S:5 E:9 - The Naked When

Started by Nira Said, September 01, 2022, 10:50:37 AM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger -  Deck 7 - Saucer Deflector Array]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2022, 06:21:28 PM

[Lieutenant Savar | Auxiliary Control | USS Challenger]

Manning a station next to Lieutenant Randall, Savar perked up at hearing Lahr calling to be let passed. T'Kel responded quickly and punched in a code to allow Lahr through.

"That should do it," she said. "You may now proceed."

Lahr let out a sneeze as he hurried passed the forcefield and on through the door into the maintenance area of the deflector array.  He contacted T'Kel immediately after having passed through to have her close forcefield once more - =/\= "I'm in. Seal her up." =/\= -  securing him inside and any Romulans that might come to try and stop him and his repairs out.

The air here smelled slightly of ozone, burnt wiring and heated metal.  Yeah, that could be the problem, he thought to himself.  He followed the smell to where it seemed strongest and removed the casing for that system.

The sight within made the Andorian wince.  Lahr realized, the ship was fortunate that the automatic safeties had kicked in when they did - shutting the array system down and rerouting the power - or they would be dealing with a plasma fire inside the ship instead of just a repair job.  Very fortunate indeed.

Lahr crouched down in front of the open system and set to work removing the damaged parts.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 20, 2022, 07:33:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]


Lieutenant jg. Rachel Davenport at Tactical fired every forward bearing weapon the Challenger mounted with an amazing display of raw firepower. Ensign Qindis Norann at Helm activated the thrusters and this made the Challenger`pitch up vertically and you could feel the ship vibrate as the stress from the maneuver made the Challenger shiver throughout the hull. As the ship reached vertical, Davenport fired again, and again as the ship flipped inverted.

Lahr looked about uncertain as the ship seemed to vibrate.  That wasn't normal; but it didn't feel like the usual shudder from an attack.  In fact, it kind of reminded Lahr of the vibration that had gone through the ship on several other occasions - namely, when the Captain took over the helm to fly the ship as if she were a nimble P-40.

If the Captain was attempting tricks used by the Flying Tigers, it would suggest that things were not going as well as they had been.   Lahr needed to pick up the pace with his repairs - get them done so the ship had her best defensive shielding.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 17, 2022, 11:19:56 AM

[Observation Lounge --> Auxiliary Control - USS Challenger]

As the annular confinement beam coalesced around him Ian called out to Buck.

"Take a security team. No chances. Stun the buggers and beam them ta the brig."

[Observation lounge > Bridge >> Brig - USS Challenger]

Buck grinned, nodding as he turned heel to head back for the bridge. He called out to get beamed back to the Bridge; hoping that they had the upper hand by the speed in which they would gather and catch them with their guard down.

He found himself back on the bridge soon enough, the security team he had taken with him reacting immediately to the surrounding invaders, their pistols up and set to stun. Buck had quickly taken to the holster of one who seemed to be stunned himself and make for firing cover. Soon enough, it seemed that the dust was being settled and the intruders were all stunned.

"Beam them to the brig." He spoke out loud.

And as soon as the words had been spoken, all of them seemed to have been transported to the Brig itself.

"Ah. Crap." Buck said sheepishly realising his mistake of having not specified exactly who he meant to beam. "Well. You all should stay put, for a little bit. Catch up on some forced beauty sleep." He glanced down at their prisoners, as the security officer had began to get them out of the cell.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 20, 2022, 07:33:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Even though the point of impact shields were still offline, Ian nodded grimly and thought.

"Standard shields and reinforced structural integrity is goin' ta have ta be enough."

Out loud he said.

"Helm your course is 107 mark 25. Full impulse. Tactical, on my mark, full Alpha Strike. Helm, when we fire you are ta give me full ventral forward thrusters and full aft dorsal thrusters..."

"But Captain, that will..."

"I bloody ken full well what it will do! Just be bleedin' ready ta do it on my mark."

"Aye Sir." The helmsman replied sheepishly. As Ian continued to issue orders.

"Tactical, when we're at 90 degrees of our maneuver, full Alpha Strike with the aft weapons. Once we've completed the maneuver, fire another full Alpha Strike with the forward weapons again."

The auxiliary Bridge crew replied with a chorus of "Aye Sir" even if they were skeptical of the maneuver. The Challenger charged in on the Romulan flagship's starboard forward quarter at full impulse. Ian waited. Waited. Waited. And at 60,000 kilometers called out.


Lieutenant jg. Rachel Davenport at Tactical fired every forward bearing weapon the Challenger mounted with an amazing display of raw firepower. Ensign Qindis Norann at Helm activated the thrusters and this made the Challenger`pitch up vertically and you could feel the ship vibrate as the stress from the maneuver made the Challenger shiver throughout the hull. As the ship reached vertical, Davenport fired again, and again as the ship flipped inverted,

A battleship's shields were by their very nature powerful, but no ship in the Alpha Quadrant could take three Alpha Strikes from a ship as powerful as the Challenger in the span of just the five seconds it took to execute the pitchpole maneuver. The Romulan ship staggered as her starboard forward shield collapsed, leaving the green hull deeply scored where several phasers struck home.

"Hard about ta port! Roll us right side up! Keep hammerin' them!"

The battleship was clearly hurt and most importantly, it made the Romulan break off her attack on the Galaxy.

"You're welcome Admiral."

Ian said softly and watched to see what the battleship would do.

[Lieutenant Savar | Auxiliary Control | USS Challenger]

Savar watched in awed fascination at what Captain Galloway was doing. Thrusters right in, to coin the expression, in the face of the enemy? But what transpired was a full-fledged execution of an Alpha Strike, as the Captain called it.

Indeed, everywhere, the ship was vibrating. So much so that there were bound to be things tilting over. Savar was expecting ship would be...well, not as messy as when they had their polywater intoxication, but messy all the same.

"Well, much as we'll come out singed," he said, "it won't be as singed as they're going to be. Or, as coined on Earth, that's going to leave a mark."

"Indeed," said Lieutenant Randall. "Mister Savar, can you go assist Lahr at the deflector array?"

"The enemy shields are down, Captain," T'Kel added. "Ready to re-initiate beaming the boarding party back at your command."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 22, 2022, 02:30:11 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger -  Deck 7 - Saucer Deflector Array]

Lahr let out a sneeze as he hurried passed the forcefield and on through the door into the maintenance area of the deflector array.  He contacted T'Kel immediately after having passed through to have her close forcefield once more - =/\= "I'm in. Seal her up." =/\= -  securing him inside and any Romulans that might come to try and stop him and his repairs out.

The air here smelled slightly of ozone, burnt wiring and heated metal.  Yeah, that could be the problem, he thought to himself.  He followed the smell to where it seemed strongest and removed the casing for that system.

The sight within made the Andorian wince.  Lahr realized, the ship was fortunate that the automatic safeties had kicked in when they did - shutting the array system down and rerouting the power - or they would be dealing with a plasma fire inside the ship instead of just a repair job.  Very fortunate indeed.

