S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 04, 2023, 11:07:50 AM

The cold smile that met him was that of the Orion woman that had taken him captive before, Seles.

Kyan squinted up at the Orion woman who had him by the hair. "Oh. He sighed. "It's you."

"Yes," Seles replied coldly. "It's me." Her smile reminded him of some green shark who'd finally managed to snag herself a fish. "You're likely wondering why we've come all this way to recapture you."

"Nae. It was how long it'd take me tae escape an den what tae use tae be killing ye is what I was thinking on." Kyan grinned. "Jus like what I done tae yer creepy mate what ye sold me to last time."

Annoyance flashed across Seles' face for a moment. Then she let go of Kyan's crimson mop and pushed him backwards before standing. When she'd reached her full height she glared imperiously at her diminutive prisoner. "Yes. Armond Jervais is actually why I'm here. It got back to us he'd gone missing, along with his shuttle. He's long been a loyal friend to my family. Father is quite fond of him despite his... proclivities. At first, we thought little of it. But imagine our surprise when we activated your tracking sensor only to find it still working, and you back on a Starfleet ship."

Tracking sensor?!" he thought to himself. That was news, since none of the blue shirts at Starfleet Medical, nor any he'd seen since had found it. But he couldn't do anything about it now. Instead, he decided to see what more he might get out of Seles while he brainstormed an escape. "I been getting the best of dim grups like yerself fer a long time." Kyan boasted, wriggling himself into a sitting position. "Should'nae been much surprise. One fat arsed Human's not much challenge.

"Indeed," Seles answered casually. "But even though our business was completed, it doesn't speak well of my family to have sold such a erhm... dangerous piece of merchandise unbeknownst to one of our best buyers.

That was confusing. Jervais was dead, probably still floating somewhere. He couldn't have complained and he didn't have any family. Trying to puzzle it out wasn't doing much for his headache. But Kyan did smile briefly at her calling him "dangerous merchandise". Probably why she had time tied up so well.

"So what're ye after doing with me then?" Kyan asked. "Ye cannae exactly sell me back to the same grup, and if yer other buyers ken what I did with him, then they won't want tae buy me either."

Seles all but shrugged dismissively. "We've got a new behavior device to try. You'll see it later. But right now you need a nap." She nodded at one of the other green good squad, who stepped forward with the same sap like weapon he'd been hit with earlier. "Sweet Dreams." she added as the good gave Kyan another whack in the back of the head.

Kyan had been about suggest she go find her mother and perform certain acts best done in private, but the lights went out before he could speak again.

Neva Cordon

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 05, 2023, 03:12:52 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve - Upper Engineering Support Area]

Lahr's head and antennae bobbed up and down in time to the beat that he could hear over his ear buds.  A gift from the ship's Command at his promotion to Chief Petty.   Little did he know then that the gift was going to be the only thing that kept him sane during the long lonely shifts in the far corner of the the Upper Engineering Deck.  It had been weeks... maybe longer since he'd been assigned anything other than this specific task (watching the tertiary EPS flow regulator and recording the hourly consumption).  While other staff rotated duties, his remained static.  Lahr knew this was a form of punishment by the Chief Engineer, for some imagined (or possibly actual) slight.

Lahr had his nameplate overtop his station reading: CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret, aka DJ Lahr, - Power Overlord, and Bane of the CoE.  He also had managed to replicate himself a beaded seat cover so that as he grooved to his tunes the massaging beads helped keep his back from getting too sore from 8 hours of sitting in the same spot.  His work was dull but Lahr refused to give the Chief the satisfaction of complaining.

His current music - an old 20th century group called the Bee Gees - had the Andorian shimmying his shoulders as he lip-synced to the lyrics that had become very familiar (as he had the song on loop).

"Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk
Music loud and women warm, I've been kicked around
Since I was born
And now it's alright, I'm okay
And you may look the other way
We can try to understand
The New York Times' effect on man

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'
And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive
Oh, when you walk.."

The song suddenly muted via his ear buds and the voice of Commander Said replaced the trio of men's falsetto voices.

Lahr glanced about his station and smirked.  Yeah as if.  A window view would be nice.   But Lahr didn't get off shift for several hours.  Maybe the view would still be there afterward?  He could hope.

Tucked away in the far corner of Upper Engineering, and lost to his own world of 20th century disco, it took Lahr longer than most to pick up on the cues around him.  However, when he did notice the Andorian wasn't shy about asking his nearest coworker what was up.  He was troubled to learn that there had been some sort of attack on the away team.   His antennae twitched in concern.

Lahr wondered if there were anyone on the Bridge he might be able to discreetly contact to get more details.   He called up the current roster and looked it over.

He noted that Ensign Cordon was working the bridge.   Maybe he could plie her for information.  It was worth a shot.

He messaged her via text - since it was less likely to be disruptive to the Bridge as a whole.

To:  Ensign Neva Cordon
From:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
Subject:   Checking in on things

Hey Neva!  How are things going?   What's the view like from the Bridge?

Lahr intentional kept his tone light and conversational, hoping to get the Betazoid to offer up information rather than him having to directly ask.

[USS Challenger-Bridge]

Neva was so awestruck and excited, she almost missed Lahr's message when she turned back to her screens. Her eyes grew wide with surprise. Wow! What a day!

To:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
From:  Ensign Neva Cordon
Subject:  Re: Checking in on things

Hey! How's it going in the ass end of nowhere?? haha... It's amazing being on the Bridge. The view of the planet is...wow... hard to describe the beauty. You gotta see for yourself! You going on shore leave?

Neva decided she wanted to stay for now. At least to hear what Lahr replied. 'I wonder what music we could trade this time?' she wondered.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 04, 2023, 11:07:50 AM

[Arden Enclave - Angdarr Prime]

Ian jerked awake and immediately regretted the movement. His shoulder screamed in pain and he very nearly did as well. He managed to keep his response muted to a groan as he became aware that Jess was standing next to him.

"I don't recommend any sudden moves for at least four hours."

She smirked.

"I believe I shall take that information under advisement Doctor."

He replied with a grim smile, which faded as the rest of the events of the attack came back.

"Jettis and Zhuk are fine, some bruising, but nothing serious. Kyan is... missing. The Angdarr report he's been kidnapped. Anax Jindar has his security services looking everywhere, but as you know full well, there are no shortage of places to hide on this world."

"Why Kyan? If'n this were about ransom, nae ta toot my own horn, but you'd think a Starfleet captain would be the target."

"No answers for you on that. Are you going to cancel shore leave?"

Ian didn't immediately reply as he thought through his options. The knee jerk reaction was to end shore leave and assist the Angdarr find Kyan. However, one of the most important reasons Challenger had made a port call here was diplomacy and such a strong reaction would send the message that the Angdarr were not to be trusted. So, he took a couple deep breaths and replied.

"No, shore leave continues, just that each group will have an armed security escort. We have ta present that Angdarr is a safe place until we ken otherwise."

Jess nodded, but remained silent.

=/\= "Galloway ta Command Said. At this point, as much as it pains me ta do so, I've got ta pass the baton ta you. I will be returnin' ta the ship ta coordinate with the Angdarr authorities. You will be ground liaison. I ken you want ta lead the search for Commander MacKenzie, but it's more important that you are at the Angdarr command post. I believe Lieutenant Mrekrerhas should lead the rescue effort. I will be returnin' ta the ship shortly. Galloway out." =/\=

Turning to Jess as he stood.

"This is where bein' a Captain is less than desirable."

"Zhuk will find him. He took care of me when I was in trouble."

He shuddered as he thought back to just how badly things could have gone on Melek Nor. Jess noticed and placed a hand on Ian's uninjured shoulder.

"Zhuk will find him."

"Aye Lass, that he will."

Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Two ta beam up." =/\=

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Nira heard the Captain's calling. She heard out his instructions and pondered a moment. And then she realized...

"Oh, Captain," she said, "I'm still discussing with the enclave's medical matron, Doctor Silas, but I can be over...

"Oh," she said, when she was informed he and Jess just returned to the ship. "Then...well, there's something else, but I need to mention this in a few more minutes, once you get settled in."

A moment later, she gathered with Zhuk and Jettis while Abas was looking things over. She put the news as gently as possible while Abas was cleaning off the pollen staining his fur, and meantime, she connected with Captain Galloway, calling him in by viewscreen for a face to face meeting.

