S4: E8 - Stop the MADness

Started by Ian Galloway, January 06, 2021, 10:43:56 PM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 17, 2021, 05:39:57 AM

NPC PO1 Grelek
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

While the Captain was speaking, issuing his orders, Lahr's call came into Grelek's earpiece.

"Sir, just received a message from the Mjolinar.   It seems they and the other shuttles are planning to intercept the missiles deeming them to be a threat to the Challenger.  Do your orders to return to the ship still stand?"  Grelek requested confirmation of the orders, given the new situation, even while he prepared to send the ordered communication.

As the Nelvari reacted, Grelek kept the Captain and XO appraised of the number of missiles still headed to each location.

Lahr did likewise on the Mjolinar.

After getting confirmation to from the Captain, Grelek sent out the Captain's orders to the shuttles, then tried contacting the two Nelvari governments.  =/\= "USS Challenger to the First One Greshak of Locean and Primus Thebos of Trellion.  Our Captain requests a cessation of hostilities.  Please reply." =/\=    The Vulcan communicated with dispassionate blandness.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian knew contacting the leaders was pointless, but he was dancing on the razor's edge of a court martial with his interpretation of the Prime Directive and he had to make sure there was a record of the attempt to speak to Greshak and Thebos in the ship's logs. When Grelak relayed Ruth's intentions, it took everything he had not to explode into a Gaelic tirade.

"Mister Grelak, send this. Action immediate, all shuttles will close to within 50,000 kilometers of Challenger. Do NOT engage any missiles outside that envelop, this is an order!"

Ian understood Ruth's thinking, well in as much as he understood any woman's thinking, but the illusion of their intervention was completely dependent upon the Challenger being under attack, actively hunting missiles would see all of them in a penal colony.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 17, 2021, 10:29:32 AM

[Delta Flyer - Mjolnir - Between Asteroid belt and Challenger]

Ruth fully expected that the Captain might decide that it was to dangerous for the shuttlecraft to be out in the midst of the lasers and missiles, but for now she hadn't had an immediate order to stand down so she was doing pretty much what she was thinking Kyle was probably thinking... put themselves between the two factions, while at the same time taking up a defensive stance between them both and the Challenger.

She began to doubt her intentions when the Mjolnir took a direct hit, shook violently throwing her a little off course which was quickly and semi-automatically corrected, and Lahr announced the shields were down to 65%

"If that was one hit can we extrapolate how many hits we can withstand before our shields are out, and if we are closer to the Challenger could her shields be extended cover us and to what degree.  There's every chance the Captain will order us back but I'm not going in tail between my legs, I'll take down as many of those missiles as we can before we do so."

When 'her' music started playing she gave a wink, a grin and a mouthed 'thank you' to Lahr, and started giggling.

"If you want to play Missile Command if that helps do so, just make sure we win!"  sometimes whatever it took to keep morale going was good.  "See if our crewman there wants to join in on watching..."

She beckoned Lahr closer.  "Poor thing, I think it's first time in a real battle and well I'd rather let her ride it out and take over the helm and show her it can be alright, we can and will win, rather than have to send her to Judy for the next 15 years!  If she can watch us take out the missiles and see that we are winning... might give her some encouragement."

Part of being a Commander, Captain or any senior officer in charge was making sure that every member of your crew was OK.  Sure she'd just flung them into the thick of the action but that was her job, she had to weigh that up against individual needs and they were relatively safe at the moment unless they proved to be more efficient against the missiles and the Nelvarians both decided the Mjolnir was a threat and wanted to take her out!

She said aloud more to get the giggle from the whole of the crew in the flyer.

"You know I'm so glad I didn't put the lasagne in the oven before I came out... Challenger would be fighting a war on two fronts... not least from thermonuclear warfare in my quarters!"  she knew the burnt offerings of an over cooked lasagne were not thermonuclear but 'cremated' wouldn't get the reaction she wanted.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 17, 2021, 12:06:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian knew contacting the leaders was pointless, but he was dancing on the razor's edge of a court martial with his interpretation of the Prime Directive and he had to make sure there was a record of the attempt to speak to Greshak and Thebos in the ship's logs. When Grelak relayed Ruth's intentions, it took everything he had not to explode into a Gaelic tirade.

"Mister Grelak, send this. Action immediate, all shuttles will close to within 50,000 kilometers of Challenger. Do NOT engage any missiles outside that envelop, this is an order!"

Ian understood Ruth's thinking, well in as much as he understood any woman's thinking, but the illusion of their intervention was completely dependent upon the Challenger being under attack, actively hunting missiles would see all of them in a penal colony.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 17, 2021, 05:39:57 AM

After getting confirmation to from the Captain, Grelek sent out the Captain's orders to the shuttles.

Lahr was quick to point out that the heavy hit from the lasers was only because they'd been tagged by 2 or more hits at the same time.   "One at time our shields have the capacity to handle it, but two at once it is a bit much.  If you can try and avoid double hits in the future, we'll be fine."

Then in answer to her question about extending the Challenger's shields, Lahr wobbled his head in a semi-nod, semi-negative shake.  "It might be possible but then it limits our maneuverability.  I'll forward on the request to the Captain, see whether he thinks it worth while."

As Ruth led the shuttles nearer the Challenger, Lahr's attention was turned from her remarks about the Flight crewman to focus instead on an incoming call from the ship.  Even still he chuckled at hearing her remark about her lasagna.

"Yeah your cooking can be iffy at times.. but I wouldn't call it nuclear." he teased back before bringing things back to the serious. "But before we think of dinner, lets get through this.  The Captain has sent his orders.  We're to stay within 50 000 km of Challenger and we've orders not engage in any missile outside of that range.  Grelek sounded extra bland so I'm guessing the Captain hasn't found my present yet.  It should have kicked in when he called for Red Alert.  I have it plainly labelled on the main screen... "

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Mondo'li Nari


Delta Flyer Class Runabout Mjolnir

Mondo acknowledged his orders with a simple "Yes, Sir," and then began coordinating fire control with the other shuttles.  Lahr brought up music, and suggested making the shooting of the missiles into a contest.  The Hupyrian had to shake his head.  Was this how the Andorian coped with his trauma?  By adding levity?

Well... if it worked, who was he to complain?  If his friend was able to function this way, then that was all that mattered.

The shuttle shook from a dual laser impact, but fortunately they wouldn't have to deal with that much longer.  "The effective range of these lasers is extremely limited.  Soon, the beams will lose focus with distance."

A transmission came through to the Mjolnir.  "We've just received orders to limit our scope of fire to those missiles within a particular sphere of radius of the Challenger."

