S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Aubrie Fox

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 04, 2023, 12:30:47 PM

[Battlehawk Wreck - Warbird Necropolis - Angdarr Prime]

The wave of disruptors splashed across the derelict's bridge, blowing open consoles and leaving deep burn scars on whatever cover the away team managed to have found. After the initial shock of the attack wore off, it became apparent that the attackers, while enthusiastic in their volume of fire, were not especially accurate. No one on the away team had been hit except for a few minor burns from the splashes of heat from near misses. The one thing the heavy fire did do however, was keep everyone pinned down as they heard one particularly gravelly voice shouting commands.

"Bring up the stunner cannon! Standby with those grenades! Keep that volume of fire up, we won't let scavengers have our prize!"

It suddenly dawned on away team that the attackers thought they were the troublemakers.


[Corridor outside Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Abas noted how efficiently Doctor Fellows worked in the worst of circumstances. Many doctors would balk at the makeshift conditions and even refuse to do surgery in such a way. However, Fellows simply ignored the complications and buckled down to get a critical task done. She eventually ran the dermal mender over the incision she'd made and once finished, stepped back with a sigh before addressing everyone.

"Good work everybody. That got touch and go for a moment. I especially wish to acknowledge your work Crewman Th'vyrrol. After this mess is over, you can expect a promotion and commendation letter for your skill at a most trying time. You are a credit to your calling."

Jess then had a moment to look around and saw that while they were still being overwhelmed by casualties, it looked like the volume of injured was starting to slow marginally.

"No rest for the weary. Next batch is here, let's get to those red tags!"


[Transporter Room One - USS Challenger]

Lahr was peripherally aware of the transporter chief calling for help as he stunned the most aggressive of those attacking the human. Doctor Kartos' one man assault had taken the steam out of most of the attackers with Lahr's phaser bringing the mob under control. However, while the fighting may have stopped, the rage behind it was still obviously just as hot as before.

"He tried to kill us!"

"Greedy Flekmak!"

"Beat him some more!"

The focus of the mob's rage was in a heap on the deck with obvious facial fractures and unable to speak. Kartos made his initial diagnosis and the man was now a critical priority because of his injuries. It might have been difficult to get the man out of transporter room going by the unabated fury of the crowd, but the arrival of half a dozen security cooled the mob long enough to have the man beamed directly to sickbay. Once the object of their rage was gone, the mob lost its focus and began to settle down to simmering discontent rather than murder. It seemed like it might be possible to ask what had triggered such violence now.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

With the Challenger serving as a way point rather than a destination, the transporters were working at their maximum of 100 personnel per hour for each of the six transporter room. So far, roughly nine percent of the 8,649 civilians crammed aboard the Guppy were injured to one degree or another, that meant 778 casualties needed care.

As Ian looked through the numbers displayed on his command chair he know that was more than the entire medical staff could possibly handle. Fortunately, the Anax had come through and Angdarri transporters were starting to assist in the evacuation. However, even with the additional support, only half of the civilians had been rescued by this point.

Catalan had relayed Nira's request for security and engineering teams to assist with the recovery of a ship that might serve as their sacrificial lamb to stop the Machine, but security was only just keeping the civilians from becoming a mob. Ian was aware of a few fights breaking out and knew he couldn't spare any security. Ops and Engineering had been tapped to backup security, so he was thin on engineers too and he grumbled to no one in particular.

"When it bloody rains, it bloody pours."

Then he had an idea, the science department wasn't engaged at the moment. That gave him a resource he desperately needed.

"Evan, I need as many of your department as you can spare, I'm lookin' at around a dozen, they can take the Resnick and the McNair ta assist Commander Said. I ken your people are nae engineers, but boffins are brilliant sorts and can come up with summat ta help."

"Aye Sir. Let me get my people moving."

Randall's eye fell on Jamil and he added.

"Ensign, time ta be brilliant. Report to the shuttlebay."

| Aubrie Fox | Sec/Tac Officer | USS Challenger | Transporter Room 1 |

As Aubrie walked into to help. She heard the "Beat him some more!" She knew all hell had broke loose. Well, there gos a good first day! Aubrie sped up and had trouble pushing through the crowd that had gathered, One even pushed back. bad Choice She then picked him up and threw him aside and finally making it to the fight. Sadly, a fight like this, She had seen across the bars she had been too with her father. She ran up and started to pull the top person off of the other and tossed him far enough away for her to speak. "YOU TOW KNOCK IT OFF RIGHT NOW OR YOUR BOTH GOING TO THE BRIG! She stood ready incase of them trying to get back up and attack, But they seemed pretty shocked that a Female SecTac Officer had split them pretty well.

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 05, 2023, 06:51:53 AM

[Battlehawk Wreck, Andgarr Prime]

Neva knew in her head that they were dealing with wrecks, but seeing the actual remains of their former crew was another thing. She gulped down a lump of bile threatening to rise and took her attention back to the problem at hand.

Neva nodded at Commander Said's order and started opening her kit when the ship rocked from a familiar hit. She groaned a little as she braced herself and pulled out her phaser instead. When the new group of scavengers tried to lay claim, she shook her head in disgust. 'What in all Creation is this?' she wondered. 'Do we need to take a number on these things?'

Neva had finally hit breaking point. This was ludicrous and heading for dangerous. 'Here's hoping i don't get court marshalled or put in the brig!' Sighing loudly, she shook her head and prayed for calm even as she growled at the assembled. "Begging the Commander's and our esteemed friends' pardon, but we can stand here and squabble over who's ship this is all day. Unfortunately, we do not have the benefit of time." Her gaze leveled angrily on the new scavengers. "So if it's all the same to you, I'd like to get this ship up and running before that overgrown cigar up there" She pointed up with one finger. "makes us and this planet lunch! As my father would say: 'quit yer bitching and act like the adult you are.' So if one of you knows anything about Engineering or any other useful skill, get over to a station or something and DO IT!" With that, she shoved her phaser back onto her belt, turned away and went back to work.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 05, 2023, 02:42:53 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

"I am acting-!"

Came the response of the Caitian at Taja as she recoiled, though he could not reply with something more reassuring. Zhukdra'shar yowled as he was burnt by the residual heat as a disruptor blast melted a piece of the wall next to him. Gritting his teeth, he proceeded to throw himself belly down on the ground, hoping that would reduce any more potential damage. His right foot, left leg, and a small area around the waist had been already seared, though it was nothing more than minor damage.

Though he kept firing, things were not getting better, as he failed to confirm his targets, or that he had hit any of them as he returned fire with fire. He could not advance any further, as though these individuals were inaccurate, their weapons kept the team pinned down. He voted to ask the Commander for a tactical retreat, especially as he overheard that a hoarse voice was asking for something bigger to be brought in.

The orders that Nira spoke up caught him off guard. However, he obeyed, stopping his shooting. Zhuk remained flat on the floor, as he heard his Commander attempt to find a diplomatic solution. He was a bit skeptical such an attempt would work, but he dared not speak anything about it. There was a faint possibility of such a tactic succeeding.

The shooting on their part did not stop immediately, but at least their targeting was not better. Eventually, though, the disruptor beams stopped, and the voice from before asked, rather confused, what was Starfleet doing here. Zhuk's tail twitched suddenly at the proposal made by Nira to take them along. He was not sure it was wise. But then again, if they allowed them to take the warp core, by all means.

He gripped his rifle tightly, waiting to see the reaction of the scavengers. Truly, he hoped they would take the offer. He glanced behind to see his teammates, determining that they were not injured, though he was surprised to have Neva be the one to speak up after Nira, shouting how this was an unbearable situation, and demanding that they work together. It was not the type of diplomacy that ended well, he reckoned, but maybe it would be the motivation the scavengers needed to accept.

After a moment, he was colored surprised. Nira had succeeded! Go Commander!

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on December 06, 2023, 09:12:44 AM

[Battlehawk Wreck, Andgarr]

Taja shouted out a 'Woah!' as she was dragged unexpectedly backwards and into better cover. Thinking for a moment she was being grabbed by one of the scavengers she wheeled around with a fist, but stopped herself seeing that it was their friendly Cardassian scientist. And just in time it was to, as her former piece of cover disintegrated from enemy fire.

Then just as suddenly as it had started, the fire fight stopped. The doctor caught her breath a moment before responding and collecting herself, "Thank you, today is the first time I've been in a real firefight, save for the holo-simulations at the Academy." Taja then noticed that Tora had been injured, a disruptor burn to the side of her face. "You're hurt, let me take care of that real quick..." Taja unslung her trusty medical kit and grabbed the dermal regenerator, then activated it across Tora's scorched cheek. It would only take a few minutes to heal and the skin would be good as new.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 05, 2023, 12:25:50 PM

[Battlehawk Wreck - Warbird Necropolis - Andgarr Prime]

There was a surprisingly long pause at Nira's offer even after Neva's outburst, the gravelly voice called back.

"You speak truth? You would take us from this place?

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Despite what Neva said, the scavengers sounded interested. She felt encouragement from Zhuk and pressed on negotiating.

"I speak the truth," called Nira. "We can take you with us. We'd be glad to take you from this place and bring you home."

She had to admit, this probably had to have been her first instance of negotiating, and ironically, in all places, it wasn't a treaty signing nor a diplomatic gala, but she was negotiating, haggling. She prayed that these people will accept her terms. Of course, she felt prepared to do more haggling.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 03:13:02 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Despite what Neva said, the scavengers sounded interested. She felt encouragement from Zhuk and pressed on negotiating.

"I speak the truth," called Nira. "We can take you with us. We'd be glad to take you from this place and bring you home."

She had to admit, this probably had to have been her first instance of negotiating, and ironically, in all places, it wasn't a treaty signing nor a diplomatic gala, but she was negotiating, haggling. She prayed that these people will accept her terms. Of course, she felt prepared to do more haggling.

