S4: E9 - The Sheriff of Gothos

Started by Ian Galloway, February 02, 2021, 12:45:37 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 23, 2021, 10:39:04 AM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

"It's logical to assume they don't have their commbadges or they'd have reported in by now.  Can we divert any power to getting a shuttle powered up and, can we create enough of a diversion that I can get down there.  Otherwise I'm wracking my brains to think of a method of communicating with them.  We're too far away for something like helio messaging morse code, semaphore, flags like on old ships, sign language or anything like that, we can't use traditional electronic methods or even archaic such as tapping out morse code.  I think hang on and see if he notices that we've gone dark or well y'know disappeared out of existence, then see how things pan out.  Sometimes this is a game of cat and mouse... we must now see if the cat goes to chase a different mouse.  But waiting is a ..."

Ruth sighed, and shrugged.

"Mirror device, if I recall it was hidden, behind or in... I'm not sure, it's been a while since I read the report, a regular mirror with an ornate frame.  It's been a while since anyone last encountered him so he might have streamlined it a little, made it smaller, more portable.  It could even be on his person. Were he female I'd be thinking along the lines of a compact mirror with a flip top like one would use to touch up make up... but he's a guy.  Maybe a shaving mirror?" she suggested throwing out a couple of ideas as to where the Away team might start looking if they got the chance.

Lahr's antenna swiveled towards Ruth, the red of her hair lost to the red tint of the emergency lighting, as she questioned about diverting power.   She was still beautiful, just not as eye-catchingly so.

"Right now everything is powered down so ... no power to divert." Lahr remarked answering Ruth.  As it was, he was using a hand tricorder to track their current environmental conditions, like oxygen level and temperature, in case this ruse continued on for a while.

"But even if we had power.... Power isn't the problem.  It is.. but it isn't.  Our equipment should have access to the ship's power earlier - the transporters, the engines.. all of it... there is nothing physically intercepting the power flow.  They should be working.. but they're not.  Adding more isn't likely to change that... ma'am"  It took a moment for Lahr to remember to add in her honorific to his response.   Though he suspected Ruth would be fine with him leaving it off most of the time, he recognized that it did set a bad example for others, so DID try to remember.   He was just glad he hadn't yet called her 'babe' while on duty.  He figured when (and yeah given his lax personality it was a 'when' not so much an 'if') that happened he expected he'd be stuck out on hull cleaning duty for a month.    Lahr was hoping to delay that eventuality for as long as possible.

When Ruth described the device that had been used by Trelane in the past, Lahr realized that as an enlisted there was quite a bit he was missing out on.   For some reason that bothered him.   While he knew there were opportunities for enlisted like him to be 'bumped' to the commissioned track, Lahr didn't have any confidence that he had what it took to be an officer (well other than petty officer).

He turned his attention back to his tricorder while listening to the activity on the viewscreen.

Quote from: Paul Wessex on February 23, 2021, 06:20:21 AM

The haze, the sound, the smoke, and the whizz of metal vanished as soon as it had begun.

The whole town, in fact.

Standing facing the town, Wessex - beyond pleased, if not completely unsurprised, to find that his colleagues were unharmed during the fracas that this 'Trelane' had childishly instigated - muttered lightly at immediate events. "This is all, if you pardon the expression, complete tosh". He pulled a wry smile, to underscore the sentiment. "I get the vague impression we're meant to tow the line and not disrupt some pre-planned outcome.".

Community policing a civilian zone, he undertake with absolute pleasure. Neutralising hostile forces, he would do without hesitation. Protecting colleagues or foreign dignitaries from harm he had ample experience of. But be forced to play a part - mindless, consequence free part - in some mad theatrics, was something he'd fight against to the last.

He looked around, and an idea occurred to him. "I wonder... Are we now meant to portray this 'Dalton gang', and the Romulans", he had to chuckle - Romulans; he had only meant a brace of them while in NavPat, now they're were popping up like Byderium seabed worms; he guessed there was a reason they had been known as a Star, not Sea, Empire, "are now to play the part of the plucky defenders?".

Lahr wasn't familiar with the word 'tosh' but from the way Lieutenant Wessex used it, Lahr assumed it meant something along the lines of 'male bovine excrement'.  The Andorian had a fondness for learning foreign cuss words so saved that one to memory for checking into later.

