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S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 23, 2023, 12:20:15 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Flyer Mjolnir | Hangar Bay | Doomsday Weapon?]

As Nira awaited an answer, she heard the increase in signalling between the probe and the Machine. She looked back befuddled and had turned to Neva to ask a question when it stopped...

She looked around and then saw that they were tractored again, and they were now being pulled inside.

"Captain, I think we're being guided inside," she said. "Whoa...we're being taken into some kind of a hangar..."

But comms were breaking up and then shut off completely; the Mjolnir and the away team were cut off from the Challenger. They were soon settled in. Nira looked out and could definitely see they were in a huge hangar.

"It's a hangar all right," she said to the team. "This certainly puts a new perspective, certainly doesn't make it a ship, not if it's thinking coherently, either between this probe or its default program to consume."

Looking back to the team, she said, "I'm guessing there's some form of artificial intelligence behind this machine, and the probe is the means of communication with it. Neva, Tora, see if there's a way to communicate with the Machine with that probe," she ordered. "Jamil, Aarwendil, check the sensors, see if there's a breathable atmosphere around here; there's a good chance we may be exploring this new environ."

Quote from: Jamil on December 23, 2023, 10:14:59 PM

"œAye, aye, Commander will do," Jamil said. The Scientist blinked his eyes on hearing Commander Nira asking for sensors for air for them to breathe. This was new. He felt he came out of nowhere, like he was on autopilot doing things, and here he was in Mjolnir, which he figured. Where are they anyway? Oh. Shit!

Probe. What Probe? Why was he not remembering things? He had this happen to him a long time. He might consider having this mental thing checked later.

"œI believe you are all stuck in those spacesuits. It's just enough to pass but not enough not to pass. Suggest suit up," he reported.

[Inside the Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

Although cut off from the outside galaxy, the sensors of the Mjolnir worked fine inside the massive hanger and detected that the compartment had pressurized, but the resultant atmosphere was unbreathable for the species of the away team. The temperature was on the cold side, just 10 degrees Celsius, so full EVA suits would not be required, but rebreathers would be. The away team could see out the windscreen of the Mjolnir that there were two smaller personnel sized doors that led out of the hanger. It was obvious that if they wanted answers, they were going to have to leave the shuttle to find them.


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 22, 2023, 12:32:46 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

Lahr had been correct that Security had been preparing a breach; he'd just gotten the entrance wrong.   No sooner had he begun discreetly loosening the fasteners on the jefferies tube access panel, when suddenly the medical staff only door slid open and Sickbay went into chaos with phaser and disruptor fire.  Lahr, for his part, hit the floor to avoid getting shot.

He lifted his head at hearing the old Nausicaan call out for Challenger's security to 'stand down'.  Lahr winced at seeing Dr. Fellows being used as a direct shield and hostage.  Oooh, Galloway would be livid when he heard of that.  Whatever reasons the Nausicaan thought he had for justifying this attack on the ship, would mean nothing to the Captain after learning this.  Doh!

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 23, 2023, 09:32:35 PM

Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Jefferies Tubes --> Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System

"Halt! Hold your fire!"

Shouted Zhuk as Doctor Fellows was taken hostage, observing the situation from his vantage point behind a Hover Gurney. Glancing over to his entry point, he noticed Zala on her knees, clutching a disruptor injury on her upper side. She still held her rifle with her other hand, however, struggling to keep it aimed at the enemy.

The rest of his team were nowhere to be seen. Maybe the door was short-circuited, or something outside had kept them from venturing into Sickbay. Fortunately, Koloz and Blackfeather's team had followed his orders to the letter, breaching in from another door into the Medbay, and pacifying some of the miscreants he and Zala had been unable to.

He went back to analyzing the hostage situation swiftly. Zhuk was certain that he could shoot with his phaser rifle at Ojegar, putting him out of the equation. However, he knew that Jess, even if she did not cover much of his body, was on the line. And even though his more aggressive self dared him to pull the trigger, he decided not to. He would not risk the lives of anyone on the Challenger for fame and glory. If the finger on the trigger went off as a chain reaction of the stun, then Jess would be in trouble. And he would never forgive himself for it.

He slowly lowered his weapon, straightening up slightly as he moved his digit from the activator,

"Very well... it would seem as if we remain at an impasse," Zhuk began, as he tried to scan for an opening he could exploit to rescue Doctor Fellows, "While I did not took thee for a sneaksby, it would seem that is the case. What a shame..."

He slowly shook his head as he then took a deep breath, "Perhaps it would be a good moment to tell me what do you seek within our vessel. We certainly do not have latinum or wealth... an... escape from the imminent destruction of the planet instead? Hm. For that I assume you did not require to commandeer an entire deck, yes? So what it is then?"

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ojegar gave Zhuk a very long hard look before he replied in a cold tone.

"This operation has failed to live up to expectations. Unfortunately, my subordinates bungled their execution of my plan and here we are. You see, the goal was to get away with as much Bio-mimetic gel as your ship had on hand. As that now seems unlikely, as is your ability to prevent the destruction of the planet, it would seem a shuttle would suffice to meet my needs. As my associates have proven to be less than valuable to me, you may keep them in exchange for my freedom and the life of your doctor here. Are we in agreement?"


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Ian struggled with the decision of whether to try to aid the away team or to stand by and let them figure out what to do on their own, Catalan spoke up.

"Sir, I am receiving a hail from the lead Warbird."

"On screen."

The screen switched from that of the Doomsday Machine to a very old Romulan who gave Ian long apprizing look before he spoke.

"I am Commander Tal. It would seem that the Federation has taken control of the planet slayer. Although we are allies, the Romulan Free State believes that such a powerful weapon in the hands of even an ally to be an unacceptable threat. I therefore demand shared access to the weapon, or I am authorized to take whatever action I deem necessary to end this threat."

Ian remained silent as Tal spoke and wondered.

"What sort of life have I led ta have a bloody day like this?"

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 23, 2023, 09:32:35 PM

Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Jefferies Tubes --> Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System

"Halt! Hold your fire!"

Shouted Zhuk as Doctor Fellows was taken hostage, observing the situation from his vantage point behind a Hover Gurney. Glancing over to his entry point, he noticed Zala on her knees, clutching a disruptor injury on her upper side. She still held her rifle with her other hand, however, struggling to keep it aimed at the enemy.

The rest of his team were nowhere to be seen. Maybe the door was short-circuited, or something outside had kept them from venturing into Sickbay. Fortunately, Koloz and Blackfeather's team had followed his orders to the letter, breaching in from another door into the Medbay, and pacifying some of the miscreants he and Zala had been unable to.

He went back to analyzing the hostage situation swiftly. Zhuk was certain that he could shoot with his phaser rifle at Ojegar, putting him out of the equation. However, he knew that Jess, even if she did not cover much of his body, was on the line. And even though his more aggressive self dared him to pull the trigger, he decided not to. He would not risk the lives of anyone on the Challenger for fame and glory. If the finger on the trigger went off as a chain reaction of the stun, then Jess would be in trouble. And he would never forgive himself for it.

He slowly lowered his weapon, straightening up slightly as he moved his digit from the activator,

"Very well... it would seem as if we remain at an impasse," Zhuk began, as he tried to scan for an opening he could exploit to rescue Doctor Fellows, "While I did not took thee for a sneaksby, it would seem that is the case. What a shame..."

He slowly shook his head as he then took a deep breath, "Perhaps it would be a good moment to tell me what do you seek within our vessel. We certainly do not have latinum or wealth... an... escape from the imminent destruction of the planet instead? Hm. For that I assume you did not require to commandeer an entire deck, yes? So what it is then?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 24, 2023, 12:00:37 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ojegar gave Zhuk a very long hard look before he replied in a cold tone.

