S4: E9 - The Sheriff of Gothos

Started by Ian Galloway, February 02, 2021, 12:45:37 PM

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Bianca Lightoller

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 06, 2021, 06:57:33 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Faaaaar too late for that!" Ruth grinned, warming to this counsellor, she understood when she was teasing.  "I think Judy Eastman probably has a classified file on me by now!  If you would like I can show you what some of these do." the CSO said with a nod at the Science controls.  While she was aware the counsellor was there in an official capacity there was nothing to say she couldn't be friendly.  After all, Lisa was her doctor and she was friends with her and Jess!

"Oh, that's right, I get a minion and he's stolen from me straight away!" she chuckled.  "Be good Mister Jyur!, Look after our lovely XO and be the best boffin you can be!"

Turning back to Bianca she said "Most people fit in quickly here if they can understand when the Captain, XO, me and Lahr are joking, I think Mr. Jyur is going to do just that! I should explain too, that Mr. Briggs and I go way back...we're like family, and tease each other in the exact same way!" she said with a smile in the direction of the Lieutenant and XO, giving a little explanation just in case the young woman beside her thought she was being insubordinate in her speech.

Despite the weirdness of this ongoing mission, Bianca hummed playfully. "There's no need for explanation, Commander. Rapport builds into stronger friendships." Or perhaps, she was worried she overstepped her bounds. Unless she suddenly wanted a Klingon cage match with another officer, there was little for Bianca to intervene on the bridge.

Ruth nodded and waved him away "Duty calls, you must respond.  Be safe, please.  I've lost enough good people."  The last was said with just a slight quaver in her voice, it might be enough for the counsellor to pick up on and make the connection with the recent events but if Ms Lightoller had read her file, she'd know there were far more events that she'd had to 'preside' over and loved ones lost, not least her husband Will Waring.

"Sir, regarding the Romulan Warbird, I could try some... unconventional ways of detecting.  Echolocation, possibly... they probably wouldn't be expecting, they probably already know we are here, I'm also looking at Lt. Jyur's scan which should be completed soon but it's stuck on 72%, I'm trying to find anything that would hamper our transporters and knock the comms out coincidentally, naturally call it what you will, but it is more likely that it was done deliberately..." Ruth said with a wry look.

"Anyone Irish here? We need a bit of luck... or highly religious, a bit of divine intervention would help."

She was suddenly feeling a bit lonely even surrounded by everyone on the Bridge, just longing for a cuddle off Lahr.  She sent a quick message to his console.  It just read 'Smile...someone loves ya!  Might even be Capt. Galloway today!!'

In some surprise she looked at Ian.  "May I take some back up?  How are you with a phaser, Counsellor, fancy a ride?" She knew that the Mjolnir took a maximum of 6 so she would have to either go on her own or take a Type 8 if she wanted to take someone with her.  She secretly begged Lahr to want to come with her but someone bright blue would be hard to explain not knowing what people they would find down there if they found anyone...although someone would probably have to stay back with the shuttlecraft, so he could stay out of sight.  With that in mind she phrased her next comment to give him time to say he wanted in on it if he did.

"I'll take the McAuliffe... and leave in 10 mins, if you decide that someone should come with me, or the counsellor has permission to come with me then that gives me time to prep the craft, Captain. Want me to swing round the planet and look for the warbird while I'm at it or see if the shuttle's scanners can find her anyhow, I'm not that much of a Beserker, I promise."

She gave a look to Lahr as she stood to go to the Turbolift, willing him to make an excuse to come to the Shuttlebay at least.  The normally feisty redhead wasn't feeling at all confident being in a craft, it was perhaps a good thing that with her as pilot, Kyle, Mondo, Wessex, 2 other security personnel and Lt. Jyur that made 6, which would fit in the Mjolnir just.  However, much as she loved the flyer, she wasn't ready to get behind those controls just yet after Trellion.  That as much as anything, as well as taking someone with her so that if the terrors of that event got to her she at least had someone to talk to, to talk her thru it, in deciding to take the McAuliffe.

Sigurdsdottir was very energetic this early into shift. Bianca wondered if she was capable of maintaining that intensity throughout the entire mission. Her serene smile kept on throughout the proceedings as she slowly built a psych profile for each of them in her head. She absolutely loved people watching when she was younger and found there was plenty she could know about someone by just sitting in the sidelines.