Wessex' impression of the situation, mirrored Lahr's own.  Trelane definitely wanted the away team to play out certain roles.. though he hoped that the officer's musing about their roles being switched - so that the away team had to play out the 'Dalton gang' was wrong.  Because in most games the player wanted the good guy to win.   Seeing the entire away team gunned down, was not going to do his mental health any good.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 24, 2021, 02:52:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Ruth's conjectures and nodded absently as his attention strayed to the viewscreen. He looked at the away team intently and noticed something.

"Commander, I sincerely doubt anyone from Challenger will be able ta get ta the planet unless Trelane decides he wants more toys ta play with. However, I think we have a chance ta communicate with the away team. Look at the viewscreen, since the game reset, they have their commbadges again.

"T'Kel, see if'n you can reach them."

As efficiently as ever, the Vulcan security chief hailed the away team and surprisingly. Crewman Sims replied.

"We can hear you Challenger. The officers are having a debate on our next course of action, is there something I can relay to them?"

Unsure of how long they would be able to speak to the away team, Ian quickly relayed the gist of the file on Trelane adding.

"He should have some device he uses ta do the things he can do. It was in a wall mounted mirror the first time he was encountered. See if'n you can find it or summat like it, perhaps smaller now. Disablin' that device may be key ta our escape."

Understood Sir, I'll let the others know."

It was only when the Captain pointed out that the commbadges were back that Lahr took a closer glance at the away team.  Sure enough the deputy stars were gone and replaced with their comm badges.

T'Kel had to contact the team using her own comm badge since power to the communications console was out, like everything else.   Even so, contact was made!  And intel on Trelane passed on.

Lahr just hoped the contact wasn't some sort of 'false hope' trap.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyle Briggs

Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

As soon as the away team rematerialized back on the out skirts of town, Kyle immediately clutched at his chest where he had been shot just a few moments earlier. Much like Sims, the wound, the blood and the damage to his uniform top were all gone. He took a moment to compose himself as all of his feelings were manifesting at once. He was angry over seeing his people being killed over and over despite the fact that this Trelane fellow was some how bringing them all back. Then his anger tripled at the said Sheriff Trelane. Then there was his fear. Several in fact. The fear of losing another team member and not getting them back this time. The fear of himself being shot again and never seeing Lisa again. His thought of the doctor brought back the thought of Trelane. How the hell did he know things about the crew? Kyle was pulled form his thoughts as the others began wondering what was coming next.

"I don't know who this guy is...." he said suddenly. ".....but I be damned if we're gonna play his little games and get our asses shot in the process over and over again."

He turned back to face the town. "Okay. We know where we are and where the Romulans come in. We can only assume they too are going through the same things we are. Let's circle around the town and meet up with them before we enter the town." Kyle added as Sims, who had stepped off to the side, approached him and relayed the message from Ian.

"A mirror?" he verified.

The away team stood in place a few moments longer and discussed their options.

Mondo'li Nari


It was bound to happen sooner or later.  Mondo had wondered what it would be like, when it finally came.  He had thought to die during the Leyton rebellion.  Or on one of a handful of incidents that had happened since then.  He hadn't expected to die on an impossible world, playing out some sort of game for some unknown entity or entities of great power.

The darkness came, but somehow his consciousness didn't end.  He saw a light.  Would his ancestors be waiting there for him?  Would he join them in adding his spirit to the great tapestry of his family line?  Would he add his strength to a distant cousin?  A neice?  Would he see their lives, and be able to reach out to help them in moments of need?

All of these musings ended rather abruptly as he found himself standing once again with the away team, clutching at wounds that no longer existed.

Mondo reached down and found his weapon.  He would rather shoot himself than to participate in a continuous cycle of pantomime murder.

But another solution was soon transmitted to them.

"Sirs... if this Sheriff is the source of our troubles, and if he has a source of power, he would surely maintain it in a central, protected location.  Perhaps the Sheriff's own office?"

If Mondo had vital equipment to protect, he would keep it where he could keep a close eye on it.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth nodded in the red lighting towards Lahr, smiling slightly at the pause between his explanation and his remembering to add the honorific.  She didn't mind, ever.  But the Captain might and others should be giving her the title.  She was one of the top 3 ranking people on the ship after all.

