S:5 E:9 - The Naked When

Started by Nira Said, September 01, 2022, 10:50:37 AM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2022, 01:26:49 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Thanks to his many hours on the holodeck in the cockpit of a P40B Tomahawk, Ian took in the tactical situation very quickly and came up with a response just as quickly.

"Red alert! Battlestations! Launch every armed shuttle we have, their targets are those satellites! Signal the Joran, her targets are those drone layers! Helm, make your course directly for that battlecruiser! Lahr, broadcast 'Scotland the Brave' on shipwide and on all subspace frequencies! T'Kel, bring quantums ta ready. Bring phasers ta ready. You are weapons free! We are goin' in hot!"

Ian had to take two calming breaths as he knew his blood was up and he needed to be clear headed. As he brought his breathing under control, he said softly.

"I will be a bloody pink pig in a purple tutu before I let that git Thelal destroy another world."

He'd issued his orders, now came the part he hated, the wait before the fight actually began.

The Captain's call for Red alert and Battlestations had Lahr's antennae twitching.  This was the moment he both dreaded, and thrilled to be a part of.   Being in Engineering, his work would mostly come after the first volley of weapons fire by the enemy, to ensure any damage taken was mitigated.   So, when the Andorian heard his name called, he was surprised and then delighted to have his 'extra role' be called upon.

"Aye sir!"  Lahr's fingers rapidly danced over the engineering console calling up an alternative display screen that he then used to access the communications network to broadcast as ordered 'Scotland the Brave.'

Since it had been a while since Lahr had been asked to do so, the Andorian kept to the proper version that the Captain preferred and expected, and held off playing one of the club remixes he favored.  Maybe next time.  The music played as background sound on all decks - inspiring but not intrusive.    Not so when it came to Lahr's broadcasting it on all subspace frequencies. That he cranked to max volume and bass.

If Thelal, who was all too familiar with what that sound meant, was out there - the Romulan would be quaking in fear.

"Your banner is raised and playing loud and clear, Captain!"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2022, 01:26:49 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Thanks to his many hours on the holodeck in the cockpit of a P40B Tomahawk, Ian took in the tactical situation very quickly and came up with a response just as quickly.

"Red alert! Battlestations! Launch every armed shuttle we have, their targets are those satellites! Signal the Joran, her targets are those drone layers! Helm, make your course directly for that battlecruiser! Lahr, broadcast 'Scotland the Brave' on shipwide and on all subspace frequencies! T'Kel, bring quantums ta ready. Bring phasers ta ready. You are weapons free! We are goin' in hot!"

Ian had to take two calming breaths as he knew his blood was up and he needed to be clear headed. As he brought his breathing under control, he said softly.

"I will be a bloody pink pig in a purple tutu before I let that git Thelal destroy another world."

He'd issued his orders, now came the part he hated, the wait before the fight actually began.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

They had the time to breathe, Buck had gone about handling the situation bridge side with regards to keeping the general functioning of the ship still up to scratch should they--

The sound to arms had been called once more, the ship klaxons blaring out their status being switched to Red Alert promptly.

Buck was all too new to the field of space battle but already turning seasoned with the crew of the Challenger as they faced down another foe; the ship on screen looking aggressive and ready for a fight. Be what it may, the tactical brilliance was best left to Tactical and the commanding officers on the ship as he went about checking that they were going to be prepped and ready to handle most things which would turn their way.

Of course, what was new was the blaring of Scotland the Brave over the frequencies. The bagpipes grating as Buck glanced around - unused to such an antic happening on board. A new experience. He would presume that this song had something to do with the Challenger's history and there was reasons behind it being played. He kept himself steady at his control panel by Ops, waiting and holding with baited breath for the battle to start.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 02, 2022, 08:45:22 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"I'll tell Sickbay to get some more antidotes for the polywater virus ready," said Nira. "Chances are, we may likely encounter a change in the water molecules from gravimetric shear."

Studying the range the weapon had traveled, it was definitely confirmed that the sphere of the range Ian had in mind was a section of Rota space taken by the Free State. The first places to look were the Rota planets colonized by the Free State. True, Nira suspected that some Rota extremists were planning to use this weapon to ensure there were no worlds for the Free State to take, but it would be foolish to not check for worlds that have been colonized already, and so she asked T'Vaan to check for colonists that had already settled on or are en route to Rota worlds.

Two hours later, they got a strong lead.

"Captain, Commander," said Lieutenant T'Kel. "We're getting a Romulan distress call. It's from one of the Free State colonies."

That certainly got attention.

"Are they under attack?" asked Nira.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say otherwise," said T'Kel. "There's reports of unusual seismic activity happening everywhere. Evacuations are proceeding, but the bulk of the transports have already been taken by the original colonists...the distress call's been cut off."

"Cut off?"

"Yes," said T'Kel.

"Original..." But Nira stopped herself, a suspicious inkling forming. "I suppose the original colonists were Rota citizens?"

"Why...yes," said T'Kel. Then she looked down sharply as Nira took it in. "Sirs, transmissions have been cut off...clever, they tried to make it look like a malfunction, whoever's behind this, transmissions are jammed at the source."

"Send word to T'Vaan," said Nira.

"She's already hailing us," said T'Kel, and she got the Romulan subcommander up.

"You just got it, didn't you?" T'Vaan said anxiously.

"It is. And we just put two and two together. It's obvious the Rota citizens were informed in advance and are leaving the Free State colonists to their doom."

"I'm sending word for ships nearby to join us," said T'Vaan. "Meet us there."

In no time at all, the Challenger had arrived at the system. They arrived just in time.

The viewscreen was showing the planet from half a million kilometers away from where they dropped out of war. A group of satellites being deployed by a fleet of Malem class Birds of Prey, Nira recognized the classes at once. Those already deployed were activated.

"It's like a Tholian Web out there," said Nira. "Just as we're expecting. A series of satellites, deployed by a fleet of drones. And according to the databases, a platform deployed farther in orbit to control the satellites. And at least one battle cruiser, which explains the jamming. And there it is."

Sure enough, the viewscreen showed the main aggressive flagship.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2022, 01:26:49 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Thanks to his many hours on the holodeck in the cockpit of a P40B Tomahawk, Ian took in the tactical situation very quickly and came up with a response just as quickly.

"Red alert! Battlestations! Launch every armed shuttle we have, their targets are those satellites! Signal the Joran, her targets are those drone layers! Helm, make your course directly for that battlecruiser! Lahr, broadcast 'Scotland the Brave' on shipwide and on all subspace frequencies! T'Kel, bring quantums ta ready. Bring phasers ta ready. You are weapons free! We are goin' in hot!"

Ian had to take two calming breaths as he knew his blood was up and he needed to be clear headed. As he brought his breathing under control, he said softly.

"I will be a bloody pink pig in a purple tutu before I let that git Thelal destroy another world."

He'd issued his orders, now came the part he hated, the wait before the fight actually began.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 05, 2022, 06:23:34 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The Captain's call for Red alert and Battlestations had Lahr's antennae twitching.  This was the moment he both dreaded, and thrilled to be a part of.   Being in Engineering, his work would mostly come after the first volley of weapons fire by the enemy, to ensure any damage taken was mitigated.   So, when the Andorian heard his name called, he was surprised and then delighted to have his 'extra role' be called upon.

"Aye sir!"  Lahr's fingers rapidly danced over the engineering console calling up an alternative display screen that he then used to access the communications network to broadcast as ordered 'Scotland the Brave.'

Since it had been a while since Lahr had been asked to do so, the Andorian kept to the proper version that the Captain preferred and expected, and held off playing one of the club remixes he favored.  Maybe next time.  The music played as background sound on all decks - inspiring but not intrusive.    Not so when it came to Lahr's broadcasting it on all subspace frequencies. That he cranked to max volume and bass.

If Thelal, who was all too familiar with what that sound meant, was out there - the Romulan would be quaking in fear.

"Your banner is raised and playing loud and clear, Captain!"

Zhukdra'shar had remained on the Bridge, manning the Tactical console through the USS Challenger's search for Thelal's ship, the Kranu. He made sure that everything related to the weapon systems kept on running smoothly, ready to inform Lieutenant T'Kel of any anomalies. Fortunately, he had to report none. Still, the wait made him anxious, as he feared that the opposing Romulans had fled for good, their crimes never to be answered, or that maybe they would be too late to save their next target. These worries were proved to be unfounded, as the Challenger picked up a distress call from a Free State colony, before it got cut off.

After contacting Subcommander T'Vaan and her ship, the two got underway, managing to gaze at the starting stages of the device being activated, and the destruction of the Free State colony as they arrived to the system.

Just as the logs mentioned, the device itself used an array of satellites meant to cause seismic destruction at a planetary scale, and were now being deployed by a fleet of drones, which were controlled by a platform further down in orbit. Meanwhile, the transmissions were being jammed by at least one battlecruiser. The imposing vessel made Zhuk's fur to puff up for a moment, as he wondered if they would be able to so easily defeat it as they had the Kranu. He gulped at the concept of facing that thing head on, but the Captain and the rest of the officers seemed at worst unfazed, and at best, confident, especially Galloway. He asked for what Zhuk assumed to be a song to be played, his words filled with courage, yet his demeanor was calm and measured.

