S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Crewman Zala | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 01, 2023, 04:48:49 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout]

Lahr smiled encouragingly.  "I don't think you need to worry about 'being braver'...  I think you are doing fine, just as you are."

The Andorian having said that gave the Ferengi a knowing look.  "It's sad but true -  you'll pick up a lot of experience in fighting when in Security."

Lahr noted the arrival of the Exchange officer with carefully neutral expression.  His antennae however were clearly agitated.

Well there went their element of surprise.  In all his years, Lahr had never met a quiet Klingon, and nothing about Lieutenant D'Lorra or her personality thus far suggested that she was the exception.

He tried to ignore the Klingon's presence as he began his search.

Given that the Commander had noted that the Orion had been a female (the Only having called her an 'ugly green bitch'), the engineer fiddled with his tricorder to have it look for pheromones.   It didn't take long for it get a hit... about three seconds after the Klingon had already pointed out the scent on the branch of the tree.

Rather than confirm her statement that the smell was Orion pheromones, Lahr sourly put his tricorder away.  There was no point to it - the Klingon sense of smell seemed superior to it.

His discontent mood could have been in part to being ordered to stay back.  An order he had no choice to follow given her higher rank.   With reluctance Lahr,  followed her lead, as it moved along the tree path until she found a playing card.   And further along the path Lahr spotted another.

Lahr had no clue about its significance, but they certainly didn't seem to be Andgarrian in origin.  A suspicious trail of playing cards... dropped by accident? Unlikely.  Left behind by someone knowing Starfleet would begin a search... so an ally?!  Or left behind to lure them into a trap?

At the thought of a trap, Lahr couldn't help but devilishly picturing the Klingon getting caught up in a some silly rope trap, dangling upside down and having to be rescued by him and Zala; but that was unlikely to happen to the well-seasoned officer.  'Maybe if I pushed her into it?' he mused, before realizing how inappropriate a thought that was.   Good thing, the Aenar wasn't with them!

Lahr tried to remind himself he had no business being jealous over the lead position in this search when he shouldn't even be down here as part of an away mission anyways.   The Commander was safe - that had been his goal.  Afterwards, Lahr realized, he should have just requested to return to the ship then.   It wasn't like his engineering were needed. Not really.

"I'd be careful, ma'am - that trail of cards could lead to a trap.  Zala and I will guard your back while you lead the way."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 02, 2023, 04:27:22 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - outside the hideout - along the tree pathways]

Before the trio of Lahr, Zala and D'Lorra could get far in their trail following, the Captain called for an emergency recall of all personnel.  Either the Orions were far more of a threat here than first anticipated, or there were bigger issues to deal with.  Neither were a good situation.

Lahr tapped his comm.  =/\= "ch'Verret to Transporter room.  Do you have a solid fix on our location or do we need to go higher up?" =/\=

There was a momentary pause on the other end before his Vulcan roommate, Petty Officer Grelek, answered.

=/\= "The signal is intermittent, but I have a fair amount of certainty that I can complete the transport with a negligible margin of error. Stand by and remain where you are." =/\=

With that less than encouraging answer, seconds seems to drag until he telltale shimmering sound and light enwreathed the away team.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2023, 03:16:27 PM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Just Outside the Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, D'Lorra emerged into a clearing. What lay before her was a massive junkyard. She recognized Romulan ships from at least three centuries earlier strewn around, from Birds of Prey (the Romulan variety) to cruiser-sized Battle Hawks. A close observation could see why it was a virtual clearing; there were many felled oln'garr trees, and a lot of the Romulan ships looked to be under it. Crushed or smashed, the look of things.

"Behold. A site of a battle," said D'Lorra in awe. It was obvious to see how most of the trees, with help from the Andgarr, were doing the fighting.

She had been gazing in awe when the recall came. The concern for why the recall came brought her out of her awe state. What had happened?

Just then, she saw a Romulan ship decloak from among the junkyard...and it certainly looked more recent than three centuries, more like three decades...

"Chief, Mogai class down there...we better let the Captain know, something's..."

Suddenly, green bolts rang and D'Lorra flinched. A squad of Orions erupted and attacked. She hurried over to the group and was just in time for the beam-out, but had noticed the Mogai-class lifting off, shooting something in the junkyard and causing an explosion sending swarms of butterflies into the air, enough swarms to darken a skyline...

Lahr's words were like a salve to her weary heart. Her mood further improved with them, and she nodded at him. "Oh, besides handsome, he was understanding!" She thought. Still, his thinly veiled warning about this being the norm did make her think. For now, at least, she believed she would be able to continue until the end of this mission, "T-Thank you. I... will try and keep up with the good work, then!"

An animated response and a sliver of a smile followed, though it soon faded as the Klingon joined them. Not so much because of having D'Lorra around, but rather, because she hoped she had not overheard their conversation. She truly did not want to appear weak, especially to the tough Lieutenant woman. Fortunately for her, she either had not noticed or was too enthralled on the mission to care. Either way, she remained close to Lahr, her rifle in her hands, as he analyzed the area.

That was until she overheard D'Lorra speak up about finding a trail of pheromones. She sniffed the air, but to her, the air was only acrid and musty. Klingon's smell must be much better, she supposed. At least, she remembered that her ears were surely much better equipped to pick up sounds. That cheered her up slightly.

At the proposal of Lahr telling D'Lorra to continue first, while they covered her, she nodded in agreement. She was sure the Lieutenant could handle anyone coming nearby, and they could indeed drop off any ranged attackers. Plus, it meant that she was not in the line of fire. At least, not directly.

She would have to be careful with the timing, though. Zala took a deep breath.

Suddenly, she thought that it would be a good idea to inform Lieutenant Mrekrerhas about their findings. Before she could, however, she was stopped by the awe of finding a necropolis of ancient ships, strewn about and rusting away. She could recognize them as Birds of Prey, for certain, and a certain tingle for business appeared on her mind. She wondered if anything could be yet salvaged from within to be sold.

She listened to D'Lorra's statement that this was some kind of battleground, though, after this, a Romulan ship decloaked. She shrieked in fear and prepared to once more inform her superiors after their discovery. But then, an unexpected call was made by the Captain, just as shots began flying into the air.

She fired back, though she feared the worst, as beams of energy began to fall on the junkyard, and a black mass began to rise from within. And then... her particles were taken elsewhere...

Quote from: Nira Said on October 30, 2023, 04:56:51 PM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Hideout | Andgarr Prime]

"Don't worry, Lieutenant," said D'Lorra reassuringly. "I've done plenty of Targ hunting in my time. I am no stealth master, but I know how to keep quiet in pursuit of prey."

Catching up with the group, quite as she was despite being a full Klingon, she heard out Chief ch'Verret's instructions and nodded.

"I hear you, Chief," D'Lorra whispered. "We watch but not strike. Certainly like following an elusive Targ," she added in a further quieted whisper.

She took a liking to the Andorian. This fellow knew what he was doing. Him, Zhuk, Nira...she made a note to invite them to a Ju'Dop Targ Hunt in the future. Nira had once mentioned to her about using her observational skills for tracking, and she had been impressed by that.

She was at the Ferengi girl's side, knowing how green she was. As the three progressed, suddenly D'Lorra picked up something.

"Chief, hold a moment," she said and she stepped forward. She smelled something in the air. And she noticed one branch of an maturing ohn'garr tree was smelling peculiar...

"Look at this branch here," she whispered. "It smells too sweet than usual, ohn'garr trees usually never give off sweet smells, most trees never do. And unless it was a genetic modification like these insects we're hearing about, somebody was here. They're Orion pheromones. The female variety, specifically; you'd best stay back a moment, Chief. If there are recurring patterns, we should be able to follow them."

She wrinkled her nose in distaste; they had to be pheromones from a female, if she was a male Klingon, she would've been dead, as female Orion pheromones were fatal to Klingon males. But soon, there was a more obvious trail than pheromones. Somebody was leaving a trail of thin cards, like playing cards. In fact, they extended slightly around, giving D'Lorra pause. How did she miss them?

[Praetor Domitian | Syndicate Main Hideout | Forest Floor | Andgarr Prime]

"You are certain of this?" The old praetor said sharply.

"Affirmative," the Orion scout responded, so small that his attire loosely fit him, even his belt. "They're heading in this direction, I don't know how they're coming to the Warbird Necropolis."

"I don't understand why they would proceed on our trail in the first place," snapped Visa. "We took measures to ensure we're not detected."

"But perhaps you are not aware you are giving yourself away in any case," muttered Domitian. "The yanmarr chitin has an affect you may not be aware. It's causing the spread of your pheromones, but seemed to have amplified the smell somehow; you stink to high heavens."

Visa was about to retort angrily, but then she looked down and smelled herself...the smell of her was too sweet for her tastes.

"Whether or not they're heading this direction, it's best to move operations off-planet," Domitian ordered. "And I will have words with the Caligula girls on their progress."

"So the Triumvirate has plans for Andgarr as much as the Syndicate does," Visa said.

"But I will be having words with the Syndicate as well," Domitian added icily. "Seles may very soon be out of a job and potentially out of lifetime."

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2023, 03:16:27 PM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Just Outside the Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, D'Lorra emerged into a clearing. What lay before her was a massive junkyard. She recognized Romulan ships from at least three centuries earlier strewn around, from Birds of Prey (the Romulan variety) to cruiser-sized Battle Hawks. A close observation could see why it was a virtual clearing; there were many felled oln'garr trees, and a lot of the Romulan ships looked to be under it. Crushed or smashed, the look of things.

"Behold. A site of a battle," said D'Lorra in awe. It was obvious to see how most of the trees, with help from the Andgarr, were doing the fighting.

She had been gazing in awe when the recall came. The concern for why the recall came brought her out of her awe state. What had happened?

Just then, she saw a Romulan ship decloak from among the junkyard...and it certainly looked more recent than three centuries, more like three decades...

"Chief, Mogai class down there...we better let the Captain know, something's..."

Suddenly, green bolts rang and D'Lorra flinched. A squad of Orions erupted and attacked. She hurried over to the group and was just in time for the beam-out, but had noticed the Mogai-class lifting off, shooting something in the junkyard and causing an explosion sending swarms of butterflies into the air, enough swarms to darken a skyline...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 01, 2023, 09:08:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Ian waited for Kyan, he was absently monitoring the Frontier Day festivities on the command chair's display. It was the typical fleet 'dog and pony' show until it wasn't. There was an ear splitting screech and Admiral Shelby's feed shifted from "look how awesome we are" to complete chaos. Ian stared in open mouthed shock until his brain could catch up to what he was seeing. It took another second before he could get his voice to work.

"Ops! Throw the program kill switch NOW!"

Not waiting for a response, Ian hit the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Dashlish! Summat is happenin' with the fleet program! For the love of all that's ever been holy, pull the memory module immediately!" =/\=

He adjusted the comm on the command chair to speak shipwide, the away teams, and every member of the crew on the planet on leave.

=/\= "All hands this is the Captain. Emergency recall, make your way back ta the ship as quickly as possible. This is not, repeat, not a drill!" =/\=

On closing the channel, Ian spun toward the Science station.

"Randall, full scans on all possible modalities. Burn holes in the fabric of space if'n you have ta. Summat is happenin' on Earth and my gut tells me it's goin' ta be gettin' far worse before however get ta the other side."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Hideout ---> Approaching Junkyard | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhuk hoped that he had not made a mistake sending D'Lorra with ch'Verret and Zala. He had heard how rambunctious Klingons could be, though she seemed to be more level-headed than the norm. At the very least, if they were found, she would keep them safe.

He went back to focusing on the task ahead, the playing card found by the Andgarr officer a great clue that he intended to follow. More of them were soon found, relatively nearby, and soon, the group had reached the outskirts of what seemed to be some kind of junkyard. Zhuk immediately signalled for the team to take point around the walls, and the entrance, hoping that their numbers would overwhelm them, but also that they would still be able to use the element of surprise.

