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S4: E9 - The Sheriff of Gothos

Started by Ian Galloway, February 02, 2021, 12:45:37 PM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 04, 2021, 03:45:09 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (near the Romulan border)

Lahr, hearing the Captain's order and suspecting that the Romulan ship - which had uncloaked fully-armed moments ago just on the other side of the randomly appearing planet -would be either speeding its way around the planet once more cloaked to confront Challenger and claim the rogue planet as its own...  or maybe even sending a Romulan equivalent to an away team... an attack force?.. down to the planet as well.

The more he thought about it, the more Lahr realized the Romulan's were likely doing both. The Andorian looked towards Ruth and hoped Commander Briggs picked the new guy, Jyur to go on the away team.   Not the ship was any safer without it's weapons and engines.

That brought to mind the ship's shields - were they down too?

Lahr switched his consoles focus from the planet to the ships' systems.  His antenna twitched in worry.  "Sir, shield systems appear to be working"

Lahr hoped that was subtle enough as a hint before inquiring "And did you want to send back a message? Before intruding on another culture's territory."

Though their scans showed nothing living, someone had scanned them and greeted them.  It was only Federation protocol to be polite.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Lahr spoke as he had brought up couple valid points.

"Kyle, make that you, a science officer and four security with full combat kit. As soon as you depart, we will raise shields in case our Romulan pest is capable of payin' a visit."

Ian then spoke to T'Kel.

"Lieutenant, send the followin' reply... 'We greet you in peace. Is it possible to talk via video link?'"

He then spoke to Lahr.

"Very good suggestion Mister ch'Verret. No reason we can't be polite."

Bianca Lightoller

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 04, 2021, 12:08:17 PM

"Hi!" Ruth said to Bianca giving her a small welcoming smile.  "You can pitch in if you want, if you're interested.  At the moment I'm open to anything!"

"OK, and I thought I was going crazy... not literally, Counsellor..." she grinned at Bianca. "...but tell me I'm not the only one reading that?!  I think we can safely say if we aren't all blind and our sensors suddenly stopped working... it exists!"

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"How do you do," Bianca answered in kind. She was happy to accept an invitation into the science area, but she dared not touch any instruments that she wasn't qualified for. The weird red planet had popped up just before Bianca was ready to ask questions, so she did little more than offer a friendly shrug and watching the rest of the bridge with curious interest.

Ruth's crazy quip got Bianca to make a cute snort."Well darn, I was this close to pulling out the prescription pad," she teased back.


"Rock bottom is not the end, but the first step up."

Kyle Briggs

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 04, 2021, 04:39:38 PM

Ian nodded as Lahr spoke as he had brought up couple valid points.

"Kyle, make that you, a science officer and four security with full combat kit. As soon as you depart, we will raise shields in case our Romulan pest is capable of payin' a visit."

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied as he reached for the comms.

=/\= Lieutenant Wessex. Grab Mister Nari and two other officers and gear up in full combat kit. Draw out an extra phaser for myself and meet me in Transporter Room One in five minutes. Briggs out. =/\=

As he stood, he turned toward the science station. "Commander Sigurdsdottir......I'm gonna steal your assistant. Mister Jyur. You're with me." he said.

He made his way to the lift and waited for the young science officer to join him.

Jettis Jyur


"Yeah, Lieutenant... hi.  These readings.  Am I going mad or... " she pulled up another set of data which was the 'approved' charts.

"That..." she pointed to a small blip, "...wasn't there...." she checked the date on the charts. "... six months ago...or least it wasn't marked."

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Standing with his hands folded behind is back, he  furrowed his brow as the Commander pulled up the puzzling charts, in comparison to the sensors readings. A seemingly missed, or skipped planet? Or other body, right in the heart of the system. Blue eyes swept frantically back and forth between the two, before bringing his hand to his chin and glancing back at his superior officer.

"Well, I didn't focus on Cartography, but I've had the opportunity among the years to practice. I can fully assure you that," He jabbed a finger towards the charts, accusingly, "was definitely not there. But it could be a simple Cartography error, it--"


"Romulan Warbird has just decloaked 150,000 kilometers off the port bow. Norexan-Class. Her weapons are armed."

Ian blinked, but before he could issue any orders, a massive red planet appeared from nowhere directly between the two ships. The Challenger lurched to a halt and Ensign Ozoim at the helm reported that the engines had shut down. T'Kel added that the weapons were offline and that they were being scanned. She paused and said.

"Sir, we are receiving a message. Text only. I'll put it on screen."

All eyes on the bridge shifted to the viewscreen to read.

"Howdy Partners. Welcome Y'all."


While the Captain called around, Lahr was busy on his console trying to see if the readings were anything at all like what they'd been just prior to their out-of-body experience in the Gamma Quadrant.  Nope.

Next he checked the planet, even as the Captain was calling for that info.

"Over 99.9% of the planet reads as Class D - uninhabitat.  It's rock with poison gases.  But that last point of a percent... It shows a habitable...'bubble' right at the equator... about 25 square kilometers.  Not a biodome.. just habitable area.   I'm not picking up any energy readings, and no life signs.."

