S:5 E:9 - The Naked When

Started by Nira Said, September 01, 2022, 10:50:37 AM

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Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 19, 2022, 12:04:58 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Thelal replied with his refusal to comply, Ian genuinely smiled as he replied.

"Given you were the one that limped off damaged the last time you faced Challenger in a one on one, what ego you must have ta think you can win at two ta one odds. I had hoped your arrogance would lead you ta make the wrong decision."

Ian sat back in the command chair and added.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As far as Buck had been aware, the three minutes was enough to stall in conversation; though it seemed Cap wanted to escalate it past speaking terms. His blue eyes glanced up as the captain gave the order to fire.


Least that was one way to keep them busy as he looked briefly back down at the percentage as it ticked up.

80 percent.

81 percent.

Buck could have kicked the console for teasing him so much as things around the bridge escalated. He glanced over to T'Prith and attempted to give her what he assumed to be a comforting nod.

85 percent.

It had jumped since the last time, bracing himself with his arms and a knee for the returning impact from the other ship. There was bound to be retaliation , no good captain would allow for their ship to be fired upon and simply take it. "C'mon you piece of utter crap..." Buck gritted between his teeth as he spared a glance around the bridge to see what everyone else was up to.

He couldn't comment on how long it would take at this rate, the power of the uplink most likely would be affected if they had to divert power.

89 percent.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 19, 2022, 08:57:17 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira got McNair's text reply just as Ian spoke at Thelal. Three minutes. Hopefully enough time...

"I will do you one better, Galloway," sneered Thelal. "I will give you one minute for you to...how do you put it in Earth speak? Vamoose? ...before I empty a spread at you and your so-called 'friends' of the Free State and bring hope various pieces of scrap metal of varying age differences."

Behind Thelal, the assassin Nirreen only furrowed her brow deeper and kept looking back between her console and back up at Thelal. Nira could tell by her body language that she didn't want to fire upon the Challenger to satisfy the skipper's grudge.

[spoiler]Shit[/spoiler]. Nira thought to herself. She'll want to fire upon the adrift ships.

Not only that fact, but the fact that Thelal rebuffed Ian's generous offer, it would be a matter of seconds before Ian would order an open fire. Nira hastily sent a message to Tactical: Prepare weapons. Target Kranu's own weapon systems.

Then she looked back at Thelal and decided she had enough of the pompous blowhard.

"You know what?" Nira snarled. "I'll do you one better, ibn al Kalb!"

And she made a birdie in her hand at Thelal and Nirreen. She definitely got a new reaction out of the assassin. Of course she did; she studied Earth customs and was bound to recognize a human insult when she saw one. And she was bound to study Arabic if she had to study Nira, and thus she recognized the name she called.

Thelal only blinked in surprise and said, "Did you just...call me a kelp?" Then he burst out laughing. "You definitely have to do better than that!"

Nira could only curl her lip, passing it off as an amused reaction. Thelal definitely didn't know human insults, let alone from her home turf.

It seemed as if the time for contemplation and being amused from whatever half of colorful, creative insults he could gather, was over. Lieutenant Commander Nira had asked for him to man the weapon systems. Considering the short time lapse that Thelal had given forth, he did not dwaddle, instead quickly turning to tap on the console, making sure to prepare the weapons to fire upon the Bird of Prey's own.

"Almost there..." He commented, absent-mindedly, while he kept an ear out to overhear any reactions from the Captain, Nira, or the Romulans. He just dearly hoped that the plan had worked, and that the information had managed to be recovered in its entirety. Else, all of this stalling and the subsequent battle that would unfold would be for naught.

Still, he couldn't help but feel a little excited about firing upon the Romulans. It was slightly betrayed by the swishing of his tail behind him. Soon enough, he had the weapons' systems targetting the other vessel. He offered a nod towards T'Kel.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 19, 2022, 12:04:58 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Thelal replied with his refusal to comply, Ian genuinely smiled as he replied.

"Given you were the one that limped off damaged the last time you faced Challenger in a one on one, what ego you must have ta think you can win at two ta one odds. I had hoped your arrogance would lead you ta make the wrong decision."

Ian sat back in the command chair and added.


"Systems nominal. Targetting systems online. The energy has only to finish diverting here... and..." His ear flicked as he overheard the Captain finally stating his orders to open fire, and so, he did, once he took another quick glance to make sure that everything had been properly aimed towards the weapons.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 19, 2022, 12:04:58 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Thelal replied with his refusal to comply, Ian genuinely smiled as he replied.

"Given you were the one that limped off damaged the last time you faced Challenger in a one on one, what ego you must have ta think you can win at two ta one odds. I had hoped your arrogance would lead you ta make the wrong decision."

Ian sat back in the command chair and added.


Quote from: T'prith on October 22, 2022, 12:53:05 AM

[USS Challenger-bridge]

She chuckled for a brief moment at the creative insults that were shared. With the ship about to go into battle she made sure that everything was ready to go. It was important that for her at least to not waste any time when it came to the next move. She looked over at the other operations officer so that she could be on the same page when it came to what's going to happen next.

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 23, 2022, 07:44:10 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As far as Buck had been aware, the three minutes was enough to stall in conversation; though it seemed Cap wanted to escalate it past speaking terms. His blue eyes glanced up as the captain gave the order to fire.


Least that was one way to keep them busy as he looked briefly back down at the percentage as it ticked up.

80 percent.

81 percent.

Buck could have kicked the console for teasing him so much as things around the bridge escalated. He glanced over to T'Prith and attempted to give her what he assumed to be a comforting nod.

85 percent.

It had jumped since the last time, bracing himself with his arms and a knee for the returning impact from the other ship. There was bound to be retaliation , no good captain would allow for their ship to be fired upon and simply take it. "C'mon you piece of utter crap..." Buck gritted between his teeth as he spared a glance around the bridge to see what everyone else was up to.

He couldn't comment on how long it would take at this rate, the power of the uplink most likely would be affected if they had to divert power.

89 percent.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 23, 2022, 10:05:57 AM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It seemed as if the time for contemplation and being amused from whatever half of colorful, creative insults he could gather, was over. Lieutenant Commander Nira had asked for him to man the weapon systems. Considering the short time lapse that Thelal had given forth, he did not dwaddle, instead quickly turning to tap on the console, making sure to prepare the weapons to fire upon the Bird of Prey's own.

