S:5 E:6 - Signals

Started by Ian Galloway, January 15, 2022, 12:12:28 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 28, 2022, 06:44:17 AM

[Seku VI - Chain Gang]

"Let's hope Lahr has my song cued up cuz my humming isn't much good and I can't whistle except for calling horses!" she said with a small smile.  "Chin up guys, I'm sure we'll be out of here soon."

It made no sense to the Andorian, why the roozh were the Romulans here.  Did they have something to do with the faint signal coming from the planet?  If so, then yeah his Ruth was most likely in trouble.  If she were hurt Lahr swore he would make Thelal pay.  Even if the Romulan wasn't directly involved that fact that he was preventing them from returning to the planet - meant it was Thelal's fault.  The Andorian's antennae bristled and folded back against head just thinking about the Romulan Commander.

With the music blaring out towards the Romulan ship, Lahr braced himself for what was to come.  Power flows were split between the Point of Impact shields, and weapons.  That their forward torpedoes had to manually loaded was going to be a pain.. which is why Lahr thought it was rather ingenious of Galloway to have the ship pull an Immelmann maneuver.

As Flight directed the bow of the ship upwards, the Andorian suddenly wriggled his nose in an attempt to fight back the tickle building there.  But there was no stopping it.    "Achoo!"

His sneeze was loud and the spray covered his console and Lahr grimaced as he knew he didn't have the time to pause and wipe it clean.  He blamed this on Thelal too.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Richard James Litt

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Being at the helm of a fleet ship, in a situation like this, was mildly stressful, if not too much. Litt stood firm while piloting the Challenger, making every possible effort so that they could reach their destination on time, without going through much trouble at the time.

As soon as they left the warp, Litt put the ship on full impulse, as the objective was to reach the companions as quickly as possible, until he heard T'Kel's report. That made him even more alert, but it was Lahr who made the first observation in his analyses.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 24, 2022, 11:18:38 PM

"We have a build-up of tachyons, sir.  Coordinates being sent!" Lahr sent the approximate coordinates to the Captain,  T'Kel and Litt.

"œOkay, sir!" Litt answered by looking at his friend and then immediately noted the coordinates on his dashboard. "Received!" He said focusing again on the readings found.

It didn't take long for the enemy ship to come out of cloaking, so Litt listened to the captain's order and instinctively did as he ordered, turning the ship as far as he could to port.

Then Ian thought quickly, giving more orders to everyone on the bridge.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 25, 2022, 01:50:09 PM

"T'Kel. Load aft quantum torpedoes and prepare ta fire them in proximity mode on my mark. Ricky, continue the turn ta port, take us below the galactic plane. When the torpedoes detonate, I want you ta Immelmann the old girl. As soon as we are inverted, T'Kel, hit them with every bloody thing we have ta include harsh language. Ch'Verret. It's time ta let those Valkyries ride!"

Litt agreed with the order like everyone else, then glanced at Lahr beside him, responding to the signal with a thumbs-up and an honest smile, trying not to show any nervousness. Soon after, he immediately did as asked by placing the ship below the galactic plane while continuing to turn to the left. He was waiting for the right moment to be able to do the maneuver that the captain requested and had already figured out what he wanted with it. "I will get it right! You know how to do it"¦ You can do it!" He thought about it all the time as he mentally prepared himself.

When the time was right, Litt proceeded to perform the maneuver, causing the ship to turn the way it was coming from. All the hours of Flying Tigers had really helped. Someone who can fly a ship as old as these can fly almost anything. Right after finishing the maneuver he waited for the captain's next orders while looking at Lahr.

"œBless you!" he said with a smile after his friend's sneeze.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 01, 2022, 08:36:19 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Five hours. It was feeling more like five millennia. Every so often, the Bajoran guard would come to beat her, often using the butt of his rifle like a bat, swinging it on her back, her abdomen, even her head once. Then he'd follow up with using a fist. He did it as an excuse that she wasn't working hard enough or fast enough, which was true because she was in so much pain.

By now, after five hours, Jael had lost enough teeth that it was obvious just from any smile or grimace she made, punctuated with the dripping black blood from her mouth. Her eye, particularly the one blinded earlier by the blood of her concussion, was puffy enough that she could barely see out of it. And she was moving so slowly she'd make a geriatric with a cane jealous. Her outer uniform was in tatters, showing the blue jumpsuit, and so the blood was more poignant to see on.

Jael had scowled earlier when Ruth called her tormentor "meanie," like he was fifty months old instead of fifty years. Like this was a schoolyard bully. This was much more serious than that. Later, when Don told her to do her best to ignore her, Jael actually turned to face him, a scowl of pain in her face, her mouth baring a grimace with many missing teeth and a strand of blood seeping.

"Ignore...him?" she said through the pain. "Hard to do...when he regularly...drops by...to beat me..."

She could barely talk, taking in some breaths at intervals. She was wondering if a rib was broken and punctured her lung.

Then she turned on Ruth and said, "You're not...having a former...Bajoran slave...coming by so much...to..."

And she gestured at all of her to indicate what he as done to her. Indeed, if she wasn't thinking of the pain, she was thinking that she never imagined the day she would meet a former Bajoran slave, let alone one who used to work under her father, filled with that level of hate, and that this was an atrocious colony. Her one hope was Challenger would be coming, though Jael hoped that the Captain would bring a bigger party than what they brought down.

It was her bad luck to be standing still (as if she didn't have enough bad luck already) that the Bajoran came back.

"Oh, did you think Mom and Dad would make you feel better?" he said sarcastically. "FAT CHANCE!"

And he swung the butt of his rifle like a bat again and sent Jael sprawling to the ground, another tooth flying, before he struck her body with it like an executioner's axe.

A waterboy who was coming by with the water was just giving water to the Romulan prisoners when he looked up and saw what the Bajoran was doing.

"Stop it! Galen Mal, stop it!" he snapped. The Bajoran, Galen Mal, glared back at him as he continued, "she's had enough!"

"You don't know what it was like for me! Nobody here does!" he snarled. "There was no such thing as enough! And don't give her any water. We never had water or breaks! I want her to die! Like how everybody around me did under her fellow spoonheads!"

"Take any lessons in barbarism, Mal?" scowled the waterboy.

"Yes I did," he said. "From her people!"

And as he stepped away to make his rounds, he stopped a moment and struck Don and Ruth with his rifle like a bat in like fashion.

"And that was for your little adoption of a spoonhead, Mom and Dad!" he snarled. It was an allegorical joke on his part, calling Don and Ruth "Mom and Dad" compared to Jael. Then he took notice of Blackfeather. He looked at him long and hard; he never took notice of Blackfeather much, his attention was always on Jael. He knew a yellow security uniform when he saw one, and he knew a Starfleet security officer when he saw one, seeing as they were there when they freed the slaves in his camp.