Lahr crouched down in front of the open system and set to work removing the damaged parts.

Lahr looked about uncertain as the ship seemed to vibrate.  That wasn't normal; but it didn't feel like the usual shudder from an attack.  In fact, it kind of reminded Lahr of the vibration that had gone through the ship on several other occasions - namely, when the Captain took over the helm to fly the ship as if she were a nimble P-40.

If the Captain was attempting tricks used by the Flying Tigers, it would suggest that things were not going as well as they had been.   Lahr needed to pick up the pace with his repairs - get them done so the ship had her best defensive shielding.

[Lieutenant Savar | Saucer Deflector Array | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Savar arrived moments later, passing through the protective force field, approaching Lahr.

"Need any help, Lahr?" he asked.

Quote from: Buck McNair on November 23, 2022, 02:30:28 PM

[Observation lounge > Bridge >> Brig - USS Challenger]

Buck grinned, nodding as he turned heel to head back for the bridge. He called out to get beamed back to the Bridge; hoping that they had the upper hand by the speed in which they would gather and catch them with their guard down.

He found himself back on the bridge soon enough, the security team he had taken with him reacting immediately to the surrounding invaders, their pistols up and set to stun. Buck had quickly taken to the holster of one who seemed to be stunned himself and make for firing cover. Soon enough, it seemed that the dust was being settled and the intruders were all stunned.

"Beam them to the brig." He spoke out loud.

And as soon as the words had been spoken, all of them seemed to have been transported to the Brig itself.

"Ah. Crap." Buck said sheepishly realising his mistake of having not specified exactly who he meant to beam. "Well. You all should stay put, for a little bit. Catch up on some forced beauty sleep." He glanced down at their prisoners, as the security officer had began to get them out of the cell.

[Emergency Medical Hologram Mark VIII | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Mark Eight only blinked in surprise, first by the vibration that had him staggering a moment, then when he saw Mister McNair arrive into the bridge with the security team, only to order a beam-out of everybody at his command: The boarders, his own security officers, even Commander Sigurdsdottir. Everybody but the Mark Eight.

"Say whaaat?" he said in astonishment, but when he collected himself, he said, "For God's sake, Mister McNair! At least I can't beamed out anywhere, not without my mobile emitter. Beaming away your own security escort is one thing, but beaming out the Chief Science Officer to boot...you're in trouuuuble, young man."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 20, 2022, 09:03:44 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Nine | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar's chase against the Romulans was fortunately aided by a Security squad that managed to cut their escape through the turbolift, forcing Nira's double to evade them by backpedaling within an empty quarter. Before Zhuk or the rest of the Security officers could engage the Romulans, however, Lieutenant Nira requested a force-field that finally trapped the invaders from good, keeping them from accessing the rest of the ship. That had been an excellent idea coming from Lieutenant Nira, though Zhuk soon realized that there were still unfinished business to attend to.

Lieutenant Nira soon barged into the room, followed just behind by the Caitian. Though her double attempted to try and reach a disruptor once her attention was diverted, Nira quickly cut her attempt by throwing a knife at her. While Zhuk was ready to aid Nira in subduing her double, he was instead told to stay posted at the entryway, in case she tried to flee from the room.

Nodding, he leaned against the door in a nonchalant manner, as he saw the fight unfold. Though his sharp eyes and ears remained centered on both Nireen and Nira, ready to strike at the former if it were to overpower the latter, he visibly relaxed. In fact, so much, that he began to enjoy the show, cheering on for Nira in his mind, reacting to close calls against her worriedly, to then smirk when Nira got the upper hand.

Things got much more interesting, however, when Nira managed to get a mek'leth to materialize, making his tail sway from side to side in excitement as she seemed to finally be able to defeat her double. He awaited with bathed breath to see how things would turn out, until something clicked, as he realized that Nireen had been brought directly behind him, giving him an opportunity to strike.

He adopted a more proper fighting stance, as soon Nira asked for his assistance, and with glee, he provided it, just in time for Nireen to realize her folly.

"Gladly~" He chimed in, before pouncing on Nireen's back, with a mrowl and attempting to latch on. To secure himself, he sought to lock his digitigrade feet at around Nireen's thighs, to make it more difficult for her to shake him off, and to keep her from running away, maybe even throwing her balance off as he squeezed, making her fall. His left hand moved over to try and further grip himself by reaching over towards her midriff, sharp claws seeking to dig into her armor and skin. Meanwhile, his right hand was positioned against her neck, claws intending to poke against the sensitive skin, albeit not puncturing it, in order to force a surrender.

"Surprised, Miss Copycat?! Its a little something we refer to as originality, I recommend you attempting it sometime!" He scathingly said, his muzzle positioned quite close to her pointed ear "Surrender, now! You are outmatched!"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Corridors | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Naturally, Nirreen screamed in pain. She was gritting her teeth. She was staggering in a loss of balance. But was able to keep concentration.

"You don't know who you're dealing with, Caitian!" she snarled as she ran back into a wall, slamming Zhuk against the wall. She tried to draw the knife, but Nira, keeping focus, hooked the knife with her mek'leth and disarmed her. Nirreen now had her hands full and made to ram Zhuk into the wall again...

...then it happened. A sudden vibration throughout the ship that knocked them off their feet. All three of them sprawled around. All three blinked in surprise, but Nirreen was the first to recover. She saw her knife and made for it, but Nira sheathed her mek'leth on her belt, took her knives and pinned the Romulan's hands to the deck with them.

"No you don't!" she shouted as Nirren howled in pain. "Give up now, or else the next place I stick my knives in are your legs and we drag you all the way to the brig!"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 23, 2022, 08:48:37 PM

[Lieutenant Savar | Auxiliary Control | USS Challenger]

Savar watched in awed fascination at what Captain Galloway was doing. Thrusters right in, to coin the expression, in the face of the enemy? But what transpired was a full-fledged execution of an Alpha Strike, as the Captain called it.

Indeed, everywhere, the ship was vibrating. So much so that there were bound to be things tilting over. Savar was expecting ship would be...well, not as messy as when they had their polywater intoxication, but messy all the same.

"Well, much as we'll come out singed," he said, "it won't be as singed as they're going to be. Or, as coined on Earth, that's going to leave a mark."

"Indeed," said Lieutenant Randall. "Mister Savar, can you go assist Lahr at the deflector array?"

"The enemy shields are down, Captain," T'Kel added. "Ready to re-initiate beaming the boarding party back at your command."

[Auxiliary Control - USS Challenger]

As much as he wanted to humble Nakir, Ian tempered his more aggressive side and replied.

"Signal the Galaxy and see what are the Admiral's intentions. This is no longer our show as much as I might want ta beat that Reman like a drum. Keep firin' though, dinna give their shields a chance ta recover."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Corridors | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Naturally, Nirreen screamed in pain. She was gritting her teeth. She was staggering in a loss of balance. But was able to keep concentration.

