S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on October 29, 2023, 04:54:32 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Medical Facility >- Refuge | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Nira could feel the intense feeling of shame burning from Aarwendil. And she heard the thought from Neva.

"I'm not sure...what's going on out here, we need to find out..."

She then approached Aarwendil humbly and said, "Ensign? I feel I owe you an apology. Regardless of whether or not those actions were my own, I am deeply sorry. Can you forgive me?"

A moment later, Nira emerged with her team. She was taken by surprise by what she was seeing. The ruins were genuinely ancient, but what was surprising were more Romulans behaving in a Vulcan-like way, or as close as possible to Vulcans as they were. The attire, the mannerisms, the tent set-ups; many slept in the dwellings, but others had their tents. It looked like a refugee camp. And from the look of the tents, they had been here for a while. Many look used to the place, others, a sense of hopeful wonderment.

A particularly elderly Romulan appeared and approached them.

"Good, you're awake," he said. "I presume from Mister Jyur, as described by our matron, you are the senior officer?"

"Commander Nira Said," said Nira in introduction. "Who are you? All of you?"

"I am M'ret," the old man said. "Refuge leader here. Individually, of course. As to who all of us are, wager a guess."

"Well, I have an inkling," said Nira, taking a look around. Then, all at once, she saw it. The inkling she had now had confirmation.

A momument was made, small but very significant. Candles were lit in memorium around it, and the figure displayed was that of a Vulcan, chiseled as he was, but nonetheless, Nira and her team recognized him at once. It wasn't hard, there was a similar statue of him or holographic display; one can't go anywhere without seeing or hearing him in the pages of history or on displays of memorium.

"Spock," Nira whispered. She looked around at M'Ret, part in awe, part in recognition. "You're the Unification Movement. Aren't you?"

"That's right," M'Ret answered. "A part of it, at least. We all have memorials to Spock like this one wherever we are."

Nira nodded solemnly. Of course they did. Spock gave his life to stop the Hobus Supernova by consuming it with some device generating a singularity to cause whatever hit it to consume itself. She had been a little girl when she heard the news, and she was among those who mourned Spock's loss.

"We've sheltered this group for a long time now," Anju explained. "We have given them help as we could. More than the Federation ever did," he added dryly.

Nira took a look around. There was definitely an air of intending to move. Unfortunately, as someone once said, "nothing is more permanent than the temporary."

"So you were trying to get to Vulcan?" asked Nira. "And why would the Federation not do..."

"In all due respect, animosity towards all things Romulan, regardless of faction, ingrained deeply in Starfleet has led to a history of spurning and eventual ignoring."

Nira turned and saw a hooded woman, a memorial candle in her hand, apparently just arrived, still kneeling reverently. M'Ret nodded respectfully.

"Ambassador. You have returned."

"Yes, and it seems the Commander has recovered from her illogical burst."

Nira blinked, and suddenly a spot between her shoulder and neck ached. Nira felt it, and she realized...

"I saved you, in case you were wondering," The Ambassador said under her hood. "The disease ailing you would've brought worsening conditions. It all lies at the source."

"I'm sorry, Ambassador...?" Nira asked, quering for an introduction.

The woman before her lowered her hood. There was no doubt she was once a beautiful Vulcan, but age showed. She was not grayheaded, not as of yet. Maybe, with careful noticing, she could spot the starting graying. Then she spoke.

"I am Saavik."

[Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

When he saw Nira approaching him, Aarwendil immediately moved away from her. The Ensign didn't want to even look at the Commander, so he remained with his eyes turned to the floor. Aarwendil felt dirty because of how he had acted around her. Their shared kiss was so wrong and memories of it were burning on his mind. He wanted to tell her that it was fine, but no word came to his mouth.

He felt so much shame

He wanted to finish this mission and return to the Challenger. This way he would be able to stay alone.

Excuse, Commander, but I believe that the Ensign needs some time to process what happened." Nekab said. The Romulan apparently was next to him this entire time. "œIt seems logical that he needs some time alone for it." He felt a bit relieved that the other man had said it, because the young Betazoid was sure that he wasn't going to be able to do it by himself.

Thank you, again." he whispered, when Nira walked away. Once again the Romulan simply nodded. They followed the rest of the group, arriving in a type of refugee camp. Even with his shaken emotions, Aarwendil was able to look at his surroundings. The way that these people acted was completely different from what he learned about Romulans. They were exactly like Vulcans.

Perhaps the greatest surprise that he had in this camp was the presence of a real Vulcan, Ambassador Saavik. The woman was famous among the members of the Starfleet.

Betazoid, Male

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Crewman Zala | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 27, 2023, 04:01:49 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Outside the hideout, Lahr's PADD vibed silently.  The Andorian retrieved it from his engineering kit where he'd tucked it away moments before.  He rolled his eyes at the Lieutenant's reply back.  'So much for my plan to sneak about solo,' he sighed.  Lahr understood the Chief's reasons for sending him with backup; it was safer for all involved.  Hell, when he was a security team leader, he'd have insisted upon his crewmen being in no fewer than 3, but most often four person teams.   Lahr just felt the rules shouldn't apply to him.

With a grimace Lahr waited for the others, wondering who the Lieutenant would send.

Lahr nodded toward the Ferengi crewman when she approached.  The Andorian was grateful that Lieutenant Mrekrerhas hadn't burdened him with a full team or with personnel that were higher rank than he, in which case, Lahr would have to follow their orders rather than vice versa.

Looking towards the crewman's shaky thumbs up, Lahr realized just how green the Ferengi was.

"You can relax. We're just going to scout about discreetly, looking for any Orion bio signs.  We aren't engaging."  At least not yet.  "We're going to circle out about a half a kilometer each time.

Thinking their team of two was set, Lahr set out heading along the tree paths 500 m from the hideout, to do another scan.

She wondered why she had been chosen to help Lahr. Perhaps, the Lieutenant thought she would be safer when out of the leading group, meant to take the brunt of any attack. Maybe she wanted to try and give her more room to fail and learn from it. Or even it was because Caitian thought that she was a good shot. Good enough to be sent in with only Lahr as an explorer of these 'Orions'.

The Andorian's words of encouragement helped with her nervousness, and she nodded. So she was sent in only if things went bad. Or perhaps, they having some horrid luck. She hoped that neither would be the case. "Right. Sorry, I just... I had never been in a battle like the one we just were in... I will be braver. I promise."

She admitted, a little sheepishly, her voice just a little softer, though not quite a whisper. Zala hoped that Lahr would understand her position, though she decided to keep quiet afterward, as they separated from the main group in order to do the scan. Her rifle was kept close to her, though, just in case, as her ears remained attentive for any movement from within the brush, and the dilapidated buildings that were being reclaimed by nature within the forest floor.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 26, 2023, 12:22:43 AM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

Seeing as how the group had a new task ahead of them, D'Lorra stood forward.

"Lieutenant, I wish to accompany Chief ch'Verret and Officer Zala, the Ferengi will especially need some help, and a Klingon is highly excellent backup," she said.

Zhukdra'shar considered D'Lorra's offer to accompany the pair he had just sent forward. Crossing his arms, he ultimately decided to allow for her to go along. Zala was still rather green in that aspect and probably would be greatly aided by the presence of another person capable of fighting. He turned towards D'Lorra, and nodded,

"While I loathe to diminish the stealth advantage Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret possesses, I do believe that would be the smartest option. Keep them safe, Lieutenant D'Lorra."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 28, 2023, 11:17:05 AM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ian and Abas escorted Kyan from the transporter room directly to sickbay. They walked slowly as it was obvious that Kyan was still hurting from the beating he'd sustained. On entering sickbay, they were greeted formally by the charge nurse T'ealc and Kyan was taken to a biobed where Doctor Nathaniel Rashar met them.

