S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was in his ready room. The ship was running at her most efficient cruise speed of warp 8, just below her maximum cruise of warp 8.2. The difference was trivial as far as total time was measured just 45 minutes faster per light year. However, the critical element needed for the foreseeable future was endurance. Running hot would only cover the 34 light years to Earth a day faster. This was good, but the ship would then likely arrived in a far worse condition than that one day would justify. Ian didn't like it, but physics were physics and the Challenger was a brawler, not a sprinter.

As he sat in his ready room, he wondered again, how all that was happening on Earth had been allowed to happen when it was so painfully obvious what a monumental weakness the Fleet Maneuver Program presented. Still unable to answer the question, he decided to do something useful.

"Captain's Log. Supplemental. The Challenger is makin' best speed for Earth, but it will take twelve days ta get there. Even if we ran Sprint/Drift the whole way, we'd take eight days ta get there and we'd arrive needin' a full overhaul. It is the height of frustration for me that we are unable to stop what appears ta be the destruction of Earth.

"However, despite the futility of our efforts, I cannae stand by and wait for bloody instructions when it appears the Admiralty may already be dead. If'n Challenger is the only ship left in the fleet, then we'll still take the fight ta the Borg. We are Starfleet and this is the way. End log."

Ian stood and looked out at the stars streaking past the windows of the ready room and again his mind wandered by to how could this have happened.

Nira Said


[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was on the bridge, filling in for Ian while he conducted his work in his ready room. She had been coordinating with the department heads for battle readiness. Drills were being conducted; supplies, armaments, arsenal and equipment inspected for readiness. Main Starfleet comms were still down, no apparent contact with Earth. Of course, after two hours, it's to be expected and the inspections were still on going...

She sighed, bothered by what's transpiring. She had promised to tell Starfleet Command about the Unification Movement and their wanting to head for Vulcan, but now she was doubting if it will be possible now. She kept it to herself, and as much as she wanted to share it with the Captain and others, given the time passing and their travel time, what had happened on Earth could be well and finished, and perhaps the rest of the Sol system is gone. It didn't matter their arrival time. By the time they got to the core of the Federation, the core worlds could be gone. Vulcan included. And also Betazed.

It was a pity, a heartwrenching pity. Nira had wanted very much to see Betazed since she discovered she was from the First House of Betazed, find her family. Now she won't be able to.

She felt there was no point to tell anybody else anyway; she felt that maybe, just maybe, the Movement was safe on Andgarr; going to Vulcan would only destroy what they worked so hard to achieve by falling into the clutches of the Borg.

All the same, she still had a furrowed brow on her face. Something was bothering her. She looked over the crew roster at random, pressing a department at random, and the name "Grippen" jumped out at her. It stirred a memory: Malik. It was his surname...she missed him, she loved him, though it was a tough choice, him and Savar...but a closer look and she realized this Grippen was female, and she had recently joined the medical department. Still...she wondered...a relation...?

"Commander Said to Doctor...Taja Grippen," she called, looking at the name again. "Can you meet me in my ready room as soon as you're able to? Thank you."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Dr Taja Grippen

[Deck Seven, Sickbay]

Taja had spent the last two hours tending to the small group of wounded crewman thanks to someone upstairs throwing the ship around like a toddler discarding their unwanted dinner. She had prioritised the worst of it, a couple of open fractures, mild concussions, nothing the marvels of 25th century medicine couldn't fix in a jiffy. It was all in a day's work and she was actually glad to be of some use this soon after arriving. The Risan had just finished cleaning up from the last patient when the call came in from none other than the first officer. A bit odd she thought, the commander wasn't scheduled for her next mandatory physical until next month...

Quote from: Nira Said on November 08, 2023, 05:16:02 PM

"Commander Said to Doctor...Taja Grippen," she called, looking at the name again. "Can you meet me in my ready room as soon as you're able to? Thank you."

=/\= "Yes commander, I'll be right there!" =/\=

Taja grabbed her medical kit that contained all the essentials, 'better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it', she thought and quickly left sickbay and into the nearest turbolift up the few decks to head office.

[Deck One, Bridge]

A few minutes later, Taja arrived on the bridge. She took a moment to soak in the open space, it was her first time stepping foot aboard a trailblazer class bridge and it didn't disappoint. The mood here was steely, everyone was focused on the task at hand - returning to save Earth, or something like that she didn't really know the details and didn't need to. Malik was out there somewhere in all that mess as part of Frontier Day, but she didn't have time to worry about his fate. As a doctor, was she was trained to compartmentalise her own feelings when required and so she placed the thought of her brother away in the back of her Risan-brain for later processing.

She quickly found the door for the First Officer's ready room and chimed, when the reply came, she entered the surprisingly small room. "Commander, please state the nature of the medical emergency..." She'd heard that from somewhere, and thought it made her sound professional.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS-Challenger/ Deck 7/ Officer's Quarters]

Aarwendil was seated on the floor of his room, eyes closed and legs crossed. He was taking deep breaths, while trying to maintain his emotions at bay. Nekab was in front of him, doing the same. He was only allowed to leave the medical facility because the Romulan had started to instruct him in meditative exercises. However, the fact that they were traveling to Earth at the moment wasn't helping calm down.

Your emotions had been under control since we left the medical area, but you are nervous now. Why?" Nekab's voice made the Betazoid open his eyes. "œIs it because what is happening with the Federation?" he asked, but already knew the answer. "œYour concern is illogical. If there is something that we learned is that the Federation is always full of resources and can escape from even the worst situations. Even the Tal Shiar recognize it.

