S:5 E:9 - The Naked When

Started by Nira Said, September 01, 2022, 10:50:37 AM

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Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on September 30, 2022, 08:19:11 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The hail to the Joran was answered by T'Vaan's First Officer, though T'Vaan was still on the bridge. Nira looked over to T'Kel and said, "Commander Catalan, beam the Subcommander back on to her ship, site-to-site transport, and then raise shields as fast as you can."

Nira was somewhat impressed by the oath Zhuk had made. All she did was raise her eyebrow at him. T'Kel managed to get T'Vaan back to her ship and raised shields before she hailed this Thelal. Nira was somewhat surprised by the slow response from the ship. The Kranu didn't even turn...was it possible that they had came in at the same time the Challenger and the Joran did?

And there was another critical factor: The fact that a ship appeared to destroy those adrift ships meant that whoever sent Thelal had something to hide and didn't want to see the light of day.

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

Nirreen smirked in satisfaction at finding some adrift ships near where the proving ground. It took her quite a while to convince Thelal to get over to the system. It was reasonably simple: Considering how close the ships were when the planet was crushed and how suddenly, as she could tell from the various hails from the lead ships, that they were making fools from themselves in increasing levels, from embarrassment to chaotic fatality.

The fleet from the Star Empire of Rotar had insisted in being there to watch our latest toy,
she thought to herself. They were so set on leaving the Free State with only a whole cloud of rocks rather than let them have it. It's on their heads.

She may be a trinam working her way to centurion, but she knew immediately that so many Rotar ships adrift would not only get attention, their databanks would give their latest weapon of mass destruction away. She, along with the rest of her Tal Shiar group, agreed that they had to go. And since she was acting as Tal Shiar liaison as well as weapons officer, having been rotated onto the Kranu, and the Kranu was the closest ship...well, the rest was history.

Truthfully, Nirreen would much rather be back out; an assassin's talents was wasted serving as a ship weapons officer, especially under that fool Thelal. But she had her orders. And in any case, there was no denying the brainchild of the project needed to keep things quiet. But then, he was half-Reman and it was difficult making an alliance with him, but he was needed.

She had been so focused on firing on the ships that she was surprised by the hail...a hail from a Starfleet frequency...and she was further surprised to find a Federation Starship and a Free State vessel nearby...how did she miss...?

She knew what it was, of course. She heard plenty from the Kranu crew and intelligent reports of how frequently they had clashed with the Starship Challenger. And here they were once again, with a Free State ship backing them up.

"Thelal!" Nirreen called. "There's a Federation Starship and a Free State Cruiser...! They're hailing us...! I believe you know this Terran better than anybody."

Quote from: Nira Said on October 03, 2022, 08:12:52 AM

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Deck One | Romulan Ship Kranu]

To Nirreen's surprise, Thelal was smirking when she told him, even as she brought up the Challenger on viewscreen.

"Ah. My favorite antique,"
he said sardonically. "Open hailing frequencies."

Nirreen was taken aback. No attacking? No...anything? And the way he talked about the Challenger...Nireen opened hails and the Challenger bridge came into view...and she was surprised again.

For sitting in the First Officer's chair next to Captain Galloway was somebody she recognized, though they never met face to face: Nira Said.

She could remember like it was yesterday: Studying her every move, everything about her. Naturally, she was chosen because of her resemblance to the Betazoid security officer, even down to height. From a distance, at least her face won't be recognizable. Then she would lead a team of false Starfleet officers to attack the station at the Tryka System...a plan to stop the formation of the Romulan Free State. One that was foiled.

Nirreen had to admit, she never gave so much as a thought of Said for a long time. And now, here she was, a First Officer on a starship that Thelal had plenty of dealings with. Was it possible fate was bringing them together in a confrontation.

On the viewscreen, she was sure Nira could see her, too, her brow slightly furrowed, like she had seen that officer before...as much as she was behind Thelal, there was a good chance Said could recognize her...did she see the security footage on that station...?

"Well, Captain Galloway," Thelal said, sneering. "So we meet again. To what do I owe the pleasure? With the amount of times we met across the border, it's so ironic that we have to meet again in my...how do you put it on Earth? On my home turf. Who's violating borders now?"

Of course he was sneering. He practically expelled so much familiarity to Galloway, of course Thelal would be one to exchange insults and sarcasm. And did they frequently clash when Thelal was on the wrong side of the border? Nirreen only scowled. Technically, they were in territory friendly to the Federation, even if it had been merged from the Star Empire of Rotar. They weren't particularly in Tal Shiar nor Praetoriana space, either. If she had her way, she'd engage the Challenger and what was apparently a Free State cruiser accompanying it. But then, as an assassin, she preferred to strike when the enemy least expected it.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 03, 2022, 05:20:10 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ian noted the sneer on Thelal's face and wanted nothing more than to drive the heel of his palm into the bridge of the Romulan's nose, just to hear the crunch as it broke and thought.

"One day you smarmy pillock, one day."

Out loud, Ian said as he smiled coldly.

"This is nae your 'home turf' you git and you ken that full well. This is Free State territory and you are again on the wrong side of a border where you aren't wanted.

"The only thing you need ta do is bugger off back ta the swamp you crawled out of Commander Phlem. I'd call you scum, but scum floats and I'd never give that much regard.

"I'm sure someone on your ship is competent enough ta know we have weapons loaded as does our colleague. Please try summat stupid so I can justify blastin' the Khranu so far up your arse you choke on it."

Ian then waited to see if he'd tweaked Thelal enough to make the preening Romulan choose... poorly.

As the orders were provided to Commander Catalan to beam the Subcommander T'Vaan back to her ship, Zhuk remained a zealous guard to the Subcommander, though an ear pivoted over to overhear the verbal battle between Captain Galloway and this Thelal individual. The result did not dissapoint at all, however, as he remained rather amused over at the interaction. He had no idea as to what a fourth of what Ian was telling Thelal meant, but what he understood made it rather amusing for him, snickering to himself as he felt that the Captain had absolutely won this competition of sharp words and wits.

His ego would have certainly be hurt if he was in Thelal's place, that he was absolutely sure about.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 03, 2022, 05:20:10 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger ]

Ian noted the sneer on Thelal's face and wanted nothing more than to drive the heel of his palm into the bridge of the Romulan's nose, just to hear the crunch as it broke and thought.

"One day you smarmy pillock, one day."

Out loud, Ian said as he smiled coldly.

"This is nae your 'home turf' you git and you ken that full well. This is Free State territory and you are again on the wrong side of a border where you aren't wanted.