"This operation has failed to live up to expectations. Unfortunately, my subordinates bungled their execution of my plan and here we are. You see, the goal was to get away with as much Bio-mimetic gel as your ship had on hand. As that now seems unlikely, as is your ability to prevent the destruction of the planet, it would seem a shuttle would suffice to meet my needs. As my associates have proven to be less than valuable to me, you may keep them in exchange for my freedom and the life of your doctor here. Are we in agreement?"

While Zhuk and the Nausicaan talked about the 'why', Lahr noticed the injured Zala.  He cautiously, hands still held out show he had no weapon, circled around the confrontation, grabbing up a hypospray as he passed a treatment tray and went to the injured Zala.

"Trade you?" he offered as he crouched down beside and held out his hands for the phaser rifle in exchange for the hypospray.  {color=skyblue]"Now, I'm not a medical staffer so I can't prescribe you medication, but I'm pretty sure that's an analgesic and one dose should help with the pain."[/color] He then whistled to gain Abas' attention and motioned him over,  "But if you prefer a medical opinion, this guy can probably help."

While Lahr waited to see if Zala would hand him the weapon, he alternated his glance between the Nausicaan and Zhuk.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

Quote from: Jamil on December 23, 2023, 10:14:59 PM

"œAye, aye, Commander will do," Jamil said. The Scientist blinked his eyes on hearing Commander Nira asking for sensors for air for them to breathe. This was new. He felt he came out of nowhere, like he was on autopilot doing things, and here he was in Mjolnir, which he figured. Where are they anyway? Oh. Shit!

Probe. What Probe? Why was he not remembering things? He had this happen to him a long time. He might consider having this mental thing checked later.

"œI believe you are all stuck in those spacesuits. It's just enough to pass but not enough not to pass. Suggest suit up," he reported.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 24, 2023, 12:00:37 PM

[Inside the Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

Although cut off from the outside galaxy, the sensors of the Mjolnir worked fine inside the massive hanger and detected that the compartment had pressurized, but the resultant atmosphere was unbreathable for the species of the away team. The temperature was on the cold side, just 10 degrees Celsius, so full EVA suits would not be required, but rebreathers would be. The away team could see out the windscreen of the Mjolnir that there were two smaller personnel sized doors that led out of the hanger. It was obvious that if they wanted answers, they were going to have to leave the shuttle to find them.

[Commander Nira Said | Flyer Mjolnir | Hangar Bay | Doomsday Weapon?]

Nira heard Jamil's opinion, and then the sensor results came back. She then looked over to Jamil and said, "Actually, I don't think we'll need EVA suits, but judging from the atmosphere, unbreathable as it is, we'll need rebreathers and oxygen packs. And with temperature at ten degrees Celsius, at least we won't need winter packs...sweaters, maybe."

Noticing the doors, she added, "Stepping out is going to be inevitable anyhow. Everybody but Lieutenant Espada's with me. Hector," she said to Espada, "keep a transporter lock on us at all times in case something goes wrong. I'll call you if we need a quick getaway. Neva, Aarwendil," she said to the two fellow Betazoids, "see if you can move the probe, replicate a hover cart if possible. Tora, Jamil, tricorders out, it's quite the unique opportunity to see the inside of the Machine. Now get rebreathers and oxygen packs ready. Hand phasers only, we don't want to demonstrate any aggressiveness."

Once five rebreathers were replicated, along with belts carrying oxygen packs to refuel the rebreathers if need be, Nira ordered forcefields raised around the front section, around Espada. Then, once assured that rebreathers were equipped, she opened the airlock and stepped out.

At least the rebreathers were comfortable, even fitting about. The oxygen packs, adjusted for breathing conditions for every species to wear, be it member race of the Federation or not, were set for no more than an hour, but fortunately, in case of long term exploration, that's why there were spare packs on belts.

Nira proceeded cautiously toward the two personnel doors, wondering what was on the other side. The fact that this gave the impression of a ship, this was a new discovery...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on December 24, 2023, 10:54:50 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Flyer Mjolnir | Hangar Bay | Doomsday Weapon?]

Nira heard Jamil's opinion, and then the sensor results came back. She then looked over to Jamil and said, "Actually, I don't think we'll need EVA suits, but judging from the atmosphere, unbreathable as it is, we'll need rebreathers and oxygen packs. And with temperature at ten degrees Celsius, at least we won't need winter packs...sweaters, maybe."

Noticing the doors, she added, "Stepping out is going to be inevitable anyhow. Everybody but Lieutenant Espada's with me. Hector," she said to Espada, "keep a transporter lock on us at all times in case something goes wrong. I'll call you if we need a quick getaway. Neva, Aarwendil," she said to the two fellow Betazoids, "see if you can move the probe, replicate a hover cart if possible. Tora, Jamil, tricorders out, it's quite the unique opportunity to see the inside of the Machine. Now get rebreathers and oxygen packs ready. Hand phasers only, we don't want to demonstrate any aggressiveness."

Once five rebreathers were replicated, along with belts carrying oxygen packs to refuel the rebreathers if need be, Nira ordered forcefields raised around the front section, around Espada. Then, once assured that rebreathers were equipped, she opened the airlock and stepped out.

At least the rebreathers were comfortable, even fitting about. The oxygen packs, adjusted for breathing conditions for every species to wear, be it member race of the Federation or not, were set for no more than an hour, but fortunately, in case of long term exploration, that's why there were spare packs on belts.

Nira proceeded cautiously toward the two personnel doors, wondering what was on the other side. The fact that this gave the impression of a ship, this was a new discovery...

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Neva put her rebreather on, but the facemask got shoved up to sit on her forehead. She'd absently put on both an Engineer yellow sweater and phaser, her attention focused on the probe's readouts. Her mouth moved silently, mind whirling with ideas and suppositions.

Turning to Aarwendil, she smiled. "Ok, I think we can safely move this. It seems dormant enough for now." She looked around  the hold. "What's the status on the hovercart?"

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 24, 2023, 10:54:50 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Flyer Mjolnir | Hangar Bay | Doomsday Weapon?]

Nira heard Jamil's opinion, and then the sensor results came back. She then looked over to Jamil and said, "Actually, I don't think we'll need EVA suits, but judging from the atmosphere, unbreathable as it is, we'll need rebreathers and oxygen packs. And with temperature at ten degrees Celsius, at least we won't need winter packs...sweaters, maybe."

Noticing the doors, she added, "Stepping out is going to be inevitable anyhow. Everybody but Lieutenant Espada's with me. Hector," she said to Espada, "keep a transporter lock on us at all times in case something goes wrong. I'll call you if we need a quick getaway. Neva, Aarwendil," she said to the two fellow Betazoids, "see if you can move the probe, replicate a hover cart if possible. Tora, Jamil, tricorders out, it's quite the unique opportunity to see the inside of the Machine. Now get rebreathers and oxygen packs ready. Hand phasers only, we don't want to demonstrate any aggressiveness."

Once five rebreathers were replicated, along with belts carrying oxygen packs to refuel the rebreathers if need be, Nira ordered forcefields raised around the front section, around Espada. Then, once assured that rebreathers were equipped, she opened the airlock and stepped out.

At least the rebreathers were comfortable, even fitting about. The oxygen packs, adjusted for breathing conditions for every species to wear, be it member race of the Federation or not, were set for no more than an hour, but fortunately, in case of long term exploration, that's why there were spare packs on belts.

Nira proceeded cautiously toward the two personnel doors, wondering what was on the other side. The fact that this gave the impression of a ship, this was a new discovery...