It filled with a sense of determination, and he took a deep breath as he once more focused upon the battlecruiser, soft, flexible furred fingers flying through the screen and the console, as weapon systems went fully online, and phasers and photons warmed up. He jumped a little on his seat at the sudden playing of music, the foretold 'Scotland the Brave', ears swishing around as they tried to locate the source, until his brain managed to make the connection that it was playing shipwide. Right. A peculiar choice for a battle music, but Zhuk had to admit that he really enjoyed it once he had gotten used to it.

It seemed as if everything was nominal. It was just a matter of unleashing the payload once they were close enough. And at Captain's orders, of course.

"Captain Galloway, Lieutenant Commander Said, Lieutenant T'kel," Ensign Zhuk reported, with no hint of hesitation in his voice "Weapon systems are ready to be employed at your command. All lectures remain within acceptable parameters, we are prepared to engage the battlecruiser."

All of his senses ready to react when the order would be given...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 03, 2022, 01:10:22 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Lahr's time at the Engineering Bridge console was short- at least that first time.   Afterwards, the Andorian worked to recalibrate the Bridge Head's recycler.  The unit functioned but was leaving behind a desirable smell.  His work to determine the problem and resolve it was paused several times by Fisk, who kept calling him out to watch her station while she made used of the head.

On the fourth time in an hour, after he completed his repair inspite of her frequent interruptions.  Lahr motioned the Lieutenant aside and quietly suggested she might want to book the rest of her shift off to have herself checked at Sickbay for a bladder infection.

"œThat's not necessary," she assured him.  Fifteen minutes later, he was covering her station again, this time while she was headed down to Sickbay.   Shortly after that Commander Tharn called to Lahr and informed him her was assigned the Bridge station for the rest of Fisk's shift.

So when the distress call came in Lahr was at station.  His antennae swiveled alertly ready to do his part as needed.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 03, 2022, 01:26:49 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Thanks to his many hours on the holodeck in the cockpit of a P40B Tomahawk, Ian took in the tactical situation very quickly and came up with a response just as quickly.

"Red alert! Battlestations! Launch every armed shuttle we have, their targets are those satellites! Signal the Joran, her targets are those drone layers! Helm, make your course directly for that battlecruiser! Lahr, broadcast 'Scotland the Brave' on shipwide and on all subspace frequencies! T'Kel, bring quantums ta ready. Bring phasers ta ready. You are weapons free! We are goin' in hot!"

Ian had to take two calming breaths as he knew his blood was up and he needed to be clear headed. As he brought his breathing under control, he said softly.

"I will be a bloody pink pig in a purple tutu before I let that git Thelal destroy another world."

He'd issued his orders, now came the part he hated, the wait before the fight actually began.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 05, 2022, 06:23:34 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The Captain's call for Red alert and Battlestations had Lahr's antennae twitching.  This was the moment he both dreaded, and thrilled to be a part of.   Being in Engineering, his work would mostly come after the first volley of weapons fire by the enemy, to ensure any damage taken was mitigated.   So, when the Andorian heard his name called, he was surprised and then delighted to have his 'extra role' be called upon.

"Aye sir!"  Lahr's fingers rapidly danced over the engineering console calling up an alternative display screen that he then used to access the communications network to broadcast as ordered 'Scotland the Brave.'

Since it had been a while since Lahr had been asked to do so, the Andorian kept to the proper version that the Captain preferred and expected, and held off playing one of the club remixes he favored.  Maybe next time.  The music played as background sound on all decks - inspiring but not intrusive.    Not so when it came to Lahr's broadcasting it on all subspace frequencies. That he cranked to max volume and bass.

If Thelal, who was all too familiar with what that sound meant, was out there - the Romulan would be quaking in fear.

"Your banner is raised and playing loud and clear, Captain!"

Quote from: Buck McNair on November 06, 2022, 01:35:52 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

They had the time to breathe, Buck had gone about handling the situation bridge side with regards to keeping the general functioning of the ship still up to scratch should they--

The sound to arms had been called once more, the ship klaxons blaring out their status being switched to Red Alert promptly.

Buck was all too new to the field of space battle but already turning seasoned with the crew of the Challenger as they faced down another foe; the ship on screen looking aggressive and ready for a fight. Be what it may, the tactical brilliance was best left to Tactical and the commanding officers on the ship as he went about checking that they were going to be prepped and ready to handle most things which would turn their way.

Of course, what was new was the blaring of Scotland the Brave over the frequencies. The bagpipes grating as Buck glanced around - unused to such an antic happening on board. A new experience. He would presume that this song had something to do with the Challenger's history and there was reasons behind it being played. He kept himself steady at his control panel by Ops, waiting and holding with baited breath for the battle to start.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 06, 2022, 07:56:47 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar had remained on the Bridge, manning the Tactical console through the USS Challenger's search for Thelal's ship, the Kranu. He made sure that everything related to the weapon systems kept on running smoothly, ready to inform Lieutenant T'Kel of any anomalies. Fortunately, he had to report none. Still, the wait made him anxious, as he feared that the opposing Romulans had fled for good, their crimes never to be answered, or that maybe they would be too late to save their next target. These worries were proved to be unfounded, as the Challenger picked up a distress call from a Free State colony, before it got cut off.

After contacting Subcommander T'Vaan and her ship, the two got underway, managing to gaze at the starting stages of the device being activated, and the destruction of the Free State colony as they arrived to the system.

Just as the logs mentioned, the device itself used an array of satellites meant to cause seismic destruction at a planetary scale, and were now being deployed by a fleet of drones, which were controlled by a platform further down in orbit. Meanwhile, the transmissions were being jammed by at least one battlecruiser. The imposing vessel made Zhuk's fur to puff up for a moment, as he wondered if they would be able to so easily defeat it as they had the Kranu. He gulped at the concept of facing that thing head on, but the Captain and the rest of the officers seemed at worst unfazed, and at best, confident, especially Galloway. He asked for what Zhuk assumed to be a song to be played, his words filled with courage, yet his demeanor was calm and measured.

It filled with a sense of determination, and he took a deep breath as he once more focused upon the battlecruiser, soft, flexible furred fingers flying through the screen and the console, as weapon systems went fully online, and phasers and photons warmed up. He jumped a little on his seat at the sudden playing of music, the foretold 'Scotland the Brave', ears swishing around as they tried to locate the source, until his brain managed to make the connection that it was playing shipwide. Right. A peculiar choice for a battle music, but Zhuk had to admit that he really enjoyed it once he had gotten used to it.

It seemed as if everything was nominal. It was just a matter of unleashing the payload once they were close enough. And at Captain's orders, of course.

"Captain Galloway, Lieutenant Commander Said, Lieutenant T'kel," Ensign Zhuk reported, with no hint of hesitation in his voice "Weapon systems are ready to be employed at your command. All lectures remain within acceptable parameters, we are prepared to engage the battlecruiser."

All of his senses ready to react when the order would be given...

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit, she was very surprised at the choice of music Captain Galloway allowed to broadcast throughout the ship. Never on the Athena nor the Discovery had she ever heard music blare out to battle...on the other hand, it showed that she didn't know Galloway too fully...or perhaps he never had free rein back when he was Discovery's First Officer.

She could feel the surprise in most of the bridge crew, so she had the impression that she wasn't alone, but it made sense in that they never would've been on Challenger during a battle. For all Nira knew, Ian could've been playing this during the battle with the Wanderers.

Nira looked at Ian, though, when he said that he won't let Thelal destroy another world. She agreed with him, but inwardly, as she thought about it, she felt that Thelal wasn't in charge of what was transpiring. He was only sent by somebody, no doubt that same somebody in that flagship, to destroy evidence, she could see it in his body language, even if it wasn't obvious.

"It could be a good idea to avoid directly engaging that flagship for the time being," said Nira. "We don't know its firepower."

As such, given the weapons-free order, Tactical fired on as many of the satellites and drone ships as possible. The drones never stood a chance, along with the satellites that haven't been deployed. Those that have been, however, suddenly seemed to appear from nearby deployed satellites that have not been destroyed.

"I think the ones that haven been deployed could be a problem, Captain," said Nira. "Looks like the satellites come with self-replicating abilities. Looks of things, they're likely anticipating that they would come under attack, even if the evidence has been destroyed from witness ships; the Free State would've figured out an attack from the distress call anyway."

"Sirs, we're being hailed," said T'Kel. And appearing on the viewscreen...while it certainly wasn't Thelal. The man on the viewscreen was, to the surprise of all, not a Romulan.

As it transpired, he looked more like a Reman, except he had quite a lot of hair, too much hair to be a Reman, even on the face. Most likely, most of him could be Reman, but he was mixed with...something else. If it wasn't for his face, he'd look handsome, at least to Nira.

"And who is this?" he said coolly, but there's a subtle anger under his voice.

"I gather you are the ringleader," Nira said. "You're definitely not Thelal."

"No," the man on the viewscreen sneered quietly, baring his sharp teeth, another Reman quality. "He's too busy licking his wounds. But I feel this should be more than enough. Do not try to interfere further. Nakir of Xakarix will not permit it."

"And why would the Remans want to join forces with Rotar to destroy Free State worlds, Mister Nakir?" Nira retorted, figuring Nakir was his name.

"I don't speak for the Remans. Don't think for a moment I do this in behalf of the Reman nation. I am from a different Reman group."

Two Reman factions? And one of them with a propencity with violence?

"You address the Praetor of the Legacy of Shinzon," Nakir sneered, "and the Star Empire of Rota is willing to join out cause. The Praetors will rise again."