Lahr looked over to Ruth and the recently arrived Jyur to confirm his interpretation.


"Basically what Lahr says, a rock, covered in poison gases, Osmium tetroxide mostly, danger there is the solid is highly volatile. Small habitable area about 15, maybe 16 miles across near the equator. Can't see any lifesigns, bio signs or anything.... Lahr, any other way to check for bio signs that I'm not thinking of? Lt. Jyur, can you be seeing if you can get a reading on what the rock itself is, please."

Before the El-Aurian could ever finish his thought, the Bridge erupted into spontaneous and unexpected chaos. As to be expected, of course. Reports flew left and right, and Jettis was left standing, kind of helpless amongst all the information. Folding his hands again, he tried to focus on as many conversations as he could, take in as much information about their situation as he could.

When Sigurdsdottir called upon him again, his eyes snapped to her, with a quick nod. "Yes ma'am," he responded striding over and taking up his place at the Science station. Wracking his brain for what to target, he set up a general scan for any known organic rock. Mulling over the current information in his head, he wasn't given very long to focus on that either. Swiveling, he looked with a bit of surprise at the First Officer.


=/\= Lieutenant Wessex. Grab Mister Nari and two other officers and gear up in full combat kit. Draw out an extra phaser for myself and meet me in Transporter Room One in five minutes. Briggs out. =/\=

As he stood, he turned toward the science station. "Commander Sigurdsdottir......I'm gonna steal your assistant. Mister Jyur. You're with me." he said.

"Yes, sir." He responded, shooting a look at  Ruth. "Sorry. The scan should be completed shortly." With that short report, he waited for any response, before turning to join Briggs. Stepping onto the turbolift, he nodded to the man opposite him. Dipping his head a bit, he tried to avoid eye contact, while also being subtle that he was avoiding eye-contact. It was most likely a failed attempt. "Do we have any idea what we're going up against?" The question wasn't accusatory, or said in any particular inflection. Just an honest curiosity, and perhaps general sense of self preservation. Nevertheless, Jyur followed the XO towards the transporter room, alternating between glancing at him, and looking straight ahead. "I don't much face teleporting celestial bodies."

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was no response to the message T'Kel sent, which left Ian somewhat annoyed as it meant he could play no part in whatever was going on. This was the part of being in command he hated the most, the inability to be at the point of the spear to see and know how to act. As Ian grumbled, Kyle and the rest of the away team got suited up and beamed down.

[Unknown 'Big, Red Planet Larn System]

Once the transporter cycle completed, the away team found themselves in the middle of a desert strewn liberally with rocks and scrub. The sun blazed down from a bright blue sky. There were some buildings, shimmering in the heat that were no more than a kilometer away. However, before they could decide what to do, the away team immediately discovered that while they still had their tricorders and commbadges none of their weapons or armor, completed the transport, leaving them unarmed.

Mondo'li Nari

USS Challenger - Armory

Mondo, Wessex, and three other security personnel had just sealed their environmental suits when the call came in.

=/\= Lieutenant Wessex. Grab Mister Nari and two other officers and gear up in full combat kit. Draw out an extra phaser for myself and meet me in Transporter Room One in five minutes. Briggs out. =/\=

Mondo touched one of the Security crewmen on the shoulder, shaking his head.  They had anticipated this call ever since the mysterious red planet had materialized in their vicinity.  But there had been no way to know how many would be called into action.  Crewman Vizetti shrugged and began getting undressed.

After Wessex made his reply, Mondo grabbed one last photon grenade before the four of them headed out towards the transporter room, in full tactical array.

The Impossible Desert - The Impossible World

As the transporter beam deposited them, and Mondo felt the warm breeze on his skin, it became immediately apparent that something was wrong.  He turned, surveying the other members of the team.  It was the same for all of them.

They'd been stripped of all means to protect themselves.

"Someone must have intercepted our transporter beam... stripped us of weapons and armor."  The Hupyrian spoke, frowning slightly, "But anyone capable of such a thing could have more easily simply killed us."

That was some small comfort, at least.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (near the Romulan border)

Quote from: Bianca Lightoller on February 04, 2021, 07:30:40 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"How do you do," Bianca answered in kind. She was happy to accept an invitation into the science area, but she dared not touch any instruments that she wasn't qualified for. The weird red planet had popped up just before Bianca was ready to ask questions, so she did little more than offer a friendly shrug and watching the rest of the bridge with curious interest.

Ruth's crazy quip got Bianca to make a cute snort."Well darn, I was this close to pulling out the prescription pad," she teased back.

Lahr glanced over towards the counselor at Ruth's self-assertion that she wasn't crazy.  Ruth was quirky - there was no denying that.  It was part of what he liked about her.  She was very unpredictable.  But given her recent aggressive holodeck hobbies he worried that the counselor was perceptive enough to read more into the comment.   His antenna writhed a bit in concern until the Doc teased Ruth back.

The Andorian turned his attention back to his duties - namely watching the sensors for any sign of their mysterious host - or the Romulans.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 04, 2021, 04:39:38 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Lahr spoke as he had brought up couple valid points.

"Kyle, make that you, a science officer and four security with full combat kit. As soon as you depart, we will raise shields in case our Romulan pest is capable of payin' a visit."

