S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 20, 2023, 03:40:03 PM

"Orions? There were two Nausicans, a pair of Zakdorn, a human, and an Angdarr native, there were no Orions Commander."

Kyan looked up again to see Galloway. "When did he get here?" He was slow to process what the captain said. But once he did, he shook his head adamantly. "Nae. I ken who it was, She's called Seles. She's the same one tried tae blow up the Discovery last year. They was after me doing something for em."

He tried to remember exactly what it was that they'd wanted, but couldn't. "They had a machine... a behavior machine she said. But I dinnae remember much about it."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 22, 2023, 08:35:24 PM

[Commander Nira Said/Subanax Anju Jindak | Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"If they were loaded with every known virus, even we Andgarr would be affected," Anju pointed out. "It's still coincidental that it has worse affects on Vulcans, but perhaps it's exceptionally adverse on telepaths. It has to be a proteases issue..."

He nodded in agreement at Jettis' advice to keep the party contained. As Jettis went to young Neva, Anju approached Nira and Aarwendil, but Jess beat him first.

Nira looked up at Jess' words and giggled. Too giggly than usual. She disregarded the doctor's words and just clambered onto the young man's body like a sloth to a tree trunk.

"Impaired?" she giggled as she schmoozed. "Impaired...Allah almighty, I have never felt this so good!"

No she wasn't, Anju thought to himself. This was serious ecstasy, he could see the sweat, the gradual hyperventilating. It wasn't just the hormone levels.

"Jess, I have never felt more wonderful in my life!" Nira said, leaping off and then grasping Jess with manic ecstasy. "I could live here forever!"

And she just kept on giggling ecstatically, wrapping her arms around herself and twirled in a dance...

and at the height of it, and as Jess had opened her mouth, whether to state the contrary or to make good on her use of authority, she just stopped. Paused. She just stood there, a wide bubbly grin plastered on her face. Anju wondered at first if this was something new with the virus. But then he saw the hand from a shadowy figure behind her. With the night coming quickly, Nira was looking darkened, and so was Aarwendil. As such, the cloaked figure behind her was nearly invisible, but Anju had to focus to get a look at...whoever it was.

Nira felt a hand clasp on her shoulder, near her neck. For a nanosecond, in her hormonal ecstasy, she thought Aarwendil had placed a hand...and a nanosecond later, the black oblivion of unconsciousness took her.

Nira slid into unconsciousness into the shallow water...at least, it looked to Anju and Jess that she was sliding, if she was against something. She seemed, rather, to crumple, maybe like a dangling snake. Then Anju had greater focus on the cloaked figure...make that figures, plural. With the darkening forest, Anju didn't see them at first. If they had appeared when the sun was further in the sky, they would've been more noticeable.

In any case, Anju was apprehensive. He remembered that Captain Galloway and his greeting party had been ambushed after he met him and his brother. He was suspicious at the new arrivals.

"Don't make a move," Anju snarled, aiming a phaser. "You're not harming anybody else."

"Jolan Tru, Subanax Jindak, we mean you no harm," one of the cloak figures said with a placating gesture, not the one that gave Nira the nerve pinch.

Romulans. Anju knew the greeting. And they knew who he was.

"That remains to be seen," said Anju testily.

"I understand how you feel, Subanax," said another cloaked Romulan. "We heard about the Federation party, the boy kidnapped."

"You're not taking Nira there," snapped Anju.

"We're not kidnapping her, if that's what you mean."

"Not with what ails her, no," Jess retorted, tapping her comm badge. "Fellows to Challenger, medical beam-up now..."

"You won't get a signal, not here in the Old Realms," the first figure stated. "Too much ion interference. But we have the facilities for treatment. We've been observing these corrupted yanmarr for some time. Now you're getting the affects. And that rash is worse than it looks, Doctor."

Anju pursed his lips. They're certainly not giving any choice. And they're certainly claiming innocence, but he'll have to see. He looked to Jess and to Jettis nearby, to Neva with her hangover, and at young Aarwndil. And that rash on Jess...Great Canopy help her.

[Old Angdarr Realms - Andgarr Prime]

Jess was not pleased. It was clear that Nira and others were Impaired by exposure to whatever was going on with the butterflies, but they were cut off from the resources of the ship. She had also been exposed as she'd developed an uncomfortable rash. She'd given herself a powerful anti-histamine injection and that was keeping the worst of the symptoms in check, but continued exposure might make things worse.

"Okay then. If we can't get out of the area, then we have no choice, please lead us to your facilities Subanax. We may not be technically kidnapping the patients, but if we have to stun them to insure their cooperation, then that is what we will do."


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on October 22, 2023, 11:43:55 PM

Kyan looked up again to see Galloway. "When did he get here?" He was slow to process what the captain said. But once he did, he shook his head adamantly. "Nae. I ken who it was, She's called Seles. She's the same one tried tae blow up the Discovery last year. They was after me doing something for em."

He tried to remember exactly what it was that they'd wanted, but couldn't. "They had a machine... a behavior machine she said. But I dinnae remember much about it."

[Hideout - Angdarr Prime]

Ian frowned. He trusted Kyan's abilities and if he said Orions were involved, then Orions were involved. Now to prove it.

"Given the hardness of that rock you call a head, I doubt anyone could hit you hard enough to confuse a Nausican for an Orion. We're ta be lookin' into the matter Commander. However, you'll be returnin' ta the ship ta get checked out by medical."

Ian then turned to face Zhuk.

"Lieutenant, looks like your work is nae finished. Work with the locals and run these bloody Orions ta ground. Just make sure you keep me informed on your progress. You can keep my bodyguards ta help you with the search."

Tapping his combadge, Ian added.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Two ta beam up." =/\=

Abas Th'vyrrol

While the kidnapped officer was roughed up and bruised, there didn't seem to be too many signs of further immediate medical issues. Ideally, he'd prefer to keep Kyan under quarantine for a number of days, he was unlikely to be able to enforce this wish. The man's speech was quite vulgar, at least in part, but this was understandable given the nature of what had just occurred. Kyan seemed to have a strange fascination with his shoes - but Abas didn't understand the aversion to replicating new ones. They took mere moments to do. Oh well, people would become locked onto and fascinated with the strangest things. Before he had a chance to inquire more about the "Ugly Green Bitch" that Kyan was muttering about, it seemed the Captain had arrived - unnoticed by Abas sucked into his work - and answered for him. He simply continued his work, finishing quickly doing what he could for the man.

"Commander, I strongly suggest you return with me to Sickbay for further examination," he interjected when he had a spare moment. "We just want to make sure that you are okay, and treat anything you may have come in contact with down here."

He didn't actually expect the officer to agree - the crew of a ship rarely listened to medical advice anyways, until the commander mentioned something called a behavior machine. He snapped his tricorder back on, pulling up the man's medical profile and trying to compare brainwave patterns. "If you were subjected to attempted behavioral reconditioning, I'm afraid I now have to insist on you returning to the ship, sir," he opined, grateful that the Captain seemed to agree. Looking up to the rest of the group, but to none of the officers in particular, he spoke up. "Sirs, should I return to the ship with the Commander or stay here with the away team?"

He knew the medical teams on the Challenger were more than up to the task, but at the same time, he was loath to just let someone else finish work he had started. That call however was not his to make - and there were still wounded or dead here to tend to. He noted how uncomfortable some were in the room, a wash of emotion filling the room where once there had been adrenaline and phaser fire. A different sort of battle. One hopefully they didn't make a habit of undertaking.

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on October 22, 2023, 08:35:24 PM

[Commander Nira Said/Subanax Anju Jindak | Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"If they were loaded with every known virus, even we Andgarr would be affected," Anju pointed out. "It's still coincidental that it has worse affects on Vulcans, but perhaps it's exceptionally adverse on telepaths. It has to be a proteases issue..."

He nodded in agreement at Jettis' advice to keep the party contained. As Jettis went to young Neva, Anju approached Nira and Aarwendil, but Jess beat him first.

Nira looked up at Jess' words and giggled. Too giggly than usual. She disregarded the doctor's words and just clambered onto the young man's body like a sloth to a tree trunk.

