S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Abas Th'vyrrol

[The Enclave - Not on an oil rig somewhere]

While Abas didn't know of the impact he was having on Jettis, apparently one existed. It must have been similar to the Terran phenomenon of the Uncanny Valley - when something looks similar to, but just slightly different than what it should be. Particularly with the human form, when something looked almost human, but just those few things were off that made a person or entity stand out. Was it a defense mechanism held on to by evolution? Was it a form of detection of threats, or was it simply just the fear of the unknown? Whatever it was, it had made an impression on Jettis it seemed. While Abas didn't notice the frown forming, he could tell something was slightly off.

Aenar were often strange - while no longer the small sub-species of Andorian folklore and myth they had been prior to the 2100s, they were still an uncommon sight in the Federation. Abas was used to a certain amount of trepidation or curiosity. Aenar had been serving in Starfleet for over the better part of at least 150 years - but their numbers remained few and far between. While this was a long time for many, it was entirely possible there were Vulcans alive who remembered the discovery of the Aenar, when relations with the Vulcan and Andorian people in the late pre-federation era were just beginning to normalize. The presence that Jettis was likely feeling was just simply how he was - without his eyesight, using his biological and telepathic senses to "see" and thrive in his environment. He didn't know it would cause discomfort, nor did he realize this officer would even notice.

When asked for his opinion, he shared what he'd thought earlier - the thought of analyzing more the impact of why this disease was targeting hemocyanin-based individuals, and testing a healthy versus an unhealthy individual's cells. He passed along additionally his original notion of how this seemed to be similar to a lack of oxygen making it to the brain, and other similarities like that of being drunk or Carbon Monoxide poisoning. At least, it was a place to start. The idea of testing to see if any particular background or subculture was being targeted more than others.


After a quick musing session with Lieutenant Jyur, he found himself given alternate tasking. He'd been assigned back to to Lieutenant Mrekrerhas' team. That didn't mean there hadn't been a productive conversation, however. Perhaps some of the information he'd exchanged with the Lieutenant would be useful, or vice versa. "Aye, Commander" was all he said, falling in behind Mrekrerhas and awaiting further orders.

Aarwendil Cheizex

[ Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Like most of the crew Aarwendil had already left the Challenger, for the shore leaver. Or in his case, to start doing some search about the local environment. Besides his PADD, the Ensign was carrying a bag with containers where he could collect samples of the organisms for experiments in the laboratory. Of course, he would only pick them if the locals allowed it. He didn't want to start a conflict because of his curiosity. Even less with the Romulans controlling Andgarr Prime.

At least it was his initial plan, because as soon as Commander Said announced that there was some type insect that was causing other species to become sick, Aarwendill immediately signed up to help with it. This is how he ended joining the Commander's search group on the planet.

Besides that, he could still collect some samples of the local flora and fauna.

Betazoid, Male

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 08, 2023, 07:51:00 AM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Unknown Location | Andgarr Prime]


At first, Kyan had been alone in the darkness. The emptiness that he felt was as the though the universe had always been just him and the darkness. Of course that couldn't be real because he remembered other people. He remembered places and things that he'd done. Then his own voice had repeatedly insisted that he needed to kill Anax Jindrak. At first he thought that it was in his head, but the voice was coming from somewhere else. At first he ignored it. But as time passed, it became harder to ignore.

So he had responded. "œShove off." He'd shouted into the void. "œI ain't killin nobody."

It didn't work. The voice just kept repeating the same three words. Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak! He tried yelling over the voice, but that didn't work either. After a while, Kyan started walking. He couldn't see anything, but there was nothing to walk into. It was just empty. It was just him, his voices, and the inky black nothingness that was the whole universe. He didn't know how long or how far he walked, but eventually the voice started sounding closer. He walked faster.

Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak! Kill Anax Jindrak!

It was almost as if the voice was singing it now. And it was very close. After following it for a little while longer, Kyan almost ran head long into"¦ himself.

"œOoof." He exclaimed, surprised that anything, or anyone else was here. "œWho are you?" he demanded.

"œI'm Kyan Mackenzie!" the other Kyan had chirped back. An I'm gonna kill Anax Jindrak!"

"œNae. I'm[/i] Kyan Mackenzie, and I'm nae gonna kill anyone." Kyan answered.

And so it had begun. Kyan didn't know how long they'd bantered back and forth, but it seemed like a long time. The other Kyan really seemed to have it out for Anax Jindrak. Every time Kyan tried to talk about something else, the other him circled back to killing off the Anax. It didn't make sense to him. But at least he wasn't just repeating the same three words over and over. That was progress"¦ of a sort.

"œBut I gotta kill Anax Jindrak!" the other Kyan almost whined. "œHe's a daft ole wanker and it'd do him good tae be shuffled off!"

"œWhy!? Kyan answered, exasperation creeping into his voice now. "œWhat'd he do to me.. you?"

"œHe's a bad one." Other Kyan whispered. "œHe's in with the Romulans!"

He shrugged. "œSo? Dinnae mean I gotta kill him!"

~ Later, back in the real world.

When he regained consciousness"¦. again Kyan found himself lying on a dirt floor in a dark, empty room. His hands and feet were bound behind him. He was what some Humans called, "œhog tied." The room had a dank, mossy smell and the dirt was damp. "œI'm on the forest floor." He thought. He couldn't remember what had happened in the indoctrination chamber, except that it had something to do with the Andrak. And why did thinking about Andrak Jindrak make him angry? "œNevermind that!" he chided himself. "œIt's time tae go!." He was alone for the first time since they'd picked him up and he likely wouldn't too many more chances to escape so Kyan decided to take advantage of it.

It was dark in the room, but there was enough light that he could look down and see that they'd taken his com badge, which wasn't surprising. He felt for his karambit, which he hadn't even had time to use during the initial encounter. That too was gone. Also not a shocker. But he was still wearing his shoes. It was difficult and time consuming in the dark, and at such an uncomfortable angle, but Kyan finally managed to get the sole off of one shoe. Inside he found the small blade he'd hidden there. It was a ceramic composite, which blended in with the other materials of his boot.. at least as far as tricorders and other scanners were concerned. But it was still sharp enough to cut.

Getting a good grip was difficult, as was not cutting himself. But after what seemed like hours of trying to run the blade over the same spot, he felt the last strand on once of the cords snap and the binding was cut. He wriggled one hand out, then the other. After freeing his feet, Kyan re-attached the sole of his shoe and looked around the room. It was mostly empty. The dim light came from an overhead lamp and a small opening about eight feet off the dirt floor, right under the ceiling. It wasn't very big, but it looked big enough. "œAnd how tae be getting up there"¦." the Onlie mused. There weren't any crates or boxes around that he could stack up. However the light in the ceiling had a pipe feeding it power which ran the circumference of the ceiling. He thought if he could get his fingers around it, he might be able to swing his feet up into the opening and get out that way.

Clasping the knife in his teeth, Kyan jumped up and tried to grab the pipe. It took a few tries, but he was finally able to grab it. After getting a good hold on the pipe he swung a few times to get momentum enough to get his feet up to the opening. It was damp and slippery. Twice his foot slipped off and once he let go of the pipe and fell on his back, the dirt floor knocking the air out of him. He waited, figuring that they'd have definitely heard it but when no one came he pulled himself back up and tried again. This time he got a good foothold and began inching his legs through the opening. He was about three fourths of the way out when he heard the voice from the doorway.

"œHey! It called out, not to him but someone outside the door, "œHe's getting away!"

[Angdarr Prime]

Kyan heard that he'd been discovered and redoubled his attempt to shimmy up the conduit, but a cold harm feminine voice he knew far too well called out.

"Nice try Youngling."

Right before the stunner hit him and he fell back down into the cell. Dazed and only just conscious, Kyan heard Seles purr.

"Time for punishment."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian paced back and forth on the bridge more out of frustration than any other reason. He was furious with himself that he and his party had been taken so completely by surprise.

"Things are never what they seem and invariably worse than expected."

He growled internally. He knew better than to let an idyllic setting lull him into a state of false security, but he'd done it anyway and now a member of his crew had been kidnapped.

He also knew that being mad at himself wouldn't make anything better, but someone needed to be at fault here and he made a pretty good target at the moment.


Randall interrupted Ian's thoughts.

"Aye Mister Randall?"

"Onlie physiology is unique, unique enough that even among a large population of humans it is possible to detect. Unfortunately, with so much life on Angdarr, it is proving difficult to pinpoint Commander MacKenzie."

"Already noted Lieutenant."

Ian said irritably.

"Yes Sir, I was able to get a momentary fix on the Commander."


"Yes Sir, only for a second, not long enough to pinpoint him, but enough to narrow down the search area to a twenty kilometer circle."

"That's still a lot of bloody planet Lieutenant, but tis better than what we had before. Relay what you have ta Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, Commander Said, and Anax Jindak."

"Aye Sir, right away."

It wasn't a lot to go on, but it was the best news Ian had heard since waking up in the Arden Enclave infirmary.

"Hold on you troublesome little git, we're goin' ta find ye and those that nicked you will be payin' for doin' so."

He thought as he resumed his pacing.

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on October 07, 2023, 11:57:15 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Enclave Arden | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

"We can do that, Captain," she said. "I'll send the word for all Vulcan crewmembers to remain aboard and for any Vulcans already out the ship to return. Of course, it may be ideal to keep on with the guise of going on shore leave. We'd best make sure we do the same, using shore leave as a cover. Otherwise, you may likely have to be used to Vulcans for company, Captain." She thought of Savar and hoped he haven't left yet.

Hearing Jettis, Nira replied, "Well, some Romulans would be affected, but not all. They'll potentially share the same genetics and blood type as Vulcans...we'll have to double-check..."

Seeing Abas making glances at Jettis, particularly in a manner of ready to act in his word, Nira shook her head. "No, I think it's best for you to stick to Zhuk's team, Mister Thy'vrrol. You'll be needed to look at Mackenzie's health when you find him."
Nira was stirred by the description of Ratheen...and a potential similarity to Nirreen...and Nirreen so resembled Nira... "Well, not having met the Dynast-Praetor myself, I wouldn't know for sure...and if you had seen her," said Nira, "that meant, in a way, they could've seen the assailants before they left. We're going to have to interview Ratheen before we get meet the Anax and his lower officers to determine a fix of Kyan's kidnappers and the butterflies."

"Now, back to the subject at hand," continued Nira, "good idea to include Lahr, Zhuk, he has some security training, after all, aside from his miracle working; he's a qualified combat technician," she added, suddenly remembering her first department head, who had regarded himself as "combat technician." "As for Beta Team, your Team Two, try not to take too much security with you. You'll need stealth on your side. Five or six at maximum will suffice. I'll be taking Ensigns Cheizex and Cordon as well. Chances are, there'll be machines to look at and shut off."

Nira paused, certain she got people assigned. The she said, "Okay, Zhuk and I will talk to Anax Jindak to see if he can get us to meet this Ratheen. And perhaps as pretense of interview, maybe we, plus the Captain, can have a meal with her, some bit of socializing. The rest of you, get back to Challenger and get your equipment ready, but take your time, have some shore leave enjoyment. Both teams will meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Said out."

