longingly at the blade, which bore the crest of his house on the hilt. Kyan leaned back against the back of his chair, making a show of being relaxed. His prisoner couldn't. His hands were bound behind his back and his feet were bound to the chair. "œSo"¦.Kolak, Son of M'Kal"¦. Shite fer brains and trash with a d'k'tahg, tell me why yer boss"¦ honorless wanker that he is"¦ is after stealin kemocite from the Jyn."

"œI'll tell you nothing boy." Kolak laughed. "œAnd your insults mean nothing to me."

"œOh yer gonna answer any question I ask so ya are and no doubt on that." Kyan smiled at the young Klingon sitting across from him. The warrior, if one could call him that, dismissed the Onlie with a grunt.

Picking up the d'k'tahg, Kyan turned it over in his hands, appraising it. "œNot the best is it?" he asked. "œDinnae come from a master's forge."

"œIt did!" Kolak cried indignantly.

Kyan laughed at him. "œNae. Yer lying. It's from one of the shite forges in the lowlands. Look how dull the steel is." Kyan picked it up and tossed it over by the door as though it were garbage, continuing at the blade skittered across the deck. "œYer House ain't got enough money fer proper blades. Kyan drew his karambit and laid it down where the mek'leth had been. "œThis here is a proper blade. See how the steel shines?"

"œA child's toy." Kolak answered.

"œAye. It is"¦ and here sits you, beaten by a child and his toy." Kyan smiled. "œWell, the truth of it is that I shot ye in the back with me phaser"¦ since that's all the effort ye deserve out of me ya great smooth headed git. But I dinnae come in here tae rub it in yer face. I come in here tae ask you questions."

Kolak jerked against his bonds. He wasn't getting free though. The cable holding him to the chair was too think for even the strongest warrior to move, much less snap. Kyan let him struggle until he stopped. When he did. He regarded the boy with another glare. "œKarn will come for me when he's finished with your ship."

IF he finishes with my ship, and IF he comes here, then he'll get beat, like you did." Kyan replied casually. "œBut he's not gonna beat the Challenger in a battle so he ain't. Even if he wasn't a coward, a B'Hrel class Bird of Prey isn't a match for a Trailblazer Class Starship." He paused, "œ"¦ or two Birds of Prey even."

Kolak's smug look was a good indicator that there were at least two Birds of Prey out there, possibly  more, or other ships. Kyan made a note of that, to which they would eventually circle back. "œSo." Kyan continued. "œYour options are thus"¦ You answer me true on everything, and I send you back tae yer ship"¦ and not bein hurt"¦ or you dinnae answer my questions, and I send you back tae yer ship"¦ also not bein hurt."

Kolak furrowed his brow. "œWhat!? Speak sense boy!"

"œThat's Commander. I'd let ye call me Kyan, but yer a scummy little pissant so"¦it's formal we'll be." Kyan gave him a smile. "œNow, as tae the "œhow" you'll be going back tae yer ship if ye dinnae answer me truly"¦

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 12, 2023, 08:02:31 AM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Jyn Mining Station ]

(After the Attack, after Nira beamed back down to the surface )

After Kyan, Nira, and Crewman Roscoe Slater had subdued the Klingon, they'd bound him and put him in an empty office. Bikole wanted to finish him off, but Kyan thought he might have some information that could prove useful. Besides which, he hadn't interrogated a Klingon in quite a while. And since he was the only one left alive of his boarding party, Doctor Fellows was busy treating wounded Jyn, and Catalan was off helping the Jyn fix things"¦ that left him free to give the Klingon his undivided attention.

[Jyn Station - Iota Thelonis IX] - [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Jess and the rest of the medical staff that had stayed on the station worked quickly. As they had arrived with a full kit, they had the supplies they needed and while tense, it was well within their capacity to handle. It was going a bit rougher for the team on the planet as they had more casualties.

Jess finished running the bone knitter over the Jyn female's leg one last time and sat back satisfied.

"You'll need to minimize your work load for a few days, but you will be fine. Now if you excuse me. I've got one last patient to see."

It was Jess' plan to finish up with this last station casualty and them beam down with her entire team to reinforce the team on the ground. At least that was the plan. At least this time, there wasn't a slimy Changeling in their group to blow the plan up.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 11, 2023, 01:06:05 PM

=/\= "Galloway ta Lieutenant Jyur. We're on our way ta you now, will be there shortly." =/\=

[Head Nurse Chloe Davies | Delta Flyer Mjolnir | Iota Thelonis IV-b]

Surprisingly, the transmission connection to the Challenger was excellent. The news that Challenger was on the way brought spirits to Chloe. She smiled at Commander Tharn at how well she arranged the comm signal to go through.

"This is excellent," she said. She then made over to Commander McCarthy and said, "Good news, Challenger is on the way to you now."

"Thanks so much."

Tharn then approached Chloe and said, "We'll have to be lifting off to rejoin the Challenger, Head Nurse."

"Can you ask Lieutenant Jyur if he can move the critical condition patients to the Mjolnir?" Chloe asked. "We'll be able to get them on Challenger first for instant treatment."

"If you can get them over, that'd be appreciated," said Commander McCarthy.

"It'll be cramped, but we can pull it off," Chief T'ealc added. "I can, of course, remain with the rest of the Burke crew for further treatment and check-ups. If all goes well, I can go up when CHallenger arrives."

"Of course," said Chloe. "Let's get them aboard."

Momentarily, the five were brought aboard the Mjolnir and secured inside, Chloe stated to the patients, "Be careful, all, this will be a rough ride, given the atmosphere."

She stayed in the back with the patients. Commander Tharn was at the cockpit, though at Jettis' orders, Ensign Denton acknowledged with a few waves of her hand, and then she had been about to extend her middle finger, but Tharn, paying rapt attention at her, snarled, "Don't even think about that, Ensign!"

Quickly, Denton drew her hand back (but all the same, turned around to curl her lips at the rest of the away team) and then took off, and if anything, the flight up was even rougher than the landing. Once again, Tharn didn't have to be an empath to know the woman was angry to have to take orders of any kind. She was going to have words with Lieutenant Espada, for sure, if Lieutenant Jyur didn't do that first.

There was, of course, a wrinkle. Just as they were reaching the Challenger, a Klingon Bird of Prey decloaked and made a jump on the Mjolnir. Shields were raised, but a disruptor hit made the console explode and Ensign Denton was sent flying. Tharn was sure that if neither of the rear walls were in the way, Denton would've been sent flying all the way out the Mjolnir, but the hard hit against the wall made Tharn cringe.

Assuming she makes it through, she's going to wake up to anything between a reprimand and a court martial, Tharn thought.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on September 12, 2023, 08:57:29 PM

[Head Nurse Chloe Davies | Delta Flyer Mjolnir | Iota Thelonis IV-b]

Surprisingly, the transmission connection to the Challenger was excellent. The news that Challenger was on the way brought spirits to Chloe. She smiled at Commander Tharn at how well she arranged the comm signal to go through.

"This is excellent," she said. She then made over to Commander McCarthy and said, "Good news, Challenger is on the way to you now."