"The only thing you need ta do is bugger off back ta the swamp you crawled out of Commander Phlem. I'd call you scum, but scum floats and I'd never give that much regard.

"I'm sure someone on your ship is competent enough ta know we have weapons loaded as does our colleague. Please try summat stupid so I can justify blastin' the Khranu so far up your arse you choke on it."

Ian then waited to see if he'd tweaked Thelal enough to make the preening Romulan choose... poorly.

Quote from: T'prith on October 02, 2022, 09:18:39 PM

[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'Prith was very suspicious about the entire situation. It probably wasn't a good idea to give out confidential information because that information could land into the wrong hands and if it did it wouldn't be good for the crew. She had to wonder if they were potentially followed by another ship. It seemed kind of shady but it might be too early to judge.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 06, 2022, 08:56:34 AM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As the orders were provided to Commander Catalan to beam the Subcommander T'Vaan back to her ship, Zhuk remained a zealous guard to the Subcommander, though an ear pivoted over to overhear the verbal battle between Captain Galloway and this Thelal individual. The result did not dissapoint at all, however, as he remained rather amused over at the interaction. He had no idea as to what a fourth of what Ian was telling Thelal meant, but what he understood made it rather amusing for him, snickering to himself as he felt that the Captain had absolutely won this competition of sharp words and wits.

His ego would have certainly be hurt if he was in Thelal's place, that he was absolutely sure about.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with interest in the exchange of insults between Ian and Thelal. She especially noticed one of the officers behind Thelal looked familiar...where did she remember seeing that woman...?

Thelal only snorted at Ian's reply and retorted, "Actually, this used to be territory of the Star Empire of Rotar. They're not happy to give territory to the Free State, but what choice did they have? Believe me, to my faction, it's still Rotar Space, and plenty of other factions agree.

"Thelal, hails coming from the Free State ship," said the familiar woman behind Thelal.

"By all means, connect them, too," Thelal scoffed. "Misery loves company, and these fools deserve each other."

T'Vaan came up on the screen, the viewscreen splitting in two to show the images of the two Romulans.

"Thelal, this really isn't the right time to be insulting either the Free State or the Federation," she said chidingly.

"On the contrary, it's the right time!" Thelal retorted with a sneer and a scoff. "Look at this antique. And you in league with them. The Free State and the Federation, two foolish rabbles, and look who represent them..."

As Thelal ranted tauntingly, Nira got a message in her chair. And it was in text.

Keep him talking. Sending you a hailing frequency to connect with the dead ship's computers. T'Vaan and crew.

Nira understood at once. Thelal, being the sardonic windbag as he is, is reveling in insulting both the Federation and the Free State and their respective representatives, and his attention is diverted from the dead ships.  T'Vaan is taking advantage of it and sending an uplink frequency linking the ships' computers, and thus find out from them what caused a gravitational field to alter in a way to increase mass enough to crush a planet. Literally.

Subtly, Nira sent a message to Ops. To McNair and T'Prith in particular, informing them by text that the Free State allies are going to send an uplink frequency. She then sent a text message to T'Kel and Zhuk to stand by on weapons and to do so in the most subtle way possible.

Once T'Vaan began a retort of her own at Thelal, Nira whispered to Ian, "Keep him talking. We have a chance to find out what happened."

Noticing that the Romulan woman behind Thelal was watching raptly, Nira turned her attention back to the viewscreen and made the most pensive gesture, a most definite reaction: Something about that woman was definitely familiar, and she couldn't pinpoint where she had met her, let alone seen her, before.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge]

Having reported in, there wasn't much for the team to do now but sit and wait to be called.
Well, most of the team.

Lahr, being the overly curious type, and the type most likely to bend the rules in order to satisfy said curiosity, pulled out his PADD and moved off away from the others to sit by the observation window.  The Andorian retrieved his earbuds from his pants pocket and bobbed his head to a non-existent beat.   While the others on the Damage Control Team likely thought he was listening to his music, Lahr in fact was entering Ruth's command code (which she had given them back on the day of her wedding) and used it to gain access to the ship's security cameras - in specific the camera on the bridge.  Lahr wanted to know what was going on.

Quote from: Nira Said on October 06, 2022, 11:52:26 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


T'Vaan came up on the screen, the viewscreen splitting in two to show the images of the two Romulans.

"Thelal, this really isn't the right time to be insulting either the Free State or the Federation," she said chidingly.

"On the contrary, it's the right time!" Thelal retorted with a sneer and a scoff. "Look at this antique. And you in league with them. The Free State and the Federation, two foolish rabbles, and look who represent them..."

Lahr was disappointed to have missed the Captain's usual colorful greeting to Thelal.  But given the Commander's taunting, Lahr figured it was only a matter a time before Captain Galloway would put the Romulan in his place.

As he listened in, Lahr zoomed in on the viewscreen image of Thelal and captured a few screenshots which he then in his mischievous manner proceeded to do a few edits to.

He noticed in one of the screen shots, a rather attractive Romulan officer in the background, and Lahr found himself staring at her feeling like he'd seen her before.   It took a moment for the Andorian to figure out why.   While not quite Said's doppleganger, there was a definite resemblance.   Was it a coincidence?  Lahr wasn't a believer in coincidence.

From his view angle, he could see the Commander reading a message on the arm of her chair.  He couldn't make out the message - at least not without clearing up the image a bit, but he wasn't interested in reading her message.   He saw this as an opportunity to send her a message because it seemed to him like no one on the bridge had caught onto the similarity.

You have a doppleganger.  Behind Thelal - left side.  She has your face.

Lahr didn't sign his message. With luck the Commander would assume it came from the source of her previous one.   He really didn't want to have to explain how he'd seen the Romulan's similarity from the Observation Lounge.   That could easily earn him a demotion or worse!  Like time scrubbing the hull. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 06, 2022, 11:52:26 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with interest in the exchange of insults between Ian and Thelal. She especially noticed one of the officers behind Thelal looked familiar...where did she remember seeing that woman...?

Thelal only snorted at Ian's reply and retorted, "Actually, this used to be territory of the Star Empire of Rotar. They're not happy to give territory to the Free State, but what choice did they have? Believe me, to my faction, it's still Rotar Space, and plenty of other factions agree.

"Thelal, hails coming from the Free State ship," said the familiar woman behind Thelal.

"By all means, connect them, too," Thelal scoffed. "Misery loves company, and these fools deserve each other."

T'Vaan came up on the screen, the viewscreen splitting in two to show the images of the two Romulans.

