S4:E5 - Die letzte Grenze

Started by Ian Galloway, August 11, 2020, 12:37:05 PM

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Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 13, 2020, 04:21:17 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 2 - Chief Science Officer's quarters]

Lahr usually had trouble sleeping.  Well, actually it wasn't a trouble with falling asleep, more like trouble staying asleep and not having nightmares of things he'd seen and done while retaking the Innominatum Outpost from Leighton's forces a year back.  As such, the Andorian hadn't really needed to use an alarm to wake himself up in over a year.   Well, all that changed about a month ago, when Ruth returned to Challenger and the Petty Officer and his former Captain resumed their secret affair which had begun just after Ruth had informed him that her new husband, Will, was lost and presumed dead.

Lahr hadn't intended to be THAT kind of man - the type that would swoop in when a woman was grieving.  But this thing between him and Ruth had been an ongoing thing since the day they'd met and she'd convinced him not to quit the Fleet but to maybe just try a new department.

Now over a year later they were a thing - a secret thing - but still a thing and somehow that made the difference in his sleeping habits.  The nightmares didn't seem to hit as harshly on nights when he was with her.  So was it any wonder he tried to make that an almost every night occurance?   Last night had been no different.  He'd snuck over to her quarters not long after his Vulcan roommate went to bed.  Having been in Security for over a year, Lahr knew the patrol patterns and avoided most of them.. and those he didn't avoid he just played up his inability to sleep and remarked how he was just 'reminiscing the security patrols'.  To which Burke, his best friend, just the other day had scoffed at and said
"I know you're lying.  Not sure why but I'll figure it out. If you ain't gonna me yerself."  But Lahr couldn't... an affair with an enlisted petty officer... that could be damaging to Ruth, even if the Fleet finally announced her as a widow.  It still looked bad.

Last night, Lahr had tried to suggest to Ruth that they curtail their 'activities' but you try saying no to a red-headed viking Valkyrie while she's intent on seducing you.  I just doesn't happen.

Which is why this morning, Lahr found himself waking bleary-eyed - they'd stay up active way too late - to the sound of an klaxon alarm going off.  Roohz! A Red Alert?!  The Andorian hurried to get out of bed and dress... when he noted something about the alarm..  that there was and overlapping sound of the sound of laughter along with it.. and it wasn't coming from the ships speaker but from his PADD. He'd left his comm badge in his quarters but forwards all calls to his PADD.  This was a comm call.

The klaxon noise suddenly stopped and only the laughter remained. Lahr recognized that laugh.  Burke.  Sure enough Burke voice sounded over the PADD's speakers.
=/\= "Hey Loverboy. You're late for our group breakfast.  We tried to drag you from your quarters but seems you aren't here... even though your commbadge is. If you want it before your next shift.  You're gonna have to meet me in the Mess Hall and be prepared to explain." =/\=

Lahr looked to the now awake Ruth and shook his head in disbelief at his so-called friend. Lahr's antenna swivel towards her, a little askew, one standing more upright than the other, almost in question.  "This could be a problem."

He reached for his PADD to swipe the call from the screen to see the time and when he did so his antenna sprung.  "Dammit.  We overslept.  I'm due up on the bridge in 15... and now I need to fetch my commbadge."

He scrambled out of bed searching about the room for his clothes.   He could technically use Ruth's replicator and put on fresh ones but then their would be a traceable record of his having done so.  Undeniable proof that someone could find.  No, he'd wear day olds before risking that.  He'd just found his underwear and put those on when he realized something that he'd forgotten.   He turned back towards Ruth and smiled as if he hadn't a care in the world.  "Good morning, gorgeous."  and braced himself on the bed mattress to kiss her.

They always tell you to start the day right.  Ain't no better way.

[CSO's Quarters - 15 mins before shift]

"Are you normally in the habit of talking to yourself?! You're the gorgeous one!" Ruth teased kissing him back.  "I'm not sure if that's a problem for Dr. Belmont or Lt. Mills!"  she gave another long kiss and said sadly "And that's got to last until we're alone again!"

She ran her fingers 'tousling' her mass of red hair even more and swung her legs out of bed.

