S4:E2 Safe Passage

Started by Ian Galloway, April 17, 2020, 03:50:46 PM

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Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian stepped onto the bridge and paused to take in the moment as this was the first time he'd come aboard a ship he commanded. The change of command ceremony had occurred just 20 minutes ago on Spacedock and on boarding, he'd headed straight to the bridge. Now he stood just outside of the turbolift's sensor range and thought of the path that had brought him here, the USS Tempest, the USS Discovery, and now, the USS Challenger.

When he'd first received word that he's been selected for command, he wasn't sure how he felt about the Challenger. His initial reaction was that he'd been given an antique a ship older than his parents. However, on reading about the specification of the Trailblazer-class, to include the ingenious point of impact modification by her former engineer, this ship was no simple Excelsior, this ship was more than worthy for him, he just hoped he would be worthy of her.

He stepped to the captain's chair, his chair, and sat down for the first time. As always, he got the same thrill, but this time it was even more pronounced. He took a deep breath as he tapped a key on his console.

"Begin Captain's Log. Stardate 75291.9. Captain Ian Galloway recordin'. The USS Challenger has been in Spacedock for 30 days of repairs and refits followin' damage suffered in capturin' the rogue Starfleet admiral, Leyton, who is no doubt findin' the accommodations at the Tantalus Penal Colony not ta his likin'.

"Our new mission is one of humanitarian assistance for a non-Federation world known as Takare. Located in the Theta Takare system, which is a rare, remote, trinary star system near the Romulan Neutral Zone, comprised of four planets and two small stars orbitin' a massive primary. Extensive asteroid belts attest to additional planets that either failed to form or were destroyed by the interaction of the three stars.

"The second planet of the system, Takare, is just takin' its first steps into galactic society.  Technically a monarchy, Takare was contacted by Starfleet shortly after the planet's first successful warp flight. Requests for Federation membership soon followed.

"Latent civil unrest among the Takare led to delays in the membership process, but the strategic location of the Theta Takare system ensured Federation support and cooperation. Now, reactionary forces have seized control of the government, withdrawn the Takare petition for Federation membership, and are attemptin' ta restore the Takare ta a more "traditional" way of life.

"The rulin' family, who were the drivin' force behind the push for both Federation membership and the liberalization of Takare society, were condemned ta die by the new government. It was only through the skillful diplomacy and oratory of the Federation Consul that spared their lives.

"In lieu of execution, the rulin' family has been exiled. Because the Federation is reluctant ta intercede in what is largely a local issue, and a possible Prime Directive situation, the royal family will take refuge among the Nyberrite Alliance, and will take non-Federation transport.

"The Challenger's mission is ta evacuate evacuate the consulate and all Federation personnel from the planet. The Takare have made it clear that the Federation is no longer welcome in their system. We are ta proceed with caution and take no action ta aggravate an already tense situation.

"All personnel have reported and we have released all umbilicals prior ta departure. As soon as Stardock releases dockin' clamps we are cleared ta go. End Log."

Ian smiled and gave his first orders as captain.

"Mister ch'Verret, please signal dockin' control ta release dockin' clamps. Mister Litt, as soon as they do, take us out."

Mondo'li Nari

USS Challenger - Armory

There was an old Hupyrian belief, now only shared by a portion of the population, that souls moved in cycles.  A Hupyrian would be born, live their lives, and die... only to be re-born again into a very similar life.  Each life brought lessons that one was supposed to learn.  If those lessons were not learned, the life would have to be lived again.  And again.

And again.

The Nari family were not generally believers in the Soul Cycle, and Mondo never had been.  No, they were believers of the Ancestral Soul.  This faith told adherents that the souls of dead family members from generations past were infused into the souls of newly born family members.  The collective wisdom of the clan was part of the fabric of each new member, and every person in the clan could dig deeply within themselves to evoke the strength and lessons of generations past.

The afterlife, for them, was becoming an essential thread in the fabric of each new soul.  A thread that would persist until the end of the clan itself.

