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S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2023, 05:02:49 PM

"Unfortunately, the impossible kind," she said in a soft retort. "It's something that had been dealt with in Jame's Kirk's day,"

Kyan would normally have dismissed the cryptic reply and asked for more information. He was accustomed to grups getting dramatic when things got tense, girls especially. And he liked Commander Said. They'd even sparred together on the holodeck a few times. But he was tired. That brief catnap was the only sleep he'd had since waking up the day prior, and he'd spent a lot of adrenaline on that Romulan fight. In addition to which, he was worried about Max. Kyan was fairly certain that a few more combat missions might be too much for his new friend.

It wasn't his fault, or even Galloways or Said's. It wasn't like they were running around space pissing people off on purpose. Well, he hadn't been on the ship that long so... maybe they were. Who knew? But the Challenger was a heavy cruiser, which meant if arses needed a kicking, they'd be on the speed dial. Before he'd gotten that message from Doctor Phil at the hospital back home, he'd have been fine with it; excited even. Most of him was. But over the past several days the possibility of Max not wanting to stay had been weighing on him.

"Yeah thanks. Cuz that narrows it down." he muttered as he approached the console where the Caitian stood. From what Nira had said, it could be any number of things. Evil computers, great granddaughters of some alien lover that had showed up with a demand for vengeance for their preat grandmothers tarnished honor... Q like beings... a boat of frozen super people from Earth's Eugenics wars.. anything really.

"Ok Zhuk..." he began, stifling a yawn. "What's the....." He paused, eyes widening as he saw the readings around the Caitian's shoulder. "Oh." he managed finally before annoyance once again became his dominant emotion. His eyes narrowed and he threw a glance up to the Powers as if that's where his gods sat, laughing at their latest jib. "You guys can piss off a rope fer this so ye can ya great pack of wankstains!"

Then, remembering his History classes and turning his tired gaze back to Galloway and Nira, "If a stupid space monster shows up and starts ridin dat thing... then I quit!" Which, given the events of the past several days and hours... didn't seem all that unlikely.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 10, 2023, 07:10:08 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Bridge]

As soon as the turbolift's door opened, Aarwendil presented it to the captain. "œEnsign Cheizex presenting for duty, sir. Is there any way that I can help?" he waited for a positive answer, hoping that having something to do would make him forget about Andgarr.

Suddenly, the door of the turbolift opened again and Nekab stepped out of it. He looked around the bridge, his face still stoic. However, there was a small glint of emotion in his eyes. Was it amazement?

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 10, 2023, 03:31:00 PM

[Deck One, Bridge]

Taja and Nira chatted away happily, hitting it off straight away. Betazeds and Risans were always going to get on well together with their high emotional intelligence and social skills. Of all the ships in the fleet, what were the chances that she would be placed on one with someone who knew her brother so well. It really was a small universe. They continued their chat until the captain called a Red Alert.

Taja followed the first officer back onto the bridge. The doctor listened to the update as to what was happening and knew she may be called upon very soon. It was a stark contrast to the jovial introduction she had just shared with the commander. She spoke up to anyone who may know the answer, her tone precise and professional, "Do we know if the freighter has sustained any casualties?" Taja would potentially need to help prepare sickbay for a mass influx of injured people, and may not have much time to do it.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 11, 2023, 07:26:18 AM

Then, remembering his History classes and turning his tired gaze back to Galloway and Nira, "If a stupid space monster shows up and starts ridin dat thing... then I quit!" Which, given the events of the past several days and hours... didn't seem all that unlikely.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Things were happening quickly, as they tended to do at the worst of times, and Ian was annoyed at the chatter. Most of the noise was valid and even Kyan's gripe had some merit, but Ian felt like the parent of a pack of unruly children and wanted to scream.


But he did not. He was the Captain and he was supposed to answer questions and provide direction. Question was, who was he supposed to ask when he needed answers? Speaking with a purpose, he replied.

"Communications have been intermittent, no known casualties at this time. Ensign, you can take the Mission Operations station and assist Commander Catalan. And no Mister MacKenzie, you do not get ta bloody quit."

Catalan provided the much needed break in the tension by saying.

"Sir, we're close enough to punch through the interference. I've got an incoming hail."

"On screen."

While the image had static, the screen showed a young, dashing human male doing his best to affect a 'devil-may-care' attitude, but it didn't take an expert to see it was an act, he was scared.

"Hello, Starfleet. Glad you laddies could join the party. This is Captain Pat O'Flaherty of the Pride O'Rigel. We've got ourselves a spot o' trouble here. Can you lend us a hand before that big boyo breathin' down me neck has me ship fer a snack?"

Dr Taja Grippen


When he stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge, Kyan looked at the viewscreen. The starfield indicated that they'd gone to warp, but that was all the information it showed. as he looked around the bridge he saw the apprehension on everyone's faces. It didn't do anything to quell his annoyance at this latest situation.

The little Onlie was conflicted. Part of him was excited for the upcoming fight against whomever had prompted the Red Alert. The other part was worried that it was yet another situation that would cause his new friend to leave. Kyan wasn't used to being conflicted and he didn't like it.

"Whose stupid arses need kicked the now?" he grumbled aloud to no one in particular as he stalked over to where Zhuk was manning tactical.

[Deck One, Bridge]

Whilst waiting for a reply from the captain about casualties, Taja couldn't help but notice the miniature officer enter the bridge and start talking about injuring buttocks. The Risan's first impression was that a holodeck character from 'The Hobbit' had escaped, but when no one else seemed to react she realised that mustn't be the case. Taja really did have to review the personnel files sooner rather than later...


As soon as the turbolift's door opened, Aarwendil presented it to the captain. "œEnsign Cheizex presenting for duty, sir. Is there any way that I can help?" he waited for a positive answer, hoping that having something to do would make him forget about Andgarr.

A welcome distraction came in the form of this curly haired ensign, judging by his eyes, another betazed. 'I wonder if Nira and he get on well? He's handsome though, nice jawline...though perhaps a bit young for me. Still, the thought was there.' As it always was with Risans.