"Almost there..." He commented, absent-mindedly, while he kept an ear out to overhear any reactions from the Captain, Nira, or the Romulans. He just dearly hoped that the plan had worked, and that the information had managed to be recovered in its entirety. Else, all of this stalling and the subsequent battle that would unfold would be for naught.

Still, he couldn't help but feel a little excited about firing upon the Romulans. It was slightly betrayed by the swishing of his tail behind him. Soon enough, he had the weapons' systems targetting the other vessel. He offered a nod towards T'Kel.

"Systems nominal. Targetting systems online. The energy has only to finish diverting here... and..." His ear flicked as he overheard the Captain finally stating his orders to open fire, and so, he did, once he took another quick glance to make sure that everything had been properly aimed towards the weapons.

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

The initial volley took the crew of the Kranu by surprise. It wasn't just the Challenger firing, but the Joran had set off weapons nanoseconds before Zhuk opened fire. Nirreen was cursing herself for not raising shields fast enough before she got back to her feet. She was certainly shocked by the results.

"Disruptor cannons have taken severe damage! Minor hull damage, particularly around disruptor cannons...and our structural integrity field is down!" she exclaimed in combined shock and surprise.

"Well, we have torpedoes, do we not?" sneered Thelal. "Unload a volley at the antique."

Nirreen smiled, the same way a predator smiles before pouncing on prey. She was going to do him - and her other superiors - one better.

An enormous spread of torpedoes launched at the two allied ships, while a handful of others headed for the adrift ship.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly surprised by the punch laid by the Challenger, not just the combined fire. She was further astonished by how well the shields absorbed the impact of the torpedoes, stopping them cold.

"Wow!" she said. "Now that was quite a pun...! Torpedoes heading for those adrift ships!" she exclaimed when she saw the viewscreen, switched back to the ship once the battle began.

T'Kel caught them before Nira did and fired phasers their way. They weren't able to get to the first of the torpedoes, but managed to slice away through the rest of the torpedoes.

"Target the launchers next!" Nira ordered.

"On it, Commander," T'Kel replied and sent a small volley of quantums their way.

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

The ship was rocked again, the torpedo launchers ripped off by the strike of the torpedoes, which practically sliced through the hull where the launchers were.

"Launchers are gone!" Nirreen shouted. "More hull damage at...! We can't take another hit like this!"

Thelal only turned and sneered at her. "And you call yourself an excellent shot."

"As an assassin!" Nirreen retorted. "This is a lot different! Besides, antique notwithstanding, we could detonate a warp core in their faces and not make a dent in their shields! I don't believe it them!"

"True," Thelal retorted back. "For all we know, they've got armored plating under that antique hull. Helm, take us out of here."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Kranu was making a retreat. Nira didn't have to know body language, let alone be a telepath, to know the grim expressions on many peoples' faces that they were imagining a wolf running away with its tail between its legs. But a hail from T'Vaan certainly took the words from their mouths.

"Like a predator with a tail between its legs," she said when it was answered. "We certainly thought we lost those ships for a moment."

"Oh, indeed," said Nira. "As they say on Earth, it's a close shave."

She looked back to Ops to see if they managed to get the whole kaboodle from the ships' databanks.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on October 23, 2022, 09:11:42 PM

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

The initial volley took the crew of the Kranu by surprise. It wasn't just the Challenger firing, but the Joran had set off weapons nanoseconds before Zhuk opened fire. Nirreen was cursing herself for not raising shields fast enough before she got back to her feet. She was certainly shocked by the results.

"Disruptor cannons have taken severe damage! Minor hull damage, particularly around disruptor cannons...and our structural integrity field is down!" she exclaimed in combined shock and surprise.

"Well, we have torpedoes, do we not?" sneered Thelal. "Unload a volley at the antique."

Nirreen smiled, the same way a predator smiles before pouncing on prey. She was going to do him - and her other superiors - one better.

An enormous spread of torpedoes launched at the two allied ships, while a handful of others headed for the adrift ship.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly surprised by the punch laid by the Challenger, not just the combined fire. She was further astonished by how well the shields absorbed the impact of the torpedoes, stopping them cold.

"Wow!" she said. "Now that was quite a pun...! Torpedoes heading for those adrift ships!" she exclaimed when she saw the viewscreen, switched back to the ship once the battle began.

T'Kel caught them before Nira did and fired phasers their way. They weren't able to get to the first of the torpedoes, but managed to slice away through the rest of the torpedoes.

"Target the launchers next!" Nira ordered.

"On it, Commander," T'Kel replied and sent a small volley of quantums their way.
[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Kranu was making a retreat. Nira didn't have to know body language, let alone be a telepath, to know the grim expressions on many peoples' faces that they were imagining a wolf running away with its tail between its legs. But a hail from T'Vaan certainly took the words from their mouths.

"Like a predator with a tail between its legs," she said when it was answered. "We certainly thought we lost those ships for a moment."

"Oh, indeed," said Nira. "As they say on Earth, it's a close shave."

She looked back to Ops to see if they managed to get the whole kaboodle from the ships' databanks.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When the Khranu pivoted away and fled, Ian had to rein himself in from ordering a pursuit. He knew Thelal's ship was ripe for a second salvo that would have gutted the Norexan-Class Warbird and ended the smug Romulan's scheming once and for all, but that wasn't the Starfleet way of doing things, outside of war. No, the message had been delivered and Thelal had lost again in a face off with the Challenger, that was going to have to be enough.

"Secure from red alert. Stand down weapons, maintain shields in case Thelal tries anything underhanded. Very well done everyone. T'Kel, signal the Joran 'well done.'"

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 23, 2022, 09:11:42 PM

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

The initial volley took the crew of the Kranu by surprise. It wasn't just the Challenger firing, but the Joran had set off weapons nanoseconds before Zhuk opened fire. Nirreen was cursing herself for not raising shields fast enough before she got back to her feet. She was certainly shocked by the results.

"Disruptor cannons have taken severe damage! Minor hull damage, particularly around disruptor cannons...and our structural integrity field is down!" she exclaimed in combined shock and surprise.

"Well, we have torpedoes, do we not?" sneered Thelal. "Unload a volley at the antique."