But lately, Mondo had come to believe that there might be truth to both systems of faith.  He found himself moving in circles within his own life, orbiting between the same two vessels: The USS Shran, and the USS Challenger.  He was now entering his second life aboard the USS Challenger.  Before, he had served in the thick of the war against the rogue Admiral Leyton.  Now, he returned to find Leyton finally captured.  The rebellion ended.

The most terrible threat of the decade was finally put to rest.  Leyton himself, oddly enough, had moved through his own cycle.  This had been his second attempt to seize the Federation from its best ideals.

Was it over, finally?  Or was this just the beginning of a new cycle?

What was the lesson which Mondo had been expected to learn?

In some ways, he felt like the Challenger itself.  An Excelsior-class vessel, taking another cycle of life in a new incarnation.  But not merely a relic reborn.

No, she was not the same soul born again.  She merely carried a single thread of the old soul, woven into this new body.  There were old bones in her, true.  But there was new flesh on those bones, and even new bones knitted alongside the old.

She very much resembled the old Excelsior class ship that was her namesake.

But she was not the same ship.

Just as Mondo was not the same man he'd been when he'd first joined Starfleet.

He glanced down at his left arm.

It looked the same as the old arm.  The one he'd been born with.

But it was not the same arm.

It was completely different.

Just as he was.

Just as the ship was.

Come around again.  Yet born for the first time.

Mondo tapped his fingers upon the Armory's door interface, and the portal yawned open.

Then Mondo stepped inside to do what he'd done many dozens of times before.

It was time to count the weapons, check them for good function, correct any unacceptable variations from spec, and then set them ready to be used in the mission ahead.

Hopefully, they would remain un-fired.

Hopefully, his return to the Challenger would not be for another lesson of blood.

Leela Kaz


[Crew Quarters - 0830 Prior to ceremony]

Leela fumbled in front of the mirror in her bathroom attempting to get the pip on her uniform. Frustrated she let out an exasperated sigh, and rested her hands on the wash basin for a moment. Six year... She thought to herself. I spent six years to get into a Federation engine room and here I am in a blue uniform. What kinda cruel joke is this. Her hands moved back to the pip when she finally felt the small magnet click into place. Well, at least I got something right. Leela had been confused and slightly upset by the assignment. For life times she had always been in an engine room and it was just short of an open secret that she despised working on the bridge in nearly any capacity. She had always been most at home in the hums and flashing panels of Engineering. She walked into the living area and finished her coffee in one quick gulp before departing for the ceremony. "Let's see who they found to run this machine." She muttered as the doors slid open.

[Bridge - Post ceremony]

The Trill stepped off of the lift and quickly identified the three science stations to her right. Who designed this damned bridge? She thought as she dug through her memory to Preta; a past host who lead starship designs; but this predated even Pretas memory. She was thoroughly impressed with the upgrades, however, and had read up extensively on the ships capabilities. It was certainly a wolf in sheeps clothing. She quickly identified the man who she had seen receive command of the vessel no more than 30 minutes earlier. She stepped to the center of the bridge.

"Captain.." She paused looking for the name. "Galloway, it's Galloway? Right?" she added slightly embarrased that she had already forgotten this man's name. "Ensign Leela Kaz, sir. I'm in your science department." She said glancing over to the science section. "Permission to take my station, sir." She asked. She usually wouldn't give such formality but each CO is different and expects a different tone on their bridge. 

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 17, 2020, 06:06:17 PM

[Crew Quarters - 0830 Prior to ceremony]

Leela fumbled in front of the mirror in her bathroom attempting to get the pip on her uniform. Frustrated she let out an exasperated sigh, and rested her hands on the wash basin for a moment. Six year... She thought to herself. [/i]I spent six years to get into a Federation engine room and here I am in a blue uniform. What kinda cruel joke is this.[/i] Her hands moved back to the pip when she finally felt the small magnet click into place. Well, at least I got something right. Leela had been confused and slightly upset by the assignment. For life times she had always been in an engine room and it was just short of an open secret that she despised working on the bridge in nearly any capacity. She had always been most at home in the hums and flashing panels of Engineering. She walked into the living area and finished her coffee in one quick gulp before departing for the ceremony. "Let's see who they found to run this machine." She muttered as the doors slid open.