"Impaired?" she giggled as she schmoozed. "Impaired...Allah almighty, I have never felt this so good!"

No she wasn't, Anju thought to himself. This was serious ecstasy, he could see the sweat, the gradual hyperventilating. It wasn't just the hormone levels.

"Jess, I have never felt more wonderful in my life!" Nira said, leaping off and then grasping Jess with manic ecstasy. "I could live here forever!"

And she just kept on giggling ecstatically, wrapping her arms around herself and twirled in a dance...

and at the height of it, and as Jess had opened her mouth, whether to state the contrary or to make good on her use of authority, she just stopped. Paused. She just stood there, a wide bubbly grin plastered on her face. Anju wondered at first if this was something new with the virus. But then he saw the hand from a shadowy figure behind her. With the night coming quickly, Nira was looking darkened, and so was Aarwendil. As such, the cloaked figure behind her was nearly invisible, but Anju had to focus to get a look at...whoever it was.

Nira felt a hand clasp on her shoulder, near her neck. For a nanosecond, in her hormonal ecstasy, she thought Aarwendil had placed a hand...and a nanosecond later, the black oblivion of unconsciousness took her.

Nira slid into unconsciousness into the shallow water...at least, it looked to Anju and Jess that she was sliding, if she was against something. She seemed, rather, to crumple, maybe like a dangling snake. Then Anju had greater focus on the cloaked figure...make that figures, plural. With the darkening forest, Anju didn't see them at first. If they had appeared when the sun was further in the sky, they would've been more noticeable.

In any case, Anju was apprehensive. He remembered that Captain Galloway and his greeting party had been ambushed after he met him and his brother. He was suspicious at the new arrivals.

"Don't make a move," Anju snarled, aiming a phaser. "You're not harming anybody else."

"Jolan Tru, Subanax Jindak, we mean you no harm," one of the cloak figures said with a placating gesture, not the one that gave Nira the nerve pinch.

Romulans. Anju knew the greeting. And they knew who he was.

"That remains to be seen," said Anju testily.

"I understand how you feel, Subanax," said another cloaked Romulan. "We heard about the Federation party, the boy kidnapped."

"You're not taking Nira there," snapped Anju.

"We're not kidnapping her, if that's what you mean."

"Not with what ails her, no," Jess retorted, tapping her comm badge. "Fellows to Challenger, medical beam-up now..."

"You won't get a signal, not here in the Old Realms," the first figure stated. "Too much ion interference. But we have the facilities for treatment. We've been observing these corrupted yanmarr for some time. Now you're getting the affects. And that rash is worse than it looks, Doctor."

Anju pursed his lips. They're certainly not giving any choice. And they're certainly claiming innocence, but he'll have to see. He looked to Jess and to Jettis nearby, to Neva with her hangover, and at young Aarwndil. And that rash on Jess...Great Canopy help her.

[Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil groaned in protest when Nira interrupted their kiss to leap away. However, his mood changed back to childish happiness when he looked back at the water. The young Betazoid continued splashing on it, laughing how the water would form small waves around his arms. He didn't even notice when the Commander was knocked out or that there was Romulans among them.

Betazoid, Male

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 23, 2023, 06:22:34 PM

[Hideout - Angdarr Prime]

Ian frowned. He trusted Kyan's abilities and if he said Orions were involved, then Orions were involved. Now to prove it.

"Given the hardness of that rock you call a head, I doubt anyone could hit you hard enough to confuse a Nausican for an Orion. We're ta be lookin' into the matter Commander. However, you'll be returnin' ta the ship ta get checked out by medical."

Ian then turned to face Zhuk.

"Lieutenant, looks like your work is nae finished. Work with the locals and run these bloody Orions ta ground. Just make sure you keep me informed on your progress. You can keep my bodyguards ta help you with the search."

Lahr didn't get any hits on his first scan, though he sent the negative results to the Lieutenant and then messaged the Caitian, stating that he was going to move out another half a kilometer (basically the range of the tricorder in this dense foliage) on his own and do another circuit around the hideout as best he could while a plan was being made.

The Andorian figured one individual could move through the tree pathways way less conspicuously than an entire team of Security personnel. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala| Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 22, 2023, 09:31:46 PM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

"Well, then we should get together to experience Shakespeare sometime," D'Lorra said gladly to Zhuk. "Once we get some time, we should experience one of his battles in some of his epics in the holodeck sometime."

She tried to remember. Richard III? Henry V? Phillipi? Burnam Wood? Which of these battles would be appropriate to experience on the holodeck, in Klingon versions? As Captain Galloway appeared and debriefed Kyan, she stared in surprise when Kyan said Orions.

"Orions?" D'Lorra snapped. His words gave her pause, rattling her into reality. She stared at the officers, lost in thought. She often had been inspired by Nira, especially on advice by her fellow warrior, Battlemaster Thiq, also inspired by Nira, inspired to think, to analyze. To assess a tactical situation, to think often before charging into bash and whack.

"I believe you, Commander," D'Lorra said assuringly. "There might be Orions around, maybe the group that held you were in league with them. Criminals hiding in their little holes, despicable."

[Praetor Domitian | Hidden Syndicate Base | Somewhere on the Forest Floor | Andgarr Prime]

"I trust you know what Seles is doing, Visa?" Domitian asked of Visa. "What she's aware of what she's doing?"

"I don't know why he singled out the boy in particular," Visa said with a shrug. "What is most puzzling to me why we have to wait."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 23, 2023, 06:22:34 PM

[Hideout - Angdarr Prime]

Ian frowned. He trusted Kyan's abilities and if he said Orions were involved, then Orions were involved. Now to prove it.

"Given the hardness of that rock you call a head, I doubt anyone could hit you hard enough to confuse a Nausican for an Orion. We're ta be lookin' into the matter Commander. However, you'll be returnin' ta the ship ta get checked out by medical."

Ian then turned to face Zhuk.

"Lieutenant, looks like your work is nae finished. Work with the locals and run these bloody Orions ta ground. Just make sure you keep me informed on your progress. You can keep my bodyguards ta help you with the search."

Tapping his combadge, Ian added.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Two ta beam up." =/\=

Zhukdra'shar was looking forward to sharing a play with D'Lorra, pleasant thoughts that certainly assisted him in keeping his mind from focusing too much upon the fact that he would need to face his greatest fear. One that he had since his youth. He wondered if that servile nature he had thus far removed from his system would return when gazing at them. And, if there was a woman leading them, if he would be able to resist her pheromones.

Unfortunately for Zhuk, lost in his thoughts, he took too long to offer a request as Captain Galloway informed him about his next course of action. Zhuk blinked twice, but immediately nodded in attention. He would have offered a salute, just like in those old military movies he had watched recently, but he reminded himself that Starfleet did not require such any longer. His mind was quite the mess, huh?

"Acknowledged, Captain Galloway. I shalt proceed with the search of these Orions,
and bring them forth to justice so that they may be processed"

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 24, 2023, 06:34:42 AM

While the kidnapped officer was roughed up and bruised, there didn't seem to be too many signs of further immediate medical issues. Ideally, he'd prefer to keep Kyan under quarantine for a number of days, he was unlikely to be able to enforce this wish. The man's speech was quite vulgar, at least in part, but this was understandable given the nature of what had just occurred. Kyan seemed to have a strange fascination with his shoes - but Abas didn't understand the aversion to replicating new ones. They took mere moments to do. Oh well, people would become locked onto and fascinated with the strangest things. Before he had a chance to inquire more about the "Ugly Green Bitch" that Kyan was muttering about, it seemed the Captain had arrived - unnoticed by Abas sucked into his work - and answered for him. He simply continued his work, finishing quickly doing what he could for the man.

"Commander, I strongly suggest you return with me to Sickbay for further examination," he interjected when he had a spare moment. "We just want to make sure that you are okay, and treat anything you may have come in contact with down here."

He didn't actually expect the officer to agree - the crew of a ship rarely listened to medical advice anyways, until the commander mentioned something called a behavior machine. He snapped his tricorder back on, pulling up the man's medical profile and trying to compare brainwave patterns. "If you were subjected to attempted behavioral reconditioning, I'm afraid I now have to insist on you returning to the ship, sir," he opined, grateful that the Captain seemed to agree. Looking up to the rest of the group, but to none of the officers in particular, he spoke up. "Sirs, should I return to the ship with the Commander or stay here with the away team?"