This one could be a problem, he thought to himself before moving off, and all thoughts of Blackfeather were expelled from his mind as he was thinking with relish of what fresh beatings he could give Jael next.

Once Galen Mal was gone, the waterbody, making sure he was gone, gave water first to Jael, who took it in appreciation, and then to Don and Ruth.

"I'm so sorry about this," he whispered. "I don't even know why the hell Drallen let him in. Well, he seems a fit anyway, what with his record, since he was found in that Dominion slave camp."

And he took off before Mal could come back, as fast as he could; the Bajoran mercenary turned thug turned monster scared him.

[Chain Gang - Seku VI]

Ruth sighed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears since she couldn't currently help Jael. She could understand the seething anger to some extent that Jael was feeling although not with the same intensity that a Cardassian could, at the same time she could also understand the Bajoran's manner towards her, it was unfortunately a trait that she carried.

"I know it's unfair Jael, but remember your counsellor training here. I don't like dragging up the past because that's where it belongs but sometimes it can be useful to review the past as an understanding to the present or potentially to help the future." she licked her dry lips and keeping the beat up of breaking the stones she tried to offer some solace to the counsellor.

"It is totally unjust to mete out punishment to you as he is doing to only you.  However, you're the target because he's been unable to let go of the past, any relationship or encounter between Bajorans and Cardassians, except the most open minded ones is a potential disaster area.  That doesn't help your current situation, but..."

She broke off as Galen Mal came around again, and she glared. "Leave her alone wrinkle nose!... Oh yeah don't like names hurled at you.  The past is the past and you should work towards making the future better.  And.... Ooof..." she gasped as he hit her with the rifle butt.

Ruth instinctively reached for her knife but thought better of it.  "As for calling us Mom and Dad, yes, I would adopt her readily, for all her heritage is thought of as one of the more..." she shot an apologetic look at Jael "... aggressive species, right now you'd think the Bajorans were.  You are the one dishonouring your race, not she.  And I know a fair few Bajorans that would think you are scum right now.  Leave her be, I'll willingly take the beatings you want to give her.  After all, that's what a mother does right?  And she can't work if you kill her.  And while I don't want her to suffer, you do... you can't do that if she's dead..."

She hoped Jael realised that she wasn't saying this to prolong her agony, but hoping that the evil sadistic side of Galen Mal would see that if Jael was alive she could be tortured more, but dead... the novelty would wear off.  If she was at least alive, Dr. Rasher could manage to look after her once they were back aboard.

Galen Mal moved off and the waterboy came around.

"Thanks for caring.  It's not your fault.  Give me a sip only, give the rest of my share to Jael, she needs it... if you can gently clean some of her face and let her swill out her mouth at least, let me shuffle round a little bit to block his view a bit, it'll look like you're giving me water.  You see the guy in the yellow.  His name is Blackfeather, he's Security.  See if you can get a message to him to 'accidently' trip up Galen Mal next time he's coming this way.  Blackfeather can handle himself, so he won't get beaten as much as we shall.  What Galen Mal doesn't know is that I was in Security once too for all I wear teal now... if he takes it too far he won't know what hit him.  He lays one more finger, fist, or rifle butt on Jael and I swear my partner will be wondering...never mind, less you know less you can be compromised but please... water to my companion here and get a message to Blackfeather if you can but don't endanger yourself."

Once the waterboy had moved away she muttered under her breath.  "Oh Lahr, I'd kill for and with my axes right now but I'm not sure even Freya could give me the strength to swing them enough, I'd have to go full on beserker and that would seriously scare the sh*t out of Commander Addams!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 03, 2022, 07:51:37 AM

[Chain Gang - Seku VI]

Ruth sighed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears since she couldn't currently help Jael. She could understand the seething anger to some extent that Jael was feeling although not with the same intensity that a Cardassian could, at the same time she could also understand the Bajoran's manner towards her, it was unfortunately a trait that she carried.

"I know it's unfair Jael, but remember your counsellor training here. I don't like dragging up the past because that's where it belongs but sometimes it can be useful to review the past as an understanding to the present or potentially to help the future." she licked her dry lips and keeping the beat up of breaking the stones she tried to offer some solace to the counsellor.

"It is totally unjust to mete out punishment to you as he is doing to only you.  However, you're the target because he's been unable to let go of the past, any relationship or encounter between Bajorans and Cardassians, except the most open minded ones is a potential disaster area.  That doesn't help your current situation, but..."

She broke off as Galen Mal came around again, and she glared. "Leave her alone wrinkle nose!... Oh yeah don't like names hurled at you.  The past is the past and you should work towards making the future better.  And.... Ooof..." she gasped as he hit her with the rifle butt.

Ruth instinctively reached for her knife but thought better of it.  "As for calling us Mom and Dad, yes, I would adopt her readily, for all her heritage is thought of as one of the more..." she shot an apologetic look at Jael "... aggressive species, right now you'd think the Bajorans were.  You are the one dishonouring your race, not she.  And I know a fair few Bajorans that would think you are scum right now.  Leave her be, I'll willingly take the beatings you want to give her.  After all, that's what a mother does right?  And she can't work if you kill her.  And while I don't want her to suffer, you do... you can't do that if she's dead..."

She hoped Jael realised that she wasn't saying this to prolong her agony, but hoping that the evil sadistic side of Galen Mal would see that if Jael was alive she could be tortured more, but dead... the novelty would wear off.  If she was at least alive, Dr. Rasher could manage to look after her once they were back aboard.

Galen Mal moved off and the waterboy came around.

"Thanks for caring.  It's not your fault.  Give me a sip only, give the rest of my share to Jael, she needs it... if you can gently clean some of her face and let her swill out her mouth at least, let me shuffle round a little bit to block his view a bit, it'll look like you're giving me water.  You see the guy in the yellow.  His name is Blackfeather, he's Security.  See if you can get a message to him to 'accidently' trip up Galen Mal next time he's coming this way.  Blackfeather can handle himself, so he won't get beaten as much as we shall.  What Galen Mal doesn't know is that I was in Security once too for all I wear teal now... if he takes it too far he won't know what hit him.  He lays one more finger, fist, or rifle butt on Jael and I swear my partner will be wondering...never mind, less you know less you can be compromised but please... water to my companion here and get a message to Blackfeather if you can but don't endanger yourself."

Once the waterboy had moved away she muttered under her breath.  "Oh Lahr, I'd kill for and with my axes right now but I'm not sure even Freya could give me the strength to swing them enough, I'd have to go full on beserker and that would seriously scare the sh*t out of Commander Addams!"

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Galen Mal scowled as Ruth talked on. If her took in her words, he didn't show it. It did occur to him that if the Cardassian was killed, and killed by him, Drallen will have something to say about it. Labor efficiency going down by whatever the hell small percentage, most likely.

