S5: E1 - Honor Against Glory

Started by Ian Galloway, July 19, 2021, 10:40:45 AM

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Derek Rodwell


Derek was sitting in Engineering working on duty rosters. When you work in that department, it gets to where you rarely hear any noise around you so it was quite to the point of Derek being bored almost to tears. In fact, it was so quite that it scared the hell out of him when his badge chimed.

Quote from: T'Vas on August 16, 2021, 03:33:50 AM

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering. Additional calibration required on main deflector to emit tachyon field. Report being transmitted." =/\=

"Oh damn." he muttered when he jumped. He took a second to compose himself and look around to see who may had seen his jump. When he didn't see anyone looking, he tapped his badge.

=/\= Engineering. Understood, Bridge. Gimme two minutes.  =/\=

He pulled up the report and quickly set out to do what was needed. He was feeling glad when he reached for his comm with twenty seconds left.

=/\= Engineering to Bridge. You're all set.  =/\=

Once that was done, he went back to the duty roster. It didn't take a full minute for him to sigh and realize he was right back in the boredom zone.


Quote from: Vince Stryfe on August 16, 2021, 07:37:15 PM

.:: USS Mjolnir :: Galgan Atmosphere ::.

=/\="Challenger to Mjolnir. New orders, break off your pursuit and take the course 125 mark 30 distance 80 kilometers from your current location for an emergency rescue of landing party. These orders supersede all other priorities. Acknowledge." =/\=

"Stryfe to Challenger, I copy. Breaking of pursuit and heading to supplied coordinates. Galgan Patrol craft are maintaining their pursuit of unknown vessel. Approximate time to extraction point. Randell will prep for emergency extraction via transporter. Will need to enter atmosphere to gain a clear transporter lock. We have six people on scanners, preparing systems for beam up. Need confirmation on number of people being beamed out. Repeat, we need confirmation on number of people being beamed up"

Vince tapped the controls furiously, maintaining the shields and dropping into the atmosphere at a steeper than usual angle. Emergencies called for more drastic measures, and flying at close to the safety protocols as he could. With their current speed and decent angle, Vince estimated 2 minutes until they were in optimal transporter capabilities to beam up six people. He glanced over at Randell, who was concentrated on his console waiting for the go to beam the targets up. Vince looked back over to his own console, glancing through gravitational info, hoping the ship they were following before wasn't instead following them now.

They were nearing the appropriate spot to commence transport. Capacity wasn't a worry, but Vince didn't want to sit in one spot for long, all he needed was confirmation from the Challenger. 30 seconds out, the time was now, he wasn't worried about them confirming, just anxious. It might be a bad situation, but Vince was having fun anyway.

NPC - Lieutenant jg Randell
[USS Mjolnir - Ion Trail Location]

Randell had his fingers at the ready, and shortly they had their confirmation that all the players in the field were prepared. Bioscans revealed six lifesigns on the landing pad at the Galgan Conference Facility's VIP landing pad. With only a pair of transporter pads on the Mjolnir, Randell brought them up two at a time, beginning with the President herself and the Captain, then Chief Cleroux and Shazham, and finally Shurile and Blackfeather. When the final pair were brought on board, Randell brought the Mjolnir's shields back online and gave Vince a thumbs-up. "I'll notify the Challenger." he offered, and opened a secure channel to do just that, informing the Challenger Bridge of their successful retrieval, and their intent to return with their valuable cargo.

Vasilisa Belmont

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

The coffee wasn't really helping. What she wanted to do was march right up there and give T'Vas a piece of her mind, but the fact that Jettis hadn't sent her back by now gave her an idea of how well that stunt would be received. Instead, she wrote up a detailed treatment plan for when the Vulcan ensign returned. A very detailed plan. She didn't care how long it would take. As she was typing almost feverishly due to the heightened amounts of caffeine in her system, she gradually convinced herself to come to a stop. What was the use of getting all worked up about it if this exact thing was never going to stop happening to her? She sighed and turned off the monitor. Maybe back in the day she would have gone through with it, but now...maybe she was letting her age do the talking.

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: T'Vas on August 16, 2021, 05:36:59 PM

[USS Challenger-A | Bridge]

"Engineering reports deflector armed."

