S4:E4 - The Hungry Season

Started by Ian Galloway, July 01, 2020, 11:21:47 AM

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Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 08, 2020, 04:15:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian smiled ferally when the Tzenkethi ship fired as it removed any obstacle from him doing what he wanted to do as soon as they'd detected the attack on the freighter.

"Rapid fire all weapons! And I want all quantums, all the time! Given the way their components are hidden internally, we need ta take their shields down ta do any damage at all. Helm, keep our port side between the raider and the freighter. Mister T'Kel, I want you ta drop the starboard shields and two squads beamed over as soon as we're in position!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Well. Things were escalating quickly. Now she better understood why the alert klaxons kept rapidly changing more often then not. It was quite different from her other experiences aboard starships, but they were in a different part of space and politics were changing rapidly. She knew her team would be assembled without her help, as she'd seen them prepare many times before. Nothing to worry about there. However, she also couldn't help much here unless the fight escalated. She couldn't explain why, she just wanted to be there, part of the action even if she was only witnessing it from the sidelines. That way if she was ever in a situation where she needed to do something outside of sickbay and medical to aid during an attack, she could know what it's like outside of the academy tests.

Mondo'li Nari


USS Challenger - Transporter Room - Deck 10

The word came in that the Challenger was preparing to conduct a boarding action.  Mondo and the others who had assembled in the Phaser Range quickly trotted up the hall to the transporter room, assuming positions on the pads.  Transport could technically be conducted from anywhere, and to anywhere within range.  However, by being on the transporter pads, the security teams would shorten the amount of time it took to dematerialize and rematerialize.

In a boarding action, every second counted.

Word was that two teams were going.  Elsewhere on the ship, the other squad would be assembling at Deck 18.   The opportunity to beam-over would almost certainly be brief.  Both transporter rooms would doubtless be sending their teams simultaneously.  Such a maneuver was an incredible drain on power and computer capacity.  It also left the ship vulnerable for precious moments of time during a fight.  As such, these sorts of boarding actions were not performed lightly.

Mondo glanced over at Blackfeather. Then to his right, at Jorzon, Gunt, and Chisst.   In a moment, they'd be in the proverbial soup.

And it would probably be very, very hot.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Tzenkethi / Federation Border - USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 08, 2020, 04:15:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian smiled ferally when the Tzenkethi ship fired as it removed any obstacle from him doing what he wanted to do as soon as they'd detected the attack on the freighter.

"Rapid fire all weapons! And I want all quantums, all the time! Given the way their components are hidden internally, we need ta take their shields down ta do any damage at all. Helm, keep our port side between the raider and the freighter. Mister T'Kel, I want you ta drop the starboard shields and two squads beamed over as soon as we're in position!"

Lahr grimaced hearing the Captain's orders, his antenna twitching unhappily even more.  Rapid-fire placed an immense strain on the ship's power and weapons systems.  It required the proverbial floodgates to be opened in the EPS supply to the phaser banks and arrays, opening direct channels from the warp core to the weapons systems.  This was always a risk- not only because the weapons placed an incredible strain on the EPS network, but also because an enemy making a direct hit to the phasers might send overload pulses right through the full-throated EPS channels back to the warp core.  There were breakers intended to kick in, but no safety system was perfect.  Like a dragon opening its mouth to breathe fire upon its prey, the Challenger was exposing her very heart to the enemy.  There was a chance- however small- that the warp core could be damaged by a well-aimed retaliatory strike.*
Quote from: Jacob Sill'ma on July 08, 2020, 05:04:18 PM

USS Challenger - Bridge - Science Station

Mr. Sill'ma checked his sensors again. Now that they were a little closer he could get more accurate readings. He quickly reported to the captain, "Sir, there are 15 Tzenkethi on the freighter. The attacking ship... scans are iffy. We only get fragments when they open to fire. It seems all of their weapons are internal. The fragmentation is caused by an iris that opens and closes before and after firing. It's the same way for the sensors as well."

A bead of sweat ran down his forehead. This had been the first time being in a confrontation in space. Sure the simulations helped a little, but could they ever match up to real life threatening situations? Doubt ran over his mind about the situation as he started to empty his mind, focus, and come up with something that could help them in the situation.

News of boarders on the freighter was not good.  Lahr glanced over his shoulder towards the Captain curious as to if the human would order a third boarding team or switch one of the two to deal with the freighter.   The Andorian was no longer part of the security/tactical department but a good number of his friends were.

If he recalled correctly Gunt, Blackfeather, Nari, Jorzan and Chisst were on Team 1, while Team 2 consisted of Shurile, Freeman, Tragnar, Skaggarg and zh'Tianihr.   Team 2 were all his old teammates and close friends.  He worried about them each time they were sent out.

