S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Aarwendil Cheizex

[Bridge | Environmental Control| USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

With Captain Galloway leaving the bridge to prepare for the diplomatic mission, Aarwendil stayed in the Challenger with the rest of the crew. He saw the Anax make contact with them and they followed a Romulan bird of prey soon after toward a place where they could dock. The young Betazoid was excited with the prospect of watching these procedures. In a place where buildings were made inside trees, it would be something different.

He was right after, because the docking bay was in a tree. However, the most impressive thing was that the trees rose out of the sea. He never thought that something like that could be possible. Aarwendil wanted to study this flora and the water, or this sea had no salinity or the plants were tolerant to it.

Perhaps he would be able to do it right now, with the possibility of a shore leave. Aarwendil would use some of this time to explore the place and make some analysis of the plants and water. And animals, too. The local fauna must be interesting. Of course, he would need to ask permission from the locals first.

Betazoid, Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on September 28, 2023, 09:07:14 AM

Neva watched the planet rise into view on the screen, her work at her station forgotten. She was in complete awe of the abject beauty of the terrain unfolded. Memories of Betazed and Earth's various foliage flowed across her mind as she heard someone talk of planting the trees from this planet somewhere else. The trees of Yemen came to mind suddenly like a file was opened and pulled up for her perusal.
"I remember The Dragon's Blood trees of Yemen on Earth seem similar to here," she said to no one in particular. "My parents took me on a trip once and Mother insisted on seeing them. It was quite an eye opening experience. I'd love to tell her about this planet." Neva suddenly realized what she'd just done and blushed hard, turning back to her station to hide it.
When the Captain left with his team and the subsequent directives from both him and Commander Said, Neva found herself vibrating with the same excitement she felt the crew was at the idea of going down for leave.
'Oh what Mother would do to get here! I hope things go right so I can bring her someday!' she thought fervently.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked at Neva when she mentioned the Dragon's Blood trees of Yemen. "Really? You've been to Yemen? And...good Allah, I haven't seen those trees since I was little...! Oh, it's perfectly okay, Neva," added Nira when she saw Neva's reaction. "I have a feeling you're not the only one who's excited to tell people back home about this planet."

Quote from: Cole Shepard on September 28, 2023, 04:59:47 PM


The planet was already a sight to see and Cole took it in as they approached. The usual procedures played out like they typically do. Planet hails ship. Ship responds. Natives invite down. Away team goes. (Cole had secretly wished to be a part of this as he rarely got to leave the ship).

The CO had left the Bridge and Cole was happy to hear him come over the comms and talk to the First Officer about some shore leave. He also got excited when he heard they would be doing an atmospheric docking. Of course, hearing the words "Follow that Bird of Prey" still threw him for an ever so tiny loop.

The Challenger made it's approach and slid into position with no issues, followed by the docking clamps grabbing hold.

Now came the waiting game.

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on September 29, 2023, 12:41:59 AM


Abas wasn't quite sure he'd heard the Commander correctly when her voice came from both the bridge's speakers and Nira herself. Atmospheric landing? Were they mad? The ship simply wasn't designed for that sort of action - it was a spaceship. Could the ship even take that kind of pressure? Generally, spaceships were designed to operate somewhere between zero and one atmosphere of pressure - but this was why Abas wasn't an engineer. Maybe the ship was designed to take it.

Regardless, he braced himself for the turbulence as the ship sailed gracefully through the atmosphere, docking at the platform and stabilizing as the external systems captured and held the ship in place. He shook his head, before returning to his duties at hand. Replacing the medical kit on the wall, he continued his counterclockwise rotation around the bridge, carrying out his duties as assigned. Hopefully, he'd be in and out of there within the next 10 minutes or so, before the crew decided to do something really weird, like submerge the ship or jump into an active volcano. Did anyone think of how ridiculous that would be? To hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean?

"Good job, Mister Shepherd," said Nira. She noticed Abas scowling, the only one to not be amazed. "It's okay, Mister Th'vyrrol," she said. "We're perfectly safe up here." She couldn't tell whether he was concerned or just annoyed; she often had trouble placing a negative emotion.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on September 30, 2023, 08:07:40 AM

[Bridge | Environmental Control| USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

With Captain Galloway leaving the bridge to prepare for the diplomatic mission, Aarwendil stayed in the Challenger with the rest of the crew. He saw the Anax make contact with them and they followed a Romulan bird of prey soon after toward a place where they could dock. The young Betazoid was excited with the prospect of watching these procedures. In a place where buildings were made inside trees, it would be something different.

He was right after, because the docking bay was in a tree. However, the most impressive thing was that the trees rose out of the sea. He never thought that something like that could be possible. Aarwendil wanted to study this flora and the water, or this sea had no salinity or the plants were tolerant to it.

Perhaps he would be able to do it right now, with the possibility of a shore leave. Aarwendil would use some of this time to explore the place and make some analysis of the plants and water. And animals, too. The local fauna must be interesting. Of course, he would need to ask permission from the locals first.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 29, 2023, 04:35:20 PM

[Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

Ian repeated the gesture of greeting to Anju and smiled broadly at the host.

"I greet you Subanax. As my science officer Lieutenant Jyur has already mentioned, we are thrilled ta explore your unique world. With your permission, I would have my crew visit for shore leave. My science department is hummin' with excitement to catalog the flora and fauna of Angdarr. We will, of course, follow any restrictions you impose and not travel without a guide.

"I am personally lookin' forward ta witnessin' the glider races that was in the briefin' package."

A moment later, Nira got a reply back from the Captain. She pulled up a holographic display from the chair, showing the conditions of where the crew can and cannot go for shore leave. So permission was granted...under certain conditions. Time to let the word out.

"Commander, open shipwide comms," she said to Catalan. Once the comms were open, Nira made her announcement.

=/\="Attention all hands," she announced. "After our initial journey to Andgarr Prime, and now that we are docked, shore leave is hereby granted. Anybody who wants to engage in starship business not on shore leave but for purposes of studying the flora, fauna and culture of Andgarr Prime is more than welcome to. =/\=

=/\="Bear in mind, though, everybody," she added, "that there are certain places that aren't permitted access, most especially the forest floor; exploration below requires permission from the higher authorities due to the danger of the floor, although the water bodies are permissible for recreation and scientific study. Also, there are plenty of Romulan embassies and temples on the planet, so be careful if you get to one and want to mingle with Romulans. Note particularly the embassies of the Romulan Free State and the Reman Embassies, as they'll be the most friendly. On that note, we have been bidden welcome to Andgarr Prime. Said out." =/\=

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on September 28, 2023, 07:36:52 PM

[ USS Challenger - Bridge --> Andgarr Prime, Planet Surface ]

Jettis observed the exchange between the Anax and the Captain curiously. He had to admit, though he typically did his due diligence when embarking on diplomatic missions, it had slipped by him this time. It wasn't unusual for him to have a file of basic greetings, history, and  general background and cultural information if he anticipated meeting a species he wasn't familiar with. However with the sudden shift in him going back to being a Department head - a development that was wholly unexpected, he'd been so buried in paperwork that had piled up he didn't get past the basics.

