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S:5 E:6 - Signals

Started by Ian Galloway, January 15, 2022, 12:12:28 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge] (in orbit over Seku IV)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 04, 2022, 06:25:28 PM

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid was working his shift on the Environmental Control console on the bridge when he heard about the sensors detecting lifesigns on the planet below, and especially during the battle with the Khranu, a ship Captain Galloway seemed to know. At least he took the time to see Jael off before she departed on a shuttle down to the surface. He took in the bridge around him and had to admit, the new helmsman looked interesting. He wondered how Jael would like him...

He was beginning to be worried about Jael. He had some kind of sense that his sister was in trouble, a sort of sibling link of feelings of sorts. Or maybe it was the Prophets indicating to him in some way that Jael was in trouble. So, naturally, when the news came of detecting lifesigns around the planet below, Gid had to ask.

"Does that include a Cardassian lifesign?" Gid asked. "That'll be my sister. Shouldn't be too hard to find her."

Then he remembered the Romulans, and then he looked at the Captain in particular and said, "Out of curiosity, Captain, do you know these particular Romulans?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 05, 2022, 01:01:10 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the viewscreen intently as they made orbit as if he could actually see something, but it was better than doing nothing, which he couldn't do until he had more information.

"Sir, I am detecting a Cardassian lifesign, with three humans close by. I'm also detecting weapons fire near those lifesigns."

CatalÁ¡n reported.

"Sounds about right."

Ian snorted.

"Ops. Have the transporters lock onto those lifesigns a beam them up. Use standard precautions during transport. T'Kel, I want a security in the transporter room just in case we end up with someone we aren't expecting."

Ian then turned to the young Bajoran who'd spoken from environmental control.

"Good idea to look for a Cardassian Ensign."

Once more it was CatalÁ¡n who responded to the Captain's orders.  Thankfully the transporters were repaired precisely on time, as the Caitian had reported they would be.   Lahr waited with baited breath to learn if his Ruth were among the three humans being picked up.

It wasn't a good sign that there were only three humans clustered around the Cardassian lifesign... the Away Team had started out with seven members.   Was his Ruth or maybe Commander Addams being held elsewhere? he wondered.    He continued searching the sensor scans for sign of them.


NPC PO2 Grelek
[USS Challenger - Deck 10 - Transporter Room 1]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 05, 2022, 01:01:10 PM

[Seku VI]

Hampered by Jael as well as badly outnumbered and despite Blackfeather's best efforts, the away team was in trouble and knew they were in trouble. Thus, when the familiar tingle of the transporter enveloped them, there were no words to express their relief. One minute, they were resigned to a lonely, pointless death on a worthless no name planet. And the next minute, they were standing on a transporter platform, safe aboard the Challenger.

After having been reassigned to the Transporter room after assisting the damage control team's work on the Forward Torpedo Control room, Grelek, along with Petty Officer T'roth of Engineering had worked efficiently together to complete the repairs to the transporters.  Just in the nick of time it would seem.  For no sooner had his engineering counterpart called in its completion than he was alerted to the fact that the Bridge was assuming remote control over his console.

A moment later and 4 individuals materialized on the transporter pad.  He immediately noted the injured Cardassian being held up by the two Commanders.  Grelek reached out a hand to his stations commline.  =/\= "Medical to Transporter Room 1.  Stat." =/\=

The soft tones of Petty Officer T'Varn answered his call.   =/\= "On my way, sir." =/\=

Grelek closed the comm as he looked over the faces of the arrived Away Team momentarily as they were beginning to step off the transporter pad.

=/\= "Transporter Room 1 to the Bridge.  We have the Away Team minus Lieutenant Lowe, Greenway and Dr. Rasher. Ensign Jael Sherem appears injured and non-ambulatory.  Medical has been contacted." =/\= the Vulcan officer reported blandly.  He then looked to the Commander awaiting any further orders as the transgendered medical crewman arrived.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 05, 2022, 01:01:10 PM

[Seku VI]

The snarl of disruptors and whine of phasers smote the air. Blackfeather fired off a short burst from his captured rifle and saw one of the settlers crumple as he dropped back to cover, he shouted.

"Little busy here Ma'am!"

He snapped off a quick shot and added.

"You two Commanders are going to have to carry her! I'll cover you!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the viewscreen intently as they made orbit as if he could actually see something, but it was better than doing nothing, which he couldn't do until he had more information.

"Sir, I am detecting a Cardassian lifesign, with three humans close by. I'm also detecting weapons fire near those lifesigns."

CatalÁ¡n reported.

"Sounds about right."

Ian snorted.

"Ops. Have the transporters lock onto those lifesigns a beam them up. Use standard precautions during transport. T'Kel, I want a security in the transporter room just in case we end up with someone we aren't expecting."

Ian then turned to the young Bajoran who'd spoken from environmental control.

"Good idea to look for a Cardassian Ensign."

[Seku VI]

Hampered by Jael as well as badly outnumbered and despite Blackfeather's best efforts, the away team was in trouble and knew they were in trouble. Thus, when the familiar tingle of the transporter enveloped them, there were no words to express their relief. One minute, they were resigned to a lonely, pointless death on a worthless no name planet. And the next minute, they were standing on a transporter platform, safe aboard the Challenger.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on March 05, 2022, 02:15:37 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge] (in orbit over Seku IV)

Once more it was CatalÁ¡n who responded to the Captain's orders.  Thankfully the transporters were repaired precisely on time, as the Caitian had reported they would be.   Lahr waited with baited breath to learn if his Ruth were among the three humans being picked up.

It wasn't a good sign that there were only three humans clustered around the Cardassian lifesign... the Away Team had started out with seven members.   Was his Ruth or maybe Commander Addams being held elsewhere? he wondered.    He continued searching the sensor scans for sign of them.


NPC PO2 Grelek
[USS Challenger - Deck 10 - Transporter Room 1]

After having been reassigned to the Transporter room after assisting the damage control team's work on the Forward Torpedo Control room, Grelek, along with Petty Officer T'roth of Engineering had worked efficiently together to complete the repairs to the transporters.  Just in the nick of time it would seem.  For no sooner had his engineering counterpart called in its completion than he was alerted to the fact that the Bridge was assuming remote control over his console.

A moment later and 4 individuals materialized on the transporter pad.  He immediately noted the injured Cardassian being held up by the two Commanders.  Grelek reached out a hand to his stations commline.  =/\= "Medical to Transporter Room 1.  Stat." =/\=

The soft tones of Petty Officer T'Varn answered his call.   =/\= "On my way, sir." =/\=

Grelek closed the comm as he looked over the faces of the arrived Away Team momentarily as they were beginning to step off the transporter pad.

=/\= "Transporter Room 1 to the Bridge.  We have the Away Team minus Lieutenant Lowe, Greenway and Dr. Rasher. Ensign Jael Sherem appears injured and non-ambulatory.  Medical has been contacted." =/\= the Vulcan officer reported blandly.  He then looked to the Commander awaiting any further orders as the transgendered medical crewman arrived.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang >- Transporter Room One | Ore Processing Facility >- Deck Ten | Seku IV >- USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As much as Jael appreciated the idea of a stretcher, suddenly there wasn't enough time. She had to be carried by the two commanders while they were attacked by the guards, who clearly came back and discovered an escape, hostile as they are. She was horrified that they could be killed. Probably better that than suffer under Galen Mal further.

Galen Mal was roused by the noise and he woke in pain. He raised himself tenderly and saw the commotion: The slaves were escaping! He felt for his directly sheathed knife, only to find it was gone. But it didn't matter. He had two more in his boots. Gingerly, he unsheathed one and took aim, knowing that: 1) He was in pain, and 2) they were too far away, but he aimed at the Cardassian anyway, so she wouldn't forget.