Ian then spoke to T'Kel.

"Lieutenant, send the followin' reply... 'We greet you in peace. Is it possible to talk via video link?'"

He then spoke to Lahr.

"Very good suggestion Mister ch'Verret. No reason we can't be polite."

The Captain's acknowledgement of his suggestion felt good.   To the Andorian, praise seemed to come less often ever since he'd 'talked back' to the Captain following his being singled out for not mentioning that one freighter... during the mission at Zindi Moran.   For Lahr, who thrived on attention, the lack of it was demotivating, so to have it back even momentarily brought a bit of a perk to his day.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 05, 2021, 11:53:51 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was no response to the message T'Kel sent, which left Ian somewhat annoyed as it meant he could play no part in whatever was going on. This was the part of being in command he hated the most, the inability to be at the point of the spear to see and know how to act. As Ian grumbled, Kyle and the rest of the away team got suited up and beamed down.

[Unknown 'Big, Red Planet Larn System]

Once the transporter cycle completed, the away team found themselves in the middle of a desert strewn liberally with rocks and scrub. The sun blazed down from a bright blue sky. There were some buildings, shimmering in the heat that were no more than a kilometer away. However, before they could decide what to do, the away team immediately discovered that while they still had their tricorders and commbadges none of their weapons or armor, completed the transport, leaving them unarmed.

From the Challengers' side of the transport, the transport error was almost immediate.  All weapons, EVA suit and armor had been left on the pad, mysteriously after the completion of the transport.   Grelek, who was manning the station this shift, looked over his settings.  No, the Bio only filter hadn't been engaged on his end.

The Vulcan opened an internal comm channel. "Transporter Room one to the Bridge.  Transport was initiated successfully.  However, something on the receiving end blocked their weapons and armor, sir."  The news was delivered calmly and without any emotional overtone.

Lahr, hearing this checked his sensor readings.   Yep, 5 life signs located in a cluster within the habitable zone.

"Sensors confirm that they have arrived on the planet.  Still no other life signs."  he offered out he though no one asked.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Unknown, Big, Red, Planet - Larn System]

Looking and scanning in all directions, the only thing other than desert within range was the small settlement. Any thoughts of swinging around to the far side of the town for reconnaissance or another purpose quickly found that the landscape "shifted" for a lack of a better term to keep the settlement directly in front of the away team. This happened even if only one member of the team tried to go a different way.

Unable to move in any other direction or contact the ship, the only option was to take the one direction available. Approaching the settlement cautiously, the away team reached the outermost building and could see a sign post next to the single dusty track leading into the town. The sign read: "œWelcome to Gothos City. Pop. 200." Below that, someone had crossed out the 200 with red paint and written in 197.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 05, 2021, 01:52:36 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (near the Romulan border)

Lahr glanced over towards the counselor at Ruth's self-assertion that she wasn't crazy.  Ruth was quirky - there was no denying that.  It was part of what he liked about her.  She was very unpredictable.  But given her recent aggressive holodeck hobbies he worried that the counselor was perceptive enough to read more into the comment.   His antenna writhed a bit in concern until the Doc teased Ruth back.

The Andorian turned his attention back to his duties - namely watching the sensors for any sign of their mysterious host - or the Romulans.

The Captain's acknowledgement of his suggestion felt good.   To the Andorian, praise seemed to come less often ever since he'd 'talked back' to the Captain following his being singled out for not mentioning that one freighter... during the mission at Zindi Moran.   For Lahr, who thrived on attention, the lack of it was demotivating, so to have it back even momentarily brought a bit of a perk to his day.

From the Challengers' side of the transport, the transport error was almost immediate.  All weapons, EVA suit and armor had been left on the pad, mysteriously after the completion of the transport.   Grelek, who was manning the station this shift, looked over his settings.  No, the Bio only filter hadn't been engaged on his end.

The Vulcan opened an internal comm channel. "Transporter Room one to the Bridge.  Transport was initiated successfully.  However, something on the receiving end blocked their weapons and armor, sir."  The news was delivered calmly and with any emotional overtone.

Lahr, hearing this checked his sensor readings.   Yep, 5 life signs located in a cluster within the habitable zone.

"Sensors confirm that they have arrived on the planet.  Still no other life signs."  he offered out he though no one asked.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

After Lahr made his report, Lieutenant T'Kel had more disturbing news to relay to the captain.

"Sir, while I do have a solid lock on their commbadges and can track their movements, I am unable to open a channel to them to communicate. Furthermore, the transporter room reports they cannot achieve a lock to beam them back up."

Ian sighed as he acknowledged T'Kel.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I suppose it was too much ta ask for that summat function correctly when you are dealin' with a planet that can appear out of no where."

Ian then turned to face Lahr at Ops.

"Any sign of the Romulans?"

Kyle Briggs

[Unknown 'Big, Red Planet Larn System]

The first thing Kyle noticed when the away team materialized on the planet, was the difference in the way he felt with no weapon. He immediately reached for where it should have been.


"Someone must have intercepted our transporter beam... stripped us of weapons and armor."  The Hupyrian spoke, frowning slightly, "But anyone capable of such a thing could have more easily simply killed us."

