S:5 E:14 - Conflict of Interest

Started by Ian Galloway, August 14, 2023, 10:23:44 AM

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Neva Cordon

[USS Challenger-Mjollnir]

Neva bobbed a nod to the Chief and Lt. Jerris, murmuring "No Sir, I doubt it very highly."
She waited for everyone to leave the Flyer before getting to work. Shucking the jacket, she set her kit down on the chair Denton had unfortunately vacated. She took a tricorder from a panel in the shuttle and came back to the helm.
She felt tired from the ordeal, but knew this was part and parcel of what she chose to do with her life. She smiled a little and began her work, making notes on a PADD she'd also found in the ship.

[Jyn Kemocite Mines|Jyn Colony|Iota Thelonis IX]

Having gotten Chief Tharn the information on the Mjollnir, Neva then joined Nurse Davies to go to the Jyn Colony. Thanking the Gods for the coffee she'd managed to get on the way to meet the nurse, she smiled to herself as she remembered her dad's favorite name for the stuff-"EJ's Wake-em-up Juice." Whoever EJ was, she blessed him as well. The creation was a time honored delicacy.

Neva put the back of her hand over her nose and mouth, fighting to cough. The air was so...wrong. She greeted Zhuk with a nod, and when told Beaux would help her, she tried to smile."Thank you for your assistance, Sir." She managed to get out. Locating the necessary power resources, she set to work getting the purifiers online. Hearing them hum to life was a beautiful sound, and she let out a relieved sigh as more breathable air came towards her. She smiled and gave a thumbs up to punctuate the joy she always felt when she put something together again.
After monitoring things for a while, she smiled in satisfaction. It was at this point she looked around. She'd never seen a mine for real before, and this was HUUUGGEEEE! When she caught sight of the people, her enjoyment fizzled away with her smile. She was here due to suffering and pain. Now that she wasn't engrossed, those emotions crashed over her and her eyes teared up. She whipped back to the purifiers, making it look like she was still working on them as she dried her eyes.
Composed once more, she put her kit over her shoulder and walked to where Commander Said was. "Commander, is there anything else you'd like me to do? Should I go help with the uh...wounded?"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Jyn Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

Quote from: Nira Said on September 18, 2023, 09:50:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

Nira blinked at realizing that Zhuk had directed a question at her. She tore her eyes from the crests and answered, "They belong to members of the Klingon House of K'Raen, a house of disgrace if I ever saw one. I'm trying to remember what they look like, so I would remember the Klingon House I'm looking at. I've known members of other Klingon Houses, some more honorable than these pigs."

"Duly noted, Commander."

Zhuk glanced over to his newly acquired weapon, and then over to the crests. 'House of K'Raen', huh? He was certainly not an expert on Klingon culture, but this seemed to be a dishonorable house. To destroy a colony that barely would be able to defend itself against a Bird of Prey, at least, as far as he understood, was undoubtedly a shallow bar. Then again, he had heard Klingons come from all walks of life. So maybe these guys were indeed no longer part of the greater Klingon Empire and instead disgraceful things.

He gave himself a personal note: investigate more about Klingons.

He had to, after all, he was taking the bat'leth alongside him. And if he wanted to be able to employ it properly, he would require some training on it. Ultimately, he felt no shame taking this weapon alongside him. It would have certainly been much better to acquire one such blade from a warrior that he had felled, he believed. But, mayhaps, he would have a chance to soon enough.

He slung the weapon against his back, before returning to his duties, assisting the Jyn to the best of his capabilities with Beaux. Finally, though, a certain peace was reached, as most debris were cleared, and all who could be saved were. No doubt, thanks to the assistance of Abas and Chloe with their expertise, and Neva's dutiful upkeep of the air purifiers. So, they were recalled back into the USS Challenger, to await further instructions.

Quote from: Nira Said on September 18, 2023, 09:50:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"I think it's perfectly clear who's perpetrating what in this affair," Nira briefed the senior officers. "Commander Mackenzie's interrogation has confirmed what Kharn was doing, as he indicated."

According to Kyan, on his part, the Klingon confessed, after realizing the depth of his dishonor, that Kharn has been growing desperate, under the shadow of denial of glory to his House. The House of K'Raen has fallen on hard times since the end of the Dominion War, and has been reduced in power and wealth. While not yet financially insolvent, the K'Raen is perilously close to dishonor. As such, it has led to Kharn to plunder and attack the Jyn Faisha. The Jyn in particular since Kharn sees them as easy prey, rather than risk the wrath of other prominent smaller powers like the Kzinti Matriarchy or the Gorn Hegemony, or worse, the Federation.

Once the Burke officers had been put aboard and sheltered, a briefing was called and the senior officers gathered. Kyan was at her side and they both conducted the briefing before the senior staff and Commander McCarthy, seeing as his superior officers were still being treated in Sickbay. Nira wanted to discuss this while they were heading for the Burke itself.

"Yes, Commander, we know about the Jyn firing on the Burke," said Nira when Commander McCarthy spoke up, "but considering they had been constantly attacked by Klingons, and because your transponder wasn't working, because they didn't recognize you, it should be obvious. Besides, Mister Astin has mentioned, as he has been treated, that he had ordered the firing on the Burke, thinking it was a hostile, owing to not being recognized.