Jael, meantime, scowled with befuddlement at Ruth's words. Keep her alive to keep her tortured? At first, Jael wondered if Ruth was wanting to join in adding to her agony, but then, through the pain, it occurred to her: was it a way to keep her alive by the time Challenger got here? Assuming Captain Galloway and Prophets know how many of the crew didn't end up in the chain gain...unless he brings enough Security to make a small army, given the size of Challenger, to overwhelm and arrest Drallen, Galen and the rest of these thugs.

As the waterboy gave her a long stream of water in her mouth and enough water to wipe the blood off, she also had time to think: neither she nor Galen Mal could let go of the past. For her, it was living in the shadow of the Dominion War and that her father always seemed to haunt her, as it apparently did. For Galen Mal, it was the servitude and life he knew, his hatred for Cardassians in being enslaved even after the end of the Occupation.

It was very hard to let go of the past, particularly if that past is emphasized through those relations who lost loved ones in the Occupation and the Dominion War. Nobody wanted her to forget that at the Academy, especially the one Bajoran who, when she was attending a medical class, who scared her away from being a doctor because he compared her to Krell Moset. It was even harder to let go of it, let alone review the past, when her father was the former head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau and was pretty much Cardassia's Heinrich Himmler, as she reflected Earth's history and the Nazis.

Jael did admit she was touched that Ruth would adopt her, though she was no orphan; her mother was still around, conducting her ambassadorial missions.

She got up so slowly, being in pain as she is, with Prophets know how many bones had been broken from Galen Mal's beatings, and she talked quietly to Ruth: "Thank you...granted...mother's still alive...but I appreciate...all the same."

Meanwhile, the waterboy passed on his message to Blackfeather, whispering it out, just in case, to tell him from Ruth to trip up Galen Mal. He had to admit, he was looking forward to seeing Galen Mal get his comeuppance. He couldn't wait to tell Malcolm Lincoln especially that Galen Mal was going to get a run for his money.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on March 03, 2022, 04:58:00 AM

It made no sense to the Andorian, why the roozh were the Romulans here.  Did they have something to do with the faint signal coming from the planet?  If so, then yeah his Ruth was most likely in trouble.  If she were hurt Lahr swore he would make Thelal pay.  Even if the Romulan wasn't directly involved that fact that he was preventing them from returning to the planet - meant it was Thelal's fault.  The Andorian's antennae bristled and folded back against head just thinking about the Romulan Commander.

With the music blaring out towards the Romulan ship, Lahr braced himself for what was to come.  Power flows were split between the Point of Impact shields, and weapons.  That their forward torpedoes had to manually loaded was going to be a pain.. which is why Lahr thought it was rather ingenious of Galloway to have the ship pull an Immelmann maneuver.

As Flight directed the bow of the ship upwards, the Andorian suddenly wriggled his nose in an attempt to fight back the tickle building there.  But there was no stopping it.    "Achoo!"

His sneeze was loud and the spray covered his console and Lahr grimaced as he knew he didn't have the time to pause and wipe it clean.  He blamed this on Thelal too.

Quote from: Richard James Litt on March 03, 2022, 07:05:30 AM

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Being at the helm of a fleet ship, in a situation like this, was mildly stressful, if not too much. Litt stood firm while piloting the Challenger, making every possible effort so that they could reach their destination on time, without going through much trouble at the time.

As soon as they left the warp, Litt put the ship on full impulse, as the objective was to reach the companions as quickly as possible, until he heard T'Kel's report. That made him even more alert, but it was Lahr who made the first observation in his analyses.

"œOkay, sir!" Litt answered by looking at his friend and then immediately noted the coordinates on his dashboard. "Received!" He said focusing again on the readings found.

It didn't take long for the enemy ship to come out of cloaking, so Litt listened to the captain's order and instinctively did as he ordered, turning the ship as far as he could to port.

Then Ian thought quickly, giving more orders to everyone on the bridge.

Litt agreed with the order like everyone else, then glanced at Lahr beside him, responding to the signal with a thumbs-up and an honest smile, trying not to show any nervousness. Soon after, he immediately did as asked by placing the ship below the galactic plane while continuing to turn to the left. He was waiting for the right moment to be able to do the maneuver that the captain requested and had already figured out what he wanted with it. "I will get it right! You know how to do it"¦ You can do it!" He thought about it all the time as he mentally prepared himself.

When the time was right, Litt proceeded to perform the maneuver, causing the ship to turn the way it was coming from. All the hours of Flying Tigers had really helped. Someone who can fly a ship as old as these can fly almost anything. Right after finishing the maneuver he waited for the captain's next orders while looking at Lahr.

"œBless you!" he said with a smile after his friend's sneeze.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's blood was up. He admitted he could be gruff, but he rarely felt true anger like he did right now. Thelal had been taunting him and his ship for over a year now and now he could take the gloves off and go bare knuckles with the Romulan.

The proximity fused quantums did exactly what Ian had wanted them to do, not damage, but to flood the area with enough interference to disrupt the Khranu's targeting sensors for Litt to complete the Immelmann. As soon the ship rolled out from the climbing loop, T'Kel fired with her usual impeccable skill. The Norexan-Class warbird staggered as a full alpha strike hammered the newer ship as if they came from Thor himself, which was appropriate considering the Challenger was belting out the Ride of the Valkyries at full tilt on all channels.

The shields of the Khranu flared as she was smote by the hammer of the gods. Her structural integrity field tried, and almost succeeded in holding back the fury the Challenger unleashed, but could not and when she raced by, the Romulan's hull showed a short ugly burn on her port side.


Thelal grunted as he clutched the arms of his command chair, only just avoiding been thrown by the impact of the Challenger's weapons.

"Damage report!"

"Minor hull breach on Deck 7. Force fields holding. Structural Integrity field has collapsed. One minute before it resets."

Thelal's mind screamed as he tried to process what he was hearing. The damage wasn't critical by any means, but it sent a message that stunned him. His modern and massive ship's best shot had bounced off of the Challenger without even reducing the older ship's shield strength by any measurable level. And yet, The Khranu had not been able to resist the older ship's fire. What was even worse, with the structural integrity field down, their ability to resist damage had been cut nearly in half.

"Another hit like that will be fatal. How is this even possible? To be beaten by an antique!"

Thelal raged internally as he tried to come to grips with the fact that the Khranu was in danger and the baffling maneuver he'd just seen the Challenger make.

"Who maneuvers a starship like that? What insanity does this Galloway possess? The Tal Shiar knows every tactic taught at their academy and they've never reported anything like this."

"They are coming about again Commander. What are your orders?"

Thelal stared in blank amazement as the Challenger bore down on the Khranu and for the first time since stepping onto her bridge, was afraid.

"Activate cloak! Helm. Make your course 147 mark 24. Full Impulse. Go to warp as soon as we clear the system's gravity well!"