"Well, it's obvious you've been through it Commander."

The young Betazoid said as he scanned Kyan with his medical tricorder.

"Three cracked ribs, several facial fractures, mild concussion, and a whole assortment of contusions that are going to leave you a patchwork of bruising."

Ian winced at the list of injuries, but was grateful Kyan had survived. He felt responsible because the young man had been kidnapped right under his own nose and he was still furious about that.

"There was talk of some sort of attempt at behavioral modification Doctor. The lad says Orions were responsible, but no one can confirm that. None of the kidnappers survived and none were Orion. I'm ta have Counselor Mills consult on this. Not that I think the little git would be troubled by what he's been through, but she might have some insight on any tamperin' that scans might not pick up."

"Of course Captain, can't be too careful. We'll look after the Commander Sir, you can count on that."

"Thank you Doctor."

Ian then made his way to the bridge and on relieving Commander CatalÁ¡n, got caught up on the current status of what was occurring on the planet. Once he was certain there weren't any emergencies needing his attention, he updated his log.

"Captain's Log, Supplemental. Lieutenant Commander Kyan MacKenzie was rescued from his kidnappin' at the cost of two Angdarr security officers and a Klingon exchange officer. A high price to be certain, especially as all six kidnappers were killed in the exchange. This last part, beyond the needless loss of life, leaves us with many questions with nae a soul ta answer them. A further complication is that Commander MacKenzie insists that Orions were involved even though no sign of their involvement was found in the kidnapper's hideout. Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is leadin' the investigation into the kidnappin' as well as the possible Orion connection.

"In addition ta the kidnappin' Medical and Science personnel led by Doctor Fellows and Lieutenant Jyur are lookin' into the deliberate genetic modification of a local species of butterfly that is causin' serious medical issues for non-Angdarr. So far, Vulcans are the only off world species ta suffer life threatenin' symptoms. The effects on others vary with humans breakin' out in a painful rash and Betazoids, well, the best way ta describe their reaction is a loss of inhibitions. Progress is bein' made on an anti-toxin, but evidence on pointin' ta who was responsible is still unknown. End Log."

Ian closed the log and sighed.

"For just a bloody 'show the flag' mission, Angdarr is provin' ta be a complicated problem."

With that situation solved, Zhuk instructed the group to keep on moving. He was slightly miffed that his request to maintain Crewman Th'vyrrol had not been approved. He felt that he required a medic more now that he and his team of Security officers were likely to engage more hostiles in the near future. But he did not utter a pip of challenge towards the Captain as Abas was beamed off, alongside Ian and Kyan. He at least found some comfort in the fact that Mackenzie would be feeling better in no time if the Doctor's skills were anything to go by.

As he kept his weapon drawn, while ahead of the group, ears constantly shifting from position, and dichroic green irises having acquired the shape of slits, to better traverse the darkness they were in, he felt the urge to scratch himself at where the fur discoloration had occurred. And he continued to do so. It was getting quite uncomfortable now, but he did his best to try and focus on the task ahead. Even if the reminder that his fur was now imperfect and ugly bothered him significantly. The rash did not help with his state of mind, either.

The group still seemed too busy to pay attention to his woes, fortunately, checking the vegetation around them, and any signs of possible habitation as they continued to search for the Orions. Zhuk would be ready for them, he thought. This time, with such a large force, he would be able to overwhelm whatever they throw at him, and hopefully, without incurring significant losses from his side. Or any, at all.

Soon, however, the first clues as to where they may be came by, as one of the Angarr came to him, holding what seemed to be some kind of playing card. A grin came over Zhuk's face, as he motioned for the group to follow in that general direction...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 27, 2023, 04:01:49 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Outside the hideout, Lahr's PADD vibed silently.  The Andorian retrieved it from his engineering kit where he'd tucked it away moments before.  He rolled his eyes at the Lieutenant's reply back.  'So much for my plan to sneak about solo,' he sighed.  Lahr understood the Chief's reasons for sending him with backup; it was safer for all involved.  Hell, when he was a security team leader, he'd have insisted upon his crewmen being in no fewer than 3, but most often four person teams.   Lahr just felt the rules shouldn't apply to him.

With a grimace Lahr waited for the others, wondering who the Lieutenant would send.

Lahr nodded toward the Ferengi crewman when she approached.  The Andorian was grateful that Lieutenant Mrekrerhas hadn't burdened him with a full team or with personnel that were higher rank than he, in which case, Lahr would have to follow their orders rather than vice versa.

Looking towards the crewman's shaky thumbs up, Lahr realized just how green the Ferengi was.

"You can relax. We're just going to scout about discreetly, looking for any Orion bio signs.  We aren't engaging."  At least not yet.  "We're going to circle out about a half a kilometer each time.

Thinking their team of two was set, Lahr set out heading along the tree paths 500 m from the hideout, to do another scan.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 30, 2023, 09:28:18 AM

[Crewman Zala | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

She wondered why she had been chosen to help Lahr. Perhaps, the Lieutenant thought she would be safer when out of the leading group, meant to take the brunt of any attack. Maybe she wanted to try and give her more room to fail and learn from it. Or even it was because Caitian thought that she was a good shot. Good enough to be sent in with only Lahr as an explorer of these 'Orions'.

The Andorian's words of encouragement helped with her nervousness, and she nodded. So she was sent in only if things went bad. Or perhaps, they having some horrid luck. She hoped that neither would be the case. "Right. Sorry, I just... I had never been in a battle like the one we just were in... I will be braver. I promise."

She admitted, a little sheepishly, her voice just a little softer, though not quite a whisper. Zala hoped that Lahr would understand her position, though she decided to keep quiet afterward, as they separated from the main group in order to do the scan. Her rifle was kept close to her, though, just in case, as her ears remained attentive for any movement from within the brush, and the dilapidated buildings that were being reclaimed by nature within the forest floor.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhukdra'shar considered D'Lorra's offer to accompany the pair he had just sent forward. Crossing his arms, he ultimately decided to allow for her to go along. Zala was still rather green in that aspect and probably would be greatly aided by the presence of another person capable of fighting. He turned towards D'Lorra, and nodded,

"While I loathe to diminish the stealth advantage Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret possesses, I do believe that would be the smartest option. Keep them safe, Lieutenant D'Lorra."

With that situation solved, Zhuk instructed the group to keep on moving. He was slightly miffed that his request to maintain Crewman Th'vyrrol had not been approved. He felt that he required a medic more now that he and his team of Security officers were likely to engage more hostiles in the near future. But he did not utter a pip of challenge towards the Captain as Abas was beamed off, alongside Ian and Kyan. He at least found some comfort in the fact that Mackenzie would be feeling better in no time if the Doctor's skills were anything to go by.

As he kept his weapon drawn, while ahead of the group, ears constantly shifting from position, and dichroic green irises having acquired the shape of slits, to better traverse the darkness they were in, he felt the urge to scratch himself at where the fur discoloration had occurred. And he continued to do so. It was getting quite uncomfortable now, but he did his best to try and focus on the task ahead. Even if the reminder that his fur was now imperfect and ugly bothered him significantly. The rash did not help with his state of mind, either.

