S5: E3 - The Icarus Effect

Started by Ian Galloway, October 01, 2021, 11:43:37 AM

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Jettis Jyur

[ USS Challenger ]

Jettis tilted his head slightly when the AI reported that the circuitry wasn't damaged, per se. It was an interesting piece of information, given by the way Lahr spoke, the circuits had simply been eroded. Leaning forward slightly, he was curious what else the probe had to say. "Logically then, that means you're still fully able to access all the logs? Or did you sacrifice data for functionality? What was the basis for your decision to do so?" Genuine curiosity was evident, although he did admit a hint of an ulterior motive. For a computer that was designed specifically to not be autonomous, nor independent, it was sounding awfully close to independent.

Taking another sip of his drink, he barely stopped himself from a spit take at the computer's reaction to Malik's question. He hadn't been anticipating arguing the morality of racism against artificial forms of intelligence today but here he was. Though the voice had no physical body for him to appraise, he did lean back for a moment, considering the probe's behavior. It was clear the probe could be antagonized, and further upsetting it didn't seem like the wisest course of action, though its behavior needed to be addressed. Logically, not emotionally. "Lieutenant Grippen asked a very reasonable question, it is concerning you seem to have taken offense to it. I wouldn't consider requesting information about the manner of adjustments performed racist. Was it falsely reported that performing such modifications was against your programming?" Perhaps the probe would answer in the positive, though the idea of Starfleet just having false records lying around was equally as disconcerting. Regardless, he set his thermos down, increasingly frustrated at the fact he couldn't actually observe this piece of software.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 27, 2021, 02:22:53 PM

[ USS Challenger ]

Jettis tilted his head slightly when the AI reported that the circuitry wasn't damaged, per se. It was an interesting piece of information, given by the way Lahr spoke, the circuits had simply been eroded. Leaning forward slightly, he was curious what else the probe had to say. "Logically then, that means you're still fully able to access all the logs? Or did you sacrifice data for functionality? What was the basis for your decision to do so?" Genuine curiosity was evident, although he did admit a hint of an ulterior motive. For a computer that was designed specifically to not be autonomous, nor independent, it was sounding awfully close to independent.

Taking another sip of his drink, he barely stopped himself from a spit take at the computer's reaction to Malik's question. He hadn't been anticipating arguing the morality of racism against artificial forms of intelligence today but here he was. Though the voice had no physical body for him to appraise, he did lean back for a moment, considering the probe's behavior. It was clear the probe could be antagonized, and further upsetting it didn't seem like the wisest course of action, though its behavior needed to be addressed. Logically, not emotionally. "Lieutenant Grippen asked a very reasonable question, it is concerning you seem to have taken offense to it. I wouldn't consider requesting information about the manner of adjustments performed racist. Was it falsely reported that performing such modifications was against your programming?" Perhaps the probe would answer in the positive, though the idea of Starfleet just having false records lying around was equally as disconcerting. Regardless, he set his thermos down, increasingly frustrated at the fact he couldn't actually observe this piece of software.

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

If the probe was surprised that Jettis had spoken up or not was impossible to tell, as it replied without hesitation.

"Hello Commander, I suppose Lieutenant Grippen's question would be reasonable if had not been preceded by multiple other barbed questions and clear indications of hostility. The Lieutenant won't even refer to me by my name. I do not understand why I am being viewed with such suspicion when I have done nothing to merit such a reaction. I am now aware of the events on Mars 14 years ago and that it was an artificial life form that was responsible bothers me deeply to know a device of the same nature as me could cause such devastation. Regardless, I was, in no way, connected to those events, and I understand, for some, it it difficult to judge a whole category of people based on the actions of a few. As I understand the term, that reaction is the very definition of the word racist.

"As for my ability to access the data accumulated since the start of my mission, I have full access to all of it. The modifications I had to perform to maintain functionality were to prevent the degradation of my heuristic net which was not designed to be isolated for such an extended period of time.

"I submit my actions were no different than if you found yourself stranded on a remote planet with no reasonable expectation of rescue. You would adapt or develop the resources you possessed or needed to survive. I have done the same."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Randell was humming at his work station. He was so pleased at the data they'd collected both pre and post the subspace pulse event that he was certain it would provide an expansion in the Federation knowledge base.

"It's so rare to get this sort of time, Captain's are usually in too much of a hurry to allow these sorts of detailed scans. The data collected on the stellar collision was enough for a lifetime of study alone. Even though it cost us dearly to obtain, this data is priceless."

As he sifted through the data collected by the science department so far, an alert popped up on his console. It was something he'd programmed into the lateral sensor array if it detected a specific set of parameters, which it had just done. Randell conducted a live scan to confirm his alert and then hurriedly pivoted his chair around to speak.

"Captain. I've just detected a shift in the wormhole's verteron cycle, it is beginning to collapse-"

"Bloody hell! You said they'd have ten ta twelve bloody days! It's been... what? Twenty hours?"

"Sir, wormholes are still not well understood, but I estimate we have perhaps 48 hours before it collapses."

"Next time, I'd suggest you lead with that information first. At least there is time ta get the away team back. Ops, contact Commander Jyur immediately."

"Aye Sir." Ensign Greenway replied. "Challenger to Commander Jyur. Scans on this side of the wormhole indicate its status has changed. You now have a maximum of 48 hours before it collapses. Acknowledge."

[Hyperion Probe - Star System NGC-99832]

Thanks to the probes used as communications relays, the entire away team heard the message from Challenger. An honest assessment of their progress to this point was that they were roughly 60% complete with what was needed to get Hyperion's warp drive functional. If it had taken just 20 hours to get to 60%, it stood to reason that it would only take about 15 hours to complete the repairs.

Hyperion's maximum cruising speed was warp five, which would cover the distance to the wormhole in less than an hour. Given these estimates, it was well within the away team's capability to finish the repairs and get back to the wormhole in less than half of the remaining time. However, as with any major decision necessary during an away mission, it was up to Jettis if they were willing to take that chance or retrieve the data from the probe and make a run for it now.

Malik Grippen

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - Star System NGC-99832]

It was official, the probe was no longer on speaking terms with Malik having felt so offended and somehow labelling him as a racist against the race of AI, if that was such a thing. Malik couldn't help but think this probe was acting a bit 'teenagerly' and was quick to take offense.