Talking almost to herself but loud enough that anyone who wanted to hear could she started pondering.

"Now if I had such a device and I wanted to keep it safe... where would I keep it.  Assuming it wasn't shrunk small enough to fit in say a pocket watch or something... it would be somewhere I could guard it.  Is there a jail, sheriff's office or maybe a bank with a vault down there??"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 25, 2021, 10:05:37 PM

Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

As soon as the away team rematerialized back on the out skirts of town, Kyle immediately clutched at his chest where he had been shot just a few moments earlier. Much like Sims, the wound, the blood and the damage to his uniform top were all gone. He took a moment to compose himself as all of his feelings were manifesting at once. He was angry over seeing his people being killed over and over despite the fact that this Trelane fellow was some how bringing them all back. Then his anger tripled at the said Sheriff Trelane. Then there was his fear. Several in fact. The fear of losing another team member and not getting them back this time. The fear of himself being shot again and never seeing Lisa again. His thought of the doctor brought back the thought of Trelane. How the hell did he know things about the crew? Kyle was pulled form his thoughts as the others began wondering what was coming next.

"I don't know who this guy is...." he said suddenly. ".....but I be damned if we're gonna play his little games and get our asses shot in the process over and over again."

He turned back to face the town. "Okay. We know where we are and where the Romulans come in. We can only assume they too are going through the same things we are. Let's circle around the town and meet up with them before we enter the town." Kyle added as Sims, who had stepped off to the side, approached him and relayed the message from Ian.

"A mirror?" he verified.

The away team stood in place a few moments longer and discussed their options.

[Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Sims nodded in affirmation of Kyle's question.

"Yes Sir, a mirror. Based of the first encounter with Trelane some 130 years ago, he had a large wall mounted mirror. However, the Captain warned me that he might have been able to miniaturize it down to hand size since then. No one knows for sure."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 26, 2021, 08:47:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth nodded in the red lighting towards Lahr, smiling slightly at the pause between his explanation and his remembering to add the honorific.  She didn't mind, ever.  But the Captain might and others should be giving her the title.  She was one of the top 3 ranking people on the ship after all.

Talking almost to herself but loud enough that anyone who wanted to hear could she started pondering.

"Now if I had such a device and I wanted to keep it safe... where would I keep it.  Assuming it wasn't shrunk small enough to fit in say a pocket watch or something... it would be somewhere I could guard it.  Is there a jail, sheriff's office or maybe a bank with a vault down there??"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian scratched his chin as Ruth spoke and replied.

"When the viewscreen first allowed us ta watch what's goin' on, they were in the town's jail. Not under arrest, but in the front office part for lack of a better term. As he is the sheriff, If'n he still needs a large device, it stands ta reason it would be there.

"Honestly, I just wish we had a means ta contact his parents ta put a stop ta this. However, we don't even know if Trelane is a juvenile Q and even if we did, its nae like we can contact them anyway. I hate ta say this, but I think gettin' out of this will be completely on the away team."

At that point, an unexpected voice spoke up.

"You are correct Captain."

Ian's head snapped in the direction of the voice and he cringed internally to see Trelane standing on the bridge with an obviously irritated expression.

"It took me a while to notice you'd disappeared from my little world and even longer to find you. I have to admit, shutting down your power to make it look like you'd escaped was clever. However, I will not put up with interference from you like I did with that tiresome Mister Spock. I think, I'm going to add a little spice to the game and you get to be part of it Captain or should I say, Highland Joe? Yes, that seems fitting."

Before Ian, or anyone else for that matter, could say anything, Trelane was gone and so was the Captain. On the viewscreen, the image shifted from that of the away team to that of Ian in one of the jail cells with Trelane taunting him from outside the cell by rocking a set of keys on his finger with a huge grin on his face.

=/\= "Well there Highland Joe, looks like a warrant for your arrest just came over the telegraph. Seems like you have been up to a lot of no good and that it seems like you're wanted dead or alive. Since I took you alive, fair and square, I guess I decide what happens to you. I'll give you a fair chance though. If your friends outside can bust you out of that cell in the next hour, I'll let you live. If they don't, then I guess you'll hang." =/\=

This last part of what Trelane had to say was broadcast not only on the viewscreen for the bridge to hear, but over the away team's commbadges, so that they also knew of Ian's situation. And to emphasize the point, Trelane added.