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 25, 2023, 01:53:16 PM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Neva put her rebreather on, but the facemask got shoved up to sit on her forehead. She'd absently put on both an Engineer yellow sweater and phaser, her attention focused on the probe's readouts. Her mouth moved silently, mind whirling with ideas and suppositions.

Turning to Aarwendil, she smiled. "Ok, I think we can safely move this. It seems dormant enough for now." She looked around  the hold. "What's the status on the hovercart?"

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

On departing the shuttle, the away team found themselves struggling with the Machine's standard gravity which seemed to be set at 1.4 G. On reaching one of the personnel doors, rather than having to override security, the door opened automatically.

As the Machine was 1.6 kilometers long, Nira and company walked 500 meters before the corridor came to another closed door. Fortunately, this door opened as well, inside was a large empty room with several smaller rooms along one wall and an exit door, this opened to a cross corridor with the options to go left or right. Choosing to go right the corridor ran for 30 meters and turned 90 degrees to the left, to run a total of 50 meters before ending. At the end of the passage were two doors. The door on the left opened to a ladder heading upward.

It was the door on the right that was far more interesting as it revealed a gigantic holographic tank. There was an elevated platform with 18 raised, glowing bumps arranged in a circle around two larger bumps. The holographic image at the moment displayed the local area of space around the Machine.

The away team was taken aback to see the Challenger being confronted by the seven Romulan ships facing each other at a range estimated to be 200,000 kilometers. This was inside of long weapons range and the way the Romulans were arrayed, it was obvious they were in an attack formation. Whatever was going on outside, it did not bode well for the lone Starfleet ship.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian stared back at the old Romulan, Tal with amazement. One moment, the Free State ships were observing, next, they were in an attack formation. While the Federation and the Free State were nominal allies, the Romulan Free State was still run by Romulans and while the saying might be 'never turn your back on a Breen', the same could easily be said about a Romulan.

"Commander, you have misinterpreted the situation. Our away team may be aboard the Doomsday Machine, but they were pulled inside by a tractor beam. We are nae in contact with them and they are certainly nae in control of the thing. If'n we were, do you think your ships could stop us if we were? Please, give my people some time ta report and then we can make an informed decision as ta our next steps."

Tal looked unconvinced, but finally relented.

"You have one of your hours."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 26, 2023, 12:13:08 PM

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

On departing the shuttle, the away team found themselves struggling with the Machine's standard gravity which seemed to be set at 1.4 G. On reaching one of the personnel doors, rather than having to override security, the door opened automatically.

As the Machine was 1.6 kilometers long, Nira and company walked 500 meters before the corridor came to another closed door. Fortunately, this door opened as well, inside was a large empty room with several smaller rooms along one wall and an exit door, this opened to a cross corridor with the options to go left or right. Choosing to go right the corridor ran for 30 meters and turned 90 degrees to the left, to run a total of 50 meters before ending. At the end of the passage were two doors. The door on the left opened to a ladder heading upward.

It was the door on the right that was far more interesting as it revealed a gigantic holographic tank. There was an elevated platform with 18 raised, glowing bumps arranged in a circle around two larger bumps. The holographic image at the moment displayed the local area of space around the Machine.

The away team was taken aback to see the Challenger being confronted by the seven Romulan ships facing each other at a range estimated to be 200,000 kilometers. This was inside of long weapons range and the way the Romulans were arrayed, it was obvious they were in an attack formation. Whatever was going on outside, it did not bode well for the lone Starfleet ship.

[Commander Nira Said |  Hangar Bay >- Control Center | Doomsday Weapon]

Clad in a sweater, Nira stepped out. The moment she did, however, she suddenly felt heavy. Not in the sense that she had to drag her feet with every step, as expected in stepping in a stellar body in a mass as big as Uranus, but in the sense that it felt like stepping up from a table after eating a whole feast...or rather, a month's worth of feasts; Nira  remembered lurching from eating a feast was after having a month's worth of nightly feasts after Ramadan when she was thirteen, and she lurched when she walked for a week afterwards, the fattest she had felt before she had to work on a strict exercise regime and have her own fast, but without the feasts of the night.

It wasn't a heavy walk all the same, but it was more of the walk of somebody with...not necessarily fat, not necessarily obese, but walking still had a lurch in it, and the whole team was forced to lurch as they walked, but at least they lurched at a typical walking pace rather than a slow, heavy lurch.

As for the probe, it was still to heavy to carry, even in a hovercart, and when Nira noticed the hallways, how narrow they were and the turns not making a cart compatible, they had to abandon the cart back on the Mjolnir, along with the probe. It had stopped working, and it occurred to Nira it was more the access means, like a key to a doorway.

After lurching their way through the hallways, the team found the two doorways. Seeing the left side with the ladder, Nira muttered, "Good Allah, I don't think we can climb this, not with the weight of feasts on us in this gravity. And imagine if we even tried to bring the probe with us."

So they stepped into the right door. Nira was amazed by what she saw. Given the displays, and Nira recognized the shape of the Challenger and the Romulan ships, but she recognized them in passing and she swept her eyes around.

"Good Allah, this has to be the control center of the Machine!" said Nira. "Its brain, if it's automated. And the displays of the proximity around it, it must be its eyes..."

Then she got a better look back at the Challenger and realized the Romulans were in attack formation. She gasped. And then she glared at them. The threatening words and declaration of war on "the last remnant of the Federation," those of the Federation not taken or eliminated by the Borg, rang back to Nira: The Triumvirate Praetors glaring at them, her evil Romulan "twin" Nirreen gloatingly passing the words on.

"You dogs weren't really with the Free State, are you?" Nira snarled quietly as she stared. "You chose the right moment to attack, spring a trap. And you seven may not be the only ones. The Praetorians may very well be attacking the border planets by now.'re not getting control of this."

She looked back at the away team and said, "Okay, everybody, let's see if we can do something about this Machine. Aarwendil, find a way to establish communications from here. Neva, Jamil, Tora, check out the power systems, find a way to disarm the Machine, shut down its weaponry."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 25, 2023, 01:53:16 PM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Neva put her rebreather on, but the facemask got shoved up to sit on her forehead. She'd absently put on both an Engineer yellow sweater and phaser, her attention focused on the probe's readouts. Her mouth moved silently, mind whirling with ideas and suppositions.

Turning to Aarwendil, she smiled. "Ok, I think we can safely move this. It seems dormant enough for now." She looked around  the hold. "What's the status on the hovercart?"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 26, 2023, 03:38:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Hangar Bay >- Control Center | Doomsday Weapon]

Clad in a sweater, Nira stepped out. The moment she did, however, she suddenly felt heavy. Not in the sense that she had to drag her feet with every step, as expected in stepping in a stellar body in a mass as big as Uranus, but in the sense that it felt like stepping up from a table after eating a whole feast...or rather, a month's worth of feasts; Nira  remembered lurching from eating a feast was after having a month's worth of nightly feasts after Ramadan when she was thirteen, and she lurched when she walked for a week afterwards, the fattest she had felt before she had to work on a strict exercise regime and have her own fast, but without the feasts of the night.

It wasn't a heavy walk all the same, but it was more of the walk of somebody with...not necessarily fat, not necessarily obese, but walking still had a lurch in it, and the whole team was forced to lurch as they walked, but at least they lurched at a typical walking pace rather than a slow, heavy lurch.

As for the probe, it was still to heavy to carry, even in a hovercart, and when Nira noticed the hallways, how narrow they were and the turns not making a cart compatible, they had to abandon the cart back on the Mjolnir, along with the probe. It had stopped working, and it occurred to Nira it was more the access means, like a key to a doorway.