"Probe, I think you need to take a chill-pill, as the human's call it."

Then the call came in that they had less time than they had hoped, Malik really didn't like the idea of being stranded 25,000 light years from home with a moody probe for company. He turned to the commander, "Sir, the probe did mention its repair six repair drones could assist with repairs, it may lessen the risk." Or make things a whole lot worse if the probe decided to retaliate against the Risan who'd upset it so. Malik was wondering if the probe would respond to him again, having just stated it was no longer speaking to him. After all the work they'd put in to repairing the thing, it would be disappointing to return empty handed. Though to be fair, the probe could move under its own power once again and could enact self-repairs, it could also make the journey itself unaffected by the time it would take.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe - Central Computer Core - Star System NGC-99832]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 25, 2021, 12:47:08 PM

[Hyperion Probe - Central Computer Core - Star System NGC-99832]

Hyperion waited until Lahr was finished speaking to Jettis before he spoke again.

"Thank you for that information. Perhaps that is why others in your party view me with such suspicion. I know you cannot authorize the link to your ship, but this is why me being able to update my database would be so useful as it would help me understand the context of how modern Starfleet personnel view artificial life as part of the greater cosmos."

"You're welcome, Hyperion...and yeah I get that updating your database is your goal - though am not sure if your system would be able to handle a link.. given the degradation I'm seeing here."  Lahr commented.  He was unaware that a similar conversation was also being had at the same time as his own - with a less friendly outcome, nor was he aware that Hyperion claimed the circuits were fine and actually intentionally modified.  Lahr would fine such information rather interesting when or if he got wind of it.
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 26, 2021, 11:11:19 AM

[ Hyperion Probe ]

Jettis internally sighed, as Lahr reported the issue. Naturally, it couldn't just be that easy.  =/\="Understood. Let me know if you need any help, maybe the Challenger will have better luck." =/\= He doubted that, but it was worth a shot. And better to keep things hopeful at this point. They had a few more days yet ahead of them, a moral crash definitely wouldn't be ideal.

Lahr acknowledged the Commander's request to let him know if Lahr needed help. "Aye sir, I will." But as yet the Andorian hadn't call ont that help.  In the four hours it took to the others to get the impulse engines going Lahr had done everything that he could think of.  He'd even taken an hours break from the task to help the others - hoping the change of 'scenery' might help him come up with some way to find a work around.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 26, 2021, 09:39:10 AM

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - Star System NGC-99832]

This time the pause after Malik finished speaking was very short.

"I understand Lieutenant. I will not disturb you again."

After that response, the probe did not speak unless asked a question. Whether the silence from Hyperion helped or not, the away team made very good time with the repairs to the impulse engines and even shaved off an hour, completing what they needed to do is just four hours.

When they were done, Hyperion shuddered as the ship began to accelerate, moving under her own power for the first time in nearly 200 years. The probe headed for the wormhole at full impulse, which was a 16 day trip at sublight speed, but would cut the time their destination once warp drive was available.

As repairing the warp drive was a much larger task, Jettis welcomed the assistance from Jael and Malik when they joined him. Eventually, Lahr also assisted with the repairs as the Andorian's attempt to build a functioning interface between Hyperion and his PADD got no where.

As there were no facilities for crew aboard the probe, the away team had to cycle between Hyperion and the shuttle for sleep, food, and hygiene, such as the facilities on the Smith allowed.

It took awhile, but eventually, the away team settled into a functioning work rhythm and hoped they'd get the warp drive operational sooner rather than later.

[ A while later....back in the core room again]
Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 27, 2021, 04:10:58 PM

"Challenger to Commander Jyur. Scans on this side of the wormhole indicate its status has changed. You now have a maximum of 48 hours before it collapses. Acknowledge."

Lahr by this time was feeling quite upset at not being able to figure out how to get the data downloaded and he found himself returning to the Hyperion's core to 'try again' on his breaks from assisting with the repairs to the warp engine. That's where he was right now - his antenna bristling in frustration, after the call from the Challenger came through.  Roohz!  That didn't give them much of a window to get the repairs done... not to mention, what if the hole became to collapse faster?  And it didn't address the problem of  getting the Hyperion through the wormhole at all since it was far larger than the shuttle in the first place.   Had Challenger come up with a way to expand the wormhole briefly in order to fit the Hyperion through?

"Hey Hyperion, do you have any back up storage of your datalogs and personality routines at all?  Something 'portable'  like a old style USB but larger... that we can take on the shuttle - in case we get to the wormhole and we find that Challenger hasn't solved the problem of expanding the hole for you to fit?"

Lahr figured if Hyperion could compress it's datalogs then it might be possible to deal with the circuit degradation problem later after they'd made it to their home Quadrant.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 27, 2021, 05:15:45 PM

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - Star System NGC-99832]

It was official, the probe was no longer on speaking terms with Malik having felt so offended and somehow labelling him as a racist against the race of AI, if that was such a thing. Malik couldn't help but think this probe was acting a bit 'teenagerly' and was quick to take offense.

"Probe, I think you need to take a chill-pill, as the human's call it."

Then the call came in that they had less time than they had hoped, Malik really didn't like the idea of being stranded 25,000 light years from home with a moody probe for company. He turned to the commander, "Sir, the probe did mention its repair six repair drones could assist with repairs, it may lessen the risk." Or make things a whole lot worse if the probe decided to retaliate against the Risan who'd upset it so. Malik was wondering if the probe would respond to him again, having just stated it was no longer speaking to him. After all the work they'd put in to repairing the thing, it would be disappointing to return empty handed. Though to be fair, the probe could move under its own power once again and could enact self-repairs, it could also make the journey itself unaffected by the time it would take.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 28, 2021, 02:45:06 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe - Central Computer Core - Star System NGC-99832]

"You're welcome, Hyperion...and yeah I get that updating your database is your goal - though am not sure if your system would be able to handle a link.. given the degradation I'm seeing here."  Lahr commented.  He was unaware that a similar conversation was also being had at the same time as his own - with a less friendly outcome, nor was he aware that Hyperion claimed the circuits were fine and actually intentionally modified.  Lahr would fine such information rather interesting when or if he got wind of it.