"Thelal, this really isn't the right time to be insulting either the Free State or the Federation," she said chidingly.

"On the contrary, it's the right time!" Thelal retorted with a sneer and a scoff. "Look at this antique. And you in league with them. The Free State and the Federation, two foolish rabbles, and look who represent them..."

As Thelal ranted tauntingly, Nira got a message in her chair. And it was in text.

Keep him talking. Sending you a hailing frequency to connect with the dead ship's computers. T'Vaan and crew.

Nira understood at once. Thelal, being the sardonic windbag as he is, is reveling in insulting both the Federation and the Free State and their respective representatives, and his attention is diverted from the dead ships.  T'Vaan is taking advantage of it and sending an uplink frequency linking the ships' computers, and thus find out from them what caused a gravitational field to alter in a way to increase mass enough to crush a planet. Literally.

Subtly, Nira sent a message to Ops. To McNair and T'Prith in particular, informing them by text that the Free State allies are going to send an uplink frequency. She then sent a text message to T'Kel and Zhuk to stand by on weapons and to do so in the most subtle way possible.

Once T'Vaan began a retort of her own at Thelal, Nira whispered to Ian, "Keep him talking. We have a chance to find out what happened."

Noticing that the Romulan woman behind Thelal was watching raptly, Nira turned her attention back to the viewscreen and made the most pensive gesture, a most definite reaction: Something about that woman was definitely familiar, and she couldn't pinpoint where she had met her, let alone seen her, before.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian actually laughed at Thelal's response as he in turn replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"What you believe you pillock means exactly squat. This is now Free State space and I, along with my colleague Sub-Commander T'Vaan, are more than prepared ta defend this sector of space. Crawl back ta whatever pit you call home while the Khranu is still in one piece.

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on October 06, 2022, 11:52:26 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with interest in the exchange of insults between Ian and Thelal. She especially noticed one of the officers behind Thelal looked familiar...where did she remember seeing that woman...?

Thelal only snorted at Ian's reply and retorted, "Actually, this used to be territory of the Star Empire of Rotar. They're not happy to give territory to the Free State, but what choice did they have? Believe me, to my faction, it's still Rotar Space, and plenty of other factions agree.

"Thelal, hails coming from the Free State ship," said the familiar woman behind Thelal.

"By all means, connect them, too," Thelal scoffed. "Misery loves company, and these fools deserve each other."

T'Vaan came up on the screen, the viewscreen splitting in two to show the images of the two Romulans.

"Thelal, this really isn't the right time to be insulting either the Free State or the Federation," she said chidingly.

"On the contrary, it's the right time!" Thelal retorted with a sneer and a scoff. "Look at this antique. And you in league with them. The Free State and the Federation, two foolish rabbles, and look who represent them..."

As Thelal ranted tauntingly, Nira got a message in her chair. And it was in text.

Keep him talking. Sending you a hailing frequency to connect with the dead ship's computers. T'Vaan and crew.

Nira understood at once. Thelal, being the sardonic windbag as he is, is reveling in insulting both the Federation and the Free State and their respective representatives, and his attention is diverted from the dead ships.  T'Vaan is taking advantage of it and sending an uplink frequency linking the ships' computers, and thus find out from them what caused a gravitational field to alter in a way to increase mass enough to crush a planet. Literally.

Subtly, Nira sent a message to Ops. To McNair and T'Prith in particular, informing them by text that the Free State allies are going to send an uplink frequency. She then sent a text message to T'Kel and Zhuk to stand by on weapons and to do so in the most subtle way possible.

Once T'Vaan began a retort of her own at Thelal, Nira whispered to Ian, "Keep him talking. We have a chance to find out what happened."

Noticing that the Romulan woman behind Thelal was watching raptly, Nira turned her attention back to the viewscreen and made the most pensive gesture, a most definite reaction: Something about that woman was definitely familiar, and she couldn't pinpoint where she had met her, let alone seen her, before.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck watched with interest as the bridge seemed to turn into somewhat of a place where insults were being traded. It was rather impressive bit of history he seemed to have been dragged into through no fault of his own, and certainly names to faces that the young ensign knew he should remember - should they run into them again later down the line. Which, judging by Challenger's impressive history, was more than likely.

His eyes cast downwards as a message alerted him. He looked over to where T'Prith was, motioning with his eyes that there was something for the both of them to pay attention to.

An uplink from the Free State.

Buck glanced up towards Commander Said, hoping that his glance would signal that they had read the message and were waiting for their signal to go ahead with whatever plan they were concocting. They also needed to remain ready to accept anything that came their way, be that it seemed their Captain was ready enough to go to battle over this.

Or perhaps hoping that the Rotar faction turned tail.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 06, 2022, 11:52:26 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with interest in the exchange of insults between Ian and Thelal. She especially noticed one of the officers behind Thelal looked familiar...where did she remember seeing that woman...?

Thelal only snorted at Ian's reply and retorted, "Actually, this used to be territory of the Star Empire of Rotar. They're not happy to give territory to the Free State, but what choice did they have? Believe me, to my faction, it's still Rotar Space, and plenty of other factions agree.

"Thelal, hails coming from the Free State ship," said the familiar woman behind Thelal.

"By all means, connect them, too," Thelal scoffed. "Misery loves company, and these fools deserve each other."

T'Vaan came up on the screen, the viewscreen splitting in two to show the images of the two Romulans.

"Thelal, this really isn't the right time to be insulting either the Free State or the Federation," she said chidingly.

"On the contrary, it's the right time!" Thelal retorted with a sneer and a scoff. "Look at this antique. And you in league with them. The Free State and the Federation, two foolish rabbles, and look who represent them..."

As Thelal ranted tauntingly, Nira got a message in her chair. And it was in text.

Keep him talking. Sending you a hailing frequency to connect with the dead ship's computers. T'Vaan and crew.

Nira understood at once. Thelal, being the sardonic windbag as he is, is reveling in insulting both the Federation and the Free State and their respective representatives, and his attention is diverted from the dead ships.  T'Vaan is taking advantage of it and sending an uplink frequency linking the ships' computers, and thus find out from them what caused a gravitational field to alter in a way to increase mass enough to crush a planet. Literally.

Subtly, Nira sent a message to Ops. To McNair and T'Prith in particular, informing them by text that the Free State allies are going to send an uplink frequency. She then sent a text message to T'Kel and Zhuk to stand by on weapons and to do so in the most subtle way possible.

Once T'Vaan began a retort of her own at Thelal, Nira whispered to Ian, "Keep him talking. We have a chance to find out what happened."

