S4: E9 - The Sheriff of Gothos

Started by Ian Galloway, February 02, 2021, 12:45:37 PM

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Bianca Lightoller

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 08, 2021, 02:05:02 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth was glad that Lahr picked up on her sub-text that she wanted back up out there.  She fully expected Ian to deny the request, not because it was her and Lahr... or maybe given that it would be the two of them in a small craft again and that might trigger something in her... but because Lahr's expertise in Ops might be more useful just where he was.

"Don't look so surprised, Counsellor.  I know from when I was a Captain...and I'm sure Captain Galloway feels it at times, you can get stir crazy if you don't get off ship once in a while, and while the medics get time off ship on missions, counsellors rarely.  I was imagining me going on my own which I would have to do if I took the Mjolnir, because of seating capacity.  Realising I didn't want to be caught where I couldn't fly and defend myself, I would take at least one other person... so why not yourself!  There are 5 crew down there already so had to be a Type 8 we took unless I go myself."  Ruth explained.

She gave a smile and said "We could work on our rapport and friendship on the way down too.  There must be more to us than a monopoly on teal uniforms, a crazy Viking and a Pshrink!" she joked.

As expected, Lahr's request was denied.  She smiled at Ian and nodded.  "Baktari it is, Captain!  However, I'll still need to take a Type 8, Mjolnir only has 6 seats, so I'd have to pilot myself if I did that.  And I agree.  Mr ch'Verret's expertise is needed up here, who else could keep you in earworms for the duration!" she quipped.

As she reached the turbolift she mouthed 'You tried, thanks, love you!' to Lahr.

"I'll try, you all have permission to have Counsellor Lightoller to bash me over the head with her prescription pad if I don't!  You coming, Counsellor or am I to be denied of your company and Ensign Baktari has the singular pleasure that is me all to himself!?!"

[Turbolift > Shuttlebay 1]

"Baktari are you around?!" Ruth called out going over to the McAuliffe and starting a quick pre-flight check by matter of habit.

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

While she hasn't really been on the ship long enough herself to become 'stir crazy', Bianca chose not to point that out. But if the captain wanted the bridge free of her, she really didn't have much say in the matter. Though this was ample opportunity to observe Ruth, who seemed to be the biggest firecracker of them all, if not from a clinical standpoint.

"Alright then," she answered calmly, rising from her seat. "I've not met Ensign Baktari yet, so this will be a good time for it."

Still, she would've loved to stay on and find out what was going on between Galloway and ch'Verret. The tension went as fast as it came, but Bianca caught it quick enough to warrant a bit of coaching the second she had a chance to get a hold of either of them.

Or, perhaps she can get information right now as she followed Sigurdsdottir. The woman seemed to be extremely familiar with ch'Verret and she seemed open enough to questioning, so Bianca decided on some third-party investigating.

"Seems to be a bit of a tension between the captain and the petty officer," she said casually to Ruth. "Are they not getting along?"


"Rock bottom is not the end, but the first step up."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 08, 2021, 02:05:02 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth was glad that Lahr picked up on her sub-text that she wanted back up out there.  She fully expected Ian to deny the request, not because it was her and Lahr... or maybe given that it would be the two of them in a small craft again and that might trigger something in her... but because Lahr's expertise in Ops might be more useful just where he was.

"Don't look so surprised, Counsellor.  I know from when I was a Captain...and I'm sure Captain Galloway feels it at times, you can get stir crazy if you don't get off ship once in a while, and while the medics get time off ship on missions, counsellors rarely.  I was imagining me going on my own which I would have to do if I took the Mjolnir, because of seating capacity.  Realising I didn't want to be caught where I couldn't fly and defend myself, I would take at least one other person... so why not yourself!  There are 5 crew down there already so had to be a Type 8 we took unless I go myself."  Ruth explained.

She gave a smile and said "We could work on our rapport and friendship on the way down too.  There must be more to us than a monopoly on teal uniforms, a crazy Viking and a Pshrink!" she joked.

As expected, Lahr's request was denied.  She smiled at Ian and nodded.  "Baktari it is, Captain!  However, I'll still need to take a Type 8, Mjolnir only has 6 seats, so I'd have to pilot myself if I did that.  And I agree.  Mr ch'Verret's expertise is needed up here, who else could keep you in earworms for the duration!" she quipped.