Shinzon? Praetors?

"You used to be one of Shinzon's followers, weren't you?" asked Nira. "You address yourself as Praetor, but you say PraetorS, plural?"

Nakir only pursed his lips, which was answer enough. "I have no further words for you insignificant fools. Thelal has allowed his ego to get in his way, as my contacts have advised me. I assure you, I won't be as forgiving."

The viewscreen blinked off.

"Well, so we have a new faction on our hands," said Nira. "And he's not likely to ignore us."

"Sirs, I think it could be logical to take out the main control station for the satellites," T'Kel said. Nira nodded.

"We still have this Nakir of Xakarix to worry about," said Nira, looking back at the viewscreen as if still picturing the part-Reman sneering down disturbingly at them. She shuddered a little; Nakir reminded her strongly of the T'hunga, and she didn't care if he was a rogue Reman, she didn't want to be his prisoner.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 07, 2022, 08:42:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit, she was very surprised at the choice of music Captain Galloway allowed to broadcast throughout the ship. Never on the Athena nor the Discovery had she ever heard music blare out to battle...on the other hand, it showed that she didn't know Galloway too fully...or perhaps he never had free rein back when he was Discovery's First Officer.

She could feel the surprise in most of the bridge crew, so she had the impression that she wasn't alone, but it made sense in that they never would've been on Challenger during a battle. For all Nira knew, Ian could've been playing this during the battle with the Wanderers.

Nira looked at Ian, though, when he said that he won't let Thelal destroy another world. She agreed with him, but inwardly, as she thought about it, she felt that Thelal wasn't in charge of what was transpiring. He was only sent by somebody, no doubt that same somebody in that flagship, to destroy evidence, she could see it in his body language, even if it wasn't obvious.

"It could be a good idea to avoid directly engaging that flagship for the time being," said Nira. "We don't know its firepower."

As such, given the weapons-free order, Tactical fired on as many of the satellites and drone ships as possible. The drones never stood a chance, along with the satellites that haven't been deployed. Those that have been, however, suddenly seemed to appear from nearby deployed satellites that have not been destroyed.

"I think the ones that haven been deployed could be a problem, Captain," said Nira. "Looks like the satellites come with self-replicating abilities. Looks of things, they're likely anticipating that they would come under attack, even if the evidence has been destroyed from witness ships; the Free State would've figured out an attack from the distress call anyway."

"Sirs, we're being hailed," said T'Kel. And appearing on the viewscreen...while it certainly wasn't Thelal. The man on the viewscreen was, to the surprise of all, not a Romulan.

As it transpired, he looked more like a Reman, except he had quite a lot of hair, too much hair to be a Reman, even on the face. Most likely, most of him could be Reman, but he was mixed with...something else. If it wasn't for his face, he'd look handsome, at least to Nira.

"And who is this?" he said coolly, but there's a subtle anger under his voice.

"I gather you are the ringleader," Nira said. "You're definitely not Thelal."

"No," the man on the viewscreen sneered quietly, baring his sharp teeth, another Reman quality. "He's too busy licking his wounds. But I feel this should be more than enough. Do not try to interfere further. Nakir of Xakarix will not permit it."

"And why would the Remans want to join forces with Rotar to destroy Free State worlds, Mister Nakir?" Nira retorted, figuring Nakir was his name.

"I don't speak for the Remans. Don't think for a moment I do this in behalf of the Reman nation. I am from a different Reman group."

Two Reman factions? And one of them with a propencity with violence?

"You address the Praetor of the Legacy of Shinzon," Nakir sneered, "and the Star Empire of Rota is willing to join out cause. The Praetors will rise again."

Shinzon? Praetors?

"You used to be one of Shinzon's followers, weren't you?" asked Nira. "You address yourself as Praetor, but you say PraetorS, plural?"

Nakir only pursed his lips, which was answer enough. "I have no further words for you insignificant fools. Thelal has allowed his ego to get in his way, as my contacts have advised me. I assure you, I won't be as forgiving."

The viewscreen blinked off.

"Well, so we have a new faction on our hands," said Nira. "And he's not likely to ignore us."

"Sirs, I think it could be logical to take out the main control station for the satellites," T'Kel said. Nira nodded.

"We still have this Nakir of Xakarix to worry about," said Nira, looking back at the viewscreen as if still picturing the part-Reman sneering down disturbingly at them. She shuddered a little; Nakir reminded her strongly of the T'hunga, and she didn't care if he was a rogue Reman, she didn't want to be his prisoner.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Ian saw the satellites replicate he snarled. "Mo Chreach!" Before applying everything he'd ever learned as an electronic engineer his father had wanted him to be before the answer hit him.


He was thinking furiously and had to force himself to speak in a measured tone so as to maintain the air of authority of command.

"Ops. Flood the area with antigravitons through the deflector dish, have our shuttles and the Joran do so as well, that will stop the little boogits from bloody replicatin'."

It was then that the lead Romulan ship hailed them and the hybrid Reman appeared. Ian held his tongue as Nira spoke out of turn, but they would have a conversation later he noted until Nakir of Xakarix severed the link.

"Rude." Ian snorted. "Regardless of his delusions or if'n he also believes we are 'insignificant fools', he will nae be allowed ta destroy this planet. T'Kel, focus your fire on his engines. Have all security suit up for close combat, we're ta board that battlecruiser."

The Challenger continued to fire relentlessly as fast as the phasers could cycle and the torpedoes could load. The phasers didn't have the power to punch through the battlecruiser's shields, but they caused just enough damage to keep them from regenerating. This in turn, allowed the heavy hammer blows from the quantum torpedoes to brutally batter the Reman shields, slowly, but steadily, the battlecruiser's defenses started to weaken.

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 07, 2022, 10:04:04 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Ian saw the satellites replicate he snarled. "Mo Chreach!" Before applying everything he'd ever learned as an electronic engineer his father had wanted him to be before the answer hit him.


He was thinking furiously and had to force himself to speak in a measured tone so as to maintain the air of authority of command.

"Ops. Flood the area with antigravitons through the deflector dish, have our shuttles and the Joran do so as well, that will stop the little boogits from bloody replicatin'."

It was then that the lead Romulan ship hailed them and the hybrid Reman appeared. Ian held his tongue as Nira spoke out of turn, but they would have a conversation later he noted until Nakir of Xakarix severed the link.

"Rude." Ian snorted. "Regardless of his delusions or if'n he also believes we are 'insignificant fools', he will nae be allowed ta destroy this planet. T'Kel, focus your fire on his engines. Have all security suit up for close combat, we're ta board that battlecruiser."

The Challenger continued to fire relentlessly as fast as the phasers could cycle and the torpedoes could load. The phasers didn't have the power to punch through the battlecruiser's shields, but they caused just enough damage to keep them from regenerating. This in turn, allowed the heavy hammer blows from the quantum torpedoes to brutally batter the Reman shields, slowly, but steadily, the battlecruiser's defenses started to weaken.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

It seemed they all were expecting another face to come up on the viewscreen but this time, it was a new one. Buck frowned, tilting his head to one side as he tried to figure out who this one was before they revealed themselves to be a Reman - a name that was still unfamiliar to him. But perhaps would soon become another familiar face.

He had just glanced away when their captain called upon Ops. Buck's attention shot back up. "Aye, cap." He acknowledged, swiping aside his current waiting screen so that it pulled up the antigravitons, directing them to the satillite dishes. "Shuttles and the Joran are being flooded as we speak now. Crewman Grelek, keep monitoring the levels and maintain the current readings unless instructed otherwise." Speaking out loud as he increased the flooding, handing over part responsibility to the Vulcan Ops Crewmember.

Simultaneously he pulled up the reports of their current stock of weapons and torpedoes being sent the way of the battlecruiser; they had enough for the fight but the longer it would drag out, the slimmer the chances of them having enough for another encounter. "T'Prith, inform us if we're dipping into dangerous low levels of torps."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 06, 2022, 07:56:47 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It seemed as if everything was nominal. It was just a matter of unleashing the payload once they were close enough. And at Captain's orders, of course.[/color]

"Captain Galloway, Lieutenant Commander Said, Lieutenant T'kel," Ensign Zhuk reported, with no hint of hesitation in his voice "Weapon systems are ready to be employed at your command. All lectures remain within acceptable parameters, we are prepared to engage the battlecruiser."

All of his senses ready to react when the order would be given...

At Mrekrerhas's call out to the Captain and others in regards to weapons status, Lahr glanced towards the back where Tactical was situated and after the man's report, gave the Caitian a thumbs up in support.  Lahr felt things were gonna be fine - with Zhuk and T'Kel handling weapons.
Quote from: Nira Said on November 07, 2022, 08:42:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"It could be a good idea to avoid directly engaging that flagship for the time being," said Nira. "We don't know its firepower."

As such, given the weapons-free order, Tactical fired on as many of the satellites and drone ships as possible. The drones never stood a chance, along with the satellites that haven't been deployed. Those that have been, however, suddenly seemed to appear from nearby deployed satellites that have not been destroyed.

"I think the ones that have been deployed could be a problem, Captain," said Nira. "Looks like the satellites come with self-replicating abilities. Looks of things, they're likely anticipating that they would come under attack, even if the evidence has been destroyed from witness ships; the Free State would've figured out an attack from the distress call anyway."