He knew the medical teams on the Challenger were more than up to the task, but at the same time, he was loath to just let someone else finish work he had started. That call however was not his to make - and there were still wounded or dead here to tend to. He noted how uncomfortable some were in the room, a wash of emotion filling the room where once there had been adrenaline and phaser fire. A different sort of battle. One hopefully they didn't make a habit of undertaking.

His ear swished towards the question made by Abas. He thought about it for a moment, considering the usefulness that the medic could offer to the group. Considering that the Challenger probably was still running with a medical staff, perhaps his assistance could be more needed on his group. After all, the losses they had incurred, while minimal, could have been much worse without an expert like him around. He stepped forth,

"Captain Galloway. Before you take thy leave, I request that Crewman Th'vyrrol accompany us too. His knowledge has proven invaluable in our mission, and I think having a field medic could be a lifesaver. With thy permission, of course."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 25, 2023, 02:22:18 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Lahr didn't get any hits on his first scan, though he sent the negative results to the Lieutenant and then messaged the Caitian, stating that he was going to move out another half a kilometer (basically the range of the tricorder in this dense foliage) on his own and do another circuit around the hideout as best he could while a plan was being made.

The Andorian figured one individual could move through the tree pathways way less conspicuously than an entire team of Security personnel.

Whatever the decision of Galloway was, Zhuk proceeded to take a moment to answer the message sent by Lahr. He frowned at it for a moment and then proceeded to answer it quickly.

Permission granted, Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret. But you sh4lt not go alone. I shalt instruct one of the officers to come with you.

With this, he proceeded to turn towards Zala, who was now much more relaxed, and had returned with the rest of the Security team, having successfully combated the small breakdown she had experienced, "Officer Zala, please accompany ch'Verret. I believe that he is wise in his decision to scan by his lonesome, as he should be more effective than us as a group. But I will not allow him to be ambushed."

Zala offered a nod, offering the rifle she wielded, but Zhuk shook his head, holding a hand out in denial, "Take it with you. We have more than enough firepower now."

"Alright... sir."Zala nodded once more, and headed towards Lahr at a rapid pace. She offered him a shaky thumbs up, waiting for him to walk to wherever he had planned on scouting out. In the meanwhile, Zhuk turned to the group that had formed, from Angarr to Klingon, and Federation officers alike.

"As the Captain has relinquished his command of thee to me, I will ask for you to accompany me upon this rooting of the Orions," He began, towards the escort of Ian, before proceeding to look at the rest, "I have great expertise when it comes to Orions, so I shalt be clear. They are not a species to be underestimated. The men are awfully strong on their own, but their women, besides having a natural allure and grace, also have the intelligence to match their beauty. Males like us should be especially wary of the pheromones they naturally produce. They perhaps shalt not take root immediately, but do be mindful if they do. Very well. I shalt inform more about them while we search for their hole. Let us move out!"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 23, 2023, 06:22:34 PM

[Old Angdarr Realms - Andgarr Prime]

Jess was not pleased. It was clear that Nira and others were Impaired by exposure to whatever was going on with the butterflies, but they were cut off from the resources of the ship. She had also been exposed as she'd developed an uncomfortable rash. She'd given herself a powerful anti-histamine injection and that was keeping the worst of the symptoms in check, but continued exposure might make things worse.

"Okay then. If we can't get out of the area, then we have no choice, please lead us to your facilities Subanax. We may not be technically kidnapping the patients, but if we have to stun them to insure their cooperation, then that is what we will do."

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on October 24, 2023, 01:01:35 PM

[Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil groaned in protest when Nira interrupted their kiss to leap away. However, his mood changed back to childish happiness when he looked back at the water. The young Betazoid continued splashing on it, laughing how the water would form small waves around his arms. He didn't even notice when the Commander was knocked out or that there was Romulans among them.

[Subanax Anju Jindak | Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"Technically, Doctor, it's their facilities, not ours," said Anju, gesturing at the newcomers. "But we'd best hurry on."

[Commander Nira Said | Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

At first, it was oblivion. And then, suddenly, Nira was awake. Her eyes were wid, instantaneously opening. Like she woke from a nightmare. She had even gasped. She momentarily wondered what she had dreamed...then she felt the nozzle. She looked for the source just as it went away and saw Jess pulling away a hypospray.

"Jess...what happened...?" Nira tried to rise, but a headache hit like she was wearing a turban made of titanium.

"Take it easy, Commander,"
Jess said soothingly. "And in case you were wondering...it was butterflies."

Nira blinked. And she remembered. Flocks of yanmarr. Then memories fuzzier and fuzzier, but she seemed to remember...

"Was I behaving like some harem..."

"Worse. You were enduring The Phase."

Nira blinked. "What? But I thought that never happened until middle age."

And then Jess explained that the butterflies' chitin somehow caused her hormones to accelerate. Same with Aarwendil. Neva, however, breathed it in, and it caused a different reaction.

"Holy Allah, what was with those butterflies?"

"Why, by the Elements, something out of the natural order."

Nira blinked. It certainly didn't sound like Anju. She slowly raised her head and looked around. It was a hospital of sorts, except set up in, apparently, some kind of jungle temple, it gave Nira memories of Carraya IV, her first mission on the Discovery. The only things that didn't seem to belong were the biobeds, most of them empty, but a handful occupied by Romulans, definitely Romulans. And then she noticed Aarwendil and Neva, just barely being roused. And then she saw the source of the voice.

Amidst some medical computers and equipment, with Jettis and Anju aside and at work, a Romulan woman was looking at her.

"Who are you?" asked Nira.

"I am T'Baran," the Romulan doctor introduced herself. "I'm in charge of the medical facilities here. You've had a strong reaction to the corrupted yanmarr. You and your telepathic fellows."

Nira looked at Aarwendil and Neva as Jess checked them over. Then something occurred to her: That Vulcans were strongly affected the most...she looked particularly at the sick Romulans nearby.

"Ah, yes, Romulans were afflicted...but it hits Vulcans worst, although it can't be coincidence that it hits telepaths particularly hard...and isn't it usually something in Vulcan blood, copper, I think, that causes...?"

"Rest your thoughts a moment," T'Baran said assuring. "Breathe a little and clear your mind, let the vaccine work and help you."

Nira furrowed her brow in befuddlement. Why was this Romulan talking like a Vulcan? She stared long enough for Anju to say, "Do it, Nira. You can trust them."

Now this was certainly of interest. And an indication of sorts that this was a friendly Romulan if Anju trusted her enough to reassure others. Remembering the Vulcan meditiations she took part in with Savar, she cleared her head and breathed. In a few moments, the headache subsided and she sat up like she had a good night's sleep.

"Better?" asked Jess.

"Very," Nira said. "What was in that vaccine?"

"A counteragent to protect against the chitin as it absorbs in the bloodstream," Jess said. "You can thank Jettis, though, he helped with that as you three slept."

"We've studied these corrupted yanmarr since they first manifested, thus longer than the rest of the planet," T'Baran explained. "At least with the simple ones, the Andgarr were able to make quick work, but this was a much more serious matter; it's the first time of reactions from Betazoids. As such, our files were able to help Mister Jyur here to formulate a vaccine."

"My thanks to the both of you, then," said Nira. She had just whipped off the blanket she was wearing and then suddenly wrapped it back on. She was still in her dancer attire used for swimwear and underwear. How embarrassing.

"Uh...I think we left our clothes back at our campsite," said Nira.

"We've got a selection of clothes in the back," T'Baran said, gesturing to a doorway. "Choose at your leisure. Same to you, young man," she added to Aarwendil. "Though with facilities for males to your right of the doorway, females to the left."

Wrapping herself completely with her blanket, coming across like a simplified ghost, Nira made her way to the wardrobe. She went through the selections, but she was surprised by what she found. They were all of Romulan make, of course, indicative of gridlike patterns, but the outfit design, the style...it was Vulcan. Nira would know Vulcan style, she had seen plenty in Savar's wardrobe.