"Thanks so much."

Tharn then approached Chloe and said, "We'll have to be lifting off to rejoin the Challenger, Head Nurse."

"Can you ask Lieutenant Jyur if he can move the critical condition patients to the Mjolnir?" Chloe asked. "We'll be able to get them on Challenger first for instant treatment."

"If you can get them over, that'd be appreciated," said Commander McCarthy.

"It'll be cramped, but we can pull it off," Chief T'ealc added. "I can, of course, remain with the rest of the Burke crew for further treatment and check-ups. If all goes well, I can go up when CHallenger arrives."

"Of course," said Chloe. "Let's get them aboard."

Momentarily, the five were brought aboard the Mjolnir and secured inside, Chloe stated to the patients, "Be careful, all, this will be a rough ride, given the atmosphere."

She stayed in the back with the patients. Commander Tharn was at the cockpit, though at Jettis' orders, Ensign Denton acknowledged with a few waves of her hand, and then she had been about to extend her middle finger, but Tharn, paying rapt attention at her, snarled, "Don't even think about that, Ensign!"

Quickly, Denton drew her hand back (but all the same, turned around to curl her lips at the rest of the away team) and then took off, and if anything, the flight up was even rougher than the landing. Once again, Tharn didn't have to be an empath to know the woman was angry to have to take orders of any kind. She was going to have words with Lieutenant Espada, for sure, if Lieutenant Jyur didn't do that first.

There was, of course, a wrinkle. Just as they were reaching the Challenger, a Klingon Bird of Prey decloaked and made a jump on the Mjolnir. Shields were raised, but a disruptor hit made the console explode and Ensign Denton was sent flying. Tharn was sure that if neither of the rear walls were in the way, Denton would've been sent flying all the way out the Mjolnir, but the hard hit against the wall made Tharn cringe.

Assuming she makes it through, she's going to wake up to anything between a reprimand and a court martial, Tharn thought.

[Shuttle Mjolnir - Above Iota Thelonis IV-B]

Tharn squeaked in surprise at the appearance of the Bird of Prey, any characterization of the noise as a 'squeal' would result in reprisals best not imagined. She grabbed the controls and began maneuvering furiously. With Denton out of the picture, she didn't have time to call for help as she did her best of avoid the disruptors that were bracketing the Mjolnir.


[Bridge - USS Challenger - En route to Iota Thelonis IV-B]

The Challenger had covered half the distance to the barren move when Lieutenant Randall at Science One exclaimed in surprise.

"Sir! I'm detecting weapons fire in the orbit of our destination!"

Ian's head snapped in Randall's direction.

"What kind of weapons fire Lieutenant?"


"Bloody hell! Red alert! Battlestations! Helm, I was a warp microburst ta get us there immediately! Tactical, photons and phasers ta ready. I am sincerely gettin' tired of these bleedin' Klingons."

Jettis Jyur

[ Iota Thelonis IV-B -> Mjolnir ]

Surprisingly, they managed to get the message out with little tweaking. The superior sensors and comms in the shuttle cut through the static to reach the Challenger. At Davies' request, the most severely injured were brought aboard the Mjonlir for hasty treatment. They could be beamed directly to the medbay, and kept stable on the shuttle by Davies.

The ride was rough, but it seemed they were in the clear at first, until a particularly hard jolt. It was more than just the rough atmosphere, and immediately, it read as disruptor fire. The shields had been up to shield from the atmosphere, so thankfully the blow was softened, but still was enough to destroy a console.

"Verdammt! Tharn, evasive maneuvers best you can, I'll right there. Cordon, keep an eye on the shuttle's shields and status!" Jettis jumped up, keeping ahold of the wall so he didn't meet the same fate as Denton had. After helping Davies get her to a more comfortable position and secure her to prevent further injury, he moved up to the front to an undamaged console.

"Mjolnir to the Challenger, we are under fire from a Klingon bird of prey. Keeping evasive maneuvers but we've already been hit and we're outclassed in the delta flyer. Will attempt to hail and hold out until you arrive." He remained for a moment if there was response from the Challenger, before putting out a hail to the attacking ship. "This is the Mjolnir, what is the meaning of this attack on a Starfleet vessel? Cease fire!" It was more of a yelp than a bark, but there was little he could do currently except hope that they would respond to the hail. If nothing else, at least tell them why they were being attacked.

"Commander Tharn, be ready to return fire if this continues. We just need to stall until the Challenger arrives." There was no doubt that the Klingons would pick up on the Trailblazer quickly closing the distance on them, so how far they were willing to take this attack would be the defining moment.

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on September 13, 2023, 03:05:04 PM

[ Iota  IV-B -> Mjolnir ]

Surprisingly, they managed to get the message out with little tweaking. The superior sensors and comms in the shuttle cut through the static to reach the Challenger. At Davies' request, the most severely injured were brought aboard the Mjonlir for hasty treatment. They could be beamed directly to the medbay, and kept stable on the shuttle by Davies.

The ride was rough, but it seemed they were in the clear at first, until a particularly hard jolt. It was more than just the rough atmosphere, and immediately, it read as disruptor fire. The shields had been up to shield from the atmosphere, so thankfully the blow was softened, but still was enough to destroy a console.

"Verdammt! Tharn, evasive maneuvers best you can, I'll right there. Cordon, keep an eye on the shuttle's shields and status!" Jettis jumped up, keeping ahold of the wall so he didn't meet the same fate as Denton had. After helping Davies get her to a more comfortable position and secure her to prevent further injury, he moved up to the front to an undamaged console.

"Mjolnir to the Challenger, we are under fire from a Klingon bird of prey. Keeping evasive maneuvers but we've already been hit and we're outclassed in the delta flyer. Will attempt to hail and hold out until you arrive." He remained for a moment if there was response from the Challenger, before putting out a hail to the attacking ship. "This is the Mjolnir, what is the meaning of this attack on a Starfleet vessel? Cease fire!" It was more of a yelp than a bark, but there was little he could do currently except hope that they would respond to the hail. If nothing else, at least tell them why they were being attacked.

"Commander Tharn, be ready to return fire if this continues. We just need to stall until the Challenger arrives." There was no doubt that the Klingons would pick up on the Trailblazer quickly closing the distance on them, so how far they were willing to take this attack would be the defining moment.

"Sir! Shields at 77%!" Neva called out. "Lieutenant Jettis, Sir. Would going back to the Burke be possible? We could hide within or against her, then make use of what's left of her to repair the Mjonlir." She offered simply.
Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 12, 2023, 08:02:31 AM

At the sound of his name, Kyan looked up from a crate he'd been examining. Apparently there was still a Klingon here. And he was trying"¦ still to make off with some kemocite. Even though all his mated were lying about, this one was still going about his business. Kyan admired the gall.