He perked up when Ian called his name though, despite his nervousness at being unfamiliar. Quickly logging himself out from the computer, he uttered an 'aye, Captain', and stepped to follow the man.

Like the Captain, he chose to remain unarmed seeing as he was a science officer, and his interest lie primarily with... well, everything about the planet. The impossibility of it all was more than enough to keep him holed up in a lab for days... So the open invitation to study it was welcomed.

When the away team came face to face with the Anax and Subanaxes, Jettis would mimic their greeting, before bowing his head respectfully. He waited for the Captain to speak first, as expected, before cheerfully piping up. "As a science officer myself, I want to thank you wholeheartedly for the opportunity to explore and experience the beauty of your planet. As well as for the gracious reminders and warnings of the dangers. If at any point while we are welcomed here you require my service, I am at your disposal."

[Subanax Anju Jindak | Great Hall of Andgarr | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"But of course," Anju said to Jettis enthusiastically. "I can understand, a man of science as you are. We have met a very sparse handful of Federation types, of course. I believe there's an enclave in development between the Federation and the Free State. The Starfleet people call it Arden. A very unique name. Which is understandable...they found a good place to set up in one of the xon'garr trees...xon'gar being forests in and of themselves on the inside, hollow as they are, by the way. But the oln'arr trees, sturdy all the way."

"It's so funny how there are so many secrets on this planet and yet you Andgarr are so enthusiastic to share secrets. The Andgarr would make horrible Tal'Shiar operatives."

Anju turned and started in surprise. "Praetor!"

"Dynast-Praetor, if you please," the woman said sweetly, emerging from the bright windowed shadows in the doorway along with a bodyguard; two tan Romulans in green ritualistic attire, although the male was adorned in beads and green briefs.

But behind them, floating behind them, were two Romulans with high-tech wings and dressed in enough green to make them look like leprechauns, and they were recognizable to Captain Galloway as Cradol Consulate Legionnaires.

"Ratheen, Hakul," the Anax said, merely nodding. Ratheen, the woman, nodded, and then noticed the Federation party.

"Ah, you are from the Starfleet vessel?" Ratheen said. "And...ah...I know who you are. Captain Galloway. How intriguing. I've heard so much about you, but I never knew you could be this...intriguing in person...a kind of Kirk...little Nirreen never said you looked so...ah, apologies...

"I am Ratheen of the Cradol," Ratheen introduced herself. "Dynast-Ethnarch as I had been in our order in times past...but to preserve the strength of our rituals, these days, it's been Dynast-Praetor. And this is my brother, High Ethnarch Hakul, leader of the Ethnarch Council."

Hakul nodded cordially, and though Ratheen seemed to express friendliness, their eyes were cold and hard, as if to say, "don't mess with us."

"When they say Ethnarchs," Anju explained, "they refer to the council of each of their ritual high priests, each specializing in the different Romulan religions."

"And especially in the preservation of the ancient Vulcan rituals long before Surak was born," Hakul added coolly.

"But I must say, your arrival is a surprise," the Anax said.

"We are just priests taking upon ourselves to spread good feelings to our congregations," Ratheen said. "Besides, we always have a strong connection to Andgarr. We of the Elemental Faith, we have always regarded Andgarr as a planet of the influence of Water, owing to how Water gives life...and look how much life Andgarr has..." She gestured around in a flourish...

"Praetor," a Legionnaire said, clearing his throat.

"Of course, Uhlan," Ratheen said. "I apologize, Captain, the Consulate Legionnaires are always so formal and strict. Them with their better sense of honor overriding their zeal..."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: Nira Said on September 30, 2023, 11:27:20 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked at Neva when she mentioned the Dragon's Blood trees of Yemen. "Really? You've been to Yemen? And...good Allah, I haven't seen those trees since I was little...! Oh, it's perfectly okay, Neva," added Nira when she saw Neva's reaction. "I have a feeling you're not the only one who's excited to tell people back home about this planet."

"Good job, Mister Shepherd," said Nira. She noticed Abas scowling, the only one to not be amazed. "It's okay, Mister Th'vyrrol," she said. "We're perfectly safe up here." She couldn't tell whether he was concerned or just annoyed; she often had trouble placing a negative emotion.A moment later, Nira got a reply back from the Captain. She pulled up a holographic display from the chair, showing the conditions of where the crew can and cannot go for shore leave. So permission was granted...under certain conditions. Time to let the word out.

"Commander, open shipwide comms," she said to Catalan. Once the comms were open, Nira made her announcement.

=/\="Attention all hands," she announced. "After our initial journey to Andgarr Prime, and now that we are docked, shore leave is hereby granted. Anybody who wants to engage in starship business not on shore leave but for purposes of studying the flora, fauna and culture of Andgarr Prime is more than welcome to. =/\=

=/\="Bear in mind, though, everybody," she added, "that there are certain places that aren't permitted access, most especially the forest floor; exploration below requires permission from the higher authorities due to the danger of the floor, although the water bodies are permissible for recreation and scientific study. Also, there are plenty of Romulan embassies and temples on the planet, so be careful if you get to one and want to mingle with Romulans. Note particularly the embassies of the Romulan Free State and the Reman Embassies, as they'll be the most friendly. On that note, we have been bidden welcome to Andgarr Prime. Said out." =/\=


Abas had almost completed his route around the bridge when he heard the voice of the Commander speaking to him. His frown deepened for a moment, realizing he'd let his expression show just how much of what he was thinking. He attempted to bring his face back to neutral, constraining his concerns to his mind. Maybe it was the antennae which had given him away - controlling his outward expressions had never been a strong suit of him. Perhaps the amazement he was feeling from the rest of the crew came from the purported spectacular visuals of plasma and super-hot gasses whipping around the hull as the ship lowered herself into the gravity well, friction between the hull and air.

While Abas couldn't see the sights, he noted with uncomfortable detail the other signs of the endeavor. While the landing zone was still far above sea level, the ship still had to sail through the exosphere, thermosphere, mesosphere, and even at least part of the stratosphere. In all likelihood, these trees were still well within the troposphere, perhaps only a few thousand meters above sea level. The compression on the hull and resulting vibrations and harmonics, as the structural integrity fields held together the ship were unmistakable through his feet. Nonetheless, the ship was indeed safe and stable at station-keeping. The rest was up to the Engineers.

"Apologies, Commander," he spoke aloud, nodding to the XO and turning toward her. If he remembered correctly, she was a Betazoid. Stepping back from his final inspection, he flipped his tricorder closed. The scans were complete, and his duties on the bridge had completed. Since the crew was going on shore leave, he'd likely see if he could find the rest of his shift by the main airlock, screening crew and cargo boarding or departing the ship to ensure that no new contaminants were brought from the planet - or accidentally introduced into the planet's ecosystem. A fine bit of diplomacy straight out of the old earth playbook that would be - seeking out strange new worlds, and bringing along a host of maladies and ills. Thankfully, medical procedures had mostly stopped that from occurring. The glories of a modern age.