The transmission off, Nira sent messages to the selected officers.

To: CMO Jessica Fellows, CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret, and Ensigns Aarwendil Cheizex and Neva Cordon
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Dual Seek-and-Exploration Shore Leave Activity

To whom it may concern,

We have two missions in the offing as we conduct our shore leave. Of sorts. Two teams are to embark on an exploration of Andgarr to get to know the planet further. Gather equipment, but take your time to enjoy your shore leave. Meet us in the Andgarr Great Hall in four hours. Further details from myself and Zhuk and Jettis will be provided then.

Then she directed a message to advise all Vulcans on the crew to remain on Challenger and to for any Vulcans who may have left Challenger to return and get a medical checkup, especially if they came in proximity to some insects.

Neva was starting to answer Lahr when the Commander's notice came across the display. Her fingers  froze as she sudden felt a chill go down her spine. 'I don't like this...'

Despite her misgivings, she shook herself from her reverie, closed the Commander's message and went back to Lahr's.

To: CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret
From: Ensign Neva Cordon
Subject: Re: Re: Re:
Haha...you asked, I provide answer. May not be the one you want.
You need to explain the "thing" you & Chief have. I know she's got her quirks, but what?

Sounds like we're going on this little "shore leave" is taking an interesting turn. And yeah, I'd like to check out what this planet has. My mother will flip from all the flora to be found here, so i'd like to see what plants I can get & keep alive till I see her. And yes, I have heard. Apparently, there's some dust that affects the Vulcans in a more "feeling" way shall we say? And yes, attacks have happened. Will tell you when I see you! Oh and DEFINITELY, safety in numbers works for me!

With that, Neva sent the message & closed down her station for the next person to use. She headed to the shuttles by way of her quarters for some civvie clothes and her ever present Engineering Kit.


[Commander Nira Said | Temple of the Elements, Andgarr Congregation | Andgarr Prime]

An hour later, after being directed by Anax Jindak to the Cradol Temple of the Elements on Andgarr, Nira had arrived in her best. Knowing the ritualistic religious nature of the Cradol, Nira had a belly shirt with harem pants, both made of Tholian silk, a thank-you present from a Ferengi friend of the Challenger, Liquidator Bock. It was perfect for the Cradol atmosphere. She looked around for Captain Galloway before she looked back at the entrance.

Standing at present - inasmuch as one can stand while hovering - were a pair Consulate Legion hover troopers, all dressed in near blinding bright green. Both were elflike and both were staring down at them hard.

"State your business, Federation bendain," snapped one. Nira had heard how the Cradol often put emphasis on the Romulan language in their creed; she remembered from her Romulan dictionary how bendain meant foreigner, and she wasn't surprised, having heard many words for "outsider" or "foreigner" in Arabic in regards to other non-Arabs. She had heard "infidel" used, but it was extremely rare, but all the same, the tone the Legionnaire expressed certainly indicated a hint that bendain was on par with the word "infidel."

"We're here to see Dynast-Praetor Ratheen," Nira said. "In regards to her and her party around the time our Captain and his party were attacked."

"Not just anybody can see the Dynast-Praetor. But since you are from that particular Starfleet ship, we'd be glad to accept you in."

Nira started in surprise at the voice from above and looked up to see a tan Romulan descending. Like the Legionnaires, he also wore bright green, except that he was dressed less for military duty and more for a day on the beach. Like the Legionnaires, he was outfitted with a sort of winged hover device, but instead of a technological winged pack without jet propulsion like what the Legionnaires wore, the wings were attached to his sandals, bringing to mind the Greek myth of Hermes.

Nira stared a long time, not helping herself, before she shook herself from her astonishment at this man. "Nice briefs," she said obviously.

The man, too, stared at Nira. Part of it she recognized as being captivated by her beauty, but there was something else...he was staring like he was trying to see a resemblance.

"Hm. A Betazoid. Potentially the first beautiful woman of that planet since Deanna Troi," he said with complimentary charm when he finally spoke. "I am Hakul, head of the Ethnarch Council, and the Dynast-Praetor's right hand...as we rule as brother and sister."

"And I am Commander Nira Said, First Officer of the Starship Challenger," said Nira in turn. "And since your party was the last to leave before my Captain's party did..."

"Yes, I heard about what happened to the boy," Hakul said. "It's a horrid pity."

"True, but for the time being, we're willing to meet and socialize and get to know further the culture, religions and rituals so emphasized among the Romulans that make up the Cradol," Nira answered back in her diplomatic best.

"But of course," said Hakul courteously. "Anax Jindak sent you at a good time, it's almost time for our supper hour. Ah, but, he probably knows the schedule of the temple exceedingly well, knowing us so well, not just in the days before Hobus but before the war with humanity that left an imprint."

Nira raised an eyebrow; how old was Jindak that he remembered the Earth-Romulan War, that would lead to the formation of the Federation, so well?

Hakul clapped his hands and a high-ranking Legionnaire approached. "You summoned, Lord Haku..." Then he saw Nira and started. "You! What are you...? Weren't you just...?"

"Centurion," Hakul said sternly. "These are guests to our temple. Prepare some spaces for them."

"At once," the Centurion said, but he never took his eye off Nira until he sidled away.

"Come along, then," Hakul said and made his way in. Nira followed. There was something more startling was starting to worm its way in place of that item of business:

First Hakul, then the Centurion of a butler seemed to recognize Nira. They were startled in their own way by her appearance, and not by her beauty. What was significant was that Nira never met either of those men before in her life. It could only mean one thing...

She's here. Somewhere, she thought to herself...


[Somewhere on Andgarr Prime...]

"I'm afraid he's right, Seles," said Visa with utter perplexity. "He's definitely proving more trouble for someone of his size. He's surprisingly resilient."

She looked up from checking a console wired to the indoctrination chamber. "He's resisting. Chances are, we're not going to have two hours, were potentially going to have two days. And don't look at me like that, Seles," she added haughtily. "You do anything to me, you'll have to answer to my brother Hirim. Or, Archon help you, Domitian. And believe me, he has his connections to the Syndicate, and this being a sanctuary popular with Romulans of varieties, he's due at any time, now. Can you imagine what the old man's going to be like when he sees this?" she added, jabbing a hand toward the boy and the indoctrination chamber.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve Corridor >>> Turbolift]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 08, 2023, 12:12:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Outside Enclave Arden | Andgarr Prime]

To: CPO ShanLahr Ch'Verret
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Re: Exploration

Apologies, I realized I had meant the four hour delay for my team. Continue with Zhuk, time is of the essence to find Kyan, and proceed according to Zhuk's schedule. And apologies for the mix-up.

It seemed no sooner had Lahr commed his message to Zhuk than he received two pings from his PADD alerting him to new messages.   The first was Commander was correcting herself.  It seemed the mission - apparently to find Commander Mackenzie - was back to being high priority.  Lahr picked up his pace once more as he read the second.
Quote from: Neva Cordon on October 09, 2023, 02:35:42 PM

To: CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret
From: Ensign Neva Cordon
Subject: Re: Re: Re:
Haha...you asked, I provide answer. May not be the one you want.
You need to explain the "thing" you & Chief have. I know she's got her quirks, but what?

Sounds like we're going on this little "shore leave" is taking an interesting turn. And yeah, I'd like to check out what this planet has. My mother will flip from all the flora to be found here, so i'd like to see what plants I can get & keep alive till I see her. And yes, I have heard. Apparently, there's some dust that affects the Vulcans in a more "feeling" way shall we say? And yes, attacks have happened. Will tell you when I see you! Oh and DEFINITELY, safety in numbers works for me!

It was from Ensign Cordon, in regards to his message suggesting they hang together for shore leave. The message's response was so unexpected that Lahr had to read it a second time.  Had he given Neva the wrong impression with his offer and questions?   Was that why she wanted to know about his relationship with Ruth?   Did that mean the Betazoid was interested in him?  Most likely.

Lahr couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction to realize he still had what it took to interest the ladies.  It was a shame that Neva and he were assigned different teams; though probably for the best until he could explain his 'under the radar' but openly-known relationship he had with the often-absent Science Chief.   Since it might be a while before he could join Neva for actual shore leave, he began dictating a reply back.

"Computer. Scribe text response to Ensign Cordon, from CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret. Start.

Hey Neva, it seems that we have been assigned different missions starting at different times; but maybe I can get a rain-check on that shore leave time?

As for my relationship with Ruth, well, hard as it is for some to accept - she and I are a couple.  Have been for a couple years now.  Command knows, and well... looks the other way so long as we don't flaunt it in front of everyone.

Quirky is a mild way of describing her.  She is vivacious and whatever rumours you've heard are probably correct.   She does use twin axes when in combat. She used to be Captain of Challenger before Galloway.  And she did give up her spot as an Academy instructor and took a demotion to come back 'cause I was still here.

Anyways, I gotta go.  Good luck on your mission, Neva.

Computer. End text scribe and send."

He had to close it quick cause he'd arrived at the turbolift.

When Lahr stepped into the turbolift, the Andorian opened his mouth to provide a destination to the computer but then realized he didn't know by which means he and Team Two was supposed to meet up with Zhuk.

He could call or message Zhuk... or better yet... just follow the crowd.   "Computer.  Where is Security team two presently?"

"Security team two is in the Armory."

Lahr smiled. "Deck 9"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Arden Enclave | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 08, 2023, 04:28:19 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve - Upper Engineering Support Area]

While Lahr waited for Neva's texted reply regarding the rumor he'd heard, he received a comm call from Zhuk.

=/\= "Yes sir!" =/\=  he responded automatically, trained to answer by rote.  It took a moment for his brain to catch up.

Not knowing the situation that the Caitian was referring to, the Andorian was curious as to the reason for his requested presence, since most officers by now knew of his preference to avoid Away missions.  Lahr had even during the Melek Nor mission specifically requested Commander Said for him to be taken off the Away Team roster.  It was generally accepted that Lahr wasn't reliable in such scenarios.

The Andorian felt the familiar tense knot beginning to form in his gut; especially since the Security officer sounded all business at the moment.  A security team being called with a ten-minute assembly time was usually reserved for critical missions.   Lahr's past security training had the present-day engineer already headed to his locker to grab his 'Go' kit, despite his growing nervousness.   The 'Go' kit contained an assortment of tools and very handy spare parts; as well as useful items that every good engineer could make use of, to jury-rig nearly anything.  Lahr, according to Tharn, was barely passable as an engineer.   Why the Hell had HE of all people gotten selected for this mission?  What skill could he possibly offer in a mission requiring an entire team of security?!

=/\="Um sir... what situation?  I heard rumor someone was attacked... Should I be signing out a phaser?" =/\=   Lahr hoped not.  Maybe the security was just for a show of force? Like an honor guard... but he doubted it.

Lahr had his engineers' tool belt on, adjusted to sit comfortably at his hip; and had his 'Go' bag in hand.  He was ready to head either to the transporter or to the armory depending on the Caitian's answer.  But Zhuk's urgency was unexpectedly offset by the message Lahr received a moment later from Commander Said.