How do you know that about the Tal Shiar?" Aarwendil asked, thinking that it was strange how the Romulan had mentioned the secret police. The Betazoid noticed how Nekab's face trembled, as if he was going to show some expression.

Well, it's logical that they would recognize that too." he said simply, not convincing the Ensign. "œWe need to continue the exercise." Nekab closed his eyes and gestured for Aarwendil to do the same. At least this conversation made him forget what was happening.

Betazoid, Male

Abas Th'vyrrol


Abas had finished restocking - once again - his medical bag. After being summoned to the observation lounge, he'd assisted the Chief and woken up the (strangely bootless) former kidnappee. It always seemed when trouble was around, it was the same folks over and over again. Regardless, they were his crew. They were his responsibility. The rumor mill had been working overtime - and unfortunately this time it seemed the news was all bad. Rumors ranged from a fleet of Borg cubes attacking every major Federation outpost to a single, massive cube eating the planet whole. It seemed that the Borg had been able to compromise all or part of Starfleet, but the exact extent of the damage still wasn't known. The Challenger was now screaming toward home, the thrum of the warp core and vibrations in the deck plates giving away just how much stress was being put on the venerable ship. They'd have to be careful not to fly her apart.

He felt one of the Doctors exit the room - the mood tense. People stood to their duties, but if the whole of Starfleet had already been taken out, what chance did one heavy cruiser stand against a foe that had already immobilized their greatest ships? Abas thought of home. Was the Andorian Imperial Guard sharing in the fate of Starfleet? A bunch of burning, dead hulks, broken in space? Were the fires now burning out what little oxygen remained on Earth spacedock as the remaining crew tried to save the stricken station?

Was there anyone left to save, or were they sailing into a mass grave, only to join the fallen?

No. Those thoughts were unworthy of his station right now. He still had work to do. His destiny was not complete. He wouldn't give up now - and he refused to accept the worst. He would do his duty. He'd live true to himself. For now, however, he still had to prepare. Abas bowed his head, his antennae folding in on himself as he immersed himself in his thoughts, preparing mentally for the trials ahead.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Lahr had awoken not long after being brought Sickbay.  His concussion had been seen to and dealt with by the expert medical staff.  No sign of his injury remained on his face and his brain scans looked clear they told him.

Presently, he was lying in a recovery bed under observation.  Technically, he was supposed to be watched for the next 12 to 24 hrs - in case of a relapse or complications - but the Andorian was already bored without his PADD and his attempts to engage in conversation with the medical staff to stave off boredom were thwarted by the presence of his ex, nurse Chloe Davies.

Lahr glanced at the time, displayed along with his temperature, 02 stats, blood pressure and heart rhythm above his head on the bio-bed's monitor screen.

"My readings are all in the nominal range, right?... So can't I skip the observation time and just return to work, or better yet, just have the rest of the day off with pay and go rest in my chambers?" 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger 40117-A]

Though Lieutenant Mrekrerhas had severe objections at first towards heading once more to the Solar System, especially as he obtained more information about what had transpired there, Captain Galloway's rousing speech had quickly turned his opinion over, his trust on him reaffirming itself as he was moved by the sheer force of Galloway's conviction. He thought of himself as a loyal crew member, ready to follow the Captain everywhere he went. But now he was sure that he would, even if Ian told him to hold the line and sacrifice himself.

Of course, Zhuk much preferred to live. He still had so many things to experience. Plus, he wanted to become his own Captain someday, so he hoped that would not happen. In any case, he was ready to fight now. Things were fuzzy on what had happened over on Earth. The Borg had attacked, he knew that. But the specifics were still lost on him. Subspace communications were a mess, and he could simply not obtain any information from the Tactical Console. None of his messages had been answered, and that worried him.

As far as they knew, they could be the last Federation ship still operational. But that was unlikely, yes?

There was still probably Deep Space 9 and other Starfleet bases if all ships had been recalled to Earth. The idea that the crew was the last, however, did run a number on his mind. Brave warriors, fighting to survive in a galaxy that had quickly shifted into something fatal for them appealed to him. His primal instinct perhaps was to blame. But it sounded exciting and adventurous. The brave Caitian Lieutenant, serving under the rugged Ian Galloway, facing insurmountable odds, barely able to get by day by day.

Yet a memory caused him to quickly abandon such improper notions.

His Earth friend, Zoraida, was serving on the USS Passaro NCC-97955, and he was pretty sure he recalled her mentioning that her ship would participate in Frontier Day. Zoraida had been his first real friend, the person who had helped him break out of his shell after being released by the Federation's doctors. It had been a long, arduous process, but she had shown him that Starfleet could be his new home. That he could trust in people again.

She had taken him to YucatÁ¡n to her home, for goodness sake! His other friends were also most likely participating. And most likely, having been taken by the Borg. M'nia, for example, serving on the USS Discovery, was also there. Joon-Ho, Aliyu, Vanda Sabine, Leontina, and Musfir. All members of his class. People he cared for. That had given him a chance, even when he was awkward, and even hissed at Joon-Ho once.

And he was thinking of just forgetting they existed to fulfill a fantasy. He shook his head.

He needed some time to think away from the console.

His eyes darted around the Bridge trying to find something, until he saw something just barely out of view. A shoe.

"Ensign, I require you to take over the Tactical console."

He petitioned, and he was promptly relieved, which allowed him to investigate the item. He soon determined that it was a child's size...


"Captain Galloway. I ask for permission to return this to Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie. I do believe he has... misplaced it."

An easy request, one that would distract him, if only for a moment. And he imagined that there would not be too much excitement at the moment, anyways. Agh... the itch had returned. Now he had to visibly scratch himself. He wanted to get that dealt with! But people still were being healed down at Sickbay.