"I guess that's a plus on our side." Kyle replied as he looked around. The sun was beating down on them so Kyle wasn't positive if the buildings he was seeing were a mirage or not. "Anyone else see those structures over there?" he asked.

They tried circling around to the side of them but it always seemed as if the buildings moved with them. After a while, Kyle called it. "Screw this." he finally said. "We're just gonna head into town. Mister Nari. Will you take the lead please?"

Gothos City
Population: 200

"That can not be a good thing." Kyle muttered as they approached the edge of town and saw the sign that welcomed them. "Mister Jyur. Make sure you stay in the center of the detail." he told science officer. "Let's see what else we come across, folks. Charlie Mike." They cautiously began entering the town.

Paul Wessex

The weight of past events wore heavily on Paul. Try as he might, he couldn't get the vision of the devastation of Trellion out of his mind. That small child, soot cleared from streaks of tears down its scalded cheeks, reaching up to him, would forever haunt his memories. It had been less than 6 months as an active, service officer in StarFleet, and already he wanted to dive beneath the waves and leave the wider galaxy far behind.

But folding the face of adversity was not something in his nature. If he could make a difference out here, then he'd continue to do so. So, when the alert sounded, Paul closed his book and reapplied the smile that had, of late, been compromised, before - in short order - grabbing an update to current situation, delving into his uniform, and tapping his combadge to PO Nari mid-way with struggling into a boot. Considering the unknown nature of the planet that had appeared, he was pleased to note that his suggestion to the Hupyrian about donning EVA suits as a precaution had already been on the Petty Officer's mind.

As they all materialised, it became quite clear these precautions found themselves unnecessary. Not because the concerns of danger had proven itself moot, but because either there had been a terrible malfunction in the transporter's safety function in removing undesired items during transport (usually in the other direction to ensure weapons were not brought aboard) or his malaise had taken a terrible turn, and he was now misremembering key events such as getting into an EVA suit. Involuntarily, he held his breath out of some deep-buried reflex from being in NavPat diving suits, before Mondo commented sensibly beside him. Paul looked around, while patting himself for any indication of remaining items upon his person. None. "They still may, Mister Nari"  he replied, cautiously. Paul wasn't being cynical for the sake of it- the galaxy was full of those who revelled in the thrill of a hunt. "Perhaps they prefer a more hands-on approach. Hands-on, and unfairly bias in their favour." Paul looked to Briggs as the First Officer spoke, nodding his agreement as the Petty Officer was tasked to take the lead towards the town which had some ominous population revisions on its signage. The large security chap was certainly best suited to reconnoitre- his service record spoke of volumes of combat experience. Paul supposed his own experiences would be of use at some point soon.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 05, 2021, 08:28:37 PM

[Unknown 'Big, Red Planet Larn System]

The first thing Kyle noticed when the away team materialized on the planet, was the difference in the way he felt with no weapon. He immediately reached for where it should have been.

"I guess that's a plus on our side." Kyle replied as he looked around. The sun was beating down on them so Kyle wasn't positive if the buildings he was seeing were a mirage or not. "Anyone else see those structures over there?" he asked.

They tried circling around to the side of them but it always seemed as if the buildings moved with them. After a while, Kyle called it. "Screw this." he finally said. "We're just gonna head into town. Mister Nari. Will you take the lead please?"

Gothos City
Population: 200

"That can not be a good thing." Kyle muttered as they approached the edge of town and saw the sign that welcomed them. "Mister Jyur. Make sure you stay in the center of the detail." he told science officer. "Let's see what else we come across, folks. Charlie Mike." They cautiously began entering the town.

[Unknown 'Big, Red Planet Larn System]

Gothos City proved to consists of about three dozen or so wooden buildings centered around a dusty main street. The first building encountered on entering the town boasted a faded sign that said "Flynn's Gunsmithy". On the wooded side walk sitting outside on a rickety chair was a wizened old man with white hair and wearing a large battered wide brimmed hat.

"Welcome to Gothos City strangers. If you don't mind me sayin', your lookin' a might worse fer wear from where ever you came from. Between you and me, these here parts ain't safe to wander around in unarmed. Could I interest you in some right fine shootin' irons?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was not in a good mood. The away team wasn't answering hails, the transporters were no longer functioning in the exact same way that the engines and weapons didn't work, and to top it off, since they couldn't move, they couldn't detect the Romulan warbird. Whether it was cloaked, stuck on the other side of the rogue planet, or gone was unknown.

The most infuriating part of the situation was no one could explain why the weapons, engines, or transporters weren't working. Neither Dashlish in Engineering or Ruth at Science could explain why the Challenger's systems weren't functioning. Thorough diagnostics and physical checks found nothing wrong with any of the circuitry or any of the components of the affected systems. All the ship's power generating systems were fully operational, and according to every method of checking, was flowing to where it was supposed to go, but the systems just weren't receiving the power.

"Perhaps, weren't lookin' at the wrong solution." Ian said after some thought. "Commander, head down ta the shuttlebay and see if'n the Mjolnir or one of the shuttles are operational. If'n they are, then just bloody fly down and recover the away team."