The Andorian's antenna flicked in confusion as the mission urgency dropped from 'meet in no more than ten minutes' to 'enjoy your shore leave and assemble in 4 hours.'

Lahr decided to forward the received orders on to the Caitian along with an apologetic subject line.

To:  Lieutenant Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas
From:  CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
Subject:  Sorry she outranks you...

But if you give me a heads up on the mission details I might be able to be able to work it into my 'Shore leave'.

The swift downgrade of the urgency suggested to Lahr that there was either a miscommunication somewhere or there was something big in the works that the higher ups were trying to hide.

Quote from: Nira Said on October 08, 2023, 12:12:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Outside Enclave Arden | Andgarr Prime]

Suddenly, Nira remembered...and quickly she wrote an additional message, and she told Zhuk as she wrote, "Wait a minute...I think I got it mixed up. You'd best proceed onward. It's urgent to find Kyan; Randall will coordinate his position from the ship, and I can transmit any directions to you once I meet with the Cradol.

To: CPO ShanLahr Ch'Verret
From: Commander Nira Said
Subject: Re: Exploration

Apologies, I realized I had meant the four hour delay for my team. Continue with Zhuk, time is of the essence to find Kyan, and proceed according to Zhuk's schedule. And apologies for the mix-up.

Then Nira wrote to her team, to Jess, Aarwendil and Neva: Actually, Zhuk's team is to proceed ahead. It's just us to meet at the Great Hall in four hours. Sorry for the mix-up in involving both teams.

Nira breathed. That was an error hopefully taken care of, but then, she wondered...was there a slight reaction of her own to the insects? How the Betazoids react? Allah forbid...she made a brief return to Arden for a brief inoculation for a vaccine against the insects, as a precaution, then returned to the ship momentarily to change.

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 08, 2023, 12:41:50 PM

[The Enclave - Not on an oil rig somewhere]

While Abas didn't know of the impact he was having on Jettis, apparently one existed. It must have been similar to the Terran phenomenon of the Uncanny Valley - when something looks similar to, but just slightly different than what it should be. Particularly with the human form, when something looked almost human, but just those few things were off that made a person or entity stand out. Was it a defense mechanism held on to by evolution? Was it a form of detection of threats, or was it simply just the fear of the unknown? Whatever it was, it had made an impression on Jettis it seemed. While Abas didn't notice the frown forming, he could tell something was slightly off.

Aenar were often strange - while no longer the small sub-species of Andorian folklore and myth they had been prior to the 2100s, they were still an uncommon sight in the Federation. Abas was used to a certain amount of trepidation or curiosity. Aenar had been serving in Starfleet for over the better part of at least 150 years - but their numbers remained few and far between. While this was a long time for many, it was entirely possible there were Vulcans alive who remembered the discovery of the Aenar, when relations with the Vulcan and Andorian people in the late pre-federation era were just beginning to normalize. The presence that Jettis was likely feeling was just simply how he was - without his eyesight, using his biological and telepathic senses to "see" and thrive in his environment. He didn't know it would cause discomfort, nor did he realize this officer would even notice.

When asked for his opinion, he shared what he'd thought earlier - the thought of analyzing more the impact of why this disease was targeting hemocyanin-based individuals, and testing a healthy versus an unhealthy individual's cells. He passed along additionally his original notion of how this seemed to be similar to a lack of oxygen making it to the brain, and other similarities like that of being drunk or Carbon Monoxide poisoning. At least, it was a place to start. The idea of testing to see if any particular background or subculture was being targeted more than others.


After a quick musing session with Lieutenant Jyur, he found himself given alternate tasking. He'd been assigned back to to Lieutenant Mrekrerhas' team. That didn't mean there hadn't been a productive conversation, however. Perhaps some of the information he'd exchanged with the Lieutenant would be useful, or vice versa. "Aye, Commander" was all he said, falling in behind Mrekrerhas and awaiting further orders.

Zhukdra'shar was about to answer Lahr as he received his communication by pressing on his comm badge, though before he could, he was unexpectedly met with a ping from his PADD. Huh. He had forgotten for a moment he had brought that along with him. At least, thanks to Abas, his head was not hurting anymore, though he still did not feel at his fullest. Pulling it out, he gazed with a frown at the message sent by Lahr, apologizing for not being able to reunite with him, after Commander Nira's orders. He decided to offer a quick response to him, typing as fast as he could with his clawed fingers.

To: CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas
Subject: Information on Current Happenstances

I mUst be brief. Lieutenant C0mmander Kyan Mackenzie was taken as a host4ge, after we were attacked. Thus, my urgency. We are to search for him.

He guessed it suited him. He was afraid that having an overly large team would weigh him down, and indeed, he would have chosen to do this on his lonesome, had it been his decision. However, he did see the importance of bringing different skill sets to the investigation. At least, besides his fellow Security officers, he had Abas to go along, and assist Kyan if he ended up wounded. Perhaps his' antennae would also prove useful in sensing threats.

"Very well, Crewman Th'vyrrol, let us begin this investigation. Time is of the essence, after all. By the by, I am curious to know: do you possess heightened senses of any sort? I would-"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 09, 2023, 12:27:41 PM

[Angdarr Prime]

Kyan heard that he'd been discovered and redoubled his attempt to shimmy up the conduit, but a cold harm feminine voice he knew far too well called out.

"Nice try Youngling."

Right before the stunner hit him and he fell back down into the cell. Dazed and only just conscious, Kyan heard Seles purr.

"Time for punishment."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian paced back and forth on the bridge more out of frustration than any other reason. He was furious with himself that he and his party had been taken so completely by surprise.

"Things are never what they seem and invariably worse than expected."

He growled internally. He knew better than to let an idyllic setting lull him into a state of false security, but he'd done it anyway and now a member of his crew had been kidnapped.

He also knew that being mad at himself wouldn't make anything better, but someone needed to be at fault here and he made a pretty good target at the moment.


Randall interrupted Ian's thoughts.

"Aye Mister Randall?"

"Onlie physiology is unique, unique enough that even among a large population of humans it is possible to detect. Unfortunately, with so much life on Angdarr, it is proving difficult to pinpoint Commander MacKenzie."

"Already noted Lieutenant."

Ian said irritably.

"Yes Sir, I was able to get a momentary fix on the Commander."


"Yes Sir, only for a second, not long enough to pinpoint him, but enough to narrow down the search area to a twenty kilometer circle."

"That's still a lot of bloody planet Lieutenant, but tis better than what we had before. Relay what you have ta Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, Commander Said, and Anax Jindak."

"Aye Sir, right away."

It wasn't a lot to go on, but it was the best news Ian had heard since waking up in the Arden Enclave infirmary.

"Hold on you troublesome little git, we're goin' ta find ye and those that nicked you will be payin' for doin' so."

He thought as he resumed his pacing.

Another ping and Zhuk stopped himself, an apologetic look on his face as he brought out his PADD again. This time, from Mister Randall. The message contained a set of coordinates where the signal of the Only had fainted been tracked. 20 kilometers indeed was a lot of legwork and search that he would have to do, but it was better than searching blindly. A smirk momentarily broke his serious attitude, though it faded as soon as it appeared.

=/\="Team Two, I shalt provide you with the data acquired by Mister Randall, which has determined the approximate presence of Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie within an area spanning approximately 20 kilometers. As soon as you are able, beam down to the position I shalt shortly relay to you. Do be certain to bring Tricorders to scan for clues, but let us limit ourselves to only one Type-2 phaser rifle, besides your reglamentary hand phasers. I do not wish that our arrival be interpreted as a hostile endeavour by Romulans or Andgarr."=/\=

Afterwards, Zhuk quickly proceeded to review the information sent over, and after correlating it to a set of maps of the region he downloaded via his PADD, he decided the best place for Team Two to arrive. It would certainly keep them from doing the sprint that Abas and he would have to do at this point. He sent it to his Security officers and then proceeded to turn back to the Aenar.

"The rest of our companions shalt meet us shortly. Now, let us move." And then, Zhuk sped off to the meeting place, trusting that Abas would be able to keep up with his pace.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 10, 2023, 03:42:31 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve Corridor >>> Turbolift]

It seemed no sooner had Lahr commed his message to Zhuk than he received two pings from his PADD alerting him to new messages.   The first was Commander was correcting herself.  It seemed the mission - apparently to find Commander Mackenzie - was back to being high priority.  Lahr picked up his pace once more as he read the second.

It was from Ensign Cordon, in regards to his message suggesting they hang together for shore leave. The message's response was so unexpected that Lahr had to read it a second time.  Had he given Neva the wrong impression with his offer and questions?   Was that why she wanted to know about his relationship with Ruth?   Did that mean the Betazoid was interested in him?  Most likely.

Lahr couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction to realize he still had what it took to interest the ladies.  It was a shame that Neva and he were assigned different teams; though probably for the best until he could explain his 'under the radar' but openly-known relationship he had with the often-absent Science Chief.   Since it might be a while before he could join Neva for actual shore leave, he began dictating a reply back.

"Computer. Scribe text response to Ensign Cordon, from CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret. Start.

Hey Neva, it seems that we have been assigned different missions starting at different times; but maybe I can get a rain-check on that shore leave time?

As for my relationship with Ruth, well, hard as it is for some to accept - she and I are a couple.  Have been for a couple years now.  Command knows, and well... looks the other way so long as we don't flaunt it in front of everyone.

Quirky is a mild way of describing her.  She is vivacious and whatever rumours you've heard are probably correct.   She does use twin axes when in combat. She used to be Captain of Challenger before Galloway.  And she did give up her spot as an Academy instructor and took a demotion to come back 'cause I was still here.

Anyways, I gotta go.  Good luck on your mission, Neva.

Computer. End text scribe and send."

He had to close it quick cause he'd arrived at the turbolift.

When Lahr stepped into the turbolift, the Andorian opened his mouth to provide a destination to the computer but then realized he didn't know by which means he and Team Two was supposed to meet up with Zhuk.

He could call or message Zhuk... or better yet... just follow the crowd.   "Computer.  Where is Security team two presently?"

"Security team two is in the Armory."

Lahr smiled. "Deck 9"

[Crewman Zala | Armory | Deck 9 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Stationed within Andgarr Prime]

As Security Team Two prepared within the Armory, a sudden shimmer interrupted the Ferengi woman as she was inspecting the Type-2 phaser rifle the team was asked to bring along. After pulling some straws, she ended up being the chosen individual to carry it along. So she did wish to make sure it was all in order. The last thing that she wanted to happen was to disappoint her superior officers. After all, not many female Ferengi served in the Federation, much less within the Security field.

She wanted to set a good example, a role for others with the same dream as her to follow.

A hand moved over to her weapon as she squinted her eyes, fearing an invasion of some kind from an outside source. She relaxed as she noticed that it was an Andorian Engineer, sighing in relief.