Mondo gritted his teeth.  That meant dozens of missiles would get through their interdiction attempt.  Hundreds of millions would die.

Was he supposed to withhold fire when it meant that entire cities of sentients would be wiped away?  Was this the purpose of the Prime Directive?  To allow multitudes to die even though there was something he could do about it?

Don't think.  Just follow orders. 

Even as his hands went to work selecting the designated targets, it occurred to him that 'just following orders' had its own host of evils attached to it.

"Two missiles still within the defense envelope," Mondo declared.

And dozens outside of it.  Dozens of death-dealing missiles which will take so many lives that I couldn't even count them if given a lifetime to try.

The music played in the background.

Those who are about to die, we serenade you.

Paul Wessex

Challenger - Bridge>

His station tinted crimson to reflect the alert status, Wessex called out to Lt T'Kel as he plotted exacting interdiction trajectories of two incoming missiles that had passed into Captain Galloway's established 'exclusion zone'. At these speeds, the incoming warheads were more akin to the more pedestrian pace - relatively speaking - of Federation Naval Patrol subsurface combat, rather than the astonishing transit of more advanced hardware. The shipboard phasers would make short work of these projectiles, but that was not the point; the attack upon Challenger would abrogate the Prime Directive, dragged in - as it were - as a vested party. And the proverbial firepower of the Federation's discourse was not to be underestimated. "Tracking incoming ordnance Tango Charlie 1 & 2. Time to impact: 7 seconds. Optimum firing solution locked in."

As a supplementary Tactical Officer on the Bridge, with T'Kel at the primary station, it fell to Paul to take the load off his senior Department Head with regards to assessing the threat to the ship, such as it was, and programming the weapon systems to be deployed whenever the Chief Tactical Officer deemed fit.

That of course, surely, being within 5 seconds...

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 17, 2021, 11:44:14 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lahr was quick to point out that the heavy hit from the lasers was only because they'd been tagged by 2 or more hits at the same time.   "One at time our shields have the capacity to handle it, but two at once it is a bit much.  If you can try and avoid double hits in the future, we'll be fine."

Then in answer to her question about extending the Challenger's shields, Lahr wobbled his head in a semi-nod, semi-negative shake.  "It might be possible but then it limits our maneuverability.  I'll forward on the request to the Captain, see whether he thinks it worth while."

As Ruth led the shuttles nearer the Challenger, Lahr's attention was turned from her remarks about the Flight crewman to focus instead on an incoming call from the ship.  Even still he chuckled at hearing her remark about her lasagna.

"Yeah your cooking can be iffy at times.. but I wouldn't call it nuclear." he teased back before bringing things back to the serious. "But before we think of dinner, lets get through this.  The Captain has sent his orders.  We're to stay within 50 000 km of Challenger and we've orders not engage in any missile outside of that range.  Grelek sounded extra bland so I'm guessing the Captain hasn't found my present yet.  It should have kicked in when he called for Red Alert.  I have it plainly labelled on the main screen... "

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on January 18, 2021, 03:34:50 AM

Delta Flyer Class Runabout Mjolnir

Mondo acknowledged his orders with a simple "Yes, Sir," and then began coordinating fire control with the other shuttles.  Lahr brought up music, and suggested making the shooting of the missiles into a contest.  The Hupyrian had to shake his head.  Was this how the Andorian coped with his trauma?  By adding levity?

Well... if it worked, who was he to complain?  If his friend was able to function this way, then that was all that mattered.

The shuttle shook from a dual laser impact, but fortunately they wouldn't have to deal with that much longer.  "The effective range of these lasers is extremely limited.  Soon, the beams will lose focus with distance."

A transmission came through to the Mjolnir.  "We've just received orders to limit our scope of fire to those missiles within a particular sphere of radius of the Challenger."

Mondo gritted his teeth.  That meant dozens of missiles would get through their interdiction attempt.  Hundreds of millions would die.

Was he supposed to withhold fire when it meant that entire cities of sentients would be wiped away?  Was this the purpose of the Prime Directive?  To allow multitudes to die even though there was something he could do about it?

Don't think.  Just follow orders. 

Even as his hands went to work selecting the designated targets, it occurred to him that 'just following orders' had its own host of evils attached to it.

"Two missiles still within the defense envelope," Mondo declared.

And dozens outside of it.  Dozens of death-dealing missiles which will take so many lives that I couldn't even count them if given a lifetime to try.

The music played in the background.

Those who are about to die, we serenade you.

[Nelvarish System Asteroid Belt]

Thanks to the Challenger's diplomatic mission, she happened to be stationed at a position that more that 80% of the missiles launched by each world had to pass within her designated engagement range. The missiles were nearly 300 years behind the technological curve of the Federation ship and her shuttles, which made them pathetically slow, easy targets, thus the missiles fell in droves.

Outside her engagement zone, about a third of the Locean battle fleet came about and began hunting down the missiles with their lasers, which began reducing the missiles launched from the asteroid belt by a significant number. It was still going to be a close run thing, but what had started out as an extinction event was looking more survivable for Locea, only time would tell what that survival would look like.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on January 18, 2021, 05:59:20 AM

Challenger - Bridge>

His station tinted crimson to reflect the alert status, Wessex called out to Lt T'Kel as he plotted exacting interdiction trajectories of two incoming missiles that had passed into Captain Galloway's established 'exclusion zone'. At these speeds, the incoming warheads were more akin to the more pedestrian pace - relatively speaking - of Federation Naval Patrol subsurface combat, rather than the astonishing transit of more advanced hardware. The shipboard phasers would make short work of these projectiles, but that was not the point; the attack upon Challenger would abrogate the Prime Directive, dragged in - as it were - as a vested party. And the proverbial firepower of the Federation's discourse was not to be underestimated. "Tracking incoming ordnance Tango Charlie 1 & 2. Time to impact: 7 seconds. Optimum firing solution locked in."

As a supplementary Tactical Officer on the Bridge, with T'Kel at the primary station, it fell to Paul to take the load off his senior Department Head with regards to assessing the threat to the ship, such as it was, and programming the weapon systems to be deployed whenever the Chief Tactical Officer deemed fit.

That of course, surely, being within 5 seconds...

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian noted the icon appear on the command chair monitor and all he could do was shake his head with a small smile.


He thought as he turned his attention to the greater picture of the unfolding battle. They had three minutes before the two planetary missile swarms and their escorting battle fleets entered Challenger's engagement envelop.

"Three minutes ta go ta the end of my career if'n things turn ta rubbish."

The thought flashed into Ian's head unbidden. Out loud, he said.