"Okay, I accept coordinating from ground base," said Nira. "Zhuk, as deputy chief of security, you're to lead the search for Commander Mackenzie. The Andgarr will be able to pinpoint where he could've gone. However, that's not the only problem, which is why I'm involving Lieutenant Jyur and Mister Th'vrrol.

"Captain, there's some kind of aerosol-based insect toxin going around," said Nira, providing the information she learned up to him, and then showing him what she got from Doctor Silas: a caged six-winged butterfly with two heads...or rather, one head with two faces emerging from either side, and up close, its proboscis seems to extend from either top or bottom of its head.

"I know this doesn't look like much, but this little creature was one of several causing some reactions in certain beings. Specifically, their wings have a feathery chitin that flakes off easily, like dust or powder. In most humanoids, it mostly causes skin irritations, but these particular butterfly wings cause extreme chemical reactions in the body, specifically with life forms with copper-based hemocyanin in their blood. And that specifically means Vulcans," Nira added ominously. "From what's determined, the effects extend from not just skin irritation; it causes loss of emotional control, as well as reactions like blindness, deafness, loss of sense of touch and taste, and in extreme cases, swelling and pain.

"I've been looking into this with Doctor Silas, the matron," said Nira, "and he has been showing me something interesting. It's similar to a kind of breed of butterfly native to Andgarr, but there have been evidences of genetic engineering in the butterflies he's caught and studied. He's concerned that if there's indications of genetic engineering, it means there's somebody making these insects, and they'll be modifying them to make them deadlier, perhaps in a way that different beings will be affected when they get loose."

She paused a moment for the parties to take it in, and then she continued.

"Captain, I know you want me to coordinate search efforts as a ground liaison, but the issue with the butterflies is too serious to ignore. I wish to look into the butterflies, and I need Lieutenant Jyur with me, as well as any science and medical personnel with me. I may even need somebody either from Ops or Engineering to help. Of course, Zhuk can still check in with me..."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve - Upper Engineering Support Area]

Quote from: Neva Cordon on October 05, 2023, 04:04:57 PM

[USS Challenger-Bridge]

Neva was so awestruck and excited, she almost missed Lahr's message when she turned back to her screens. Her eyes grew wide with surprise. Wow! What a day!

To:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
From:  Ensign Neva Cordon
Subject:  Re: Checking in on things

Hey! How's it going in the ass end of nowhere?? haha... It's amazing being on the Bridge. The view of the planet is...wow... hard to describe the beauty. You gotta see for yourself! You going on shore leave?

Neva decided she wanted to stay for now. At least to hear what Lahr replied. 'I wonder what music we could trade this time?' she wondered.

Shore leave?!  The Andorian's antennae flicked about in surprise and glance about his section.. and only then realized that yeah... the staffing was down for minimal levels.  Roozh!  Had he been skipped over shore leave by the damned Tellerite?!

Lahr opened his inbox and discovered how wrong he was.  There at the top of his unread items was a message that stated he'd been granted shore leave.  The Andorian gave a little bit of a cheer as he typed up a reply to his senior engineer.

To:  Ensign Neva Cordon
From:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
Subject:   Re: Re: Checking in on things

Brag a little more why don't you.   ;)
Yeah it seems the Chief doesn't hate me as much as I thought.  I'm not part of the unfortunate skeleton crew that has to remain aboard.   Hey, with Ruth away,...

Yeah his main squeeze, Commander Siggurdsdottir, was off again to some boring scientific conference or such, leaving Lahr to look to others to keep himself entertained and out of trouble.  Oh speaking of trouble, Lahr recalled that he'd message Neva for a reason

..any chance you might be wanna check out the sites together? There's safety in numbers.  Especially since I heard rumor someone's been attacked or such already.  Have you heard anything about that?

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Unknown Location | Angorr Prime ]

When he awoke again, Kyan was looking directly into the glare from an overhead light. At first he though that he was outside and the light was the Andgarran sun.  When he tried to raise an arm to shield his eyes, he found that he was restrained. Turning his head away from the light, he could make out people moving and what looked like medical equipment.

Had he been rescued? He couldn't see what they were wearing, nor make out their faces. "œHey!" he called out. "œWhere am I!? Lemme up!"

"œNow why would we do that, when you haven't been treated yet?" a female voice answered.

Then he remembered. Seles. Kyan tried again to raise an arm, then a leg, but found himself strapped down by the ankles, wrists, and chest. This revelation only served to make him more angry and he thrashed against the restraints. "œI'm gonna cut yer haid off ye dirty green bitch!" he screamed.

Seles chuckled. "œI think not."

"œI think SO." Kyan spat back defiantly. "œJust wait."

Seles loomed over him and grabbed his jaw, forcing him to look up at her. "œI'd have killed you already if we didn't have plans for you. Actually, I wish I could, but my father seems to think you'll be useful." She sighed. "œHe's ever the optimist."

Kyan tried wrenching his head free but she was too strong for that. "œHe's a dumb arse wanker just like you." He said around her hand. "œHe's gonna get his just like you!"

Seles squeezed his jaw hard and narrowed her eyes. It looked like she was going to do something until one of her goons spoke up.

"œMistress, we're ready to begin."

Seles acknowledged him with a look and then trained her gaze back down on her prisoner. After staring daggers at him for a moment, and him returning them, she let go of Kyan's jaw and stood back up. He squinted at the glaring light when she moved out of the way. "œGood. Set the machine on the lowest setting. We don't want to damage the merchandise"¦. Yet.

That last word stuck. "œYet[/]". He was going to have to figure out a way to escape, but how? And what was this machine? He didn't have time to ponder those questions for long. A moment passed and the same goon who'd spoken up earlier announced that the machine was on. Kyan felt nothing for a few seconds, and then the world went black.

~ Unconscious

He found himself standing in complete darkness. There were no sounds or smells. Nothing was left from where he was. It was just a vast expanse of emptiness. A powerful feeling of loneliness pulled at him. It felt as though he was the only thing in the universe. The silence was deafening. As he tried to peer through the darkness, his own thoughts were loud in his ears. He thought about escaping, how he could do it, and what he'd do when he did.

As he considered options for escape, the sense of emptiness intensified. It was an odd sensation. He was thinking about other people, but there were no other people. Soon the only thing he could feel was the weight of loneliness like a weight on his chest. Kyan soon found it hard to think of anything else.

Then he heard a voice. It was very quiet. He couldn't quite hear it at first. Gradually, the voice became louder, and then louder again. He was shocked when he realized that the voice was his own. And it just kept saying the same thing over and over again.

"œKill Anax Jindrak. Kill Anax Jindrak. Kill Anax Jindrak!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 05, 2023, 06:27:30 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Nira heard the Captain's calling. She heard out his instructions and pondered a moment. And then she realized...

"Oh, Captain," she said, "I'm still discussing with the enclave's medical matron, Doctor Silas, but I can be over...

"Oh," she said, when she was informed he and Jess just returned to the ship. "Then...well, there's something else, but I need to mention this in a few more minutes, once you get settled in."

A moment later, she gathered with Zhuk and Jettis while Abas was looking things over. She put the news as gently as possible while Abas was cleaning off the pollen staining his fur, and meantime, she connected with Captain Galloway, calling him in by viewscreen for a face to face meeting.

"Okay, I accept coordinating from ground base," said Nira. "Zhuk, as deputy chief of security, you're to lead the search for Commander Mackenzie. The Andgarr will be able to pinpoint where he could've gone. However, that's not the only problem, which is why I'm involving Lieutenant Jyur and Mister Th'vrrol.

"Captain, there's some kind of aerosol-based insect toxin going around," said Nira, providing the information she learned up to him, and then showing him what she got from Doctor Silas: a caged six-winged butterfly with two heads...or rather, one head with two faces emerging from either side, and up close, its proboscis seems to extend from either top or bottom of its head.

"I know this doesn't look like much, but this little creature was one of several causing some reactions in certain beings. Specifically, their wings have a feathery chitin that flakes off easily, like dust or powder. In most humanoids, it mostly causes skin irritations, but these particular butterfly wings cause extreme chemical reactions in the body, specifically with life forms with copper-based hemocyanin in their blood. And that specifically means Vulcans," Nira added ominously. "From what's determined, the effects extend from not just skin irritation; it causes loss of emotional control, as well as reactions like blindness, deafness, loss of sense of touch and taste, and in extreme cases, swelling and pain.