=/\= "One hour gentlemen, the clock is ticking." =/\=

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 26, 2021, 08:47:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth nodded in the red lighting towards Lahr, smiling slightly at the pause between his explanation and his remembering to add the honorific.  She didn't mind, ever.  But the Captain might and others should be giving her the title.  She was one of the top 3 ranking people on the ship after all.

Talking almost to herself but loud enough that anyone who wanted to hear could she started pondering.

"Now if I had such a device and I wanted to keep it safe... where would I keep it.  Assuming it wasn't shrunk small enough to fit in say a pocket watch or something... it would be somewhere I could guard it.  Is there a jail, sheriff's office or maybe a bank with a vault down there??"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 26, 2021, 01:36:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian scratched his chin as Ruth spoke and replied.

"When the viewscreen first allowed us ta watch what's goin' on, they were in the town's jail. Not under arrest, but in the front office part for lack of a better term. As he is the sheriff, If'n he still needs a large device, it stands ta reason it would be there.

"Honestly, I just wish we had a means ta contact his parents ta put a stop ta this. However, we don't even know if Trelane is a juvenile Q and even if we did, its nae like we can contact them anyway. I hate ta say this, but I think gettin' out of this will be completely on the away team."

At that point, an unexpected voice spoke up.

"You are correct Captain."

Ian's head snapped in the direction of the voice and he cringed internally to see Trelane standing on the bridge with an obviously irritated expression.

"It took me a while to notice you'd disappeared from my little world and even longer to find you. I have to admit, shutting down your power to make it look like you'd escaped was clever. However, I will not put up with interference from you like I did with that tiresome Mister Spock. I think, I'm going to add a little spice to the game and you get to be part of it Captain or should I say, Highland Joe? Yes, that seems fitting."

Before Ian, or anyone else for that matter, could say anything, Trelane was gone and so was the Captain. On the viewscreen, the image shifted from that of the away team to that of Ian in one of the jail cells with Trelane taunting him from outside the cell by rocking a set of keys on his finger with a huge grin on his face.

=/\= "Well there Highland Joe, looks like a warrant for your arrest just came over the telegraph. Seems like you have been up to a lot of no good and that it seems like you're wanted dead or alive. Since I took you alive, fair and square, I guess I decide what happens to you. I'll give you a fair chance though. If your friends outside can bust you out of that cell in the next hour, I'll let you live. If they don't, then I guess you'll hang." =/\=

This last part of what Trelane had to say was broadcast not only on the viewscreen for the bridge to hear, but over the away team's commbadges, so that they also knew of Ian's situation. And to emphasize the point, Trelane added.

=/\= "One hour gentlemen, the clock is ticking." =/\=

The sudden voice confirming the Captain's comment had Lahr's antenna jumping upright in startlement.  The Andorian turned towards the voice and saw the Sheriff Trelane.  His hand patted his hip where for 2 years he carried a phaser on shift everyday.   He missed it now.

The man's comment about 'adding spice to the game' forewarned Lahr of something terrible and sure enough a moment later the Captain was gone from the bridge and visible on the viewscreen under threat of a hanging.  "Roozh!"

Lahr turned to Ruth.  "What do we do now, Commander?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyle Briggs

Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

The away team was slowly making their way around the town toward what they believed was the location of the Romulans when they heard their comm badges. They stopped in their tracks and listened.


=/\=Well there Highland Joe, looks like a warrant for your arrest just came over the telegraph. Seems like you have been up to a lot of no good and that it seems like you're wanted dead or alive. Since I took you alive, fair and square, I guess I decide what happens to you. I'll give you a fair chance though. If your friends outside can bust you out of that cell in the next hour, I'll let you live. If they don't, then I guess you'll hang. One hour gentlemen, the clock is ticking.  =/\=

"Who the hell is this Highland Joe?" Kyle asked aloud.

The away team was all accounted for so the first thing that came to Kyle's mind were the other pawns in this psycho's game, the Romulans. But it didn't matter who it was, Kyle was positive they weren't a willing participant.