He listened to the Commander's speech, reminding the crew of the rules and regulations around visits to the planet. Visiting a planet was always exciting. Perhaps he'd need to tag along after his shift and explore a bit. Until then, however, he began to walk toward the turbolift, intent on returning to Sickbay unless he was directed elsewhere.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on September 30, 2023, 11:27:20 PM

[Subanax Anju Jindak | Great Hall of Andgarr | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"But of course," Anju said to Jettis enthusiastically. "I can understand, a man of science as you are. We have met a very sparse handful of Federation types, of course. I believe there's an enclave in development between the Federation and the Free State. The Starfleet people call it Arden. A very unique name. Which is understandable...they found a good place to set up in one of the xon'garr trees...xon'gar being forests in and of themselves on the inside, hollow as they are, by the way. But the oln'arr trees, sturdy all the way."

"It's so funny how there are so many secrets on this planet and yet you Andgarr are so enthusiastic to share secrets. The Andgarr would make horrible Tal'Shiar operatives."

Anju turned and started in surprise. "Praetor!"

"Dynast-Praetor, if you please," the woman said sweetly, emerging from the bright windowed shadows in the doorway along with a bodyguard; two tan Romulans in green ritualistic attire, although the male was adorned in beads and green briefs.

But behind them, floating behind them, were two Romulans with high-tech wings and dressed in enough green to make them look like leprechauns, and they were recognizable to Captain Galloway as Cradol Consulate Legionnaires.

"Ratheen, Hakul," the Anax said, merely nodding. Ratheen, the woman, nodded, and then noticed the Federation party.

"Ah, you are from the Starfleet vessel?" Ratheen said. "And...ah...I know who you are. Captain Galloway. How intriguing. I've heard so much about you, but I never knew you could be this...intriguing in person...a kind of Kirk...little Nirreen never said you looked so...ah, apologies...

"I am Ratheen of the Cradol," Ratheen introduced herself. "Dynast-Ethnarch as I had been in our order in times past...but to preserve the strength of our rituals, these days, it's been Dynast-Praetor. And this is my brother, High Ethnarch Hakul, leader of the Ethnarch Council."

Hakul nodded cordially, and though Ratheen seemed to express friendliness, their eyes were cold and hard, as if to say, "don't mess with us."

"When they say Ethnarchs," Anju explained, "they refer to the council of each of their ritual high priests, each specializing in the different Romulan religions."

"And especially in the preservation of the ancient Vulcan rituals long before Surak was born," Hakul added coolly.

"But I must say, your arrival is a surprise," the Anax said.

"We are just priests taking upon ourselves to spread good feelings to our congregations," Ratheen said. "Besides, we always have a strong connection to Andgarr. We of the Elemental Faith, we have always regarded Andgarr as a planet of the influence of Water, owing to how Water gives life...and look how much life Andgarr has..." She gestured around in a flourish...

"Praetor," a Legionnaire said, clearing his throat.

"Of course, Uhlan," Ratheen said. "I apologize, Captain, the Consulate Legionnaires are always so formal and strict. Them with their better sense of honor overriding their zeal..."

[Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

Ian turned towards the voices and maintained a neutral expression, but he noted the hardness in Hakul's eyes. Given the formality the two projected, Ian chose to speak in perfect Standard to ensure he was not misunderstood.

"You have me at a disadvantage my lady in that you know me, but I do not know you. Rathleen and Hakul was it? I suppose I should be flattered that my reputation proceeds me, I have been stationed on the Romulan border for some time now. The last time I encountered the Cradol, it was not a cordial event. Hopefully, this time things can be different."

"I'm certain that I and the crew of the Challenger will get a chance to get to know your people better during our time here. I, personally, would be fascinated to hear about your system of believe. I find one can never know enough about other cultures as it reduces... misunderstandings."

[Outside the Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

"All assets in place."

A hooded figure spoke into a wrist mounted communication device.

"May Gorantha bless your endeavor."

A second hooded figure replied and closed the connection.

Kyan Mackenzie


Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Great Hall of Andgarr | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"œThis planet would be a prime vacation spot." Kyan thought to himself as he listened to the grups go about their greetings and schmoozing. "œ"¦if not for all the Romulans." It wasn't that Kyan didn't like Romulans per say; he'd met several who were nice enough. The Sisters of the Qowat Milat came to mind. But though an individual or even a specific group of Romulans might be ok, his experience was that there was ALWAYS something else going on when Romulans grouped together. "œJolan Tru!" they'd say"¦. But Jolan was never one hundred percent true. Jolan was a liar more times than not.

So when the pair of Romulans materialized, it raised the Onlie's suspicion. Their attitudes, though too polite by half, did little to alleviate his misgivings. But questioning them outright and publically wouldn't accomplish anything. And besides, Kyan had no desire to get into any Romulan intrigue. The planet was interesting to be sure, and he wanted to explore it. Maybe if he didn't go looking for trouble, the Romulans here would see fit not to offer any.

A little voice laughed in his head. "œFat chance of that boyo." It said. He tried dismissing it. But still, something about these two was off. Maybe it was the costumes that made them look like angry wood elves from the Middle Earth books, although he'd not be saying that aloud, the thought did produce a grin. Instead, he decided to take what the grups called "œthe diplomatic path."

"œI'd be after hearin about some of those religions so I would." Kyan piped up." I'm a follower of the Powers meself and this place looks made by Cernunnos Himself Himself."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 02, 2023, 03:27:40 PM

Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Great Hall of Andgarr | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"œThis planet would be a prime vacation spot." Kyan thought to himself as he listened to the grups go about their greetings and schmoozing. "œ"¦if not for all the Romulans." It wasn't that Kyan didn't like Romulans per say; he'd met several who were nice enough. The Sisters of the Qowat Milat came to mind. But though an individual or even a specific group of Romulans might be ok, his experience was that there was ALWAYS something else going on when Romulans grouped together. "œJolan Tru!" they'd say"¦. But Jolan was never one hundred percent true. Jolan was a liar more times than not.

So when the pair of Romulans materialized, it raised the Onlie's suspicion. Their attitudes, though too polite by half, did little to alleviate his misgivings. But questioning them outright and publically wouldn't accomplish anything. And besides, Kyan had no desire to get into any Romulan intrigue. The planet was interesting to be sure, and he wanted to explore it. Maybe if he didn't go looking for trouble, the Romulans here would see fit not to offer any.

A little voice laughed in his head. "œFat chance of that boyo." It said. He tried dismissing it. But still, something about these two was off. Maybe it was the costumes that made them look like angry wood elves from the Middle Earth books, although he'd not be saying that aloud, the thought did produce a grin. Instead, he decided to take what the grups called "œthe diplomatic path."

"œI'd be after hearin about some of those religions so I would." Kyan piped up." I'm a follower of the Powers meself and this place looks made by Cernunnos Himself Himself."

[Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

Ratheen and Hakul seemed surprised that Ian expressed interest in learning about their teachings. He couldn't tell if it was he, as a human, would care, or if he'd caught them in a lie of their own making if they weren't who they claimed to be. In either case, they said they would discuss the matter with their 'elders' and get back to him. Subanax Anju also bade the four Federation officers good day for now, repeating that they and the rest of the Challenger's crew were free to explore, but if they left the higher levels of the trees to make sure they had a guide.

Finally on their own, Ian and the others moved out of the great hall and out onto an open area that seemed to act as one of the main 'streets' of the city. As they were so busy observing the amazing sites, they chose to take a smaller 'side street' of sorts so that they would not impede traffic as they blatantly gaped at the exquisite vistas of the city.