[Battlehawk Wreck - Warbird Necropolis - Andgarr Prime]

There was an even longer pause and then figures began to appear from where the storm of fire had originated, as eight figures stepped into the open, weapons still in hand, but lowered. It turned out the gravelly voice belonged to a Klingon. The rest of the group was a mixed bag of species, consisting of two humans, two Orions, a pair of Angdarri, and a single Tellerite.

"I am Korrig Fenn. If you speak truth, we are prepared to be transported to your ship now. However, we have family here, there are a total of 31 of us all together. As soon as we are free of this place, this wreck is yours."

With a deal secured, Nira spoke to the Challenger that she had a priority transport that had to supersede the current evacuation process. Despite the stress on the transporters, Ops was able to coordinate beaming Fenn and his people from the Battlehawk.

Shortly after the scavengers left, Lieutenant sh'Vhaorhath and the rest of the scientists arrived. As several of the bridge consoles were still smouldering, the Andorian gave Nira a look that said 'what the hell have we walked into?', but out loud she asked.

"Commander, where do you need us?"

The reinforcements jumped in even though they weren't engineers and with the original away team's assistance, they soon had the fusion generators online, they were only producing 78% of rated capacity, but given their age, that output was one step short of miraculous.



[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Lieutenant Commanders Catalan and Fellows report and nodded, impressed at what they had accomplished.

"The Angdarri have taken the Guppy in tow and are heading back to the planet. The ship is not salvageable Sir, based on her age, it's just not economical to repair. We ended up transporting 6,227 of the 8,649 people on the ship, that's 72%. Doctor Fellows will comment on the casualties."

"Thank you Fernando. We ended up treating 498 people, we lost 36 that were too badly injured to save. That included five of the crew which included their entire engine room staff. We currently have 99 casualties that are too acute for transport. That still has us severely stretched as far as our capabilities. We have had to take over cargo bay three to handle the overflow. We're holding our own, but we are tapped out should any further injuries."

"Might I comment Sir?" Lieutenant Davenport said from Tactical.

"Go ahead Lieutenant."

"We have fifteen of the survivors in the brig. The owner of the Guppy is still in sickbay, but I've placed a guard on him. Both to prevent his escape and to protect him from the passengers."

"Thank you Lieutenant. Outstandin' work everyone, we certainly weren't expectin' a rescue, and certainly nae one so big. Thing is, that bit of heroics cost us six hours. The Machine is now twenty-two hours from Angdar.

"On the plus side, I've heard from Commander Said and they've got the Romulan wreck about as ready as they can make it. We're ready ta see if'n we can give the beastie a terminal case of heartburn."

Ian then tapped the communication panel on the command chair and spoke ship wide.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. We have gotten an old Romulan ship functional enough ta suit our needs. We are currently about ta head out ta engage the Doomsday Machine. Everyone is expected ta do their duty as best as their capabilities allow. We are Challenger and we shall not fail." =/\=

Ian closed the channel and added.

"Red alert. Battlestations."


[Orbit - Angdar Prime]

The Battlehawk had lurched it's way through the canopy of the massive trees and into a reasonably stable orbit. Once clear of the planet, the science team was beamed back to the Challenger, leaving just the six members of the away team to man the battered hulk toward its destiny.

The departure couldn't have come at a better time as sensors detected the outermost planet of the Angdarri system had begun to break up. It was clear the Doomsday Machine had arrived and was feeding. It was all too obvious, they were just about out of time.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2023, 04:06:57 PM

[Battlehawk Wreck - Warbird Necropolis - Andgarr Prime]

There was an even longer pause and then figures began to appear from where the storm of fire had originated, as eight figures stepped into the open, weapons still in hand, but lowered. It turned out the gravelly voice belonged to a Klingon. The rest of the group was a mixed bag of species, consisting of two humans, two Orions, a pair of Angdarri, and a single Tellerite.

"I am Korrig Fenn. If you speak truth, we are prepared to be transported to your ship now. However, we have family here, there are a total of 31 of us all together. As soon as we are free of this place, this wreck is yours."

With a deal secured, Nira spoke to the Challenger that she had a priority transport that had to supersede the current evacuation process. Despite the stress on the transporters, Ops was able to coordinate beaming Fenn and his people from the Battlehawk.

Shortly after the scavengers left, Lieutenant sh'Vhaorhath and the rest of the scientists arrived. As several of the bridge consoles were still smouldering, the Andorian gave Nira a look that said 'what the hell have we walked into?', but out loud she asked.

"Commander, where do you need us?"

The reinforcements jumped in even though they weren't engineers and with the original away team's assistance, they soon had the fusion generators online, they were only producing 78% of rated capacity, but given their age, that output was one step short of miraculous.



[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Lieutenant Commanders Catalan and Fellows report and nodded, impressed at what they had accomplished.

"The Angdarri have taken the Guppy in tow and are heading back to the planet. The ship is not salvageable Sir, based on her age, it's just not economical to repair. We ended up transporting 6,227 of the 8,649 people on the ship, that's 72%. Doctor Fellows will comment on the casualties."

"Thank you Fernando. We ended up treating 498 people, we lost 36 that were too badly injured to save. That included five of the crew which included their entire engine room staff. We currently have 99 casualties that are too acute for transport. That still has us severely stretched as far as our capabilities. We have had to take over cargo bay three to handle the overflow. We're holding our own, but we are tapped out should any further injuries."

"Might I comment Sir?" Lieutenant Davenport said from Tactical.

"Go ahead Lieutenant."

"We have fifteen of the survivors in the brig. The owner of the Guppy is still in sickbay, but I've placed a guard on him. Both to prevent his escape and to protect him from the passengers."

"Thank you Lieutenant. Outstandin' work everyone, we certainly weren't expectin' a rescue, and certainly nae one so big. Thing is, that bit of heroics cost us six hours. The Machine is now twenty-two hours from Angdar.

"On the plus side, I've heard from Commander Said and they've got the Romulan wreck about as ready as they can make it. We're ready ta see if'n we can give the beastie a terminal case of heartburn."

Ian then tapped the communication panel on the command chair and spoke ship wide.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. We have gotten an old Romulan ship functional enough ta suit our needs. We are currently about ta head out ta engage the Doomsday Machine. Everyone is expected ta do their duty as best as their capabilities allow. We are Challenger and we shall not fail." =/\=

Ian closed the channel and added.

"Red alert. Battlestations."


[Orbit - Angdar Prime]

The Battlehawk had lurched it's way through the canopy of the massive trees and into a reasonably stable orbit. Once clear of the planet, the science team was beamed back to the Challenger, leaving just the six members of the away team to man the battered hulk toward its destiny.

The departure couldn't have come at a better time as sensors detected the outermost planet of the Angdarri system had begun to break up. It was clear the Doomsday Machine had arrived and was feeding. It was all too obvious, they were just about out of time.

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Nira saw the figures emerge and was surprised to see what the group consisted of. Of course, there were a pair of Orions, but they certainly looked more humble than the scumbags they met earlier outside the Cutty Sark. Additionally were two humans, two Andgarri, a Tellarite and a Klingon, who was the spokesman. Nira was certainly relieved that she was negotiating with a Klingon; she had been expecting a Nausicaan from the gravelly voice. And she knew Klingons.

When the Klingon spokesman, Korrin Fenn, mentioned the family the group had, Nira nodded in understanding. "Of course. They can all come, Mister Fenn. I can give you my word, good, honorable warrior."

She then proceeded to call Challenger.  =/\="Said to Challenger, there's another group of people living here in the Battlehawk. I need a priority transport. Thirty-one people to beam up, regardless of your current evacuation priority. Distinguish our comm badges and beam all other parties aboard." =/\=

The group was beamed up, and Nira could definitely see Korrin Fenn's smile in gratitude as he beamed aboard, despite the transporter flickering. Footsteps drew Nira's attention as the scavengers left and she saw Lieutenant sh'Vhaorhath arrive with some science officers and inquired where they were needed, despite the expression that clearly gave the obvious question.

"You got free rein on the ship system, Lieutenant," said Nira. "We need to get the power operable. The priority is the warp core and propulsion."

They then set about getting to work. Nira could see Savar wasn't among them, but on the other hand, he was definitely needed more up at the Challenger. Now that things were proceeding, she decided to report in.

The six hours was a definite blur. The away team helped as much as they could. Nira check on progress when she could, helped whenever she could. She was amazed what everybody accomplished in getting the old husk operable, even at seventy-eight percent power, especially when there was only one engineer available: Neva.

Thus far, the only challenge, aside from getting the power running, was regarding getting the ship out of the tree. Nira had to call in the Mjolnir with its phasers to carve into the tree to free the ship. Nira had to admit, she was momentarily worried that cutting too deep into the tree would cause a felling of the tree, and being so close to the roots, any direction would make its landing interesting. Fortunately, the ship wasn't absorbed too far.

Once flight capabilities were operable, the Battlehawk was able to break free. In any case, Nira was informed that the ship won't fly very well with only one nacelle, and going to warp wouldn't be doable, or if it was possible to operate the warp systems, it would be inadvisable to do so in its condition.

"That's totally fine," said Nira. "There's only one destination for this ship, and it's to ram her right down the coming weapon's throat," she finished in grim satisfaction.

The ship virtually lurched its way past the Great Canopy. It creaked a lot worse inside, like a galleon that had termites chewing in its hull. Propulsion, of course, was operable, power was chiefly channeled to the warp core.

"Looks like the sacrifice is ready to move to the alter," she said. "Well done, everybody."

With the original six away team left alone to operate the ship, Nira began pondering. The core may or may not be powerful enough to take down the machine, even at its power capabilities. She had just been wondering about requesting a deuterium tank or two to amplify the blast when a report came that the outermost planet of the Andgarr System was breaking up. Nira looked over the shoulder and could see...

Her first thought was instantly, Holy crap, it's early! But then, she remembered it was traveling at sublight speeds. It was still twenty-two hours away, but it was still clear that they were out of time.

Nira then turned on the comm badge.  =/\="Said to Challenger, our ship is flight capable. Engine systems are powered, although if need be, we can add some extra punch to the payload. We probably may need to get some detonators ready, but we're flight capable." =/\=

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 05, 2023, 12:25:50 PM

[Transporter Room One - USS Challenger]

The Angdarri man Lahr called out looked sullen as if he would refuse to answer out of spite, before he replied with a hiss.