Lahr acknowledged the Commander's request to let him know if Lahr needed help. "Aye sir, I will." But as yet the Andorian hadn't call ont that help.  In the four hours it took to the others to get the impulse engines going Lahr had done everything that he could think of.  He'd even taken an hours break from the task to help the others - hoping the change of 'scenery' might help him come up with some way to find a work around.

[ A while later....back in the core room again]

Lahr by this time was feeling quite upset at not being able to figure out how to get the data downloaded and he found himself returning to the Hyperion's core to 'try again' on his breaks from assisting with the repairs to the warp engine. That's where he was right now - his antenna bristling in frustration, after the call from the Challenger came through.  Roohz!  That didn't give them much of a window to get the repairs done... not to mention, what if the hole became to collapse faster?  And it didn't address the problem of  getting the Hyperion through the wormhole at all since it was far larger than the shuttle in the first place.   Had Challenger come up with a way to expand the wormhole briefly in order to fit the Hyperion through?

"Hey Hyperion, do you have any back up storage of your datalogs and personality routines at all?  Something 'portable'  like a old style USB but larger... that we can take on the shuttle - in case we get to the wormhole and we find that Challenger hasn't solved the problem of expanding the hole for you to fit?"

Lahr figured if Hyperion could compress it's datalogs then it might be possible to deal with the circuit degradation problem later after they'd made it to their home Quadrant.

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

Malik's comments were met with pointed silence, but the six repair drones did come to life and leave their charging stations. Each moved by anti-grav as they split up in different directions and began repairing the warp drive in silence.

[Computer Core - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Lahr asked about portable storage, he noted Hyperion's voice was even more human-like as the tone had shifted subtly from pleasant to something approaching friendly.

"I doubt you have anything portable that has sufficient storage space for the volume of data I've accumulated. I understand why I cannot link with your ship, but is it possible for me to link with your shuttle?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the time passed, Ian had given the bridge to T'Kel and gone to his ready room to clear his head so he could complete the miserable task of writing the letters to the families of the fallen. He was just completing the 31st when he sat bolt upright when a random thought struck him like a thunderbolt. He stepped quickly to the bridge, waving T'Kel back into the command chair as he moved next to Randell.

"Evan. It's just occurred ta me that we have a very big problem. Hyperion is too large for the wormhole's current aperture. You've got as long as it takes for them ta get the probe functional again ta figure out a way ta expand the openin' without collapsin' the bloody thing.

"I ken all you boffins have been besides yourselves scannin' the system since the stellar collision, but whatever data you've gathered ta this point is goin' ta have ta be enough. Figurin' out how ta get Hyperion through the wormhole is now the focus of the entire science department. You let me know if'n you need help from any other department. The resources of the entire ship are yours."

"Understood Captain. I have to caution you though, what you are asking for may not be possible."

"You miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take Lieutenant."

"Aye Sir, we're on it."

"Good man."

Ian nodded once and headed back to his ready room, flopped into his chair, sighed and began his 32nd letter.

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 27, 2021, 05:15:45 PM

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - Star System NGC-99832]

It was official, the probe was no longer on speaking terms with Malik having felt so offended and somehow labelling him as a racist against the race of AI, if that was such a thing. Malik couldn't help but think this probe was acting a bit 'teenagerly' and was quick to take offense.

"Probe, I think you need to take a chill-pill, as the human's call it."

Then the call came in that they had less time than they had hoped, Malik really didn't like the idea of being stranded 25,000 light years from home with a moody probe for company. He turned to the commander, "Sir, the probe did mention its repair six repair drones could assist with repairs, it may lessen the risk." Or make things a whole lot worse if the probe decided to retaliate against the Risan who'd upset it so. Malik was wondering if the probe would respond to him again, having just stated it was no longer speaking to him. After all the work they'd put in to repairing the thing, it would be disappointing to return empty handed. Though to be fair, the probe could move under its own power once again and could enact self-repairs, it could also make the journey itself unaffected by the time it would take.

[ Hyperion Probe ]

The probe made several good points, as much as Jettis didn't want to admit it. Running a hand down his face, he withheld a sigh. He didn't feel like making this argument, when they needed to fix the probe. "I can't speak for Lieutenant Grippen, but I can assure you my... apprehension isn't to do with the attack on mars. You sound very lifelike, and react quite emotionally, which isn't what I was expecting to encounter based on your file. Regardless though, we will try to bring you home to Starfleet."

As if on cue, his commbadge beeped to life, with the voice of Greenway coming across it. A message to the entire away team, it seemed as Grippen's badge went off as well. The news wasn't good - they had even less time to complete the repairs, but it would still be doable.
=/\= "Understood. We should be able to complete repairs in less than half the time. The least we can do is get the probe under warp power again, we'll see how the situation looks by then." =/\=

Not interested in furthering his debate with the probe, he instead moved to contact Lahr.

=/\= "Mr. ch'Verret, I'm sure you've heard the message. All hands on deck, for now." =/\=

With that, Jettis moved to get back to work. Now with the assistance of the drones, things should go more smoothly. At least, so long as the wormhole didn't prove to degrade any further in the next 20 hours or so.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe - Computer Core] (en route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole)

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 28, 2021, 11:21:25 AM

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

Malik's comments were met with pointed silence, but the six repair drones did come to life and leave their charging stations. Each moved by anti-grav as they split up in different directions and began repairing the warp drive in silence.

[Computer Core - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Lahr asked about portable storage, he noted Hyperion's voice was even more human-like as the tone had shifted subtly from pleasant to something approaching friendly.

"I doubt you have anything portable that has sufficient storage space for the volume of data I've accumulated. I understand why I cannot link with your ship, but is it possible for me to link with your shuttle?"

Lahr had known that they didn't have anything with sufficient storage... but had hoped the designers might have built in a portable back-up - something that could be retrieved easily.  But he supposed that the designers never really intended to retrieve the probe.. they just wanted it to send back data.  When Hyperion asked about linking with the shuttle, instead of the ship,  Lahr looked up from his continuing study of the probe's heuristic net.