So the offer to go off-ship made her eyebrows shoot straight into her hairline. "I beg your pardon?" Sure she knew how to use a phaser. Knowing how to defend yourself was a part of academy training. Though she certainly didn't like using it. In the end, it wasn't really up to her at all, but the captain.


"Rock bottom is not the end, but the first step up."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 06, 2021, 06:57:33 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

In some surprise she looked at Ian.  "May I take some back up?  How are you with a phaser, Counsellor, fancy a ride?" She knew that the Mjolnir took a maximum of 6 so she would have to either go on her own or take a Type 8 if she wanted to take someone with her.  She secretly begged Lahr to want to come with her but someone bright blue would be hard to explain not knowing what people they would find down there if they found anyone...although someone would probably have to stay back with the shuttlecraft, so he could stay out of sight.  With that in mind she phrased her next comment to give him time to say he wanted in on it if he did.

"I'll take the McAuliffe... and leave in 10 mins, if you decide that someone should come with me, or the counsellor has permission to come with me then that gives me time to prep the craft, Captain. Want me to swing round the planet and look for the warbird while I'm at it or see if the shuttle's scanners can find her anyhow, I'm not that much of a Beserker, I promise."

She gave a look to Lahr as she stood to go to the Turbolift, willing him to make an excuse to come to the Shuttlebay at least.  The normally feisty redhead wasn't feeling at all confident being in a craft, it was perhaps a good thing that with her as pilot, Kyle, Mondo, Wessex, 2 other security personnel and Lt. Jyur that made 6, which would fit in the Mjolnir just.  However, much as she loved the flyer, she wasn't ready to get behind those controls just yet after Trellion.  That as much as anything, as well as taking someone with her so that if the terrors of that event got to her she at least had someone to talk to, to talk her thru it, in deciding to take the McAuliffe.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 06, 2021, 08:04:45 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Lahr's antenna twitched as the Captain called on Ruth to possibly fly down to the planet to retrieve the away team.   He wanted to suggest such a task was better suited to someone expendable (hell he'd go himself if it meant keeping Ruth safe) and not the Commander, but knew that such an unasked for opinion would not be appreciated.

The Andorian silently hoped the Delta-flyer's engines were just as inoperable as the Challenger's right now.

Lahr watched with trepidation as Ruth acknowledged the orders but surprisingly rather than simply take the Mjolnir, like ordered, she was suggesting to take the McAuliffe (and the counselor!?).  Something was off.    Then she suggested taking a look around the other side of the planet to possibly locate the Romulan ship.

The Andorian's antenna telegraphed his concern as they began a slow writhe - synonymous to a person wringing their hands in worry.  The last straw was the look she gave him as she made her way to the turbolift.

Lahr looked to the Captain.  "Sir, permission to assist the Commander.  I'm finding no sign of the Romulan's from where I am presently - the echolocation method and our usual scans will work best with a line of sight that I currently don't have."

He hoped that would justify his addition to the shuttle mission.

Quote from: Bianca Lightoller on February 07, 2021, 02:31:24 AM

Despite the weirdness of this ongoing mission, Bianca hummed playfully. "There's no need for explanation, Commander. Rapport builds into stronger friendships." Or perhaps, she was worried she overstepped her bounds. Unless she suddenly wanted a Klingon cage match with another officer, there was little for Bianca to intervene on the bridge.

Sigurdsdottir was very energetic this early into shift. Bianca wondered if she was capable of maintaining that intensity throughout the entire mission. Her serene smile kept on throughout the proceedings as she slowly built a psych profile for each of them in her head. She absolutely loved people watching when she was younger and found there was plenty she could know about someone by just sitting in the sidelines.

So the offer to go off-ship made her eyebrows shoot straight into her hairline. "I beg your pardon?" Sure she knew how to use a phaser. Knowing how to defend yourself was a part of academy training. Though she certainly didn't like using it. In the end, it wasn't really up to her at all, but the captain.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Ruth mentioned bringing some one with her on the shuttle, he completely agreed as he had intended for someone from flight to go with her in the first place as pilot with her free to use the shuttle's sensors. Asking for the counselor was a surprise, Lahr asking to go was not. Ian sighed internally as this was going to be one of those times he was going to make a decision that was going to leave someone unhappy.

"Commander, I suggest you take Ensign Baktari from flight as your pilot. If'n you wish ta go Ensign Lightoller, you are welcome ta do so. Mister ch'Verret, I'm goin' ta deny your request, I need you here more than out there."