She found a piece of attire that got her attention. A kind of variation of salan-sai, what the Vulcans called "cloak of breezes," designed particularly for hot weather, even if there primary ones for ceremonial purposes. Nira had one that Savar made her; he can often be a tailor when he wanted to, although he specialized in Vulcan attire, he was no professional tailor like Elim Garak. This one, however, it had the usual Romulans patterns that made it look like disco scaled robes...disco without the flash, and Nira knew about disco from Lahr.

Her dancer attire fit well with it, but she certainly needed a skirt or whatnot, but fortunately, the saran-sai provided. She had even found some jewelry for which she was able to work it out, simple in design and material, nothing too ornate. Wearing a necklace collar and a pendant-like vik'talu, she hooked the saran-sai on the vik'talu so that it draped in front, then draped the rest around her waist. Added a finishing touch of a sash and a shawl-like patam-puna-ti, normally a shawl to close the hair, but Nira kept it wrapped like a scarf for the time being.

She knew her hips would be exposed, but at least her legs no longer were. And they still displayed her tattoos, the ones that covered the brand carved in Cardassian language. Nira can never help herself in showing her tattoos when wearing casual as of late; maybe to remind her of that impactful mission...

Emerging, Nira said to her fellows with a shrug, "Well, as our favorite Chief Petty Officer would indicate, 'she would look like a disco ball.'"

Noticing T'Baran's raised eyebrow, Nira turned toward her. "But it does leave a need of explanation. Romulans? With Vulcan style attire?"

"You'll see when you get a look around," T'Baran said. "I just heal people. You can direct your questions to our leaders in due course. For now, I need to check you all over, see if you will be well enough to move outside."

Nira stood to wait, looking around again with pondering. An inkling was forming, but she'll need to see when she moves about.

"We're still on Andgarr, aren't we?" asked Nira to Anju.

"Very much so," Anju replied. "As the good doctor indicated, you'll see."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on October 24, 2023, 06:34:42 AM

While the kidnapped officer was roughed up and bruised, there didn't seem to be too many signs of further immediate medical issues. Ideally, he'd prefer to keep Kyan under quarantine for a number of days, he was unlikely to be able to enforce this wish. The man's speech was quite vulgar, at least in part, but this was understandable given the nature of what had just occurred. Kyan seemed to have a strange fascination with his shoes - but Abas didn't understand the aversion to replicating new ones. They took mere moments to do. Oh well, people would become locked onto and fascinated with the strangest things. Before he had a chance to inquire more about the "Ugly Green Bitch" that Kyan was muttering about, it seemed the Captain had arrived - unnoticed by Abas sucked into his work - and answered for him. He simply continued his work, finishing quickly doing what he could for the man.

"Commander, I strongly suggest you return with me to Sickbay for further examination," he interjected when he had a spare moment. "We just want to make sure that you are okay, and treat anything you may have come in contact with down here."

He didn't actually expect the officer to agree - the crew of a ship rarely listened to medical advice anyways, until the commander mentioned something called a behavior machine. He snapped his tricorder back on, pulling up the man's medical profile and trying to compare brainwave patterns. "If you were subjected to attempted behavioral reconditioning, I'm afraid I now have to insist on you returning to the ship, sir," he opined, grateful that the Captain seemed to agree. Looking up to the rest of the group, but to none of the officers in particular, he spoke up. "Sirs, should I return to the ship with the Commander or stay here with the away team?"

He knew the medical teams on the Challenger were more than up to the task, but at the same time, he was loath to just let someone else finish work he had started. That call however was not his to make - and there were still wounded or dead here to tend to. He noted how uncomfortable some were in the room, a wash of emotion filling the room where once there had been adrenaline and phaser fire. A different sort of battle. One hopefully they didn't make a habit of undertaking.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 25, 2023, 02:22:18 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Lahr didn't get any hits on his first scan, though he sent the negative results to the Lieutenant and then messaged the Caitian, stating that he was going to move out another half a kilometer (basically the range of the tricorder in this dense foliage) on his own and do another circuit around the hideout as best he could while a plan was being made.

The Andorian figured one individual could move through the tree pathways way less conspicuously than an entire team of Security personnel.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 25, 2023, 05:15:54 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala| Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhukdra'shar was looking forward to sharing a play with D'Lorra, pleasant thoughts that certainly assisted him in keeping his mind from focusing too much upon the fact that he would need to face his greatest fear. One that he had since his youth. He wondered if that servile nature he had thus far removed from his system would return when gazing at them. And, if there was a woman leading them, if he would be able to resist her pheromones.

Unfortunately for Zhuk, lost in his thoughts, he took too long to offer a request as Captain Galloway informed him about his next course of action. Zhuk blinked twice, but immediately nodded in attention. He would have offered a salute, just like in those old military movies he had watched recently, but he reminded himself that Starfleet did not require such any longer. His mind was quite the mess, huh?

"Acknowledged, Captain Galloway. I shalt proceed with the search of these Orions,
and bring them forth to justice so that they may be processed"

His ear swished towards the question made by Abas. He thought about it for a moment, considering the usefulness that the medic could offer to the group. Considering that the Challenger probably was still running with a medical staff, perhaps his assistance could be more needed on his group. After all, the losses they had incurred, while minimal, could have been much worse without an expert like him around. He stepped forth,

"Captain Galloway. Before you take thy leave, I request that Crewman Th'vyrrol accompany us too. His knowledge has proven invaluable in our mission, and I think having a field medic could be a lifesaver. With thy permission, of course."

Whatever the decision of Galloway was, Zhuk proceeded to take a moment to answer the message sent by Lahr. He frowned at it for a moment and then proceeded to answer it quickly.

Permission granted, Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret. But you sh4lt not go alone. I shalt instruct one of the officers to come with you.

With this, he proceeded to turn towards Zala, who was now much more relaxed, and had returned with the rest of the Security team, having successfully combated the small breakdown she had experienced, "Officer Zala, please accompany ch'Verret. I believe that he is wise in his decision to scan by his lonesome, as he should be more effective than us as a group. But I will not allow him to be ambushed."

Zala offered a nod, offering the rifle she wielded, but Zhuk shook his head, holding a hand out in denial, "Take it with you. We have more than enough firepower now."

"Alright... sir."Zala nodded once more, and headed towards Lahr at a rapid pace. She offered him a shaky thumbs up, waiting for him to walk to wherever he had planned on scouting out. In the meanwhile, Zhuk turned to the group that had formed, from Angarr to Klingon, and Federation officers alike.

"As the Captain has relinquished his command of thee to me, I will ask for you to accompany me upon this rooting of the Orions," He began, towards the escort of Ian, before proceeding to look at the rest, "I have great expertise when it comes to Orions, so I shalt be clear. They are not a species to be underestimated. The men are awfully strong on their own, but their women, besides having a natural allure and grace, also have the intelligence to match their beauty. Males like us should be especially wary of the pheromones they naturally produce. They perhaps shalt not take root immediately, but do be mindful if they do. Very well. I shalt inform more about them while we search for their hole. Let us move out!"

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

Seeing as how the group had a new task ahead of them, D'Lorra stood forward.

"Lieutenant, I wish to accompany Chief ch'Verret and Officer Zala, the Ferengi will especially need some help, and a Klingon is highly excellent backup," she said.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on October 25, 2023, 11:59:59 PM

[Subanax Anju Jindak | Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"Technically, Doctor, it's their facilities, not ours," said Anju, gesturing at the newcomers. "But we'd best hurry on."

[Commander Nira Said | Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

At first, it was oblivion. And then, suddenly, Nira was awake. Her eyes were wide, instantaneously opening. Like she woke from a nightmare. She had even gasped. She momentarily wondered what she had dreamed...then she felt the nozzle. She looked for the source just as it went away and saw Jess pulling away a hypospray.

"Jess...what happened...?" Nira tried to rise, but a headache hit like she was wearing a turban made of titanium.

"Take it easy, Commander,"
Jess said soothingly. " And in case you were wondering...it was butterflies."

Nira blinked. And she remembered. Flocks of yanmarr. Then memories fuzzier and fuzzier, but she seemed to remember...

"Was I behaving like some harem..."