He threw it just as a transporter shimmered and beamed the four traitors away and his knife sliced between her and one of the commanders, disappearing with them. He was satisfied it hit his mark, that they won't forget about him as they left.

Jael felt a new surge of pain just as she, Ruth, Don and Blackfeather beamed out, but she didn't care. For one thing, she felt so much pain, she didn't care at that point, and for another, Challenger had come to save them.

She was relieved to see they ended up in the transporter room, and then her new surge of pain flared. She looked down and saw her uniform had slashed open on the hip and saw a knife, smaller and thinner, but similar to the one Blackfeather took, embedded just barely in her hip, a Cardassian throwing knife, and being so close to one of the commanders, one of them would be feeling the edge of it as well. She realized that Galen Mal tried to finish her off; surely that knife Blackfeather took off him wasn't the only one, and they beamed out just as it hit her.

When she let go of the commanders to prop herself up against the transporter console as she waited for the medical personnel to arrive, the throwing knife clattered to the floor. Jael realized that, hurt as she was, at least the knife didn't get far into her hip. It was loose in the wound and the tight gap between her and one of the commanders held it in place, and thus it came with.

Then Jael got a good look at the rest of the away team and saw their comm badges still missing. She realized that, despite her uselessness the whole of her away mission, it was actually a blessing in disguise that she came with the away team; she was the only Cardassian among them, and thus it would've been easy for Challenger to pinpoint their location. Well, most of them. There was the dead Lowe and...who else was left behind?

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid perked up at the news that Jael was back. He smiled at the Captain's compliment. But the news that she was injured, for he could hear the exchanged, caused him to look at the Captain with worry.

"Jael? Injured?" he couldn't help but say it aloud, but she was his sister, after all. "Captain, permission to go to Sickbay to be with her?" Of course, if he wanted him to wait, Gid was fine with it.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael was immediately being looked at. The diagnoses showed that, in addition to the various cuts and bruises from Galen Mal's blows, Jael had several broken bones. Half a dozen of her ribs had cracked and two of them definitely punctured her lungs. There was some internal bleeding, but the medical personnel had got on them just in time. Her teeth would have to be replaced, and Jael's dental records had to be called up to get references to replace her teeth.

The worse of the injuries, however, was her concussion wound. The wound she had suffered from when she hit her head against the console had worsened under Galen Mal's blows, the wound he had aimed at the most to make it hurt more, especially with using the butt of his rifle as a club against her. Her skull on that side had fractured enough under the blows that shards of bone had pierced her brain. One more strike would've been fatal on Jael's part, and as such, most of her work was done on her head.

It had become so painful on it that it hurt Jael to so much as turn her head, which resulted in her having to have a brace while she was worked on.

"With all you been through, Ensign," said Petty Officer Heesou to Jael, "it's a miracle you're still alive."

"Tougher than...I look," said Jael with a shrug as she spoke with her labored breathing. "Another thing...inherited from...father..."

There were so many wounds on Jael that the medical staff weren't sure what to get to first, but Jael asked for her lungs to be worked on first.

"Will speak good...have to talk to...Captain Galloway...when it's possible's good to talk..."

Indeed, she had a great deal of what to tell Captain Galloway once she could talk better. For most of the away mission, she was feeling useless and she made up her mind, but her treatment under Galen Mal solidified her resolve: A resignation from counselling and joining Challenger's medical department, to be more useful out on the field and to learn to be a healer in addition to a consoler; treating people in a good way, she decided, and even healing them will do better to gain peoples' trust, she felt. And she'll have a lot more to do rather than have her feelings and/or pride hurt from counseling.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on March 05, 2022, 02:15:37 PM

NPC PO2 Grelek
[USS Challenger - Deck 10 - Transporter Room 1]

After having been reassigned to the Transporter room after assisting the damage control team's work on the Forward Torpedo Control room, Grelek, along with Petty Officer T'roth of Engineering had worked efficiently together to complete the repairs to the transporters.  Just in the nick of time it would seem.  For no sooner had his engineering counterpart called in its completion than he was alerted to the fact that the Bridge was assuming remote control over his console.

A moment later and 4 individuals materialized on the transporter pad.  He immediately noted the injured Cardassian being held up by the two Commanders.  Grelek reached out a hand to his stations commline.  =/\= "Medical to Transporter Room 1.  Stat." =/\=

The soft tones of Petty Officer T'Varn answered his call.   =/\= "On my way, sir." =/\=

Grelek closed the comm as he looked over the faces of the arrived Away Team momentarily as they were beginning to step off the transporter pad.

=/\= "Transporter Room 1 to the Bridge.  We have the Away Team minus Lieutenant Lowe, Greenway and Dr. Rasher. Ensign Jael Sherem appears injured and non-ambulatory.  Medical has been contacted." =/\= the Vulcan officer reported blandly.  He then looked to the Commander awaiting any further orders as the transgendered medical crewman arrived.

[Transporter Room 1 - USS Challenger]

Never was Ruth more grateful to see the dour face of Grelek.  "Grelek you wonderful green-blooded hobgoblin.  I hope Lahr hears that I'm ok, but report that Lowe has his commbadge on him, you won't find his lifesign, he no longer has one. I made sure that his commbadge was powered on, hidden but in the clothing I left on him... I had to give Jael his uniform jacket." she said sadly.

"We got comms back to the Mjolnir and Dr. Rasher was there. I-I'm sorry I can't remember where Greenway was..." the Science Chief was still more or less cradling Jael and she was determined not to let her go until she was patched up, although she knew she'd have to leave the Cardassian's side while she herself was patched up, hopefully she could persuade Chloe or someone to put them in adjacent beds.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 05, 2022, 04:47:22 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Chain Gang >- Transporter Room One | Ore Processing Facility >- Deck Ten | Seku IV >- USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As much as Jael appreciated the idea of a stretcher, suddenly there wasn't enough time. She had to be carried by the two commanders while they were attacked by the guards, who clearly came back and discovered an escape, hostile as they are. She was horrified that they could be killed. Probably better that than suffer under Galen Mal further.

Galen Mal was roused by the noise and he woke in pain. He raised himself tenderly and saw the commotion: The slaves were escaping! He felt for his directly sheathed knife, only to find it was gone. But it didn't matter. He had two more in his boots. Gingerly, he unsheathed one and took aim, knowing that: 1) He was in pain, and 2) they were too far away, but he aimed at the Cardassian anyway, so she wouldn't forget.

He threw it just as a transporter shimmered and beamed the four traitors away and his knife sliced between her and one of the commanders, disappearing with them. He was satisfied it hit his mark, that they won't forget about him as they left.

Jael felt a new surge of pain just as she, Ruth, Don and Blackfeather beamed out, but she didn't care. For one thing, she felt so much pain, she didn't care at that point, and for another, Challenger had come to save them.

She was relieved to see they ended up in the transporter room, and then her new surge of pain flared. She looked down and saw her uniform had slashed open on the hip and saw a knife, smaller and thinner, but similar to the one Blackfeather took, embedded just barely in her hip, a Cardassian throwing knife, and being so close to one of the commanders, one of them would be feeling the edge of it as well. She realized that Galen Mal tried to finish her off; surely that knife Blackfeather took off him wasn't the only one, and they beamed out just as it hit her.

When she let go of the commanders to prop herself up against the transporter console as she waited for the medical personnel to arrive, the throwing knife clattered to the floor. Jael realized that, hurt as she was, at least the knife didn't get far into her hip. It was loose in the wound and the tight gap between her and one of the commanders held it in place, and thus it came with.

Then Jael got a good look at the rest of the away team and saw their comm badges still missing. She realized that, despite her uselessness the whole of her away mission, it was actually a blessing in disguise that she came with the away team; she was the only Cardassian among them, and thus it would've been easy for Challenger to pinpoint their location. Well, most of them. There was the dead Lowe and...who else was left behind?