"He's the owner of that wreck that almost killed us! He packed too many people aboard, knowing that wallowing pile of junk was unfit. A beating is the least of what he deserves."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 05, 2023, 02:42:53 PM

[Ensign Zala | Deck 4 | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger 40117-A | In orbit around Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

Zala was experiencing a general feeling of discomfort. Her legs were wobbly, and she felt like throwing up. Such sensations were not helped by the strong smell of iron coming from the blood, which caked half of her suit. At least, she was reassured by the fact that she had managed to save that lady bleeding out after helping her reach sickbay. Other gnarly scenes also swam through her mind, though she tried not to focus on them. She would need to see the Counselor after this...

Though she was not too tall, nor imposing, which caused her problems when wanting to move around the cramped hallways, she had Petty Officer 1st Class Koroz on the lead. As a Klingon male, he was more than capable of pushing people aside, or barking threats when people began to get rowdy. Which was a blessing when they arrived to the Transporter Room One. With his booming voice, he dispersed the crowd around a beaten human. The sight of it made Zala gasp,

"G-Great Exchequer! W-What happened here?!" She exclaimed, though neither Koloz nor the rest of Security could offer her one, "Alright all of you! Settle down, before we throw you into the brig! Officers, form a perimeter, assist the Transporter Chief, one of you!" The sharp-eyed Klingon noticed the presence of Lahr, who was talking to some of the mob, just as the injured human was transported off to sickbay, "Zala. Help ch'Verret."

She immediately nodded, gently shoving injured people aside, guiding them to the exit of the Transporter Room, or carefully avoiding them, until she managed to reach Lahr. She came to find an angry Angdarri man telling of the apparent reason as to why they had ended up beating up whom she assumed was the Captain of the S.S. Guppy, by his words. That only made it even more awful.

The man had successfully managed to con a bunch of desperate individuals into a rather rickety ship, and most likely turned up a profit as a result. Then again, his actions had caused much suffering, so her training and upbringing were at a conflict for a moment. Still, she reminded herself of Rule of Acquisition number 125, "You can't make a deal if you are dead."

And that man had been rather close to being killed,

"I understand your p-pain, but please, don't dirty your hands with more violence. Our medics are swamped w-with patients as it is. A-And we are allowed t-to use non-lethal force if necessary," Zala barged into the conversation, offering a warning, before looking at Lahr, "Can I be of any help, Chief Petty Officer?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on December 05, 2023, 03:07:06 PM

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Transporter Room 1, U.S.S. Challenger]

NOTE: This post takes place immediately before and during Ian's latest post.

In approximately four minutes, maybe less than that, the situation in the transporter room had gone from a sort of benign chaos to an interstellar mosh pit. When the shouting and shoving had started, Kyan had been smack dab in the middle of an entire gaggle of people who all began moving at once. And while he was an accomplished tactician and a good fighter if he had room to move around, close confines and numbers negated any advantage he might have had.

Kyan landed on the deck and reached behind him for karambit, producing the curved knife and adopting a loose stance, his eyes darting around to see who was going to come at him. Then he said with all the steel that he could put into it, "I swear tae the Moriggu Her black feathered self, the next hand dat touches me is coming off!

The poor sap with the broken nose and finger decided not to try for payback, since he was unarmed and Kyan was holding a knife. He just held his gushing nose and whimpered. Seeing that no one else was moving toward him, Kyan sheathed his karambit.

"Good. Ok den." he began.... Now you lot best start explaining yerselves before we start trowin people out the airlocks!

"Den he can go tae the brig." Kyan said, then with a look at Jalen, "when he's been fixed... den he can."

Quote from: Aubrie Fox on December 06, 2023, 02:53:09 PM

| Aubrie Fox | Sec/Tac Officer | USS Challenger | Transporter Room 1 |

As Aubrie walked into to help. She heard the "Beat him some more!" She knew all hell had broke loose. Well, there goes a good first day! Aubrie sped up and had trouble pushing through the crowd that had gathered, One even pushed back. Bad choice She then picked him up and threw him aside and finally making it to the fight. Sadly, a fight like this, She had seen across the bars she had been too with her father. She ran up and started to pull the top person off of the other and tossed him far enough away for her to speak. "YOU TWO KNOCK IT OFF RIGHT NOW OR YOUR BOTH GOING TO THE BRIG! She stood ready incase of them trying to get back up and attack, But they seemed pretty shocked that a Female SecTac Officer had split them pretty well.

Before the Andarri man could begin to answer him, both their attentions were drawn to two separate altercations and the late arrival of the Security team.  The altercations had one involving Commander Mackenzie threatening a civilian with a curved knife - Roozh! that blade looked nasty; while the other  involved a drop dead gorgeous blond security officer who threw evacuees aside like they were trash.   Neither represented the Fleet in an appropriate manner.   The Klingon however, Lahr nodded to, before turning his attention back to Andgarri man, "Sorry for the interruption... you were saying?" even as Zara arrived at his side to assist. Hell, even the Commander listened in.

After hearing the man out, Zara was all sympathetic to the Andgarri man.  The Commander too, suggesting the fellow be sent to the Brig after his treatment.

Lahr, however, was of a different mind.  It seemed obvious to him that the man had thought his ship could handle the additional evacuees; otherwise he wouldn't have been on the ship himself.   It was a real tragedy, that the man had misjudged his ship's capability so badly.  Especially since it was his crew and passengers that were paying the price.  It was sad to realize that had the ship managed to carry her load of passengers safely away, the man would have likely been lauded as a savior and not a villain.

Yeah, he didn't envy the responsibility of being a Captain - not one whit!

In answer to Zara's question, Lahr gave a shrug.  "Seems like you and your team already have done plenty." Writing this up was gonna be interesting.

With the Chief of Security present, as well as a whole team of actual Sec/Tac officers and enlisted who were quickly getting the room under control, Lahr felt like his time could be better spent - back in Engineering watching his tertiary EPS flow.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 09:01:10 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

She then proceeded to call Challenger.  =/\="Said to Challenger, there's another group of people living here in the Battlehawk. I need a priority transport. Thirty-one people to beam up, regardless of your current evacuation priority. Distinguish our comm badges and beam all other parties aboard." =/\=

The group was beamed up.

The transporter chief called out to Commander Mackenzie, the Only being the most senior in the room.

"Sir we got a priority transport request from Commander Said coming through - for 31 people.  We need this area cleared now."

Lahr sighed wishing he were back in Engineering, but that was not to be.... at least not yet.

"Alright everybody, you heard the man. We need this space clear, pronto!" Lahr called out not even waiting for Kyan's orders.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 09:01:10 PM

Nira then turned on the comm badge.  =/\="Said to Challenger, our ship is flight capable. Engine systems are powered, although if need be, we can add some extra punch to the payload. We probably may need to get some detonators ready, but we're flight capable." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2023, 04:06:57 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Lieutenant Commanders Catalan and Fellows report and nodded, impressed at what they had accomplished.

"The Angdarri have taken the Guppy in tow and are heading back to the planet. The ship is not salvageable Sir, based on her age, it's just not economical to repair. We ended up transporting 6,227 of the 8,649 people on the ship, that's 72%. Doctor Fellows will comment on the casualties."

"Thank you Fernando. We ended up treating 498 people, we lost 36 that were too badly injured to save. That included five of the crew which included their entire engine room staff. We currently have 99 casualties that are too acute for transport. That still has us severely stretched as far as our capabilities. We have had to take over cargo bay three to handle the overflow. We're holding our own, but we are tapped out should any further injuries."

"Might I comment Sir?" Lieutenant Davenport said from Tactical.

"Go ahead Lieutenant."

"We have fifteen of the survivors in the brig. The owner of the Guppy is still in sickbay, but I've placed a guard on him. Both to prevent his escape and to protect him from the passengers."

"Thank you Lieutenant. Outstandin' work everyone, we certainly weren't expectin' a rescue, and certainly nae one so big. Thing is, that bit of heroics cost us six hours. The Machine is now twenty-two hours from Angdar.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. We have gotten an old Romulan ship functional enough ta suit our needs. We are currently about ta head out ta engage the Doomsday Machine. Everyone is expected ta do their duty as best as their capabilities allow. We are Challenger and we shall not fail." =/\=

Ian closed the channel and added.

"Red alert. Battlestations."

Eventually, Lahr got his wish.  Several hours later... after all the non-critical evacuees were sent back to the planet they had fled; after the 15 or so combatants had been subdued and sent to the Brig; and after the 31 kept evacuees were all assigned temporary quarters, Lahr finally had a moment away from role of 'acting security'.

He'd been granted an hour to eat, wash and change into an clean uniform... not necessarily in that order.
After his hour break, Lahr received orders to help out with the repair of the Romulan ship  but before that could happen, plans changed and the ship was called to battlestations.

Lahr headed to the Observation Lounge to ready himself along with Damage Control Team One.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 09:01:10 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Nira saw the figures emerge and was surprised to see what the group consisted of. Of course, there were a pair of Orions, but they certainly looked more humble than the scumbags they met earlier outside the Cutty Sark. Additionally were two humans, two Andgarri, a Tellarite and a Klingon, who was the spokesman. Nira was certainly relieved that she was negotiating with a Klingon; she had been expecting a Nausicaan from the gravelly voice. And she knew Klingons.

When the Klingon spokesman, Korrin Fenn, mentioned the family the group had, Nira nodded in understanding. "Of course. They can all come, Mister Fenn. I can give you my word, good, honorable warrior."

She then proceeded to call Challenger.  =/\="Said to Challenger, there's another group of people living here in the Battlehawk. I need a priority transport. Thirty-one people to beam up, regardless of your current evacuation priority. Distinguish our comm badges and beam all other parties aboard." =/\=

The group was beamed up, and Nira could definitely see Korrin Fenn's smile in gratitude as he beamed aboard, despite the transporter flickering. Footsteps drew Nira's attention as the scavengers left and she saw Lieutenant sh'Vhaorhath arrive with some science officers and inquired where they were needed, despite the expression that clearly gave the obvious question.

