S4: E9 - The Sheriff of Gothos

Started by Ian Galloway, February 02, 2021, 12:45:37 PM

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Paul Wessex


Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 17, 2021, 12:36:26 PM

Mondo was pleasantly surprised when Sims rose without any injury being evident, despite him definitely being shot.  Either the wound had rapidly and miraculously healed, or it had never been real at all.  But upon further reflection, his pleasure dissipated.

What did this mean?  Had Mondo killed people when his team was never in real danger?

Were those people even really dead?

What was going on, here?

But he did not have time to ruminate on it.  Soon, they were ushered away by the Sheriff, who began to exhibit uncanny knowledge of the team.  Mondo leaned close to Wessex, "Sir... the references this man is making... they resemble actual biographical details from our lives."

It was, perhaps, an obvious observation...  But either this man had access to Federation information resources, or he had access to their minds and memories.[/size]

At Nari's sotto, yet baritone, voice Wessex smiled and nodded, his early reticence melting away. In its place was the more light-hearted individual that he had strived to be. While peturbed at the somewhat on-the-nose recital of his previous Naval career, there could have been many ways to have access to this information. More revealing were the biographical details of his colleagues, and it struck Paul as to how little he really knew them. "Apparently so" he whispered back. "Still, not all correct: I'm more of a sherry man, myself".

Further, poor, levity was hampered by the announcement by this Sheriff Trelane, and an upcoming conflict. Paul frowned. More gunfights? That was not O.K.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur

Sideways glancing at the rest of the away team, he slowly ran his tongue across his teeth, pondering the consequences. As evidenced by Sims, they weren't in any danger, however who knew about the actual citizens of the town. If they existed. Turning to the Commander, he reported his scan findings, before proceeding - "I cannot see a reason why we shouldn't help the good man out. We're all armed and capable of subduing the assailants." Glancing back at Trelane, he waited to ensure the Commander agreed with him, as well as the other members of the away team didn't put up a fight about the idea.

If everyone did come to the agreement of helping the sheriff, the first thing Jettis would do would be to find - or create - some form of cover. Even if somehow Sims healed from his injury, Jettis couldn't see a reason why they would need to take that risk again. He imagined it hurt as well anyway, they might as well try to avoid it.

Listening to Jyur, Paul couldn't fault the reasoning of wanting to assist this town, but there were some issues that he felt important to throw into the mix. Nodding for the Away Team to move to a less conspicuous position, away from the Sheriff, Wessex spoke with some earnest to whomever moved with him. "There's clearly some form of higher power or technology at work here", he started, "which, on the surface, could abrogate our responsibilities to the Prime Directive. However" he nodded around the town, "we have no real evidence that the civilians are part of this clear fabrication, instead some ancient transplant with some entity as their de facto deity, and our interference could alter culture or society that we have no business being part of. Whomever or whatever stripped us of our equipment can easily deal with this so-called 'gang', and yet we're being marshalled into a situation where we're being asked to enter into another armed encounter. There's also a real possibility this Dalton gang is attempting to liberate this town; I'd rather we know more of the situation before we play along."

Paul hoped his train of thought wasn't coming over as simply reluctant. But while he was a Security Officer, he still did not forget that above all he was an example, an exemplar, of Federation values. And in a situation where civilians were involved, he had a responsibility greater than just pulling a trigger against individuals only told to be villainous. "I'd prefer to first assess the threat this town faces - including any from within - the nature of the situation we're facing, and ensure all civilians are in a position of safety." The latter was born of the realisation that in a furious exchange of chemically impelled metal slugs, the wood walls of the town were scant protection from tragedy.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 19, 2021, 11:15:01 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr chuckled fully understanding the Captain's confused look.  Even he only picked up a small portion of Ruth's comment, and that only because the Andorian hung out with friends who had some really archaic interests and hobbies much like his own love of 20th century video games and music.   Dungeons and Dragons was something he and his former security teammates had tried once... and once had been enough.   Lahr preferred the full immersion of a GOOD holodeck program to the lengthy battle orientated pen and paper game.   One six round battle lasted over an hour... and could have been played out on the holodeck in less than a minute.  The game was not to liking.

That the Captain agreed with his remark was surprising but made his antenna sway in satisfaction.

At the order to check the database for the fellow, Lahr nodded.  "Did anyone catch if he stated his name?  If not I'll try a facial recognition program.... but it could take some time."

Unfortunately a review of the viewscreen images and audio confirmed that no name had been mentioned for the man - so facial recognition it would have to be.  Lahr called up the program and then entered in a clean freeze frame image of the Sheriff for the computer to begin a search of the ship's database.

The Andorian expected the search to take a significant amount of time, but there was an almost immediate ping from his console.  A hit? Already? Sweet!

Lahr tapped on the suggested match... and his console gave out a unhappy sound of denied access.

"Um sir, there's a possible match but it's above my pay grade.  Sending it to you - so hopefully you can open it."

After sending it to the Captain's console, the Andorian split his attention between his console - (since he was still keeping an eye out for the Romulans) and the Captain hoping the man would share some of what he learned about the Sheriff from that Classified file.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian frowned at Lahr's announcement that he'd found a classified file as anything classified was not likely to be good news. He pulled up the file on the command chair's console and read through its content.


He growled and then sighed deeply before he explained the reason for his outburst.

"It seems one hundred and thirty-two year ago, another starship encountered this person. He goes by Trelane and it turns out he is a bein' of immense power, but is only a juvenile of his, as yet undetermined, species. Goin' by what I'm readin' here, I'd say the best way ta describe him is as a Q, but with the maturity of an eight year old.

"Accordin' ta the file, while extremely powerful, Trelane is not omniscient. He can be tricked and only has a minimal understandin' of humanity toward which he has some sort of fascination. The first time he was encountered, he was 'The Squire of Gothos' and affected the airs of 18th Century European lord. He toyed with the original USS Enterprise until his, get this, his bloody parents showed up and made him go in the house for the lack of better term."

Ian pinched the bridge of his nose and mutter.

"In the name of all that's ever been bloody holy. I just hope his parents are around or else we are deep in the pot this time."

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 17, 2021, 12:36:26 PM

Mysterious Red Planet - Gothos City

Mondo was pleasantly surprised when Sims rose without any injury being evident, despite him definitely being shot.  Either the wound had rapidly and miraculously healed, or it had never been real at all.  But upon further reflection, his pleasure dissipated.

What did this mean?  Had Mondo killed people when his team was never in real danger?

Were those people even really dead?

What was going on, here?

But he did not have time to ruminate on it.  Soon, they were ushered away by the Sheriff, who began to exhibit uncanny knowledge of the team.  Mondo leaned close to Wessex, "Sir... the references this man is making... they resemble actual biographical details from our lives."

It was, perhaps, an obvious observation...  But either this man had access to Federation information resources, or he had access to their minds and memories.

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 19, 2021, 02:21:27 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Just as quickly as the firefight had broken out, it was over. The security team made quick work of the bandits, and soon Jettis cautiously peered out from behind a post. Eyes scanning the terrain, he nodded to Wessex, before standing and brushing his uniform off. 'Trouble' was quick to return however, as another mysterious man lead them off. Seemingly to jail, however not under arrest.