"You don't know who you're dealing with, Caitian!" she snarled as she ran back into a wall, slamming Zhuk against the wall. She tried to draw the knife, but Nira, keeping focus, hooked the knife with her mek'leth and disarmed her. Nirreen now had her hands full and made to ram Zhuk into the wall again...

...then it happened. A sudden vibration throughout the ship that knocked them off their feet. All three of them sprawled around. All three blinked in surprise, but Nirreen was the first to recover. She saw her knife and made for it, but Nira sheathed her mek'leth on her belt, took her knives and pinned the Romulan's hands to the deck with them.

"No you don't!" she shouted as Nirren howled in pain. "Give up now, or else the next place I stick my knives in are your legs and we drag you all the way to the brig!"

Zhukdra'shar was more than impressed at how Nireen had managed to keep her balance, even through pain and his own movement. It really proved how capable she was, her resilience earning her a twinge of respect from the Caitian. As he tried to use his strength against her, however, she proved to be even more resourceful than he expected, by proceeding to bash him against the wall, slamming him. He gasped as he felt the air momentarily draining from his lungs, his head ringing from the force of the impact. The grip around her legs momentarily lessened as he remained unable to reply with a quick-witted sentence, instead focusing on not letting go of her neck or her navel, claws digging further in.

Too confused to notice, he would have failed to notice the knife being drawn out by Nireen, but fortunately, Nira was swift enough to disarm her. Things got a little bit worse as he was smashed once more against the wall, his body limping significantly as his legs fell to the wayside, though he was unwilling to let go, his own will manifest, pushing himself further, even when his head spun rapidly.

And then, the whole ship shook, and he fell to the ground, unwittingly letting Nireen go when her balance was fully lost. He closed his eyes sharply and moved his hand to hold his forehead, doing his best to regain his mobility once more. A sharp howl of pain aided on recovering his focus, his eyes opening as he slowly pushed himself up from his laying position, looking at Nireen struggling, knives piercing her hands. He gritted his teeth as he crawled towards her, and attempted to jump on top of Nireen's back, seeking to further convince her that her surrender was imminent. Still, his grasp on her body was tenuous at best, as he still struggled to recover, not even pushing his claws as he tried to take hold of her arm and hair.

"Gggh... you are a smart gal... but I don't truly see anyway for... you to escape... ugh... my head..." He grunted in pain, shaking it to see if that helped with the symptoms and aided on his concentration.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 20, 2022, 07:33:17 PM

The battleship was clearly hurt and most importantly, it made the Romulan break off her attack on the Galaxy.

"You're welcome Admiral."

Ian said softly and watched to see what the battleship would do.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 23, 2022, 09:50:49 PM

[Auxiliary Control - USS Challenger]

As much as he wanted to humble Nakir, Ian tempered his more aggressive side and replied.

"Signal the Galaxy and see what are the Admiral's intentions. This is no longer our show as much as I might want ta beat that Reman like a drum. Keep firin' though, dinna give their shields a chance ta recover."

[Admiral Hamish B. Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Galaxy NCC-70637]

Admiral Gillespie only stood there, gobsmacked by what the Challenger had done. Then he scowled in grumpiness as he took Captain Galloway's call.

"Really? Taken chances like that?" he muttered. "Those things dinnae grow on trees, lad. Bah, dinnae matters...thank ye anyway. Now, let's hit 'em with both barrels! Engines noo, let's keep that big lug from crawlin' away!"

The crew certainly understood the admiral's meaning. It was his favorite saying since his days as a tactical officer. It was his way of saying "fire everything at will."

The two ships unloaded their ordinance together until their engines were destroyed and the ship could no longer go anywhere.

"That's done the trick," he said with a satisfied smile. "Noo I think that Free State friend of yours needs help. We'll see aboot picking up the pieces."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 24, 2022, 10:51:21 AM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar was more than impressed at how Nireen had managed to keep her balance, even through pain and his own movement. It really proved how capable she was, her resilience earning her a twinge of respect from the Caitian. As he tried to use his strength against her, however, she proved to be even more resourceful than he expected, by proceeding to bash him against the wall, slamming him. He gasped as he felt the air momentarily draining from his lungs, his head ringing from the force of the impact. The grip around her legs momentarily lessened as he remained unable to reply with a quick-witted sentence, instead focusing on not letting go of her neck or her navel, claws digging further in.

Too confused to notice, he would have failed to notice the knife being drawn out by Nireen, but fortunately, Nira was swift enough to disarm her. Things got a little bit worse as he was smashed once more against the wall, his body limping significantly as his legs fell to the wayside, though he was unwilling to let go, his own will manifest, pushing himself further, even when his head spun rapidly.

And then, the whole ship shook, and he fell to the ground, unwittingly letting Nireen go when her balance was fully lost. He closed his eyes sharply and moved his hand to hold his forehead, doing his best to regain his mobility once more. A sharp howl of pain aided on recovering his focus, his eyes opening as he slowly pushed himself up from his laying position, looking at Nireen struggling, knives piercing her hands. He gritted his teeth as he crawled towards her, and attempted to jump on top of Nireen's back, seeking to further convince her that her surrender was imminent. Still, his grasp on her body was tenuous at best, as he still struggled to recover, not even pushing his claws as he tried to take hold of her arm and hair.

"Gggh... you are a smart gal... but I don't truly see anyway for... you to escape... ugh... my head..." He grunted in pain, shaking it to see if that helped with the symptoms and aided on his concentration.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Corridors | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nirreen seethed. She could feel the claws from the Caitian again. And Nira stuck her at certainly some good points. The knives pinned her hands, stabbed right between the middle and index fingers of both hands, right up to the knuckles. She wasn't sure she'll be able to hold anything until she could get medical attention. This meant a last resort, and she was definitely sure she was in the forward section of the ship, where it was still unshielded...

Nira could see Nirreen just staring like how a child would go limp in a tantrum. She just laid there, but her expression was stubborn, defiant, and Nira could see she was thinking of something but a surrender, despite where she was stabbed.

Finally, Nirreen replied, "I surrender. Get these off me."

Her expression, however, did not indicate surrender, so Nira watched suspiciously as she got her daggers out and sheathed them temporarily on her belt. Nirreen put her palms down to the floor as she got up, but then butted Nira in the head and sent a backward kick into Zhuk's gut. With her strength, both strikes were enough to hurt.

Nira was momentarily dizzy and she was sure she felt a bit of blood trickling down above her nose; she heard a sickening crack of a rib or two in Zhuk. She looked up at Nirreen, blinking through dizziness, and saw her draw a small device from her bosom and slap it on her chest.

"Fools," she spat at them before she transported away.

Nira grunted a curse in Arabic. Once she gathered herself, she tapped her comm badge.

"Said to Captain Galloway," she said, unsure whether or not he returned to the bridge, "Nirreen got away. But not before I left quite an impression."

[Commander Thelal | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

Thelal whirled in surprise at the news that a T'varo class Bird of Prey has launched from the now-disabled flagship and was making its way over while the big ship pulled up along with the Challenger alongside.

"That can't be good," he muttered, even as a hail came in. He answered and saw a bloodied Nirreen, seething in fury.