"Change of plan, gentlemen. There's a reason we were able to hear this exchange. He wants us to come back in there. There's not a doubt in my mind that it's some sort of trap but we can't leave whoever this Joe person is in there alone. We can also take it as a chance to try and locate his power source. Let's go." Kyle said.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 26, 2021, 11:24:53 PM

Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

The away team was slowly making their way around the town toward what they believed was the location of the Romulans when they heard their comm badges. They stopped in their tracks and listened.

"Who the hell is this Highland Joe?" Kyle asked aloud.

The away team was all accounted for so the first thing that came to Kyle's mind were the other pawns in this psycho's game, the Romulans. But it didn't matter who it was, Kyle was positive they weren't a willing participant.

"Change of plan, gentlemen. There's a reason we were able to hear this exchange. He wants us to come back in there. There's not a doubt in my mind that it's some sort of trap but we can't leave whoever this Joe person is in there alone. We can also take it as a chance to try and locate his power source. Let's go." Kyle said.

[Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

Approaching the town using what little cover there was, the away team reached the outermost building without being seen. Peaking around the corner of the stable found few people about. The jail was six buildings down from where they were and it didn't seem like there was anyone on watch. Whatever Trelane had planned was not readily apparent.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on February 26, 2021, 11:24:53 PM

Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System

The away team was slowly making their way around the town toward what they believed was the location of the Romulans when they heard their comm badges. They stopped in their tracks and listened.

"Who the hell is this Highland Joe?" Kyle asked aloud.

The away team was all accounted for so the first thing that came to Kyle's mind were the other pawns in this psycho's game, the Romulans. But it didn't matter who it was, Kyle was positive they weren't a willing participant.

"Change of plan, gentlemen. There's a reason we were able to hear this exchange. He wants us to come back in there. There's not a doubt in my mind that it's some sort of trap but we can't leave whoever this Joe person is in there alone. We can also take it as a chance to try and locate his power source. Let's go." Kyle said.

It took hearing Commander Brigg's question on the viewscreen for Lahr to realize that the away team didn't have the visual that they had, in order to know 'Highland Joe' was the Captain.

Without thinking to ask for permission, Lahr called down to the away team.  =/\= "Challenger to Away Team.  The Captain has been captured and is being held in the jailhouse by the Sheriff Trelane.  He's 'Highland Joe'.  If there's any intel you need on the jailhouse, let me know.  Currently, we have eyes on the Captain." =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 27, 2021, 06:40:16 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

It took hearing Commander Brigg's question on the viewscreen for Lahr to realize that the away team didn't have the visual that they had, in order to know 'Highland Joe' was the Captain.

Without thinking to ask for permission, Lahr called down to the away team.  =/\= "Challenger to Away Team.  The Captain has been captured and is being held in the jailhouse by the Sheriff Trelane.  He's 'Highland Joe'.  If there's any intel you need on the jailhouse, let me know.  Currently, we have eyes on the Captain." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Immediately after Lahr spoke with the away team, the image on the viewscreen shifted to a close up of Trelane looking quite aggrieved.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. We'll have no more interference from you, my fine blue friend."

Trelane's visage disappeared and returned to that of the away team at the edge of Gothos City, but there was a difference, their commbadges were gone and they sat in a pile on the console in front of Lahr.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 27, 2021, 06:40:16 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

It took hearing Commander Brigg's question on the viewscreen for Lahr to realize that the away team didn't have the visual that they had, in order to know 'Highland Joe' was the Captain.

Without thinking to ask for permission, Lahr called down to the away team.  =/\= "Challenger to Away Team.  The Captain has been captured and is being held in the jailhouse by the Sheriff Trelane.  He's 'Highland Joe'.  If there's any intel you need on the jailhouse, let me know.  Currently, we have eyes on the Captain." =/\=

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth barely had time to react when Trelane appeared and then took the Captain.  Slowly she got to her feet and went to sit in the Captain's chair since she was now, by default the most high ranking officer on the ship, not that it would do any good, it wasn't that they could go anywhere.  It just registered that Lahr had asked her what to do.

"What you've just done Petty Officer, unless you can find a way to beam me and my axes down there so I can filet Trelane and make a stir fry out of him...for other enemies.  No way I'd be eating that. There's no reasoning with him." she said Lahr with a wry half-smile of thanks and 'now what the hell are we supposed to do?!'