Unfortunately, their fascination with the scenery kept them from noticing the figures that expertly kept to the shadows until a flash of movement caught Ian's eye. He pivoted toward the motion, but it was far too late. An arm bearing a club swung and while he was able to avoid the blow to his head, he took the blow on his right shoulder. He yelped as he heard bone break and felt his right arm go limp. His training kicked in and he dodged the next strike, but with his dominant arm out of the fight, he knew he was in trouble.

Although deeply engrossed with his own opponent, Ian was at least peripherally aware that the rest of the away team was under attack as well. He landed a solid left cross and followed it up with a satisfying kick that drove his attacker back far enough to risk a quick glance around and the news wasn't good.

He saw Zhuk take a hit from a phaser and hoped it was set on stun as the Caitian crumpled. Jettis was holding his own, but then another figure appeared behind him and the two hooded figured pummeled him down.

Of course, Kyan was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he dodged, punched, kicked, and spun against his opponents. The last thing Ian saw before the stunner hit him was a huge hooded figure literally snatch Kyan off his feet and thump him on the head with a sap like weapon. Joining the others in a pile on the large branch that served as the side street. Ian had time to think.

"Oh, the wood is warm."

Before everything went black.

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Deck 11 - Forward - Main Airlock]

Abas had made his way off the bridge, swinging briefly by the medical ward before arriving at his new duty station, essentially acting as Federation Customs Control. This airlock was the main causeway, allowing the crew to embark and disembark from the ship. Everything would be scanned coming onboard and offboard, from biologics to foodstuffs to trinkets and bobs. A contingent of security, sciences, and medical staff was on hand as the flow of people from both directions continued.

He hadn't been there too long when his antennae perked up. One of the crewmembers was returning back aboard with... something smelly. He wasn't the only person to have noticed - two of the security officers had already intercepted the crewman and found concealed (poorly) under his uniform a large package of... cheeses? Abas drew closer to take a look, as did many of the other staff at the checkpoint. A few of the more fortunate crewmembers took the momentary lapse in security to sneak back aboard with their own contraband. It was a known operation - a few crewmembers would act as bait and some others would sneak past with the really good stuff. Not that any of those stationed at the checkpoint would ever admit to knowing such things. So the unspoken agreement went, as long as nothing too dangerous was brought past, the odd bit of contraband would be ignored, so long as those bringing it aboard were good enough at hiding it.

The now cheeseless crewmember, dutifully taking his verbal lashings, sauntered off to join the rest of his comrades as the checkpoint returned to normal. A few medical screenings here, the odd new vaccination there, and it should be a nice day of light duty until his shift ended.

That is, unless the crew already on the surface got into trouble.

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on September 30, 2023, 11:27:20 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked at Neva when she mentioned the Dragon's Blood trees of Yemen. "Really? You've been to Yemen? And...good Allah, I haven't seen those trees since I was little...! Oh, it's perfectly okay, Neva," added Nira when she saw Neva's reaction. "I have a feeling you're not the only one who's excited to tell people back home about this planet."
"Good job, Mister Shepherd," said Nira. She noticed Abas scowling, the only one to not be amazed. "It's okay, Mister Th'vyrrol," she said. "We're perfectly safe up here." She couldn't tell whether he was concerned or just annoyed; she often had trouble placing a negative emotion.A moment later, Nira got a reply back from the Captain. She pulled up a holographic display from the chair, showing the conditions of where the crew can and cannot go for shore leave. So permission was granted...under certain conditions. Time to let the word out.

"Commander, open shipwide comms," she said to Catalan. Once the comms were open, Nira made her announcement.

=/\="Attention all hands," she announced. "After our initial journey to Andgarr Prime, and now that we are docked, shore leave is hereby granted. Anybody who wants to engage in starship business not on shore leave but for purposes of studying the flora, fauna and culture of Andgarr Prime is more than welcome to. =/\=

=/\="Bear in mind, though, everybody," she added, "that there are certain places that aren't permitted access, most especially the forest floor; exploration below requires permission from the higher authorities due to the danger of the floor, although the water bodies are permissible for recreation and scientific study. Also, there are plenty of Romulan embassies and temples on the planet, so be careful if you get to one and want to mingle with Romulans. Note particularly the embassies of the Romulan Free State and the Reman Embassies, as they'll be the most friendly. On that note, we have been bidden welcome to Andgarr Prime. Said out."

[Bridge | Environmental Control| USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Commander Said had barely finished announcing that they were going to be able to leave the ship and Aarwendil had already jumped out of his station. The opportunity of having shore leave was excellent, but he wanted to use the opportunity of being outside to study some of the fauna and flora. The young Betazoid was already prepared to even collect some samples if it was allowed.

After leaving the bridge, the Ensign went to collect some materials that he could use in the search. With these at his hand, Aarwendil immediately rushed to the airlock. He couldn't wait to start with his studies.

Betazoid, Male

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Great Hall of Andgarr | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 29, 2023, 04:35:20 PM

[Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

Ian repeated the gesture of greeting to Anju and smiled broadly at the host.

"I greet you Subanax. As my science officer Lieutenant Jyur has already mentioned, we are thrilled ta explore your unique world. With your permission, I would have my crew visit for shore leave. My science department is hummin' with excitement to catalog the flora and fauna of Angdarr. We will, of course, follow any restrictions you impose and not travel without a guide.

"I am personally lookin' forward ta witnessin' the glider races that was in the briefin' package."

[Angdarr Prime]

As the Subanax met with the enemy, unseen eyes watched intently. All was in readiness, authorization had been given, the vengeance would strike in less than hour.

Zhukdra'shar remained utterly and completely composed as Captain Galloway met with Subanax Anju. Though excited for the day to come, he made a great effort to prevent his feelings on the matter taint his professionalism in any way. After all, he knew that being chosen to accompany Ian meant he had to achieve a great impression on the Angarr leaders. And their populace. Though that certainly would come later.
Quote from: Nira Said on September 30, 2023, 11:27:20 PM

[Subanax Anju Jindak | Great Hall of Andgarr | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"But of course," Anju said to Jettis enthusiastically. "I can understand, a man of science as you are. We have met a very sparse handful of Federation types, of course. I believe there's an enclave in development between the Federation and the Free State. The Starfleet people call it Arden. A very unique name. Which is understandable...they found a good place to set up in one of the xon'garr trees...xon'gar being forests in and of themselves on the inside, hollow as they are, by the way. But the oln'arr trees, sturdy all the way."

"It's so funny how there are so many secrets on this planet and yet you Andgarr are so enthusiastic to share secrets. The Andgarr would make horrible Tal'Shiar operatives."

Anju turned and started in surprise. "Praetor!"

"Dynast-Praetor, if you please," the woman said sweetly, emerging from the bright windowed shadows in the doorway along with a bodyguard; two tan Romulans in green ritualistic attire, although the male was adorned in beads and green briefs.

But behind them, floating behind them, were two Romulans with high-tech wings and dressed in enough green to make them look like leprechauns, and they were recognizable to Captain Galloway as Cradol Consulate Legionnaires.