Lahr, who during the initial onslaught towards the satellites and drone ships, had been watching his own console for any issues, glanced away to see what 'problem' the Commander was referring to.   What he saw and heard the Commander say was troubling.  Self-replication huh?  Lahr's antennae swayed as he puzzled over how to counter that.   But he needn't have worried... the Captain was quick with a plan.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 07, 2022, 10:04:04 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Ian saw the satellites replicate he snarled. "Mo Chreach!" Before applying everything he'd ever learned as an electronic engineer his father had wanted him to be before the answer hit him.


He was thinking furiously and had to force himself to speak in a measured tone so as to maintain the air of authority of command.

"Ops. Flood the area with antigravitons through the deflector dish, have our shuttles and the Joran do so as well, that will stop the little boogits from bloody replicatin'."

An ingenious plan.  One which the Dominion had used against DS9 years before when Starfleet had attempted to use self-replicating landmines on this side of the Bajoran wormhole to stop the invasion fleet.   An antigraviton emitter was all it took to foil that plan.  Now the Captain was taking that lesson learned and applying it to their advantage now.
Quote from: Nira Said on November 07, 2022, 08:42:26 AM

"Sirs, we're being hailed," said T'Kel. And appearing on the viewscreen...while it certainly wasn't Thelal. The man on the viewscreen was, to the surprise of all, not a Romulan.

As it transpired, he looked more like a Reman, except he had quite a lot of hair, too much hair to be a Reman, even on the face. Most likely, most of him could be Reman, but he was mixed with...something else. If it wasn't for his face, he'd look handsome, at least to Nira.

"And who is this?" he said coolly, but there's a subtle anger under his voice.

"I gather you are the ringleader," Nira said. "You're definitely not Thelal."

"No," the man on the viewscreen sneered quietly, baring his sharp teeth, another Reman quality. "He's too busy licking his wounds. But I feel this should be more than enough. Do not try to interfere further. Nakir of Xakarix will not permit it."

"And why would the Remans want to join forces with Rotar to destroy Free State worlds, Mister Nakir?" Nira retorted, figuring Nakir was his name.

"I don't speak for the Remans. Don't think for a moment I do this in behalf of the Reman nation. I am from a different Reman group."

Two Reman factions? And one of them with a propensity with violence?

"You address the Praetor of the Legacy of Shinzon," Nakir sneered, "and the Star Empire of Rota is willing to join out cause. The Praetors will rise again."

Shinzon? Praetors?

"You used to be one of Shinzon's followers, weren't you?" asked Nira. "You address yourself as Praetor, but you say PraetorS, plural?"

Nakir only pursed his lips, which was answer enough. "I have no further words for you insignificant fools. Thelal has allowed his ego to get in his way, as my contacts have advised me. I assure you, I won't be as forgiving."

The viewscreen blinked off.

"Well, so we have a new faction on our hands," said Nira. "And he's not likely to ignore us."

"Sirs, I think it could be logical to take out the main control station for the satellites," T'Kel said. Nira nodded.

"We still have this Nakir of Xakarix to worry about," said Nira, looking back at the viewscreen as if still picturing the part-Reman sneering down disturbingly at them. She shuddered a little; Nakir reminded her strongly of the T'hunga, and she didn't care if he was a rogue Reman, she didn't want to be his prisoner.

Lahr's antenna shot up in surprise at seeing a Reman hybid in command of the enemy battlecruiser, and calling himself a Praetor.  Someone has an ego problem.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 07, 2022, 10:04:04 AM

It was then that the lead Romulan ship hailed them and the hybrid Reman appeared. Ian held his tongue as Nira spoke out of turn, but they would have a conversation later he noted until Nakir of Xakarix severed the link.

"Rude." Ian snorted. "Regardless of his delusions or if'n he also believes we are 'insignificant fools', he will nae be allowed ta destroy this planet. T'Kel, focus your fire on his engines. Have all security suit up for close combat, we're ta board that battlecruiser."

The Challenger continued to fire relentlessly as fast as the phasers could cycle and the torpedoes could load. The phasers didn't have the power to punch through the battlecruiser's shields, but they caused just enough damage to keep them from regenerating. This in turn, allowed the heavy hammer blows from the quantum torpedoes to brutally batter the Reman shields, slowly, but steadily, the battlecruiser's defenses started to weaken.

The relentless firing of the phasers and torpedoes, not to mention the return fire from the battlecruiser battering Challenger's shields meant that Lahr's focus had to remain with his console. His display showed the power output from the two warp cores, as well as the battle's power consumption as the ship danced about and raised hell against the battlecruiser.  But Lahr needn't have worried.  On any other single core ship, there might have been some concern about being over extended on power.  Not so with Challenger.  The engineers who had designed the Trailblazer's dual warp core system had given this ship the advantage.  With two cores there was no shortage of power to the weapons, propulsion or Point-of-Impact shields.
Quote from: Buck McNair on November 08, 2022, 02:18:33 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

It seemed they all were expecting another face to come up on the viewscreen but this time, it was a new one. Buck frowned, tilting his head to one side as he tried to figure out who this one was before they revealed themselves to be a Reman - a name that was still unfamiliar to him. But perhaps would soon become another familiar face.

He had just glanced away when their captain called upon Ops. Buck's attention shot back up. "Aye, cap." He acknowledged, swiping aside his current waiting screen so that it pulled up the antigravitons, directing them to the satillite dishes. "Shuttles and the Joran are being flooded as we speak now. Crewman Grelek, keep monitoring the levels and maintain the current readings unless instructed otherwise." Speaking out loud as he increased the flooding, handing over part responsibility to the Vulcan Ops Crewmember.

Simultaneously he pulled up the reports of their current stock of weapons and torpedoes being sent the way of the battlecruiser; they had enough for the fight but the longer it would drag out, the slimmer the chances of them having enough for another encounter. "T'Prith, inform us if we're dipping into dangerous low levels of torps."

Hearing Buck's order to T'Prith, Lahr realized running low of ammunition was a distinct possibility.  The Captain was a great Tactician, and had lead the ship to victory on numerous occasions without any help whatsoever, so Lahr was a bit hesitant to involve Hyperion without the Captain's direct order... but the AI could compute optimal ammunition spreads so much more accurately than even T'Kel.

Glancing back towards the Captain, Lahr made the casual query.  "Sir, should I call Hyperion to Bridge to offer additional ideas for dealing with the battlecruiser?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 08, 2022, 12:19:18 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

At Mrekrerhas's call out to the Captain and others in regards to weapons status, Lahr glanced towards the back where Tactical was situated and after the man's report, gave the Caitian a thumbs up in support.  Lahr felt things were gonna be fine - with Zhuk and T'Kel handling weapons.

Lahr, who during the initial onslaught towards the satellites and drone ships, had been watching his own console for any issues, glanced away to see what 'problem' the Commander was referring to.   What he saw and heard the Commander say was troubling.  Self-replication huh?  Lahr's antennae swayed as he puzzled over how to counter that.   But he needn't have worried... the Captain was quick with a plan.

An ingenious plan.  One which the Dominion had used against DS9 years before when Starfleet had attempted to use self-replicating landmines on this side of the Bajoran wormhole to stop the invasion fleet.   An antigraviton emitter was all it took to foil that plan.  Now the Captain was taking that lesson learned and applying it to their advantage now.

Lahr's antenna shot up in surprise at seeing a Reman hybid in command of the enemy battlecruiser, and calling himself a Praetor.  Someone has an ego problem.

The relentless firing of the phasers and torpedoes, not to mention the return fire from the battlecruiser battering Challenger's shields meant that Lahr's focus had to remain with his console. His display showed the power output from the two warp cores, as well as the battle's power consumption as the ship danced about and raised hell against the battlecruiser.  But Lahr needn't have worried.  On any other single core ship, there might have been some concern about being over extended on power.  Not so with Challenger.  The engineers who had designed the Trailblazer's dual warp core system had given this ship the advantage.  With two cores there was no shortage of power to the weapons, propulsion or Point-of-Impact shields.

Hearing Buck's order to T'Prith, Lahr realized running low of ammunition was a distinct possibility.  The Captain was a great Tactician, and had lead the ship to victory on numerous occasions without any help whatsoever, so Lahr was a bit hesitant to involve Hyperion without the Captain's direct order... but the AI could compute optimal ammunition spreads so much more accurately than even T'Kel.

Glancing back towards the Captain, Lahr made the casual query.  "Sir, should I call Hyperion to Bridge to offer additional ideas for dealing with the battlecruiser?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked at Lahr's suggestion because Hyperion, while brilliant and uniquely qualified for navigational tasks, was unlikely to have tactical insight. Still, it wasn't a bad idea.

"Go ahead and get him up here. Nae so sure he can help in the fight, but he may ken summat about the nature of the Reman gravity weapon."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 09, 2022, 11:04:54 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked at Lahr's suggestion because Hyperion, while brilliant and uniquely qualified for navigational tasks, was unlikely to have tactical insight. Still, it wasn't a bad idea.

"Go ahead and get him up here. Nae so sure he can help in the fight, but he may ken summat about the nature of the Reman gravity weapon."

The Captain's blinking expression was quite readable and Lahr knew the Captain didn't have much faith in Hyperion's abilities or versatility.  Well, Hyperion would just have to prove them wrong.