Noticing that the Romulan woman behind Thelal was watching raptly, Nira turned her attention back to the viewscreen and made the most pensive gesture, a most definite reaction: Something about that woman was definitely familiar, and she couldn't pinpoint where she had met her, let alone seen her, before.

Zhukdra'shar remained momentarily lost after Subcommander T'Vaan returned to her vessel, and he was left without orders. He hated that feeling of not knowing how to make himself useful, and just having to awkwardly stand there, while trying to find something to entretain himself. Or at least seem as if he had a purpose within the Bridge. He admitted that he liked being there, amongst the high-command. It made him feel important, in a way, and needed. But then again, maybe it was best for him to go.

That was, until he received a ping on his PADD, he proceeded to inspect it discreetly, a curious eyebrow raising over the purpose and origin of such a message. He was a bit surprised to receive a notice from Lieutenant Commander, which instructed him to head over to the Weapon's console alongside his superior Security officer, T'Kel, while being as subtle as possible. He quickly scanned the room for T'Kel, as he waited for a moment to make his movement seem less conspicous and less natural.

In the meanwhile, he made sure to appraise the babbling Thelal, and the woman that greatly resembled Nira behind him. He wondered why they were so similar. For a moment, the thought of attempting to show himself off to her came to his mind, before remembering that it would probably do little for a Romulan. And so, once he determined enough time had passed, he walked towards the Weapons Console.

Once he was close to it, he feigned to yawn as he crossed his arms, watching the screen closely. However, if anyone was perceptive enough, they would be able to tell that an ear was directly positioned over towards the screen, making sure to ever so subtly glance over at the console every once in a while. He was ready to jump on it, however, as soon as the order was given. As to appear more conspicous, he leaned in towards T'Kel.

"I shalt make some iddle chatter so that our true plan is not discovered," He whispered, as he then continued "Still, I cannot help but be extremely curious as to whomst this Thelal individual is. Have you personally faced him before, Lieutenant?"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 08, 2022, 09:03:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian actually laughed at Thelal's response as he in turn replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"What you believe you pillock means exactly squat. This is now Free State space and I, along with my colleague Sub-Commander T'Vaan, are more than prepared ta defend this sector of space. Crawl back ta whatever pit you call home while the Khranu is still in one piece.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 08, 2022, 03:48:20 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge]

Having reported in, there wasn't much for the team to do now but sit and wait to be called.
Well, most of the team.

Lahr, being the overly curious type, and the type most likely to bend the rules in order to satisfy said curiosity, pulled out his PADD and moved off away from the others to sit by the observation window.  The Andorian retrieved his earbuds from his pants pocket and bobbed his head to a non-existent beat.   While the others on the Damage Control Team likely thought he was listening to his music, Lahr in fact was entering Ruth's command code (which she had given them back on the day of her wedding) and used it to gain access to the ship's security cameras - in specific the camera on the bridge.  Lahr wanted to know what was going on.

Lahr was disappointed to have missed the Captain's usual colorful greeting to Thelal.  But given the Commander's taunting, Lahr figured it was only a matter a time before Captain Galloway would put the Romulan in his place.

As he listened in, Lahr zoomed in on the viewscreen image of Thelal and captured a few screenshots which he then in his mischievous manner proceeded to do a few edits to.

He noticed in one of the screen shots, a rather attractive Romulan officer in the background, and Lahr found himself staring at her feeling like he'd seen her before.   It took a moment for the Andorian to figure out why.   While not quite Said's doppleganger, there was a definite resemblance.   Was it a coincidence?  Lahr wasn't a believer in coincidence.

From his view angle, he could see the Commander reading a message on the arm of her chair.  He couldn't make out the message - at least not without clearing up the image a bit, but he wasn't interested in reading her message.   He saw this as an opportunity to send her a message because it seemed to him like no one on the bridge had caught onto the similarity.

You have a doppleganger.  Behind Thelal - left side.  She has your face.

Lahr didn't sign his message. With luck the Commander would assume it came from the source of her previous one.   He really didn't want to have to explain how he'd seen the Romulan's similarity from the Observation Lounge.   That could easily earn him a demotion or worse!  Like time scrubbing the hull.

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 10, 2022, 05:52:04 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck watched with interest as the bridge seemed to turn into somewhat of a place where insults were being traded. It was rather impressive bit of history he seemed to have been dragged into through no fault of his own, and certainly names to faces that the young ensign knew he should remember - should they run into them again later down the line. Which, judging by Challenger's impressive history, was more than likely.

His eyes cast downwards as a message alerted him. He looked over to where T'Prith was, motioning with his eyes that there was something for the both of them to pay attention to.

An uplink from the Free State.

Buck glanced up towards Commander Said, hoping that his glance would signal that they had read the message and were waiting for their signal to go ahead with whatever plan they were concocting. They also needed to remain ready to accept anything that came their way, be that it seemed their Captain was ready enough to go to battle over this.

Or perhaps hoping that the Rotar faction turned tail.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira noticed McNair's glance being particularly poignant and she typed a message back to him: Go ahead.

Then she saw the anonymous message. She looked up at the Romulan to the left of Thelal. Of course, that was why she was looking familiar. And when the Romulan looked down, it all but confirmed it. She had seen her before. Security footage was blurry, but she can see how most of her face resembled her. The lock of hair was certainly identical to her, even if it was so long it draped over her ears. She was sure if she stood, they'd be at the exact height.

Nira momentarily looked around to see who sent it; surely it had to be somebody on the bridge. Then she decided she would check later and she turned back, staring intently at the woman.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 11, 2022, 08:08:30 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar remained momentarily lost after Subcommander T'Vaan returned to her vessel, and he was left without orders. He hated that feeling of not knowing how to make himself useful, and just having to awkwardly stand there, while trying to find something to entretain himself. Or at least seem as if he had a purpose within the Bridge. He admitted that he liked being there, amongst the high-command. It made him feel important, in a way, and needed. But then again, maybe it was best for him to go.

That was, until he received a ping on his PADD, he proceeded to inspect it discreetly, a curious eyebrow raising over the purpose and origin of such a message. He was a bit surprised to receive a notice from Lieutenant Commander, which instructed him to head over to the Weapon's console alongside his superior Security officer, T'Kel, while being as subtle as possible. He quickly scanned the room for T'Kel, as he waited for a moment to make his movement seem less conspicous and less natural.

In the meanwhile, he made sure to appraise the babbling Thelal, and the woman that greatly resembled Nira behind him. He wondered why they were so similar. For a moment, the thought of attempting to show himself off to her came to his mind, before remembering that it would probably do little for a Romulan. And so, once he determined enough time had passed, he walked towards the Weapons Console.