Listening with interest, Jettis became increasingly confused as he listed off events from their life, but fitting to the era. That almost solidified his theory that they were, indeed in some elaborate, far too high tech holodeck. He knew that the Ship's holodecks weren't the best that existed - that would simply draw far too much power. However this was something unlike anything he'd ever experienced. Even the terrain scanned as real, the wood - how could this be a simulation? It couldn't fool his tricorder, surely.

Speaking of his tricorder, he slowly unholstered it as he and the away team walked, doing another scan of the area. Presumably it would come back exactly the same as the first. Then he scanned for an excess of photons, indicative that perhaps the materials were artificially created. He didn't get too long to study the results, before they arrived at their destination.

Sideways glancing at the rest of the away team, he slowly ran his tongue across his teeth, pondering the consequences. As evidenced by Sims, they weren't in any danger, however who knew about the actual citizens of the town. If they existed. Turning to the Commander, he reported his scan findings, before proceeding - "I cannot see a reason why we shouldn't help the good man out. We're all armed and capable of subduing the assailants." Glancing back at Trelane, he waited to ensure the Commander agreed with him, as well as the other members of the away team didn't put up a fight about the idea.

If everyone did come to the agreement of helping the sheriff, the first thing Jettis would do would be to find - or create - some form of cover. Even if somehow Sims healed from his injury, Jettis couldn't see a reason why they would need to take that risk again. He imagined it hurt as well anyway, they might as well try to avoid it.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 20, 2021, 11:02:29 AM

At Nari's sotto, yet baritone, voice Wessex smiled and nodded, his early reticence melting away. In its place was the more light-hearted individual that he had strived to be. While peturbed at the somewhat on-the-nose recital of his previous Naval career, there could have been many ways to have access to this information. More revealing were the biographical details of his colleagues, and it struck Paul as to how little he really knew them. "Apparently so" he whispered back. "Still, not all correct: I'm more of a sherry man, myself".

Further, poor, levity was hampered by the announcement by this Sheriff Trelane, and an upcoming conflict. Paul frowned. More gunfights? That was not O.K.

Listening to Jyur, Paul couldn't fault the reasoning of wanting to assist this town, but there were some issues that he felt important to throw into the mix. Nodding for the Away Team to move to a less conspicuous position, away from the Sheriff, Wessex spoke with some earnest to whomever moved with him. "There's clearly some form of higher power or technology at work here", he started, "which, on the surface, could abrogate our responsibilities to the Prime Directive. However" he nodded around the town, "we have no real evidence that the civilians are part of this clear fabrication, instead some ancient transplant with some entity as their de facto deity, and our interference could alter culture or society that we have no business being part of. Whomever or whatever stripped us of our equipment can easily deal with this so-called 'gang', and yet we're being marshalled into a situation where we're being asked to enter into another armed encounter. There's also a real possibility this Dalton gang is attempting to liberate this town; I'd rather we know more of the situation before we play along."

Paul hoped his train of thought wasn't coming over as simply reluctant. But while he was a Security Officer, he still did not forget that above all he was an example, an exemplar, of Federation values. And in a situation where civilians were involved, he had a responsibility greater than just pulling a trigger against individuals only told to be villainous. "I'd prefer to first assess the threat this town faces - including any from within - the nature of the situation we're facing, and ensure all civilians are in a position of safety." The latter was born of the realisation that in a furious exchange of chemically impelled metal slugs, the wood walls of the town were scant protection from tragedy.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Trelane listened to the exchange between the members of the away team with interest until he saw Jettis' tricorder at which he scowled and said.

"Oh no, we won't be having any store bought items here in Gothos City."

He waved his hand and the tricorder disappeared from Jettis' hand.

"Now, I would prefer that you gentlemen all volunteer to be my deputies, but the fact is, there isn't time for you to dwell upon your choice. Either you accept my offer or I will deputize you anyway."

Before any of the away team could reply, a young boy of about twelve ran into the jail and shouted.

"Sheriff Trelane! The Daltons just showed up and theys an ornery lookin' bunch what do we do?"

Trelane smiled at the boy and replied.

"You stay here and out of sight Jimmy. Last think I need is you getting hurt while lead is flying. This won't take long. you're safe here."

Jimmy looked unsure, but he nodded, sat in the corner and tried to stay out of the way.

"Well gentlemen, looks like times up. You are hereby, by the authority invested in me as Sheriff, now deputized. Let's go stop those Daltons."

Again, before the away team could reply, a silver badge appeared where their commbadge once was and in an instant the away team, plus Trelane, were suddenly standing in the middle of the only street in Gothos City. At the other end of the town, roughly fifty meters away were the Half a dozen Romulans! All clad in western attire and wearing the exact same Colt Peacemaker revolvers on their hips.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 19, 2021, 01:46:09 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian left eyebrow rose at Ruth's comment as he worked through the individual words to see if he could understand what she'd said by context and failed. He shook his head and replied with a small smile.

"I have no idea what you just said and I'm nae ta ask for you ta translate. I believe Mister ch'Verret has the right of it. This feels like a holonovel, a bad one at that. As it seems like this smarmy fellow is at the heart of this melodrama, check the ship's database ta see if there's ever been an encounter with this Sheriff."

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth smiled back at Ian.  "No worries, old Earth gaming system... it plays out rather like this is, only with more medieval methods. I was merely trying to ease the tension on the Bridge a little. Mind you with our systems down we may as well be back in the Dark Ages.  I'm just glad we still have the power to hang in the sky."

The CSO offered up a silent prayer 'No Loki, that ain't a challenge...'

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 19, 2021, 11:15:01 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr chuckled fully understanding the Captain's confused look.  Even he only picked up a small portion of Ruth's comment, and that only because the Andorian hung out with friends who had some really archaic interests and hobbies much like his own love of 20th century video games and music.   Dungeons and Dragons was something he and his former security teammates had tried once... and once had been enough.   Lahr preferred the full immersion of a GOOD holodeck program to the lengthy battle orientated pen and paper game.   One six round battle lasted over an hour... and could have been played out on the holodeck in less than a minute.  The game was not to liking.

That the Captain agreed with his remark was surprising but made his antenna sway in satisfaction.

At the order to check the database for the fellow, Lahr nodded.  "Did anyone catch if he stated his name?  If not I'll try a facial recognition program.... but it could take some time."

Unfortunately a review of the viewscreen images and audio confirmed that no name had been mentioned for the man - so facial recognition it would have to be.  Lahr called up the program and then entered in a clean freeze frame image of the Sheriff for the computer to begin a search of the ship's database.

The Andorian expected the search to take a significant amount of time, but there was an almost immediate ping from his console.  A hit? Already? Sweet!

Lahr tapped on the suggested match... and his console gave out a unhappy sound of denied access.

"Um sir, there's a possible match but it's above my pay grade.  Sending it to you - so hopefully you can open it."

After sending it to the Captain's console, the Andorian split his attention between his console - (since he was still keeping an eye out for the Romulans) and the Captain hoping the man would share some of what he learned about the Sheriff from that Classified file.