Lahr contacted Astrometrics, where Hyperion usually spent most of his time.  =/\= "Hyperion to the Bridge for situational analysis." =/\=

As he called up the AI in its cheery yellow robotic form, Lahr checked to be sure Hyperion had the proper permissions to access the sensors and sensor logs for the past couple days.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on November 07, 2022, 08:42:26 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit, she was very surprised at the choice of music Captain Galloway allowed to broadcast throughout the ship. Never on the Athena nor the Discovery had she ever heard music blare out to battle...on the other hand, it showed that she didn't know Galloway too fully...or perhaps he never had free rein back when he was Discovery's First Officer.

She could feel the surprise in most of the bridge crew, so she had the impression that she wasn't alone, but it made sense in that they never would've been on Challenger during a battle. For all Nira knew, Ian could've been playing this during the battle with the Wanderers.

Nira looked at Ian, though, when he said that he won't let Thelal destroy another world. She agreed with him, but inwardly, as she thought about it, she felt that Thelal wasn't in charge of what was transpiring. He was only sent by somebody, no doubt that same somebody in that flagship, to destroy evidence, she could see it in his body language, even if it wasn't obvious.

"It could be a good idea to avoid directly engaging that flagship for the time being," said Nira. "We don't know its firepower."

As such, given the weapons-free order, Tactical fired on as many of the satellites and drone ships as possible. The drones never stood a chance, along with the satellites that haven't been deployed. Those that have been, however, suddenly seemed to appear from nearby deployed satellites that have not been destroyed.

"I think the ones that haven been deployed could be a problem, Captain," said Nira. "Looks like the satellites come with self-replicating abilities. Looks of things, they're likely anticipating that they would come under attack, even if the evidence has been destroyed from witness ships; the Free State would've figured out an attack from the distress call anyway."

"Sirs, we're being hailed," said T'Kel. And appearing on the viewscreen...while it certainly wasn't Thelal. The man on the viewscreen was, to the surprise of all, not a Romulan.

As it transpired, he looked more like a Reman, except he had quite a lot of hair, too much hair to be a Reman, even on the face. Most likely, most of him could be Reman, but he was mixed with...something else. If it wasn't for his face, he'd look handsome, at least to Nira.

"And who is this?" he said coolly, but there's a subtle anger under his voice.

"I gather you are the ringleader," Nira said. "You're definitely not Thelal."

"No," the man on the viewscreen sneered quietly, baring his sharp teeth, another Reman quality. "He's too busy licking his wounds. But I feel this should be more than enough. Do not try to interfere further. Nakir of Xakarix will not permit it."

"And why would the Remans want to join forces with Rotar to destroy Free State worlds, Mister Nakir?" Nira retorted, figuring Nakir was his name.

"I don't speak for the Remans. Don't think for a moment I do this in behalf of the Reman nation. I am from a different Reman group."

Two Reman factions? And one of them with a propencity with violence?

"You address the Praetor of the Legacy of Shinzon," Nakir sneered, "and the Star Empire of Rota is willing to join out cause. The Praetors will rise again."

Shinzon? Praetors?

"You used to be one of Shinzon's followers, weren't you?" asked Nira. "You address yourself as Praetor, but you say PraetorS, plural?"

Nakir only pursed his lips, which was answer enough. "I have no further words for you insignificant fools. Thelal has allowed his ego to get in his way, as my contacts have advised me. I assure you, I won't be as forgiving."

The viewscreen blinked off.

"Well, so we have a new faction on our hands," said Nira. "And he's not likely to ignore us."

"Sirs, I think it could be logical to take out the main control station for the satellites," T'Kel said. Nira nodded.

"We still have this Nakir of Xakarix to worry about," said Nira, looking back at the viewscreen as if still picturing the part-Reman sneering down disturbingly at them. She shuddered a little; Nakir reminded her strongly of the T'hunga, and she didn't care if he was a rogue Reman, she didn't want to be his prisoner.

Though Ensign Zhukdra'shar remained mostly focused upon the console, his eyes couldn't help but wander over the view screen when the USS Challenger was hailed, one ear pivoting towards it so that he could hear who had presented himself on the Bridge. His eyes grew wide as the man that seemed to captain the Romulan battlecruiser was not Thelal, but instead some kind of Reman hybrid. Memories began to flood over his mind as he remembered the time he had spent training with them, learning about their culture and customs, and otherwise trying to get over how uncomfortable he felt at first with them.

He frowned as the man, who identified himself as Nakir, claimed to be a 'Praetor' from the Legacy of Shinzon. He recognized that name, from hearsay and whispered words. Someone touted to be a savior for the Reman people, which had perished within the Battle of the Bassen Rift. A set of conflicted feelings began to bubble within him, making him freeze for a moment at the console. Though he had never quite managed to find himself completely at peace amongst the Remans, he still saw them, in part, as his comrades.

He shook his head after a moment, as he remembered his duty within the Challenger, and reminded himself that those that were his friends had either been absconded alongside his previous owner, were dead, or had been arrested by the Federation. Those that served upon the battlecruiser were not his friends, and would most likely not hesitate in ending his life, or that of his fellow Federation crewmembers.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 08, 2022, 12:19:18 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

At Mrekrerhas's call out to the Captain and others in regards to weapons status, Lahr glanced towards the back where Tactical was situated and after the man's report, gave the Caitian a thumbs up in support.  Lahr felt things were gonna be fine - with Zhuk and T'Kel handling weapons.

Taking a deep breath, as he saw a glimpse of blue ushering him on, in the shape of a thumbs up from Lahr, he concentrated fully once more on the console. He had friends here, or at least, he would like to think so. And he had to protect them. It was his duty as a Security Ensign. And he couldn't allow himself to fail.

He offered a hesitant smile back at Lahr, momentarily repeating the gesture in order to offer his support on Lahr's own assigned duties.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 07, 2022, 10:04:04 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Ian saw the satellites replicate he snarled. "Mo Chreach!" Before applying everything he'd ever learned as an electronic engineer his father had wanted him to be before the answer hit him.


He was thinking furiously and had to force himself to speak in a measured tone so as to maintain the air of authority of command.

"Ops. Flood the area with antigravitons through the deflector dish, have our shuttles and the Joran do so as well, that will stop the little boogits from bloody replicatin'."

It was then that the lead Romulan ship hailed them and the hybrid Reman appeared. Ian held his tongue as Nira spoke out of turn, but they would have a conversation later he noted until Nakir of Xakarix severed the link.

"Rude." Ian snorted. "Regardless of his delusions or if'n he also believes we are 'insignificant fools', he will nae be allowed ta destroy this planet. T'Kel, focus your fire on his engines. Have all security suit up for close combat, we're ta board that battlecruiser."

The Challenger continued to fire relentlessly as fast as the phasers could cycle and the torpedoes could load. The phasers didn't have the power to punch through the battlecruiser's shields, but they caused just enough damage to keep them from regenerating. This in turn, allowed the heavy hammer blows from the quantum torpedoes to brutally batter the Reman shields, slowly, but steadily, the battlecruiser's defenses started to weaken.

Suddenly, however, his orders changed, as he allowed Lieutenant T'Kel to fully take over the console, so she may do the firing upon the engines, as instructed by Captain Galloway. Instead, he was indicated to suit up and prepare for boarding action. Though he was hesitant to abandon his post, he obeyed, sprinting over to the elevator in order to head down to the Armory.

It seemed as if he would be required to fight. But he was ready. For the most part. At least he thought so...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 07, 2022, 10:04:04 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Ian saw the satellites replicate he snarled. "Mo Chreach!" Before applying everything he'd ever learned as an electronic engineer his father had wanted him to be before the answer hit him.


He was thinking furiously and had to force himself to speak in a measured tone so as to maintain the air of authority of command.

"Ops. Flood the area with antigravitons through the deflector dish, have our shuttles and the Joran do so as well, that will stop the little boogits from bloody replicatin'."

It was then that the lead Romulan ship hailed them and the hybrid Reman appeared. Ian held his tongue as Nira spoke out of turn, but they would have a conversation later he noted until Nakir of Xakarix severed the link.

"Rude." Ian snorted. "Regardless of his delusions or if'n he also believes we are 'insignificant fools', he will nae be allowed ta destroy this planet. T'Kel, focus your fire on his engines. Have all security suit up for close combat, we're ta board that battlecruiser."

The Challenger continued to fire relentlessly as fast as the phasers could cycle and the torpedoes could load. The phasers didn't have the power to punch through the battlecruiser's shields, but they caused just enough damage to keep them from regenerating. This in turn, allowed the heavy hammer blows from the quantum torpedoes to brutally batter the Reman shields, slowly, but steadily, the battlecruiser's defenses started to weaken.

Quote from: Buck McNair on November 08, 2022, 02:18:33 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

It seemed they all were expecting another face to come up on the viewscreen but this time, it was a new one. Buck frowned, tilting his head to one side as he tried to figure out who this one was before they revealed themselves to be a Reman - a name that was still unfamiliar to him. But perhaps would soon become another familiar face.

He had just glanced away when their captain called upon Ops. Buck's attention shot back up. "Aye, cap." He acknowledged, swiping aside his current waiting screen so that it pulled up the antigravitons, directing them to the satillite dishes. "Shuttles and the Joran are being flooded as we speak now. Crewman Grelek, keep monitoring the levels and maintain the current readings unless instructed otherwise." Speaking out loud as he increased the flooding, handing over part responsibility to the Vulcan Ops Crewmember.