That was until he gazed at a mighty Warbird de-cloaking over its fallen brethren, and began to fire upon the junkyard, to somewhere unseen. He raised his weapon, unsure now if the attempt was feasible. Still, he would fight.

Concentrated, his fur and tail fluffed up at the display, something not assuaged as he overheard the mass recall that Captain Galloway had issued. He cursed internally in his rather flowery use of language, before he tapped the comms, whispering,

=/\="We have identified the likely Forward Base of the Orions, Captain Galloway. It is being currently attacked by a Bird of Prey of some kind! What is the matter?! =/\="

His question and petition fell on deaf ears as he felt his body become lighter as his molecules began to get transported away back to the ship, "Fellow Andgarr, hopefully we shalt return! Remain strong, and search for vulnerabilities, Orions are-"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Transporter Room III | Deck 4 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

His vocal cords were cut off, and he found himself with other Security officers on the Transporter Pad. He took a deep breath, visibly frustrated with the decision. He quickly stepped out of the pad, to allow the rest of the batch to be transported by the dutiful crew, doing his best to not allow his anger to seep through his collected attitude. He supposed that Ian had a good reason to recall them, but he still was quite mad at not being able to obtain his vengeance.

He decided to sprint towards the Bridge, trying to get a clearer reading as to what was happening, while the rest of the crew returned to the ship.

=/\= "Security Team, remain alert. Determine if there are any intruders within the USS Challenger! Sweep every Deck. Inform of anything unusual! And remain alert, in case we are to be sent back planetside!" =/\=

[Crewman Zala | Transporter Room I | Deck 4 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zala blinked a couple of times as she was transported into the pad, puzzled as to the mass transportation taking place. Everything seemed to be chaos, and there were no clear explanations as to what happened. She received the comm from Zhukdra'shar, however, and she nodded, glancing over at Lahr,

=/\= "Understood, sir. W-What is happening?" =/\=

She whispered her question, almost afraid to get an answer. For now, she decided to follow the Lieutenant's instructions, deciding to accompany Lahr if it was required, to check on Engineering. There was no response from Zhuk, or at least, not what she expected...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 03:35:21 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Through his despair, Ian did hear that the crew was accounted for and that pleased him somewhat, not much, but some. However, the next thing that he heard clearly was the gloating from the Romulan woman. He couldn't do anything about what was happening on Earth, but he could do something about the Romulan woman. Despair was instantly replaced with a cold and calculating wrath. He stood and spoke in an icy tone.

"Shields up! Red Alert! Battlestations! Helm, Attack Pattern Gamma One. Tactical, bring quantums to ready. Bring phasers to ready. Ops, full power from the second warp core to shields. Engage point of impact shields."

To the Romulans, he said in his native Gaelic.

"Deoghail am fallus bhÁ rr duine mharbh siadha tiadhan! Make peace with whoever you believe in because you're ta meet them this day."

His eyes never left the viewscreen as he added.

"Ops. Scotland the Brave on all channels! NOW!"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Transporter Room III ---> Bridge | Deck 4 ---> Deck 1| USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

=/\= "Disregard orders, focus on the Captain's!" =/\=

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger ]

He knew Ian was mad about the music. That much was evident when he'd called down to sickbay. That "...IMMEDIATELY!" was a dead giveaway. Which is why Kyan had decided not to go to the bridge in a hospital smock... well, that wasn't the whole reason. Ok. He WOULD have done it, had Maz not pleaded with him not to... and a follow-up emergency call back to the ship been initiated just a few minutes later.

Something was up now. Something serious.

It was for that reason that the Onlie had decided to trudge all the way back to their quarters and change clothes. Of course, he had to replicate new shoes...and get a new com badge, which had taken a few minutes. So when the lift finally opened onto the bridge, Kyan wasn't exactly surprised to see the rest of the bridge crew already there. He was surprised to see the looks on their faces though. Galloway looked grim....and pissed. Said looked horrified. Everyone else was somewhere between slack-jawed shock and scared stiff.

Kyan stepped off the lift and looked at the viewscreen. Nothing there to give him a hint of what might be going on. As such, scenarios burst into his imagination. Of course since they were all grups it was probably an overreaction. They were notorious for that.

"Oh no! Someone insulted someone else and we might go to war! Oh no... Some captain or another got his ship blown up! Oh no.. some idjit fancied himself intergalactic despot of the month and was about to attack Earth... or Vulcan." And why didn't they ever attack Tellar? or Andoria? That was a good question. As much as the Tellarites talked you'd think some baddie would want a go at them.

Kyan stifled a laugh at the thought of some intergalactic baddie rolling up to Tellar with his fleet. They'd probably just insult his mother and close the channel.

Wait!... he knew what it was. Galloway was pissed because of the music, and Nira was pissed because she heard the song about the teenie weenie bikini and was sad because she didn't have one with polka dots. It all made sense now. Kyan made a note to replicate her one at some point. Yule was coming up... maybe then.

"Arright then." He called out finally. "Whats going on?"

Wait.... was that bagpipes!? That meant...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 06:00:19 PM

It was at that point Mackenzie arrived, but there wasn't time for him at the moment.

"Lieutenant Davenport, weapons free, fire as fast as the weapons will cycle. Your primary target is their bridge. Secondary target are their engines. We're ta blind them, lame them, and send them ta hell!"

Kyan's eyes lit up as though the fat elf Himself had dropped a boatload of presents off. He hurried over to Tactical. Running tweaked his ribs, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle. "Shove off!" he told the grup manning the console. "Take the back station and keep the shields rotating."

"But the...." Davenport protested.

"Are ye the fookin Chief the now or is it me? Yer relieved!"

Kyan wasn't about to have some random grup lieutenant doing the shooting if he was still breathing, which he was, excitedly. It only took a second for him to scan the screen and get a target package for the torpedoes. While those were spinning up, he loosed a phaser volley from the ventral array that pounded against the Romulan ship's dorsal shields. "Direct hit on their dorsal shields. It's gonna take sommat more den that tae crack em though." he called out. "Firing torpedoes."

A five torpedo volley arced out from Challenger's forward launcher then, twinkling across the distance between the Trailblazer Class starship an it's Romulan quarry. Another phaser volley raced the projectiles as though it were a game of "Who can break through first." Kyan watched with palpable excitement as the Challenger's wrath descended on the Romulans, waiting to see if his shots found their mark. 

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 06:00:19 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's eyes narrowed as he heard the Romulan's voice, she was clearly surprised and she'd stated they had aligned with the Borg and the Changelings, that made them accomplices to the attack on Earth, which was all the justification he needed to the arrogance off their smug faces. He made a slashing motion with his hand to cut the channel, he was done listening to them. It was at that point Mackenzie arrived, but there wasn't time for him at the moment.

"Lieutenant Davenport, weapons free, fire as fast as the weapons will cycle. Your primary target is their bridge. Secondary target are their engines. We're ta blind them, lame them, and send them ta hell!"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 02, 2023, 06:21:15 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger ]

He knew Ian was mad about the music. That much was evident when he'd called down to sickbay. That "...IMMEDIATELY!" was a dead giveaway. Which is why Kyan had decided not to go to the bridge in a hospital smock... well, that wasn't the whole reason. Ok. He WOULD have done it, had Maz not pleaded with him not to... and a follow-up emergency call back to the ship been initiated just a few minutes later.

Something was up now. Something serious.

It was for that reason that the Onlie had decided to trudge all the way back to their quarters and change clothes. Of course, he had to replicate new shoes...and get a new com badge, which had taken a few minutes. So when the lift finally opened onto the bridge, Kyan wasn't exactly surprised to see the rest of the bridge crew already there. He was surprised to see the looks on their faces though. Galloway looked grim....and pissed. Said looked horrified. Everyone else was somewhere between slack-jawed shock and scared stiff.

Kyan stepped off the lift and looked at the viewscreen. Nothing there to give him a hint of what might be going on. As such, scenarios burst into his imagination. Of course since they were all grups it was probably an overreaction. They were notorious for that.

"Oh no! Someone insulted someone else and we might go to war! Oh no... Some captain or another got his ship blown up! Oh no.. some idjit fancied himself intergalactic despot of the month and was about to attack Earth... or Vulcan." And why didn't they ever attack Tellar? or Andoria? That was a good question. As much as the Tellarites talked you'd think some baddie would want a go at them.

Kyan stifled a laugh at the thought of some intergalactic baddie rolling up to Tellar with his fleet. They'd probably just insult his mother and close the channel.

Wait!... he knew what it was. Galloway was pissed because of the music, and Nira was pissed because she heard the song about the teenie weenie bikini and was sad because she didn't have one with polka dots. It all made sense now. Kyan made a note to replicate her one at some point. Yule was coming up... maybe then.

"Arright then." He called out finally. "Whats going on?"

Wait.... was that bagpipes!? That meant...

Kyan's eyes lit up as though the fat elf Himself had dropped a boatload of presents off. He hurried over to Tactical. Running tweaked his ribs, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle. "Shove off!" he told the grup manning the console. "Take the back station and keep the shields rotating."

"But the...." Davenport protested.

"Are ye the fookin Chief the now or is it me? Yer relieved!"

Kyan wasn't about to have some random grup lieutenant doing the shooting if he was still breathing, which he was, excitedly. It only took a second for him to scan the screen and get a target package for the torpedoes. While those were spinning up, he loosed a phaser volley from the ventral array that pounded against the Romulan ship's dorsal shields. "Direct hit on their dorsal shields. It's gonna take sommat more den that tae crack em though." he called out. "Firing torpedoes."

A five torpedo volley arced out from Challenger's forward launcher then, twinkling across the distance between the Trailblazer Class starship an it's Romulan quarry. Another phaser volley raced the projectiles as though it were a game of "Who can break through first." Kyan watched with palpable excitement as the Challenger's wrath descended on the Romulans, waiting to see if his shots found their mark.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 02, 2023, 06:01:44 PM

[Crewman Zala | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Lahr's words were like a salve to her weary heart. Her mood further improved with them, and she nodded at him. "Oh, besides handsome, he was understanding!" She thought. Still, his thinly veiled warning about this being the norm did make her think. For now, at least, she believed she would be able to continue until the end of this mission, "T-Thank you. I... will try and keep up with the good work, then!"

An animated response and a sliver of a smile followed, though it soon faded as the Klingon joined them. Not so much because of having D'Lorra around, but rather, because she hoped she had not overheard their conversation. She truly did not want to appear weak, especially to the tough Lieutenant woman. Fortunately for her, she either had not noticed or was too enthralled on the mission to care. Either way, she remained close to Lahr, her rifle in her hands, as he analyzed the area.

That was until she overheard D'Lorra speak up about finding a trail of pheromones. She sniffed the air, but to her, the air was only acrid and musty. Klingon's smell must be much better, she supposed. At least, she remembered that her ears were surely much better equipped to pick up sounds. That cheered her up slightly.

At the proposal of Lahr telling D'Lorra to continue first, while they covered her, she nodded in agreement. She was sure the Lieutenant could handle anyone coming nearby, and they could indeed drop off any ranged attackers. Plus, it meant that she was not in the line of fire. At least, not directly.

She would have to be careful with the timing, though. Zala took a deep breath.

Suddenly, she thought that it would be a good idea to inform Lieutenant Mrekrerhas about their findings. Before she could, however, she was stopped by the awe of finding a necropolis of ancient ships, strewn about and rusting away. She could recognize them as Birds of Prey, for certain, and a certain tingle for business appeared on her mind. She wondered if anything could be yet salvaged from within to be sold.

She listened to D'Lorra's statement that this was some kind of battleground, though, after this, a Romulan ship decloaked. She shrieked in fear and prepared to once more inform her superiors after their discovery. But then, an unexpected call was made by the Captain, just as shots began flying into the air.

She fired back, though she feared the worst, as beams of energy began to fall on the junkyard, and a black mass began to rise from within. And then... her particles were taken elsewhere...