"We have to retreat, Thelal," she ordered. "Our operation is compromised. We have to pull back to Praetorian space."

"Nakir is not going to like it," Thelal said with disgruntlement.

"Neither will Domitian, but we have no choice! And no, we won't have time to satisfy your ego, you left impression enough, and that beam weapon's left you vulnerable!"

"Fine," said Thelal, not looking forward to the prospect of having to be dealt a punishment from either one of the two Praetors of the Triumvirate. On the other hand, trying to mess with Galloway again will only leave him surrounded by Federation and Free State ships alike.

"I'm glad that's settled, then," said Nirreen before she cut off communications and her ship cloaked and went to warp.

"Helm, follow Nirreen's course back to Praetorian space. Maximum warp," ordered Thelal.

[Lieutenant T'Kel | Auxiliary Control | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Captain," called T'Kel from Tactical, "a T'varo-class Bird of Prey has launched from the flagship and has rendezvoused with the Kranu....they're cloaking...they've gone to warp."

"That means we have Nakir left to deal with," said Nira as she walked in, her outer uniform draped around her, bloodied and bruised; she had heard the whole thing as she materialized by site-to-site transport. At her last word, a beeping indicating a hail sounded.

"Speak of the devil," said T'Kel. "It happens to be Nakir himself."

The viewscreen in Auxiliary control came on and the half-Reman face of Nakir himself appeared on the screen, leering with disconcerting satisfaction.

"So. You have won today," he said.

As the news broke to him that his ship was to be captured and him along with him, Nakir only smirked. None of the news or warnings seemed to give him any concern.

"You may capture me if you'd like to try," he sneered with a chuckle. "You may think you have that ship. You're not going to find a thing. Just empty space in a hollow metal shell adrift in space. As for me...perhaps I wasn't here at all."

He pressed a button and he disappeared from the viewscreen...it was a holo-communication speaking on the viewscreen. Then the now empty room shown on the viewscreen was shut off before the viewscreen changed to the flagship. Naturally, the shock of what they saw was soon changed to an air of suspicion, it can be felt all over the room like a change in temperature. Nira could practically feel it, she practically began to feel suspicious herself.

T'Kel was the first to snap out of it and ran a scan. "I knew it," she said. "If you want to know how many people are aboard...?"

Nira listened with Ian as T'Kel reported, and later as security boarding parties confirmed it: The ship carrying their weapon of mass destruction was a giant drone. Apart from two more squads of Tal Shiar commandos that had been prepared as boarding parties, as well as guards for protection, as well as a dozen Remans in the central control hub, the ship was empty. All of the Remans were bunched together and hooked to telepresence units; they were all drone controllers. Half of them controlled the ship, from its engine systems to its propulsion to its weapons. The other half were the pilots of the drone ships attached to the fleet.

"Fascinating," said Nira. "I guess that was how drone ships were controlled during the Romulan wars in the days before the Federation. Romulans using Reman telepathic capabilities to pilot drone ships..."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2022, 06:21:28 PM

[Emergency Medical Hologram Mark VIII | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Transmitted automatically to the bridge, per the emergency protocol in the event of the bridge crew abandoning the bridge in some way, the EMH Mark Eight naturally awaited instructions for the Emergency Command Hologram to be activated, but it didn't come. Instead, all he had for company were a bunch of unconcious Romulans. The Mark Eight had a good idea what had happened; what he needed were details.

"EMH Mark Eight to Captain Galloway," he said, tapping his comm badge. "Did something to do with this boarding party prompt you to abandon the bridge?"

Once he explained about the pre-stage for activation before becoming ECH, hence why he was on the bridge, he then got the explanation of what had happened.

"Understood," he said. "I'll be glad to entertain this bunch and wait until Mister McNair arrives and have the bridge ready for you. Mark Eight out."

Then he was in for another surprise as to who should appear in a hatchway and man her usual chair, without so much as being aware of what had happened. The Mark Eight grimaced; Commander Sigurdsdottir wasn't even supposed to leave Sickbay, but having somehow inhaled the polywater molecules in her state, perhaps when she was just waking up...and it was certainly hard on his part to handle her, especially when she was shaving Zhuk and treating him like he was a quadrupedal feline instead of a bipedal Caitian, finally having been forced to leave her in a corner of Chez Captain Lahr, the Engineering turned Nightclub under Lahr's "command." Now he was absolutely worried about having to confront her. Again.

"Uh, Commander Sigurdsdottir," he said in a high octave voice, "you do realize you entered into the middle of a boarding party?" he added, seeing as the party itself was waking up.

[Main Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

"Raiding party?  It's us...as in Vikings who are normally the raiding party..." Ruth said shaking her head to try to clear it then with what seemed like Durin's entire mining crew hard at work inside it, she grimaced and asked sweetly, "Say, Doc got anything for the hangover from hell? Then.."

She looked around.

"Romulans, on my.... ok Ian and Nira's, but..." she slowly groped her way around to the Captain's chair and collapsed onto it, gently stroking the arm rest. Whispering to the Challenger as if the ship were a living, breathing soul, she said "You're still my girl aren't you, Challie? You were my command, the ship I got my Captaincy given and taken for... and I'll never..."

A Romulan at her feet groaned and she kicked him viciously with her boot in his gut, then stood standing on his chest to get out and go to the weapons locker, taking out a phaser rifle and her head clearing by the second.

"...ever, let some green-blooded, over sized bloody trolls get there hands on this ship for any length of time.  Doctor, patch me up, knock this lot out with something bar one...I need to have someone to ah..."

Her mind said '...torture slowly and painfully for daring to get a scratch on this ship...' but her mouth somehow managed, as she half-fell back into the Captain's chair, one ankle resting on her opposite knee and the rifle balanced on top of her bent knee, "...talk to..."

The Commander said it with such cold steel in her voice that anyone hearing it would think that the ice of her homeland was indeed in her blood and bones.  Her brain slowly getting back to it's normal state of reasoning she stepped over to 'Lahr's' console.

'Let's see if I can still remember how to do this.  I think the safest thing would be to beam this lot to the Brig.  I'll go down with them.. don't bother knocking them out.  They'll be behind forcefields soon enough."

She nimbly moved her fingers over the console, inputting her override code, which she couldn't remember at all.  Giving up and sighing she slumped to the floor in defeat.

Quote from: Buck McNair on November 23, 2022, 02:30:28 PM

[Observation lounge > Bridge >> Brig - USS Challenger]

Buck grinned, nodding as he turned heel to head back for the bridge. He called out to get beamed back to the Bridge; hoping that they had the upper hand by the speed in which they would gather and catch them with their guard down.

He found himself back on the bridge soon enough, the security team he had taken with him reacting immediately to the surrounding invaders, their pistols up and set to stun. Buck had quickly taken to the holster of one who seemed to be stunned himself and make for firing cover. Soon enough, it seemed that the dust was being settled and the intruders were all stunned.

"Beam them to the brig." He spoke out loud.

And as soon as the words had been spoken, all of them seemed to have been transported to the Brig itself.