[Bridge - Post ceremony]

The Trill stepped off of the lift and quickly identified the three science stations to her right. Who designed this damned bridge? She thought as she dug through her memory to Preta; a past host who lead starship designs; but this predated even Pretas memory. She was thoroughly impressed with the upgrades, however, and had read up extensively on the ships capabilities. It was certainly a wolf in sheeps clothing. She quickly identified the man who she had seen receive command of the vessel no more than 30 minutes earlier. She stepped to the center of the bridge.

"Captain.." She paused looking for the name. "Galloway, it's Galloway? Right?" she added slightly embarrased that she had already forgotten this man's name. "Ensign Leela Kaz, sir. I'm in your science department." She said glancing over to the science section. "Permission to take my station, sir." She asked. She usually wouldn't give such formality but each CO is different and expects a different tone on their bridge.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian turned to face the lieutenant that presented herself and had to suppress a smile. "Captain!" He squealed internally, but that was rather obviously not proper behavior for a commanding officer, so he replied with as much gravitas as he could.

"Aye Lass, permission granted and welcome aboard."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr was in a funk.  Things were supposed to be better after Leyton was put away, but everything had changed and Lahr wasn't hopeful of the future.   With barely a word of warning, many of the integral people he'd considered part of his family were transferred away.

Lek.  Sukal.  Dr. Briggs.  The Captain - his Captain - stepped down and went off to the Science department.  Now they had some new Captain that he'd have to train up again so that the Bridge wouldn't feel as stuffy as it was right now, with everyone being on their best behavior.

The Andorian had sulkily skipped the earlier ceremony.  He had no desire to greet a new Captain.  No one would notice his absence anyways and so what if they did, he'd just claim he got caught up in doing checks on his stations console in preparation.  That'd at least make it seem like he cared.

Lahr avoided acknowledging the Captain when the man entered and began his log report.  The Andorian kept his head focused on his station, only glancing away once when another new face arrived.  This one was at least cute and female.   He gave the other officer a slight nod as she walked past to take her station.  But any thought of being more social than that was cut off when the new Captain called on him.

Without looking back Lahr acknowledged the order. "Aye, sir"  It was odd to be calling 'sir' again.  It felt more natural now to acknowledge a Captain's order with ma'am... but the Andorian didn't think that would impress the new Captain any.

=/\= "Challenger to Docking Control.  Requesting release of docking clamps.  We are ready to roll." =/\=

It didn't take more than a moment for Docking Control to reply back with an affirmative and moment after that there was a slight jostle as the clamps were released and retracted.

"Docking clamps are free, sir." Lahr announced.

Despite as miserable as he felt at all the changes, he was glad the ship would be on the go again.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 17, 2020, 06:27:23 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian turned to face the lieutenant that presented herself and had to suppress a smile. "Captain!" He squealed internally, but that was rather obviously not proper behavior for a commanding officer, so he replied with as much gravitas as he could.

"Aye Lass, permission granted and welcome aboard."


"Thank you sir." She said turning towards the three science stations. Set sat down in the middle seat. Leela moved her hands across the console, there was something oddly familiar yet new. Everything was new and upgraded but somehow being aboard this ship reminded her of simpler times. As she thought about the simpler times she paused to remember just how wild space was when this ship was originally constructed so many years ago. A time when things were far less political and Starfleet was far more likely to fire phasers and ask the questions later. With a smirk she signed into the console.

"Looks like the boys back home did there job right, Captain. All of scientific equipment looks good and sensors are functioning as expected. I'll run a quick calibration sequence to ensure." She said as she started to calibrate the sensors. 