"Considering the desperate actions of a Klingon House," said Nira, "I can presume that despite the actions of one house, it's going to lead to war between the Jyn Faisha and the Klingons, regardless of the actions of a House or not."

Nira took in the immediate discussions between senior officers, looking from Captain Galloway to Doctor Fellows, from Commander Tharn to Lieutenant Espada, still disgruntled about Ensign Denton, and from Lieutenant Jyur, acting for Lieutenant Randall, who was taking charge of the Bridge, to Commander Catalan. Amidst the discussions, Randall called in.

=/\="Senior officers, report to the bridge." =/\=

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk listened intently to the explanation provided by Commander Said as to the actions of the Klingon House that had attacked the planet. His face remained completely expressionless the whole time, his ears directed towards her, letting her know his whole attention was devoted to this explanation. He couldn't help but laugh in his mind at the comment of the Kzinti Matriarchy being too much for the House of K'Raen to handle. He personally did not know any Kzinti, nor had seen one in person, but he had heard of how tough and aggressive they were. Warriors, like the Caitans, except that much more brutal and cruel. He wondered how meeting one would go. Perhaps badly, but that was something that he expected would happen in the future. Learning about a culture with ancestry related to his own would certainly be quite an experience he would treasure.

And perhaps the Kzinti were quite beautiful, right? Mrowl~

When the rest of the officers from the Burke were brought in, and once more heard the conversation silently. Up until its end, where he proceeded to raise his hand to get a word in, "I still would believe that the crew of the USS Burke deserve some reparations by the Jyn. After they recover from their current situation, of course. Lives were lost and equipment was heavily damaged. While I do understand their desperation, and the circumstances that led up to the loss of the USS Burke, we cannot turn a blind eye to these actions, especially as we aided with the collapse of their mines and their wounded."

He allowed his speech to settle, hoping that the Commander and the Captain would take it into account. However, an unexpected call from the bridge soon caused him to head there, with the rest of the officers.

Quote from: Nira Said on September 18, 2023, 09:50:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Once the senior officers came out, Randall reported. "Sirs, long range sensors have detected two fleets incoming. Klingon and Jyn Faisha signatures. The Jyn are sending half a dozen of their cruisers and their attachment ships. As for the Klingons, we estimate more than a dozen ships. Seven Birds of Prey, Four K'tingas, two Death Rites and two Ravenous flagships."

Nira held in her breath. With the signatures pulled up on a tactical screen showing the signatures of the different kinds of Klingon ships, she couldn't decide whether it was a tactical advantage of disadvantage. On the one hand, there were huge numbers. Enough that Nira figured that it had to have been the entirety of House K'Raen's fleet. She wasn't surprised if the Birds of Prey would all be hundred year old B'Rels. Death Rites, of course, were the precursors of the Vor'cha class cruisers and would be just as easy as the K'Tingas. The ships to worry about most were the Ravenous flagships, the early big lugs. Nira felt these were ships to be handfuls...and with a jolt, she had memories of her first ever battle: when the Athena faced down a handful of ships the Liberation, a dissident Federation splinter group, had stolen from the Mothball Fleet. But this time, it was going to be a standoff between two factions. She looked at Captain Galloway in horror...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 19, 2023, 01:53:06 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's expression matched that of Nira's as the gravity of the impending battle sunk in. He had to come up with an answer that didn't result in bloodshed.

"Nira, you've worked with Klingons more than I have. Governor Kras has obviously sided with Kharn against the Jyn. What can we do ta fracture that alliance?"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Horrid news all around. Two huge fleets engaged in mortal combat over resources and glory. And their own survival. Zhuk was quite worried himself, even though he did not show it, as to what would happen if the two engaged. Massive loss of life, for sure. Yet, it seemed inevitable, considering how things were going. He prepared himself for the orders to man the weapons and to assist the Jyn, most likely, but instead, Captain Galloway asked Nira if there could be any way for the Klingon's alliance to break.

He tilted an eyebrow at that, hands on his back. What was the Captain planning?

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 19, 2023, 01:53:06 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's expression matched that of Nira's as the gravity of the impending battle sunk in. He had to come up with an answer that didn't result in bloodshed.

"Nira, you've worked with Klingons more than I have. Governor Kras has obviously sided with Kharn against the Jyn. What can we do ta fracture that alliance?"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on September 21, 2023, 02:34:02 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Jyn Kemocite Mines | Jyn Colony | Iota Thelonis IX]

"Duly noted, Commander."

Zhuk glanced over to his newly acquired weapon, and then over to the crests. 'House of K'Raen', huh? He was certainly not an expert on Klingon culture, but this seemed to be a dishonorable house. To destroy a colony that barely would be able to defend itself against a Bird of Prey, at least, as far as he understood, was undoubtedly a shallow bar. Then again, he had heard Klingons come from all walks of life. So maybe these guys were indeed no longer part of the greater Klingon Empire and instead disgraceful things.

He gave himself a personal note: investigate more about Klingons.

He had to, after all, he was taking the bat'leth alongside him. And if he wanted to be able to employ it properly, he would require some training on it. Ultimately, he felt no shame taking this weapon alongside him. It would have certainly been much better to acquire one such blade from a warrior that he had felled, he believed. But, mayhaps, he would have a chance to soon enough.