"Brazen it out.  I asked you to come to my quarters - not a lie, to sort out the environmental controls, because for a Viking Ice Maiden it's far to warm at night and I can't seem to adjust it.... that's not a lie either, and to return this..."

She tossed over a rather crumpled tshirt, pulled out of a box of assorted jars, books and other bits and pieces.  Which judging by the labels on the case, had been following her since shortly after she had left Waring Manor.

"You left it at Waring Manor.  Knowing you were a friend of mine, Mrs. Braithwaite, you might remember her, the lovely jolly cook, ...."

Ruth pulled up a picture on her PADD and turned it

"...packed it up and sent it to me with a few jars of her jam, pickles and other jar goodies.  She said 'That nice blue boy with the white hair left this, can you see it gets to him...' So we both get to the Mess Hall, ASAP and if Burke decides to make trouble for you I'll make sure he rues the day.  You don't argue with a Commander, not this one anyhow!"  She eyed the axes on her wall speculatively.

She ordered fresh clothes from the replicator and tossed over a spray deodorant which had been Will's.  "In case you want the clothes to smell a little fresher.  We go in talking about the environmental controls... and I drop in that I had something of yours that I needed to return and we go from there.  I'm going to give Kyle a jar of this blackberry and apple jam too, that will explain why she sent the tshirt to me rather than trying to trace you... all one package!"

[Mess Hall]

Ruth caught Kyle's eye and nodded, with a look of 'I'll explain later' knowing he'd both want a run down of what had transpired to bring her back to the Challenger and why she was arriving in the Mess with Lahr, then quite loudly said, "So you see, Mr ch'Verret, wasn't exactly the emergency that you took it for but being a Viking I hate my room being too hot, and since I had to return the tshirt you left at Waring Manor while we were there on R&R which Mrs. Braithwaite kindly put in with the jams, pickles, chutneys and assorted goodies she sent me... I'm just glad with her using actual glass jars none of them broke!"  the CSO forced a laugh.

"I'm not sure your precious tshirt would have looked so good with jam smeared all over it... but still, Ops are supposed to be good at things like Environmental controls and I had the tshirt to give you so - two birds, one stone.  I never expected you to come running.  I know I'm a Commander but I'm only the CSO not the Captain anymore you know and the place wasn't on fire.  Still I'm grateful, Mrs. B sends her regards too!  She said you were a very helpful young man and she quite misses you trying to get a lick of the bowl while she was making her cakes!  Oh Kyle..."

She took the jar of jam over to Kyle's table.  "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Braithwaite sends this with her regards, and sends lots of hugs to 'the wee one' as she calls him.  There's more but I wasn't going to carry all of it up to the Mess!  That's just a taster.  Drop by my quarters sometime, she's sent an entire torpedo casing of goodies... or that's the way it seems, and Lahr here forgot a tshirt, I forgot 3 books, and there were a few other things people left behind that I've got to reunite with their owners!  Nice to see you Dr. Belmont.  While you never met Mrs. B.  If you like fruit jams, canned peaches, marmalade, chutney, pickles... please come and take some off my hands! And same goes for you... I'm guessing you're Dr. Seo?"

She shot a look to Lahr and smiled.  Let the hoi polloi dispute THAT.  She replicated a quick cup of coffee cooled with milk and sat for a few moments to catch her breath.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Jemason Seo

[[Officer's Mess - USS Challenger]

"I-" Ensign Seo wasn't sure where to begin. "-yes, I suppose I am. Jemason Seo." He looked around the rest of the table. It occured to him that he never really introduced himself. "But call me Jem, please, save yourself two whole syllables." Honestly, it sounds like she already has enough syllables for the rest of us...

Only then did the strange new woman's speech start to catch up with him. What's chutney? "I'm sorry-" check the rank pips "-Commander, I didn't recognise you from the ship's manifest. I thought our CSO was bajoran...?"

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Jemason Seo on August 14, 2020, 03:29:05 PM

[[Officer's Mess - USS Challenger]

"I-" Ensign Seo wasn't sure where to begin. "-yes, I suppose I am. Jemason Seo." He looked around the rest of the table. It occured to him that he never really introduced himself. "But call me Jem, please, save yourself two whole syllables." Honestly, it sounds like she already has enough syllables for the rest of us...