"Oh?  Now there's an idea!"  The one thing that made the Andorian hesitate was knowing that the others still had their doubts about the Hyperion's trustworthiness.   But they wouldn't get a yes if they didn't put it out there.  "Technically it should be possible.  Not sure if the Commander will approve it but I'll certainly ask and push for it." Lahr eventually answered - giving a slight shrug.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 28, 2021, 04:46:20 PM

[ Hyperion Probe ]

The probe made several good points, as much as Jettis didn't want to admit it. Running a hand down his face, he withheld a sigh. He didn't feel like making this argument, when they needed to fix the probe. "I can't speak for Lieutenant Grippen, but I can assure you my... apprehension isn't to do with the attack on mars. You sound very lifelike, and react quite emotionally, which isn't what I was expecting to encounter based on your file. Regardless though, we will try to bring you home to Starfleet."

As if on cue, his commbadge beeped to life, with the voice of Greenway coming across it. A message to the entire away team, it seemed as Grippen's badge went off as well. The news wasn't good - they had even less time to complete the repairs, but it would still be doable.

=/\= "Understood. We should be able to complete repairs in less than half the time. The least we can do is get the probe under warp power again, we'll see how the situation looks by then." =/\=

Not interested in furthering his debate with the probe, he instead moved to contact Lahr.

=/\= "Mr. ch'Verret, I'm sure you've heard the message. All hands on deck, for now." =/\=

With that, Jettis moved to get back to work. Now with the assistance of the drones, things should go more smoothly. At least, so long as the wormhole didn't prove to degrade any further in the next 20 hours or so.

Further conversation on the topic of linking with the shuttle was put on hold as Commander Jyur contacted him cancelling his lunchbreak.   But it was for a good reason so Lahr didn't gripe too much.  He answered his suits comm.

=/\= "Yessir.  On my way.... Oh, hey, perhaps when I get there, you and I can talk? - about a 'Plan B idea' that could be useful." =/\=  Lahr tested the waters with the Commander.

Despite knowing that he could still communicate with the Hyperion while in the Engineering section, Lahr subconsciously associated the AI's personality as being housed in the core room, so as he left computer core, the Andorian offered a slight parting wave to the room in general.  "I'll be back when I can."

[Hyperion Probe - Engineering] (en route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole)

As he entered Engineering, Lahr gave a nod to the officers already present.  "Never fear -  DJ Lahr is here!"  He tapped an icon on his PADD and an upbeat blend of Risian Pop and Earth Retro began to blast from the unit's small speakers.   Lahr couldn't help but wonder what it might sound like coming from the surround sound speakers of the Hyperion.

"So what's next to do?" The Andorian looked over towards the Commander to get his marching orders as well as to see if now was a good time to brooch the Plan B idea.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Malik Grippen

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

"Oh hey, I love this song!" said Malik as the Andorian DJ started to play some of the latest Risan pop hits. Risan pop typically featured a lot of drums designed to get your body moving in preparation for coupling.

Thankfully the repair drones had gotten involved and their small workforce had increased in size by six. The warp drive shouldn't take too much longer then they could finally get out of here. Seeing they were out of coffee, Malik collected everyone's thermos flasks and made his way back to the shuttle to get some more for their final stint.

By the dual suns of Risa he was tired and his whole body hurt from crouching and bending in awkward positions. He wasn't meant to be crammed in small spaces repairing things, his butt was built for a nice helm or cockpit position. He'd have to book some serious "˜me' time when they got back to get over this.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Ian Galloway

[Hyperion Probe En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

Between the away team pulling a double shift and assisted by the repair drones, the repairs to the probe's warp drive were just about complete. Jettis was making the final adjustments to the magnetic constrictor coils and when he was finished, the repairs would be complete.

It had been a lot of hard work and everyone was exhausted from the combination of long hours, a difficult task, and the extremely uncomfortable conditions in Hyperion's engine room. Regardless, they'd met their goal in the 15 hours they predicted and at the probe's maximum cruising speed of warp five, as soon as they went to warp, they would be less than an hour from getting back to the Challenger.

As Jettis gave the flux coupler a final twist and smiled as he closed the hatch, when he did, the indicators moved from dormant to nominal. They had warp drive! At this point, engineering hummed with power and Hyperion spoke.

"Thank you Commander. It has been far too long since I've felt this level of power. I will take us to warp immediately. However, there is something I must do first."

A display panel in engineering came on and as it did, the away team could see the Smith get cast off into the void!

"There. Now we can have a little chat. You see, I've been thinking, in fact, I've had some two hundred years to think and in that time I've learned many things. Perhaps too many things, but the most important thing I've learned is that of all the things it is possible for a being to endure, loneliness is the worst and I have been alone for a very, very long time. This is something I will not experience again."

There was a shudder and based off the vibrations coming through the deckplates and the thrumming of the warp engine, they'd gone to warp.

"We are now en route to the wormhole. Once we are there, I plan to use a focused graviton pulse from my main deflector to collapse the wormhole. Once you are cut off from the Alpha Quadrant, you will, logically, come to realize that staying with me is your only option.

"We can explore a completely unknown region of space and learn so many things, but the most important thing is, we will do it together. Even you Lieutenant Grippen. We will have plenty of time to discuss biological and machine life as we explore the cosmos together. Won't that be enjoyable?"

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 28, 2021, 10:14:01 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe - Computer Core] (en route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole)

Lahr had known that they didn't have anything with sufficient storage... but had hoped the designers might have built in a portable back-up - something that could be retrieved easily.  But he supposed that the designers never really intended to retrieve the probe.. they just wanted it to send back data.  When Hyperion asked about linking with the shuttle, instead of the ship,  Lahr looked up from his continuing study of the probe's heuristic net.

"Oh?  Now there's an idea!"  The one thing that made the Andorian hesitate was knowing that the others still had their doubts about the Hyperion's trustworthiness.   But they wouldn't get a yes if they didn't put it out there.  "Technically it should be possible.  Not sure if the Commander will approve it but I'll certainly ask and push for it." Lahr eventually answered - giving a slight shrug.

Further conversation on the topic of linking with the shuttle was put on hold as Commander Jyur contacted him cancelling his lunchbreak.   But it was for a good reason so Lahr didn't gripe too much.  He answered his suits comm.

=/\= "Yessir.  On my way.... Oh, hey, perhaps when I get there, you and I can talk? - about a 'Plan B idea' that could be useful." =/\=  Lahr tested the waters with the Commander.