After lurching their way through the hallways, the team found the two doorways. Seeing the left side with the ladder, Nira muttered, "Good Allah, I don't think we can climb this, not with the weight of feasts on us in this gravity. And imagine if we even tried to bring the probe with us."

So they stepped into the right door. Nira was amazed by what she saw. Given the displays, and Nira recognized the shape of the Challenger and the Romulan ships, but she recognized them in passing and she swept her eyes around.

"Good Allah, this has to be the control center of the Machine!" said Nira. "Its brain, if it's automated. And the displays of the proximity around it, it must be its eyes..."

Then she got a better look back at the Challenger and realized the Romulans were in attack formation. She gasped. And then she glared at them. The threatening words and declaration of war on "the last remnant of the Federation," those of the Federation not taken or eliminated by the Borg, rang back to Nira: The Triumvirate Praetors glaring at them, her evil Romulan "twin" Nirreen gloatingly passing the words on.

"You dogs weren't really with the Free State, are you?" Nira snarled quietly as she stared. "You chose the right moment to attack, spring a trap. And you seven may not be the only ones. The Praetorians may very well be attacking the border planets by now.'re not getting control of this."

She looked back at the away team and said, "Okay, everybody, let's see if we can do something about this Machine. Aarwendil, find a way to establish communications from here. Neva, Jamil, Tora, check out the power systems, find a way to disarm the Machine, shut down its weaponry."

[Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

"œI agree. The chances of an explosion are low."  Aarwendil said to Neva, while looking at the information given by the probe. The Ensign immediately moved to read the information regarding the hovercart. "œI'm not sure if it'll be able to carry the probe. It's too heavy for the vehicle." they would need to find another way to move it, or this mission could end in another failure.

And there wasn't time for another plan.

If the situation wasn't enough, the Romulans had returned to pester them. He thought that the Praetorians would have stayed away watching the weapon cause the destruction, like what a typical villain would do. However, they preferred to be sure that it was going to work. Aarwendil could only think that they were stupid enough to risk part of their fleet being destroyed in the process.

On it, ma'am." he said to Nira, rushing to find a way that he could make the communication work. It would be the first time that he used this type of system, but he would give it a try. Obviously, it took longer than he wanted to establish communications. "œSee if you can do that now.

Betazoid, Male

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 24, 2023, 12:00:37 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ojegar gave Zhuk a very long hard look before he replied in a cold tone.

"This operation has failed to live up to expectations. Unfortunately, my subordinates bungled their execution of my plan and here we are. You see, the goal was to get away with as much Bio-mimetic gel as your ship had on hand. As that now seems unlikely, as is your ability to prevent the destruction of the planet, it would seem a shuttle would suffice to meet my needs. As my associates have proven to be less than valuable to me, you may keep them in exchange for my freedom and the life of your doctor here. Are we in agreement?"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

At the cold response that followed the silence, Zhuk felt a chill running down his spine. He realized he was not dealing with an amateur but a wizened, experienced criminal. So, he left his sarcastic tone aside, regaining a more serious stance that had been lost for just a moment.

It took him a few seconds to respond, as he gauged the offer made by Ojegar, eschewing his companions for his freedom and the safe release of Doctor Fellows. He did not like the fact that the Nausicaan would be escaping, but truly, he concluded that he had not much choice in the matter, especially with life at risk,

"I believe it is an acceptable request. As long as you ensure the safety of Doctor Fellows here, I can take thee to a shuttle. May I be allowed to inform of this eventuality to the Captain? It would allow me to better coordinate a request for a ship, and would also allow me to clear the hangar of Security officers. Otherwise,"

Zhuk motioned towards the doors, "I may escort you there. No stratagems or machinations."

Of course, he would think about something, so that was a filthy lie. He made sure to remain with a completely stoic expression, however, so that he would not discover this detail.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 24, 2023, 04:42:14 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

While Zhuk and the Nausicaan talked about the 'why', Lahr noticed the injured Zala.  He cautiously, hands still held out show he had no weapon, circled around the confrontation, grabbing up a hypospray as he passed a treatment tray and went to the injured Zala.

"Trade you?" he offered as he crouched down beside and held out his hands for the phaser rifle in exchange for the hypospray.  {color=skyblue]"Now, I'm not a medical staffer so I can't prescribe you medication, but I'm pretty sure that's an analgesic and one dose should help with the pain."[/color] He then whistled to gain Abas' attention and motioned him over,  "But if you prefer a medical opinion, this guy can probably help."

While Lahr waited to see if Zala would hand him the weapon, he alternated his glance between the Nausicaan and Zhuk.

Crewman Zala clenched her teeth and cried as she kept her left hand on the injury. She had lowered the rifle now, though still had her hand on the grip of the weapon, just in case she would have to raise it quickly to fire. She jumped up slightly as Lahr came closer to her aid, her eyes going big and shining under the lights of Sickbay. Fortunately, she uttered no sound, though she offered no answer to him right away.

She gulped, glancing down over at the hypospray, and then at the rifle. She feared for a moment that whatever Lahr was planning would create discord on her superior's plan. But as far as she knew, Lahr was not likely to act so recklessly, right? Yet, for how long would they be able to hide the fact that she had given him the rifle? Worry began to drown her thoughts, though finally, she took a decision.

She offered the weapon carefully over at the Andorian, before reaching out for the hypospray. Her hands trembled, "I-Its okay... d-don't... don't worry about m-me..." She tried to make light of the situation by making a quote, "N-Nothing is more i-important than your health"¦ e-except for your m-money..."

There was no money involved in the Federation, but she hoped that it would convince him that she was in no critical state. Still, as soon as she got the hypospray, she injected herself on the neck, issuing a sigh.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Abas Th'vyrrol


It appeared Abas's diversion had been well and truly taken advantage of. In moments, security poured through the door and the air of this medical ward once again shone and hissed with the sound of weapons fire.

The patient, it was found, had never been in critical condition. On cursory glance, it appeared that the system had suffered an inexplicable and sudden glitch in its programming, which had interrupted vital flow from the sensors to the display, triggering an alarm. Funnily enough, it couldn't be verified with the indepenent backup sensors which had accidentally been shorted out. What an unfortunate and amazing coincidence. And funnily enough, Abas knew just how to re-enable the monitoring, silencing the alarm now that the number of phaser rifles outnumbered the count of disruptors in the ward.

Unfortunately, it appeared at least one of the hostage takers had not been taken so easily. The Nausiccan had grabbed Doctor Fellows, and was holding her at disruptor point. While a few casualties had been taken, it appeared that Starfleet had the advantage. Abas, for his part, took one step and made sure to step between the only remaining hostile and the patient he'd used as a distraction. He couldn't help much with the current situation... but he could at least still protect the patient. She was, at least for her part, still fast asleep in a medically induced coma. At least someone had not had to go through this chaotic mess. For now, though, Abas was more than willing to stand by and wait for someone to make the next move.

That was, until his fellow comrade from the ice moon tried to grab his attention. His antennae tilted toward ch'Verret, as he carefully took a few paces over and checked on the injured Zala. Disruptor wound, not too severe, but would need to be taken care of. He took the hypospray in hand, feeling his way to the medication panel, before confirming the initial suggestion. "Aye, that'll do Chief," he said, offering the hypo back. "Should dull the pain," he muttered.