As she reached the turbolift she mouthed 'You tried, thanks, love you!' to Lahr.

"I'll try, you all have permission to have Counsellor Lightoller to bash me over the head with her prescription pad if I don't!  You coming, Counsellor or am I to be denied of your company and Ensign Baktari has the singular pleasure that is me all to himself!?!"

The sullen Andorian turned back to his console after the turbolift doors closed.  He'd noted Ruth mouthing something to him and he thought he knew the gist of what it was she said, but well, he'd never picked up the skill of lip-reading so he wasn't positive.  It was probably something like.  'The jerk...  Thanks.  Love you!'

Lahr nodded at the sentiment and couldn't agree more right at that moment.  Then something Ruth had said to Galloway when trying not to show her disappointment puzzled him.  Earworms.. ?  Lahr needed to use the ship's database to translate that and when he discovered what they were... a catchy and/or memorable piece of music or saying that continuously occupies a person's mind even after it is no longer being played... had him chuckling.  Oh yeah - too funny.  The Andorian had that happen to him quite often.  It was cool that there was actually a term for it.  That Ruth thought he did that to the Captain was amusing too.  Served the man right if he got the more upbeat version of 'Scotland the Brave' stuck in his head.

But at the moment the Bridge was quiet with no music nor much talking whatsoever.   For the moment Lahr kept to keeping a watch on the ships power systems - lest they become compromised too - and the sensor readings for any sign of the Romulan's... and to keep an eye on Ruth.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Mondo'li Nari


City of Gothos, Mysterious Red Planet

Mondo nodded in appreciation of his superior's kind words, but then frowned at the salesman, who claimed to only stock one brand of weapon.  Perhaps he did, and that was why he was so anxious to unload them upon the Challenger team.  But it was inconceivable to the Hupyrian that no other weapons would be available here.  How would people hunt food with these short-barrelled slugthrowers?

Only then did Mondo remind himself that this entire scenario was illegitimate.  This was a strange habitable spot on an otherwise uninhabitable world.  This was a tiny town with no connection to a greater nation of people.  This was a bubble of simulated reality.

Their weapons had been taken, and now they were being offered these.  It could not be a coincidence.

Finally, he succumbed to the inevitable, counting forty-nine of his coins and handing them over.  There seemed no choice beyond playing along with the scripted scenario.  He held up his one last coin, "You wouldn't take a man's only remaining unit of currency, would you?"

It was his final attempt at objection.  If he received further resistance, he'd hand over his final coin as well.  Perhaps this manufactured reality would provide more coins if they were needed to play out the part.

Still, the questions remained... what part was the Challenger away-team playing?  To what end?

And where were the Romulans in all of this?

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 08, 2021, 01:53:22 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn was so worked up from Mondo's statements that he didn't see the Jettis make his scan, which showed the old man to be just that, a geriatric human in his early 60s. The tricorder also confirmed the buildings were as they seemed as well constructed of wood, some metal, and some glass.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

A small frown creased Jettis' features, as the scan came back clear. Not only clear but... impossible. There was no knowledge of the planet, no known landing party or settlement on any planet close enough - and even if there had been, he was using wholly obsolete technology to be a space traveler. Even the naturally Earth-occurring materials the buildings and items were made out of, it was all so bizarre.

Shooting a glance over to the Commander, he waited until he was free to pull him away from the party, and report his findings.

Kyle Briggs

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Being a history nut, Kyle's mind began spinning as soon as he heard the name Trelane. He remembered studying him back in the academy and if memory served him correctly, he was something along the lines of a Q. This would explain so much.

"Okay Mister Flynn. You've sold us. We'll take your Colts, was it?"
Kyle said at last. "I think we just get going and speak with this Sheriff Trelane. Everyone pay the man and let's get a move on." he said to the away team.

Paul Wessex

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 09, 2021, 09:51:19 PM

Being a history nut, Kyle's mind began spinning as soon as he heard the name Trelane. He remembered studying him back in the academy and if memory served him correctly, he was something along the lines of a Q. This would explain so much.

"Okay Mister Flynn. You've sold us. We'll take your Colts, was it?"
Kyle said at last. "I think we just get going and speak with this Sheriff Trelane. Everyone pay the man and let's get a move on." he said to the away team.

