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S4:E2 Safe Passage

Started by Ian Galloway, April 17, 2020, 03:50:46 PM

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Derek Rodwell

Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 18, 2020, 08:53:28 PM

=/\="Bridge to engineering. I'm running a diagnostic on the primary sensors. Can you please increase power to the Auxiliary sensors for the time being. I'll notify you when the diagnostic is complete."=/\= Kaz signaled to the engine room. She couldn't help but wish she was on the receiving end of that transmission.

Derek was almost out of Engineering when a call came down. He looked around to see who was going to reply and when no one seemed to move, he took it upon himself.

=/\= Understood Bridge. Power being increased now. Let us know if you need more.  =/\=

He had placed his tool kit beside his feet and waited. Hopefully, he didn't get into trouble with his new Chief.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 20, 2020, 09:25:59 PM

[Kyle, T'Kel (Sec/Tac)]

[Ready Room]

Kyle stood with a nod of his head. Something about the Captain's voice told Kyle that the man suspected that he was holding back but seeing as it wasn't anything major, Kyle was okay with it. For now. The man spoke of trust and there had been a time when just the act of wearing a Starfleet uniform automatically earned it. But with troubles such as the former Admiral Leyton had caused, it made it harder to just give it. There wasn't anything specifically about Galloway that stopped Kyle from trusting him. In fact, he realized, he did trust his new CO.

"Aye, Sir." he replied before turning and heading for the door.

They parted and then closed back behind him. Once again, his eyes went to the Sec/Tac station. Motion in front of him caught his eyes as T'Kel removed her self from the center seat.

"It's all yours, Commander." she said as she made her way to her station.

Kyle sighed and took a the seat. With the course for Takare laid in, there wasn't much to worry about right now. Hopefully, it was as easy of a mission as the Captain had made it sound.

"Ensign Kaz. How are your diagnostics going?" he inquired.


"Good Commander." Leela said thankful that her new executive officer had missed her outburst. "I was able to track down the problem. The boys back at Mars decided to perform one of their infamous experimental upgrades. It was nothing major but the adjustment created a deviation in the primary sensors. I have removed the subroutine and switched power back to the primary sensor array." She paused for a moment but simply couldn't resist the opportunity for a bad poorly timed joke. "We won't be bumping into anything today, Commander." She smirked.

Quote from: Derek Rodwell

Derek was almost out of Engineering when a call came down. He looked around to see who was going to reply and when no one seemed to move, he took it upon himself.

=/\= Understood Bridge. Power being increased now. Let us know if you need more.  =/\=

He had placed his tool kit beside his feet and waited. Hopefully, he didn't get into trouble with his new Chief.

Still chuckling Leela tapped her communicator. =/\= "Thank you engine room. I have isolated and removed the problem subroutine and returned control to the primary sensors. You can return the power allocation to normal." =/\=

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Niles James McCulloch

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 19, 2020, 12:30:00 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

While Litt began to pilot them away from the station, a drooping antenna'd Lahr heard another arrival on the bridge.  He glanced over and noted Lt Cmdr Briggs approaching the Captain's chair to report in.  Lahr's antenna twitched hearing Litt greet the other human saying red suited him.  Lahr turned back to the console sullenly.   Kyle was supposed to be in gold, just like Ruth was supposed to be in red, not science teal.  Lahr had never seen Ruth in any uniform other than command so the idea of it just seemed wrong to the Andorian.  Hell, he'd even thought that her wedding dress hadn't suited.

It still baffled Lahr why she'd stepped down from Command.  He wondered if there had been pressure from her husband.  Ruth had been a little reckless both before and after the battle... chasing down Leyton herself and skewing him with an axe.   That certainly wasn't proper Captain actions.  Lahr grinned at the memory of it, his antenna briefly perking.

All this went through his thoughts while the Captain and XO exchanged pleasantries.

Afterwards, there seemed like an expectant pause while the ship made it's way out of the system before moving to warp until Litt's smooth hand.   Then as if that was a cue the Captain and the XO departed the Bridge to 'discuss the crew'.  Lahr glanced over his shoulder towards the departing XO... wondering what things the man might share with the new Captain?  A small part of the Andorian worried that Kyle would bring up his past paranoia with Sukal and himself.  Or that he'd share Ruth's deciphering of his antenna twitches.  That was the last thing he needed, the new Captain being watchful of his every antenna movement.  It was fine when Ruth did it.. because... well... it was Ruth.  To have this new Captain know his tells right off the bat would be downright annoying.