T'Vas nodded at the efficiency of Engineering as she reported without looking up. "However, what about the Galgans, sirs?" She took on a slight grimace, but it wasn't to do with the residual pain. "By taking an active countermeasure... We will violate their sovereignty." The Vulcan Science Officer frowned, she wasn't aware of the previous interactions to leave their position but it seemed logical. Her head canted slightly as she kept her eyes on the Science One panel, her fingers poised to launch the tachyon pulse.

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

Jettis nodded as T'Kel confirmed it would be mere minutes before the shuttle came back. It gave them very little time to prepare, but he had to trust Engineering and Science could collaborate and make it work. It gave him another twinge of anxiety, feeling both in, and out of control at the same time. Like giving someone directions from a map, while sitting in the passenger seat.

He echoed T'Vas' grimace as she brought up yet another good point. The politics of it all, was getting very blurry, but of this he was certain. "Unfortunately we are out of options. If the Galgans want to take it up with Starfleet, they can also mention how there was two assassination attempts, both nearly successful, as well as their patrol ships allowing an unauthorized shuttle into the conference." His words held no tint of doubt, though he knew if the Galgans did take offense to their actions, it would surely come back on him. At the least, it absolved both the Captain and Commander of responsibility, for the most part.

"The shuttle Mjolnir is closing in, sir."

"Prepare to drop shields and fire tachyons. The second the ship is docked, go back to yellow alert."

He then swiftly touched his commbadge.  =/\="Jyur to Lagar. The shields are being dropped to dock the Mjolnir, advise the guards of such." =/\= The message was brief and concise, and now all there was to do was wait. Ideally, things would go off without a hitch and all of their countermeasures were silly and unnecessary. Rarely did the ideal happen on the Challenger.

Vince Stryfe

.:: USS Mjolnir ::.

Vince was as focused as he could be. The thought of potential combat swam through his mind, and he was ready. As they moved closer to the Challenger, he suddenly had a thought. What if the Mjolnir was Bair to get the shields down on the Challenger, and someone was waiting to attack in that very moment. Likelihood was minimal, but it was there, now his combat training fully kicked in, a wry smile appearing, he turned to look at their passenger.

"Madam President, I suggest you strap in. Cap, you may not like what I'm going to do, but I believe it's going to be the safest thing for the ship, and us. I'm not going to run it by you, it's better to ask forgiveness."

Vince swung back around before the Captain could say anything, and started tapping on his console, then turned to Randell, also opening a comm to the Challenger.

"Challenger, this is Mjolnir, Lt. Randell is going to give you a signal when it's time to drop the shields. The possibility of someone using is as bait to get your shields down is a real possibility, happened to me before. What I'm going to do is what we in the Marines called a hot dock. You need to keep the shields up for as long as possible. I'm going to to be coming in hot, but don't worry, everything will be fine, just kinda bumpy. If I do the maneuver correctly, there won't be hardly any time with the shields down."

Vince let out a slow breath, if anyone was talking to him at the moment, he wasn't listening, he needed to be focused. As he slid his finger up on the console the flyer sped up, the Challenger growing ever bigger. He had already aligned with the shuttle bay, and it was fast approaching. He didn't lose his gaze on the ship, when all of a sudden.

"NOW Randell!" Vince yelled as Randell sent the signal.

As he did Vince killed the main Engine, but their momentum remained, space had that effect. Within what seemed like a split second, Vince had swung the ship around backwards right into the shuttlebay and fired all thrusters to stop almost instantly, and shut them off just as fast, the Flyer slamming g to the deck and sliding a short distance. He let out another breath, looking back at everyone, smiling.

"Thank you for flying Air Stryfe. If you need them there are nausea bag located behind your seat. Please recommend us to your friends and family. Also Cap, I'm very sorry for the abrupt entrance, but didn't want to take any chances. I'll repair all the scratches first chance I get." Vince actually shut up, waiting for his butt chewing to commence.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 17, 2021, 12:05:49 AM

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

Jettis nodded as T'Kel confirmed it would be mere minutes before the shuttle came back. It gave them very little time to prepare, but he had to trust Engineering and Science could collaborate and make it work. It gave him another twinge of anxiety, feeling both in, and out of control at the same time. Like giving someone directions from a map, while sitting in the passenger seat.