Once he was close to it, he feigned to yawn as he crossed his arms, watching the screen closely. However, if anyone was perceptive enough, they would be able to tell that an ear was directly positioned over towards the screen, making sure to ever so subtly glance over at the console every once in a while. He was ready to jump on it, however, as soon as the order was given. As to appear more conspicous, he leaned in towards T'Kel.

"I shalt make some iddle chatter so that our true plan is not discovered," He whispered, as he then continued "Still, I cannot help but be extremely curious as to whomst this Thelal individual is. Have you personally faced him before, Lieutenant?"

T'Kel nodded solemnly. "Oh yes," she whispered quietly. "We've encountered him four times. Confrontation of any kind is inevitable with him."

Thelal, meanwhile, only sneered. "I'm not one to be ordered around, certainly not by the likes of either of you. We do as we wish, with or without your approval."

"I don't deny that," snapped Nira, though she was still looking at the woman. "Particularly at the company you keep."

Thelal raised an eyebrow, almost Vulcanlike, though the way he did it was mocking. Then he looked at where Nira was staring and scoffed. But the doppleganger only pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"Ah, you refer to my tactical officer? Ah, a handy colleague of the Tal Shiar. We are a like in many ways. Interesting coincidence that she would bear a resemblance. I would say the same about your first officer, Galloway."

"As a Tal Shiar officer, her work must take her all over," said Nira poignantly, then even sharper. "Like the Tryka system?"

The doppleganger flinched, only too slightly, missable to anybody who wasn't paying enough attention to small details. That was enough of an indication of who she was.

"Possibly," Thelal shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

Nirreen certainly tried to keep her reaction as calm as possible. She wondered how long it would take for Said to recognize her. Nonetheless, she was suspicious. Why on earth were the Challengers' Captain and First Officer intent on keeping Thelal on a roll of provocative banter...?

"Banter notwithstanding, I do appreciate you leaving me out of this," Nirreen retorted.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira narrowed her eyes. The woman even sounded like her, if Nira preferred to talk like quietly but cold and perhaps a little cruelly.

"Ah yes, you prefer your invisibility, Nirreen?" Thelal scoffed. "Prefer to blend in and not be noticed?"

As Thelal's back was turned, Nira typed. How much has been uploaded so far? she typed to Ops. She feeling a little anxious. It wasn't going to be long before any one of them, particularly that Nirreen woman, would be on to them and open fire on the adrift ships before their upload was finished.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 08, 2022, 09:03:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian actually laughed at Thelal's response as he in turn replied with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"What you believe you pillock means exactly squat. This is now Free State space and I, along with my colleague Sub-Commander T'Vaan, are more than prepared ta defend this sector of space. Crawl back ta whatever pit you call home while the Khranu is still in one piece.

Lahr chuckled and wondered what a 'pillock' was.  It couldn't be anything complementary by the Captain's usage of it.  Lahr opened second screen on his PADD, while he continued listening, and searched up the term... then chuckled some more.  Hehe.  Stupid person was an apt description of the Romulan Commander.  The Andorian leaned back in his Lounge chair, glad that he hadn't missed all the entertainment.

Lahr watched Commander Said sending messages out; but he couldn't really notice any specific reaction to his message.    But then Thelal pointed it out - marking it as a coincidence.   Yeah, not likely.  But what was even more interesting to Andorian was that Commander Said seemed to respond back with a comment that was oddly specific.

Where the hell was Tryka? He wondered.  Lahr had travel across a large portion of Federation space over the past 5 years.  He'd never heard that name before.  Why would Said ask if the woman had been there?    Curious and nosy, Lahr searched up that name, and was rewarded with the information that Tryka was a Romulan star system with its third planet being inhabitable and a thriving Romulan colony.   That knowledge had been the intend of his search..  but Lahr was signed in using Ruth's authorization and so his search also rewarded him with access to various mission logs by Captain Tekin of the USS Discovery that referenced the Tryka system.  Oh?

Curiosity was a huge flaw for Lahr, so he found himself breaking the rules and skimming through a transcript of the logs.  All still while continuing to listen in on what was going on the Bridge.   He was intrigued to learn that her name was Nirreen.   It only added to the doppleganger notion.   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on October 12, 2022, 09:12:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira noticed McNair's glance being particularly poignant and she typed a message back to him: Go ahead.

Then she saw the anonymous message. She looked up at the Romulan to the left of Thelal. Of course, that was why she was looking familiar. And when the Romulan looked down, it all but confirmed it. She had seen her before. Security footage was blurry, but she can see how most of her face resembled her. The lock of hair was certainly identical to her, even if it was so long it draped over her ears. She was sure if she stood, they'd be at the exact height.

Nira momentarily looked around to see who sent it; surely it had to be somebody on the bridge. Then she decided she would check later and she turned back, staring intently at the woman.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was a lot to comprehend, but should Buck have learned anything through his time as a junior officer going through training was that the best way to get through was to ask the questions but to know when the right time was to do so. Perhaps after this encounter he would make his enquiries, make it all make sense and do a personal log about it so that he remembered it for the next time they encounter these faces.

From the look of it, they were bound to run into them, and the next time, he might actually have a clue about what was going on and how he could handle it. Though Buck also suspected that they would not be able to pull off the same trick twice over on the Romulans, but perhaps he could be disproved.

Quote from: Nira Said on October 12, 2022, 09:12:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira narrowed her eyes. The woman even sounded like her, if Nira preferred to talk like quietly but cold and perhaps a little cruelly.

"Ah yes, you prefer your invisibility, Nirreen?" Thelal scoffed. "Prefer to blend in and not be noticed?"

As Thelal's back was turned, Nira typed. How much has been uploaded so far? she typed to Ops. She feeling a little anxious. It wasn't going to be long before any one of them, particularly that Nirreen woman, would be on to them and open fire on the adrift ships before their upload was finished.

Buck glanced down, more of a background member on the bridge, there would be a lower chance of him being suspicious than if the commander or the captain did so.

Just a little over halfway. 65%.

He replied with.

It wasn't great but things were moving along as he was typing it. He supposed that Nira did not want for continuous updates which would draw suspicion to why the commander was looking down at her PADD all the time.

77%. ~3 mins.

Buck was estimating, his jaw running taught as he hoped that the uplink would continue gaining speed and traction as he watched the numbers tick up, willing for it to go faster.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 12, 2022, 09:12:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

frontation of any kind is inevitable with him."