"You got free rein on the ship system, Lieutenant," said Nira. "We need to get the power operable. The priority is the warp core and propulsion."

They then set about getting to work. Nira could see Savar wasn't among them, but on the other hand, he was definitely needed more up at the Challenger. Now that things were proceeding, she decided to report in.

The six hours was a definite blur. The away team helped as much as they could. Nira check on progress when she could, helped whenever she could. She was amazed what everybody accomplished in getting the old husk operable, even at seventy-eight percent power, especially when there was only one engineer available: Neva.

Thus far, the only challenge, aside from getting the power running, was regarding getting the ship out of the tree. Nira had to call in the Mjolnir with its phasers to carve into the tree to free the ship. Nira had to admit, she was momentarily worried that cutting too deep into the tree would cause a felling of the tree, and being so close to the roots, any direction would make its landing interesting. Fortunately, the ship wasn't absorbed too far.

Once flight capabilities were operable, the Battlehawk was able to break free. In any case, Nira was informed that the ship won't fly very well with only one nacelle, and going to warp wouldn't be doable, or if it was possible to operate the warp systems, it would be inadvisable to do so in its condition.

"That's totally fine," said Nira. "There's only one destination for this ship, and it's to ram her right down the coming weapon's throat," she finished in grim satisfaction.

The ship virtually lurched its way past the Great Canopy. It creaked a lot worse inside, like a galleon that had termites chewing in its hull. Propulsion, of course, was operable, power was chiefly channeled to the warp core.

"Looks like the sacrifice is ready to move to the alter," she said. "Well done, everybody."

With the original six away team left alone to operate the ship, Nira began pondering. The core may or may not be powerful enough to take down the machine, even at its power capabilities. She had just been wondering about requesting a deuterium tank or two to amplify the blast when a report came that the outermost planet of the Andgarr System was breaking up. Nira looked over the shoulder and could see...

Her first thought was instantly, Holy crap, it's early! But then, she remembered it was traveling at sublight speeds. It was still twenty-two hours away, but it was still clear that they were out of time.

Nira then turned on the comm badge.  =/\="Said to Challenger, our ship is flight capable. Engine systems are powered, although if need be, we can add some extra punch to the payload. We probably may need to get some detonators ready, but we're flight capable." =/\=

[Neva Cordon->Battlehawk Wreck-Andgarr Prime]

Neva worked as hard and as silently as she could. She was absolutely convinced Commander Said would put a formal reprimand in on her "outburst" once this mission was done. It had been ingrained in her from birth that an officer does NOT lip off like she had. The old adage "put up or shut up" in her dad's voice rang in her head.

Once the power was restored, Neva took the Engineering station on the bridge. A wave of pure terror crashed over her at the site of the Planet Ester. She had to close her eyes a few moments and take several deep breaths to keep her innards from "blessing" the deck.

Turning back to her station, Neva checked the power readings and made adjustments to make the final Big Bang as powerful as she could. She had channeled her inner Captain Scott to jerry-rig things as need arose, and prayed to The Gods it would be enough.

Pivoting in her chair to address the Commander, Neva spoke as calmly as she could muster with her stomach churning again. "Commander, I've got the power amped to give as much of a punch as this ship's capable of. I set the Core to blow on Con's discretion."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Aubrie Fox

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 07, 2023, 04:08:57 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1]

Before the Andarri man could begin to answer him, both their attentions were drawn to two separate altercations and the late arrival of the Security team.  The altercations had one involving Commander Mackenzie threatening a civilian with a curved knife - Roozh! that blade looked nasty; while the other  involved a drop dead gorgeous blond security officer who threw evacuees aside like they were trash.   Neither represented the Fleet in an appropriate manner.   The Klingon however, Lahr nodded to, before turning his attention back to Andgarri man, "Sorry for the interruption... you were saying?" even as Zara arrived at his side to assist. Hell, even the Commander listened in.

In answer to Zara's question, Lahr gave a shrug.  "Seems like you and your team already have done plenty." Writing this up was gonna be interesting.

| Aubrie Fox | Sec/Tac Officer | USS Challenger | Transporter Room 1 |

Aubrie was thankful for the Fighting to stop. But...Damn it Aubrie, You shouldn't have thrown them! If Only I could control that damn anger!. Aubrie let her posture slacken a bit and stood ready just in case one of the two wanted to throw another pot shot at the other.  Then she heard someone say. "Sorry for the interruption... you were saying?"  So she turned and listened, As did the Commander.


The transporter chief called out to Commander Mackenzie, the Only being the most senior in the room.
"Sir we got a priority transport request from Commander Said coming through - for 31 people.  We need this area cleared now."

Aubrie looked to the Room. We are gonna need to clear the room Aubrie turned to the group. "Alright You people's Lets get out of here And Make it Fast, We got more people coming, its crowded enough as it is, Let's get moving out into the halls, where we can spread out!

Aubrie had after helping get the New Evacuees moved into their temporary homes, She did a quick check in the transporter room to make sure there was no one left, Then the Ship went to Red Alert, Well, Lets head to where I need to be. She then headed for the Observation Lounge to get along with Damage Control Team One


Eventually, Lahr got his wish.  Several hours later... after all the non-critical evacuees were sent back to the planet they had fled; after the 15 or so combatants had been subdued and sent to the Brig; and after the 31 kept evacuees were all assigned temporary quarters, Lahr finally had a moment away from role of 'acting security'.

He'd been granted an hour to eat, wash and change into an clean uniform... not necessarily in that order.
After his hour break, Lahr received orders to help out with the repair of the Romulan ship  but before that could happen, plans changed and the ship was called to battlestations.

Lahr headed to the Observation Lounge to ready himself along with Damage Control Team One.

| Aubrie Fox | Sec/Tac Officer | USS Challenger | Observation Lounge |

As Aubrie walked in, she noticed quite a few other officers here. Seems like this is gonna be an interesting adventure on the first day.. She also noticed the Andorian Chan who had also been in the transporter room, Where her anger had, Well, Taken over.  She walked up and introduced herself. "Hello, We haven't Met Before, I am Aubrie Fox" She held out her hand.

Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 04, 2023, 12:30:47 PM

[Corridor outside Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Abas noted how efficiently Doctor Fellows worked in the worst of circumstances. Many doctors would balk at the makeshift conditions and even refuse to do surgery in such a way. However, Fellows simply ignored the complications and buckled down to get a critical task done. She eventually ran the dermal mender over the incision she'd made and once finished, stepped back with a sigh before addressing everyone.

"Good work everybody. That got touch and go for a moment. I especially wish to acknowledge your work Crewman Th'vyrrol. After this mess is over, you can expect a promotion and commendation letter for your skill at a most trying time. You are a credit to your calling."

Jess then had a moment to look around and saw that while they were still being overwhelmed by casualties, it looked like the volume of injured was starting to slow marginally.

"No rest for the weary. Next batch is here, let's get to those red tags!"


From all accounts, the surgery had gone about as well as could be expected. That is, provided one expected antiquated technology, sub-par working conditions, and a style of medicine that could generously be compared to leeches and bloodletting. However, say what you might about the old methods, they sometimes worked just as well. Abas was simply happy they hadn't had to sew their poor victim back together with bailing wire and twine. Archaic as the methods sometimes were, it was important to know how to stabilize a victim at least when everything with an internal power pack decided to buzz off""battlefield medicine at its finest.

Abas, Doctor Fellows, and the rest of the crew managed their duties with distinction. Their hands bloody, the corridor still smelling of death, it was at least a welcome event when they had managed to staunch the bleeding and repair what damage they could. The patient wasn't out of the woods yet, but at least their condition had stabilized. They were going to feel incredibly sore in the morning...

He nodded gratefully to the doctor as she sang his praises. "Thank you, Doctor," he nodded, before pushing himself up from the position he'd found himself in and sensing the next arrival of wounded and injured. Duty called. He grabbed his medkit, stopping only briefly to sanitize and sterilize his hands before looking for the next patient in need. Plasma burns, radiation exposure, and a severe puncture wound to the left arm... another wonderful day in the wild and whacky world of medicine.


Abas had been on shift for hours at this point. Usually, he'd have been off shift and back in his rack, but nobody wanted to take time off now. The ship was still on alert footing, and the Captain had just mentioned something about a Doomsday Machine. What even was a Doomsday Machine? Who named these things? One would think that they could at least get a little creative in the naming of planetkillers.

Despite his exhaustion, Abas had no intention of leaving his post. He would see this through side-by-side with his comrades, not lounging in his bunk in the bowels of the ship. He could always recover later. The whole ship could. The last week had caused enough stress that the whole crew would require weeks to sort it out, not to mention the degradation in ability that would come after these high-stakes events. The counseling crew would have their work cut out for them if they wanted to get the ship back up to peak efficiency. Or maybe some mandatory shore leave on a pleasure planet would do the crew some good.

The flood of injured had slowed to a flow, then a trickle, and finally, the tides had been staunched and order prevailed. Sickbay had weathered the storm, and now the tense and alert staff were resupplying and restocking their reserves, fighting exhaustion, and preparing for what came next.

Maybe Abas should find some coffee...

Dr Taja Grippen

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 09:01:10 PM

The six hours was a definite blur. The away team helped as much as they could. Nira check on progress when she could, helped whenever she could. She was amazed what everybody accomplished in getting the old husk operable, even at seventy-eight percent power, especially when there was only one engineer available: Neva.

Thus far, the only challenge, aside from getting the power running, was regarding getting the ship out of the tree. Nira had to call in the Mjolnir with its phasers to carve into the tree to free the ship. Nira had to admit, she was momentarily worried that cutting too deep into the tree would cause a felling of the tree, and being so close to the roots, any direction would make its landing interesting. Fortunately, the ship wasn't absorbed too far.