He echoed T'Vas' grimace as she brought up yet another good point. The politics of it all, was getting very blurry, but of this he was certain. "Unfortunately we are out of options. If the Galgans want to take it up with Starfleet, they can also mention how there was two assassination attempts, both nearly successful, as well as their patrol ships allowing an unauthorized shuttle into the conference." His words held no tint of doubt, though he knew if the Galgans did take offense to their actions, it would surely come back on him. At the least, it absolved both the Captain and Commander of responsibility, for the most part.

"The shuttle Mjolnir is closing in, sir."

"Prepare to drop shields and fire tachyons. The second the ship is docked, go back to yellow alert."

He then swiftly touched his commbadge.  =/\="Jyur to Lagar. The shields are being dropped to dock the Mjolnir, advise the guards of such." =/\= The message was brief and concise, and now all there was to do was wait. Ideally, things would go off without a hitch and all of their countermeasures were silly and unnecessary. Rarely did the ideal happen on the Challenger.

Quote from: T'Vas on August 17, 2021, 05:08:34 AM

[USS Challenger-A | Bridge]

"Ready, standing by..."

T'Vas paused with her mouth open, a look of dazed confusion on her face. Although Vulcans were telepathic, she wasn't a Betazoid that was capable of reaching out with her mind. For some reason, there was a subtle taste of coffee on her tongue and a sort of nagging feeling of something left undone.

Shaking her head slightly, she sensed the tension within her immediate superior. Turning her chair slightly, she made eye contact, gave him a brief nod and a thumbs up so fleeting that she was certain he must have missed it. Finger over the control, she waited for the order, her other hand poised over the sensor controls to feed information to Helm and Tactical as needed.

[Mjolnir approaching USS Challenger in orbit of Galga VI]

As the Delta Flyer exited the planet's atmosphere, Ian sighed to see the Challenger, in all her glory, her shuttlebay door open as if to welcome them home. As the Mjolnir got closer, Ian knew the shields would have to drop to let them in and that was the last moment of danger for the President. Once she was aboard, there was no question she would be safe... from anything.

Next to Randell, sat the pilot and Ian had to think for a moment to place him.

"Stryfe. New guy. Guess we'll find out if he knows what-"

Before Ian could complete his thought, Randell jerked back in surprise before sheepishly explaining his reaction.

"Sorry, the Challenger has just started emitting a tachyon field. I wasn't expecting that."

Quote from: Vince Stryfe on August 17, 2021, 12:53:03 PM

.:: USS Mjolnir ::.

Vince was as focused as he could be. The thought of potential combat swam through his mind, and he was ready. As they moved closer to the Challenger, he suddenly had a thought. What if the Mjolnir was Bair to get the shields down on the Challenger, and someone was waiting to attack in that very moment. Likelihood was minimal, but it was there, now his combat training fully kicked in, a wry smile appearing, he turned to look at their passenger.

"Madam President, I suggest you strap in. Cap, you may not like what I'm going to do, but I believe it's going to be the safest thing for the ship, and us. I'm not going to run it by you, it's better to ask forgiveness."

Vince swung back around before the Captain could say anything, and started tapping on his console, then turned to Randell, also opening a comm to the Challenger.

"Challenger, this is Mjolnir, Lt. Randell is going to give you a signal when it's time to drop the shields. The possibility of someone using is as bait to get your shields down is a real possibility, happened to me before. What I'm going to do is what we in the Marines called a hot dock. You need to keep the shields up for as long as possible. I'm going to to be coming in hot, but don't worry, everything will be fine, just kinda bumpy. If I do the maneuver correctly, there won't be hardly any time with the shields down."

Vince let out a slow breath, if anyone was talking to him at the moment, he wasn't listening, he needed to be focused. As he slid his finger up on the console the flyer sped up, the Challenger growing ever bigger. He had already aligned with the shuttle bay, and it was fast approaching. He didn't lose his gaze on the ship, when all of a sudden.