Simultaneously he pulled up the reports of their current stock of weapons and torpedoes being sent the way of the battlecruiser; they had enough for the fight but the longer it would drag out, the slimmer the chances of them having enough for another encounter. "T'Prith, inform us if we're dipping into dangerous low levels of torps."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 08, 2022, 12:19:18 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

At Mrekrerhas's call out to the Captain and others in regards to weapons status, Lahr glanced towards the back where Tactical was situated and after the man's report, gave the Caitian a thumbs up in support.  Lahr felt things were gonna be fine - with Zhuk and T'Kel handling weapons.

Lahr, who during the initial onslaught towards the satellites and drone ships, had been watching his own console for any issues, glanced away to see what 'problem' the Commander was referring to.   What he saw and heard the Commander say was troubling.  Self-replication huh?  Lahr's antennae swayed as he puzzled over how to counter that.   But he needn't have worried... the Captain was quick with a plan.

An ingenious plan.  One which the Dominion had used against DS9 years before when Starfleet had attempted to use self-replicating landmines on this side of the Bajoran wormhole to stop the invasion fleet.   An antigraviton emitter was all it took to foil that plan.  Now the Captain was taking that lesson learned and applying it to their advantage now.

Lahr's antenna shot up in surprise at seeing a Reman hybid in command of the enemy battlecruiser, and calling himself a Praetor.  Someone has an ego problem.

The relentless firing of the phasers and torpedoes, not to mention the return fire from the battlecruiser battering Challenger's shields meant that Lahr's focus had to remain with his console. His display showed the power output from the two warp cores, as well as the battle's power consumption as the ship danced about and raised hell against the battlecruiser.  But Lahr needn't have worried.  On any other single core ship, there might have been some concern about being over extended on power.  Not so with Challenger.  The engineers who had designed the Trailblazer's dual warp core system had given this ship the advantage.  With two cores there was no shortage of power to the weapons, propulsion or Point-of-Impact shields.

Hearing Buck's order to T'Prith, Lahr realized running low of ammunition was a distinct possibility.  The Captain was a great Tactician, and had lead the ship to victory on numerous occasions without any help whatsoever, so Lahr was a bit hesitant to involve Hyperion without the Captain's direct order... but the AI could compute optimal ammunition spreads so much more accurately than even T'Kel.

Glancing back towards the Captain, Lahr made the casual query.  "Sir, should I call Hyperion to Bridge to offer additional ideas for dealing with the battlecruiser?"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 10, 2022, 02:42:23 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Though Ensign Zhukdra'shar remained mostly focused upon the console, his eyes couldn't help but wander over the view screen when the USS Challenger was hailed, one ear pivoting towards it so that he could hear who had presented himself on the Bridge. His eyes grew wide as the man that seemed to captain the Romulan battlecruiser was not Thelal, but instead some kind of Reman hybrid. Memories began to flood over his mind as he remembered the time he had spent training with them, learning about their culture and customs, and otherwise trying to get over how uncomfortable he felt at first with them.

He frowned as the man, who identified himself as Nakir, claimed to be a 'Praetor' from the Legacy of Shinzon. He recognized that name, from hearsay and whispered words. Someone touted to be a savior for the Reman people, which had perished within the Battle of the Bassen Rift. A set of conflicted feelings began to bubble within him, making him freeze for a moment at the console. Though he had never quite managed to find himself completely at peace amongst the Remans, he still saw them, in part, as his comrades.

He shook his head after a moment, as he remembered his duty within the Challenger, and reminded himself that those that were his friends had either been absconded alongside his previous owner, were dead, or had been arrested by the Federation. Those that served upon the battlecruiser were not his friends, and would most likely not hesitate in ending his life, or that of his fellow Federation crewmembers.

Taking a deep breath, as he saw a glimpse of blue ushering him on, in the shape of a thumbs up from Lahr, he concentrated fully once more on the console. He had friends here, or at least, he would like to think so. And he had to protect them. It was his duty as a Security Ensign. And he couldn't allow himself to fail.

He offered a hesitant smile back at Lahr, momentarily repeating the gesture in order to offer his support on Lahr's own assigned duties.

Suddenly, however, his orders changed, as he allowed Lieutenant T'Kel to fully take over the console, so she may do the firing upon the engines, as instructed by Captain Galloway. Instead, he was indicated to suit up and prepare for boarding action. Though he was hesitant to abandon his post, he obeyed, sprinting over to the elevator in order to head down to the Armory.

It seemed as if he would be required to fight. But he was ready. For the most part. At least he thought so...

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could feel that Ian was a little annoyed - for want of a better word - for speaking out of turn. Was it possible that being in the big chair for a while during the time he was gone...? But she shook it out of her head.

A hail came in from T'Vaan. "I got your message," she said. "You do have to bear in mind that ship is going to be a problem?"

As if on cue, the ship rocked from getting hit.

"They may be on to us," said Nira when T'Kel informed her and Ian that torpedoes and disruptors from Nakir's ship had hit the deflector array.

"Shields are holding," said T'Kel, "but if they keep up the barrage..."

She let it hold for a moment, but it was certainly enough to let it sink in; hitting the deflector array is just as dangerous as a warp core breach. To make matters worse, T'Kel picked up some ships backing up the battleship coming in. The Kranu, damaged as it is, is in the lead, with two Reman saifs and two Romulan-made K'tingas following behind, confirming further involvement from rogue Remans.

"Don't worry," said T'Vaan, "I sent a call out for help. They should be here any minute..."

Once again, it seemed to happen on cue. T'Kel received a transmission...

"Sirs, we have two squadrons of starships incoming. One Free State, another Starfleet."

The Free State squadron, consisting of two Mogai cruisers and two Harpies arrived first and began engaging the battleship, forcing Thelal's own squadron to turn around.

"I'm not surprised they arrived first," said T'Vaan. "They're the ships that first saw you and had been investigating that gravimetric affect from a distance. Your fleet should get there later than us...oh, and one of the ships mentioned sending regards from the Valdore's command crew, saying they regret not coming to help."

"The Starfleet ships will be here within ten minutes," T'Kel reported.

"Good timing," said Nira. "Give us two ships time to charge our antigravitons..."

Just then, the Kranu sent a burst that took out the Challenger's front shields. This took everybody by surprise, and the front shields were enough; just as T'Kel was trying to figure out what hit them, troops of Tal Shiar and Reman boarders beamed aboard. Nirreen beamed in front of the command staff, aiming her disruptor at both of them. Nira stood up and stood forward before Ian, an effort to protect him, and Nirreen aimed her disruptor at her, keeping her at bay. Nira was astonished as well as intimidated; Nirreen was exactly the same height.

"Nice try," said Nirreen with a sneer. "We did anticipate you'd try antigravitons when Nakir decided on having the satellites have self-replicating capabilities in an attack."

"So the Tal Shiar's working with this Nakir," Nira said with narrowed eyes.

"We may not think much of Remans," said Nirreen, "but Nakir can be charming when he can be. Thelal regrets not tending to Galloway in person, at least he has the sense to be more concerned about the welfare of his ship. He did also convey his anticipating spinning on the wreckage of this 'antique.' Like spinning on one's grave."

Nira was looking subtly around. The boarders had everybody at gunpoint. She felt that if she could, it would be best to try to keep Nirreen busy, or even try to hold her in gunpoint in turn. She probably guessed there were more boarders out to sabotage the deflector array.

Meanwhile, a group of Romulans were taken by surprise when they ran into Zhuk, who was on the way to the armory...

[Admiral Hamish B. Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Galaxy NCC-70637]

"We in range yet?" Admiral Gillespie asked.

"Not yet, Admiral, sir," said the helmsman. "The Rabin, the Horizon and the Moscow are going to overtake us before we get there."

The admiral cursed the Galaxy's speed. For all the use of the admiralty to use the first ever Galaxy-class over the years, he hated to have use of it. He only happened to be on the ship on inspection when the distress call came for a Free State ship needing help for the Challenger. Not to mention the Galaxy itself was to transport transferring personnel to the Challenger, though it was expected to wait for it at Starbase 153...

He looked over at the temporary science officer of the ship and said, "What's your assessment of the situation, Looftenant Commander? We hafteh fly the old boffin apart if need be?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2022, 08:43:21 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could feel that Ian was a little annoyed - for want of a better word - for speaking out of turn. Was it possible that being in the big chair for a while during the time he was gone...? But she shook it out of her head.

A hail came in from T'Vaan. "I got your message," she said. "You do have to bear in mind that ship is going to be a problem?"

As if on cue, the ship rocked from getting hit.

"They may be on to us," said Nira when T'Kel informed her and Ian that torpedoes and disruptors from Nakir's ship had hit the deflector array.

"Shields are holding," said T'Kel, "but if they keep up the barrage..."

She let it hold for a moment, but it was certainly enough to let it sink in; hitting the deflector array is just as dangerous as a warp core breach. To make matters worse, T'Kel picked up some ships backing up the battleship coming in. The Kranu, damaged as it is, is in the lead, with two Reman saifs and two Romulan-made K'tingas following behind, confirming further involvement from rogue Remans.

"Don't worry," said T'Vaan, "I sent a call out for help. They should be here any minute..."

Once again, it seemed to happen on cue. T'Kel received a transmission...

"Sirs, we have two squadrons of starships incoming. One Free State, another Starfleet."