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid perked up at the news that Jael was back. He smiled at the Captain's compliment. But the news that she was injured, for he could hear the exchanged, caused him to look at the Captain with worry.

"Jael? Injured?" he couldn't help but say it aloud, but she was his sister, after all. "Captain, permission to go to Sickbay to be with her?" Of course, if he wanted him to wait, Gid was fine with it.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael was immediately being looked at. The diagnoses showed that, in addition to the various cuts and bruises from Galen Mal's blows, Jael had several broken bones. Half a dozen of her ribs had cracked and two of them definitely punctured her lungs. There was some internal bleeding, but the medical personnel had got on them just in time. Her teeth would have to be replaced, and Jael's dental records had to be called up to get references to replace her teeth.

The worse of the injuries, however, was her concussion wound. The wound she had suffered from when she hit her head against the console had worsened under Galen Mal's blows, the wound he had aimed at the most to make it hurt more, especially with using the butt of his rifle as a club against her. Her skull on that side had fractured enough under the blows that shards of bone had pierced her brain. One more strike would've been fatal on Jael's part, and as such, most of her work was done on her head.

It had become so painful on it that it hurt Jael to so much as turn her head, which resulted in her having to have a brace while she was worked on.

"With all you been through, Ensign," said Petty Officer Heesou to Jael, "it's a miracle you're still alive."

"Tougher than...I look," said Jael with a shrug as she spoke with her labored breathing. "Another thing...inherited from...father..."

There were so many wounds on Jael that the medical staff weren't sure what to get to first, but Jael asked for her lungs to be worked on first.

"Will speak good...have to talk to...Captain Galloway...when it's possible's good to talk..."

Indeed, she had a great deal of what to tell Captain Galloway once she could talk better. For most of the away mission, she was feeling useless and she made up her mind, but her treatment under Galen Mal solidified her resolve: A resignation from counselling and joining Challenger's medical department, to be more useful out on the field and to learn to be a healer in addition to a consoler; treating people in a good way, she decided, and even healing them will do better to gain peoples' trust, she felt. And she'll have a lot more to do rather than have her feelings and/or pride hurt from counseling.


Ruth had been ignoring the pain in her shoulder where a knife had struck, she'd had worse, and despite the blood she looked over at Jael, a similar one in her hip.  She had no knowledge of how that knife had got there, but it looked like someone had intended to go for her neck and missed in the ensuing beam out.  Thankfully, the one on Jael's hip didn't look like it had gone in far, and despite the amount of green blood leaking from the hip, it was just more and she wasn't sure how much the poor Counsellor had lost.

"I'll make sure Captain Galloway will talk to you but first you need to get to a point where you're not bleeding out.  Petty Officer Hessou, thank you.  Look after her she's been a heroine down there, and I'm determined not to lose another one.  We-we lost Lieutenant Lowe.  He's gone..." her voice , soft tears cascading down her face leaving streaks in the dirt like the first rains in an arid desert, broke and she wished for nothing more than Lahr to be there so she could lay her head on his chest and let him stroke her hair murmuring love words in Andorian (half of which even as an accomplished linquist she only half got the meaning of!) but it would just be his presence and safe arms which would work their magic.

It was like all the pain she was in, both mental (regular kind and the grief over Lowe) and physical suddenly hit at once, in a way it did since the adrenaline had now worn off and she noticed the stream of blood from her shoulder and the hilt sticking out of it.

"Ahhh... I'm gu-guessing that pulling this out wouldn't be a good idea?!" she said to no one in particular, gulping back tears of pain and anguish.

Then, a momentary fleeting thought of shame given that Jael was much worse and she'd not passed out yet, passed out from the pain or possibly the fact that she had no need to hold on and be strong, she could let others care for her for a while.  She'd been sitting, legs dangling off the side of the biobed so she could better see what was happening with Jael and making sure she was ok, and fell in a heap on the floor, headbutting the floor in the process.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 06, 2022, 09:47:33 AM

[Transporter Room 1 - USS Challenger]

Never was Ruth more grateful to see the dour face of Grelek.  "Grelek you wonderful green-blooded hobgoblin.  I hope Lahr hears that I'm ok, but report that Lowe has his commbadge on him, you won't find his lifesign, he no longer has one. I made sure that his commbadge was powered on, hidden but in the clothing I left on him... I had to give Jael his uniform jacket." she said sadly.

"We got comms back to the Mjolnir and Dr. Rasher was there. I-I'm sorry I can't remember where Greenway was..." the Science Chief was still more or less cradling Jael and she was determined not to let her go until she was patched up, although she knew she'd have to leave the Cardassian's side while she herself was patched up, hopefully she could persuade Chloe or someone to put them in adjacent beds.


Ruth had been ignoring the pain in her shoulder where the knife had struck, she'd had worse, and despite the blood she looked over at Jael.

"I'll make sure Captain Galloway will talk to you but first you need to get to a point where you're not bleeding out.  Petty Officer Hessou, thank you.  Look after her she's been a heroine down there, and I'm determined not to lose another one.  We-we lost Lieutenant Lowe.  He's gone..." her voice , soft tears cascading down her face leaving streaks in the dirt like the first rains in an arid desert, broke and she wished for nothing more than Lahr to be there so she could lay her head on his chest and let him stroke her hair murmuring love words in Andorian (half of which even as an accomplished linquist she only half got the meaning of!) but it would just be his presence and safe arms which would work their magic.

It was like all the pain she was in, both mental (regular kind and the grief over Lowe) and physical suddenly hit at once, in a way it did since the adrenaline had now worn off and she noticed the stream of blood from her shoulder and the hilt sticking out of it.

"Ahhh... I'm gu-guessing that pulling this out wouldn't be a good idea?!" she said to no one in particular, gulping back tears of pain and anguish.

Then, a momentary fleeting thought of shame given that Jael was much worse and she'd not passed out yet, passed out from the pain or possibly the fact that she had no need to hold on and be strong, she could let others care for her for a while.  She'd been sitting, legs dangling off the side of the biobed so she could better see what was happening with Jael and making sure she was ok, and fell in a heap on the floor, headbutting the floor in the process.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Grelak and then Ruth reported in that there were still members of the away team on the planet, Ian ordered Catalan.

"Scan for Lowe's combadge and see if'n you can raise the Mjolnir."

"I have them both Sir."

"Bring up Lowe first, then Rasher and Greenway. Once all the personnel are aboard, tractor the Mjolnir aboard."

"Aye Sir."

"I'm headin' for sickbay, I need ta know more about the people the away team were fightin' before I decide my next steps. Commander Catalan, you have the bridge. Keep us at battlestations and keep scans at full in case that sneaky wanker Thelal comes back."

"Understood Sir."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 06, 2022, 09:47:33 AM

[Transporter Room 1 - USS Challenger]

Never was Ruth more grateful to see the dour face of Grelek.  "Grelek you wonderful green-blooded hobgoblin.  I hope Lahr hears that I'm ok, but report that Lowe has his commbadge on him, you won't find his lifesign, he no longer has one. I made sure that his commbadge was powered on, hidden but in the clothing I left on him... I had to give Jael his uniform jacket." she said sadly.

"We got comms back to the Mjolnir and Dr. Rasher was there. I-I'm sorry I can't remember where Greenway was..." the Science Chief was still more or less cradling Jael and she was determined not to let her go until she was patched up, although she knew she'd have to leave the Cardassian's side while she herself was patched up, hopefully she could persuade Chloe or someone to put them in adjacent beds.