"Sir. The Khranu is retreating."

T'Kel reported in her typical professional tone.

"As much as I'd love ta blast that insufferable git ta razor blades, let them run. At least now he kens that Challenger is the braw fighter I warned him she was. Pillock."

"Sir, it seems the interference that was disrupting sensors on Seku VI is gone now and I can read life signs, but there are many more signatures than just the away team. I am reading 47 life signs. Mixed species, mostly Federation, but there are three Romulans as well."

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n reported.

"Helm, full impulse ta Seku VI, park us directly over those life signs."

Ian ordered and wondered aloud.

"What have you lot blundered into this time?"

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 03, 2022, 08:38:55 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Galen Mal scowled as Ruth talked on. If her took in her words, he didn't show it. It did occur to him that if the Cardassian was killed, and killed by him, Drallen will have something to say about it. Labor efficiency going down by whatever the hell small percentage, most likely.

Jael, meantime, scowled with befuddlement at Ruth's words. Keep her alive to keep her tortured? At first, Jael wondered if Ruth was wanting to join in adding to her agony, but then, through the pain, it occurred to her: was it a way to keep her alive by the time Challenger got here? Assuming Captain Galloway and Prophets know how many of the crew didn't end up in the chain gain...unless he brings enough Security to make a small army, given the size of Challenger, to overwhelm and arrest Drallen, Galen and the rest of these thugs.

As the waterboy gave her a long stream of water in her mouth and enough water to wipe the blood off, she also had time to think: neither she nor Galen Mal could let go of the past. For her, it was living in the shadow of the Dominion War and that her father always seemed to haunt her, as it apparently did. For Galen Mal, it was the servitude and life he knew, his hatred for Cardassians in being enslaved even after the end of the Occupation.

It was very hard to let go of the past, particularly if that past is emphasized through those relations who lost loved ones in the Occupation and the Dominion War. Nobody wanted her to forget that at the Academy, especially the one Bajoran who, when she was attending a medical class, who scared her away from being a doctor because he compared her to Krell Moset. It was even harder to let go of it, let alone review the past, when her father was the former head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau and was pretty much Cardassia's Heinrich Himmler, as she reflected Earth's history and the Nazis.

Jael did admit she was touched that Ruth would adopt her, though she was no orphan; her mother was still around, conducting her ambassadorial missions.

She got up so slowly, being in pain as she is, with Prophets know how many bones had been broken from Galen Mal's beatings, and she talked quietly to Ruth: "Thank you...granted...mother's still alive...but I appreciate...all the same."

Meanwhile, the waterboy passed on his message to Blackfeather, whispering it out, just in case, to tell him from Ruth to trip up Galen Mal. He had to admit, he was looking forward to seeing Galen Mal get his comeuppance. He couldn't wait to tell Malcolm Lincoln especially that Galen Mal was going to get a run for his money.

[Seku VI - Ore Processing]

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Galen Mal shouted and stormed toward Blackfeather and the waterboy. He raised his rifle to strike the security officer with the butt of his rifle. Blackfeather waited until Galen's blow was in motion before he moved. Unless you happened to looking in that exact direction and even if you were, the security officer's reaction was so fast, it was hard to say exactly what you'd seen.

What had happened was Ero Drallen's decision to have the away team "bust rocks" coming back to haunt him. Although not a weapon taught at the academy, a sledge hammer was more than enough to deflect a horizontal butt stroke when the right physics were used.

Blackfeather swung the hammer upward and knocked Galen's attack harmlessly skyward. This surprised the angry Bajoran and also exposed his entire torso for Blackfeather to choke up on the hammer and drive the head into Galen's stomach with explosive force, which caused him to fold over the blow like a rag doll.

It would have been simplicity itself for Blackfeather to bring the hammer down on Galen's head and crush his skull like a melon, but being a Starfleet Security Officer honor bound to save lives, Blackfeather didn't end the Bajoran's miserable life. He did however, land a savage chop to the back of Galen's neck that ended the fight right there. Acting quickly, Blackfeather found a knife on the Bajoran and tossed it hilt first to Jael before grabbing the disruptor rifle and shouting.

"Get to cutting Ensign, because it's about to get real unhealthy right now!"

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 03, 2022, 10:51:42 AM

[Seku VI - Ore Processing]

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Galen Mal shouted and stormed toward Blackfeather and the waterboy. He raised his rifle to strike the security officer with the butt of his rifle. Blackfeather waited until Galen's blow was in motion before he moved. Unless you happened to looking in that exact direction and even if you were, the security officer's reaction was so fast, it was hard to say exactly what you'd seen.

What had happened was Ero Drallen's decision to have the away team "bust rocks" coming back to haunt him. Although not a weapon taught at the academy, a sledge hammer was more than enough to deflect a horizontal butt stroke when the right physics were used.

Blackfeather swung the hammer upward and knocked Galen's attack harmlessly skyward. This surprised the angry Bajoran and also exposed his entire torso for Blackfeather to choke up on the hammer and drive the head into Galen's stomach with explosive force, which caused him to fold over the blow like a rag doll.

It would have been simplicity itself for Blackfeather to bring the hammer down on Galen's head and crush his skull like a melon, but being a Starfleet Security Officer honor bound to save lives, Blackfeather didn't end the Bajoran's miserable life. He did however, land a savage chop to the back of Galen's neck that ended the fight right there. Acting quickly, Blackfeather found a knife on the Bajoran and tossed it hilt first to Jael before grabbing the disruptor rifle and shouting.

"Get to cutting Ensign, because it's about to get real unhealthy right now!"

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Jael had jerked in alarm at the sight of Galen Mal's return, but then she saw Blackfeather make short work of him. For once, Jael smiled. She was relieved that the first steps toward an escape were laid.

At once, Blackfeather got a knife from the belligerent Bajoran and instructed her to start cutting. Jael nodded, then paused a moment to realize that she was holding a Cardassian knife. How Galen Mal got his hands on it, she didn't want to know. Undoubtedly a souvenir from his escape. And judging from the wicked curves, the same kind of knives used as secondary arms on her father's thugs...Jael felt a chill. Was it possible Galen Mal was going to carve a brand on her flesh like what he has on his cheek...or worse...carve a scale from her flesh?

Pushing it aside, Jael began cutting her bonds. It was slower than she wanted to, what with her being in so much pain, with the broken limbs and the concussion wound that Galen Mal had often focused his blows on seventy percent of the time.

She turned to Ruth and gestured with her eyes at the knife and said quietly, "I think...now's the time...for that..."

She cut her bonds in time and limped over to Galen Mal in his unconscious state. She took a moment to say, "I'm sorry," and then noticed something on his chest, his shirt being ripped in the tussle with Blackfeather. She widened the shirt and noticed it was another brand, and it wasn't all...she shed his shirt as cautiously as possible and realized with horror the extent of his hatred to Cardassians, especially those under Nehor Sherem. For there were six more brands on his body, three on front, three on the back.