"œMust have been pissed." Kyan thought with a shrug as Nira started fighting the Klingon"¦ with her knives. Even though she was good, the Klingon was young and desperate, which on occasion beat out skill. Apparently this was one of those occasions. As his back was to him, the Klingon was an easy target. Kyan's first instinct was to go for his karambit and go at him, his hand went to the safety ring of the knife sheathed at the back of his pants, but he paused. These Klingons were wankers. They didn't deserve a straight up fight, and Kyan decided not to give him one. Instead, he drew his phaser and set it to heavy stun. Without a word he aimed and fired. The blue beam lanced out and caught the Klingon in the middle of the back. He crumpled to the deck with a grunt.

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Jyn Outpost | In orbit of Iota Thelonis IX]

Nira crumpled with the Klingon, but she staggered to her feet. "Thanks, Kyan," she said. Then, recalling the sound of a phaser before she got close to blacking out, she added, "I don't think he'll be too happy when he finds he was bested by a stun setting...you did what you could, and it's understandable."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on September 13, 2023, 03:05:04 PM

[ Iota Thelonis IV-B -> Mjolnir ]

Surprisingly, they managed to get the message out with little tweaking. The superior sensors and comms in the shuttle cut through the static to reach the Challenger. At Davies' request, the most severely injured were brought aboard the Mjonlir for hasty treatment. They could be beamed directly to the medbay, and kept stable on the shuttle by Davies.

The ride was rough, but it seemed they were in the clear at first, until a particularly hard jolt. It was more than just the rough atmosphere, and immediately, it read as disruptor fire. The shields had been up to shield from the atmosphere, so thankfully the blow was softened, but still was enough to destroy a console.

"Verdammt! Tharn, evasive maneuvers best you can, I'll right there. Cordon, keep an eye on the shuttle's shields and status!" Jettis jumped up, keeping ahold of the wall so he didn't meet the same fate as Denton had. After helping Davies get her to a more comfortable position and secure her to prevent further injury, he moved up to the front to an undamaged console.

"Mjolnir to the Challenger, we are under fire from a Klingon bird of prey. Keeping evasive maneuvers but we've already been hit and we're outclassed in the delta flyer. Will attempt to hail and hold out until you arrive." He remained for a moment if there was response from the Challenger, before putting out a hail to the attacking ship. "This is the Mjolnir, what is the meaning of this attack on a Starfleet vessel? Cease fire!" It was more of a yelp than a bark, but there was little he could do currently except hope that they would respond to the hail. If nothing else, at least tell them why they were being attacked.

"Commander Tharn, be ready to return fire if this continues. We just need to stall until the Challenger arrives." There was no doubt that the Klingons would pick up on the Trailblazer quickly closing the distance on them, so how far they were willing to take this attack would be the defining moment.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on September 14, 2023, 09:39:30 AM

"Sir! Shields at 77%!" Neva called out. "Lieutenant Jettis, Sir. Would going back to the Burke be possible? We could hide within or against her, then make use of what's left of her to repair the Mjonlir." She offered simply.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 13, 2023, 10:52:23 AM

[Shuttle Mjolnir - Above Iota Thelonis IV-B]

Tharn squeaked in surprise at the appearance of the Bird of Prey, any characterization of the noise as a 'squeal' would result in reprisals best not imagined. She grabbed the controls and began maneuvering furiously. With Denton out of the picture, she didn't have time to call for help as she did her best of avoid the disruptors that were bracketing the Mjolnir.


[Bridge - USS Challenger - En route to Iota Thelonis IV-B]

The Challenger had covered half the distance to the barren move when Lieutenant Randall at Science One exclaimed in surprise.

"Sir! I'm detecting weapons fire in the orbit of our destination!"

Ian's head snapped in Randall's direction.

"What kind of weapons fire Lieutenant?"


"Bloody hell! Red alert! Battlestations! Helm, I was a warp microburst ta get us there immediately! Tactical, photons and phasers ta ready. I am sincerely gettin' tired of these bleedin' Klingons."

[Head Nurse Chloe Davies | Delta Flyer Mjolnir | Iota Thelonis IV-b]

Chloe stormed up to the cockpit and began to shout, "What the HELL is going..." But then she saw the smoke, Ensign Denton crumpled, Tharn manning the helm, and the Bird of Prey screaming past.

Tharn didn't so much as turn around as she focused on the controls. "That would be a bad idea, Ensign. We can't land on the Burke, we can't hide against it..."

Then came the answer to the transmission in the form of a ragamuffin Klingon on the viewscreen, so ragamuffin, in fact, that if it weren't for his hostilities, he'd look pitable. "This is Commander Kunduq. You've been identified as coming from the Challenger. You all have put your lot in with the Jyn Faisha. By orders of our commanding officer Kharn and for the glory of the House of K'Raen, your heads are ours."

The more Chloe stared at that Klingon, the worse he looked. He was hairy enough to look like a tribble snowman, a walking mop in patched and repatched armor. His eyes were hard despite his low sycophantic voice. It certainly dawned on the away team that this man was practically a lackey.

"You're a damn coward, Commander," snarled Tharn. "Are you looking to prey on us because we look easy?"

"Regardless, you have aligned yourself as an enemy to the House of K'Raen, and you're fortunate thus far to not be declared enemies of the Empire. Our glorious House Heir will appreciate the trophies we bring..."

He got no further before Challenger blasted its way from warp and sent a volley of phasers across their nose. Kunduq broke off transmission and the Bird of Prey limped away.

Upon clearance for landing, Tharn got them in. The landing was even worse than Denton's, they had come in hard. But they had made it.

"About damn time," Chloe muttered. "Davies to Sickbay! We have wounded in need of treatment!"

"Acknowledged," came the answer, from the EMH Mark XII. "Stand by, I'm transmitting over for an assessment."

A moment later, the EMH, nicknamed "Ish," shimmered aboard. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

"Do you have to say that despite transmitting over?" growled Tharn.

"Apologies, Commander, it is still in the subroutine for any kind of activation. I can't help myself, you know."

"Ensign Denton's hit badly," Tharn said. "We got five criticals from the Burke in need of looking over. Also, Polly wanna cracker?"

"I'm a doctor, not a parrot," the EMH retorted wryly.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on September 09, 2023, 02:26:16 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Crumbling Administrative Building | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

Zhuk picked up his rank from the Aenar's lips being uttered and soon realized what was happening as the Efrosian assigned to Abas, Savliv Si-Okrei, proceeded to help remove the rubble. "Well, that was quick, Crewman. Hurgh!" Savliv spoke up, with his deep, powerful voice, as he began to push aside the piece of concrete that kept the man trapped underneath.

Zhuk slung his rifle on his shoulder, and soon moved to assist, with Sharen Anchors following shortly afterwards. After a minute or so of carefully maneuvering, using their strength together, and shoving, the structure was out of the way, with Abas able to provide medical treatment to the best of his ability. Zhuk took a deep breath and nodded to the two other officers, before once more gripping his rifle.

"Haah... let us continue our search for wounded."

Zhuk said, as the team once more began to explore the ruins, separating by a few feet, save for Savliv, who remained close to Abas in case he could use the help treating the older Jyn gentleman. While Savliv did not have a particularly profound knowledge of medical endeavors, he at least knew the basics of first aid. Plus, he supposed that perhaps more people would be coming soon, so the faster they made sure this guy would live, the better.