"I've been looking into this with Doctor Silas, the matron," said Nira, "and he has been showing me something interesting. It's similar to a kind of breed of butterfly native to Andgarr, but there have been evidences of genetic engineering in the butterflies he's caught and studied. He's concerned that if there's indications of genetic engineering, it means there's somebody making these insects, and they'll be modifying them to make them deadlier, perhaps in a way that different beings will be affected when they get loose."

She paused a moment for the parties to take it in, and then she continued.

"Captain, I know you want me to coordinate search efforts as a ground liaison, but the issue with the butterflies is too serious to ignore. I wish to look into the butterflies, and I need Lieutenant Jyur with me, as well as any science and medical personnel with me. I may even need somebody either from Ops or Engineering to help. Of course, Zhuk can still check in with me..."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian made a pained expression as Nira updated him on the new crisis. The stop at Angdarr was supposed to be a simple port call, some scientific documentation, and a bit of diplomacy, a crisis, let alone crises were not supposed to be part of the mission.

"Understood Commander. Looks like the Vulcans in the crew are goin' ta have ta miss out on the shore leave. You work this butterfly thing, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is perfectly capable of findin' Commander MacKenzie. As Kyan's biology is unique, I will have Lieutenant Randall conduct some intensive scans ta see if'n he can track him down.

"We seem ta have found a hornet's nest of activity here, but will figure it all out. I will coordinate with the Angdarr from here and if'n you need anything the ship can provide, you just ask."

[Angdarr Prime]

The lead member of Seles' enforcers bowed to her as he entered the 'indoctrination' chamber where Kyan was restrained and undergoing 'conditioning'.

"Do you think this will work? The little shyte has proven to be far more trouble than someone his size should be."

Seles looked away from Kyan to face her lieutenant with a cold expression.

"Oh it will work, willful or not, the induced isolation he is experiencing will break any member of the human root stock genome. He will do what he's instructed to do. Have you arranged for the proxies?"

"Yes M'Lady. A mixed bag of career criminals, they will be the perfect sacrifices to the Federation when they 'rescue' the subject."

"Very well, I estimate another two hours and our little friend will be ready for his mission. Be ready."

"Yes M'Lady."

Jettis Jyur

[ Andgarr Prime - Enclave Arden ]

Jettis wasn't sure how much time had past, head pounding and eyes twitching as he regained consciousness. The first thing he noticed was he was he was lying down, followed by the quiet background noise of voices around him. Forcing his eyes open wider, he stared at the ceiling for a bit, before straightening up to look around. It was clearly a medical facility of some sort, though it was unfamiliar to the Starfleet medbays he was accustomed to.

A quick glance around and he would spot a few familiar faces - Starfleet, his Commander and an officer he'd beamed down alongside, Zhuk Kyan had called him? Along with a medical officer he'd yet to meet personally. His gaze fell to the medical officer for a moment too long, brow furrowing, before he turned back to the Commander as she spoke, briefing them on the situation. His knee jerk reaction was to jump up at hearing of Kyan's capture, but the wiser part of him knew that would likely cause the world to spin uncontrollably, at least until he'd stood up and reacclimated to being upright for a few minutes. Slowly climbing up from the bed, he was surprisingly fine with the action. The slight bit of nausea subsided quickly, and he focused on what was being said.

Nira mentioned a secondary issue - some animal that was causing severe reactions in certain humanoids in the planet. His brow furrowed slightly at this, being tasked with an inane sidequest while Kyan was yet to be found. He said nothing verbally though, clasping his hands behind his back and dropping his gaze. This was a diplomatic mission, he reminded himself. So if investigating and handling this would at least improve their relationship with the Anaxes and hopefully illuminate more information on the attack, then so be it.

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Enclave Arden]

As Abas had finished assisting the Doctor in the treatment of the wounded, he received his orders. He'd gone from assisting one Lieutenant to another - it must have been a fire sale on Lieutenants at the Starfleet Exchange. Regardless, he had his orders. He looked in the direction of the Lieutenant who he couldn't quite remember the details of. He fell in silently behind, snapping his medical case shut before slinging it over his shoulder... only to reopen it and move to assist the blue-clad Lieutenant who looked like they were about to see what inverting gravity might do to their stomach.

Listening to the description of the creature in the cage, it seemed that this planet had decided to go to war with copper-blooded people. It didn't comport with any information or disease he'd ever heard of, but that didn't mean it couldn't be known to someone, somewhere. But, proper protocol and discipline must be adhered to. He was assigned to Lieutenant Jyur, and Lieutenant Jyur was assigned to Commander Said. He'd simply wait for his orders, and carry them out to the best of his ability.

That didn't mean he was idle, however. As the disease was being described, and the link between hemocyanin types, he tried to recall any similar disease or reaction. It sounded almost more like an allergic reaction to an intoxicant than any particular disease. Carbon Monoxide poisoning in iron-blooded Hemoglobin cells could cause some similar reactions, with loss of focus, blindness, dizziness, and other maladies, but that might require further focus. What were the intoxicant levels? Had anyone run a spectrometer over the hemocyanin from an infected and healthy individual to see the difference? All these and more questions raced through Abas's mind as he stood and waited for orders. "At your service, Lieutenant," he said, prepared for the next move.

Jettis Jyur

[ Andgarr Prime - Enclave Arden ]

Jettis mulled over the information that had been revealed so far about this butterfly creature, and its effects. He was not strong enough in the medical field or chemistry to name any particular compounds off the bat. But the diplomatic implications of such a creature that targeted or interacted with hemocyanin was intriguing on a planet that appeared to have such a strong Romulan presence. This was something that could quickly rocket out of hand, if one party decided to accuse another. And genetic engineering?...

His thoughts were interrupted though by an unfamiliar voice, and an uncomfortable reminder of the Andorian's presence. Or not Andorian. Turning, his eyes shifted towards the medical officer, his brow taking on that slightly furrowed appearance again. Subtle, but there.

What unnerved him about this man was not his appearance, but rather his almost overwhelming emotional and telepathic presence. Jettis had spent long enough around telepaths, empaths, and the like that he was used to pulling up a barrier to prevent being read, or dropping it to more easily communicate and read others. Many on the Challenger were some form of telepath as well, so often the presence of a telepath simply faded into idle background noise to him, even Commander Said's presence didn't set off any alarms. But such a presence from an Andorian threw him off balance, it was unexpected.

"Until we know more about those it effected and perhaps get some chemical makeup reports, I'm afraid I'm out of my element. I should be asking you your thoughts so far." Though it wasn't phrased as a question per-se, it was open for Abas to answer with any ideas he might have. "However, this planet has a high population of Romulans, many of different embassies and religions, so it may be worth pursuing whether any particular group of Romulans or Vulcans have been effected." He mused out loud, voicing his thoughts to Th'vyrrol absently.

Cole Shepard

[Andgarr Prime]

Cole had made his way down to the planet and had volunteered to assist with the studying and cataloging things. He was paired with a science officer he didn't know but the guy seemed okay. They worked and joked around as they went about their tasks. Using a tricorder wasn't new to Cole but it wasn't something he did very often so every once on awhile he'd have to stop and ask for help.

"Okay. Here's another one." Cole said as he turned the equipment around to face the other man. "It's trying to label it as a liquid and it's clearly floral. That's like the fifth time it's done that. Are we missing something?"

"Probably. I've noticed that it only does it to the planets with the really deep purple leaves." replied Ensign Marcus Richards.

Cole gave a mall laugh. "At least you noticed that. I wasn't even paying attention to that fact. There's another one over there. I'll be right back." he told Marcus.

He stepped away a few feet to the other plant and scanned it. Sure enough, it tried to place it in the liquid category.

"There has to be something about these plants. Can we take a sample back and study it more?" he asked. At first, he thought the task would be extra boring but as they went along, he found himself getting into it more and more. Who knows? he thought. Maybe I could cross train in another department.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Arden Enclave | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 03, 2023, 11:47:23 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The ship was clearing, but the department heads had to remain in order to coordinate their departments in their departure. That meant they were among the last on the ship, and so was Nira. Just as well, when the call came in from the Anax.

Now, trying to determine an Andgarr's expression, particularly in meeting new beings, was tricky, but Nira, versed in reading body language to compensate her infrequency of telepathy, could see Anax Jindak was appalled. The news was shocking in itself to hear.

Kyan...he was taken...

"I'm glad to hear that, Anax," said Nira. "Considering the child is a crucial member of the crew, I'd like to see what your men have uncovered so far, and I'd like to ask where my Captain and the rest of his group are."