"Ah. Crap." Buck said sheepishly realising his mistake of having not specified exactly who he meant to beam. "Well. You all should stay put, for a little bit. Catch up on some forced beauty sleep." He glanced down at their prisoners, as the security officer had began to get them out of the cell.

[Brig - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth dragged herself to her feet and regarded McNair with a lopsided grin.  "Spoil my fun why don't you,McNair!" she said and grimaced.  "Ugh damn head still isn't right."  She stumbled over to the wall by the forcefield and tilting her head on one side said. "You think I need beauty sleep?! You'd think my hair would make me look not like this charming bunch!"

The Commander handed a random Security officer the rifle she'd instinctively picked up again since she'd lent it against the console when she was trying to activate beaming controls.  "From the Bridge weapons locker.  Are the replicators working? I could murder a Ratkajino!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 24, 2022, 01:59:06 PM

[Admiral Hamish B. Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Galaxy NCC-70637]

Admiral Gillespie only stood there, gobsmacked by what the Challenger had done. Then he scowled in grumpiness as he took Captain Galloway's call.

"Really? Taken chances like that?" he muttered. "Those things dinnae grow on trees, lad. Bah, dinnae matters...thank ye anyway. Now, let's hit 'em with both barrels! Engines noo, let's keep that big lug from crawlin' away!"

The crew certainly understood the admiral's meaning. It was his favorite saying since his days as a tactical officer. It was his way of saying "fire everything at will."

The two ships unloaded their ordinance together until their engines were destroyed and the ship could no longer go anywhere.

"That's done the trick," he said with a satisfied smile. "Noo I think that Free State friend of yours needs help. We'll see aboot picking up the pieces."

[Auxiliary Control --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian kept his expression carefully neutral as he was technically being called on the carpet, but he simply didn't feel any remorse for his actions. He did however reply in a tone that implied chagrin.

"Aye Sir. I ken it was an extreme maneuver, but the circumstances seemed ta warrant doin' summat extreme seemed ta be the thing ta do at the time."

The battle actually ended in a bit of an anticlimax, but the threat to the Free State was over and that was a win to Ian. As the battle wrapped up, Ian had the bridge crew beamed back to the main bridge.

"Secure from red alert. All Department Heads report current status. T'kel, ask the Galaxy If'n they want our prisoners."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger -  Deck 7 - Saucer Deflector Array]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 23, 2022, 08:48:37 PM

[Lieutenant Savar | Saucer Deflector Array | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Savar arrived moments later, passing through the protective force field, approaching Lahr.

"Need any help, Lahr?" he asked.

Lahr, seated on the floor in front of the damaged system, looked up from his nearly completed work at Savar's arrival.  Beside him, Lahr had a pile of removed isolinear chips that had burnt out because of the battleship's earlier attack.  He'd replaced the chips and was now just rebooting the system.

"Thanks for the offer, sir.  But I got this."

The reboot took a few minutes and while he waited, Lahr cleaned up and recycled the old chips.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 24, 2022, 04:03:17 PM

[Auxiliary Control --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian kept his expression carefully neutral as he was technically being called on the carpet, but he simply didn't feel any remorse for his actions. He did however reply in a tone that implied chagrin.

"Aye Sir. I ken it was an extreme maneuver, but the circumstances seemed ta warrant doin' summat extreme seemed ta be the thing ta do at the time."

The battle actually ended in a bit of an anticlimax, but the threat to the Free State was over and that was a win to Ian. As the battle wrapped up, Ian had the bridge crew beamed back to the main bridge.

"Secure from red alert. All Department Heads report current status. T'kel, ask the Galaxy If'n they want our prisoners."

=/\= "ch'Verret to Auxiliary Control.  Point of Impact shielding should be available now.  Sorry, it's after the fact." =/\=
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 24, 2022, 01:59:06 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Corridors | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nirreen seethed. She could feel the claws from the Caitian again. And Nira stuck her at certainly some good points. The knives pinned her hands, stabbed right between the middle and index fingers of both hands, right up to the knuckles. She wasn't sure she'll be able to hold anything until she could get medical attention. This meant a last resort, and she was definitely sure she was in the forward section of the ship, where it was still unshielded...

Nira could see Nirreen just staring like how a child would go limp in a tantrum. She just laid there, but her expression was stubborn, defiant, and Nira could see she was thinking of something but a surrender, despite where she was stabbed.

Finally, Nirreen replied, "I surrender. Get these off me."

Her expression, however, did not indicate surrender, so Nira watched suspiciously as she got her daggers out and sheathed them temporarily on her belt. Nirreen put her palms down to the floor as she got up, but then butted Nira in the head and sent a backward kick into Zhuk's gut. With her strength, both strikes were enough to hurt.

Nira was momentarily dizzy and she was sure she felt a bit of blood trickling down above her nose; she heard a sickening crack of a rib or two in Zhuk. She looked up at Nirreen, blinking through dizziness, and saw her draw a small device from her bosom and slap it on her chest.

"Fools," she spat at them before she transported away.

Nira grunted a curse in Arabic. Once she gathered herself, she tapped her comm badge.

"Said to Captain Galloway," she said, unsure whether or not he returned to the bridge, "Nirreen got away. But not before I left quite an impression."

Zhuk soon managed to get enough of a hold of himself to push his claws into Nireen, securing her alongside the knives that had pierced her hands. Still, he remained on top of her, baring his teeth at her, thus making his especially large upper canines even more prominent. For a few tense moments, he wondered if Nireen would accept her defeat, or if she would need to be pummeled into submission. Finally, though, she finally voiced her surrender, something that finally allowed him to slowly let go of her, as Nira went in to remove her knives.

However, as she did, Nireen managed to regain control of the situation by headbutting Nira, and giving Zhuk a kick that sent him flying backwards a couple of feet. Immediately, he attempted to pounce back on her to keep her from escaping or attacking, but a sharp pain suddenly made him flinch, and he landed on the floor once more, clutching his torso painfully. He seethed as he could only watch uselessly as Nireen insulted them, before retrieving a device that quickly transported her away from danger. It made Zhuk angry enough to smash the floor with his closed fist.

"We should have... ugh... never t-trusted a... d-darned Romulan... ghg... s-should have... aimed for... h-her..." He stopped in his tirade before he could either say something he could regret in front of his commanding officer, and out of pain as he rolled to remain on his back. After a moment of labored breathing, Ensign Zhuk attempted to stand up, pushing himself up with his elbows, in order to continue to assist Lieutenant Commander Nira with the Security of the ship. However, he realized that it pained him too much to be able to do a proper job, every step feeling as if a knife buried into his muscle and skin.

He gritted his teeth as he closed one of his eyes, clutching his lower left side. He was met with the realization that he wouldn't be able to assist any longer. It made him even more upset. He turned to look over at Nira with his ears flat to his head, and tail between his legs. He was almost afraid to ask for permission.

"I... I request... to be allowed to get some medical assistance. I am afraid... I cannot properly assist with the Security of... t-the ship like this..." Swallowing both pride and prior conditioning he had endured in his formative years, due to the intense discomfort he felt, he went right ahead to push at his commbadge to ask for assistance, even before Nira could answer him.