The Free State squadron, consisting of two Mogai cruisers and two Harpies arrived first and began engaging the battleship, forcing Thelal's own squadron to turn around.

"I'm not surprised they arrived first," said T'Vaan. "They're the ships that first saw you and had been investigating that gravimetric affect from a distance. Your fleet should get there later than us...oh, and one of the ships mentioned sending regards from the Valdore's command crew, saying they regret not coming to help."

"The Starfleet ships will be here within ten minutes," T'Kel reported.

"Good timing," said Nira. "Give us two ships time to charge our antigravitons..."

Just then, the Kranu sent a burst that took out the Challenger's front shields. This took everybody by surprise, and the front shields were enough; just as T'Kel was trying to figure out what hit them, troops of Tal Shiar and Reman boarders beamed aboard. Nirreen beamed in front of the command staff, aiming her disruptor at both of them. Nira stood up and stood forward before Ian, an effort to protect him, and Nirreen aimed her disruptor at her, keeping her at bay. Nira was astonished as well as intimidated; Nirreen was exactly the same height.

"Nice try," said Nirreen with a sneer. "We did anticipate you'd try antigravitons when Nakir decided on having the satellites have self-replicating capabilities in an attack."

"So the Tal Shiar's working with this Nakir," Nira said with narrowed eyes.

"We may not think much of Remans," said Nirreen, "but Nakir can be charming when he can be. Thelal regrets not tending to Galloway in person, at least he has the sense to be more concerned about the welfare of his ship. He did also convey his anticipating spinning on the wreckage of this 'antique.' Like spinning on one's grave."

Nira was looking subtly around. The boarders had everybody at gunpoint. She felt that if she could, it would be best to try to keep Nirreen busy, or even try to hold her in gunpoint in turn. She probably guessed there were more boarders out to sabotage the deflector array.

Meanwhile, a group of Romulans were taken by surprise when they ran into Zhuk, who was on the way to the armory...

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian smiled at the Romulan and spoke in a friendly disarming tone.

"If'n you think you have captured us, you underestimate our ship's computer. In fact I suppose if`n I had ta isolate the situation as a means of communication, those disruptors sure give me the right ta hand it ta you why you think that."

As Ian spoke, he carefully stressed certain words and was nervously drumming his fingers on the command chair. When he finished speaking, he kept tapping his right index finger, but the rhythm had changed. The tapping looked random, but in fact, it was Morse code.

.. -. - .-. ..- -.. . .-. / .- .-.. . .-. - .-.-.- / -... . .- -- / .- .-.. .-.. / ... - .- .-. ..-. .-.. . . - / .--. . .-. ... --- -. -. . .-.. / - --- / -.. . -.-. -.- / - .-- --- .-.-.- / .-.. --- -.-. -.- / - ..- .-. -... --- .-.. .. ..-. - .-.-.- / ..-. .-.. --- --- -.. / -... .-. .. -.. --. . / .-- .. - .... / .- -. . ... - .... . --.. .. -. . / --. .- ... /.. -- -- . -.. .. .- - . .-.. -.--

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 10, 2022, 02:42:23 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Taking a deep breath, as he saw a glimpse of blue ushering him on, in the shape of a thumbs up from Lahr, he concentrated fully once more on the console. He had friends here, or at least, he would like to think so. And he had to protect them. It was his duty as a Security Ensign. And he couldn't allow himself to fail.

He offered a hesitant smile back at Lahr, momentarily repeating the gesture in order to offer his support on Lahr's own assigned duties.

Suddenly, however, his orders changed, as he allowed Lieutenant T'Kel to fully take over the console, so she may do the firing upon the engines, as instructed by Captain Galloway. Instead, he was indicated to suit up and prepare for boarding action. Though he was hesitant to abandon his post, he obeyed, sprinting over to the elevator in order to head down to the Armory.

It seemed as if he would be required to fight. But he was ready. For the most part. At least he thought so...

Lahr watched as the Caitian wasted no time in following orders to prepare for a boarding action.  For a moment, the Caitian's sprint reminded Lahr of another hurrying Caitian - M'lenda.  The Andorian squeezed his eyes shut for a moment to block the traumatic images from replaying in his mind.   This was not the time for a mental breakdown.   By the time he opened his eyes again, Zhuk was gone.  Lahr silently wished him good luck before returning attention to his console and incoming call from T'Vaan and the Free State ship.
Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2022, 08:43:21 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could feel that Ian was a little annoyed - for want of a better word - for speaking out of turn. Was it possible that being in the big chair for a while during the time he was gone...? But she shook it out of her head.

A hail came in from T'Vaan. "I got your message," she said. "You do have to bear in mind that ship is going to be a problem?"

As if on cue, the ship rocked from getting hit.

"They may be on to us," said Nira when T'Kel informed her and Ian that torpedoes and disruptors from Nakir's ship had hit the deflector array.

"Shields are holding," said T'Kel, "but if they keep up the barrage..."

She let it hold for a moment, but it was certainly enough to let it sink in; hitting the deflector array is just as dangerous as a warp core breach. To make matters worse, T'Kel picked up some ships backing up the battleship coming in. The Kranu, damaged as it is, is in the lead, with two Reman saifs and two Romulan-made K'tingas following behind, confirming further involvement from rogue Remans.

"Don't worry," said T'Vaan, "I sent a call out for help. They should be here any minute..."

Once again, it seemed to happen on cue. T'Kel received a transmission...

"Sirs, we have two squadrons of starships incoming. One Free State, another Starfleet."

The Free State squadron, consisting of two Mogai cruisers and two Harpies arrived first and began engaging the battleship, forcing Thelal's own squadron to turn around.

"I'm not surprised they arrived first," said T'Vaan. "They're the ships that first saw you and had been investigating that gravimetric affect from a distance. Your fleet should get there later than us...oh, and one of the ships mentioned sending regards from the Valdore's command crew, saying they regret not coming to help."

"The Starfleet ships will be here within ten minutes," T'Kel reported.

"Good timing," said Nira. "Give us two ships time to charge our antigravitons..."

News of the additional help was a relief.  Especially given the battering they were receiving.  Lahr was thinking it had been smart of Tharn to have both warp cores going to keep up with the power needs of this battle - when the unthinkable happened.
Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2022, 08:43:21 PM

Just then, the Kranu sent a burst that took out the Challenger's front shields. This took everybody by surprise, and the front shields were enough; just as T'Kel was trying to figure out what hit them, troops of Tal Shiar and Reman boarders beamed aboard. Nirreen beamed in front of the command staff, aiming her disruptor at both of them. Nira stood up and stood forward before Ian, an effort to protect him, and Nirreen aimed her disruptor at her, keeping her at bay. Nira was astonished as well as intimidated; Nirreen was exactly the same height.

"Nice try," said Nirreen with a sneer. "We did anticipate you'd try antigravitons when Nakir decided on having the satellites have self-replicating capabilities in an attack."

"So the Tal Shiar's working with this Nakir," Nira said with narrowed eyes.

"We may not think much of Remans," said Nirreen, "but Nakir can be charming when he can be. Thelal regrets not tending to Galloway in person, at least he has the sense to be more concerned about the welfare of his ship. He did also convey his anticipating spinning on the wreckage of this 'antique.' Like spinning on one's grave."

The blast from the Khranu shook up the ship something fierce and Lahr was just turning his attention to the internal sensor readings to see what, if any damage, had been caused by it.  The first thing he noted was that the front shields were down.  Even as his mind was thinking of how to correct for this, Lahr heard that distinct sound of an incoming Romulan transporter.  Roohz! This was not good!

Lahr quickly opened a comm line to Hyperion, who was on his way up to the Bridge, to warn him away.

That's when Commander Said's doppleganger appeared with weapons pointed towards the Command Team.

Other boarders had arrived with Said's body double, and while Nirreen traded words with Commander Said and the Captain, Lahr and the other Bridge crew were being ordered by these Tal Shiar and Reman boarders to step away from their consoles.

Rather than step away, Lahr stayed in his seat but leaned back - almost casually against the back of his chair.  He raised his hands in a seeming show of surrender, before transforming the move into a yawning stretch of his arms.  After his slow stretch, Lahr folded his hands behind his head in a very relaxed manner.

Ever the smart-aleck, Lahr couldn't help but mock the Romulan and her poor use of colloquial language.

"Totally butchered that phrase" He commented with a chuckle.  Then called out to Nirreen. "Hey Hotstuff! It's either 'spinning IN one grave' meaning he's angry at the situation... or 'SPITTING on one's grave' which is the rude insult Thelal probably meant.  But it's not surprising that you Romulans get it mixed up.  Federation Standard can be a difficult language to learn, there are three year olds that struggle with it." he stated deadpan.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 10, 2022, 10:32:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian smiled at the Romulan and spoke in a friendly disarming tone.

"If'n you think you have captured us, you underestimate our ship's computer. In fact I suppose if`n I had ta isolate the situation as a means of communication, those disruptors sure give me the right ta hand it ta you why you think that."

As Ian spoke, he carefully stressed certain words and was nervously drumming his fingers on the command chair. When he finished speaking, he kept tapping his right index finger, but the rhythm had changed. The tapping looked random, but in fact, it was Morse code.