Ian knew this might end Lahr's friendship with him, he knew he was already on shaky ground with the Andorian for something he wasn't even sure about. He understood why Lahr wanted to go, he would hate to have to send Jess out on an away team and not be able to be at her side, but the ship, not the heart, had to come first.

Paul Wessex

['Gothos City']

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 06, 2021, 03:41:10 PM

The old man cocked his head to one side as Mondo replied and then chuckled as he replied.

"Y'all aren't from around these parts ain't ya? Shootin' irons, is guns big fellah. Colt forty-five Peacemakers, best six-shooter ever made. As fer what kind of currency, well course we use dollars. Good ole, Yankee dollars, prefer gold coins, but if all ya got is greenbacks, then those will do just fine.

"I'll tell you what, see y'all is clearly greenhorns, I'll cut you a deal. One pistol, a holster and 100 hundert rounds of ammunition fer fifty dollars. Can't beat that price no where son. What do ya say?"

Mondo had no idea if the offer was a good bargain or not as he lacked the historical context to understand half of what the old man said. One thing Mondo did know what regardless of the merits of his offer, it wasn't like he had any currency on him anyway. Even if the Federation used money, he would have never brought any coins with him because they would make noise.

Well, that was until his hand happened to brush against his trousers and he heard an unfamiliar clink of metal. Looking down at his Starfleet under tunic he'd put on beneath his armor, he saw that he now had pockets, something not normally part of the regulation under tunic. In addition to the pockets, he found he had exactly fifty dollars worth of gold coins in those unexplained pockets. As it happened, the entire away team now had unexplained pockets and an equally unexplained fifty dollars in gold coins.

Coming from a largely aquatic life, habitat and career alike, there was almost nowhere in the galaxy more than Paul was a proverbial fish out of water than the dusty, sandy town - calling itself a city that was clearly none of the sort - that the away team found themselves in. This sense of baffled confusion only served to escalate when approached by an elderly chap that spoke in a language that he had only the most minor of comprehension of. If he understood correctly, the gentleman was offering the sale of firearms. There was certainly something familiar about the surroundings, but he couldn't place it; certainly it was nowhere he had visited. And yet, something tugged at the strings of memory like a minnow caught on a line. Some warbling notes whistled in the back of his mind that did nothing to aid his recollection.

At the same time there was an inexplicable clink of metal somewhere, Paul turned to their compÁ¨re and smiled warmly, matching perhaps the thick climes of their location if not the dialect of the man before them. "That's very kind, sir" he began, not yet aware of his own new fortunes, "but perhaps your generosity" the word, while not conveyed as such in tone, was laced introspectively with some irony at the 'hard sell' being thrust upon them, "could be extended just a touch further to afford us with some information?" Glancing between the members of his party, he tackled the most important question - not where they were (he had the feeling they would learn nothing more than the sign outside), but something rather more pressing. "For example, against whom are we expected to defend ourselves from?"

The reduction in population numbers upon the settlement's sign was certainly as ominous as the sudden, distant shriek of some scavenger bird circling far about the ground.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 07, 2021, 11:25:41 AM

['Gothos City']

Coming from a largely aquatic life, habitat and career alike, there was almost nowhere in the galaxy more than Paul was a proverbial fish out of water than the dusty, sandy town - calling itself a city that was clearly none of the sort - that the away team found themselves in. This sense of baffled confusion only served to escalate when approached by an elderly chap that spoke in a language that he had only the most minor of comprehension of. If he understood correctly, the gentleman was offering the sale of firearms. There was certainly something familiar about the surroundings, but he couldn't place it; certainly it was nowhere he had visited. And yet, something tugged at the strings of memory like a minnow caught on a line. Some warbling notes whistled in the back of his mind that did nothing to aid his recollection.

At the same time there was an inexplicable clink of metal somewhere, Paul turned to their compÁ¨re and smiled warmly, matching perhaps the thick climes of their location if not the dialect of the man before them. "That's very kind, sir" he began, not yet aware of his own new fortunes, "but perhaps your generosity" the word, while not conveyed as such in tone, was laced introspectively with some irony at the 'hard sell' being thrust upon them, "could be extended just a touch further to afford us with some information?" Glancing between the members of his party, he tackled the most important question - not where they were (he had the feeling they would learn nothing more than the sign outside), but something rather more pressing. "For example, against whom are we expected to defend ourselves from?"