Nirreen smiled, the same way a predator smiles before pouncing on prey. She was going to do him - and her other superiors - one better.

An enormous spread of torpedoes launched at the two allied ships, while a handful of others headed for the adrift ship.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly surprised by the punch laid by the Challenger, not just the combined fire. She was further astonished by how well the shields absorbed the impact of the torpedoes, stopping them cold.

The Kranu was making a retreat.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 24, 2022, 03:32:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When the Khranu pivoted away and fled, Ian had to rein himself in from ordering a pursuit. He knew Thelal's ship was ripe for a second salvo that would have gutted the Norexan-Class Warbird and ended the smug Romulan's scheming once and for all, but that wasn't the Starfleet way of doing things, outside of war. No, the message had been delivered and Thelal had lost again in a face off with the Challenger, that was going to have to be enough.

"Secure from red alert. Stand down weapons, maintain shields in case Thelal tries anything underhanded. Very well done everyone. T'Kel, signal the Joran 'well done.'"

Lahr and the others of the Damage Control Team braced at his warning; yet they really hadn't needed to.  The ship's shields did amazingly at buffering the impact of the torpedoes.  The ship didn't even rock or shudder.

Lahr had to hand it to Lek, a former Ferengi engineer, for his ingenious implementation of some obscure Ferengi shield science that now made life so much better for all Starfleet ships.  Lahr was so willing to stay completely bored as a damage control personnel, if it meant that his friends and colleagues remained safe.

As the ship's red alert stepped down, Lahr let himself flop back into one of the Lounge chairs and blew out a long contented sigh.  "Think I'll take a five-minute break before heading back up to finish fixing the Captain's Ready Room door."

Then the Andorian recalled he'd already finished that particular job and had been set to start work on the Bridge Head's recycler.  Suddenly, damage repairs seemed so much better.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on October 23, 2022, 09:11:42 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly surprised by the punch laid by the Challenger, not just the combined fire. She was further astonished by how well the shields absorbed the impact of the torpedoes, stopping them cold.

"Wow!" she said. "Now that was quite a pun...! Torpedoes heading for those adrift ships!" she exclaimed when she saw the viewscreen, switched back to the ship once the battle began.

T'Kel caught them before Nira did and fired phasers their way. They weren't able to get to the first of the torpedoes, but managed to slice away through the rest of the torpedoes.

"Target the launchers next!" Nira ordered.

"On it, Commander," T'Kel replied and sent a small volley of quantums their way.


[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Kranu was making a retreat. Nira didn't have to know body language, let alone be a telepath, to know the grim expressions on many peoples' faces that they were imagining a wolf running away with its tail between its legs. But a hail from T'Vaan certainly took the words from their mouths.

"Like a predator with a tail between its legs," she said when it was answered. "We certainly thought we lost those ships for a moment."

"Oh, indeed," said Nira. "As they say on Earth, it's a close shave."

She looked back to Ops to see if they managed to get the whole kaboodle from the ships' databanks.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Brace for impact.

But there was no need to, amazingly, the shields had managed to absorb a large amount of would-be damage from the incoming torpedoes. Buck had straightened himself up, his focus on the control panel he was stood at, watching the numbers as they ticked up and as the Romulan warbird decided to take flight instead of engage once more.

The ship had come down off of Red Alert and then there was some peace as others settled around the bridge. Buck had glanced up just as Nira had looked in his direction, giving her an affirming nod and a thumbs up. They had been lucky, the last percent had just been completed before the Warbird had turned tail. "We got it."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 23, 2022, 09:11:42 PM

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

The initial volley took the crew of the Kranu by surprise. It wasn't just the Challenger firing, but the Joran had set off weapons nanoseconds before Zhuk opened fire. Nirreen was cursing herself for not raising shields fast enough before she got back to her feet. She was certainly shocked by the results.

"Disruptor cannons have taken severe damage! Minor hull damage, particularly around disruptor cannons...and our structural integrity field is down!" she exclaimed in combined shock and surprise.

"Well, we have torpedoes, do we not?" sneered Thelal. "Unload a volley at the antique."

Nirreen smiled, the same way a predator smiles before pouncing on prey. She was going to do him - and her other superiors - one better.

An enormous spread of torpedoes launched at the two allied ships, while a handful of others headed for the adrift ship.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly surprised by the punch laid by the Challenger, not just the combined fire. She was further astonished by how well the shields absorbed the impact of the torpedoes, stopping them cold.

"Wow!" she said. "Now that was quite a pun...! Torpedoes heading for those adrift ships!" she exclaimed when she saw the viewscreen, switched back to the ship once the battle began.

T'Kel caught them before Nira did and fired phasers their way. They weren't able to get to the first of the torpedoes, but managed to slice away through the rest of the torpedoes.

"Target the launchers next!" Nira ordered.

"On it, Commander," T'Kel replied and sent a small volley of quantums their way.

[Trinam Nirreen | Bridge | Romulan Ship Kranu]

The ship was rocked again, the torpedo launchers ripped off by the strike of the torpedoes, which practically sliced through the hull where the launchers were.

"Launchers are gone!" Nirreen shouted. "More hull damage at...! We can't take another hit like this!"

Thelal only turned and sneered at her. "And you call yourself an excellent shot."

"As an assassin!" Nirreen retorted. "This is a lot different! Besides, antique notwithstanding, we could detonate a warp core in their faces and not make a dent in their shields! I don't believe it them!"

"True," Thelal retorted back. "For all we know, they've got armored plating under that antique hull. Helm, take us out of here."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Kranu was making a retreat. Nira didn't have to know body language, let alone be a telepath, to know the grim expressions on many peoples' faces that they were imagining a wolf running away with its tail between its legs. But a hail from T'Vaan certainly took the words from their mouths.

"Like a predator with a tail between its legs," she said when it was answered. "We certainly thought we lost those ships for a moment."

"Oh, indeed," said Nira. "As they say on Earth, it's a close shave."

She looked back to Ops to see if they managed to get the whole kaboodle from the ships' databanks.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 24, 2022, 03:32:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When the Khranu pivoted away and fled, Ian had to rein himself in from ordering a pursuit. He knew Thelal's ship was ripe for a second salvo that would have gutted the Norexan-Class Warbird and ended the smug Romulan's scheming once and for all, but that wasn't the Starfleet way of doing things, outside of war. No, the message had been delivered and Thelal had lost again in a face off with the Challenger, that was going to have to be enough.

