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S:5 E:15 - The Canopy Planet

Started by Nira Said, September 25, 2023, 10:33:17 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Observation Lounge, Deck 2 | USS Challenger]

It had been a day

Kyan didn't even know what time it was. He figured it was late. It had to be. They'd gone down to the giant tree planet, whose name he had already forgotten, pretty early. Then the whole thing with Seles and her goons had taken up most of the day. Sickbay was an hour or so"¦ maybe more? And then the battle.

That was fun! Shooting bad guys with the skiiirl of some pipes in the background? EPIC! The Romulans sucked to be sure. He figured they weren't actual soldiers. Probably those religious guys in the loincloths. Kyan smiled thinking of those guys working the consoles on the warbirds. That would have been hilarious to see. And the looks on their faces when Challenger yanked their ships around. He'd have bet real money that they'd never seen that done before.

"œBet yer wanker tree gods never taught you that one boyos." He muttered, yawning.

The room was dimly lit when he went in and he didn't bother turning them on. After all, he was only taking the shortcut to the head on the other side, for which he made a bee line as soon as the doors whisked shut behind him. Moments later when he emerged from the bathroom the light from that room illuminated the windows enough for the deep blue smudge on one window to catch his eye. The doors shut behind him immediately, but the smudge led his eyes down to where the Andorian Chief lay snoozing on the floor.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 06, 2023, 04:39:16 PM

He was found on floor some 20 minutes later when complaints about no repair personnel having been sent to the bridge were received by the Chief.

"œLucky." He thought, stifling another yawn. Exhaustion and the fact that the adrenaline rush from the battle had worn off made for a momentary lag in his thinking. He was almost halfway across the room before the smudge and the sprawled out Chief connected.

=/\= Mackenzie tae sickbay. =/\= he called, tapping his new com badge. =/\= Send someone up to the Observation Lounge. Chief ch'Verret's knocked out on the floor. Looks like he took one in the head. =/\=

Kyan knelt beside the Chief and shook him gently. "œHey!" he spoke up. "œWake up." When the Andorian non-com didn't rouse, Kyan sat beside him on the deck. "œWell, I'll just wait for the blueshirts then." He said to no one.

Knowing it would be a few minutes before they could arrive, the Onlie leaned back against the  bulkhead and drew his knees up. That made his ribs ach. It also reminded him that he was still missing the boot he'd thrown at the viewscreen when the Romulans exploded. "œHafta get that"¦.." he noted. Leaning on the bulkhead wasn't comfortable either and in the moment he really didn't want to get back up. And since he had a few minutes to wait, he decided to lay down on the deck. It wasn't a bed but he'd had worse. He turned his head to look over at the Chief.

"œThey'll be here soon. Dinnae worry on it." He offered. "œSure and I'll just stay here with yous till they get here."

He turned his head back toward the ceiling. The next time he blinked he was out.   

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 07, 2023, 12:20:17 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger 40117-A | In Orbit around Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhuk slowly felt his muscles aching once more as he settled back down to a more neutral stance. While still riding on the success of his lead, and the subsequent fight he had been involved in, he certainly would appreciate some time to rest. At least, he thought, things had gone much better for him than the strike within Melek Nor. After that one, he had lost almost a liter of blood and was barely awake. At least, he did remember a certain Deltan nurse who had made his temporary leave much, much more pleasant. A shame about the oath, but at least they had remained good friends. He still found it dumb, though. Sometimes, he considered that Starfleet was too sanctimonious in that sense.

There were no Deltans in the USS Challenger, at least, not someone in Medical. He did wonder about giving Chloe a visit, though. She was fun, pretty, and had some good bedside manners. Also, was the only person in Sickbay thus far, that he deeply trusted with any medical eventualities concerning his person. Feigning needing to be treated, just to take her attention for a while was a pleasant thought wandering on his mind, but ultimately decided against it.

He remembered the lives lost, and the many likely injured. He could not risk their lives just to have a pleasant time. Promptly, Zhuk chastised himself.

Maybe later, though.

He did wonder if the lives lost today had been worth it. How many died under his mentor, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel? Had she lost as many as he had thus far under his command? He had never asked. T'Kel to him always seemed so sure, so competent. Like a human Battleship clad in ice and steel. Thus, he had never considered that she too could have lost people, until now. But had she, really? The logs might tell him, and that would satisfy his need to determine if he was indeed doing a good job. But finding something that he shouldn't, tainting his view of T'Kel also worried him.