She had hoped moving would get her brain working.  Mostly to herself she muttered. "Loki, if he's one of yours, for Valhalla's sake call him off, if not would you hold a stake out and let your minions of mischief loose on him.  ch'Verret do we have any way of contacting anyone not our away team? I mean off ship? Even the Romulans will do.  They may be complete jackasses most of the time but you can at least reason with them."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 28, 2021, 10:48:11 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Immediately after Lahr spoke with the away team, the image on the viewscreen shifted to a close up of Trelane looking quite aggrieved.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. We'll have no more interference from you, my fine blue friend."

Trelane's visage disappeared and returned to that of the away team at the edge of Gothos City, but there was a difference, their commbadges were gone and they sat in a pile on the console in front of Lahr.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on February 28, 2021, 12:12:34 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Ruth barely had time to react when Trelane appeared and then took the Captain.  Slowly she got to her feet and went to sit in the Captain's chair since she was now, by default the most high ranking officer on the ship, not that it would do any good, it wasn't that they could go anywhere.  It just registered that Lahr had asked her what to do.

"What you've just done Petty Officer, unless you can find a way to beam me and my axes down there so I can filet Trelane and make a stir fry out of him...for other enemies.  No way I'd be eating that. There's no reasoning with him." she said Lahr with a wry half-smile of thanks and 'now what the hell are we supposed to do?!'

She had hoped moving would get her brain working.  Mostly to herself she muttered. "Loki, if he's one of yours, for Valhalla's sake call him off, if not would you hold a stake out and let your minions of mischief loose on him.  ch'Verret do we have any way of contacting anyone not our away team? I mean off ship? Even the Romulans will do.  They may be complete jackasses most of the time but you can at least reason with them."

Lahr realized belatedly that he should have expected Trelane's interference when he called down to the Away Team - and with that expectation maybe even had security ready and waiting.  But the Andorian hadn't considered the ramifications of his actions beforehand... and now as he looked at the pile of commbadges which had suddenly appeared on his desk, he had to accept the consequence of his unauthorized action had cut the Away Team off from communicating with the ship.  Roohz!

The only good to come of it was that he did get the message to the Away Team that Highland Joe was the Captain.  With that information they could suitably adjust their mission goal.

At Ruth's joking remark about the option of beaming her down with her axe, the Andorian did check the operability of the transporters.   But doubted Trelane would allow anything at all like that.

Her question about contacting anyone outside ship - notably the Romulans - had Lahr checking his console.   "I can give a try ma'am.. but we gotta know that Trelane will be listening in - and likely interfering."

Lahr attempted to send out a standard hailing frequency.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 28, 2021, 07:23:47 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr realized belatedly that he should have expected Trelane's interference when he called down to the Away Team - and with that expectation maybe even had security ready and waiting.  But the Andorian hadn't considered the ramifications of his actions beforehand... and now as he looked at the pile of commbadges which had suddenly appeared on his desk, he had to accept the consequence of his unauthorized action had cut the Away Team off from communicating with the ship.  Roohz!

The only good to come of it was that he did get the message to the Away Team that Highland Joe was the Captain.  With that information they could suitably adjust their mission goal.

At Ruth's joking remark about the option of beaming her down with her axe, the Andorian did check the operability of the transporters.   But doubted Trelane would allow anything at all like that.

Her question about contacting anyone outside ship - notably the Romulans - had Lahr checking his console.   "I can give a try ma'am.. but we gotta know that Trelane will be listening in - and likely interfering."

Lahr attempted to send out a standard hailing frequency.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Something that Lahr said struck a chord with Ruth, that Trelane would be listening in, but he would only have one set of eyes, and while he could track stuff electronically, he couldn't track everything non-electronically being as there was only one of him.

She sat there musing, finger up her cheek and chin resting on her palm, the fingers of her other hand tapping the arm of the console.  She was thinking she knew what she wanted to do but how to implement it without Trelane getting wind of it was another matter.  She had the rudiments of the idea but she couldn't use her PADD.

"Petty Officer, are the replicators working?  I need a Ratkajino, I'll get it myself though." she added so that Lahr didn't go and get it himself as she wanted to replicate something specific so she could communicate without using her PADD or anything that could be tracked.