"Heh. That is an entrance I was not expecting," She commented towards him, as she inspected him for a moment. She noticed the pips on Lahr's uniform and slowly made two-and-two together. It made sense that someone had been sent over to assist with any mechanical matters that presented themselves. Though she was pretty confident in her technical expertise, a proper Engineer, and one that seemed to have such experience as him, was a welcome addition.

And she had to admit he was not bad-looking, either. But she decided to keep those thoughts to herself.

"Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret, right? Welcome along! Name's Zala, nice to meet you," Dang, she wondered if he enjoyed conversation before the mission, or was more in the vein of Zhuk that remained pretty focused. Herself, she liked to soothe her nerves by talking to people. Or making jokes. And, she was quite curious to meet new people in the Challenger. So this was a perfect opportunity for that.

"Erm... we were informed by the Lieutenant that we ought to beam down at these coordinates," She decided to observe his reaction first to her small talk, and then go from there. In the meanwhile, she offered her PADD to Lahr, so that he would be aware of the instructions. Ugh... she hoped she was not repeating something he already knew!

"We are about ready. Do you need something yourself from the Armory?" She finished inspecting the rifle, and flung it around her back, a nod over to him as she asked for her PADD back. A toothy smile with sharp, uneven teeth followed.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 08, 2023, 12:41:50 PM

[The Enclave - Not on an oil rig somewhere]

While Abas didn't know of the impact he was having on Jettis, apparently one existed. It must have been similar to the Terran phenomenon of the Uncanny Valley - when something looks similar to, but just slightly different than what it should be. Particularly with the human form, when something looked almost human, but just those few things were off that made a person or entity stand out. Was it a defense mechanism held on to by evolution? Was it a form of detection of threats, or was it simply just the fear of the unknown? Whatever it was, it had made an impression on Jettis it seemed. While Abas didn't notice the frown forming, he could tell something was slightly off.

Aenar were often strange - while no longer the small sub-species of Andorian folklore and myth they had been prior to the 2100s, they were still an uncommon sight in the Federation. Abas was used to a certain amount of trepidation or curiosity. Aenar had been serving in Starfleet for over the better part of at least 150 years - but their numbers remained few and far between. While this was a long time for many, it was entirely possible there were Vulcans alive who remembered the discovery of the Aenar, when relations with the Vulcan and Andorian people in the late pre-federation era were just beginning to normalize. The presence that Jettis was likely feeling was just simply how he was - without his eyesight, using his biological and telepathic senses to "see" and thrive in his environment. He didn't know it would cause discomfort, nor did he realize this officer would even notice.

When asked for his opinion, he shared what he'd thought earlier - the thought of analyzing more the impact of why this disease was targeting hemocyanin-based individuals, and testing a healthy versus an unhealthy individual's cells. He passed along additionally his original notion of how this seemed to be similar to a lack of oxygen making it to the brain, and other similarities like that of being drunk or Carbon Monoxide poisoning. At least, it was a place to start. The idea of testing to see if any particular background or subculture was being targeted more than others.


After a quick musing session with Lieutenant Jyur, he found himself given alternate tasking. He'd been assigned back to to Lieutenant Mrekrerhas' team. That didn't mean there hadn't been a productive conversation, however. Perhaps some of the information he'd exchanged with the Lieutenant would be useful, or vice versa. "Aye, Commander" was all he said, falling in behind Mrekrerhas and awaiting further orders.

[ Angdarr Prime ]

Jettis' uneasiness faded slightly as Abas spoke, shoulders relaxing. That feeling, that seed of disquietude was still there, but there was a certain comfort in the fact they were both officers in the sciences. Jettis nodded slowly, though the action would naturally go unseen by Abas. "I agree, some more tests will be illuminating. What precisely it is that's reacting with, or targetting hemocyanin is important. And how it's attacking it. An allergic or immune-stimulating response based on blood type isn't something I'm familiar with." He expressed gratitude for Th'vyrrol's alternate ideas, all of which he would follow up on. The possibility of it being a type of asphyxiation or poisoning were also on the table, until they could rule out more.

At Commander Said's addition, Jettis' brows raised curiously. "It isn't effecting all Romulans?" He echoed back curiously. Both possessed hemocyanin rather than hemoglobin, so the difference in effect was significant. "I will confer with Doctor Silas on those who have and haven't been affected. Both Vulcans and Romulans should be equally effected, but if it is unequal, it will narrow down possible causes significantly."
He glanced back toward Abas when Nira mentioned him going with Zhukdrashar. Though he protested internally, he hesitated on voicing such concerns. Mackenzie would surely need to be medically checked over once found, however this avenue of study would be more up the Aenar's alley than his own. Still, he had four hours to prepare, whereas the search for Mackenzie would commence immediately, so he let the issue slide. He would have to stop by to discuss with another medical officer.

He would spend most of the allotted time researching on possible chemical interactions, as well ask speaking to Doctor Silas about the recorded cases so far. He would take a short break to spend time with Theresa, but the entire situation had him too on-edge to bring her to the planet, much to her annoyance. He would retrace his steps back to the Great Hall to meet with the Commander to continue with their investigation, hoping there was also some sort of update on Kyan's situation now.

Nira Said

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 10, 2023, 07:23:37 PM

[ Angdarr Prime ]

Jettis' uneasiness faded slightly as Abas spoke, shoulders relaxing. That feeling, that seed of disquietude was still there, but there was a certain comfort in the fact they were both officers in the sciences. Jettis nodded slowly, though the action would naturally go unseen by Abas. "I agree, some more tests will be illuminating. What precisely it is that's reacting with, or targetting hemocyanin is important. And how it's attacking it. An allergic or immune-stimulating response based on blood type isn't something I'm familiar with." He expressed gratitude for Th'vyrrol's alternate ideas, all of which he would follow up on. The possibility of it being a type of asphyxiation or poisoning were also on the table, until they could rule out more.

At Commander Said's addition, Jettis' brows raised curiously. "It isn't effecting all Romulans?" He echoed back curiously. Both possessed hemocyanin rather than hemoglobin, so the difference in effect was significant. "I will confer with Doctor Silas on those who have and haven't been affected. Both Vulcans and Romulans should be equally effected, but if it is unequal, it will narrow down possible causes significantly."
He glanced back toward Abas when Nira mentioned him going with Zhukdrashar. Though he protested internally, he hesitated on voicing such concerns. Mackenzie would surely need to be medically checked over once found, however this avenue of study would be more up the Aenar's alley than his own. Still, he had four hours to prepare, whereas the search for Mackenzie would commence immediately, so he let the issue slide. He would have to stop by to discuss with another medical officer.

He would spend most of the allotted time researching on possible chemical interactions, as well ask speaking to Doctor Silas about the recorded cases so far. He would take a short break to spend time with Theresa, but the entire situation had him too on-edge to bring her to the planet, much to her annoyance. He would retrace his steps back to the Great Hall to meet with the Commander to continue with their investigation, hoping there was also some sort of update on Kyan's situation now.

[Commander Nira Said | Arden Enclave | Andgarr Prime]

"Of course," said Nira. "I'll leave you to it, Jettis. See you then."

[Commander Nira Said | Great Hall | Andgarr Prime]

Four hours later, Nira's team had arrived. Nira had just been there after meeting Dynast-Praetor Ratheen. She reflected how shocked she was upon seeing Ratheen face to face. She didn't exactly bear some strong resemblance like Nirreen had, but it made Nira reflect that if she had an older sister, she would look like Ratheen. A deep part of her felt jealous of Nirreen, having older siblings. All Nira had was Aunt Parisa, who died before Nira applied for the Academy. In terms of Betazoids, she had certain members from the First House from a distance and of whom she never met, though judging from their reputation and their ethnic ideals, if it weren't for their prominence, they'd be more reclusive, and she had additionally reflected that she never would've joined Starfleet if her parents were still alive. And in reflecting when her father sacrificed himself...did he perhaps break his oath of silence when he fought the Jem'Hadar to buy her time to escape...?

Fortunately, Anax Jindak and his brothers among the Subanaxes provided enough information to keep from reflecting too much, and having an hour before the team arrived, especially with updates in Kyan's search that she transferred to Zhuk, but more so in her case with the butterflies.

"Commander?" said Anju Jindak. Nira looked over and saw the team had arrived. Jettis, Aarwendil, Neva, Jess. She was fond of them all, especially Aarwendil and Neva, her fellow Betazoids, and Jettis, given it had been a while since their last away mission together, on Risa.

"Ladies, gentlemen. Glad you could make it," said Nira. "Now, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is currently engaged with his search for Commander Mackenzie and the Andgarr have pointed the directions. We have an undercover mission of sorts to work on. Shore Leave will be our cover story and each of us will be going camping to study the different flora and fauna of Andgarr Prime, also our cover story. In actuality, we're tracking down a potential threat in development. Our good new friend, Anax Jindak, will explain."

"There's been a mutated variant of our Yanmarr butterflies," Jindak explained. "Its pollen contamination from their wing flakes have been causing varied reactions but especially strong ones in Vulcans and Romulans of more direct Vulcan descent. The level of genetic manipulation suggest somebody is genetically engineering our beloved creatures. We don't know what are the particular targets. They could be targeting us; it's not the first time we've tried to get conquered by force, to force our status from vassal to conquered territory, and we're always on the lookout for potential threats, but they have been getting increasingly subtle lately and trickier to counter."

"Our secret mission is to locate the source of these mutated Yanmarr," said Nira. "Where they're the strongest accumulated. Because where they are, that's where they're being bred, and there we'll find the base and laboratory they're being assembled in. And hopefully, we can put a stop to this before it threatens the planet. We even have a starting point," she added, looking at Anju.

"There have been increasing amounts of Yanmarr detected, bearing the same genetic signature as the previous insect swarms," Anju explained. "Like where the boy Mackenzie has been last detected and where the assailants had last been seen going in that direction, the signatures are down at the surface level. Specifically down at the Old Angdarr Realms. Now there are plenty of dangers down at foliage and ruins of Old Angdarr," he added warningly. "Our ancestral Angdarr had a saying: 'The Eyes of the Roots are Everywhere," and it's been true long before the Romulans had come, long before Surak was born, even. There are many eyes that will be on watch for you. Feral, friendly or hostile, it'll depend on when you see them face to face.

"Fortunately, there's plenty of flora and fauna to study and catalog so nobody will look twice," he added reassuringly, "though the fauna can be just about as dangerous as the hidden cliques of the Surface, they be if they are refugees, malcontents or secret-keepers of the Romulans, or if they are our troglodyte-esque cousins that still live below: The Angdarr."

He then sauntered over to a chest and pulled out different sets of necklace sigils. "Be sure to keep these with you. Even with a guide, the sigil of our ancestry will compel the Angdarr to be honor-bound to help."

"Even as you guide them, dear brother?" asked the Anax.

"The matter is closed, Anku," said Anju, turning to the Anax firmly. "These off-worlders are to reach far and deep into our deepest secrets, and nobody knows Old Angdarr better than I do."

"Your help is greatly appreciated," said Nira. "And I thank you for your assistance."

"And knowledge isn't just power," said Anju. "I am considered among the best warriors of Andgarr."

"Chief of Military Operations?" asked Nira.