The group still seemed too busy to pay attention to his woes, fortunately, checking the vegetation around them, and any signs of possible habitation as they continued to search for the Orions. Zhuk would be ready for them, he thought. This time, with such a large force, he would be able to overwhelm whatever they throw at him, and hopefully, without incurring significant losses from his side. Or any, at all.

Soon, however, the first clues as to where they may be came by, as one of the Angarr came to him, holding what seemed to be some kind of playing card. A grin came over Zhuk's face, as he motioned for the group to follow in that general direction...

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

"Don't worry, Lieutenant," said D'Lorra reassuringly. "I've done plenty of Targ hunting in my time. I am no stealth master, but I know how to keep quiet in pursuit of prey."

Catching up with the group, quite as she was despite being a full Klingon, she heard out Chief ch'Verret's instructions and nodded.

"I hear you, Chief," D'Lorra whispered. "We watch but not strike. Certainly like following an elusive Targ," she added in a further quieted whisper.

She took a liking to the Andorian. This fellow knew what he was doing. Him, Zhuk, Nira...she made a note to invite them to a Ju'Dop Targ Hunt in the future. Nira had once mentioned to her about using her observational skills for tracking, and she had been impressed by that.

She was at the Ferengi girl's side, knowing how green she was. As the three progressed, suddenly D'Lorra picked up something.

"Chief, hold a moment," she said and she stepped forward. She smelled something in the air. And she noticed one branch of an maturing ohn'garr tree was smelling peculiar...

"Look at this branch here," she whispered. "It smells too sweet than usual, ohn'garr trees usually never give off sweet smells, most trees never do. And unless it was a genetic modification like these insects we're hearing about, somebody was here. They're Orion pheromones. The female variety, specifically; you'd best stay back a moment, Chief. If there are recurring patterns, we should be able to follow them."

She wrinkled her nose in distaste; they had to be pheromones from a female, if she was a male Klingon, she would've been dead, as female Orion pheromones were fatal to Klingon males. But soon, there was a more obvious trail than pheromones. Somebody was leaving a trail of thin cards, like playing cards. In fact, they extended slightly around, giving D'Lorra pause. How did she miss them?

[Praetor Domitian | Syndicate Main Hideout | Forest Floor | Andgarr Prime]

"You are certain of this?" The old praetor said sharply.

"Affirmative," the Orion scout responded, so small that his attire loosely fit him, even his belt. "They're heading in this direction, I don't know how they're coming to the Warbird Necropolis."

"I don't understand why they would proceed on our trail in the first place," snapped Visa. "We took measures to ensure we're not detected."

"But perhaps you are not aware you are giving yourself away in any case," muttered Domitian. "The yanmarr chitin has an affect you may not be aware. It's causing the spread of your pheromones, but seemed to have amplified the smell somehow; you stink to high heavens."

Visa was about to retort angrily, but then she looked down and smelled herself...the smell of her was too sweet for her tastes.

"Whether or not they're heading this direction, it's best to move operations off-planet," Domitian ordered. "And I will have words with the Caligula girls on their progress."

"So the Triumvirate has plans for Andgarr as much as the Syndicate does," Visa said.

"But I will be having words with the Syndicate as well," Domitian added icily. "Seles may very soon be out of a job and potentially out of lifetime."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Cole Shepard

[Andgarr Prime]

Six hours Cole thought as he scanned yet another plant. It seemed like they had been here for days. They were cataloging everything they could but those damn purple plants were still giving them issues. Truth be told, he was actually looking forward to getting one back to the ship and seeing if they could figure out what was causing them to pop up as a liquid.

"You ready to head back to the ship?" asked Richards. "I'm not seeing anything new and we've gotten plenty of data on what's here."

"Sounds good. I really want to look into these purple ones." replied Cole.

The two men gathered their tools and called for transport. A few seconds later, they were back aboard the Challenger.

"Let's get to the labs." Cole said with some excitement.

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 29, 2023, 08:11:26 AM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay, U.S.S. Challenger]

It had been an hour or so since Kyan was beamed up from the forest planet. But here in Fellows' cold dungeon, hours felt like years. Meanwhile on the planet, his people were out looking for the Orions. And the longer he sat on the bio bed, clad only in a hospital smock and his Mo the Marauder underoos, the worse the Onlie felt about it.

He didn't feel bad about getting kidnapped. That was wont to happen from time to time. And even as good a fighter as he was, Kyan was still ten years old. He wasn't going to overpower someone who got the drop on him. He'd accepted that sad fact a long time ago. And he wasn't scared to go back down either. In fact, the thing making him angry was that he ought to be down there too, looking for Seles and her goons. The sickbay staff had run the dermal regena-thing over him and fixed his eye, and even his ribs. They were still a bit sore, but they weren't broken any more. And he'd had worse anyway. A lot worse

Also, he still hated sickbay.

Back on Katra, during the Hunter attack that left him with a fractured orbital bone and several other equally grievous injuries, Kyan had been carted off to sickbay and nearly suffered a panic attack before being hit with an adult dose of some hypospray that fixed that but had the added effect of making him loopy. As he recalled the incident, he remembered that the doctor who'd given him the drug had also told him about a Vulcan on Challenger who sang songs and told jokes. When this whole thing was finished, he made a mental note to seek her out, if she was still on the ship that was. Chances were pretty good that she'd transferred by now. Or, given Challenger's typical mission profile, gotten killed off. Kyan hoped not though. A Vulcan who sang songs and told jokes would be something to see.

But that would have to wait. Right now his focus was on getting out of sickbay and back down to the planet. As he schemed exactly how he was going to make that happen, the door to the examination room swished open and Max walked in. The other Onlie's eyes widened when he saw Kyan's hospital smock.

"œDid you get hurt?" he asked as the door shut behind him. He stared for the bed but stopped short. "œOr sick?" He didn't come any further. That was to be expected though. Most Onlies tended to stay well away from sick people, especially sick adults. It had been nearly a hundred and forty years since the last grup got the blue spots and went mad, but avoiding them had been a survival instinct for a long time prior to that. Even having been in Starfleet for half a century himself, there was still that small voice in him that made Kyan think twice about going near a grup who was sick. The same hesitance was visible as Max looked at his friend from across the small room.

"œHey Max." Kyan smiled. "œNae, I'm not sick the now. Just got pounded by some Orion grups is all, the creatures."

The other boy was visibly relieved, but then concern crept back across his face. "œThey beat you up? Why?"

Kyan shrugged. "œThey ambushed us down there an kidnapped me. I seen'em before so I have. The leader's name is Seles. She's a wank stain. She done the same thing last year but I got away."

"œOh!" Max piped up. "œI heard that they have pheromones and they make grup boys crazy."

"œThey do." Kyan nodded. "œBut they dinnae all got'em. Only some. I dunno if Seles does. But she was mad on account of I escaped and she come back for revenge so she did."

"œSo it's not safe on the planet?" Max asked, disappointed. He'd been looking forward to going down and seeing the planet.

"œIt's safe." Kyan answered. Although he didn't sound too sure. "œThey probably got away and ran off, the sadness of it. I'd be after having another go at them."

"œWill they let you go back?" Max asked, jumping up onto the bed with his friend. "œI wanna go down there too. I heard that the whole planet is a forest."

Kyan only shrugged. He didn't really have an answer for that. Were it up to him, he'd already be there, but as things stood now he wasn't sure if Galloway would let him go. And then there was the behavioral machine thing which they'd hooked him up to. But all the medical scans had come back normal, so there wasn't anything to do about that. It was a waiting game now.