The reduction in population numbers upon the settlement's sign was certainly as ominous as the sudden, distant shriek of some scavenger bird circling far about the ground.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

If Paul was having trouble understanding the old man, it seemed like the communication issues went both ways. The old man's face scrunched up for a few moments before he may, or may not, have understood what he'd been asked.

"Why trail riff raff and other varmints what inhabits these parts. Look ain't no never mind to me if you want to wander around nekkid as a jaybird, but don't say nothin' while you is layin' in the street bleedin' about how Old Flynn didn't warn you."

He then looked at the others in the away team.

"Any of you fellahs interested in my offer? A damn fine pistol, a belt with a holster and a hunnert rounds of ammunition fer fifty dollars is a better offer than you get anywhere west of the Miss Sis Sip."

Kyle Briggs

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

After seeing Mondo produce gold coins from an unexplained pocket, Kyle check his on and indeed found that he too had the coins. Mister Wessex made at trying to retrieve some information but the old man seemed more interested in making a sale.

"We'll each take the deal." Kyle said decisicely as he held out his hand with the gold. "But I agree with my colleague here." he added with nod toward Wessex. "I think since we're buying in bulk, you can provide us with a little more information than "take it or leave it"."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 07, 2021, 05:24:25 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

After seeing Mondo produce gold coins from an unexplained pocket, Kyle check his on and indeed found that he too had the coins. Mister Wessex made at trying to retrieve some information but the old man seemed more interested in making a sale.

"We'll each take the deal." Kyle said decisicely as he held out his hand with the gold. "But I agree with my colleague here." he added with nod toward Wessex. "I think since we're buying in bulk, you can provide us with a little more information than "take it or leave it"."

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

A big smile split Flynn's face revealing he had less than half of his teeth as he replied.

"Well that sounds like a right fine trade to me young Feller Me Lad, what does you want to know? Not much goes on in these parts that I don't get wind of sooner or later. Not that there's all that much that goes on, Gothos City ain't St. Louis you know."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 07, 2021, 10:35:00 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Ruth mentioned bringing some one with her on the shuttle, he completely agreed as he had intended for someone from flight to go with her in the first place as pilot with her free to use the shuttle's sensors. Asking for the counselor was a surprise, Lahr asking to go was not. Ian sighed internally as this was going to be one of those times he was going to make a decision that was going to leave someone unhappy.

"Commander, I suggest you take Ensign Baktari from flight as your pilot. If'n you wish ta go Ensign Lightoller, you are welcome ta do so. Mister ch'Verret, I'm goin' ta deny your request, I need you here more than out there."

Ian knew this might end Lahr's friendship with him, he knew he was already on shaky ground with the Andorian for something he wasn't even sure about. He understood why Lahr wanted to go, he would hate to have to send Jess out on an away team and not be able to be at her side, but the ship, not the heart, had to come first.

Lahr's antenna drooped.  He almost argued back that he was basically 'sitting on his thumbs'  (that particular human phrase had always intrigued the Andorian), doing nothing of importance... but that didn't put him in any good light and certainly wouldn't change the Captain's mind.  Why was it when he didn't want to go, he was selected and when he volunteered to go he seemed to always get denied?   It made no sense to the Andorian.

"Aye, sir."  His response was dull and rather sullen but met the obligation of acknowledging the order.

Lahr gave a slight 'I tried' shrug towards the Commander.   "I'll try to follow your progress as far as I'm able, Commander." Then before the turbolift's doors shut he called out.  "Be careful out there."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyle Briggs


[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 07, 2021, 05:33:12 PM

A big smile split Flynn's face revealing he had less than half of his teeth as he replied.

"Well that sounds like a right fine trade to me young Feller Me Lad, what does you want to know? Not much goes on in these parts that I don't get wind of sooner or later. Not that there's all that much that goes on, Gothos City ain't St. Louis you know."

Being a fan of holo novels, Kyle had read his fair share of old Earth westerns and realized this appeared to be just that. He thought for a second before continuing.

"What about a....." he racked his brain trying to recall the word he was looking for. "....a leader. What would you call them? A, um, um, a Mayor or Sheriff?" he finally said with the words coming to him. "Who's in charge here in Gothos?"

As they await the old man's reply, Kyle looked around at some of the other town's people and began strapping his newly acquired weapon around his waist like the other men around him.

Mondo'li Nari

Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

Somehow, fifty coins of gold pressed... gold... had appeared on Mondo's person.  It felt like they were in a holodeck facility, playing out some sort of scripted adventure or holo-novel.