Mondo'li Nari

The Impossible Planet - The Impossible Town

Mondo glanced to Wessex, and then nodded, "Yes, Sir."

Taking point without a weapon made the tall Hupyrian feel more like a physical barrier to harm, like a wall, rather than someone who had any hope of actually countering danger.  However, he quickly shook off the sensation.  He could, in fact, hope to overpower a wide variety of wilderness creature, as well as any unarmed sentients who wished to pummel the party with their bare hands.  He was more than just a large target.

When they came to the town sign- oddly written in Standard- Mondo was alarmed to see that the town population had decreased, rather than increased, lately.  There were many reasons this could be that were not nefarious, but the red paint brought only the sinister ones to mind.

"The structures seem simple, largely organic.  I have not seen many trees.  I presume the lumber was imported from elsewhere.  This implies either a trade network or a replication facility."  Mondo tried to make useful observations as he scanned the area for threats.  Perhaps naturally for a Hupyrian raised in the presence of Ferengi, his first observations were economic.

When a person hailed them, Mondo interposed himself between them and the rest of the party.

Human.  Or at least a near-identical humanoid species.

"Shooting-iron?" Mondo asked, "Is that some sort of weapon?"

He glanced back at the rest of the landing team, then returned his attention to the man speaking.  "What does this place use for trade?  Currency?"

You could take the Hupyrian from Ferenginar, but you couldn't take Ferenginar from the Hupyrian.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 06, 2021, 02:31:05 PM

The Impossible Planet - The Impossible Town

Mondo glanced to Wessex, and then nodded, "Yes, Sir."

Taking point without a weapon made the tall Hupyrian feel more like a physical barrier to harm, like a wall, rather than someone who had any hope of actually countering danger.  However, he quickly shook off the sensation.  He could, in fact, hope to overpower a wide variety of wilderness creature, as well as any unarmed sentients who wished to pummel the party with their bare hands.  He was more than just a large target.

When they came to the town sign- oddly written in Standard- Mondo was alarmed to see that the town population had decreased, rather than increased, lately.  There were many reasons this could be that were not nefarious, but the red paint brought only the sinister ones to mind.

"The structures seem simple, largely organic.  I have not seen many trees.  I presume the lumber was imported from elsewhere.  This implies either a trade network or a replication facility."  Mondo tried to make useful observations as he scanned the area for threats.  Perhaps naturally for a Hupyrian raised in the presence of Ferengi, his first observations were economic.

When a person hailed them, Mondo interposed himself between them and the rest of the party.

Human.  Or at least a near-identical humanoid species.

"Shooting-iron?" Mondo asked, "Is that some sort of weapon?"

He glanced back at the rest of the landing team, then returned his attention to the man speaking.  "What does this place use for trade?  Currency?"

You could take the Hupyrian from Ferenginar, but you couldn't take Ferenginar from the Hupyrian.

[Unknown 'Big, Red Planet - Larn System]

The old man cocked his head to one side as Mondo replied and then chuckled as he replied.

"Y'all aren't from around these parts ain't ya? Shootin' irons, is guns big fellah. Colt forty-five Peacemakers, best six-shooter ever made. As fer what kind of currency, well course we use dollars. Good ole, Yankee dollars, prefer gold coins, but if all ya got is greenbacks, then those will do just fine.

"I'll tell you what, see y'all is clearly greenhorns, I'll cut you a deal. One pistol, a holster and 100 hundert rounds of ammunition fer fifty dollars. Can't beat that price no where son. What do ya say?"

Mondo had no idea if the offer was a good bargain or not as he lacked the historical context to understand half of what the old man said. One thing Mondo did know what regardless of the merits of his offer, it wasn't like he had any currency on him anyway. Even if the Federation used money, he would have never brought any coins with him because they would make noise.

Well, that was until his hand happened to brush against his trousers and he heard an unfamiliar clink of metal. Looking down at his Starfleet under tunic he'd put on beneath his armor, he saw that he now had pockets, something not normally part of the regulation under tunic. In addition to the pockets, he found he had exactly fifty dollars worth of gold coins in those unexplained pockets. As it happened, the entire away team now had unexplained pockets and an equally unexplained fifty dollars in gold coins.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Bianca Lightoller on February 04, 2021, 07:30:40 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"How do you do," Bianca answered in kind. She was happy to accept an invitation into the science area, but she dared not touch any instruments that she wasn't qualified for. The weird red planet had popped up just before Bianca was ready to ask questions, so she did little more than offer a friendly shrug and watching the rest of the bridge with curious interest.

Ruth's crazy quip got Bianca to make a cute snort."Well darn, I was this close to pulling out the prescription pad," she teased back.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Faaaaar too late for that!" Ruth grinned, warming to this counsellor, she understood when she was teasing.  "I think Judy Eastman probably has a classified file on me by now!  If you would like I can show you what some of these do." the CSO said with a nod at the Science controls.  While she was aware the counsellor was there in an official capacity there was nothing to say she couldn't be friendly.  After all, Lisa was her doctor and she was friends with her and Jess!

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 04, 2021, 11:02:28 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied as he reached for the comms.