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Kyle Briggs

[XO Quarters - Deck 2]

After the ceremony to introduced the new CO of the Challenger, Kyle ran by his new quarters. New Captain. New quarters. Everything had changed. After the Leyton fiasco, Ruth had been transferred out. Together, Kyle and Liv had decided that ship live was no way to raise their son with all the potential dangers, so she had taken Elijah and returned to Ireland. Kyle was no longer "Acting XO" having been promoted and placed in the position permanently. He looked around to make sure everything had been moved. Satisfied, he headed to the Bridge.


The doors parted and as Kyle stepped out, his eyes went straight to the sec/tac station. That was another new thing. Previously, he was Acting XO AND CSTO. Now his orders stated that that was no longer the case. He turned his attention back to the center seat, tugged down his new red command tunic and made his way down to the Captain's side. From reading records, Kyle new the man's name and face but this was the first time he had served with Galloway.

"Sir. Commander Kyle Briggs reporting for duty." Kyle said. "Welcome to the Challenger."

Richard James Litt

[Some pub in San Francisco]

"I still don't believe that!" Litt took a sip in his beer, looking at the man in front of him.

"It's better to believe kid, I'm retired now." Dradis smiled at the young boy and just finished his drink. "But don't worry son... You are the right man for the job. I taught you everything I know... You'll be a hell of a DH." He smiled trying not to look sad and Litt realized that.

They kept drinking and talking for a few more hours when the inevitable moment has finally come. When they said goodbye Litt failed to avoid tears and Dradis laughed about that.

"I'll miss you Chief."

"And I'll miss you too kid."

They hug for a few seconds and finally followed their path.

[USS Challenger · Litt's quarter]
also earlier

So... This is where we are going to stay. Litt said exited showing the quarter to Sammy and Rocky (his new dog). He asked a little change in the quarter, to put and extra bed, and that was easily made. "But, right now, I have to go to the Bridge... The new captain is almost arriving and we are going to leave. I can show you the rest of the ship later ok?" He asked with a big smile.

"That's okay big boy, Rocky and I will be just fine..."  Sammy said with a big smile at Litt... She was so proud that the boy was now a DH and totally understood his new duties.

"We can play some chess when I finish... I bet I can beat you now." he said leaving the room towards the bridge.

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Litt entered the bridge in a calm way and took his place near to Mr. ch'Verret, that was already there. He said a timid hello to him and sat at the helm, checking everything that was possible for a good flight.

The Challenger was the only ship that he served, and that was the first really big change that he saw. At least he would still see some familiar faces.

It didn't take long for the new captain to arrive at the bridge and started his personal log. Litt awaited for some orders that didn't take long to come.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 17, 2020, 03:50:46 PM

"Mister ch'Verret, please signal dockin' control ta release dockin' clamps. Mister Litt, as soon as they do, take us out."

"Aye sir." He said simply and waited for Mr. ch'Verret's okay.

In the meantime, a new girl arrived at the bridge and took her seat at the science station. Litt looked at her when he listened to the voice of Mr. ch'Verret.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 17, 2020, 06:37:45 PM

"Docking clamps are free, sir." Lahr announced.

"Sir... We are leaving in 3... 2... 1..." Litt took out the Challenger as ordered.

At that moment, Mr. Briggs entered the bridge, after he presents himself to the captain, Litt smiled at him. "The red suits you, sir." He said about the new uniform.

Niles James McCulloch


USS Challenger-A Shuttle Bay
Prior to being released from Docking

Niles being the biggest, at 6'5", 270-Lbs was the first one on and now the last off the Crewman Loading Shuttle.

Niles had been on big and small civilian cargo ships of varying ages and types, including Ferengi, all his life; before this  different UFP/Starfleet training vessels, but this was/is different the Updated Excelsior Class USS Challenger-A was/is his first duty station.
Home, for someone who really hadn't had one since he left the Alpha-V Colony several years ago.  He waited  in cue with all the other Crewmen: male, female, and whatever, for the Lt. to call his name so he could formally report in. Crewman Cathy Daniels wasn't on this shuttle, so she had to be already on board, because this was last one.
He thought, "At least I know one person on this 'boat'.", as he walked down the shuttles loading ram.