No, he preferred to have her as he had known her. Indestructible. Indefatigable. A shrewd tactician, who did not need to endure the knot in the stomach of having to report a death to the Captain at any moment after he joined as an Ensign. At least, not when it came to Security.

He did not feel as if he had properly filled in her paws - er... shoes, yet, either. And he wondered if he ever would. He still made mistakes, like the one that got Kyan captured. His superior.

Never again. He usually said. But thus far, he had not achieved that goal. It had just been like the jungle ambush, where Chloe had almost been killed. He shuddered to think about that. He would have never forgiven himself, but fortunately, she still was there. So was Lahr, and Nira.

Little Zala had also made it out today, though she had been hit by a stray shot from the Romulans. Scorched the armor, and hurt her arm. She had gone to the Sickbay to get treated. Maybe he was not that bad of a Lieutenant after all. Just, fix a few things.

Would he be able to succeed?

That bothersome itch returned, but now he had a hard time scratching it with his armor. He was mad now. Perhaps he really should have gone to Chloe. Grrr...

A few comments from Nira and the Captain interrupted his thoughts, as they spoke of assimilation of young individuals. Like him?. Heading to Earth, and the downing of Starfleet. He felt silent as he was shocked to his core about these revelations. He even failed to properly pay attention to the Romulans on screen, until they had vanished, and Ian spoke to Nira about the situation.

"Pardon? But that is nigh impossible. Earth is a bastion of the Federation. Its collapse is..."

He held his head for a moment, shaking it from side to side. He just couldn't believe it. Perhaps the reports they had obtained were wrong. Misconstrued. Exaggerated. Still... if they were real... the place where he had first felt safe in all of his life was... just gone.

Or at least her people may be. He took a couple of deep breaths to call himself down.

"I am not certain I understand this which you have thus far related to me. But in the case of this... 'assimilation' of juvenile individuals, would not the members of this crew be also in danger? I shalt not challenge thy decision to take us onto the fray, but I cannot help but observe that we could be vulnerable to this infection if the ship is boarded or otherwise."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's expression became one of profound sadness as he placed a hand on Zhuk's shoulder.

"Lad, whatever is happenin' on Earth will be decided long before we can get there, because even at best speed, we're two weeks away. I can take an educated guess that whatever is happenin' with the young gettin' assimilated is only happenin' in the Sol system as no other Federation worlds are reportin' the same problem.

"We also have an advantage the rest of the fleet does nae have, that bloody Fleet Maneuver Program was isolated and removed from our computers. Should it matter by the time we get closer, I will drop the crew off well away from Sector 001 and if'n needs be, I will take Challenger in by myself. Because if Earth falls, I swear by all that's ever been holy, I will nae let Borg keep my home. I'll drive the ship into the atmosphere and detonate both warp cores, It won't free Earth, but the planet will nae be habitable for them ta enjoy."

This last part was said with such fierceness that his words brooked no debate. Ian couldn't tell Zhuk about the last time he was ready to drive an Excelsior hull into a target and detonate the warp core because that mission was still highly classified, but should it be necessary, Ian was prepared to do so again.

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 07, 2023, 12:20:17 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger 40117-A | In Orbit around Andgarr Prime | Andgarr System]

Zhuk slowly felt his muscles aching once more as he settled back down to a more neutral stance. While still riding on the success of his lead, and the subsequent fight he had been involved in, he certainly would appreciate some time to rest. At least, he thought, things had gone much better for him than the strike within Melek Nor. After that one, he had lost almost a liter of blood and was barely awake. At least, he did remember a certain Deltan nurse who had made his temporary leave much, much more pleasant. A shame about the oath, but at least they had remained good friends. He still found it dumb, though. Sometimes, he considered that Starfleet was too sanctimonious in that sense.

There were no Deltans in the USS Challenger, at least, not someone in Medical. He did wonder about giving Chloe a visit, though. She was fun, pretty, and had some good bedside manners. Also, was the only person in Sickbay thus far, that he deeply trusted with any medical eventualities concerning his person. Feigning needing to be treated, just to take her attention for a while was a pleasant thought wandering on his mind, but ultimately decided against it.

He remembered the lives lost, and the many likely injured. He could not risk their lives just to have a pleasant time. Promptly, Zhuk chastised himself.

Maybe later, though.

He did wonder if the lives lost today had been worth it. How many died under his mentor, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel? Had she lost as many as he had thus far under his command? He had never asked. T'Kel to him always seemed so sure, so competent. Like a human Battleship clad in ice and steel. Thus, he had never considered that she too could have lost people, until now. But had she, really? The logs might tell him, and that would satisfy his need to determine if he was indeed doing a good job. But finding something that he shouldn't, tainting his view of T'Kel also worried him.