"œI hope. But it's stuck here I am til the blueshirts say I can leave." Kyan answered finally.

"œWhat will we do til then?" Max asked, then lit up. "œOh I know! We can listen to music!"

After he'd arrived, Kyan had discovered that Max was a fan of much of the same music he was, minus Klingon Opera of course. But that was an acquired taste anyway. They both liked the music was popular when all the grownups on their homeworld shuffled off. Elvis Pressley was the biggest artist when Kyan and Max were actually the ages that they appeared to be. Kyan liked his songs, but he was more of a folk music type, and anything on the bagpipes of course. "œWhat should we listen to?" he replied.

Max smiled. He was about to tell the computer what to play when Kyan cut him off"¦ "œWait!" he said, grinning. "œI got an idea."


A little while later the ship's internal com system crackled to life all over the ship and began belting out a song from 19690..

Two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

It was an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today
An itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini

[Ensign Nathaniel Rasher | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nathaniel had just made the finishing touches on the coroner work for Petty Officer Koroz. It was going to be some time before the next of kin was notified about his death.

Now he was to assist in looking over Commander Mackenzie. As he was checking up on him, amidst the relaxing song that was being played, he could sense something emitting deep from the Commander's mind. It was faint, but it was there...

"Physically, you're doing okay, apart from a few things," he said. "Mentally, however...if you had indicated you were subjected to some kind of mind control machine, that would explain...I'm getting something from deep in your head. I can 'hear' it, as it were. It's faint, but it's there. Some kind of mantra..."

True enough, if he could listen carefully, he can make out the words: "Kill Anax Jindak."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 29, 2023, 08:11:26 AM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay, U.S.S. Challenger]

It had been an hour or so since Kyan was beamed up from the forest planet. But here in Fellows' cold dungeon, hours felt like years. Meanwhile on the planet, his people were out looking for the Orions. And the longer he sat on the bio bed, clad only in a hospital smock and his Mo the Marauder underoos, the worse the Onlie felt about it.

He didn't feel bad about getting kidnapped. That was wont to happen from time to time. And even as good a fighter as he was, Kyan was still ten years old. He wasn't going to overpower someone who got the drop on him. He'd accepted that sad fact a long time ago. And he wasn't scared to go back down either. In fact, the thing making him angry was that he ought to be down there too, looking for Seles and her goons. The sickbay staff had run the dermal regena-thing over him and fixed his eye, and even his ribs. They were still a bit sore, but they weren't broken any more. And he'd had worse anyway. A lot worse

Also, he still hated sickbay.

Back on Katra, during the Hunter attack that left him with a fractured orbital bone and several other equally grievous injuries, Kyan had been carted off to sickbay and nearly suffered a panic attack before being hit with an adult dose of some hypospray that fixed that but had the added effect of making him loopy. As he recalled the incident, he remembered that the doctor who'd given him the drug had also told him about a Vulcan on Challenger who sang songs and told jokes. When this whole thing was finished, he made a mental note to seek her out, if she was still on the ship that was. Chances were pretty good that she'd transferred by now. Or, given Challenger's typical mission profile, gotten killed off. Kyan hoped not though. A Vulcan who sang songs and told jokes would be something to see.

But that would have to wait. Right now his focus was on getting out of sickbay and back down to the planet. As he schemed exactly how he was going to make that happen, the door to the examination room swished open and Max walked in. The other Onlie's eyes widened when he saw Kyan's hospital smock.

"œDid you get hurt?" he asked as the door shut behind him. He stared for the bed but stopped short. "œOr sick?" He didn't come any further. That was to be expected though. Most Onlies tended to stay well away from sick people, especially sick adults. It had been nearly a hundred and forty years since the last grup got the blue spots and went mad, but avoiding them had been a survival instinct for a long time prior to that. Even having been in Starfleet for half a century himself, there was still that small voice in him that made Kyan think twice about going near a grup who was sick. The same hesitance was visible as Max looked at his friend from across the small room.

"œHey Max." Kyan smiled. "œNae, I'm not sick the now. Just got pounded by some Orion grups is all, the creatures."

The other boy was visibly relieved, but then concern crept back across his face. "œThey beat you up? Why?"

Kyan shrugged. "œThey ambushed us down there an kidnapped me. I seen'em before so I have. The leader's name is Seles. She's a wank stain. She done the same thing last year but I got away."

"œOh!" Max piped up. "œI heard that they have pheromones and they make grup boys crazy."

"œThey do." Kyan nodded. "œBut they dinnae all got'em. Only some. I dunno if Seles does. But she was mad on account of I escaped and she come back for revenge so she did."

"œSo it's not safe on the planet?" Max asked, disappointed. He'd been looking forward to going down and seeing the planet.

"œIt's safe." Kyan answered. Although he didn't sound too sure. "œThey probably got away and ran off, the sadness of it. I'd be after having another go at them."

"œWill they let you go back?" Max asked, jumping up onto the bed with his friend. "œI wanna go down there too. I heard that the whole planet is a forest."

Kyan only shrugged. He didn't really have an answer for that. Were it up to him, he'd already be there, but as things stood now he wasn't sure if Galloway would let him go. And then there was the behavioral machine thing which they'd hooked him up to. But all the medical scans had come back normal, so there wasn't anything to do about that. It was a waiting game now.

"œI hope. But it's stuck here I am til the blueshirts say I can leave." Kyan answered finally.

"œWhat will we do til then?" Max asked, then lit up. "œOh I know! We can listen to music!"

After he'd arrived, Kyan had discovered that Max was a fan of much of the same music he was, minus Klingon Opera of course. But that was an acquired taste anyway. They both liked the music was popular when all the grownups on their homeworld shuffled off. Elvis Pressley was the biggest artist when Kyan and Max were actually the ages that they appeared to be. Kyan liked his songs, but he was more of a folk music type, and anything on the bagpipes of course. "œWhat should we listen to?" he replied.

Max smiled. He was about to tell the computer what to play when Kyan cut him off"¦ "œWait!" he said, grinning. "œI got an idea."


A little while later the ship's internal com system crackled to life all over the ship and began belting out a song from 19690..

Two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

It was an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today
An itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian flinched as the music began to play, mainly because its utter nonsense lyrics than the volume. He gritted his teeth and thought.

"It's been a long bloody time since anyone has had ta scrub the hull with a toothbrush!"

Out loud he said.

"Computer. Priority override, stop music playback. Galloway four zero lamda seven."

The music stopped and Ian sighed in relief.

"Computer. Report who initiated music."

"Command to initiate music originated in sickbay. Lieutenant Commander Kyan MacKenzie."

"The little pillock! Obviously he's doin' well enough ta be up ta his usual hijinks. Guess tis time ta give the little wanker summat ta do."

He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Commander MacKenzie, report ta the bridge immediately." =/\=

Abas Th'vyrrol


Abas had been assigned to continue to attend to Kyan. As such, he beamed away with the Captain in a flash. As he beamed out, he offered an apologetic look to the Catian. He'd heard the officer's request for him to stay behind - but the Captain and ship needed him elsewhere. He walked with Kyan to the Sickbay, offering what information he could about the man. He let the chief nurse and doctor take over the care- there wasn't much he could do at the moment beyond that. For now, he simply stood by for any additional orders that might come his way.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 30, 2023, 09:28:18 AM

[Crewman Zala | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

She wondered why she had been chosen to help Lahr. Perhaps, the Lieutenant thought she would be safer when out of the leading group, meant to take the brunt of any attack. Maybe she wanted to try and give her more room to fail and learn from it. Or even it was because Caitian thought that she was a good shot. Good enough to be sent in with only Lahr as an explorer of these 'Orions'.