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Hideout ---> Approaching Junkyard | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhuk hoped that he had not made a mistake sending D'Lorra with ch'Verret and Zala. He had heard how rambunctious Klingons could be, though she seemed to be more level-headed than the norm. At the very least, if they were found, she would keep them safe.

He went back to focusing on the task ahead, the playing card found by the Andgarr officer a great clue that he intended to follow. More of them were soon found, relatively nearby, and soon, the group had reached the outskirts of what seemed to be some kind of junkyard. Zhuk immediately signalled for the team to take point around the walls, and the entrance, hoping that their numbers would overwhelm them, but also that they would still be able to use the element of surprise.

That was until he gazed at a mighty Warbird de-cloaking over its fallen brethren, and began to fire upon the junkyard, to somewhere unseen. He raised his weapon, unsure now if the attempt was feasible. Still, he would fight.

Concentrated, his fur and tail fluffed up at the display, something not assuaged as he overheard the mass recall that Captain Galloway had issued. He cursed internally in his rather flowery use of language, before he tapped the comms, whispering,

=/\="We have identified the likely Forward Base of the Orions, Captain Galloway. It is being currently attacked by a Bird of Prey of some kind! What is the matter?! =/\="

His question and petition fell on deaf ears as he felt his body become lighter as his molecules began to get transported away back to the ship, "Fellow Andgarr, hopefully we shalt return! Remain strong, and search for vulnerabilities, Orions are-"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Transporter Room III | Deck 4 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

His vocal cords were cut off, and he found himself with other Security officers on the Transporter Pad. He took a deep breath, visibly frustrated with the decision. He quickly stepped out of the pad, to allow the rest of the batch to be transported by the dutiful crew, doing his best to not allow his anger to seep through his collected attitude. He supposed that Ian had a good reason to recall them, but he still was quite mad at not being able to obtain his vengeance.

He decided to sprint towards the Bridge, trying to get a clearer reading as to what was happening, while the rest of the crew returned to the ship.

=/\= "Security Team, remain alert. Determine if there are any intruders within the USS Challenger! Sweep every Deck. Inform of anything unusual! And remain alert, in case we are to be sent back planetside!" =/\=

[Crewman Zala | Transporter Room I | Deck 4 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zala blinked a couple of times as she was transported into the pad, puzzled as to the mass transportation taking place. Everything seemed to be chaos, and there were no clear explanations as to what happened. She received the comm from Zhukdra'shar, however, and she nodded, glancing over at Lahr,

=/\= "Understood, sir. W-What is happening?" =/\=

She whispered her question, almost afraid to get an answer. For now, she decided to follow the Lieutenant's instructions, deciding to accompany Lahr if it was required, to check on Engineering. There was no response from Zhuk, or at least, not what she expected...

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Transporter Room III ---> Bridge | Deck 4 ---> Deck 1| USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

=/\= "Disregard orders, focus on the Captain's!" =/\=

[Enarrain Nirreen of House Caligula | Bridge | IRS Narrocian]

The fact that Captain Galloway cut off communications was certainly indicative he was in bad spirits. That was good. It was the perfect situation...

"As expected," said Nirreen, looking at the Praetors and Ethnarchs aboard. And then nodded.

"Praetors, Ethnarchs, you know what to do," said Ratheen, and all the senior command on the bridge beamed out.

"Centurion, you are in command," Nirreen ordered. "Let the flames of war commence."

"Jolan Tru, Enarrain," said the Centurion next in line and nodded. Nirreen beamed away as the first volley flew. Fortunately, the shields were raised just a handful of seconds before they hit, Challenger still being far away as it is...

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The flagship certainly seemed to be asleep when the attack started, the shields looked like they raised too fast. Nira watched on in grim satisfaction. They were certainly in for a beating. Yet something on the back of her mind felt that these pointy-eared ifrits were going to pull a surprise of some kind...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2023, 03:16:27 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Unification Movement Refuge | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

"Apologies, but I have been Ambassador Saavik for the past ten years," came the reply.

"True, but what are you doing here among the Unificationists?"

"I feel it'll be simpler to explain," said Saavik, reaching a hand.

"Oh," said Nira. "Better show than tell. One mind to another."

Saavik nodded and put a palm to her face. It was just a moment, but to Nira, it felt like a lifetime. When she opened her eyes next, she looked in understanding. A kind of clarity to her, a kind of awe...

"So you've been aiding the Unificationists because you felt you owed Spock?"

"Yes. I had been doing my best in Spock's stead since he sacrificed himself to consume the Hobus Supernova."

Nira breathed in surprise. It certainly explained a lot in a nutshell; it was unnerving to see another's life flash before her eyes.

"So the Federation is not permitting anybody from the Movement to Vulcan?"

"No matter how much I do," said Saavik, and Nira could feel bitterness from the Romulans around her. "I've kept having denials and after years, gradually was being ignored. What's more, a Romulan warlord self-proclaiming himself a Praetor had been encouraging our youth away..."

"Allah's sake, not another Praetor," grumbled Nira.

"Nobody from Starfleet has even seen the conditions here," Saavik added. "Not until you came."

"In all honesty," said Nira, "We had come here to take in the beauties of Andgarr. Study the unknown lifeforms here...we weren't expecting to meet refugees...we can, however, do our best to bring conditions to further attention to Starfleet Command, even if we have to bring others here...but unfortunately, it's drawing closer and closer to Frontier Day, so I'm afraid they're too busy with the festivities to have the matter brought to attention..."

"More than just days away," retorted Saavik. "It's today."

"What? Holy Allah, how long have we been out?" asked Nira.

"Longer than expected," M'Ret said nearby. "It may have felt like a day to you, but time tells different."

"In any case, you helped us more than you imagined," said Saavik. "Mister Jyur, you have been very helpful in neutralizing the effects of the yanmarr, and your methods. And since you mention the source, the collection point, we know where it is; now you have brought us the means to neutralize them completely, we can commence neutralizing it."

"But where are they? And who...?" asked Nira.

"One of many criminal elements eager to do what the Romulans of the past could never do," said M'Ret. "To take control of Andgarr. We're certain that they had been producing the Yanmarr in an attempt to weaken or even exterminate the Andgarr with a poisonous biological weapon."

"And they're located in the Warbird Necropolis," Saavik added. "The site of the battle against the Andgarr and the Romulans. A junkyard of sorts."

"Fitting place to hide something, but what can we do more?" asked Nira, but Saavik waved her aside.

"You need further recuperation, Commander," she said. "You'll need to return to your ship and at least tell your Captain about us."

Before Nira could add anything further...
"Speak of the devil, but what's happened?" asked Nira.

"Sounds like you need to return," said M'Ret. Nira nodded, but then a young Romulan approached. "Ah. Mister Nekab wishes permission to join you. As an expert on the yanmarr, he can help finish the treatment. And he can be of aid to your crew."

"Of course," said Nira. Tapping her comm badge, she called, "Said to Challenger, Six to beam up."
[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Just Outside the Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, D'Lorra emerged into a clearing. What lay before her was a massive junkyard. She recognized Romulan ships from at least three centuries earlier strewn around, from Birds of Prey (the Romulan variety) to cruiser-sized Battle Hawks. A close observation could see why it was a virtual clearing; there were many felled oln'garr trees, and a lot of the Romulan ships looked to be under it. Crushed or smashed, the look of things.

"Behold. A site of a battle," said D'Lorra in awe. It was obvious to see how most of the trees, with help from the Andgarr, were doing the fighting.

She had been gazing in awe when the recall came. The concern for why the recall came brought her out of her awe state. What had happened?

Just then, she saw a Romulan ship decloak from among the junkyard...and it certainly looked more recent than three centuries, more like three decades...

"Chief, Mogai class down there...we better let the Captain know, something's..."

Suddenly, green bolts rang and D'Lorra flinched. A squad of Orions erupted and attacked. She hurried over to the group and was just in time for the beam-out, but had noticed the Mogai-class lifting off, shooting something in the junkyard and causing an explosion sending swarms of butterflies into the air, enough swarms to darken a skyline...[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira sped on the bridge, still getting into her uniform.

"All crew present and accounted for, Captain," called Commander Catalan from Ops.

"Captain, what's going...?" Nira started, but she stopped. She saw the transmission. It was the Frontier Day celebration but...something was wrong. The fleet was in assembly, but they were all firing on the Spacedock, along with all the orbital defenses. She looked at Captain Galloway and flinched, more at the emotions she felt exploding from him. Rage...and was that despair?

"Oh Allah," said Nira in horror. What she had expected in the new program had come true. Somebody had taken over the fleet and was attacking Earth.

"Sir, Romulan ship incoming...it's hailing us..."

The order for the on screen came and the two Caligula sisters were there, leering identically at them while Hakul skulked with a triumphant smirk in behind...and the Frontier Day celebrations were still going in the background.

Nirreen, the one Nira recognized most, spoke first.

"Marvelous, isn't it?" she said.

"On behalf of the Cradol," said Ratheen, "I and my sister present: The End of the Federation."

"Nireen!" snarled Nira. "And Ratheen...you all knew about this?!?"

"Naturally," said Nireen with dangerous sweetness. "We, the Triumvirate, and we who gathered in an alliance outside Romulan space with help of the Changelings. At least a good deal. I believe other Changelings are responsible..."

"You've hacked into the program, didn't you?" accused Nira furiously.

"I'm not doing a thing at the moment," giggled Nireen, gesturing with her hands. "None of us are. We are merely enjoying the festivities. So are the Kzinti, they're very eager to kick you while you are down...but I imagine you will be blinded sooner or later..."

"Kol Khara!" snarled Nira in Arabic. "If you aren't behind this..."

"It's not just the Changelings," Ratheen said with similar sweetness. "What would I say if I told you the Changelings entered into an alliance with the Borg?"

"Then Kol Khara again, both of you!"

"Go ahead and let your emotions fly," Hakul said silkily. "Despair completely..."

"Sirs, something's being broadcast on all Federation channels!" said Commander Catalan. "It's President Chekov!"

He put on the transmission, the Caligula clan widening their leers like snakes as President Chekov called:

"This is President Anton Chekov of the United Federation of Planets broadcasting on all emergency channels. Do not approach Earth. A signal of unknown origin has turned our young against us. They have been assimilated by the Borg. Our fleet has been compromised and as we speak, our planetary defenses are falling. Sol Station is defending Earth as best it can. But we're almost out of time. We have not been able to find a way to stop this Borg signal and unassimilate our young. But I know if my father were here, he'd remind us all that hope is never lost. There are always possibilities. Until then, I implore you: save yourselves. Farewell."

Nira collapsed in utmost horror into her chair, stunned by what was heard. Only once before in the history of the Federation had a stay-away order been given from the President, and that had been more than a hundred years previously. Earth was almost wiped out until James Kirk returned with a pair of whales. Now something even more horrifying was happening and the Borg was at the centerpiece.

Nirreen, Ratheen and Hakul grinned evilly, baring their teeth; they had heard the transmission and the triumph in their faces was evident.

"This doesn't matter," Ratheen leered. "As soon as our new fleet finishes with Earth, we all move in and finish them off. The End of the Federation has begun."

"Enjoy yourselves, Challenger," Nireen added, tauntingly. "Enjoy being the last of the Federation. Goodbye, stragglers."

And the transmission was cut, leaving a chill of horrified and shocked despair all around the bridge.

[Unification Movement Refugee Camp | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil was still feeling uncomfortable in being in this place, more precisely in being closer to Nira and everyone that saw what happened in the river. Even if he was mostly distracted with his own shame, the Betazoid was able to catch details of the conversation between his Commander, the Romulans and the Embassador. The mention that this group was formed by Unificationists sparked his interest enough for him to turn to look at them.

He had read about the existence of Romulans that wanted to rejoin the Vulcans, even seeking to adopt their "˜cousins' lifestyle. However, they were frowned upon by most of the Romulan Empire. The young Betazoid turned to look at Nekab, who remained close during the entire conversation. They had basically the same each, but the other was courageous enough to face his entire homeworld to follow a lifestyle that he believed to be true.