Ugh... just for a few hours more Zhuk. Endure it.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 10, 2023, 12:22:58 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger 40117-A]

Though Lieutenant Mrekrerhas had severe objections at first towards heading once more to the Solar System, especially as he obtained more information about what had transpired there, Captain Galloway's rousing speech had quickly turned his opinion over, his trust on him reaffirming itself as he was moved by the sheer force of Galloway's conviction. He thought of himself as a loyal crew member, ready to follow the Captain everywhere he went. But now he was sure that he would, even if Ian told him to hold the line and sacrifice himself.

Of course, Zhuk much preferred to live. He still had so many things to experience. Plus, he wanted to become his own Captain someday, so he hoped that would not happen. In any case, he was ready to fight now. Things were fuzzy on what had happened over on Earth. The Borg had attacked, he knew that. But the specifics were still lost on him. Subspace communications were a mess, and he could simply not obtain any information from the Tactical Console. None of his messages had been answered, and that worried him.

As far as they knew, they could be the last Federation ship still operational. But that was unlikely, yes?

There was still probably Deep Space 9 and other Starfleet bases if all ships had been recalled to Earth. The idea that the crew was the last, however, did run a number on his mind. Brave warriors, fighting to survive in a galaxy that had quickly shifted into something fatal for them appealed to him. His primal instinct perhaps was to blame. But it sounded exciting and adventurous. The brave Caitian Lieutenant, serving under the rugged Ian Galloway, facing insurmountable odds, barely able to get by day by day.

Yet a memory caused him to quickly abandon such improper notions.

His Earth friend, Zoraida, was serving on the USS Passaro NCC-97955, and he was pretty sure he recalled her mentioning that her ship would participate in Frontier Day. Zoraida had been his first real friend, the person who had helped him break out of his shell after being released by the Federation's doctors. It had been a long, arduous process, but she had shown him that Starfleet could be his new home. That he could trust in people again.

She had taken him to YucatÁ¡n to her home, for goodness sake! His other friends were also most likely participating. And most likely, having been taken by the Borg. M'nia, for example, serving on the USS Discovery, was also there. Joon-Ho, Aliyu, Vanda Sabine, Leontina, and Musfir. All members of his class. People he cared for. That had given him a chance, even when he was awkward, and even hissed at Joon-Ho once.

And he was thinking of just forgetting they existed to fulfill a fantasy. He shook his head.

He needed some time to think away from the console.

His eyes darted around the Bridge trying to find something, until he saw something just barely out of view. A shoe.

"Ensign, I require you to take over the Tactical console."

He petitioned, and he was promptly relieved, which allowed him to investigate the item. He soon determined that it was a child's size...


"Captain Galloway. I ask for permission to return this to Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie. I do believe he has... misplaced it."

An easy request, one that would distract him, if only for a moment. And he imagined that there would not be too much excitement at the moment, anyways. Agh... the itch had returned. Now he had to visibly scratch himself. He wanted to get that dealt with! But people still were being healed down at Sickbay.

Ugh... just for a few hours more Zhuk. Endure it.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In spite of the underlying tension on the bridge, Ian managed to snort at Zhuk's request and replied.

"Aye Lieutenant, by all means do so. When we were fightin' the Romulans, I told the little git ta throw everything we had at one of the targets, includin' his shoe and the pillock took me literally."

Ian shook his head and rolled his eyes upward as if asking for strength. It was however, at that moment that Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops spoke up.

"Captain, I am picking up a distress call. Audio only, intermittent signal disruption makes it hard to decipher."

"On audio Fernando."

The speakers crackled with static, and the whine of signal oscillation filled the bridge. Then some words cut faintly through the interference.

"...any ship... in danger... this is trader... O'Rigel calling... hostile vessel... huge... we can't   ...engines failing... need assistance. Repeating: To any ship... danger of attack. This is Pride O'Rigel... under attack by..."

Then a burst of static drowned out the signal. Ian arched his eyebrow at Catalan.

"They're still signaling, but but they are being jammed."

"Evan, you got a fix on their location?"

"Aye Sir, range is twelve billion kilometers, bearing 121 mark 14."

Lieutenant Evan Randall at the science station reported.

"Helm, plot an intercept course. Warp 9. Tactical. Looks like Mister MacKenzie's shoe is goin' ta have ta wait. Raise shields and take us ta yellow alert."

While twelve billion kilometers seemed like a long way, but at warp 9, the Challenger would cover that distance in less than 30 seconds. As they closed, Randall focused the sensors on the contact and gasped.

"Sir..." He sounded stunned. "I've got readings on both contacts. One is is a standard Dwarfstar-Class trader. It's transponder reads as the Pride O'Rigel. The second..." He paused again and swallowed. "The second is enormous, it reads as an uneven cylinder over a kilometer and a half long. It is pursuing the smaller ship and sensors indicate that the hull is collapsed neutronium. There is a record of such a ship in Starfleet's archive. It's called... a Doomsday Machine."

Ian stood silently, as the entire bridge went silent. it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room at once. He rubbed his forehead and said.

"Tactical. Red alert. Battlestations."

Nira Said

Quote from: Taja Grippen on November 08, 2023, 06:27:40 PM

[Deck Seven, Sickbay]

Taja had spent the last two hours tending to the small group of wounded crewman thanks to someone upstairs throwing the ship around like a toddler discarding their unwanted dinner. She had prioritised the worst of it, a couple of open fractures, mild concussions, nothing the marvels of 25th century medicine couldn't fix in a jiffy. It was all in a day's work and she was actually glad to be of some use this soon after arriving. The Risan had just finished cleaning up from the last patient when the call came in from none other than the first officer. A bit odd she thought, the commander wasn't scheduled for her next mandatory physical until next month...