She cocked her head at Lahr's comment of '...above my pay grade...' and inwardly chuckled.  Evidently he wasn't risking using Ruth's command codes with the Captain sitting right there, and she was pretty certain he still remembered them!
Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 02:26:05 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian frowned at Lahr's announcement that he'd found a classified file as anything classified was not likely to be good news. He pulled up the file on the command chair's console and read through its content.


He growled and then sighed deeply before he explained the reason for his outburst.

"It seems one hundred and thirty-two year ago, another starship encountered this person. He goes by Trelane and it turns out he is a bein' of immense power, but is only a juvenile of his, as yet undetermined, species. Goin' by what I'm readin' here, I'd say the best way ta describe him is as a Q, but with the maturity of an eight year old.

"Accordin' ta the file, while extremely powerful, Trelane is not omniscient. He can be tricked and only has a minimal understandin' of humanity toward which he has some sort of fascination. The first time he was encountered, he was 'The Squire of Gothos' and affected the airs of 18th Century European lord. He toyed with the original USS Enterprise until his, get this, his bloody parents showed up and made him go in the house for the lack of better term."

Ian pinched the bridge of his nose and mutter.

"In the name of all that's ever been bloody holy. I just hope his parents are around or else we are deep in the pot this time."

"Trelane... I remember reading about him.  In the meantime, we need to figure how to get them back and I'm still drawing a blank, there's absolutely nothing Scientific about this.  I wish the comms were working, there might be a way to contact his parents but... if they know what he's like they're probably keeping an eye on him anyhow.  Alternatively, if there were actually a way for me to get down there and give this Trelane a right telling off like a bad dog or a naughty kid.
He needs an authoritive female.  We all know boys obey their mothers! That or we need an actual Q one that's feeling kinda benevolent towards us."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 20, 2021, 11:02:29 AM

Listening to Jyur, Paul couldn't fault the reasoning of wanting to assist this town, but there were some issues that he felt important to throw into the mix. Nodding for the Away Team to move to a less conspicuous position, away from the Sheriff, Wessex spoke with some earnest to whomever moved with him. "There's clearly some form of higher power or technology at work here", he started, "which, on the surface, could abrogate our responsibilities to the Prime Directive. However" he nodded around the town, "we have no real evidence that the civilians are part of this clear fabrication, instead some ancient transplant with some entity as their de facto deity, and our interference could alter culture or society that we have no business being part of. Whomever or whatever stripped us of our equipment can easily deal with this so-called 'gang', and yet we're being marshalled into a situation where we're being asked to enter into another armed encounter. There's also a real possibility this Dalton gang is attempting to liberate this town; I'd rather we know more of the situation before we play along."

Paul hoped his train of thought wasn't coming over as simply reluctant. But while he was a Security Officer, he still did not forget that above all he was an example, an exemplar, of Federation values. And in a situation where civilians were involved, he had a responsibility greater than just pulling a trigger against individuals only told to be villainous. "I'd prefer to first assess the threat this town faces - including any from within - the nature of the situation we're facing, and ensure all civilians are in a position of safety." The latter was born of the realisation that in a furious exchange of chemically impelled metal slugs, the wood walls of the town were scant protection from tragedy.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis glanced over as again, Wessex voiced some disagreement. Jettis nodded as he brought up very valid points, however Jettis just couldn't agree with the man. "I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. Especially because there is a higher power in control, I believe everybody is in danger. Whoever is in control here made it very easy for us to not taint the culture - which we, in fact, are already apart of evidently." Pausing, he furrowed his brow. "You are right that the Dalton Gang may be trying to rescue these people from whatever imaginary hell this is - however in that case they will not make the first shot, so we won't need to do any defending. There is a chance we can still talk to them first." He hoped Paul understood by "help the Sheriff" he didn't mean 'indiscriminately start shooting people'.


[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Trelane listened to the exchange between the members of the away team with interest until he saw Jettis' tricorder at which he scowled and said.

"Oh no, we won't be having any store bought items here in Gothos City."

He waved his hand and the tricorder disappeared from Jettis' hand.

"Now, I would prefer that you gentlemen all volunteer to be my deputies, but the fact is, there isn't time for you to dwell upon your choice. Either you accept my offer or I will deputize you anyway."

Before any of the away team could reply, a young boy of about twelve ran into the jail and shouted.

"Sheriff Trelane! The Daltons just showed up and theys an ornery lookin' bunch what do we do?"

Trelane smiled at the boy and replied.

"You stay here and out of sight Jimmy. Last think I need is you getting hurt while lead is flying. This won't take long. you're safe here."

Jimmy looked unsure, but he nodded, sat in the corner and tried to stay out of the way.

"Well gentlemen, looks like times up. You are hereby, by the authority invested in me as Sheriff, now deputized. Let's go stop those Daltons."

Again, before the away team could reply, a silver badge appeared where their commbadge once was and in an instant the away team, plus Trelane, were suddenly standing in the middle of the only street in Gothos City. At the other end of the town, roughly fifty meters away were the Half a dozen Romulans! All clad in western attire and wearing the exact same Colt Peacemaker revolvers on their hips.

Jettis couldn't go on, before the Sheriff suddenly spotted the tricorder he had forgotten to put away. He didn't have time to blink, before suddenly it was gone. Just poof. Into thin air.
Jettis gawked at the place it was for a moment, completely stunned for words. By now, the entire away team had essentially worked out that this was some bad plot to a holonovel, but this development just shook everything up. Their items had been taken from them upon beam-down, but that was relatively easy technology, but to make it disappear in front of everybody with no particles or physical indication? Now they were getting into the territory of some powerful being, not an illusion of some sort. Which meant that being could, in theory, be angered.

It wasn't long before they found themselves forced to fight, regardless of how unwilling everybody else on the away team was. And then they were outside. In front of the Romulans - with all the drama the away team had experienced, he'd almost forgotten the sudden appearance of the Romulans right before the planet appeared. It felt like a bad tv show with that one plot point you forgot ever happened.

When the Sheriff had mentioned the Daltons, he had sincerely hoped it was another bandit crew like the one they had already dealt with. However it was clear that the Romulans would have no qualms about shooting first, asking questions later. Tensing, Jettis didn't yet want to move for the weapon at his hip - no need to escalate.

"Sheriff," He tried to choose his words carefully. He had to remember, probably a being behind this, not a holodeck scene. Try not to screw everything up. "why are we here?" His eyes darted back to the Romulans, waiting for them to fire at any moment. However it seemed like the Sheriff was the person to talk to, if he could before the firefight broke out.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 20, 2021, 04:23:13 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth smiled back at Ian.  "No worries, old Earth gaming system... it plays out rather like this is, only with more medieval methods. I was merely trying to ease the tension on the Bridge a little. Mind you with our systems down we may as well be back in the Dark Ages.  I'm just glad we still have the power to hang in the sky."

The CSO offered up a silent prayer 'No Loki, that ain't a challenge...'

She cocked her head at Lahr's comment of '...above my pay grade...' and inwardly chuckled.  Evidently he wasn't risking using Ruth's command codes with the Captain sitting right there, and she was pretty certain he still remembered them!