.. -. - .-. ..- -.. . .-. / .- .-.. . .-. - .-.-.- / -... . .- -- / .- .-.. .-.. / ... - .- .-. ..-. .-.. . . - / .--. . .-. ... --- -. -. . .-.. / - --- / -.. . -.-. -.- / - .-- --- .-.-.- / .-.. --- -.-. -.- / - ..- .-. -... --- .-.. .. ..-. - .-.-.- / ..-. .-.. --- --- -.. / -... .-. .. -.. --. . / .- / .-- .. - .... / .- -. . ... - .... . --.. .. -. . / --. .- ... / .. -- --

When the Captain spoke up, Lahr glanced over and for a moment was a bit puzzled by the Captain's odd stressing of certain words.  Then it clicked.  Question was... would the Computer actually pick up on it.

The Andorian's antennae twitched a little as he deciphered the tapped out morse cord message intended for the ship's computer to enact.  What was it with Humans and this fascination with dots and dashes?

As the message came to an end, Lahr waited in anticipation for the ordered beam out.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2022, 08:43:21 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could feel that Ian was a little annoyed - for want of a better word - for speaking out of turn. Was it possible that being in the big chair for a while during the time he was gone...? But she shook it out of her head.

A hail came in from T'Vaan. "I got your message," she said. "You do have to bear in mind that ship is going to be a problem?"

As if on cue, the ship rocked from getting hit.

"They may be on to us," said Nira when T'Kel informed her and Ian that torpedoes and disruptors from Nakir's ship had hit the deflector array.

"Shields are holding," said T'Kel, "but if they keep up the barrage..."

She let it hold for a moment, but it was certainly enough to let it sink in; hitting the deflector array is just as dangerous as a warp core breach. To make matters worse, T'Kel picked up some ships backing up the battleship coming in. The Kranu, damaged as it is, is in the lead, with two Reman saifs and two Romulan-made K'tingas following behind, confirming further involvement from rogue Remans.

"Don't worry," said T'Vaan, "I sent a call out for help. They should be here any minute..."

Once again, it seemed to happen on cue. T'Kel received a transmission...

"Sirs, we have two squadrons of starships incoming. One Free State, another Starfleet."

The Free State squadron, consisting of two Mogai cruisers and two Harpies arrived first and began engaging the battleship, forcing Thelal's own squadron to turn around.

"I'm not surprised they arrived first," said T'Vaan. "They're the ships that first saw you and had been investigating that gravimetric affect from a distance. Your fleet should get there later than us...oh, and one of the ships mentioned sending regards from the Valdore's command crew, saying they regret not coming to help."

"The Starfleet ships will be here within ten minutes," T'Kel reported.

"Good timing," said Nira. "Give us two ships time to charge our antigravitons..."

Just then, the Kranu sent a burst that took out the Challenger's front shields. This took everybody by surprise, and the front shields were enough; just as T'Kel was trying to figure out what hit them, troops of Tal Shiar and Reman boarders beamed aboard. Nirreen beamed in front of the command staff, aiming her disruptor at both of them. Nira stood up and stood forward before Ian, an effort to protect him, and Nirreen aimed her disruptor at her, keeping her at bay. Nira was astonished as well as intimidated; Nirreen was exactly the same height.

"Nice try," said Nirreen with a sneer. "We did anticipate you'd try antigravitons when Nakir decided on having the satellites have self-replicating capabilities in an attack."

"So the Tal Shiar's working with this Nakir," Nira said with narrowed eyes.

"We may not think much of Remans," said Nirreen, "but Nakir can be charming when he can be. Thelal regrets not tending to Galloway in person, at least he has the sense to be more concerned about the welfare of his ship. He did also convey his anticipating spinning on the wreckage of this 'antique.' Like spinning on one's grave."

Nira was looking subtly around. The boarders had everybody at gunpoint. She felt that if she could, it would be best to try to keep Nirreen busy, or even try to hold her in gunpoint in turn. She probably guessed there were more boarders out to sabotage the deflector array.

Meanwhile, a group of Romulans were taken by surprise when they ran into Zhuk, who was on the way to the armory...

[Admiral Hamish B. Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Galaxy NCC-70637]

"We in range yet?" Admiral Gillespie asked.

"Not yet, Admiral, sir," said the helmsman. "The Rabin, the Horizon and the Moscow are going to overtake us before we get there."

The admiral cursed the Galaxy's speed. For all the use of the admiralty to use the first ever Galaxy-class over the years, he hated to have use of it. He only happened to be on the ship on inspection when the distress call came for a Free State ship needing help for the Challenger. Not to mention the Galaxy itself was to transport transferring personnel to the Challenger, though it was expected to wait for it at Starbase 153...

He looked over at the temporary science officer of the ship and said, "What's your assessment of the situation, Looftenant Commander? We hafteh fly the old boffin apart if need be?"

[Bridge - USS Galaxy]

T'Lara sat at the science station on the Galaxy, dutifully keeping watch of the Challenger and the Free State ship. She hadn't expected to be interfering in a political conflict on the way over to her transfer, but she supposed the odds were high as they were in Romulan space. She was reminded of the many similar instances she experienced on the Discovery, and was slightly comforted by the fact that she wasn't in the command seat this time around.

Hearing the strange Scottish words uttered by the admiral, she looked up from her musings and took a moment to decipher what she heard. She hadn't paid much attention to her commanding officer, simply following orders and going about her business on what was supposed to be a simple trip. Now she looked more closely at the man with the salt and pepper hair, sharp cheekbones, and intense glare. He was different from most human admirals she'd encountered, and his stern countenance was one she was used to.

"I would need more information from several components of the situation to give an accurate answer, Admiral, however I would advise against pushing the engines past capacity. In my experience, Starfleet crews have an impeccable ability to hold their own in seemingly dire situations. I expect my new assignment is no different."

The Vulcan gave a slight nod as her eyes slid back to the console and watched their ETA decrease slightly with the increase of ship speed. She knew the chief engineer would push the limits like they always seemed to do, so she kept a wary eye out for any trouble afoot.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on November 10, 2022, 08:43:21 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira could feel that Ian was a little annoyed - for want of a better word - for speaking out of turn. Was it possible that being in the big chair for a while during the time he was gone...? But she shook it out of her head.

A hail came in from T'Vaan. "I got your message," she said. "You do have to bear in mind that ship is going to be a problem?"

As if on cue, the ship rocked from getting hit.

"They may be on to us," said Nira when T'Kel informed her and Ian that torpedoes and disruptors from Nakir's ship had hit the deflector array.

"Shields are holding," said T'Kel, "but if they keep up the barrage..."

She let it hold for a moment, but it was certainly enough to let it sink in; hitting the deflector array is just as dangerous as a warp core breach. To make matters worse, T'Kel picked up some ships backing up the battleship coming in. The Kranu, damaged as it is, is in the lead, with two Reman saifs and two Romulan-made K'tingas following behind, confirming further involvement from rogue Remans.

"Don't worry," said T'Vaan, "I sent a call out for help. They should be here any minute..."

Once again, it seemed to happen on cue. T'Kel received a transmission...

"Sirs, we have two squadrons of starships incoming. One Free State, another Starfleet."

The Free State squadron, consisting of two Mogai cruisers and two Harpies arrived first and began engaging the battleship, forcing Thelal's own squadron to turn around.

"I'm not surprised they arrived first," said T'Vaan. "They're the ships that first saw you and had been investigating that gravimetric affect from a distance. Your fleet should get there later than us...oh, and one of the ships mentioned sending regards from the Valdore's command crew, saying they regret not coming to help."

"The Starfleet ships will be here within ten minutes," T'Kel reported.

"Good timing," said Nira. "Give us two ships time to charge our antigravitons..."

Just then, the Kranu sent a burst that took out the Challenger's front shields. This took everybody by surprise, and the front shields were enough; just as T'Kel was trying to figure out what hit them, troops of Tal Shiar and Reman boarders beamed aboard. Nirreen beamed in front of the command staff, aiming her disruptor at both of them. Nira stood up and stood forward before Ian, an effort to protect him, and Nirreen aimed her disruptor at her, keeping her at bay. Nira was astonished as well as intimidated; Nirreen was exactly the same height.

"Nice try," said Nirreen with a sneer. "We did anticipate you'd try antigravitons when Nakir decided on having the satellites have self-replicating capabilities in an attack."

"So the Tal Shiar's working with this Nakir," Nira said with narrowed eyes.

"We may not think much of Remans," said Nirreen, "but Nakir can be charming when he can be. Thelal regrets not tending to Galloway in person, at least he has the sense to be more concerned about the welfare of his ship. He did also convey his anticipating spinning on the wreckage of this 'antique.' Like spinning on one's grave."

Nira was looking subtly around. The boarders had everybody at gunpoint. She felt that if she could, it would be best to try to keep Nirreen busy, or even try to hold her in gunpoint in turn. She probably guessed there were more boarders out to sabotage the deflector array.

Meanwhile, a group of Romulans were taken by surprise when they ran into Zhuk, who was on the way to the armory...

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Buck grimaced as the ship rocked, his knuckles turning white as he grasped hold; anticipating something far worse than what came to be the burst which took out their front shields. He had gone to move but was stopped in his tracks by the weaponry that gave their uninvited guests the advantage. There was not much that he could do as he stared at the Reman planted in front of him, weapon steady. He wondered whether or not T'Prith had any better luck and could get to a nearby console to help.

But, his eye and attention was caught by the Andorian's antennae twitching and frowned, wondering whether or not he was picking up something or he was simply overthinking things in the moment.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.