"We brought them to the Federation enclave Arden," Jindak said. "They're being treated by their fellows from the Federation right now."

"Thank you, Anax," said Nira. "I'll be in touch."

She rose and then pondered, then called: "Said to Doctor Fellows and Mister Th'vrrol, report to Transporter Room One with your medical kits."

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the pair of medical officers alongside her appeared at the transporter pad. Nira let out a gasp of astonishment; she couldn't help herself. As amazing as it was to see a planet and a city in trees, it was more so with a city within a city, in a forest within an equally huge tree. She shook out of her astonishment and approached Doctor John Silas, the matron of the Arden Infirmary.

"Welcome to Arden, Commander," he said. "I'm not surprised by your reaction, but you are looking at a unique kind of Garr tree on Andgarr."

"Time enough to see the sights later," said Nira. "I've brought my ship's Chief Medical Officer to check over my Captain's condition, along with one of our officers."

"Of course," Doctor Silas said. "Follow on. And apologies if the Enclave head isn't here to meet you...well, you'll see, and thank God your group didn't get what's transpiring here."

"And what is?" asked Nira.

"As I said, you'll see..."

As they proceeded, Nira could see half the rooms, in passing, were assembled as improvised sick wards. People were coming and going, most having patches on their skin like they were being treated for something. A good deal of them had Federation medical personnel making treatments to badly sickened peoples...and when Nira got a good look at them, she could see they were all Vulcans.

"I assume your administrator's Vulcan?" asked Nira.

"Correct," Doctor Silas said.

"If some epidemic's powerful enough to bring down a Vulcan, I'd hate to meet it," said Nira.

"Oh, no, what's been going on is something puzzling," Silas explained. "With most races, it just causes skin irritations or minor to moderate allergic reactions. Sometimes, with furry beings like the Caitians and the Andgarr, it sticks to their fur."

Case in point, a Caitian was seen walking by with a stain on his fur, and he was looking disgruntled.

"Pollen?" asked Nira.

"We're not sure," Silas said. "It's flaky, dusty, and pollenlike. It's some sort of insect-based aerosol... for some reason, it has adverse affects causing extreme chemical reactions in copper-based hemocyanin, primarily in beings with green blood...specifically, in Vulcans."

"Well, we'll have to make sure any Vulcan crew members are careful in their shore leave," Nira said.

"Well, at least we're making medical treatments and vaccines...the thing was, these have been happening for some time now. It's gradually escalated in the past week; it started with barely half a dozen, but we've no sooner treated them than we had more cases, in Vulcans, and with some Romulans who also have copper-based hemocyanin, one close physiological thing they have in relation to Vulcans..."

Nira pursed her lips. Something seemed to be going on. And Andgarr was a planet somewhat under Romulan jurisdiction...she was so preoccupied, she didn't realize until too late that Silas had brought them to the ward where Ian, Jettis and Zhuk were kept and she almost bumped into one of them.

"Oh. I'm so sorry!" she said. "I just heard from Jindak. Somebody kidnapped Commander Mackenzie?"

Zhukdra'shar awoke to a strange bed, composed of carefully grown bark, strengthened by some comfortable, organic plastic. His hands slowly stroked the soft moss which they employed as padding, just before his eyes went wide as his mind reminded him of what had happened to find himself in such a situation. He groaned as he struggled to get up, his limbs feeling like jelly from the phaser. He got out of bed, before crashing onto the ground, though managed to place his hands forward to keep himself from smacking himself head-first against the floor, and then got up.

His head pounded and his vision felt blurry, though it did not stop him from ignoring an Andgarr medical officer as he avoided his grasp, instead barreling towards the exit. Or where he thought it was, in any case. Confused and seething with anger, he saw two figures that appeared at the entrance of the ward. He moved towards them, but a slip from his step almost caused him to crash against the female form that stood in front. He gave a couple of steps back, as he slurred a 'sorry', before being forced to hold his head.

As his vision cleared when he allowed himself to rest for a moment, his ears picked up a set of most unwelcome news, "What?! Kyan has been kidnapped?!" He bared his teeth as his fur stood on end, "Unacceptable! Outrageous! I shalt resolve this matter immediately! Whoever attacked us shalt... ugh..."

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 04, 2023, 10:33:33 PM


Even when docked and a whole planet available, a starship's community was a tight-knit bunch. News - or rather, Rumors - flowed quickly, almost always faster than the official word. The lower-enlisted superhighway of gossip, rumors, embellishments, and favors was almost unmatched in its ability to spread news, bested only by the latest subspace relays. Thus, even before word had reached the airlock, most of the team knew something was wrong. There was something in the air, an increase in tensions, some furtive looks, and a few security officers resting their hands just a tad closer to their phasers than one would expect. The flow of traffic became more constricted. Abas could sense something was wrong, but what it could be he just didn't know. He didn't have to wait long to find out.

As the voice of the Commander filtered through to his ears, his antennae curled inward, a frown appearing on his face momentarily. =/\= Understood, Commander, =/\= he responded, promptly turning from his post and heaving into motion, moving with purpose and cutting through the milling crowd, a few bellows of "MAKE A HOLE" causing the seas to part in front of him, as he moved with purpose toward the turbolift.

[Andgarr City - Enclave Arden]

He'd been brought quickly up to speed by the away team before they materialized in the Federation enclave. The energy and air here were different - Abas felt the cool breeze of non-reprocessed air flit around him, the different feel of the floor beneath him, and the lack of nice, comfortable bulkheads surrounding him. It was different, like so many places. But that was not his mission now.

Beyond the new location he found himself in, a very different energy could be felt. Like a wave washing over him, he understood almost immediately how many people were present in this improvised field hospital. Ill Vulcans, no matter where one turned, with a disease that Abas didn't recognize. He listened to the man speaking, who he learned quickly was the head of the facility. It seemed he was out of his depth, at least somewhat. Even the best facilities had limited supplies, particularly for new or unique diseases. An interesting quandary, and one he'd want to take a look at, but not now. They'd arrived at the assaulted away team.

Without waiting for orders, Abas moved into action. That was their training - find the problem, and fix it. In this case, he walked over to one of the officers - the Catian he'd worked with earlier - and cracked open his medical kit. "Lieutenant," he said, scanning the officer. "What happened? How are you feeling, sir?"

He took a pause, needing to rub his eyes once more. Fortunately, Abas' medical expertise came at just the right moment as he went past the matron and Commander Said, checking Zhuk's state with his equipment, and asking him how he felt. Glancing over at him, he let out a defeated sigh, as he proceeded to retell what had happened to the trio, as Doctor Fellows went towards Captain Galloway to help with his condition.

In the meanwhile, using his tools, Abas managed to identify a prevalent headache caused by the weapon, which had made him confused and disoriented, as well as a general soreness to his muscles, radiating from his back, where the ray had landed.

"Crewman Abas... Commander Said... ugh... to be fair... while I would be glad to state that I am operational... that would be a bold lie. My head pounds and I have a hard time focusing... my muscles feel unresponsive. If you could aid with my condition, Mister Th'vyrrol, I would greatly thank you." He paused to grab a nearby chair in order to stay properly upright, trying to remember what happened "As for what happened... we were ambushed by several assailants... though I cannot recall the exact number. I believe that Captain Galloway was attacked first, as I heard a crack from... bones? And his unmistakable voice as he cried out in suffering. Afterward, I turned around and saw... three individuals surrounding the rest of the group. Before I could dispatch them with my own phaser, however... I felt something hitting me in the back, and shortly after, I lost consciousness."

He glanced at the interior of the ward, glancing over at Captain Galloway and at Jettis, nodding, "I suppose that the Captain, and Lieutenant Jyur suffered a similar fate... to mine... and in that time, Kyan was taken from us. I... have just woken up, so i cannot assist further..."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 04, 2023, 11:07:50 AM

[Arden Enclave - Angdarr Prime]

Ian jerked awake and immediately regretted the movement. His shoulder screamed in pain and he very nearly did as well. He managed to keep his response muted to a groan as he became aware that Jess was standing next to him.

"I don't recommend any sudden moves for at least four hours."

She smirked.

"I believe I shall take that information under advisement Doctor."

He replied with a grim smile, which faded as the rest of the events of the attack came back.

"Jettis and Zhuk are fine, some bruising, but nothing serious. Kyan is... missing. The Angdarr report he's been kidnapped. Anax Jindar has his security services looking everywhere, but as you know full well, there are no shortage of places to hide on this world."