This must be one defiant slave to be punished like this,
she thought in horror. No wonder he hates my father and all Cardassians so much. And he could've carved that on me...Prophets help him.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Don Damien Addams

  • Unchained melody  :D

    There were days you wished you never woke up. This was one of those days for Don. Then when the tides are turned, there was much hope to gain. Blackfeather was one of those turning points. The man and his group were beaten up, and Don got a good hit defending his teammate. He was struck, which made him hear a ring in his ear. He was able to hear still. Though he was glad, Ruth was like a mother figure to the Counselor.

    Getting free from their bonds, Don came next to Sherem. "Chin up," Don told her. The young officer could hate him for the tone, but he figured tough love was what she needed. "I should have said to him that on Earth, the Jews were targeted by many nations, and they try to exterminate them and use them for experiments. Other words. This shit happens all over the universe. And you got to accept that it can take you two places""one to the path of evil or the way of good. And that fellow will be trialed for his mistreat."

    Then Don swung his pickax at a guard who was coming for them. His pick ax connected right in the man's chin, and he used the blunt to knock the fellow back

  • Song title popped in my head. LOL


Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 03, 2022, 10:51:42 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Sir, it seems the interference that was disrupting sensors on Seku VI is gone now and I can read life signs, but there are many more signatures than just the away team. I am reading 47 life signs. Mixed species, mostly Federation, but there are three Romulans as well."

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n reported.

"Helm, full impulse ta Seku VI, park us directly over those life signs."

Ian ordered and wondered aloud.

"What have you lot blundered into this time?"

"Boosting power to communications and sensors." Kirani murmured as she started to look at the damage from the last battle. "Battle Damage is being repaired now, transporters back up in twenty seconds."

The Caitian was mostly busy dealing with moving damage control teams from place to place, since there was some battle damage affecting power control. "We should be back up to full shield strength in forty seconds."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 01, 2022, 05:55:27 AM

[Chain Gang - Seku VI]

Ruth grinned as Don started whistling "We should get DJ Lahr to do a remix of this, you whistling, me... well I can't whistle but I'm pretty good with a bass guitar!" she said with a giggle.

With his console contaminated with his nasal discharge, Lahr was ever so conscious of every tap his fingers needed to make on its surface.   Roozh Where was a sani-wipe when you need one?

That thought was in his mind not even a second before another sneeze hit.   He managed to stifle this one a bit, burying his face into the crook of his arm briefly.  "Ah.. choo"

Quote from: Richard James Litt on March 03, 2022, 07:05:30 AM

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Litt agreed with the order like everyone else, then glanced at Lahr beside him, responding to the signal with a thumbs-up and an honest smile, trying not to show any nervousness. Soon after, he immediately did as asked by placing the ship below the galactic plane while continuing to turn to the left. He was waiting for the right moment to be able to do the maneuver that the captain requested and had already figured out what he wanted with it. "I will get it right! You know how to do it"¦ You can do it!" He thought about it all the time as he mentally prepared himself.

When the time was right, Litt proceeded to perform the maneuver, causing the ship to turn the way it was coming from. All the hours of Flying Tigers had really helped. Someone who can fly a ship as old as these can fly almost anything. Right after finishing the maneuver he waited for the captain's next orders while looking at Lahr.

"œBless you!" he said with a smile after his friend's sneeze.

Lahr couldn't keep his his face buried for long -  he needed to keep alert to changes in the power distribution.  Hearing Litt's custom blessing, the Andorian gave the man a quick nod.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 03, 2022, 07:51:37 AM

[Chain Gang - Seku VI]

Once the waterboy had moved away she muttered under her breath.  "Oh Lahr, I'd kill for and with my axes right now but I'm not sure even Freya could give me the strength to swing them enough, I'd have to go full on beserker and that would seriously scare the sh*t out of Commander Addams!"

Then followed that up with yet another sneeze.  "Really!?  Is someone playing a joke on me and laced my seat with pepper or something?  This stopped being funny a while ago.." Lahr groused, his antenna twitching in annoyance, as the ship lined up for attack.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 03, 2022, 10:51:42 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's blood was up. He admitted he could be gruff, but he rarely felt true anger like he did right now. Thelal had been taunting him and his ship for over a year now and now he could take the gloves off and go bare knuckles with the Romulan.

The proximity fused quantums did exactly what Ian had wanted them to do, not damage, but to flood the area with enough interference to disrupt the Khranu's targeting sensors for Litt to complete the Immelmann. As soon the ship rolled out from the climbing loop, T'Kel fired with her usual impeccable skill. The Norexan-Class warbird staggered as a full alpha strike hammered the newer ship as if they came from Thor himself, which was appropriate considering the Challenger was belting out the Ride of the Valkyries at full tilt on all channels.

The shields of the Khranu flared as she was smote by the hammer of the gods. Her structural integrity field tried, and almost succeeded in holding back the fury the Challenger unleashed, but could not and when she raced by, the Romulan's hull showed a short ugly burn on her port side.

"Sir. The Khranu is retreating."

T'Kel reported in her typical professional tone.

"As much as I'd love ta blast that insufferable git ta razor blades, let them run. At least now he kens that Challenger is the braw fighter I warned him she was. Pillock."

"Sir, it seems the interference that was disrupting sensors on Seku VI is gone now and I can read life signs, but there are many more signatures than just the away team. I am reading 47 life signs. Mixed species, mostly Federation, but there are three Romulans as well."

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n reported.

"Helm, full impulse ta Seku VI, park us directly over those life signs."

Ian ordered and wondered aloud.

"What have you lot blundered into this time?"

Quote from: Kylindra on March 03, 2022, 10:05:37 PM

"Boosting power to communications and sensors." Kirani murmured as she started to look at the damage from the last battle. "Battle Damage is being repaired now, transporters back up in twenty seconds."

The Caitian was mostly busy dealing with moving damage control teams from place to place, since there was some battle damage affecting power control. "We should be back up to full shield strength in forty seconds."

It took all of 30 seconds for Challenger to turn the tide on the Khranu.   Lahr watched his sensors closely in case after cloaking, Thelal decided to repositions and try again.  But it seemed from the reading that such was not the case.

With a moment to spare now, Lahr locked his display  and using what was on hand... namely the sleeve of his uniform, Lahr wiped at the snot that was sprayed across his screen.   Unfortunately, that just seemed to smear it more.  Ugh!

For a moment, Lahr seriously considered getting up from his station to grap the medkit and use an sterile wipe to clean off his console... but it was at that moment that Chief CatalÁ¡n pointed out the sensor readings.    OH!?