=/\= "Yes commander, I'll be right there!" =/\=

Taja grabbed her medical kit that contained all the essentials, 'better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it', she thought and quickly left sickbay and into the nearest turbolift up the few decks to head office.

[Deck One, Bridge]

A few minutes later, Taja arrived on the bridge. She took a moment to soak in the open space, it was her first time stepping foot aboard a trailblazer class bridge and it didn't disappoint. The mood here was steely, everyone was focused on the task at hand - returning to save Earth, or something like that she didn't really know the details and didn't need to. Malik was out there somewhere in all that mess as part of Frontier Day, but she didn't have time to worry about his fate. As a doctor, was she was trained to compartmentalise her own feelings when required and so she placed the thought of her brother away in the back of her Risan-brain for later processing.

She quickly found the door for the First Officer's ready room and chimed, when the reply came, she entered the surprisingly small room. "Commander, please state the nature of the medical emergency..." She'd heard that from somewhere, and thought it made her sound professional.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Ready Room >- Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Hearing Doctor Grippen's reply, Nira headed for her ready room, handing the conn to Commander Catalan. A moment later, Doctor Grippen came to the ready room.

At first glance, Nira was surprised. Taja Grippen was as blond as can be. Nonetheless, she was Risian, owing to what was on her forehead...and yet, there was something familiar about him.

"It's good to meet you, Doctor," she said. "I wished to formally welcome you aboard the Challenger. I didn't know how I missed you on the duty roster...I wanted to speak to you, of course, on a personal matter...your surname, Grippen...are you related, by any chance to a Malik Grippen?"

They talked for a while, an eternity. She found out a great deal of surprise. Malik was, in fact, her brother. And she mentioned that she was a lover. They walked a great deal, right up until the red alert jolted her.

"Pardon me, Taja, but I think something's coming up," she said, and headed onto the bridge.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 10, 2023, 10:57:53 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In spite of the underlying tension on the bridge, Ian managed to snort at Zhuk's request and replied.

"Aye Lieutenant, by all means do so. When we were fightin' the Romulans, I told the little git ta throw everything we had at one of the targets, includin' his shoe and the pillock took me literally."

Ian shook his head and rolled his eyes upward as if asking for strength. It was however, at that moment that Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops spoke up.

"Captain, I am picking up a distress call. Audio only, intermittent signal disruption makes it hard to decipher."

"On audio Fernando."

The speakers crackled with static, and the whine of signal oscillation filled the bridge. Then some words cut faintly through the interference.

"...any ship... in danger... this is trader... O'Rigel calling... hostile vessel... huge... we can't   ...engines failing... need assistance. Repeating: To any ship... danger of attack. This is Pride O'Rigel... under attack by..."

Then a burst of static drowned out the signal. Ian arched his eyebrow at Catalan.

"They're still signaling, but but they are being jammed."

"Evan, you got a fix on their location?"

"Aye Sir, range is twelve billion kilometers, bearing 121 mark 14."

Lieutenant Evan Randall at the science station reported.

"Helm, plot an intercept course. Warp 9. Tactical. Looks like Mister MacKenzie's shoe is goin' ta have ta wait. Raise shields and take us ta yellow alert."

While twelve billion kilometers seemed like a long way, but at warp 9, the Challenger would cover that distance in less than 30 seconds. As they closed, Randall focused the sensors on the contact and gasped.

"Sir..." He sounded stunned. "I've got readings on both contacts. One is is a standard Dwarfstar-Class trader. It's transponder reads as the Pride O'Rigel. The second..." He paused again and swallowed. "The second is enormous, it reads as an uneven cylinder over a kilometer and a half long. It is pursuing the smaller ship and sensors indicate that the hull is collapsed neutronium. There is a record of such a ship in Starfleet's archive. It's called... a Doomsday Machine."

Ian stood silently, as the entire bridge went silent. it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room at once. He rubbed his forehead and said.

"Tactical. Red alert. Battlestations."

"What's going on?" asked Nira in surprise once she stepped out onto the bridge.

"Trader under attack," said Commander Catalan, his tone of voice in such astonished terror, Nira had, at first, assumed the worse.

"Holy Allah," she said in shock. "They've already finished with Earth...and they could be sending out slipstream-powered ships out there, there had to be slipstream-powered ships at the celebration..."

"No, Commander," Savar interrupted from Lieutenant Randall's side. "It's something similar to the Doomsday Weapon found by the original NCC-1701 Enterprise in Captain Kirk's day."

Nira looked around, from Captain Galloway to the other officers on the bridge. There was no denying it. She collapsed onto her chair in surprise.

A flurry of possibilities came to her amidst her surprise stupor, she was "of multiple minds about it," not just of two. Finally, she roused herself.

"We're going to help the traders, aren't we, Captain?" she asked, her surprised astonishment matching Commander Catalan's.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2023, 12:32:22 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Ready Room >- Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Hearing Doctor Grippen's reply, Nira headed for her ready room, handing the conn to Commander Catalan. A moment later, Doctor Grippen came to the ready room.

At first glance, Nira was surprised. Taja Grippen was as blond as can be. Nonetheless, she was Risian, owing to what was on her forehead...and yet, there was something familiar about him.

"It's good to meet you, Doctor," she said. "I wished to formally welcome you aboard the Challenger. I didn't know how I missed you on the duty roster...I wanted to speak to you, of course, on a personal matter...your surname, Grippen...are you related, by any chance to a Malik Grippen?"

They talked for a while, an eternity. She found out a great deal of surprise. Malik was, in fact, her brother. And she mentioned that she was a lover. They walked a great deal, right up until the red alert jolted her.