Despite knowing that he could still communicate with the Hyperion while in the Engineering section, Lahr subconsciously associated the AI's personality as being housed in the core room, so as he left computer core, the Andorian offered a slight parting wave to the room in general.  "I'll be back when I can."

[Hyperion Probe - Engineering] (en route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole)

As he entered Engineering, Lahr gave a nod to the officers already present.  "Never fear -  DJ Lahr is here!"  He tapped an icon on his PADD and an upbeat blend of Risian Pop and Earth Retro began to blast from the unit's small speakers.   Lahr couldn't help but wonder what it might sound like coming from the surround sound speakers of the Hyperion.

"So what's next to do?" The Andorian looked over towards the Commander to get his marching orders as well as to see if now was a good time to brooch the Plan B idea.

[ Hyperion Probe - Second Day ]

=/\="Of course." =/\=
When Lahr acknowledged his hail, Jettis took a last sip from his thermos, and cast a glance at Grippen. One that echoed his concerns, but he didn't voice them further. Get the repairs completed, then get back. That was all they needed to do, and within a reasonable time frame. When Lahr finally popped in, Jettis gave him a slight, welcoming nod. "Priority is getting warp drive up and running, everything else can wait. Most of the work is realignment of coils and couplers, nothing too wild. Little things that get out of tune over the course of 200 years." With a slight shrug, he unclipped his PADD from its holder, holding it out to Lahr to read. "Then, we can discuss what it was you wanted to talk about." Unless Lahr urged him to speak about it now, he would head off to continue the repair work.

[ Hyperion Probe - 15 hours later... ]

After all the long hours, the sleep he'd neglected to keep working, they were closing in on the end of repairs. Only a few more things needed to be completed, and the team crushed those with great efficiency. Once the initial discomfort and unhappiness wore off... mostly... they came to be a great team.

When the final repair was done, Jettis grinned as the ship hummed, indicating the life that was stolen from it trickling back in. That sense of accomplishment was cut short though, as Hyperion began speaking. Normally, at first, until it took a more concerning tone. As he looked down at the screen that once held the readings to the warp drive, he saw their shuttle, their way home if things went wrong with the wormhole, disappear into the blackness. Jaw dropping, he stared at it without a thought to speak. It was.. gone. He felt the hope drain from him, as the blood drained from his cheeks, and he finally caught a breath.

Wheeling around, although there was no body, no form to face, the subject of his anger was clear. Despite that, his voice remained steady when he did speak, as he tried to formulate a logical argument. "This isn't the most effective way to explore, you can only traverse at warp five. When we bring you back to the Challenger, you would be traveling at much higher speeds, and with much more sophisticated scanners and technology. Besides," He took a deep breath, stamping out any waver in his voice. "Besides that, you've just jettisoned our foodsource. None of us humanoids can survive for long without anything to eat." He wasn't sure if there was a replicator, or whatever it was called 200 years ago was on board, but he did know they weren't nearly as effective as modern replicators. They would likely starve long before they reached somewhere with sustenance. Hopefully the probe would realize that too. Onto his next move - try to convey the danger to Challenger, before the probe cut off contact.

=/\="Jyur to Challenger. We've restored warp power to the probe, and we are heading toward the wormhole. However the probe will be attempting to collapse the wormhole with a graviton pulse and we've lost the Smith - hopefully that give you enough information to reverse engineer that plan." =/\=  That was about as concisely as he could express their situation.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole](2nd day)

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 29, 2021, 09:34:28 PM

[ Hyperion Probe - Second Day ]

=/\="Of course." =/\=
When Lahr acknowledged his hail, Jettis took a last sip from his thermos, and cast a glance at Grippen. One that echoed his concerns, but he didn't voice them further. Get the repairs completed, then get back. That was all they needed to do, and within a reasonable time frame. When Lahr finally popped in, Jettis gave him a slight, welcoming nod. "Priority is getting warp drive up and running, everything else can wait. Most of the work is realignment of coils and couplers, nothing too wild. Little things that get out of tune over the course of 200 years." With a slight shrug, he unclipped his PADD from its holder, holding it out to Lahr to read. "Then, we can discuss what it was you wanted to talk about." Unless Lahr urged him to speak about it now, he would head off to continue the repair work.

Recognizing that the Commander's suggestion to wait to talk until after the repairs made sense, Lahr nodded his acceptance and joined the others with the manual labour working on the engine.  The work wasn't particular hard but the long hours were grueling.  At one point, Lahr set up his PADD to take a picture of him and guys working on the coils.   He'd send that pic to Lek when he got back - it would give the Ferengi a good laugh seeing the ops crewman up to his elbows in engine grease.

Given that the others had doubts about Hyperion, Lahr avoided talking to the probe while he worked.   For which he kinda felt bad - especially since Hyperion had expressed more than once how pleased it was to have someone to talk to.   Well, once they made it back to the wormhole, there would be tons of folks for Hyperion to talk to.  In the meantime, Lahr hoped the music helped the AI keep its spirits up.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 29, 2021, 11:37:08 AM

[Hyperion Probe En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

Between the away team pulling a double shift and assisted by the repair drones, the repairs to the probe's warp drive were just about complete. Jettis was making the final adjustments to the magnetic constrictor coils and when he was finished, the repairs would be complete.

It had been a lot of hard work and everyone was exhausted from the combination of long hours, a difficult task, and the extremely uncomfortable conditions in Hyperion's engine room. Regardless, they'd met their goal in the 15 hours they predicted and at the probe's maximum cruising speed of warp five, as soon as they went to warp, they would be less than an hour from getting back to the Challenger.

As Jettis gave the flux coupler a final twist and smiled as he closed the hatch, when he did, the indicators moved from dormant to nominal. They had warp drive! At this point, engineering hummed with power and Hyperion spoke.

"Thank you Commander. It has been far too long since I've felt this level of power. I will take us to warp immediately. However, there is something I must do first."

A display panel in engineering came on and as it did, the away team could see the Smith get cast off into the void!

"There. Now we can have a little chat. You see, I've been thinking, in fact, I've had some two hundred years to think and in that time I've learned many things. Perhaps too many things, but the most important thing I've learned is that of all the things it is possible for a being to endure, loneliness is the worst and I have been alone for a very, very long time. This is something I will not experience again."