It was admirable.

While they were still discussing the fate of the refugees, Captain Galloway sent a message recalling all of them back to the Challenger. Aarwendil felt relieved that he was going to be able to return to his room. To his surprise, Nekab was also going with them. The Romulan approached Nira, already carrying a bag. "œI'm a doctor specialized in medical entomology. I have been studying the yanmarr and the way that they affect other species since it started. It is logical that my presence and the resources of your ship will be helpful in learning more about the infection.

Then, with their new friend, the group was transported to the Challenger.

[USS-Challenger |Medical Facility]

Rather than being allowed to go to his room, Aarwendil was dragged to the medical facilities as soon as they arrived on the ship. Nekab was convinced that the young Betazoid experience with the yanmarr had been more extreme and that he needed more time to recover. Since the Romulan was the specialist, this prompted the Chief Medical Officer Jessica Fellows to put the Ensign in observation.

Now he was in the medical facility, arms crossed and very annoyed. Meanwhile, Doctor Fellows was showing the place to Nekab. His annoyance became rage when he heard one of the nurses talking with another about the situation in the Frontier day, with Changelings uniting forces with the Borg to bring down the Federation and the Romulans that were going to attack.

Aarwendil hated the Changelings. They were responsible for the most terrible things that happened in the Quadrant Alpha in recent times. For a moment, the betazoid thought that it would be so good if they disappeared, together with their jem'hadars and vortas.  All of them throw inside a wormhole to never be seen again.

He wasn't aware, but his emotions were slowly influencing the nurses nearby him, who speak about their rage regarding the recent events.

Betazoid, Male

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 02, 2023, 06:21:15 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger ]

He knew Ian was mad about the music. That much was evident when he'd called down to sickbay. That "...IMMEDIATELY!" was a dead giveaway. Which is why Kyan had decided not to go to the bridge in a hospital smock... well, that wasn't the whole reason. Ok. He WOULD have done it, had Maz not pleaded with him not to... and a follow-up emergency call back to the ship been initiated just a few minutes later.

Something was up now. Something serious.

It was for that reason that the Onlie had decided to trudge all the way back to their quarters and change clothes. Of course, he had to replicate new shoes...and get a new com badge, which had taken a few minutes. So when the lift finally opened onto the bridge, Kyan wasn't exactly surprised to see the rest of the bridge crew already there. He was surprised to see the looks on their faces though. Galloway looked grim....and pissed. Said looked horrified. Everyone else was somewhere between slack-jawed shock and scared stiff.

Kyan stepped off the lift and looked at the viewscreen. Nothing there to give him a hint of what might be going on. As such, scenarios burst into his imagination. Of course since they were all grups it was probably an overreaction. They were notorious for that.

"Oh no! Someone insulted someone else and we might go to war! Oh no... Some captain or another got his ship blown up! Oh no.. some idjit fancied himself intergalactic despot of the month and was about to attack Earth... or Vulcan." And why didn't they ever attack Tellar? or Andoria? That was a good question. As much as the Tellarites talked you'd think some baddie would want a go at them.

Kyan stifled a laugh at the thought of some intergalactic baddie rolling up to Tellar with his fleet. They'd probably just insult his mother and close the channel.

Wait!... he knew what it was. Galloway was pissed because of the music, and Nira was pissed because she heard the song about the teenie weenie bikini and was sad because she didn't have one with polka dots. It all made sense now. Kyan made a note to replicate her one at some point. Yule was coming up... maybe then.

"Arright then." He called out finally. "Whats going on?"

Wait.... was that bagpipes!? That meant...

Kyan's eyes lit up as though the fat elf Himself had dropped a boatload of presents off. He hurried over to Tactical. Running tweaked his ribs, but it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle. "Shove off!" he told the grup manning the console. "Take the back station and keep the shields rotating."

"But the...." Davenport protested.

"Are ye the fookin Chief the now or is it me? Yer relieved!"

Kyan wasn't about to have some random grup lieutenant doing the shooting if he was still breathing, which he was, excitedly. It only took a second for him to scan the screen and get a target package for the torpedoes. While those were spinning up, he loosed a phaser volley from the ventral array that pounded against the Romulan ship's dorsal shields. "Direct hit on their dorsal shields. It's gonna take sommat more den that tae crack em though." he called out. "Firing torpedoes."

A five torpedo volley arced out from Challenger's forward launcher then, twinkling across the distance between the Trailblazer Class starship an it's Romulan quarry. Another phaser volley raced the projectiles as though it were a game of "Who can break through first." Kyan watched with palpable excitement as the Challenger's wrath descended on the Romulans, waiting to see if his shots found their mark.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 02, 2023, 09:31:07 PM

[Unification Movement Refugee Camp | Old Angdarr Realms | Andgarr Prime]

Aarwendil was still feeling uncomfortable in being in this place, more precisely in being closer to Nira and everyone that saw what happened in the river. Even if he was mostly distracted with his own shame, the Betazoid was able to catch details of the conversation between his Commander, the Romulans and the Embassador. The mention that this group was formed by Unificationists sparked his interest enough for him to turn to look at them.

He had read about the existence of Romulans that wanted to rejoin the Vulcans, even seeking to adopt their "˜cousins' lifestyle. However, they were frowned upon by most of the Romulan Empire. The young Betazoid turned to look at Nekab, who remained close during the entire conversation. They had basically the same each, but the other was courageous enough to face his entire homeworld to follow a lifestyle that he believed to be true.

It was admirable.

While they were still discussing the fate of the refugees, Captain Galloway sent a message recalling all of them back to the Challenger. Aarwendil felt relieved that he was going to be able to return to his room. To his surprise, Nekab was also going with them. The Romulan approached Nira, already carrying a bag. "œI'm a doctor specialized in medical entomology. I have been studying the yanmarr and the way that they affect other species since it started. It is logical that my presence and the resources of your ship will be helpful in learning more about the infection.

Then, with their new friend, the group was transported to the Challenger.

[USS-Challenger |Medical Facility]

Rather than being allowed to go to his room, Aarwendil was dragged to the medical facilities as soon as they arrived on the ship. Nekab was convinced that the young Betazoid experience with the yanmarr had been more extreme and that he needed more time to recover. Since the Romulan was the specialist, this prompted the Chief Medical Officer Jessica Fellows to put the Ensign in observation.

Now he was in the medical facility, arms crossed and very annoyed. Meanwhile, Doctor Fellows was showing the place to Nekab. His annoyance became rage when he heard one of the nurses talking with another about the situation in the Frontier day, with Changelings uniting forces with the Borg to bring down the Federation and the Romulans that were going to attack.

Aarwendil hated the Changelings. They were responsible for the most terrible things that happened in the Quadrant Alpha in recent times. For a moment, the betazoid thought that it would be so good if they disappeared, together with their jem'hadars and vortas.  All of them throw inside a wormhole to never be seen again.

He wasn't aware, but his emotions were slowly influencing the nurses nearby him, who speak about their rage regarding the recent events.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger's first salvo staggered the warbird, which allowed for a second firing pass that MacKenzie exploited to the fullest with several direct hits on the Romulan ship's hull. Return fire was wildly inaccurate, but would have done nothing to Challenger's point of impact shields even if they'd been fired with precision.

"Helm hard over, Kyan, keep doin' what you're doin' and I'll forgive your appalling taste in music."

Ian had cut the news feed from Earth as he could do nothing to influence the events there, so listening to the frantic and panicked calls from there was only a distraction. Beating the snot out of this warbird felt good, even if it might not be the most "Starfleet" way of doing things.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 10:47:37 PM

"Helm hard over, Kyan, keep doin' what you're doin' and I'll forgive your appalling taste in music."

Kyan was busy plotting an attack angle when Galloway's words made him look up briefly. He was about to respond to the jib about his music taste when he saw the warbird getting closer on the viewscreen. Still a few hundred thousand meters away, they had about twenty seconds befor the ships would pass one another.They were going to pass "œover" Challenger, exposing their ventral side. When the Captain ordered a hard over, the little tactical officer saw the pass in his head. The warbird would bank to Challenger's port side, trying to get a shot at their dorsal weapons or the bridge itself. It was a typical opening tactic that Romulans used in close quarters. If they scored a hit, they might pull a hard starboard turn and try to fire off an attack to Challenger's aft section while the starship recovered. Mogais were nimble enough to do that. If they missed, they'd course correct harder to port and try to create distance so they could cloak.

And that would make things infinitely harder. He remembered something he'd heard once from another Captain. "œYou need to fight Romulans fast. Don't let them drag it out." An idea took shape. Kyan knew it was a risk but at the same time, if it worked, the warbird would be crippled in one pass. At the very least they'd be thrown off their course and have to compensate, which would cost them several seconds, and prevent any chance that they'd get behind Challenger to have clean shots at the warp nacelles. Eighteen seconds now.

"œMister Davenport, come over here." He called out.

The Human was there in an instant.

"Ok." Kyan began, looking up briefly. "œWhen I tell ye, lock a tractor beam on their starboard nacelle and give it tug. Ye gotta be quick with it so ye do an release it as soon as ye pull'em."

"œBut that won't"¦." then he saw what Kyan was thinking and stopped mid-sentence. "œAye sir." He grinned.

"œI'm gonna try tae take some of the piss out of their shields first so the beam can get a grip." Kyan said, tapping away at his console. "œRemember, quick yank and let go. We just wanna get-em into a better position for a shot at their starboard pylons." That was a vulnerability of the Mogai design. Their nacelle pylons were thin and weak, the problem was that they were well protected by the wing"¦ IF you hit them from above. But this pass was the perfect opportunity to exploit that weakness.

Davenport nodded. "œAye." He offered, returning to his console.

Kyan fired another round of torpedoes and a series of phaser volleys all aimed at their starboard side ventral shields. Satisfied that he'd done enough damage there, he waited as the ships drew closer to one another. The viewscreen shifted as Challenger veered over to starboard and the Romulan took the opposite course. Ten seconds.

Kyan hammered the warbird again and gripped the sides of his chair as Challenger's point of impact shields dispersed a volley from the Romulans. He keyed in a last second adjustment to the phasers before calling back to Davenport. "œNow!"

Challenger's tractor beam lanced out and grabbed the warbird's starboard nacelle. It held it for a millisecond before cutting out, but it was enough to rotate the romulan ship the few degrees needed for Kyan to get his shot at their nacelle pylons. When the pylons came into view, twin blue beams lanced out from Challenger's ventral phaser array, catching the warbird's starboard nacelle pylons.

Abas Th'vyrrol


Abas had primarily been minding his own business when the pit of his stomach felt like it had been metaphorically dropped out from under him. An overwhelming wave of concern hit him as his antennae shot straight up into the air, and only moments later the Captain's emergency order came through to stand fast. Something had gone wrong in a hurry.

The rumor mill on a starship was the second most powerful engine on a starship - second only to the maelstrom that was the warp drive. In moments, various conflicting reports were shooting through the enlisted crew like wildfire - from a massive Borg attack on the Klingon Empire to the Q declaring war on Starfleet. None of them seemed very plausible, until a more confirmed report came through. Something had happened at Frontier Day - where the bulk of the fleet had been massing to celebrate the Federation. It wasn't clear who was shooting, but what was clear was that there were at least a few wolves in sheep's clothing.

Moments later, the recall alarm klaxon was replaced with the high-pitched wail of the red alert klaxon. The ship was in danger - and it was their duty to respond. With practiced precision, Sickbay became a flood of activity. The team prepared to receive casualties, as the tactical teams above prepared to do everything they could to inflict casualties on the enemy.