"Yeah thanks. Cuz that narrows it down." he muttered as he approached the console where the Caitian stood. From what Nira had said, it could be any number of things. Evil computers, great granddaughters of some alien lover that had showed up with a demand for vengeance for their preat grandmothers tarnished honor... Q like beings... a boat of frozen super people from Earth's Eugenics wars.. anything really.

"Ok Zhuk..." he began, stifling a yawn. "What's the....." He paused, eyes widening as he saw the readings around the Caitian's shoulder. "Oh." he managed finally before annoyance once again became his dominant emotion. His eyes narrowed and he threw a glance up to the Powers as if that's where his gods sat, laughing at their latest jib. "You guys can piss off a rope fer this so ye can ya great pack of wankstains!"

Then, remembering his History classes and turning his tired gaze back to Galloway and Nira, "If a stupid space monster shows up and starts ridin dat thing... then I quit!" Which, given the events of the past several days and hours... didn't seem all that unlikely.

Taja's eyes widened as the hobbit started spouting odd words and something about a stain that she didn't understand. 'Is this kind of language really permitted?' The academy taught her to remain professional and courteous at all times, especially whilst on the bridge. But this little creature was swearing like a drunken Klingon sailor. Perhaps captain Galloway ran things differently from what she learned to expect at the Academy.

But he did not. He was the Captain and he was supposed to answer questions and provide direction. Question was, who was he supposed to ask when he needed answers? Speaking with a purpose, he replied.

"Communications have been intermittent, no known casualties at this time. Ensign, you can take the Mission Operations station and assist Commander Catalan. And no Mister MacKenzie, you do not get ta bloody quit."

"Aye captain." Grippen made her way over to the station and continued to listen to the unfolding situation. Hopefully she would be of some use here, though the doctor felt awkward amongst the rest of the bridge staff. She was more used to the organised chaos of accident and emergency back on Risa and could handle busy situations, but this one was different. She was inexperienced at 'bridge-life' and it made her want to prove herself capable in front of her peers.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 11, 2023, 10:05:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Things were happening quickly, as they tended to do at the worst of times, and Ian was annoyed at the chatter. Most of the noise was valid and even Kyan's gripe had some merit, but Ian felt like the parent of a pack of unruly children and wanted to scream.


But he did not. He was the Captain and he was supposed to answer questions and provide direction. Question was, who was he supposed to ask when he needed answers? Speaking with a purpose, he replied.

"Communications have been intermittent, no known casualties at this time. Ensign, you can take the Mission Operations station and assist Commander Catalan. And no Mister MacKenzie, you do not get ta bloody quit."

Catalan provided the much needed break in the tension by saying.

"Sir, we're close enough to punch through the interference. I've got an incoming hail."

"On screen."

While the image had static, the screen showed a young, dashing human male doing his best to affect a 'devil-may-care' attitude, but it didn't take an expert to see it was an act, he was scared.

"Hello, Starfleet. Glad you laddies could join the party. This is Captain Pat O'Flaherty of the Pride O'Rigel. We've got ourselves a spot o' trouble here. Can you lend us a hand before that big boyo breathin' down me neck has me ship fer a snack?"

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 11, 2023, 02:45:29 PM

[Deck One, Bridge]

Whilst waiting for a reply from the captain about casualties, Taja couldn't help but notice the miniature officer enter the bridge and start talking about injuring buttocks. The Risan's first impression was that a holodeck character from 'The Hobbit' had escaped, but when no one else seemed to react she realised that mustn't be the case. Taja really did have to review the personnel files sooner rather than later...

A welcome distraction came in the form of this curly haired ensign, judging by his eyes, another betazed. 'I wonder if Nira and he get on well? He's handsome though, nice jawline...though perhaps a bit young for me. Still, the thought was there.' As it always was with Risans.

Taja's eyes widened as the hobbit started spouting odd words and something about a stain that she didn't understand. 'Is this kind of language really permitted?' The academy taught her to remain professional and courteous at all times, especially whilst on the bridge. But this little creature was swearing like a drunken Klingon sailor. Perhaps captain Galloway ran things differently from what she learned to expect at the Academy.

"Aye captain." Grippen made her way over to the station and continued to listen to the unfolding situation. Hopefully she would be of some use here, though the doctor felt awkward amongst the rest of the bridge staff. She was more used to the organised chaos of accident and emergency back on Risa and could handle busy situations, but this one was different. She was inexperienced at 'bridge-life' and it made her want to prove herself capable in front of her peers.

[USS-Challenger/ Bridge]

Yes, sir." Aarwendil said, before walking toward Catalan in the Operation station. The two greeted each other, before the Betazoid went to help him. He took another deep breath after hearing the Captain and Mackenzie bickering with each other. The Ensign wanted to laugh, but he feared that it would make the entire bridge suffer with a laughing burst. It wasn't the best moment for that, when they are in the middle of an operation to help another ship.

The young Betazoid felt, for a brief moment, that someone was looking at him with some interest. He turned to look at the source, identifying them as a gorgeous female Risian. He immediately turned back to his job, while taking some more deep breaths.

His reaction didn't go unnoticed by Nekab, who had stayed near the same Risian. From here, the Romulan doctor could help Aarwendil if his empathic abilities got out of control and help the crew if they started to get hurt due to combat. The Unificationist acknowledged her with a nod, before remaining to look at the busy crew with a stoic face.

Betazoid, Male

Abas Th'vyrrol


It seemed nothing could go right, some days. The crew, already on edge as the Challenger was bearing for a fight, was suddenly rousted from her preparations with the call to action stations. Why, who knew. It was far too early for them to have arrived anywhere near the known hotspots of Federation activity - Earth could not have fallen so quickly. No, this had to be something else. No matter what happened, Sickbay would stand to their duties. As the red pulsing lights and rythmic klaxon continued to sound, a flurry of preparation. The walking wounded or those close to discharge were sent out. Dutifly, these rapid discharges were recorded and noted, in case they had to return later. For now, however, the crew needed all the bodies they could find on the line.