"The Chief Strategy Advisor," Anju added proudly.

"Excellent," said Nira. "Now, I've brought our camping equipment from the ship; you have your equipment of expertise with what you have brought."

She took off her outer uniform and her camping casuals - her away suit, of sorts - were shown. And thus, with her First Officer attire removed, she was well and truly ready for shore leave - or what is to be for their cover. It was still red, but it was as casual as can be. She had to admit, she looks so much younger in it.

"Alright, Anju, provide the coordinates and I'll request Challenger to transport us there," said Nira.

"Ah, only to the closest Descension Point," said Anju. "Foliage around Old Andgarr makes transporting tricky. Atmospheric interference and weather, among other things."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 10, 2023, 03:42:31 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve Corridor >>> Turbolift]

It seemed no sooner had Lahr commed his message to Zhuk than he received two pings from his PADD alerting him to new messages.   The first was Commander was correcting herself.  It seemed the mission - apparently to find Commander Mackenzie - was back to being high priority.  Lahr picked up his pace once more as he read the second.

It was from Ensign Cordon, in regards to his message suggesting they hang together for shore leave. The message's response was so unexpected that Lahr had to read it a second time.  Had he given Neva the wrong impression with his offer and questions?   Was that why she wanted to know about his relationship with Ruth?   Did that mean the Betazoid was interested in him?  Most likely.

Lahr couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction to realize he still had what it took to interest the ladies.  It was a shame that Neva and he were assigned different teams; though probably for the best until he could explain his 'under the radar' but openly-known relationship he had with the often-absent Science Chief.   Since it might be a while before he could join Neva for actual shore leave, he began dictating a reply back.

"Computer. Scribe text response to Ensign Cordon, from CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret. Start.

Hey Neva, it seems that we have been assigned different missions starting at different times; but maybe I can get a rain-check on that shore leave time?

As for my relationship with Ruth, well, hard as it is for some to accept - she and I are a couple.  Have been for a couple years now.  Command knows, and well... looks the other way so long as we don't flaunt it in front of everyone.

Quirky is a mild way of describing her.  She is vivacious and whatever rumours you've heard are probably correct.   She does use twin axes when in combat. She used to be Captain of Challenger before Galloway.  And she did give up her spot as an Academy instructor and took a demotion to come back 'cause I was still here.

Anyways, I gotta go.  Good luck on your mission, Neva.

Computer. End text scribe and send."

He had to close it quick cause he'd arrived at the turbolift.

When Lahr stepped into the turbolift, the Andorian opened his mouth to provide a destination to the computer but then realized he didn't know by which means he and Team Two was supposed to meet up with Zhuk.

He could call or message Zhuk... or better yet... just follow the crowd.   "Computer.  Where is Security team two presently?"

"Security team two is in the Armory."

Lahr smiled. "Deck 9"

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 08, 2023, 12:41:50 PM

[The Enclave - Not on an oil rig somewhere]

While Abas didn't know of the impact he was having on Jettis, apparently one existed. It must have been similar to the Terran phenomenon of the Uncanny Valley - when something looks similar to, but just slightly different than what it should be. Particularly with the human form, when something looked almost human, but just those few things were off that made a person or entity stand out. Was it a defense mechanism held on to by evolution? Was it a form of detection of threats, or was it simply just the fear of the unknown? Whatever it was, it had made an impression on Jettis it seemed. While Abas didn't notice the frown forming, he could tell something was slightly off.

Aenar were often strange - while no longer the small sub-species of Andorian folklore and myth they had been prior to the 2100s, they were still an uncommon sight in the Federation. Abas was used to a certain amount of trepidation or curiosity. Aenar had been serving in Starfleet for over the better part of at least 150 years - but their numbers remained few and far between. While this was a long time for many, it was entirely possible there were Vulcans alive who remembered the discovery of the Aenar, when relations with the Vulcan and Andorian people in the late pre-federation era were just beginning to normalize. The presence that Jettis was likely feeling was just simply how he was - without his eyesight, using his biological and telepathic senses to "see" and thrive in his environment. He didn't know it would cause discomfort, nor did he realize this officer would even notice.

When asked for his opinion, he shared what he'd thought earlier - the thought of analyzing more the impact of why this disease was targeting hemocyanin-based individuals, and testing a healthy versus an unhealthy individual's cells. He passed along additionally his original notion of how this seemed to be similar to a lack of oxygen making it to the brain, and other similarities like that of being drunk or Carbon Monoxide poisoning. At least, it was a place to start. The idea of testing to see if any particular background or subculture was being targeted more than others.


After a quick musing session with Lieutenant Jyur, he found himself given alternate tasking. He'd been assigned back to to Lieutenant Mrekrerhas' team. That didn't mean there hadn't been a productive conversation, however. Perhaps some of the information he'd exchanged with the Lieutenant would be useful, or vice versa. "Aye, Commander" was all he said, falling in behind Mrekrerhas and awaiting further orders.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 10, 2023, 12:31:37 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Arden Enclave | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Zhukdra'shar was about to answer Lahr as he received his communication by pressing on his comm badge, though before he could, he was unexpectedly met with a ping from his PADD. Huh. He had forgotten for a moment he had brought that along with him. At least, thanks to Abas, his head was not hurting anymore, though he still did not feel at his fullest. Pulling it out, he gazed with a frown at the message sent by Lahr, apologizing for not being able to reunite with him, after Commander Nira's orders. He decided to offer a quick response to him, typing as fast as he could with his clawed fingers.

To: CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas
Subject: Information on Current Happenstances

I mUst be brief. Lieutenant C0mmander Kyan Mackenzie was taken as a host4ge, after we were attacked. Thus, my urgency. We are to search for him.

He guessed it suited him. He was afraid that having an overly large team would weigh him down, and indeed, he would have chosen to do this on his lonesome, had it been his decision. However, he did see the importance of bringing different skill sets to the investigation. At least, besides his fellow Security officers, he had Abas to go along, and assist Kyan if he ended up wounded. Perhaps his' antennae would also prove useful in sensing threats.

"Very well, Crewman Th'vyrrol, let us begin this investigation. Time is of the essence, after all. By the by, I am curious to know: do you possess heightened senses of any sort? I would-"

Another ping and Zhuk stopped himself, an apologetic look on his face as he brought out his PADD again. This time, from Mister Randall. The message contained a set of coordinates where the signal of the Only had fainted been tracked. 20 kilometers indeed was a lot of legwork and search that he would have to do, but it was better than searching blindly. A smirk momentarily broke his serious attitude, though it faded as soon as it appeared.

=/\="Team Two, I shalt provide you with the data acquired by Mister Randall, which has determined the approximate presence of Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie within an area spanning approximately 20 kilometers. As soon as you are able, beam down to the position I shalt shortly relay to you. Do be certain to bring Tricorders to scan for clues, but let us limit ourselves to only one Type-2 phaser rifle, besides your reglamentary hand phasers. I do not wish that our arrival be interpreted as a hostile endeavour by Romulans or Andgarr."=/\=

Afterwards, Zhuk quickly proceeded to review the information sent over, and after correlating it to a set of maps of the region he downloaded via his PADD, he decided the best place for Team Two to arrive. It would certainly keep them from doing the sprint that Abas and he would have to do at this point. He sent it to his Security officers and then proceeded to turn back to the Aenar.

"The rest of our companions shalt meet us shortly. Now, let us move." And then, Zhuk sped off to the meeting place, trusting that Abas would be able to keep up with his pace.

[Crewman Zala | Armory | Deck 9 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Stationed within Andgarr Prime]

As Security Team Two prepared within the Armory, a sudden shimmer interrupted the Ferengi woman as she was inspecting the Type-2 phaser rifle the team was asked to bring along. After pulling some straws, she ended up being the chosen individual to carry it along. So she did wish to make sure it was all in order. The last thing that she wanted to happen was to disappoint her superior officers. After all, not many female Ferengi served in the Federation, much less within the Security field.

She wanted to set a good example, a role for others with the same dream as her to follow.

A hand moved over to her weapon as she squinted her eyes, fearing an invasion of some kind from an outside source. She relaxed as she noticed that it was an Andorian Engineer, sighing in relief.

"Heh. That is an entrance I was not expecting," She commented towards him, as she inspected him for a moment. She noticed the pips on Lahr's uniform and slowly made two-and-two together. It made sense that someone had been sent over to assist with any mechanical matters that presented themselves. Though she was pretty confident in her technical expertise, a proper Engineer, and one that seemed to have such experience as him, was a welcome addition.

And she had to admit he was not bad-looking, either. But she decided to keep those thoughts to herself.

"Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret, right? Welcome along! Name's Zala, nice to meet you," Dang, she wondered if he enjoyed conversation before the mission, or was more in the vein of Zhuk that remained pretty focused. Herself, she liked to soothe her nerves by talking to people. Or making jokes. And, she was quite curious to meet new people in the Challenger. So this was a perfect opportunity for that.

"Erm... we were informed by the Lieutenant that we ought to beam down at these coordinates," She decided to observe his reaction first to her small talk, and then go from there. In the meanwhile, she offered her PADD to Lahr, so that he would be aware of the instructions. Ugh... she hoped she was not repeating something he already knew!

"We are about ready. Do you need something yourself from the Armory?" She finished inspecting the rifle, and flung it around her back, a nod over to him as she asked for her PADD back. A toothy smile with sharp, uneven teeth followed.


[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Armory >- Great Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A >- Andgarr Prime]

Since the transfer to Challenger for the Officer Exchange, Lieutenant D'Lorra spent half the time inspecting the weaponry and getting to know the arsenal, and half the time touring the ship,  fascianted by what she saw. She had been in application for the Exchange Program, and she had finally gotten her permission as the IKS TajHu met up with the Challenger. The Weapons Officer as she is, she and Kolon, her potential mate, it was good to get to know the weaponry and catch up with an old friend. She had become friends with Nira Said since her own Officer Exchange, and the realization that she was on Challenger was one reason for the request for her transfer there for the Exchange. When time permitted, they got together for a raktajino or a spar to reminisce for old times' sake as best as they could. But their schedules kept them busy all the way to Andgarr Prime.

She had been making her tenth inspection of the armory when a group of security officers appeared and were making selections.

"What goes on, fellow warriors?" she asked. One of the officers, an Academy graduate Klingon, Koroz, looked up.

"Our chief has been abducted and we're in preparation to search for him at the planet," Koroz replied. D'Lorra hissed. She had grown to respect Mackenzie since coming aboard, especially since she was as built as Nira and was thus still regarded a child.

"I'd be glad to lend a hand," D'Lorra said. "If only to add a woman's touch to the group," she added with a wink.

"And we'll need all the help we can get," said Koroz.

In no time, D'Lorra, armed and ready for battle, stood alongside the security team at Andgarr Prime's Great Hall. Aside from Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, the deputy, she noted the presence of two Andor-Born, Mister ch'Verret and Mister Thy'vrrol, an engineer and a medic. Worthy members to include in a team as this.