"Secure from red alert. Stand down weapons, maintain shields in case Thelal tries anything underhanded. Very well done everyone. T'Kel, signal the Joran 'well done.'"

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 28, 2022, 05:49:29 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Brace for impact.

But there was no need to, amazingly, the shields had managed to absorb a large amount of would-be damage from the incoming torpedoes. Buck had straightened himself up, his focus on the control panel he was stood at, watching the numbers as they ticked up and as the Romulan warbird decided to take flight instead of engage once more.

The ship had come down off of Red Alert and then there was some peace as others settled around the bridge. Buck had glanced up just as Nira had looked in his direction, giving her an affirming nod and a thumbs up. They had been lucky, the last percent had just been completed before the Warbird had turned tail. "We got it."

Ensign Zhukdra'shar readied himself for the impact of the torpedoes, however, the ship did only faintly rock after the strike. He glanced around, a bit confused at first, before smiling a little, ears perking up as his tail swished from side to side. Those shields really were something. It made him quite ecstatic to be on this side of the showdown between the two ships.

As he prepared to fire once more against the retreating ship, Captain Galloway ordered a ceasefire, which made him turn towards him in a bit of disbelief. He knew Starfleet protocol, but these Romulans had destroyed not only an entire planet, they had also caused a chain reaction that had incurred in many loses, even if they were Romulan. They were willing to fire on their own people. They couldn't just be allowed to go, right?

But he knew better than to challenge the order, or to speak his mind about it. He had to remind himself that this were the way things were done. After chastising himself, and partly regretful to allow the Kranu to leave, he turned off the offensive systems, before stepping back from the console, ears slightly slouched over his head.

That the information had managed to be collected, however, was a relief.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge >>> Deck One - Bridge - Head]

Figuring it was best to get the unpleasant repair over and done with rather than hanging over his head, ruining his mood for the rest of the day, Lahr dragged himself out of the lounge chair and gave the others of Damage Control Team 1 a saucy wave as they too departed to returned to their regularly scheduled duties.  His steps however were slow and heavy as he entered the turbolift.

"Deck One.  Bridge" he called out and was whisked up one level.

Stepping out onto the Bridge, Lahr once more showed his work orders to the Security staff at the doors.  While they followed procedure, rechecking that he was supposed to be up here, Lahr took the opportunity to look out towards the view screen, but the Khranu was long gone - having retreated with their tail tucked.

Lahr looked towards the Captain and gave the Scot 2 thumbs up in appreciation for the entertainment earlier.  "Great job as always, Captain!" he commented before being handed back his PADD.

As he approached the three consoles to his left, Environmental Control, Mission Ops and Engineering, he noted that the Engineering officer on duty - the lovely Rebecca Fisk - was watching him alertly.  His antenna perked a bit, and he gave the woman a nod in greeting.   She almost seemed to squirm as he passed by.

Hmm, it had been a while since he'd gotten that reaction from a woman.  Knowing he was claimed by Ruth 'the axe-wielding Commander' tended to scare away the others - but apparently not Rebecca.   Sweet....

Lahr then gave a nod to Lieutenant Said beside the Captain, and to Zhuk as he passed the Tactical station situated at the back of the room.  He was just about to start his scan and repairs when Rebecca stood up from her station hurriedly and walked over to him, eagerness seeming to be in her step as she approached him.

"Yes. Lieutenant Fisk...  Can I help you?" asked in advance her arrival.

She leaned in close to his ear to whisper emphatically   "I can't hold any longer.  You gotta watch my station!"  Then she darted into the Head which was slated for repair and locked the door.

Lahr blinked at the request for a moment before shrugging and heading back to the Engineers console to keep on things for her until she returned.  Surprisingly, the Lieutenant hadn't signed out of the console before taking her break, so Lahr had the officer's full range of access.  Nice!

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 24, 2022, 03:32:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When the Khranu pivoted away and fled, Ian had to rein himself in from ordering a pursuit. He knew Thelal's ship was ripe for a second salvo that would have gutted the Norexan-Class Warbird and ended the smug Romulan's scheming once and for all, but that wasn't the Starfleet way of doing things, outside of war. No, the message had been delivered and Thelal had lost again in a face off with the Challenger, that was going to have to be enough.

"Secure from red alert. Stand down weapons, maintain shields in case Thelal tries anything underhanded. Very well done everyone. T'Kel, signal the Joran 'well done.'"

Quote from: Buck McNair on October 28, 2022, 05:49:29 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Brace for impact.

But there was no need to, amazingly, the shields had managed to absorb a large amount of would-be damage from the incoming torpedoes. Buck had straightened himself up, his focus on the control panel he was stood at, watching the numbers as they ticked up and as the Romulan warbird decided to take flight instead of engage once more.

The ship had come down off of Red Alert and then there was some peace as others settled around the bridge. Buck had glanced up just as Nira had looked in his direction, giving her an affirming nod and a thumbs up. They had been lucky, the last percent had just been completed before the Warbird had turned tail. "We got it."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 28, 2022, 09:23:37 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Zhukdra'shar readied himself for the impact of the torpedoes, however, the ship did only faintly rock after the strike. He glanced around, a bit confused at first, before smiling a little, ears perking up as his tail swished from side to side. Those shields really were something. It made him quite ecstatic to be on this side of the showdown between the two ships.

As he prepared to fire once more against the retreating ship, Captain Galloway ordered a ceasefire, which made him turn towards him in a bit of disbelief. He knew Starfleet protocol, but these Romulans had destroyed not only an entire planet, they had also caused a chain reaction that had incurred in many loses, even if they were Romulan. They were willing to fire on their own people. They couldn't just be allowed to go, right?

But he knew better than to challenge the order, or to speak his mind about it. He had to remind himself that this were the way things were done. After chastising himself, and partly regretful to allow the Kranu to leave, he turned off the offensive systems, before stepping back from the console, ears slightly slouched over his head.

That the information had managed to be collected, however, was a relief.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 29, 2022, 03:33:39 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge >>> Deck One - Bridge - Head]

Figuring it was best to get the unpleasant repair over and done with rather than hanging over his head, ruining his mood for the rest of the day, Lahr dragged himself out of the lounge chair and gave the others of Damage Control Team 1 a saucy wave as they too departed to returned to their regularly scheduled duties.  His steps however were slow and heavy as he entered the turbolift.