=/\= Lieutenant Wessex. Grab Mister Nari and two other officers and gear up in full combat kit. Draw out an extra phaser for myself and meet me in Transporter Room One in five minutes. Briggs out. =/\=

As he stood, he turned toward the science station. "Commander Sigurdsdottir......I'm gonna steal your assistant. Mister Jyur. You're with me." he said.

He made his way to the lift and waited for the young science officer to join him.

"Oh, that's right, I get a minion and he's stolen from me straight away!" she chuckled.  "Be good Mister Jyur!, Look after our lovely XO and be the best boffin you can be!"

Turning back to Bianca she said "Most people fit in quickly here if they can understand when the Captain, XO, me and Lahr are joking, I think Mr. Jyur is going to do just that! I should explain too, that Mr. Briggs and I go way back...we're like family, and tease each other in the exact same way!" she said with a smile in the direction of the Lieutenant and XO, giving a little explanation just in case the young woman beside her thought she was being insubordinate in her speech.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 05, 2021, 03:17:56 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Standing with his hands folded behind is back, he  furrowed his brow as the Commander pulled up the puzzling charts, in comparison to the sensors readings. A seemingly missed, or skipped planet? Or other body, right in the heart of the system. Blue eyes swept frantically back and forth between the two, before bringing his hand to his chin and glancing back at his superior officer.

"Well, I didn't focus on Cartography, but I've had the opportunity among the years to practice. I can fully assure you that," He jabbed a finger towards the charts, accusingly, "was definitely not there. But it could be a simple Cartography error, it--"

Before the El-Aurian could ever finish his thought, the Bridge erupted into spontaneous and unexpected chaos. As to be expected, of course. Reports flew left and right, and Jettis was left standing, kind of helpless amongst all the information. Folding his hands again, he tried to focus on as many conversations as he could, take in as much information about their situation as he could.

When Sigurdsdottir called upon him again, his eyes snapped to her, with a quick nod. "Yes ma'am," he responded striding over and taking up his place at the Science station. Wracking his brain for what to target, he set up a general scan for any known organic rock. Mulling over the current information in his head, he wasn't given very long to focus on that either. Swiveling, he looked with a bit of surprise at the First Officer.

"Yes, sir." He responded, shooting a look at  Ruth. "Sorry. The scan should be completed shortly." With that short report, he waited for any response, before turning to join Briggs. Stepping onto the turbolift, he nodded to the man opposite him. Dipping his head a bit, he tried to avoid eye contact, while also being subtle that he was avoiding eye-contact. It was most likely a failed attempt. "Do we have any idea what we're going up against?" The question wasn't accusatory, or said in any particular inflection. Just an honest curiosity, and perhaps general sense of self preservation. Nevertheless, Jyur followed the XO towards the transporter room, alternating between glancing at him, and looking straight ahead. "I don't much face teleporting celestial bodies."

Ruth nodded and waved him away "Duty calls, you must respond.  Be safe, please.  I've lost enough good people."  The last was said with just a slight quaver in her voice, it might be enough for the counsellor to pick up on and make the connection with the recent events but if Ms Lightoller had read her file, she'd know there were far more events that she'd had to 'preside' over and loved ones lost, not least her husband Will Waring.
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 05, 2021, 01:52:36 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (near the Romulan border)

Lahr glanced over towards the counselor at Ruth's self-assertion that she wasn't crazy.  Ruth was quirky - there was no denying that.  It was part of what he liked about her.  She was very unpredictable.  But given her recent aggressive holodeck hobbies he worried that the counselor was perceptive enough to read more into the comment.   His antenna writhed a bit in concern until the Doc teased Ruth back.

The Andorian turned his attention back to his duties - namely watching the sensors for any sign of their mysterious host - or the Romulans.

The Captain's acknowledgement of his suggestion felt good.   To the Andorian, praise seemed to come less often ever since he'd 'talked back' to the Captain following his being singled out for not mentioning that one freighter... during the mission at Zindi Moran.   For Lahr, who thrived on attention, the lack of it was demotivating, so to have it back even momentarily brought a bit of a perk to his day.

From the Challengers' side of the transport, the transport error was almost immediate.  All weapons, EVA suit and armor had been left on the pad, mysteriously after the completion of the transport.   Grelek, who was manning the station this shift, looked over his settings.  No, the Bio only filter hadn't been engaged on his end.

The Vulcan opened an internal comm channel. "Transporter Room one to the Bridge.  Transport was initiated successfully.  However, something on the receiving end blocked their weapons and armor, sir."  The news was delivered calmly and without any emotional overtone.

Lahr, hearing this checked his sensor readings.   Yep, 5 life signs located in a cluster within the habitable zone.

"Sensors confirm that they have arrived on the planet.  Still no other life signs."  he offered out he though no one asked.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 06, 2021, 11:03:38 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was not in a good mood. The away team wasn't answering hails, the transporters were no longer functioning in the exact same way that the engines and weapons didn't work, and to top it off, since they couldn't move, they couldn't detect the Romulan warbird. Whether it was cloaked, stuck on the other side of the rogue planet, or gone was unknown.