"Crewman, McCulloch, Niles James!", barked the Lt. not even looking-up from his Roster Pad.

"Crewman, McCulloch, Niles James!, reporting, Sir."Niles, replied just as kirtley and briskly.

"Okay, Crewman after you stash your gear, report to Science Dept., for assignment.",almost mumbled as he looked up at Niles. The Lt. didn't look the least phased by the big 'green giant' standing before him  flag-pole straight at attention and saluting him.
The Lt. acted like he'd seen it all, "And he probably had.", thought Niles.
The Lt. holding his pad with his right hand, left handed air saluted Niles, then walked-off since Niles, was the last one off the shuttle.

Niles, slowly walked across the shuttlebay with his UFP/Starfleet Issued suit bag in his right hand and his duffle over his left shoulder.  He turned to watch the Shuttle Pilot adroitly lift and turn It on a dime, as he prepared to leave the Shuttle Bay.
"I couldn't have done any better, myself.", he thought, as turned to make his way to the ship's lift system, "That's enough site-seeing, Crewman.", he mentally mused,
as he watched his fellow Crewman boarding a lift."I better get my ass in gear.", he goaded himself.
But because, he waited to watched the shuttle prepare to leave, they didn't wait for him.
"Welcome! to your new home." he muttered barely audibly, as he watched the lift door close three yards in front of him.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 17, 2020, 09:17:33 PM


"Thank you sir." She said turning towards the three science stations. Set sat down in the middle seat. Leela moved her hands across the console, there was something oddly familiar yet new. Everything was new and upgraded but somehow being aboard this ship reminded her of simpler times. As she thought about the simpler times she paused to remember just how wild space was when this ship was originally constructed so many years ago. A time when things were far less political and Starfleet was far more likely to fire phasers and ask the questions later. With a smirk she signed into the console.

"Looks like the boys back home did there job right, Captain. All of scientific equipment looks good and sensors are functioning as expected. I'll run a quick calibration sequence to ensure." She said as she started to calibrate the sensors.

Ian nodded as he expected this sort of thing. The yard apes were good engineers, but a ship in dock was not the same as a ship in space. Every time a ship left Spacedock, it took the crew awhile to get everything operating the way is was supposed to work.

"Understood Lieutenant, we do have a timetable ta reach Takare, but there is enough slack in it ta work out all the usual shipyard kinks."

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 17, 2020, 10:08:00 PM


The doors parted and as Kyle stepped out, his eyes went straight to the sec/tac station. That was another new thing. Previously, he was Acting XO AND CSTO. Now his orders stated that that was no longer the case. He turned his attention back to the center seat, tugged down his new red command tunic and made his way down to the Captain's side. From reading records, Kyle new the man's name and face but this was the first time he had served with Galloway.

"Sir. Commander Kyle Briggs reporting for duty." Kyle said. "Welcome to the Challenger."

Ian stood to shake his first officer's hand. They were going to be spending a lot of time together and needed to establish a solid working relationship quickly, thus Ian was quite ready to start that process.

"It's good ta meet you Commander. I'm glad you've got some experience with this ship and crew. While I loved the Discovery, she only had a crew of 150, gettin' used ta a ship with 550 aboard is goin' ta take some time and I will need your knowledge of them so that information becomes my knowledge."

Quote from: Richard James Litt on April 18, 2020, 02:35:52 AM

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Litt entered the bridge in a calm way and took his place near to Mr. ch'Verret, that was already there. He said a timid hello to him and sat at the helm, checking everything that was possible for a good flight.

The Challenger was the only ship that he served, and that was the first really big change that he saw. At least he would still see some familiar faces.

It didn't take long for the new captain to arrive at the bridge and started his personal log. Litt awaited for some orders that didn't take long to come.

"Aye sir." He said simply and waited for Mr. ch'Verret's okay.