"Do tell me if I can do anything. If it helps you to keep pressure somewhere or carry him to a nicer place, I am happy to help," The Efrosian reassured Abas, watching him work.

Meanwhile, Zala, the Ferengi, made her way through a half-collapsed hallway, going deeper into the ruins as she remained close to the wall. Once within, she came across a larger room, what once had been a meeting area, perhaps. It was then that she overheard a faint noise, like some scratching, coming from a nearby fallen pillar. She was glad at this point that she had followed the Seventh Rule of Acquisition: "Keep your ears open".

Soon enough, she discovered what seemed to be an entrance, which had been blocked by the support. "Hey, is there someone here?!" She exclaimed, hoping to get the attention of whoever was trapped behind. Immediately, she was answered with a weak male voice, "H-Help! W-We are trapped! Please!"

She hesitated about what to do for a moment, as she gazed over at the huge piece blocking the way. She was pretty sure that she would not be able to move it, and she doubted that even the rest of Security could help. However, as she turned at her rifle, she had an idea.

"Okay, stand back! I am going to try and burn off some of the debris!" She heard some scramble out of view before she proceeded to tap on her commbadge,  =/\= "Sir... ah... I found some survivors. I'm by a big room by the center of this building, past a half-blocked hallway. If you hear phaser fire, its me!"=/\=

=/\= "Acknowledged. Carry on, we shalt assist shortly." =/\=

Content enough by the response of the Lieutenant, she proceeded to open fire at maximum power with her phaser rifle, slowly beginning to cut the column by the middle. Sharen was the first to reach her, and noticing her actions, quickly followed suit. Between the two women, soon enough the stone crumbled enough to allow for an opening to be seen.

"Heh, nice thinkin' Zala," The Ferengi smiled at the compliment, as she proceeded to aid the three people caught behind the pillar, a young male who had a nasty head injury, which had been patched up to the best of his ability with some clothe, an older Jyn who's arm was dangling to the side, wincing every time he helped his fellow Jyn, a woman who limped. Zala was quick to support the young Jyn, while Sharen soon positioned her arm underneath the woman's own, helping to take some load off the older man.

"Come with us! We're Starfleet and we got a medic by the entrance. He can check you out."

Eventually, the five reached their destination, just in time to find Zhukdra'shar carrying what seemed to be an unconscious Jyn girl of around sixteen in his arms, gently depositing her by the man found by Abas, "My apologies. T'Roth managed to detect another life sign just out of view just as we were heading in your direction. She is breathing but is not reacting to outside stimuli."

"Ah, eh... it's no biggie, Sir. We got them. See?" She offered a bit of a nervous smile with her pointy, uneven teeth, doing her best to not let the sheer weight of this endeavor get to her. It was hard to see so many injured people, but at least, now they were safe. Zhuk proceeded to nod at her, as the trio that was found gathered by their fellow Jyn, sitting down to receive medical attention.

T'Roth, and the rest of Security did their best to help the Jyn, mostly reassuring them and providing basic treatment. For a moment, Zhuk wished that he had another medical officer with them, to take the load out of Abas' work.

"Excellent performance all, I wish to comm-"

Before he could finish, however, he overheard someone else being transported just outside. He turned quickly in case they were not friendlies, though his fears proved unfounded. He gazed as Commander Nira materialized, accompanied by a Romulan Science Officer. N'jeer, if he was not mistaken. He remembered reading about him on the logs and actually seeing him a couple of times. Not that he had ever interacted, but he knew how to act professionally.

"Thus far, Commander Said, things have been relatively tranquil here. We are still looking for wounded, but thus far we have not been engaged," He spoke up, when Nira approached closer, "How were things within the Station?"

Not good, he supposed, as he gazed over at Nira's injuries on her face and on her body. He was somewhat concerned, but the Commander at least seemed to be in good enough shape to lead and walk around. He nodded at her request to inspect the mines, and proceeded to motion towards Beaux, Beaux, accompany us to the mines. Si-Okrei, you are in charge of the operation. Report any happenstances and keep looking for survivors while we return.

"Heard you, Sir. I'll keep an eye here."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Jyn Kemocite Mine | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

With this, Zhuk, proceeded to follow after Said into the mines. While she verified the samples with Mister N'Jeer's help, Zhuk and Beaux proceeded to support Abas with his medical work, carrying or taking any and all Jyn that they could find short of breath to the medic, while they once more lent succor when it came to minor injuries and the like. It was an exhausting job, and Zhuk could feel the air of the mines making things even more difficult. Beaux seemed to be doing a little better, but still, he could see large drops of sweat clinging to her forehead.

He wondered what was the reason for the analysis, but for now, he focused on other things.

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on September 10, 2023, 03:23:19 PM


With the combined efforts of the three Challenger crew, the rubble was successfully dislodged, crashing down a few meters away. Quickly, Abas began treatment of the victim, ensuring that shock didn't set in from the sudden change, stabilizing the victim for the moment. He prepared a hypospray of painkillers and antibiotics, and extracted a dermal regenerator from his medical kit. With a few presses of buttons, the concoction was prepared and administered, as he worked to clean the wound. "Hold, please," he said to nobody in particular, extracting a light from his bag and offering it to anyone who would take it, casting the light downward. Thankfully, the security personnel with him seemed more than willing to assist, and so Abas used their skills as he proceeded to finish treatment.

A few minutes later, and the elderly Jyn was stabilized. While not healed by any means, he was now effectively walking wounded, able to self-extract from the area of destruction with the assistance of a makeshift crutch Abas had fashioned out of a broken bit of piping. Being intuitive and able to improvise and self-assist was an important skill for anyone to learn - and was something that could also be used to help others. In the distance, the sound of sirens moving and approaching gave away the colony's own medical response efforts, likely supplemented by Starfleet. The undeniable sounds of the Doppler Effect betraying the rapidly closing bearing of the responders. For now, however, he simply found the man a safe place to rest while he triaged

Moments later, a new batch of wounded arrived, as the security continued to extract survivors from the rubble. There were too many for Abas on his own to deal with, so he turned to the Efrosian next to him. "Here, take this tricorder," he said, offering it to Savliv. "Segregate the wounded into three categories - those who are scraped but can still move, those who require attention we can provide, and those we can't help. You will know the third category when they come in."

The coarse triage was always uncomfortable. His duty was to help everyone he could - but sometimes, people were beyond saving. Hopefully none of that category would show up, but it never hurt to be prepared. Regardless, he set to work on the second category, leaving the least injured for the security officers to assist with while he focused. Head injuries, severe trauma, and broken appendages were the most pressing, being set or mended or attended to as they came.

A few minutes later, he heard the voice of some of the Challenger's command crew. He continued to his work, listening but not directly attending to the Commander. The Lieutenant was more than capable of providing a status report, as the number of treated, walking wounded, and scared Jyn had continued to grow. His supplies were at about three quarters of what he'd beamed down with. That all changed when the Commander issued orders for him to accompany her and some of the other officers to the mines. He handed off the local medical staff who had arrived, giving them a quick synopsis of what had occurred and what treatment had been performed before exchanging curt nods and standing to follow the Commander.