The Andorian's antenna stiffened a moment before resuming their droop.

Lahr looked over to the Vulcan T'Kel who took over the Bridge after the Captain and XO exited for the ready room.  She was another new face, this one to replace Kyle's spot.  Even his own Chief was an new face.

It hadn't taken long for the new Captain to rescind the Acting CPO rank, along with the Acting Ops Chief and Second Officer roles from the Enlisted Andorian.   Lahr should have been relieved - he hadn't felt comfortable in either role in the first place - but on the heels of Ruth leaving, it just felt like every connection to her was being stripped away.

He looked back to his console and sat dully waiting on his shift to end.


NPC Crewman Cathy Daniels
[USS Challenger - Deck 8 - Science Labs]

Cathy had intended to greet Niles at the shuttlebay but a last minute request by a ranking officer to fully sanitize Lab 1 delayed her.  The room, prior to her cleaning efforts, had stunk of sulphur and chocolate... and Cathy had to wonder if one of the less than human science officers was experimenting with some baking recipes and got a little over zealous with the mixing.  She'd had to sanitize walls, counters, floors.  It sucked.

Finished now, she decided to head to where she knew Niles had been assigned but before she could make it out of Lab 1 she heard his unmistakable voice, coming from the main science department area.

Cathy grinned and was so tempted to interrupt his prim and proper reporting in moment.   She stepped out of the Lab to stand in the doorway, arms crossed casually about to speak when she thought better of it.  Niles deserved better.  He'd let her use him to pass the Technical Services Academy.  Making him look bad now was no way to repay him.

Niles James McCulloch

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 20, 2020, 12:47:02 PM

[Science Lab - Deck 8 - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Commander Evar looked up from the PADD she was reading and smiled.

"At ease Crewman. Welcome to the Challenger and the science department. From what I understand of our current mission, our services are unlikely to be needed as a primary element of our assignment. Therefore, the captain has given me wide latitude to conduct whatever scientific study as we can perform while in the Theta Takare system.

"Theta Takare is a rare situation, being a trinary star system. It consists of four planets and two small stars orbiting a massive primary. In addition, there are extensive asteroid belts, which attest to additional planets that either failed to form or were destroyed by the interaction of the three stars.

"Furthermore, as the stars near their points of closest approach during the year, severe gravitational shears and ion storms are common. Navigation within the system during this period is especially difficult. Additionally, the ion activity severely hampers sensors, causing spurious "ghost" contacts throughout the system.

"So while this won't be a system survey mission, it will be our job to capture as much data on this confluence of the stars and to mitigate sensor ghosts so that the Challenger can go about her business unhindered.

"I have assigned you to work with Ensign Leela Kaz, so please report to her for your first duty shift. I like to think this division is well run, but we do have several new people, so if you run into any difficulties, please know that I stand ready to assist you so that you are successful. Dismissed."

[Science Lab - Deck 8 - USS Challenger]
Niles now standing at ease with his hands folded behind him replied, "Aye, Aye, Commander Evar. Thank you. Sir." bowing slightly and crisply about faced. Niles, then preceded  to go find Ensign Leela Kaz, to report for duty. He knew that LCDR Evar was if not watching him could most likely still hear him. So, he casually walked up-to Crewman Cathy Daniels, whom he noticed at the entrance to Lab 1 and asked politely, "Crewman Daniels, do you know where I might find Ensign Leela Kaz?", with a nonchalant nod toward Commander Evar, hopefully signally 'We can talk later, but for now we just met.' look on his face.


Ian listened and knew that Kyle wasn't telling him the whole truth, not that he was specifically withholding information or attempting to be misleading, just that he hadn't earned his trust for him to mention the 'small stuff' that he would handle as first officer. It's what Ian would have, had, done in Kyle's position.

It was however, gratifying that the crew was in fairly good shape considering all that they had been through and with the influx of new people which always required a bit of time to work through.