The Andorian's words of encouragement helped with her nervousness, and she nodded. So she was sent in only if things went bad. Or perhaps, they having some horrid luck. She hoped that neither would be the case. "Right. Sorry, I just... I had never been in a battle like the one we just were in... I will be braver. I promise."

She admitted, a little sheepishly, her voice just a little softer, though not quite a whisper. Zala hoped that Lahr would understand her position, though she decided to keep quiet afterward, as they separated from the main group in order to do the scan. Her rifle was kept close to her, though, just in case, as her ears remained attentive for any movement from within the brush, and the dilapidated buildings that were being reclaimed by nature within the forest floor.

Lahr smiled encouragingly.  "I don't think you need to worry about 'being braver'...  I think you are doing fine, just as you are."

The Andorian having said that gave the Ferengi a knowing look.  "It's sad but true -  you'll pick up a lot of experience in fighting when in Security."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 30, 2023, 09:28:18 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhukdra'shar considered D'Lorra's offer to accompany the pair he had just sent forward. Crossing his arms, he ultimately decided to allow for her to go along. Zala was still rather green in that aspect and probably would be greatly aided by the presence of another person capable of fighting. He turned towards D'Lorra, and nodded,

"While I loathe to diminish the stealth advantage Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret possesses, I do believe that would be the smartest option. Keep them safe, Lieutenant D'Lorra."

Quote from: Nira Said on October 30, 2023, 04:56:51 PM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

"Don't worry, Lieutenant," said D'Lorra reassuringly. "I've done plenty of Targ hunting in my time. I am no stealth master, but I know how to keep quiet in pursuit of prey."

Catching up with the group, quite as she was despite being a full Klingon, she heard out Chief ch'Verret's instructions and nodded.

"I hear you, Chief," D'Lorra whispered. "We watch but not strike. Certainly like following an elusive Targ," she added in a further quieted whisper.

She took a liking to the Andorian. This fellow knew what he was doing. Him, Zhuk, Nira...she made a note to invite them to a Ju'Dop Targ Hunt in the future. Nira had once mentioned to her about using her observational skills for tracking, and she had been impressed by that.

She was at the Ferengi girl's side, knowing how green she was. As the three progressed, suddenly D'Lorra picked up something.

"Chief, hold a moment," she said and she stepped forward. She smelled something in the air. And she noticed one branch of an maturing ohn'garr tree was smelling peculiar...

"Look at this branch here," she whispered. "It smells too sweet than usual, ohn'garr trees usually never give off sweet smells, most trees never do. And unless it was a genetic modification like these insects we're hearing about, somebody was here. They're Orion pheromones. The female variety, specifically; you'd best stay back a moment, Chief. If there are recurring patterns, we should be able to follow them."

She wrinkled her nose in distaste; they had to be pheromones from a female, if she was a male Klingon, she would've been dead, as female Orion pheromones were fatal to Klingon males. But soon, there was a more obvious trail than pheromones. Somebody was leaving a trail of thin cards, like playing cards. In fact, they extended slightly around, giving D'Lorra pause. How did she miss them?

Lahr noted the arrival of the Exchange officer with carefully neutral expression.  His antennae however were clearly agitated.

Well there went their element of surprise.  In all his years, Lahr had never met a quiet Klingon, and nothing about Lieutenant D'Lorra or her personality thus far suggested that she was the exception.

He tried to ignore the Klingon's presence as he began his search.

Given that the Commander had noted that the Orion had been a female (the Only having called her an 'ugly green bitch'), the engineer fiddled with his tricorder to have it look for pheromones.   It didn't take long for it get a hit... about three seconds after the Klingon had already pointed out the scent on the branch of the tree.

Rather than confirm her statement that the smell was Orion pheromones, Lahr sourly put his tricorder away.  There was no point to it - the Klingon sense of smell seemed superior to it.

His discontent mood could have been in part to being ordered to stay back.  An order he had no choice to follow given her higher rank.   With reluctance Lahr,  followed her lead, as it moved along the tree path until she found a playing card.   And further along the path Lahr spotted another.

Lahr had no clue about its significance, but they certainly didn't seem to be Andgarrian in origin.  A suspicious trail of playing cards... dropped by accident? Unlikely.  Left behind by someone knowing Starfleet would begin a search... so an ally?!  Or left behind to lure them into a trap?

At the thought of a trap, Lahr couldn't help but devilishly picturing the Klingon getting caught up in a some silly rope trap, dangling upside down and having to be rescued by him and Zala; but that was unlikely to happen to the well-seasoned officer.  'Maybe if I pushed her into it?' he mused, before realizing how inappropriate a thought that was.   Good thing, the Aenar wasn't with them!

Lahr tried to remind himself he had no business being jealous over the lead position in this search when he shouldn't even be down here as part of an away mission anyways.   The Commander was safe - that had been his goal.  Afterwards, Lahr realized, he should have just requested to return to the ship then.   It wasn't like his engineering were needed. Not really.

"I'd be careful, ma'am - that trail of cards could lead to a trap.  Zala and I will guard your back while you lead the way."   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Ian waited for Kyan, he was absently monitoring the Frontier Day festivities on the command chair's display. It was the typical fleet 'dog and pony' show until it wasn't. There was an ear splitting screech and Admiral Shelby's feed shifted from "look how awesome we are" to complete chaos. Ian stared in open mouthed shock until his brain could catch up to what he was seeing. It took another second before he could get his voice to work.

"Ops! Throw the program kill switch NOW!"

Not waiting for a response, Ian hit the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Dashlish! Summat is happenin' with the fleet program! For the love of all that's ever been holy, pull the memory module immediately!" =/\=

He adjusted the comm on the command chair to speak shipwide, the away teams, and every member of the crew on the planet on leave.

=/\= "All hands this is the Captain. Emergency recall, make your way back ta the ship as quickly as possible. This is not, repeat, not a drill!" =/\=

On closing the channel, Ian spun toward the Science station.

"Randall, full scans on all possible modalities. Burn holes in the fabric of space if'n you have ta. Summat is happenin' on Earth and my gut tells me it's goin' ta be gettin' far worse before however get ta the other side."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout - along the tree pathways]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 01, 2023, 09:08:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

=/\= "All hands this is the Captain. Emergency recall, make your way back ta the ship as quickly as possible. This is not, repeat, not a drill!" =/\=

Before the trio of Lahr, Zala and D'Lorra could get far in their trail following, the Captain called for an emergency recall of all personnel.  Either the Orions were far more of a threat here than first anticipated, or there were bigger issues to deal with.  Neither were a good situation.

Lahr tapped his comm.  =/\= "ch'Verret to Transporter room.  Do you have a solid fix on our location or do we need to go higher up?" =/\=

There was a momentary pause on the other end before his Vulcan roommate, Petty Officer Grelek, answered.

=/\= "The signal is intermittent, but I have a fair amount of certainty that I can complete the transport with a negligible margin of error. Stand by and remain where you are." =/\=

With that less than encouraging answer, seconds seems to drag until he telltale shimmering sound and light enwreathed the away team.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian drummed his fingers on the arm of the command chair as he waited for the crew to return, so far, 388 of the 550 assigned had checked in. He knew the transporters were running as fast as they could cycle, but it just wasn't fast enough for him, especially when the Starfleet feed went dark. Unfortunately, the official feed was quickly replaced by panicked reports from FNN of the fleet opening fire on Stardock.