Ignoring the smeared snot, Lahr unlocked his console once more and quickly double checked his superior's report.   Yes!  Lahr's antenna bobbed upright.   There they were!  Once they got closer into range Lahr would be able to pick out individuals, from their bio-signatures, not to mention their commbadges.

He glanced over to the Caitian engineer impressed with her and her teams speed.  Once the transporters were available... locking onto the away teams commbadges would be first thing on Lahr's to do list.

"Shall I open a channel sir?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir


[Former Chain Gang - Seku VI]

"Aww Jael... I meant more like being a big sister to you.  That would still stand, but if you wanted a mother figure, if you didn't already have one, I'd be honoured to do that too, you've got ... I'm not sure what a polite way to put it ... gumption? Backbone?  The impolite versions are spunk and balls..." Ruth shrugged and giggled.  "Us women just have bigger ones, on our chest!"

Being a former Security Officer, she was so glad that the waterboy managed to get the message to Blackfeather and she nodded her appreciation to him... both of the magnificent display of his skills, and for giving them the chance to get the hell outta Dodge so to speak!

"Great work, Blackfeather, thanks to our friendly water boy... you there..." she called to the waterboy.  Once he noticed her but didn't give any real indication that he knew she was talking to him bar a quick flash of his eyes in her direction which made her realise her small mistake, he could be punished for that.  She mouthed "Thanks!" and gave a small thumbs up.

She managed to fish her boot knife out of it's hiding place, cut her bonds then ran over to Don and sliced thru his handing him the knife.  "I want it back!"

Meanwhile she found a jagged piece of rock that fit nicely into her hand and picked up a bit of blood-stained cloth which she presumed had been some part of uniform belonging to Jael and wrapped it around the bottom so it didn't cut her.

She put her arm gently around the Cardassian, placing the Counsellor's arm over her shoulders for support.

"This isn't going to be easy, but I'm not leaving you here.  I know Blackfeather knocked out the Beast from Planet Hell for now, but we don't know how long he'll be down for.  You have your fancy knife there, Cardassian isn't it... how the hell did he get that?  Now is not the time to speculate, Commander Addams has my boot knife, Blackfeather seems to be pretty good with a sledgehammer and I have... this!" she shrugged.  "Hey it worked for prehistoric Earth-dwellers!  And they were facing things much bigger than humanoids, granted woolly mammoths didn't generally have projectile weapons!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 03, 2022, 09:15:48 PM

There were days you wished you never woke up. This was one of those days for Don. Then when the tides are turned, there was much hope to gain. Blackfeather was one of those turning points. The man and his group were beaten up, and Don got a good hit defending his teammate. He was struck, which made him hear a ring in his ear. He was able to hear still. Though he was glad, Ruth was like a mother figure to the Counselor.

Getting free from their bonds, Don came next to Sherem. "Chin up," Don told her. The young officer could hate him for the tone, but he figured tough love was what she needed. "I should have said to him that on Earth, the Jews were targeted by many nations, and they try to exterminate them and use them for experiments. Other words. This shit happens all over the universe. And you got to accept that it can take you two places""one to the path of evil or the way of good. And that fellow will be trialed for his mistreat."

Then Don swung his pickax at a guard who was coming for them. His pick ax connected right in the man's chin, and he used the blunt to knock the fellow back

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Jael had to perk up at Don's strong words. In this situation, hard words seemed to bring a lot more attention. She took in Don's words and replied, "Well, many nations have targeted them, sure...but only one sought...to gather them up and...exterminate them...before a new nation...had to be formed for them...I know my Earth...history, but that's...okay."

Every so often as she spoke, she had to inhale like she had just emerged from deep sea diving, she was so short of breath. She felt where her lungs were after she spoke and flinched in pain; her ribs were broken alright, and she was sure one of them punctured her lungs.

"But still, I can understand...in the case of the experiments...look at Krell Mosset...and I won't be surprised...if he..." she looked down at Galen Mal with all his brands... "is tried, but I feel...he deserves psychological...rehabilitation. He's known hate and enslavement...since he was born..."

Of course, now that the prisoners were escaping, Jael was stuck in the rear of wherever they were escaping, straggling behind once again, but this time, she had more than just a concussion wound hampering her progress. With Prophets know how many broken bones and injuries she had taken in, she was shuffling along like an old woman, and stumbling blindly as well, what with her puffed up eye. Not to mention that, despite the water wiping the blood off her, she still at times dripped blood, and she was worried she could leave a trail.

Fortunately, Ruth was there to help support her. At least this time, Jael wasn't being left behind like a wounded straggler of a herd of animals. She was so short of breath that all she could do is nod, rather than speak.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 04, 2022, 08:05:21 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Jael had to perk up at Don's strong words. In this situation, hard words seemed to bring a lot more attention. She took in Don's words and replied, "Well, many nations have targeted them, sure...but only one sought...to gather them up and...exterminate them...before a new nation...had to be formed for them...I know my Earth...history, but that's...okay."

Every so often as she spoke, she had to inhale like she had just emerged from deep sea diving, she was so short of breath. She felt where her lungs were after she spoke and flinched in pain; her ribs were broken alright, and she was sure one of them punctured her lungs.

"But still, I can understand...in the case of the experiments...look at Krell Mosset...and I won't be surprised...if he..." she looked down at Galen Mal with all his brands... "is tried, but I feel...he deserves psychological...rehabilitation. He's known hate and enslavement...since he was born..."

Of course, now that the prisoners were escaping, Jael was stuck in the rear of wherever they were escaping, straggling behind once again, but this time, she had more than just a concussion wound hampering her progress. With Prophets know how many broken bones and injuries she had taken in, she was shuffling along like an old woman, and stumbling blindly as well, what with her puffed up eye. Not to mention that, despite the water wiping the blood off her, she still at times dripped blood, and she was worried she could leave a trail.

Fortunately, Ruth was there to help support her. At least this time, Jael wasn't being left behind like a wounded straggler of a herd of animals. She was so short of breath that all she could do is nod, rather than speak.

[ESCAPE!!! - Seku VI]

"It's ok, elksan..." Ruth muttered, resorting to her native Icelandic as she did when she'd had to soothe her twin sisters, calling Jael 'sweetheart'.  "...you save your breath for living.  We'll get you back to the Challenger or I'll die trying.  Lahr knows where this 'morse code commbadge' is now even if he hasn't locked onto my lifesign. I have a feeling... call it what you will, that Challenger and he is close. And when we get back Dr. Rasher will put you back together.  And I'll nurse you back to health if I have to, myself.  No kanar, but whatever is good for you from Cardassia Prime to build your strength back up, Zabu Stew, Tojal with Yamok sauce... I've had that it's nice... Regova Eggs.... not the other kind, least not raw... a holodeck with hot rocks to lounge on and sun yourself in sauna like temperatures.  I'm gonna look after you and have you smiling again.  I promise, I swear by Odin and Freya... and while you may not know that... that's kinda a big thing, like how much I love Lahr, and that I count you as a younger sister.  From now on you're considered family.  Thus, in Viking terms, I would offer up my life for you."