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on July 08, 2020, 07:14:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Well. Things were escalating quickly. Now she better understood why the alert klaxons kept rapidly changing more often then not. It was quite different from her other experiences aboard starships, but they were in a different part of space and politics were changing rapidly. She knew her team would be assembled without her help, as she'd seen them prepare many times before. Nothing to worry about there. However, she also couldn't help much here unless the fight escalated. She couldn't explain why, she just wanted to be there, part of the action even if she was only witnessing it from the sidelines. That way if she was ever in a situation where she needed to do something outside of sickbay and medical to aid during an attack, she could know what it's like outside of the academy tests.

The fact that the doctor was up on the bridge had slipped his mind, but his turning about to look at the Captain had brought the doctor back into his attention.  Lahr would have thought she'd be a little nervous, but the medical officer seemed to be calm and collected.  More so than himself.  And when he was nervous he tried to hide it behind bravado.

"What's on the playlist for this battle, sir?  A little Kenny G? Some Dave Koz? "

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on July 09, 2020, 03:32:07 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Tzenkethi / Federation Border - USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr grimaced hearing the Captain's orders, his antenna twitching unhappily even more.  Rapid-fire placed an immense strain on the ship's power and weapons systems.  It required the proverbial floodgates to be opened in the EPS supply to the phaser banks and arrays, opening direct channels from the warp core to the weapons systems.  This was always a risk- not only because the weapons placed an incredible strain on the EPS network, but also because an enemy making a direct hit to the phasers might send overload pulses right through the full-throated EPS channels back to the warp core.  There were breakers intended to kick in, but no safety system was perfect.  Like a dragon opening its mouth to breathe fire upon its prey, the Challenger was exposing her very heart to the enemy.  There was a chance- however small- that the warp core could be damaged by a well-aimed retaliatory strike.*

News of boarders on the freighter was not good.  Lahr glanced over his shoulder towards the Captain curious as to if the human would order a third boarding team or switch one of the two to deal with the freighter.   The Andorian was no longer part of the security/tactical department but a good number of his friends were.

If he recalled correctly Gunt, Blackfeather, Nari, Jorzan and Chisst were on Team 1, while Team 2 consisted of Shurile, Freeman, Tragnar, Skaggarg and zh'Tianihr.   Team 2 were all his old teammates and close friends.  He worried about them each time they were sent out.

The fact that the doctor was up on the bridge had slipped his mind, but his turning about to look at the Captain had brought the doctor back into his attention.  Lahr would have thought she'd be a little nervous, but the medical officer seemed to be calm and collected.  More so than himself.  And when he was nervous he tried to hide it behind bravado.

"What's on the playlist for this battle, sir?  A little Kenny G? Some Dave Koz? "

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Tzenkethi ship was surprised by an all out attack by a Federation ship and despite its superlative shield technology, two full volleys of quantums, followed by a relentless phaser barrage was just too much for the defenses to withstand. The raider's shields collapsed and the ship staggered as sections of her hull blackened from the onslaught.

The few shots the raider managed were no match for the Challenger's point of impact shields and this was enough for the silent Tzenkethi commander, he, she, or whatever it was, banked away and took his ship to warp while it was still warp capable.

Challenger's initial maneuvering to get her starboard side to face the damaged freighter was successful and the two security teams were beamed over without the raider being able to intervene. This was great news for Ian and the crew of the freighter, but for the security teams, the news wasn't as good as they found themselves immediately engaged in a raging firefight for their lives.

On the Challenger, Ian watched with satisfaction as the raider ran. It was only then that Lahr's question registered and he was puzzled by the request.

"Mister ch'Verret, while a little music durin' normal operations is within reason. During battlestations, I'm goin' ta have ta put my foot down and say no. Too distractin'. However, should we ever find ourselves in a situation bleak enough, I want 'Scotland the Brave' piped throughout the ship."

Ian then turned to face the Kyle and Lisa.

"Kyle, you will lead the second wave with another two security squads. Crack on Lad, the game is afoot!

"Doctor, with that many of those braw brawlers aboard the freighter, we're guaranteed ta need your services. You will take a full trauma team with you on the third wave. Dismissed."

Ian then addressed science and Ops.

"Mister Sill'ma and Mister ch'Verret, full long range scans. Light up the full spectrum, last thing we need is for the bugger that ran ta return with friends."

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 09, 2020, 12:19:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Tzenkethi ship was surprised by an all out attack by a Federation ship and despite its superlative shield technology, two full volleys of quantums, followed by a relentless phaser barrage was just too much for the defenses to withstand. The raider's shields collapsed and the ship staggered as sections of her hull blackened from the onslaught.