The Ferengi, for her part, was still very much a Ferengi. Though she put on a brave face, it was obvious she was not feeling very well. Zala had snatched the hypo and injected it, as Abas knelt down and offered to take the hypo and assist Zala to a bio-bed, or at least out from where she currently was to a place where he could grab a dermal regenerator. "Thirty-Five. Peace is good for business," he said in response. A fitting rule, from a pacifist.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 27, 2023, 07:38:38 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

"I believe it is an acceptable request. As long as you ensure the safety of Doctor Fellows here, I can take thee to a shuttle. May I be allowed to inform of this eventuality to the Captain? It would allow me to better coordinate a request for a ship, and would also allow me to clear the hangar of Security officers. Otherwise,"

Zhuk motioned towards the doors, "I may escort you there. No stratagems or machinations."

She offered the weapon carefully over at the Andorian, before reaching out for the hypospray. Her hands trembled,[/color] "I-Its okay... d-don't... don't worry about m-me..." She tried to make light of the situation by making a quote, "N-Nothing is more i-important than your health"¦ e-except for your m-money..."

There was no money involved in the Federation, but she hoped that it would convince him that she was in no critical state. Still, as soon as she got the hypospray, she injected herself on the neck, issuing a sigh.

For what seemed like ages, Lahr watched the Ferengi calculate the situation and him, before eventually handing over the phaser rifle in exchange for the hypospray.  With weapon in hand, Lahr suddenly felt his palms go sweaty and the Andorian was aware of the slight tremor in his index finger, which he had to keep away from the trigger as he held the rifle aimed down to the floor given the hostage situation and Zhuk's attempt at negotiation.  Of course! Perfect timing for a PTSD episode!  The Andorian tried to take slow, calm breaths

By that time Abas had moved closer, so Lahr adjusted his position to cover the medic better while the Aenar attended Zala; moving between the medic and the Nausicaan.

That Zhuk was agreeing to the Nausicaan's terms, didn't sit well with Lahr.  He had no doubt that when Olejar had no use for his hostage, she'd be dead.  While the Nausicaan talked civilized, the fear and immediate respect he had from his underlings said had earned that through violence.  They needed a way to get the hostage away from the Nausicaan.     

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Nira Said on December 26, 2023, 03:38:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Hangar Bay >- Control Center | Doomsday Weapon]

Clad in a sweater, Nira stepped out. The moment she did, however, she suddenly felt heavy. Not in the sense that she had to drag her feet with every step, as expected in stepping in a stellar body in a mass as big as Uranus, but in the sense that it felt like stepping up from a table after eating a whole feast...or rather, a month's worth of feasts; Nira  remembered lurching from eating a feast was after having a month's worth of nightly feasts after Ramadan when she was thirteen, and she lurched when she walked for a week afterwards, the fattest she had felt before she had to work on a strict exercise regime and have her own fast, but without the feasts of the night.

It wasn't a heavy walk all the same, but it was more of the walk of somebody with...not necessarily fat, not necessarily obese, but walking still had a lurch in it, and the whole team was forced to lurch as they walked, but at least they lurched at a typical walking pace rather than a slow, heavy lurch.

As for the probe, it was still to heavy to carry, even in a hovercart, and when Nira noticed the hallways, how narrow they were and the turns not making a cart compatible, they had to abandon the cart back on the Mjolnir, along with the probe. It had stopped working, and it occurred to Nira it was more the access means, like a key to a doorway.

After lurching their way through the hallways, the team found the two doorways. Seeing the left side with the ladder, Nira muttered, "Good Allah, I don't think we can climb this, not with the weight of feasts on us in this gravity. And imagine if we even tried to bring the probe with us."

So they stepped into the right door. Nira was amazed by what she saw. Given the displays, and Nira recognized the shape of the Challenger and the Romulan ships, but she recognized them in passing and she swept her eyes around.

"Good Allah, this has to be the control center of the Machine!" said Nira. "Its brain, if it's automated. And the displays of the proximity around it, it must be its eyes..."

Then she got a better look back at the Challenger and realized the Romulans were in attack formation. She gasped. And then she glared at them. The threatening words and declaration of war on "the last remnant of the Federation," those of the Federation not taken or eliminated by the Borg, rang back to Nira: The Triumvirate Praetors glaring at them, her evil Romulan "twin" Nirreen gloatingly passing the words on.

"You dogs weren't really with the Free State, are you?" Nira snarled quietly as she stared. "You chose the right moment to attack, spring a trap. And you seven may not be the only ones. The Praetorians may very well be attacking the border planets by now.'re not getting control of this."

She looked back at the away team and said, "Okay, everybody, let's see if we can do something about this Machine. Aarwendil, find a way to establish communications from here. Neva, Jamil, Tora, check out the power systems, find a way to disarm the Machine, shut down its weaponry."

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Tora was not an engineer. She was a scientist, for gods' sakes. Funny how things had gone from her participating in this mission as a scientist to almost being enslaved by Orions to being fired at by Romulans to studying weird alien probes made of neutronium to trying to shut down giant planet-destroying cones. All in one mission. Call that one hell of a first assignment. When she'd signed up for Starfleet Academy not once had she envisioned this madness being what she'd encounter so early on. And honestly, she was terrified. Like, very. Very, very terrified. Part of her wondered what her mother, were she still alive, would think and say if she ever found out.

Tora swallowed her trepidation, though, even as it gnawed at her ego, and got to work trying to make some heads or tails of the machine's systems. She recognized design elements from some other cultures, thank goodness for that one short module on the anthropology of engineering - whoever had built this machine had intended to make it as secure and efficient as possible. And quite possibly hated the people of current civilizations enough to build it and let it do its munchy munch business. Though there was also the possibility that this thing had been programmed and left to run until things had gotten to such a state, such was the case with similar cases in her anthropology textbooks. So she tried hard to find something, anything, that might be a program or directive interface - and hopefully get an engineer to help her out with understanding that.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 26, 2023, 03:38:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Hangar Bay >- Control Center | Doomsday Weapon]

Clad in a sweater, Nira stepped out. The moment she did, however, she suddenly felt heavy. Not in the sense that she had to drag her feet with every step, as expected in stepping in a stellar body in a mass as big as Uranus, but in the sense that it felt like stepping up from a table after eating a whole feast...or rather, a month's worth of feasts; Nira  remembered lurching from eating a feast was after having a month's worth of nightly feasts after Ramadan when she was thirteen, and she lurched when she walked for a week afterwards, the fattest she had felt before she had to work on a strict exercise regime and have her own fast, but without the feasts of the night.

It wasn't a heavy walk all the same, but it was more of the walk of somebody with...not necessarily fat, not necessarily obese, but walking still had a lurch in it, and the whole team was forced to lurch as they walked, but at least they lurched at a typical walking pace rather than a slow, heavy lurch.

As for the probe, it was still to heavy to carry, even in a hovercart, and when Nira noticed the hallways, how narrow they were and the turns not making a cart compatible, they had to abandon the cart back on the Mjolnir, along with the probe. It had stopped working, and it occurred to Nira it was more the access means, like a key to a doorway.

After lurching their way through the hallways, the team found the two doorways. Seeing the left side with the ladder, Nira muttered, "Good Allah, I don't think we can climb this, not with the weight of feasts on us in this gravity. And imagine if we even tried to bring the probe with us."

So they stepped into the right door. Nira was amazed by what she saw. Given the displays, and Nira recognized the shape of the Challenger and the Romulan ships, but she recognized them in passing and she swept her eyes around.

"Good Allah, this has to be the control center of the Machine!" said Nira. "Its brain, if it's automated. And the displays of the proximity around it, it must be its eyes..."

Then she got a better look back at the Challenger and realized the Romulans were in attack formation. She gasped. And then she glared at them. The threatening words and declaration of war on "the last remnant of the Federation," those of the Federation not taken or eliminated by the Borg, rang back to Nira: The Triumvirate Praetors glaring at them, her evil Romulan "twin" Nirreen gloatingly passing the words on.