[Jyn Kemocite Mines]

Setting up near the exit of the Mine, much the same process as earlier took place. Abas set up a triage area, setting up the orderly location in almost an identical pattern as the field triage center he'd set up in the ruins. The dust in the air was almost a choking, noxious, pervasive companion, making breathing difficult. A quick swab with a tricorder detected several micro-contaminants in the air, likely from the rubble and seismic activity surrounding the attack, but that was a question for a scientist, not a Medic.

But, there was something he could do... =/\= Abas to Challenger, Medical section. Is it possible to have a mobile air purifier beamed to my location? =/\=

He called the ship, hoping they might be able to get something to start cleaning the air and making it easier to breathe. He checked the oxygen levels in the mines, trying to determine if the air was even safe to breathe without supplemental oxygen. The last thing he wanted was to start carrying out Starfleet personnel. It'd scuff the uniforms, after all.

[Commander Nira Said | Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]


Nira pondered back on the two hours of her examining the Kemocite ore up on the outpost with Bikole. When Challenger got back with the Burke in tow, her crew tucked aboard and the news that the Mjolnir had been attacked by a third Bird of Prey, she hoped to get their examination done as quickly as possible. The Jyn had indicated the Erain clan leader, Austus, was incoming.

The air levels in the mine were a wrinkle. It was getting heavy to breath and Nira couldn't resist but cough. The answer came as quickly and in a delight of surprise.

=/\="We hear you. We'll send that mobile purifier with you." =/\=

A moment later, Head Nurse Davies appeared with Ensign Cordon. Nira smiled at the sight of a fellow Betazoid. Both, however, were strapped with packs that each had a white box attached, a white box that would've looked like it had come from an EV suit, but it looked substantially different.

"Here we are again, Commander," she muttered with a shrug. "You, too, Zhuk. We got the purifier, Crewman, but it's a little complicated. There's a reason why you're needed for help here, Ensign," she added, turning to Cordon. :It'll be your job to monitor the purifiers as they work. Each will only going to transmit a bubble of pure air within a certain radius...look, I don't know my engineering, but I know my medicinal administrations..."

Sure enough, the air got a lot better around the bunch. They proceeded deeper and found a groaning, coughing Jyn, bloodied and clearly pinned to the ground by a bat'leth. Fortunately for him, the bat'leth had missed a more vital part of him, but he was certainly suffering. There were plenty more dead Jyn and Klingons, blood splattered around the walls in quite a chokepoint.

"Are you all right?" asked Nira.

"I am," the Jyn croaked.

"I'm Commander Said of the Challenger, we're all here to help."

"Astin," the Jyn croaked again. "Major, mine garrison...my father's Chieftan Austus..."

"Don't try to talk to much," Chloe said soothingly. "I need to get a look at you."

Nira looked around solemnly at the sight of what was clearly a bloodbath. She examined each of the Klingons and found the same thing: Emblems of the House of K'Raen. This was one Klingon House that had a lot to answer for.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jettis Jyur

[ Deltaflyer Mjolnir -> USS Challenger, Bridge ]

Surprisingly enough, the Klingons answered his hail with a gruff bark. The reasoning for their attack, while unsurprising, was cowardly as Tharn pointed out. To go after a stranded shuttle away from it's mothership, surely because they knew they couldn't win against the Challenger.

Speaking of the devil, the Challenger raced in at the ready. The bird of prey tucked tail to run, allowing the Mjolnir to make it's staggered return to the shuttlebay. After getting the critical Burke crew, and Denton into the capable hands of their medical team, Jettis turned to the two engineers with a nod. "Thank you for your help out there. Commander, I'm sure you'll want to get to engineering to see just how much trouble Ian got the ship into. Cordon, if you would take a look over the mjolnir and what repairs it'll need, whenever convenient to you. I don't think she'll be sailing for a small bit."

After ensuring everything was properly dealt with, he made his retreat towards the turbolift, ascending to the bridge. "Reporting back from the away team, sir." The doors slid open as the tall man strode in, briefly glancing at the current bridge crew makeup, before settling toward the Captain with a small salute. "5 of the Burke's crew are in sickbay under the care of Lieutenant Davies. CPO T'ealc is still on the planet with the remaining 77 survivors, with three more who will need to be picked up immediately for care. I take it you may have had a run in of your own with the Klingons?"

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Jyn Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on September 10, 2023, 03:23:19 PM


With the combined efforts of the three Challenger crew, the rubble was successfully dislodged, crashing down a few meters away. Quickly, Abas began treatment of the victim, ensuring that shock didn't set in from the sudden change, stabilizing the victim for the moment. He prepared a hypospray of painkillers and antibiotics, and extracted a dermal regenerator from his medical kit. With a few presses of buttons, the concoction was prepared and administered, as he worked to clean the wound. "Hold, please," he said to nobody in particular, extracting a light from his bag and offering it to anyone who would take it, casting the light downward. Thankfully, the security personnel with him seemed more than willing to assist, and so Abas used their skills as he proceeded to finish treatment.

A few minutes later, and the elderly Jyn was stabilized. While not healed by any means, he was now effectively walking wounded, able to self-extract from the area of destruction with the assistance of a makeshift crutch Abas had fashioned out of a broken bit of piping. Being intuitive and able to improvise and self-assist was an important skill for anyone to learn - and was something that could also be used to help others. In the distance, the sound of sirens moving and approaching gave away the colony's own medical response efforts, likely supplemented by Starfleet. The undeniable sounds of the Doppler Effect betraying the rapidly closing bearing of the responders. For now, however, he simply found the man a safe place to rest while he triaged

Moments later, a new batch of wounded arrived, as the security continued to extract survivors from the rubble. There were too many for Abas on his own to deal with, so he turned to the Efrosian next to him. "Here, take this tricorder," he said, offering it to Savliv. "Segregate the wounded into three categories - those who are scraped but can still move, those who require attention we can provide, and those we can't help. You will know the third category when they come in."

The coarse triage was always uncomfortable. His duty was to help everyone he could - but sometimes, people were beyond saving. Hopefully none of that category would show up, but it never hurt to be prepared. Regardless, he set to work on the second category, leaving the least injured for the security officers to assist with while he focused. Head injuries, severe trauma, and broken appendages were the most pressing, being set or mended or attended to as they came.

A few minutes later, he heard the voice of some of the Challenger's command crew. He continued to his work, listening but not directly attending to the Commander. The Lieutenant was more than capable of providing a status report, as the number of treated, walking wounded, and scared Jyn had continued to grow. His supplies were at about three quarters of what he'd beamed down with. That all changed when the Commander issued orders for him to accompany her and some of the other officers to the mines. He handed off the local medical staff who had arrived, giving them a quick synopsis of what had occurred and what treatment had been performed before exchanging curt nods and standing to follow the Commander.