"Pardon me, Taja, but I think something's coming up," she said, and headed onto the bridge.
"What's going on?" asked Nira in surprise once she stepped out onto the bridge.

"Trader under attack," said Commander Catalan, his tone of voice in such astonished terror, Nira had, at first, assumed the worse.

"Holy Allah," she said in shock. "They've already finished with Earth...and they could be sending out slipstream-powered ships out there, there had to be slipstream-powered ships at the celebration..."

"No, Commander," Savar interrupted from Lieutenant Randall's side. "It's something similar to the Doomsday Weapon found by the original NCC-1701 Enterprise in Captain Kirk's day."

Nira looked around, from Captain Galloway to the other officers on the bridge. There was no denying it. She collapsed onto her chair in surprise.

A flurry of possibilities came to her amidst her surprise stupor, she was "of multiple minds about it," not just of two. Finally, she roused herself.

"We're going to help the traders, aren't we, Captain?" she asked, her surprised astonishment matching Commander Catalan's.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the distance close and listened to Randall's updates as the sensors brought in more data. The trader, which was really more of a blockade runner, should have been able to outrun the Machine, but one of its nacelles showed damage and that one hit had happened to damage something important; just enough damage that her engines were close to failing.

Ian saw Nira's expression and could only sympathize with her reactions, of all days, why did this thing have to show up today. However, she had asked a question and he replied.

"As much as I'd love ta say that's nae a Federation ship and we're nae in Federation space, neither of those change the fact that we are Starfleet. Regulations are clear, we must respond ta all legitimate distress calls. We'll go in fast, maybe snag them with a tractor if necessary and get outside of that monster's response range. Then we'll figure out what ta do after that."

Dr Taja Grippen

Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2023, 12:32:22 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Ready Room >- Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Hearing Doctor Grippen's reply, Nira headed for her ready room, handing the conn to Commander Catalan. A moment later, Doctor Grippen came to the ready room.

At first glance, Nira was surprised. Taja Grippen was as blond as can be. Nonetheless, she was Risian, owing to what was on her forehead...and yet, there was something familiar about him.

"It's good to meet you, Doctor," she said. "I wished to formally welcome you aboard the Challenger. I didn't know how I missed you on the duty roster...I wanted to speak to you, of course, on a personal matter...your surname, Grippen...are you related, by any chance to a Malik Grippen?"

They talked for a while, an eternity. She found out a great deal of surprise. Malik was, in fact, her brother. And she mentioned that she was a lover. They walked a great deal, right up until the red alert jolted her.

"Pardon me, Taja, but I think something's coming up," she said, and headed onto the bridge.

[Deck One, Bridge]

Taja and Nira chatted away happily, hitting it off straight away. Betazeds and Risans were always going to get on well together with their high emotional intelligence and social skills. Of all the ships in the fleet, what were the chances that she would be placed on one with someone who knew her brother so well. It really was a small universe. They continued their chat until the captain called a Red Alert.

Taja followed the first officer back onto the bridge. The doctor listened to the update as to what was happening and knew she may be called upon very soon. It was a stark contrast to the jovial introduction she had just shared with the commander. She spoke up to anyone who may know the answer, her tone precise and professional, "Do we know if the freighter has sustained any casualties?" Taja would potentially need to help prepare sickbay for a mass influx of injured people, and may not have much time to do it.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Kyan Mackenzie

Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Jeffries Tube junction 7-B11, USS Challenger]

"œHow much further?" Max called up as he climbed.

Kyan looked "œdown" at his friend, who was several meters behind him. "œNae far. Almost there."

It was late at night, ship time. By the time Crewman Abas had come up to the Observation lounge to see to Chief Lahr, Kyan was lying on the deck beside him asleep. He didn't know how long he'd been out for. Long enough for Bravo shift to have taken over at least, which meant he was off duty. Yet when he'd gotten back to his quarters, Max had still been awake. The other Onlie was only a few months Kyan's junior, but he'd never been out on his own before. He'd certainly never been aboard a ship during combat. He'd been scared. And since Kyan had slept in the observation room, he wasn't liable to go to sleep either. So he'd offered to take Max to see the "œsweet spot." Of course, he hadn't told him exactly what it was. But the assertion that it was a cool place had been enough to get the other boy to come along.

The "œsweet spot" was the place on the ship at the midpoint between the bow plate and the artificial gravity generator. Federation starships generally had a few or several such locations. It depended upon how many artificial gravity generators they employed. Challenger had at least two that Kyan had been able to find. There was one in the saucer section and another in the stardrive section. The location appealed to him because it was isolated and quiet, and the dueling gravity fields made it possible to float between the two hatches if you could push off one with the right amount of force. Of course that was different for every ship, and he hadn't yet managed to figure it out for Challenger.

When he made it to the hatch, Kyan looked down to see Max still a few meters behind, his eyes on the ladder. After keying in the access code, the Onlie climbed through the open hatch and pushed off. He sailed "œup" and left the confines of one gravity field and almost immediately entered the other. He had to tuck his legs and lean forward so that when he landed, he'd be in a sitting position. That also took practice. It was second nature to him by now, but for Max, this would be the first time. It was always a little disorienting, but Kyan was used to that. He was also anxious to see how Max would react. He wouldn't have to wait too long. He looked "œup" toward the hatch he'd come through when he heard the other boy coming. Soon a mop of brown hair appeared and Max climbed into the small junction.

"œHey!" he called out, where'd you go?"

Kyan laughed. "œDown here."

Max craned his neck to look up toward Kyan's voice and his eyes widened when he saw his friend sitting on the ceiling. "œHow did you do that?" he asked incredulously.