"You dogs weren't really with the Free State, are you?" Nira snarled quietly as she stared. "You chose the right moment to attack, spring a trap. And you seven may not be the only ones. The Praetorians may very well be attacking the border planets by now.'re not getting control of this."

She looked back at the away team and said, "Okay, everybody, let's see if we can do something about this Machine. Aarwendil, find a way to establish communications from here. Neva, Jamil, Tora, check out the power systems, find a way to disarm the Machine, shut down its weaponry."

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on December 26, 2023, 07:09:11 PM

[Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

"œI agree. The chances of an explosion are low."  Aarwendil said to Neva, while looking at the information given by the probe. The Ensign immediately moved to read the information regarding the hovercart. "œI'm not sure if it'll be able to carry the probe. It's too heavy for the vehicle." they would need to find another way to move it, or this mission could end in another failure.

And there wasn't time for another plan.

If the situation wasn't enough, the Romulans had returned to pester them. He thought that the Praetorians would have stayed away watching the weapon cause the destruction, like what a typical villain would do. However, they preferred to be sure that it was going to work. Aarwendil could only think that they were stupid enough to risk part of their fleet being destroyed in the process.

On it, ma'am." he said to Nira, rushing to find a way that he could make the communication work. It would be the first time that he used this type of system, but he would give it a try. Obviously, it took longer than he wanted to establish communications. "œSee if you can do that now.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 29, 2023, 10:33:57 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Tora was not an engineer. She was a scientist, for gods' sakes. Funny how things had gone from her participating in this mission as a scientist to almost being enslaved by Orions to being fired at by Romulans to studying weird alien probes made of neutronium to trying to shut down giant planet-destroying cones. All in one mission. Call that one hell of a first assignment. When she'd signed up for Starfleet Academy not once had she envisioned this madness being what she'd encounter so early on. And honestly, she was terrified. Like, very. Very, very terrified. Part of her wondered what her mother, were she still alive, would think and say if she ever found out.

Tora swallowed her trepidation, though, even as it gnawed at her ego, and got to work trying to make some heads or tails of the machine's systems. She recognized design elements from some other cultures, thank goodness for that one short module on the anthropology of engineering - whoever had built this machine had intended to make it as secure and efficient as possible. And quite possibly hated the people of current civilizations enough to build it and let it do its munchy munch business. Though there was also the possibility that this thing had been programmed and left to run until things had gotten to such a state, such was the case with similar cases in her anthropology textbooks. So she tried hard to find something, anything, that might be a program or directive interface - and hopefully get an engineer to help her out with understanding that.

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

After conducting several scans and cautious experiments, the away team was able to manipulate the circle of humps on the panel to change the view displayed on the holographic tank, but that was all this device seemed to do, no amount of inputs had any impact on the Machine's operation. Despite hating to give up on the time invested, it was clear the answers they sought were not in this room.

Given the only options at this point were to backtrack toward the hanger bay or struggle up the ladder, the away team managed to stagger up the ladder to an upper deck. The ladder reached a 12 meter corridor that turned 90 degrees to the left and the away team found an door. This opened to a large 15 x 30 meter room with another door on the far side of the room. What made this room remarkable was that it was filled with computer consoles! This seemed to be the equivalent of the 'bridge' for the Machine. If they could figure out the systems here, finally, they could end the threat to Angdarr Prime.


Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 27, 2023, 07:38:38 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

At the cold response that followed the silence, Zhuk felt a chill running down his spine. He realized he was not dealing with an amateur but a wizened, experienced criminal. So, he left his sarcastic tone aside, regaining a more serious stance that had been lost for just a moment.

It took him a few seconds to respond, as he gauged the offer made by Ojegar, eschewing his companions for his freedom and the safe release of Doctor Fellows. He did not like the fact that the Nausicaan would be escaping, but truly, he concluded that he had not much choice in the matter, especially with life at risk,

"I believe it is an acceptable request. As long as you ensure the safety of Doctor Fellows here, I can take thee to a shuttle. May I be allowed to inform of this eventuality to the Captain? It would allow me to better coordinate a request for a ship, and would also allow me to clear the hangar of Security officers. Otherwise,"

Zhuk motioned towards the doors, "I may escort you there. No stratagems or machinations."

Of course, he would think about something, so that was a filthy lie. He made sure to remain with a completely stoic expression, however, so that he would not discover this detail.

Crewman Zala clenched her teeth and cried as she kept her left hand on the injury. She had lowered the rifle now, though still had her hand on the grip of the weapon, just in case she would have to raise it quickly to fire. She jumped up slightly as Lahr came closer to her aid, her eyes going big and shining under the lights of Sickbay. Fortunately, she uttered no sound, though she offered no answer to him right away.

She gulped, glancing down over at the hypospray, and then at the rifle. She feared for a moment that whatever Lahr was planning would create discord on her superior's plan. But as far as she knew, Lahr was not likely to act so recklessly, right? Yet, for how long would they be able to hide the fact that she had given him the rifle? Worry began to drown her thoughts, though finally, she took a decision.

She offered the weapon carefully over at the Andorian, before reaching out for the hypospray. Her hands trembled, "I-Its okay... d-don't... don't worry about m-me..." She tried to make light of the situation by making a quote, "N-Nothing is more i-important than your health"¦ e-except for your m-money..."

There was no money involved in the Federation, but she hoped that it would convince him that she was in no critical state. Still, as soon as she got the hypospray, she injected herself on the neck, issuing a sigh.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 28, 2023, 08:02:25 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

For what seemed like ages, Lahr watched the Ferengi calculate the situation and him, before eventually handing over the phaser rifle in exchange for the hypospray.  With weapon in hand, Lahr suddenly felt his palms go sweaty and the Andorian was aware of the slight tremor in his index finger, which he had to keep away from the trigger as he held the rifle aimed down to the floor given the hostage situation and Zhuk's attempt at negotiation.  Of course! Perfect timing for a PTSD episode!  The Andorian tried to take slow, calm breaths

By that time Abas had moved closer, so Lahr adjusted his position to cover the medic better while the Aenar attended Zala; moving between the medic and the Nausicaan.

That Zhuk was agreeing to the Nausicaan's terms, didn't sit well with Lahr.  He had no doubt that when Olejar had no use for his hostage, she'd be dead.  While the Nausicaan talked civilized, the fear and immediate respect he had from his underlings said had earned that through violence.  They needed a way to get the hostage away from the Nausicaan.

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Olejar looked long and hard at Zhuk as he decided if the Caitian was lying to him. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the old Nausciaan spoke.

"I find it remarkable that you would agree to my terms. I must conclude that you have some sort of trick planned and that you think I'm some sort of fool. I believe-"

"I know you are a fool if you thought any part of this plan of yours was going to work!"

Jess roared in rare anger, she was not a trophy to be traded or bargained for and she was not about to find herself in the same situation as she had on Melok Nor.

Olejar jerked Jess up off her feet and snarled.

"Silence before I mar that pretty face of yours!"

"Shoot this idiot, he's 30 centimeters taller than I am you can't tell me one of you can't hit him!"

Blackfeather, who had lowered his weapon as the negotiations were underway, raised his rifle and Olejar noted this, the second he took his eyes off of Jess, she struck. Driving the hypospray against the Nausicaan's leg far harder than necessary, she unloaded the entire contents into her captor.

Olejar, despite his size and strength, was caught completely by surprise by the massive dose of sedative pumped into him. He twitched and tried to cut Jess, but even though under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have been strong enough to hold him off, as the drugs took over, the Nausicaan's strength waned and she kept the knife at bay long enough for the sedative to complete its work and he crumpled to the ground in a heap.

After a moment to gather herself, Jess straightened up to her full height and said pleasantly.