As Sickbay finished, a roster check of the duty staff and locations was performed. It seemed one of the newer medical officers, a Doctor Grippen, was on the Bridge. That simplified the matter of reporting Sickbay's status. After confirming with the other crew, Abas tapped the wall panel by his triage station. =/\= Sickbay to Dr. Grippen. Medical department reports ready, =/\= he said, keeping the report short and to the point. The bridge crew would inform them if they were needed.




The doors of the turbolift had opened, Jamil's foot stepped on the floor of the bridge, and then red alert gone off. "Oh come on. Am that bad?" he asked. Was his voice loud enough to be heard? Who knows? Why was the red alert going on? The main screen at the front of the bridge showed they were heading toward Earth. Or are they? Or the Borg was nearby. Were they being chased by the Borg? Should he leave? He was told to be here.

The first time on the bridge was a total loss here. The Captain was at the Captain's chair, of course. He had never had a chance to see anyone since he was assigned to the Challenger. All what he knew was Earth needed help, and they were going in that direction.

Any eyes befall on Jamil, and he gave a nod as he went to the Science station. God. This was friggin awesome. He was finally made it to the Science console on thebridge. The dream was there. The tips of his fingers. Then he looked over at the screen as "˜Intercept'.

A wee little later, a moment or so, they gone to "˜Yellow Alert', dropped out of Warp, greeted by Captain Pat O'Flaherty of the Pride O'Rigel. "Is that a  "˜green' ship with lucky charms?" he said. Crap! Oh sure. That was gonna get him one boot to the airlock. Or worse. Scrub the hull in a space suit. It was the last place he wanted.

Anyway, the human raised by Ferengi was looking at the Science station, finding anything disturbing of the space about the ship or the ship itself. Some questions needed to be found. This is what was the fun of the adventure. And the bridge was the best place to be on earth.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 10, 2023, 10:57:53 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In spite of the underlying tension on the bridge, Ian managed to snort at Zhuk's request and replied.

"Aye Lieutenant, by all means do so. When we were fightin' the Romulans, I told the little git ta throw everything we had at one of the targets, includin' his shoe and the pillock took me literally."

Ian shook his head and rolled his eyes upward as if asking for strength. It was however, at that moment that Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops spoke up.

"Captain, I am picking up a distress call. Audio only, intermittent signal disruption makes it hard to decipher."

"On audio Fernando."

The speakers crackled with static, and the whine of signal oscillation filled the bridge. Then some words cut faintly through the interference.

"...any ship... in danger... this is trader... O'Rigel calling... hostile vessel... huge... we can't   ...engines failing... need assistance. Repeating: To any ship... danger of attack. This is Pride O'Rigel... under attack by..."

Then a burst of static drowned out the signal. Ian arched his eyebrow at Catalan.

"They're still signaling, but but they are being jammed."

"Evan, you got a fix on their location?"

"Aye Sir, range is twelve billion kilometers, bearing 121 mark 14."

Lieutenant Evan Randall at the science station reported.

"Helm, plot an intercept course. Warp 9. Tactical. Looks like Mister MacKenzie's shoe is goin' ta have ta wait. Raise shields and take us ta yellow alert."

While twelve billion kilometers seemed like a long way, but at warp 9, the Challenger would cover that distance in less than 30 seconds. As they closed, Randall focused the sensors on the contact and gasped.

"Sir..." He sounded stunned. "I've got readings on both contacts. One is is a standard Dwarfstar-Class trader. It's transponder reads as the Pride O'Rigel. The second..." He paused again and swallowed. "The second is enormous, it reads as an uneven cylinder over a kilometer and a half long. It is pursuing the smaller ship and sensors indicate that the hull is collapsed neutronium. There is a record of such a ship in Starfleet's archive. It's called... a Doomsday Machine."

Ian stood silently, as the entire bridge went silent. it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room at once. He rubbed his forehead and said.

"Tactical. Red alert. Battlestations."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger 40117-A]

At the sudden appearance of a distress call, Zhuk scrambled to get to his Tactical station. He stuffed the shoe in his pockets to the best of his ability, before standing next to the Ensign he had previously assigned to take his place and raised the Yellow Alert himself as he was ordered to. He huffed at his luck. A mere two hours had passed and now they had to be heroes again. He did not enjoy this. Not one bit. Especially as that darned itch did not let him think properly.

He expected Romulans, or perhaps the purported Borgos to be the culprits behind the attack of the other vessel. Instead, he felt a chill running down his spine as he listened to Commander Catalan's description of the massive aggressor vessel, and its name: 'Doomsday Weapon'. He remained serious as he quickly changed the Yellow Alert for a Red Alert.

Great. Now they were going to die. There was no way their ship could contend against a vessel THAT size, and leave unscathed. But his bravery did not falter. It was not ideal, sure, but he would not abandon his console until ordered to do so. He could see the Ensign next to him had frozen, so he had to clear his throat to get his attention.

"Ensign. Focus. We require you to be within the five senses at this instant. Alertness is one of the keys to victory. We shalt succeed in our endeavors as long as we remain calm and collected. Understood?"

The Ensign quickly nodded, taking a deep breath as he returned to his duties, much to Zhuk's satisfaction. He was getting good at these speech things, he thought.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 10, 2023, 04:35:12 PM

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

When he stepped off the turbolift onto the bridge, Kyan looked at the viewscreen. The starfield indicated that they'd gone to warp, but that was all the information it showed. as he looked around the bridge he saw the apprehension on everyone's faces. It didn't do anything to quell his annoyance at this latest situation.

The little Onlie was conflicted. Part of him was excited for the upcoming fight against whomever had prompted the Red Alert. The other part was worried that it was yet another situation that would cause his new friend to leave. Kyan wasn't used to being conflicted and he didn't like it.