The few shots the raider managed were no match for the Challenger's point of impact shields and this was enough for the silent Tzenkethi commander, he, she, or whatever it was, banked away and took his ship to warp while it was still warp capable.

Challenger's initial maneuvering to get her starboard side to face the damaged freighter was successful and the two security teams were beamed over without the raider being able to intervene. This was great news for Ian and the crew of the freighter, but for the security teams, the news wasn't as good as they found themselves immediately engaged in a raging firefight for their lives.

On the Challenger, Ian watched with satisfaction as the raider ran. It was only then that Lahr's question registered and he was puzzled by the request.

"Mister ch'Verret, while a little music durin' normal operations is within reason. During battlestations, I'm goin' ta have ta put my foot down and say no. Too distractin'. However, should we ever find ourselves in a situation bleak enough, I want 'Scotland the Brave' piped throughout the ship."

Ian then turned to face the Kyle and Lisa.

"Kyle, you will lead the second wave with another two security squads. Crack on Lad, the game is afoot!

"Doctor, with that many of those braw brawlers aboard the freighter, we're guaranteed ta need your services. You will take a full trauma team with you on the third wave. Dismissed."

Ian then addressed science and Ops.

"Mister Sill'ma and Mister ch'Verret, full long range scans. Light up the full spectrum, last thing we need is for the bugger that ran ta return with friends."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lisa barely had time to think as everything around her happened so fast. She didn't miss her assignment though, and giving a short nod she headed for the turbolift, touching her commbadge as she went.

=/\=Belmont to Sickbay, I'm going to need a full trauma team ready for transport in five minutes. All others on duty are on standby. Belmont out. =/\= Nothing else needed to be said, as the team had all been trained in what was needed for trauma and she trusted them to be ready. She waited a minute for Briggs, as he was to be on the wave before her and he was her superior so it was only polite to have him go first, and briefly checked over what she had with her. Her supplies along with the multiple trauma kits would suffice.

Mondo'li Nari


Beaming over...

The annular confinement beam took hold of the boarding team as the transporter shredded them at the quantum level, sending their subatomic particles across the void and reassembling them on the deck of the target vessel.  These boarding actions were always harrowing.  A lot of faith was put into the transporter operator, as he needed to put them far enough from enemy units to avoid being instantly fired upon, but close enough so that they could quickly get into action.

The team materialized into a large corridor, and Mondo glanced around to establish they weren't yet under fire before nodding to Chisst.  The Insectoid quickly consulted his tricorder, as the universal translator in the team's com badges converted her chitters and chirps into something they could all understand.

"Two Tzenkethi, One humanoid ten meters ahead, just around the corner."

Mondo nodded and motioned to the team, but before they could move on ahead, there was the sound of an energy discharge followed by a pained scream.

"...Two Tzenkethi, No more humanoid."

Mondo and the others charged ahead quickly, coming to the corner before they paused.  Mondo deployed his shield and peeked around the corner.

Two hulking figures stood in the hall around the corner.  Mondo had never seen Tzenkethi outside of a datafile on a computer screen.  They were even taller than he was, and nearly twice as wide.  Their upper arms were monstrous, muscular appendages festooned with massive energy cannons.  The cannons were part of a powered equipment frame which included portable forcefield generators, sensor apparatus, and body armor.  They had a second set of normal-sized arms under the first set.  Their legs were like the trunks of trees.

One had a helm with a horn shape upon it.  The other did not.  Mondo wondered if one was male and the other was female.  Overall, the Tzenkethi reminded him of a creature he'd seen on Earth during an excursion there from the Technical Services Academy.  A Rhinocerous.

At the feet of the brutes was carbon scoring in the shape of a humanoid:  The only remains of their disintegrated victim.

Mondo pulled back from peeking around the corner and motioned for a full-on attack.  The next instant, the whole team came around the corner.  Chisst, Gunt, and Jorzon knelt shoulder-to-shoulder across the breadth of the hall.

"Drop your weapons and surrender!" Mondo shouted the order, but was not sure if their harness would even allow them to drop their portable cannons.  In any event, their only response was to begin to raise their weapons.

All three personnel kneeling in the front deployed their personal shields and fired phasers above the field effect.

Blackfeather and Mondo took positions behind the deployed shield wall, standing behind their comrades, and unleashed phaser beams from their rifles as well.

The Tzenkethi seemed to have been caught unawares... but it was of little benefit.  Their portable shield generators were fully engaged.

The phaser beams from the team crashed against the Tzenkethi portable force fields, dissipating harmlessly.