He slung the weapon against his back, before returning to his duties, assisting the Jyn to the best of his capabilities with Beaux. Finally, though, a certain peace was reached, as most debris were cleared, and all who could be saved were. No doubt, thanks to the assistance of Abas and Chloe with their expertise, and Neva's dutiful upkeep of the air purifiers. So, they were recalled back into the USS Challenger, to await further instructions.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk listened intently to the explanation provided by Commander Said as to the actions of the Klingon House that had attacked the planet. His face remained completely expressionless the whole time, his ears directed towards her, letting her know his whole attention was devoted to this explanation. He couldn't help but laugh in his mind at the comment of the Kzinti Matriarchy being too much for the House of K'Raen to handle. He personally did not know any Kzinti, nor had seen one in person, but he had heard of how tough and aggressive they were. Warriors, like the Caitans, except that much more brutal and cruel. He wondered how meeting one would go. Perhaps badly, but that was something that he expected would happen in the future. Learning about a culture with ancestry related to his own would certainly be quite an experience he would treasure.

And perhaps the Kzinti were quite beautiful, right? Mrowl~

When the rest of the officers from the Burke were brought in, and once more heard the conversation silently. Up until its end, where he proceeded to raise his hand to get a word in, "I still would believe that the crew of the USS Burke deserve some reparations by the Jyn. After they recover from their current situation, of course. Lives were lost and equipment was heavily damaged. While I do understand their desperation, and the circumstances that led up to the loss of the USS Burke, we cannot turn a blind eye to these actions, especially as we aided with the collapse of their mines and their wounded."

He allowed his speech to settle, hoping that the Commander and the Captain would take it into account. However, an unexpected call from the bridge soon caused him to head there, with the rest of the officers.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Horrid news all around. Two huge fleets engaged in mortal combat over resources and glory. And their own survival. Zhuk was quite worried himself, even though he did not show it, as to what would happen if the two engaged. Massive loss of life, for sure. Yet, it seemed inevitable, considering how things were going. He prepared himself for the orders to man the weapons and to assist the Jyn, most likely, but instead, Captain Galloway asked Nira if there could be any way for the Klingon's alliance to break.

He tilted an eyebrow at that, hands on his back. What was the Captain planning?

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had noticed as Zhuk took position next to Kyan. Captain Galloway's question about the Klingon House members she knew definitely got attention.

"We're going to need help," she said. "This is a matter from a House. As such, we need to get in touch with some more powerful Houses, and I know a handful of Klingons from some powerful Houses. It seems that the Klingons have a preference in internal squabbles among Houses when not at war with forces without. And the prominent Houses I know..."

She looked over at the Ops station to Commander Catalan and Aarwendil... "Ops, can you get in touch with the IKS Taj'Hu, under command of Kohor of the House of Korath? If he's still in command of that ship, tell him The Princess needs to get in touch with him."

She looked around and told Ian, "Well, the Klingons, and jollily as it is, nicknamed me 'Princess,' probably both as a joke and as a term of great respect, seeing as they respect members of Houses, especially Houses of Betazed, but at that time, I didn't know what House of Betazed I belonged to..."

It was some time later, but a response had come through. In fact, Kohor was such a good friend of Nira that he was on the way in an instant.

Soon, the Klingons had arrived. The fleet led by Kharn. They had arrived first.

Nira got a good look at the ships. These were definitely old. Most of them were pockmarked or even rusty-looking. Veterans of the Dominion War, Nira figured. They looked so woebegone, it made her cringe. Was the House of K'Raen so financially destitute that they couldn't keep their ships in maintenance?

Only the Ravenouses, the Death Rites, and three Birds of Prey looked to be in good condition. Nira figured one was Kharn's ship, one was the ship that saved his butt, and one ambushed Jyur and his team in their search for the Burke.

"ETA for the Jyn ships in twelve minutes," Commander Catalan commented. "Sirs! There are a handful more of Klingon ships approaching...!"

Four more Klingon ships dropped out of warp...and stopped in the path of the ragamuffin fleet, going in a formation to stop their path, parking alongside the Challenger. Two K-32 cruisers and two Mat'Ha Raptors, state of the art Klingon ships as they are.

"The lead ship is hailing us."

The viewscreen pulled up a Klingon that beamed at Nira's sight.

"Well met again, Princess," Commander Kohor said jollily.

"Same to you, Commander," said Nira. Kohor had expressed a most joyous bark at hearing the news she was now a First Officer. "One who serves the Captain but stands for the crew. It's well deserved," he had said.

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As Clan Cheiftan Austus was brought to the conference room, Kohor's glare kept Kharn from leaping at him. Kras was scowling but was wary. It was certainly obvious to him that something was going on. Nira looked at Captain Galloway and back over.

"You better have good reason to summon us," Austus snarled.

"And I couldn't agree more," growled Kras.

"What are the Houses up to these days!" snarled Kharn. "Especially the son of a tinkerer!"

"I'll have you know, petaQ," snapped Kohor, "that the tinkerer in question is now conferred with your own father. And Korath is a much respected man, despite old grievances and his preference to temporal experimentation. But we're getting ahead of ourselves."