Mondo's eyes went wide when the Commander accepted the price of 50 gold for the pistols without haggling at all.  Although his own superior officer and the XO were both trying to get information from the salesman, and though he knew it was improper to interrupt them, he found himself unable to hold his tongue.

And that was something quite rare for a trained Hupyrian servant.

"Sirs," Mondo spoke softly, leaning close to Wessex and Briggs.  "If this man has enough of these weapons to equip our entire team, he may be willing to part with them for a better price.  We might need additional coins for food, lodgings, and other supplies in this town if we can not quickly return to the Challenger.  And... we may not want to purchase these particular weapons.  Diversifying the capability of the team might be better."

He pointed at the weapon Kyle was strapping on, "This seems to be a short-barreled slugthrower, like a Tellarite Thunderer, apparently using chemically propelled projectiles.  The sighting system is rudimentary.  The effective range is unlikely to exceed 25 meters.  And the capacity seems limited to these chambers within a rotating cylinder.

At the same technological development, we might expect to find long-arms.  Possibly with a higher capacity or with a larger projectile diameter.  And it is possible that different weapons may have better prices."

Paul Wessex

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 08, 2021, 01:01:32 AM

Somehow, fifty coins of gold pressed... gold... had appeared on Mondo's person.  It felt like they were in a holodeck facility, playing out some sort of scripted adventure or holo-novel.

Mondo's eyes went wide when the Commander accepted the price of 50 gold for the pistols without haggling at all.  Although his own superior officer and the XO were both trying to get information from the salesman, and though he knew it was improper to interrupt them, he found himself unable to hold his tongue.

And that was something quite rare for a trained Hupyrian servant.

"Sirs," Mondo spoke softly, leaning close to Wessex and Briggs.  "If this man has enough of these weapons to equip our entire team, he may be willing to part with them for a better price.  We might need additional coins for food, lodgings, and other supplies in this town if we can not quickly return to the Challenger.  And... we may not want to purchase these particular weapons.  Diversifying the capability of the team might be better."

He pointed at the weapon Kyle was strapping on, "This seems to be a short-barreled slugthrower, like a Tellarite Thunderer, apparently using chemically propelled projectiles.  The sighting system is rudimentary.  The effective range is unlikely to exceed 25 meters.  And the capacity seems limited to these chambers within a rotating cylinder.

At the same technological development, we might expect to find long-arms.  Possibly with a higher capacity or with a larger projectile diameter.  And it is possible that different weapons may have better prices."

His frown of incomprehension to the old chap's reply fading, and watching Briggs strapping the purchased 'shooting iron' to his waist, Paul cerebrated that wasn't so very fond of firearms - he felt Starfleet was straying far too casually into military mindsets than their oft-defensive response that it was primarily an exploratory arm gave credence to - and low-tech, safety-absent, chemically-actuated projectile throwers without IFF intelligence chipware to protect innocent civilians, were one such example being worst of all. It wasn't as if he wasn't prepared to use one - it would be a terrible trait for a security officer to have if so - and he was, perhaps ironically, not a bad shot, but he never felt the draw to have one by his side at all times. Instead, at all times, he was an sworn Officer of the Federation, and the founding ethics of the Federation was 'Concord Through Diplomacy'.

And yet, he couldn't disagree with the Petty Officer's assessment to appropriate supplementary, and varied, weapons. The situation was fluid, any potential opposition frustratingly murky, and while he was no trader, the old idiom 'never blow all your ballast at once' kept making itself known at the back of his mind. "Officer thinking, Mister Nari" he said, brightly. He glanced further into town, trying to make out any commercial signage that could suggest additional mercantile facilities while a reply to the First Officer's inquiry hung in the air.

Jettis Jyur

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis nodded mutely as the XO ordered he stay within the detail of security. Pulling out his tri-corder, he began searching for anything... unusual, besides the fact that they were on an uninhabited planet that appeared out of thin air.

Or at least, they had thought it was uninhabited. It was not long until they came to a town of sorts, with seemingly an inhabitant. Quickly, the XO and Security officer had no trouble engaging with the.. man. Jettis, for what it was worth, stayed silent, crossing his arms. It appeared he was just idly standing, nodding along to the conversation, when in reality he was attempting to get a subtle scan on the man or image, who was try to sell them firearms. Was this man human? Alien? Some sort of hallucination or projection?