"Steady on Lads and Lasses, things are about ta get dodgy. We have no idea how aggressive the factions will get about our defendin' ourselves and they may take exception ta our doin' so. Mister T'Kel, as we can handle their lasers, you are, under no circumstances, ta fire on any Locean or Trellian ship unless they fire their shipboard missiles at us.  If'n they do, your priority is ta destroy any missiles targetin' Challenger, then ta disable the weapons of the firin' ship. I will nae be a party ta slaughterin' these people in the process of savin' them from themselves.

"Mister Grelek, coordinate our defense with the shuttles, but keep a close eye on their damage, if'n any of their shields drops below 50%, they are ta return ta the Challenger immediately. And in your spare time, please continue ta try and contact the two governments. It's possible now that they are facin' a nuclear winter, someone might have decided they acted rashly in this attack. It's bloody unlikely, but every now and then, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn."

Looking down at his monitor again, Ian resisted activating Lahr's battle music icon and checked on the progress of the two battle fleets.

"Two minutes and bloody countin'."

He murmured and waited to see what would happen.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on January 18, 2021, 03:34:50 AM

Delta Flyer Class Runabout Mjolnir
The shuttle shook from a dual laser impact, but fortunately they wouldn't have to deal with that much longer.  "The effective range of these lasers is extremely limited.  Soon, the beams will lose focus with distance."

A transmission came through to the Mjolnir.  "We've just received orders to limit our scope of fire to those missiles within a particular sphere of radius of the Challenger."

Mondo gritted his teeth.  That meant dozens of missiles would get through their interdiction attempt.  Hundreds of millions would die.

Was he supposed to withhold fire when it meant that entire cities of sentients would be wiped away?  Was this the purpose of the Prime Directive?  To allow multitudes to die even though there was something he could do about it?

Don't think.  Just follow orders. 

Even as his hands went to work selecting the designated targets, it occurred to him that 'just following orders' had its own host of evils attached to it.

"Two missiles still within the defense envelope," Mondo declared.

And dozens outside of it.  Dozens of death-dealing missiles which will take so many lives that I couldn't even count them if given a lifetime to try.

The music played in the background.

Those who are about to die, we serenade you.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 18, 2021, 11:22:44 AM

[Nelvarish System Asteroid Belt]

Thanks to the Challenger's diplomatic mission, she happened to be stationed at a position that more that 80% of the missiles launched by each world had to pass within her designated engagement range. The missiles were nearly 300 years behind the technological curve of the Federation ship and her shuttles, which made them pathetically slow, easy targets, thus the missiles fell in droves.

Outside her engagement zone, about a third of the Locean battle fleet came about and began hunting down the missiles with their lasers, which began reducing the missiles launched from the asteroid belt by a significant number. It was still going to be a close run thing, but what had started out as an extinction event was looking more survivable for Locea, only time would tell what that survival would look like.

Lahr hated to be the bearer of terrible orders.   He hated that once again Challenger was once again caught in between two warring people.   Why the rhooz had the Nelvari called the Federation in to help negotiate peace when they were damned and determined to go to war and annihilate one another?  They thought they needed a spectator to judge who the winner would be?  Someone to write the history books for them since both sides had enough warheads to wipe the other planet and then some.   If Challenger hadn't been present both would be wiped out.   Had both hoped and planned on Challenger's interference?

While Ruth flew the Mjolnir, and Mondo took out what missiles were in range, Lahr was left with watching and waiting for the next set of orders.  No.  That wasn't good enough.  Lahr supplemented his duties with a little side project.  He called up every possible image the shuttles computer had of the Locean and Trellion leaders and their family then did a little creative image editing.

Motivated as he was it didn't him long to piece together two images - one to send to each leader.

NPC PO1 Grelek
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Paul Wessex on January 18, 2021, 05:59:20 AM

Challenger - Bridge>

His station tinted crimson to reflect the alert status, Wessex called out to Lt T'Kel as he plotted exacting interdiction trajectories of two incoming missiles that had passed into Captain Galloway's established 'exclusion zone'. At these speeds, the incoming warheads were more akin to the more pedestrian pace - relatively speaking - of Federation Naval Patrol subsurface combat, rather than the astonishing transit of more advanced hardware. The shipboard phasers would make short work of these projectiles, but that was not the point; the attack upon Challenger would abrogate the Prime Directive, dragged in - as it were - as a vested party. And the proverbial firepower of the Federation's discourse was not to be underestimated. "Tracking incoming ordnance Tango Charlie 1 & 2. Time to impact: 7 seconds. Optimum firing solution locked in."

As a supplementary Tactical Officer on the Bridge, with T'Kel at the primary station, it fell to Paul to take the load off his senior Department Head with regards to assessing the threat to the ship, such as it was, and programming the weapon systems to be deployed whenever the Chief Tactical Officer deemed fit.

That of course, surely, being within 5 seconds...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 18, 2021, 11:22:44 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian noted the icon appear on the command chair monitor and all he could do was shake his head with a small smile.


He thought as he turned his attention to the greater picture of the unfolding battle. They had three minutes before the two planetary missile swarms and their escorting battle fleets entered Challenger's engagement envelop.

"Three minutes ta go ta the end of my career if'n things turn ta rubbish."

The thought flashed into Ian's head unbidden. Out loud, he said.

"Steady on Lads and Lasses, things are about ta get dodgy. We have no idea how aggressive the factions will get about our defendin' ourselves and they may take exception ta our doin' so. Mister T'Kel, as we can handle their lasers, you are, under no circumstances, ta fire on any Locean or Trellian ship unless they fire their shipboard missiles at us.  If'n they do, your priority is ta destroy any missiles targetin' Challenger, then ta disable the weapons of the firin' ship. I will nae be a party ta slaughterin' these people in the process of savin' them from themselves.

"Mister Grelek, coordinate our defense with the shuttles, but keep a close eye on their damage, if'n any of their shields drops below 50%, they are ta return ta the Challenger immediately. And in your spare time, please continue ta try and contact the two governments. It's possible now that they are facin' a nuclear winter, someone might have decided they acted rashly in this attack. It's bloody unlikely, but every now and then, even a blind squirrel finds an acorn."

Looking down at his monitor again, Ian resisted activating Lahr's battle music icon and checked on the progress of the two battle fleets.

"Two minutes and bloody countin'."

He murmured and waited to see what would happen.

"Aye, Captain" he responded and began opening a channel to the shuttles when he picked up on the transmission from the Mjolnir.

"Captain, you may want to take a look at this.  It's a message being sent out by the Mjolnir."