"Well don't just stand there. Get this idiot on a gurney, he's just had a massive overdose and I'll be damned if I will let him die on my watch."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian ran through all the tactical options he had and knew the situation, if it devolved into a fight, the Challenger would lose. She'd proven able to stand up to a Norexan before and he was certain, she could hold her own against two of them, but six? Even with her formidable defensive capabilities, not even a Sovereign-Class could fight six warbirds single-handedly.

Everything now rested in the hands of the away team. If they failed, the Machine would devour Angdarr Prime and continue on its current course with all the next planets being Romulan Free State worlds. This might force Tal to see reason, but reasonable and Romulan did not go hand in hand in his experience.

"I've never felt the Klingon way was for me, but if'n it comes ta a fight, then I suppose today is a good day ta die."

Nira Said

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on December 26, 2023, 07:09:11 PM

[Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

"œI agree. The chances of an explosion are low."  Aarwendil said to Neva, while looking at the information given by the probe. The Ensign immediately moved to read the information regarding the hovercart. "œI'm not sure if it'll be able to carry the probe. It's too heavy for the vehicle." they would need to find another way to move it, or this mission could end in another failure.

And there wasn't time for another plan.

If the situation wasn't enough, the Romulans had returned to pester them. He thought that the Praetorians would have stayed away watching the weapon cause the destruction, like what a typical villain would do. However, they preferred to be sure that it was going to work. Aarwendil could only think that they were stupid enough to risk part of their fleet being destroyed in the process.

On it, ma'am." he said to Nira, rushing to find a way that he could make the communication work. It would be the first time that he used this type of system, but he would give it a try. Obviously, it took longer than he wanted to establish communications. "œSee if you can do that now.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 29, 2023, 10:33:57 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Tora was not an engineer. She was a scientist, for gods' sakes. Funny how things had gone from her participating in this mission as a scientist to almost being enslaved by Orions to being fired at by Romulans to studying weird alien probes made of neutronium to trying to shut down giant planet-destroying cones. All in one mission. Call that one hell of a first assignment. When she'd signed up for Starfleet Academy not once had she envisioned this madness being what she'd encounter so early on. And honestly, she was terrified. Like, very. Very, very terrified. Part of her wondered what her mother, were she still alive, would think and say if she ever found out.

Tora swallowed her trepidation, though, even as it gnawed at her ego, and got to work trying to make some heads or tails of the machine's systems. She recognized design elements from some other cultures, thank goodness for that one short module on the anthropology of engineering - whoever had built this machine had intended to make it as secure and efficient as possible. And quite possibly hated the people of current civilizations enough to build it and let it do its munchy munch business. Though there was also the possibility that this thing had been programmed and left to run until things had gotten to such a state, such was the case with similar cases in her anthropology textbooks. So she tried hard to find something, anything, that might be a program or directive interface - and hopefully get an engineer to help her out with understanding that.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 29, 2023, 12:08:52 PM

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

After conducting several scans and cautious experiments, the away team was able to manipulate the circle of humps on the panel to change the view displayed on the holographic tank, but that was all this device seemed to do, no amount of inputs had any impact on the Machine's operation. Despite hating to give up on the time invested, it was clear the answers they sought were not in this room.

Given the only options at this point were to backtrack toward the hanger bay or struggle up the ladder, the away team managed to stagger up the ladder to an upper deck. The ladder reached a 12 meter corridor that turned 90 degrees to the left and the away team found an door. This opened to a large 15 x 30 meter room with another door on the far side of the room. What made this room remarkable was that it was filled with computer consoles! This seemed to be the equivalent of the 'bridge' for the Machine. If they could figure out the systems here, finally, they could end the threat to Angdarr Prime.

[Commander Nira Said |  Control Center? >- Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

Even Aarwendil's try didn't work. Nira could see nothing was working around these lumps.

"We're going to have to go somewhere else, and fast," she said, and then added as an afterthought, "as fast as this machine's gravity lets us."

And they backtracked (with lurching) to the ladder and climbed up. If it was bad enough to lurch less than half a kilometer on the same weight as a post-feast attendee, it was even worse climbing a ladder with that same level of gravity. Nira made a mental note to utilize her exercises and her dancing to put more emphasis on her legs, for the sake of walking strength. At the top, what they saw certainly indicated a better hope.

"Well, I'll be damned," breathed Nira in relief. "Why didn't we go up this ladder first? It would've saved some time."

Rather than lumps and holograms, this room certainly looked more like a bridge if anything. It made Nira wonder once again if there was AI of sorts operating the system...

"Okay, everybody, let's get to work,"
Nira ordered. "Hopefully, the consoles will make it easier to work with. Aarwendil, again, look for communications. I'm going to look for how this machine operates, to coin the offensive weaponry slang, its 'teeth.'"

Each of the team had what to do to work with the systems, even Nira. She tried to look for the weapon systems in the previous room, a former Sec/Tac chief as she was, and like the away team, she couldn't find it. She did intend to hand over the systems to Aarwendil or Neva or Tora or Jamil to disable it once she did find it, of course, but it stood to reason that the damn thing was too dangerous.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 29, 2023, 12:31:05 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Control Center? >- Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

Even Aarwendil's try didn't work. Nira could see nothing was working around these lumps.

"We're going to have to go somewhere else, and fast," she said, and then added as an afterthought, "as fast as this machine's gravity lets us."

And they backtracked (with lurching) to the ladder and climbed up. If it was bad enough to lurch less than half a kilometer on the same weight as a post-feast attendee, it was even worse climbing a ladder with that same level of gravity. Nira made a mental note to utilize her exercises and her dancing to put more emphasis on her legs, for the sake of walking strength. At the top, what they saw certainly indicated a better hope.

"Well, I'll be damned," breathed Nira in relief. "Why didn't we go up this ladder first? It would've saved some time."

Rather than lumps and holograms, this room certainly looked more like a bridge if anything. It made Nira wonder once again if there was AI of sorts operating the system...

"Okay, everybody, let's get to work,"
Nira ordered. "Hopefully, the consoles will make it easier to work with. Aarwendil, again, look for communications. I'm going to look for how this machine operates, to coin the offensive weaponry slang, its 'teeth.'"

Each of the team had what to do to work with the systems, even Nira. She tried to look for the weapon systems in the previous room, a former Sec/Tac chief as she was, and like the away team, she couldn't find it. She did intend to hand over the systems to Aarwendil or Neva or Tora or Jamil to disable it once she did find it, of course, but it stood to reason that the damn thing was too dangerous.

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr Systerm]

Although unlike any technology the away team had ever seen, like the universal translator picked up on basic constants to establish communication, there were enough points of commonality that after roughly half an hour of study, it was possible to isolate the Machine's critical systems. The consoles for Environmental, Engineering, Power Generation, Maneuver, Navigation, Weapons, and Communication were identified.

However, a problem every member of the away team, including Nira at the Weapons console, which she had mostly figured out, was the controls were locked out and under automated command by the Machine's computer. They had made progress, but until they could override or shut down the Machines automated control, they could not operate any of the systems they identified. Everything depended on them locating and figuring out how to deal with the Machine's autonomous control.

One critical factor that was working against the away team that they didn't even know existed, was the one hour clock Tal had given Galloway to allow the Romulans access to the Machine, an hour that was now down by half with the clock relentlessly still ticking.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on December 28, 2023, 12:19:48 AM


It appeared Abas's diversion had been well and truly taken advantage of. In moments, security poured through the door and the air of this medical ward once again shone and hissed with the sound of weapons fire.