"Sweet Merciful Maker, how could this be possible?"

Ian asked rhetorically as the images from Earth burned into his soul.

"This is how it was during the Breen attack during the Dominion War."

He recalled with a shudder. He'd only been eight at the time, but watching the cities of Earth burning was the day he knew he would defy his father and join Starfleet. Earth would never burn again he vowed, but now, he was 50 light years from his home and family.

"Even if I burned the Challenger's engines to cinders, we're eleven days away."

He wailed internally with a palpable wave of guilt.

"Earth is goin' ta burn again and I can't STOP IT."

He'd stopped drumming his fingers as his hands clenched in fists of impotent rage.

"I can't let the crew see me come apart, but what can I do? What can I do? WhatcanIdo? WhatcanIdo? WhatcanIdo..."

For the sake of the crew, Ian's expression was an iron mask of discipline, but, despite his well established confidence, Ian felt despair for the first time in his adult life.

Nira Said

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 29, 2023, 06:34:45 PM

[  Old Angdarr Realms - Medical Facility ]

Once the group had gotten to a more sophisticated facility, it took Jettis no time to be able to reverse engineer a vaccine. It wasn't a cure, of course, but it would at least help them to fight off the effects better with their own strength. In time he would be able to formulate a counteragent, to stop the effects entirely. He was glad to see Cordon, Cheizex and Said coming around, peering around his place at a microscope as the three gathered themselves.

Neva by far seemed to be the worst off upon waking up. Blinking, he heard her telepathic cry, to both the Commander and Arwendil. It seemed both were still recovering themselves though, and in shock from the unusual surroundings. Jettis turned to excuse himself politely from the Romulan scientist he was working alongside, trasnferring to her his notes on his current work, before regrouping with the away team. He first approached Neva and Jess, hoping another familiar face would be enough to convince her she hadn't been abducted by a bunch of Romuvulcans.

"Cordon, are you alright?" He queried first. "You're safe, and hopefully your empathic outreach has calmed down. We're in a refuge, that has allowed me to at least make something to help with the reactions." He wouldn't rush her, but once she had her wits about her enough, he would help her to join the other two in venturing outside.

Back to the monument he'd passed on his way in and out of the building, along with the explanation for it. A shrine, for lack of a better word. What was a surprise though, was the woman revealed to be Ambassador Saavik.  The woman surely must have been rivaling him in age at this point, and yet she hardly looked worse for wear.
"Thank you for your assistance, Ambassador, and providing a better working space." From Science officer to Science officer, she surely understood the importance. He turned, directing his next words to Nira and Jess.

"I've managed to narrow down the modified genetic material, as well as the chemical used to one subtype of plant that grows near this area. It isn't incredibly common, hence why it was so difficult to pin it down. I imagine if we continue searching in this area, we will be able to find at least a collection facility, if not where they are being manufactured directly. We will need more sophisticated masks and suitable covering, though, to continue on."

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on October 29, 2023, 06:49:07 PM

[Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

When he saw Nira approaching him, Aarwendil immediately moved away from her. The Ensign didn't want to even look at the Commander, so he remained with his eyes turned to the floor. Aarwendil felt dirty because of how he had acted around her. Their shared kiss was so wrong and memories of it were burning on his mind. He wanted to tell her that it was fine, but no word came to his mouth.

He felt so much shame

He wanted to finish this mission and return to the Challenger. This way he would be able to stay alone.

Excuse, Commander, but I believe that the Ensign needs some time to process what happened." Nekab said. The Romulan apparently was next to him this entire time. "œIt seems logical that he needs some time alone for it." He felt a bit relieved that the other man had said it, because the young Betazoid was sure that he wasn't going to be able to do it by himself.

Thank you, again." he whispered, when Nira walked away. Once again the Romulan simply nodded. They followed the rest of the group, arriving in a type of refugee camp. Even with his shaken emotions, Aarwendil was able to look at his surroundings. The way that these people acted was completely different from what he learned about Romulans. They were exactly like Vulcans.

Perhaps the greatest surprise that he had in this camp was the presence of a real Vulcan, Ambassador Saavik. The woman was famous among the members of the Starfleet.

[Commander Nira Said | Unification Movement Refuge | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"Apologies, but I have been Ambassador Saavik for the past ten years," came the reply.

"True, but what are you doing here among the Unificationists?"

"I feel it'll be simpler to explain," said Saavik, reaching a hand.

"Oh," said Nira. "Better show than tell. One mind to another."

Saavik nodded and put a palm to her face. It was just a moment, but to Nira, it felt like a lifetime. When she opened her eyes next, she looked in understanding. A kind of clarity to her, a kind of awe...

"So you've been aiding the Unificationists because you felt you owed Spock?"

"Yes. I had been doing my best in Spock's stead since he sacrificed himself to consume the Hobus Supernova."

Nira breathed in surprise. It certainly explained a lot in a nutshell; it was unnerving to see another's life flash before her eyes.

"So the Federation is not permitting anybody from the Movement to Vulcan?"

"No matter how much I do," said Saavik, and Nira could feel bitterness from the Romulans around her. "I've kept having denials and after years, gradually was being ignored. What's more, a Romulan warlord self-proclaiming himself a Praetor had been encouraging our youth away..."

"Allah's sake, not another Praetor," grumbled Nira.

"Nobody from Starfleet has even seen the conditions here," Saavik added. "Not until you came."

"In all honesty," said Nira, "We had come here to take in the beauties of Andgarr. Study the unknown lifeforms here...we weren't expecting to meet refugees...we can, however, do our best to bring conditions to further attention to Starfleet Command, even if we have to bring others here...but unfortunately, it's drawing closer and closer to Frontier Day, so I'm afraid they're too busy with the festivities to have the matter brought to attention..."

"More than just days away," retorted Saavik. "It's today."

"What? Holy Allah, how long have we been out?" asked Nira.

"Longer than expected," M'Ret said nearby. "It may have felt like a day to you, but time tells different."

"In any case, you helped us more than you imagined," said Saavik. "Mister Jyur, you have been very helpful in neutralizing the effects of the yanmarr, and your methods. And since you mention the source, the collection point, we know where it is; now you have brought us the means to neutralize them completely, we can commence neutralizing it."

"But where are they? And who...?" asked Nira.

"One of many criminal elements eager to do what the Romulans of the past could never do," said M'Ret. "To take control of Andgarr. We're certain that they had been producing the Yanmarr in an attempt to weaken or even exterminate the Andgarr with a poisonous biological weapon."

"And they're located in the Warbird Necropolis," Saavik added. "The site of the battle against the Andgarr and the Romulans. A junkyard of sorts."

"Fitting place to hide something, but what can we do more?" asked Nira, but Saavik waved her aside.

"You need further recuperation, Commander," she said. "You'll need to return to your ship and at least tell your Captain about us."

Before Nira could add anything further...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 01, 2023, 09:08:27 PM

=/\= "All hands this is the Captain. Emergency recall, make your way back ta the ship as quickly as possible. This is not, repeat, not a drill!" =/\=

"Speak of the devil, but what's happened?" asked Nira.