"Welcome, friends," the Anax said. "Now, we've determined the location of your Security Chief from the scans your Lieutenant Randall provided. He provided the location and we gave him details. Your Chief is at the Tangrarr Region, a series coastal plains in proximity to the Tangarr Sea, our biggest ocean and where the greatest concentration of our trees grown. Expect humidity and heat in some places, so you know."

"That's not the only thing to worry about."

Another Andgarr stepped up from among the Anax's underlings. D'Lorra was startled to see she was, in terms of size, somewhere between hers and Nira's height and Mackenzie's. She wasn't short, but she wasn't too big, either. And she was a female Andgarr to add...so their guide is another to provide a woman's touch to this band of men.

What was interesting was that this Andgarr was more like an oversized pixie, and had a slightly higher pitch, gravelly as it was.

"Ah yes," said the Anax. "This is your guide, Subanax Amnid Paimarn."

"I'm no mere guide," Amnid sneered. "I'm the best. Anybody getting lost is not by my doing. Just stick close to me and you won't get your butts chewed."

"Now, we've received word from friendlies among the Romulan Cradol Priests," Anax Jindak continued. "They didn't get a good look at the assailants that attacked your party, but they did take note of their skin tone. You may be potentially dealing with Orions, which will potentially mean a dealing with a cell of the Orion Syndicate. I hope you'll be prepared to deal with Orion pheromones," he added warily.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve Corridor >>> Turbolift]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 10, 2023, 12:31:37 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Arden Enclave | Andgarr City | Andgarr Prime]

Zhukdra'shar was about to answer Lahr as he received his communication by pressing on his comm badge, though before he could, he was unexpectedly met with a ping from his PADD. Huh. He had forgotten for a moment he had brought that along with him. At least, thanks to Abas, his head was not hurting anymore, though he still did not feel at his fullest. Pulling it out, he gazed with a frown at the message sent by Lahr, apologizing for not being able to reunite with him, after Commander Nira's orders. He decided to offer a quick response to him, typing as fast as he could with his clawed fingers.

To: CPO ShranLahr Ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas
Subject: Information on Current Happenstances

I mUst be brief. Lieutenant C0mmander Kyan Mackenzie was taken as a host4ge, after we were attacked. Thus, my urgency. We are to search for him.

The turbolift had no sooner begun its ascent towards Deck 9 when Lahr's PADD pinged with Zhuk's reply.  The Andorian gave a low whistle reading about the attack and capture of Commander Mackenzie.  Whoever had taken the Commander certainly was ballsy or ignorant.. probably both..  especially given Kyan's rumored history and kill-tally.

All of a sudden, the turbolift came to a stop but the doors didn't open.  Lahr's antennae waved about warily.  He repeated his destination. "Deck 9." A denied bleep was the only acknowledgement of his order.  Roozh! Was this malfunction happenstance or something more sinister?

Lahr tapped his comm badge.  =^= "CPO ch'Verret requesting site to site transport to the Armory.  Turbolift...um number 4 appears to be in need of repair." =^= But the only response to his comm was the same negative-toned beep from his comm device.

Undaunted by the now very suspicious second malfunction, Lahr pulled out a screwdriver from his tool kit and was about to open up the turbolifts access panel when a chime came from his comm indicating a call.  Oh? It was working now.  Interesting.

He tapped to accept the communication.  =/\="ch'Verret"=/\=

=/\= "Friend Lahr, there is no need for your attempts to escape the lift.  You are safe here and will not need to be forced into joining the Away mission you have been assigned to." =/\=

Lahr's expression grew incredulous at what he was hearing.  His antennae twitched as he shook his head.  =/\= "Oh no. Hyperion what have you done?  You're not supposed to be able to access ship systems like this.   This is the kinda thing that gets Captains all nervous about having AI's on their vessel.  You gotta realize that, right?" =/\=

=/\= "Yes, but I am helping a friend. You.  I have heard you say multiple times how much you are averse to away missions and wished you did have to do them." =/\=

=/\= "Yeah, I am - but it's still my job to follow orders even if I don't like them.  Besides this is important. One of our own is in trouble, I can't hide out here; but I appreciate what you were trying to do." =/\=  Lahr smirked at the idea of the AI trying to give him an excuse for not going on the away mission.

=/\= "I'll make you a deal.  I won't tell Galloway of what you just did - saving you from being outright deleted... and in exchange, when I get back you're going to tell me how you got control of the turbolift and communications, so I can block you from those and other off limit systems in the future.   You have to earn access to those systems by following orders and gaining trust - not by sneaking around the backdoors.   Do we got a deal?" =/\=  Lahr asked glance towards where he knew the turbolift sensors were.  It was the closest he could get to the looking at the AI.

=/\= "Agreed.  I have released your previous communication and the turbolift controls." =/\=

The doors to the lift opened but before the Andorian could take a step out, Lahr heard the familiar chiming of a transporter beam.  What now!?

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 10, 2023, 12:31:37 PM

[Crewman Zala | Armory | Deck 9 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Stationed within Andgarr Prime]

As Security Team Two prepared within the Armory, a sudden shimmer interrupted the Ferengi woman as she was inspecting the Type-2 phaser rifle the team was asked to bring along. After pulling some straws, she ended up being the chosen individual to carry it along. So she did wish to make sure it was all in order. The last thing that she wanted to happen was to disappoint her superior officers. After all, not many female Ferengi served in the Federation, much less within the Security field.

She wanted to set a good example, a role for others with the same dream as her to follow.

A hand moved over to her weapon as she squinted her eyes, fearing an invasion of some kind from an outside source. She relaxed as she noticed that it was an Andorian Engineer, sighing in relief.

"Heh. That is an entrance I was not expecting," She commented towards him, as she inspected him for a moment. She noticed the pips on Lahr's uniform and slowly made two-and-two together. It made sense that someone had been sent over to assist with any mechanical matters that presented themselves. Though she was pretty confident in her technical expertise, a proper Engineer, and one that seemed to have such experience as him, was a welcome addition.

And she had to admit he was not bad-looking, either. But she decided to keep those thoughts to herself.

"Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret, right? Welcome along! Name's Zala, nice to meet you," Dang, she wondered if he enjoyed conversation before the mission, or was more in the vein of Zhuk that remained pretty focused. Herself, she liked to soothe her nerves by talking to people. Or making jokes. And, she was quite curious to meet new people in the Challenger. So this was a perfect opportunity for that.

"Erm... we were informed by the Lieutenant that we ought to beam down at these coordinates," She decided to observe his reaction first to her small talk, and then go from there. In the meanwhile, she offered her PADD to Lahr, so that he would be aware of the instructions. Ugh... she hoped she was not repeating something he already knew!

"We are about ready. Do you need something yourself from the Armory?" She finished inspecting the rifle, and flung it around her back, a nod over to him as she asked for her PADD back. A toothy smile with sharp, uneven teeth followed.

The Andorian engineer found himself suddenly reformed in the Armory.  It took a second to recall why. Oh yeah... His site-to-site transport request.  Doh!  His arrival had apparently startled a new security crewman.  Seeing the Ferengi woman reaching for her phaser, Lahr showed his empty hands - holding them up until she could recognize him as a fellow shipmate.

At her comment about his entrance, Lahr chuckled and raked a hand over his combed back white hair.  "Ha ha... yeah... sorry. Had some turbolift issues and didn't want to be late." he commented.

He nodded when she named him.  "Guilty as charged." he joked then held out a hand towards her after her introduction.   "Nice to meet you, Zara and uh...thanks for the welcome.  Though, I doubt most others will be as glad to see me along."   The last part was spoke under his breath but given the size of her ears she likely heard the comment.

He nodded somewhat grateful that she chose not to respond to it and instead updated him on their intended coordinates.   He looked over digital map and memorized the coordinates and what he thought would be key landmark features before handing the PADD back to her.  "Sounds good."

At her innocent question about signing out a weapon, Lahr hesitated.  Zhuk hadn't specified if he wanted Lahr to carry a weapon or not.  Of course, Lahr had ample training on a variety of weapons but it always seemed that when he had weapons available, he invariably ended up needing to use them.

The Andorian sighed.  "Yeah, it's probably best if I did, that way I can back you guys up during your search for the Commander rather than you wasting resources trying to protect your engineer."

Lahr sighed out a phaser and added it to his belt readjusting where things were positioned for ease of use.

Then it was time to go.

Lahr and the others assembled on the transporter pad and in the time it took to blink, the Andorian found himself transported to the beam down site. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Neva Cordon

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 10, 2023, 03:42:31 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Twelve Corridor >>> Turbolift]

It seemed no sooner had Lahr commed his message to Zhuk than he received two pings from his PADD alerting him to new messages.   The first was Commander was correcting herself.  It seemed the mission - apparently to find Commander Mackenzie - was back to being high priority.  Lahr picked up his pace once more as he read the second.

It was from Ensign Cordon, in regards to his message suggesting they hang together for shore leave. The message's response was so unexpected that Lahr had to read it a second time.  Had he given Neva the wrong impression with his offer and questions?   Was that why she wanted to know about his relationship with Ruth?   Did that mean the Betazoid was interested in him?  Most likely.

Lahr couldn't help but feel a bit of satisfaction to realize he still had what it took to interest the ladies.  It was a shame that Neva and he were assigned different teams; though probably for the best until he could explain his 'under the radar' but openly-known relationship he had with the often-absent Science Chief.   Since it might be a while before he could join Neva for actual shore leave, he began dictating a reply back.

"Computer. Scribe text response to Ensign Cordon, from CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret. Start.

Hey Neva, it seems that we have been assigned different missions starting at different times; but maybe I can get a rain-check on that shore leave time?

As for my relationship with Ruth, well, hard as it is for some to accept - she and I are a couple.  Have been for a couple years now.  Command knows, and well... looks the other way so long as we don't flaunt it in front of everyone.

Quirky is a mild way of describing her.  She is vivacious and whatever rumours you've heard are probably correct.   She does use twin axes when in combat. She used to be Captain of Challenger before Galloway.  And she did give up her spot as an Academy instructor and took a demotion to come back 'cause I was still here.

Anyways, I gotta go.  Good luck on your mission, Neva.

Computer. End text scribe and send."

He had to close it quick cause he'd arrived at the turbolift.

When Lahr stepped into the turbolift, the Andorian opened his mouth to provide a destination to the computer but then realized he didn't know by which means he and Team Two was supposed to meet up with Zhuk.

He could call or message Zhuk... or better yet... just follow the crowd.   "Computer.  Where is Security team two presently?"

"Security team two is in the Armory."

Lahr smiled. "Deck 9"

[USS Challenger-Neva's Quarters]

Neva had just changed into a pair of denim overalls and a purple short sleeve shirt when the computer notified her she had 2 messages. Hopping over, she read Commander Said's message. Her Engineer's mind now whirling on what to carry and do. Four hours, hey? Hmmm...

She was about to get up when she remembered the second message. Toggling to it, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she read Lahr's reply. 'Ruth the Science Chief? Who was that?' She meant the Chief Engineer. She shook her head and sighed. 'I don't know how he thought that's who i meant. I don't care about his love life! I thought he was a friend.' she sighed sadly. 'Gotta set that straight.' She sagged a little, and wiped away a forming tear. She was about to reply, but reminded herself of the Commander's orders. Sometimes being Betazoid could be a curse...