"Why Kyan? If'n this were about ransom, nae ta toot my own horn, but you'd think a Starfleet captain would be the target."

"No answers for you on that. Are you going to cancel shore leave?"

Ian didn't immediately reply as he thought through his options. The knee jerk reaction was to end shore leave and assist the Angdarr find Kyan. However, one of the most important reasons Challenger had made a port call here was diplomacy and such a strong reaction would send the message that the Angdarr were not to be trusted. So, he took a couple deep breaths and replied.

"No, shore leave continues, just that each group will have an armed security escort. We have ta present that Angdarr is a safe place until we ken otherwise."

Jess nodded, but remained silent.

=/\= "Galloway ta Command Said. At this point, as much as it pains me ta do so, I've got ta pass the baton ta you. I will be returnin' ta the ship ta coordinate with the Angdarr authorities. You will be ground liaison. I ken you want ta lead the search for Commander MacKenzie, but it's more important that you are at the Angdarr command post. I believe Lieutenant Mrekrerhas should lead the rescue effort. I will be returnin' ta the ship shortly. Galloway out." =/\=

Turning to Jess as he stood.

"This is where bein' a Captain is less than desirable."

"Zhuk will find him. He took care of me when I was in trouble."

He shuddered as he thought back to just how badly things could have gone on Melek Nor. Jess noticed and placed a hand on Ian's uninjured shoulder.

"Zhuk will find him."

"Aye Lass, that he will."

Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Two ta beam up." =/\=

[Angdarr Prime]

Kyan awoke with a thunderous headache. He soon realized his arms were bound behind him and his ankles were bound as well. It was dark wherever he was until he realized he was in a sack! As full consciousness returned, he further understood that given how he was bouncing around, he was on someone's shoulder.

After several more minutes of this, he was dropped on the ground with an unceremonious thud. There was fumbling at the opening of the sack and someone yanked his head out by the hair and he could finally see. On seeing who had him, he wished he was back in the sack. The cold smile that met him was that of the Orion woman that had taken him captive before, Seles.

After Abas expertly applied the treatment needed, Zhuk discovered that besides his ailments, thankfully now removed, his fur was also stained by some kind of substance that was hard to clean. The already furious Zhuk was even more angry now, his pride for his looks and his recent defeat creating a rather volatile state of mind. Still, the chance to rectify his mistake was accepted well by Zhuk as he was informed by the Captain about his next duty.

He walked over to the Captain, wanting to request someone to assist him, when he overheard the situation at hand concerning the appearance of these mysterious bugs that had been inflicting sickness on the Vulcans within the planet. Zhuk wondered whether, with his re-acquired phaser, he would be punished by shooting at the cage, watching the creature with disgust. It was unnatural, an abomination made with genetic engineering meant to disperse a dangerous substance that hurt people. And he had a hunch that this was related to the reason why Kyan was kidnapped.

For now, he decided to hold it, as he proceeded to speak up after Nira, once he made sure she was finished with her report. "Excuse me, Commander Said, Captain Galloway. I wish to inform you about a certain... resemblance I gazed upon before we were so unceremoniously disposed of. I couldn't help but notice that Dynast-Praetor Ratheen holds similarities to our esteemed and appreciated Tal Shiar agent, Nireen. I am not yet sure as to the significance of this, but I wish to let you know. As for my task, I shalt carry it out with utmost responsibility. But I would like to request someone to assist me. Someone, in particular, whomst I am certain, their abilities will greatly benefit the cause..."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 06, 2023, 10:30:28 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian made a pained expression as Nira updated him on the new crisis. The stop at Angdarr was supposed to be a simple port call, some scientific documentation, and a bit of diplomacy, a crisis, let alone crises were not supposed to be part of the mission.

"Understood Commander. Looks like the Vulcans in the crew are goin' ta have ta miss out on the shore leave. You work this butterfly thing, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is perfectly capable of findin' Commander MacKenzie. As Kyan's biology is unique, I will have Lieutenant Randall conduct some intensive scans ta see if'n he can track him down.

"We seem ta have found a hornet's nest of activity here, but will figure it all out. I will coordinate with the Angdarr from here and if'n you need anything the ship can provide, you just ask."


Quote from: Nira Said on October 05, 2023, 06:27:30 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Nira heard the Captain's calling. She heard out his instructions and pondered a moment. And then she realized...

"Oh, Captain," she said, "I'm still discussing with the enclave's medical matron, Doctor Silas, but I can be over...

"Oh," she said, when she was informed he and Jess just returned to the ship. "Then...well, there's something else, but I need to mention this in a few more minutes, once you get settled in."

A moment later, she gathered with Zhuk and Jettis while Abas was looking things over. She put the news as gently as possible while Abas was cleaning off the pollen staining his fur, and meantime, she connected with Captain Galloway, calling him in by viewscreen for a face to face meeting.

"Okay, I accept coordinating from ground base," said Nira. "Zhuk, as deputy chief of security, you're to lead the search for Commander Mackenzie. The Andgarr will be able to pinpoint where he could've gone. However, that's not the only problem, which is why I'm involving Lieutenant Jyur and Mister Th'vrrol.

"Captain, there's some kind of aerosol-based insect toxin going around," said Nira, providing the information she learned up to him, and then showing him what she got from Doctor Silas: a caged six-winged butterfly with two heads...or rather, one head with two faces emerging from either side, and up close, its proboscis seems to extend from either top or bottom of its head.

"I know this doesn't look like much, but this little creature was one of several causing some reactions in certain beings. Specifically, their wings have a feathery chitin that flakes off easily, like dust or powder. In most humanoids, it mostly causes skin irritations, but these particular butterfly wings cause extreme chemical reactions in the body, specifically with life forms with copper-based hemocyanin in their blood. And that specifically means Vulcans," Nira added ominously. "From what's determined, the effects extend from not just skin irritation; it causes loss of emotional control, as well as reactions like blindness, deafness, loss of sense of touch and taste, and in extreme cases, swelling and pain.

"I've been looking into this with Doctor Silas, the matron," said Nira, "and he has been showing me something interesting. It's similar to a kind of breed of butterfly native to Andgarr, but there have been evidences of genetic engineering in the butterflies he's caught and studied. He's concerned that if there's indications of genetic engineering, it means there's somebody making these insects, and they'll be modifying them to make them deadlier, perhaps in a way that different beings will be affected when they get loose."

She paused a moment for the parties to take it in, and then she continued.

"Captain, I know you want me to coordinate search efforts as a ground liaison, but the issue with the butterflies is too serious to ignore. I wish to look into the butterflies, and I need Lieutenant Jyur with me, as well as any science and medical personnel with me. I may even need somebody either from Ops or Engineering to help. Of course, Zhuk can still check in with me..."

After the Captain properly told him to focus on the quest for finding Kyan, Zhuk took a moment to summon his assigned team. Tapping in his commbadge, he proceeded to call, "Team Two, I want you outside of the Arden Enclave in ten minutes at the most. Assemble as soon as you are capable to. Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret, I require your presence too at once. The Captain and the Commander have accepted my proposal for you to assist me with this situation."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 06, 2023, 10:36:26 PM

[ Andgarr Prime - Enclave Arden ]

Jettis wasn't sure how much time had past, head pounding and eyes twitching as he regained consciousness. The first thing he noticed was he was he was lying down, followed by the quiet background noise of voices around him. Forcing his eyes open wider, he stared at the ceiling for a bit, before straightening up to look around. It was clearly a medical facility of some sort, though it was unfamiliar to the Starfleet medbays he was accustomed to.

A quick glance around and he would spot a few familiar faces - Starfleet, his Commander and an officer he'd beamed down alongside, Zhuk Kyan had called him? Along with a medical officer he'd yet to meet personally. His gaze fell to the medical officer for a moment too long, brow furrowing, before he turned back to the Commander as she spoke, briefing them on the situation. His knee jerk reaction was to jump up at hearing of Kyan's capture, but the wiser part of him knew that would likely cause the world to spin uncontrollably, at least until he'd stood up and reacclimated to being upright for a few minutes. Slowly climbing up from the bed, he was surprisingly fine with the action. The slight bit of nausea subsided quickly, and he focused on what was being said.

Nira mentioned a secondary issue - some animal that was causing severe reactions in certain humanoids in the planet. His brow furrowed slightly at this, being tasked with an inane sidequest while Kyan was yet to be found. He said nothing verbally though, clasping his hands behind his back and dropping his gaze. This was a diplomatic mission, he reminded himself. So if investigating and handling this would at least improve their relationship with the Anaxes and hopefully illuminate more information on the attack, then so be it.