Once flight capabilities were operable, the Battlehawk was able to break free. In any case, Nira was informed that the ship won't fly very well with only one nacelle, and going to warp wouldn't be doable, or if it was possible to operate the warp systems, it would be inadvisable to do so in its condition.

"That's totally fine," said Nira. "There's only one destination for this ship, and it's to ram her right down the coming weapon's throat," she finished in grim satisfaction.

The ship virtually lurched its way past the Great Canopy. It creaked a lot worse inside, like a galleon that had termites chewing in its hull. Propulsion, of course, was operable, power was chiefly channeled to the warp core.

"Looks like the sacrifice is ready to move to the alter," she said. "Well done, everybody."

With the original six away team left alone to operate the ship, Nira began pondering. The core may or may not be powerful enough to take down the machine, even at its power capabilities. She had just been wondering about requesting a deuterium tank or two to amplify the blast when a report came that the outermost planet of the Andgarr System was breaking up. Nira looked over the shoulder and could see...

Her first thought was instantly, Holy crap, it's early! But then, she remembered it was traveling at sublight speeds. It was still twenty-two hours away, but it was still clear that they were out of time.

Nira then turned on the comm badge.  =/\="Said to Challenger, our ship is flight capable. Engine systems are powered, although if need be, we can add some extra punch to the payload. We probably may need to get some detonators ready, but we're flight capable." =/\=

[Battlehawk, Orbit of Andgarr]

The Risan doctor had spent the last six hours tending to the remaining wounds of the original away team; some minor burns, cuts and contusions. It hadn't taken long and she was satisfied with her handiwork, the away team were now medically fit to work on restoring the wreck to operation. Six hours however, working under intense conditions in a filthy wreck was exhausting and even the most conditioned Klingon warrior would require break. So Taja had spent the remainder of her time finding the one functioning Protein Resequencer, an early version of the Food Replicator, to rustle up some nutritious paste and water.

Taja had insisted that every member of the away team consume the paste and drink at least a couple of litres of water. She didn't know how to repair an ancient Romulan battlecruiser and so this was how she could best serve the mission, by helping everyone stay fed and hydrated.

Doctor Grippen then turned her attention to Zhuk. The effects of the stimulant she had given him earlier in the day would now be starting to wear off, as a result she had saved her best find for him. A sealed bag of hundred year old Romulan osol twists. Fresh, tart and full of sugar. It would give the caitain a much needed pick me up, plus they tasted great. Taja found Zhuk and handed over the goody bag, "Here lieutenant, the stimulant will be wearing off now. But I found these for you, a Romulan's favourite treat. It should give you a boost to keep you going, your liver will thank me for not giving you another dose of stims."

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 09:01:10 PM

With the original six away team left alone to operate the ship, Nira began pondering. The core may or may not be powerful enough to take down the machine, even at its power capabilities. She had just been wondering about requesting a deuterium tank or two to amplify the blast when a report came that the outermost planet of the Andgarr System was breaking up. Nira looked over the shoulder and could see...

Her first thought was instantly, Holy crap, it's early! But then, she remembered it was traveling at sublight speeds. It was still twenty-two hours away, but it was still clear that they were out of time.

Nira then turned on the comm badge.  =/\="Said to Challenger, our ship is flight capable. Engine systems are powered, although if need be, we can add some extra punch to the payload. We probably may need to get some detonators ready, but we're flight capable." =/\=

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 07, 2023, 07:56:31 AM

[Neva Cordon->Battlehawk Wreck-Andgarr Prime]

Neva worked as hard and as silently as she could. She was absolutely convinced Commander Said would put a formal reprimand in on her "outburst" once this mission was done. It had been ingrained in her from birth that an officer does NOT lip off like she had. The old adage "put up or shut up" in her dad's voice rang in her head.

Once the power was restored, Neva took the Engineering station on the bridge. A wave of pure terror crashed over her at the site of the Planet Ester. She had to close her eyes a few moments and take several deep breaths to keep her innards from "blessing" the deck.

Turning back to her station, Neva checked the power readings and made adjustments to make the final Big Bang as powerful as she could. She had channeled her inner Captain Scott to jerry-rig things as need arose, and prayed to The Gods it would be enough.

Pivoting in her chair to address the Commander, Neva spoke as calmly as she could muster with her stomach churning again. "Commander, I've got the power amped to give as much of a punch as this ship's capable of. I set the Core to blow on Con's discretion."

[Angdarr System]

The populated world of Angdarr Prime was part of a solar system with nine planets. The inner three were hot rock Class-F planets very much like Mercury in the Sol System of Earth. The next three worlds were habitable to one degree or another, Angdarr IV and Angdarr VI were Class-L and were only marginally habitable with thin atmospheres requiring assistance for humanoids to breath. Angdarr Prime was the fifth planet and was the only Class-M planet in the system. Angdarr VII was a large Jovian gas giant Class-J world, with the two outermost planets being Class-G ice worlds much like Neptune.

With the Battlehawk limited to impulse speed, even at maximum, it took 22 hours for the old hulk to reach the edge of the system. By the time the Battlehawk, which was flanked by the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum intercepted the Doomsday Machine, the Angdarr system was reduced to seven planets as the two Class-G worlds had become fuel for the monstrous weapon.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the three ship flotilla approached their target, Lieutenant Randall reported on his findings.

"The Machine is now showing it is at full power and is actually reading as 15% higher than that of the original device. The Machine seems to be aware of us and the documented Anti-Proton Beam is powering up."

Ian winced at the information as that meant things had just become more complicated. They could no longer just fly the hulk down the maw on its own because in its current state, its insanely powerful weapon would destroy the Battlehawk with a single hit. Taking a calming breath, Ian began to issue orders.

"Ops, signal the Deletham Mosarum. Tell them we're ta play bait for the machine ta keep it from firin' on the Battlehawk. Bring the second warp core online and put all power into shields. Tactical, prepare full spreads of quantums. They will nae hurt the Beastie, but they should keep it too busy ta fire on the hulk. Helm, you've got the toughest job of all, we're ta dance a merry jig in front of that thing while tryin' ta dodge that Anti-Proton Beam. Take us in."

Ian tapped his combadge and said.

=/\= "Commander Said, we are startin' our run, stay behind us as best you can, once you are ready send the word and we will beam your team back ta Challenger." =/\=

As he gripped the arms of the command chair Ian added.

"Ops, Scotland the Brave on all channels."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2023, 04:06:57 PM

[Battlehawk Wreck - Warbird Necropolis - Andgarr Prime]

There was an even longer pause and then figures began to appear from where the storm of fire had originated, as eight figures stepped into the open, weapons still in hand, but lowered. It turned out the gravelly voice belonged to a Klingon. The rest of the group was a mixed bag of species, consisting of two humans, two Orions, a pair of Angdarri, and a single Tellerite.

"I am Korrig Fenn. If you speak truth, we are prepared to be transported to your ship now. However, we have family here, there are a total of 31 of us all together. As soon as we are free of this place, this wreck is yours."

With a deal secured, Nira spoke to the Challenger that she had a priority transport that had to supersede the current evacuation process. Despite the stress on the transporters, Ops was able to coordinate beaming Fenn and his people from the Battlehawk.

Shortly after the scavengers left, Lieutenant sh'Vhaorhath and the rest of the scientists arrived. As several of the bridge consoles were still smouldering, the Andorian gave Nira a look that said 'what the hell have we walked into?', but out loud she asked.

"Commander, where do you need us?"

The reinforcements jumped in even though they weren't engineers and with the original away team's assistance, they soon had the fusion generators online, they were only producing 78% of rated capacity, but given their age, that output was one step short of miraculous.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 06, 2023, 09:01:10 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Nira saw the figures emerge and was surprised to see what the group consisted of. Of course, there were a pair of Orions, but they certainly looked more humble than the scumbags they met earlier outside the Cutty Sark. Additionally were two humans, two Andgarri, a Tellarite and a Klingon, who was the spokesman. Nira was certainly relieved that she was negotiating with a Klingon; she had been expecting a Nausicaan from the gravelly voice. And she knew Klingons.

When the Klingon spokesman, Korrin Fenn, mentioned the family the group had, Nira nodded in understanding. "Of course. They can all come, Mister Fenn. I can give you my word, good, honorable warrior."

She then proceeded to call Challenger.  =/\="Said to Challenger, there's another group of people living here in the Battlehawk. I need a priority transport. Thirty-one people to beam up, regardless of your current evacuation priority. Distinguish our comm badges and beam all other parties aboard." =/\=

The group was beamed up, and Nira could definitely see Korrin Fenn's smile in gratitude as he beamed aboard, despite the transporter flickering. Footsteps drew Nira's attention as the scavengers left and she saw Lieutenant sh'Vhaorhath arrive with some science officers and inquired where they were needed, despite the expression that clearly gave the obvious question.

"You got free rein on the ship system, Lieutenant," said Nira. "We need to get the power operable. The priority is the warp core and propulsion."

They then set about getting to work. Nira could see Savar wasn't among them, but on the other hand, he was definitely needed more up at the Challenger. Now that things were proceeding, she decided to report in.

The six hours was a definite blur. The away team helped as much as they could. Nira check on progress when she could, helped whenever she could. She was amazed what everybody accomplished in getting the old husk operable, even at seventy-eight percent power, especially when there was only one engineer available: Neva.

Thus far, the only challenge, aside from getting the power running, was regarding getting the ship out of the tree. Nira had to call in the Mjolnir with its phasers to carve into the tree to free the ship. Nira had to admit, she was momentarily worried that cutting too deep into the tree would cause a felling of the tree, and being so close to the roots, any direction would make its landing interesting. Fortunately, the ship wasn't absorbed too far.

Once flight capabilities were operable, the Battlehawk was able to break free. In any case, Nira was informed that the ship won't fly very well with only one nacelle, and going to warp wouldn't be doable, or if it was possible to operate the warp systems, it would be inadvisable to do so in its condition.

"That's totally fine," said Nira. "There's only one destination for this ship, and it's to ram her right down the coming weapon's throat," she finished in grim satisfaction.