"Ratheen, Hakul," the Anax said, merely nodding. Ratheen, the woman, nodded, and then noticed the Federation party.

"Ah, you are from the Starfleet vessel?" Ratheen said. "And...ah...I know who you are. Captain Galloway. How intriguing. I've heard so much about you, but I never knew you could be this...intriguing in person...a kind of Kirk...little Nirreen never said you looked so...ah, apologies...

"I am Ratheen of the Cradol," Ratheen introduced herself. "Dynast-Ethnarch as I had been in our order in times past...but to preserve the strength of our rituals, these days, it's been Dynast-Praetor. And this is my brother, High Ethnarch Hakul, leader of the Ethnarch Council."

Hakul nodded cordially, and though Ratheen seemed to express friendliness, their eyes were cold and hard, as if to say, "don't mess with us."

"When they say Ethnarchs," Anju explained, "they refer to the council of each of their ritual high priests, each specializing in the different Romulan religions."

"And especially in the preservation of the ancient Vulcan rituals long before Surak was born," Hakul added coolly.

"But I must say, your arrival is a surprise," the Anax said.

"We are just priests taking upon ourselves to spread good feelings to our congregations," Ratheen said. "Besides, we always have a strong connection to Andgarr. We of the Elemental Faith, we have always regarded Andgarr as a planet of the influence of Water, owing to how Water gives life...and look how much life Andgarr has..." She gestured around in a flourish...

"Praetor," a Legionnaire said, clearing his throat.

"Of course, Uhlan," Ratheen said. "I apologize, Captain, the Consulate Legionnaires are always so formal and strict. Them with their better sense of honor overriding their zeal..."

Zhuk's stately demeanor, hands on his back, chest slightly puffed out, and standing upright without moving, save for his eyes every time he blinked, did ended up shifting slightly as an ear and his dichroic greens moved towards the new arrivals. Romulans.

More specifically, a Dynast-Praetor, Ratheen, and her bodyguard, Hakul, both covered in a ritualistic attire that Zhuk found quite pleasing to look at. Of course, it seemed that one protector was not enough, as two Cradol Consulate Legionnaires appeared just behind them. Their equipment, on the other hand, was almost laughable in Zhuk's opinion. They looked like two pompous, shiny, green flies. Of course, not even a sliver of a smile betrayed his true thoughts on the matter.

The Caitian Lieutenant listened closely to their explanation as to why they were there, and what did they within the planet. As Ratheen spoke, however, Zhuk couldn't help but take a closer look. Though captivated at first, his reaction turned to surprise, then confusion. Especially as he mused on the 'little Nirreen' bit. He felt his heart beginning to beat just a little faster as he remembered the infatuation he had with that pretty Romulan spy. He soon went back to admonishing himself as he remembered that those feelings were improper, especially because he disliked Romulans, and she looked just like his commanding officer.

Yuck. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that the resemblance was uncanny. Was this girl Nireen? Or was she related to her? He was not sure, but ultimately, he did not like either answer. He only frowned slightly but waited until the meeting was over and they were allowed to continue on their way in order for him to inform the Captain and Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie about his suspicions.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 02, 2023, 03:59:24 PM

[Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

Ratheen and Hakul seemed surprised that Ian expressed interest in learning about their teachings. He couldn't tell if it was he, as a human, would care, or if he'd caught them in a lie of their own making if they weren't who they claimed to be. In either case, they said they would discuss the matter with their 'elders' and get back to him. Subanax Anju also bade the four Federation officers good day for now, repeating that they and the rest of the Challenger's crew were free to explore, but if they left the higher levels of the trees to make sure they had a guide.

Finally on their own, Ian and the others moved out of the great hall and out onto an open area that seemed to act as one of the main 'streets' of the city. As they were so busy observing the amazing sites, they chose to take a smaller 'side street' of sorts so that they would not impede traffic as they blatantly gaped at the exquisite vistas of the city.

Unfortunately, their fascination with the scenery kept them from noticing the figures that expertly kept to the shadows until a flash of movement caught Ian's eye. He pivoted toward the motion, but it was far too late. An arm bearing a club swung and while he was able to avoid the blow to his head, he took the blow on his right shoulder. He yelped as he heard bone break and felt his right arm go limp. His training kicked in and he dodged the next strike, but with his dominant arm out of the fight, he knew he was in trouble.

Although deeply engrossed with his own opponent, Ian was at least peripherally aware that the rest of the away team was under attack as well. He landed a solid left cross and followed it up with a satisfying kick that drove his attacker back far enough to risk a quick glance around and the news wasn't good.

He saw Zhuk take a hit from a phaser and hoped it was set on stun as the Caitian crumpled. Jettis was holding his own, but then another figure appeared behind him and the two hooded figured pummeled him down.

Of course, Kyan was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he dodged, punched, kicked, and spun against his opponents. The last thing Ian saw before the stunner hit him was a huge hooded figure literally snatch Kyan off his feet and thump him on the head with a sap like weapon. Joining the others in a pile on the large branch that served as the side street. Ian had time to think.

"Oh, the wood is warm."

Before everything went black.

Unfortunately for him, he had no time to do so, as he reached the main street that allowed him to gaze at the marvel that was Angarr. His eyes this time went wide, and like a child in a candy store, he couldn't help but turn and spin around as he sought to take all of the beauty of such a place for himself. He was amazed, his tail swishing a little behind him as he did his best to avoid the people going in his opposite direction. To fully get clear of such a crowd, the party took a detour through a narrower street.

A grave mistake.

As they were passing through, suddenly Zhuk stopped, and his ears began to swish around. He swore he had heard something. Yet, in trying to locate it, he missed a burly individual who proceeded to break the Captain's shoulder, causing him to yelp and retaliate. Zhuk turned, as he drew his phaser as if it were a Western movie. Though obviously, non-lethal. His settings were to stun. As he prepared to fire, however, he felt a ray of energy hitting him in the back. He spasmed, letting out a sharp hiss, before he fell onto the ground, his last thoughts angrily telling him he should have been paying more attention to his surroundings before he hit the wooden floor. His phaser flew out of his hand, and he drifted off to unconsciousness...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n sat at the Ops station having granted permission for other members of his department to go on shore leave first. He'd been coordinating the departure of crew from the ship as they departed to explore the planet. He perked up when he received a priority hail from Angdarr prompting him to get Nira's attention.

"Commander, I have a message from Anax Jindak. I'll put it on screen."

"Commander. I must report to you some most distressing news. Your Captain and his party have been attacked. They have sustained minor injuries, but the child in your group has been kidnapped. We have launched a massive manhunt and I assure you that we will cooperate in all ways to resolve this matter. May I offer my deepest apologies for this dastardly affront to your people."

While no one on the Challenger was an expert on Angdarr expressions, it was clear Jindax was appalled by the attack.

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 02, 2023, 03:59:24 PM

[Great Hall - Angdarr Prime]

Ratheen and Hakul seemed surprised that Ian expressed interest in learning about their teachings. He couldn't tell if it was he, as a human, would care, or if he'd caught them in a lie of their own making if they weren't who they claimed to be. In either case, they said they would discuss the matter with their 'elders' and get back to him. Subanax Anju also bade the four Federation officers good day for now, repeating that they and the rest of the Challenger's crew were free to explore, but if they left the higher levels of the trees to make sure they had a guide.