He sent the message to Ian's armchair console. Each image was that of a child - in particular Thebos' youngest son and Greshak's oldest boy - edited to appear crying overlapping scenes of destruction.

to Primus Thebos

to First One Greshak

Sent along with each image was the message:  Stop the Madness.  Abort your Missiles.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 17, 2021, 11:44:14 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lahr was quick to point out that the heavy hit from the lasers was only because they'd been tagged by 2 or more hits at the same time.   "One at time our shields have the capacity to handle it, but two at once it is a bit much.  If you can try and avoid double hits in the future, we'll be fine."

Then in answer to her question about extending the Challenger's shields, Lahr wobbled his head in a semi-nod, semi-negative shake.  "It might be possible but then it limits our maneuverability.  I'll forward on the request to the Captain, see whether he thinks it worth while."

As Ruth led the shuttles nearer the Challenger, Lahr's attention was turned from her remarks about the Flight crewman to focus instead on an incoming call from the ship.  Even still he chuckled at hearing her remark about her lasagna.

"Yeah your cooking can be iffy at times.. but I wouldn't call it nuclear." he teased back before bringing things back to the serious. "But before we think of dinner, lets get through this.  The Captain has sent his orders.  We're to stay within 50 000 km of Challenger and we've orders not engage in any missile outside of that range.  Grelek sounded extra bland so I'm guessing the Captain hasn't found my present yet.  It should have kicked in when he called for Red Alert.  I have it plainly labelled on the main screen... "

[Shuttlecraft Mjolnir - Closing on the Challenger]

Ruth nodded at Lahr's comment about the hits to the shields but gave him a mock stern look when he teasingly criticised her cooking.

"Hrumpf, last time I cook for you!" she said in a good natured grumble.  "I'm sure Mondo wouldn't turn his nose up at my cooking or call it 'iffy'!!" the words were accompanied by a grin so everyone would know it was just lovers banter.

"And what did you send Ian?  Is he going to kill you when you get back?  I rather like you alive!"

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on January 18, 2021, 03:34:50 AM

Delta Flyer Class Runabout Mjolnir

Mondo acknowledged his orders with a simple "Yes, Sir," and then began coordinating fire control with the other shuttles.  Lahr brought up music, and suggested making the shooting of the missiles into a contest.  The Hupyrian had to shake his head.  Was this how the Andorian coped with his trauma?  By adding levity?

Well... if it worked, who was he to complain?  If his friend was able to function this way, then that was all that mattered.

The shuttle shook from a dual laser impact, but fortunately they wouldn't have to deal with that much longer.  "The effective range of these lasers is extremely limited.  Soon, the beams will lose focus with distance."

A transmission came through to the Mjolnir.  "We've just received orders to limit our scope of fire to those missiles within a particular sphere of radius of the Challenger."

Mondo gritted his teeth.  That meant dozens of missiles would get through their interdiction attempt.  Hundreds of millions would die.

Was he supposed to withhold fire when it meant that entire cities of sentients would be wiped away?  Was this the purpose of the Prime Directive?  To allow multitudes to die even though there was something he could do about it?

Don't think.  Just follow orders. 

Even as his hands went to work selecting the designated targets, it occurred to him that 'just following orders' had its own host of evils attached to it.

"Two missiles still within the defense envelope," Mondo declared.

And dozens outside of it.  Dozens of death-dealing missiles which will take so many lives that I couldn't even count them if given a lifetime to try.

The music played in the background.

Those who are about to die, we serenade you.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on January 18, 2021, 05:59:20 AM

Challenger - Bridge>

His station tinted crimson to reflect the alert status, Wessex called out to Lt T'Kel as he plotted exacting interdiction trajectories of two incoming missiles that had passed into Captain Galloway's established 'exclusion zone'. At these speeds, the incoming warheads were more akin to the more pedestrian pace - relatively speaking - of Federation Naval Patrol subsurface combat, rather than the astonishing transit of more advanced hardware. The shipboard phasers would make short work of these projectiles, but that was not the point; the attack upon Challenger would abrogate the Prime Directive, dragged in - as it were - as a vested party. And the proverbial firepower of the Federation's discourse was not to be underestimated. "Tracking incoming ordnance Tango Charlie 1 & 2. Time to impact: 7 seconds. Optimum firing solution locked in."

As a supplementary Tactical Officer on the Bridge, with T'Kel at the primary station, it fell to Paul to take the load off his senior Department Head with regards to assessing the threat to the ship, such as it was, and programming the weapon systems to be deployed whenever the Chief Tactical Officer deemed fit.

That of course, surely, being within 5 seconds...

"Well, two seems like a drop in a bucket but take those two Mr. Nari, or least us or whomever is closest to them." Commander Sigurdsdottir ordered with a sad shake of her head.

She snaked a hand out to Lahr hoping that he'd take it because right now she felt like bawling her eyes out.  Sure she'd had some tough decisions to make in her time but she had no choice really now, it was both out of her hands and she didn't have the heart to make it worse for Ian and disobey orders, even if she did it would be impossible to stop the slew of missiles in both directions and it was just... well mass genocide and possible nuclear winter and she couldn't do a thing about it.

Sadly turning she asked "How long have we got until those missiles hit..." she didn't need to finish the sentence.  She was just thinking about the destruction and loss of life.

"Do what we can but don't, ..." she signed heavily again and then continued.  "... don't get us killed."

Part of her really wanted to break rank and shoot down as many as she could, order the other shuttles back to the Challenger shuttlebay completely, have the rest of the crew on the Mjolnir beamed back, have her axes beamed to her so she could enter Valhalla then put herself between the missiles so they hit the Mjolnir first but she knew a) that she could only take out so many that way there would still be thousands would go by and b) Ian and particularly Lahr, probably Kyle and definitely the twins would never forgive her for doing so if there was an alternative.  Dying in the line of duty was one thing.  Being bloody minded and pretty much committing suicide was another.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 19, 2021, 12:47:11 AM

NPC PO1 Grelek
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

"Aye, Captain" he responded and began opening a channel to the shuttles when he picked up on the transmission from the Mjolnir.

"Captain, you may want to take a look at this.  It's a message being sent out by the Mjolnir."

He sent the message to Ian's armchair console. Each image was that of a child - in particular Thebos' youngest son and Greshak's oldest boy - edited to appear crying overlapping scenes of destruction.

to Primus Thebos

to First One Greshak

Sent along with each image was the message:  Stop the Madness.  Abort your Missiles.
[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian looked at the images and had to admire Lahr's creativity.

"PSYOPS on the fly, have ta give him full marks for initiative."

Whether the images would do anything became moot as the two swarms of missiles with their escorting battle fleets entered into Challenger's engagement envelop. Having been previously given orders on what to do, T'Kel didn't hesitate and phasers began shredding Nelvari missiles.