"Trelane... I remember reading about him.  In the meantime, we need to figure how to get them back and I'm still drawing a blank, there's absolutely nothing Scientific about this.  I wish the comms were working, there might be a way to contact his parents but... if they know what he's like they're probably keeping an eye on him anyhow.  Alternatively, if there were actually a way for me to get down there and give this Trelane a right telling off like a bad dog or a naughty kid.
He needs an authoritive female.  We all know boys obey their mothers! That or we need an actual Q one that's feeling kinda benevolent towards us."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian eyed Ruth when she offered an explanation, but chose not to pursue that particular line of questioning. Her claim that a mother might be able to get this Trelane to behave had him place a thumb along side his head as he rubbed his forehead with his index finger.

"Well, accordin' ta the file, no less a personage that James T. Bloody Kirk was unable ta get him ta behave, so despite your formidable nature Commander, I doubt that particular path will accomplish much.

"If there was just a way ta get his attention, perhaps we could come ta some sort of arrangement, not that I have the slightest idea what would be more interestin' than the crew of a starship. I just hope he's nae the sort that likes ta pull wings off flies."

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]
Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 20, 2021, 05:15:37 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis glanced over as again, Wessex voiced some disagreement. Jettis nodded as he brought up very valid points, however Jettis just couldn't agree with the man. "I see where you're coming from, but I disagree. Especially because there is a higher power in control, I believe everybody is in danger. Whoever is in control here made it very easy for us to not taint the culture - which we, in fact, are already apart of evidently." Pausing, he furrowed his brow. "You are right that the Dalton Gang may be trying to rescue these people from whatever imaginary hell this is - however in that case they will not make the first shot, so we won't need to do any defending. There is a chance we can still talk to them first." He hoped Paul understood by "help the Sheriff" he didn't mean 'indiscriminately start shooting people'.

Jettis couldn't go on, before the Sheriff suddenly spotted the tricorder he had forgotten to put away. He didn't have time to blink, before suddenly it was gone. Just poof. Into thin air.
Jettis gawked at the place it was for a moment, completely stunned for words. By now, the entire away team had essentially worked out that this was some bad plot to a holonovel, but this development just shook everything up. Their items had been taken from them upon beam-down, but that was relatively easy technology, but to make it disappear in front of everybody with no particles or physical indication? Now they were getting into the territory of some powerful being, not an illusion of some sort. Which meant that being could, in theory, be angered.

It wasn't long before they found themselves forced to fight, regardless of how unwilling everybody else on the away team was. And then they were outside. In front of the Romulans - with all the drama the away team had experienced, he'd almost forgotten the sudden appearance of the Romulans right before the planet appeared. It felt like a bad tv show with that one plot point you forgot ever happened.

When the Sheriff had mentioned the Daltons, he had sincerely hoped it was another bandit crew like the one they had already dealt with. However it was clear that the Romulans would have no qualms about shooting first, asking questions later. Tensing, Jettis didn't yet want to move for the weapon at his hip - no need to escalate.

"Sheriff," He tried to choose his words carefully. He had to remember, probably a being behind this, not a holodeck scene. Try not to screw everything up. "why are we here?" His eyes darted back to the Romulans, waiting for them to fire at any moment. However it seemed like the Sheriff was the person to talk to, if he could before the firefight broke out.

Trelane gave Jettis a look of exasperation, but managed to respond in a pleasant tone.

"Well Flapjack, as my deputy, you're here to uphold the law and stop these Dalton varmints from taking over Gothos City. Now I suggest you get ready to draw, you don't want them to get the drop on you, now do you?"

At that moment, the leader of the Romulans spoke up.

"What sort of foolishness is this humans? Why were we brought here and what is the meaning of this ridiculous program? Regardless of your goals, you must understand that while we may be unfamiliar with the specifics of these archaic weapons, we are more than prepared to defend ourselves should you decide to attack us."

At this point, Trelane spoke up.

"I ask the questions in Gothos City Frank Dalton. Now you and your boys aren't welcome here, so you got one chance to drop those weapons before we have to kill you, now what's it to be? A jail cell or a trip to boot hill?"

Mondo'li Nari

Rogue Planet - The Showdown

Mondo smiled at Wessex's comment of drink preferences.  But he was right- whoever set up this scenario was probably fallible.

When it became apparent that their opponents were Romulans, Mondo's jaw clenched.  They were being manipulated into murdering Romulans.  Perhaps nothing else here was real.  The people in town.  The town itself.  But Romulans were known to be here before this away team was launched.

The Romulans were most likely real.

"Sirs... I believe we should surrender to the Romulans."

He glanced back at the Sheriff of Gothos.

"We are being maneuvered into bloodshed, and I believe these Romulans are legitimate people.  Not some manufactured fabrication or illusion."

There was no way to know, of course.  Everyone here could be real.  Perhaps even kidnapped from elsewhere to play out this scenario.  But Mondo's instinct was that the Romulans- and perhaps the omnipotent Sheriff- were the only real components to this place.

"I would rather surrender to them, than kill them simply for the sake of some archaic simulated combat scenario.  If we surrender, there is no conflict.  Perhaps this simulation will end, or be thwarted."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 05:56:03 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian eyed Ruth when she offered an explanation, but chose not to pursue that particular line of questioning. Her claim that a mother might be able to get this Trelane to behave had him place a thumb along side his head as he rubbed his forehead with his index finger.

"Well, accordin' ta the file, no less a personage that James T. Bloody Kirk was unable ta get him ta behave, so despite your formidable nature Commander, I doubt that particular path will accomplish much.

"If there was just a way ta get his attention, perhaps we could come ta some sort of arrangement, not that I have the slightest idea what would be more interestin' than the crew of a starship. I just hope he's nae the sort that likes ta pull wings off flies."

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth chuckled at Ian saying she was formidable.

"He's not seen me in full beserker mode!  We could hope he gets bored at this game, or... hmm.  You've just given me an idea, Captain... well the bones of one."

Anyone who knew Ruth well would know that she was thinking, that could be dangerous but sometimes it was pure genius.

"You said you didn't have '...the slightest idea what would be more interesting than the crew of a starship. I just hope he's not the sort that likes ta pull wings off flies.' I believe.  Now, going on the 'grown up petulant kid' scenario thing we've got to either hope he gets bored, and make sure that when he does, that our crew and ship aren't the thing he turns to as his new toy as in makes us suffer more, thus offer a new plaything.  What do we have available to us that is working no matter what.  For example, could we go to gray mode? Shunt any power from anywhere to get things kickstarted elsewhere or... blipping off his radar makes him lose concentration in whatever game he's playing long enough for him to take his attention off us for a few... maybe direct it to that Romulan ship we know is out there.  He might even think that the Romulans have done away with 'his' plaything and turn on them, that would be a bonus.  But... we could get a Type 8 started up and down to the planet and back or possibly the transporters working for long enough to yank the away crew out. Maybe create some holo-projection of something bigger and more exciting than us...I'm just throwing out ideas here.  I really don't know what we have to work with."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Jettis Jyur

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 05:56:03 PM

"What sort of foolishness is this humans? Why were we brought here and what is the meaning of this ridiculous program? Regardless of your goals, you must understand that while we may be unfamiliar with the specifics of these archaic weapons, we are more than prepared to defend ourselves should you decide to attack us."