Only then did the strange new woman's speech start to catch up with him. What's chutney? "I'm sorry-" check the rank pips "-Commander, I didn't recognise you from the ship's manifest. I thought our CSO was bajoran...?"

[Mess Hall - USS Challenger]

"Then pleased to meet you, Jem.  Do you prefer Doctor or Ensign?  On duty I mean.  Me... I prefer Ruth when not on duty, Commander or Ma'am on duty unless it's in the middle of battle then Ruth or Siggy is allowed since Commander Sigurdsdottir when you're telling me I'm about to be fried... well you get the idea!"

Ruth grinned and made a mime of her tongue lolling from corner of her mouth, eyes rolling, head on one side playing dead. "Before you get 'Com...' out I'd be deadded....Allowances have to be made.  As for Lieutenant Commander Werdiss, she is Bajoran but since I transferred back to the Challenger where I feel more at home, I was offered the Chief's position since I am the more experienced officer. Rumour has it that she's transferring to be with family anyhow... I don't know the ins and outs, I got transfer orders, I came.  That's how I made Captain and I'm still Commander...following orders. They couldn't very well give me my old job back, I think Captain Galloway might have had a few things to say about that. I had to take a time out, there are reasons... not something I want to discuss over what is going to have to pass for breakfast."

She sighed and took another swig of her coffee. "I don't mind, they were rather Science heavy on the Discovery so didn't really need me! I would have happily taken just a regular Science position not the chief...because it's what I do best and what I love!  Well, other than throwing axes around but that's not a department or generally liked by HQ unless it's in my own time in the holodeck or protecting the ship!"

Ruth omitted to add that she would have taken a job swabbing the decking or on Lt. Lek's legacy toothbrush hull scrubbing team if it meant getting back to Lahr.  It would come out soon enough, she just hoped it wasn't going to be today.  Burke and Helga were used to investigation however, so remained to see if they'd worked it out and, if they'd keep their mouths shut.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Kyle Briggs

Officer's Mess

Quote from: Jemason Seo on August 14, 2020, 06:53:21 AM

The young doctor frowned back, just a little. "Oh no, I didn't mean to imply I doubted his abilities-" you sure about that? "-I mean, the admiralty wouldn't have given him a command if they didn't think he was up to it, I'm sure. And if the XO vouches, then that's more than good enough for me."

Jem picked up another piece of sushi and ate it in one. "So I've read the ship's record and spoken to a few-" well, two now "-officers, but what's not on the reports?" His mouth twisted into a bit of a smirk. "What do I need to know about this ship that nobody will 'officially' tell me?"

"There's not much not in the books." Kyle answered. "The Challenger and her crew are all pretty straight forward. What you see is what you get. We're not that ship that goes out looking for trouble but it does seem to find us quite often."

He took another bite as he finally caught a glimpse of Ruth. He had spent most of the down time on board and hadn't had a chance to speak with her since her return. She headed his way and he stood.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 14, 2020, 03:13:38 PM

Ruth caught Kyle's eye and nodded, with a look of 'I'll explain later' knowing he'd both want a run down of what had transpired to bring her back to the Challenger and why she was arriving in the Mess with Lahr, then quite loudly said, "So you see, Mr ch'Verret, wasn't exactly the emergency that you took it for but being a Viking I hate my room being too hot, and since I had to return the tshirt you left at Waring Manor while we were there on R&R which Mrs. Braithwaite kindly put in with the jams, pickles, chutneys and assorted goodies she sent me... I'm just glad with her using actual glass jars none of them broke!"  the CSO forced a laugh.

Oh Kyle..."

She took the jar of jam over to Kyle's table.  "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Braithwaite sends this with her regards, and sends lots of hugs to 'the wee one' as she calls him.  There's more but I wasn't going to carry all of it up to the Mess!  That's just a taster.  Drop by my quarters sometime, she's sent an entire torpedo casing of goodies... or that's the way it seems, and Lahr here forgot a tshirt, I forgot 3 books, and there were a few other things people left behind that I've got to reunite with their owners!