The ship virtually lurched its way past the Great Canopy. It creaked a lot worse inside, like a galleon that had termites chewing in its hull. Propulsion, of course, was operable, power was chiefly channeled to the warp core.

"Looks like the sacrifice is ready to move to the alter," she said. "Well done, everybody."

With the original six away team left alone to operate the ship, Nira began pondering. The core may or may not be powerful enough to take down the machine, even at its power capabilities. She had just been wondering about requesting a deuterium tank or two to amplify the blast when a report came that the outermost planet of the Andgarr System was breaking up. Nira looked over the shoulder and could see...

Her first thought was instantly, Holy crap, it's early! But then, she remembered it was traveling at sublight speeds. It was still twenty-two hours away, but it was still clear that they were out of time.

Nira then turned on the comm badge.  =/\="Said to Challenger, our ship is flight capable. Engine systems are powered, although if need be, we can add some extra punch to the payload. We probably may need to get some detonators ready, but we're flight capable." =/\=

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

After a deal brokered, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas stood up, wincing slightly at his injuries but showing little external emotion. Internally, however, he was happy to see that diplomacy prevailed this time. That was until he realized that besides the Klingon at the helm, the scavenger group also contained a pair of Orions. His mood soured at that, but he kept quiet. Nira and Neva had done a particularly fine job, and he would not let it go to waste.

Zhuk rested for a moment, setting his rifle aside as he sat against the wall, keeping a loose eye as the 31 individuals were transported from the Battlehawk over to the Challenger. He wondered how they were doing, though his thoughts did not linger too much on them, as the Science Team arrived to assist the small squad to get the ship running.

Such perfect timing. Like clockwork.

He greatly enjoyed serving on the Challenger due to reasons such as these.

Though Zhuk only knew the basics of engineering, and even he would consider him quite awful at that, he aided the rest with a skill he did have: understanding the Romulan language. Both spoken and written. However, in this case, the latter was the important one for the consoles. The Caitian did note that there were slight differences in the symbols employed. He supposed such a peculiarity came from the passage of time, and evolution of the Romulan language, however. Still, he couldn't help but feel intrigued by such an observation.

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on December 08, 2023, 10:46:25 AM

[Battlehawk, Orbit of Andgarr]

The Risan doctor had spent the last six hours tending to the remaining wounds of the original away team; some minor burns, cuts and contusions. It hadn't taken long and she was satisfied with her handiwork, the away team were now medically fit to work on restoring the wreck to operation. Six hours however, working under intense conditions in a filthy wreck was exhausting and even the most conditioned Klingon warrior would require break. So Taja had spent the remainder of her time finding the one functioning Protein Resequencer, an early version of the Food Replicator, to rustle up some nutritious paste and water.

Taja had insisted that every member of the away team consume the paste and drink at least a couple of litres of water. She didn't know how to repair an ancient Romulan battlecruiser and so this was how she could best serve the mission, by helping everyone stay fed and hydrated.

Doctor Grippen then turned her attention to Zhuk. The effects of the stimulant she had given him earlier in the day would now be starting to wear off, as a result she had saved her best find for him. A sealed bag of hundred year old Romulan osol twists. Fresh, tart and full of sugar. It would give the caitain a much needed pick me up, plus they tasted great. Taja found Zhuk and handed over the goody bag, "Here lieutenant, the stimulant will be wearing off now. But I found these for you, a Romulan's favourite treat. It should give you a boost to keep you going, your liver will thank me for not giving you another dose of stims."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | In Orbit around Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

"Once more, Doctor Grippen, you possess my utmost appreciation for the attention provided,"A sliver of a smile followed the praise, just as before, once Taja had finished patching Zhuk up. It allowed him to properly help with the translation when needed, and to better generally assist the rest of his fellow crewmembers.

Eventually, the old Battlehawk rose into the air once more, majestic, as much as an ancient ship with a missing nacelle could be.

He was quite surprised that the ship had not only remained in one piece after lift-off but also, managed to reach the upper atmosphere without crashing back down. It spoke to the incredible performance that they (but mainly Neva and Science) had achieved. Now, it was up to them to reach the Doomsday Machine, and destroy it just like Captain Kirk had done 200 years ago.

But first, he needed a moment to rest. And so, after the job was done, he decided to take a short kitty nap on the Bridge after the Science Team was beamed back to the ship.

He awoke once more to the kind visage of Taja, as she offered him a sealed bag of osol twists. Zhuk seemed a bit sleepy at first, but when he realized what she had found for him, his eyes seemed to light up, tail swishing rapidly from side to side for just a moment.

"Yes I... I was starting to feel tired... but this gift ought to maintain me in mint condition up until we meet our gargantuan foe," He took the treats, and once again flashed a smile at her, "I shalt not forget such a kindness any time soon. And do tell me if you wish to share one."

He offered. Whatever Taja's response was, he proceeded to consume a couple of them, scrunching his nose and muzzle at the sour taste. Usually, Zhuk had a preference for salty foods. That said, he nonetheless greatly enjoyed the twists, even if they were a tad stale by this point. While he ate, he proceeded to move towards the Tactical console, making sure that the sensors were operating at peak efficiency, running diagnostics on the weapons systems, and generally keeping an eye out for trouble.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2023, 04:06:57 PM

[Orbit - Angdar Prime]

The Battlehawk had lurched it's way through the canopy of the massive trees and into a reasonably stable orbit. Once clear of the planet, the science team was beamed back to the Challenger, leaving just the six members of the away team to man the battered hulk toward its destiny.

The departure couldn't have come at a better time as sensors detected the outermost planet of the Angdarri system had begun to break up. It was clear the Doomsday Machine had arrived and was feeding. It was all too obvious, they were just about out of time.

One entire packet of osol twists later, Zhuk felt the clutches of sleep calling out for him, and he was just a little hungry. Even then, he remained strong in his assigned post. He was focused. The sensors had already detected the presence of the massive robotic vessel, and determined that they would reach it in just a few minutes more. The problem was that the Doomsday Machine had noticed the approach of the Battlehawk, and so, prepared to fire against it,

"Commander Said. I believe that the Doomsday Machine is preparing to engage us... but I am not fully certain with these readings. I can access a disruptor array, and I believe that one of the torpedo launchers still remains effective. But I highly doubt such weaponry will even manage to damage our robotic assailant..."

He got ready for the worst, though before he could think about making peace with his ball of yarn, a message came up. It was Captain Galloway, informing Commander Nira that they would proceed to distract the Doomsday Machine so that they would be able to get closer. Excellent.

He took a deep breath and got ready for any additional orders from Nira.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 07, 2023, 04:08:57 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1]

Before the Andarri man could begin to answer him, both their attentions were drawn to two separate altercations and the late arrival of the Security team.  The altercations had one involving Commander Mackenzie threatening a civilian with a curved knife - Roozh! that blade looked nasty; while the other  involved a drop dead gorgeous blond security officer who threw evacuees aside like they were trash.   Neither represented the Fleet in an appropriate manner.   The Klingon however, Lahr nodded to, before turning his attention back to Andgarri man, "Sorry for the interruption... you were saying?" even as Zara arrived at his side to assist. Hell, even the Commander listened in.

After hearing the man out, Zara was all sympathetic to the Andgarri man.  The Commander too, suggesting the fellow be sent to the Brig after his treatment.

Lahr, however, was of a different mind.  It seemed obvious to him that the man had thought his ship could handle the additional evacuees; otherwise he wouldn't have been on the ship himself.   It was a real tragedy, that the man had misjudged his ship's capability so badly.  Especially since it was his crew and passengers that were paying the price.  It was sad to realize that had the ship managed to carry her load of passengers safely away, the man would have likely been lauded as a savior and not a villain.

Yeah, he didn't envy the responsibility of being a Captain - not one whit!

In answer to Zara's question, Lahr gave a shrug.  "Seems like you and your team already have done plenty." Writing this up was gonna be interesting.

With the Chief of Security present, as well as a whole team of actual Sec/Tac officers and enlisted who were quickly getting the room under control, Lahr felt like his time could be better spent - back in Engineering watching his tertiary EPS flow.

The transporter chief called out to Commander Mackenzie, the Only being the most senior in the room.

"Sir we got a priority transport request from Commander Said coming through - for 31 people.  We need this area cleared now."

Lahr sighed wishing he were back in Engineering, but that was not to be.... at least not yet.

"Alright everybody, you heard the man. We need this space clear, pronto!" Lahr called out not even waiting for Kyan's orders.

Eventually, Lahr got his wish.  Several hours later... after all the non-critical evacuees were sent back to the planet they had fled; after the 15 or so combatants had been subdued and sent to the Brig; and after the 31 kept evacuees were all assigned temporary quarters, Lahr finally had a moment away from role of 'acting security'.

He'd been granted an hour to eat, wash and change into an clean uniform... not necessarily in that order.
After his hour break, Lahr received orders to help out with the repair of the Romulan ship  but before that could happen, plans changed and the ship was called to battlestations.

Lahr headed to the Observation Lounge to ready himself along with Damage Control Team One.

[Ensign Zala | Deck 4 | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger 40117-A | In orbit around Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

Zala smiled at Lahr's compliment. She was glad that she was being useful. Any more talk between them, or even the opportunity to thank him was set aside to clear the general area for the arrival of 31 individuals. So, Zala got to work, helping to guide the traffic out from the Transporter Room One. To her fortune, the newcomers turned out to be relatively alright, so there was no need to tell them where the Sickbay was.

She glanced over at her clothing once again. Ugh... She needed a bath, some food, and some nice sleep. Maybe some entertainment. The first three were key if she wanted to remain in a good mental state for the next day...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 07, 2023, 07:56:31 AM

[Neva Cordon->Battlehawk Wreck-Andgarr Prime]

Neva worked as hard and as silently as she could. She was absolutely convinced Commander Said would put a formal reprimand in on her "outburst" once this mission was done. It had been ingrained in her from birth that an officer does NOT lip off like she had. The old adage "put up or shut up" in her dad's voice rang in her head.