"Worse. You were enduring The Phase."

Nira blinked. "What? But I thought that never happened until middle age."

And then Jess explained that the butterflies' chitin somehow caused her hormones to accelerate. Same with Aarwendil. Neva, however, breathed it in, and it caused a different reaction.

"Holy Allah, what was with those butterflies?"

"Why, by the Elements, something out of the natural order."

Nira blinked. It certainly didn't sound like Anju. She slowly raised her head and looked around. It was a hospital of sorts, except set up in, apparently, some kind of jungle temple, it gave Nira memories of Carraya IV, her first mission on the Discovery. The only things that didn't seem to belong were the biobeds, most of them empty, but a handful occupied by Romulans, definitely Romulans. And then she noticed Aarwendil and Neva, just barely being roused. And then she saw the source of the voice.

Amidst some medical computers and equipment, with Jettis and Anju aside and at work, a Romulan woman was looking at her.

"Who are you?" asked Nira.

"I am T'Baran," the Romulan doctor introduced herself. "I'm in charge of the medical facilities here. You've had a strong reaction to the corrupted yanmarr. You and your telepathic fellows."

Nira looked at Aarwendil and Neva as Jess checked them over. Then something occurred to her: That Vulcans were strongly affected the most...she looked particularly at the sick Romulans nearby.

"Ah, yes, Romulans were afflicted...but it hits Vulcans worst, although it can't be coincidence that it hits telepaths particularly hard...and isn't it usually something in Vulcan blood, copper, I think, that causes...?"

"Rest your thoughts a moment," T'Baran said assuring. "Breathe a little and clear your mind, let the vaccine work and help you."

Nira furrowed her brow in befuddlement. Why was this Romulan talking like a Vulcan? She stared long enough for Anju to say, "Do it, Nira. You can trust them."

Now this was certainly of interest. And an indication of sorts that this was a friendly Romulan if Anju trusted her enough to reassure others. Remembering the Vulcan meditiations she took part in with Savar, she cleared her head and breathed. In a few moments, the headache subsided and she sat up like she had a good night's sleep.

"Better?" asked Jess.

"Very," Nira said. "What was in that vaccine?"

"A counteragent to protect against the chitin as it absorbs in the bloodstream," Jess said. "You can thank Jettis, though, he helped with that as you three slept."

"We've studied these corrupted yanmarr since they first manifested, thus longer than the rest of the planet," T'Baran explained. "At least with the simple ones, the Andgarr were able to make quick work, but this was a much more serious matter; it's the first time of reactions from Betazoids. As such, our files were able to help Mister Jyur here to formulate a vaccine."

"My thanks to the both of you, then," said Nira. She had just whipped off the blanket she was wearing and then suddenly wrapped it back on. She was still in her dancer attire used for swimwear and underwear. How embarrassing.

"Uh...I think we left our clothes back at our campsite," said Nira.

"We've got a selection of clothes in the back," T'Baran said, gesturing to a doorway. "Choose at your leisure. Same to you, young man," she added to Aarwendil. "Though with facilities for males to your right of the doorway, females to the left."

Wrapping herself completely with her blanket, coming across like a simplified ghost, Nira made her way to the wardrobe. She went through the selections, but she was surprised by what she found. They were all of Romulan make, of course, indicative of gridlike patterns, but the outfit design, the style...it was Vulcan. Nira would know Vulcan style, she had seen plenty in Savar's wardrobe.

She found a piece of attire that got her attention. A kind of variation of salan-sai, what the Vulcans called "cloak of breezes," designed particularly for hot weather, even if there primary ones for ceremonial purposes. Nira had one that Savar made her; he can often be a tailor when he wanted to, although he specialized in Vulcan attire, he was no professional tailor like Elim Garak. This one, however, it had the usual Romulans patterns that made it look like disco scaled robes...disco without the flash, and Nira knew about disco from Lahr.

Her dancer attire fit well with it, but she certainly needed a skirt or whatnot, but fortunately, the saran-sai provided. She had even found some jewelry for which she was able to work it out, simple in design and material, nothing too ornate. Wearing a necklace collar and a pendant-like vik'talu, she hooked the saran-sai on the vik'talu so that it draped in front, then draped the rest around her waist. Added a finishing touch of a sash and a shawl-like patam-puna-ti, normally a shawl to close the hair, but Nira kept it wrapped like a scarf for the time being.

She knew her hips would be exposed, but at least her legs no longer were. And they still displayed her tattoos, the ones that covered the brand carved in Cardassian language. Nira can never help herself in showing her tattoos when wearing casual as of late; maybe to remind her of that impactful mission...

Emerging, Nira said to her fellows with a shrug, "Well, as our favorite Chief Petty Officer would indicate, 'she would look like a disco ball.'"

Noticing T'Baran's raised eyebrow, Nira turned toward her. "But it does leave a need of explanation. Romulans? With Vulcan style attire?"

"You'll see when you get a look around," T'Baran said. "I just heal people. You can direct your questions to our leaders in due course. For now, I need to check you all over, see if you will be well enough to move outside."

Nira stood to wait, looking around again with pondering. An inkling was forming, but she'll need to see when she moves about.

"We're still on Andgarr, aren't we?" asked Nira to Anju.

"Very much so," Anju replied. "As the good doctor indicated, you'll see."

[Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Neva felt consciousness return, but dared not open her eyes. Snippets of conversations washed over her ears, meanings and contexts jumbled. Hot tears slid down her cheeks as she felt fear coil in her stomach.

"Open your eyes, Ensign Cordon," came a soft, unfamiliar voice. "We're here to help you."

Neva let her eyes open slowly, the world coming into focus.  Seeing a Romulan, Neva tried to move away quickly. She succeeded in falling off the table face down. Pain erupted, followed by a strange wetness kissing her lips, then she felt hands pulling her away from the floor. Her eyes were wild, a scream becoming a gurgling mumble as she tried to free herself.

"Neva, relax! It's ok!" Jess called out, as her face came into focus. "You were affected by the butterflies. The Romulans are helping to heal you!"

Neva stopped struggling, her eyebrows crunching down. "Buh...buh-fwuh..?"  she tried to ask. She tried to reach up to her nose, but felt hands holding her arms. She looked at Jess imploringly. The pressure got lighter, and another hand pressed a cloth to her nose. Neva scraped her lips with her teeth, tasting the metallic lighter than water fluid that was her blood. She slumped in defeat against the biobed, but her mind reached out.

'Nira? Aarwendil? Can you help me? What's happening? Where are we?'

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 25, 2023, 05:15:54 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala| Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

"Acknowledged, Captain Galloway. I shalt proceed with the search of these Orions, and bring them forth to justice so that they may be processed"

"Captain Galloway. Before you take thy leave, I request that Crewman Th'vyrrol accompany us too. His knowledge has proven invaluable in our mission, and I think having a field medic could be a lifesaver. With thy permission, of course."

Whatever the decision of Galloway was, Zhuk proceeded to take a moment to answer the message sent by Lahr. He frowned at it for a moment and then proceeded to answer it quickly.

Permission granted, Chief Petty Officer ch'Verret. But you sh4lt not go alone. I shalt instruct one of the officers to come with you.

Outside the hideout, Lahr's PADD vibed silently.  The Andorian retrieved it from his engineering kit where he'd tucked it away moments before.  He rolled his eyes at the Lieutenant's reply back.  'So much for my plan to sneak about solo,' he sighed.  Lahr understood the Chief's reasons for sending him with backup; it was safer for all involved.  Hell, when he was a security team leader, he'd have insisted upon his crewmen being in no fewer than 3, but most often four person teams.   Lahr just felt the rules shouldn't apply to him.

With a grimace Lahr waited for the others, wondering who the Lieutenant would send.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 25, 2023, 05:15:54 PM

"Officer Zala, please accompany ch'Verret. I believe that he is wise in his decision to scan by his lonesome, as he should be more effective than us as a group. But I will not allow him to be ambushed."

Zala offered a nod, offering the rifle she wielded, but Zhuk shook his head, holding a hand out in denial, "Take it with you. We have more than enough firepower now."