No, he preferred to have her as he had known her. Indestructible. Indefatigable. A shrewd tactician, who did not need to endure the knot in the stomach of having to report a death to the Captain at any moment after he joined as an Ensign. At least, not when it came to Security.

He did not feel as if he had properly filled in her paws - er... shoes, yet, either. And he wondered if he ever would. He still made mistakes, like the one that got Kyan captured. His superior.

Never again. He usually said. But thus far, he had not achieved that goal. It had just been like the jungle ambush, where Chloe had almost been killed. He shuddered to think about that. He would have never forgiven himself, but fortunately, she still was there. So was Lahr, and Nira.

Little Zala had also made it out today, though she had been hit by a stray shot from the Romulans. Scorched the armor, and hurt her arm. She had gone to the Sickbay to get treated. Maybe he was not that bad of a Lieutenant after all. Just, fix a few things.

Would he be able to succeed?

That bothersome itch returned, but now he had a hard time scratching it with his armor. He was mad now. Perhaps he really should have gone to Chloe. Grrr...

A few comments from Nira and the Captain interrupted his thoughts, as they spoke of assimilation of young individuals. Like him?. Heading to Earth, and the downing of Starfleet. He felt silent as he was shocked to his core about these revelations. He even failed to properly pay attention to the Romulans on screen, until they had vanished, and Ian spoke to Nira about the situation.

"Pardon? But that is nigh impossible. Earth is a bastion of the Federation. Its collapse is..."

He held his head for a moment, shaking it from side to side. He just couldn't believe it. Perhaps the reports they had obtained were wrong. Misconstrued. Exaggerated. Still... if they were real... the place where he had first felt safe in all of his life was... just gone.

Or at least her people may be. He took a couple of deep breaths to call himself down.

"I am not certain I understand this which you have thus far related to me. But in the case of this... 'assimilation' of juvenile individuals, would not the members of this crew be also in danger? I shalt not challenge thy decision to take us onto the fray, but I cannot help but observe that we could be vulnerable to this infection if the ship is boarded or otherwise."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 07, 2023, 10:18:11 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's expression became one of profound sadness as he placed a hand on Zhuk's shoulder.

"Lad, whatever is happenin' on Earth will be decided long before we can get there, because even at best speed, we're two weeks away. I can take an educated guess that whatever is happenin' with the young gettin' assimilated is only happenin' in the Sol system as no other Federation worlds are reportin' the same problem.

"We also have an advantage the rest of the fleet does nae have, that bloody Fleet Maneuver Program was isolated and removed from our computers. Should it matter by the time we get closer, I will drop the crew off well away from Sector 001 and if'n needs be, I will take Challenger in by myself. Because if Earth falls, I swear by all that's ever been holy, I will nae let Borg keep my home. I'll drive the ship into the atmosphere and detonate both warp cores, It won't free Earth, but the planet will nae be habitable for them ta enjoy."

This last part was said with such fierceness that his words brooked no debate. Ian couldn't tell Zhuk about the last time he was ready to drive an Excelsior hull into a target and detonate the warp core because that mission was still highly classified, but should it be necessary, Ian was prepared to do so again.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira heard the exchange between Zhuk and the Captain. If the young of the crew presented a danger...

"That sounds like a plan, Captain," said Nira. "Need be, I can help coordinate the evacuation of anybody deemed young. But still...two weeks...a lot can happen in two weeks..."

For all they knew, by the time they returned, the core worlds of the Federation will be gone. They will just have to see.

"We'll need to coordinate with each other in preparations for readiness and, if need be, evacuation and survival," said Nira.

There was a lot going through her mind, typical of being First Officer: seeing how well all departments will be ready. And having to leave and survive, she will have to make a review of that.

"With comms down, we will still need to find a way to get in contact with other Starfleet ships, ships that would've been like us, not have been able to make the celebrations," she added. "We'll have to see..."

She didn't like Ian wanting to sacrifice himself, but it would have to be a means of last resort. She hoped it wouldn't come to it.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Cole Shepard


Cole sat at the Helm and monitored the displays as the Challenger made her best speed toward Earth. He could hear the conversations going on around the Bridge. They had just finished dealing with one group and now they were on their way to handle the Borg. But as the Captain had said, they were at least two weeks out from home. He kept his eyes and mind on his job and tried not to think about what may have been happening to his family.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 07, 2023, 12:37:14 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira heard the exchange between Zhuk and the Captain. If the young of the crew presented a danger...