It wasn't long before he felt the vast wave of emotion flowing from one of the new arrivals. A Betazoid, if he was correct. The man was letting his emotions flow freely, and Doctor Fellows had put the man in isolation. He strode over to the man, looking down at him with concern as he could feel the waves like rip-currents flowing off the man. "Ensign," he said, trying to snap the man back to control. "Contain yourself. What seems to be the matter?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 03, 2023, 08:40:04 AM

Kyan was busy plotting an attack angle when Galloway's words made him look up briefly. He was about to respond to the jib about his music taste when he saw the warbird getting closer on the viewscreen. Still a few hundred thousand meters away, they had about twenty seconds befor the ships would pass one another.They were going to pass "œover" Challenger, exposing their ventral side. When the Captain ordered a hard over, the little tactical officer saw the pass in his head. The warbird would bank to Challenger's port side, trying to get a shot at their dorsal weapons or the bridge itself. It was a typical opening tactic that Romulans used in close quarters. If they scored a hit, they might pull a hard starboard turn and try to fire off an attack to Challenger's aft section while the starship recovered. Mogais were nimble enough to do that. If they missed, they'd course correct harder to port and try to create distance so they could cloak.

And that would make things infinitely harder. He remembered something he'd heard once from another Captain. "œYou need to fight Romulans fast. Don't let them drag it out." An idea took shape. Kyan knew it was a risk but at the same time, if it worked, the warbird would be crippled in one pass. At the very least they'd be thrown off their course and have to compensate, which would cost them several seconds, and prevent any chance that they'd get behind Challenger to have clean shots at the warp nacelles. Eighteen seconds now.

"œMister Davenport, come over here." He called out.

The Human was there in an instant.

"Ok." Kyan began, looking up briefly. "œWhen I tell ye, lock a tractor beam on their starboard nacelle and give it tug. Ye gotta be quick with it so ye do an release it as soon as ye pull'em."

"œBut that won't"¦." then he saw what Kyan was thinking and stopped mid-sentence. "œAye sir." He grinned.

"œI'm gonna try tae take some of the piss out of their shields first so the beam can get a grip." Kyan said, tapping away at his console. "œRemember, quick yank and let go. We just wanna get-em into a better position for a shot at their starboard pylons." That was a vulnerability of the Mogai design. Their nacelle pylons were thin and weak, the problem was that they were well protected by the wing"¦ IF you hit them from above. But this pass was the perfect opportunity to exploit that weakness.

Davenport nodded. "œAye." He offered, returning to his console.

Kyan fired another round of torpedoes and a series of phaser volleys all aimed at their starboard side ventral shields. Satisfied that he'd done enough damage there, he waited as the ships drew closer to one another. The viewscreen shifted as Challenger veered over to starboard and the Romulan took the opposite course. Ten seconds.

Kyan hammered the warbird again and gripped the sides of his chair as Challenger's point of impact shields dispersed a volley from the Romulans. He keyed in a last second adjustment to the phasers before calling back to Davenport. "œNow!"

Challenger's tractor beam lanced out and grabbed the warbird's starboard nacelle. It held it for a millisecond before cutting out, but it was enough to rotate the romulan ship the few degrees needed for Kyan to get his shot at their nacelle pylons. When the pylons came into view, twin blue beams lanced out from Challenger's ventral phaser array, catching the warbird's starboard nacelle pylons.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded in approval at Kyan's tactics. It was something he'd had never thought of and he was impressed.

"I believe we will be namin' that trick the MacKenzie Maneuver Lad. That was a special kind of devious. Okay, you've earned a stay from your hull scrubbin' with that one."

The Romulan ship's starboard nacelles were smoking ruins after Kyan's trick and the Mogai's noted maneuverability was clearly reduced.

"Helm. Attack Pattern Gamma 3. Tactical, we're ta circle the target. Keep a continuous hail of fire on them as we do. Helm, when we complete the circle, break ta course 147 mark 24. Tactical, our circle will end with us on their starboard side. When we break, hit them with every aft firin' weapon we have!"

"Captain. I've detected transporter activity. Seconds before we fired."

Lieutenant Randall spoke from the science station.

"Do ye ken where they went?"

"Aye Sir back to the planet. I have their coordinates."

Ian's smile became feral as he tapped his combadge.

"Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, we've a target for ye, one far better than a pack of bloody Orions. Assemble a fully loaded combat squad. Take the Cutty Sark and the Mjolnir as top cover. Your target is a group of high value Romulans. Go in hot, if'n you take prisoners, that will be a bonus!"

Ian's eyes were hard as he murmured.

"Okay, ye Siursach witch. Let's see if'n ye keep that smug expression with a Caitian foot up yer arse."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Turbolift ---> Main Shuttlebay | Deck 1 ---> Deck 19 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2023, 11:43:20 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded in approval at Kyan's tactics. It was something he'd had never thought of and he was impressed.

"I believe we will be namin' that trick the MacKenzie Maneuver Lad. That was a special kind of devious. Okay, you've earned a stay from your hull scrubbin' with that one."

The Romulan ship's starboard nacelles were smoking ruins after Kyan's trick and the Mogai's noted maneuverability was clearly reduced.

"Helm. Attack Pattern Gamma 3. Tactical, we're ta circle the target. Keep a continuous hail of fire on them as we do. Helm, when we complete the circle, break ta course 147 mark 24. Tactical, our circle will end with us on their starboard side. When we break, hit them with every aft firin' weapon we have!"

"Captain. I've detected transporter activity. Seconds before we fired."

Lieutenant Randall spoke from the science station.

"Do ye ken where they went?"

"Aye Sir back to the planet. I have their coordinates."

Ian's smile became feral as he tapped his combadge.

"Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, we've a target for ye, one far better than a pack of bloody Orions. Assemble a fully loaded combat squad. Take the Cutty Sark and the Mjolnir as top cover. Your target is a group of high value Romulans. Go in hot, if'n you take prisoners, that will be a bonus!"

Ian's eyes were hard as he murmured.

"Okay, ye Siursach witch. Let's see if'n ye keep that smug expression with a Caitian foot up yer arse."

Lieutenant Mrekrerhas was about to reach the Bridge in the Turbolift, when a sudden comm from the Captain himself reached him. An expression of surprise came on his face, as he extended his arms, almost as if he wanted to stop the machinery by some kind of unseen force, "Computer, halt! Redirect the turbolift at once! Take me towards Deck 19, Main Shuttlebay!"

The Computer acknowledged his petition, and soon, the lift shifted from going up to heading down toward the Hangar. He let out a sigh, as he took a moment to ponder on the orders given, throw away his exasperation from how chaotic things were (he was quite stressed about the constant need to shift and adapt to this unforeseen situation), and then bask on the manhunt he had been offered by the Captain. He was something that he gladly accepted, as a big grin came into his snout, sharp canines flashing as he proceeded to call,

=/\= "Orders acknowledged, Captain Galloway. I shalt proceed to 'retrieve' these high-value targets with maximum efficiency." =/\=

He proceeded to change the setting from his phaser from 'kill' to 'stun'. He certainly wanted answers now more than to get revenge for sins done to him in the past. Even though he was also not that fond of Romulans. Oh well, he supposed that this could be quite fun~ Especially if the individuals involved were those he had previously met within the Angdarr planet. He truly wanted to know if there was any familiar relationship between them and Nireen.

=/\= "Security. I require a full-armored squad to join me within Deck 19. We shalt be taking Command of the 'Cutty Sark' and the 'Mjolnir' to descend upon Angdarr once again. We are to pursue a set of Romulans which Command has deemed as important. We are to attempt to retrieve them while they still draw breath. Understood?" =/\=

Several voices spoke up in agreement at his statement, which allowed him to breathe a little easier. The only problem now was to determine how long would the team take to assemble and retrieve the required equipment. He hoped they would not be too long...

[Crewman Zala | Armory ---> Main Shuttlebay | Deck 9 ---> Deck 19 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

"C-Crap..." Zala was a bit startled by the new set of orders. She sighed, as she offered Lahr a bit of a wave, "Uh... sorry, Lahr. I think duty calls for me elsewhere. I think at least we don't have... invaders around! Still, stay safe!"

And without much more explanation, she sprinted off to the nearest turbolift. She decided to head for the Armory and obtain a couple of rifles for the expedition, before heading over towards Deck 19. She was glad to see a couple of more veteran members of Security coming alongside her and helping her transport the weapons to the shuttles. Boy, oh boy. She was going to need some proper vacations after this. At the very least, a day in the Holodeck.

She kept those thoughts to herself, however, as everyone remained quite serious.

Finally, they reached their destination, ships being prepared, and everyone boarding the pair.

"Crewman Zala. It is quite relieving to see you."

Came the voice of the Lieutenant, who offered her a nod of acknowledgment as he beckoned her towards the 'Mjolnir', which was the ship he had decided to lead on. She offered a nod and approached almost immediately, walking aside to let another member of Security in,

"Ah... certainly sir! I had been tagging along Lahr and Lieutenant D'Lorra" Speaking of her, she thought she saw her boarding one of the crafts out of the corner of her eye, but decided to focus over on Zhuk once more, promptly offering her one of the rifles."D'Lorra found traces of Orion pheromones... just before a huge Warbird de-cloaked! We couldn't do much more though..."

Mrekrerhas nodded at her, taking the rifle and slinging it around his shoulder, "Hm. Yes, I perceived such a vessel myself. No matter. I believe we are soon to engage it. Or at least, the Challenger shalt. We have another mission. Sit. We shalt be descending soon."

She nodded, quickly running inside, soon followed by Zhuk as he took his post within the vessel. The last of the Security officers boarded it, and the two ships prepared to take off from the Hangar, once they were cleared.


[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Skies of Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

The 'Mjolnir' and the 'Cutty Sark' advanced at great speeds through the skies of the planet, towards the location obtained by Lieutenant Randall after affixing the coordinates. Both had to maneuver carefully through the vegetation to prevent them from being caught by branches or leaves, but thankfully, Zhuk had gotten a couple of good pilots on both ships. He would be sure to commend them later in his report.

=/\= "Very well. Descend carefully. Crew of the 'Cutty Sark', I want thee to venture ahead and wittle the defense of the Romulans with thy Phaser Arrays. Afterwards, take position ahead of us. Cut off the Romulans from advancing. We shalt engage them within a pincer maneuver." =/\=

After being hit with an 'acknowledged', Zhuk made sure to eye his rifle as he prepared to stand up, watching over as his team prepared to assemble by the shuttle's doors. They had to do this right this time...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Angdarr Prime - in the trees] (prior to beam up)

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2023, 03:16:27 PM

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | Just Outside the Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

A moment later, D'Lorra emerged into a clearing. What lay before her was a massive junkyard. She recognized Romulan ships from at least three centuries earlier strewn around, from Birds of Prey (the Romulan variety) to cruiser-sized Battle Hawks. A close observation could see why it was a virtual clearing; there were many felled oln'garr trees, and a lot of the Romulan ships looked to be under it. Crushed or smashed, the look of things.

"Behold. A site of a battle," said D'Lorra in awe. It was obvious to see how most of the trees, with help from the Andgarr, were doing the fighting.

She had been gazing in awe when the recall came. The concern for why the recall came brought her out of her awe state. What had happened?

Just then, she saw a Romulan ship decloak from among the junkyard...and it certainly looked more recent than three centuries, more like three decades...

"Chief, Mogai class down there...we better let the Captain know, something's..."

Suddenly, green bolts rang and D'Lorra flinched. A squad of Orions erupted and attacked. She hurried over to the group and was just in time for the beam-out, but had noticed the Mogai-class lifting off, shooting something in the junkyard and causing an explosion sending swarms of butterflies into the air, enough swarms to darken a skyline...

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 02, 2023, 06:01:44 PM

[Crewman Zala | Hideout | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Lahr's words were like a salve to her weary heart. Her mood further improved with them, and she nodded at him. "Oh, besides handsome, he was understanding!" She thought. Still, his thinly veiled warning about this being the norm did make her think. For now, at least, she believed she would be able to continue until the end of this mission, "T-Thank you. I... will try and keep up with the good work, then!"

An animated response and a sliver of a smile followed, though it soon faded as the Klingon joined them. Not so much because of having D'Lorra around, but rather, because she hoped she had not overheard their conversation. She truly did not want to appear weak, especially to the tough Lieutenant woman. Fortunately for her, she either had not noticed or was too enthralled on the mission to care. Either way, she remained close to Lahr, her rifle in her hands, as he analyzed the area.