Once the power was restored, Neva took the Engineering station on the bridge. A wave of pure terror crashed over her at the site of the Planet Ester. She had to close her eyes a few moments and take several deep breaths to keep her innards from "blessing" the deck.

Turning back to her station, Neva checked the power readings and made adjustments to make the final Big Bang as powerful as she could. She had channeled her inner Captain Scott to jerry-rig things as need arose, and prayed to The Gods it would be enough.

Pivoting in her chair to address the Commander, Neva spoke as calmly as she could muster with her stomach churning again. "Commander, I've got the power amped to give as much of a punch as this ship's capable of. I set the Core to blow on Con's discretion."

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

"Much appreciated, Neva," said Nira. "Prepare a detonation sequence with a countdown timer, but wait to set the timer. Arrange a remote detonation as a second setting as well, just in case."

Sighing with disappointment at one fact, she said, "I wish we could do more...no spare deuterium to spare from Challenger, Andgarr or anywhere else? It's a pity. We'll have to make do. Set course for the weapon, at our best possible speed."

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on December 08, 2023, 10:46:25 AM

[Battlehawk, Orbit of Andgarr]

The Risan doctor had spent the last six hours tending to the remaining wounds of the original away team; some minor burns, cuts and contusions. It hadn't taken long and she was satisfied with her handiwork, the away team were now medically fit to work on restoring the wreck to operation. Six hours however, working under intense conditions in a filthy wreck was exhausting and even the most conditioned Klingon warrior would require break. So Taja had spent the remainder of her time finding the one functioning Protein Resequencer, an early version of the Food Replicator, to rustle up some nutritious paste and water.

Taja had insisted that every member of the away team consume the paste and drink at least a couple of litres of water. She didn't know how to repair an ancient Romulan battlecruiser and so this was how she could best serve the mission, by helping everyone stay fed and hydrated.

Doctor Grippen then turned her attention to Zhuk. The effects of the stimulant she had given him earlier in the day would now be starting to wear off, as a result she had saved her best find for him. A sealed bag of hundred year old Romulan osol twists. Fresh, tart and full of sugar. It would give the caitain a much needed pick me up, plus they tasted great. Taja found Zhuk and handed over the goody bag, "Here lieutenant, the stimulant will be wearing off now. But I found these for you, a Romulan's favourite treat. It should give you a boost to keep you going, your liver will thank me for not giving you another dose of stims."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2023, 02:12:45 PM

[Angdarr System]

The populated world of Angdarr Prime was part of a solar system with nine planets. The inner three were hot rock Class-F planets very much like Mercury in the Sol System of Earth. The next three worlds were habitable to one degree or another, Angdarr IV and Angdarr VI were Class-L and were only marginally habitable with thin atmospheres requiring assistance for humanoids to breath. Angdarr Prime was the fifth planet and was the only Class-M planet in the system. Angdarr VII was a large Jovian gas giant Class-J world, with the two outermost planets being Class-G ice worlds much like Neptune.

With the Battlehawk limited to impulse speed, even at maximum, it took 22 hours for the old hulk to reach the edge of the system. By the time the Battlehawk, which was flanked by the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum intercepted the Doomsday Machine, the Angdarr system was reduced to seven planets as the two Class-G worlds had become fuel for the monstrous weapon.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the three ship flotilla approached their target, Lieutenant Randall reported on his findings.

"The Machine is now showing it is at full power and is actually reading as 15% higher than that of the original device. The Machine seems to be aware of us and the documented Anti-Proton Beam is powering up."

Ian winced at the information as that meant things had just become more complicated. They could no longer just fly the hulk down the maw on its own because in its current state, its insanely powerful weapon would destroy the Battlehawk with a single hit. Taking a calming breath, Ian began to issue orders.

"Ops, signal the Deletham Mosarum. Tell them we're ta play bait for the machine ta keep it from firin' on the Battlehawk. Bring the second warp core online and put all power into shields. Tactical, prepare full spreads of quantums. They will nae hurt the Beastie, but they should keep it too busy ta fire on the hulk. Helm, you've got the toughest job of all, we're ta dance a merry jig in front of that thing while tryin' ta dodge that Anti-Proton Beam. Take us in."

Ian tapped his combadge and said.

=/\= "Commander Said, we are startin' our run, stay behind us as best you can, once you are ready send the word and we will beam your team back ta Challenger." =/\=

As he gripped the arms of the command chair Ian added.

"Ops, Scotland the Brave on all channels."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 08, 2023, 10:12:17 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

After a deal brokered, Lieutenant Mrekrerhas stood up, wincing slightly at his injuries but showing little external emotion. Internally, however, he was happy to see that diplomacy prevailed this time. That was until he realized that besides the Klingon at the helm, the scavenger group also contained a pair of Orions. His mood soured at that, but he kept quiet. Nira and Neva had done a particularly fine job, and he would not let it go to waste.

Zhuk rested for a moment, setting his rifle aside as he sat against the wall, keeping a loose eye as the 31 individuals were transported from the Battlehawk over to the Challenger. He wondered how they were doing, though his thoughts did not linger too much on them, as the Science Team arrived to assist the small squad to get the ship running.

Such perfect timing. Like clockwork.

He greatly enjoyed serving on the Challenger due to reasons such as these.

Though Zhuk only knew the basics of engineering, and even he would consider him quite awful at that, he aided the rest with a skill he did have: understanding the Romulan language. Both spoken and written. However, in this case, the latter was the important one for the consoles. The Caitian did note that there were slight differences in the symbols employed. He supposed such a peculiarity came from the passage of time, and evolution of the Romulan language, however. Still, he couldn't help but feel intrigued by such an observation.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | In Orbit around Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

"Once more, Doctor Grippen, you possess my utmost appreciation for the attention provided,"A sliver of a smile followed the praise, just as before, once Taja had finished patching Zhuk up. It allowed him to properly help with the translation when needed, and to better generally assist the rest of his fellow crewmembers.

Eventually, the old Battlehawk rose into the air once more, majestic, as much as an ancient ship with a missing nacelle could be.

He was quite surprised that the ship had not only remained in one piece after lift-off but also, managed to reach the upper atmosphere without crashing back down. It spoke to the incredible performance that they (but mainly Neva and Science) had achieved. Now, it was up to them to reach the Doomsday Machine, and destroy it just like Captain Kirk had done 200 years ago.

But first, he needed a moment to rest. And so, after the job was done, he decided to take a short kitty nap on the Bridge after the Science Team was beamed back to the ship.

He awoke once more to the kind visage of Taja, as she offered him a sealed bag of osol twists. Zhuk seemed a bit sleepy at first, but when he realized what she had found for him, his eyes seemed to light up, tail swishing rapidly from side to side for just a moment.

"Yes I... I was starting to feel tired... but this gift ought to maintain me in mint condition up until we meet our gargantuan foe," He took the treats, and once again flashed a smile at her, "I shalt not forget such a kindness any time soon. And do tell me if you wish to share one."

He offered. Whatever Taja's response was, he proceeded to consume a couple of them, scrunching his nose and muzzle at the sour taste. Usually, Zhuk had a preference for salty foods. That said, he nonetheless greatly enjoyed the twists, even if they were a tad stale by this point. While he ate, he proceeded to move towards the Tactical console, making sure that the sensors were operating at peak efficiency, running diagnostics on the weapons systems, and generally keeping an eye out for trouble.

One entire packet of osol twists later, Zhuk felt the clutches of sleep calling out for him, and he was just a little hungry. Even then, he remained strong in his assigned post. He was focused. The sensors had already detected the presence of the massive robotic vessel, and determined that they would reach it in just a few minutes more. The problem was that the Doomsday Machine had noticed the approach of the Battlehawk, and so, prepared to fire against it,

"Commander Said. I believe that the Doomsday Machine is preparing to engage us... but I am not fully certain with these readings. I can access a disruptor array, and I believe that one of the torpedo launchers still remains effective. But I highly doubt such weaponry will even manage to damage our robotic assailant..."

He got ready for the worst, though before he could think about making peace with his ball of yarn, a message came up. It was Captain Galloway, informing Commander Nira that they would proceed to distract the Doomsday Machine so that they would be able to get closer. Excellent.

He took a deep breath and got ready for any additional orders from Nira.

[Ensign Zala | Deck 4 | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger 40117-A | In orbit around Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

Zala smiled at Lahr's compliment. She was glad that she was being useful. Any more talk between them, or even the opportunity to thank him was set aside to clear the general area for the arrival of 31 individuals. So, Zala got to work, helping to guide the traffic out from the Transporter Room One. To her fortune, the newcomers turned out to be relatively alright, so there was no need to tell them where the Sickbay was.

She glanced over at her clothing once again. Ugh... She needed a bath, some food, and some nice sleep. Maybe some entertainment. The first three were key if she wanted to remain in a good mental state for the next day...

Unfortunately, it too much too long for Nira's liking. All they could do was set course and wait. Nira had hoped, had hoped, that more could be added in with extra punch to take out the machine, but none other help was forthcoming.

So much time passed. Rest and sleep and eat from the Protein Resequencer, and Nira found preserved oosol sweets very excellent; sealed in so long, they tasted surprisingly good.

And the time came for the fight. Nira could only hope they were not too late. At Captain Galloway's call, she replied, "Acknowledged, Captain. I'll send the call for transport when we're ready."

She then turned to the away team and said, "Okay, we're primed and ready. Zhuk, you and I are to remain here while the rest of the team returns to Challenger. I'll ensure the course to ram the ship down the machine's throat continues. Zhuk, given what you know already about the Battlehawk's weapon systems, you'll be manning the weapon controls. Don't hit anywhere on the ship's outer hull, do your best unload the arsenal into the maw. Meantime, the countdown has to be primed. At current velocity," she asked to whoever was at the helm, "how long until the ship reaches the weapon's maw?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2023, 12:10:49 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

"Much appreciated, Neva," said Nira. "Prepare a detonation sequence with a countdown timer, but wait to set the timer. Arrange a remote detonation as a second setting as well, just in case."