Thelal, meanwhile, only sneered. "I'm not one to be ordered around, certainly not by the likes of either of you. We do as we wish, with or without your approval."

"I don't deny that," snapped Nira, though she was still looking at the woman. "Particularly at the company you keep."

Thelal raised an eyebrow, almost Vulcanlike, though the way he did it was mocking. Then he looked at where Nira was staring and scoffed. But the doppleganger only pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"Ah, you refer to my tactical officer? Ah, a handy colleague of the Tal Shiar. We are a like in many ways. Interesting coincidence that she would bear a resemblance. I would say the same about your first officer, Galloway."

"As a Tal Shiar officer, her work must take her all over," said Nira poignantly, then even sharper. "Like the Tryka system?"

The doppleganger flinched, only too slightly, missable to anybody who wasn't paying enough attention to small details. That was enough of an indication of who she was.

"Possibly," Thelal shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 14, 2022, 03:33:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was a lot to comprehend, but should Buck have learned anything through his time as a junior officer going through training was that the best way to get through was to ask the questions but to know when the right time was to do so. Perhaps after this encounter he would make his enquiries, make it all make sense and do a personal log about it so that he remembered it for the next time they encounter these faces.

From the look of it, they were bound to run into them, and the next time, he might actually have a clue about what was going on and how he could handle it. Though Buck also suspected that they would not be able to pull off the same trick twice over on the Romulans, but perhaps he could be disproved.

Buck glanced down, more of a background member on the bridge, there would be a lower chance of him being suspicious than if the commander or the captain did so.

Just a little over halfway. 65%.

He replied with.

It wasn't great but things were moving along as he was typing it. He supposed that Nira did not want for continuous updates which would draw suspicion to why the commander was looking down at her PADD all the time.

77%. ~3 mins.

Buck was estimating, his jaw running taught as he hoped that the uplink would continue gaining speed and traction as he watched the numbers tick up, willing for it to go faster.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could see the text traffic and knew he had to keep Thelal occupied, which he didn't mind tweaking the Romulan's tail, in fact, he rather enjoyed doing so.

"Thelal, I thought Romulan ships ran off of of miniature quantum singularities, but goin' by the gas you spew every time you open your gob, I believe the Khranu must use your own hot air for power. Do you ever get tired of hearin' yourself talk?

"Prior ta the Hobus supernova, the nonsense you babble might have had some hint of reality ta it, but now, you Lan dhen cac git, your claims ta go where you wish are delusional. This is Romulan Free State space, you have been formally warned that you are trespassin'. You now have... I'll be generous and give you five minutes ta hie thee from this place or we will have no choice but ta open fire."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 12, 2022, 09:12:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira noticed McNair's glance being particularly poignant and she typed a message back to him: Go ahead.

Then she saw the anonymous message. She looked up at the Romulan to the left of Thelal. Of course, that was why she was looking familiar. And when the Romulan looked down, it all but confirmed it. She had seen her before. Security footage was blurry, but she can see how most of her face resembled her. The lock of hair was certainly identical to her, even if it was so long it draped over her ears. She was sure if she stood, they'd be at the exact height.

Nira momentarily looked around to see who sent it; surely it had to be somebody on the bridge. Then she decided she would check later and she turned back, staring intently at the woman.
T'Kel nodded solemnly. "Oh yes," she whispered quietly. "We've encountered him four times. Confrontation of any kind is inevitable with him."

Thelal, meanwhile, only sneered. "I'm not one to be ordered around, certainly not by the likes of either of you. We do as we wish, with or without your approval."

"I don't deny that," snapped Nira, though she was still looking at the woman. "Particularly at the company you keep."

Thelal raised an eyebrow, almost Vulcanlike, though the way he did it was mocking. Then he looked at where Nira was staring and scoffed. But the doppleganger only pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes.

"Ah, you refer to my tactical officer? Ah, a handy colleague of the Tal Shiar. We are a like in many ways. Interesting coincidence that she would bear a resemblance. I would say the same about your first officer, Galloway."

"As a Tal Shiar officer, her work must take her all over," said Nira poignantly, then even sharper. "Like the Tryka system?"

The doppleganger flinched, only too slightly, missable to anybody who wasn't paying enough attention to small details. That was enough of an indication of who she was.

"Possibly," Thelal shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

Nirreen certainly tried to keep her reaction as calm as possible. She wondered how long it would take for Said to recognize her. Nonetheless, she was suspicious. Why on earth were the Challengers' Captain and First Officer intent on keeping Thelal on a roll of provocative banter...?

"Banter notwithstanding, I do appreciate you leaving me out of this," Nirreen retorted.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira narrowed her eyes. The woman even sounded like her, if Nira preferred to talk like quietly but cold and perhaps a little cruelly.

"Ah yes, you prefer your invisibility, Nirreen?" Thelal scoffed. "Prefer to blend in and not be noticed?"

As Thelal's back was turned, Nira typed. How much has been uploaded so far? she typed to Ops. She feeling a little anxious. It wasn't going to be long before any one of them, particularly that Nirreen woman, would be on to them and open fire on the adrift ships before their upload was finished.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 15, 2022, 03:10:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could see the text traffic and knew he had to keep Thelal occupied, which he didn't mind tweaking the Romulan's tail, in fact, he rather enjoyed doing so.

"Thelal, I thought Romulan ships ran off of of miniature quantum singularities, but goin' by the gas you spew every time you open your gob, I believe the Khranu must use your own hot air for power. Do you ever get tired of hearin' yourself talk?

"Prior ta the Hobus supernova, the nonsense you babble might have had some hint of reality ta it, but now, you Lan dhen cac git, your claims ta go where you wish are delusional. This is Romulan Free State space, you have been formally warned that you are trespassin'. You now have... I'll be generous and give you five minutes ta hie thee from this place or we will have no choice but ta open fire."

"Four times previously? No wonder a grudge remains..." He responded to T'Kel's answer as he once more gazed over at Thelal momentarily as he spoke, his ear then pivoting towards Nira and this 'Nireen' that the Lieutenant Commander was apparently rather hostile towards. But why? He didn't quite understood. His sharp eyes changed over to focus upon her instead now, wanting to determine what he could gather from her reactions.

It was at that moment that it dawned upon him that Nireen seemed to possess an uncanny resemblance to Lieutenant Commander Nira. And he had a hunch that it probably was no coincidence. Maybe impersonation of her person, in this Tryka system? He had to admit, that was a devious, shrewd tactic, even for Romulans. He was impressed, and surprised, which showed slightly as he raised an eyebrow for a second, before returning to a more demure expression.