"I have called in Kohor of the House of Korath to determine a matter, Governor," Nira explained. "Kharn here has been acting in a dishonorable fashion..."

"You lying witch!" snarled Kharn and made to stand, only for Kohor to force him back down. The differences were so obvous; Kohor was a huge man and Kharn was a definite weasel, and there was no doubt Kohor would crush him if he so chose.

"Insult her again and you will answer to me," Kohor growled.

"At least the House of Korath has such honorable inrodes to make up for Korath's past actions," Kras said with a shrug.

"Now, Khran claimes the Jyn have been attacking him," Nira said. "Well, how can Kharn explain these?"

She pulled up the scans, the logs, everything to indicate that Kharn had been the aggressor, the thief.

"This is a trick!" snapped Kharn.

"I have seen this for myself," Kohor said. "So has my father Korath, son of Monak. Why else do you think he's dealing with K'Raen now, just as I with you?"

"Furthermore, we have the testimony of a survivor who has realized his honor is on the line," said Nira.

"Whoever the traitor, I will have his head! And yours!" said Kharn, still attempting to rise, but Nira had already put a boot up on the table, tapping her finger to where she had her dagger.

"You want to try it, Kharn, you petaQ?" said Nira hard and angrily. "Name the time and place. I can guarantee you will meet your match."

"And she will do it, and if she doesn't, I will," Kohor sneered.

Kharn looked back and forth between Nira and Kohor and for the first time became wary of Nira. There was no denying the resolve in her voice. He could hear the hardness, and the way she looked, there was no doubt she could do it. He leaned back and kept his peace while he got what was coming to him.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Abas had returned from the planet's surface to Sickbay. The assistance the Challenger crew had provided, supplemented by the dilligent work of the survivors and first responders of the planet, had managed to stabilize the situation to the point that the local infrastructure could handle the surge. Leaving behind some Federation aid equipment, the crew was safely back underway. The crew responding to the mines had handled themselves well - from the engineers to security and everyone in between.

However, now was a return to waiting. The response to the planet had depleted a number of the sickbay's ready stocks of critical aid resources - bandages, hyposprays, and other forms of common treatments. Thus, sickbay remained busy, restocking the supplies, replicating what they could, and fetching from storerooms elsewhere what they had reserves of on hand. It wasn't exciting, but logistics were important. The senior staff had been summoned to the bridge, and so some of the attending crew were holding down the fort, not that anything appeared to be happening. As the restocking efforts completed, Abas engaged in the time-honored tradition of hurry-up-and-wait that seemed so common to the service life. He wandered off to one of the corners, pulling out a chair and retrieving a PADD. The ship seemed to have quite the history to it - a history that Abas was interested in learning more about. He began parsing through the old medical officer's logs, familiarizing himself with the crew, the ship, and the previous adventures.

Cole Shepard


Cole couldn't believe his ears as he sat at the helm, coordinates at the ready to get them the hell out of there. First they had had to fight the Klingons. Then they had to outrun them to reach Iota Thelonis IV-B. Now the Captain wanted to try to "negotiate" with them? And bring in even more Klingons?

I guess there's a reason he's a captain and been in Starfleet this long. he thought to himself as he relaxed just a little but still had everything ready to go. Hell, they could jump out of here with the Klingons on board. Art least they wouldn't get shot then.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on September 23, 2023, 11:19:17 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had noticed as Zhuk took position next to Kyan. Captain Galloway's question about the Klingon House members she knew definitely got attention.

"We're going to need help," she said. "This is a matter from a House. As such, we need to get in touch with some more powerful Houses, and I know a handful of Klingons from some powerful Houses. It seems that the Klingons have a preference in internal squabbles among Houses when not at war with forces without. And the prominent Houses I know..."

She looked over at the Ops station to Commander Catalan and Aarwendil... "Ops, can you get in touch with the IKS Taj'Hu, under command of Kohor of the House of Korath? If he's still in command of that ship, tell him The Princess needs to get in touch with him."

She looked around and told Ian, "Well, the Klingons, and jollily as it is, nicknamed me 'Princess,' probably both as a joke and as a term of great respect, seeing as they respect members of Houses, especially Houses of Betazed, but at that time, I didn't know what House of Betazed I belonged to..."

It was some time later, but a response had come through. In fact, Kohor was such a good friend of Nira that he was on the way in an instant.

Soon, the Klingons had arrived. The fleet led by Kharn. They had arrived first.

Nira got a good look at the ships. These were definitely old. Most of them were pockmarked or even rusty-looking. Veterans of the Dominion War, Nira figured. They looked so woebegone, it made her cringe. Was the House of K'Raen so financially destitute that they couldn't keep their ships in maintenance?

Only the Ravenouses, the Death Rites, and three Birds of Prey looked to be in good condition. Nira figured one was Kharn's ship, one was the ship that saved his butt, and one ambushed Jyur and his team in their search for the Burke.

"ETA for the Jyn ships in twelve minutes," Commander Catalan commented. "Sirs! There are a handful more of Klingon ships approaching...!"

Four more Klingon ships dropped out of warp...and stopped in the path of the ragamuffin fleet, going in a formation to stop their path, parking alongside the Challenger. Two K-32 cruisers and two Mat'Ha Raptors, state of the art Klingon ships as they are.