"Aye, Sir." Neva made the adjustments and settings, humming the Captain's song as she worked.

Sighing with disappointment at one fact, she said, "I wish we could do more...no spare deuterium to spare from Challenger, Andgarr or anywhere else? It's a pity. We'll have to make do. Set course for the weapon, at our best possible speed."
Unfortunately, it too much too long for Nira's liking. All they could do was set course and wait. Nira had hoped, had hoped, that more could be added in with extra punch to take out the machine, but none other help was forthcoming.

So much time passed. Rest and sleep and eat from the Protein Resequencer, and Nira found preserved oosol sweets very excellent; sealed in so long, they tasted surprisingly good.

And the time came for the fight. Nira could only hope they were not too late. At Captain Galloway's call, she replied, "Acknowledged, Captain. I'll send the call for transport when we're ready."

She then turned to the away team and said, "Okay, we're primed and ready. Zhuk, you and I are to remain here while the rest of the team returns to Challenger. I'll ensure the course to ram the ship down the machine's throat continues. Zhuk, given what you know already about the Battlehawk's weapon systems, you'll be manning the weapon controls. Don't hit anywhere on the ship's outer hull, do your best unload the arsenal into the maw. Meantime, the countdown has to be primed. At current velocity," she asked to whoever was at the helm, "how long until the ship reaches the weapon's maw?"

Neva's jaw clenched a moment, her face turning resolute. As much as safety aboard Challenger appealed to her sense of self-preservation,  the young Engineer couldn't bring herself to turn into that skid.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke. "Commander Said, I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience obey your order to leave. I volunteer to stay with you and Lt. Mrekrerhas until your beam out to make sure no issues arise beforehand." She gave a slight smirk. "Besides, any Engineer worth their salt would want to make sure their jerry-rigs hold."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2023, 12:10:49 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

"Much appreciated, Neva," said Nira. "Prepare a detonation sequence with a countdown timer, but wait to set the timer. Arrange a remote detonation as a second setting as well, just in case."

Sighing with disappointment at one fact, she said, "I wish we could do more...no spare deuterium to spare from Challenger, Andgarr or anywhere else? It's a pity. We'll have to make do. Set course for the weapon, at our best possible speed."
Unfortunately, it too much too long for Nira's liking. All they could do was set course and wait. Nira had hoped, had hoped, that more could be added in with extra punch to take out the machine, but none other help was forthcoming.

So much time passed. Rest and sleep and eat from the Protein Resequencer, and Nira found preserved oosol sweets very excellent; sealed in so long, they tasted surprisingly good.

And the time came for the fight. Nira could only hope they were not too late. At Captain Galloway's call, she replied, "Acknowledged, Captain. I'll send the call for transport when we're ready."

She then turned to the away team and said, "Okay, we're primed and ready. Zhuk, you and I are to remain here while the rest of the team returns to Challenger. I'll ensure the course to ram the ship down the machine's throat continues. Zhuk, given what you know already about the Battlehawk's weapon systems, you'll be manning the weapon controls. Don't hit anywhere on the ship's outer hull, do your best unload the arsenal into the maw. Meantime, the countdown has to be primed. At current velocity," she asked to whoever was at the helm, "how long until the ship reaches the weapon's maw?"

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 09, 2023, 10:32:29 AM

Neva's jaw clenched a moment, her face turning resolute. As much as safety aboard Challenger appealed to her sense of self-preservation,  the young Engineer couldn't bring herself to turn into that skid.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke. "Commander Said, I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience obey your order to leave. I volunteer to stay with you and Lt. Mrekrerhas until your beam out to make sure no issues arise beforehand." She gave a slight smirk. "Besides, any Engineer worth their salt would want to make sure their jerry-rigs hold."

[Battlehawk - Angdarr System]

As the away team made their final adjustments and lined up their approach to the Doomsday Machine, the massive weapon began to grow in size as the distance decreased. The old battleship shook and the consoles reported many overloads throughout the barely functioning ship. Although the viewscreen fuzzed in and out of focus, it was operational enough for the away team to have enough information to see the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum begin their attack runs.

Approaching from directly ahead, the Challenger let loose a full salvo of quantum torpedoes as she closed, which all struck, but did no damage to the neutronium hull of the Machine. The anti-proton beam fired and despite the attempt to dodge, the beam hit and knocked the Challenger sideways by the impact. As the ship staggered, the Deletham Mosarum fired and drew off the Machine before cloaking. Fortunately, the anti-proton beam was not a rapid fire weapon, thus the slow recharge cycle allowed the Challenger to pass beyond the forward arc of fire of the Machine.

When the Challenger passed over the top of the Machine, her phasers strafing down the length of the massive weapon, also to no effect. She then fired a full spread of photons from the aft launchers as she completed her run. These warheads were fired with a proximity fuse and rigged to send out as big an EMP as possible to confuse the Machine's targeting as the Battlehawk began her terminal run toward the maw of the massive weapon. As the distance closed, Ian hit the comm system on the command chair.

=/\= "Nira! It's time ta bloody go!" =/\=

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 2 - Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2023, 02:12:45 PM

[Angdarr System]

The populated world of Angdarr Prime was part of a solar system with nine planets. The inner three were hot rock Class-F planets very much like Mercury in the Sol System of Earth. The next three worlds were habitable to one degree or another, Angdarr IV and Angdarr VI were Class-L and were only marginally habitable with thin atmospheres requiring assistance for humanoids to breath. Angdarr Prime was the fifth planet and was the only Class-M planet in the system. Angdarr VII was a large Jovian gas giant Class-J world, with the two outermost planets being Class-G ice worlds much like Neptune.

With the Battlehawk limited to impulse speed, even at maximum, it took 22 hours for the old hulk to reach the edge of the system. By the time the Battlehawk, which was flanked by the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum intercepted the Doomsday Machine, the Angdarr system was reduced to seven planets as the two Class-G worlds had become fuel for the monstrous weapon.

It was quiet in the Observation Lounge (ignoring the Red Alert klaxon of course).  Also very restricting - especially now that Ensign Jones insisted her team members all remain seated with seatbelts on during the Red Alert unless called on - to avoid a repeat of Lahr's accident.  Seatbelts were a little known safety feature designed into nearly every chair on a starship; yet they were rarely used by most personnel.

Lahr, however guessed that his repeated accidents the past year had brought him to the attention of the ship's safety officer... and THEY had contacted Jones to insist on its use.  The Andorian pouted, antennae hung low as no one on his team spoke.  He knew they blamed him for this new order.

There was a brief encounter with a pass Sec/Tac officer who introduced herself but Lahr was too grumpy to engage in conversation with anyone at the moment, and so they left - leaving Lahr to just sit and wait.

At least from his seated position, he had a good view of the approaching planet-killer monstrosity.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2023, 02:12:45 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the three ship flotilla approached their target, Lieutenant Randall reported on his findings.

"The Machine is now showing it is at full power and is actually reading as 15% higher than that of the original device. The Machine seems to be aware of us and the documented Anti-Proton Beam is powering up."

Ian winced at the information as that meant things had just become more complicated. They could no longer just fly the hulk down the maw on its own because in its current state, its insanely powerful weapon would destroy the Battlehawk with a single hit. Taking a calming breath, Ian began to issue orders.

"Ops, signal the Deletham Mosarum. Tell them we're ta play bait for the machine ta keep it from firin' on the Battlehawk. Bring the second warp core online and put all power into shields. Tactical, prepare full spreads of quantums. They will nae hurt the Beastie, but they should keep it too busy ta fire on the hulk. Helm, you've got the toughest job of all, we're ta dance a merry jig in front of that thing while tryin' ta dodge that Anti-Proton Beam. Take us in."

Ian tapped his combadge and said.

=/\= "Commander Said, we are startin' our run, stay behind us as best you can, once you are ready send the word and we will beam your team back ta Challenger." =/\=

As he gripped the arms of the command chair Ian added.

"Ops, Scotland the Brave on all channels."

Lahr's antenna lifted slightly at the sudden caterwaul of the Captain's battlesong.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 09, 2023, 11:20:16 AM

[Battlehawk - Angdarr System]

As the away team made their final adjustments and lined up their approach to the Doomsday Machine, the massive weapon began to grow in size as the distance decreased. The old battleship shook and the consoles reported many overloads throughout the barely functioning ship. Although the viewscreen fuzzed in and out of focus, it was operational enough for the away team to have enough information to see the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum begin their attack runs.

Approaching from directly ahead, the Challenger let loose a full salvo of quantum torpedoes as she closed, which all struck, but did no damage to the neutronium hull of the Machine. The anti-proton beam fired and despite the attempt to dodge, the beam hit and knocked the Challenger sideways by the impact. As the ship staggered, the Deletham Mosarum fired and drew off the Machine before cloaking. Fortunately, the anti-proton beam was not a rapid fire weapon, thus the slow recharge cycle allowed the Challenger to pass beyond the forward arc of fire of the Machine.

When the Challenger passed over the top of the Machine, her phasers strafing down the length of the massive weapon, also to no effect. She then fired a full spread of photons from the aft launchers as she completed her run. These warheads were fired with a proximity fuse and rigged to send out as big an EMP as possible to confuse the Machine's targeting as the Battlehawk began her terminal run toward the maw of the massive weapon. As the distance closed, Ian hit the comm system on the command chair.

=/\= "Nira! It's time ta bloody go!" =/\=

There was a brief second of brightness, seen from the Observation Lounge before the ship was struck by some beam or other.   The ship was knocked sideways.  Gravity stabilizers were momentarily lost - and for once Lahr wasn't thrown to the ground - all thanks to the use of the seatbelt.  Lahr's antennae perked and a smile began to form.  His PADD, along with others in his team, pinged with automated repair requests.  It was go time for Damage Control Team One.

Lahr unbuckled, taking a moment to steady his footing as the view from the Observation Lounge showed the  ship realigning itself for a strafing run.   Though he wished he could continue watch the show; he had work to do - work that would help the ship keep from being blown up.  Important stuff when you think about it.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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