She kept up the chatter to try to keep Jael's mind off the pain she was in a little bit, half dragging the poor girl step by agonising step.

"Commander, Blackfeather... if you spot anything I could make a triangular A frame out of and some kind of sheet let me know.  I can then make a sort of drag-able stretcher for Jael... she's in no state to be walking really."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 04, 2022, 07:59:48 AM

[Former Chain Gang - Seku VI]

"Well, least I don't have to get Lahr to beam down the axes!" she said through a grin, "Although they could be useful.  I wonder..."

She managed to fish her boot knife out of it's hiding place, cut her bonds then ran over to Don and sliced thru his handing him the knife.  "I want it back, but I have an idea!"

A feeling... call it the closeness of the bond between her and Lahr, or between her and her beloved Challenger or just some mystical feminine instinct but she felt the Challenger was close enough to potentially do this.

Meanwhile she found a jagged piece of rock that fit nicely into her hand and picked up a bit of blood-stained cloth which she presumed had been some part of uniform belonging to Jael and wrapped it around the bottom so it didn't cut her.

She put her arm gently around the Cardassian, placing the Counsellor's arm over her shoulders for support.

"This isn't going to be easy, but I'm not leaving you here.  I know Blackfeather knocked out the Beast from Planet Hell for now, but we don't know how long he'll be down for.  You have your fancy knife there, Cardassian isn't it... how the hell did he get that?  Now is not the time to speculate, Commander Addams has my boot knife, Blackfeather seems to be pretty good with a sledgehammer and I have... this!" she shrugged.  "Hey it worked for prehistoric Earth-dwellers!  And they were facing things much bigger than humanoids, granted woolly mammoths didn't generally have projectile weapons!"

They started forward while she prayed in her head 'Lahr, I need those axes, babe.  Show me how wonderful an Ops guy you are, as well as wonderful in all other ways.'

Even as he waited Ian's response, another sneeze struck - though again he was able to deflect it towards a safe direction.

With Catalan at main Ops there wasn't much for Lahr to do but wait on the transporters.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 04, 2022, 08:30:27 AM

[ESCAPE!!! - Seku VI]

"It's ok, elksan..." Ruth muttered, resorting to her native Icelandic as she did when she'd had to soothe her twin sisters, calling Jael 'sweetheart'.  "...you save your breath for living.  We'll get you back to the Challenger or I'll die trying.  Lahr knows where this 'morse code commbadge' is now even if he hasn't locked onto my lifesign. I have a feeling... call it what you will, that Challenger and he is close. And when we get back Dr. Rasher will put you back together.  And I'll nurse you back to health if I have to, myself.  No kanar, but whatever is good for you from Cardassia Prime to build your strength back up, Zabu Stew, Tojal with Yamok sauce... I've had that it's nice... Regova Eggs.... not the other kind, least not raw... a holodeck with hot rocks to lounge on and sun yourself in sauna like temperatures.  I'm gonna look after you and have you smiling again.  I promise, I swear by Odin and Freya... and while you may not know that... that's kinda a big thing, like how much I love Lahr, and that I count you as a younger sister.  From now on you're considered family.  Thus, in Viking terms, I would offer up my life for you."

She kept up the chatter to try to keep Jael's mind off the pain she was in a little bit, half dragging the poor girl step by agonising step.

"Commander, Blackfeather... if you spot anything I could make a triangular A frame out of and some kind of sheet let me know.  I can then make a sort of drag-able stretcher for Jael... she's in no state to be walking really."

The Andorian fought and lost against yet another sneeze - which Lahr covered with a hand at the last second.  Dammit - would this stop already?!

He wiped any residue on his pants and continued working.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 04, 2022, 08:30:27 AM

[ESCAPE!!! - Seku VI]

"It's ok, elksan..." Ruth muttered, resorting to her native Icelandic as she did when she'd had to soothe her twin sisters, calling Jael 'sweetheart'.  "...you save your breath for living.  We'll get you back to the Challenger or I'll die trying.  Lahr knows where this 'morse code commbadge' is now even if he hasn't locked onto my lifesign. I have a feeling... call it what you will, that Challenger and he is close. And when we get back Dr. Rasher will put you back together.  And I'll nurse you back to health if I have to, myself.  No kanar, but whatever is good for you from Cardassia Prime to build your strength back up, Zabu Stew, Tojal with Yamok sauce... I've had that it's nice... Regova Eggs.... not the other kind, least not raw... a holodeck with hot rocks to lounge on and sun yourself in sauna like temperatures.  I'm gonna look after you and have you smiling again.  I promise, I swear by Odin and Freya... and while you may not know that... that's kinda a big thing, like how much I love Lahr, and that I count you as a younger sister.  From now on you're considered family.  Thus, in Viking terms, I would offer up my life for you."

She kept up the chatter to try to keep Jael's mind off the pain she was in a little bit, half dragging the poor girl step by agonising step.

"Commander, Blackfeather... if you spot anything I could make a triangular A frame out of and some kind of sheet let me know.  I can then make a sort of drag-able stretcher for Jael... she's in no state to be walking really."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Jael nodded at Ruth in appreciation. The less she talked, the better. And she also appreciated the stretcher. Of course...

"Morse code?" she said. "We'll need...to find...comm badges..."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 03, 2022, 10:51:42 AM

"Sir, it seems the interference that was disrupting sensors on Seku VI is gone now and I can read life signs, but there are many more signatures than just the away team. I am reading 47 life signs. Mixed species, mostly Federation, but there are three Romulans as well."

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid was working his shift on the Environmental Control console on the bridge when he heard about the sensors detecting lifesigns on the planet below, and especially during the battle with the Khranu, a ship Captain Galloway seemed to know. At least he took the time to see Jael off before she departed on a shuttle down to the surface. He took in the bridge around him and had to admit, the new helmsman looked interesting. He wondered how Jael would like him...

He was beginning to be worried about Jael. He had some kind of sense that his sister was in trouble, a sort of sibling link of feelings of sorts. Or maybe it was the Prophets indicating to him in some way that Jael was in trouble. So, naturally, when the news came of detecting lifesigns around the planet below, Gid had to ask.

"Does that include a Cardassian lifesign?" Gid asked. "That'll be my sister. Shouldn't be too hard to find her."

Then he remembered the Romulans, and then he looked at the Captain in particular and said, "Out of curiosity, Captain, do you know these particular Romulans?"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 04, 2022, 07:59:48 AM

[Former Chain Gang - Seku VI]

"Aww Jael... I meant more like being a big sister to you.  That would still stand, but if you wanted a mother figure, if you didn't already have one, I'd be honoured to do that too, you've got ... I'm not sure what a polite way to put it ... gumption? Backbone?  The impolite versions are spunk and balls..." Ruth shrugged and giggled.  "Us women just have bigger ones, on our chest!"