"NOW Randell!" Vince yelled as Randell sent the signal.

As he did Vince killed the main Engine, but their momentum remained, space had that effect. Within what seemed like a split second, Vince had swung the ship around backwards right into the shuttlebay and fired all thrusters to stop almost instantly, and shut them off just as fast, the Flyer slamming g to the deck and sliding a short distance. He let out another breath, looking back at everyone, smiling.

"Thank you for flying Air Stryfe. If you need them there are nausea bag located behind your seat. Please recommend us to your friends and family. Also Cap, I'm very sorry for the abrupt entrance, but didn't want to take any chances. I'll repair all the scratches first chance I get." Vince actually shut up, waiting for his butt chewing to commence.

As Vince initiated his maneuver, a full spread of photons erupted from the ship which caused Stryfe to sheer off to port. Ian sat opened mouthed and thought fleetingly.

"This canna be happenin'."

However, his concern was misplaced as the torpedoes raced past and not even that close to the Mjolnir's flight path. As Stryfe resumed course, the photons detonated 40,000 kilometers away. To the surprise of those on board the Delta Flyer, there was a secondary explosion as a shuttle became visible briefly before being consumed by the photons. The Mjolnir then docked safely and the landing party exited, where President Blackwell said.

"Romulans! I just wish I knew which faction was behind all this. Captain Galloway, I'm going to need a secure comm channel to the Praetor of the Romulan Free State."

"Right away Madam President. Chief Blackfeather will help you with that, Mister Shurile, you go with them. I know we're safe now that we're aboard Challenger again, but I'm goin' ta maintain the President's bodyguard until she departs."

"Aye Sir." The two security officers replied and escorted Blackwell from the shuttlebay.

Once she was out of sight, Ian wheeled on Vince with a basilisk-like gaze.

"Are ye bloody daft? We had the bloody President of the entire bloody Federation aboard you decide ta get bleedin' fancy!" Ian held his withering gaze for another second before bursting into a beaming smile. "Hadn't flown with you before Lad, so I didn't ken if'n you were just a pilot or an actual flyer. Guess I ken now. Well flown."

Ian then turned to Rhymus. "As no good deed goes unpunished Lad, I'm placin' you in charge of the President's security detail I'll inform T'Kel when I get ta the bridge, which is we're I'm headed now."

"But Sir, you're bleeding." Randell said.

"Aye I am, but that's goin' ta have ta wait for now. Carry on."

Ian then went to stride out of the shuttlebay, but winced and had to settle for a limp as he made his way to the turbolift. When he reached the bridge, he forced himself not to limp as he relieved Jettis from the center seat.

"Thank you Lieutenant, I have the deck and the conn."

As he sat gingerly, Lieutenant Morgan at Ops spoke up.

"Sir, I have an incoming message. It's from Chancellor Martok."

"On screen."

The viewscreen shifted to that of the one-eyed and grizzled Klingon.

"Captain. How is the President?"

"Safe Sir."

"Excellent. I believe I have answers she will want to here. I know it appeared as if she'd been betrayed, but I have conclusive proof that the PetaQ that opened fire on her were not Klingons. They were surgically altered Romulans! Unfortunately, all six died in the fighting and I lost nine men to the ToDSaH, but I can confirm there are no other Romulans other than those of the Praetor on Galga VI. I doubt the Galgans will allow us to use their facilities again, as I had to... be emphatic in my search, but they will survive."

"I will inform President Blackwell right away. I didn't know what had happened when the shootin' started, but I knew you would have never allowed such a thing ta occur on your watch."

"Pah. Blackwell is a warrior and no one will get to her without going through me first. However, do not think that because I only have one eye, I did not see the part you played in tonight's events. The President said there was more to you that met the eye and I now know, she was right. Qapla Captain. Martok out."

As the viewscreen returned to that of the planet below, Ian smirked as he briefly thought back over all that had happened and could only shake his head that no one had been killed.

"Good day... good day."

He murmured and went to sit back in the command chair and suddenly lurched back to his feet as he felt a lance of pain in his back.

"Mo creach! okay, Mister Jyur, you have the bridge. It's time for me ta head ta sickbay. Try not ta let anyone kill the President while I'm gone."