"Increase to level sixteen," Mondo ordered, thumbing the setting on his own rifle.

The Tzenkethi quickly finished raising their massive arm cannons and fired.   Thick bolts of destructive energy splashed across the personal shields of the kneeling officers.  Although the energy weapons did not penetrate the combined shield wall, they did overload the shield generators of all of the kneeling personnel.  The devices sparked and smoked, causing the Bolian and Tellarite to wince and make pained sounds.  The Insectoid Chisst merely ignored the pain, demonstrating the stoic determination of her kind.

Having adjusted their phasers, the team fired a second time.  This time, at maximum setting, their weapons overpowered the Tzenkethi shields and penetrated the protective envelope.  Five beams impacted the Tzenkethi, their bodies glowing as they transitioned out of the material continuum.

In a moment, there were three spots of carbon scoring in the otherwise vacant hallway.

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Boarding Team One to Challenger.  Petty Officer Nari speaking.  We encountered two heavily armed and armored Tzenkethi who had murdered an occupant of the freighter.  Stun settings proved insufficient to penetrate their personal shields.  We were forced to disintegrate them.  Three members of our team have lost personal shields, but are otherwise unharmed.  We are proceeding further into the vessel. =/\=

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Tzenkethi / Federation Border - USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 09, 2020, 12:19:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Tzenkethi ship was surprised by an all out attack by a Federation ship and despite its superlative shield technology, two full volleys of quantums, followed by a relentless phaser barrage was just too much for the defenses to withstand. The raider's shields collapsed and the ship staggered as sections of her hull blackened from the onslaught.

The few shots the raider managed were no match for the Challenger's point of impact shields and this was enough for the silent Tzenkethi commander, he, she, or whatever it was, banked away and took his ship to warp while it was still warp capable.

Challenger's initial maneuvering to get her starboard side to face the damaged freighter was successful and the two security teams were beamed over without the raider being able to intervene. This was great news for Ian and the crew of the freighter, but for the security teams, the news wasn't as good as they found themselves immediately engaged in a raging firefight for their lives.

On the Challenger, Ian watched with satisfaction as the raider ran. It was only then that Lahr's question registered and he was puzzled by the request.

"Mister ch'Verret, while a little music durin' normal operations is within reason. During battlestations, I'm goin' ta have ta put my foot down and say no. Too distractin'. However, should we ever find ourselves in a situation bleak enough, I want 'Scotland the Brave' piped throughout the ship."

Lahr was astounded by the ferocity of the Challenger's attack on the Tzenkethi ship.  Within a matter of less than a minute the Tzenkethi ship went from being a sizable threat to tucking tail and bolting.   Lahr wondered at the personality of their still new Captain.

The Andorian was quick to assist in the beaming over of the first two boarding teams.  "Both teams are on the ship."

With all the action happening, Lahr had forgotten about his query to the Captain from just a minute or two ago.  He was reminded when Galloway 'put his foot down' on music during Battlestations, though his exception was a little gloomy.  "Don't believe I have that one on file, sir.  We'll have to avoid that situation." he remarked back his antenna waving with forced cheer.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 09, 2020, 12:19:48 PM

Ian then turned to face the Kyle and Lisa.

"Kyle, you will lead the second wave with another two security squads. Crack on Lad, the game is afoot!

"Doctor, with that many of those braw brawlers aboard the freighter, we're guaranteed ta need your services. You will take a full trauma team with you on the third wave. Dismissed."

Ian then addressed science and Ops.

"Mister Sill'ma and Mister ch'Verret, full long range scans. Light up the full spectrum, last thing we need is for the bugger that ran ta return with friends."

The Andorian former Sec/Tac crewman appreciated that the Captain calling on a second wave, though he wished they'd been already at hand... the reports coming back were mixed good news / bad news.

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on July 10, 2020, 12:38:38 AM

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Boarding Team One to Challenger.  Petty Officer Nari speaking.  We encountered two heavily armed and armored Tzenkethi who had murdered an occupant of the freighter.  Stun settings proved insufficient to penetrate their personal shields.  We were forced to disintegrate them.  Three members of our team have lost personal shields, but are otherwise unharmed.  We are proceeding further into the vessel. =/\=

=/\= "This is Crewman Tragnar.  Requesting medical beam out of personnel.  Petty officer Freeman is down.  The enemy weapons are powerful and our personal shields can't take more than a single volley before failing.  I've been left behind to keep safe Freeman until he's been transported back. The rest of the team are continuing on towards engineering." =/\=  Helg's voice carried over the comm.

Having just heard that a medical team was being prepared, Lahr hesitated on the requested beam out.