Initially, the two battle fleets, each consisting of three dozen ships, were too busy blasting each other to ribbons to notice the Challenger, but eventually a Trellion ship did and it immediately began firing its lasers on the much larger ship with the shields barely flickered from the hits. The lack of measurable results from its attack, the ship hailed and Grelek put the image on screen.

"I am Commodore Fellian. This action is none of your Federation's affair. Cease firing immediately or face the full might of the Trellion Navy!"

Ian had to school his face to a careful expression of neutrality, despite wanting to laugh at the absurdity of the threat. He instead, replied in his best Standard.

"Commodore, you are correct, it isn't our affair, but it seems your missiles are attempting to pass through the space the Challenger currently occupies. As we both know, simple physics will not allow this to happen, thus I must defend my ship from the unprovoked attack."

"We are not attacking you! Your ship is in the way, just move it and let our missiles pass!"

"So you say Commodore, but with the sheer volume of nuclear missiles you have in flight, can you ensure none of them will target my ship?"

At that moment, Grelek caught Ian's attention that the Locean fleet commander wanted to talk to him. Ian nodded and the viewscreen split to that of the two Nelvari.

"Your interference will no longer be tolerated Federation meddler! Cease fire-"

"-Or face the full might of the Locean Navy?"

Ian interrupted which only seemed to make the Locean officer even madder.

"YES! I will destroy your ship if you don't cease fire!"

Ian shrugged as he replied.

"As I was telling the Commodore, the Challenger is here on a peaceful mission and it is not our fault your two planets decided to immolate each other while we were here. The track of both of your missile barrages intersect the location of my ship and I am duty bound to protect it against any who would try to harm her or my crew. Now, as I understand Nelvari war plans, your fleet's primary function is to escort your missiles to their targets. If you both attack the Challenger you would fail in your duty and allow your planet's ample defensive systems to stop the other's attack. If that were to occur, your Final Solution will have be in vain. What would your leadership think of that Commodore Fellian and... and... I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

He asked the Locean commander.

"Admiral Carwell!"

"Ah, yes, Admiral. Same question, what would First One Greshak think of your failure to perform your duty? Oh right, and getting your fleet destroyed in the process, as I am certain your sensors have told you of the strength of Challenger's shields by now. I can assure you both, I could destroy both of your fleets without much efforts as you have not even seen a tenth of the firepower this ship possesses."

The two men hesitated and that gave Ian hope that perhaps there was hope for the Nelvari after all.

"Now, the Challenger is not going to be moving and we will destroy any missile that comes within 100,000 kilometers of her. By my calculations, that includes... 86% of the surviving missiles at this time. Yes, our sensors are that precise. Give me a few seconds and I could tell you how many nose hairs each of you have, but that would be showing off.

"Now. I suggest you two numpties go back to wiping each other out, because I can promise you, the number of missiles that will get past the Challenger will be insufficient to survive Trellion's defensive net. Things for Locea's prospects are a bit worse off, but with those ships you committed to chasing them down, you might just make it after all.

"Perhaps you could help me, help you by contacting your leadership and perhaps we can discuss aborting the attack and come to an agreement. Because, if you don't contact them, I'll turn Challenger's considerable firepower on what you call fleets and should any of you survive, you will return to smoking cinders instead of homes. Your choice, but I suggest you hurry, this offer will not last long. Galloway out."

Once off screen, Ian let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as he'd just attempted the biggest bluff of his life, which was actually inconsequential compared to the billions of lives that hung in the balance of that bluff.

Kyle Briggs

[Bridge - Tactical station]

When the Challenger moved between the two factions and they began being fired upon, Kyle moved up to the Tac station to assist T'Kel. Together they were handling the missiles with ease. He also stood by and listened as Ian dealt with the leaders on both sides. It made him glad once more not to be in the center seat. He was no diplomat. He was about ninety percent sure that he would have let these two numb nits destroy one another. He wasn't sadistic enough to sit back and watch the fireworks show but he would have let them be. Ian was a different breed. Kyle sometimes felt as if the CO wanted to save the Galaxy. It was honorable but not always doable. But as the XO, he would standby his Captain and help the best he could with whatever was needed.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 19, 2021, 07:52:20 AM

[Shuttlecraft Mjolnir - Closing on the Challenger]

Ruth nodded at Lahr's comment about the hits to the shields but gave him a mock stern look when he teasingly criticised her cooking.

"Hrumpf, last time I cook for you!" she said in a good natured grumble.  "I'm sure Mondo wouldn't turn his nose up at my cooking or call it 'iffy'!!" the words were accompanied by a grin so everyone would know it was just lovers banter.

"And what did you send Ian?  Is he going to kill you when you get back?  I rather like you alive!"

"Well, two seems like a drop in a bucket but take those two Mr. Nari, or least us or whomever is closest to them." Commander Sigurdsdottir ordered with a sad shake of her head.

She snaked a hand out to Lahr hoping that he'd take it because right now she felt like bawling her eyes out.  Sure she'd had some tough decisions to make in her time but she had no choice really now, it was both out of her hands and she didn't have the heart to make it worse for Ian and disobey orders, even if she did it would be impossible to stop the slew of missiles in both directions and it was just... well mass genocide and possible nuclear winter and she couldn't do a thing about it.

Sadly turning she asked "How long have we got until those missiles hit..." she didn't need to finish the sentence.  She was just thinking about the destruction and loss of life.

"Do what we can but don't, ..." she signed heavily again and then continued.  "... don't get us killed."

Part of her really wanted to break rank and shoot down as many as she could, order the other shuttles back to the Challenger shuttlebay completely, have the rest of the crew on the Mjolnir beamed back, have her axes beamed to her so she could enter Valhalla then put herself between the missiles so they hit the Mjolnir first but she knew a) that she could only take out so many that way there would still be thousands would go by and b) Ian and particularly Lahr, probably Kyle and definitely the twins would never forgive her for doing so if there was an alternative.  Dying in the line of duty was one thing.  Being bloody minded and pretty much committing suicide was another.

Lahr grinned over to Ruth when his teasing comment about her cooking prompted a reaction and a comment back threatening to never cook for him again.   He drooped his antenna, comically, first one then the other.  "That wasn't a well thought out remark.. now I'm stuck doing all the cooking."

When Ruth then asked about what he sent... Lahr wasn't sure if she was referring to his present for Ian, which wasn't something he had sent but rather something he had written as an executable program for whenever a Red Alert was called.

But he rather thought that Ruth was referring to his artistic attempt to get through to the Nelvari.

"Depends on if my artistic talents worked or just made things worse." and he forwarded to Ruth console the message he sent to the Locean and Trellion leaders.