As the doors to the turbolift closed, it was possible to hear him said.

"Bloody leam-leat Romulans."


Quote from: Jettis Jyur on August 17, 2021, 12:05:49 AM

[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

He then swiftly touched his commbadge.  =/\="Jyur to Lagar. The shields are being dropped to dock the Mjolnir, advise the guards of such." =/\= The message was brief and concise, and now all there was to do was wait. Ideally, things would go off without a hitch and all of their countermeasures were silly and unnecessary. Rarely did the ideal happen on the Challenger.

Lieutenant jg Lagar
[Brig - USS Challenger]

Lagar was nearly as swift to touch his own badge in response. =/\="Aye sir."=/\= he said, and relayed the information to the Security staff in the Brig and to other guards who might have need to know.

This done, the Doctor remained. He had made his earlier statements to the captive on the advice of his own expertise; his studies in psychiatry and xenopsychology didn't put him on parr with a fully certified Counselor, but communication with a captured Romulan was something very few studied specifically. He could only hope that his words might reach the man, if not now, then at some point in the future. He stayed, a botanical watchguard and, if the man spoke, a thing that would listen.

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 17, 2021, 01:08:04 PM

[Mjolnir approaching USS Challenger in orbit of Galga VI]

As the Delta Flyer exited the planet's atmosphere, Ian sighed to see the Challenger, in all her glory, her shuttlebay door open as if to welcome them home. As the Mjolnir got closer, Ian knew the shields would have to drop to let them in and that was the last moment of danger for the President. Once she was aboard, there was no question she would be safe... from anything.

Next to Randell, sat the pilot and Ian had to think for a moment to place him.

"Stryfe. New guy. Guess we'll find out if he knows what-"

Before Ian could complete his thought, Randell jerked back in surprise before sheepishly explaining his reaction.

"Sorry, the Challenger has just started emitting a tachyon field. I wasn't expecting that."

As Vince initiated his maneuver, a full spread of photons erupted from the ship which caused Stryfe to sheer off to port. Ian sat opened mouthed and thought fleetingly.

"This canna be happenin'."

However, his concern was misplaced as the torpedoes raced past and not even that close to the Mjolnir's flight path. As Stryfe resumed course, the photons detonated 40,000 kilometers away. To the surprise of those on board the Delta Flyer, there was a secondary explosion as a shuttle became visible briefly before being consumed by the photons. The Mjolnir then docked safely and the landing party exited, where President Blackwell said.

"Romulans! I just wish I knew which faction was behind all this. Captain Galloway, I'm going to need a secure comm channel to the Praetor of the Romulan Free State."

"Right away Madam President. Chief Blackfeather will help you with that, Mister Shurile, you go with them. I know we're safe now that we're aboard Challenger again, but I'm goin' ta maintain the President's bodyguard until she departs."

"Aye Sir." The two security officers replied and escorted Blackwell from the shuttlebay.

Once she was out of sight, Ian wheeled on Vince with a basilisk-like gaze.

"Are ye bloody daft? We had the bloody President of the entire bloody Federation aboard you decide ta get bleedin' fancy!" Ian held his withering gaze for another second before bursting into a beaming smile. "Hadn't flown with you before Lad, so I didn't ken if'n you were just a pilot or an actual flyer. Guess I ken now. Well flown."

Ian then turned to Rhymus. "As no good deed goes unpunished Lad, I'm placin' you in charge of the President's security detail I'll inform T'Kel when I get ta the bridge, which is we're I'm headed now."

"But Sir, you're bleeding." Randell said.

"Aye I am, but that's goin' ta have ta wait for now. Carry on."

Ian then went to stride out of the shuttlebay, but winced and had to settle for a limp as he made his way to the turbolift. When he reached the bridge, he forced himself not to limp as he relieved Jettis from the center seat.

"Thank you Lieutenant, I have the deck and the conn."

As he sat gingerly, Lieutenant Morgan at Ops spoke up.

"Sir, I have an incoming message. It's from Chancellor Martok."

"On screen."

The viewscreen shifted to that of the one-eyed and grizzled Klingon.

"Captain. How is the President?"