Ruth had been ignoring the pain in her own hip where a knife had struck, she'd had worse, and despite the blood she looked over at Jael, a similar wound in her hip.  She had no knowledge of how that knife had got there, but it looked like someone had intended to go for her neck and missed in the ensuing beam out.  Thankfully, the wound on Jael's hip didn't look like it had gone in far, and despite the amount of black blood leaking from the hip, it was just more and she wasn't sure how much the poor Counsellor had lost.

"I'll make sure Captain Galloway will talk to you but first you need to get to a point where you're not bleeding out.  Petty Officer Hessou, thank you.  Look after her she's been a heroine down there, and I'm determined not to lose another one.  We-we lost Lieutenant Lowe.  He's gone..." her voice , soft tears cascading down her face leaving streaks in the dirt like the first rains in an arid desert, broke and she wished for nothing more than Lahr to be there so she could lay her head on his chest and let him stroke her hair murmuring love words in Andorian (half of which even as an accomplished linquist she only half got the meaning of!) but it would just be his presence and safe arms which would work their magic.

It was like all the pain she was in, both mental (regular kind and the grief over Lowe) and physical suddenly hit at once, in a way it did since the adrenaline had now worn off and she noticed the stream of blood from her hip and the hilt sticking out of it.

"Ahhh... I'm gu-guessing that pulling this out wouldn't be a good idea?!" she said to no one in particular, gulping back tears of pain and anguish.

Then, a momentary fleeting thought of shame given that Jael was much worse and she'd not passed out yet, passed out from the pain or possibly the fact that she had no need to hold on and be strong, she could let others care for her for a while.  She'd been sitting, legs dangling off the side of the biobed so she could better see what was happening with Jael and making sure she was ok, and fell in a heap on the floor, headbutting the floor in the process.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael looked at Ruth with her eyes and smiled in appreciation that she would be around, to keep her company...then she saw the red blood on her hip, and the cut there...and she remembered the knife that cluttered to the floor after they broke apart. Of course, the knife got her as much as it got Jael. She hoped it wasn't bad...then she saw Ruth collapse and hit her head on the floor and she flinched. Considering her first and worst wound from hitting her head when the Mjolnir crashed, she could understand the pain, and she could tell it was worse than she realized.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 06, 2022, 11:06:01 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Grelak and then Ruth reported in that there were still members of the away team on the planet, Ian ordered Catalan.

"Scan for Lowe's combadge and see if'n you can raise the Mjolnir."

"I have them both Sir."

"Bring up Lowe first, then Rasher and Greenway. Once all the personnel are aboard, tractor the Mjolnir aboard."

"Aye Sir."

"I'm headin' for sickbay, I need ta know more about the people the away team were fightin' before I decide my next steps. Commander Catalan, you have the bridge. Keep us at battlestations and keep scans at full in case that sneaky wanker Thelal comes back."

"Understood Sir."

[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid stood up when he heard the Captain was heading for Sickbay. "Excuse me, sir, but will it be all right with you if I accompanied you?" he asked. "I want to see how Jael is doing." The worry for Jael in his voice was certainly poignant.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 06, 2022, 06:30:25 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael looked at Ruth with her eyes and smiled in appreciation that she would be around, to keep her company...then she saw the red blood on her hip, and the cut there...and she remembered the knife that cluttered to the floor after they broke apart. Of course, the knife got her as much as it got Jael. She hoped it wasn't bad...then she saw Ruth collapse and hit her head on the floor and she flinched. Considering her first and worst wound from hitting her head when the Mjolnir crashed, she could understand the pain, and she could tell it was worse than she realized.
[Ensign Gid Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Gid stood up when he heard the Captain was heading for Sickbay. "Excuse me, sir, but will it be all right with you if I accompanied you?" he asked. "I want to see how Jael is doing." The worry for Jael in his voice was certainly poignant.

[Bridge --> Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ian waved to Gid and said.

"Of course Ensign."

As his thoughts were racing, Ian didn't speak for the short trip to the ship's medical facility and as soon as he entered, he moved toward the members of the away team and simply asked.


Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 07, 2022, 05:14:23 PM

[Bridge --> Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ian waved to Gid and said.

"Of course Ensign."

As his thoughts were racing, Ian didn't speak for the short trip to the ship's medical facility and as soon as he entered, he moved toward the members of the away team and simply asked.


[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Petty Officer Hessou had just finished work on the punctured lungs and the broken ribs on Jael. With a vascular regenerator, along with the internal bleeding. It didn't take long at all.

"There we are," she said. "You should be able to breathe better now, Ensign. The ribs, especially the ones that punctured your lungs, will be able to heal by themselves, though they'll heal all the faster with treatment here, but for now, at least you can talk good. The rest, including your head wound, will probably need Doctors Fellows and Davis."

"Thank you very much, nurse," said Jael, without the sharp inhales interrupting, tired but happy.

As luck would have it Gid had to come in with Captain Galloway. He flinched in horror upon seeing Jael, but he kept himself under control, given he was around the Captain. Jael smiled at seeing Gid, glad to see him again, but realized she still had teeth missing, which made Gid widen his eyes in shock all the more, and seeing his worsening expression, she closed her lips quickly. With the Captain's call for a report, Jael looked around at Ruth and for Don, but with Ruth on the floor, and Don...where was Don anyway?...she decided to speak first.

"We found some kind of mining camp consisting of Federation colonists," she said. "Excuse me if I can't look at you at the moment, Captain, my head hurts turning...I came down with a very bad concussion when the ship landed and it got worse later at the camp. Suffice it to say, most of them were quite brusque when we arrived, though one of them was kind enough to help with my wound. Later, Commanders Addams and Sigurdsdottir..." she gestured with her eyes to Ruth... "...went into the mine and did something to whatever was causing interference to our communications...the commanders will provide further details...while it seemed to remove interference, the colony leader, one Ero Drallin, imprisoned us and forced us into slave labor in a chain gang. The guards were brutal, but the worst one was a particularly Cardassian-hating Bajoran, a former strip-mine slave from the Occupation, named Galen Mal. You only need look at me to see how brutal he was, and believe me, I looked worse down at the planet."

"You're lucky to be alive!" Gid hissed with worry. Ignoring Gid's interruption, Jael continued.

"More on him later, Gid. And we weren't the only ones. There were three Romulans enslaved with us, survivors, I'm sure, of an ambush that hit us before we came to the camp. Mister Lowe was killed in the attack. Details were a little sketchy on my part, given I was badly concussed. All but the three were killed by the colonists. And we could tell how bad the colonists; Mister Drellin claimed that interference thing...again, the Commanders have more details, along with Mister Blackfeather...had cost them, and thus we were to compensate for it with work in their chain gang at an ore processor facility nearby.

"What about Galen Mal?" asked Gid with indignation. "He's a good fit with those people, they're giving the Federation a bad name."

"The worst of the guards, and thank the Prophets he doesn't know my name," she said. "He's one of father's former slaves...Gul Nehor Sherem," she added, explaining to the Captain, "he used to serve on Terok Nor before it became Deep Space Nine, and later head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau; his infamy is rivaled only by Krell Moset. Since the end of the war he's been on the run, and he took many strip-mine slaves with him when the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor. Galen Mal was one of them. He had seven brands on his body..."

"Seven?" squeaked Gid.

"Yes, one on his head, that's how I could tell," she said, explaining further. "My father's henchmen often branded slaves who tried to revolt or escape from him, and my father often did so himself, but only very rarely, and often in extreme circumstances to assert his authority. The fact that he has seven indicates he's extremely defiant, and that explains why he hates Cardassians so much, enough to emphasize it with taking it out on me, especially in making my concussion wound worse, but at least he doesn't know my name. I wouldn't be alive without the Commanders, especially Commander Sigurdsdottir."

Gid murmured a Bajoran religious oath in shock, but Jael kept on going.