Neva got up then and went to her chair to repack her backpack and make sure her kit was set right too. 'Should I get a phaser?' she wondered. 'I could say it's for gathering some of the interesting plant cuttings for Mother.' Grinning, she put her gear on and headed for the Armory.

[USS Challenger-Transporter Room]

Neva breezed into the Transporter Room, shuffling the straps of her kit and backpack on her shoulders and back. She had the phaser tucked into a cargo pants style pocket of her overalls, hidden and in easy reach. When she was on the transporter pad, she wriggled her toes in her soft-heeled green and white shoes. Looking around the transporter room, she finally looked at the crewman at the controls and nodded. She watched the room dissolve into shimmering fireflies.

[Andgarr Prime-Canopy-15 minute hike outside Andgarr City]

Neva hummed to herself as she crept over branches and pushed leaves away to collect what she thought her mother would be interested in. Of course, she checked her tricorder before touching anything new to make sure it wasn't poisonous or anything similarly concerning. She had been at this for almost an hour into her excursion when she stopped and checked her chronometer. 'Better get back to the City so I can be available if needed,' she thought. She quickly put everything away, careful to keep the sgian-dubh she'd been given by a Scottish friend in the ankle sheath in her sock. Hefting her stuff back on, she carefully trudged back to the City.

[Andgarr Prime-Andgarr City]

Neva walked casually through the market, one hand clasping her backpack and kit straps, the other tucked behind her bib. She smiled and nodded at various people, stopping now and then to get closer looks. She almost squealed when she found the Andgarrian equivalent of wool. She almost threw the latinum at the shopkeeper on some raw pieces, intending to spin it into knittable skeins during her off-time. She walked away practically shaking with excitement at her "find of the century."

Neva found herself getting hungry and went to find a place to take care of that need. She found what passed for a cafe and took a seat in a corner outside. Both her parents had drilled self-defense into her, making it clear that a woman alone could be an easy target. She set her bags carefully on the ground beside her, hugging her leg. After giving her order to the waitress, she surveyed her surroundings for anything out of what could be considered "ordinary" for a Starfleet Officer. She suddenly smiled brighter and waved an arm high to catch the eye of 2 of her colleagues from Engineering. They waved back and made heir way to her and soon they were deep in conversation and fed.

[2 hours later-Andgarr Great Hall]

Neva was curled on top of her backpack, her kit tucked under and against her chest on a bench. Outwardly, she seemed to be dozing, but she wasn't. She'd opened herself up mentally, letting the miasma of thought and emotion swirl through. She "watched" for any threats, as well as anyone wanting to disturb her. Her phaser was tucked behind the bib of her overalls, one arm obscuring it from view. She knew Commander Said and Aarwendil would be contacting her soon.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on October 10, 2023, 10:25:46 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Arden Enclave | Andgarr Prime]

"Of course," said Nira. "I'll leave you to it, Jettis. See you then."

[Commander Nira Said | Great Hall | Andgarr Prime]

Four hours later, Nira's team had arrived. Nira had just been there after meeting Dynast-Praetor Ratheen. She reflected how shocked she was upon seeing Ratheen face to face. She didn't exactly bear some strong resemblance like Nirreen had, but it made Nira reflect that if she had an older sister, she would look like Ratheen. A deep part of her felt jealous of Nirreen, having older siblings. All Nira had was Aunt Parisa, who died before Nira applied for the Academy. In terms of Betazoids, she had certain members from the First House from a distance and of whom she never met, though judging from their reputation and their ethnic ideals, if it weren't for their prominence, they'd be more reclusive, and she had additionally reflected that she never would've joined Starfleet if her parents were still alive. And in reflecting when her father sacrificed himself...did he perhaps break his oath of silence when he fought the Jem'Hadar to buy her time to escape...?

Fortunately, Anax Jindak and his brothers among the Subanaxes provided enough information to keep from reflecting too much, and having an hour before the team arrived, especially with updates in Kyan's search that she transferred to Zhuk, but more so in her case with the butterflies.

"Commander?" said Anju Jindak. Nira looked over and saw the team had arrived. Jettis, Aarwendil, Neva, Jess. She was fond of them all, especially Aarwendil and Neva, her fellow Betazoids, and Jettis, given it had been a while since their last away mission together, on Risa.

"Ladies, gentlemen. Glad you could make it," said Nira. "Now, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is currently engaged with his search for Commander Mackenzie and the Andgarr have pointed the directions. We have an undercover mission of sorts to work on. Shore Leave will be our cover story and each of us will be going camping to study the different flora and fauna of Andgarr Prime, also our cover story. In actuality, we're tracking down a potential threat in development. Our good new friend, Anax Jindak, will explain."

"There's been a mutated variant of our Yanmarr butterflies," Jindak explained. "Its pollen contamination from their wing flakes have been causing varied reactions but especially strong ones in Vulcans and Romulans of more direct Vulcan descent. The level of genetic manipulation suggest somebody is genetically engineering our beloved creatures. We don't know what are the particular targets. They could be targeting us; it's not the first time we've tried to get conquered by force, to force our status from vassal to conquered territory, and we're always on the lookout for potential threats, but they have been getting increasingly subtle lately and trickier to counter."

"Our secret mission is to locate the source of these mutated Yanmarr," said Nira. "Where they're the strongest accumulated. Because where they are, that's where they're being bred, and there we'll find the base and laboratory they're being assembled in. And hopefully, we can put a stop to this before it threatens the planet. We even have a starting point," she added, looking at Anju.

"There have been increasing amounts of Yanmarr detected, bearing the same genetic signature as the previous insect swarms," Anju explained. "Like where the boy Mackenzie has been last detected and where the assailants had last been seen going in that direction, the signatures are down at the surface level. Specifically down at the Old Angdarr Realms. Now there are plenty of dangers down at foliage and ruins of Old Angdarr," he added warningly. "Our ancestral Angdarr had a saying: 'The Eyes of the Roots are Everywhere," and it's been true long before the Romulans had come, long before Surak was born, even. There are many eyes that will be on watch for you. Feral, friendly or hostile, it'll depend on when you see them face to face.

"Fortunately, there's plenty of flora and fauna to study and catalog so nobody will look twice," he added reassuringly, "though the fauna can be just about as dangerous as the hidden cliques of the Surface, they be if they are refugees, malcontents or secret-keepers of the Romulans, or if they are our troglodyte-esque cousins that still live below: The Angdarr."

He then sauntered over to a chest and pulled out different sets of necklace sigils. "Be sure to keep these with you. Even with a guide, the sigil of our ancestry will compel the Angdarr to be honor-bound to help."

"Even as you guide them, dear brother?" asked the Anax.

"The matter is closed, Anku," said Anju, turning to the Anax firmly. "These off-worlders are to reach far and deep into our deepest secrets, and nobody knows Old Angdarr better than I do."

"Your help is greatly appreciated," said Nira. "And I thank you for your assistance."

"And knowledge isn't just power," said Anju. "I am considered among the best warriors of Andgarr."

"Chief of Military Operations?" asked Nira.

"The Chief Strategy Advisor," Anju added proudly.

"Excellent," said Nira. "Now, I've brought our camping equipment from the ship; you have your equipment of expertise with what you have brought."

She took off her outer uniform and her camping casuals - her away suit, of sorts - were shown. And thus, with her First Officer attire removed, she was well and truly ready for shore leave - or what is to be for their cover. It was still red, but it was as casual as can be. She had to admit, she looks so much younger in it.

"Alright, Anju, provide the coordinates and I'll request Challenger to transport us there," said Nira.

"Ah, only to the closest Descension Point," said Anju. "Foliage around Old Andgarr makes transporting tricky. Atmospheric interference and weather, among other things."

Quote from: Neva Cordon on October 11, 2023, 10:52:01 AM

[USS Challenger-Neva's Quarters]

Neva had just changed into a pair of denim overalls and a purple short sleeve shirt when the computer notified her she had 2 messages. Hopping over, she read Commander Said's message. Her Engineer's mind now whirling on what to carry and do. Four hours, hey? Hmmm...

She was about to get up when she remembered the second message. Toggling to it, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she read Lahr's reply. 'Ruth the Science Chief? Who was that?' She meant the Chief Engineer. She shook her head and sighed. 'I don't know how he thought that's who i meant. I don't care about his love life! I thought he was a friend.' she sighed sadly. 'Gotta set that straight.' She sagged a little, and wiped away a forming tear. She was about to reply, but reminded herself of the Commander's orders. Sometimes being Betazoid could be a curse...

Neva got up then and went to her chair to repack her backpack and make sure her kit was set right too. 'Should I get a phaser?' she wondered. 'I could say it's for gathering some of the interesting plant cuttings for Mother.' Grinning, she put her gear on and headed for the Armory.

[USS Challenger-Transporter Room]

Neva breezed into the Transporter Room, shuffling the straps of her kit and backpack on her shoulders and back. She had the phaser tucked into a cargo pants style pocket of her overalls, hidden and in easy reach. When she was on the transporter pad, she wriggled her toes in her soft-heeled green and white shoes. Looking around the transporter room, she finally looked at the crewman at the controls and nodded. She watched the room dissolve into shimmering fireflies.

[Andgarr Prime-Canopy-15 minute hike outside Andgarr City]

Neva hummed to herself as she crept over branches and pushed leaves away to collect what she thought her mother would be interested in. Of course, she checked her tricorder before touching anything new to make sure it wasn't poisonous or anything similarly concerning. She had been at this for almost an hour into her excursion when she stopped and checked her chronometer. 'Better get back to the City so I can be available if needed,' she thought. She quickly put everything away, careful to keep the sgian-dubh she'd been given by a Scottish friend in the ankle sheath in her sock. Hefting her stuff back on, she carefully trudged back to the City.

[Andgarr Prime-Andgarr City]

Neva walked casually through the market, one hand clasping her backpack and kit straps, the other tucked behind her bib. She smiled and nodded at various people, stopping now and then to get closer looks. She almost squealed when she found the Andgarrian equivalent of wool. She almost threw the latinum at the shopkeeper on some raw pieces, intending to spin it into knittable skeins during her off-time. She walked away practically shaking with excitement at her "find of the century."

Neva found herself getting hungry and went to find a place to take care of that need. She found what passed for a cafe and took a seat in a corner outside. Both her parents had drilled self-defense into her, making it clear that a woman alone could be an easy target. She set her bags carefully on the ground beside her, hugging her leg. After giving her order to the waitress, she surveyed her surroundings for anything out of what could be considered "ordinary" for a Starfleet Officer. She suddenly smiled brighter and waved an arm high to catch the eye of 2 of her colleagues from Engineering. They waved back and made heir way to her and soon they were deep in conversation and fed.