At this point, Trelane spoke up.

"I ask the questions in Gothos City Frank Dalton. Now you and your boys aren't welcome here, so you got one chance to drop those weapons before we have to kill you, now what's it to be? A jail cell or a trip to boot hill?"

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis eyes followed the Sheriff suspiciously as he spoke, but he didn't question it further. Head snapping around as the Romulans called out, he almost instantly raised his hands, palms forward as a sign of peace. They weren't instantly shooting, so that likely meant they were exactly as confused as they were. That was good, confusion wasn't aggression. Raising his voice, he called back to them, "We mean no harm. This program, whatever it is, is not the doing of us or any Starfleet ship." His eyes darted back to Trelane, who was trying to bait the Romulans into aggression. It was clear they needed to distance their association from him, lest he cause an unnecessary firefight.


When it became apparent that their opponents were Romulans, Mondo's jaw clenched.  They were being manipulated into murdering Romulans.  Perhaps nothing else here was real.  The people in town.  The town itself.  But Romulans were known to be here before this away team was launched.

The Romulans were most likely real.

"Sirs... I believe we should surrender to the Romulans."

He glanced back at the Sheriff of Gothos.

"We are being maneuvered into bloodshed, and I believe these Romulans are legitimate people.  Not some manufactured fabrication or illusion."

There was no way to know, of course.  Everyone here could be real.  Perhaps even kidnapped from elsewhere to play out this scenario.  But Mondo's instinct was that the Romulans- and perhaps the omnipotent Sheriff- were the only real components to this place.

"I would rather surrender to them, than kill them simply for the sake of some archaic simulated combat scenario.  If we surrender, there is no conflict.  Perhaps this simulation will end, or be thwarted."

Glancing at Mondo, he tossed a look at everyone else as well, before his eyes fixed on the Commander. "I agree. I don't believe anything else here, however I think the Romulans got caught up in exactly the same manner we did. Perhaps they went through the same simulation, only from the other perspective. We don't need another war on our hands." He paused, clicking his tongue on his teeth. Things weren't quite as simple as just surrendering, hopefully Briggs would have another solution to complement the idea. "However there's no guarantee that will end this.. game. We have to be cautious. I suggest trying to negotiate both sides to discard their weapons - as we know they don't have any tricks up their sleeve, or secret weapons. This could be a great opportunity."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on February 21, 2021, 01:03:18 AM

Rogue Planet - The Showdown

Mondo smiled at Wessex's comment of drink preferences.  But he was right- whoever set up this scenario was probably fallible.

When it became apparent that their opponents were Romulans, Mondo's jaw clenched.  They were being manipulated into murdering Romulans.  Perhaps nothing else here was real.  The people in town.  The town itself.  But Romulans were known to be here before this away team was launched.

The Romulans were most likely real.

"Sirs... I believe we should surrender to the Romulans."

He glanced back at the Sheriff of Gothos.

"We are being maneuvered into bloodshed, and I believe these Romulans are legitimate people.  Not some manufactured fabrication or illusion."

There was no way to know, of course.  Everyone here could be real.  Perhaps even kidnapped from elsewhere to play out this scenario.  But Mondo's instinct was that the Romulans- and perhaps the omnipotent Sheriff- were the only real components to this place.

"I would rather surrender to them, than kill them simply for the sake of some archaic simulated combat scenario.  If we surrender, there is no conflict.  Perhaps this simulation will end, or be thwarted."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on February 21, 2021, 10:39:18 AM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet]

Jettis eyes followed the Sheriff suspiciously as he spoke, but he didn't question it further. Head snapping around as the Romulans called out, he almost instantly raised his hands, palms forward as a sign of peace. They weren't instantly shooting, so that likely meant they were exactly as confused as they were. That was good, confusion wasn't aggression. Raising his voice, he called back to them, "We mean no harm. This program, whatever it is, is not the doing of us or any Starfleet ship." His eyes darted back to Trelane, who was trying to bait the Romulans into aggression. It was clear they needed to distance their association from him, lest he cause an unnecessary firefight.

Glancing at Mondo, he tossed a look at everyone else as well, before his eyes fixed on the Commander. "I agree. I don't believe anything else here, however I think the Romulans got caught up in exactly the same manner we did. Perhaps they went through the same simulation, only from the other perspective. We don't need another war on our hands." He paused, clicking his tongue on his teeth. Things weren't quite as simple as just surrendering, hopefully Briggs would have another solution to complement the idea. "However there's no guarantee that will end this.. game. We have to be cautious. I suggest trying to negotiate both sides to discard their weapons - as we know they don't have any tricks up their sleeve, or secret weapons. This could be a great opportunity."

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Trelane's eyes flashed and his pleasant demeanor dropped for the first time as he growled.

"You will play the game right! No more talking!"

With that, he drew his pistol and shot one of the Romulans, who clutched his chest to try and stop the flow of green blood that immediately darkened his shirt. At that point, the other Romulans drew their pistols and began firing. Just as their leader had said earlier, despite their unfamiliarity with the Colt Peacemaker, they had figured out the fundamentals of their operation well enough to be accurate enough to be dangerous.

First to fall was Kyle. As he went down, their security training kicked in and both Sims and Vizetti returned fire. Mondo, as a large target, was the next to fall as he was hit by multiple shots having drawn the fire from several of the Romulans. At this point, things became blurred by the rush of adrenaline and gunsmoke. Despite the fact that only three were shooting on the 'law's' side, soon, the entire 'Dalton gang' lay dead on the street. Vizetti checked Mondo and gasped when he couldn't find a pulse. As far as he could tell, the big security officer was dead. At that point, Trelane yelled. "That was the damnedest shooting I ever did see. Hell, I wish I could see it all again. In fact..."

Trelane waved his hand and the away team found themselves back in the desert looking at what they now knew to be Gothos City in the distance with Kyle and Mondo both completely unharmed.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 21, 2021, 09:46:13 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth chuckled at Ian saying she was formidable.

"He's not seen me in full beserker mode!  We could hope he gets bored at this game, or... hmm.  You've just given me an idea, Captain... well the bones of one."

Anyone who knew Ruth well would know that she was thinking, that could be dangerous but sometimes it was pure genius.

"You said you didn't have '...the slightest idea what would be more interesting than the crew of a starship. I just hope he's not the sort that likes ta pull wings off flies.' I believe.  Now, going on the 'grown up petulant kid' scenario thing we've got to either hope he gets bored, and make sure that when he does, that our crew and ship aren't the thing he turns to as his new toy as in makes us suffer more, thus offer a new plaything.  What do we have available to us that is working no matter what.  For example, could we go to gray mode? Shunt any power from anywhere to get things kickstarted elsewhere or... blipping off his radar makes him lose concentration in whatever game he's playing long enough for him to take his attention off us for a few... maybe direct it to that Romulan ship we know is out there.  He might even think that the Romulans have done away with 'his' plaything and turn on them, that would be a bonus.  But... we could get a Type 8 started up and down to the planet and back or possibly the transporters working for long enough to yank the away crew out. Maybe create some holo-projection of something bigger and more exciting than us...I'm just throwing out ideas here.  I really don't know what we have to work with."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Ruth's suggestion with interest, scratching his temple before he replied.