That was until she overheard D'Lorra speak up about finding a trail of pheromones. She sniffed the air, but to her, the air was only acrid and musty. Klingon's smell must be much better, she supposed. At least, she remembered that her ears were surely much better equipped to pick up sounds. That cheered her up slightly.

At the proposal of Lahr telling D'Lorra to continue first, while they covered her, she nodded in agreement. She was sure the Lieutenant could handle anyone coming nearby, and they could indeed drop off any ranged attackers. Plus, it meant that she was not in the line of fire. At least, not directly.

She would have to be careful with the timing, though. Zala took a deep breath.

Suddenly, she thought that it would be a good idea to inform Lieutenant Mrekrerhas about their findings. Before she could, however, she was stopped by the awe of finding a necropolis of ancient ships, strewn about and rusting away. She could recognize them as Birds of Prey, for certain, and a certain tingle for business appeared on her mind. She wondered if anything could be yet salvaged from within to be sold.

She listened to D'Lorra's statement that this was some kind of battleground, though, after this, a Romulan ship decloaked. She shrieked in fear and prepared to once more inform her superiors after their discovery. But then, an unexpected call was made by the Captain, just as shots began flying into the air.

She fired back, though she feared the worst, as beams of energy began to fall on the junkyard, and a black mass began to rise from within. And then... her particles were taken elsewhere...

Having fallen behind in his sourness, Lahr didn't see the clearing or the junkyard of Romulan ships that D'Lorra and Zala - head of him - could see.   Nor because of the muffling foliage of the trees did he hear the weapons fire below.   He did note however that both the Klingon and the Ferengi seem a bit agitated they finally returned to the group for beam up.   The last thing he saw on the planet... was the sky darkening under a massive kaleidoscope of butterflies.  'Pretty', he thought.

Later, Lahr would have to explain how in his mission report he'd missed seeing an entire junkyard of ships.   The answer was simple.  He WAS kinda high up in the trees and the ground was WAY far below.  It honestly was not a height he had been eager to glance down at.   So the Andorian had kept his eyes at canopy level and not glanced down - at all!  Thus missing the entire clearing, the ships and the Orion-Romulan skirmish.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 02, 2023, 06:01:44 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Transporter Room III | Deck 4 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

His vocal cords were cut off, and he found himself with other Security officers on the Transporter Pad. He took a deep breath, visibly frustrated with the decision. He quickly stepped out of the pad, to allow the rest of the batch to be transported by the dutiful crew, doing his best to not allow his anger to seep through his collected attitude. He supposed that Ian had a good reason to recall them, but he still was quite mad at not being able to obtain his vengeance.

He decided to sprint towards the Bridge, trying to get a clearer reading as to what was happening, while the rest of the crew returned to the ship.

=/\= "Security Team, remain alert. Determine if there are any intruders within the USS Challenger! Sweep every Deck. Inform of anything unusual! And remain alert, in case we are to be sent back planetside!" =/\=

[Crewman Zala | Transporter Room I | Deck 4 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zala blinked a couple of times as she was transported into the pad, puzzled as to the mass transportation taking place. Everything seemed to be chaos, and there were no clear explanations as to what happened. She received the comm from Zhukdra'shar, however, and she nodded, glancing over at Lahr.

=/\= "Understood, sir. W-What is happening?" =/\=

She whispered her question, almost afraid to get an answer. For now, she decided to follow the Lieutenant's instructions, deciding to accompany Lahr if it was required, to check on Engineering. There was no response from Zhuk, or at least, not what she expected...

[USS Challenger - Transporter Room >>> Corridor]

No sooner had Lahr and his team gotten off the transporter pad than they were ushered off the pad to make way for the next wave of personnel beaming back aboard.

The Andorian heard Zhuk's orders to his men about checking the ship for intruders - and Lahr's antennae rose in surprise.   So when the Ferengi crewman offered to go with him to Engineering, Lahr was more than happy for the company.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 02, 2023, 03:35:21 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Through his despair, Ian did hear that the crew was accounted for and that pleased him somewhat, not much, but some. However, the next thing that he heard clearly was the gloating from the Romulan woman. He couldn't do anything about what was happening on Earth, but he could do something about the Romulan woman. Despair was instantly replaced with a cold and calculating wrath. He stood and spoke in an icy tone.

"Shields up! Red Alert! Battlestations! Helm, Attack Pattern Gamma One. Tactical, bring quantums to ready. Bring phasers to ready. Ops, full power from the second warp core to shields. Engage point of impact shields."

To the Romulans, he said in his native Gaelic.

"Deoghail am fallus bhÁ rr duine mharbh siadha tiadhan! Make peace with whoever you believe in because you're ta meet them this day."

His eyes never left the viewscreen as he added.

"Ops. Scotland the Brave on all channels! NOW!"

The pair hadn't gotten far on their route to Engineering when all around them the Red Alert klaxxon sounded.  Roozh!

Lahr looked to the Zala.  "Sorry, I gotta go report in to the Observation Lounge."  It was the meet up point for Damage Control Team One.  He gave a parting wave and then headed off to meet up with Ensign Jones and the others.

A moment later and Lahr knew they were headed into a skirmish themselves when the wailing sounds of Scotland the Brave began to be played throughout the ship.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 03, 2023, 07:40:25 PM

[Crewman Zala | Armory ---> Main Shuttlebay | Deck 9 ---> Deck 19 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

"C-Crap..." Zala was a bit startled by the new set of orders. She sighed, as she offered Lahr a bit of a wave, "Uh... sorry, Lahr. I think duty calls for me elsewhere. I think at least we don't have... invaders around! Still, stay safe!"

[USS Challenger-A - Deck 2 - Observation Lounge

With his team (Jones team) prepped and ready to deal with whatever repairs might be called of, Lahr sat waiting - watching the battle from the best seat in the room.   Whoever was on tactical was a genius when it came to battle tactics.  He wanted to put down latinum on it being Commander Mackenzie but wasn't sure if the kid would be out of Sickbay yet.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on November 03, 2023, 09:11:10 AM


Abas had primarily been minding his own business when the pit of his stomach felt like it had been metaphorically dropped out from under him. An overwhelming wave of concern hit him as his antennae shot straight up into the air, and only moments later the Captain's emergency order came through to stand fast. Something had gone wrong in a hurry.

The rumor mill on a starship was the second most powerful engine on a starship - second only to the maelstrom that was the warp drive. In moments, various conflicting reports were shooting through the enlisted crew like wildfire - from a massive Borg attack on the Klingon Empire to the Q declaring war on Starfleet. None of them seemed very plausible, until a more confirmed report came through. Something had happened at Frontier Day - where the bulk of the fleet had been massing to celebrate the Federation. It wasn't clear who was shooting, but what was clear was that there were at least a few wolves in sheep's clothing.

Moments later, the recall alarm klaxon was replaced with the high-pitched wail of the red alert klaxon. The ship was in danger - and it was their duty to respond. With practiced precision, Sickbay became a flood of activity. The team prepared to receive casualties, as the tactical teams above prepared to do everything they could to inflict casualties on the enemy.

It wasn't long before he felt the vast wave of emotion flowing from one of the new arrivals. A Betazoid, if he was correct. The man was letting his emotions flow freely, and Doctor Fellows had put the man in isolation. He strode over to the man, looking down at him with concern as he could feel the waves like rip-currents flowing off the man. "Ensign," he said, trying to snap the man back to control. "Contain yourself. What seems to be the matter?"

[USS-Challenger |Medical Facility]

Aarwendil was still fuming about the Changeling attack on Frontier Day when another member of the crew approached him, basically ordering the Betazoid to control himself. "What do you mean?" he asked, completely confused. This exchange was enough to distract him from the events that were transpiring on Earth, this way the rage that was flowing from him stopped.

"This wasn't his fault." a monotonous voice answered Abas' question. "You had been spreading your emotions." Nekab said, returning with Doctor Fellows from their tour around the medical facility. "Apparently the yanmarr's pheromones had the side effect of disturbing your empathic abilities."

The Ensign stared at the Romulan in shock. "I thought that the vaccine would have stopped the effects!"

Nekab nodded. "Indeed, it stopped most of them. However, I theorize that what you are suffering is only a temporary minor symptom, but more tests are necessary." the Romulan approached the Ensign to start the exams. Aarwendil sat, while using his hand to cover his face.

First the shame from early, now losing control of his emotions.

This was indeed a terrible day.

Betazoid, Male

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 03, 2023, 07:40:25 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Skies of Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

The 'Mjolnir' and the 'Cutty Sark' advanced at great speeds through the skies of the planet, towards the location obtained by Lieutenant Randall after affixing the coordinates. Both had to maneuver carefully through the vegetation to prevent them from being caught by branches or leaves, but thankfully, Zhuk had gotten a couple of good pilots on both ships. He would be sure to commend them later in his report.

=/\= "Very well. Descend carefully. Crew of the 'Cutty Sark', I want thee to venture ahead and wittle the defense of the Romulans with thy Phaser Arrays. Afterwards, take position ahead of us. Cut off the Romulans from advancing. We shalt engage them within a pincer maneuver." =/\=

After being hit with an 'acknowledged', Zhuk made sure to eye his rifle as he prepared to stand up, watching over as his team prepared to assemble by the shuttle's doors. They had to do this right this time...

[Junkyard Clearing - Angdarr Prime]

Even before the Cutty Sark could flare for landing, the Praetorian Guards opened fire. Unfortunately for them, despite their superb training, they were not carrying heavy weapons, thus their fire, as accurate though it might be, it was ineffectual. Except for giving their positions away and allowing the Mjolnir to blanket them with a heavy barrage of phaser fire that quickly silenced the Guards.

Now that the LZ was clear, the Cutty Sark landed and the fully armored squad of ten exited the shuttle in pairs advancing by bounding overwatch. The security officers drove hard at the remaining Guards that had set up a crude skirmish line to act as a rear guard for the Praetors, the Ethnarchs, along with Ratheen and the fugitive Nirreen who were trying to reach a shuttle.

The Guards knew their jobs well and might have held up the squad, if not for Zhuk's arrival on their flank. Although the Mjolnir only carried four security officers, they put the Guards in a deadly cross fire that they could not escape. However, the Guards were brave and skilled and fought to their last member, killing two of the Challenger's people before they fell.

As the squad fought the last of the Guards, Zhuk spotted the high value targets fleeing in a most undignified manner, several of them probably running for the first time in decades. D'Lorra sighted in, fired and one of the most elaborately dressed of the Romulans cried out and crumpled in a boneless heap.


D'Lorra shouted in triumph and surged forward in the lust of the hunt, phaser in one hand, mek'leth in the other.

"The prey runs before us! After them!"

Zala and Chief Blackfeather looked at Zhuk, eyebrows raised, silently asking for orders.

Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 04, 2023, 07:41:40 AM

[USS-Challenger |Medical Facility]

Aarwendil was still fuming about the Changeling attack on Frontier Day when another member of the crew approached him, basically ordering the Betazoid to control himself. "What do you mean?" he asked, completely confused. This exchange was enough to distract him from the events that were transpiring on Earth, this way the rage that was flowing from him stopped.

"This wasn't his fault." a monotonous voice answered Abas' question. "You had been spreading your emotions.[/color]" Nekab said, returning with Doctor Fellows from their tour around the medical facility. "Apparently the yanmarr's pheromones had the side effect of disturbing your empathic abilities."

The Ensign stared at the Romulan in shock. "I thought that the vaccine would have stopped the effects!"

Nekab nodded. "Indeed, it stopped most of them. However, I theorize that what you are suffering is only a temporary minor symptom, but more tests are necessary." the Romulan approached the Ensign to start the exams. Aarwendil sat, while using his hand to cover his face.

First the shame from early, now losing control of his emotions.

This was indeed a terrible day.