"Whose stupid arses need kicked the now?" he grumbled aloud to no one in particular as he stalked over to where Zhuk was manning tactical.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 11, 2023, 07:26:18 AM

Kyan would normally have dismissed the cryptic reply and asked for more information. He was accustomed to grups getting dramatic when things got tense, girls especially. And he liked Commander Said. They'd even sparred together on the holodeck a few times. But he was tired. That brief catnap was the only sleep he'd had since waking up the day prior, and he'd spent a lot of adrenaline on that Romulan fight. In addition to which, he was worried about Max. Kyan was fairly certain that a few more combat missions might be too much for his new friend.

It wasn't his fault, or even Galloways or Said's. It wasn't like they were running around space pissing people off on purpose. Well, he hadn't been on the ship that long so... maybe they were. Who knew? But the Challenger was a heavy cruiser, which meant if arses needed a kicking, they'd be on the speed dial. Before he'd gotten that message from Doctor Phil at the hospital back home, he'd have been fine with it; excited even. Most of him was. But over the past several days the possibility of Max not wanting to stay had been weighing on him.

"Yeah thanks. Cuz that narrows it down." he muttered as he approached the console where the Caitian stood. From what Nira had said, it could be any number of things. Evil computers, great granddaughters of some alien lover that had showed up with a demand for vengeance for their preat grandmothers tarnished honor... Q like beings... a boat of frozen super people from Earth's Eugenics wars.. anything really.

"Ok Zhuk..." he began, stifling a yawn. "What's the....." He paused, eyes widening as he saw the readings around the Caitian's shoulder. "Oh." he managed finally before annoyance once again became his dominant emotion. His eyes narrowed and he threw a glance up to the Powers as if that's where his gods sat, laughing at their latest jib. "You guys can piss off a rope fer this so ye can ya great pack of wankstains!"

Then, remembering his History classes and turning his tired gaze back to Galloway and Nira, "If a stupid space monster shows up and starts ridin dat thing... then I quit!" Which, given the events of the past several days and hours... didn't seem all that unlikely.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 11, 2023, 10:05:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Things were happening quickly, as they tended to do at the worst of times, and Ian was annoyed at the chatter. Most of the noise was valid and even Kyan's gripe had some merit, but Ian felt like the parent of a pack of unruly children and wanted to scream.


But he did not. He was the Captain and he was supposed to answer questions and provide direction. Question was, who was he supposed to ask when he needed answers? Speaking with a purpose, he replied.

"Communications have been intermittent, no known casualties at this time. Ensign, you can take the Mission Operations station and assist Commander Catalan. And no Mister MacKenzie, you do not get ta bloody quit."

Catalan provided the much needed break in the tension by saying.

"Sir, we're close enough to punch through the interference. I've got an incoming hail."

"On screen."

While the image had static, the screen showed a young, dashing human male doing his best to affect a 'devil-may-care' attitude, but it didn't take an expert to see it was an act, he was scared.

"Hello, Starfleet. Glad you laddies could join the party. This is Captain Pat O'Flaherty of the Pride O'Rigel. We've got ourselves a spot o' trouble here. Can you lend us a hand before that big boyo breathin' down me neck has me ship fer a snack?"

Of course, his assignment did not last long, as he moved aside once Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie arrived, taking over his side of the Tactical console. Zhuk was glad to see him, though he worried about him being out of Medbay far too soon. He had been in a lousy state when Zhuk had rescued him. He could at least admire the sense of duty that Kyan had as he took his place.

After Nira filled Kyan in, Kyan proceeded to fill the air with his colorful expletives. He decided to give some more accurate information than what the Betazoid Commander had offered,

"I do not believe that the classification of 'it' as a 'space monster' is accurate, with all due respect, Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie. We are engaged against what has been described by Commander Catalan as a 'Doomsday Machine'. An uneven cylinder one kilometer and a half long, with a hull made out of neutrinum. It currently is in pursuit of the cargo ship that goes by the name of Pride O'Rigel. It is imperative that we assist them."

He stated, with his usual verbose choice of words, hoping that would better clear things. He suppressed a laugh when the Captain told him he could not 'bloody quit'.

Quote from: Jamil on November 12, 2023, 09:51:54 PM

The doors of the turbolift had opened, Jamil's foot stepped on the floor of the bridge, and then red alert gone off. "Oh come on. Am that bad?" he asked. Was his voice loud enough to be heard? Who knows? Why was the red alert going on? The main screen at the front of the bridge showed they were heading toward Earth. Or are they? Or the Borg was nearby. Were they being chased by the Borg? Should he leave? He was told to be here.

The first time on the bridge was a total loss here. The Captain was at the Captain's chair, of course. He had never had a chance to see anyone since he was assigned to the Challenger. All what he knew was Earth needed help, and they were going in that direction.

Any eyes befall on Jamil, and he gave a nod as he went to the Science station. God. This was friggin awesome. He was finally made it to the Science console on thebridge. The dream was there. The tips of his fingers. Then he looked over at the screen as "˜Intercept'.

A wee little later, a moment or so, they gone to "˜Yellow Alert', dropped out of Warp, greeted by Captain Pat O'Flaherty of the Pride O'Rigel. "Is that a  "˜green' ship with lucky charms?" he said. Crap! Oh sure. That was gonna get him one boot to the airlock. Or worse. Scrub the hull in a space suit. It was the last place he wanted.

Anyway, the human raised by Ferengi was looking at the Science station, finding anything disturbing of the space about the ship or the ship itself. Some questions needed to be found. This is what was the fun of the adventure. And the bridge was the best place to be on earth.

Zhuk glanced unamused over at the newcomer as he stepped out of the elevator. This time, he had not found his banter to be funny at all, his ear remaining pointed towards him as he waited for him to take his place. Science console. Very well, if it would serve him knowing about the current happenstances, he then believed that he could do another sitrep.

"Greetings Ensign. We are currently attempting to extricate the Pride O'Rigel from the purported clutches of a massive vessel of some kind. An uneven cylinder of one kilometer and a half of length which seems to be a 'Doomsday Machine', like that encountered by Captain Kirk in the 2265 to 2270 period of his posting as Captain of the Enterprise, NCC-1701. I assume that shalt answer thy question."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)



[USS Challenger - Bridge]


Zhuk glanced unamused over at the newcomer as he stepped out of the elevator. This time, he had not found his banter to be funny at all, his ear remaining pointed towards him as he waited for him to take his place. Science console. Very well, if it would serve him knowing about the current happenstances, he then believed that he could do another sitrep.