Part of him wanted to just hand over these mysteriously materialised coins and get on with this clear theme park, but the other half of him fought back with a surprising team-up of morality and pragmatism. "Sir" he said, turning to Briggs but adopting a volume that could be heard by PO Mondo and Lt Jyur, "if I may: It might be prudent to not expend all of our", he pulled a face not unlike bewilderment, "new currency; could prove useful to have some in reserve should we need food, water and shelter. Not to mention information." Trade on such basis wasn't completely unknown to the officer, but was so completely out of his practical experience he had no notion of how much these other additional resources would cost. Then again, these weapons didn't seem to be, what was the term? Cheap? It stood to reason, therefore, that a significant remaining sum could go a long way to enhancing their less tangible fortunes.

"Related, it also may be useful to have one of us appear unarmed at the moment" he continued, drawing from a more civilian-based constabulary experience, whilst making it clear it was he that was offering to be the proverbial sacrificial lamb in this instance, rather than expecting his suggestion to endanger one of the other parties. While he didn't air these views outwardly, it was a debated matter, even in the Federation, that carrying weapons often escalated volatile situations where amicable discussion and ultimate accord could have been achieved. That, and these firearms clearly did not have a non-lethal setting, made exclusively for efficiently dispensed mortality, which also added to the distaste; until they knew more of their situation, laws and circumstances, such a tool at literally their fingertips, even with their training, had too much of a risk of complicating what may prove to be otherwise avoidable. "Mutual unfamiliarity may drive some aggressive misunderstandings of our intentions here, and conversations may go to our benefit if they're made with disarming openness."

He at least had the good grace not to smile at his own pun. And besides, he had the feeling between Briggs and Nari (Jyur's experience was unfamiliar to him) they'd be enough active deterrent should things get squally.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 09, 2021, 09:51:19 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Being a history nut, Kyle's mind began spinning as soon as he heard the name Trelane. He remembered studying him back in the academy and if memory served him correctly, he was something along the lines of a Q. This would explain so much.

"Okay Mister Flynn. You've sold us. We'll take your Colts, was it?"
Kyle said at last. "I think we just get going and speak with this Sheriff Trelane. Everyone pay the man and let's get a move on." he said to the away team.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 10, 2021, 05:23:04 AM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Part of him wanted to just hand over these mysteriously materialised coins and get on with this clear theme park, but the other half of him fought back with a surprising team-up of morality and pragmatism. "Sir" he said, turning to Briggs but adopting a volume that could be heard by PO Mondo and Lt Jyur, "if I may: It might be prudent to not expend all of our", he pulled a face not unlike bewilderment, "new currency; could prove useful to have some in reserve should we need food, water and shelter. Not to mention information." Trade on such basis wasn't completely unknown to the officer, but was so completely out of his practical experience he had no notion of how much these other additional resources would cost. Then again, these weapons didn't seem to be, what was the term? Cheap? It stood to reason, therefore, that a significant remaining sum could go a long way to enhancing their less tangible fortunes.

"Related, it also may be useful to have one of us appear unarmed at the moment" he continued, drawing from a more civilian-based constabulary experience, whilst making it clear it was he that was offering to be the proverbial sacrificial lamb in this instance, rather than expecting his suggestion to endanger one of the other parties. While he didn't air these views outwardly, it was a debated matter, even in the Federation, that carrying weapons often escalated volatile situations where amicable discussion and ultimate accord could have been achieved. That, and these firearms clearly did not have a non-lethal setting, made exclusively for efficiently dispensed mortality, which also added to the distaste; until they knew more of their situation, laws and circumstances, such a tool at literally their fingertips, even with their training, had too much of a risk of complicating what may prove to be otherwise avoidable. "Mutual unfamiliarity may drive some aggressive misunderstandings of our intentions here, and conversations may go to our benefit if they're made with disarming openness."

He at least had the good grace not to smile at his own pun. And besides, he had the feeling between Briggs and Nari (Jyur's experience was unfamiliar to him) they'd be enough active deterrent should things get squally.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Flynn's expression seemed to change as the members of the away team spoke alternating between satisfaction and anger. He nodded to Kyle, but gave Paul a hard, cold stare before he spoke.

"I'll tell you what young feller. Since you seem to worried about keepin' your coin, then you do just that, you keep it. I'll sell to these other fellers what knows a deal when he sees one. You can eat your coin for all I care."