=/\= "Crewman, is his condition stable? A medical team is being assembled and should be ready for beam over in less than 5. Can you hold that long?" =/\=

There was a muttered reply that didn't quite make the comm.  =/\= "Yeah I'm applying basic first aid as we speak.. he'll survive." =/\=

=/\= "Thanks Tragnar.  Keep Alert.  These Tzenkithi are tough." =/\=  Lahr advised quietly.

Helga's response came with a bit of a laugh. =/\= "Yeah, best challenge I've had.. maybe barring Nari.. since Innominatum and I'm stuck playing medic.  Tell the others to leave me one." =/\=

Lahr closed the comm and a moment later the Captain was issuing more orders. The Andorian nodded at the call for long rang scans by him and Sill'ma.  He fully agreed - they did not need more party guests. "Aye sir!"

He began his scans.  "Things are looking clear at the moment, sir."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyle Briggs

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Kyle had released another volley just as the CO ordered and then assisted T'Kel back to her feet as his next orders came.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 09, 2020, 12:19:48 PM

"Kyle, you will lead the second wave with another two security squads. Crack on Lad, the game is afoot!

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied as his fingers glided over the console and ordered the other security officers he was going to take in the second wave over with him. He would be joined by Reeves, Donahue, Conner, Vakok and Morales while Bailey would lead the other team. He made his way to the lift and headed for the Armory. All the others were making their way there in record time.

"Bailey. You guys will beam out from Deck eighteen. My team will head for the main transporter room. Inform the Bridge as soon as you're there and ready." he ordered.

Transporter Room

Once Kyle and his team were on the pad, he slapped his badge.

=/\= Briggs to Bridge. We're in place and ready to beam over.  =/\=

Mondo'li Nari


Boarding Team 1

"Otherwise unharmed?" Gunt remarked as he peeled his portable shield generator unit off of his singed uniform, "speak for yourself!"

The other two front-line team members were also removing and discarding their overloaded units.  The devices were nothing more than hunks of partially melted metal, now.  As the devices came off, it became clear that everyone had suffered at least minor burns when they'd overloaded.

"Given your indomitable nature," Mondo replied wryly, "I knew you would not want minor skin burns to be mentioned in my report."

"Minor?!" The Tellarite grunted in displeasure, "I expect a Purple Heart!"

The team chuckled, letting off some tension from the deadly exchange they had just participated in.  Jorzon had some field medical experience, and quickly moved to Gunt's side to administer a dermal regenerator.

"Some second-degree burns, but we'll have you salty as the sea again in no time," Jorzon assured the Tellarite.  When he was done with Gunt, he moved on to Chisst, adjusting the setting for the Insectoid's chitinous exoskeleton.

When this minor mending was complete, Mondo motioned for Chisst to head towards the door while he and the rest of the team kept watch for anyone encroaching on their position.  "That's the corridor that leads to the bridge, Chisst.  See if you can use that console to tap into the ship's internal sensors.  I'd like to see what awaits us."

The Insectoid moved quickly to the panel, popping it off and connecting her PADD to its innards.  It wasn't long before she was able to pull up an image on the display.

"The corridor is dark.  Switching to multispectral mode... there."

"Three Tzenkethi warriors stand ready just outside the door.  I believe they know we are here, and hope to ambush us as we enter the central corridor."

Mondo nodded, shouldering his rifle's sling strap and un-holstering his Type II hand phaser.  "Can you open the door for just a moment, and quickly shut it again?"

Chist chirped a firm, "That will not be a problem."

"Deploy on either side of the door," Mondo advised the team, and they immediately moved to comply.  He set his phaser to overload.  A whine began to emanate from the weapon, increasing steadily in pitch.

When it neared its crescendo, Mondo shouted, "Now!"

The door slid open, and Mondo tossed his hand phaser through the opening.  Before the phaser could even hit the deck, Chisst already had the door closing again.  Almost as soon as the door finished sealing shut, a tremble shook the deck.  Mondo paused for a second, and then asked, "Sensors?"

Chisst checked her PADD.  "The blast damaged internal sensors within the hall.  Checking tricorder..."  She consulted her portable sensor device, but then chittered a disappointed, "Interference is too great in the hallway to get a positive reading."

Mondo nodded, and motioned for Blackfeather to join him at the door as he checked his personal shield.  "We are the only two with working shield generators.  We have point."

Blackfeather stepped up beside him, slightly ahead and staggered so that they could walk through the opening in quick succession once the door opened.  "Try to keep up," he said with a grin.

Mondo nodded to Chisst, "We go, then the rest of you follow... Now!"