[Jyn Kemocite Mines]

Setting up near the exit of the Mine, much the same process as earlier took place. Abas set up a triage area, setting up the orderly location in almost an identical pattern as the field triage center he'd set up in the ruins. The dust in the air was almost a choking, noxious, pervasive companion, making breathing difficult. A quick swab with a tricorder detected several micro-contaminants in the air, likely from the rubble and seismic activity surrounding the attack, but that was a question for a scientist, not a Medic.

But, there was something he could do... =/\= Abas to Challenger, Medical section. Is it possible to have a mobile air purifier beamed to my location? =/\=

He called the ship, hoping they might be able to get something to start cleaning the air and making it easier to breathe. He checked the oxygen levels in the mines, trying to determine if the air was even safe to breathe without supplemental oxygen. The last thing he wanted was to start carrying out Starfleet personnel. It'd scuff the uniforms, after all.

Zhuk groaned as he lifted yet another rock to try and clear the entrances to the mines, assisted by his fellow Security officer. He was panting already from the effort, and the need of his body to obtain more oxygen from the contaminated environment. A task that seemed quite impossible at this point. Still, neither he nor his fellow were willing to give up, both remembering that each time they came across a Jyn, would need to make sure to apply the triage instructions provided by Crewman Th'vyrrol.

After a couple more large pieces, however, he decided to take a break after he placed another rock to the wayside. And this time, his back did sting somewhat. He abhorred having to do it, however. He worried about the lives that he couldn't save the more time he took to clear out the blockage. A sharp hiss exited his mouth, chastizing himself, but still, he remained firm in his convictions as he looked at his officers.

"We shalt take a... 10 minute... rest for the time being. Regain your... strength, Beaux" After this, he returned to Commander Said, doing his best to hide his exhaustion as he approached. When he came by her, he was more than surprised to overhear her talking through the comms, thinking that perhaps the mines would block the signal. That seemed to not be the case, fortunately, as soon enough, a pair of familiar faces appeared.

Quote from: Nira Said on September 14, 2023, 11:46:51 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Operations Center | Jyn Outpost | In orbit of Iota Thelonis IX]

Nira crumpled with the Klingon, but she staggered to her feet. "Thanks, Kyan," she said. Then, recalling the sound of a phaser before she got close to blacking out, she added, "I don't think he'll be too happy when he finds he was bested by a stun setting...you did what you could, and it's understandable."
[Head Nurse Chloe Davies | Delta Flyer Mjolnir | Iota Thelonis IV-b]

Chloe stormed up to the cockpit and began to shout, "What the HELL is going..." But then she saw the smoke, Ensign Denton crumpled, Tharn manning the helm, and the Bird of Prey screaming past.

Tharn didn't so much as turn around as she focused on the controls. "That would be a bad idea, Ensign. We can't land on the Burke, we can't hide against it..."

Then came the answer to the transmission in the form of a ragamuffin Klingon on the viewscreen, so ragamuffin, in fact, that if it weren't for his hostilities, he'd look pitable. "This is Commander Kunduq. You've been identified as coming from the Challenger. You all have put your lot in with the Jyn Faisha. By orders of our commanding officer Kharn and for the glory of the House of K'Raen, your heads are ours."

The more Chloe stared at that Klingon, the worse he looked. He was hairy enough to look like a tribble snowman, a walking mop in patched and repatched armor. His eyes were hard despite his low sycophantic voice. It certainly dawned on the away team that this man was practically a lackey.

"You're a damn coward, Commander," snarled Tharn. "Are you looking to prey on us because we look easy?"

"Regardless, you have aligned yourself as an enemy to the House of K'Raen, and you're fortunate thus far to not be declared enemies of the Empire. Our glorious House Heir will appreciate the trophies we bring..."

He got no further before Challenger blasted its way from warp and sent a volley of phasers across their nose. Kunduq broke off transmission and the Bird of Prey limped away.

Upon clearance for landing, Tharn got them in. The landing was even worse than Denton's, they had come in hard. But they had made it.

"About damn time," Chloe muttered. "Davies to Sickbay! We have wounded in need of treatment!"

"Acknowledged," came the answer, from the EMH Mark XII. "Stand by, I'm transmitting over for an assessment."

A moment later, the EMH, nicknamed "Ish," shimmered aboard. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency."

"Do you have to say that despite transmitting over?" growled Tharn.

"Apologies, Commander, it is still in the subroutine for any kind of activation. I can't help myself, you know."

"Ensign Denton's hit badly," Tharn said. "We got five criticals from the Burke in need of looking over. Also, Polly wanna cracker?"

"I'm a doctor, not a parrot," the EMH retorted wryly.
[Commander Nira Said | Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]


Nira pondered back on the two hours of her examining the Kemocite ore up on the outpost with Bikole. When Challenger got back with the Burke in tow, her crew tucked aboard and the news that the Mjolnir had been attacked by a third Bird of Prey, she hoped to get their examination done as quickly as possible. The Jyn had indicated the Erain clan leader, Austus, was incoming.

The air levels in the mine were a wrinkle. It was getting heavy to breath and Nira couldn't resist but cough. The answer came as quickly and in a delight of surprise.

=/\="We hear you. We'll send that mobile purifier with you." =/\=

A moment later, Head Nurse Davies appeared with Ensign Cordon. Nira smiled at the sight of a fellow Betazoid. Both, however, were strapped with packs that each had a white box attached, a white box that would've looked like it had come from an EV suit, but it looked substantially different.

"Here we are again, Commander," she muttered with a shrug. "You, too, Zhuk. We got the purifier, Crewman, but it's a little complicated. There's a reason why you're needed for help here, Ensign," she added, turning to Cordon. :It'll be your job to monitor the purifiers as they work. Each will only going to transmit a bubble of pure air within a certain radius...look, I don't know my engineering, but I know my medicinal administrations..."

Sure enough, the air got a lot better around the bunch. They proceeded deeper and found a groaning, coughing Jyn, bloodied and clearly pinned to the ground by a bat'leth. Fortunately for him, the bat'leth had missed a more vital part of him, but he was certainly suffering. There were plenty more dead Jyn and Klingons, blood splattered around the walls in quite a chokepoint.

"Are you all right?" asked Nira.

"I am," the Jyn croaked.

"I'm Commander Said of the Challenger, we're all here to help."

"Astin," the Jyn croaked again. "Major, mine garrison...my father's Chieftan Austus..."

"Don't try to talk to much," Chloe said soothingly. "I need to get a look at you."

Nira looked around solemnly at the sight of what was clearly a bloodbath. She examined each of the Klingons and found the same thing: Emblems of the House of K'Raen. This was one Klingon House that had a lot to answer for.

Head Nurse Davies, and Ensign Cordon arrived with the purifier requested. At seeing his friend, Chloe, Zhuk's mood instantly lighted up, and he offered her an earnest, happy smile. As she explained the reason why Cordon was here too, he hummed. Perhaps it was only Neva who needed to monitor them, but still, he made sure to turn to Beaux. "Let us make sure that we also keep an eye on these machines. Though... Cordon is capable, some more assistance never hurt anybody."