"Alright... sir."Zala nodded once more, and headed towards Lahr at a rapid pace. She offered him a shaky thumbs up, waiting for him to walk to wherever he had planned on scouting out.

Lahr nodded toward the Ferengi crewman when she approached.  The Andorian was grateful that Lieutenant Mrekrerhas hadn't burdened him with a full team or with personnel that were higher rank than he, in which case, Lahr would have to follow their orders rather than vice versa.

Looking towards the crewman's shaky thumbs up, Lahr realized just how green the Ferengi was.

"You can relax. We're just going to scout about discreetly, looking for any Orion bio signs.  We aren't engaging."  At least not yet.  "We're going to circle out about a half a kilometer each time.

Thinking their team of two was set, Lahr set out heading along the tree paths 500 m from the hideout, to do another scan.

Quote from: Nira Said on October 26, 2023, 12:22:43 AM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

Seeing as how the group had a new task ahead of them, D'Lorra stood forward.

"Lieutenant, I wish to accompany Chief ch'Verret and Officer Zala, the Ferengi will especially need some help, and a Klingon is highly excellent backup," she said.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ian and Abas escorted Kyan from the transporter room directly to sickbay. They walked slowly as it was obvious that Kyan was still hurting from the beating he'd sustained. On entering sickbay, they were greeted formally by the charge nurse T'ealc and Kyan was taken to a biobed where Doctor Nathaniel Rashar met them.

"Well, it's obvious you've been through it Commander."

The young Betazoid said as he scanned Kyan with his medical tricorder.

"Three cracked ribs, several facial fractures, mild concussion, and a whole assortment of contusions that are going to leave you a patchwork of bruising."

Ian winced at the list of injuries, but was grateful Kyan had survived. He felt responsible because the young man had been kidnapped right under his own nose and he was still furious about that.

"There was talk of some sort of attempt at behavioral modification Doctor. The lad says Orions were responsible, but no one can confirm that. None of the kidnappers survived and none were Orion. I'm ta have Counselor Mills consult on this. Not that I think the little git would be troubled by what he's been through, but she might have some insight on any tamperin' that scans might not pick up."

"Of course Captain, can't be too careful. We'll look after the Commander Sir, you can count on that."

"Thank you Doctor."

Ian then made his way to the bridge and on relieving Commander CatalÁ¡n, got caught up on the current status of what was occurring on the planet. Once he was certain there weren't any emergencies needing his attention, he updated his log.

"Captain's Log, Supplemental. Lieutenant Commander Kyan MacKenzie was rescued from his kidnappin' at the cost of two Angdarr security officers and a Klingon exchange officer. A high price to be certain, especially as all six kidnappers were killed in the exchange. This last part, beyond the needless loss of life, leaves us with many questions with nae a soul ta answer them. A further complication is that Commander MacKenzie insists that Orions were involved even though no sign of their involvement was found in the kidnapper's hideout. Lieutenant Mrekrerhas is leadin' the investigation into the kidnappin' as well as the possible Orion connection.

"In addition ta the kidnappin' Medical and Science personnel led by Doctor Fellows and Lieutenant Jyur are lookin' into the deliberate genetic modification of a local species of butterfly that is causin' serious medical issues for non-Angdarr. So far, Vulcans are the only off world species ta suffer life threatenin' symptoms. The effects on others vary with humans breakin' out in a painful rash and Betazoids, well, the best way ta describe their reaction is a loss of inhibitions. Progress is bein' made on an anti-toxin, but evidence on pointin' ta who was responsible is still unknown. End Log."

Ian closed the log and sighed.

"For just a bloody 'show the flag' mission, Angdarr is provin' ta be a complicated problem."

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay, U.S.S. Challenger]

It had been an hour or so since Kyan was beamed up from the forest planet. But here in Fellows' cold dungeon, hours felt like years. Meanwhile on the planet, his people were out looking for the Orions. And the longer he sat on the bio bed, clad only in a hospital smock and his Mo the Marauder underoos, the worse the Onlie felt about it.

He didn't feel bad about getting kidnapped. That was wont to happen from time to time. And even as good a fighter as he was, Kyan was still ten years old. He wasn't going to overpower someone who got the drop on him. He'd accepted that sad fact a long time ago. And he wasn't scared to go back down either. In fact, the thing making him angry was that he ought to be down there too, looking for Seles and her goons. The sickbay staff had run the dermal regena-thing over him and fixed his eye, and even his ribs. They were still a bit sore, but they weren't broken any more. And he'd had worse anyway. A lot worse

Also, he still hated sickbay.

Back on Katra, during the Hunter attack that left him with a fractured orbital bone and several other equally grievous injuries, Kyan had been carted off to sickbay and nearly suffered a panic attack before being hit with an adult dose of some hypospray that fixed that but had the added effect of making him loopy. As he recalled the incident, he remembered that the doctor who'd given him the drug had also told him about a Vulcan on Challenger who sang songs and told jokes. When this whole thing was finished, he made a mental note to seek her out, if she was still on the ship that was. Chances were pretty good that she'd transferred by now. Or, given Challenger's typical mission profile, gotten killed off. Kyan hoped not though. A Vulcan who sang songs and told jokes would be something to see.

But that would have to wait. Right now his focus was on getting out of sickbay and back down to the planet. As he schemed exactly how he was going to make that happen, the door to the examination room swished open and Max walked in. The other Onlie's eyes widened when he saw Kyan's hospital smock.

"œDid you get hurt?" he asked as the door shut behind him. He stared for the bed but stopped short. "œOr sick?" He didn't come any further. That was to be expected though. Most Onlies tended to stay well away from sick people, especially sick adults. It had been nearly a hundred and forty years since the last grup got the blue spots and went mad, but avoiding them had been a survival instinct for a long time prior to that. Even having been in Starfleet for half a century himself, there was still that small voice in him that made Kyan think twice about going near a grup who was sick. The same hesitance was visible as Max looked at his friend from across the small room.

"œHey Max." Kyan smiled. "œNae, I'm not sick the now. Just got pounded by some Orion grups is all, the creatures."

The other boy was visibly relieved, but then concern crept back across his face. "œThey beat you up? Why?"

Kyan shrugged. "œThey ambushed us down there an kidnapped me. I seen'em before so I have. The leader's name is Seles. She's a wank stain. She done the same thing last year but I got away."

"œOh!" Max piped up. "œI heard that they have pheromones and they make grup boys crazy."

"œThey do." Kyan nodded. "œBut they dinnae all got'em. Only some. I dunno if Seles does. But she was mad on account of I escaped and she come back for revenge so she did."

"œSo it's not safe on the planet?" Max asked, disappointed. He'd been looking forward to going down and seeing the planet.

"œIt's safe." Kyan answered. Although he didn't sound too sure. "œThey probably got away and ran off, the sadness of it. I'd be after having another go at them."

"œWill they let you go back?" Max asked, jumping up onto the bed with his friend. "œI wanna go down there too. I heard that the whole planet is a forest."

Kyan only shrugged. He didn't really have an answer for that. Were it up to him, he'd already be there, but as things stood now he wasn't sure if Galloway would let him go. And then there was the behavioral machine thing which they'd hooked him up to. But all the medical scans had come back normal, so there wasn't anything to do about that. It was a waiting game now.

"œI hope. But it's stuck here I am til the blueshirts say I can leave." Kyan answered finally.

"œWhat will we do til then?" Max asked, then lit up. "œOh I know! We can listen to music!"

After he'd arrived, Kyan had discovered that Max was a fan of much of the same music he was, minus Klingon Opera of course. But that was an acquired taste anyway. They both liked the music was popular when all the grownups on their homeworld shuffled off. Elvis Pressley was the biggest artist when Kyan and Max were actually the ages that they appeared to be. Kyan liked his songs, but he was more of a folk music type, and anything on the bagpipes of course. "œWhat should we listen to?" he replied.

Max smiled. He was about to tell the computer what to play when Kyan cut him off"¦ "œWait!" he said, grinning. "œI got an idea."


A little while later the ship's internal com system crackled to life all over the ship and began belting out a song from 19690..