He really wanted to know more, but he figured out that it was probably best to remain as he was for now. After all, he had heard Thelal was a little suspicious about the ordeal, and he didn't want to give him any reason for him to finally put two and two together. Still, he wondered for how long he would be able to remain oblivious, as though the Captain still offered his flavorful language, and a threat, he didn't expect him to remain on the dark for very long.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 14, 2022, 03:33:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was a lot to comprehend, but should Buck have learned anything through his time as a junior officer going through training was that the best way to get through was to ask the questions but to know when the right time was to do so. Perhaps after this encounter he would make his enquiries, make it all make sense and do a personal log about it so that he remembered it for the next time they encounter these faces.

From the look of it, they were bound to run into them, and the next time, he might actually have a clue about what was going on and how he could handle it. Though Buck also suspected that they would not be able to pull off the same trick twice over on the Romulans, but perhaps he could be disproved.

Buck glanced down, more of a background member on the bridge, there would be a lower chance of him being suspicious than if the commander or the captain did so.

Just a little over halfway. 65%.

He replied with.

It wasn't great but things were moving along as he was typing it. He supposed that Nira did not want for continuous updates which would draw suspicion to why the commander was looking down at her PADD all the time.

77%. ~3 mins.

Buck was estimating, his jaw running taught as he hoped that the uplink would continue gaining speed and traction as he watched the numbers tick up, willing for it to go faster.

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 14, 2022, 03:33:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was a lot to comprehend, but should Buck have learned anything through his time as a junior officer going through training was that the best way to get through was to ask the questions but to know when the right time was to do so. Perhaps after this encounter he would make his enquiries, make it all make sense and do a personal log about it so that he remembered it for the next time they encounter these faces.

From the look of it, they were bound to run into them, and the next time, he might actually have a clue about what was going on and how he could handle it. Though Buck also suspected that they would not be able to pull off the same trick twice over on the Romulans, but perhaps he could be disproved.

Buck glanced down, more of a background member on the bridge, there would be a lower chance of him being suspicious than if the commander or the captain did so.

Just a little over halfway. 65%.

He replied with.

It wasn't great but things were moving along as he was typing it. He supposed that Nira did not want for continuous updates which would draw suspicion to why the commander was looking down at her PADD all the time.

77%. ~3 mins.

Buck was estimating, his jaw running taught as he hoped that the uplink would continue gaining speed and traction as he watched the numbers tick up, willing for it to go faster.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 17, 2022, 10:41:37 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Four times previously? No wonder a grudge remains..." He responded to T'Kel's answer as he once more gazed over at Thelal momentarily as he spoke, his ear then pivoting towards Nira and this 'Nireen' that the Lieutenant Commander was apparently rather hostile towards. But why? He didn't quite understood. His sharp eyes changed over to focus upon her instead now, wanting to determine what he could gather from her reactions.

It was at that moment that it dawned upon him that Nireen seemed to possess an uncanny resemblance to Lieutenant Commander Nira. And he had a hunch that it probably was no coincidence. Maybe impersonation of her person, in this Tryka system? He had to admit, that was a devious, shrewd tactic, even for Romulans. He was impressed, and surprised, which showed slightly as he raised an eyebrow for a second, before returning to a more demure expression.

He really wanted to know more, but he figured out that it was probably best to remain as he was for now. After all, he had heard Thelal was a little suspicious about the ordeal, and he didn't want to give him any reason for him to finally put two and two together. Still, he wondered for how long he would be able to remain oblivious, as though the Captain still offered his flavorful language, and a threat, he didn't expect him to remain on the dark for very long.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira got McNair's text reply just as Ian spoke at Thelal. Three minutes. Hopefully enough time...

"I will do you one better, Galloway," sneered Thelal. "I will give you one minute for you to...how do you put it in Earth speak? Vamoose? ...before I empty a spread at you and your so-called 'friends' of the Free State and bring hope various pieces of scrap metal of varying age differences."

Behind Thelal, the assassin Nirreen only furrowed her brow deeper and kept looking back between her console and back up at Thelal. Nira could tell by her body language that she didn't want to fire upon the Challenger to satisfy the skipper's grudge.

[spoiler]Shit[/spoiler]. Nira thought to herself. She'll want to fire upon the adrift ships.

Not only that fact, but the fact that Thelal rebuffed Ian's generous offer, it would be a matter of seconds before Ian would order an open fire. Nira hastily sent a message to Tactical: Prepare weapons. Target Kranu's own weapon systems.

Then she looked back at Thelal and decided she had enough of the pompous blowhard.

"You know what?" Nira snarled. "I'll do you one better, ibn al Kalb!"

And she made a birdie in her hand at Thelal and Nirreen. She definitely got a new reaction out of the assassin. Of course she did; she studied Earth customs and was bound to recognize a human insult when she saw one. And she was bound to study Arabic if she had to study Nira, and thus she recognized the name she called.

Thelal only blinked in surprise and said, "Did you just...call me a kelp?" Then he burst out laughing. "You definitely have to do better than that!"

Nira could only curl her lip, passing it off as an amused reaction. Thelal definitely didn't know human insults, let alone from her home turf.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 19, 2022, 08:57:17 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira got McNair's text reply just as Ian spoke at Thelal. Three minutes. Hopefully enough time...

"I will do you one better, Galloway," sneered Thelal. "I will give you one minute for you to...how do you put it in Earth speak? Vamoose? ...before I empty a spread at you and your so-called 'friends' of the Free State and bring hope various pieces of scrap metal of varying age differences."

Behind Thelal, the assassin Nirreen only furrowed her brow deeper and kept looking back between her console and back up at Thelal. Nira could tell by her body language that she didn't want to fire upon the Challenger to satisfy the skipper's grudge.

[spoiler]Shit[/spoiler]. Nira thought to herself. She'll want to fire upon the adrift ships.

Not only that fact, but the fact that Thelal rebuffed Ian's generous offer, it would be a matter of seconds before Ian would order an open fire. Nira hastily sent a message to Tactical: Prepare weapons. Target Kranu's own weapon systems.

Then she looked back at Thelal and decided she had enough of the pompous blowhard.

"You know what?" Nira snarled. "I'll do you one better, ibn al Kalb!"

And she made a birdie in her hand at Thelal and Nirreen. She definitely got a new reaction out of the assassin. Of course she did; she studied Earth customs and was bound to recognize a human insult when she saw one. And she was bound to study Arabic if she had to study Nira, and thus she recognized the name she called.