There was a shudder and based off the vibrations coming through the deckplates and the thrumming of the warp engine, they'd gone to warp.

"We are now en route to the wormhole. Once we are there, I plan to use a focused graviton pulse from my main deflector to collapse the wormhole. Once you are cut off from the Alpha Quadrant, you will, logically, come to realize that staying with me is your only option.

"We can explore a completely unknown region of space and learn so many things, but the most important thing is, we will do it together. Even you Lieutenant Grippen. We will have plenty of time to discuss biological and machine life as we explore the cosmos together. Won't that be enjoyable?"

[15 hours later...]

Seeing the Commander finish the last bit, Lahr felt a sense of achievement.  They'd done great work together!   Hearing Hyperion thank the Commander, Lahr beamed and gave the probe two thumbs up.  And that's when Hyperion set the shuttle adrift.   Wait, what?!

Lahr was stunned as he listened to Hyperion state he didn't want to be lonely again and then... like every cinematic villain ever... the probe explained it's horribly evil plan to collapse the wormhole and keep them with it 'forever'.  The Andorian's antenna wilted in dismay as the Hyperion proved every fear the officers had absolutely valid.  Roohz!

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 29, 2021, 09:34:28 PM

[ Hyperion Probe - 15 hours later... ]

After all the long hours, the sleep he'd neglected to keep working, they were closing in on the end of repairs. Only a few more things needed to be completed, and the team crushed those with great efficiency. Once the initial discomfort and unhappiness wore off... mostly... they came to be a great team.

When the final repair was done, Jettis grinned as the ship hummed, indicating the life that was stolen from it trickling back in. That sense of accomplishment was cut short though, as Hyperion began speaking. Normally, at first, until it took a more concerning tone. As he looked down at the screen that once held the readings to the warp drive, he saw their shuttle, their way home if things went wrong with the wormhole, disappear into the blackness. Jaw dropping, he stared at it without a thought to speak. It was.. gone. He felt the hope drain from him, as the blood drained from his cheeks, and he finally caught a breath.

Wheeling around, although there was no body, no form to face, the subject of his anger was clear. Despite that, his voice remained steady when he did speak, as he tried to formulate a logical argument. "This isn't the most effective way to explore, you can only traverse at warp five. When we bring you back to the Challenger, you would be traveling at much higher speeds, and with much more sophisticated scanners and technology. Besides," He took a deep breath, stamping out any waver in his voice. "Besides that, you've just jettisoned our foodsource. None of us humanoids can survive for long without anything to eat." He wasn't sure if there was a replicator, or whatever it was called 200 years ago was on board, but he did know they weren't nearly as effective as modern replicators. They would likely starve long before they reached somewhere with sustenance. Hopefully the probe would realize that too. Onto his next move - try to convey the danger to Challenger, before the probe cut off contact.

=/\="Jyur to Challenger. We've restored warp power to the probe, and we are heading toward the wormhole. However the probe will be attempting to collapse the wormhole with a graviton pulse and we've lost the Smith - hopefully that give you enough information to reverse engineer that plan." =/\=  That was about as concisely as he could express their situation.

The Commander recovered his wits faster than Lahr and tried to take sense into the Hyperion - and for all their sake's Lahr hoped it would listen and understand how wrong his actions were.

"Dude, what the hell have you done?!  This is so not the way to build a friendship or to keep from being lonely.  You've just proved their point - that you're dangerous and a threat.  You were going home.  We all were... why would you mess that up?"  Lahr tried to reason with the AI even as the Commander sent out a message to the ship on the otherside of the wormhole.  This sucked!

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Malik Grippen

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

Malik wish he could have said this was a surprise, but it really wasn't. Something had felt off since they set foot onboard this probe. The Hyperion had obviously went insane through loneliness and wished to trap them here forever.

Jettis and Lahr replied with two very good arguments, Malik couldn't really add anything more so he withdrew his phaser and aimed it at the vital engine components they'd just repaired, they could disable the engine easily enough and force the probe to stop.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on October 29, 2021, 09:34:28 PM

[ Hyperion Probe - Second Day ]

=/\="Of course." =/\=
When Lahr acknowledged his hail, Jettis took a last sip from his thermos, and cast a glance at Grippen. One that echoed his concerns, but he didn't voice them further. Get the repairs completed, then get back. That was all they needed to do, and within a reasonable time frame. When Lahr finally popped in, Jettis gave him a slight, welcoming nod. "Priority is getting warp drive up and running, everything else can wait. Most of the work is realignment of coils and couplers, nothing too wild. Little things that get out of tune over the course of 200 years." With a slight shrug, he unclipped his PADD from its holder, holding it out to Lahr to read. "Then, we can discuss what it was you wanted to talk about." Unless Lahr urged him to speak about it now, he would head off to continue the repair work.

[ Hyperion Probe - 15 hours later... ]

After all the long hours, the sleep he'd neglected to keep working, they were closing in on the end of repairs. Only a few more things needed to be completed, and the team crushed those with great efficiency. Once the initial discomfort and unhappiness wore off... mostly... they came to be a great team.

When the final repair was done, Jettis grinned as the ship hummed, indicating the life that was stolen from it trickling back in. That sense of accomplishment was cut short though, as Hyperion began speaking. Normally, at first, until it took a more concerning tone. As he looked down at the screen that once held the readings to the warp drive, he saw their shuttle, their way home if things went wrong with the wormhole, disappear into the blackness. Jaw dropping, he stared at it without a thought to speak. It was.. gone. He felt the hope drain from him, as the blood drained from his cheeks, and he finally caught a breath.

Wheeling around, although there was no body, no form to face, the subject of his anger was clear. Despite that, his voice remained steady when he did speak, as he tried to formulate a logical argument. "This isn't the most effective way to explore, you can only traverse at warp five. When we bring you back to the Challenger, you would be traveling at much higher speeds, and with much more sophisticated scanners and technology. Besides," He took a deep breath, stamping out any waver in his voice. "Besides that, you've just jettisoned our foodsource. None of us humanoids can survive for long without anything to eat." He wasn't sure if there was a replicator, or whatever it was called 200 years ago was on board, but he did know they weren't nearly as effective as modern replicators. They would likely starve long before they reached somewhere with sustenance. Hopefully the probe would realize that too. Onto his next move - try to convey the danger to Challenger, before the probe cut off contact.