Beaux offered a nod in agreement, and after the purifiers were installed, both returned to work. Now, they could feel the difference as the air quality improve significantly in a few minutes. It allowed them to continue digging through the rock, up until they came across a heavily injured Jyn. Zhuk moved aside as Nira began to talk with him, and Chloe got closer to begin the healing treatment. He wouldn't need to call for Abas, it seemed.

He took a moment to determine if both Klingon and Jyn were truly dead, with Beaux assisting in taking in the pulse by placing a couple of fingers against their necks. Their bodies were deathly cold, however, and he was unsuccessful in finding any other survivor. What he did find were common symbols amongst the Klingon. Emblems that told him they all were united.

As Zhuk lifted a bat'leth to inspect it, and potentially take it alongside him (after all, he had kept a Jem'Hadar kar'takin from his forage in Merek Nor), he turned towards Nira, and asked, "Do we know to whomst do these crests belong to, Commander Said?"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Mines of Moria Kemocite]

As time had gone on, the air had gotten steadily more and more toxic. While efforts had been made to create additional ventilation opportunities throughout the cavern, it was a slow process. The mines had suffered a number of collapses, and even the safest designs could hardly keep up with the dust in the air and the aftermath of a brutal attack. Mines were not meant to be warzones. Wars and battle brought nothing to a planet or a people - small, petty conflicts over territory, bits of cloth, or lines on a map had destroyed countless lives and civilizations over time, and for what? The resources consumed, destroyed, or lost by warfare far outpaced any creation from them. War... what was it good for?

But, putting into place galactic peace was not Abas's duty at the present. Keeping his patients - and the rest of the crew - alive was. Preemptively, Abas had given many of the miners orders to assist with the ventilation project, or if they were not doing anything, instructions to sit down, shut up, and wait for the crew to do their job. Machinery not critical to the efforts was powered down, and non-biologic consumption was brought to an absolute minimum. Usually, as a crewman, Abas wouldn't have the authority to give such orders. In fact, he didn't exactly have the authority even now. But, very rarely in Abas's experience did people argue with the medical crew on matters of health. At least, if they did, it was amazing how much less oxygen someone would take when sedated. Not that he'd had to do it yet, but the power of suggestion should not be discounted.

Minutes later, after the new Ensign had arrived, and the purifier had been deployed, the air quality began to improve. The hiss and whine of the system sucking in the dusty, polluted air and expelling a slow, but steady stream of oxygenated, clean air could almost be seen in the way the pollutants could be seen in the air. As the bubbles expanded to take up the whole of the cave, the air quality of the whole became more pure. It was an interesting quirk of physics and chemistry - as the gases mixed, the various parts of the air tended toward a homogeneous mixture. Thus, even cleaning just one part of the system had an effect on the whole. The effect was imperfect, but it would serve for now.

As the Ensign kept to their work, Abas noted that the calm and determined attitude had begun to return to the whole crew. The Ensign seemed competent enough - Abas saw little need to babysit the officer. After all, it was an air purifier, not something complicated like a warp core. As the apocryphal adage went, a good engineer could turn the very rocks into replicators, if the situation was dire enough. He'd only really get concerned if the machine stopped its rhythmic hum or the word "oops" was heard. Abas instead busied himself with his work, treating the patients as a steady stream of victims came to him and the other medical crew. Some had abrasions and injuries from the mine and the collapse, and some unfortunate souls had found themselves on the wrong side of a Klingon Bat'leth. A waste of good blood. He finished cleaning up another of the Jyn, before shooing them away to go find somewhere else to sit. "You're all done. Next patient?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on September 16, 2023, 09:14:20 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Jyn Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

Zhuk groaned as he lifted yet another rock to try and clear the entrances to the mines, assisted by his fellow Security officer. He was panting already from the effort, and the need of his body to obtain more oxygen from the contaminated environment. A task that seemed quite impossible at this point. Still, neither he nor his fellow were willing to give up, both remembering that each time they came across a Jyn, would need to make sure to apply the triage instructions provided by Crewman Th'vyrrol.

After a couple more large pieces, however, he decided to take a break after he placed another rock to the wayside. And this time, his back did sting somewhat. He abhorred having to do it, however. He worried about the lives that he couldn't save the more time he took to clear out the blockage. A sharp hiss exited his mouth, chastizing himself, but still, he remained firm in his convictions as he looked at his officers.

"We shalt take a... 10 minute... rest for the time being. Regain your... strength, Beaux" After this, he returned to Commander Said, doing his best to hide his exhaustion as he approached. When he came by her, he was more than surprised to overhear her talking through the comms, thinking that perhaps the mines would block the signal. That seemed to not be the case, fortunately, as soon enough, a pair of familiar faces appeared.

Head Nurse Davies, and Ensign Cordon arrived with the purifier requested. At seeing his friend, Chloe, Zhuk's mood instantly lighted up, and he offered her an earnest, happy smile. As she explained the reason why Cordon was here too, he hummed. Perhaps it was only Neva who needed to monitor them, but still, he made sure to turn to Beaux. "Let us make sure that we also keep an eye on these machines. Though... Cordon is capable, some more assistance never hurt anybody."

Beaux offered a nod in agreement, and after the purifiers were installed, both returned to work. Now, they could feel the difference as the air quality improve significantly in a few minutes. It allowed them to continue digging through the rock, up until they came across a heavily injured Jyn. Zhuk moved aside as Nira began to talk with him, and Chloe got closer to begin the healing treatment. He wouldn't need to call for Abas, it seemed.

He took a moment to determine if both Klingon and Jyn were truly dead, with Beaux assisting in taking in the pulse by placing a couple of fingers against their necks. Their bodies were deathly cold, however, and he was unsuccessful in finding any other survivor. What he did find were common symbols amongst the Klingon. Emblems that told him they all were united.

As Zhuk lifted a bat'leth to inspect it, and potentially take it alongside him (after all, he had kept a Jem'Hadar kar'takin from his forage in Merek Nor), he turned towards Nira, and asked, "Do we know to whomst do these crests belong to, Commander Said?"

[Commander Nira Said | Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

Nira blinked at realizing that Zhuk had directed a question at her. She tore her eyes from the crests and answered, "They belong to members of the Klingon House of K'Raen, a house of disgrace if I ever saw one. I'm trying to remember what they look like, so I would remember the Klingon House I'm looking at. I've known members of other Klingon Houses, some more honorable than these pigs."

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on September 18, 2023, 04:16:40 AM

[Mines of Moria Kemocite]

As time had gone on, the air had gotten steadily more and more toxic. While efforts had been made to create additional ventilation opportunities throughout the cavern, it was a slow process. The mines had suffered a number of collapses, and even the safest designs could hardly keep up with the dust in the air and the aftermath of a brutal attack. Mines were not meant to be warzones. Wars and battle brought nothing to a planet or a people - small, petty conflicts over territory, bits of cloth, or lines on a map had destroyed countless lives and civilizations over time, and for what? The resources consumed, destroyed, or lost by warfare far outpaced any creation from them. War... what was it good for?