"Well, accordin' ta the old sayin' 'you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take', it's worth tryin'. The file indicates that it was possible to trick Trelane, so let's go dark. Mister ch'Verrit, shut off all power, includin' life support. I want the Challenger ta become a hole in space.

"The report mentions another thing. Trelane had a device hidden inside a mirror that seemed ta be how he focused or magnified his power, the information is a bit thin on that part. However, if'n we can figure out where that is, or somehow get a message ta the away team ta look for it, maybe we can make a run for it if they can disable the bloody thing."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 02:26:05 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian frowned at Lahr's announcement that he'd found a classified file as anything classified was not likely to be good news. He pulled up the file on the command chair's console and read through its content.


He growled and then sighed deeply before he explained the reason for his outburst.

"It seems one hundred and thirty-two year ago, another starship encountered this person. He goes by Trelane and it turns out he is a bein' of immense power, but is only a juvenile of his, as yet undetermined, species. Goin' by what I'm readin' here, I'd say the best way ta describe him is as a Q, but with the maturity of an eight year old.

"Accordin' ta the file, while extremely powerful, Trelane is not omniscient. He can be tricked and only has a minimal understandin' of humanity toward which he has some sort of fascination. The first time he was encountered, he was 'The Squire of Gothos' and affected the airs of 18th Century European lord. He toyed with the original USS Enterprise until his, get this, his bloody parents showed up and made him go in the house for the lack of better term."

Ian pinched the bridge of his nose and mutter.

"In the name of all that's ever been bloody holy. I just hope his parents are around or else we are deep in the pot this time."

The Captain's higher authorization opened the file and he soon filled in the Bridge with what was going on.   To say that the situation was bizarre was an understatement.   A powerful being capable of controlling ships out in space?  Bollicks was right (Galloway used that term often enough that Lahr had to research it's meaning).

Lahr glanced to the viewscreen which continued to show the situation down on the planet.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 02:26:05 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Trelane listened to the exchange between the members of the away team with interest until he saw Jettis' tricorder at which he scowled and said.

"Oh no, we won't be having any store bought items here in Gothos City."

He waved his hand and the tricorder disappeared from Jettis' hand.

"Now, I would prefer that you gentlemen all volunteer to be my deputies, but the fact is, there isn't time for you to dwell upon your choice. Either you accept my offer or I will deputize you anyway."

Before any of the away team could reply, a young boy of about twelve ran into the jail and shouted.

"Sheriff Trelane! The Daltons just showed up and theys an ornery lookin' bunch what do we do?"

Trelane smiled at the boy and replied.

"You stay here and out of sight Jimmy. Last think I need is you getting hurt while lead is flying. This won't take long. you're safe here."

Jimmy looked unsure, but he nodded, sat in the corner and tried to stay out of the way.

"Well gentlemen, looks like times up. You are hereby, by the authority invested in me as Sheriff, now deputized. Let's go stop those Daltons."

Again, before the away team could reply, a silver badge appeared where their commbadge once was and in an instant the away team, plus Trelane, were suddenly standing in the middle of the only street in Gothos City. At the other end of the town, roughly fifty meters away were the Half a dozen Romulans! All clad in western attire and wearing the exact same Colt Peacemaker revolvers on their hips.

As if on cue to the Captain stating that Trelane was powerful, the man with but a look made Jyur's tricorder disappear.   How the hell was that possible?  Was it actual teleportation or did he merely have mental control of some technology that they couldn't detect?    Lahr's rumination on this was interrupted by the arrival of the 'Dalton Gang.'  Lahr silently cursed.  Damn it.  Well, he'd called it.  He didn't envy the away one whit.   "Found the Romulans, sir."   Not that anyone on the ship could do anything about them.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 20, 2021, 04:23:13 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"Trelane... I remember reading about him.  In the meantime, we need to figure how to get them back and I'm still drawing a blank, there's absolutely nothing Scientific about this.  I wish the comms were working, there might be a way to contact his parents but... if they know what he's like they're probably keeping an eye on him anyhow.  Alternatively, if there were actually a way for me to get down there and give this Trelane a right telling off like a bad dog or a naughty kid.
He needs an authoritive female.  We all know boys obey their mothers! That or we need an actual Q one that's feeling kinda benevolent towards us."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 05:56:03 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian eyed Ruth when she offered an explanation, but chose not to pursue that particular line of questioning. Her claim that a mother might be able to get this Trelane to behave had him place a thumb along side his head as he rubbed his forehead with his index finger.

"Well, accordin' ta the file, no less a personage that James T. Bloody Kirk was unable ta get him ta behave, so despite your formidable nature Commander, I doubt that particular path will accomplish much.

"If there was just a way ta get his attention, perhaps we could come ta some sort of arrangement, not that I have the slightest idea what would be more interestin' than the crew of a starship. I just hope he's nae the sort that likes ta pull wings off flies."

Lahr wasn't sure if drawing the 'kid's' attention was such a good idea - nor attempting to reprimand him for his playing with his 'toys' - that could end badly if this Trelane took a temper tantrum,  but Lahr didn't comment on that.  He kept silent and merely listened as Ruth and the Captain discussed the situation.  He also kept watch on the screen ready to draw the Captain attention to what was going on there.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 20, 2021, 05:56:03 PM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Trelane gave Jettis a look of exasperation, but managed to respond in a pleasant tone.

"Well Flapjack, as my deputy, you're here to uphold the law and stop these Dalton varmints from taking over Gothos City. Now I suggest you get ready to draw, you don't want them to get the drop on you, now do you?"

At that moment, the leader of the Romulans spoke up.

"What sort of foolishness is this humans? Why were we brought here and what is the meaning of this ridiculous program? Regardless of your goals, you must understand that while we may be unfamiliar with the specifics of these archaic weapons, we are more than prepared to defend ourselves should you decide to attack us."

At this point, Trelane spoke up.

"I ask the questions in Gothos City Frank Dalton. Now you and your boys aren't welcome here, so you got one chance to drop those weapons before we have to kill you, now what's it to be? A jail cell or a trip to boot hill?"

Ugh... the situation on the planet below was not good.  Any unprovoked attack on the Romulans could restart hostilities    between them, yet though Mondo and Jyur were trying to de-escalate the situation, Lahr doubted the 'kid' Trelane was interested in playing diplomat.   He wanted a game of 'Wild West.'  It was damn shame the kid hadn't heard of a holodeck.
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 21, 2021, 09:46:13 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth chuckled at Ian saying she was formidable.

"He's not seen me in full beserker mode!  We could hope he gets bored at this game, or... hmm.  You've just given me an idea, Captain... well the bones of one."

Anyone who knew Ruth well would know that she was thinking, that could be dangerous but sometimes it was pure genius.