It seemed that the distraction and interruption of the man - even if it was simply just to keep him from fuming in isolation - had been enough to at least deaden the effects of the outraged Betazoid on the rest of the crew. While Abas held no formal rank or position on the crew to issue orders in day-to-day life, but in the medical realm? That was a different story. He had the positional authority in sickbay on a wide variety of topics - so long as he was right.

Moments later, the cause of the outburst was made clear. The man had suffered from the same infection as some of the Vulcans on the surface. On the positive side, however, it sounded like progress had been made on containing or curing the disease. This is what caused the breakdown in emotional control. It was interesting that this had caused the emotions to be projected so strongly - worthy of further research later. For now, however, the Ensign needed someone to listen more than a continued lecture.

"What is your name, Ensign?" he asked, pulling out a stool and sitting next to the man while the Romulan doctor continued their work. "This is not your fault. Do not blame yourself. I understand you are upset. I also am angry about our fellow fleetmates. But we must focus on our duties. Tell me what you are feeling," he opined to the man. Hopefully, Abas could serve as a sounding board for the man, to help at least re-focus himself. At the very least, he could try and listen and prevent further explosions of emotion.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2023, 11:43:20 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded in approval at Kyan's tactics. It was something he'd had never thought of and he was impressed.

"I believe we will be namin' that trick the MacKenzie Maneuver Lad. That was a special kind of devious. Okay, you've earned a stay from your hull scrubbin' with that one."

The Romulan ship's starboard nacelles were smoking ruins after Kyan's trick and the Mogai's noted maneuverability was clearly reduced.

"Helm. Attack Pattern Gamma 3. Tactical, we're ta circle the target. Keep a continuous hail of fire on them as we do. Helm, when we complete the circle, break ta course 147 mark 24. Tactical, our circle will end with us on their starboard side. When we break, hit them with every aft firin' weapon we have!"

"Captain. I've detected transporter activity. Seconds before we fired."

Lieutenant Randall spoke from the science station.

"Do ye ken where they went?"

"Aye Sir back to the planet. I have their coordinates."

Ian's smile became feral as he tapped his combadge.

"Lieutenant Mrekrerhas, we've a target for ye, one far better than a pack of bloody Orions. Assemble a fully loaded combat squad. Take the Cutty Sark and the Mjolnir as top cover. Your target is a group of high value Romulans. Go in hot, if'n you take prisoners, that will be a bonus!"

Ian's eyes were hard as he murmured.

"Okay, ye Siursach witch. Let's see if'n ye keep that smug expression with a Caitian foot up yer arse."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 03, 2023, 07:40:25 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Turbolift ---> Main Shuttlebay | Deck 1 ---> Deck 19 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Lieutenant Mrekrerhas was about to reach the Bridge in the Turbolift, when a sudden comm from the Captain himself reached him. An expression of surprise came on his face, as he extended his arms, almost as if he wanted to stop the machinery by some kind of unseen force, "Computer, halt! Redirect the turbolift at once! Take me towards Deck 19, Main Shuttlebay!"

The Computer acknowledged his petition, and soon, the lift shifted from going up to heading down toward the Hangar. He let out a sigh, as he took a moment to ponder on the orders given, throw away his exasperation from how chaotic things were (he was quite stressed about the constant need to shift and adapt to this unforeseen situation), and then bask on the manhunt he had been offered by the Captain. He was something that he gladly accepted, as a big grin came into his snout, sharp canines flashing as he proceeded to call,

=/\= "Orders acknowledged, Captain Galloway. I shalt proceed to 'retrieve' these high-value targets with maximum efficiency." =/\=

He proceeded to change the setting from his phaser from 'kill' to 'stun'. He certainly wanted answers now more than to get revenge for sins done to him in the past. Even though he was also not that fond of Romulans. Oh well, he supposed that this could be quite fun~ Especially if the individuals involved were those he had previously met within the Angdarr planet. He truly wanted to know if there was any familiar relationship between them and Nireen.

=/\= "Security. I require a full-armored squad to join me within Deck 19. We shalt be taking Command of the 'Cutty Sark' and the 'Mjolnir' to descend upon Angdarr once again. We are to pursue a set of Romulans which Command has deemed as important. We are to attempt to retrieve them while they still draw breath. Understood?" =/\=

Several voices spoke up in agreement at his statement, which allowed him to breathe a little easier. The only problem now was to determine how long would the team take to assemble and retrieve the required equipment. He hoped they would not be too long...

[Crewman Zala | Armory ---> Main Shuttlebay | Deck 9 ---> Deck 19 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

"C-Crap..." Zala was a bit startled by the new set of orders. She sighed, as she offered Lahr a bit of a wave, "Uh... sorry, Lahr. I think duty calls for me elsewhere. I think at least we don't have... invaders around! Still, stay safe!"

And without much more explanation, she sprinted off to the nearest turbolift. She decided to head for the Armory and obtain a couple of rifles for the expedition, before heading over towards Deck 19. She was glad to see a couple of more veteran members of Security coming alongside her and helping her transport the weapons to the shuttles. Boy, oh boy. She was going to need some proper vacations after this. At the very least, a day in the Holodeck.

She kept those thoughts to herself, however, as everyone remained quite serious.

Finally, they reached their destination, ships being prepared, and everyone boarding the pair.

"Crewman Zala. It is quite relieving to see you."

Came the voice of the Lieutenant, who offered her a nod of acknowledgment as he beckoned her towards the 'Mjolnir', which was the ship he had decided to lead on. She offered a nod and approached almost immediately, walking aside to let another member of Security in,

"Ah... certainly sir! I had been tagging along Lahr and Lieutenant D'Lorra" Speaking of her, she thought she saw her boarding one of the crafts out of the corner of her eye, but decided to focus over on Zhuk once more, promptly offering her one of the rifles."D'Lorra found traces of Orion pheromones... just before a huge Warbird de-cloaked! We couldn't do much more though..."

Mrekrerhas nodded at her, taking the rifle and slinging it around his shoulder, "Hm. Yes, I perceived such a vessel myself. No matter. I believe we are soon to engage it. Or at least, the Challenger shalt. We have another mission. Sit. We shalt be descending soon."

She nodded, quickly running inside, soon followed by Zhuk as he took his post within the vessel. The last of the Security officers boarded it, and the two ships prepared to take off from the Hangar, once they were cleared.


[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Skies of Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

The 'Mjolnir' and the 'Cutty Sark' advanced at great speeds through the skies of the planet, towards the location obtained by Lieutenant Randall after affixing the coordinates. Both had to maneuver carefully through the vegetation to prevent them from being caught by branches or leaves, but thankfully, Zhuk had gotten a couple of good pilots on both ships. He would be sure to commend them later in his report.

=/\= "Very well. Descend carefully. Crew of the 'Cutty Sark', I want thee to venture ahead and wittle the defense of the Romulans with thy Phaser Arrays. Afterwards, take position ahead of us. Cut off the Romulans from advancing. We shalt engage them within a pincer maneuver." =/\=

After being hit with an 'acknowledged', Zhuk made sure to eye his rifle as he prepared to stand up, watching over as his team prepared to assemble by the shuttle's doors. They had to do this right this time...

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 03, 2023, 08:40:04 AM

Kyan was busy plotting an attack angle when Galloway's words made him look up briefly. He was about to respond to the jib about his music taste when he saw the warbird getting closer on the viewscreen. Still a few hundred thousand meters away, they had about twenty seconds befor the ships would pass one another.They were going to pass "œover" Challenger, exposing their ventral side. When the Captain ordered a hard over, the little tactical officer saw the pass in his head. The warbird would bank to Challenger's port side, trying to get a shot at their dorsal weapons or the bridge itself. It was a typical opening tactic that Romulans used in close quarters. If they scored a hit, they might pull a hard starboard turn and try to fire off an attack to Challenger's aft section while the starship recovered. Mogais were nimble enough to do that. If they missed, they'd course correct harder to port and try to create distance so they could cloak.

And that would make things infinitely harder. He remembered something he'd heard once from another Captain. "œYou need to fight Romulans fast. Don't let them drag it out." An idea took shape. Kyan knew it was a risk but at the same time, if it worked, the warbird would be crippled in one pass. At the very least they'd be thrown off their course and have to compensate, which would cost them several seconds, and prevent any chance that they'd get behind Challenger to have clean shots at the warp nacelles. Eighteen seconds now.

"œMister Davenport, come over here." He called out.

The Human was there in an instant.

"Ok." Kyan began, looking up briefly. "œWhen I tell ye, lock a tractor beam on their starboard nacelle and give it tug. Ye gotta be quick with it so ye do an release it as soon as ye pull'em."

"œBut that won't"¦." then he saw what Kyan was thinking and stopped mid-sentence. "œAye sir." He grinned.

"œI'm gonna try tae take some of the piss out of their shields first so the beam can get a grip." Kyan said, tapping away at his console. "œRemember, quick yank and let go. We just wanna get-em into a better position for a shot at their starboard pylons." That was a vulnerability of the Mogai design. Their nacelle pylons were thin and weak, the problem was that they were well protected by the wing"¦ IF you hit them from above. But this pass was the perfect opportunity to exploit that weakness.

Davenport nodded. "œAye." He offered, returning to his console.

Kyan fired another round of torpedoes and a series of phaser volleys all aimed at their starboard side ventral shields. Satisfied that he'd done enough damage there, he waited as the ships drew closer to one another. The viewscreen shifted as Challenger veered over to starboard and the Romulan took the opposite course. Ten seconds.

Kyan hammered the warbird again and gripped the sides of his chair as Challenger's point of impact shields dispersed a volley from the Romulans. He keyed in a last second adjustment to the phasers before calling back to Davenport. "œNow!"

Challenger's tractor beam lanced out and grabbed the warbird's starboard nacelle. It held it for a millisecond before cutting out, but it was enough to rotate the romulan ship the few degrees needed for Kyan to get his shot at their nacelle pylons. When the pylons came into view, twin blue beams lanced out from Challenger's ventral phaser array, catching the warbird's starboard nacelle pylons.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira perked up; the Praetors had beamed down to the planet? Well, they wouldn't have had good reason to get back to Andgarr unless they had something else there. Meantime, Kyan's trick was ripping apart the nacelles and the ship was growing crippled and being torn apart...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 04, 2023, 11:33:37 AM

[Junkyard Clearing - Angdarr Prime]

Even before the Cutty Sark could flare for landing, the Praetorian Guards opened fire. Unfortunately for them, despite their superb training, they were not carrying heavy weapons, thus their fire, as accurate though it might be, it was ineffectual. Except for giving their positions away and allowing the Mjolnir to blanket them with a heavy barrage of phaser fire that quickly silenced the Guards.

Now that the LZ was clear, the Cutty Sark landed and the fully armored squad of ten exited the shuttle in pairs advancing by bounding overwatch. The security officers drove hard at the remaining Guards that had set up a crude skirmish line to act as a rear guard for the Praetors, the Ethnarchs, along with Ratheen and the fugitive Nirreen who were trying to reach a shuttle.

The Guards knew their jobs well and might have held up the squad, if not for Zhuk's arrival on their flank. Although the Mjolnir only carried four security officers, they put the Guards in a deadly cross fire that they could not escape. However, the Guards were brave and skilled and fought to their last member, killing two of the Challenger's people before they fell.

As the squad fought the last of the Guards, Zhuk spotted the high value targets fleeing in a most undignified manner, several of them probably running for the first time in decades. D'Lorra sighted in, fired and one of the most elaborately dressed of the Romulans cried out and crumpled in a boneless heap.


D'Lorra shouted in triumph and surged forward in the lust of the hunt, phaser in one hand, mek'leth in the other.

"The prey runs before us! After them!"

Zala and Chief Blackfeather looked at Zhuk, eyebrows raised, silently asking for orders.

[Lieutenant D'Lorra | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Skies of Andgarr Prime >- Hidden Base | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr System]
Eager to rejoin a fight amidst the return to Andgarr, D'Lorra wasted no time in going along. She embarked on the Mjolnir with Zhuk, excited at the prospect.