"Deck One.  Bridge" he called out and was whisked up one level.

Stepping out onto the Bridge, Lahr once more showed his work orders to the Security staff at the doors.  While they followed procedure, rechecking that he was supposed to be up here, Lahr took the opportunity to look out towards the view screen, but the Khranu was long gone - having retreated with their tail tucked.

Lahr looked towards the Captain and gave the Scot 2 thumbs up in appreciation for the entertainment earlier.  "Great job as always, Captain!" he commented before being handed back his PADD.

As he approached the three consoles to his left, Environmental Control, Mission Ops and Engineering, he noted that the Engineering officer on duty - the lovely Rebecca Fisk - was watching him alertly.  His antenna perked a bit, and he gave the woman a nod in greeting.   She almost seemed to squirm as he passed by.

Hmm, it had been a while since he'd gotten that reaction from a woman.  Knowing he was claimed by Ruth 'the axe-wielding Commander' tended to scare away the others - but apparently not Rebecca.   Sweet....

Lahr then gave a nod to Lieutenant Said beside the Captain, and to Zhuk as he passed the Tactical station situated at the back of the room.  He was just about to start his scan and repairs when Rebecca stood up from her station hurriedly and walked over to him, eagerness seeming to be in her step as she approached him.

"Yes. Lieutenant Fisk...  Can I help you?" asked in advance her arrival.

She leaned in close to his ear to whisper emphatically   "I can't hold any longer.  You gotta watch my station!"  Then she darted into the Head which was slated for repair and locked the door.

Lahr blinked at the request for a moment before shrugging and heading back to the Engineers console to keep on things for her until she returned.  Surprisingly, the Lieutenant hadn't signed out of the console before taking her break, so Lahr had the officer's full range of access.  Nice!

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around. She could tell Zhuk, McNair and T'Prith (in her own Vulcan way) were surprised by how well the shields. She noticed Lahr arrive on the bridge, make complements, and unexpectedly relieve the Engineering officer on the bridge, Lieutenant Fisk, who headed off to the Head. Nira wasn't surprised; the nervousness in a person could be enough to scare them into relieving themselves.

"Impressive display with the shields," Nira said. "I have to admit, I never saw the Challenger in combat before...except that battle with the Wanderers at Katra.

"Now, McNair, T'Prith, let's see what our friends have for us," she said.

Conferring with the Joran, Nira and Ian took a look at what the databases of the adrift ships had. They showed plenty about what was going on.

"Hmm. So these ships are from the Star Empire of Rota," said T'Vaan. "Joining forces in an effort to get payback perhaps?"

"Or ensuring the Free State has nothing to have," Nira said in agreement. "And it could be a start."

Going through the databanks, they managed to find out what this new weapon of mass destruction was like: A fleet scattered across the system had been taking watch while the two directly were deploying satellites around the planet. These satellites then somehow caused the planet's mass to increase until it was crushed by its own magnetic field. Literally.

Unfortunately, most of the fleet, judging from hailing logs, were close to it when the gravimetric shift happened, thus causing the crews to lose control and bacchanal themselves to death.

"Did you say 'bacchanal' themselves to death?" asked Savar to Nira as she gave her own views as she went through them, as he was helping out.

"It refers to one of those out-of-control wine parties in ancient Earth mythology," said Nira. "Referring to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. I can see why Thelal was sent to get rid of those ships. I'm probably guessing that there have been Rota or Tal Shiar ships in an adjacent system, hence why they weren't affected. At least one of them had to have collected the satellites themselves."

As for the satellites themselves, Savar, assisted by Ops, figured what they do: They work like how Tholian ships assemble the infamous Tholian web: The more there are, the more powerful the field that alters the planet's magnetic field. Once the planet was reduced to debris, they were collected and taken away.

"Let's assume for a moment that the ship that collected the satellites was a drone," said Nira. "Whoever in charge must've realized that they unleashed a gravimetric shift to alter water molecules into polywater in wherever place has water molecules in the air. Losing that many ships, chances are, they won't do it again without drones. And Romulans have used drones in the past."

"And chances are, they're going to use it again," said T'Vaan solemnly. "And on a populated planet, no doubt, and they wouldn't even care if they were targeting Free State or Federation worlds, they will likely want to get a point across."

"That's what worries me," said Nira with equal solemnity.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 29, 2022, 03:33:39 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - Observation Lounge >>> Deck One - Bridge - Head]

Figuring it was best to get the unpleasant repair over and done with rather than hanging over his head, ruining his mood for the rest of the day, Lahr dragged himself out of the lounge chair and gave the others of Damage Control Team 1 a saucy wave as they too departed to returned to their regularly scheduled duties.  His steps however were slow and heavy as he entered the turbolift.

"Deck One.  Bridge" he called out and was whisked up one level.

Stepping out onto the Bridge, Lahr once more showed his work orders to the Security staff at the doors.  While they followed procedure, rechecking that he was supposed to be up here, Lahr took the opportunity to look out towards the view screen, but the Khranu was long gone - having retreated with their tail tucked.

Lahr looked towards the Captain and gave the Scot 2 thumbs up in appreciation for the entertainment earlier.  "Great job as always, Captain!" he commented before being handed back his PADD.

As he approached the three consoles to his left, Environmental Control, Mission Ops and Engineering, he noted that the Engineering officer on duty - the lovely Rebecca Fisk - was watching him alertly.  His antenna perked a bit, and he gave the woman a nod in greeting.   She almost seemed to squirm as he passed by.

Hmm, it had been a while since he'd gotten that reaction from a woman.  Knowing he was claimed by Ruth 'the axe-wielding Commander' tended to scare away the others - but apparently not Rebecca.   Sweet....

Lahr then gave a nod to Lieutenant Said beside the Captain, and to Zhuk as he passed the Tactical station situated at the back of the room.  He was just about to start his scan and repairs when Rebecca stood up from her station hurriedly and walked over to him, eagerness seeming to be in her step as she approached him.

"Yes. Lieutenant Fisk...  Can I help you?" asked in advance her arrival.