"The lead ship is hailing us."

The viewscreen pulled up a Klingon that beamed at Nira's sight.

"Well met again, Princess," Commander Kohor said jollily.

"Same to you, Commander," said Nira. Kohor had expressed a most joyous bark at hearing the news she was now a First Officer. "One who serves the Captain but stands for the crew. It's well deserved," he had said.

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As Clan Cheiftan Austus was brought to the conference room, Kohor's glare kept Kharn from leaping at him. Kras was scowling but was wary. It was certainly obvious to him that something was going on. Nira looked at Captain Galloway and back over.

"You better have good reason to summon us," Austus snarled.

"And I couldn't agree more," growled Kras.

"What are the Houses up to these days!" snarled Kharn. "Especially the son of a tinkerer!"

"I'll have you know, petaQ," snapped Kohor, "that the tinkerer in question is now conferred with your own father. And Korath is a much respected man, despite old grievances and his preference to temporal experimentation. But we're getting ahead of ourselves."

"I have called in Kohor of the House of Korath to determine a matter, Governor," Nira explained. "Kharn here has been acting in a dishonorable fashion..."

"You lying witch!" snarled Kharn and made to stand, only for Kohor to force him back down. The differences were so obvous; Kohor was a huge man and Kharn was a definite weasel, and there was no doubt Kohor would crush him if he so chose.

"Insult her again and you will answer to me," Kohor growled.

"At least the House of Korath has such honorable inrodes to make up for Korath's past actions," Kras said with a shrug.

"Now, Khran claimes the Jyn have been attacking him," Nira said. "Well, how can Kharn explain these?"

She pulled up the scans, the logs, everything to indicate that Kharn had been the aggressor, the thief.

"This is a trick!" snapped Kharn.

"I have seen this for myself," Kohor said. "So has my father Korath, son of Monak. Why else do you think he's dealing with K'Raen now, just as I with you?"

"Furthermore, we have the testimony of a survivor who has realized his honor is on the line," said Nira.

"Whoever the traitor, I will have his head! And yours!" said Kharn, still attempting to rise, but Nira had already put a boot up on the table, tapping her finger to where she had her dagger.

"You want to try it, Kharn, you petaQ?" said Nira hard and angrily. "Name the time and place. I can guarantee you will meet your match."

"And she will do it, and if she doesn't, I will," Kohor sneered.

Kharn looked back and forth between Nira and Kohor and for the first time became wary of Nira. There was no denying the resolve in her voice. He could hear the hardness, and the way she looked, there was no doubt she could do it. He leaned back and kept his peace while he got what was coming to him.

Quote from: Cole Shepard on September 24, 2023, 04:27:31 PM


Cole couldn't believe his ears as he sat at the helm, coordinates at the ready to get them the hell out of there. First they had had to fight the Klingons. Then they had to outrun them to reach Iota Thelonis IV-B. Now the Captain wanted to try to "negotiate" with them? And bring in even more Klingons?

I guess there's a reason he's a captain and been in Starfleet this long. he thought to himself as he relaxed just a little but still had everything ready to go. Hell, they could jump out of here with the Klingons on board. Art least they wouldn't get shot then.

[Bridge --> Conference Room - USS Challenger]

As soon as the House of Korath ships arrived, Ian had the Challenger take up position with them between the ships of Kras and Kharn and the Jyn. This show of force was enough to bring the two sides to the conference room of the Challenger to try and break the impasse between factions. After much posturing and bluster, Ian finally had a break in the talking to speak.

"Alright. This is where we are. Each of you have fairly decent ships, but all of them are older models that would beat the hell out of each other. However, none of you, even combined, can match Challenger and House Korath. We'd rather not slaughter the lot of you and I'm fair certain none of you would look fond of bein' on the receivin' end of that slaughter.

"Now, we have undeniable proof that the House of K'Raen is the aggressor here-"

"Lies!" Kharn bellowed.

"Silence!" Kohor snapped back. "Let the Earther speak!"

"-We have sensor logs, eye witnesses, and chemical analysis of the Kemocite to prove that House K'Raen has been stealin' from the Jyn. Now, I get that Kemocite is a valuable commodity, but I'm certain, somewhere on one of the systems K'Raen controls had summat worth tradin'."

Ian paused to eye Kharn very hard to see if he would speak, when all he did was scowl, Ian continued.

"I had my science officer go through the commodities you have on hand Kharn and what ta my surprise was he reported that it seems you have access ta a fairly decent supply of Ryetalyn. Now, I've been informed that Klingons are immune ta Rigelian fever, but the Jyn, and many species of the Federation are not. I propose, that you Chieftain Austus can trade your Kemocite for Rytalyn, which you can either use, or trade within the Federation.

"I get both sides have little reason ta trust each other, however, I believe that if overseen by House Korath, a neutral party, everyone should walk away with what they need with the added bonus that no one else has ta die today. Now, this is where I would normally ask is this acceptable? However, in this case, I'm nae goin' ta ask. Based on consultation with Kohor, this is what you are goin' ta do or I will have the lot of you beamed back ta your ships, then Challenger and the House of Korath ships will systematically cripple every ship you have here and leave you stranded, together on Iota Thelonis IV-B, about as crappy a dung hill planet as exists in this quadrant."