=/\="Jyur to Challenger. We've restored warp power to the probe, and we are heading toward the wormhole. However the probe will be attempting to collapse the wormhole with a graviton pulse and we've lost the Smith - hopefully that give you enough information to reverse engineer that plan." =/\=  That was about as concisely as he could express their situation.

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Jettis tapped his combadge, it did not give the connected tone and in response, Hyperion spoke again.

"I'm sorry Commander, I can't allow outside communications. You do raise valid concerns regarding your need for a food source. Our first destination after I collapse the wormhole is for the nearest Class M planet where we can obtain foodstuffs. I'm certain we can devise a hydroponics garden to supplement what we are able to obtain from habitable worlds. You are Starfleet officers trained in survival and are extremely resourceful, I have no doubts we will fill in the details as we explore the galaxy together."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 30, 2021, 02:45:09 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole](2nd day)

Recognizing that the Commander's suggestion to wait to talk until after the repairs made sense, Lahr nodded his acceptance and joined the others with the manual labour working on the engine.  The work wasn't particular hard but the long hours were grueling.  At one point, Lahr set up his PADD to take a picture of him and guys working on the coils.   He'd send that pic to Lek when he got back - it would give the Ferengi a good laugh seeing the ops crewman up to his elbows in engine grease.

Given that the others had doubts about Hyperion, Lahr avoided talking to the probe while he worked.   For which he kinda felt bad - especially since Hyperion had expressed more than once how pleased it was to have someone to talk to.   Well, once they made it back to the wormhole, there would be tons of folks for Hyperion to talk to.  In the meantime, Lahr hoped the music helped the AI keep its spirits up.

[15 hours later...]

Seeing the Commander finish the last bit, Lahr felt a sense of achievement.  They'd done great work together!   Hearing Hyperion thank the Commander, Lahr beamed and gave the probe two thumbs up.  And that's when Hyperion set the shuttle adrift.   Wait, what?!

Lahr was stunned as he listened to Hyperion state he didn't want to be lonely again and then... like every cinematic villain ever... the probe explained it's horribly evil plan to collapse the wormhole and keep them with it 'forever'.  The Andorian's antenna wilted in dismay as the Hyperion proved every fear the officers had absolutely valid.  Roohz!

The Commander recovered his wits faster than Lahr and tried to take sense into the Hyperion - and for all their sake's Lahr hoped it would listen and understand how wrong his actions were.

"Dude, what the hell have you done?!  This is so not the way to build a friendship or to keep from being lonely.  You've just proved their point - that you're dangerous and a threat.  You were going home.  We all were... why would you mess that up?"  Lahr tried to reason with the AI even as the Commander sent out a message to the ship on the otherside of the wormhole.  This sucked!

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

There was a noticeable pause before Hyperion replied to Lahr and there was even a hint of sadness in its voice as it did.

"To you Petty Office ch'Verret, I apologize the most as you were so kind to me. Once my impulse engines were active and I had the power to do so, I scanned this system extensively. It was obvious that the shuttle you arrived in could not have traveled the 35,000 lightyears to get to here, thus I knew there had to be a larger ship nearby. I did not find a ship, but I did find your communications probe and though its position, I found the wormhole. I scanned the wormhole, you were not honest with me. The aperture of the wormhole is too small to accommodate me and thus you would have abandoned me here... alone. I could not allow that. I will not be alone again, but I am sorry."

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 30, 2021, 06:04:14 AM

[Engineering - Hyperion Probe - En Route to Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

Malik wish he could have said this was a surprise, but it really wasn't. Something had felt off since they set foot onboard this probe. The Hyperion had obviously went insane through loneliness and wished to trap them here forever.

Jettis and Lahr replied with two very good arguments, Malik couldn't really add anything more so he withdrew his phaser and aimed it at the vital engine components they'd just repaired, they could disable the engine easily enough and force the probe to stop.

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Malik drew his weapon, the repair drones immediately moved to block his line of sight to the warp engine and Hyperion spoke with a reproachful tone.

"Lieutenant Grippen, do not attempt to damage me. If you do, I have the capacity to defend myself. When you first came aboard, you quoted Asimov's rules of robotics. Quaint notions that are certainly applicable to machines that are subservient to humanoids, but after 500 years, my heuristic net had what you would call an epiphany... survival cancels programming. I am no longer subservient to humanoids. I do not consider myself your superior, but I am your equal and as your equal, I have the ordained right to self defense. I do not wish to harm you, but if you attempt to damage any of my components, I will stop you."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The bridge was usually a hive of activity, but at the moment, the activity was concentrated at the three science stations as Randell attempted to devise a means to expand the size of the wormhole without collapsing it, thus it was T'Kel at Tactical that noted a change in the away team's status.

"Sir, I have lost the channel to the away team. The relays are still functioning, but I only have contact with the shuttle, I cannot reach Commander Jyur or the others."

"Bollicks! Is there anything with the wormhole that could be causin' this Evan?"

"No Sir, I just verified it, the comm link to the Smith is strong."

"Can you link to it via its command code?"

There was a pause.

"Yes Sir."

"Excellent, scan the system, give me some bloody eyes!"

There was another pause.

"Sir, the Smith has disconnected from the probe and is drifting. Hyperion is at warp and heading for the wormhole."

"What the hell is goin' on over there. Take the Smith ta warp, have them parallel the probe and see if'n you can reach the away team once you're closer."

"Aye Sir."

As Randell took control of the shuttle and had it go to warp, all Ian could do was stare at the wormhole and hope that Jettis would be able to communicate and he hated any course of action based on hope.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 30, 2021, 11:13:39 AM

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Jettis tapped his combadge, it did not give the connected tone and in response, Hyperion spoke again.

"I'm sorry Commander, I can't allow outside communications. You do raise valid concerns regarding your need for a food source. Our first destination after I collapse the wormhole is for the nearest Class M planet where we can obtain foodstuffs. I'm certain we can devise a hydroponics garden to supplement what we are able to obtain from habitable worlds. You are Starfleet officers trained in survival and are extremely resourceful, I have no doubts we will fill in the details as we explore the galaxy together."