The most infuriating part of the situation was no one could explain why the weapons, engines, or transporters weren't working. Neither Dashlish in Engineering or Ruth at Science could explain why the Challenger's systems weren't functioning. Thorough diagnostics and physical checks found nothing wrong with any of the circuitry or any of the components of the affected systems. All the ship's power generating systems were fully operational, and according to every method of checking, was flowing to where it was supposed to go, but the systems just weren't receiving the power.

"Perhaps, weren't lookin' at the wrong solution." Ian said after some thought. "Commander, head down ta the shuttlebay and see if'n the Mjolnir or one of the shuttles are operational. If'n they are, then just bloody fly down and recover the away team."

"Sir, regarding the Romulan Warbird, I could try some... unconventional ways of detecting.  Echolocation, possibly... they probably wouldn't be expecting, they probably already know we are here, I'm also looking at Lt. Jyur's scan which should be completed soon but it's stuck on 72%, I'm trying to find anything that would hamper our transporters and knock the comms out coincidentally, naturally call it what you will, but it is more likely that it was done deliberately..." Ruth said with a wry look.

"Anyone Irish here? We need a bit of luck... or highly religious, a bit of divine intervention would help."

She was suddenly feeling a bit lonely even surrounded by everyone on the Bridge, just longing for a cuddle off Lahr.  She sent a quick message to his console.  It just read 'Smile...someone loves ya!  Might even be Capt. Galloway today!!'

In some surprise she looked at Ian.  "May I take some back up?  How are you with a phaser, Counsellor, fancy a ride?" She knew that the Mjolnir took a maximum of 6 so she would have to either go on her own or take a Type 8 if she wanted to take someone with her.  She secretly begged Lahr to want to come with her but someone bright blue would be hard to explain not knowing what people they would find down there if they found anyone...although someone would probably have to stay back with the shuttlecraft, so he could stay out of sight.  With that in mind she phrased her next comment to give him time to say he wanted in on it if he did.

"I'll take the McAuliffe... and leave in 10 mins, if you decide that someone should come with me, or the counsellor has permission to come with me then that gives me time to prep the craft, Captain. Want me to swing round the planet and look for the warbird while I'm at it or see if the shuttle's scanners can find her anyhow, I'm not that much of a Beserker, I promise."

She gave a look to Lahr as she stood to go to the Turbolift, willing him to make an excuse to come to the Shuttlebay at least.  The normally feisty redhead wasn't feeling at all confident being in a craft, it was perhaps a good thing that with her as pilot, Kyle, Mondo, Wessex, 2 other security personnel and Lt. Jyur that made 6, which would fit in the Mjolnir just.  However, much as she loved the flyer, she wasn't ready to get behind those controls just yet after Trellion.  That as much as anything, as well as taking someone with her so that if the terrors of that event got to her she at least had someone to talk to, to talk her thru it, in deciding to take the McAuliffe.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 06, 2021, 06:57:33 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Faaaaar too late for that!" Ruth grinned, warming to this counsellor, she understood when she was teasing.  "I think Judy Eastman probably has a classified file on me by now!  If you would like I can show you what some of these do." the CSO said with a nod at the Science controls.  While she was aware the counsellor was there in an official capacity there was nothing to say she couldn't be friendly.  After all, Lisa was her doctor and she was friends with her and Jess!

"Oh, that's right, I get a minion and he's stolen from me straight away!" she chuckled.  "Be good Mister Jyur!, Look after our lovely XO and be the best boffin you can be!"

Turning back to Bianca she said "Most people fit in quickly here if they can understand when the Captain, XO, me and Lahr are joking, I think Mr. Jyur is going to do just that! I should explain too, that Mr. Briggs and I go way back...we're like family, and tease each other in the exact same way!" she said with a smile in the direction of the Lieutenant and XO, giving a little explanation just in case the young woman beside her thought she was being insubordinate in her speech.

Ruth nodded and waved him away "Duty calls, you must respond.  Be safe, please.  I've lost enough good people."  The last was said with just a slight quaver in her voice, it might be enough for the counsellor to pick up on and make the connection with the recent events but if Ms Lightoller had read her file, she'd know there were far more events that she'd had to 'preside' over and loved ones lost, not least her husband Will Waring.

Lahr gave a slight amused snort at Ruth's reply - almost brag - to the counselor about her file with Dr. Eastman.  He'd forgotten that Ruth knew and has sessions with the aging Jewish counselor.  So much for him trying to keep her safe from having her activities picked apart.  Oh but hadn't he heard that Eastman retired?
Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 05, 2021, 02:14:19 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

After Lahr made his report, Lieutenant T'Kel had more disturbing news to relay to the captain.

"Sir, while I do have a solid lock on their commbadges and can track their movements, I am unable to open a channel to them to communicate. Furthermore, the transporter room reports they cannot achieve a lock to beam them back up."

Ian sighed as he acknowledged T'Kel.

"Thank you Lieutenant. I suppose it was too much ta ask for that summat function correctly when you are dealin' with a planet that can appear out of no where."

Ian then turned to face Lahr at Ops.

"Any sign of the Romulans?"