"Alright then. Good ta hear that for the large part, we're on our way ta bein' ship shape and Bristol fashion. Please take the bridge. I'll be here workin' though the personnel reports before headin' out ta inspect the ship. Thank you Kyle, dismissed."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

NPC Crewman Cathy Daniels
[USS Challenger - Deck 8 - Science Lab]

Quote from: Niles James McCulloch on April 21, 2020, 01:56:06 AM

[Science Lab - Deck 8 - USS Challenger]
Niles now standing at ease with his hands folded behind him replied, "Aye, Aye, Commander Evar. Thank you. Sir." bowing slightly and crisply about faced. Niles, then preceded  to go find Ensign Leela Kaz, to report for duty. He knew that LCDR Evar was if not watching him could most likely still hear him. So, he casually walked up-to Crewman Cathy Daniels, whom he noticed at the entrance to Lab 1 and asked politely, "Crewman Daniels, do you know where I might find Ensign Leela Kaz?", with a nonchalant nod toward Commander Evar, hopefully signally 'We can talk later, but for now we just met.' look on his face.

The fact that Niles was still acting so stiff spurred that urge to tease him again.  The guy was so contrary.  He could nickname the stuffiest Vulcan professor 'Uncle' yet in turnabout be just as uptight as a Vulcan when it came to meeting his own Department Head.  It made no sense to the Canadian born human.  Cathy grinned before answering him.  "Nope.  But I can find out for you, Crewman McCulloch."

Without an explanation, Cathy walked past Niles and headed over to the Science lab's wall comm panel.  She tapped on the screen to activate the unit.  "Computer, locate Ensign Kaz."

"Ensign Kaz is on the Bridge."

Cathy looked over to Niles with a slight smirk. "Guess you're headed to the Bridge, Crewman McCulloch."

This time she couldn't help herself from teasing him, knowing how confused and turned about Niles had gotten just navigating the Academy grounds his first day. "Do you need a guide or can you make there yourself?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Niles James McCulloch

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 21, 2020, 03:51:42 AM

NPC Crewman Cathy Daniels
[USS Challenger - Deck 8 - Science Lab]

The fact that Niles was still acting so stiff spurred that urge to tease him again.  The guy was so contrary.  He could nickname the stuffiest Vulcan professor 'Uncle' yet in turnabout be just as uptight as a Vulcan when it came to meeting his own Department Head.  It made no sense to the Canadian born human.  Cathy grinned before answering him.  "Nope.  But I can find out for you, Crewman McCulloch."

Without an explanation, Cathy walked past Niles and headed over to the Science lab's wall comm panel.  She tapped on the screen to activate the unit.  "Computer, locate Ensign Kaz."

"Ensign Kaz is on the Bridge."

Cathy looked over to Niles with a slight smirk. "Guess you're headed to the Bridge, Crewman McCulloch."

This time she couldn't help herself from teasing him, knowing how confused and turned about Niles had gotten just navigating the Academy grounds his first day. "Do you need a guide or can you make there yourself?"

{USS Challenger, Science Lab Main Area}
"Thank You, Crewman Daniels.", he said politely, smiling stifling a laugh as he remembered his navigation problems at the Academy, "I should be able to find it, if the ship's lift system knows where it's going." he added jokingly as he gave Cathy a thumbs-up/pointing finger, 'I'll be seeing you.'salute.
He did a casual about-face turn toward the lift system and heel and toe marched off.

After the lift, door opened on The USS Challenger' s Bridge, Crewman Niles J. McCulloch stood in the lift at flag-pole straight attention, announcing himself clearly crisply and succinctly, "Crewman, McCulloch, Niles J., requesting to permission to board the Bridge, from the Command Officer on Duty, to see Ensign Leela Kaz, for Duty Assignment, Sir."  He stood still as possible left hand behind his back and saluting with right, awaiting an answer.

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Michael Deus on April 18, 2020, 07:00:04 PM

[Sickbay, USS Challenger]

The Ensign absently ran a hand down the front of his uniform as the sickbay doors parted to allow him entry. He had been on the ship for about an hour now, having been tasked to prepare for the influx of crew that would be arriving after the Captain's Ceremony. As soon as T'Kel, his shift's Lieutenant, had arrived on the shuttles, he had prompty reported in as her Senior Ensign. That fact happened to be just a coincidence, since both the ship's Sec/Tac Ensigns were new and had graduated at the same time. Michael was only considered Senior due to his last name being first in the alphabet. Because of this, though, Michael was the Sec/Tac Officer for 11 decks, unlike his colleague, who had 10. He wasn't sure if that would be a good or bad thing, at the moment.