"No. No." Kyle replied as he stepped up and gave her a hug. "It's great to see you again. And be sure to thank Mrs Braithwaite for me. I love this stuff."

He had caught her look when she had entered and got it that they would talk more later. They had known each other long enough to know those looks.

"Well. I'm guessing you came for breakfast so I won't keep you. Just make sure we get together later and catch up." he added as he returned to his seat and took another bite.

He sat there as she introduced herself to the new doctor and spoke to Lisa for a moment.

Mondo'li Nari


USS Challenger - Deck 4 - Crew's Mess

The encounter with the Tzenkethi was now behind them.  Mondo's pummeling at the hands of the Tzenkethi warriors had resulted in broken bones, severe bruising, and internal bleeding.  It had not been a good showing.  The injuries of the incident had long-since been repaired.  The medical staff on the Challenger were top-notch.

Unfortunately, the intangible injuries were not as quick to heal.  Most nights, he woke in a cold sweat with visions of a power-suited Tzenkethi officer pounding him into the deck.  It was the second time in his career that he'd been bested by a threat force.  He'd had his successes, of course.  Successes which had left their own scars on his psyche.

Mondo liked to think of himself as someone who could be counted on in a crisis.  He had a self-image of being a bulwark who could stand between any danger and the crew.  It was difficult to be mauled by a foe.   But it was more difficult to fail in his duty.  He had vowed to himself that he would redouble his training and be ready to meet whatever challenge came for them next.

Fortunately, this mission was unlikely to test that vow.  They were on a research and rescue mission, seeking lost ships in a mysterious area of space... along with the reason for their disappearance.  The culprit seemed more likely to be a scientific anomaly rather than a hostile force.

Of course, it could be pirates.

He glanced down at his left shoulder.  Pirates had been among the first to cut scars into his body and mind.

Putting that out of his thoughts, he moved to the replicator alcove.  Mondo ordered himself some Glomper steak with a side of fried Reet skins.  Then he cast his gaze over the room, checking for a friendly face who might welcome his company during the meal.

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Jemason Seo on August 13, 2020, 05:55:01 PM

[Officer's Mess - USS Challenger]

Jem nodded along in agreement. It's true that most people sent to sickbay just wanted to be in and out as quickly as possible, but their attitudes had been professional and polite so far. He honestly didn't have any reserverations right now, except--

"The captain's a little young, though, isn't he?"

Why the hell did you... did I just say that?!

"I-I mean..! He has to be some sort of... I dunno, command prodigy or something, right?"


[Officer's Mess - USS Challenger]

Lisa gave her input along with Kyle.

"In my experience I've seen plenty of super young medical students at both med school and the Academy. Prodigies are more common than you think...but I think it's safe to assume that age really has nothing to do with it as long as the experience is there. And from what I've seen so far on the Challenger, Captain Galloway has had plenty." She didn't mean to discount what he was saying, but she also wanted to support Ian.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 13, 2020, 10:23:43 PM

Officer's Mess

Kyle couldn't help but grin at the young man's nervousness. He could remember his first assignment, barely.

"It's fine." he said as he took a seat. "And please, in the mess hall, I'm just Kyle."

He took a quick sip of his coffee before continuing.

"Actually, this is our first encounter with them as far as I know. We were here for support and they decided to take us on for some very special cargo that the Savior was carrying. They're a tough species. I'm glad we're done with them. They killed way too many of our people."

As he took a bite of his steak, anther voice joined the mix. He looked up to see Doctor Belmont as she asked to join them. Luckily, Seo was able to answer with Kyle's mouth full.

"Good to see you, Doctor." he said. "Were you able to enjoy some down time while we were docked?"

He took another drink as the young medical officer continued chatting nervously.

Kyle waited for Doctor Belmont to finish her response before he spoke up.

"I've been aboard the Challenger about a year now. She's a solid ship with a great crew. We've had quite a few skirmishes as of late and everyone has handled themselves commendably." he replied. "Even the Doctor here." he added with a nod.

Kyle couldn't help but to grin once more.