Her question as to how long til the missiles that escaped them impacted the planet was simple math.   Ten minutes to reach them at this point and Challenger was middle ground between the two.  "Just under ten minutes for those missiles that have made it past us now.'

The Captain had less than ten minutes to change a life time of hatred.   He wished someone would have been able to answer him as to what had initially started this feud.  Maybe there was a thread that they could use to bring them both back to the table.

He listened as comms between the fleets started up again but what he heard wasn't promising.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 19, 2021, 11:37:36 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian looked at the images and had to admire Lahr's creativity.

"PSYOPS on the fly, have ta give him full marks for initiative."

Whether the images would do anything became moot as the two swarms of missiles with their escorting battle fleets entered into Challenger's engagement envelop. Having been previously given orders on what to do, T'Kel didn't hesitate and phasers began shredding Nelvari missiles.

Initially, the two battle fleets, each consisting of three dozen ships, were too busy blasting each other to ribbons to notice the Challenger, but eventually a Trellion ship did and it immediately began firing its lasers on the much larger ship with the shields barely flickered from the hits. The lack of measurable results from its attack, the ship hailed and Grelek put the image on screen.

"I am Commodore Fellian. This action is none of your Federation's affair. Cease firing immediately or face the full might of the Trellion Navy!"

Ian had to school his face to a careful expression of neutrality, despite wanting to laugh at the absurdity of the threat. He instead, replied in his best Standard.

"Commodore, you are correct, it isn't our affair, but it seems your missiles are attempting to pass through the space the Challenger currently occupies. As we both know, simple physics will not allow this to happen, thus I must defend my ship from the unprovoked attack."

"We are not attacking you! Your ship is in the way, just move it and let our missiles pass!"

"So you say Commodore, but with the sheer volume of nuclear missiles you have in flight, can you ensure none of them will target my ship?"

At that moment, Grelek caught Ian's attention that the Locean fleet commander wanted to talk to him. Ian nodded and the viewscreen split to that of the two Nelvari.

"Your interference will no longer be tolerated Federation meddler! Cease fire-"

"-Or face the full might of the Locean Navy?"

Ian interrupted which only seemed to make the Locean officer even madder.

"YES! I will destroy your ship if you don't cease fire!"

Ian shrugged as he replied.

"As I was telling the Commodore, the Challenger is here on a peaceful mission and it is not our fault your two planets decided to immolate each other while we were here. The track of both of your missile barrages intersect the location of my ship and I am duty bound to protect it against any who would try to harm her or my crew. Now, as I understand Nelvari war plans, your fleet's primary function is to escort your missiles to their targets. If you both attack the Challenger you would fail in your duty and allow your planet's ample defensive systems to stop the other's attack. If that were to occur, your Final Solution will have be in vain. What would your leadership think of that Commodore Fellian and... and... I'm sorry, I didn't get your name."

He asked the Locean commander.

"Admiral Carwell!"

"Ah, yes, Admiral. Same question, what would First One Greshak think of your failure to perform your duty? Oh right, and getting your fleet destroyed in the process, as I am certain your sensors have told you of the strength of Challenger's shields by now. I can assure you both, I could destroy both of your fleets without much efforts as you have not even seen a tenth of the firepower this ship possesses."

The two men hesitated and that gave Ian hope that perhaps there was hope for the Nelvari after all.

"Now, the Challenger is not going to be moving and we will destroy any missile that comes within 100,000 kilometers of her. By my calculations, that includes... 86% of the surviving missiles at this time. Yes, our sensors are that precise. Give me a few seconds and I could tell you how many nose hairs each of you have, but that would be showing off.

"Now. I suggest you two numpties go back to wiping each other out, because I can promise you, the number of missiles that will get past the Challenger will be insufficient to survive Trellion's defensive net. Things for Locea's prospects are a bit worse off, but with those ships you committed to chasing them down, you might just make it after all.

"Perhaps you could help me, help you by contacting your leadership and perhaps we can discuss aborting the attack and come to an agreement. Because, if you don't contact them, I'll turn Challenger's considerable firepower on what you call fleets and should any of you survive, you will return to smoking cinders instead of homes. Your choice, but I suggest you hurry, this offer will not last long. Galloway out."

Once off screen, Ian let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as he'd just attempted the biggest bluff of his life, which was actually inconsequential compared to the billions of lives that hung in the balance of that bluff.

Lahr's antenna shot up in surprise at overhearing the Captain's threat to the Nelvari fleets.   While the Challenger certainly had the firepower to do so, surely the Nelvari knew enough about Federation policy to know that to follow through on such a threat would go against everything that the Federation stood for?   But then maybe they didn't know..
Grelek the Vulcan in the meanwhile kept up his efforts to contact the Locean and Trellion leaders.   Maybe the Captain's 'big stick' approach would work.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Mondo'li Nari

Delta Flyer Class Runabout 'Mjolnir'

Mondo watched his screens as the last of the missiles within their defense envelope flashed into nonexistence.  Now the shuttles were a convoy without a purpose, unless their mission changed.

"That is the last of the weapons we are permitted to target," Mondo declared, "for now.  We can only hope that the rest are intercepted by planetary defense systems or ships.  If even one of those missiles penetrates, its MIRV-style payload will carry sufficient warheads to destroy ten cities, and cause upwards of twenty-million casualties."

As sobering a thought as that was, Mondo reflected on the bombardment capability of modern starships, and realized that while temperaments may have improved, the capability to deal death and destruction had only multiplied with time.

"I saw your propaganda, my friend," Mondo said to Lahr.   He routinely monitored communications at tactical.   "I hope it manages to persuade them."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 20, 2021, 02:55:40 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lahr grinned over to Ruth when his teasing comment about her cooking prompted a reaction and a comment back threatening to never cook for him again.   He drooped his antenna, comically, first one then the other.  "That wasn't a well thought out remark.. now I'm stuck doing all the cooking."

When Ruth then asked about what he sent... Lahr wasn't sure if she was referring to his present for Ian, which wasn't something he had sent but rather something he had written as an executable program for whenever a Red Alert was called.

But he rather thought that Ruth was referring to his artistic attempt to get through to the Nelvari.

"Depends on if my artistic talents worked or just made things worse." and he forwarded to Ruth console the message he sent to the Locean and Trellion leaders.

Her question as to how long til the missiles that escaped them impacted the planet was simple math.   Ten minutes to reach them at this point and Challenger was middle ground between the two.  "Just under ten minutes for those missiles that have made it past us now.'

The Captain had less than ten minutes to change a life time of hatred.   He wished someone would have been able to answer him as to what had initially started this feud.  Maybe there was a thread that they could use to bring them both back to the table.

He listened as comms between the fleets started up again but what he heard wasn't promising.