Anyway, since he was new, he was making it a point to go and introduce himself to the people on his assigned decks. He glanced around the near-empty room, and scratching the back of his head some-what awkwardly he took a step forward, "Good afternoon, Lieutenant," he said after a quick glance at the woman's rank, "...or Doctor?" He tacked on after a second, knowing some people have a preference.

"I'm Ensign Michael Deus, I'm the Officer-in-Charge of this floor for Sec/Tac on Alpha. I just wanted to introduce myself."


Seeing someone entering Sickbay who wasn't wearing medical blue, Lisa strode over with an outstretched hand.

"Doctor is fine, ensign," she said enthusiastically, recognizing his name from the crew rosters she had skimmed over. "Good to know that Sickbay is in good hands, I appreciate you coming over here." She also remembered from looking at the rosters that Deus was due for a physical. She smiled, "It looks like I'll be seeing you in here again soon, but for now I think it's about time I greet the rest of my team. If you will excuse me..." she nodded to Michael as she saw Nathan entering behind the nurses.


[Sickbay-USS Challenger]

Just outside the doors to the Sickbay, Nathan was patiently letting few of the medical staff pass through before following them in. As the nurses went about their business, the Counselor paused to introduce himself to the new Chief Medical Officer. "Evening, Doctor, and Welcome to the Challenger."

With a light smile, he offered his hand and an introduction. "Name's Ryder. I'm the Counselor here." He tilted his head just a bit to the door off to the side that led to his office. "I think we'll both be quite busy with all of the crew changes, but hopefully things will settle down soon." Just as she had to do physicals, Nathan's job was to cover the psych evals; so they would both be busy with appointments over the next few days.

As the sec/tac ensign left Lisa made her way over to Nathan and was about to introduce herself when he spoke first. When he finished speaking she took a moment to regather her thoughts since she was now the second one to speak.

"Er, thank you, Doctor," she said awkwardly, then cleared her throat, wondering like Deus what he preferred to be called. She knew her personal preference but didn't know his.

She shook his hand back and had a momentary surreal feeling. She was the new one here this time and it felt so strange after so many years of being the reliable presence at her parent's clinic. She'd need to remember how to work alongside someone, to share the work and responsibility. Luckily Ryder seemed like a good person to do it with, she could see the potential of them being a great team. She smiled at him genuinely.

"I'm so glad to be working with a counselor again, my last clinic back on Earth didn't have the luxury."  Yes, she knew the drill of crew transfers. It was almost a good idea to just give everyone a physical so she could at least have a budding relationship with each crewman. But this was a big crew, so for now she would focus on those officers who were due for physicals. "Yes, unfortunately we're going to have a lot of people to cover, but at least we won't have the chance to be idle!" she teased.

She glanced around, doing a quick inventory and seeing that everyone had arrived. "If you'll excuse me, Doctor, I'd like to give a quick welcome speech," she excused herself and stood by the reception station, setting her arm on the table. Luckily everyone began to quiet down so she didn't have to get their attention, and Chloe stepped up so she could be nearby. Once again, Lisa smiled (they worked wonders in the medical world) and began to speak.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the Challenger for those who are new. Of course, that includes me," she gave a little nervous giggle, "but I know we're all going to do well here. If you don't already know, my name is Lisa and Nathan, Chloe, and I," she motioned to them, "are the ones you will be reporting to. This is a big crew, which means all of us will have our hands full most of the time. It'll be a great experience, especially for those of us who may be on their first assignment. If you ever have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, and I hope to get to know you all on a more personal level during our time here. Thanks for listening to me blather on, but now let's get to work! You're dismissed."

There were a few mumbles as the team dispersed and Lisa gave a small sigh of relief once she was sure she wasn't within earshot of anybody. Of course the receptionist heard it and gave her a sympathetic grin, but Lisa simply returned it and headed for her office to peruse more paperwork and await her first patient.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

 PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Kali Reyes on April 19, 2020, 11:28:13 PM

[Challenger - Bridge]

Kali let out a painful hiss at the mention of demotion. "Yeah. Smarts, doesn't it? I remember my first demotion too. Too much fraternizing. Treated my officers like yeoman with glorified delusions of vanity, lack of discipline, and textbook narcissism." She repeated the charges as if it were as mundane as sipping coffee - which she did. "You were my chief for a week-ish. You're a good egg. I'm sure they'll put you back up on the pedestal soon. Look at the bright side. We can flirt it up without having to fill out a form."