"But it nonetheless demonstrates what kind of people these miners are," said Jael. "I only have the two names I mentioned. There's a third name I know, the man who treated me, the only one of the nicer people there, one Malcolm Lincoln. Again, the Commanders and Mister Blackfeather all know the further details."

"You shouldn't be talking this much," chided Hessou, but Jael shook her head and gestured her eyes to Ruth.

"I apologize, Captain, for talking in the state I am," she said. "I may want to discuss changing to the medical department, but once I'm discharged Sickbay, and when it's a convenient time for you. I gave all I could on my report, though I may add that I was feeling a little useless throughout the away mission, hence my wanting to change to the medical department...though I'll further explain why when I'm discharged from Sickbay."

"How could you say you were useless?" asked Gid. "We found you all because we traced a Cardassian lifesign down below."

Jael smiled again, regardless of her missing teeth. "I knew it. I wondered if my being with the away team helped them..."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge] (in orbit over Seku IV)

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 06, 2022, 11:06:01 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Grelak and then Ruth reported in that there were still members of the away team on the planet, Ian ordered Catalan.

"Scan for Lowe's combadge and see if'n you can raise the Mjolnir."

"I have them both Sir."

"Bring up Lowe first, then Rasher and Greenway. Once all the personnel are aboard, tractor the Mjolnir aboard."

"Aye Sir."

"I'm headin' for sickbay, I need ta know more about the people the away team were fightin' before I decide my next steps. Commander Catalan, you have the bridge. Keep us at battlestations and keep scans at full in case that sneaky wanker Thelal comes back."

"Understood Sir."

As Catalan moved to assume command, Lahr had the auxiliary console take on Operations control and he began doing the tasks that had been requested of the Ops Chief who now sat the Captain's chair.

After fine tuning the sensors to look for commbadge signals, Lahr was able locate three badges.  Two together at the shuttle crash site along with two biosigns - the location of which Lahr forwarded to the transporter room which instructions to beam straight to sickbay; and a singular commbadge signal with no biosign nearby.  These coordinates were also sent to the transporter - with instruction to again send to the medical area, though with the caveat to give the medical staff forwarning of the arriving body.   Even bodies lacking active bio-signs needed to go through Medical for confirmation of death.  Too many species had bio-rhythms that could be slowed, or devices used to fool the sensors, so it was standard practice that all bodies needed to be confirmed dead by a doctor, not just a bio-scan.

Once the transporter had those instructions, Lahr moved on to setting up the tractor beam.  With the interference gone, there was no problem locking onto the Mjolnir and starting the tractor up. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ruth looked round once she was back on the biobed and heard the gruff voice of Ian asking for a report.

She waited politely until Jael had finished then said "Hello to you too Captain!,.." attempting the jovial to stop herself from being distracted by pain, "I've nothing further to add to that that is pertinent to what I'm assuming you need to know for the now but when I feel a bit clearer in head and not wincing when I move or look at poor Jael I'll write everything in minute detail in a full report.  I will add however that Ensign Jael Sherem was an absolute hero taking the beatings and never gave an ounce.  Our entire crew were fantastic.  C-could I see Lahr please?!" she asked almost on a sob.

Ian knew her well enough that if she was in that much of a state that she was tearful and asking for Lahr when normally she would grin and bear it, he would surmise it had been a living hell.

"We need to give Lowe a proper send off, if it'll save you and Don I'll write to his next of kin, after all I was there when..." she gave up now that the adrenaline had completely worn off and just sobbed.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 07, 2022, 06:49:03 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Petty Officer Hessou had just finished work on the punctured lungs and the broken ribs on Jael. With a vascular regenerator, along with the internal bleeding. It didn't take long at all.

"There we are," she said. "You should be able to breathe better now, Ensign. The ribs, especially the ones that punctured your lungs, will be able to heal by themselves, though they'll heal all the faster with treatment here, but for now, at least you can talk good. The rest, including your head wound, will probably need Doctors Fellows and Davis."

"Thank you very much, nurse," said Jael, without the sharp inhales interrupting, tired but happy.

As luck would have it Gid had to come in with Captain Galloway. He flinched in horror upon seeing Jael, but he kept himself under control, given he was around the Captain. Jael smiled at seeing Gid, glad to see him again, but realized she still had teeth missing, which made Gid widen his eyes in shock all the more, and seeing his worsening expression, she closed her lips quickly. With the Captain's call for a report, Jael looked around at Ruth and for Don, but with Ruth on the floor, and Don...where was Don anyway?...she decided to speak first.

"We found some kind of mining camp consisting of Federation colonists," she said. "Excuse me if I can't look at you at the moment, Captain, my head hurts turning...I came down with a very bad concussion when the ship landed and it got worse later at the camp. Suffice it to say, most of them were quite brusque when we arrived, though one of them was kind enough to help with my wound. Later, Commanders Addams and Sigurdsdottir..." she gestured with her eyes to Ruth... "...went into the mine and did something to whatever was causing interference to our communications...the commanders will provide further details...while it seemed to remove interference, the colony leader, one Ero Drallin, imprisoned us and forced us into slave labor in a chain gang. The guards were brutal, but the worst one was a particularly Cardassian-hating Bajoran, a former strip-mine slave from the Occupation, named Galen Mal. You only need look at me to see how brutal he was, and believe me, I looked worse down at the planet."

"You're lucky to be alive!" Gid hissed with worry. Ignoring Gid's interruption, Jael continued.

"More on him later, Gid. And we weren't the only ones. There were three Romulans enslaved with us, survivors, I'm sure, of an ambush that hit us before we came to the camp. Mister Lowe was killed in the attack. Details were a little sketchy on my part, given I was badly concussed. All but the three were killed by the colonists. And we could tell how bad the colonists; Mister Drellin claimed that interference thing...again, the Commanders have more details, along with Mister Blackfeather...had cost them, and thus we were to compensate for it with work in their chain gang at an ore processor facility nearby.

"What about Galen Mal?" asked Gid with indignation. "He's a good fit with those people, they're giving the Federation a bad name."

"The worst of the guards, and thank the Prophets he doesn't know my name," she said. "He's one of father's former slaves...Gul Nehor Sherem," she added, explaining to the Captain, "he used to serve on Terok Nor before it became Deep Space Nine, and later head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau; his infamy is rivaled only by Krell Moset. Since the end of the war he's been on the run, and he took many strip-mine slaves with him when the Cardassians withdrew from Bajor. Galen Mal was one of them. He had seven brands on his body..."

"Seven?" squeaked Gid.

"Yes, one on his head, that's how I could tell," she said, explaining further. "My father's henchmen often branded slaves who tried to revolt or escape from him, and my father often did so himself, but only very rarely, and often in extreme circumstances to assert his authority. The fact that he has seven indicates he's extremely defiant, and that explains why he hates Cardassians so much, enough to emphasize it with taking it out on me, especially in making my concussion wound worse, but at least he doesn't know my name. I wouldn't be alive without the Commanders, especially Commander Sigurdsdottir."

Gid murmured a Bajoran religious oath in shock, but Jael kept on going.

"But it nonetheless demonstrates what kind of people these miners are," said Jael. "I only have the two names I mentioned. There's a third name I know, the man who treated me, the only one of the nicer people there, one Malcolm Lincoln. Again, the Commanders and Mister Blackfeather all know the further details."

"You shouldn't be talking this much," chided Hessou, but Jael shook her head and gestured her eyes to Ruth.

"I apologize, Captain, for talking in the state I am," she said. "I may want to discuss changing to the medical department, but once I'm discharged Sickbay, and when it's a convenient time for you. I gave all I could on my report, though I may add that I was feeling a little useless throughout the away mission, hence my wanting to change to the medical department...though I'll further explain why when I'm discharged from Sickbay."

"How could you say you were useless?" asked Gid. "We found you all because we traced a Cardassian lifesign down below."