Lahr's antenna shot up in surprise at overhearing the Captain's threat to the Nelvari fleets.   While the Challenger certainly had the firepower to do so, surely the Nelvari knew enough about Federation policy to know that to follow through on such a threat would go against everything that the Federation stood for?   But then maybe they didn't know..

Grelek the Vulcan in the meanwhile kept up his efforts to contact the Locean and Trellion leaders.   Maybe the Captain's 'big stick' approach would work.
[Delta Flyer - Mjolnir]

Ruth grinned and slowly shook her head at Lahr's antics with his antennae.  They both knew it was just lovers banter and she didn't seriously expect him to do all the cooking.

When she showed him what he'd sent to each of the leaders her eyebrows reached her hairline.  She knew Lahr was good but it was still unexpected.

"You always surprise.  I knew you were good but you just bought the Captain some breathing space I think.  Depending on how they take it that is."

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on January 20, 2021, 05:43:43 PM

Delta Flyer Class Runabout 'Mjolnir'

Mondo watched his screens as the last of the missiles within their defense envelope flashed into nonexistence.  Now the shuttles were a convoy without a purpose, unless their mission changed.

"That is the last of the weapons we are permitted to target," Mondo declared, "for now.  We can only hope that the rest are intercepted by planetary defense systems or ships.  If even one of those missiles penetrates, its MIRV-style payload will carry sufficient warheads to destroy ten cities, and cause upwards of twenty-million casualties."

As sobering a thought as that was, Mondo reflected on the bombardment capability of modern starships, and realized that while temperaments may have improved, the capability to deal death and destruction had only multiplied with time.

"I saw your propaganda, my friend," Mondo said to Lahr.   He routinely monitored communications at tactical.   "I hope it manages to persuade them."

"That makes at least 3 of us Mr. Nari, but probably all of us on the Challenger, and the regular citizens of both factions who are facing death at this moment.  Mr ch'Verret contact Challenger, ask if we should return to ship now we've done what we can or stay out as a show of resilience and at least nominal fire power.  Some people understand 'big ship, big guns' others understand 'many ships, many guns'  we have both, some of that might translate to 'we can blow you to smithereens in 10 secs...' ok Mr. Nari you don't need to do the exact math there... I'm generalising.  Either way we need to know if Captain Galloway wants us out here as wingmen or in and just relying on the Challenger to do her job."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt as if he might vibrate himself out of the command chair as he waited to see if his bluff had worked or made things infinitely worse. However, much to his surprise, Grelek said that both First One Greshak and Primus Thebos wanted to speak to him.

"On screen."

The swirling battle amid the asteroids vanished to be replaced by the two Nelvari leaders with similar expressions that Ian classified as apoplectic as he replied in a polite tone.


"This is an outrage Galloway!" Greshak bellowed. followed by an equally livid Thebos'. "How dare you interfere with our strike on the Loceans!"

"I am not interfering. Your missiles happen to be a threat to my ship. I am simple defending it." Ian replied with an infuriating calm.

"You can move your ship!" Thebos thundered in increasing frustration.

"I could, but just as I can't interfere in your affairs, neither of you can interfere in the operational parameters of a Starfleet vessel."

"I demand to know what gave you the temerity to use an image of my son in such a manner?" Greshak asked in a decidedly poisonous tone.

"Uh oh, now he's really mad." Ian thought as he tried softening his tone, because it was clear that he wasn't handled carefully, Greshak might do something rash. "It was just a reminder of what is at stake for your peoples gentlemen. It meant no disrespect." In an effort to de-escalate the moment, Ian attempted to change the subject.

"Gentlemen, given the savage beating your fleets have inflicted on each other and in spite of the missiles we had to destroy to protect ourselves, there are still quite a few survivors of your salvos heading for your homes. You have each proven to your citizens you are strong leaders unafraid to unleash Gehenna on the other. Now perhaps it's time to prove that you are even stronger by ending this madness.

"Based on revised sensor readings, since neither of your fleets succeeded in interdicting the other's swarm, the number of surviving missiles far exceeds your planetary defense's ability to intercept. Millions are about to die in minutes gentlemen, perhaps billions once the nuclear winter savages your ability to feed your peoples. Add to that the deaths from radiation, you are both looking at an extinction level event.

"I'd ask, if either of you want to be remembered as the man that led their civilization to annihilation, but as there won't be a Locean or Trellion civilization to remember you after today. Sure, the Federation will send cultural experts to document your extinct societies for preservation within the Federation historical database, but that won't do either of you any good."

Both men went silent for several seconds before Greshak replied in a cold, but less poisonous tone.

"You dare too much Captain."

"I submit First One that I dare too little. Is this internecine feud worth the lives of your sons?"

"Damn you Galloway!" Thebos roared. "Damn you and your entire Federation for being here!"

"If that is price I have to pay to save the lives of billions, then I am willing to make that sacrifice. Please send the self-destruct code so that we may talk of tomorrow while there still is a tomorrow for your peoples."

It was at that point that both men grimaced and Thebos spoke with a stricken tone.

"The swarms do not have self-destruct capability. It was assumed that should events deteriorate to the point that they were launched, the government's decision would be final. We can't stop them."

Ian felt his blood go cold and could only stare at the monitor in abject horror.

Mondo'li Nari


Delta Flyer Class Runabout 'Mjolnir'

Mondo had been monitoring the communications, and his eyes went wide when he learned the planetary powers had no way to cancel their missile launches.   They were locked into an inescapable mutually assured destruction.

Or were they?

"Sir," he turned to Ruth, "a destruct or cancel code may not be required, if both powers wish to stop this war.  These missiles will have guidance systems, primitive by our standards.  We may be able to fool these systems, causing the missiles to change course.  Perhaps we may even encourage them to move away from the orbital paths they are on, back into interplanetary space.  In order to do this, we need to know exactly how these missiles operate so that we can spoof them successfully."

Mondo had mediocre technical skill.  Engineering and Sciences had been his worst subjects at the Technical Services Academy.  But he understood the principles by which weapons systems operated.  Security and Weapons systems and procedures had been the primary thrust of his training.  Perhaps that would be enough, today.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on January 20, 2021, 05:43:43 PM

Delta Flyer Class Runabout 'Mjolnir'

Mondo watched his screens as the last of the missiles within their defense envelope flashed into nonexistence.  Now the shuttles were a convoy without a purpose, unless their mission changed.

"That is the last of the weapons we are permitted to target," Mondo declared, "for now.  We can only hope that the rest are intercepted by planetary defense systems or ships.  If even one of those missiles penetrates, its MIRV-style payload will carry sufficient warheads to destroy ten cities, and cause upwards of twenty-million casualties."