It was all Jettis could truly do to be helpful, as the rest of the team brainstormed on what to do with the man's offer - appearing to him like a disgustingly high price for a single gun.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 07, 2021, 09:50:04 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Being a fan of holo novels, Kyle had read his fair share of old Earth westerns and realized this appeared to be just that. He thought for a second before continuing.

"What about a....." he racked his brain trying to recall the word he was looking for. "....a leader. What would you call them? A, um, um, a Mayor or Sheriff?" he finally said with the words coming to him. "Who's in charge here in Gothos?"

As they await the old man's reply, Kyle looked around at some of the other town's people and began strapping his newly acquired weapon around his waist like the other men around him.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn initial reaction to Kyle's question was one of surprise, but then his expression changed as he replied.

"I was about to say y'all must be plumb local not to ken when runs thins here, but I just about forgot you are strangers in these parts. Answer is, yes we do have a mayor. No account, spineless, deadbeat that he is. William Channing is his name, but don't expect anything out him 'cept hot air. You want things done, you ask the Sheriff. Sheriff Trelane, now that's a man what can make things happen."

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 08, 2021, 01:01:32 AM

Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

Somehow, fifty coins of gold pressed... gold... had appeared on Mondo's person.  It felt like they were in a holodeck facility, playing out some sort of scripted adventure or holo-novel.

Mondo's eyes went wide when the Commander accepted the price of 50 gold for the pistols without haggling at all.  Although his own superior officer and the XO were both trying to get information from the salesman, and though he knew it was improper to interrupt them, he found himself unable to hold his tongue.

And that was something quite rare for a trained Hupyrian servant.

"Sirs," Mondo spoke softly, leaning close to Wessex and Briggs.  "If this man has enough of these weapons to equip our entire team, he may be willing to part with them for a better price.  We might need additional coins for food, lodgings, and other supplies in this town if we can not quickly return to the Challenger.  And... we may not want to purchase these particular weapons.  Diversifying the capability of the team might be better."

He pointed at the weapon Kyle was strapping on, "This seems to be a short-barreled slugthrower, like a Tellarite Thunderer, apparently using chemically propelled projectiles.  The sighting system is rudimentary.  The effective range is unlikely to exceed 25 meters.  And the capacity seems limited to these chambers within a rotating cylinder.

At the same technological development, we might expect to find long-arms.  Possibly with a higher capacity or with a larger projectile diameter.  And it is possible that different weapons may have better prices."

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 08, 2021, 05:42:26 AM

His frown of incomprehension to the old chap's reply fading, and watching Briggs strapping the purchased 'shooting iron' to his waist, Paul cerebrated that wasn't so very fond of firearms - he felt Starfleet was straying far too casually into military mindsets than their oft-defensive response that it was primarily an exploratory arm gave credence to - and low-tech, safety-absent, chemically-actuated projectile throwers without IFF intelligence chipware to protect innocent civilians, were one such example being worst of all. It wasn't as if he wasn't prepared to use one - it would be a terrible trait for a security officer to have if so - and he was, perhaps ironically, not a bad shot, but he never felt the draw to have one by his side at all times. Instead, at all times, he was an sworn Officer of the Federation, and the founding ethics of the Federation was 'Concord Through Diplomacy'.

And yet, he couldn't disagree with the Petty Officer's assessment to appropriate supplementary, and varied, weapons. The situation was fluid, any potential opposition frustratingly murky, and while he was no trader, the old idiom 'never blow all your ballast at once' kept making itself known at the back of his mind. "Officer thinking, Mister Nari" he said, brightly. He glanced further into town, trying to make out any commercial signage that could suggest additional mercantile facilities while a reply to the First Officer's inquiry hung in the air.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn expression hardened at Mondo's comments about his inventory and bargaining, which caused the old man to growl as he replied.

"Look. I done made you a good deal and here you go tryin' ta queer the whole thing. I ain't never heard tell of no 'Tell-er-rite Thunderer', but I bet you all the tea in China that shootin' iron ain't no match fer a tried and true Colt. Best firearm ever designed and ain't no other choices to be had no way. I stock Colt Peacemakers and nothin' else and ain't no one else in town got nothin' else. So, Stretch, you either take my deal or you can try an poke someone in the eye with sharp stick fer all I care!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 08, 2021, 01:46:51 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn initial reaction to Kyle's question was one of surprise, but then his expression changed as he replied.