=/\="I am... heading to the Infirmary... ghg... I think I have... one... maybe two broken ribs..."=/\= And so, Zhukdra'shar limped carefully and slowly towards Medbay, hoping he would be able to assisted by someone capable, hoping he would be able to return to his duties as soon as possible.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse

Sickbay, as usual after a battle, was a hive of activity with nurses and doctors treating those unfortunate individuals who had been injured by during the skirmish.  Contusions and lacerations were common from those jostled unexpectedly from impacts to the shield - even if the shield held up under the onslaught.   Burns and more serious injuries resulted when the shields failed.

This time, however, it was disruptor damage that the staff were treating at the moment - from when the Romulan boarder's fended off the Challenger security forces that responded to the invading threat.  Head Nurse Davies had just finished applying dermaline gel as per the doctor's order to the disruptor wound on crewman Gnarld, who Chloe knew was one of Lahr's former teammates.  Gnarld had been fortunate - he'd only been grazed at a medium weapon setting.  Obviously intended to disable rather than kill.  This was a tactic used by boarders to keep ship's security personnel occupied with care for their injured until medical could arrive.

Standard treatment for having one's cells torn apart by the graze of superheated energy beam was similar to that of a third and fourth-degree burn.  A direct hit at a higher beam setting could result in amputation; or even death, if the disruptor hit was located on the body core rather than a limb.

Chloe waved over a pair of orderlies - Crewman T'Varn and Crewman Heesou to assist the Lurian off the biobed and into the recovery room.  "Be careful of his IV.  It has his antibiotics in with the saline drip. We will let the dermaline gel sit for an hour.  I'll be back to check on him at that time."

Chloe looked around at the waiting area and was glad to see that what remained seemed to be more just the minor cuts and bruises.   The Head Nurse took the time needed to disinfect and sterile her biobed before her next patient.   She was about to wave the first of the waiting personnel when an incoming call sounded over the intercom.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 26, 2022, 12:29:52 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

He gritted his teeth as he closed one of his eyes, clutching his lower left side. He was met with the realization that he wouldn't be able to assist any longer. It made him even more upset. He turned to look over at Nira with his ears flat to his head, and tail between his legs. He was almost afraid to ask for permission.[/color]

"I... I request... to be allowed to get some medical assistance. I am afraid... I cannot properly assist with the Security of... t-the ship like this..." Swallowing both pride and prior conditioning he had endured in his formative years, due to the intense discomfort he felt, he went right ahead to push at his commbadge to ask for assistance, even before Nira could answer him.

=/\="I am... heading to the Infirmary... ghg... I think I have... one... maybe two broken ribs..."=/\= And so, Zhukdra'shar limped carefully and slowly towards Medbay, hoping he would be able to assisted by someone capable, hoping he would be able to return to his duties as soon as possible.

Chloe listened to the Ensign's self-assessment carefully.  Just by the quality of his voice and his breathing as he spoke, she suspected his assessment was correct.

"Computer, Medical site-to-site transport of Ensign Mrekrerhas to Sickbay - Biobed Three. Position patient sitting upright.  Initiate."  There was a bleep of acknowledgement from the computer recognizing her authorization before the transporter request was acted upon.

Once the Caitian was beamed to the Medical Bay, appearing through the transporter effect on the biobed in front of her, Chloe held up a hand towards the Caitian.  "Don't move.  I'm going to do a full scan of you."  She used the biobed's body-scan feature do a full assessment, and studied the results of the scan on the display at the head of the biobed.

"You were partially correct.  Two fractured free-floating ribs and severe thoracic trauma."  Whatever had impacted the Ensign's chest had hit the Caitian with the force of a two-story fall.

"I'll treat for the thoracic trauma first, so that you can breathe easier." she informed him as she gathered the equipment she would need.  Once she had those laying close at hand, she picked up a hypospray first. "Ensign, I'm going to administer an analgesic for the pain. But I need for you to avoid breathing deeply until after I mend those ribs.  Okay?"

With a hiss, the hypo was administered, then Chloe set to work with her dermal regenerator - set to its strongest setting to repair the deeper tissue first.  As she worked, she explained what she was doing and what the Caitian could expect as a result.  "Because I'm repairing the deep muscle tissue on this first pass, you might feel an itch under your skin.  It's important you don't move or attempt to scratch at it.  The itch will pass."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 27, 2022, 05:32:25 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse

Sickbay, as usual after a battle, was a hive of activity with nurses and doctors treating those unfortunate individuals who had been injured by during the skirmish.  Contusions and lacerations were common from those jostled unexpectedly from impacts to the shield - even if the shield held up under the onslaught.   Burns and more serious injuries resulted when the shields failed.

This time, however, it was disruptor damage that the staff were treating at the moment - from when the Romulan boarder's fended off the Challenger security forces that responded to the invading threat.  Head Nurse Davies had just finished applying dermaline gel as per the doctor's order to the disruptor wound on crewman Gnarld, who Chloe knew was one of Lahr's former teammates.  Gnarld had been fortunate - he'd only been grazed at a medium weapon setting.  Obviously intended to disable rather than kill.  This was a tactic used by boarders to keep ship's security personnel occupied with care for their injured until medical could arrive.

Standard treatment for having one's cells torn apart by the graze of superheated energy beam was similar to that of a third and fourth-degree burn.  A direct hit at a higher beam setting could result in amputation; or even death, if the disruptor hit was located on the body core rather than a limb.

Chloe waved over a pair of orderlies - Crewman T'Varn and Crewman Heesou to assist the Lurian off the biobed and into the recovery room.  "Be careful of his IV.  It has his antibiotics in with the saline drip. We will let the dermaline gel sit for an hour.  I'll be back to check on him at that time."

Chloe looked around at the waiting area and was glad to see that what remained seemed to be more just the minor cuts and bruises.   The Head Nurse took the time needed to disinfect and sterile her biobed before her next patient.   She was about to wave the first of the waiting personnel when an incoming call sounded over the intercom.

Chloe listened to the Ensign's self-assessment carefully.  Just by the quality of his voice and his breathing as he spoke, she suspected his assessment was correct.

"Computer, Medical site-to-site transport of Ensign Mrekrerhas to Sickbay - Biobed Three. Position patient sitting upright.  Initiate."  There was a bleep of acknowledgement from the computer recognizing her authorization before the transporter request was acted upon.

Once the Caitian was beamed to the Medical Bay, appearing through the transporter effect on the biobed in front of her, Chloe held up a hand towards the Caitian.  "Don't move.  I'm going to do a full scan of you."  She used the biobed's body-scan feature do a full assessment, and studied the results of the scan on the display at the head of the biobed.

"You were partially correct.  Two fractured free-floating ribs and severe thoracic trauma."  Whatever had impacted the Ensign's chest had hit the Caitian with the force of a two-story fall.