He then leveraged himself out of his chair and led the others inside, shortly afterward, Kyle, Mondo, Jettis, Crewman Vizetti, and Crewman Sims exited Flynn's business with antiquated slug throwers on their hip. Moving on past the gunsmith, they found there wasn't much to Gothos City and there seemed to be decidedly fewer than one hundred and ninety-seven people moving around the town.

There were a few people about, but before anyone in the away team could talk to any of them, movement at the other end of the main, only actually, street caught their attention. Three hard looking men, all armed with the same Colt Peacemakers the away team were carrying were approaching them. As soon as these men appeared, what few citizens of the city as were around quickly ducked inside the nearest building and locked the door. The three men stopped ten meters from the away team and middle one said.

"Dusty old saddle tramps don't usually last too long in Gothos. They generally find things a mite too fast for them. So, rather than have you suffer from learnin' that the hard way, how about you hand over whatever money you have and you get to see tomorrow?"

The three men then moved a hand close to their weapons and the leader added.

"What's it goin' to be? You got two choices you hand us the money and live, or if your hands touch metal we will end you."

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 09, 2021, 09:51:19 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Being a history nut, Kyle's mind began spinning as soon as he heard the name Trelane. He remembered studying him back in the academy and if memory served him correctly, he was something along the lines of a Q. This would explain so much.

"Okay Mister Flynn. You've sold us. We'll take your Colts, was it?"
Kyle said at last. "I think we just get going and speak with this Sheriff Trelane. Everyone pay the man and let's get a move on." he said to the away team.


Part of him wanted to just hand over these mysteriously materialised coins and get on with this clear theme park, but the other half of him fought back with a surprising team-up of morality and pragmatism. "Sir" he said, turning to Briggs but adopting a volume that could be heard by PO Mondo and Lt Jyur, "if I may: It might be prudent to not expend all of our", he pulled a face not unlike bewilderment, "new currency; could prove useful to have some in reserve should we need food, water and shelter. Not to mention information." Trade on such basis wasn't completely unknown to the officer, but was so completely out of his practical experience he had no notion of how much these other additional resources would cost. Then again, these weapons didn't seem to be, what was the term? Cheap? It stood to reason, therefore, that a significant remaining sum could go a long way to enhancing their less tangible fortunes.

"Related, it also may be useful to have one of us appear unarmed at the moment" he continued, drawing from a more civilian-based constabulary experience, whilst making it clear it was he that was offering to be the proverbial sacrificial lamb in this instance, rather than expecting his suggestion to endanger one of the other parties. While he didn't air these views outwardly, it was a debated matter, even in the Federation, that carrying weapons often escalated volatile situations where amicable discussion and ultimate accord could have been achieved. That, and these firearms clearly did not have a non-lethal setting, made exclusively for efficiently dispensed mortality, which also added to the distaste; until they knew more of their situation, laws and circumstances, such a tool at literally their fingertips, even with their training, had too much of a risk of complicating what may prove to be otherwise avoidable. "Mutual unfamiliarity may drive some aggressive misunderstandings of our intentions here, and conversations may go to our benefit if they're made with disarming openness."

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis watched the ping pong between the junior Lieutenant and the Commander, with growing exasperation. Granted yes - he agreed fully with Paul. From the little he knew of these weapons, it was shoot to kill - not something he intended on using, so he may as well save his money. However, the XO had clearly made his mind over, so Jettis reached into his pocket, and handed the elderly man what little coin he had. Glancing back at Paul, he felt a trifle of sympathy, wondering if he should verbally show his support, or simply mind his business, since he had already followed the Commander's word.

He didn't have to ponder for long, before Flynn's outburst put an end to the argument. Swiftly the away team - minus Wessex - was fully equipped with a gun and ammo, slotted nicely into a leather holster. All real by his scans. It was frustrating, he WANTED something to be fake. Some sort of holographic technology, or inaccurate materials, something to say that this wasn't real. But the beating sun, dusty terrain, and casual clothing all felt very, very real. And when three men sauntered up to them confidently, their pistols looked very real as well.


There were a few people about, but before anyone in the away team could talk to any of them, movement at the other end of the main, only actually, street caught their attention. Three hard looking men, all armed with the same Colt Peacemakers the away team were carrying were approaching them. As soon as these men appeared, what few citizens of the city as were around quickly ducked inside the nearest building and locked the door. The three men stopped ten meters from the away team and middle one said.