"œSure and you can too!" Kyan called back. "œJust put yer hands on the sides and push off."

Max wasn't convinced. "œBut"¦ I'll fall." He answered, stealing a glance back down the long ladder he'd just climbed.

He wasn't"¦ technically wrong. Kyan considered the other boy's dilemma. "œOk." He said finally. "œCome all the way through and let the hatch close."

Max clambered cautiously up and crouched near the hatch, which hissed closed as soon as he'd cleared it. He looked back up"¦.or down.. and Kyan. "œNow what?"

"œStand up and jump." The crimson-haired Onlie said smiling. His anticipation of watching Max discover this new cool thing was palpable. "œBut you wanna"¦."

Max had done as ordered and instead of coming down as he expected, the younger boy continued up. He flailed a bit at first, unsure of exactly what was happening. He had never been in a zero-gravity environment before, so the sensation was totally new. It felt as though his legs were being tugged back toward the deck from which he'd jumped, but that feeling stopped at his waist. From the chest up it felt like he was being pulled toward Kyan. It was unnerving to be sure, but it wasn't strong enough to feel like he was being stretched. And the further he went, the more pull he felt on his upper body as he left one gravity field for another.

"œ"¦tuck into a ball and flip!" Kyan called out as Max floated toward him waving his arms.

Max tried but before he was able to tuck his legs all the way in he dropped the last several inches and landed almost on top of Kyan. The two of them laughed as they ended up in a heap. Once they'd untangled, Max sat up and looked up at where he'd been. "œWow. That was way out!" he opined enthusiastically. What causes it?"

Kyan knew the basics, but he was no engineer. "œWell, this spot is halfway between the front of the ship and the gravity generators. So"¦ I guess there's two gravity fields"¦ but there's some space between them. And this is where the space is."

Max was impressed. "œWicked!" he whispered. "œAnd we can push off here and go back again?"

Kyan nodded. "œSure. I think the gravity plating on deck seven is why we can sit here like this the now. I don't really know how that all works. But it's fun!"

"œCan you float in the middle?"

Kyan shrugged. "œDunno. I've tried tae do it, but never been able to. I always get pulled one way or the other."

The other boy nodded, clearly concocting a plan for floating as he looked up to the other side of the chamber. After a few moments, Kyan could tell by his expression that he'd begun thinking about something else; something less fun than floating between the gravity fields. Finally, he looked over. "œCan I ask you something?" When Kyan nodded he continued. "œWere you scared"¦ on the planet?"

He knew this would come up. He'd told him about Seles and her goons when Max came to sickbay. He'd been surprised Kyan could tell he was worried, but they didn't really have much chance to talk about it before other things happened. Afterward, Max had been reluctant to go to the planet. He did though, and they had fun exploring the huge forest world. They had even brought back a pet! It was an Andgarian Onasak which they had named Jo-Jo. Kyan thought it looked like a lemur with huge ears and eyes. They'd been assured that he was capable of flying, but this far Jo-Jo hadn't done so. Even when they replicated his habitat on the holodeck, the furry little creature ran around or climbed the holographic trees. He did enjoy hanging upside down by his tail whenever he got the chance, which both Kyan and Max thought was pretty cool.

Kyan wondered how to answer the question. The truth was complicated. Was he scared? He was loath to admit it, and definitely wouldn't tell any of the grups he worked with that he had been afraid. After all, if he did that, then they'd be more likely to see him as the child that he was instead of a fellow officer. And given that he was the Chief of Security, that just wouldn't work. He'd gotten really good at shoving fear aside or masking it. And although he felt comfortable enough with Max to just be himself, more so than anyone else on the ship, it was hard to explain. And what if Max thought he was weird? That had been others' reaction when he told them he wasn't afraid of fighting grups or aliens. They thought he was a scary weirdo. Even so, he decided on the simple answer.

"œNae." He shrugged finally. "œSure and I been kidnapped before"¦ by the same dirty wankers too."

Max wasn't convinced but also didn't press the issue. He just nodded thoughtfully. "œIt was kinda scary"¦" he began quietly, pausing briefly to figure out what to say. "œ"¦when the Romulan ships showed up. I didn't know what was going on. Does that happen a lot?"

It did. He hadn't thought about it too much but the question being asked caused him to realize that ever since Kyan had come to the Challenger they'd been fighting with someone. Well, technically they hadn't fought the Klingons"¦ but they almost did. He liked it. Challenger was the most exciting ship he'd been on since the Righteous, but that was back during the Dominion War. "œKinda.." he answered quietly, still thinking. He wondered if maybe Doctor Phil was wrong, and being with him on Challenger wasn't the best idea. After all, Max had never lived on a ship"¦ much less a ship that got into as much trouble as Challenger. And it was dangerous. But the more he thought about it, the more he worried not about them getting hurt but about Max not liking it here. They'd only been together for a few weeks, but they were friends now. And if he left it would be the same as losing Sirol and Xasik again.

Max leaned back against the bulkhead. It was quiet for a few moments. Kyan glanced over. Max was thinking about something. Kyan wondered if it was about how he wanted to leave. He hoped not. In truth, it scared him more than Seles or the Romulans. He finally had a friend who was his age"¦ figuratively and literally. They were different of course. Kyan had been around the proverbial block. Max hadn't. Regardless, they had both survived on their homeworld for several lifetimes. And while Kyan had left not long after the Federation showed up, Max hadn't. He had only allowed himself to be adopted in 2345. His adoptive parents were childless themselves but had adopted other kids in addition to Max. They weren't Onlies though. So Max had the unique experience of starting as the oldest sibling and becoming the youngest.