"You wouldn't dare." Governor Kras growled.

"But I would." Kohor growled back.

The tone of Kohor's voice made it clear he was deadly serious and that took the steam out of Kras, Kharn, and Austus. When no objections were made, Ian pulled out a PADD and added.

"The contract is here. Once you all apply your thumbprints, these proceedings will be concluded."

As those present applied their thumbprints, Ian reflected silently.

"This has got ta be the most heavy handed negotiations ever, but it is fair and no one dies, so, I'm fine with it."

With the contract signed, all the parties beamed back to their ships and broke off to their usual areas of assignment. Kohor had remained on the bridge of the Challenger until all the would be combatant ships had gone to warp before he shook hands with Ian.

"You have a ruthless streak Captain. Almost worthy of a Klingon."

"Thank you Commander. You have no idea how much I appreciate your backup."

"The Princess called, it was my duty to respond. Qapla' Captain!"

"Qapla' Commander."

Kohor then returned to his ship. The ships cloaked, whether they left or not, Ian didn't scan to verify, but he doubted that all the Koroth ships had left. With the crisis passed, Ian sighed in relief and said.

"Helm, make your course 139 mark 25. Warp eight. We've an appointment with the Romulan border."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 24, 2023, 05:15:20 PM

[Bridge --> Conference Room - USS Challenger]

As soon as the House of Korath ships arrived, Ian had the Challenger take up position with them between the ships of Kras and Kharn and the Jyn. This show of force was enough to bring the two sides to the conference room of the Challenger to try and break the impasse between factions. After much posturing and bluster, Ian finally had a break in the talking to speak.

"Alright. This is where we are. Each of you have fairly decent ships, but all of them are older models that would beat the hell out of each other. However, none of you, even combined, can match Challenger and House Korath. We'd rather not slaughter the lot of you and I'm fair certain none of you would look fond of bein' on the receivin' end of that slaughter.

"Now, we have undeniable proof that the House of K'Raen is the aggressor here-"

"Lies!" Kharn bellowed.

"Silence!" Kohor snapped back. "Let the Earther speak!"

"-We have sensor logs, eye witnesses, and chemical analysis of the Kemocite to prove that House K'Raen has been stealin' from the Jyn. Now, I get that Kemocite is a valuable commodity, but I'm certain, somewhere on one of the systems K'Raen controls had summat worth tradin'."

Ian paused to eye Kharn very hard to see if he would speak, when all he did was scowl, Ian continued.

"I had my science officer go through the commodities you have on hand Kharn and what ta my surprise was he reported that it seems you have access ta a fairly decent supply of Ryetalyn. Now, I've been informed that Klingons are immune ta Rigelian fever, but the Jyn, and many species of the Federation are not. I propose, that you Chieftain Austus can trade your Kemocite for Rytalyn, which you can either use, or trade within the Federation.

"I get both sides have little reason ta trust each other, however, I believe that if overseen by House Korath, a neutral party, everyone should walk away with what they need with the added bonus that no one else has ta die today. Now, this is where I would normally ask is this acceptable? However, in this case, I'm nae goin' ta ask. Based on consultation with Kohor, this is what you are goin' ta do or I will have the lot of you beamed back ta your ships, then Challenger and the House of Korath ships will systematically cripple every ship you have here and leave you stranded, together on Iota Thelonis IV-B, about as crappy a dung hill planet as exists in this quadrant."

"You wouldn't dare." Governor Kras growled.

"But I would." Kohor growled back.

The tone of Kohor's voice made it clear he was deadly serious and that took the steam out of Kras, Kharn, and Austus. When no objections were made, Ian pulled out a PADD and added.

"The contract is here. Once you all apply your thumbprints, these proceedings will be concluded."

As those present applied their thumbprints, Ian reflected silently.

"This has got ta be the most heavy handed negotiations ever, but it is fair and no one dies, so, I'm fine with it."

With the contract signed, all the parties beamed back to their ships and broke off to their usual areas of assignment. Kohor had remained on the bridge of the Challenger until all the would be combatant ships had gone to warp before he shook hands with Ian.

"You have a ruthless streak Captain. Almost worthy of a Klingon."

"Thank you Commander. You have no idea how much I appreciate your backup."

"The Princess called, it was my duty to respond. Qapla' Captain!"

"Qapla' Commander."

Kohor then returned to his ship. The ships cloaked, whether they left or not, Ian didn't scan to verify, but he doubted that all the Koroth ships had left. With the crisis passed, Ian sighed in relief and said.

"Helm, make your course 139 mark 25. Warp eight. We've an appointment with the Romulan border."

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira never once set her finger off her dagger sheathed in her boot until the settlement was reached. Her cold eyes never left Kharn's, and she was sure he was squirming every time he looked at her. She looked at Captain Galloway and could see the relief in his body language. She nodded at him in reassurance. Kohor remained after the parties left the ship and Nira was at his side, out of nostalgia, talking about the good old days of her officer exchange until the ships left. Once he indicated his leaving, Nira said, "I'll be escorting him to the transporter room, if it's all right, Captain. See him off."

As they walked, Kohor was expressing his admiration of Galloway to Nira when a call came from Korath himself.