In the meantime, a new girl arrived at the bridge and took her seat at the science station. Litt looked at her when he listened to the voice of Mr. ch'Verret.

"Sir... We are leaving in 3... 2... 1..." Litt took out the Challenger as ordered.

At that moment, Mr. Briggs entered the bridge, after he presents himself to the captain, Litt smiled at him. "The red suits you, sir." He said about the new uniform.

"Very good Mister Litt, take us out. One quarter impulse once Spackdock releases us from their tractor. After we pass the asteroid belt, take us ta full impulse until we are clear of the system, warp eight after that. No need ta run full out. I know the engines will require proper tunin' and without Lieutenant Lek's deft hand, Mister Van'Roe will need awhile ta get her shop in order."

Ian stayed in the center seat until the Challenger went to warp and then stood.

"Let's go ta the ready room Commander and discuss the crew. Mister T'Kel, you have the bridge."

Vasilisa Belmont

[Spacedock-Change of Command Ceremony]

Lisa stood lined up with the others, head held high. She had taken a long break from Starfleet, spending her time home in Boston with her parents. In all honesty she had had a hard making the decision to come back, after her relationship with Chris ended she tried to come back but found it too hard. Now...she supposed she was restless. She learned a lot spending time with her parents at their clinic but it just wasn't enough. When the ceremony ended she gave her legs a shake and touched the bracelet her father gave her. It was an ID tag that sort of resembled a hospital bracelet, a going-away present to thank her for her help at the clinic and something to remember him by. She smiled. It was time to start this new part of her life and she was ready for it.

[Sickbay-USS Challenger]

Taking a sigh of relief, Lisa plopped down on one of the hospital beds. She had just spent the last couple hours reorganizing the entire sickbay so everything was where she wanted it to be. Soon she would call the other doctors and nurses in to give them a brief welcome speech, (more for her benefit than theirs, she was sure) but for now she took a moment to relish the fruits of her hard work. She was ready to meet new faces, move on from the past.

She perused the roster and realized with delight that the Challenger had the capacity to have a ship's counselor. She'd been on ships before that didn't, and it didn't give her too much more added pressure but it sure was nice to have someone here who had a complete understanding of mental health. She was looking forward to meeting Nathan in particular. As she sat she got updates on her PADD relating news of the ship's progress, and at this time the latest one let her know that the Challenger was ready to take off. Smiling, she sprang to action. She was about to comm the rest of her team to let them know she was ready to brief them when she realized that she should probably report in to the captain. She'd seen him briefly at the ceremony, but hadn't formally introduced herself yet. She probably should, after all, doctor/captain relationships are important and should be established early. The advice from her mom ran through her head.

But at the same time he was probably busy since the ship was about to take off...and she didn't really want to go all the way to the Bridge so she decided on a brief comm message.

=^=Belmont to Galloway, Belmont reporting for duty, sir. Since you're probably busy at the moment I opted not to bother you on the Bridge. But rest assured, everything is looking good and ready for takeoff here in Sickbay and my team will be briefed shortly. Stop by when you can for your physical and... she paused for a minute, at a loss for an end to the message since they both were new to the ship, have a good day! Belmont out =^= she ended lamely, her cheeks blushing. She tapped her commbadge, sent messages to her team and waited for Nathan and the others to arrive.

Michael Deus

[Sickbay, USS Challenger]

The Ensign absently ran a hand down the front of his uniform as the sickbay doors parted to allow him entry. He had been on the ship for about an hour now, having been tasked to prepare for the influx of crew that would be arriving after the Captain's Ceremony. As soon as T'Kel, his shift's Lieutenant, had arrived on the shuttles, he had prompty reported in as her Senior Ensign. That fact happened to be just a coincidence, since both the ship's Sec/Tac Ensigns were new and had graduated at the same time. Michael was only considered Senior due to his last name being first in the alphabet. Because of this, though, Michael was the Sec/Tac Officer for 11 decks, unlike his colleague, who had 10. He wasn't sure if that would be a good or bad thing, at the moment.