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 06, 2023, 10:38:37 PM

[Enclave Arden]

As Abas had finished assisting the Doctor in the treatment of the wounded, he received his orders. He'd gone from assisting one Lieutenant to another - it must have been a fire sale on Lieutenants at the Starfleet Exchange. Regardless, he had his orders. He looked in the direction of the Lieutenant who he couldn't quite remember the details of. He fell in silently behind, snapping his medical case shut before slinging it over his shoulder... only to reopen it and move to assist the blue-clad Lieutenant who looked like they were about to see what inverting gravity might do to their stomach.

Listening to the description of the creature in the cage, it seemed that this planet had decided to go to war with copper-blooded people. It didn't comport with any information or disease he'd ever heard of, but that didn't mean it couldn't be known to someone, somewhere. But, proper protocol and discipline must be adhered to. He was assigned to Lieutenant Jyur, and Lieutenant Jyur was assigned to Commander Said. He'd simply wait for his orders, and carry them out to the best of his ability.

That didn't mean he was idle, however. As the disease was being described, and the link between hemocyanin types, he tried to recall any similar disease or reaction. It sounded almost more like an allergic reaction to an intoxicant than any particular disease. Carbon Monoxide poisoning in iron-blooded Hemoglobin cells could cause some similar reactions, with loss of focus, blindness, dizziness, and other maladies, but that might require further focus. What were the intoxicant levels? Had anyone run a spectrometer over the hemocyanin from an infected and healthy individual to see the difference? All these and more questions raced through Abas's mind as he stood and waited for orders. "At your service, Lieutenant," he said, prepared for the next move.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 06, 2023, 11:44:53 PM

[ Andgarr Prime - Enclave Arden ]

Jettis mulled over the information that had been revealed so far about this butterfly creature, and its effects. He was not strong enough in the medical field or chemistry to name any particular compounds off the bat. But the diplomatic implications of such a creature that targeted or interacted with hemocyanin was intriguing on a planet that appeared to have such a strong Romulan presence. This was something that could quickly rocket out of hand, if one party decided to accuse another. And genetic engineering?...

His thoughts were interrupted though by an unfamiliar voice, and an uncomfortable reminder of the Andorian's presence. Or not Andorian. Turning, his eyes shifted towards the medical officer, his brow taking on that slightly furrowed appearance again. Subtle, but there.

What unnerved him about this man was not his appearance, but rather his almost overwhelming emotional and telepathic presence. Jettis had spent long enough around telepaths, empaths, and the like that he was used to pulling up a barrier to prevent being read, or dropping it to more easily communicate and read others. Many on the Challenger were some form of telepath as well, so often the presence of a telepath simply faded into idle background noise to him, even Commander Said's presence didn't set off any alarms. But such a presence from an Andorian threw him off balance, it was unexpected.

"Until we know more about those it effected and perhaps get some chemical makeup reports, I'm afraid I'm out of my element. I should be asking you your thoughts so far." Though it wasn't phrased as a question per-se, it was open for Abas to answer with any ideas he might have. "However, this planet has a high population of Romulans, many of different embassies and religions, so it may be worth pursuing whether any particular group of Romulans or Vulcans have been effected." He mused out loud, voicing his thoughts to Th'vyrrol absently.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 06, 2023, 10:30:28 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian made a pained expression as Nira updated him on the new crisis. The stop at Angdarr was supposed to be a simple port call, some scientific documentation, and a bit of diplomacy, a crisis, let alone crises were not supposed to be part of the mission.

"Understood Commander. Looks like the Vulcans in the crew are goin' ta have ta miss out on the shore leave. You work this butterfly thing, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is perfectly capable of findin' Commander MacKenzie. As Kyan's biology is unique, I will have Lieutenant Randall conduct some intensive scans ta see if'n he can track him down.

"We seem ta have found a hornet's nest of activity here, but will figure it all out. I will coordinate with the Angdarr from here and if'n you need anything the ship can provide, you just ask."

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"We can do that, Captain," she said. "I'll send the word for all Vulcan crewmembers to remain aboard and for any Vulcans already out the ship to return. Of course, it may be ideal to keep on with the guise of going on shore leave. We'd best make sure we do the same, using shore leave as a cover. Otherwise, you may likely have to be used to Vulcans for company, Captain." She thought of Savar and hoped he haven't left yet.

Hearing Jettis, Nira replied, "Well, some Romulans would be affected, but not all. They'll potentially share the same genetics and blood type as Vulcans...we'll have to double-check..."

Seeing Abas making glances at Jettis, particularly in a manner of ready to act in his word, Nira shook her head. "No, I think it's best for you to stick to Zhuk's team, Mister Thy'vrrol. You'll be needed to look at Mackenzie's health when you find him."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 07, 2023, 03:31:32 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Arden Enclave | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Zhukdra'shar awoke to a strange bed, composed of carefully grown bark, strengthened by some comfortable, organic plastic. His hands slowly stroked the soft moss which they employed as padding, just before his eyes went wide as his mind reminded him of what had happened to find himself in such a situation. He groaned as he struggled to get up, his limbs feeling like jelly from the phaser. He got out of bed, before crashing onto the ground, though managed to place his hands forward to keep himself from smacking himself head-first against the floor, and then got up.

His head pounded and his vision felt blurry, though it did not stop him from ignoring an Andgarr medical officer as he avoided his grasp, instead barreling towards the exit. Or where he thought it was, in any case. Confused and seething with anger, he saw two figures that appeared at the entrance of the ward. He moved towards them, but a slip from his step almost caused him to crash against the female form that stood in front. He gave a couple of steps back, as he slurred a 'sorry', before being forced to hold his head.

As his vision cleared when he allowed himself to rest for a moment, his ears picked up a set of most unwelcome news, "What?! Kyan has been kidnapped?!" He bared his teeth as his fur stood on end, "Unacceptable! Outrageous! I shalt resolve this matter immediately! Whoever attacked us shalt... ugh..."

He took a pause, needing to rub his eyes once more. Fortunately, Abas' medical expertise came at just the right moment as he went past the matron and Commander Said, checking Zhuk's state with his equipment, and asking him how he felt. Glancing over at him, he let out a defeated sigh, as he proceeded to retell what had happened to the trio, as Doctor Fellows went towards Captain Galloway to help with his condition.

In the meanwhile, using his tools, Abas managed to identify a prevalent headache caused by the weapon, which had made him confused and disoriented, as well as a general soreness to his muscles, radiating from his back, where the ray had landed.

"Crewman Abas... Commander Said... ugh... to be fair... while I would be glad to state that I am operational... that would be a bold lie. My head pounds and I have a hard time focusing... my muscles feel unresponsive. If you could aid with my condition, Mister Th'vyrrol, I would greatly thank you." He paused to grab a nearby chair in order to stay properly upright, trying to remember what happened "As for what happened... we were ambushed by several assailants... though I cannot recall the exact number. I believe that Captain Galloway was attacked first, as I heard a crack from... bones? And his unmistakable voice as he cried out in suffering. Afterward, I turned around and saw... three individuals surrounding the rest of the group. Before I could dispatch them with my own phaser, however... I felt something hitting me in the back, and shortly after, I lost consciousness."

He glanced at the interior of the ward, glancing over at Captain Galloway and at Jettis, nodding, "I suppose that the Captain, and Lieutenant Jyur suffered a similar fate... to mine... and in that time, Kyan was taken from us. I... have just woken up, so i cannot assist further..."

After Abas expertly applied the treatment needed, Zhuk discovered that besides his ailments, thankfully now removed, his fur was also stained by some kind of substance that was hard to clean. The already furious Zhuk was even more angry now, his pride for his looks and his recent defeat creating a rather volatile state of mind. Still, the chance to rectify his mistake was accepted well by Zhuk as he was informed by the Captain about his next duty.

He walked over to the Captain, wanting to request someone to assist him, when he overheard the situation at hand concerning the appearance of these mysterious bugs that had been inflicting sickness on the Vulcans within the planet. Zhuk wondered whether, with his re-acquired phaser, he would be punished by shooting at the cage, watching the creature with disgust. It was unnatural, an abomination made with genetic engineering meant to disperse a dangerous substance that hurt people. And he had a hunch that this was related to the reason why Kyan was kidnapped.