Finally on their own, Ian and the others moved out of the great hall and out onto an open area that seemed to act as one of the main 'streets' of the city. As they were so busy observing the amazing sites, they chose to take a smaller 'side street' of sorts so that they would not impede traffic as they blatantly gaped at the exquisite vistas of the city.

Unfortunately, their fascination with the scenery kept them from noticing the figures that expertly kept to the shadows until a flash of movement caught Ian's eye. He pivoted toward the motion, but it was far too late. An arm bearing a club swung and while he was able to avoid the blow to his head, he took the blow on his right shoulder. He yelped as he heard bone break and felt his right arm go limp. His training kicked in and he dodged the next strike, but with his dominant arm out of the fight, he knew he was in trouble.

Although deeply engrossed with his own opponent, Ian was at least peripherally aware that the rest of the away team was under attack as well. He landed a solid left cross and followed it up with a satisfying kick that drove his attacker back far enough to risk a quick glance around and the news wasn't good.

He saw Zhuk take a hit from a phaser and hoped it was set on stun as the Caitian crumpled. Jettis was holding his own, but then another figure appeared behind him and the two hooded figured pummeled him down.

Of course, Kyan was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he dodged, punched, kicked, and spun against his opponents. The last thing Ian saw before the stunner hit him was a huge hooded figure literally snatch Kyan off his feet and thump him on the head with a sap like weapon. Joining the others in a pile on the large branch that served as the side street. Ian had time to think.

"Oh, the wood is warm."

Before everything went black.

[ Andgarr Prime ]

As the Captain echoed his sentiments, followed by a group of Romulans approaching them, Jettis allowed himself to fade into the background. Clasping his hands together, he observed the back and forth curiously, taking in what he could of the two groups. As the two groups finally said their farewells and parted ways, only the away team was left alone. Following the Captain out of the Great Hall and emerging onto a populated 'downtown', Jettis marveled at the sights, something entirely new to experience.

Between the towering trees, bustling streets, and intricate infrastructure and architecture, it was a sight to behold. One that briefly caused him to let down his guard, and as such not notice the group stealthily approaching before they were already within attacking-distance.

The attack was a blur - each team member was separated into their own fight of sorts. The first attacker Jettis managed to hold against, despite the ambush. Whether it was his size or his fighting experience, he came close to overpowering and disarming the attacker. However when he quickly stole a glance to see how the other's fared, another assailant was quick to jump into the fight to help his partner. The blow to the back of his head stunned him, followed up quickly from one to his face. He made another effort to throw off one of the attackers, but it was in vain as a stunner hit him, and he crumpled to the branch.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 03, 2023, 12:42:02 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n sat at the Ops station having granted permission for other members of his department to go on shore leave first. He'd been coordinating the departure of crew from the ship as they departed to explore the planet. He perked up when he received a priority hail from Angdarr prompting him to get Nira's attention.

"Commander, I have a message from Anax Jindak. I'll put it on screen."

"Commander. I must report to you some most distressing news. Your Captain and his party have been attacked. They have sustained minor injuries, but the child in your group has been kidnapped. We have launched a massive manhunt and I assure you that we will cooperate in all ways to resolve this matter. May I offer my deepest apologies for this dastardly affront to your people."

While no one on the Challenger was an expert on Angdarr expressions, it was clear Jindax was appalled by the attack.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The ship was clearing, but the department heads had to remain in order to coordinate their departments in their departure. That meant they were among the last on the ship, and so was Nira. Just as well, when the call came in from the Anax.

Now, trying to determine an Andgarr's expression, particularly in meeting new beings, was tricky, but Nira, versed in reading body language to compensate her infrequency of telepathy, could see Anax Jindak was appalled. The news was shocking in itself to hear.

Kyan...he was taken...

"I'm glad to hear that, Anax," said Nira. "Considering the child is a crucial member of the crew, I'd like to see what your men have uncovered so far, and I'd like to ask where my Captain and the rest of his group are."

"We brought them to the Federation enclave Arden," Jindak said. "They're being treated by their fellows from the Federation right now."

"Thank you, Anax," said Nira. "I'll be in touch."

She rose and then pondered, then called: "Said to Doctor Fellows and Mister Th'vrrol, report to Transporter Room One with your medical kits."

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the pair of medical officers alongside her appeared at the transporter pad. Nira let out a gasp of astonishment; she couldn't help herself. As amazing as it was to see a planet and a city in trees, it was more so with a city within a city, in a forest within an equally huge tree. She shook out of her astonishment and approached Doctor John Silas, the matron of the Arden Infirmary.

"Welcome to Arden, Commander," he said. "I'm not surprised by your reaction, but you are looking at a unique kind of Garr tree on Andgarr."

"Time enough to see the sights later," said Nira. "I've brought my ship's Chief Medical Officer to check over my Captain's condition, along with one of our officers."

"Of course," Doctor Silas said. "Follow on. And apologies if the Enclave head isn't here to meet you...well, you'll see, and thank God your group didn't get what's transpiring here."

"And what is?" asked Nira.

"As I said, you'll see..."

As they proceeded, Nira could see half the rooms, in passing, were assembled as improvised sick wards. People were coming and going, most having patches on their skin like they were being treated for something. A good deal of them had Federation medical personnel making treatments to badly sickened peoples...and when Nira got a good look at them, she could see they were all Vulcans.

"I assume your administrator's Vulcan?" asked Nira.

"Correct," Doctor Silas said.

"If some epidemic's powerful enough to bring down a Vulcan, I'd hate to meet it," said Nira.

"Oh, no, what's been going on is something puzzling," Silas explained. "With most races, it just causes skin irritations or minor to moderate allergic reactions. Sometimes, with furry beings like the Caitians and the Andgarr, it sticks to their fur."

Case in point, a Caitian was seen walking by with a stain on his fur, and he was looking disgruntled.

"Pollen?" asked Nira.

"We're not sure," Silas said. "It's flaky, dusty, and pollenlike. It's some sort of insect-based aerosol... for some reason, it has adverse affects causing extreme chemical reactions in copper-based hemocyanin, primarily in beings with green blood...specifically, in Vulcans."

"Well, we'll have to make sure any Vulcan crew members are careful in their shore leave," Nira said.

"Well, at least we're making medical treatments and vaccines...the thing was, these have been happening for some time now. It's gradually escalated in the past week; it started with barely half a dozen, but we've no sooner treated them than we had more cases, in Vulcans, and with some Romulans who also have copper-based hemocyanin, one close physiological thing they have in relation to Vulcans..."

Nira pursed her lips. Something seemed to be going on. And Andgarr was a planet somewhat under Romulan jurisdiction...she was so preoccupied, she didn't realize until too late that Silas had brought them to the ward where Ian, Jettis and Zhuk were kept and she almost bumped into one of them.

"Oh. I'm so sorry!" she said. "I just heard from Jindak. Somebody kidnapped Commander Mackenzie?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 03, 2023, 11:47:23 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The ship was clearing, but the department heads had to remain in order to coordinate their departments in their departure. That meant they were among the last on the ship, and so was Nira. Just as well, when the call came in from the Anax.