"You said you didn't have '...the slightest idea what would be more interesting than the crew of a starship. I just hope he's not the sort that likes ta pull wings off flies.' I believe.  Now, going on the 'grown up petulant kid' scenario thing we've got to either hope he gets bored, and make sure that when he does, that our crew and ship aren't the thing he turns to as his new toy as in makes us suffer more, thus offer a new plaything.  What do we have available to us that is working no matter what.  For example, could we go to gray mode? Shunt any power from anywhere to get things kickstarted elsewhere or... blipping off his radar makes him lose concentration in whatever game he's playing long enough for him to take his attention off us for a few... maybe direct it to that Romulan ship we know is out there.  He might even think that the Romulans have done away with 'his' plaything and turn on them, that would be a bonus.  But... we could get a Type 8 started up and down to the planet and back or possibly the transporters working for long enough to yank the away crew out. Maybe create some holo-projection of something bigger and more exciting than us...I'm just throwing out ideas here.  I really don't know what we have to work with."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 21, 2021, 11:46:57 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Ruth's suggestion with interest, scratching his temple before he replied.

"Well, accordin' ta the old sayin' 'you miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take', it's worth tryin'. The file indicates that it was possible to trick Trelane, so let's go dark. Mister ch'Verrit, shut off all power, includin' life support. I want the Challenger ta become a hole in space.

"The report mentions another thing. Trelane had a device hidden inside a mirror that seemed ta be how he focused or magnified his power, the information is a bit thin on that part. However, if'n we can figure out where that is, or somehow get a message ta the away team ta look for it, maybe we can make a run for it if they can disable the bloody thing."

"Aye sir!" Lahr acknowledged.. yet before he could begin on enacting that order things on the planet when bad and Lahr's attention in concern, got drawn to what was happening on the screen.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 21, 2021, 11:46:57 AM

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Trelane's eyes flashed and his pleasant demeanor dropped for the first time as he growled.

"You will play the game right! No more talking!"

With that, he drew his pistol and shot one of the Romulans, who clutched his chest to try and stop the flow of green blood that immediately darkened his shirt. At that point, the other Romulans drew their pistols and began firing. Just as their leader had said earlier, despite their unfamiliarity with the Colt Peacemaker, they had figured out the fundamentals of their operation well enough to be accurate enough to be dangerous.

First to fall was Kyle. As he went down, their security training kicked in and both Sims and Vizetti returned fire. Mondo, as a large target, was the next to fall as he was hit by multiple shots having drawn the fire from several of the Romulans. At this point, things became blurred by the rush of adrenaline and gunsmoke. Despite the fact that only three were shooting on the 'law's' side, soon, the entire 'Dalton gang' lay dead on the street. Vizetti checked Mondo and gasped when he couldn't find a pulse. As far as he could tell, the big security officer was dead. At that point, Trelane yelled. "That was the damnedest shooting I ever did see. Hell, I wish I could see it all again. In fact..."

Trelane waved his hand and the away team found themselves back in the desert looking at what they now knew to be Gothos City in the distance with Kyle and Mondo both completely unharmed.

And there was the tantrum!  Trelane shot at the Romulans first and then all hell broke loose.  "The Romulan's are firing on the away team, sir!"   It was a terrible thing to watch as Kyle fell, and then Mondo.  When it was over and done with hearing Vizetti confirm Mondo as dead had Lahr's antenna hung low.   This was just as terrible as losing M'lenda.

The Captain's order to shut down all power was forgotten in lieu of what was happening on the screen... up until the scene seemed to reset...and Kyle and Mondo respawned.   That was unexpected. His antenne writhed uncertainly.

"Um nevermind, seems like they get to play additional lives."

Then as much as he hated to Lahr began the process to shut down power to all systems - including Life Support.   Beforehand though, he attempted to forewarn the ship so that those that had special environmental needs like any Benzite crew in the own quarters, could switch over to their respirators.

Soon the ship was dark.  "Power to all systems is down sir."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 21, 2021, 02:03:15 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

The Captain's higher authorization opened the file and he soon filled in the Bridge with what was going on.   To say that the situation was bizarre was an understatement.   A powerful being capable of controlling ships out in space?  Bollicks was right (Galloway used that term often enough that Lahr had to research it's meaning).

Lahr glanced to the viewscreen which continued to show the situation down on the planet.

As if on cue to the Captain stating that Trelane was powerful, the man with but a look made Jyur's tricorder disappear.   How the hell was that possible?  Was it actual teleportation or did he merely have mental control of some technology that they couldn't detect?    Lahr's rumination on this was interrupted by the arrival of the 'Dalton Gang.'  Lahr silently cursed.  Damn it.  Well, he'd called it.  He didn't envy the away one whit.   "Found the Romulans, sir."   Not that anyone on the ship could do anything about them.

Lahr wasn't sure if drawing the 'kid's' attention was such a good idea - nor attempting to reprimand him for his playing with his 'toys' - that could end badly if this Trelane took a temper tantrum,  but Lahr didn't comment on that.  He kept silent and merely listened as Ruth and the Captain discussed the situation.  He also kept watch on the screen ready to draw the Captain attention to what was going on there.
Ugh... the situation on the planet below was not good.  Any unprovoked attack on the Romulans could restart hostilities    between them, yet though Mondo and Jyur were trying to de-escalate the situation, Lahr doubted the 'kid' Trelane was interested in playing diplomat.   He wanted a game of 'Wild West.'  It was damn shame the kid hadn't heard of a holodeck.

"Aye sir!" Lahr acknowledged.. yet before he could begin on enacting that order things on the planet when bad and Lahr's attention in concern, got drawn to what was happening on the screen.

And there was the tantrum!  Trelane shot at the Romulans first and then all hell broke loose.  "The Romulan's are firing on the away team, sir!"   It was a terrible thing to watch as Kyle fell, and then Mondo.  When it was over and done with hearing Vizetti confirm Mondo as dead had Lahr's antenna hung low.   This was just as terrible as losing M'lenda.

The Captain's order to shut down all power was forgotten in lieu of what was happening on the screen... up until the scene seemed to reset...and Kyle and Mondo respawned.   That was unexpected. His antenne writhed uncertainly.

"Um nevermind, seems like they get to play additional lives."

Then as much as he hated to Lahr began the process to shut down power to all systems - including Life Support.   Beforehand though, he attempted to forewarn the ship so that those that had special environmental needs like any Benzite crew in the own quarters, could switch over to their respirators.

Soon the ship was dark.  "Power to all systems is down sir."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the primary lighting went off, the bridge was cast in a pale red glow and at that point, just like the rest of the crew, all Ian could do was wait, which hated to do. However, his ability to influence what was happening on the rogue planet was even more limited than the usual when there was away team on planet. Therefore, waiting was the only viable option. The only thing active on the bridge was the viewscreen which had a life of its own. This was fortunate as it allowed Ian to see that entire the away team was unharmed and that they were gathered a kilometer west of the small settlement and were discussing what to do next.

"I'm nae certain as ta how, but they've got ta figure out Trelane has that device somewhere and disable it. If'n they can, then we have a chance ta make a run for it."

He said to no one in particular as he returned to waiting.

[Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

The away team found themselves looking out at the small town and wondering what to do next. The setup was a little different this time. Gone were their deputy badges with their commbadges back in place and they still had their Colt Peacemakers. They otherwise had none of their gear from the ship. What they did know was that Trelane was likely to want to keep playing his game. Beyond that, the only other fact they knew for certain was that somewhere, likely east of town, there were half a dozen Romulans. What they would do with that information was, as yet, unknown.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 22, 2021, 11:03:55 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the primary lighting went off, the bridge was cast in a pale red glow and at that point, just like the rest of the crew, all Ian could do was wait, which hated to do. However, his ability to influence what was happening on the rogue planet was even more limited than the usual when there was away team on planet. Therefore, waiting was the only viable option. The only thing active on the bridge was the viewscreen which had a life of its own. This was fortunate as it allowed Ian to see that entire the away team was unharmed and that they were gathered a kilometer west of the small settlement and were discussing what to do next.

"I'm nae certain as ta how, but they've got ta figure out Trelane has that device somewhere and disable it. If'n they can, then we have a chance ta make a run for it."

He said to no one in particular as he returned to waiting.

Sitting in the gloom of the bridge, the area lit only by emergency lighting and the glow of the viewscreen - somehow still active despite Lahr having confirm all power to the screen was down.

"Apparently, we're his captive audience." Lahr tried to make light of the situation as on the screen the away team was coming to terms of what just happened to them.

While those on the screen began their redo, something the Captain said niggled at his curiosity.

"You said something about a device... what device are you talking about?"  Had there been something in the classified file that gave a clue as to how Trelane did all his seemingly omnipotent abilities?

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Paul Wessex


The haze, the sound, the smoke, and the whizz of metal vanished as soon as it had begun.

The whole town, in fact.

Standing facing the town, Wessex - beyond pleased, if not completely unsurprised, to find that his colleagues were unharmed during the fracas that this 'Trelane' had childishly instigated - muttered lightly at immediate events. "This is all, if you pardon the expression, complete tosh". He pulled a wry smile, to underscore the sentiment. "I get the vague impression we're meant to tow the line and not disrupt some pre-planned outcome.".

Community policing a civilian zone, he undertake with absolute pleasure. Neutralising hostile forces, he would do without hesitation. Protecting colleagues or foreign dignitaries from harm he had ample experience of. But be forced to play a part - mindless, consequence free part - in some mad theatrics, was something he'd fight against to the last.

He looked around, and an idea occurred to him. "I wonder... Are we now meant to portray this 'Dalton gang', and the Romulans", he had to chuckle - Romulans; he had only meant a brace of them while in NavPat, now they're were popping up like Byderium seabed worms; he guessed there was a reason they had been known as a Star, not Sea, Empire, "are now to play the part of the plucky defenders?".

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 22, 2021, 11:03:55 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the primary lighting went off, the bridge was cast in a pale red glow and at that point, just like the rest of the crew, all Ian could do was wait, which hated to do. However, his ability to influence what was happening on the rogue planet was even more limited than the usual when there was away team on planet. Therefore, waiting was the only viable option. The only thing active on the bridge was the viewscreen which had a life of its own. This was fortunate as it allowed Ian to see that entire the away team was unharmed and that they were gathered a kilometer west of the small settlement and were discussing what to do next.

"I'm nae certain as ta how, but they've got ta figure out Trelane has that device somewhere and disable it. If'n they can, then we have a chance ta make a run for it."

He said to no one in particular as he returned to waiting.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 23, 2021, 02:29:49 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Sitting in the gloom of the bridge, the area lit only by emergency lighting and the glow of the viewscreen - somehow still active despite Lahr having confirm all power to the screen was down.

"Apparently, we're his captive audience." Lahr tried to make light of the situation as on the screen the away team was coming to terms of what just happened to them.

While those on the screen began their redo, something the Captain said niggled at his curiosity.

"You said something about a device... what device are you talking about?"  Had there been something in the classified file that gave a clue as to how Trelane did all his seemingly omnipotent abilities?

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"It's logical to assume they don't have their commbadges or they'd have reported in by now.  Can we divert any power to getting a shuttle powered up and, can we create enough of a diversion that I can get down there.  Otherwise I'm wracking my brains to think of a method of communicating with them.  We're too far away for something like helio messaging morse code, semaphore, flags like on old ships, sign language or anything like that, we can't use traditional electronic methods or even archaic such as tapping out morse code.  I think hang on and see if he notices that we've gone dark or well y'know disappeared out of existence, then see how things pan out.  Sometimes this is a game of cat and mouse... we must now see if the cat goes to chase a different mouse.  But waiting is a ..."

Ruth sighed, and shrugged.

"Mirror device, if I recall it was hidden, behind or in... I'm not sure, it's been a while since I read the report, a regular mirror with an ornate frame.  It's been a while since anyone last encountered him so he might have streamlined it a little, made it smaller, more portable.  It could even be on his person. Were he female I'd be thinking along the lines of a compact mirror with a flip top like one would use to touch up make up... but he's a guy.  Maybe a shaving mirror?" she suggested throwing out a couple of ideas as to where the Away team might start looking if they got the chance.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 23, 2021, 10:39:04 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"It's logical to assume they don't have their commbadges or they'd have reported in by now.  Can we divert any power to getting a shuttle powered up and, can we create enough of a diversion that I can get down there.  Otherwise I'm wracking my brains to think of a method of communicating with them.  We're too far away for something like helio messaging morse code, semaphore, flags like on old ships, sign language or anything like that, we can't use traditional electronic methods or even archaic such as tapping out morse code.  I think hang on and see if he notices that we've gone dark or well y'know disappeared out of existence, then see how things pan out.  Sometimes this is a game of cat and mouse... we must now see if the cat goes to chase a different mouse.  But waiting is a ..."

Ruth sighed, and shrugged.

"Mirror device, if I recall it was hidden, behind or in... I'm not sure, it's been a while since I read the report, a regular mirror with an ornate frame.  It's been a while since anyone last encountered him so he might have streamlined it a little, made it smaller, more portable.  It could even be on his person. Were he female I'd be thinking along the lines of a compact mirror with a flip top like one would use to touch up make up... but he's a guy.  Maybe a shaving mirror?" she suggested throwing out a couple of ideas as to where the Away team might start looking if they got the chance.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Ruth's conjectures and nodded absently as his attention strayed to the viewscreen. He looked at the away team intently and noticed something.

"Commander, I sincerely doubt anyone from Challenger will be able ta get ta the planet unless Trelane decides he wants more toys ta play with. However, I think we have a chance ta communicate with the away team. Look at the viewscreen, since the game reset, they have their commbadges again.

"T'Kel, see if'n you can reach them."

As efficiently as ever, the Vulcan security chief hailed the away team and surprisingly. Crewman Sims replied.

"We can hear you Challenger. The officers are having a debate on our next course of action, is there something I can relay to them?"

Unsure of how long they would be able to speak to the away team, Ian quickly relayed the gist of the file on Trelane adding.

"He should have some device he uses ta do the things he can do. It was in a wall mounted mirror the first time he was encountered. See if'n you can find it or summat like it, perhaps smaller now. Disablin' that device may be key ta our escape."

Understood Sir, I'll let the others know."

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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