"Has it been resolved, my boy?" he asked.

"Very much. Captain Galloway had arranged it admirably. In a way, he reminds me of another Starfleet Captain you used to know," Kohor said.

"Oh, I heard plenty about Captain Galloway. He's no Jean-Luc Picard," Korath said, with a hint of grudging admiration, the sound of someone who regarded another party as a rival. That piqued Nira's interest; was Korath to Captain Picard as Kor, Koloth and/or Kang was to Captain Kirk a long time ago? "Sound of him, he makes Picard look more like James Kirk, a worthy man."

"He is, Father," Kohor said with a smile. "I was glad that a friend of mine can introduce him to me."

"The girl you talked about so much?"

Nira beamed. Korath sounded crotchety, more so on the subject of Picard, but good-natured for the most part.

"And K'Raen?"

"An old friend in need of a reminder of honor, destitute nearing as it is." Korath sounded a little sad on that subject. "At least I can set him in his ways. We'd best remain here until the situation improves. At least we'll be more reasonable than Kharn's compatriots."

"Under cloak, ideally," Kohor added. "Of course. We can have the TajHu and the Boreth stay around."

Nira nodded in understanding, catching Kohor's eye.

"I'll see you shortly, then," he said.

At the transporter room, Nira bade farewell and returned to the bridge just as the ships cloaked and Captain Galloway ordered Mister Shepherd on the course. Looking back at the Burke locked in tractor beam and then began thinking back to having meeting an old friend again.

"Well, Kohor is a good man, he'll make sure things work okay," Nira said assuredly.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on September 23, 2023, 11:19:17 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had noticed as Zhuk took position next to Kyan. Captain Galloway's question about the Klingon House members she knew definitely got attention.

"We're going to need help," she said. "This is a matter from a House. As such, we need to get in touch with some more powerful Houses, and I know a handful of Klingons from some powerful Houses. It seems that the Klingons have a preference in internal squabbles among Houses when not at war with forces without. And the prominent Houses I know..."

She looked over at the Ops station to Commander Catalan and Aarwendil... "Ops, can you get in touch with the IKS Taj'Hu, under command of Kohor of the House of Korath? If he's still in command of that ship, tell him The Princess needs to get in touch with him."

She looked around and told Ian, "Well, the Klingons, and jollily as it is, nicknamed me 'Princess,' probably both as a joke and as a term of great respect, seeing as they respect members of Houses, especially Houses of Betazed, but at that time, I didn't know what House of Betazed I belonged to..."

It was some time later, but a response had come through. In fact, Kohor was such a good friend of Nira that he was on the way in an instant.

Soon, the Klingons had arrived. The fleet led by Kharn. They had arrived first.

Nira got a good look at the ships. These were definitely old. Most of them were pockmarked or even rusty-looking. Veterans of the Dominion War, Nira figured. They looked so woebegone, it made her cringe. Was the House of K'Raen so financially destitute that they couldn't keep their ships in maintenance?

Only the Ravenouses, the Death Rites, and three Birds of Prey looked to be in good condition. Nira figured one was Kharn's ship, one was the ship that saved his butt, and one ambushed Jyur and his team in their search for the Burke.

"ETA for the Jyn ships in twelve minutes," Commander Catalan commented. "Sirs! There are a handful more of Klingon ships approaching...!"

Four more Klingon ships dropped out of warp...and stopped in the path of the ragamuffin fleet, going in a formation to stop their path, parking alongside the Challenger. Two K-32 cruisers and two Mat'Ha Raptors, state of the art Klingon ships as they are.

"The lead ship is hailing us."

The viewscreen pulled up a Klingon that beamed at Nira's sight.

"Well met again, Princess," Commander Kohor said jollily.

"Same to you, Commander," said Nira. Kohor had expressed a most joyous bark at hearing the news she was now a First Officer. "One who serves the Captain but stands for the crew. It's well deserved," he had said.

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As Clan Cheiftan Austus was brought to the conference room, Kohor's glare kept Kharn from leaping at him. Kras was scowling but was wary. It was certainly obvious to him that something was going on. Nira looked at Captain Galloway and back over.

"You better have good reason to summon us," Austus snarled.

"And I couldn't agree more," growled Kras.

"What are the Houses up to these days!" snarled Kharn. "Especially the son of a tinkerer!"

"I'll have you know, petaQ," snapped Kohor, "that the tinkerer in question is now conferred with your own father. And Korath is a much respected man, despite old grievances and his preference to temporal experimentation. But we're getting ahead of ourselves."

"I have called in Kohor of the House of Korath to determine a matter, Governor," Nira explained. "Kharn here has been acting in a dishonorable fashion..."

"You lying witch!" snarled Kharn and made to stand, only for Kohor to force him back down. The differences were so obvous; Kohor was a huge man and Kharn was a definite weasel, and there was no doubt Kohor would crush him if he so chose.

"Insult her again and you will answer to me," Kohor growled.

"At least the House of Korath has such honorable inrodes to make up for Korath's past actions," Kras said with a shrug.

"Now, Khran claimes the Jyn have been attacking him," Nira said. "Well, how can Kharn explain these?"

She pulled up the scans, the logs, everything to indicate that Kharn had been the aggressor, the thief.