For now, he decided to hold it, as he proceeded to speak up after Nira, once he made sure she was finished with her report. "Excuse me, Commander Said, Captain Galloway. I wish to inform you about a certain... resemblance I gazed upon before we were so unceremoniously disposed of. I couldn't help but notice that Dynast-Praetor Ratheen holds similarities to our esteemed and appreciated Tal Shiar agent, Nireen. I am not yet sure as to the significance of this, but I wish to let you know. As for my task, I shalt carry it out with utmost responsibility. But I would like to request someone to assist me. Someone, in particular, whomst I am certain, their abilities will greatly benefit the cause..."

After the Captain properly told him to focus on the quest for finding Kyan, Zhuk took a moment to summon his assigned team. Tapping in his commbadge, he proceeded to call, "Team Two, I want you outside of the Arden Enclave in ten minutes at the most. Assemble as soon as you are capable to. Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret, I require your presence too at once. The Captain and the Commander have accepted my proposal for you to assist me with this situation."

Nira was stirred by the description of Ratheen...and a potential similarity to Nirreen...and Nirreen so resembled Nira... "Well, not having met the Dynast-Praetor myself, I wouldn't know for sure...and if you had seen her," said Nira, "that meant, in a way, they could've seen the assailants before they left. We're going to have to interview Ratheen before we get meet the Anax and his lower officers to determine a fix of Kyan's kidnappers and the butterflies."

"Now, back to the subject at hand," continued Nira, "good idea to include Lahr, Zhuk, he has some security training, after all, aside from his miracle working; he's a qualified combat technician," she added, suddenly remembering her first department head, who had regarded himself as "combat technician." "As for Beta Team, your Team Two, try not to take too much security with you. You'll need stealth on your side. Five or six at maximum will suffice. I'll be taking Ensigns Cheizex and Cordon as well. Chances are, there'll be machines to look at and shut off."

Nira paused, certain she got people assigned. The she said, "Okay, Zhuk and I will talk to Anax Jindak to see if he can get us to meet this Ratheen. And perhaps as pretense of interview, maybe we, plus the Captain, can have a meal with her, some bit of socializing. The rest of you, get back to Challenger and get your equipment ready, but take your time, have some shore leave enjoyment. Both teams will meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Said out."

The transmission off, Nira sent messages to the selected officers.

To: CMO Jessica Fellows, CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret, and Ensigns Aarwendil Cheizex and Neva Cordon
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Dual Seek-and-Exploration Shore Leave Activity

To whom it may concern,

We have two missions in the offing as we conduct our shore leave. Of sorts. Two teams are to embark on an exploration of Andgarr to get to know the planet further. Gather equipment, but take your time to enjoy your shore leave. Meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Further details from myself and Zhuk and Jettis will be provided then.

Then she directed a message to advise all Vulcans on the crew to remain on Challenger and to for any Vulcans who may have left Challenger to return and get a medical checkup, especially if they came in proximity to some insects.

[Commander Nira Said | Temple of the Elements, Andgarr Congregation | Andgarr Prime]

An hour later, after being directed by Anax Jindak to the Cradol Temple of the Elements on Andgarr, Nira had arrived in her best. Knowing the ritualistic religious nature of the Cradol, Nira had a belly shirt with harem pants, both made of Tholian silk, a thank-you present from a Ferengi friend of the Challenger, Liquidator Bock. It was perfect for the Cradol atmosphere. She looked around for Captain Galloway before she looked back at the entrance.

Standing at present - inasmuch as one can stand while hovering - were a pair Consulate Legion hover troopers, all dressed in near blinding bright green. Both were elflike and both were staring down at them hard.

"State your business, Federation bendain," snapped one. Nira had heard how the Cradol often put emphasis on the Romulan language in their creed; she remembered from her Romulan dictionary how bendain meant foreigner, and she wasn't surprised, having heard many words for "outsider" or "foreigner" in Arabic in regards to other non-Arabs. She had heard "infidel" used, but it was extremely rare, but all the same, the tone the Legionnaire expressed certainly indicated a hint that bendain was on par with the word "infidel."

"We're here to see Dynast-Praetor Ratheen," Nira said. "In regards to her and her party around the time our Captain and his party were attacked."

"Not just anybody can see the Dynast-Praetor. But since you are from that particular Starfleet ship, we'd be glad to accept you in."

Nira started in surprise at the voice from above and looked up to see a tan Romulan descending. Like the Legionnaires, he also wore bright green, except that he was dressed less for military duty and more for a day on the beach. Like the Legionnaires, he was outfitted with a sort of winged hover device, but instead of a technological winged pack without jet propulsion like what the Legionnaires wore, the wings were attached to his sandals, bringing to mind the Greek myth of Hermes.

Nira stared a long time, not helping herself, before she shook herself from her astonishment at this man. "Nice briefs," she said obviously.

The man, too, stared at Nira. Part of it she recognized as being captivated by her beauty, but there was something else...he was staring like he was trying to see a resemblance.

"Hm. A Betazoid. Potentially the first beautiful woman of that planet since Deanna Troi," he said with complimentary charm when he finally spoke. "I am Hakul, head of the Ethnarch Council, and the Dynast-Praetor's right hand...as we rule as brother and sister."

"And I am Commander Nira Said, First Officer of the Starship Challenger," said Nira in turn. "And since your party was the last to leave before my Captain's party did..."

"Yes, I heard about what happened to the boy," Hakul said. "It's a horrid pity."

"True, but for the time being, we're willing to meet and socialize and get to know further the culture, religions and rituals so emphasized among the Romulans that make up the Cradol," Nira answered back in her diplomatic best.

"But of course," said Hakul courteously. "Anax Jindak sent you at a good time, it's almost time for our supper hour. Ah, but, he probably knows the schedule of the temple exceedingly well, knowing us so well, not just in the days before Hobus but before the war with humanity that left an imprint."

Nira raised an eyebrow; how old was Jindak that he remembered the Earth-Romulan War, that would lead to the formation of the Federation, so well?

Hakul clapped his hands and a high-ranking Legionnaire approached. "You summoned, Lord Haku..." Then he saw Nira and started. "You! What are you...? Weren't you just...?"

"Centurion," Hakul said sternly. "These are guests to our temple. Prepare some spaces for them."

"At once," the Centurion said, but he never took his eye off Nira until he sidled away.

"Come along, then," Hakul said and made his way in. Nira followed. There was something more startling was starting to worm its way in place of that item of business:

First Hakul, then the Centurion of a butler seemed to recognize Nira. They were startled in their own way by her appearance, and not by her beauty. What was significant was that Nira never met either of those men before in her life. It could only mean one thing...

She's here. Somewhere, she thought to herself...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 06, 2023, 10:30:28 AM

[Angdarr Prime]

The lead member of Seles' enforcers bowed to her as he entered the 'indoctrination' chamber where Kyan was restrained and undergoing 'conditioning'.

"Do you think this will work? The little shyte has proven to be far more trouble than someone his size should be."

Seles looked away from Kyan to face her lieutenant with a cold expression.

"Oh it will work, willful or not, the induced isolation he is experiencing will break any member of the human root stock genome. He will do what he's instructed to do. Have you arranged for the proxies?"

"Yes M'Lady. A mixed bag of career criminals, they will be the perfect sacrifices to the Federation when they 'rescue' the subject."

"Very well, I estimate another two hours and our little friend will be ready for his mission. Be ready."

"Yes M'Lady."

[Somewhere on Andgarr Prime...]

"I'm afraid he's right, Seles," said Visa with utter perplexity. "He's definitely proving more trouble for someone of his size. He's surprisingly resilient."

She looked up from checking a console wired to the indoctrination chamber. "He's resisting. Chances are, we're not going to have two hours, were potentially going to have two days. And don't look at me like that, Seles," she added haughtily. "You do anything to me, you'll have to answer to my brother Hirim. Or, Archon help you, Domitian. And believe me, he has his connections to the Syndicate, and this being a sanctuary popular with Romulans of varieties, he's due at any time, now. Can you imagine what the old man's going to be like when he sees this?" she added, jabbing a hand toward the boy and the indoctrination chamber.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve - Upper Engineering Support Area]

While Lahr waited for Neva's texted reply regarding the rumor he'd heard, he received a comm call from Zhuk.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 07, 2023, 03:31:32 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Arden Enclave | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

After the Captain properly told him to focus on the quest for finding Kyan, Zhuk took a moment to summon his assigned team. Tapping in his commbadge, he proceeded to call, "Team Two, I want you outside of the Arden Enclave in ten minutes at the most. Assemble as soon as you are capable to. Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret, I require your presence too at once. The Captain and the Commander have accepted my proposal for you to assist me with this situation."