But, putting into place galactic peace was not Abas's duty at the present. Keeping his patients - and the rest of the crew - alive was. Preemptively, Abas had given many of the miners orders to assist with the ventilation project, or if they were not doing anything, instructions to sit down, shut up, and wait for the crew to do their job. Machinery not critical to the efforts was powered down, and non-biologic consumption was brought to an absolute minimum. Usually, as a crewman, Abas wouldn't have the authority to give such orders. In fact, he didn't exactly have the authority even now. But, very rarely in Abas's experience did people argue with the medical crew on matters of health. At least, if they did, it was amazing how much less oxygen someone would take when sedated. Not that he'd had to do it yet, but the power of suggestion should not be discounted.

Minutes later, after the new Ensign had arrived, and the purifier had been deployed, the air quality began to improve. The hiss and whine of the system sucking in the dusty, polluted air and expelling a slow, but steady stream of oxygenated, clean air could almost be seen in the way the pollutants could be seen in the air. As the bubbles expanded to take up the whole of the cave, the air quality of the whole became more pure. It was an interesting quirk of physics and chemistry - as the gases mixed, the various parts of the air tended toward a homogeneous mixture. Thus, even cleaning just one part of the system had an effect on the whole. The effect was imperfect, but it would serve for now.

As the Ensign kept to their work, Abas noted that the calm and determined attitude had begun to return to the whole crew. The Ensign seemed competent enough - Abas saw little need to babysit the officer. After all, it was an air purifier, not something complicated like a warp core. As the apocryphal adage went, a good engineer could turn the very rocks into replicators, if the situation was dire enough. He'd only really get concerned if the machine stopped its rhythmic hum or the word "oops" was heard. Abas instead busied himself with his work, treating the patients as a steady stream of victims came to him and the other medical crew. Some had abrasions and injuries from the mine and the collapse, and some unfortunate souls had found themselves on the wrong side of a Klingon Bat'leth. A waste of good blood. He finished cleaning up another of the Jyn, before shooing them away to go find somewhere else to sit. "You're all done. Next patient?"

Nira gazed as Mister Th'vyrrol did his work. She was intrigued by the Aenar, given he was a telepathic variation of Andorian. She watched on as they did their work, continuing as long as they could before their summons back to their ship.

First Officer's Log, Supplemental. The Jyn's and Kharn's involvements have been confirmed. I say Kharn in that it's an affair of a Klingon House. And a desperate Klingon House at that. Challenger has picked up the crew of the Burke and we've returned to the Burke itself to prepare to tow it back to the nearest starbase. But it's becoming clear that the situation between the Klingons and the Jyn Faisha are getting worse.

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"I think it's perfectly clear who's perpetrating what in this affair," Nira briefed the senior officers. "Commander Mackenzie's interrogation has confirmed what Kharn was doing, as he indicated."

According to Kyan, on his part, the Klingon confessed, after realizing the depth of his dishonor, that Kharn has been growing desperate, under the shadow of denial of glory to his House. The House of K'Raen has fallen on hard times since the end of the Dominion War, and has been reduced in power and wealth. While not yet financially insolvent, the K'Raen is perilously close to dishonor. As such, it has led to Kharn to plunder and attack the Jyn Faisha. The Jyn in particular since Kharn sees them as easy prey, rather than risk the wrath of other prominent smaller powers like the Kzinti Matriarchy or the Gorn Hegemony, or worse, the Federation.

Once the Burke officers had been put aboard and sheltered, a briefing was called and the senior officers gathered. Kyan was at her side and they both conducted the briefing before the senior staff and Commander McCarthy, seeing as his superior officers were still being treated in Sickbay. Nira wanted to discuss this while they were heading for the Burke itself.

"Yes, Commander, we know about the Jyn firing on the Burke," said Nira when Commander McCarthy spoke up, "but considering they had been constantly attacked by Klingons, and because your transponder wasn't working, because they didn't recognize you, it should be obvious. Besides, Mister Astin has mentioned, as he has been treated, that he had ordered the firing on the Burke, thinking it was a hostile, owing to not being recognized.

"Considering the desperate actions of a Klingon House," said Nira, "I can presume that despite the actions of one house, it's going to lead to war between the Jyn Faisha and the Klingons, regardless of the actions of a House or not."

Nira took in the immediate discussions between senior officers, looking from Captain Galloway to Doctor Fellows, from Commander Tharn to Lieutenant Espada, still disgruntled about Ensign Denton, and from Lieutenant Jyur, acting for Lieutenant Randall, who was taking charge of the Bridge, to Commander Catalan. Amidst the discussions, Randall called in.

=/\="Senior officers, report to the bridge." =/\=

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Once the senior officers came out, Randall reported. "Sirs, long range sensors have detected two fleets incoming. Klingon and Jyn Faisha signatures. The Jyn are sending half a dozen of their cruisers and their attachment ships. As for the Klingons, we estimate more than a dozen ships. Seven Birds of Prey, Four K'tingas, two Death Rites and two Ravenous flagships."

Nira held in her breath. With the signatures pulled up on a tactical screen showing the signatures of the different kinds of Klingon ships, she couldn't decide whether it was a tactical advantage of disadvantage. On the one hand, there were huge numbers. Enough that Nira figured that it had to have been the entirety of House K'Raen's fleet. She wasn't surprised if the Birds of Prey would all be hundred year old B'Rels. Death Rites, of course, were the precursors of the Vor'cha class cruisers and would be just as easy as the K'Tingas. The ships to worry about most were the Ravenous flagships, the early big lugs. Nira felt these were ships to be handfuls...and with a jolt, she had memories of her first ever battle: when the Athena faced down a handful of ships the Liberation, a dissident Federation splinter group, had stolen from the Mothball Fleet. But this time, it was going to be a standoff between two factions. She looked at Captain Galloway in horror...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on September 18, 2023, 09:50:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Once the senior officers came out, Randall reported. "Sirs, long range sensors have detected two fleets incoming. Klingon and Jyn Faisha signatures. The Jyn are sending half a dozen of their cruisers and their attachment ships. As for the Klingons, we estimate more than a dozen ships. Seven Birds of Prey, Four K'tingas, two Death Rites and two Ravenous flagships."

Nira held in her breath. With the signatures pulled up on a tactical screen showing the signatures of the different kinds of Klingon ships, she couldn't decide whether it was a tactical advantage of disadvantage. On the one hand, there were huge numbers. Enough that Nira figured that it had to have been the entirety of House K'Raen's fleet. She wasn't surprised if the Birds of Prey would all be hundred year old B'Rels. Death Rites, of course, were the precursors of the Vor'cha class cruisers and would be just as easy as the K'Tingas. The ships to worry about most were the Ravenous flagships, the early big lugs. Nira felt these were ships to be handfuls...and with a jolt, she had memories of her first ever battle: when the Athena faced down a handful of ships the Liberation, a dissident Federation splinter group, had stolen from the Mothball Fleet. But this time, it was going to be a standoff between two factions. She looked at Captain Galloway in horror...

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's expression matched that of Nira's as the gravity of the impending battle sunk in. He had to come up with an answer that didn't result in bloodshed.

"Nira, you've worked with Klingons more than I have. Governor Kras has obviously sided with Kharn against the Jyn. What can we do ta fracture that alliance?"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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