[2 hours later-Andgarr Great Hall]

Neva was curled on top of her backpack, her kit tucked under and against her chest on a bench. Outwardly, she seemed to be dozing, but she wasn't. She'd opened herself up mentally, letting the miasma of thought and emotion swirl through. She "watched" for any threats, as well as anyone wanting to disturb her. Her phaser was tucked behind the bib of her overalls, one arm obscuring it from view. She knew Commander Said and Aarwendil would be contacting her soon.

[Enclave Arden | Great Hall | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil followed Commander Said and the rest of the team to the Great Hall. While they walked toward it, the Ensign had taken some time to look at the architecture of the place. It was indeed made inside the trees. It was far more impressive than what he had previously thought. However, now he needed to pay attention in Nira.

She and a local called Jindak were explaining the situation and the young Betazoid was paying close attention to it. Insects that were engineered to spread contaminants that could make Romulans and Vulcans sick was something diabolical. Not only because it was hurting people, but also how it was playing with the life of animals to turn them into some type of weapon.

After the instructions were given, Aarwendil picked one of the necklace sigils and looked around in his hand. Since technically he was on shore leave, the Ensign had abandoned his uniform for a long sleeved shirt, pants and boots, the perfect outfit for a field day in the middle of vegetation. He was also carrying a backpack with what he would need for camping.

Looking at the group, Aarwendil finally noticed that Neva wasn't here. Staying a bit behind, the young Betazoid grabbed his com. "œNeva? Where are you?

Betazoid, Male

Abas Th'vyrrol

[Minutes Prior - Angdarr Prime]

It seemed the blue-clad officer by him had quite the handle on things. While the disease was still a mystery, perhaps the Lieutenant would be able to isolate and identify it. Perhaps then, the medical section could assist the man with developing a cure. He looked over at the human... no, not human. There was something strange about the officer in front of him. Not quite human, much more aged and knowledgable. It was for sure something to identify later, but just as his presence was felt by the Lieutenant, he too felt something. A presence, more an awareness he felt of the person. Odd... perhaps...

Best of Luck, Lieutenant, he said, but not with his voice. If his suspicions were correct, the man would hear it plainly. A much more efficient and comfortable form of communication. In case his suspicions were wrong, he simply nodded his head, his antennae flexing back as he received his new orders.

[Present Time]

As Abas stood ready to assist in whatever manner he was requested, he turned toward the Caitian Lieutenant as the voice of the man filtered toward him. He'd only gotten partially through his question when the security officer's comm traffic basically exploded with activity, as the search and rescue operation truly got underway. However, the Lieutenant seemed to be capable of handling himself with grace and accuracy as the carefully choreographed chaos unfolded.

For as quickly as the commotion had started, it was over. The Caitian started moving away quickly, and Abas had to double-pace himself to keep up. As they moved, he found he had the time to answer the earlier question.

"Of a sort, Lieutenant. Aenar are naturally telepathic, though we are blind. My senses however are enhanced and superior, a welcome trade-off. We also have a limited form of precognition."

He didn't elaborate much - but he got his point across. He didn't know the kidnapped officer, so he didn't know if he'd be able to accurately assist in any way with the search beyond looking for someone who didn't belong - but he'd do his best. Only a few moments later, and their meager band of two had expanded with a much larger - and armed - search party. A handful of security officers, a Klingon, and... an engineer from a very familiar species. It was always good to see someone from the ice moon, even so far away. Their motley crew assembled, he simply awaited orders, as the assembled cast milled around. Abas wandered around, before sauntering up to the Engineering petty officer.

"Chief," he said, by way of introduction. "Crewman Th'vyrrol. Welcome to the party", he said with the faintest trace of a wry grin on his face.

Hopefully, they'd be able to find their wayward man and be back to peace when they were done.

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Nira Said on October 10, 2023, 10:25:46 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Arden Enclave | Andgarr Prime]

"Of course," said Nira. "I'll leave you to it, Jettis. See you then."

[Commander Nira Said | Great Hall | Andgarr Prime]

Four hours later, Nira's team had arrived. Nira had just been there after meeting Dynast-Praetor Ratheen. She reflected how shocked she was upon seeing Ratheen face to face. She didn't exactly bear some strong resemblance like Nirreen had, but it made Nira reflect that if she had an older sister, she would look like Ratheen. A deep part of her felt jealous of Nirreen, having older siblings. All Nira had was Aunt Parisa, who died before Nira applied for the Academy. In terms of Betazoids, she had certain members from the First House from a distance and of whom she never met, though judging from their reputation and their ethnic ideals, if it weren't for their prominence, they'd be more reclusive, and she had additionally reflected that she never would've joined Starfleet if her parents were still alive. And in reflecting when her father sacrificed himself...did he perhaps break his oath of silence when he fought the Jem'Hadar to buy her time to escape...?

Fortunately, Anax Jindak and his brothers among the Subanaxes provided enough information to keep from reflecting too much, and having an hour before the team arrived, especially with updates in Kyan's search that she transferred to Zhuk, but more so in her case with the butterflies.

"Commander?" said Anju Jindak. Nira looked over and saw the team had arrived. Jettis, Aarwendil, Neva, Jess. She was fond of them all, especially Aarwendil and Neva, her fellow Betazoids, and Jettis, given it had been a while since their last away mission together, on Risa.

"Ladies, gentlemen. Glad you could make it," said Nira. "Now, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is currently engaged with his search for Commander Mackenzie and the Andgarr have pointed the directions. We have an undercover mission of sorts to work on. Shore Leave will be our cover story and each of us will be going camping to study the different flora and fauna of Andgarr Prime, also our cover story. In actuality, we're tracking down a potential threat in development. Our good new friend, Anax Jindak, will explain."

"There's been a mutated variant of our Yanmarr butterflies," Jindak explained. "Its pollen contamination from their wing flakes have been causing varied reactions but especially strong ones in Vulcans and Romulans of more direct Vulcan descent. The level of genetic manipulation suggest somebody is genetically engineering our beloved creatures. We don't know what are the particular targets. They could be targeting us; it's not the first time we've tried to get conquered by force, to force our status from vassal to conquered territory, and we're always on the lookout for potential threats, but they have been getting increasingly subtle lately and trickier to counter."

"Our secret mission is to locate the source of these mutated Yanmarr," said Nira. "Where they're the strongest accumulated. Because where they are, that's where they're being bred, and there we'll find the base and laboratory they're being assembled in. And hopefully, we can put a stop to this before it threatens the planet. We even have a starting point," she added, looking at Anju.

"There have been increasing amounts of Yanmarr detected, bearing the same genetic signature as the previous insect swarms," Anju explained. "Like where the boy Mackenzie has been last detected and where the assailants had last been seen going in that direction, the signatures are down at the surface level. Specifically down at the Old Angdarr Realms. Now there are plenty of dangers down at foliage and ruins of Old Angdarr," he added warningly. "Our ancestral Angdarr had a saying: 'The Eyes of the Roots are Everywhere," and it's been true long before the Romulans had come, long before Surak was born, even. There are many eyes that will be on watch for you. Feral, friendly or hostile, it'll depend on when you see them face to face.

"Fortunately, there's plenty of flora and fauna to study and catalog so nobody will look twice," he added reassuringly, "though the fauna can be just about as dangerous as the hidden cliques of the Surface, they be if they are refugees, malcontents or secret-keepers of the Romulans, or if they are our troglodyte-esque cousins that still live below: The Angdarr."

He then sauntered over to a chest and pulled out different sets of necklace sigils. "Be sure to keep these with you. Even with a guide, the sigil of our ancestry will compel the Angdarr to be honor-bound to help."

"Even as you guide them, dear brother?" asked the Anax.

"The matter is closed, Anku," said Anju, turning to the Anax firmly. "These off-worlders are to reach far and deep into our deepest secrets, and nobody knows Old Angdarr better than I do."

"Your help is greatly appreciated," said Nira. "And I thank you for your assistance."

"And knowledge isn't just power," said Anju. "I am considered among the best warriors of Andgarr."

"Chief of Military Operations?" asked Nira.

"The Chief Strategy Advisor," Anju added proudly.

"Excellent," said Nira. "Now, I've brought our camping equipment from the ship; you have your equipment of expertise with what you have brought."

She took off her outer uniform and her camping casuals - her away suit, of sorts - were shown. And thus, with her First Officer attire removed, she was well and truly ready for shore leave - or what is to be for their cover. It was still red, but it was as casual as can be. She had to admit, she looks so much younger in it.

"Alright, Anju, provide the coordinates and I'll request Challenger to transport us there," said Nira.

"Ah, only to the closest Descension Point," said Anju. "Foliage around Old Andgarr makes transporting tricky. Atmospheric interference and weather, among other things."

[ Angdarr Prime - Great Hall - previously... ]

Jettis nodded to the Commander as she mentioned leaving the initial investigating to him. He would have to write out his thoughts more cohesively to pursue, as there was only four hours to accomplish everything before reconvening with the rest.
As Jettis was ready to leave, he heard Abas call out to him. Heard being the operative word here, as when his eyes flicked to the man, he hadn't seen his mouth move, not even  a bit. He stared at him blankly, contemplating how to respond, before simply muttering a "Thank you, Crewman."

[ Angdarr Prime - Great Hall - Present ]

Jettis was already waiting, as the others began to arrive, including the official that he had met earlier when beaming down with the Captain. Echoing the greeting to him, he listened as the man briefed them on the full situation. It was a lot of information to take in at once, but the ultimate goal was clear - discover the source of these new, dangerous variants, and if need be, infiltrate and stop it. Accepting the sigil gratefully, he added his own comment. "We will do all to resolve this matter quickly, thank you for your assistance."

With that as the group descended, Jettis would remain behind Anax Anju and Commander Said, pulling a tricorder from his hip as they traveled to begin observing the world around them.

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Unknown Location, Andgarr Prime]


The Onlie's head jerked to the side when the burly Orion smacked him with a solid backhand. "œWake up boy. I can't punish you if you're asleep." He laughed.

Kyan opened his right eye and looked at the green skinned thug. He'd have opened the other one too, but unfortunately it was swollen almost shut. "œI was nae sleepin ye targs arse.." he croaked. It was of course a lie. He had been sleeping. Between fighting before, the Neural thingamajig, then being stunned by an Orion phaser and subsequently being smacked around, he was exhausted. After the ill fated escape attempt, Seles had her goons run a length of rope over the metal pipe on the ceiling and hang him up by his arms.

Apparently his punishment for nearly escaping was to be a punching bag.


Another backhand had him seeing stars, and left a familiar metallic taste in his mouth. "œYou got spirit kid. I like it." The Orion smirked. "œBut it's over. No one is going to find you. Your comrades aren't going to burst in the door and save you. So you may as well just do what Seles wants."

Kyan spat on the ground. "œSeles can bugger off a cliff." He added afterwards. "œWhen I get loose from this.."

The Orion interrupted him with a gut punch. Then he shook his head. "œYou're not getting loose."

Not that he was going to admit it to him, or anyone else, but Kyan knew he had the right of it. Mostly. He couldn't escape on his own, at least not now. But Galloway wasn't going to leave him here. They would be coming. He just had to hold out until then. Which hopefully be soon. he thought as the Orion reared back to hit him again.


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