"Safe Sir."

"Excellent. I believe I have answers she will want to here. I know it appeared as if she'd been betrayed, but I have conclusive proof that the PetaQ that opened fire on her were not Klingons. They were surgically altered Romulans! Unfortunately, all six died in the fighting and I lost nine men to the ToDSaH, but I can confirm there are no other Romulans other than those of the Praetor on Galga VI. I doubt the Galgans will allow us to use their facilities again, as I had to... be emphatic in my search, but they will survive."

"I will inform President Blackwell right away. I didn't know what had happened when the shootin' started, but I knew you would have never allowed such a thing ta occur on your watch."

"Pah. Blackwell is a warrior and no one will get to her without going through me first. However, do not think that because I only have one eye, I did not see the part you played in tonight's events. The President said there was more to you that met the eye and I now know, she was right. Qapla Captain. Martok out."

As the viewscreen returned to that of the planet below, Ian smirked as he briefly thought back over all that had happened and could only shake his head that no one had been killed.

"Good day... good day."

He murmured and went to sit back in the command chair and suddenly lurched back to his feet as he felt a lance of pain in his back.

"Mo creach! okay, Mister Jyur, you have the bridge. It's time for me ta head ta sickbay. Try not ta let anyone kill the President while I'm gone."

As the doors to the turbolift closed, it was possible to hear him said.

"Bloody leam-leat Romulans."

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

With the Commander away and the Captain going to sickbay. He had been down on the planet as aiding the President. He stepped up to the unknown plate. The plate of stepping out of his department back to the old one. It was because he felt he was there and would be a good choice and if he was wrong. He pay the consequences.

"Ms. President, as you know I am a counselor. I will be honored to watch over you and get anything you need. You name it. I do it," he said to her as he nodded to her. Now a normal person will would think. This can be a great way of brown nosing. However, Shazham does not see it that way. It was giving his service to protect and aid a higher up. If he does it right. Then the Captain would look good. Oh was that 'Scottish goof' which the President said to Ian not a mean way. What he figured she was down earth. And he had been trying to keep a feel of her emotions. The reason because if they some how lose her or something happens like swap the President from a fake. He would be able to sense it.

Jettis Jyur


[ USS Challenger - Bridge ]

This happened in rapid succession, as the shuttle reported they'd picked up the landing party. The shuttle quickly moved from the planet, and Jettis stared out the viewscreen at empty space. The shuttle's pilot - Stryfe, was it? - informed them of his planned maneuver, and everyone's eyes turned to the shuttle.

"Sir, the Mjolnir is twenty seconds out." Jettis nodded wordlessly, as the tachyon particles were emitted. As shields dropped, Jettis' eyes darted to a sudden flash of... something. He could only assume it was the shuttle they tracked, because it instantly went up in a plume of fire. Nearly incinerated, it was so quickly. Leaning back in his seat, he let out a breath he hadn't even known he was holding. The last threat was finally neutralized, and their precautions hadn't been for nothing. "Bring us out of yellow alert, Lieutenant."

His surprise though, when the Captain feebly drug himself onto the Bridge. Jettis stood immediately, almost having vacated the chair before the man entered. Shooting a look of concern, he opened his mouth, only to be cut off. Nodding imperceptibly, he muttered a quick Aye sir.

"Glad to have you back, sir. I've spoken to the Romulan captive, however he wasn't willing to divulge anything." He took the seat next to the Captain, turning his attention to the form of Martok, gleeful as ever. He remained silent for the encounter, but shot another  look of concern at Ian as he sprung from his chair. He didn't have to pressure him to go to sickbay, however as the man took his leave on his own.

"I'll try my best, sir. No promises." A phantom smile passed over his lips as he stood to move chairs, yet again. However before he took his seat, his eyes turned to T'Vas, narrowing slightly. "Now that the conference is officially over and all crisis averted, I insist you go back to Sickbay as well, Ensign." A pause, as he assessed her, trying to get a hint of how she felt. "Thank you for your assistance though, despite your... eventful first week on the job. Do you need any assistance getting to Medbay?"