"Dusty old saddle tramps don't usually last too long in Gothos. They generally find things a mite too fast for them. So, rather than have you suffer from learnin' that the hard way, how about you hand over whatever money you have and you get to see tomorrow?"

The three men then moved a hand close to their weapons and the leader added.

"What's it goin' to be? You got two choices you hand us the money and live, or if your hands touch metal we will end you."

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis eyes the men up quickly, from their cold eyes, to the suspiciously similar guns of theirs. How did the gunsmith have so many of the exact same revolver? It was similar to how the away team had arrived - with somehow exactly what they needed in that moment. He had just spent all of his coin on the revolver at his side - however, if he reached into his pocket again would he have more money to hand over to the men?

There was only one way to find out, however Jettis didn't trust them enough to reach for any cash - they might just mistake it for him reaching for his weapon. He also didn't want to reveal they had just spent all of their cash at the weaponsmith, since not all of them were visibly armed. "We mean no harm," he called out, shooting a side glance at Briggs, "Just allow me to reach for it," he finished. If they gave him permission, he would slowly, and pointedly reach for any extra cash that happened to appear on his person.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 10, 2021, 12:06:41 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis watched the ping pong between the junior Lieutenant and the Commander, with growing exasperation. Granted yes - he agreed fully with Paul. From the little he knew of these weapons, it was shoot to kill - not something he intended on using, so he may as well save his money. However, the XO had clearly made his mind over, so Jettis reached into his pocket, and handed the elderly man what little coin he had. Glancing back at Paul, he felt a trifle of sympathy, wondering if he should verbally show his support, or simply mind his business, since he had already followed the Commander's word.

He didn't have to ponder for long, before Flynn's outburst put an end to the argument. Swiftly the away team - minus Wessex - was fully equipped with a gun and ammo, slotted nicely into a leather holster. All real by his scans. It was frustrating, he WANTED something to be fake. Some sort of holographic technology, or inaccurate materials, something to say that this wasn't real. But the beating sun, dusty terrain, and casual clothing all felt very, very real. And when three men sauntered up to them confidently, their pistols looked very real as well.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis eyes the men up quickly, from their cold eyes, to the suspiciously similar guns of theirs. How did the gunsmith have so many of the exact same revolver? It was similar to how the away team had arrived - with somehow exactly what they needed in that moment. He had just spent all of his coin on the revolver at his side - however, if he reached into his pocket again would he have more money to hand over to the men?

There was only one way to find out, however Jettis didn't trust them enough to reach for any cash - they might just mistake it for him reaching for his weapon. He also didn't want to reveal they had just spent all of their cash at the weaponsmith, since not all of them were visibly armed. "We mean no harm," he called out, shooting a side glance at Briggs, "Just allow me to reach for it," he finished. If they gave him permission, he would slowly, and pointedly reach for any extra cash that happened to appear on his person.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

The three men looked extremely suspicious of Jettis' offer, especially the one who'd done all the talking so far and he growled.

"You make sure you reach real slow and you'll live. Try anything funny and you won't."

However, when Jettis reached for his pocket, he found it was no longer there. In fact, the only person with any pockets was Paul. This fact was quickly obvious to the three men and the leader snarled.

"You tryin' to get shot Tinhorn? Now, one of you show us some coin or we'll fill you with lead just for wastin' our time!"

Kyle Briggs

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Kyle wasn't sure of the away teams members to out draw the three men before them. And it struck him as odd how at the beginning, old Flynn was trying to get all of their coins and then when Wessex held onto his, these three appeared. It was as if someone wanted then out of currency. Kyle thought to test this theory.

"Hold up there, gentlemen." he said as he raised his hands to appear non aggressive. "As you can see, none of us have anything to carry coins in except our one man here." He turned his head slightly to speak to Wessex. "Mister Wessex. Go ahead and give them those TEN coins you're carrying." he said to the security officer.

Mondo'li Nari


Mysterious Red Planet - Gothos City

Mondo didn't express it openly, but he was privately glad that the salesman exploded in anger and denied Wessex the right to purchase a firearm.  It meant they would still have spare currency in their party.  Still, he planned to offer his own gun to his superior.  The Hupyrian was not ignorant of the fact that he had a significant physical advantage over most humanoids.  Hence, he had less need of a weapon than most people.