Anyway, since he was new, he was making it a point to go and introduce himself to the people on his assigned decks. He glanced around the near-empty room, and scratching the back of his head some-what awkwardly he took a step forward, "Good afternoon, Lieutenant," he said after a quick glance at the woman's rank, "...or Doctor?" He tacked on after a second, knowing some people have a preference.

"I'm Ensign Michael Deus, I'm the Officer-in-Charge of this floor for Sec/Tac on Alpha. I just wanted to introduce myself."

"Great men are forged in fire. It's the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 12:15:48 PM

Ian nodded as he expected this sort of thing. The yard apes were good engineers, but a ship in dock was not the same as a ship in space. Every time a ship left Spacedock, it took the crew awhile to get everything operating the way is was supposed to work.

"Understood Lieutenant, we do have a timetable ta reach Takare, but there is enough slack in it ta work out all the usual shipyard kinks."


"Acknowledged sir. Trust me, I know all to well that those boys in the shipyard like to experiment. I'll have all of their experiments out of my way in a few minutes." As her fingers dance across the console Leela's eyes squint as she sees something that seems off.She presses a series of commands again and get the same long flat beep. "This is right." She mutters to herself.

"Helm, i'm switching you to auxiliary sensors for a few moments. I'm getting a deviation on the main sensors. Probably nothing too serious but I'm not looking to smash into anything today. Standby for the switch." She says as she executes a series of commands. "Your on auxiliary sensors, helm." She acknowledges. Looking over her shoulder she didn't see anyone manning a station to execute a power transer.

=/\="Bridge to engineering. I'm running a diagnostic on the primary sensors. Can you please increase power to the Auxiliary sensors for the time being. I'll notify you when the diagnostic is complete."=/\= Kaz signaled to the engine room. She couldn't help but wish she was on the receiving end of that transmission.   

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Alexander Graham

[USS Challenger-Graham's quarters]
Alexander didn't have much time to prepare for the new assignment. He put on his uniform so that he could report for duty. He tucked his notebook under his bed so that he could find it later. He had been transferred out of the Athena and although he was excited for this mission he was going to remember the memories that he made. He was prepared and ready to report for duty to the captain and the XO. He looked forward to getting familiar with the department head. He wasn't going to waste any more time and left from his quarters.

[USS Challenger-shuttlebay]
He went to the shuttlebay since he wasn't going to be at the helm. He was going to make sure that everything was functioning the way that it is supposed to. If he was needed elsewhere while he was doing that then he would report to where he would be needed.

Kyle Briggs


Kyle took a step back as the CO started to rise out of his seat

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 18, 2020, 12:15:48 PM

Ian stood to shake his first officer's hand. They were going to be spending a lot of time together and needed to establish a solid working relationship quickly, thus Ian was quite ready to start that process.

"It's good ta meet you Commander. I'm glad you've got some experience with this ship and crew. While I loved the Discovery, she only had a crew of 150, gettin' used ta a ship with 550 aboard is goin' ta take some time and I will need your knowledge of them so that information becomes my knowledge."

"Very good Mister Litt, take us out. One quarter impulse once Spackdock releases us from their tractor. After we pass the asteroid belt, take us ta full impulse until we are clear of the system, warp eight after that. No need ta run full out. I know the engines will require proper tunin' and without Lieutenant Lek's deft hand, Mister Van'Roe will need awhile ta get her shop in order."

Ian stayed in the center seat until the Challenger went to warp and then stood.

"Let's go ta the ready room Commander and discuss the crew. Mister T'Kel, you have the bridge."

"Aye, Sir." he responded.
Quote from: Richard James Litt on April 18, 2020, 02:35:52 AM

At that moment, Mr. Briggs entered the bridge, after he presents himself to the captain, Litt smiled at him. "The red suits you, sir." He said about the new uniform.

"Thank you, Mister Litt. It's been a while since I've worn a Command track uniform. Hope I still have what it takes." Kyle replied as he followed the Captain.

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