"That sounds like a plan, Captain," said Nira. "Need be, I can help coordinate the evacuation of anybody deemed young. But still...two weeks...a lot can happen in two weeks..."

For all they knew, by the time they returned, the core worlds of the Federation will be gone. They will just have to see.

"We'll need to coordinate with each other in preparations for readiness and, if need be, evacuation and survival," said Nira.

There was a lot going through her mind, typical of being First Officer: seeing how well all departments will be ready. And having to leave and survive, she will have to make a review of that.

"With comms down, we will still need to find a way to get in contact with other Starfleet ships, ships that would've been like us, not have been able to make the celebrations," she added. "We'll have to see..."

She didn't like Ian wanting to sacrifice himself, but it would have to be a means of last resort. She hoped it wouldn't come to it.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

It was difficult for Ian to believe so much could happen so quickly. Being a student of the Second World War, he felt what he was feeling was not unlike what members of the United States Navy who were not at Pearl Harbor had to feel like. Questions without answers hammered at him. 'How was Starfleet so stupid to allow the Fleet Maneuver System to be installed'. 'How did the Borg, which, aside from the short appearance two years ago, who had vanished from even the Delta Quadrant, come up with a way to assimilate young crew remotely'. 'How were Changelings involved?' They too had disappeared after the Dominion War, so many questions and no way to get answers.

"Since Picard is in this, at least someone is aware of the cock up and knowin' his knack for galaxy savin' miracles, all is nae lost. All we can do is maintain course and speed. We've plenty of time ta coordinate evacuation and coordination with any other ships that might be untainted. We will see what the next two weeks tells us."

Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 04, 2023, 08:24:16 PM

[USS-Challenger |Medical Facility]

Aarwendil Cheizex. And who are you?" the Ensign asked out of curiosity. He didn't remember seeing this person before. Whatever was his answer, the Betazoid would answer the man's question. "œI'm angry because the Changelings are once again attacking us. They devastated my homeworld and now they are doing it again with the entire Federation!" the young Betazoid wasn't born during the occupation of Betazed, but the stories that he heard from his family was enough to make his blood boil.

Once again Aarwendil's emotions would be flowing out of him, to the point of even affecting Doctor Fallow. On the other hand, Nekab had remained with the same stoic expression. "œPerhaps we could start a therapy with Vulcan meditation to control your emotions, until this side effect disappears.


"My name is Abas. I'm part of the medical crew here," he said, dropping any reference of rank or proper role. Practically, it didn't matter. Right now, he was here to heal and help people. Sometimes, that meant being a little more personable. Other times, you had to keep your distance. It all depended on what the patient needed. "It's okay to be angry," he said, nodding as he sat by the man. "You are angry with every right. But do not let that anger define you. If you let your anger control you, your anger will become you."

It was all Abas could do to resist the emotions flowing from the man. Years of his training and experience with empathic abilities back home were keeping him in control, and allowing him to resist the man's unintentional onslaught as best he could. "Focus on the here and now. The Federation is here. We are here. To help others, we must help ourselves. We need to work on what we can control - and then work on what we can't control. The Challenger needs you, Ensign. The Federation needs you in the here and now."

As Nekab spoke up, Abas's antennae flexed. "I am unfamiliar with Vulcan meditation, but perhaps it could help. Ensign, are you willing to try? For the Challenger?"

He tried to focus the man on what was truly important - the here and now. If the situation was as dire as the rumor mill suggested, they would need every able-bodied crewman, ready or not, to defend the ship and crew. They were all in this together, and the crew was only as strong as their weakest link.

His attention was drawn as a new casualty was brought into the medical ward. Even from the smell, it was obvious the poor crewmember had suffered second and third-degree plasma burns over a good portion of their body. Likely due to an EPS conduit rupture somewhere on the ship. Thankfully, the man was swiftly attended to by the crew in the medical ward. Only moments later, the man's moans subsided as a flow of strong painkillers and dermal regenerators did their work, subsiding the pain and healing what damage it could.


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie

=/\= Mackenzie tae sickbay. =/\= he called, tapping his new com badge. =/\= Send someone up to the Observation Lounge. Chief ch'Verret's knocked out on the floor. Looks like he took one in the head. =/\=

Abas looked over to the Doctor, who nodded.

=/\= Sickbay acknowledges. On our way. =/\=

He grabbed his bag and marched out of the medical ward. Moments later, he arrived in the Observation Lounge. "What seems to be the problem?" he asked, as he stepped in, before noting the Chief unconscious on the floor. "Ah..."

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