Lahr seemed a bit down about the congratulations, which Kali kind of suspected. After all, Ops could be pretty boring if no one was bold enough to make things entertaining. "At the end of the day, I'll go where I'm needed. It's not like I need Engineering to survive. It's just less paperwork."

She almost choked on her coffee by his last question. Nathan Ryder was a true classical Starfleet Officer. Disciplined, even tempered, and could order a Gorn to surrender with a few choice words. But he also had an aura for control. It was almost like he enjoyed taking care of her - taking away her alcohol and keeping her on her medical regimen. That flex of power was really what Kali craved in her relationships, though she'd never admit it aloud. "Nathan's a good Terran boy. If you can influence him, I will literally kneel to your greatness."

Reyes' sympathetic understanding of this demotion made sense.  He'd read her fleet record while he was brief her chief.  That she'd been a department Chief and CPO had been a bit surprising, but no less so than his own rise.  He had wondered at the time of reading the file if her personality had been as interesting then as it was now.  He figured he would liked working under the command of someone with a bit of spunk.  It made things more lively.

ShranLahr's antenna lifted at hearing that Reyes thought he was 'a good egg'.  He had been really trying to connect with the other petty officer and he was glad that it had seemed to have worked to a small extent.  A ghost of a smile flitted across his face at Kali mention of flirting it up.   Oh yeah, there was that bonus.

Hearing that Reyes was willing to go where needed, Lahr made a mental note to hound the Ops chief on how much he needed Kali's help.  Engineers were a dime a dozen... but a good, effective Ops officer was crucial.. at least to his thinking.

He snickered at her coughed up coffee when he jokingly asked about Nathan's preferences. Her words prompted an actual laugh, at which he glanced about to see if anyone else was paying attention to their conversation.  He grinned, his antenna fully perked by this time.  While she was talking about him influencing Nathan, she'd managed to turn his whole demeanor around.

Lahr continued his whispering "Y'know that's just going to encourage me, but yeah outside of that... I'll see what I can do to get you back up here on the bridge with Ops again.  You're too valuable to be left in the bowels of the ship."  He didn't add that he just needed friend.

(OOC repost of an earlier post that I seem to have deleted by accident.  It's missing Cathy's part but will just move on from that.  Occurs while T'Kel is still in the Command chair)

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Michael Deus

[Outside Sickbay, USS Challenger]

Michael sighed as he quietly left the growing crowd gathering in sickbay. He knew being in Sec/Tac would alienate him from the majority of the crew; it was the nature of the job. People are more cautious around those who could end up investigating them; be it for murder, or a lost stack of datapads. The issue was lesser due to him being an Officer, and he found the prejudice given to his department lesser still in other Officers, since they're the ones that usually call on Sec/Tac, but it was still there. If he'd learned anything in the academy, it was that cliques formed quickly.

He shrugged his shoulders in a stretch as he meandered down the corridor. It had been that fact that had drawn him to Sec/Tac to begin with and not Engineering, which, work-wise, he could do happily. He was at heart an introvert, although he did enjoy the company of a select few; but considering none were onboard, he'd have to find one or two others to spend some time with on their off-hours. Work came first, though. The security of the ship and crew was paramount for him, and he planned to work his way up the ranks of his department as quickly as possible, to be able to do the most amount of good.

He rolled his shoulders once more as he stepped into the lift, and listened quietly to the constant chatter of the Sec/Tac departmental channel coming from his communicator, through his earpiece.

"Great men are forged in fire. It's the privilege of lesser men to light the flame."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Richard James Litt on April 19, 2020, 07:21:46 PM

NPC Ensign Rova
[USS Challenger · Shuttlebay]

Rova was at the Shuttlebay checking if everything was correct with the shuttles when she listened to someone approaching and looked to see another fly guy there.

"Ahm... Hello..." She said trying not to scare the boy. "I'm Rova... You are here to help?" She asked politely extending her hand.