"I'll treat for the thoracic trauma first, so that you can breathe easier." she informed him as she gathered the equipment she would need.  Once she had those laying close at hand, she picked up a hypospray first. "Ensign, I'm going to administer an analgesic for the pain. But I need for you to avoid breathing deeply until after I mend those ribs.  Okay?"

With a hiss, the hypo was administered, then Chloe set to work with her dermal regenerator - set to its strongest setting to repair the deeper tissue first.  As she worked, she explained what she was doing and what the Caitian could expect as a result.  "Because I'm repairing the deep muscle tissue on this first pass, you might feel an itch under your skin.  It's important you don't move or attempt to scratch at it.  The itch will pass."

Ensign Zhukdra'shar was caught off-guard when he was suddenly transported over towards Biobed Three, he tried to look around to determine what had happened, before a familiar voice told him not to move. He re-focused his gaze over at whom he recognized as Head Nurse Davies, and sighed, regretting almost immediately, the pain making him wince. Leaning back into
the Biobed properly, he remained still as to allow her to scan him.

When the results were delivered back to him, however, he was not too surprised. He silently fumed on the bed for a moment, before replying with his own comment. "C-Correct... I had... s-suspicion that it was... l-like that..." He commented, after being told about the procedure. She could see that he had relaxed significantly, closing his eyes and with his limbs falling limp. At the request to avoid breathing deeply after she indicated that an analgesic would be applied, he nodded softly.

He stiffened slightly after the prick of the hypospray, but soon enough, he was once more calm within the bed. He felt a peculiar sensation he couldn't quite explain, but he guessed it had to do with the way Chloe so patiently explained to him each part of the procedure, and what she would do. It had a positive effect on him, reassuring, making him feel safe. Also, it fed his curiosity, allowing him to explore medical procedures that he had previously been curious about. After all, for a short time in his life, he had wondered if he should pursue a medical career in Starfleet, before making those thoughts aside. He had never had proper medical instruction, besides being shown how to apply basic first aid, by whom he considered to be his adoptive parents. Trained to be an entertainer, or a warrior, as Nireen could have seen first-hand. Not a healer.

It had been that realization that had caused him to deviate from that pathway of life, though sometimes, in times such as this, he wondered how well he could have done with such an endeavor.

The request to keep himself from moving or scratching himself was one difficult to comply with, however, once the dermal regenerator began to do its job. However, he was good with obeying orders, and so, he remained perfectly still - save his face, which did all kind of funny-looking expressions: opening one eye while closing the other, wiggling his pink nose, biting his muzzle, scrunching his brow, and blinking hard.

He didn't want to disappoint Chloe this time.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 27, 2022, 10:34:37 AM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | Entryway of Empty Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Zhukdra'shar was caught off-guard when he was suddenly transported over towards Biobed Three, he tried to look around to determine what had happened, before a familiar voice told him not to move. He re-focused his gaze over at whom he recognized as Head Nurse Davies, and sighed, regretting almost immediately, the pain making him wince. Leaning back into
the Biobed properly, he remained still as to allow her to scan him.

When the results were delivered back to him, however, he was not too surprised. He silently fumed on the bed for a moment, before replying with his own comment. "C-Correct... I had... s-suspicion that it was... l-like that..." He commented, after being told about the procedure. She could see that he had relaxed significantly, closing his eyes and with his limbs falling limp. At the request to avoid breathing deeply after she indicated that an analgesic would be applied, he nodded softly.

He stiffened slightly after the prick of the hypospray, but soon enough, he was once more calm within the bed. He felt a peculiar sensation he couldn't quite explain, but he guessed it had to do with the way Chloe so patiently explained to him each part of the procedure, and what she would do. It had a positive effect on him, reassuring, making him feel safe. Also, it fed his curiosity, allowing him to explore medical procedures that he had previously been curious about. After all, for a short time in his life, he had wondered if he should pursue a medical career in Starfleet, before making those thoughts aside. He had never had proper medical instruction, besides being shown how to apply basic first aid, by whom he considered to be his adoptive parents. Trained to be an entertainer, or a warrior, as Nireen could have seen first-hand. Not a healer.

It had been that realization that had caused him to deviate from that pathway of life, though sometimes, in times such as this, he wondered how well he could have done with such an endeavor.

The request to keep himself from moving or scratching himself was one difficult to comply with, however, once the dermal regenerator began to do its job. However, he was good with obeying orders, and so, he remained perfectly still - save his face, which did all kind of funny-looking expressions: opening one eye while closing the other, wiggling his pink nose, biting his muzzle, scrunching his brow, and blinking hard.

He didn't want to disappoint Chloe this time.

Despite her 'Don't move' order, Chloe found herself having stop the Caitian from laying back on the biobed.  With firm but gentle hands she guided him back into his sitting position. "You need to stay still. Lying back on your ribs is not advised.  Just stay right there!" she ordered with emphasis, before continuing to gather her medical implements.

Once the Caitian was cooperating she went on with her work.

She found his facial expressions somewhat amusing and despite the seriousness of his injuries she ended up smiling in reaction.  "What's with the funny faces?" she asked.

At this point, she was repairing damage done to his lungs from the blunt trauma.  "Tell me what happened."  She hoped that focusing on a reply would help distract him from the itching feeling.

She listened without comment to his explanation as she completed repair of his lungs but did acknowledge his answer with encouraging head nods.  "Your lungs have been repaired.  You should be able to have an easier time breathing now.  But don't breathe too deeply until I repair your free-floating ribs.  I'll switch over to mending those next."  Chloe commented as she set down the regenerator and picked up the bone-knitter.

"Again, it's important you remain still, as the laser will damage tissue behind the bone if you move." she advised, waiting for the Caitian's acknowledgment before starting the procedure. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Seven | Sickbay | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 27, 2022, 04:54:59 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies, Head Nurse
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

Despite her 'Don't move' order, Chloe found herself having stop the Caitian from laying back on the biobed.  With firm but gentle hands she guided him back into his sitting position. "You need to stay still. Lying back on your ribs is not advised.  Just stay right there!" she ordered with emphasis, before continuing to gather her medical implements.

Once the Caitian was cooperating she went on with her work.

She found his facial expressions somewhat amusing and despite the seriousness of his injuries she ended up smiling in reaction.  "What's with the funny faces?" she asked.

At this point, she was repairing damage done to his lungs from the blunt trauma.  "Tell me what happened."  She hoped that focusing on a reply would help distract him from the itching feeling.

She listened without comment to his explanation as she completed repair of his lungs but did acknowledge his answer with encouraging head nods.  "Your lungs have been repaired.  You should be able to have an easier time breathing now.  But don't breathe too deeply until I repair your free-floating ribs.  I'll switch over to mending those next."  Chloe commented as she set down the regenerator and picked up the bone-knitter.

"Again, it's important you remain still, as the laser will damage tissue behind the bone if you move." she advised, waiting for the Caitian's acknowledgment before starting the procedure.