"Sounds like you need to return," said M'Ret. Nira nodded, but then a young Romulan approached. "Ah. Mister Nekab wishes permission to join you. As an expert on the yanmarr, he can help finish the treatment. And he can be of aid to your crew."

"Of course," said Nira. Tapping her comm badge, she called, "Said to Challenger, Six to beam up."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 01, 2023, 04:48:49 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Lahr smiled encouragingly.  "I don't think you need to worry about 'being braver'...  I think you are doing fine, just as you are."

The Andorian having said that gave the Ferengi a knowing look.  "It's sad but true -  you'll pick up a lot of experience in fighting when in Security."

Lahr noted the arrival of the Exchange officer with carefully neutral expression.  His antennae however were clearly agitated.

Well there went their element of surprise.  In all his years, Lahr had never met a quiet Klingon, and nothing about Lieutenant D'Lorra or her personality thus far suggested that she was the exception.

He tried to ignore the Klingon's presence as he began his search.

Given that the Commander had noted that the Orion had been a female (the Only having called her an 'ugly green bitch'), the engineer fiddled with his tricorder to have it look for pheromones.   It didn't take long for it get a hit... about three seconds after the Klingon had already pointed out the scent on the branch of the tree.

Rather than confirm her statement that the smell was Orion pheromones, Lahr sourly put his tricorder away.  There was no point to it - the Klingon sense of smell seemed superior to it.

His discontent mood could have been in part to being ordered to stay back.  An order he had no choice to follow given her higher rank.   With reluctance Lahr,  followed her lead, as it moved along the tree path until she found a playing card.   And further along the path Lahr spotted another.

Lahr had no clue about its significance, but they certainly didn't seem to be Andgarrian in origin.  A suspicious trail of playing cards... dropped by accident? Unlikely.  Left behind by someone knowing Starfleet would begin a search... so an ally?!  Or left behind to lure them into a trap?

At the thought of a trap, Lahr couldn't help but devilishly picturing the Klingon getting caught up in a some silly rope trap, dangling upside down and having to be rescued by him and Zala; but that was unlikely to happen to the well-seasoned officer.  'Maybe if I pushed her into it?' he mused, before realizing how inappropriate a thought that was.   Good thing, the Aenar wasn't with them!

Lahr tried to remind himself he had no business being jealous over the lead position in this search when he shouldn't even be down here as part of an away mission anyways.   The Commander was safe - that had been his goal.  Afterwards, Lahr realized, he should have just requested to return to the ship then.   It wasn't like his engineering were needed. Not really.

"I'd be careful, ma'am - that trail of cards could lead to a trap.  Zala and I will guard your back while you lead the way."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 02, 2023, 04:27:22 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout - along the tree pathways]

Before the trio of Lahr, Zala and D'Lorra could get far in their trail following, the Captain called for an emergency recall of all personnel.  Either the Orions were far more of a threat here than first anticipated, or there were bigger issues to deal with.  Neither were a good situation.

Lahr tapped his comm.  =/\= "ch'Verret to Transporter room.  Do you have a solid fix on our location or do we need to go higher up?" =/\=

There was a momentary pause on the other end before his Vulcan roommate, Petty Officer Grelek, answered.

=/\= "The signal is intermittent, but I have a fair amount of certainty that I can complete the transport with a negligible margin of error. Stand by and remain where you are." =/\=

With that less than encouraging answer, seconds seems to drag until he telltale shimmering sound and light enwreathed the away team.

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Just Outside the Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, D'Lorra emerged into a clearing. What lay before her was a massive junkyard. She recognized Romulan ships from at least three centuries earlier strewn around, from Birds of Prey (the Romulan variety) to cruiser-sized Battle Hawks. A close observation could see why it was a virtual clearing; there were many felled oln'garr trees, and a lot of the Romulan ships looked to be under it. Crushed or smashed, the look of things.

"Behold. A site of a battle," said D'Lorra in awe. It was obvious to see how most of the trees, with help from the Andgarr, were doing the fighting.

She had been gazing in awe when the recall came. The concern for why the recall came brought her out of her awe state. What had happened?

Just then, she saw a Romulan ship decloak from among the junkyard...and it certainly looked more recent than three centuries, more like three decades...

"Chief, Mogai class down there...we better let the Captain know, something's..."

Suddenly, green bolts rang and D'Lorra flinched. A squad of Orions erupted and attacked. She hurried over to the group and was just in time for the beam-out, but had noticed the Mogai-class lifting off, shooting something in the junkyard and causing an explosion sending swarms of butterflies into the air, enough swarms to darken a skyline...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 11:55:00 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian drummed his fingers on the arm of the command chair as he waited for the crew to return, so far, 388 of the 550 assigned had checked in. He knew the transporters were running as fast as they could cycle, but it just wasn't fast enough for him, especially when the Starfleet feed went dark. Unfortunately, the official feed was quickly replaced by panicked reports from FNN of the fleet opening fire on Stardock.

"Sweet Merciful Maker, how could this be possible?"

Ian asked rhetorically as the images from Earth burned into his soul.

"This is how it was during the Breen attack during the Dominion War."

He recalled with a shudder. He'd only been eight at the time, but watching the cities of Earth burning was the day he knew he would defy his father and join Starfleet. Earth would never burn again he vowed, but now, he was 50 light years from his home and family.

"Even if I burned the Challenger's engines to cinders, we're eleven days away."

He wailed internally with a palpable wave of guilt.

"Earth is goin' ta burn again and I can't STOP IT."

He'd stopped drumming his fingers as his hands clenched in fists of impotent rage.

"I can't let the crew see me come apart, but what can I do? What can I do? WhatcanIdo? WhatcanIdo? WhatcanIdo..."

For the sake of the crew, Ian's expression was an iron mask of discipline, but, despite his well established confidence, Ian felt despair for the first time in his adult life.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira sped on the bridge, still getting into her uniform.

"All crew present and accounted for, Captain," called Commander Catalan from Ops.

"Captain, what's going...?" Nira started, but she stopped. She saw the transmission. It was the Frontier Day celebration but...something was wrong. The fleet was in assembly, but they were all firing on the Spacedock, along with all the orbital defenses. She looked at Captain Galloway and flinched, more at the emotions she felt exploding from him. Rage...and was that despair?

"Oh Allah," said Nira in horror. What she had expected in the new program had come true. Somebody had taken over the fleet and was attacking Earth.

"Sir, Romulan ship incoming...it's hailing us..."

The order for the on screen came and the two Caligula sisters were there, leering identically at them while Hakul skulked with a triumphant smirk in behind...and the Frontier Day celebrations were still going in the background.

Nirreen, the one Nira recognized most, spoke first.

"Marvelous, isn't it?" she said.

"On behalf of the Cradol," said Ratheen, "I and my sister present: The End of the Federation."

"Nireen!" snarled Nira. "And Ratheen...you all knew about this?!?"

"Naturally," said Nireen with dangerous sweetness. "We, the Triumvirate, and we who gathered in an alliance outside Romulan space with help of the Changelings. At least a good deal. I believe other Changelings are responsible..."

"You've hacked into the program, didn't you?" accused Nira furiously.

"I'm not doing a thing at the moment," giggled Nireen, gesturing with her hands. "None of us are. We are merely enjoying the festivities. So are the Kzinti, they're very eager to kick you while you are down...but I imagine you will be blinded sooner or later..."

"Kol Khara!" snarled Nira in Arabic. "If you aren't behind this..."

"It's not just the Changelings," Ratheen said with similar sweetness. "What would I say if I told you the Changelings entered into an alliance with the Borg?"