However, any pleasure he might have taken in the retention of coinage, and any intention he had in offering up his gun, was interrupted by the arrival of three criminals.  It was anathema to his nature to allow his team to be robbed this way.  However, he did not have sufficient competence with his newly-purchased weapon to do anything about it, even if Commander Briggs had been inclined to order it.

He had observed certain basics: The lever-striker at the back of the weapon could be pulled to prepare the weapon for firing, which rotated the cylinder while priming the trigger.  Then the trigger could be depressed to release the lever-striker.  It would fall upon a metallic cartridge which contained a kinetic-sensitive explosive.  This would then propel the metallic slug down a rifled barrel.

Not that the rifling would mean much, given such rudimentary sights.  He doubted these weapons could achieve even 5 MOA.  He wouldn't trust his 'Colt' to hit a target much farther away than he could throw the thing... and perhaps not even that far.

But that was all moot.

He could easily understand these weapons with a reasoned technical analysis.  But proficiency with a weapon required much more than a technical understanding.  It required extensive practice.  Earned muscle memory.  An instinctive understanding of balance and performance that came only with regular familiarity.

He had none of that.

And so, when Briggs humiliatingly ordered Wessex to hand over a portion of his coins, Mondo couldn't help but feel that doing so was the most pragmatic option available to them.  He glanced back at his superior, offering Wessex an apologetic look.   As if to say, "I wish I had my phaser, Boss.  No one would touch you, then."

Paul Wessex

Well, isn't this typical, Paul lamented as the three criminals displayed their intent to use their own pistols - from same supplier? - in some attempt to effect some 'rapid and opportunistic alleviation of personal property under threat of harm'. Here he had been, espousing the wisdom of keep some of this currency, and not appearing openly aggressive to civilians of this town, and they were being mugged in the middle of this dusty fairway in broad daylight. About sums up my career thus far, he concluded.

Not shrinking from the initial challenge, despite his unarmed situation (not that he would have considered using it anyway; indeed he had quite recently faced, unarmed, murderous Nausicaans to which these chaps paled in comparison) Wessex was nonetheless pleased Jyur spoke first as his own mind flicked through options in the event the Science Officer wasn't successful in taming these leathery land sharks with the remains of their own finances, simultaneously wondering if the old gun trader had allowed for some last-minute discount to allow for some further reserves.

The look of disappointment was telling. Paul briefly wondered how these miscreants felt confident enough to confront a party with a significant numerical advantage - even with himself unarmed - yet if things were beginning to manifest as he suspected, there was some managing authority at play that stacked certain odds in favour of the hosts. How far would this go? Nari was right, they could have been killed outright at the start but circumstances seemed to be taking them down a track like an old steam locomotive.

Before he could engage in sturdy, frank conversation with these...fellows...Commander Briggs opened with his own gambit.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs

"Hold up there, gentlemen." he said as he raised his hands to appear non aggressive. "As you can see, none of us have anything to carry coins in except our one man here." He turned his head slightly to speak to Wessex. "Mister Wessex. Go ahead and give them those TEN coins you're carrying." he said to the security officer.

Paul's head turned slightly at this, wondering with some hope that the First Officer had, in fact, noticed that he had already separated the coins into various utility pockets, still adhering to the notion of not 'putting all your catch into one net', otherwise it would have been utterly impossible to surreptitiously count out just ten coins from the stack of fifty he had retained. As it was, rolls of ten were stored across five pouches, and at the Commander's instruction - singularly acute at how already the notion of handing over currency was tarnished with reluctance (money was truly corruptible) - Wessex slowly, carefully - with eyes first acknowledging a look of much appreciated apology from Nari, which he returned with a small wry 'c'est la vie' smile and light shrug - reached into a pocket on the left of his waist.

"Certainly, sir" he pronounced, eyes now firmly fixed on the lead aggressor. Fingers brushed the cold metal discs and, maintaining a motion of absolute care, removed them from the enclosure. "Here we go" he said lightly, showing them in an open palm towards the hostile party.

For a moment, Paul felt slightly ridiculous, proffering his hand out like a Skadorian lily pad. So the question now was which party was going to approach the other to dispense the illegally appropriated goods...? Or was he expected to toss them into the dirt?