Zhukdra'shar was caught off guard when he was told to remain sitting on the biobed. He truly only wanted to rest, but considering that she was the medical professional here, he obeyed, and slowly sat up once more. Especially considering how emphatic she was about what he had to do. There was certainly no denying that he was in good hands, something that he could confirm first hand by his experience over at Kaimo VI, where he served alongside her.

At her questioning of the funny faces he was making, he blinked a couple of times in confusion, before he realized what he was doing, "Oh... I am... s-sorry. I was concentrating to not.... move. But I still felt an urge to scratch myself... s-so I was trying to keep myself from acting on my i-impulses... besides... I-I wanted to laugh... I-I truly cannot explain it all too well but... it helped me from doing anything to interfere w-with your a-assistance." He offered a smile in return, as he hoped she would understand his predicament and how he sought to solve it.

"That... clone of Liutenant C-Commander Nira did this to me... R-Romulan a-assasin of some kind... ugh... m-made a mockery of myself... a-at least... I hope I managed to... i-inflict some s-serious... damage t-to her own ego... d-don't think she'll keep the s-scars of my claws..." While getting visibly worked up as well as angry, midway through his explanation he had realized that the effort might impede the medical procedure somehow, so he decided to convert what would have been a passionate speech of how he ended up with his injury, to instead a more humorous explanation. He would have chuckled too at his attempt, but he figured out it was best not to.

After being told that his lungs had been repaired, he offered a sole nod to her, taking in air by short bursts still. He took a moment to shift around slightly, properly setting himself up "Very well... I am ready."

While Chloe worked her magic, suddenly Zhuk spoke once more. "I-I am sorry I couldn't... protect you better over at Kaimo. I suppose I am not as cut for Security as I thought I was... I failed... to stop the Romulan again... I am unsure what I lack... it... frustrates me significantly. But I thought it might be a good moment to apologize for my failures.

He wasn't sure why, but he felt as if he had to say something about one of their previous missions together. Maybe it was the guilt, or the safety he felt right at this instant. But he decided to open himself slightly towards her. A feeling of fear washed over him, however, worried that she did not accept his apology. Or even worse still, that she confirmed his own negative feelings towards himself.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

First Officer's Log, Stardate 77488.81. What a hectic week. After the battle to save a Free State system and shutting down a weapon of mass destruction, our task force have gone our separate ways. Subcommander T'Vaan has taken prisoners back to Free State space while the bulk of the task force has towed the disabled flagship back to Federation space for analysis. Meanwhile, the Challenger has taken the liberty of towing the Galaxy back to Starbase 153, the flagship having burnt out its engines in getting there.

As we speak, we have two commanders now in the Science Department. Ruth Sigurdsdottir's condition shows she has fully recovered, though she has been advised to take shorter shifts until she can recover fully. Meanwhile, we have a second commander in a returning old friend, Commander T'Lara. As I understand, the two are going to split the position of CSO between each other. Shift assignments are going to prove interesting.

As we tow the flagship back to Federation space ourselves, we're graced with Admiral Gillespie's presence, especially as we're getting a debrief from him.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was talking with Lieutenant T'Kel when she saw Zhuk enter the bridge and man his position next to her at Tactical.

"Ah, there you are, Zhuk," she said. "I was just talking to T'Kel about you. You did excellently. I was making a recommendation to T'Kel for you to be a deputy..."

"Admiral on the bridge," somebody said, prompting her to whirl around to see him come in from a different turbolift...

"At ease, all," drawled the admiral. "We're closing in on Starbase 153 noo, are we?"

When he got the affirmation, he nodded in understanding. "Very good, all. Hope you'll handle the two CSOs, then."

"You've enjoyed your visit, then, Admiral?" asked Nira.

"Swimmingly," he said. "It was good to meet yeh again, lassie," he added to Nira. "First time we had to meet when there weren't a desk within the vicinity of us."

Nira nodded in understanding; once or twice, the admiral, as a high ranking member of Starfleet Security, had pulled her out for some covert assignments. Of course, she recalled meeting Jael Sherem on an undercover assignment the admiral assigned her, so she recognized the Admiral in a way when Jael mentioned who sent her.

"Unless you count a ready room," said Nira, indicating either hers or Ian's around the bridge.

"And I understand the latest EMH model has been of crucial help," he said.

"Oh, he has," said a stuffy voice and the admiral turned to see the EMH Mark Eight making final rounds. "Oh, don't mind me, wanted to make things thorough, that planet was damn near ready to crack and make us a bit woozy, I wanted to make sure you all were healthy."

"Well, I don't blame him for the paranoia," Nira told Gillespie with a shrug. "Overly concerned about us. Still, we owe the Mark Eight for that..."

"The Mark Eight?" asked the admiral in surprise. "That's not the Mark Eight, that's the Mark Twelve."

The EMH paused and turned in surprise.

"Uh...I beg your pardon?"

"He was introducing himself at the Mark Eight," said Nira.

"Well, what the hell kind of bug is this?" muttered Gillespie.

Nira looked around at Lahr and McNair at their bridge stations. "Lahr? McNair? Would you mind if you ran a diagnostic on this EMH, please?"

"I think I've taken enough of your First Officer's time for noo, lad," the admiral said to Ian. "Granted, I'm not going to wait for the Galaxy's refit, I'm going to need to take transport back to Starfleet Command as soon as possible, bloody paperwork's boond to stack up while I'm away. But first, shall we?" he asked, nodding to the Captain's Ready Room.

He took Ian into the ready room, no doubt to debrief the Captain. It left Nira in charge of the bridge. So she took the chair, though she strictly reminded herself that this was hers only temporarily. She looked around the bridge and saw Commander Catalan man the first officer's chair, though he looked glad he didn't have to take the big chair again.

Nira let out a sigh. She had hoped that either Ruth or T'Lara would be at the bridge and take the seat with her, but neither were currently present on the bridge. She was sure Ruth still needed recuperation time and T'Lara needed time to get to know the ship as Nira herself had. Still, she kept from being amused at the fact that Ruth was beamed to the brig along with McNair's security team. Nira was especially impressed at how McNair was hiding his current limp, but to those with keen observation to take in even the smallest details, the limp wasn't lost on Nira; she was sure Ruth still hadn't forgiven McNair for beaming her to the brig, regardless of her attitude.

All the same, she can't help but be concerned; Nirreen and Thelal were still on the loose and so were their apparent accomplice-in-chief, Nakir. A warlord with ambitions enough to call himself Praetor, even if he was part Reman, even without a weapon of mass destruction of any size, even without a copycat assassin at his side (egotistical Thelal didn't worry her at all), it was enough to be of huge concern.

She wondered what was going on between Ian and the admiral. She respected the admiral, but he did have a reputation to be intimidating; given his wide eyes, he used to be nicknamed "Cisco" Gillespie, because he certainly looked like a wizened fish with wide eyes that could stare into the soul. Of course, this was long before one Benjamin Sisko came onto the scene of fame, prompting Gillespie to drop the nickname, especially since his middle name was Benjamin.

Deciding on a change of subject, Nira turned to Lahr and McNair and said, "Report."

"Good timing," the EMH said, looking up. "You won't believe what they found."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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