As sobering a thought as that was, Mondo reflected on the bombardment capability of modern starships, and realized that while temperaments may have improved, the capability to deal death and destruction had only multiplied with time.

"I saw your propaganda, my friend," Mondo said to Lahr.   He routinely monitored communications at tactical.   "I hope it manages to persuade them."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on January 21, 2021, 09:53:31 AM

[Delta Flyer - Mjolnir]

Ruth grinned and slowly shook her head at Lahr's antics with his antennae.  They both knew it was just lovers banter and she didn't seriously expect him to do all the cooking.

When she showed him what he'd sent to each of the leaders her eyebrows reached her hairline.  She knew Lahr was good but it was still unexpected.

"You always surprise.  I knew you were good but you just bought the Captain some breathing space I think.  Depending on how they take it that is."

"That makes at least 3 of us Mr. Nari, but probably all of us on the Challenger, and the regular citizens of both factions who are facing death at this moment.  Mr ch'Verret contact Challenger, ask if we should return to ship now we've done what we can or stay out as a show of resilience and at least nominal fire power.  Some people understand 'big ship, big guns' others understand 'many ships, many guns'  we have both, some of that might translate to 'we can blow you to smithereens in 10 secs...' ok Mr. Nari you don't need to do the exact math there... I'm generalising.  Either way we need to know if Captain Galloway wants us out here as wingmen or in and just relying on the Challenger to do her job."

Despite the fine targeting by Mondo and the other tactical officers on the other shuttles, there were just too many outside of their limited scope.   The casualties on both planets would be immense.   His antenna hung low as he acknowledged Mondo's remark stating this.  Even the Hupyrian's and Ruth's recognition of his 'artwork' couldn't lift his antenna.

Lahr's call to Challenger was put to queue while the Captain spoke to both the Nelvari leaders.  The Andorian, being nosy, listened in and played it openly in the shuttle.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 21, 2021, 11:42:46 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian felt as if he might vibrate himself out of the command chair as he waited to see if his bluff had worked or made things infinitely worse. However, much to his surprise, Grelek said that both First One Greshak and Primus Thebos wanted to speak to him.

"On screen."

The swirling battle amid the asteroids vanished to be replaced by the two Nelvari leaders with similar expressions that Ian classified as apoplectic as he replied in a polite tone.


"This is an outrage Galloway!" Greshak bellowed. followed by an equally livid Thebos'. "How dare you interfere with our strike on the Loceans!"

"I am not interfering. Your missiles happen to be a threat to my ship. I am simple defending it." Ian replied with an infuriating calm.

"You can move your ship!" Thebos thundered in increasing frustration.

"I could, but just as I can't interfere in your affairs, neither of you can interfere in the operational parameters of a Starfleet vessel."

"I demand to know what gave you the temerity to use an image of my son in such a manner?" Greshak asked in a decidedly poisonous tone.

Lahr winced at obvious fury First One Greshak of Locean displayed in his tone when he asked about the image.   Oops..  that backfired.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 21, 2021, 11:42:46 AM

"Uh oh, now he's really mad." Ian thought as he tried softening his tone, because it was clear that he wasn't handled carefully, Greshak might do something rash. "It was just a reminder of what is at stake for your peoples gentlemen. It meant no disrespect." In an effort to de-escalate the moment, Ian attempted to change the subject.

"Gentlemen, given the savage beating your fleets have inflicted on each other and in spite of the missiles we had to destroy to protect ourselves, there are still quite a few survivors of your salvos heading for your homes. You have each proven to your citizens you are strong leaders unafraid to unleash Gehenna on the other. Now perhaps it's time to prove that you are even stronger by ending this madness.

"Based on revised sensor readings, since neither of your fleets succeeded in interdicting the other's swarm, the number of surviving missiles far exceeds your planetary defense's ability to intercept. Millions are about to die in minutes gentlemen, perhaps billions once the nuclear winter savages your ability to feed your peoples. Add to that the deaths from radiation, you are both looking at an extinction level event.

"I'd ask, if either of you want to be remembered as the man that led their civilization to annihilation, but as there won't be a Locean or Trellion civilization to remember you after today. Sure, the Federation will send cultural experts to document your extinct societies for preservation within the Federation historical database, but that won't do either of you any good."

Both men went silent for several seconds before Greshak replied in a cold, but less poisonous tone.

"You dare too much Captain."

"I submit First One that I dare too little. Is this internecine feud worth the lives of your sons?"

"Damn you Galloway!" Thebos roared. "Damn you and your entire Federation for being here!"

"If that is price I have to pay to save the lives of billions, then I am willing to make that sacrifice. Please send the self-destruct code so that we may talk of tomorrow while there still is a tomorrow for your peoples."

It was at that point that both men grimaced and Thebos spoke with a stricken tone.

"The swarms do not have self-destruct capability. It was assumed that should events deteriorate to the point that they were launched, the government's decision would be final. We can't stop them."

Ian felt his blood go cold and could only stare at the monitor in abject horror.

Lahr gasped in surprise and his antenna hung to their lowest point yet.  "There's no ability to cancel?  Roohz.. how stupid is that?"

But as Mondo spoke... all might not be lost...

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on January 22, 2021, 12:51:47 AM

Mondo had been monitoring the communications, and his eyes went wide when he learned the planetary powers had no way to cancel their missile launches.   They were locked into an inescapable mutually assured destruction.

Or were they?

"Sir," he turned to Ruth, "a destruct or cancel code may not be required, if both powers wish to stop this war.  These missiles will have guidance systems, primitive by our standards.  We may be able to fool these systems, causing the missiles to change course.  Perhaps we may even encourage them to move away from the orbital paths they are on, back into interplanetary space.  In order to do this, we need to know exactly how these missiles operate so that we can spoof them successfully."

Mondo had mediocre technical skill.  Engineering and Sciences had been his worst subjects at the Technical Services Academy.  But he understood the principles by which weapons systems operated.  Security and Weapons systems and procedures had been the primary thrust of his training.  Perhaps that would be enough, today.

Lahr looked over to Mondo at his statement his antenna partially lifting in hope, he then looked to Ruth.  "Permission to contact the Locean and Trellion governments to obtain missile schematics, ma'am?"

As he waited for Ruth to decide yes or no, Lahr's call was finally answered by Grelek.

He informed the Vulcan that they'd finished with all missiles in the 50 000 km radius and that the shuttles were awaiting further orders.

=/\= "And let the Captain know that Nari might have an idea on how to redirect the missile via their guidance systems if we can get our hands on the information on how they operate." =/\=

Grelek passed on this info to Commander Kyle and the Captain.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.