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 10, 2021, 09:00:30 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Kyle wasn't sure of the away teams members to out draw the three men before them. And it struck him as odd how at the beginning, old Flynn was trying to get all of their coins and then when Wessex held onto his, these three appeared. It was as if someone wanted then out of currency. Kyle thought to test this theory.

"Hold up there, gentlemen." he said as he raised his hands to appear non aggressive. "As you can see, none of us have anything to carry coins in except our one man here." He turned his head slightly to speak to Wessex. "Mister Wessex. Go ahead and give them those TEN coins you're carrying." he said to the security officer.

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 11, 2021, 02:31:42 AM

Mysterious Red Planet - Gothos City

Mondo didn't express it openly, but he was privately glad that the salesman exploded in anger and denied Wessex the right to purchase a firearm.  It meant they would still have spare currency in their party.  Still, he planned to offer his own gun to his superior.  The Hupyrian was not ignorant of the fact that he had a significant physical advantage over most humanoids.  Hence, he had less need of a weapon than most people.

However, any pleasure he might have taken in the retention of coinage, and any intention he had in offering up his gun, was interrupted by the arrival of three criminals.  It was anathema to his nature to allow his team to be robbed this way.  However, he did not have sufficient competence with his newly-purchased weapon to do anything about it, even if Commander Briggs had been inclined to order it.

He had observed certain basics: The lever-striker at the back of the weapon could be pulled to prepare the weapon for firing, which rotated the cylinder while priming the trigger.  Then the trigger could be depressed to release the lever-striker.  It would fall upon a metallic cartridge which contained a kinetic-sensitive explosive.  This would then propel the metallic slug down a rifled barrel.

Not that the rifling would mean much, given such rudimentary sights.  He doubted these weapons could achieve even 5 MOA.  He wouldn't trust his 'Colt' to hit a target much farther away than he could throw the thing... and perhaps not even that far.

But that was all moot.

He could easily understand these weapons with a reasoned technical analysis.  But proficiency with a weapon required much more than a technical understanding.  It required extensive practice.  Earned muscle memory.  An instinctive understanding of balance and performance that came only with regular familiarity.

He had none of that.

And so, when Briggs humiliatingly ordered Wessex to hand over a portion of his coins, Mondo couldn't help but feel that doing so was the most pragmatic option available to them.  He glanced back at his superior, offering Wessex an apologetic look.   As if to say, "I wish I had my phaser, Boss.  No one would touch you, then."

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 11, 2021, 07:29:41 AM

Well, isn't this typical, Paul lamented as the three criminals displayed their intent to use their own pistols - from same supplier? - in some attempt to effect some 'rapid and opportunistic alleviation of personal property under threat of harm'. Here he had been, espousing the wisdom of keep some of this currency, and not appearing openly aggressive to civilians of this town, and they were being mugged in the middle of this dusty fairway in broad daylight. About sums up my career thus far, he concluded.

Not shrinking from the initial challenge, despite his unarmed situation (not that he would have considered using it anyway; indeed he had quite recently faced, unarmed, murderous Nausicaans to which these chaps paled in comparison) Wessex was nonetheless pleased Jyur spoke first as his own mind flicked through options in the event the Science Officer wasn't successful in taming these leathery land sharks with the remains of their own finances, simultaneously wondering if the old gun trader had allowed for some last-minute discount to allow for some further reserves.

The look of disappointment was telling. Paul briefly wondered how these miscreants felt confident enough to confront a party with a significant numerical advantage - even with himself unarmed - yet if things were beginning to manifest as he suspected, there was some managing authority at play that stacked certain odds in favour of the hosts. How far would this go? Nari was right, they could have been killed outright at the start but circumstances seemed to be taking them down a track like an old steam locomotive.

Before he could engage in sturdy, frank conversation with these...fellows...Commander Briggs opened with his own gambit.

Paul's head turned slightly at this, wondering with some hope that the First Officer had, in fact, noticed that he had already separated the coins into various utility pockets, still adhering to the notion of not 'putting all your catch into one net', otherwise it would have been utterly impossible to surreptitiously count out just ten coins from the stack of fifty he had retained. As it was, rolls of ten were stored across five pouches, and at the Commander's instruction - singularly acute at how already the notion of handing over currency was tarnished with reluctance (money was truly corruptible) - Wessex slowly, carefully - with eyes first acknowledging a look of much appreciated apology from Nari, which he returned with a small wry 'c'est la vie' smile and light shrug - reached into a pocket on the left of his waist.