Now, trying to determine an Andgarr's expression, particularly in meeting new beings, was tricky, but Nira, versed in reading body language to compensate her infrequency of telepathy, could see Anax Jindak was appalled. The news was shocking in itself to hear.

Kyan...he was taken...

"I'm glad to hear that, Anax," said Nira. "Considering the child is a crucial member of the crew, I'd like to see what your men have uncovered so far, and I'd like to ask where my Captain and the rest of his group are."

"We brought them to the Federation enclave Arden," Jindak said. "They're being treated by their fellows from the Federation right now."

"Thank you, Anax," said Nira. "I'll be in touch."

She rose and then pondered, then called: "Said to Doctor Fellows and Mister Th'vrrol, report to Transporter Room One with your medical kits."

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the pair of medical officers alongside her appeared at the transporter pad. Nira let out a gasp of astonishment; she couldn't help herself. As amazing as it was to see a planet and a city in trees, it was more so with a city within a city, in a forest within an equally huge tree. She shook out of her astonishment and approached Doctor John Silas, the matron of the Arden Infirmary.

"Welcome to Arden, Commander," he said. "I'm not surprised by your reaction, but you are looking at a unique kind of Garr tree on Andgarr."

"Time enough to see the sights later," said Nira. "I've brought my ship's Chief Medical Officer to check over my Captain's condition, along with one of our officers."

"Of course," Doctor Silas said. "Follow on. And apologies if the Enclave head isn't here to meet you...well, you'll see, and thank God your group didn't get what's transpiring here."

"And what is?" asked Nira.

"As I said, you'll see..."

As they proceeded, Nira could see half the rooms, in passing, were assembled as improvised sick wards. People were coming and going, most having patches on their skin like they were being treated for something. A good deal of them had Federation medical personnel making treatments to badly sickened peoples...and when Nira got a good look at them, she could see they were all Vulcans.

"I assume your administrator's Vulcan?" asked Nira.

"Correct," Doctor Silas said.

"If some epidemic's powerful enough to bring down a Vulcan, I'd hate to meet it," said Nira.

"Oh, no, what's been going on is something puzzling," Silas explained. "With most races, it just causes skin irritations or minor to moderate allergic reactions. Sometimes, with furry beings like the Caitians and the Andgarr, it sticks to their fur."

Case in point, a Caitian was seen walking by with a stain on his fur, and he was looking disgruntled.

"Pollen?" asked Nira.

"We're not sure," Silas said. "It's flaky, dusty, and pollenlike. It's some sort of insect-based aerosol... for some reason, it has adverse affects causing extreme chemical reactions in copper-based hemocyanin, primarily in beings with green blood...specifically, in Vulcans."

"Well, we'll have to make sure any Vulcan crew members are careful in their shore leave," Nira said.

"Well, at least we're making medical treatments and vaccines...the thing was, these have been happening for some time now. It's gradually escalated in the past week; it started with barely half a dozen, but we've no sooner treated them than we had more cases, in Vulcans, and with some Romulans who also have copper-based hemocyanin, one close physiological thing they have in relation to Vulcans..."

Nira pursed her lips. Something seemed to be going on. And Andgarr was a planet somewhat under Romulan jurisdiction...she was so preoccupied, she didn't realize until too late that Silas had brought them to the ward where Ian, Jettis and Zhuk were kept and she almost bumped into one of them.

"Oh. I'm so sorry!" she said. "I just heard from Jindak. Somebody kidnapped Commander Mackenzie?"

[Arden Enclave - Angdarr Prime]

Ian jerked awake and immediately regretted the movement. His shoulder screamed in pain and he very nearly did as well. He managed to keep his response muted to a groan as he became aware that Jess was standing next to him.

"I don't recommend any sudden moves for at least four hours."

She smirked.

"I believe I shall take that information under advisement Doctor."

He replied with a grim smile, which faded as the rest of the events of the attack came back.

"Jettis and Zhuk are fine, some bruising, but nothing serious. Kyan is... missing. The Angdarr report he's been kidnapped. Anax Jindar has his security services looking everywhere, but as you know full well, there are no shortage of places to hide on this world."

"Why Kyan? If'n this were about ransom, nae ta toot my own horn, but you'd think a Starfleet captain would be the target."

"No answers for you on that. Are you going to cancel shore leave?"

Ian didn't immediately reply as he thought through his options. The knee jerk reaction was to end shore leave and assist the Angdarr find Kyan. However, one of the most important reasons Challenger had made a port call here was diplomacy and such a strong reaction would send the message that the Angdarr were not to be trusted. So, he took a couple deep breaths and replied.

"No, shore leave continues, just that each group will have an armed security escort. We have ta present that Angdarr is a safe place until we ken otherwise."

Jess nodded, but remained silent.

=/\= "Galloway ta Command Said. At this point, as much as it pains me ta do so, I've got ta pass the baton ta you. I will be returnin' ta the ship ta coordinate with the Angdarr authorities. You will be ground liaison. I ken you want ta lead the search for Commander MacKenzie, but it's more important that you are at the Angdarr command post. I believe Lieutenant Mrekrerhas should lead the rescue effort. I will be returnin' ta the ship shortly. Galloway out." =/\=

Turning to Jess as he stood.

"This is where bein' a Captain is less than desirable."

"Zhuk will find him. He took care of me when I was in trouble."

He shuddered as he thought back to just how badly things could have gone on Melek Nor. Jess noticed and placed a hand on Ian's uninjured shoulder.

"Zhuk will find him."

"Aye Lass, that he will."

Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Two ta beam up." =/\=

[Angdarr Prime]

Kyan awoke with a thunderous headache. He soon realized his arms were bound behind him and his ankles were bound as well. It was dark wherever he was until he realized he was in a sack! As full consciousness returned, he further understood that given how he was bouncing around, he was on someone's shoulder.

After several more minutes of this, he was dropped on the ground with an unceremonious thud. There was fumbling at the opening of the sack and someone yanked his head out by the hair and he could finally see. On seeing who had him, he wished he was back in the sack. The cold smile that met him was that of the Orion woman that had taken him captive before, Seles.

Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: Nira Said on October 03, 2023, 11:47:23 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

She rose and then pondered, then called: "Said to Doctor Fellows and Mister Th'vrrol, report to Transporter Room One with your medical kits."

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the pair of medical officers alongside her appeared at the transporter pad. Nira let out a gasp of astonishment; she couldn't help herself. As amazing as it was to see a planet and a city in trees, it was more so with a city within a city, in a forest within an equally huge tree. She shook out of her astonishment and approached Doctor John Silas, the matron of the Arden Infirmary.

"Welcome to Arden, Commander," he said. "I'm not surprised by your reaction, but you are looking at a unique kind of Garr tree on Andgarr."

"Time enough to see the sights later," said Nira. "I've brought my ship's Chief Medical Officer to check over my Captain's condition, along with one of our officers."

"Of course," Doctor Silas said. "Follow on. And apologies if the Enclave head isn't here to meet you...well, you'll see, and thank God your group didn't get what's transpiring here."

"And what is?" asked Nira.

"As I said, you'll see..."