Lahr looked up from console and turned to answer the Captain.  "No sir.  Nothing on sensors.  It might be that they are as crippled as we are but I'd be hesitant to rely on that.  So I'll keep searching.."
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 06, 2021, 06:57:33 PM

"Sir, regarding the Romulan Warbird, I could try some... unconventional ways of detecting.  Echolocation, possibly... they probably wouldn't be expecting, they probably already know we are here, I'm also looking at Lt. Jyur's scan which should be completed soon but it's stuck on 72%, I'm trying to find anything that would hamper our transporters and knock the comms out coincidentally, naturally call it what you will, but it is more likely that it was done deliberately..." Ruth said with a wry look.

"Anyone Irish here? We need a bit of luck... or highly religious, a bit of divine intervention would help."

She was suddenly feeling a bit lonely even surrounded by everyone on the Bridge, just longing for a cuddle off Lahr.  She sent a quick message to his console.  It just read 'Smile...someone loves ya!  Might even be Capt. Galloway today!!'

Ruth's suggested means of finding the Romulan's was met with a glance over towards her and a nod.   "I'll give that a try b-... Commander.". Lahr's antenna writhed a bit in embarrassment at his near slip.  He turned back to his console to begin trying the echolocation method she'd suggested.  He was only partway throught the process of setting it up, since from where they were it would require bouncing a signal off passing astronomical entities, which there was an unsurprising lack of in the Larn system, when a message from Ruth came through on his console.  Thinking it was work related, maybe even an echolocation program ready-made for him, he opened it up.  The cheery and upbeat message was unexpected.. and appreciated.  He looked over to Ruth and gave her smile.

He'd have to do something special for her after all this was resolved.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 06, 2021, 11:03:38 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was not in a good mood. The away team wasn't answering hails, the transporters were no longer functioning in the exact same way that the engines and weapons didn't work, and to top it off, since they couldn't move, they couldn't detect the Romulan warbird. Whether it was cloaked, stuck on the other side of the rogue planet, or gone was unknown.

The most infuriating part of the situation was no one could explain why the weapons, engines, or transporters weren't working. Neither Dashlish in Engineering or Ruth at Science could explain why the Challenger's systems weren't functioning. Thorough diagnostics and physical checks found nothing wrong with any of the circuitry or any of the components of the affected systems. All the ship's power generating systems were fully operational, and according to every method of checking, was flowing to where it was supposed to go, but the systems just weren't receiving the power.

"Perhaps, weren't lookin' at the wrong solution." Ian said after some thought. "Commander, head down ta the shuttlebay and see if'n the Mjolnir or one of the shuttles are operational. If'n they are, then just bloody fly down and recover the away team."

Lahr's antenna twitched as the Captain called on Ruth to possibly fly down to the planet to retrieve the away team.   He wanted to suggest such a task was better suited to someone expendable (hell he'd go himself if it meant keeping Ruth safe) and not the Commander, but knew that such an unasked for opinion would not be appreciated.

The Andorian silently hoped the Delta-flyer's engines were just as inoperable as the Challenger's right now.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 06, 2021, 06:57:33 PM

In some surprise she looked at Ian.  "May I take some back up?  How are you with a phaser, Counsellor, fancy a ride?" She knew that the Mjolnir took a maximum of 6 so she would have to either go on her own or take a Type 8 if she wanted to take someone with her.  She secretly begged Lahr to want to come with her but someone bright blue would be hard to explain not knowing what people they would find down there if they found anyone...although someone would probably have to stay back with the shuttlecraft, so he could stay out of sight.  With that in mind she phrased her next comment to give him time to say he wanted in on it if he did.

"I'll take the McAuliffe... and leave in 10 mins, if you decide that someone should come with me, or the counsellor has permission to come with me then that gives me time to prep the craft, Captain. Want me to swing round the planet and look for the warbird while I'm at it or see if the shuttle's scanners can find her anyhow, I'm not that much of a Beserker, I promise."

She gave a look to Lahr as she stood to go to the Turbolift, willing him to make an excuse to come to the Shuttlebay at least.  The normally feisty redhead wasn't feeling at all confident being in a craft, it was perhaps a good thing that with her as pilot, Kyle, Mondo, Wessex, 2 other security personnel and Lt. Jyur that made 6, which would fit in the Mjolnir just.  However, much as she loved the flyer, she wasn't ready to get behind those controls just yet after Trellion.  That as much as anything, as well as taking someone with her so that if the terrors of that event got to her she at least had someone to talk to, to talk her thru it, in deciding to take the McAuliffe.

Lahr watched with trepidation as Ruth acknowledged the orders but surprisingly rather than simply take the Mjolnir, like ordered, she was suggesting to take the McAuliffe (and the counselor!?).  Something was off.    Then she suggested taking a look around the other side of the planet to possibly locate the Romulan ship.

The Andorian's antenna telegraphed his concern as they began a slow writhe - synonymous to a person wringing their hands in worry.  The last straw was the look she gave him as she made her way to the turbolift.

Lahr looked to the Captain.  "Sir, permission to assist the Commander.  I'm finding no sign of the Romulan's from where I am presently - the echolocation method and our usual scans will work best with a line of sight that I currently don't have."

He hoped that would justify his addition to the shuttle mission.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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