"Certainly, sir" he pronounced, eyes now firmly fixed on the lead aggressor. Fingers brushed the cold metal discs and, maintaining a motion of absolute care, removed them from the enclosure. "Here we go" he said lightly, showing them in an open palm towards the hostile party.

For a moment, Paul felt slightly ridiculous, proffering his hand out like a Skadorian lily pad. So the question now was which party was going to approach the other to dispense the illegally appropriated goods...? Or was he expected to toss them into the dirt?

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

The leader of the three bandits, for a lack of a better term, saw the money Paul offered and managed to get even angrier as he snarled.

"œYou mangy polecats is holdin' out! Fill "˜em full of lead boys!"

The three men then went for their pistols and began firing. However, despite obvious gusto, none of the men seemed to be skilled marksman as of their first half dozen shots before the gunsmoke began to obscure the area, only one found its mark. Crewman Sims yelped as bullet dug into his side and knocked him to one knee. Despite the lack of accuracy, the three men continued to fire and unless the away team responded, sooner or later, one of them was bound to get lucky and do serious injury to someone.

Jettis Jyur


However, when Jettis reached for his pocket, he found it was no longer there. In fact, the only person with any pockets was Paul. This fact was quickly obvious to the three men and the leader snarled.

"You tryin' to get shot Tinhorn? Now, one of you show us some coin or we'll fill you with lead just for wastin' our time!"

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

As Jettis slowly reached for his pocket, he was confused as he looked down and... none was there. He didn't have any pockets. Moving his hand around a bit, he realized he'd never had any pockets. There wasn't even so much as a stitch to indicate there had ever been anything there. Not a thread out of place. Head jerking up, he looked over as the Commander spoke, pointing out only Wessex had pockets. Many, in fact. The one man who hadn't just handed over all of his money, mysteriously still had pockets on his person. That sounded straight out of a holo-novel.

The XO seemed to be having the same thought process, as he asked Paul to hand over less than what he possessed. The bandits very much disliked that turn of events, however, and were not shy in showing it.


"œYou mangy polecats is holdin' out! Fill "˜em full of lead boys!"

The three men then went for their pistols and began firing. However, despite obvious gusto, none of the men seemed to be skilled marksman as of their first half dozen shots before the gunsmoke began to obscure the area, only one found its mark. Crewman Sims yelped as bullet dug into his side and knocked him to one knee. Despite the lack of accuracy, the three men continued to fire and unless the away team responded, sooner or later, one of them was bound to get lucky and do serious injury to someone.

"Get down!" Jettis was the first to yell, as he crouched down, dodging away from where he was standing. It helped very little, however, as the men didn't seem concerned with accuracy. Or aiming, for that matter. Rudimentary bullets were flying everywhere, making dodging an almost fruitless effort. One might have better luck standing still and hoping for the best.
Shielding his head with his arm, his brain was working overtime to calculate what the best next move was. Eyes flitting towards the leftmost one, he tried to estimate the distance between them - 35 feet? Less? He couldn't sprint that amount of distance fast enough, without getting hit. So they needed cover.

Eyes flitting to his side, he looked at the nearest building. Probably around 20 feet, a bit more doable. Then what? He had his tricorder, and the revolver they had just purchased. Obviously, this sick game, or whatever it was wanted them to use the revolver. A non-lethal shot could be fired from around his cover, if it came down to it. Or, he could try to get one up on them, and get closer to subdue one. Much more dangerous, more likely to be a suicide mission.

Covering his head with one hand, he decided the best course of action was to get to cover. His other hand unholstered his gun, priming it for shooting. Staying low to the ground, he sprinted towards the nearest building with some form of cover, giving a sharp whistle to the rest of the away team. Trying to keep low, he waited for any instruction from security, not wanting to step outside his depth.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One -  Bridge] (Larn system, near the Romulan border)

Lahr cycled through his many screens checking on the shuttle's progress, checking the sensor readings of the planet where they lost contact with the away team, checking sensor readings in the surrounding space still looking for evidence of the Romulan ship.   He would continue this until something came up. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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