"Greetings Ensign. We are currently attempting to extricate the Pride O'Rigel from the purported clutches of a massive vessel of some kind. An uneven cylinder of one kilometer and a half of length which seems to be a 'Doomsday Machine', like that encountered by Captain Kirk in the 2265 to 2270 period of his posting as Captain of the Enterprise, NCC-1701. I assume that shalt answer thy question.[/color]

Oh. "œDoomsday. Kirk. Spells disaster, lemme see check the logs," he said. Crewman leaned whispered to the computer station. "œDoomsday encounter USS Enterprise,"  he whispered. Eyes was skimming through the log. "œPlanet killer"¦reminds me of Star Wars. That thing was going after that little green machine?" he made a weird face.

Then he had an idea. Cargo ship. What are you carrying on that lovely ship of your boyo? I bet it caught the sense of that Doomsday Machine. And where the hell did it come from? Where did come to exist. Need to figure out if it is alive. Origin? Miles away. Is this the only one? Was this like a whale on earth? Can it be the fuel in that ship? And how did that thing come out of nowhere? You think nearby systems have some screaming tantrum that it was about.

"œAmazing, Kirk did not destroy it. Means we gonna die?" he asked, with a worried look. The Caitlin next to him looked like he was a good officer, but that fur was giving a slight hint he was scared shit in that fur of his. That is what he observed.  Does he need to know this fellow next to him? What got him to be a Security officer? Does sharpen his claw? Is he addicted to catnip? Does he miss his family.

Big Doomsday was here.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

With Sickbay busy and prepping for another potential battle with yet more injured crew, Lahr managed to slip out and make his way to back up to where Damage Control Team One met up, at the Observation Lounge.  But the room was empty.

"Probably still working on the damage from the last battle" he grumbled to himself.

He tapped his comm badge.  =/\= "ch'Verret to Engineering. I'm out of Sickbay and responding to the call to battlestations.  Damage Control Team One seems to be still working their last task. You got anything for me to do?" =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

Lt. Comander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger]

Cannae bloody quit!? A diatribe about how he could bloody well quit if he bloody well wanted to and no jumped up arse-brained grup could tell him he couldn't! was milliseconds from becoming reality before Kyan's brain caught up with his mouth and he swallowed it. All the captain's admonishment got was a quick glance before he refocused on the situation at hand.

That being that he was dog tired and running on fumes at the moment. The so called "œDoomsday Machine" and its pursuit of the Pride O'Rigel came in at a respectable second place. After Zhuk gave him the information that he'd not gotten from Said in his uniquely posh vernacular, Kyan nodded. "œAye." He replied. "œGuess the Powers figure the Romulans was a warmup, and the Borg ain't our problem so.. the cheeky gits. So"¦"

Kyan looked up over his shoulder to see the Ensign that Zhuk had been talking to. "œHey.. since you're not doin nothin, go down tae the galley and tell the chef ye need some go juice. He knows what it is so he does. An get the biggest one"¦. And one fer Zhuk too." The Ensign looked at him while his order registered, which took longer than Kyan had the patience to wait currently. "œNow's better den later." He added, turning back to the console. That spurred the fresh faced human into action and he quickly made for the turbolift.

"œGo Juice" as the chef called it was nothing more than triple sweet Raktajino poured over a half cup of sugar. Kyan rarely drank coffee of any type, and Klingon coffee never at all. It had been right after the Melok Nor incident that he'd discovered the chef's special concoction. He'd been unable to sleep and found his way to the galley an hour or so before he was due to be on duty. The chef had made him some then. He'd crashed several hours later, but the stuff was good enough to keep him alert and lucid for a while. He'd deal with the rest later. Zhuk was a grup, so Kyan figured he'd be able to handle exhaustion better but he also figured the more alert they both were the better. Of course there were the jitters and sugar rush that accompanied them, but that was better than passing out.

Kyan was reading the latest sensor scans on the "œDoomsday Machine" when he heard the science officer that had arrived soon after he did.


"œAmazing, Kirk did not destroy it. Means we gonna die?" he asked, with a worried look.

Kyan turned and looked at him. He was apparently Human and looked like he was fresh out of the Academy. "œHey. We're no gonna die." He called out a little more forcefully than he meant to. He took a breath. Then, in a more measured tone, "œInstead of pinin on our getting killed off, look up how Kirk handled it and tell that."

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

O'Flaherty continued on, explaining that one of his engines was damaged and while they were outdistancing the Machine, if he didn't shut his engines down, the whole system would seize up. All of this confirmed what sensors had detected as the Challenger approached. However, one piece of the puzzle didn't fit and Ian's excellent three dimensional situational awareness from being a pilot gave him an idea. He signaled for Catalan to mute the channel to O'Flaherty.

"Evan, what is the course of the Machine?"

"130 mark 25."

"Anything on that course aside from our friend O'Flaherty?"

Randall bent over the sensors for a moment and gasped.

"Sir! The Doomsday Machine is on a direct course for the Angdarr system!"

Ian sighed as all the pieces dropped into place and he nodded to Catalan to reopen the channel.

"O'Flaherty. I can see where you might get the idea that boggit is chasin' you, but have you tried changin' course? That Machine has a specific engagement range, you stay out of that and it will find bigger fish ta fry."

O'Flaherty was clearly stunned and he shouted orders to change course at his helmsman. The Pride O'Rigel sheered off and accelerated. The Machine briefly pursued, but once the smaller ship passed beyond 50,000 kilometers, it resumed course for Angdarr.

The Pride O'Rigel maneuvered next to the Challenger and O'Flaherty spoke sheepishly.

"Sure'n I'm a pillock for not thinkin' o' that me own self. Thanks to ye Captain. If tis possible, I'd trouble you fer one more favor."