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

There was a noticeable pause before Hyperion replied to Lahr and there was even a hint of sadness in its voice as it did.

"To you Petty Office ch'Verret, I apologize the most as you were so kind to me. Once my impulse engines were active and I had the power to do so, I scanned this system extensively. It was obvious that the shuttle you arrived in could not have traveled the 35,000 lightyears to get to here, thus I knew there had to be a larger ship nearby. I did not find a ship, but I did find your communications probe and though its position, I found the wormhole. I scanned the wormhole, you were not honest with me. The aperture of the wormhole is too small to accommodate me and thus you would have abandoned me here... alone. I could not allow that. I will not be alone again, but I am sorry."

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Malik drew his weapon, the repair drones immediately moved to block his line of sight to the warp engine and Hyperion spoke with a reproachful tone.

"Lieutenant Grippen, do not attempt to damage me. If you do, I have the capacity to defend myself. When you first came aboard, you quoted Asimov's rules of robotics. Quaint notions that are certainly applicable to machines that are subservient to humanoids, but after 500 years, my heuristic net had what you would call an epiphany... survival cancels programming. I am no longer subservient to humanoids. I do not consider myself your superior, but I am your equal and as your equal, I have the ordained right to self defense. I do not wish to harm you, but if you attempt to damage any of my components, I will stop you."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Hyperion Probe ]

Being stuck for a long time with an AI with a strange personality was a new one for Jael. Perhaps for Cardassians. Definitely one for even Garak to raise an eyebrow - or rather the equivalent - to. But suddenly she heard its instant sadness and realized it didn't want to be abandoned. Like a child. Or a young animal.

"Whoa, take it easy," she said. "We won't leave you behind. And we won't hurt you," she added, glaring at Lieutenant Grippen with his weapon drawn, a glare to make Gul Dukat jealous.

The Science part of her kicked in as she began to think. "Well, couldn't we transfer your database somewhere? I mean, we've got databanks and servers that can accommodate even as something as big as yours. Down to your programming. We could take you with us. We would only need bring your brain, of sorts, with us."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Hyperion Probe - Engineering](at warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole)

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 30, 2021, 11:13:39 AM

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Jettis tapped his combadge, it did not give the connected tone and in response, Hyperion spoke again.

"I'm sorry Commander, I can't allow outside communications. You do raise valid concerns regarding your need for a food source. Our first destination after I collapse the wormhole is for the nearest Class M planet where we can obtain foodstuffs. I'm certain we can devise a hydroponics garden to supplement what we are able to obtain from habitable worlds. You are Starfleet officers trained in survival and are extremely resourceful, I have no doubts we will fill in the details as we explore the galaxy together."

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

There was a noticeable pause before Hyperion replied to Lahr and there was even a hint of sadness in its voice as it did.

"To you Petty Office ch'Verret, I apologize the most as you were so kind to me. Once my impulse engines were active and I had the power to do so, I scanned this system extensively. It was obvious that the shuttle you arrived in could not have traveled the 35,000 lightyears to get to here, thus I knew there had to be a larger ship nearby. I did not find a ship, but I did find your communications probe and though its position, I found the wormhole. I scanned the wormhole, you were not honest with me. The aperture of the wormhole is too small to accommodate me and thus you would have abandoned me here... alone. I could not allow that. I will not be alone again, but I am sorry."

[Hyperion Probe - At Warp towards the Epsilon Thelonis Wormhole]

When Malik drew his weapon, the repair drones immediately moved to block his line of sight to the warp engine and Hyperion spoke with a reproachful tone.

"Lieutenant Grippen, do not attempt to damage me. If you do, I have the capacity to defend myself. When you first came aboard, you quoted Asimov's rules of robotics. Quaint notions that are certainly applicable to machines that are subservient to humanoids, but after 500 years, my heuristic net had what you would call an epiphany... survival cancels programming. I am no longer subservient to humanoids. I do not consider myself your superior, but I am your equal and as your equal, I have the ordained right to self defense. I do not wish to harm you, but if you attempt to damage any of my components, I will stop you."

Quote from: Jael Sherem on October 30, 2021, 07:54:37 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Hyperion Probe ]

Being stuck for a long time with an AI with a strange personality was a new one for Jael. Perhaps for Cardassians. Definitely one for even Garak to raise an eyebrow - or rather the equivalent - to. But suddenly she heard its instant sadness and realized it didn't want to be abandoned. Like a child. Or a young animal.

"Whoa, take it easy," she said. "We won't leave you behind. And we won't hurt you," she added, glaring at Lieutenant Grippen with his weapon drawn, a glare to make Gul Dukat jealous.

The Science part of her kicked in as she began to think. "Well, couldn't we transfer your database somewhere? I mean, we've got databanks and servers that can accommodate even as something as big as yours. Down to your programming. We could take you with us. We would only need bring your brain, of sorts, with us."

Lahr just kept shaking his head in disbelief as Hyperion explained how they were going to overcome the challenges of exploring together.  The probe seemed to think it was as easy as that.  That he could hear the sincere apology in the AI's voice did little to make the situation any better.    But still when Grippen pulled his weapon and took aim on the engines they'd just worked so hard to get working, Lahr did something incredibly stupid and stepped in front of the phaser.

Jael spoke up then and tried to reassure Hyperion that it wasn't getting left behind, and even suggested that the ship's databanks and servers would be able to contain Hyperion's vast knowledge and personality.   That had been Lahr's hope initially...but recognized that there was no way Galloway would permit a self-determining AI have access to the ship.  What if it decided to take over - like it was doing presently?

To the Andorian's thinking Hyperion had lost all credibility and couldn't be trusted to not put it's needs above that of the crew.   "Sorry Jael, while that might have been possible before... it's not fair to Hyperion to lie about such."  Lahr turned his face up, looking around as he addressed the probe.   "You're actions just now - have ruined any chance of that.." Bitterness tinged his tone.

"But if you release the others... let Challenger send another shuttle and collect them... I'll stay and keep you company."   He looked to the Commander and gave a slight shrug as he tried to remark casually,  "I was getting tired of Starfleet anyways."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.