Two, three, four
Tell the people what she wore

It was an itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today
An itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow, polka dot bikini

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on October 25, 2023, 11:59:59 PM

[Subanax Anju Jindak | Forest Floor | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"Technically, Doctor, it's their facilities, not ours," said Anju, gesturing at the newcomers. "But we'd best hurry on."

[Commander Nira Said | Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

At first, it was oblivion. And then, suddenly, Nira was awake. Her eyes were wid, instantaneously opening. Like she woke from a nightmare. She had even gasped. She momentarily wondered what she had dreamed...then she felt the nozzle. She looked for the source just as it went away and saw Jess pulling away a hypospray.

"Jess...what happened...?" Nira tried to rise, but a headache hit like she was wearing a turban made of titanium.

"Take it easy, Commander,"
Jess said soothingly. "And in case you were wondering...it was butterflies."

Nira blinked. And she remembered. Flocks of yanmarr. Then memories fuzzier and fuzzier, but she seemed to remember...

"Was I behaving like some harem..."

"Worse. You were enduring The Phase."

Nira blinked. "What? But I thought that never happened until middle age."

And then Jess explained that the butterflies' chitin somehow caused her hormones to accelerate. Same with Aarwendil. Neva, however, breathed it in, and it caused a different reaction.

"Holy Allah, what was with those butterflies?"

"Why, by the Elements, something out of the natural order."

Nira blinked. It certainly didn't sound like Anju. She slowly raised her head and looked around. It was a hospital of sorts, except set up in, apparently, some kind of jungle temple, it gave Nira memories of Carraya IV, her first mission on the Discovery. The only things that didn't seem to belong were the biobeds, most of them empty, but a handful occupied by Romulans, definitely Romulans. And then she noticed Aarwendil and Neva, just barely being roused. And then she saw the source of the voice.

Amidst some medical computers and equipment, with Jettis and Anju aside and at work, a Romulan woman was looking at her.

"Who are you?" asked Nira.

"I am T'Baran," the Romulan doctor introduced herself. "I'm in charge of the medical facilities here. You've had a strong reaction to the corrupted yanmarr. You and your telepathic fellows."

Nira looked at Aarwendil and Neva as Jess checked them over. Then something occurred to her: That Vulcans were strongly affected the most...she looked particularly at the sick Romulans nearby.

"Ah, yes, Romulans were afflicted...but it hits Vulcans worst, although it can't be coincidence that it hits telepaths particularly hard...and isn't it usually something in Vulcan blood, copper, I think, that causes...?"

"Rest your thoughts a moment," T'Baran said assuring. "Breathe a little and clear your mind, let the vaccine work and help you."

Nira furrowed her brow in befuddlement. Why was this Romulan talking like a Vulcan? She stared long enough for Anju to say, "Do it, Nira. You can trust them."

Now this was certainly of interest. And an indication of sorts that this was a friendly Romulan if Anju trusted her enough to reassure others. Remembering the Vulcan meditiations she took part in with Savar, she cleared her head and breathed. In a few moments, the headache subsided and she sat up like she had a good night's sleep.

"Better?" asked Jess.

"Very," Nira said. "What was in that vaccine?"

"A counteragent to protect against the chitin as it absorbs in the bloodstream," Jess said. "You can thank Jettis, though, he helped with that as you three slept."

"We've studied these corrupted yanmarr since they first manifested, thus longer than the rest of the planet," T'Baran explained. "At least with the simple ones, the Andgarr were able to make quick work, but this was a much more serious matter; it's the first time of reactions from Betazoids. As such, our files were able to help Mister Jyur here to formulate a vaccine."

"My thanks to the both of you, then," said Nira. She had just whipped off the blanket she was wearing and then suddenly wrapped it back on. She was still in her dancer attire used for swimwear and underwear. How embarrassing.

"Uh...I think we left our clothes back at our campsite," said Nira.

"We've got a selection of clothes in the back," T'Baran said, gesturing to a doorway. "Choose at your leisure. Same to you, young man," she added to Aarwendil. "Though with facilities for males to your right of the doorway, females to the left."

Wrapping herself completely with her blanket, coming across like a simplified ghost, Nira made her way to the wardrobe. She went through the selections, but she was surprised by what she found. They were all of Romulan make, of course, indicative of gridlike patterns, but the outfit design, the style...it was Vulcan. Nira would know Vulcan style, she had seen plenty in Savar's wardrobe.

She found a piece of attire that got her attention. A kind of variation of salan-sai, what the Vulcans called "cloak of breezes," designed particularly for hot weather, even if there primary ones for ceremonial purposes. Nira had one that Savar made her; he can often be a tailor when he wanted to, although he specialized in Vulcan attire, he was no professional tailor like Elim Garak. This one, however, it had the usual Romulans patterns that made it look like disco scaled robes...disco without the flash, and Nira knew about disco from Lahr.

Her dancer attire fit well with it, but she certainly needed a skirt or whatnot, but fortunately, the saran-sai provided. She had even found some jewelry for which she was able to work it out, simple in design and material, nothing too ornate. Wearing a necklace collar and a pendant-like vik'talu, she hooked the saran-sai on the vik'talu so that it draped in front, then draped the rest around her waist. Added a finishing touch of a sash and a shawl-like patam-puna-ti, normally a shawl to close the hair, but Nira kept it wrapped like a scarf for the time being.

She knew her hips would be exposed, but at least her legs no longer were. And they still displayed her tattoos, the ones that covered the brand carved in Cardassian language. Nira can never help herself in showing her tattoos when wearing casual as of late; maybe to remind her of that impactful mission...

Emerging, Nira said to her fellows with a shrug, "Well, as our favorite Chief Petty Officer would indicate, 'she would look like a disco ball.'"

Noticing T'Baran's raised eyebrow, Nira turned toward her. "But it does leave a need of explanation. Romulans? With Vulcan style attire?"

"You'll see when you get a look around," T'Baran said. "I just heal people. You can direct your questions to our leaders in due course. For now, I need to check you all over, see if you will be well enough to move outside."

Nira stood to wait, looking around again with pondering. An inkling was forming, but she'll need to see when she moves about.

"We're still on Andgarr, aren't we?" asked Nira to Anju.

"Very much so," Anju replied. "As the good doctor indicated, you'll see."

[Forest floor| Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Like the other two Betazoids, Aarwendil ended up also being knocked out. He refused to leave the water, with unconsciousness being the only way that he could be dragged out of it without being aggressive.  He couldn't know right now, but the Ensign would be regretting everything that he did today.

[Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil groaned, his eyes slowly opening. He looked around in panic when he noticed that he wasn't in the forest anymore. Getting up from his bed, the Betazoid was able to see that Nira and Neva were also there. "œWhat happened? Where I'm?" he asked, while bringing his hand to the head.

You were affected by the yanmarr." someone said next to him and Aarwendil immediately turned to look at them. The person was a male Romulan, not much older than him. His monotonous voice nearly made the Betazoid confuse him with a Vulcan. "œI'm Nekab, an assistant in this medical facility. I applied the vaccine on you, it'll be fine now." the Ensign wasn't sure about it, because memories of what happened early started to come to him. He remembered his childish moments, then the kiss with Nira.

His face burned with shame.

The Betazoid couldn't even listen to the conversation that was going around him because he felt like an idiot. He couldn't look at the Commander's face because of his misconduct. Aarwendil wanted to dig a hole and never came back from it. When it was offered clothes for them, the Ensign immediately realized that he was half-naked. Obviously he had left his clothes near the river.

Covering himself with his blanket, the young Betazoid rushed to where the clothes were. All of them were Vulcan and Aarwendil had no idea about what he should wear. Trying to remember the few things that he knew about their culture, he didn't notice Nekab approaching him. "œIf you are confused, wear this pel-el and these trousers.

The Romulan passed the clothes to the Betazoid, who would have never chosen those because they looked like some type of pajama. "œThank you!" he said, while Nekab simply nodded and walked away. Once dressed, he walked back to where Nira was talking with the other Romulans.

He still couldn't look at them.

Betazoid, Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on October 27, 2023, 10:24:12 AM

[Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Neva felt consciousness return, but dared not open her eyes. Snippets of conversations washed over her ears, meanings and contexts jumbled. Hot tears slid down her cheeks as she felt fear coil in her stomach.