"And what might that be?"

"Our replicators are nae up ta makin' the parts we need ta fix our engines. Could you be so kind as ta replicate a series 12K Sienar impulse manifold and send over one of your brilliant engineers ta help us?"

"Would ye like fries with that?"

O'Flaherty burst out laughing as he replied.

"A Starfleet Captain with a sense of humor. Now I've seen it all. Will you be helpin' us Captain?"

"You ken full well I will. I'll have a team over shortly. Galloway out."

Ian turned to Randall and asked.

"How long before the Machine reaches Angdarr?"

"Thirty-six hours Sir."

Ian winced, evacuation was not an option and that put a severe limit on his courses of action. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Dashlish, I'm goin' ta need you ta replicate some parts and send a repair team ta the trader." =/\=

=/\= "Blockade Runner is more likely." =/\=

=/\= "Aye it is, but we're still obligated to help. Get that team over as quick as you can, we don't have much time." =/\=

=/\= "On it Captain. Tharn out." =/\=

Ian turned to the bridge crew and asked.

"Ideas people. I really need some ideas right now."

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 11, 2023, 07:26:18 AM

Kyan would normally have dismissed the cryptic reply and asked for more information. He was accustomed to grups getting dramatic when things got tense, girls especially. And he liked Commander Said. They'd even sparred together on the holodeck a few times. But he was tired. That brief catnap was the only sleep he'd had since waking up the day prior, and he'd spent a lot of adrenaline on that Romulan fight. In addition to which, he was worried about Max. Kyan was fairly certain that a few more combat missions might be too much for his new friend.

It wasn't his fault, or even Galloways or Said's. It wasn't like they were running around space pissing people off on purpose. Well, he hadn't been on the ship that long so... maybe they were. Who knew? But the Challenger was a heavy cruiser, which meant if arses needed a kicking, they'd be on the speed dial. Before he'd gotten that message from Doctor Phil at the hospital back home, he'd have been fine with it; excited even. Most of him was. But over the past several days the possibility of Max not wanting to stay had been weighing on him.

"Yeah thanks. Cuz that narrows it down." he muttered as he approached the console where the Caitian stood. From what Nira had said, it could be any number of things. Evil computers, great granddaughters of some alien lover that had showed up with a demand for vengeance for their preat grandmothers tarnished honor... Q like beings... a boat of frozen super people from Earth's Eugenics wars.. anything really.

"Ok Zhuk..." he began, stifling a yawn. "What's the....." He paused, eyes widening as he saw the readings around the Caitian's shoulder. "Oh." he managed finally before annoyance once again became his dominant emotion. His eyes narrowed and he threw a glance up to the Powers as if that's where his gods sat, laughing at their latest jib. "You guys can piss off a rope fer this so ye can ya great pack of wankstains!"

Then, remembering his History classes and turning his tired gaze back to Galloway and Nira, "If a stupid space monster shows up and starts ridin dat thing... then I quit!" Which, given the events of the past several days and hours... didn't seem all that unlikely.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 11, 2023, 10:05:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Things were happening quickly, as they tended to do at the worst of times, and Ian was annoyed at the chatter. Most of the noise was valid and even Kyan's gripe had some merit, but Ian felt like the parent of a pack of unruly children and wanted to scream.


But he did not. He was the Captain and he was supposed to answer questions and provide direction. Question was, who was he supposed to ask when he needed answers? Speaking with a purpose, he replied.

"Communications have been intermittent, no known casualties at this time. Ensign, you can take the Mission Operations station and assist Commander Catalan. And no Mister MacKenzie, you do not get ta bloody quit."

Catalan provided the much needed break in the tension by saying.

"Sir, we're close enough to punch through the interference. I've got an incoming hail."

"On screen."

While the image had static, the screen showed a young, dashing human male doing his best to affect a 'devil-may-care' attitude, but it didn't take an expert to see it was an act, he was scared.

"Hello, Starfleet. Glad you laddies could join the party. This is Captain Pat O'Flaherty of the Pride O'Rigel. We've got ourselves a spot o' trouble here. Can you lend us a hand before that big boyo breathin' down me neck has me ship fer a snack?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 13, 2023, 08:08:27 AM

Lt. Comander Kyan Mackenzie | Bridge, USS Challenger]

Cannae bloody quit!? A diatribe about how he could bloody well quit if he bloody well wanted to and no jumped up arse-brained grup could tell him he couldn't! was milliseconds from becoming reality before Kyan's brain caught up with his mouth and he swallowed it. All the captain's admonishment got was a quick glance before he refocused on the situation at hand.

That being that he was dog tired and running on fumes at the moment. The so called "œDoomsday Machine" and its pursuit of the Pride O'Rigel came in at a respectable second place. After Zhuk gave him the information that he'd not gotten from Said in his uniquely posh vernacular, Kyan nodded. "œAye." He replied. "œGuess the Powers figure the Romulans was a warmup, and the Borg ain't our problem so.. the cheeky gits. So"¦"

Kyan looked up over his shoulder to see the Ensign that Zhuk had been talking to. "œHey.. since you're not doin nothin, go down tae the galley and tell the chef ye need some go juice. He knows what it is so he does. An get the biggest one"¦. And one fer Zhuk too." The Ensign looked at him while his order registered, which took longer than Kyan had the patience to wait currently. "œNow's better den later." He added, turning back to the console. That spurred the fresh faced human into action and he quickly made for the turbolift.

"œGo Juice" as the chef called it was nothing more than triple sweet Raktajino poured over a half cup of sugar. Kyan rarely drank coffee of any type, and Klingon coffee never at all. It had been right after the Melok Nor incident that he'd discovered the chef's special concoction. He'd been unable to sleep and found his way to the galley an hour or so before he was due to be on duty. The chef had made him some then. He'd crashed several hours later, but the stuff was good enough to keep him alert and lucid for a while. He'd deal with the rest later. Zhuk was a grup, so Kyan figured he'd be able to handle exhaustion better but he also figured the more alert they both were the better. Of course there were the jitters and sugar rush that accompanied them, but that was better than passing out.