Chisst activated the door, and it slid open to reveal carnage.  The hall was filled with partially disintegrated Tzenkethi body parts.  But it also contained a single intact Tzenkethi who roared and fired upon them as soon as they advanced.

The Tzenkethi warrior unleashed a shot from his double-barreled arm cannon.  The Energy pulses from the weapon managed to strike both Blackfeather and Mondo, instantly overloading and frying their personal shields.  Now it was Mondo's turn to wince as the device sparked and burned.  Fortunately, the cutoff threshold was soon reached in his biosynthetic arm, and the pain vanished as quickly as it had manifested.  A small recompense for having lost his original limb in combat with Gamma quadrant pirates.

Mondo and Blackfeather quickly shuffled to the left and right, firing their phaser rifles at the Tzenkethi.  The brute's shield brightened but did not overload, either being a more powerful unit than those of his dead friends, or having been better adjusted to resist rapid-nadion discharges.

Chisst, Gunt, and Jorzon quickly followed the Petty Officers into the main corridor, adding their phaser beams to the mix.  The Tzenkethi's shield finally overloaded and allowed the phaser beams to penetrate the field.  The beams began to disintegrate him, but he fired once more as he evaporated into the next world.

The final vengeful bolts from the Tzenkethi's arm cannon intersected with Jorzon's and Chisst's legs, searing right through the limbs at the knees.  Both crewpersons went down hard, their roasted flesh and steamed circulatory-fluids mingling with the burnt smell of Tzenkethi remains, scenting the air horrifically as the corridor filled with Jorzon's screams.

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Petty Officer Nari requesting emergency medevac transport of Crewmen Chisst and Jorzon!  They have been dismembered at the knee-joints by a Tzenkethi energy weapon! =/\=

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on July 10, 2020, 04:16:25 PM

Crewman Helga Tragnar

=/\= "This is Crewman Tragnar.  Requesting medical beam out of personnel.  Petty officer Freeman is down.  The enemy weapons are powerful and our personal shields can't take more than a single volley before failing.  I've been left behind to keep safe Freeman until he's been transported back. The rest of the team are continuing on towards engineering." =/\=  Helga's voice carried over the comm.

Having just heard that a medical team was being prepared, Lahr hesitated on the requested beam out.

=/\= "Crewman, is his condition stable? A medical team is being assembled and should be ready for beam over in less than 5. Can you hold that long?" =/\=

There was a muttered reply that didn't quite make the comm.  =/\= "Yeah I'm applying basic first aid as we speak.. he'll survive." =/\=

=/\= "Thanks Tragnar.  Keep Alert.  These Tzenkithi are tough." =/\=  Lahr advised quietly.

Helga's response came with a bit of a laugh. =/\= "Yeah, best challenge I've had.. maybe barring Nari.. since Innominatum and I'm stuck playing medic.  Tell the others to leave me one." =/\=

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 10, 2020, 09:40:29 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Kyle had released another volley just as the CO ordered and then assisted T'Kel back to her feet as his next orders came.

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied as his fingers glided over the console and ordered the other security officers he was going to take in the second wave over with him. He would be joined by Reeves, Donahue, Conner, Vakok and Morales while Bailey would lead the other team. He made his way to the lift and headed for the Armory. All the others were making their way there in record time.

"Bailey. You guys will beam out from Deck eighteen. My team will head for the main transporter room. Inform the Bridge as soon as you're there and ready." he ordered.

Transporter Room

Once Kyle and his team were on the pad, he slapped his badge.

=/\= Briggs to Bridge. We're in place and ready to beam over.  =/\=

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on July 11, 2020, 02:17:01 AM

Boarding Team 1

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Petty Officer Nari requesting emergency medevac transport of Crewmen Chisst and Jorzon!  They have been dismembered at the knee-joints by a Tzenkethi energy weapon! =/\=[/size]

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's heart froze at the chaos of the fighting occurring on the freighter and the reports of casualties were worse than he thought they'd be, which was saying something as he knew, based on the sheer physical size of the Tzenkethi, that the casualties would be bad.

Steeling himself, he issued orders as fast as he could process the data he was receiving.

=/\= "Second wave initiate transport! You are goin' into a hot LZ! Hostiles extremely well armed and armored. Watch your six!" =/\=

He glanced down at his command chair's console before continuing.

=/\= "Understood Mister Nari, beamin' Chisst and Jorzon directly ta sickbay!" =/\=

Switching channels quickly, he added.

=/\= "Doctor Davies, critical casualties comin' in!" =/\=

Ian stood to face T'Kel.