Jael smiled again, regardless of her missing teeth. "I knew it. I wondered if my being with the away team helped them..."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 08, 2022, 12:23:40 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ruth looked round once she was back on the biobed and heard the gruff voice of Ian asking for a report.

She waited politely until Jael had finished then said "Hello to you too Captain!,.." attempting the jovial to stop herself from being distracted by pain, "I've nothing further to add to that that is pertinent to what I'm assuming you need to know for the now but when I feel a bit clearer in head and not wincing when I move or look at poor Jael I'll write everything in minute detail in a full report.  I will add however that Ensign Jael Sherem was an absolute hero taking the beatings and never gave an ounce.  Our entire crew were fantastic.  C-could I see Lahr please?!" she asked almost on a sob.

Ian knew her well enough that if she was in that much of a state that she was tearful and asking for Lahr when normally she would grin and bear it, he would surmise it had been a living hell.

"We need to give Lowe a proper send off, if it'll save you and Don I'll write to his next of kin, after all I was there when..." she gave up now that the adrenaline had completely worn off and just sobbed.

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

As Jael reported, Ian felt his jaw clench as he got angrier and angrier at the treatment of the away team. Although he was seething, he waited until the young Cardassian was finished and Ruth added her observation before he spoke in a tightly controlled tone.

"No Commander, Lowe died as a result of an assignment I gave, I will send the letter. I also need ta get ta the bridge. Excuse me."

Ian spun on his heel without another word and was quickly striding onto the bridge. As he took the command chair he spared a moment to speak to Lahr, still speaking in the same controlled tone.

"Mister ch'Verret, your presence is requested in sickbay."

Ian then turned the command chair to face the Tactical station.

"Lieutenant T'Kel, I want you ta double the security teams for cargo bay one and two. Phaser set on heavy stun, your personnel are weapons free ta put down any of the buggers that are about ta be our guests. Report when ready."

Swing the chair around to face Ops, he added.

"As soon as the Lieutenant signals she is ready, I want every member of that settlement beamed ta cargo bays one and two. Standard precautions as they are likely ta be armed."

"Aye Sir." Catalan replied without further comment.

"Personnel in position Captain." T'Kel stated, also without comment.


As the transport started, Ian found himself sincerely hoped that the settlers would resist. Not that it would accomplish much, but it would be pleasing to see them suffer, even if only a little.

"A thought unbecomin' of a Starfleet Officer."

Ian mused silently, but he also didn't care what others might think at that moment.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 08, 2022, 12:23:40 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ruth looked round once she was back on the biobed and heard the gruff voice of Ian asking for a report.

She waited politely until Jael had finished then said "Hello to you too Captain!,.." attempting the jovial to stop herself from being distracted by pain, "I've nothing further to add to that that is pertinent to what I'm assuming you need to know for the now but when I feel a bit clearer in head and not wincing when I move or look at poor Jael I'll write everything in minute detail in a full report.  I will add however that Ensign Jael Sherem was an absolute hero taking the beatings and never gave an ounce.  Our entire crew were fantastic.  C-could I see Lahr please?!" she asked almost on a sob.

Ian knew her well enough that if she was in that much of a state that she was tearful and asking for Lahr when normally she would grin and bear it, he would surmise it had been a living hell.

"We need to give Lowe a proper send off, if it'll save you and Don I'll write to his next of kin, after all I was there when..." she gave up now that the adrenaline had completely worn off and just sobbed.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 09, 2022, 01:10:32 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

As Jael reported, Ian felt his jaw clench as he got angrier and angrier at the treatment of the away team. Although he was seething, he waited until the young Cardassian was finished and Ruth added her observation before he spoke in a tightly controlled tone.

"No Commander, Lowe died as a result of an assignment I gave, I will send the letter. I also need ta get ta the bridge. Excuse me."

Ian spun on his heel without another word and was quickly striding onto the bridge. As he took the command chair he spared a moment to speak to Lahr, still speaking in the same controlled tone.

"Mister ch'Verret, your presence is requested in sickbay."

Ian then turned the command chair to face the Tactical station.

"Lieutenant T'Kel, I want you ta double the security teams for cargo bay one and two. Phaser set on heavy stun, your personnel are weapons free ta put down any of the buggers that are about ta be our guests. Report when ready."

Swing the chair around to face Ops, he added.

"As soon as the Lieutenant signals she is ready, I want every member of that settlement beamed ta cargo bays one and two. Standard precautions as they are likely ta be armed."

"Aye Sir." Catalan replied without further comment.

"Personnel in position Captain." T'Kel stated, also without comment.


As the transport started, Ian found himself sincerely hoped that the settlers would resist. Not that it would accomplish much, but it would be pleasing to see them suffer, even if only a little.

"A thought unbecomin' of a Starfleet Officer."

Ian mused silently, but he also didn't care what others might think at that moment.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael was noticing how poignant Captain Galloway's body language had become. She knew he was not a man to cross from looking at him, but she could see how angrier he became as she and Ruth reported.

"Okay, that should be enough," said Petty Officer Heesou. "You need rest, Miss Sherem. And we also need to get some anesthetics ready for you once Doctors Fellows and Davies get to work on you."

"I understand," said Jael quickly and quietly. She laid back and awaited treatment. She, in a way, wished that she could see what sort of punishment Captain Galloway and perhaps some later Federation tribunal will dish out on them, though she was firm in her opinion that Galen Mal needed rehabilitation in his imprisonment.

[Crewman Owen Masters | Cargo Bay One | Deck Fifteen | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Mister Masters was among the security detail on Cargo Bay One when the colonists were brought aboard. He wondered why Federation colonists were being brought aboard, but the overt hostility in their varied states of surprise and objections answered his question.

Naturally, among the colonists, surprise turned into fury, generally boiling down to "Why have you brought us here?" in varying degrees of hostility. But then one tried to assert his violent overtures and stir up resistance, and as it so happened, it was Galen Mal. Mister Masters had to flinch at the branded Bajoran who bellowed, "YOU'RE NOT KEEPING ME IN HERE!!!"

He had, of course, raised his usual rifle in an attempt to fire, but thanks in part to his injuries inflicted by Blackfire, he was too slow, and in any case, Mister Masters was quicker, collected, and firm. One bolt of heavy stun fire later and Galen Mal dropped harder than dumbbells tossed down by a professional wrestler. Masters then turned back to the crowd and said with such coldness that it was enough to shut the crowd up.

"Anybody want to try next?"

When nobody answered, he replied, "You can come quietly, or you could go the hard way and end up like him."

Immediately, two people of the colonists raised their arms in both placation and surrender: Lincoln Malcolm and the waterboy from the ore processing facility.

"We'll come quietly," said Malcolm peacably, and the waterboy nodded in agreement. Naturally, they had both seen what Galen Mal had done to the chain gang, especially Jael Sherem, and the fact that a crewman dropped that murdering mercenary like a ton of rocks brought in newfound respect to the two men.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The shuttle was soon tractored up from the planet without incident and brought into the shuttlebay.  His report of this fact to Lieutenant Commander Catalan was punctuated by a sneeze.

"You've been sneezing quite a bit.  Perhaps you should get that checked out, Mr. ch'Verret."

The Andorian's antenna slowly writhed in embarrasment but offered out in explanation as to why he didn't attended to that immediately.  "Already have, sir.  Medical couldn't offer a clear explanation; but they ruled out it being a virus, infection or known allergy of any sort." Lahr pointed out.

The Chief looked doubtful but withheld saying anything more about the matter then and there.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 09, 2022, 01:10:32 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

As Jael reported, Ian felt his jaw clench as he got angrier and angrier at the treatment of the away team. Although he was seething, he waited until the young Cardassian was finished and Ruth added her observation before he spoke in a tightly controlled tone.