Kyan was reading the latest sensor scans on the "œDoomsday Machine" when he heard the science officer that had arrived soon after he did.

Kyan turned and looked at him. He was apparently Human and looked like he was fresh out of the Academy. "œHey. We're no gonna die." He called out a little more forcefully than he meant to. He took a breath. Then, in a more measured tone, "œInstead of pinin on our getting killed off, look up how Kirk handled it and tell that."

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could see Kyan's fatigue - for want of a better word - and instantly felt a buildup in Captain Galloway; she could always sense a repressed urge to shout, it was like if a person suddenly changed the temperature by a few hundred degrees. Fortunately, he didn't.


Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 11, 2023, 07:47:09 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Bridge]

Yes, sir." Aarwendil said, before walking toward Catalan in the Operation station. The two greeted each other, before the Betazoid went to help him. He took another deep breath after hearing the Captain and Mackenzie bickering with each other. The Ensign wanted to laugh, but he feared that it would make the entire bridge suffer with a laughing burst. It wasn't the best moment for that, when they are in the middle of an operation to help another ship.

The young Betazoid felt, for a brief moment, that someone was looking at him with some interest. He turned to look at the source, identifying them as a gorgeous female Risian. He immediately turned back to his job, while taking some more deep breaths.

His reaction didn't go unnoticed by Nekab, who had stayed near the same Risian. From here, the Romulan doctor could help Aarwendil if his empathic abilities got out of control and help the crew if they started to get hurt due to combat. The Unificationist acknowledged her with a nod, before remaining to look at the busy crew with a stoic face.

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 11, 2023, 02:45:29 PM

[Deck One, Bridge]

Whilst waiting for a reply from the captain about casualties, Taja couldn't help but notice the miniature officer enter the bridge and start talking about injuring buttocks. The Risan's first impression was that a holodeck character from 'The Hobbit' had escaped, but when no one else seemed to react she realised that mustn't be the case. Taja really did have to review the personnel files sooner rather than later...

A welcome distraction came in the form of this curly haired ensign, judging by his eyes, another betazed. 'I wonder if Nira and he get on well? He's handsome though, nice jawline...though perhaps a bit young for me. Still, the thought was there.' As it always was with Risans.

Taja's eyes widened as the hobbit started spouting odd words and something about a stain that she didn't understand. 'Is this kind of language really permitted?' The academy taught her to remain professional and courteous at all times, especially whilst on the bridge. But this little creature was swearing like a drunken Klingon sailor. Perhaps captain Galloway ran things differently from what she learned to expect at the Academy.

"Aye captain." Grippen made her way over to the station and continued to listen to the unfolding situation. Hopefully she would be of some use here, though the doctor felt awkward amongst the rest of the bridge staff. She was more used to the organised chaos of accident and emergency back on Risa and could handle busy situations, but this one was different. She was inexperienced at 'bridge-life' and it made her want to prove herself capable in front of her peers.

Nira then noticed Aarwendil had arrived at the bridge. Well. It seemed he was definitely doing okay. She remembered how he had reacted after healed from the effects of the Yanmarr. Well. He was younger, so it was bound to leave an affect.

Turning back to Kyan, she suddenly saw a new Science officer come in. Another new face from the roster. She recalled the name that went with his face: Jamil-Bral Avant.

Quote from: Jamil on November 13, 2023, 02:40:06 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Oh. "œDoomsday. Kirk. Spells disaster, lemme see check the logs," he said. Crewman leaned whispered to the computer station. "œDoomsday encounter USS Enterprise,"  he whispered. Eyes was skimming through the log. "œPlanet killer"¦reminds me of Star Wars. That thing was going after that little green machine?" he made a weird face.

Then he had an idea. Cargo ship. What are you carrying on that lovely ship of your boyo? I bet it caught the sense of that Doomsday Machine. And where the hell did it come from? Where did come to exist. Need to figure out if it is alive. Origin? Miles away. Is this the only one? Was this like a whale on earth? Can it be the fuel in that ship? And how did that thing come out of nowhere? You think nearby systems have some screaming tantrum that it was about.

"œAmazing, Kirk did not destroy it. Means we gonna die?" he asked, with a worried look. The Caitlin next to him looked like he was a good officer, but that fur was giving a slight hint he was scared shit in that fur of his. That is what he observed.  Does he need to know this fellow next to him? What got him to be a Security officer? Does sharpen his claw? Is he addicted to catnip? Does he miss his family.

Big Doomsday was here.

She then saw the flamboyant trader captain on the view screen, but it was certainly obvious he was scared despite his flamboyancy.
First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 13, 2023, 10:53:25 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

O'Flaherty continued on, explaining that one of his engines was damaged and while they were outdistancing the Machine, if he didn't shut his engines down, the whole system would seize up. All of this confirmed what sensors had detected as the Challenger approached. However, one piece of the puzzle didn't fit and Ian's excellent three dimensional situational awareness from being a pilot gave him an idea. He signaled for Catalan to mute the channel to O'Flaherty.

"Evan, what is the course of the Machine?"

"130 mark 25."

"Anything on that course aside from our friend O'Flaherty?"

Randall bent over the sensors for a moment and gasped.

"Sir! The Doomsday Machine is on a direct course for the Angdarr system!"

Ian sighed as all the pieces dropped into place and he nodded to Catalan to reopen the channel.

"O'Flaherty. I can see where you might get the idea that boggit is chasin' you, but have you tried changin' course? That Machine has a specific engagement range, you stay out of that and it will find bigger fish ta fry."

O'Flaherty was clearly stunned and he shouted orders to change course at his helmsman. The Pride O'Rigel sheered off and accelerated. The Machine briefly pursued, but once the smaller ship passed beyond 50,000 kilometers, it resumed course for Angdarr.

The Pride O'Rigel maneuvered next to the Challenger and O'Flaherty spoke sheepishly.

"Sure'n I'm a pillock for not thinkin' o' that me own self. Thanks to ye Captain. If tis possible, I'd trouble you fer one more favor."