The patient, it was found, had never been in critical condition. On cursory glance, it appeared that the system had suffered an inexplicable and sudden glitch in its programming, which had interrupted vital flow from the sensors to the display, triggering an alarm. Funnily enough, it couldn't be verified with the indepenent backup sensors which had accidentally been shorted out. What an unfortunate and amazing coincidence. And funnily enough, Abas knew just how to re-enable the monitoring, silencing the alarm now that the number of phaser rifles outnumbered the count of disruptors in the ward.

Unfortunately, it appeared at least one of the hostage takers had not been taken so easily. The Nausiccan had grabbed Doctor Fellows, and was holding her at disruptor point. While a few casualties had been taken, it appeared that Starfleet had the advantage. Abas, for his part, took one step and made sure to step between the only remaining hostile and the patient he'd used as a distraction. He couldn't help much with the current situation... but he could at least still protect the patient. She was, at least for her part, still fast asleep in a medically induced coma. At least someone had not had to go through this chaotic mess. For now, though, Abas was more than willing to stand by and wait for someone to make the next move.

That was, until his fellow comrade from the ice moon tried to grab his attention. His antennae tilted toward ch'Verret, as he carefully took a few paces over and checked on the injured Zala. Disruptor wound, not too severe, but would need to be taken care of. He took the hypospray in hand, feeling his way to the medication panel, before confirming the initial suggestion. "Aye, that'll do Chief," he said, offering the hypo back. "Should dull the pain," he muttered.

The Ferengi, for her part, was still very much a Ferengi. Though she put on a brave face, it was obvious she was not feeling very well. Zala had snatched the hypo and injected it, as Abas knelt down and offered to take the hypo and assist Zala to a bio-bed, or at least out from where she currently was to a place where he could grab a dermal regenerator. "Thirty-Five. Peace is good for business," he said in response. A fitting rule, from a pacifist.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 28, 2023, 08:02:25 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

For what seemed like ages, Lahr watched the Ferengi calculate the situation and him, before eventually handing over the phaser rifle in exchange for the hypospray.  With weapon in hand, Lahr suddenly felt his palms go sweaty and the Andorian was aware of the slight tremor in his index finger, which he had to keep away from the trigger as he held the rifle aimed down to the floor given the hostage situation and Zhuk's attempt at negotiation.  Of course! Perfect timing for a PTSD episode!  The Andorian tried to take slow, calm breaths

By that time Abas had moved closer, so Lahr adjusted his position to cover the medic better while the Aenar attended Zala; moving between the medic and the Nausicaan.

That Zhuk was agreeing to the Nausicaan's terms, didn't sit well with Lahr.  He had no doubt that when Olejar had no use for his hostage, she'd be dead.  While the Nausicaan talked civilized, the fear and immediate respect he had from his underlings said had earned that through violence.  They needed a way to get the hostage away from the Nausicaan.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

Zala grew worried at the expression shown by Lahr as he took the rifle. It seemed to her that he was experiencing severe discomfort after he took the rifle. However, she did not comment on it, instead looking away to not make him even more uncomfortable. The arrival of Abas eased her heart significantly, however, glad that his words were indeed becoming a reality at the moment. The pain slowly diminished, and she smiled up at him.

With more ease than before, she offered back the hypospray to the Aenar, before letting out a chuckle at his comment about how 'Peace was good for business'. She couldn't help but utterly agree with that. Once more, she accepted the help provided, gently leaning against Abas as she was guided towards a biobed, her eyes turning to the old Nausicaan to see his reaction.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 29, 2023, 12:08:52 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Olejar looked long and hard at Zhuk as he decided if the Caitian was lying to him. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the old Nausciaan spoke.

"I find it remarkable that you would agree to my terms. I must conclude that you have some sort of trick planned and that you think I'm some sort of fool. I believe-"

"I know you are a fool if you thought any part of this plan of yours was going to work!"

Jess roared in rare anger, she was not a trophy to be traded or bargained for and she was not about to find herself in the same situation as she had on Melok Nor.

Olejar jerked Jess up off her feet and snarled.

"Silence before I mar that pretty face of yours!"

"Shoot this idiot, he's 30 centimeters taller than I am you can't tell me one of you can't hit him!"

Blackfeather, who had lowered his weapon as the negotiations were underway, raised his rifle and Olejar noted this, the second he took his eyes off of Jess, she struck. Driving the hypospray against the Nausicaan's leg far harder than necessary, she unloaded the entire contents into her captor.

Olejar, despite his size and strength, was caught completely by surprise by the massive dose of sedative pumped into him. He twitched and tried to cut Jess, but even though under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have been strong enough to hold him off, as the drugs took over, the Nausicaan's strength waned and she kept the knife at bay long enough for the sedative to complete its work and he crumpled to the ground in a heap.

After a moment to gather herself, Jess straightened up to her full height and said pleasantly.

"Well don't just stand there. Get this idiot on a gurney, he's just had a massive overdose and I'll be damned if I will let him die on my watch."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian ran through all the tactical options he had and knew the situation, if it devolved into a fight, the Challenger would lose. She'd proven able to stand up to a Norexan before and he was certain, she could hold her own against two of them, but six? Even with her formidable defensive capabilities, not even a Sovereign-Class could fight six warbirds single-handedly.

Everything now rested in the hands of the away team. If they failed, the Machine would devour Angdarr Prime and continue on its current course with all the next planets being Romulan Free State worlds. This might force Tal to see reason, but reasonable and Romulan did not go hand in hand in his experience.

"I've never felt the Klingon way was for me, but if'n it comes ta a fight, then I suppose today is a good day ta die."

The response of Ojedar made Zhuk raise his fur and agitate his tail in annoyance, a frown spreading on his face as his ears went flat on his face. Argh! He should have known that fighting harder was the appropriate way to go. Stupid, prideful, failure. The words resonated in his mind as he thought of making something drastic. If this cad wanted to play smart, then he would show him that he was the shrewdest individual around.

However, before he could lift his rifle and shoot beyond the space where Jess could be found, she took matters into her own hands, as she roared in anger, claiming she was no trophy to be fought for. When she tried to shut her off, she remained defiant, giving the order to shoot Ojedar.

Blackfeather raised his rifle first, followed by Zhuk, as he prepared to blast him in the exposed feet. Before he could, however, Doctor Fellows proceeded to inject him with a sedative, that soon enough wrought havoc into Ojedar's body. He noticed when he began to lose control of his body, so he held his fire, though he tried to stab Jess. The Nausicaan was unable to even touch her, however, and soon enough, he had fallen into a slump.

At this, Zhuk quickly moved to catch up Jess before she could fall, helping her up to her feet, before letting go once he realized she could fully stand by herself. At her instruction, he was quick to place his rifle on his shoulder,

"Anyone not injured, assist me on securing the interlopers. I will proceed to help get their 'leader'," He kicked Ojedar, though made it seem as an accident by quickly giving a step back, "Ah... upon the table so that he does not overdose."

Zhuk got to it, proceeding to lift the large man by the torso. He could only lift him but a foot or so from the ground, before he could not advance any further, "Grrr..." Gritting his teeth, he asked, "I... I may require assistance with him..."

Fortunately Koloz noticed and promptly helped Zhuk to leave him on a bed nearby. The Caitian was forced to rub his back in some pain but nodded at Koloz, who replied with a gesture of his own. He then turned, inspecting that everything was in order, and everyone was surrendering or cooperating, until he noticed a familiar person on a gurney.


He immediately moved in closer, grabbing her by the wrist, before realizing that he had a duty to do. Taking a deep breath, he proceeded to pat the back of her hand, anger dominating him for a moment before he raised his rifle to the closest crook, "Move! Thou shalt be spending the rest of the evening in the cramped brig..."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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