As they proceeded, Nira could see half the rooms, in passing, were assembled as improvised sick wards. People were coming and going, most having patches on their skin like they were being treated for something. A good deal of them had Federation medical personnel making treatments to badly sickened peoples...and when Nira got a good look at them, she could see they were all Vulcans.

"I assume your administrator's Vulcan?" asked Nira.

"Correct," Doctor Silas said.

"If some epidemic's powerful enough to bring down a Vulcan, I'd hate to meet it," said Nira.

"Oh, no, what's been going on is something puzzling," Silas explained. "With most races, it just causes skin irritations or minor to moderate allergic reactions. Sometimes, with furry beings like the Caitians and the Andgarr, it sticks to their fur."

Case in point, a Caitian was seen walking by with a stain on his fur, and he was looking disgruntled.

"Pollen?" asked Nira.

"We're not sure," Silas said. "It's flaky, dusty, and pollenlike. It's some sort of insect-based aerosol... for some reason, it has adverse affects causing extreme chemical reactions in copper-based hemocyanin, primarily in beings with green blood...specifically, in Vulcans."

"Well, we'll have to make sure any Vulcan crew members are careful in their shore leave," Nira said.

"Well, at least we're making medical treatments and vaccines...the thing was, these have been happening for some time now. It's gradually escalated in the past week; it started with barely half a dozen, but we've no sooner treated them than we had more cases, in Vulcans, and with some Romulans who also have copper-based hemocyanin, one close physiological thing they have in relation to Vulcans..."

Nira pursed her lips. Something seemed to be going on. And Andgarr was a planet somewhat under Romulan jurisdiction...she was so preoccupied, she didn't realize until too late that Silas had brought them to the ward where Ian, Jettis and Zhuk were kept and she almost bumped into one of them.

"Oh. I'm so sorry!" she said. "I just heard from Jindak. Somebody kidnapped Commander Mackenzie?"


Even when docked and a whole planet available, a starship's community was a tight-knit bunch. News - or rather, Rumors - flowed quickly, almost always faster than the official word. The lower-enlisted superhighway of gossip, rumors, embellishments, and favors was almost unmatched in its ability to spread news, bested only by the latest subspace relays. Thus, even before word had reached the airlock, most of the team knew something was wrong. There was something in the air, an increase in tensions, some furtive looks, and a few security officers resting their hands just a tad closer to their phasers than one would expect. The flow of traffic became more constricted. Abas could sense something was wrong, but what it could be he just didn't know. He didn't have to wait long to find out.

As the voice of the Commander filtered through to his ears, his antennae curled inward, a frown appearing on his face momentarily. =/\= Understood, Commander, =/\= he responded, promptly turning from his post and heaving into motion, moving with purpose and cutting through the milling crowd, a few bellows of "MAKE A HOLE" causing the seas to part in front of him, as he moved with purpose toward the turbolift.

[Andgarr City - Enclave Arden]

He'd been brought quickly up to speed by the away team before they materialized in the Federation enclave. The energy and air here were different - Abas felt the cool breeze of non-reprocessed air flit around him, the different feel of the floor beneath him, and the lack of nice, comfortable bulkheads surrounding him. It was different, like so many places. But that was not his mission now.

Beyond the new location he found himself in, a very different energy could be felt. Like a wave washing over him, he understood almost immediately how many people were present in this improvised field hospital. Ill Vulcans, no matter where one turned, with a disease that Abas didn't recognize. He listened to the man speaking, who he learned quickly was the head of the facility. It seemed he was out of his depth, at least somewhat. Even the best facilities had limited supplies, particularly for new or unique diseases. An interesting quandary, and one he'd want to take a look at, but not now. They'd arrived at the assaulted away team.

Without waiting for orders, Abas moved into action. That was their training - find the problem, and fix it. In this case, he walked over to one of the officers - the Catian he'd worked with earlier - and cracked open his medical kit. "Lieutenant," he said, scanning the officer. "What happened? How are you feeling, sir?"

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve - Upper Engineering Support Area]

Lahr's head and antennae bobbed up and down in time to the beat that he could hear over his ear buds.  A gift from the ship's Command at his promotion to Chief Petty.   Little did he know then that the gift was going to be the only thing that kept him sane during the long lonely shifts in the far corner of the the Upper Engineering Deck.  It had been weeks... maybe longer since he'd been assigned anything other than this specific task (watching the tertiary EPS flow regulator and recording the hourly consumption).  While other staff rotated duties, his remained static.  Lahr knew this was a form of punishment by the Chief Engineer, for some imagined (or possibly actual) slight.

Lahr had his nameplate overtop his station reading: CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret, aka DJ Lahr, - Power Overlord, and Bane of the CoE.  He also had managed to replicate himself a beaded seat cover so that as he grooved to his tunes the massaging beads helped keep his back from getting too sore from 8 hours of sitting in the same spot.  His work was dull but Lahr refused to give the Chief the satisfaction of complaining.

His current music - an old 20th century group called the Bee Gees - had the Andorian shimmying his shoulders as he lip-synced to the lyrics that had become very familiar (as he had the song on loop).

"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around
Since I was born
And now it's alright, I'm okay
And you may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive
Oh, when you walk.."

The song suddenly muted via his ear buds and the voice of Commander Said replaced the trio of men's falsetto voices.

Quote from: Nira Said on September 27, 2023, 08:23:08 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

She called for an open channel as Ian headed into the turbolift.  =/\="All hands, this is Commander Said, acting in behalf of Captain Galloway as he prepares for a diplomatic party. We are proceeding to an atmospheric docking procedure. Anybody near a window can enjoy the view as best as they can as we proceed into atmospheric entry." =/\=

Lahr glanced about his station and smirked.  Yeah as if.  A window view would be nice.   But Lahr didn't get off shift for several hours.  Maybe the view would still be there afterward?  He could hope.
Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 04, 2023, 10:33:33 PM


Even when docked and a whole planet available, a starship's community was a tight-knit bunch. News - or rather, Rumors - flowed quickly, almost always faster than the official word. The lower-enlisted superhighway of gossip, rumors, embellishments, and favors was almost unmatched in its ability to spread news, bested only by the latest subspace relays. Thus, even before word had reached the airlock, most of the team knew something was wrong. There was something in the air, an increase in tensions, some furtive looks, and a few security officers resting their hands just a tad closer to their phasers than one would expect.

Tucked away in the far corner of Upper Engineering, and lost to his own world of 20th century disco, it took Lahr longer than most to pick up on the cues around him.  However, when he did notice the Andorian wasn't shy about asking his nearest coworker what was up.  He was troubled to learn that there had been some sort of attack on the away team.   His antennae twitched in concern.

Lahr wondered if there were anyone on the Bridge he might be able to discreetly contact to get more details.   He called up the current roster and looked it over.

He noted that Ensign Cordon was working the bridge.   Maybe he could plie her for information.  It was worth a shot.

He messaged her via text - since it was less likely to be disruptive to the Bridge as a whole.

To:  Ensign Neva Cordon
From:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
Subject:   Checking in on things

Hey Neva!  How are things going?   What's the view like from the Bridge?

Lahr intentional kept his tone light and conversational, hoping to get the Betazoid to offer up information rather than him having to directly ask.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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