Kyan never had any brothers or sisters. He'd been an only child before LPV ravaged his planet, and the Mackenzies never adopted any other children when he went to live with them. He'd been on his own since before Max even left their home planet. He had friends, like Admiral Gillespie's grandfather, who had grown up and left, but that was the norm. Both Onlies were accustomed to that. Their current arrangement wasn't meant to be permanent or even lengthy. Whenever Max had learned to be self-sufficient, he'd go off and have a career of his own. That was the plan anyway. Neither of them gave that eventuality much, if any, thought though. Like any ten-year-old, Both Kyan and Max were short-term thinkers. The future was tomorrow or next week at the most. "œLong term" to them encompassed roughly the same amount of time.

"œWhat if we get blown up?" Max asked, looking over.

"œThen we'll go tae the Summerlands." Kyan answered. Then he smiled. "œAnd that will be fun too."

Max considered that for a while. "œIs that like Heaven?"

Kyan nodded. "œAye. And everyone will be there what died before."

"I don't think I want to go yet." Max answered thoughtfully. "I wanna see more of the galaxy first."

This line of conversation was making Kyan uncomfortable. He didn't share Max's concerns, but also wanted him to be happy living with him on Challenger. If things were always happening, he might get scared and leave. And then what would Kyan do? Would he go with him? He had quit Starfleet before. That wasn't an issue. He could always come back. He had a lot of competing feelings on the matter. He didn't like it. It was confusing.

Kyan was quiet as he thought about what to say. He too wanted to see more of the galaxy. But if the Powers had a mind to take him away, then there wasn't much he could do about it. But he also couldn't say that to Max. This was all new to him and it was scary. It had been scary to Kyan too, way back when he'd started helping Sam Mackenzie haul freight on the Dahgda's Hammer. But combat was a rare exception on that ship. Here it was the norm. Maybe quitting Starfleet and doing something less dangerous was a good idea... for Max's sake.

"I dinnae wanna go either so I don't." he said finally. "I want tae stay and see more. And..."

"And grow up." Max added, interrupting him.

Kyan looked at him. His eyes had mirth in them. And there was the beginning of a smile forming at the corner of the boy's mouth. As quickly as the mood had grown serious, the tension vanished. Kyan grinned too. "Eww!" he teased. "You want tae grow up and kiss girls!"

"I do not!" Max shot back, indignant.

"Sure and ye do! Ye want tae grow up an get married... and become a doctor or sommat!"

"I'll slug you for that!" Max reared back but Kyan pushed off the bulkhead and flew/fell toward the other side of the chamber.

"Gotta catch me first mate."

Max imitated Kyan's movements and jumped into the middle of the chamber, falling toward Kyan, who caught him when he fell into the other gravity field. Again, they tumbled to the deck in a fit of laughter.

~ A While Later

After Kyan and Max had left the Sweet Spot, they'd gone back to their quarters to check on Jo-Jo. The little Onasak was asleep when they walked in. Kyan was thinking of doing the same thing when the red alert klaxons sounded.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 10, 2023, 10:57:53 AM

"Tactical. Red alert. Battlestations."

Normally he'd have been excited. But he was tired. The worry that had gripped him earlier returned too when he saw Max tense up.

"Stupid damned aliens!" he thought angrily. He began changing into the uniform that he'd discarded earlier. "I gotta go tae the bridge." he sighed. "But dinnae worry. It'll be ok."

Max nodded, concern evident on his face. "Ok. I'll stay here with Jo-Jo."

Kyan pulled on his uniform and the spare set of boots he'd replicated. When he was dressed, he headed for the door. "See ya when I get back." he offered, forcing a smile.

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

When he stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge, Kyan looked at the viewscreen. The starfield indicated that they'd gone to warp, but that was all the information it showed. as he looked around the bridge he saw the apprehension on everyone's faces. It didn't do anything to quell his annoyance at this latest situation.

The little Onlie was conflicted. Part of him was excited for the upcoming fight against whomever had prompted the Red Alert. The other part was worried that it was yet another situation that would cause his new friend to leave. Kyan wasn't used to being conflicted and he didn't like it.

"Whose stupid arses need kicked the now?" he grumbled aloud to no one in particular as he stalked over to where Zhuk was manning tactical.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 10, 2023, 12:43:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the distance close and listened to Randall's updates as the sensors brought in more data. The trader, which was really more of a blockade runner, should have been able to outrun the Machine, but one of its nacelles showed damage and that one hit had happened to damage something important; just enough damage that her engines were close to failing.

Ian saw Nira's expression and could only sympathize with her reactions, of all days, why did this thing have to show up today. However, she had asked a question and he replied.

"As much as I'd love ta say that's nae a Federation ship and we're nae in Federation space, neither of those change the fact that we are Starfleet. Regulations are clear, we must respond ta all legitimate distress calls. We'll go in fast, maybe snag them with a tractor if necessary and get outside of that monster's response range. Then we'll figure out what ta do after that."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 10, 2023, 04:35:12 PM

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

When he stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge, Kyan looked at the viewscreen. The starfield indicated that they'd gone to warp, but that was all the information it showed. as he looked around the bridge he saw the apprehension on everyone's faces. It didn't do anything to quell his annoyance at this latest situation.

The little Onlie was conflicted. Part of him was excited for the upcoming fight against whomever had prompted the Red Alert. The other part was worried that it was yet another situation that would cause his new friend to leave. Kyan wasn't used to being conflicted and he didn't like it.