"Open your eyes, Ensign Cordon," came a soft, unfamiliar voice. "We're here to help you."

Neva let her eyes open slowly, the world coming into focus.  Seeing a Romulan, Neva tried to move away quickly. She succeeded in falling off the table face down. Pain erupted, followed by a strange wetness kissing her lips, then she felt hands pulling her away from the floor. Her eyes were wild, a scream becoming a gurgling mumble as she tried to free herself.

"Neva, relax! It's ok!" Jess called out, as her face came into focus. "You were affected by the butterflies. The Romulans are helping to heal you!"

Neva stopped struggling, her eyebrows crunching down. "Buh...buh-fwuh..?"  she tried to ask. She tried to reach up to her nose, but felt hands holding her arms. She looked at Jess imploringly. The pressure got lighter, and another hand pressed a cloth to her nose. Neva scraped her lips with her teeth, tasting the metallic lighter than water fluid that was her blood. She slumped in defeat against the biobed, but her mind reached out.

'Nira? Aarwendil? Can you help me? What's happening? Where are we?'

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on October 29, 2023, 12:30:43 PM

[Forest floor| Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Like the other two Betazoids, Aarwendil ended up also being knocked out. He refused to leave the water, with unconsciousness being the only way that he could be dragged out of it without being aggressive.  He couldn't know right now, but the Ensign would be regretting everything that he did today.

[Medical Facility | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil groaned, his eyes slowly opening. He looked around in panic when he noticed that he wasn't in the forest anymore. Getting up from his bed, the Betazoid was able to see that Nira and Neva were also there. "œWhat happened? Where I'm?" he asked, while bringing his hand to the head.

You were affected by the yanmarr." someone said next to him and Aarwendil immediately turned to look at them. The person was a male Romulan, not much older than him. His monotonous voice nearly made the Betazoid confuse him with a Vulcan. "œI'm Nekab, an assistant in this medical facility. I applied the vaccine on you, it'll be fine now." the Ensign wasn't sure about it, because memories of what happened early started to come to him. He remembered his childish moments, then the kiss with Nira.

His face burned with shame.

The Betazoid couldn't even listen to the conversation that was going around him because he felt like an idiot. He couldn't look at the Commander's face because of his misconduct. Aarwendil wanted to dig a hole and never came back from it. When it was offered clothes for them, the Ensign immediately realized that he was half-naked. Obviously he had left his clothes near the river.

Covering himself with his blanket, the young Betazoid rushed to where the clothes were. All of them were Vulcan and Aarwendil had no idea about what he should wear. Trying to remember the few things that he knew about their culture, he didn't notice Nekab approaching him. "œIf you are confused, wear this pel-el and these trousers.

The Romulan passed the clothes to the Betazoid, who would have never chosen those because they looked like some type of pajama. "œThank you!" he said, while Nekab simply nodded and walked away. Once dressed, he walked back to where Nira was talking with the other Romulans.

He still couldn't look at them.

[Commander Nira Said | Medical Facility >- Refuge | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Nira could feel the intense feeling of shame burning from Aarwendil. And she heard the thought from Neva.

"I'm not sure...what's going on out here, we need to find out..."

She then approached Aarwendil humbly and said, "Ensign? I feel I owe you an apology. Regardless of whether or not those actions were my own, I am deeply sorry. Can you forgive me?"

A moment later, Nira emerged with her team. She was taken by surprise by what she was seeing. The ruins were genuinely ancient, but what was surprising were more Romulans behaving in a Vulcan-like way, or as close as possible to Vulcans as they were. The attire, the mannerisms, the tent set-ups; many slept in the dwellings, but others had their tents. It looked like a refugee camp. And from the look of the tents, they had been here for a while. Many look used to the place, others, a sense of hopeful wonderment.

A particularly elderly Romulan appeared and approached them.

"Good, you're awake," he said. "I presume from Mister Jyur, as described by our matron, you are the senior officer?"

"Commander Nira Said," said Nira in introduction. "Who are you? All of you?"

"I am M'ret," the old man said. "Refuge leader here. Individually, of course. As to who all of us are, wager a guess."

"Well, I have an inkling," said Nira, taking a look around. Then, all at once, she saw it. The inkling she had now had confirmation.

A momument was made, small but very significant. Candles were lit in memorium around it, and the figure displayed was that of a Vulcan, chiseled as he was, but nonetheless, Nira and her team recognized him at once. It wasn't hard, there was a similar statue of him or holographic display; one can't go anywhere without seeing or hearing him in the pages of history or on displays of memorium.

"Spock," Nira whispered. She looked around at M'Ret, part in awe, part in recognition. "You're the Unification Movement. Aren't you?"

"That's right," M'Ret answered. "A part of it, at least. We all have memorials to Spock like this one wherever we are."

Nira nodded solemnly. Of course they did. Spock gave his life to stop the Hobus Supernova by consuming it with some device generating a singularity to cause whatever hit it to consume itself. She had been a little girl when she heard the news, and she was among those who mourned Spock's loss.

"We've sheltered this group for a long time now," Anju explained. "We have given them help as we could. More than the Federation ever did," he added dryly.

Nira took a look around. There was definitely an air of intending to move. Unfortunately, as someone once said, "nothing is more permanent than the temporary."

"So you were trying to get to Vulcan?" asked Nira. "And why would the Federation not do..."

"In all due respect, animosity towards all things Romulan, regardless of faction, ingrained deeply in Starfleet has led to a history of spurning and eventual ignoring."

Nira turned and saw a hooded woman, a memorial candle in her hand, apparently just arrived, still kneeling reverently. M'Ret nodded respectfully.

"Ambassador. You have returned."

"Yes, and it seems the Commander has recovered from her illogical burst."

Nira blinked, and suddenly a spot between her shoulder and neck ached. Nira felt it, and she realized...

"I saved you, in case you were wondering," The Ambassador said under her hood. "The disease ailing you would've brought worsening conditions. It all lies at the source."

"I'm sorry, Ambassador...?" Nira asked, quering for an introduction.

The woman before her lowered her hood. There was no doubt she was once a beautiful Vulcan, but age showed. She was not grayheaded, not as of yet. Maybe, with careful noticing, she could spot the starting graying. Then she spoke.

"I am Saavik."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jettis Jyur

[  Old Angdarr Realms - Medical Facility ]

Once the group had gotten to a more sophisticated facility, it took Jettis no time to be able to reverse engineer a vaccine. It wasn't a cure, of course, but it would at least help them to fight off the effects better with their own strength. In time he would be able to formulate a counteragent, to stop the effects entirely. He was glad to see Cordon, Cheizex and Said coming around, peering around his place at a microscope as the three gathered themselves.

Neva by far seemed to be the worst off upon waking up. Blinking, he heard her telepathic cry, to both the Commander and Arwendil. It seemed both were still recovering themselves though, and in shock from the unusual surroundings. Jettis turned to excuse himself politely from the Romulan scientist he was working alongside, trasnferring to her his notes on his current work, before regrouping with the away team. He first approached Neva and Jess, hoping another familiar face would be enough to convince her she hadn't been abducted by a bunch of Romuvulcans.

"Cordon, are you alright?" He queried first. "You're safe, and hopefully your empathic outreach has calmed down. We're in a refuge, that has allowed me to at least make something to help with the reactions." He wouldn't rush her, but once she had her wits about her enough, he would help her to join the other two in venturing outside.

Back to the monument he'd passed on his way in and out of the building, along with the explanation for it. A shrine, for lack of a better word. What was a surprise though, was the woman revealed to be Ambassador Saavik.  The woman surely must have been rivaling him in age at this point, and yet she hardly looked worse for wear.
"Thank you for your assistance, Ambassador, and providing a better working space." From Science officer to Science officer, she surely understood the importance. He turned, directing his next words to Nira and Jess.

"I've managed to narrow down the modified genetic material, as well as the chemical used to one subtype of plant that grows near this area. It isn't incredibly common, hence why it was so difficult to pin it down. I imagine if we continue searching in this area, we will be able to find at least a collection facility, if not where they are being manufactured directly. We will need more sophisticated masks and suitable covering, though, to continue on."

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