=/\= "Yes sir!" =/\=  he responded automatically, trained to answer by rote.  It took a moment for his brain to catch up.

Not knowing the situation that the Caitian was referring to, the Andorian was curious as to the reason for his requested presence, since most officers by now knew of his preference to avoid Away missions.  Lahr had even during the Melek Nor mission specifically requested Commander Said for him to be taken off the Away Team roster.  It was generally accepted that Lahr wasn't reliable in such scenarios.

The Andorian felt the familiar tense knot beginning to form in his gut; especially since the Security officer sounded all business at the moment.  A security team being called with a ten-minute assembly time was usually reserved for critical missions.   Lahr's past security training had the present-day engineer already headed to his locker to grab his 'Go' kit, despite his growing nervousness.   The 'Go' kit contained an assortment of tools and very handy spare parts; as well as useful items that every good engineer could make use of, to jury-rig nearly anything.  Lahr, according to Tharn, was barely passable as an engineer.   Why the Hell had HE of all people gotten selected for this mission?  What skill could he possibly offer in a mission requiring an entire team of security?!

=/\="Um sir... what situation?  I heard rumor someone was attacked... Should I be signing out a phaser?" =/\=   Lahr hoped not.  Maybe the security was just for a show of force? Like an honor guard... but he doubted it.

Lahr had his engineers' tool belt on, adjusted to sit comfortably at his hip; and had his 'Go' bag in hand.  He was ready to head either to the transporter or to the armory depending on the Caitian's answer.  But Zhuk's urgency was unexpectedly offset by the message Lahr received a moment later from Commander Said.

Quote from: Nira Said on October 07, 2023, 11:57:15 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

To: CMO Jessica Fellows, CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret, and Ensigns Aarwendil Cheizex and Neva Cordon
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Dual Seek-and-Exploration Shore Leave Activity

To whom it may concern,

We have two missions in the offing as we conduct our shore leave. Of sorts. Two teams are to embark on an exploration of Andgarr to get to know the planet further. Gather equipment, but take your time to enjoy your shore leave. Meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Further details from myself and Zhuk and Jettis will be provided then.

The Andorian's antenna flicked in confusion as the mission urgency dropped from 'meet in no more than ten minutes' to 'enjoy your shore leave and assemble in 4 hours.'

Lahr decided to forward the received orders on to the Caitian along with an apologetic subject line.

To:  Lieutenant Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas
From:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
Subject:  Sorry she outranks you...

But if you give me a heads up on the mission details I might be able to be able to work it into my 'Shore leave'.

The swift downgrade of the urgency suggested to Lahr that there was either a miscommunication somewhere or there was something big in the works that the higher ups were trying to hide.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Unknown Location | Andgarr Prime]


At first, Kyan had been alone in the darkness. The emptiness that he felt was as the though the universe had always been just him and the darkness. Of course that couldn't be real because he remembered other people. He remembered places and things that he'd done. Then his own voice had repeatedly insisted that he needed to kill Anax Jindrak. At first he thought that it was in his head, but the voice was coming from somewhere else. At first he ignored it. But as time passed, it became harder to ignore.

So he had responded. "œShove off." He'd shouted into the void. "œI ain't killin nobody."

It didn't work. The voice just kept repeating the same three words. Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak! He tried yelling over the voice, but that didn't work either. After a while, Kyan started walking. He couldn't see anything, but there was nothing to walk into. It was just empty. It was just him, his voices, and the inky black nothingness that was the whole universe. He didn't know how long or how far he walked, but eventually the voice started sounding closer. He walked faster.

Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak!

It was almost as if the voice was singing it now. And it was very close. After following it for a little while longer, Kyan almost ran head long into"¦ himself.

"œOoof." He exclaimed, surprised that anything, or anyone else was here. "œWho are you?" he demanded.

"œI'm Kyan Mackenzie!" the other Kyan had chirped back. An I'm gonna kill Anax Jindrak!"

"œNae. I'm[/i] Kyan Mackenzie, and I'm nae gonna kill anyone." Kyan answered.

And so it had begun. Kyan didn't know how long they'd bantered back and forth, but it seemed like a long time. The other Kyan really seemed to have it out for Anax Jindrak. Every time Kyan tried to talk about something else, the other him circled back to killing off the Anax. It didn't make sense to him. But at least he wasn't just repeating the same three words over and over. That was progress"¦ of a sort.

"œBut I gotta kill Anax Jindrak!" the other Kyan almost whined. "œHe's a daft ole wanker and it'd do him good tae be shuffled off!"

"œWhy!? Kyan answered, exasperation creeping into his voice now. "œWhat'd he do to me.. you?"

"œHe's a bad one." Other Kyan whispered. "œHe's in with the Romulans!"

He shrugged. "œSo? Dinnae mean I gotta kill him!"

~ Later, back in the real world.

When he regained consciousness"¦. again Kyan found himself lying on a dirt floor in a dark, empty room. His hands and feet were bound behind him. He was what some Humans called, "œhog tied." The room had a dank, mossy smell and the dirt was damp. "œI'm on the forest floor." He thought. He couldn't remember what had happened in the indoctrination chamber, except that it had something to do with the Andrak. And why did thinking about Andrak Jindrak make him angry? "œNevermind that!" he chided himself. "œIt's time tae go!." He was alone for the first time since they'd picked him up and he likely wouldn't too many more chances to escape so Kyan decided to take advantage of it.

It was dark in the room, but there was enough light that he could look down and see that they'd taken his com badge, which wasn't surprising. He felt for his karambit, which he hadn't even had time to use during the initial encounter. That too was gone. Also not a shocker. But he was still wearing his shoes. It was difficult and time consuming in the dark, and at such an uncomfortable angle, but Kyan finally managed to get the sole off of one shoe. Inside he found the small blade he'd hidden there. It was a ceramic composite, which blended in with the other materials of his boot.. at least as far as tricorders and other scanners were concerned. But it was still sharp enough to cut.

Getting a good grip was difficult, as was not cutting himself. But after what seemed like hours of trying to run the blade over the same spot, he felt the last strand on once of the cords snap and the binding was cut. He wriggled one hand out, then the other. After freeing his feet, Kyan re-attached the sole of his shoe and looked around the room. It was mostly empty. The dim light came from an overhead lamp and a small opening about eight feet off the dirt floor, right under the ceiling. It wasn't very big, but it looked big enough. "œAnd how tae be getting up there"¦." the Onlie mused. There weren't any crates or boxes around that he could stack up. However the light in the ceiling had a pipe feeding it power which ran the circumference of the ceiling. He thought if he could get his fingers around it, he might be able to swing his feet up into the opening and get out that way.

Clasping the knife in his teeth, Kyan jumped up and tried to grab the pipe. It took a few tries, but he was finally able to grab it. After getting a good hold on the pipe he swung a few times to get momentum enough to get his feet up to the opening. It was damp and slippery. Twice his foot slipped off and once he let go of the pipe and fell on his back, the dirt floor knocking the air out of him. He waited, figuring that they'd have definitely heard it but when no one came he pulled himself back up and tried again. This time he got a good foothold and began inching his legs through the opening. He was about three fourths of the way out when he heard the voice from the doorway.

"œHey! It called out, not to him but someone outside the door, "œHe's getting away!"

Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Outside Enclave Arden | Andgarr Prime]

Suddenly, Nira remembered...and quickly she wrote an additional message, and she told Zhuk as she wrote, "Wait a minute...I think I got it mixed up. You'd best proceed onward. It's urgent to find Kyan; Randall will coordinate his position from the ship, and I can transmit any directions to you once I meet with the Cradol.

To: CPO ShanLahr Ch'Verret
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Re: Exploration

Apologies, I realized I had meant the four hour delay for my team. Continue with Zhuk, time is of the essence to find Kyan, and proceed according to Zhuk's schedule. And apologies for the mix-up.

Then Nira wrote to her team, to Jess, Aarwendil and Neva: Actually, Zhuk's team is to proceed ahead. It's just us to meet at the Great Hall in four hours. Sorry for the mix-up in involving both teams.

Nira breathed. That was an error hopefully taken care of, but then, she wondered...was there a slight reaction of her own to the insects? How the Betazoids react? Allah forbid...she made a brief return to Arden for a brief inoculation for a vaccine against the insects, as a precaution, then returned to the ship momentarily to change.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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