She leaned in close to his ear to whisper emphatically   "I can't hold any longer.  You gotta watch my station!"  Then she darted into the Head which was slated for repair and locked the door.

Lahr blinked at the request for a moment before shrugging and heading back to the Engineers console to keep on things for her until she returned.  Surprisingly, the Lieutenant hadn't signed out of the console before taking her break, so Lahr had the officer's full range of access.  Nice!

Quote from: Nira Said on October 29, 2022, 10:34:22 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around. She could tell Zhuk, McNair and T'Prith (in her own Vulcan way) were surprised by how well the shields. She noticed Lahr arrive on the bridge, make complements, and unexpectedly relieve the Engineering officer on the bridge, Lieutenant Fisk, who headed off to the Head. Nira wasn't surprised; the nervousness in a person could be enough to scare them into relieving themselves.

"Impressive display with the shields," Nira said. "I have to admit, I never saw the Challenger in combat before...except that battle with the Wanderers at Katra.

"Now, McNair, T'Prith, let's see what our friends have for us," she said.

Conferring with the Joran, Nira and Ian took a look at what the databases of the adrift ships had. They showed plenty about what was going on.

"Hmm. So these ships are from the Star Empire of Rota," said T'Vaan. "Joining forces in an effort to get payback perhaps?"

"Or ensuring the Free State has nothing to have," Nira said in agreement. "And it could be a start."

Going through the databanks, they managed to find out what this new weapon of mass destruction was like: A fleet scattered across the system had been taking watch while the two directly were deploying satellites around the planet. These satellites then somehow caused the planet's mass to increase until it was crushed by its own magnetic field. Literally.

Unfortunately, most of the fleet, judging from hailing logs, were close to it when the gravimetric shift happened, thus causing the crews to lose control and bacchanal themselves to death.

"Did you say 'bacchanal' themselves to death?" asked Savar to Nira as she gave her own views as she went through them, as he was helping out.

"It refers to one of those out-of-control wine parties in ancient Earth mythology," said Nira. "Referring to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. I can see why Thelal was sent to get rid of those ships. I'm probably guessing that there have been Rota or Tal Shiar ships in an adjacent system, hence why they weren't affected. At least one of them had to have collected the satellites themselves."

As for the satellites themselves, Savar, assisted by Ops, figured what they do: They work like how Tholian ships assemble the infamous Tholian web: The more there are, the more powerful the field that alters the planet's magnetic field. Once the planet was reduced to debris, they were collected and taken away.

"Let's assume for a moment that the ship that collected the satellites was a drone," said Nira. "Whoever in charge must've realized that they unleashed a gravimetric shift to alter water molecules into polywater in wherever place has water molecules in the air. Losing that many ships, chances are, they won't do it again without drones. And Romulans have used drones in the past."

"And chances are, they're going to use it again," said T'Vaan solemnly. "And on a populated planet, no doubt, and they wouldn't even care if they were targeting Free State or Federation worlds, they will likely want to get a point across."

"That's what worries me," said Nira with equal solemnity.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded at Lahr and replied with a smile.

"Thelal's ego dictates how our encounters go, which also means he can't accept that the Challenger's ability ta take a punch is better than he's willing to admit."

When Nira briefed on the data captured before the Khranu fled, his expression soured.

"We've got ta figure out where they will go next before they strike again. Ops, bring up a sector map and then superimpose a sphere of how far the Romulans could cover at warp 8 through 9.5.

"Once we have the area they can reach, we can then make an assessment of which systems would be the most valuable targets. It's a thin lead, but unless we can track ion trails or summat other means, tis all we have ta work with."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 29, 2022, 04:23:21 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded at Lahr and replied with a smile.

"Thelal's ego dictates how our encounters go, which also means he can't accept that the Challenger's ability ta take a punch is better than he's willing to admit."

When Nira briefed on the data captured before the Khranu fled, his expression soured.

"We've got ta figure out where they will go next before they strike again. Ops, bring up a sector map and then superimpose a sphere of how far the Romulans could cover at warp 8 through 9.5.

"Once we have the area they can reach, we can then make an assessment of which systems would be the most valuable targets. It's a thin lead, but unless we can track ion trails or summat other means, tis all we have ta work with."

Keeping an eye on the Bridge's engineering console while Lieutenant Fisk was... preoccupied,  Lahr listened in on the discussion going between the officers.   Lahr was kind of sickened to hear how low Thelal truly was to get involved with a plot to destroy worlds.... when the Romulan knew how devastating it was.  Lahr's antennae stiffened in outrage that this was being done purposefully.  The Andorian kind of wished Zhuk's targetting had been a little off and went for the Warbird's bridge not just its weapons.

When the Captain called on Ops, Lahr on habitual reaction turned to his console to comply, only to recall that he'd been transferred recently.  The Andorian missed the camaraderie that could be found on the Bridge.  In Engineering, he was usually working alone which was dull.  Maybe if he was on his best behaviour and then spoke to Commander Tharn she might let him take a shift manning the engineering console regularly.  He could hope.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on October 29, 2022, 10:34:22 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around. She could tell Zhuk, McNair and T'Prith (in her own Vulcan way) were surprised by how well the shields. She noticed Lahr arrive on the bridge, make complements, and unexpectedly relieve the Engineering officer on the bridge, Lieutenant Fisk, who headed off to the Head. Nira wasn't surprised; the nervousness in a person could be enough to scare them into relieving themselves.

"Impressive display with the shields," Nira said. "I have to admit, I never saw the Challenger in combat before...except that battle with the Wanderers at Katra.

"Now, McNair, T'Prith, let's see what our friends have for us," she said.

Conferring with the Joran, Nira and Ian took a look at what the databases of the adrift ships had. They showed plenty about what was going on.

"Hmm. So these ships are from the Star Empire of Rota," said T'Vaan. "Joining forces in an effort to get payback perhaps?"

"Or ensuring the Free State has nothing to have," Nira said in agreement. "And it could be a start."

Going through the databanks, they managed to find out what this new weapon of mass destruction was like: A fleet scattered across the system had been taking watch while the two directly were deploying satellites around the planet. These satellites then somehow caused the planet's mass to increase until it was crushed by its own magnetic field. Literally.

Unfortunately, most of the fleet, judging from hailing logs, were close to it when the gravimetric shift happened, thus causing the crews to lose control and bacchanal themselves to death.