"And what might that be?"

"Our replicators are nae up ta makin' the parts we need ta fix our engines. Could you be so kind as ta replicate a series 12K Sienar impulse manifold and send over one of your brilliant engineers ta help us?"

"Would ye like fries with that?"

O'Flaherty burst out laughing as he replied.

"A Starfleet Captain with a sense of humor. Now I've seen it all. Will you be helpin' us Captain?"

"You ken full well I will. I'll have a team over shortly. Galloway out."

Ian turned to Randall and asked.

"How long before the Machine reaches Angdarr?"

"Thirty-six hours Sir."

Ian winced, evacuation was not an option and that put a severe limit on his courses of action. He tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Dashlish, I'm goin' ta need you ta replicate some parts and send a repair team ta the trader." =/\=

=/\= "Blockade Runner is more likely." =/\=

=/\= "Aye it is, but we're still obligated to help. Get that team over as quick as you can, we don't have much time." =/\=

=/\= "On it Captain. Tharn out." =/\=

Ian turned to the bridge crew and asked.

"Ideas people. I really need some ideas right now."

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

When Randall mentioned the course the Doomsday Weapon was headed, Nira gasped in horror. Andgarr?!?

"No!" she said. When the channels came back on, discussing the idea that the behemoth was chasing the trader, Nira inwardly hoped that the thing was following them instead of heading to Andgarr. If it was heading for Andgarr, and the trader was in its path...

Nira's expression turned from horror to suspicion. This surely had to be more than a coincidence if it was heading for Andgarr so soon after the so-called New Romulan Empire, under the three Praetors, had declared war on the Federation, or what they termed as the last of the Federation, and particularly so soon after Andgarr had just destroyed a good portion of their fleet. The thing was, if this Doomsday Machine was sent out by the Tal Shiar...but how could they?

Nira forced herself to move from the suspiciousness and determining suspects. The priority now was to shut down this machine. But she was open to ideas...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



USS Challenger | Bridge

What kind of cargo does the O'Rigel have in its cargo bay? What was the profit? Hmm, Only he could find a way to do that business stuff on the side.

Angdarr system. It was hungry. Were there bigger things in space? Hold on. Those jellyfish things Farpoint and Enteprise encountered.

They gonna die. There was always that chance. Stepping out of bed was one. Sleeping was the other. He had wanted to be assigned to a science ship. Not Challenger. It was what it was. He was a Scientist who wanted to learn and enjoy life. Not be eaten by a "œDoomsday machine."

The thing had gone around eating and devouring planets. Afraid that it had for dessert. Anyway, there was a possibility that DOOMSDAY machine, truly need a new name it. Like Wormwood"¦oh"¦was that mention in Revelation of that high holy book called the Bible?

Could the world effect this Warmachine-like with a virus was possible because way back in early Earth with AI running with digital viruses and worms making mayhem on Earth as things were going crazy. Amazing how we, the humans seem to adapt things and move onward. Like it was a virus itself to the universe. Yeah. The thinking process of Jamil's.

But still, he feels they are going to die unless they can disarm that big machine.

"œAre we sure that Machine is all machines? Like how  USS Enterprise had encountered the Star Jellyfish as a threat at Farpoint? On the other hand, now I think about it, can that destruction planet eating is a living space whale? All we know is that Enterprise sensors are not as powerful as ours. Commander you ever attempt to reach an empath. And you know, let me look up all the history of these Doomsday eating habits. There could be a pattern, like the sun itself, and the the space has nutrients that it wants," he said. What was he doing here they sure gonna regret having him on the Challenger. He was not supposed to be here. He was not Starfleet enough.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Dr Taja Grippen


His reaction didn't go unnoticed by Nekab, who had stayed near the same Risian. From here, the Romulan doctor could help Aarwendil if his empathic abilities got out of control and help the crew if they started to get hurt due to combat. The Unificationist acknowledged her with a nod, before remaining to look at the busy crew with a stoic face.

[Deck One, Bridge]

Taja simply offered a polite nod in reply, having no idea who this person was. Come to think of it, the only person she knew on this whole bridge by name was Nira. She felt comforted by the commander's presence.

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on November 12, 2023, 03:31:25 PM


It seemed nothing could go right, some days. The crew, already on edge as the Challenger was bearing for a fight, was suddenly rousted from her preparations with the call to action stations. Why, who knew. It was far too early for them to have arrived anywhere near the known hotspots of Federation activity - Earth could not have fallen so quickly. No, this had to be something else. No matter what happened, Sickbay would stand to their duties. As the red pulsing lights and rythmic klaxon continued to sound, a flurry of preparation. The walking wounded or those close to discharge were sent out. Dutifly, these rapid discharges were recorded and noted, in case they had to return later. For now, however, the crew needed all the bodies they could find on the line.

As Sickbay finished, a roster check of the duty staff and locations was performed. It seemed one of the newer medical officers, a Doctor Grippen, was on the Bridge. That simplified the matter of reporting Sickbay's status. After confirming with the other crew, Abas tapped the wall panel by his triage station. =/\= Sickbay to Dr. Grippen. Medical department reports ready, =/\= he said, keeping the report short and to the point. The bridge crew would inform them if they were needed.

Taja stood to one side of the bridge not wanting to get in anyone's way. The Risan tapped her commbadge and spoke softly in response.

=/\= "Acknowledged. How is CPO ch'Verret doing? The last bio-scans I looked at showed some cause for concern. He should definitely be monitored for any intracerebral haemorrhaging. That was a nasty concussion he took..." =/\=

Whilst awaiting the update, Taja listened with growing concern to the events unfolding out in space. The giant ice cream cone looking ship was apparently something called a 'Doomsday Machine'. 'How dramatic', she thought. 'Whoever gave it that name was obviously male'. As for input, Taja had none at present. Her and sickbay would be at the ready should this cream-cone decide to hurt people, plus she didn't' feel confident yet voicing an opinion or conjecture without any prior knowledge of this thing.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

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