Ian Galloway

Despite all the chaos, Blackwell and Martok, in consultation with the Romulan Free State Praetor, insisted that the conference continue. The Challenger, along with support of the Galgan Defense Force maintained a constant tachyon field around Galga VI and there were no further incursions or disruptions for the three days of the intense meetings. Whether anything of value came out of the conference wasn't immediately apparent, but it did give the powers of the Alpha Quadrant a chance to meet the Praetor and for him to state his intentions for his government going forward.

Once the conference was over, the Challenger had rendezvoused with the USS Federation in order to return President Blackwell to her usual flagship. However, when the two ships docked, Ian received word that several of the Challenger crew were to beam aboard the Federation, but was not told why. The message was very direct and completely enigmatic.

The following personnel will be aboard the USS Federation at 1900 on Stardate 76629.5:

Captain Ian Galloway
Lieutenant Jettis Jyur
Ensign T'Vas
Chief Petty Officer Rhymus Cleroux
Chief Petty Officer Ryan Blackfeather

And that was the extent of the message.

Thus at 1845, the five designated crew were present and were escorted to one of the Federation's cargo bays, but this one had been fitted out as a huge auditorium and there, dozens of her crew were waiting. Precisely at 1900, they were called up to the stage and President Blackwell, with her Bolian aide Mykena Ornal at her side holding several small containers. Stopping at Ian first, Blackwell turned to Ornal and removed a small device as one of the Federation's crew with a fine stentorian spoke.

"Captain Ian Galloway is hereby awarded the Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry for saving the life of the President of the Federation, Margaret Blackwell."

Blackwell shook Ian's hand and added.

"Thank you Captain. You've got a fine ship and crew, and I literally owe you my life."

"Thank you Madam President, it was an honor to serve you."

Blackwell moved to Jettis and that strong voice spoke again.

"Starfleet recognizes the professional excellence and fidelity of Lieutenant Jettis Jyur and he is therefore advanced to the rank of Lieutenant Commander."

Blackwell pinned on the open pip on Jettis' collar and said,

"You did a fine job under extraordinary circumstances that made the conference a success and I thank you."

Blackwell moved on to T'Vas.

"Ensign T'Vas is hereby awarded the Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry for saving the life of the Ferengi Ambassador, Glerk."

Blackwell added.

"Not many people would step into the line of fire for someone they didn't know Ensign. Doing so speaks volumes to the nature of your character. Oh and Glerk told me that he's set up a tab for you on Risa the next time you visit."

Blackwell moved on to Rhymus.

"Chief Petty Officer Rhymus Cleroux is hereby awarded the Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry for saving the life of the President of the Federation, Margaret Blackwell."

"You're quick on your feet Chief, but maybe work on your poker face around Klingons. I've read your file and know your history with them. However, regardless of what happened in the past, not all Klingons are like those that wronged you. Try and give them whatever grace you can."

Finally Blackwell stopped in front of Blackfeather

"Chief Petty Officer Ryan Blackfeather is hereby awarded the Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry for saving the life of the President of the Federation, Margaret Blackwell."

"Although I know it is unlikely, but if you ever get tired of serving on Challenger Chief, you have an open invitation to join my security detachment."

As that was the last of the awards, Blackwell turned to face the crowd.

"Beings of all genders. I know it was pure chance that the USS Challenger was closest to us when the ship was disabled, but thanks to her crew, the first Galgan Peace Conference was a success despite a gross violation of that peace by rogue elements of the unaligned Romulans. In spite of that interference, the crew of the Challenger rose to the occasion and, while it was a close run thing, prevented two separate assassinations. We all, and I personally, owe them a great debt of gratitude. Thank you for attending this ceremony. These proceedings are closed."

Once released from the stage, there were many congratulations and hand shakes before the crew of the Challenger returned to their ship. When Ian returned to the bridge. He had a priority message waiting for him when he sat in the command chair. Concerned at what the message could mean, when he opened it, he laughed and read it aloud to the bridge.

"Special orders to USS Challenger. You are hereby authorized one week's leave on Risa, to start immediately on arrival. Signed. President Margaret Blackwell."

Ian laughed again and added.

"Helm, you heard the order. Plot a course for Risa. Warp Eight."

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