"This is a trick!" snapped Kharn.

"I have seen this for myself," Kohor said. "So has my father Korath, son of Monak. Why else do you think he's dealing with K'Raen now, just as I with you?"

"Furthermore, we have the testimony of a survivor who has realized his honor is on the line," said Nira.

"Whoever the traitor, I will have his head! And yours!" said Kharn, still attempting to rise, but Nira had already put a boot up on the table, tapping her finger to where she had her dagger.

"You want to try it, Kharn, you petaQ?" said Nira hard and angrily. "Name the time and place. I can guarantee you will meet your match."

"And she will do it, and if she doesn't, I will," Kohor sneered.

Kharn looked back and forth between Nira and Kohor and for the first time became wary of Nira. There was no denying the resolve in her voice. He could hear the hardness, and the way she looked, there was no doubt she could do it. He leaned back and kept his peace while he got what was coming to him.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 24, 2023, 05:15:20 PM

[Bridge --> Conference Room - USS Challenger]

As soon as the House of Korath ships arrived, Ian had the Challenger take up position with them between the ships of Kras and Kharn and the Jyn. This show of force was enough to bring the two sides to the conference room of the Challenger to try and break the impasse between factions. After much posturing and bluster, Ian finally had a break in the talking to speak.

"Alright. This is where we are. Each of you have fairly decent ships, but all of them are older models that would beat the hell out of each other. However, none of you, even combined, can match Challenger and House Korath. We'd rather not slaughter the lot of you and I'm fair certain none of you would look fond of bein' on the receivin' end of that slaughter.

"Now, we have undeniable proof that the House of K'Raen is the aggressor here-"

"Lies!" Kharn bellowed.

"Silence!" Kohor snapped back. "Let the Earther speak!"

"-We have sensor logs, eye witnesses, and chemical analysis of the Kemocite to prove that House K'Raen has been stealin' from the Jyn. Now, I get that Kemocite is a valuable commodity, but I'm certain, somewhere on one of the systems K'Raen controls had summat worth tradin'."

Ian paused to eye Kharn very hard to see if he would speak, when all he did was scowl, Ian continued.

"I had my science officer go through the commodities you have on hand Kharn and what ta my surprise was he reported that it seems you have access ta a fairly decent supply of Ryetalyn. Now, I've been informed that Klingons are immune ta Rigelian fever, but the Jyn, and many species of the Federation are not. I propose, that you Chieftain Austus can trade your Kemocite for Rytalyn, which you can either use, or trade within the Federation.

"I get both sides have little reason ta trust each other, however, I believe that if overseen by House Korath, a neutral party, everyone should walk away with what they need with the added bonus that no one else has ta die today. Now, this is where I would normally ask is this acceptable? However, in this case, I'm nae goin' ta ask. Based on consultation with Kohor, this is what you are goin' ta do or I will have the lot of you beamed back ta your ships, then Challenger and the House of Korath ships will systematically cripple every ship you have here and leave you stranded, together on Iota Thelonis IV-B, about as crappy a dung hill planet as exists in this quadrant."

"You wouldn't dare." Governor Kras growled.

"But I would." Kohor growled back.

The tone of Kohor's voice made it clear he was deadly serious and that took the steam out of Kras, Kharn, and Austus. When no objections were made, Ian pulled out a PADD and added.

"The contract is here. Once you all apply your thumbprints, these proceedings will be concluded."

As those present applied their thumbprints, Ian reflected silently.

"This has got ta be the most heavy handed negotiations ever, but it is fair and no one dies, so, I'm fine with it."

With the contract signed, all the parties beamed back to their ships and broke off to their usual areas of assignment. Kohor had remained on the bridge of the Challenger until all the would be combatant ships had gone to warp before he shook hands with Ian.

"You have a ruthless streak Captain. Almost worthy of a Klingon."

"Thank you Commander. You have no idea how much I appreciate your backup."

"The Princess called, it was my duty to respond. Qapla' Captain!"

"Qapla' Commander."

Kohor then returned to his ship. The ships cloaked, whether they left or not, Ian didn't scan to verify, but he doubted that all the Koroth ships had left. With the crisis passed, Ian sighed in relief and said.

"Helm, make your course 139 mark 25. Warp eight. We've an appointment with the Romulan border."

Zhukdra'shar kept a keen eye on the console as the discussion continued, an ear towards the screen as Nira and the Klingons talked. It never stopped surprising him how well-versed the Commander seemed with many different alien races. He would need to ask how she ended up becoming so well-known one day, he supposed.

Thanks to Nira and her allies' expert maneuvers in intimidation, as well as the Captain's own, they managed to cut off the Jyn ships from the K'Raen vessels, as Korath's and the Challenger got right in the middle. It forced them to come and negotiate into the Challenger.

Suddenly, the individuals within the Conference room walked out, a look of hatred in Kharn's eyes as he exited told him all that there was to know about the situation. The Federation and the House of Korath had won, and hostilities would now cease. Or else. A smirk came across his face for a moment, before he returned to monitor that the Birds of Prey from K'Raen properly dispersed. A shame. He really wanted to fight a Klingon for his bat'let. At least, he had a nice, real one to practice in the Holodeck in the meanwhile...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

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