"Trelane if you're listening, you can't deny a girl her coffee surely.... basic food and drink isn't even denied to prisoners of war, and you can ask anyone on this ship or those you have down there, I'm not half as pretty without my coffee!"

Specifically she wanted an old graphite pencil and a bit of paper, if Trelane was watching she'd make out they were just playing Tic Tac Toe or the Dot Square game or Hangman or something.  Just to while away the time. Hangman was an option because she could make words or phrases and get the idea across to Lahr.

Making a decision she said "Actually, I have a yearning to play a game myself, one that I used to play with the twins but... tradition dictates that we do this properly, if the replicators are working fetch me a ratkajino, anyone who would like a drink may have one, two graphite pencils or markers of some kind and two small pads of paper.  We used to this game with pencils and shorthand notebooks!  It helps while away the time and anyone can play.  We're just sitting here, we may as well have some fun."

The CSO gave a look around the Bridge at the staff assembled there to make sure they realised she wasn't letting her foot off the pedal one iota, it was just simply that she needed to distract Trelane.

He couldn't look every direction at once, he couldn't control every mind at once.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Paul Wessex

[Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

The message from Challenger regarding the forced 'casting' of Captain Galloway into this little charade was both disturbing and informative in equal measure - which is why Paul was completely unsurprised that immediately afterwards the Away Team's com-badges vanished. Again. "I really should get that pinned to me" he quipped, voice laced with resignation and frustration alike. "Clearly that bit of flotsam and jetsam was something a little too close to the shore for our churlish host."

So. Some disguised device that could house a power of such magnitude? That was outside Paul's largely ocean-bound career; repelling raiders or arresting environmental violators he had plenty of experience in. Reality-warping tehno-Demi-gods? Not so much. But a mirror? That didn't fit the aesthetics of this scenario. If it was something smaller, perhaps a symbol of this Trelane's authority was more likely - his Sheriff badge, perhaps. While it was far too soon to bring it to the attention of the Away Team, Wessex contemplated the notion: a mirror signified, in some manner, some value in image and reflection - any object could have sufficed as a camouflage, but there was something clearly Narcissistic about such an accruement. And if vanity was in whatever passed for a psyche in a being that could reshape a planetary environment, perhaps the prestige of a law-enforcement figure - especially one wielding such absolute authority as a town Sherriff - was this particular counterpart.

Certainly going up against such a figure would be fruitless to the extreme. But... if this Trelane was so fixated on accuracy, even down to the seemingly poor accuracy of these firearms, then perhaps a challenge to this authority, using scenario-relevant arguments and laws, might prove to be a crack in the armour.

Or at least a second front.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on February 28, 2021, 07:23:47 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr realized belatedly that he should have expected Trelane's interference when he called down to the Away Team - and with that expectation maybe even had security ready and waiting.  But the Andorian hadn't considered the ramifications of his actions beforehand... and now as he looked at the pile of commbadges which had suddenly appeared on his desk, he had to accept the consequence of his unauthorized action had cut the Away Team off from communicating with the ship.  Roohz!

The only good to come of it was that he did get the message to the Away Team that Highland Joe was the Captain.  With that information they could suitably adjust their mission goal.

At Ruth's joking remark about the option of beaming her down with her axe, the Andorian did check the operability of the transporters.   But doubted Trelane would allow anything at all like that.

Her question about contacting anyone outside ship - notably the Romulans - had Lahr checking his console.   "I can give a try ma'am.. but we gotta know that Trelane will be listening in - and likely interfering."

Lahr attempted to send out a standard hailing frequency.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Lahr sent out the standard hail, as expected there wasn't a reply. Just like the engines and transporters, the communication system had power and diagnostics showed that there was nothing wrong, but the signal did not go out. Annoyed, but not surprised, Lahr did however have the system set to receive the widest possible band of frequencies and that turned out to have results. Lahr noted a weak signal, easily mistaken for background radiation on the lowest frequency band and its signature was Romulan! Once aware of the signal, Lahr cleaned up the transmission and picked up the following.