"Whose stupid arses need kicked the now?" he grumbled aloud to no one in particular as he stalked over to where Zhuk was manning tactical.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded in understanding. She had momentarily forgotten that they technically were still in Romulan space, and in particular, the Romulan Free State, not the New Romulan Star Empire that had been so recently declared reborn. "You're right, Captain, " she said. "And if we're still in Free State space, we can ask for their help while we're at it, just in case. How a Doomsday Weapon showed up, today of all days..."

She left the sentence hanging and started when Kyan appeared and made his question. She looked over at Zhuk and then back at Kyan.

"Unfortunately, the impossible kind," she said in a soft retort. "It's something that had been dealt with in Jame's Kirk's day," she added, remembering Kyan was more than half as an El-Aurian and would remember the days of Kirk and Spock.

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 10, 2023, 03:31:00 PM

[Deck One, Bridge]

Taja and Nira chatted away happily, hitting it off straight away. Betazeds and Risans were always going to get on well together with their high emotional intelligence and social skills. Of all the ships in the fleet, what were the chances that she would be placed on one with someone who knew her brother so well. It really was a small universe. They continued their chat until the captain called a Red Alert.

Taja followed the first officer back onto the bridge. The doctor listened to the update as to what was happening and knew she may be called upon very soon. It was a stark contrast to the jovial introduction she had just shared with the commander. She spoke up to anyone who may know the answer, her tone precise and professional, "Do we know if the freighter has sustained any casualties?" Taja would potentially need to help prepare sickbay for a mass influx of injured people, and may not have much time to do it.

Nira looked at Taja and then looked at the Science Station. With a pang, her eyes fell on Savar. She loved Taja's brother, but also Savar, and Savar was her Imzadi, while Malik could easily be her Imzadi if they so desired, if he wanted to...Savar was her Imzadi, Malik her lover, if only breifly. It was a potential complication...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 10, 2023, 10:57:53 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In spite of the underlying tension on the bridge, Ian managed to snort at Zhuk's request and replied.

"Aye Lieutenant, by all means do so. When we were fightin' the Romulans, I told the little git ta throw everything we had at one of the targets, includin' his shoe and the pillock took me literally."

Ian shook his head and rolled his eyes upward as if asking for strength. It was however, at that moment that Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops spoke up.

"Captain, I am picking up a distress call. Audio only, intermittent signal disruption makes it hard to decipher."

"On audio Fernando."

The speakers crackled with static, and the whine of signal oscillation filled the bridge. Then some words cut faintly through the interference.

"...any ship... in danger... this is trader... O'Rigel calling... hostile vessel... huge... we can't   ...engines failing... need assistance. Repeating: To any ship... danger of attack. This is Pride O'Rigel... under attack by..."

Then a burst of static drowned out the signal. Ian arched his eyebrow at Catalan.

"They're still signaling, but but they are being jammed."

"Evan, you got a fix on their location?"

"Aye Sir, range is twelve billion kilometers, bearing 121 mark 14."

Lieutenant Evan Randall at the science station reported.

"Helm, plot an intercept course. Warp 9. Tactical. Looks like Mister MacKenzie's shoe is goin' ta have ta wait. Raise shields and take us ta yellow alert."

While twelve billion kilometers seemed like a long way, but at warp 9, the Challenger would cover that distance in less than 30 seconds. As they closed, Randall focused the sensors on the contact and gasped.

"Sir..." He sounded stunned. "I've got readings on both contacts. One is is a standard Dwarfstar-Class trader. It's transponder reads as the Pride O'Rigel. The second..." He paused again and swallowed. "The second is enormous, it reads as an uneven cylinder over a kilometer and a half long. It is pursuing the smaller ship and sensors indicate that the hull is collapsed neutronium. There is a record of such a ship in Starfleet's archive. It's called... a Doomsday Machine."

Ian stood silently, as the entire bridge went silent. it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room at once. He rubbed his forehead and said.

"Tactical. Red alert. Battlestations."

[USS-Challenger/ Deck 7/ Officer's Quarters]

We can stop for today." Nekab said, while raising from the floor. "œWhen you feel your emotions becoming too overwhelming, you can repeat what we did today." the other man offered a hand to Aarwendil, who immediately accepted. The Ensign was still impressed with the fact that he was being so nice. He doubted that Romulan doctors used to act this way with their patients.

Even with the exercises, I still want to monitor the side effects. I expect you at the medical bay soon." the two approached the door. Aarwendil still felt stupid for being the only one that didn't recover completely from the yanmarr. He took a deep breath, his emotions were starting to come back.  "œGood job." Nekab's voice made the Betazoid flinch, having forgotten that the other was still here with him.

The Ensign opened the door, allowing the other to leave the room. "œThank you for"¦" he couldn't finish, because the red alert sounded around the ship. "œWe have problems." Aarwendil immediately rushed toward the bridge. It wasn't time for him to feel an emotional mess, they could need his help.

In his hurry, he didn't notice that Nekab was coming after him.

[USS-Challenger/ Bridge]

As soon as the turbolift's door opened, Aarwendil presented it to the captain. "œEnsign Cheizex presenting for duty, sir. Is there any way that I can help?" he waited for a positive answer, hoping that having something to do would make him forget about Andgarr.

Suddenly, the door of the turbolift opened again and Nekab stepped out of it. He looked around the bridge, his face still stoic. However, there was a small glint of emotion in his eyes. Was it amazement?

Betazoid, Male

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The ship had all of a minute at Yellow Alert, during which Lahr suggested to the Medical personnel on duty that their time and his would be better spent discharging him and  opening up another bed - just in case -  before the klaxon in Sickbay sounded the Red Alert.  Lahr sat up out of bed without waiting on their response.

He had a job to do; and the ship to his knowledge was already starting off in a compromised state.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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