"No Commander, Lowe died as a result of an assignment I gave, I will send the letter. I also need ta get ta the bridge. Excuse me."

Ian spun on his heel without another word and was quickly striding onto the bridge. As he took the command chair he spared a moment to speak to Lahr, still speaking in the same controlled tone.

"Mister ch'Verret, your presence is requested in sickbay."

Ian then turned the command chair to face the Tactical station.

"Lieutenant T'Kel, I want you ta double the security teams for cargo bay one and two. Phaser set on heavy stun, your personnel are weapons free ta put down any of the buggers that are about ta be our guests. Report when ready."

A short while later, the Captain returned. There was a definite tenseness that Lahr could feel moments after the Captain stepped out of the turbolift.  Alertly the Andorian's antennae swiveled about seeking its source and reason; that's when the Captain spoke.  The tightly controlled tone was far from the Captain's usual voice.  For a moment, at hearing his name in such tone, Lahr thought that he was in trouble and would be on hull scrubbing duty for some yet to be explained reason.

But that wasn't the case, this time; rather the Captain imparted that he'd been requested.  Two possible things came to mind.  One - that Hessou had shared his scan results with her superior and the more experienced doctor was wanting him now so that she could explain to him his medical problem and its solution.   Or two - that Ruth was down in Sickbay after her away mission and it was she who was requesting his presence because for some medical reason she wasn't being discharged from sickbay.

The realization that his Ruth might be injured, spurred Lahr to his feet rapidly.  He barely spared a moment to acknowledge the Captain's order before he headed for the turbolift, leaving his console for Catalan to take over - though he would be later given warning by his chief for leaving his station unsecured... having forgotten to sign out of the console before his exit.

While the turbolift ride down to Sickbay didn't take long; it felt long.

[USS Challenger  - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The sickbay doors slid open at his hurried approach.  Eyes and antennae swept over the room until they spotted Ruth - laying on a biobed.  Lahr rushed to her side.

"Ruth?" he queried gently looking her over for the cause of her stay in Sickbay.  What he noticed first and foremost was evidence of a large blood stain t her shoulder.  He also noted evidence of tears recently having tracked their way down the side of her face.  He wiped at the smudged make-up with a blue finger.  "Hey."  He smiled at her, showing her exactly how happy he was that she was back on the ship - safe.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 09, 2022, 01:10:32 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

As Jael reported, Ian felt his jaw clench as he got angrier and angrier at the treatment of the away team. Although he was seething, he waited until the young Cardassian was finished and Ruth added her observation before he spoke in a tightly controlled tone.

"No Commander, Lowe died as a result of an assignment I gave, I will send the letter. I also need ta get ta the bridge. Excuse me."

Ian spun on his heel without another word and was quickly striding onto the bridge. As he took the command chair he spared a moment to speak to Lahr, still speaking in the same controlled tone.

"Mister ch'Verret, your presence is requested in sickbay."

Ian then turned the command chair to face the Tactical station.

"Lieutenant T'Kel, I want you ta double the security teams for cargo bay one and two. Phaser set on heavy stun, your personnel are weapons free ta put down any of the buggers that are about ta be our guests. Report when ready."

Swing the chair around to face Ops, he added.

"As soon as the Lieutenant signals she is ready, I want every member of that settlement beamed ta cargo bays one and two. Standard precautions as they are likely ta be armed."

"Aye Sir." Catalan replied without further comment.

"Personnel in position Captain." T'Kel stated, also without comment.


As the transport started, Ian found himself sincerely hoped that the settlers would resist. Not that it would accomplish much, but it would be pleasing to see them suffer, even if only a little.

"A thought unbecomin' of a Starfleet Officer."

Ian mused silently, but he also didn't care what others might think at that moment.

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Ruth nodded and added through a sob "Understood, Captain!" she could tell that... well the polite version was that Ian's Celtic blood had it's hackles up and someone better not piss him off or, well ... there might be paperwork involved and a lot of explaining to do about 'whoops, I accidently didn't have this phaser on stun'.  That, or some people were going to end up in Sickbay and the strict instructions to mend injuries without any analgesics would be given!  She'd rarely seen him so angry.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 10, 2022, 12:06:47 AM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael was noticing how poignant Captain Galloway's body language had become. She knew he was not a man to cross from looking at him, but she could see how angrier he became as she and Ruth reported.

"Okay, that should be enough," said Petty Officer Heesou. "You need rest, Miss Sherem. And we also need to get some anesthetics ready for you once Doctors Fellows and Davies get to work on you."

"I understand," said Jael quickly and quietly. She laid back and awaited treatment. She, in a way, wished that she could see what sort of punishment Captain Galloway and perhaps some later Federation tribunal will dish out on them, though she was firm in her opinion that Galen Mal needed rehabilitation in his imprisonment.

"I haven't seen the Captain that angry in a long time..." Ruth said turning to Jael to reassure her quickly.  "Wasn't at you though Jael, was for you.  Well you, me, Lowe... all of us that were down there.  Justice will be meted out, and it's probably better not to ask questions. Are you feeling any better?  I'm sorry, I ju-just... " she started whimpering again and tried to smile through the tears.

"Sometimes when the adrenaline wears off you realise that's the only thing that's kept you upright.  I'm here if you need me.  Ms. Hessou, could you move the biobeds just a fraction closer, not to hinder your work, but so that Jael can reach my hand if she needs some support.  I'm right here and I refuse to go unless she wants me to.  I said I'd support, even if I'm discharged, with your permission I'll stay for that reason. And could I trouble someone for a glass of water or apple juice?"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on March 10, 2022, 04:14:47 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

[USS Challenger  - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The sickbay doors slid open at his hurried approach.  Eyes and antennae swept over the room until they spotted Ruth - laying on a biobed.  Lahr rushed to her side.

"Ruth?" he queried gently looking her over for the cause of her stay in Sickbay.  What he noticed first and foremost was evidence of a large blood stain t her shoulder.  He also noted evidence of tears recently having tracked their way down the side of her face.  He wiped at the smudged make-up with a blue finger.  "Hey."  He smiled at her, showing her exactly how happy he was that she was back on the ship - safe.

"Lahr! Oh Lahr!" the relief, and gratefulness of Ian letting her Bluey leave his post in the middle of a shift, and the tenderness of her Andorian running his finger to wipe away tears was her undoing.  She painfully sat up, and while it was majorly painful, flung her arms around his neck burying her head in his shoulder and sobbing hard, it was just too much but she knew she could rely on Lahr now, she didn't have to be the strong Viking, she could succumb to the pain... mental, physical, emotional.

She rolled her shoulder.  "D-don't worry about that, think that was the rocks that were thrown, my side... that's where Galen Mal threw a knife at poor Jael... I was holding her up, she's been an absolute hero, obviously they had to deal with her first I-I..."

The blood loss, the relief and the levels of pain she had, plus sitting up so quickly were too much, and her body sagged as she passed out.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger  - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 10, 2022, 12:41:09 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

"Lahr! Oh Lahr!" the relief, and gratefulness of Ian letting her Bluey leave his post in the middle of a shift, and the tenderness of her Andorian running his finger to wipe away tears was her undoing.  She painfully sat up, and while it was majorly painful, flung her arms around his neck burying her head in his shoulder and sobbing hard, it was just too much but she knew she could rely on Lahr now, she didn't have to be the strong Viking, she could succumb to the pain... mental, physical, emotional.

She rolled her shoulder.  "D-don't worry about that, think that was the rocks that were thrown, my side... that's where Galen Mal threw a knife at poor Jael... I was holding her up, she's been an absolute hero, obviously they had to deal with her first I-I..."

The blood loss, the relief and the levels of pain she had, plus sitting up so quickly were too much, and her body sagged as she passed out.