"Lieutenant. I want six more squads in the transporter room immediately. You are authorized ta use whatever force you deem needed ta suppress those Tzenkethi wankers! Go in loaded for bear and terminate with extreme prejudice if necessary!"

The security chief arched an eyebrow as only a Vulcan could and replied with a simple.

"Aye Sir."

Ian tapped his command chair.

=/\= "Doctor Belmont, the freighter is too hot for your team. You are on immediate standby until security can get the situation under control. The first wave has already sustained casualties and you will be needed as soon as we can set up a safe spot for your team." =/\=

Ian stared at the viewscreen at the drifting freighter and could hear Scotland the Brave in his head as he thought about members of his crew fighting a desperate battle. The fact that he couldn't influence what was happening made him seethe at the regulations that forced him to stay on the bridge when he wanted so desperately to be in the thick of the fight.

Mondo'li Nari


Away Team 1

Mondo knelt with Chisst and Jorzon while Blackfeather and Gunt kept watch.  His hands went to the emergency medkit Jorzon carried, quickly retrieving a hypospray.  The Hupyrian was no medical expert, but he'd had basic First Aid training at the Technical Services Academy, and he had been trained further by Doctor McGellen a year later.  He would never be much of a medic, but he knew enough to ease Jorzon's pain and reduce his bleeding.  When he pressed the hypo to Jorzon's thigh, the man's screams reduced in volume.

Chisst's biology was fundamentally different from that of most humanoids.  She was not in danger of bleeding to death, nor was she subject to the effects of shock.  A blessing.

Mondo had been here.

He had endured having his limb blasted away.

He wished he had been cleverer, or faster, or better.  He wished these crew-persons didn't have to suffer through what he had.

"They'll fix you," he assured them both, "They fix everything."

Soon enough, the annular confinement beams took hold of the two injured crewpersons and spirited them away.

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Petty Officer Nari, confirming successful beamout of Chisst and Jorzon.  We are just outside of the bridge.  I suggest that we consolidate strength with Crewman Tragnar of Team Two before advancing further. =/\=

With two people gone, Mondo's team was nearly reduced to half strength.  There was no telling what kind of resistance waited for them.  He would very much welcome Helga's assistance before storming the bridge.   

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Tzenkethi / Federation Border - USS Challenger - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 10, 2020, 09:40:29 PM

Transporter Room

Once Kyle and his team were on the pad, he slapped his badge.

=/\= Briggs to Bridge. We're in place and ready to beam over.  =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 11, 2020, 11:44:54 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's heart froze at the chaos of the fighting occurring on the freighter and the reports of casualties were worse than he thought they'd be, which was saying something as he knew, based on the sheer physical size of the Tzenkethi, that the casualties would be bad.

Steeling himself, he issued orders as fast as he could process the data he was receiving.

=/\= "Second wave initiate transport! You are goin' into a hot LZ! Hostiles extremely well armed and armored. Watch your six!" =/\=

Lahr, while keeping watch on his sensors for additional ships, overheard Kyle report to the Bridge and he Captain's order to transport over.  The Andorian noted the power usage spike when the transporters engaged.

"Second wave is aboard, sir" he announced, confirming safe materialization.  That was the only thing safe about this boarding mission apparently.  Vague flashbacks of similar times on Innominatum threatened to distract Lahr but the Ops crewman focused on Captain Galloway's next orders.

But before that came another call from Nari.

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on July 11, 2020, 02:17:01 AM

Boarding Team 1

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Petty Officer Nari requesting emergency medevac transport of Crewmen Chisst and Jorzon!  They have been dismembered at the knee-joints by a Tzenkethi energy weapon! =/\=[/size]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 11, 2020, 11:44:54 AM

He glanced down at his command chair's console before continuing.

=/\= "Understood Mister Nari, beamin' Chisst and Jorzon directly ta sickbay!" =/\=

Lahr forwarded the order to the main transporter room and received a confirmation back a few moments later.

"Sickbay has them, sir."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 11, 2020, 11:44:54 AM

Switching channels quickly, he added.

=/\= "Doctor Davies, critical casualties comin' in!" =/\=

Ian stood to face T'Kel.

"Lieutenant. I want six more squads in the transporter room immediately. You are authorized ta use whatever force you deem needed ta suppress those Tzenkethi wankers! Go in loaded for bear and terminate with extreme prejudice if necessary!"

The security chief arched an eyebrow as only a Vulcan could and replied with a simple.

"Aye Sir."

Ian tapped his command chair.