"Did you say 'bacchanal' themselves to death?" asked Savar to Nira as she gave her own views as she went through them, as he was helping out.

"It refers to one of those out-of-control wine parties in ancient Earth mythology," said Nira. "Referring to Bacchus, the Roman god of wine. I can see why Thelal was sent to get rid of those ships. I'm probably guessing that there have been Rota or Tal Shiar ships in an adjacent system, hence why they weren't affected. At least one of them had to have collected the satellites themselves."

As for the satellites themselves, Savar, assisted by Ops, figured what they do: They work like how Tholian ships assemble the infamous Tholian web: The more there are, the more powerful the field that alters the planet's magnetic field. Once the planet was reduced to debris, they were collected and taken away.

"Let's assume for a moment that the ship that collected the satellites was a drone," said Nira. "Whoever in charge must've realized that they unleashed a gravimetric shift to alter water molecules into polywater in wherever place has water molecules in the air. Losing that many ships, chances are, they won't do it again without drones. And Romulans have used drones in the past."

"And chances are, they're going to use it again," said T'Vaan solemnly. "And on a populated planet, no doubt, and they wouldn't even care if they were targeting Free State or Federation worlds, they will likely want to get a point across."

"That's what worries me," said Nira with equal solemnity.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 29, 2022, 04:23:21 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded at Lahr and replied with a smile.

"Thelal's ego dictates how our encounters go, which also means he can't accept that the Challenger's ability ta take a punch is better than he's willing to admit."

When Nira briefed on the data captured before the Khranu fled, his expression soured.

"We've got ta figure out where they will go next before they strike again. Ops, bring up a sector map and then superimpose a sphere of how far the Romulans could cover at warp 8 through 9.5.

"Once we have the area they can reach, we can then make an assessment of which systems would be the most valuable targets. It's a thin lead, but unless we can track ion trails or summat other means, tis all we have ta work with."

Ensign Zhukdra'shar took a moment to breathe in now that the danger had passed, and to calm himself down after the tense situation they had been in. His sharp audition picked up the conversation at hand that Command was having, and soon enough, his rage returned. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. A device made to destroy planets after surrounding them, one that had apparently ended up costing the Romulan powers at hand a few ships, if the statements were to be believed.

Good riddance, Zhuk thought, as he had originally believed that the two adrift ships had been working with Subcommander T'Vaan and the Free State she represented. His concern now turned towards the satellite system that had all but obliterated this celestial body. A weapon with such power could not be allowed to roam free across the quadrant. Especially if it meant it that innocents would have to suffer. He did his best to hide his dissatisfaction, now that he realized that it would have been best if he had disobeyed orders and shot Thelal and the Kranu after their escape. It would have kept people safe, and those Romulan cronies would have been stopped once and for all. His ears fell flat on his head, and his tail swished from side to side dangerously.

He squinted his eyes over at Captain Galloway especially, wondering if, maybe, this little game of cat and mouse he was playing with Thelal had to do something with his decision-making. If he had let him escape just to continue with this little charade. Once more, he chastised himself for considering such things, using his claw to pinch his skin as punishment. He returned to the console, falling once more into a neutral expression as he made sure that the systems would be ready if the Challenger required to fight again.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on October 29, 2022, 04:23:21 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded at Lahr and replied with a smile.

"Thelal's ego dictates how our encounters go, which also means he can't accept that the Challenger's ability ta take a punch is better than he's willing to admit."

When Nira briefed on the data captured before the Khranu fled, his expression soured.

"We've got ta figure out where they will go next before they strike again. Ops, bring up a sector map and then superimpose a sphere of how far the Romulans could cover at warp 8 through 9.5.

"Once we have the area they can reach, we can then make an assessment of which systems would be the most valuable targets. It's a thin lead, but unless we can track ion trails or summat other means, tis all we have ta work with."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on October 30, 2022, 12:51:15 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck One - Bridge]

Keeping an eye on the Bridge's engineering console while Lieutenant Fisk was... preoccupied,  Lahr listened in on the discussion going between the officers.   Lahr was kind of sickened to hear how low Thelal truly was to get involved with a plot to destroy worlds.... when the Romulan knew how devastating it was.  Lahr's antennae stiffened in outrage that this was being done purposefully.  The Andorian kind of wished Zhuk's targetting had been a little off and went for the Warbird's bridge not just its weapons.

When the Captain called on Ops, Lahr on habitual reaction turned to his console to comply, only to recall that he'd been transferred recently.  The Andorian missed the camaraderie that could be found on the Bridge.  In Engineering, he was usually working alone which was dull.  Maybe if he was on his best behaviour and then spoke to Commander Tharn she might let him take a shift manning the engineering console regularly.  He could hope.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on October 31, 2022, 07:28:18 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Zhukdra'shar took a moment to breathe in now that the danger had passed, and to calm himself down after the tense situation they had been in. His sharp audition picked up the conversation at hand that Command was having, and soon enough, his rage returned. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. A device made to destroy planets after surrounding them, one that had apparently ended up costing the Romulan powers at hand a few ships, if the statements were to be believed.

Good riddance, Zhuk thought, as he had originally believed that the two adrift ships had been working with Subcommander T'Vaan and the Free State she represented. His concern now turned towards the satellite system that had all but obliterated this celestial body. A weapon with such power could not be allowed to roam free across the quadrant. Especially if it meant it that innocents would have to suffer. He did his best to hide his dissatisfaction, now that he realized that it would have been best if he had disobeyed orders and shot Thelal and the Kranu after their escape. It would have kept people safe, and those Romulan cronies would have been stopped once and for all. His ears fell flat on his head, and his tail swished from side to side dangerously.

He squinted his eyes over at Captain Galloway especially, wondering if, maybe, this little game of cat and mouse he was playing with Thelal had to do something with his decision-making. If he had let him escape just to continue with this little charade. Once more, he chastised himself for considering such things, using his claw to pinch his skin as punishment. He returned to the console, falling once more into a neutral expression as he made sure that the systems would be ready if the Challenger required to fight again.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"I'll tell Sickbay to get some more antidotes for the polywater virus ready," said Nira. "Chances are, we may likely encounter a change in the water molecules from gravimetric shear."