Thelal only blinked in surprise and said, "Did you just...call me a kelp?" Then he burst out laughing. "You definitely have to do better than that!"

Nira could only curl her lip, passing it off as an amused reaction. Thelal definitely didn't know human insults, let alone from her home turf.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Thelal replied with his refusal to comply, Ian genuinely smiled as he replied.

"Given you were the one that limped off damaged the last time you faced Challenger in a one on one, what ego you must have ta think you can win at two ta one odds. I had hoped your arrogance would lead you ta make the wrong decision."

Ian sat back in the command chair and added.


ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 15, 2022, 03:10:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could see the text traffic and knew he had to keep Thelal occupied, which he didn't mind tweaking the Romulan's tail, in fact, he rather enjoyed doing so.

"Thelal, I thought Romulan ships ran off of of miniature quantum singularities, but goin' by the gas you spew every time you open your gob, I believe the Khranu must use your own hot air for power. Do you ever get tired of hearin' yourself talk?

"Prior ta the Hobus supernova, the nonsense you babble might have had some hint of reality ta it, but now, you Lan dhen cac git, your claims ta go where you wish are delusional. This is Romulan Free State space, you have been formally warned that you are trespassin'. You now have... I'll be generous and give you five minutes ta hie thee from this place or we will have no choice but ta open fire."

Lahr openly chuckled at the Captain's very amusing and creative insults.  The Andorian wondered if Galloway practiced saying such insults with a straight face, in front of a mirror in his Ready Room during long boring border patrols.

Yep, and there it was!  The 5-minute warning.

Quote from: Nira Said on October 19, 2022, 08:57:17 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira got McNair's text reply just as Ian spoke at Thelal. Three minutes. Hopefully enough time...

"I will do you one better, Galloway," sneered Thelal. "I will give you one minute for you to...how do you put it in Earth speak? Vamoose? ...before I empty a spread at you and your so-called 'friends' of the Free State and bring home various pieces of scrap metal of varying age differences."

Behind Thelal, the assassin Nirreen only furrowed her brow deeper and kept looking back between her console and back up at Thelal. Nira could tell by her body language that she didn't want to fire upon the Challenger to satisfy the skipper's grudge.

[spoiler]Shit[/spoiler]. Nira thought to herself. She'll want to fire upon the adrift ships.

Not only that fact, but the fact that Thelal rebuffed Ian's generous offer, it would be a matter of seconds before Ian would order an open fire. Nira hastily sent a message to Tactical: Prepare weapons. Target Kranu's own weapon systems.

Then she looked back at Thelal and decided she had enough of the pompous blowhard.

"You know what?" Nira snarled. "I'll do you one better, ibn al Kalb!"

And she made a birdie in her hand at Thelal and Nirreen. She definitely got a new reaction out of the assassin. Of course she did; she studied Earth customs and was bound to recognize a human insult when she saw one. And she was bound to study Arabic if she had to study Nira, and thus she recognized the name she called.

Thelal only blinked in surprise and said, "Did you just...call me a kelp?" Then he burst out laughing. "You definitely have to do better than that!"

Nira could only curl her lip, passing it off as an amused reaction. Thelal definitely didn't know human insults, let alone from her home turf.

Lahr let out a whistle when when Thelal, not to be outdone by the Captain, lowered the warning to 1-minute.

"Um, ma'am" Lahr called out towards Ensign Jones.  "We might wanna get our gear ready.  I think we're about to get busy."  He closed the video to his PADD but kept the audio link to his earbuds.

Hearing Nira get in on the conversation was surprising, especially when she spoke a foreign language. Thankfully, Lahr's earbud also contained a universal translator so the phrase was translated for him.  But given its translation, Lahr suspected that he might need to look for more colloquial downloads for it.  Nira's expression and her words, didn't quite match.   But even with his faulty translator, the Andorian knew Thelal wasn't being called a kelp.  What an idiot!

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 19, 2022, 12:04:58 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Thelal replied with his refusal to comply, Ian genuinely smiled as he replied.

"Given you were the one that limped off damaged the last time you faced Challenger in a one on one, what ego you must have ta think you can win at two ta one odds. I had hoped your arrogance would lead you ta make the wrong decision."

Ian sat back in the command chair and added.


Lahr's antenna shot up in surprise.  The Captain had made the opening move!  This was it!

The Andorian scrambled to his feet, tucked his PADD into his satchel and rechecked that he had all his tools, and his kit of spare parts that were commonly known to be the weak link in the EPS lines, comms and transporters.  Lahr had a bit of side bet with some of the other engineers, trying to predict what would the first system to report a fault during the next battle.  Seems like they would find out the answer to that soon enough.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: Nira Said on October 19, 2022, 08:57:17 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira got McNair's text reply just as Ian spoke at Thelal. Three minutes. Hopefully enough time...

"I will do you one better, Galloway," sneered Thelal. "I will give you one minute for you to...how do you put it in Earth speak? Vamoose? ...before I empty a spread at you and your so-called 'friends' of the Free State and bring hope various pieces of scrap metal of varying age differences."

Behind Thelal, the assassin Nirreen only furrowed her brow deeper and kept looking back between her console and back up at Thelal. Nira could tell by her body language that she didn't want to fire upon the Challenger to satisfy the skipper's grudge.

[spoiler]Shit[/spoiler]. Nira thought to herself. She'll want to fire upon the adrift ships.

Not only that fact, but the fact that Thelal rebuffed Ian's generous offer, it would be a matter of seconds before Ian would order an open fire. Nira hastily sent a message to Tactical: Prepare weapons. Target Kranu's own weapon systems.

Then she looked back at Thelal and decided she had enough of the pompous blowhard.

"You know what?" Nira snarled. "I'll do you one better, ibn al Kalb!"

And she made a birdie in her hand at Thelal and Nirreen. She definitely got a new reaction out of the assassin. Of course she did; she studied Earth customs and was bound to recognize a human insult when she saw one. And she was bound to study Arabic if she had to study Nira, and thus she recognized the name she called.

Thelal only blinked in surprise and said, "Did you just...call me a kelp?" Then he burst out laughing. "You definitely have to do better than that!"

Nira could only curl her lip, passing it off as an amused reaction. Thelal definitely didn't know human insults, let alone from her home turf.

[USS Challenger-bridge]

She chuckled for a brief moment at the creative insults that were shared. With the ship about to go into battle she made sure that everything was ready to go. It was important that for her at least to not waste any time when it came to the next move. She looked over at the other operations officer so that she could be on the same page when it came to what's going to happen next.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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