[USS Challenger-shuttlebay]

"Hello it's nice to meet you Rova I'm Alexander Graham and I'm here to help." He stuck out his hand to politely shake hers. He wondered what they were going to have to do but he was ready to do anything that needs to be done by them for the mission.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Niles James McCulloch on April 21, 2020, 04:34:36 AM


After the lift, door opened on The USS Challenger' s Bridge, Crewman Niles J. McCulloch stood in the lift at flag-pole straight attention, announcing himself clearly crisply and succinctly, "Crewman, McCulloch, Niles J., requesting to permission to board the Bridge, from the Command Officer on Duty, to see Ensign Leela Kaz, for Duty Assignment, Sir."  He stood still as possible left hand behind his back and saluting with right, awaiting an answer.


Leela stood up with a bit of a look of surprise on her face and turned to face the turbo lift. "Ummm, I'm ensign Kaz." She said straining to see the collar of the man saying her name. "How can I help you... Crewman?" She asked returning his formality. It was such a rarity for someone to actually request permission to enter the bridge. "I think your good. Come on in." She chuckled as she motioned to him and looked to Kyle for assurance. She was struck by the man's appearance. He was clearly Orion but she couldn't put her finger what else was in him.   

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Kyle Briggs


Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 20, 2020, 10:36:29 PM

"Good Commander." Leela said thankful that her new executive officer had missed her outburst. "I was able to track down the problem. The boys back at Mars decided to perform one of their infamous experimental upgrades. It was nothing major but the adjustment created a deviation in the primary sensors. I have removed the subroutine and switched power back to the primary sensor array." She paused for a moment but simply couldn't resist the opportunity for a bad poorly timed joke. "We won't be bumping into anything today, Commander." She smirked.

Kyle could sense the Ensign was making a joke so he joined in. "Great job. We get to live another day." he replied just as the lift doors opened.
Quote from: Niles James McCulloch on April 21, 2020, 04:34:36 AM

After the lift, door opened on The USS Challenger' s Bridge, Crewman Niles J. McCulloch stood in the lift at flag-pole straight attention, announcing himself clearly crisply and succinctly, "Crewman, McCulloch, Niles J., requesting to permission to board the Bridge, from the Command Officer on Duty, to see Ensign Leela Kaz, for Duty Assignment, Sir."  He stood still as possible left hand behind his back and saluting with right, awaiting an answer.

Kyle simply gave an amused look to Kaz and shrugged.
Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 21, 2020, 09:12:26 PM

Leela stood up with a bit of a look of surprise on her face and turned to face the turbo lift. "Ummm, I'm ensign Kaz." She said straining to see the collar of the man saying her name. "How can I help you... Ensign?" She asked returning his formality. It was such a rarity for someone to actually request permission to enter the bridge. "I think your good. Come on in." She chuckled as she motioned to him and looked to Kyle for assurance. She was struck by the man's appearance. He was clearly Orion but she couldn't put her finger what else was in him.

"Carry on." he said with a smile before turning his attention back to the front and seeing one of his favorite Engineers talking to Lahr.

"Morning Kali. What brings you up top?" he asked.

Kali Reyes

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 21, 2020, 03:50:41 PM

He snickered at her coughed up coffee when he jokingly asked about Nathan's preferences. Her words prompted an actual laugh, at which he glanced about to see if anyone else was paying attention to their conversation.  He grinned, his antenna fully perked by this time.  While she was talking about him influencing Nathan, she'd managed to turn his whole demeanor around.

Lahr continued his whispering "Y'know that's just going to encourage me, but yeah outside of that... I'll see what I can do to get you back up here on the bridge with Ops again.  You're too valuable to be left in the bowels of the ship."  He didn't add that he just needed friend.


Mildly touched, she compensated by turning it into a joke. "That sounds suspiciously like a cry for help." Kali glanced at her PADD. "It's not even an hour into shift. Surely it's not that bad?"

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on April 21, 2020, 09:36:28 PM

"Morning Kali. What brings you up top?" he asked.

Kali swiveled around her chair to smile indulgently at her former captain. "Hey, congratulations on XO. I'm awfully jealous, because I now just realized that your rank could also be interpreted as 'hugs and kisses' and that's probably the best shower thought I've had this morning."

"I actually came up to give Captain Galloway a welcoming present," she continued cheerfully. "It's the toothbrush he made me scrub the hull with back on the Discovery. I kept it as a memento of my burning hatred for him... or at least I think it was hatred. Something was burning though. I can't remember. Anyways, I found out there's a huge underground movement of Starfleet memorabilia fanatics." She stressed this next part slow and carefully. "I sold Captain Galloway's Punishment Toothbrush - used and abused for ten thousand bars of latinum."