Lahr tried to protest Ruth's stubborn desire to sit up, but in their relationship - it was safe to say that she was Alpha.  His arms wrapped about her very carefully, especially as she begin to point out as yet untended injuries to her shoulder and side.  Really?! Why hadn't these been tended to already? he fumed silently.

The answer to that was pretty clear as Sickbay was a hive of activity even hours after the mine explosion.   Thelal's attack probably hadn't helped either.   Every sickbay bed was full with serious injuries and there were many more waiting off to the side with minor injuries.  But Lahr didn't see any of that especially when Ruth sudden collapsed in his arms.

"I need a doctor here! The Commander's collapsed!" Lahr called out as he tried to carefully lay Ruth back down on the biobed.

And of course of all the medical personnel to answer his near frantic shout, it had to be Chloe. "Dammit, I thought she was being too talkative for those injuries." the head nurse commented as she left the bedside of another patient she had just administered a hypo to.  She approached Ruth's biobed along the same side that Lahr was at because someone had moved Ruth's bed closer to Jael's.  Lahr thought that odd but didn't comment on it.

"Move aside. I need to scan her." Chloe ordered as she cut in front of Lahr to begin running a medical probe over and along Ruth's form.

Then without looking up from her task Chloe spoke to h. "If you are going to stay, why don't you do something useful?  Apply pressure to that hip wound, while I see if there's dermal regenerator that's available."  Her tone was abrupt - obviously not really wanting him to stay... but Lahr did as requested.   Unless ordered away, he'd stay and help as much as possible.

"Sure thing, I can do that." he answered and moved to Ruth's injured side and using a clean cloth, applied pressure to the wound on her hip.  While he applied pressure, Chloe left to fetch a regenerator.

Lahr saw the head nurse briefly talking to one of the doctors, showing the doctor Ruth's scan on a PADD.   The pair seemed to come to some sort of agreed upon treatment.   Then she was back with a regenerator in hand.  Once more, Chloe abruptly had him move aside so that she could better access the wound as she worked.   Lahr moved out of the way, risking getting pinched between Ruth's and Jael's bed in order to remain close.  He held Ruth's hand while Chloe worked.  His antennae were hyper focused on what Chloe was doing.

Then unexpected Chloe asked "Why her?"

For the briefest of moments, Lahr was confused as to why Chloe would ask him since he hadn't been part of the Away Team thinking the question was in why was she injured; but one look at Chloe's pointed glare - clarified for him that this was a personal question.  Oh... Chloe wanted to have the talk... now of all possible times.

Lahr frowned glancing about at how busy Sickbay was.   He let out a sigh.  "Do we have to do this here?" he answered quietly, his antennae twitching self-consciously, like as if every ear was glued to their conversation... though he knew that wasn't really the case.. the doctors and nurses working on Jael and far more important things to concern themselves with.

Chloe let out a disgusted huff and returned her attention back to Ruth's wound scowling while Lahr pondered the wisdom of answer versus not answering. In the end, answering won.

"She needed me.  You didn't.  And she never tries to change who I am, she just always accepts me for me.  I love her and she loves me."  His answer was rather plain and not the romantic spouting of some poet, but he hoped Chloe understood.

Chloe didn't reply after that, even after finishing up with the dermal regenerator on Ruth's injuries.

The only thing she did say to him just prior to leaving was... "She'll be staying in Sickbay overnight so we can monitor her condition.  Make sure you keep out of the way of medical staff and don't disturb the other patients or you'll be ordered to leave."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jael Sherem on March 10, 2022, 12:06:47 AM

[Crewman Owen Masters | Cargo Bay One | Deck Fifteen | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Mister Masters was among the security detail on Cargo Bay One when the colonists were brought aboard. He wondered why Federation colonists were being brought aboard, but the overt hostility in their varied states of surprise and objections answered his question.

Naturally, among the colonists, surprise turned into fury, generally boiling down to "Why have you brought us here?" in varying degrees of hostility. But then one tried to assert his violent overtures and stir up resistance, and as it so happened, it was Galen Mal. Mister Masters had to flinch at the branded Bajoran who bellowed, "YOU'RE NOT KEEPING ME IN HERE!!!"

He had, of course, raised his usual rifle in an attempt to fire, but thanks in part to his injuries inflicted by Blackfire, he was too slow, and in any case, Mister Masters was quicker, collected, and firm. One bolt of heavy stun fire later and Galen Mal dropped harder than dumbbells tossed down by a professional wrestler. Masters then turned back to the crowd and said with such coldness that it was enough to shut the crowd up.

"Anybody want to try next?"

When nobody answered, he replied, "You can come quietly, or you could go the hard way and end up like him."

Immediately, two people of the colonists raised their arms in both placation and surrender: Lincoln Malcolm and the waterboy from the ore processing facility.

"We'll come quietly," said Malcolm peacably, and the waterboy nodded in agreement. Naturally, they had both seen what Galen Mal had done to the chain gang, especially Jael Sherem, and the fact that a crewman dropped that murdering mercenary like a ton of rocks brought in newfound respect to the two men.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The door chime sounded and Ian said "Enter."

Lieutenant T'Kel entered and said, without preamble, which was her way.

"Sir, I have the final report regarding the settlers."

"Let's have it."

"We beamed aboard 41 individuals from the planet. After extensive interviews and debriefing of the surviving members of the away team, we were able to create an accurate picture of what occurred. The settlers are led by a human male named Ero Drallen. The settlers are subsistence miners and thought they'd found a rich lode of pergium. It turned out to be an ancient facility of unknown purpose. Somehow, the miners activated the equipment and that is what sent out the unknown signal the Susquehanna was sent to investigate. It turned out that the miners also activated a defense protocol that accounted for the interference we encountered.

"This defensive system is what damaged the Susquehanna along with the Mjolnir, as well as a Romulan shuttle. The away team encountered the Romulans, who were responsible for thee death of Lieutenant Lowe. After that fight the settlers took the away team hostage and Ero Drallen offered the away team freedom in exchange for shutting down the ancient device. During the process, the facility self-destructed and destroyed some mining equipment. This angered Mr. Drallen who took the away team into bondage as payment for their lost gear.

"I have corroborated that of the 41 settlers, only six can be charged with any crimes, which includes Mr. Drallen and five guards, one of which, a Bajoran male named Gellan Mal who was responsible for the extensive injuries suffered by Ensign Sherem. What are your orders Captain?"

"Very good work Lieutenant. Then, based off of your investigation, you may return the other 35 settlers to the surface. This Ero Drallen and his five goons will get ta enjoy all the Challenger's brig as ta offer until we reach the nearest Starbase. Have Don prepare the ship for departure, I will return ta the bridge shortly."

"Aye Sir."

Ian watched the young, for a Vulcan, woman exit and he finally unclenched his jaw. He then realized his jaw hurt and as he rubbed at the soreness he muttered.

"A bloody Chain Gang. In the 25th Century no less. Since this Drallen likes ta use ancient methods of punishment, he is damned lucky I can't keelhaul his arse!"

Ian shook off the image and returned to the bridge, as he sat in the command chair he said.

"Take us out of orbit Ricky, best speed ta Starbase 197."

As the ship cleared the Seku system and went to warp, Ian opened his log.

"Captain's Log, supplemental. Having solved the mystery of the unknown signal comin' from Seku VI as well as recoverin' the survivors of the Susquehanna, the Challenger is en route ta starbase for repairs after our encounter with a Romulan mine. Starfleet Command has been advised of the attack by the Khranu, but has yet ta respond with any orders. It is thus an uncertain time for the Federation and I have ta wonder if'n we have been witnesses ta the first shots in a new war. Only time will tell.

"Before I close this entry in my log, I want ta note the death of Lieutenant jg Richard Lowe. He was an exemplary officer who died in the line of duty. He will be greatly missed. End Log."

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