=/\= "Doctor Belmont, the freighter is too hot for your team. You are on immediate standby until security can get the situation under control. The first wave has already sustained casualties and you will be needed as soon as we can set up a safe spot for your team." =/\=

Ian stared at the viewscreen at the drifting freighter and could hear Scotland the Brave in his head as he thought about members of his crew fighting a desperate battle. The fact that he couldn't influence what was happening made him seethe at the regulations that forced him to stay on the bridge when he wanted so desperately to be in the thick of the fight.

Lahr understood why the doctor could go in now... but that meant delayed care for Freeman unless he got permission to beam him out as well.

"Permission to beam Freeman to Sickbay as well?  Crewman Tragnar has been tending him waiting on medical to arrive."

Beaming Freeman over would free up the Klingon hybrid as well.  And it seemed Nari had the same thought.

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on July 12, 2020, 02:20:45 AM

Away Team 1

Mondo tapped his badge, =/\= Petty Officer Nari, confirming successful beamout of Chisst and Jorzon.  We are just outside of the bridge.  I suggest that we consolidate strength with Crewman Tragnar of Team Two before advancing further. =/\=

With two people gone, Mondo's team was nearly reduced to half strength.  There was no telling what kind of resistance waited for them.  He would very much welcome Helga's assistance before storming the bridge.

Lahr's antenna twitched however at the idea of putting Helga with Nari's team.  Following the last mission, the two hadn't worked on the same assignment, and rumor had it that they were avoiding one another.   That didn't sound like Helga at all but if it were true he wondered how wise it was to assign them together.   Mind you it could  be a beneficial thing... clear the air between them.  It all depended.  That Nari was suggesting it was a good sign.

The Andorian made sure the communication was forwarded to Commander Briggs as well, as the lead on the boarding mission.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyle Briggs

Transporter Room

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 11, 2020, 11:44:54 AM

=/\= "Second wave initiate transport! You are goin' into a hot LZ! Hostiles extremely well armed and armored. Watch your six!" =/\=

=/\= Aye, Sir.  =/\=

Kyle turned and gave a quick nod to the three officers on the back pads. They turned around so that they would be watching the rear when they rematerialized.

"Remember. Our shields only take one shot from these bastards. Once it's done, make sure you have cover." he said before looking at the transporter operator.


Freighter, Away Team 3

The team materialized on an open corridor, right behind two Tzenkethi warriors, taking them by surprise. Kyle and two others opened fire immediately, not giving them a chance to even raise their weapons. Once they had cleared the area, he reached up to tap his badge but quickly stopped as it activated. He listened as Nari requested for emergency evacs of several injured crewman and requested the consolidation of teams 1 and 2. He cut in when the channel went silent for a second.

=/\= Briggs to Nari. Team three is on board as well and we brought extra shields. We just took two more Tzenkethi out of the equation. What's your position and status?  =/\=

As they waited for the reply from the Team 1 leader, they cleared the area as they made their way toward the freighters bridge.

Richard James Litt

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Litt stared at the screen when the captain Galloway tried to get the pirates to leave the ship and surrender and during all the little chat he was just thinking in how he didn't want to meet those guys in person.

As soon as the pirates turned off the calling they shot at the Challenger trying to show who was in charge in that situation. But that wouldn't go unanswered.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 08, 2020, 04:15:22 PM

Ian smiled ferally when the Tzenkethi ship fired as it removed any obstacle from him doing what he wanted to do as soon as they'd detected the attack on the freighter.

"Rapid fire all weapons! And I want all quantums, all the time! Given the way their components are hidden internally, we need ta take their shields down ta do any damage at all. Helm, keep our port side between the raider and the freighter. Mister T'Kel, I want you ta drop the starboard shields and two squads beamed over as soon as we're in position!"

"Aye, sir... I'm on it...". Litt answered to that order and flew the ship to stay at the place that Ian ordered.

As soon as the away teams started to be transported to the enemy vessel Litt just stayed at the Helm paying close attention to handle the ship if something went wrong and they need to enter in another ship battle.

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian continued to listen to the security teams and itched to be with them, but at least, so far, there hadn't been any additional casualties. Based on what he'd heard, seven of the Tzenkethi were down, but that left eight and that made the situation still extremely dangerous. So far, two more teams had beamed over, putting a total of four on the freighter with four more to go.

"Twenty beamed over, three casualties, twenty more in the queue against eight of those monsters." Ian thought. "We've got forty more security if need be. Sooner or later, sheer numbers will give us the day."

He frowned and tapped his commbadge.

=/\= "Doctor Belmont, you are ta be part of the next wave. There are bound ta be more casualties and I need a medical team on that freighter right away. Chief Dorok, beam the medical team over now." =/\=

Ian noted the transporter successfully beam over Doctor Belmont's team along with a security squad specifically tasked to provide protection.

"Hopefully one squad is enough."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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