"I was about to say y'all must be plumb local not to ken when runs thins here, but I just about forgot you are strangers in these parts. Answer is, yes we do have a mayor. No account, spineless, deadbeat that he is. William Channing is his name, but don't expect anything out him 'cept hot air. You want things done, you ask the Sheriff. Sheriff Trelane, now that's a man what can make things happen."

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn expression hardened at Mondo's comments about his inventory and bargaining, which caused the old man to growl as he replied.

"Look. I done made you a good deal and here you go tryin' ta queer the whole thing. I ain't never heard tell of no 'Tell-er-rite Thunderer', but I bet you all the tea in China that shootin' iron ain't no match fer a tried and true Colt. Best firearm ever designed and ain't no other choices to be had no way. I stock Colt Peacemakers and nothin' else and ain't no one else in town got nothin' else. So, Stretch, you either take my deal or you can try an poke someone in the eye with sharp stick fer all I care!"

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 08, 2021, 12:04:11 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis nodded mutely as the XO ordered he stay within the detail of security. Pulling out his tri-corder, he began searching for anything... unusual, besides the fact that they were on an uninhabited planet that appeared out of thin air.

Or at least, they had thought it was uninhabited. It was not long until they came to a town of sorts, with seemingly an inhabitant. Quickly, the XO and Security officer had no trouble engaging with the.. man. Jettis, for what it was worth, stayed silent, crossing his arms. It appeared he was just idly standing, nodding along to the conversation, when in reality he was attempting to get a subtle scan on the man or image, who was try to sell them firearms. Was this man human? Alien? Some sort of hallucination or projection?

It was all Jettis could truly do to be helpful, as the rest of the team brainstormed on what to do with the man's offer - appearing to him like a disgustingly high price for a single gun.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn was so worked up from Mondo's statements that he didn't see the Jettis make his scan, which showed the old man to be just that, a geriatric human in his early 60s. The tricorder also confirmed the buildings were as they seemed as well constructed of wood, some metal, and some glass.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 06, 2021, 08:04:45 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Lahr gave a slight amused snort at Ruth's reply - almost brag - to the counselor about her file with Dr. Eastman.  He'd forgotten that Ruth knew and has sessions with the aging Jewish counselor.  So much for him trying to keep her safe from having her activities picked apart.  Oh but hadn't he heard that Eastman retired?

Lahr looked up from console and turned to answer the Captain.  "No sir.  Nothing on sensors.  It might be that they are as crippled as we are but I'd be hesitant to rely on that.  So I'll keep searching.."

Ruth's suggested means of finding the Romulan's was met with a glance over towards her and a nod.   "I'll give that a try b-... Commander.". Lahr's antenna writhed a bit in embarrassment at his near slip.  He turned back to his console to begin trying the echolocation method she'd suggested.  He was only partway throught the process of setting it up, since from where they were it would require bouncing a signal off passing astronomical entities, which there was an unsurprising lack of in the Larn system, when a message from Ruth came through on his console.  Thinking it was work related, maybe even an echolocation program ready-made for him, he opened it up.  The cheery and upbeat message was unexpected.. and appreciated.  He looked over to Ruth and gave her smile.

He'd have to do something special for her after all this was resolved.

Lahr's antenna twitched as the Captain called on Ruth to possibly fly down to the planet to retrieve the away team.   He wanted to suggest such a task was better suited to someone expendable (hell he'd go himself if it meant keeping Ruth safe) and not the Commander, but knew that such an unasked for opinion would not be appreciated.

The Andorian silently hoped the Delta-flyer's engines were just as inoperable as the Challenger's right now.

Lahr watched with trepidation as Ruth acknowledged the orders but surprisingly rather than simply take the Mjolnir, like ordered, she was suggesting to take the McAuliffe (and the counselor!?).  Something was off.    Then she suggested taking a look around the other side of the planet to possibly locate the Romulan ship.

The Andorian's antenna telegraphed his concern as they began a slow writhe - synonymous to a person wringing their hands in worry.  The last straw was the look she gave him as she made her way to the turbolift.

Lahr looked to the Captain.  "Sir, permission to assist the Commander.  I'm finding no sign of the Romulan's from where I am presently - the echolocation method and our usual scans will work best with a line of sight that I currently don't have."

He hoped that would justify his addition to the shuttle mission.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth was glad that Lahr picked up on her sub-text that she wanted back up out there.  She fully expected Ian to deny the request, not because it was her and Lahr... or maybe given that it would be the two of them in a small craft again and that might trigger something in her... but because Lahr's expertise in Ops might be more useful just where he was.