She liked the name, Mjolnir, the legendary name for a weapon. Klingons valued blades as they were; the most famous being the legendary blade of Kahless itself. Besides, the land of the name's origin was a popular destination for Klingon visitors; the rockiness of Iceland and Scandinavia always did remind them of Kronos. The difference was, Kronos is not as green.

As they approached the coordinates and drew in, they headed into what seemed to be a huge crater in the canopy...and then, when they drew closer, D'Lorra recognized the destination.

"It's the junkyard!" she said. "The Warbird Necropolis! But we were just there! Why would they head back here if they destroyed their most vital base...? Unless..."

She had an inkling, given if the leaders left the ship to get back to the planet, and she kept her eyes out. Where was that warbird that eliminated that...what was it where those butterflies were being kept? But their destination was clear.

The more they closed in, the more it suddenly became abundantly clear: A ground-based starbase had been assembled out of the junk, cleverly disguised to look like it was part of the debris field, like if a starbase or outpost had crashed onto the planet along with the rest of the warbirds. An apparent horizontal docking pylon jutted out, including a pair of docking pads, and the far end of the pylon was abuzz with activity, of Romulans, Remans and...D'Lorra wasn't sure, her anticipation of battle building, but were those Kzinti? Their landing, however, caught them by surprise, and no time, D'Lorra was out like an unleashed targ.

The Praetorian Guards engaged first, and in no time, they were all finished and the high value targets were away. D'Lorra was giving chase, not caring whether or not the other Starfleeters were following behind, confident after downing what looked like a so-called Ethnarch. She soon caught up with the targets and sliced an ear off some Reman guiding the targets in, with her mek'leth....a Reman with hair, he clutched his side with green streaming...

She saw this when a killing blow was stopped by a spear, and an tanned-toned Romulan glared at her.

"Praetors! Go! The Ethnarchs will hold off this animal!" Hakul shouted.

D'Lorra snarled. Despite their apparent warrior spirit, the insult hit like a wall. And as the Ethnarchs gathered, ready to attack, Hakul behind them to coordinate them, no doubt slowly retreating, D'Lorra looked behind and balked. What was seen at the end of the pylon was decloaking. A Mogai Warbird. The same Warbird that bombed the facility earlier.

Back with the rest of the team, a robotic drone appeared and shone a hologram of Nirreen before Zhuk, Zala and Blackfeather.

"Welcome, assassins," Nirreen called. "Glad you can join us. Feel free to strike at us. We're more than ready for you, you'll have to get through all of us if you want the Praetors and the Ethnarchs. You have certainly made it clear your aggression; your ship, you the last of Federation, have committed an act of war against the Triumvirate...nay, we who are the architects of the rebirth of the Romulan Star Empire, solidified with the destruction of the Cradol flagship, and we, along our allies, are more than ready to respond in kind."

"You're bluffing, witch!" snarled Blackfeather.

"Am I?" asked Nirreen with a widening grin. "Then listen carefully, assassins: To our forces, on behalf of the Praetors...launch the fleet. Send half a dozen of our ships their way to the Challenger, let them know we mean business."

Suddenly, there was a rumble, and a tremor rumbled around the junkyard. And then, suddenly, rising from the rubble, almost like zombies with new skins, from the mounds of wreckage that at least weren't crushed by the oln'garr trees, a whole fleet of Romulan ships emerged.

Nirreen stood before them, grinning insanely, gesturing around her...before the hologram simmered into oblivion after the drone was shot.

Meanwhile, Hakul looked back as he ensured the Praetors were safe, seeing the Ethnarchs ready to sacrifice themselves...it was all going according to plan...the warbird launched as the Ethnarchs and their remaining soldiers attacked, decloaking as it went. He knew now that the Cradol was in need of a new Dynast-Praetor...

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Sirs, from the coordinates of the beam-downs!" Lieutenant Randall called in shock. "Romulan ships are emerging!...and not just from around the coordinates, two more fleets of Romulan ships are emerging from the waters!"

Nira whirled and gasped. Sure enough, a whole fleet was emerging from the planet. They had appeared just as the warbird's destruction was completing, and as the explosion cleared, the fleet became more evident. A change of viewscreen then showed even bigger Romulan ships rising from the seas. The first fleet was clearly a swarm of smaller ships, Birds of Prey and the like.

"Intolerable!" came a shout. Nira looked around and realized Anju was among them. Jettis was gone...she was going to find out later.

"I know it's easy to hide secrets at the forest floor, but this is crossing a line!" snarled the Subanax. "How dare they!"

Nira could tell...if his planet was accused of sheltering the enemy, his race ran the risk of looking to be consorting with the enemy.

"The fleet's heading away from Andgarr," Randall said, "but half a dozen ships are heading our way. Three Birds of Prey and three warbirds."

"Most of those ships aren't even past the Great Canopy yet," said Anju grimly. "Captain, Commander,  I'm providing some codes for you to transmit," he said, getting a PADD and putting in some information. "They'll be for the general area, all they need to do is to be transmitted down there via hailing frequency, and I bestow it upon you as Subanax, second to my brother. Meantime, it'll be up to me to contact my homeworld to notify them of an alert."

"What are the codes for?" asked Nira.

"You'll see," said Anju, winking. "They probably won't get all of them, but just enough to remind the Romulans that the Andgarr are not one to be screwed with, not with an illegal fleet under our noses."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 04, 2023, 01:04:08 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira perked up; the Praetors had beamed down to the planet? Well, they wouldn't have had good reason to get back to Andgarr unless they had something else there. Meantime, Kyan's trick was ripping apart the nacelles and the ship was growing crippled and being torn apart...[Lieutenant D'Lorra | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Skies of Andgarr Prime >- Hidden Base | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr System]
Eager to rejoin a fight amidst the return to Andgarr, D'Lorra wasted no time in going along. She embarked on the Mjolnir with Zhuk, excited at the prospect.

She liked the name, Mjolnir, the legendary name for a weapon. Klingons valued blades as they were; the most famous being the legendary blade of Kahless itself. Besides, the land of the name's origin was a popular destination for Klingon visitors; the rockiness of Iceland and Scandinavia always did remind them of Kronos. The difference was, Kronos is not as green.

As they approached the coordinates and drew in, they headed into what seemed to be a huge crater in the canopy...and then, when they drew closer, D'Lorra recognized the destination.

"It's the junkyard!" she said. "The Warbird Necropolis! But we were just there! Why would they head back here if they destroyed their most vital base...? Unless..."

She had an inkling, given if the leaders left the ship to get back to the planet, and she kept her eyes out. Where was that warbird that eliminated that...what was it where those butterflies were being kept? But their destination was clear.

The more they closed in, the more it suddenly became abundantly clear: A ground-based starbase had been assembled out of the junk, cleverly disguised to look like it was part of the debris field, like if a starbase or outpost had crashed onto the planet along with the rest of the warbirds. An apparent horizontal docking pylon jutted out, including a pair of docking pads, and the far end of the pylon was abuzz with activity, of Romulans, Remans and...D'Lorra wasn't sure, her anticipation of battle building, but were those Kzinti? Their landing, however, caught them by surprise, and no time, D'Lorra was out like an unleashed targ.

The Praetorian Guards engaged first, and in no time, they were all finished and the high value targets were away. D'Lorra was giving chase, not caring whether or not the other Starfleeters were following behind, confident after downing what looked like a so-called Ethnarch. She soon caught up with the targets and sliced an ear off some Reman guiding the targets in, with her mek'leth....a Reman with hair, he clutched his side with green streaming...

She saw this when a killing blow was stopped by a spear, and an tanned-toned Romulan glared at her.

"Praetors! Go! The Ethnarchs will hold off this animal!" Hakul shouted.

D'Lorra snarled. Despite their apparent warrior spirit, the insult hit like a wall. And as the Ethnarchs gathered, ready to attack, Hakul behind them to coordinate them, no doubt slowly retreating, D'Lorra looked behind and balked. What was seen at the end of the pylon was decloaking. A Mogai Warbird. The same Warbird that bombed the facility earlier.

Back with the rest of the team, a robotic drone appeared and shone a hologram of Nirreen before Zhuk, Zala and Blackfeather.

"Welcome, assassins," Nirreen called. "Glad you can join us. Feel free to strike at us. We're more than ready for you, you'll have to get through all of us if you want the Praetors and the Ethnarchs. You have certainly made it clear your aggression; your ship, you the last of Federation, have committed an act of war against the Triumvirate...nay, we who are the architects of the rebirth of the Romulan Star Empire, solidified with the destruction of the Cradol flagship, and we, along our allies, are more than ready to respond in kind."

"You're bluffing, witch!" snarled Blackfeather.

"Am I?" asked Nirreen with a widening grin. "Then listen carefully, assassins: To our forces, on behalf of the Praetors...launch the fleet. Send half a dozen of our ships their way to the Challenger, let them know we mean business."

Suddenly, there was a rumble, and a tremor rumbled around the junkyard. And then, suddenly, rising from the rubble, almost like zombies with new skins, from the mounds of wreckage that at least weren't crushed by the oln'garr trees, a whole fleet of Romulan ships emerged.

Nirreen stood before them, grinning insanely, gesturing around her...before the hologram simmered into oblivion after the drone was shot.

Meanwhile, Hakul looked back as he ensured the Praetors were safe, seeing the Ethnarchs ready to sacrifice themselves...it was all going according to plan...the warbird launched as the Ethnarchs and their remaining soldiers attacked, decloaking as it went. He knew now that the Cradol was in need of a new Dynast-Praetor...

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Sirs, from the coordinates of the beam-downs!" Lieutenant Randall called in shock. "Romulan ships are emerging!...and not just from around the coordinates, two more fleets of Romulan ships are emerging from the waters!"

Nira whirled and gasped. Sure enough, a whole fleet was emerging from the planet. They had appeared just as the warbird's destruction was completing, and as the explosion cleared, the fleet became more evident. A change of viewscreen then showed even bigger Romulan ships rising from the seas. The first fleet was clearly a swarm of smaller ships, Birds of Prey and the like.

"Intolerable!" came a shout. Nira looked around and realized Anju was among them. Jettis was gone...she was going to find out later.

"I know it's easy to hide secrets at the forest floor, but this is crossing a line!" snarled the Subanax. "How dare they!"

Nira could tell...if his planet was accused of sheltering the enemy, his race ran the risk of looking to be consorting with the enemy.

"The fleet's heading away from Andgarr," Randall said, "but half a dozen ships are heading our way. Three Birds of Prey and three warbirds."

"Most of those ships aren't even past the Great Canopy yet," said Anju grimly. "Captain, Commander,  I'm providing some codes for you to transmit," he said, getting a PADD and putting in some information. "They'll be for the general area, all they need to do is to be transmitted down there via hailing frequency, and I bestow it upon you as Subanax, second to my brother. Meantime, it'll be up to me to contact my homeworld to notify them of an alert."

"What are the codes for?" asked Nira.

"You'll see," said Anju, winking. "They probably won't get all of them, but just enough to remind the Romulans that the Andgarr are not one to be screwed with, not with an illegal fleet under our noses."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the Challenger broke to starboard, Kyan's salvo from the aft weapons blanketed the crippled Mogai warbird, leaving it venting atmosphere and burning. Ian could see the escape pods launching and then the viewscreen dimmed as the ship exploded. It was then that he saw the Romulan ships rising from the planet and figured silently.

"Well, this is it. Regardless of whatever is happenin' on Earth, no one will forget the name Challenger after this day."

"Helm, I will nae be leavin' Lieutenant Mrekrerhas and his people behind. Take us straight down the throat of that cluster of Romulan ships. Kyan, you clearly ken what ta do, we're ta make them hurt. Ops all available excess power ta shields. Contact the Lieutenant, let him ken we are on the way."

It was at that point that Anju provided codes that he said would help. Given they needed all the help they could get to survive the next few minutes, Ian nodded and added.

"Fernando, broadcast these codes on all channels!"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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