"Federation vessel. We are aware of your new weapon and will do all in our power to resist any attempt to board this ship. Your actions constitute an act of war and the Praetor will hear of this outrage. These images you are sending clearly show you are the aggressors here with your unlawful detention and attack on our crew. Even now we are endeavoring to counteract your new weapon and as soon as we have overcome it, we will destroy you.

"Federation vessel..."

The message repeated and seemed to be on continuous loop.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on March 01, 2021, 06:12:23 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Something that Lahr said struck a chord with Ruth, that Trelane would be listening in, but he would only have one set of eyes, and while he could track stuff electronically, he couldn't track everything non-electronically being as there was only one of him.

She sat there musing, finger up her cheek and chin resting on her palm, the fingers of her other hand tapping the arm of the console.  She was thinking she knew what she wanted to do but how to implement it without Trelane getting wind of it was another matter.  She had the rudiments of the idea but she couldn't use her PADD.

"Petty Officer, are the replicators working?  I need a Ratkajino, I'll get it myself though." she added so that Lahr didn't go and get it himself as she wanted to replicate something specific so she could communicate without using her PADD or anything that could be tracked.

"Trelane if you're listening, you can't deny a girl her coffee surely.... basic food and drink isn't even denied to prisoners of war, and you can ask anyone on this ship or those you have down there, I'm not half as pretty without my coffee!"

Specifically she wanted an old graphite pencil and a bit of paper, if Trelane was watching she'd make out they were just playing Tic Tac Toe or the Dot Square game or Hangman or something.  Just to while away the time. Hangman was an option because she could make words or phrases and get the idea across to Lahr.

Making a decision she said "Actually, I have a yearning to play a game myself, one that I used to play with the twins but... tradition dictates that we do this properly, if the replicators are working fetch me a ratkajino, anyone who would like a drink may have one, two graphite pencils or markers of some kind and two small pads of paper.  We used to this game with pencils and shorthand notebooks!  It helps while away the time and anyone can play.  We're just sitting here, we may as well have some fun."

The CSO gave a look around the Bridge at the staff assembled there to make sure they realised she wasn't letting her foot off the pedal one iota, it was just simply that she needed to distract Trelane.

He couldn't look every direction at once, he couldn't control every mind at once.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Crewman Groktar went to the replicator and found that they were fully functional. Once they produced the requested items, he brought them to Ruth.

"Here you go Sir. At least one system is working."

Quote from: Paul Wessex on March 01, 2021, 10:40:43 AM

[Outside Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

The message from Challenger regarding the forced 'casting' of Captain Galloway into this little charade was both disturbing and informative in equal measure - which is why Paul was completely unsurprised that immediately afterwards the Away Team's com-badges vanished. Again. "I really should get that pinned to me" he quipped, voice laced with resignation and frustration alike. "Clearly that bit of flotsam and jetsam was something a little too close to the shore for our churlish host."

So. Some disguised device that could house a power of such magnitude? That was outside Paul's largely ocean-bound career; repelling raiders or arresting environmental violators he had plenty of experience in. Reality-warping tehno-Demi-gods? Not so much. But a mirror? That didn't fit the aesthetics of this scenario. If it was something smaller, perhaps a symbol of this Trelane's authority was more likely - his Sheriff badge, perhaps. While it was far too soon to bring it to the attention of the Away Team, Wessex contemplated the notion: a mirror signified, in some manner, some value in image and reflection - any object could have sufficed as a camouflage, but there was something clearly Narcissistic about such an accruement. And if vanity was in whatever passed for a psyche in a being that could reshape a planetary environment, perhaps the prestige of a law-enforcement figure - especially one wielding such absolute authority as a town Sherriff - was this particular counterpart.

Certainly going up against such a figure would be fruitless to the extreme. But... if this Trelane was so fixated on accuracy, even down to the seemingly poor accuracy of these firearms, then perhaps a challenge to this authority, using scenario-relevant arguments and laws, might prove to be a crack in the armour.

Or at least a second front.

[Edge of Gothos City - Rogue Planet - Larn System]

As the away team contemplated what to do next, Paul caught movement out of the corner of his eye and spotted the Romulan away team some fifty meters away, well out of range of the crude pistols both sides carried. One of the Romulans approached with his arms at his side, but extended forward at the elbow with the palms up to show he was not armed. He closed to ten meters and stopped.

"Humans, I would speak with you."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.