"Then Kol Khara again, both of you!"

"Go ahead and let your emotions fly," Hakul said silkily. "Despair completely..."

"Sirs, something's being broadcast on all Federation channels!" said Commander Catalan. "It's President Chekov!"

He put on the transmission, the Caligula clan widening their leers like snakes as President Chekov called:

"This is President Anton Chekov of the United Federation of Planets broadcasting on all emergency channels. Do not approach Earth. A signal of unknown origin has turned our young against us. They have been assimilated by the Borg. Our fleet has been compromised and as we speak, our planetary defenses are falling. Sol Station is defending Earth as best it can. But we're almost out of time. We have not been able to find a way to stop this Borg signal and unassimilate our young. But I know if my father were here, he'd remind us all that hope is never lost. There are always possibilities. Until then, I implore you: save yourselves. Farewell."

Nira collapsed in utmost horror into her chair, stunned by what was heard. Only once before in the history of the Federation had a stay-away order been given from the President, and that had been more than a hundred years previously. Earth was almost wiped out until James Kirk returned with a pair of whales. Now something even more horrifying was happening and the Borg was at the centerpiece.

Nirreen, Ratheen and Hakul grinned evilly, baring their teeth; they had heard the transmission and the triumph in their faces was evident.

"This doesn't matter," Ratheen leered. "As soon as our new fleet finishes with Earth, we all move in and finish them off. The End of the Federation has begun."

"Enjoy yourselves, Challenger," Nireen added, tauntingly. "Enjoy being the last of the Federation. Goodbye, stragglers."

And the transmission was cut, leaving a chill of horrified and shocked despair all around the bridge.

[Dynast-Praetor Ratheen | Bridge | IRS Narrocian]

"Helm, take us to the fleet; they are certainly itching in their readiness," Ratheen ordered.

"At once, Praetor," came the reply as Domitian entered with the animal woman Visa at his side.

"You have good reason to destroy the Syndicate's work here?" he said with quiet but angry demanding.

"Haven't you noticed, old man?" asked Ratheen. "It's begun. Codename Vox has been found and the the fall of the Federation has begun."

"And the Challenger gets to bear witness," said Nirreen. "It's one of the best elements in a trap for meddlers: To keep them away while their enemy seizes control. So that way, when they do return, it is too late."

"That's fine with that bunch of meddlers," said Domitian, jabbing a finger at the Challenger as it became smaller in the viewscreen, "but you forget the other meddlers..."

"From what we hear," Nireen stated, "the Discovery's part of the Enterprise's flag group...they'll be in the thick of it. Kira Nerys has her own affairs around Bajor. Janeway is much too tied up in scientific work and we have many of her officers."

"What of Picard and his ilk?" snapped Domitian.

For the first time, Nirreen wavered. She looked nervous. It was not lost not just by Domitian, but Ratheen.

"The Tal Shiar lost that old man?" snapped Ratheen.

"The whole Tal Shiar lost track of them!" said Nirreen with a defiant wave.

"Then we'd best prepare for even the off-chance," said Domitian. "As long as Picard and his band are loose, there can be a chance even the so-call Fall you're enjoying could come to nothing! And the chances are," he added with a gnashing of teeth, "it could even already be too late."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Through his despair, Ian did hear that the crew was accounted for and that pleased him somewhat, not much, but some. However, the next thing that he heard clearly was the gloating from the Romulan woman. He couldn't do anything about what was happening on Earth, but he could do something about the Romulan woman. Despair was instantly replaced with a cold and calculating wrath. He stood and spoke in an icy tone.

"Shields up! Red Alert! Battlestations! Helm, Attack Pattern Gamma One. Tactical, bring quantums to ready. Bring phasers to ready. Ops, full power from the second warp core to shields. Engage point of impact shields."

To the Romulans, he said in his native Gaelic.

"Deoghail am fallus bhÁ rr duine mharbh siadha tiadhan! Make peace with whoever you believe in because you're ta meet them this day."

His eyes never left the viewscreen as he added.

"Ops. Scotland the Brave on all channels! NOW!"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 03:35:21 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Through his despair, Ian did hear that the crew was accounted for and that pleased him somewhat, not much, but some. However, the next thing that he heard clearly was the gloating from the Romulan woman. He couldn't do anything about what was happening on Earth, but he could do something about the Romulan woman. Despair was instantly replaced with a cold and calculating wrath. He stood and spoke in an icy tone.

"Shields up! Red Alert! Battlestations! Helm, Attack Pattern Gamma One. Tactical, bring quantums to ready. Bring phasers to ready. Ops, full power from the second warp core to shields. Engage point of impact shields."

To the Romulans, he said in his native Gaelic.

"Deoghail am fallus bhÁ rr duine mharbh siadha tiadhan! Make peace with whoever you believe in because you're ta meet them this day."

His eyes never left the viewscreen as he added.

"Ops. Scotland the Brave on all channels! NOW!"

[Enarrain Nirreen of House Caligula | Bridge | IRS Narrocian]

"Enarran! Praetors!" the Tactical Officer called. "The Challenger is charging weapons and shields!"

Taking her eyes off of Domitian and to the viewscreen, Nirreen raised an eyebrow.

"Hail them again," Ratheen ordered.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At once, the bridge was a flurry of activity. Nira was still shocked by it; she had been shocked already by Saavik's mind meld, and now this horrifying news had made her slow to respond. But respond she did, she too shared the Captain's wrath. Even more so when Commander Catalan indicated they were hailing again. The Caligula Clan was back on, replacing the Daeinos-class cruiser on the viewscreen, but an old man was with them this time...

"Really, Captain, is the last of the Federation so eager to make war with the Triumvirate, hmmm?" asked Ratheen sweetly. "You have to be aware of the consequences of attacking two Praetors, especially when one of them is the religious leader of the Triumvirate."

Nira stirred uneasily. Were they really...?

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2023, 05:34:37 PM

[Enarrain Nirreen of House Caligula | Bridge | IRS Narrocian]

"Enarran! Praetors!" the Tactical Officer called. "The Challenger is charging weapons and shields!"

Taking her eyes off of Domitian and to the viewscreen, Nirreen raised an eyebrow.

"Hail them again," Ratheen ordered.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At once, the bridge was a flurry of activity. Nira was still shocked by it; she had been shocked already by Saavik's mind meld, and now this horrifying news had made her slow to respond. But respond she did, she too shared the Captain's wrath. Even more so when Commander Catalan indicated they were hailing again. The Caligula Clan was back on, replacing the Daeinos-class cruiser on the viewscreen, but an old man was with them this time...

"Really, Captain, is the last of the Federation so eager to make war with the Triumvirate, hmmm?" asked Ratheen sweetly. "You have to be aware of the consequences of attacking two Praetors, especially when one of them is the religious leader of the Triumvirate."

Nira stirred uneasily. Were they really...?

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's eyes narrowed as he heard the Romulan's voice, she was clearly surprised and she'd stated they had aligned with the Borg and the Changelings, that made them accomplices to the attack on Earth, which was all the justification he needed to the arrogance off their smug faces. He made a slashing motion with his hand to cut the channel, he was done listening to them. It was at that point Mackenzie arrived, but there wasn't time for him at the moment.

"Lieutenant Davenport, weapons free, fire as fast as the weapons will cycle. Your primary target is their bridge. Secondary target are their engines. We're ta blind them, lame them, and send them ta hell!"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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