Being a former Security Officer, she was so glad that the waterboy managed to get the message to Blackfeather and she nodded her appreciation to him... both of the magnificent display of his skills, and for giving them the chance to get the hell outta Dodge so to speak!

"Great work, Blackfeather, thanks to our friendly water boy... you there..." she called to the waterboy.  Once he noticed her but didn't give any real indication that he knew she was talking to him bar a quick flash of his eyes in her direction which made her realise her small mistake, he could be punished for that.  She mouthed "Thanks!" and gave a small thumbs up.

She managed to fish her boot knife out of it's hiding place, cut her bonds then ran over to Don and sliced thru his handing him the knife.  "I want it back!"

Meanwhile she found a jagged piece of rock that fit nicely into her hand and picked up a bit of blood-stained cloth which she presumed had been some part of uniform belonging to Jael and wrapped it around the bottom so it didn't cut her.

She put her arm gently around the Cardassian, placing the Counsellor's arm over her shoulders for support.

"This isn't going to be easy, but I'm not leaving you here.  I know Blackfeather knocked out the Beast from Planet Hell for now, but we don't know how long he'll be down for.  You have your fancy knife there, Cardassian isn't it... how the hell did he get that?  Now is not the time to speculate, Commander Addams has my boot knife, Blackfeather seems to be pretty good with a sledgehammer and I have... this!" she shrugged.  "Hey it worked for prehistoric Earth-dwellers!  And they were facing things much bigger than humanoids, granted woolly mammoths didn't generally have projectile weapons!"

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 04, 2022, 08:05:21 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang | Ore Processing Facility | Seku IV]

Jael had to perk up at Don's strong words. In this situation, hard words seemed to bring a lot more attention. She took in Don's words and replied, "Well, many nations have targeted them, sure...but only one sought...to gather them up and...exterminate them...before a new nation...had to be formed for them...I know my Earth...history, but that's...okay."

Every so often as she spoke, she had to inhale like she had just emerged from deep sea diving, she was so short of breath. She felt where her lungs were after she spoke and flinched in pain; her ribs were broken alright, and she was sure one of them punctured her lungs.

"But still, I can understand...in the case of the experiments...look at Krell Mosset...and I won't be surprised...if he..." she looked down at Galen Mal with all his brands... "is tried, but I feel...he deserves psychological...rehabilitation. He's known hate and enslavement...since he was born..."

Of course, now that the prisoners were escaping, Jael was stuck in the rear of wherever they were escaping, straggling behind once again, but this time, she had more than just a concussion wound hampering her progress. With Prophets know how many broken bones and injuries she had taken in, she was shuffling along like an old woman, and stumbling blindly as well, what with her puffed up eye. Not to mention that, despite the water wiping the blood off her, she still at times dripped blood, and she was worried she could leave a trail.

Fortunately, Ruth was there to help support her. At least this time, Jael wasn't being left behind like a wounded straggler of a herd of animals. She was so short of breath that all she could do is nod, rather than speak.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 04, 2022, 08:30:27 AM

[ESCAPE!!! - Seku VI]

"It's ok, elksan..." Ruth muttered, resorting to her native Icelandic as she did when she'd had to soothe her twin sisters, calling Jael 'sweetheart'.  "...you save your breath for living.  We'll get you back to the Challenger or I'll die trying.  Lahr knows where this 'morse code commbadge' is now even if he hasn't locked onto my lifesign. I have a feeling... call it what you will, that Challenger and he is close. And when we get back Dr. Rasher will put you back together.  And I'll nurse you back to health if I have to, myself.  No kanar, but whatever is good for you from Cardassia Prime to build your strength back up, Zabu Stew, Tojal with Yamok sauce... I've had that it's nice... Regova Eggs.... not the other kind, least not raw... a holodeck with hot rocks to lounge on and sun yourself in sauna like temperatures.  I'm gonna look after you and have you smiling again.  I promise, I swear by Odin and Freya... and while you may not know that... that's kinda a big thing, like how much I love Lahr, and that I count you as a younger sister.  From now on you're considered family.  Thus, in Viking terms, I would offer up my life for you."

She kept up the chatter to try to keep Jael's mind off the pain she was in a little bit, half dragging the poor girl step by agonising step.

"Commander, Blackfeather... if you spot anything I could make a triangular A frame out of and some kind of sheet let me know.  I can then make a sort of drag-able stretcher for Jael... she's in no state to be walking really."

[Seku VI]

The snarl of disruptors and whine of phasers smote the air. Blackfeather fired off a short burst from his captured rifle and saw one of the settlers crumple as he dropped back to cover, he shouted.

"Little busy here Ma'am!"

He snapped off a quick shot and added.

"You two Commanders are going to have to carry her! I'll cover you!"

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid was working his shift on the Environmental Control console on the bridge when he heard about the sensors detecting lifesigns on the planet below, and especially during the battle with the Khranu, a ship Captain Galloway seemed to know. At least he took the time to see Jael off before she departed on a shuttle down to the surface. He took in the bridge around him and had to admit, the new helmsman looked interesting. He wondered how Jael would like him...

He was beginning to be worried about Jael. He had some kind of sense that his sister was in trouble, a sort of sibling link of feelings of sorts. Or maybe it was the Prophets indicating to him in some way that Jael was in trouble. So, naturally, when the news came of detecting lifesigns around the planet below, Gid had to ask.

"Does that include a Cardassian lifesign?" Gid asked. "That'll be my sister. Shouldn't be too hard to find her."

Then he remembered the Romulans, and then he looked at the Captain in particular and said, "Out of curiosity, Captain, do you know these particular Romulans?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the viewscreen intently as they made orbit as if he could actually see something, but it was better than doing nothing, which he couldn't do until he had more information.

"Sir, I am detecting a Cardassian lifesign, with three humans close by. I'm also detecting weapons fire near those lifesigns."

CatalÁ¡n reported.

"Sounds about right."

Ian snorted.

"Ops. Have the transporters lock onto those lifesigns a beam them up. Use standard precautions during transport. T'Kel, I want a security in the transporter room just in case we end up with someone we aren't expecting."

Ian then turned to the young Bajoran who'd spoken from environmental control.

"Good idea to look for a Cardassian Ensign."

[Seku VI]

Hampered by Jael as well as badly outnumbered and despite Blackfeather's best efforts, the away team was in trouble and knew they were in trouble. Thus, when the familiar tingle of the transporter enveloped them, there were no words to express their relief. One minute, they were resigned to a lonely, pointless death on a worthless no name planet. And the next minute, they were standing on a transporter platform, safe aboard the Challenger.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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