Studying the range the weapon had traveled, it was definitely confirmed that the sphere of the range Ian had in mind was a section of Rota space taken by the Free State. The first places to look were the Rota planets colonized by the Free State. True, Nira suspected that some Rota extremists were planning to use this weapon to ensure there were no worlds for the Free State to take, but it would be foolish to not check for worlds that have been colonized already, and so she asked T'Vaan to check for colonists that had already settled on or are en route to Rota worlds.

Two hours later, they got a strong lead.

"Captain, Commander," said Lieutenant T'Kel. "We're getting a Romulan distress call. It's from one of the Free State colonies."

That certainly got attention.

"Are they under attack?" asked Nira.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say otherwise," said T'Kel. "There's reports of unusual seismic activity happening everywhere. Evacuations are proceeding, but the bulk of the transports have already been taken by the original colonists...the distress call's been cut off."

"Cut off?"

"Yes," said T'Kel.

"Original..." But Nira stopped herself, a suspicious inkling forming. "I suppose the original colonists were Rota citizens?"

"Why...yes," said T'Kel. Then she looked down sharply as Nira took it in. "Sirs, transmissions have been cut off...clever, they tried to make it look like a malfunction, whoever's behind this, transmissions are jammed at the source."

"Send word to T'Vaan," said Nira.

"She's already hailing us," said T'Kel, and she got the Romulan subcommander up.

"You just got it, didn't you?" T'Vaan said anxiously.

"It is. And we just put two and two together. It's obvious the Rota citizens were informed in advance and are leaving the Free State colonists to their doom."

"I'm sending word for ships nearby to join us," said T'Vaan. "Meet us there."

In no time at all, the Challenger had arrived at the system. They arrived just in time.

The viewscreen was showing the planet from half a million kilometers away from where they dropped out of war. A group of satellites being deployed by a fleet of Malem class Birds of Prey, Nira recognized the classes at once. Those already deployed were activated.

"It's like a Tholian Web out there," said Nira. "Just as we're expecting. A series of satellites, deployed by a fleet of drones. And according to the databases, a platform deployed farther in orbit to control the satellites. And at least one battle cruiser, which explains the jamming. And there it is."

Sure enough, the viewscreen showed the main aggressive flagship.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Lahr's time at the Engineering Bridge console was short- at least that first time.   Afterwards, the Andorian worked to recalibrate the Bridge Head's recycler.  The unit functioned but was leaving behind a desirable smell.  His work to determine the problem and resolve it was paused several times by Fisk, who kept calling him out to watch her station while she made used of the head.

On the fourth time in an hour, after he completed his repair inspite of her frequent interruptions.  Lahr motioned the Lieutenant aside and quietly suggested she might want to book the rest of her shift off to have herself checked at Sickbay for a bladder infection.

"œThat's not necessary," she assured him.  Fifteen minutes later, he was covering her station again, this time while she was headed down to Sickbay.   Shortly after that Commander Tharn called to Lahr and informed him her was assigned the Bridge station for the rest of Fisk's shift.

So when the distress call came in Lahr was at station.  His antennae swiveled alertly ready to do his part as needed. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2022, 08:45:22 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"I'll tell Sickbay to get some more antidotes for the polywater virus ready," said Nira. "Chances are, we may likely encounter a change in the water molecules from gravimetric shear."

Studying the range the weapon had traveled, it was definitely confirmed that the sphere of the range Ian had in mind was a section of Rota space taken by the Free State. The first places to look were the Rota planets colonized by the Free State. True, Nira suspected that some Rota extremists were planning to use this weapon to ensure there were no worlds for the Free State to take, but it would be foolish to not check for worlds that have been colonized already, and so she asked T'Vaan to check for colonists that had already settled on or are en route to Rota worlds.

Two hours later, they got a strong lead.

"Captain, Commander," said Lieutenant T'Kel. "We're getting a Romulan distress call. It's from one of the Free State colonies."

That certainly got attention.

"Are they under attack?" asked Nira.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say otherwise," said T'Kel. "There's reports of unusual seismic activity happening everywhere. Evacuations are proceeding, but the bulk of the transports have already been taken by the original colonists...the distress call's been cut off."

"Cut off?"

"Yes," said T'Kel.

"Original..." But Nira stopped herself, a suspicious inkling forming. "I suppose the original colonists were Rota citizens?"

"Why...yes," said T'Kel. Then she looked down sharply as Nira took it in. "Sirs, transmissions have been cut off...clever, they tried to make it look like a malfunction, whoever's behind this, transmissions are jammed at the source."

"Send word to T'Vaan," said Nira.

"She's already hailing us," said T'Kel, and she got the Romulan subcommander up.

"You just got it, didn't you?" T'Vaan said anxiously.

"It is. And we just put two and two together. It's obvious the Rota citizens were informed in advance and are leaving the Free State colonists to their doom."

"I'm sending word for ships nearby to join us," said T'Vaan. "Meet us there."

In no time at all, the Challenger had arrived at the system. They arrived just in time.

The viewscreen was showing the planet from half a million kilometers away from where they dropped out of war. A group of satellites being deployed by a fleet of Malem class Birds of Prey, Nira recognized the classes at once. Those already deployed were activated.

"It's like a Tholian Web out there," said Nira. "Just as we're expecting. A series of satellites, deployed by a fleet of drones. And according to the databases, a platform deployed farther in orbit to control the satellites. And at least one battle cruiser, which explains the jamming. And there it is."

Sure enough, the viewscreen showed the main aggressive flagship.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Thanks to his many hours on the holodeck in the cockpit of a P40B Tomahawk, Ian took in the tactical situation very quickly and came up with a response just as quickly.

"Red alert! Battlestations! Launch every armed shuttle we have, their targets are those satellites! Signal the Joran, her targets are those drone layers! Helm, make your course directly for that battlecruiser! Lahr, broadcast 'Scotland the Brave' on shipwide and on all subspace frequencies! T'Kel, bring quantums ta ready. Bring phasers ta ready. You are weapons free! We are goin' in hot!"

Ian had to take two calming breaths as he knew his blood was up and he needed to be clear headed. As he brought his breathing under control, he said softly.

"I will be a bloody pink pig in a purple tutu before I let that git Thelal destroy another world."

He'd issued his orders, now came the part he hated, the wait before the fight actually began.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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