Quote from: Bianca Lightoller on February 07, 2021, 02:31:24 AM

Despite the weirdness of this ongoing mission, Bianca hummed playfully. "There's no need for explanation, Commander. Rapport builds into stronger friendships." Or perhaps, she was worried she overstepped her bounds. Unless she suddenly wanted a Klingon cage match with another officer, there was little for Bianca to intervene on the bridge.

Sigurdsdottir was very energetic this early into shift. Bianca wondered if she was capable of maintaining that intensity throughout the entire mission. Her serene smile kept on throughout the proceedings as she slowly built a psych profile for each of them in her head. She absolutely loved people watching when she was younger and found there was plenty she could know about someone by just sitting in the sidelines.

So the offer to go off-ship made her eyebrows shoot straight into her hairline. "I beg your pardon?" Sure she knew how to use a phaser. Knowing how to defend yourself was a part of academy training. Though she certainly didn't like using it. In the end, it wasn't really up to her at all, but the captain.

"Don't look so surprised, Counsellor.  I know from when I was a Captain...and I'm sure Captain Galloway feels it at times, you can get stir crazy if you don't get off ship once in a while, and while the medics get time off ship on missions, counsellors rarely.  I was imagining me going on my own which I would have to do if I took the Mjolnir, because of seating capacity.  Realising I didn't want to be caught where I couldn't fly and defend myself, I would take at least one other person... so why not yourself!  There are 5 crew down there already so had to be a Type 8 we took unless I go myself."  Ruth explained.

She gave a smile and said "We could work on our rapport and friendship on the way down too.  There must be more to us than a monopoly on teal uniforms, a crazy Viking and a Pshrink!" she joked.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 07, 2021, 10:35:00 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As Ruth mentioned bringing some one with her on the shuttle, he completely agreed as he had intended for someone from flight to go with her in the first place as pilot with her free to use the shuttle's sensors. Asking for the counselor was a surprise, Lahr asking to go was not. Ian sighed internally as this was going to be one of those times he was going to make a decision that was going to leave someone unhappy.

"Commander, I suggest you take Ensign Baktari from flight as your pilot. If'n you wish ta go Ensign Lightoller, you are welcome ta do so. Mister ch'Verret, I'm goin' ta deny your request, I need you here more than out there."

Ian knew this might end Lahr's friendship with him, he knew he was already on shaky ground with the Andorian for something he wasn't even sure about. He understood why Lahr wanted to go, he would hate to have to send Jess out on an away team and not be able to be at her side, but the ship, not the heart, had to come first.

As expected, Lahr's request was denied.  She smiled at Ian and nodded.  "Baktari it is, Captain!  However, I'll still need to take a Type 8, Mjolnir only has 6 seats, so I'd have to pilot myself if I did that.  And I agree.  Mr ch'Verret's expertise is needed up here, who else could keep you in earworms for the duration!" she quipped.

As she reached the turbolift she mouthed 'You tried, thanks, love you!' to Lahr.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 07, 2021, 07:46:18 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Lahr's antenna drooped.  He almost argued back that he was basically 'sitting on his thumbs'  (that particular human phrase had always intrigued the Andorian), doing nothing of importance... but that didn't put him in any good light and certainly wouldn't change the Captain's mind.  Why was it when he didn't want to go, he was selected and when he volunteered to go he seemed to always get denied?   It made no sense to the Andorian.

"Aye, sir."  His response was dull and rather sullen but met the obligation of acknowledging the order.

Lahr gave a slight 'I tried' shrug towards the Commander.   "I'll try to follow your progress as far as I'm able, Commander." Then before the turbolift's doors shut he called out.  "Be careful out there."

"I'll try, you all have permission to have Counsellor Lightoller to bash me over the head with her prescription pad if I don't!  You coming, Counsellor or am I to be denied of your company and Ensign Baktari has the singular pleasure that is me all to himself!?!"

[Turbolift > Shuttlebay 1]

"Baktari are you around?!" Ruth called out going over to the McAuliffe and starting a quick pre-flight check by matter of habit.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 08, 2021, 02:05:02 PM

[Turbolift > Shuttlebay 1]

"Baktari are you around?!" Ruth called out going over to the McAuliffe and starting a quick pre-flight check by matter of habit.

[Shuttlebay - USS Challenger]

A head popped out of the pilot's ready room attached to the hanger and soon a Bolian female walked out to meet Ruth. The Ensign squared up and said.

"Here Sir, how can I be of service?"

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