Niles James McCulloch

Quote from: Leela Kaz on April 21, 2020, 09:12:26 PM


Leela stood up with a bit of a look of surprise on her face and turned to face the turbo lift. "Ummm, I'm ensign Kaz." She said straining to see the collar of the man saying her name. "How can I help you... Crewman?" She asked returning his formality. It was such a rarity for someone to actually request permission to enter the bridge. "I think your good. Come on in." She chuckled as she motioned to him and looked to Kyle for assurance. She was struck by the man's appearance. He was clearly Orion but she couldn't put her finger what else was in him.


As Niles went to an at ease stance as he scoped out The USS Challenger's Bridge, while stepping out of the turbo-lift, that's positioned between the Bridge's Environmental Station and It's Main View Screen. Deftly skirting the Crewman at Helm,and First Officer LCDR Kyle Briggs and  Engineering Crewman, Petty Officer 1st Class Kali Reyes , as they talk to Operations Crewman, Petty Officer 1st Class ShranLahr ch'Verret, who was setting at Ops.  He tried his best not to appear to be breaking-in and/or listening in to their conversation as he approached Science Officer: Ensign Leela Kaz, but his size and the Bridge layout  wasn't helping any.
She was standing near a Science Station; in front of an access door, that was between the Science Stations  and the Bridge's Main View Screen. When he got there he made sure he wasn't blocking anyone's view of the Main View Screen.
"Science Crewman, Recruit Niles J. McCulloch, reporting for assignment, Ensign Kaz ." he said formally standing in front of Ensign Leela Kaz, at ease with his hands folded behind him, awaiting her reply.

Esmeralda Van'Roe


[Esmeralda's Quarters]

She could do this. At the end of the day, it was just another ship. A much larger ship with thoroughly alternate systematics and more than twice as many people...but that was fine. And she could totally be Chief of Engineering with her experience, right? Sure it wasn't as notable as her previous Second Officer's, and she couldn't seek and solve problems as fast as the Alice sisters but...that was fine too. Nobody was expecting her to be able to plug herself into mainframes and download nodes.


She could do this.

Esme continued to regard her reflection, unable to stop herself from looking worried. She wished she had someone to talk to about her anxiety, or more specifically; her fear of failure, but she was still alone. Even within her time on the Athena, she hadn't truly befriended anyone. Not in the sense that she'd be missed, and not in the sense where she could ask their advice on her current predicament; a promotion that both thrilled and terrified her. She considered contacting Sarah but, well...that was too selfish, even for her.

She forced herself to breathe out so her shoulders slouched but she didn't relax any. You're going to have a migraine for the next month, minimum, she told herself. But that was fine, anxiety wasn't new.

Esme tied her red hair back into a ponytail, remade her bed, and gave herself another pep talk aka stop being ridiculous, Es, you can%u2019t hide in your quarters for the rest of your life, and made her way to Main Engineering.

She huffed at herself for pressing Deck 11 in the turbolift, only to remember a few seconds later that Main Engineering was on Deck 13 now. At least nobody was present to witness her mistake though she doubted she'd continue to be as fortuous as she got used to the USS Challenger. She was repeating the word "thirteen" to herself as she exited the lift and walked to her destination, inexorable nerves combined with a night of interrupted sleep ensured she looked a little manic but given that was her usual state of being, Esme wasn't worried about her appearance.

She was on time but, naturally for a Chief and not so naturally for her, she had a million things to do, so just as soon as she'd arrived; she was heading back up a deck to Upper Eng. Support with a PADD, assigning duties as she walked. It was probably more conventional to stick around and properly introduce herself to her new crewmates, but Esme figured there was enough time for that later... and she wasn't sure what to say so it was for the best that they'd all be busy. She couldn't, for the life of her, remember how her first day upon the Athena had gone. Had Chief Ashley even introduced herself? Esme couldn't remember much more than a "you're doing this here, now" and a "new assignment, check your PADD." Did she want to be like that? Esme wasn't sure. She supposed this new role would test and change her, hopefully for the better otherwise they were all in trouble. Please, Gods, don't let my Father be right about me.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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