"Captain Galloway is young..."
Kyle agreed. "...but he's been around quite a bit. We don't have much support out here so this fleet sees a lot. It seasons and ages you. He has his own command style but it will grow on you. I have yet to find any reason to doubt his abilities. He also relies on his staff and crew so he always has support. Just give it some time. You'll see it for yourself." he advised before stabbing another piece of egg with steak and eating it down.

She responded to Kyle amiably. "I did! Well, sort of. This is kind of the most down time I've taken. I did do some reading for pleasure, book two of an Earth series called The Lord of the Rings. Maybe if I ever get away enough I'll see about getting a holodeck program made for it. But that's a really big if." She listened to the rest of the conversation play out and blushed slightly as the XO complimented the crew and herself. She scooped out some grapefruit and took a bite as she continued to listen.
Quote from: Jemason Seo on August 14, 2020, 06:53:21 AM

The young doctor frowned back, just a little. "Oh no, I didn't mean to imply I doubted his abilities-" you sure about that? "-I mean, the admiralty wouldn't have given him a command if they didn't think he was up to it, I'm sure. And if the XO vouches, then that's more than good enough for me."

Jem picked up another piece of sushi and ate it in one. "So I've read the ship's record and spoken to a few-" well, two now "-officers, but what's not on the reports?" His mouth twisted into a bit of a smirk. "What do I need to know about this ship that nobody will 'officially' tell me?"

Hearing this, the doctor smiled knowingly. This kind of question was what she had asked when she first came to the Challenger. As such, she saw the worth of the inquiry.

"Well, if you want to talk harmless gossip- that is, information that's friendly and isn't confidential, feel free to come over to my office. What I can tell you now is that I see examples of each of our crewmembers proving themselves every day. Unfortunately that sometimes means they're sent to sickbay for me to patch up as a result of their sense of duty, but it makes me proud to be here."

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 14, 2020, 03:13:38 PM

[Mess Hall]

Ruth caught Kyle's eye and nodded, with a look of 'I'll explain later' knowing he'd both want a run down of what had transpired to bring her back to the Challenger and why she was arriving in the Mess with Lahr, then quite loudly said, "So you see, Mr ch'Verret, wasn't exactly the emergency that you took it for but being a Viking I hate my room being too hot, and since I had to return the tshirt you left at Waring Manor while we were there on R&R which Mrs. Braithwaite kindly put in with the jams, pickles, chutneys and assorted goodies she sent me... I'm just glad with her using actual glass jars none of them broke!"  the CSO forced a laugh.

"I'm not sure your precious tshirt would have looked so good with jam smeared all over it... but still, Ops are supposed to be good at things like Environmental controls and I had the tshirt to give you so - two birds, one stone.  I never expected you to come running.  I know I'm a Commander but I'm only the CSO not the Captain anymore you know and the place wasn't on fire.  Still I'm grateful, Mrs. B sends her regards too!  She said you were a very helpful young man and she quite misses you trying to get a lick of the bowl while she was making her cakes!  Oh Kyle..."

She took the jar of jam over to Kyle's table.  "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Braithwaite sends this with her regards, and sends lots of hugs to 'the wee one' as she calls him.  There's more but I wasn't going to carry all of it up to the Mess!  That's just a taster.  Drop by my quarters sometime, she's sent an entire torpedo casing of goodies... or that's the way it seems, and Lahr here forgot a tshirt, I forgot 3 books, and there were a few other things people left behind that I've got to reunite with their owners!  Nice to see you Dr. Belmont.  While you never met Mrs. B.  If you like fruit jams, canned peaches, marmalade, chutney, pickles... please come and take some off my hands! And same goes for you... I'm guessing you're Dr. Seo?"

She shot a look to Lahr and smiled.  Let the hoi polloi dispute THAT.  She replicated a quick cup of coffee cooled with milk and sat for a few moments to catch her breath.

The conversation suddenly took a turn with the entrance of Ruth, and Lisa sat up in her chair with a slightly surprised look on her face. She hadn't heard about the transfer, but it meant she had a transfer file to go over. She locked that information away in the back of her mind, then responded to the new CSO's offer.

"Wow, I haven't had 'real' food in a while! Might just have to take you up on that, Commander. It'll give me an excuse to pay a visit to science for the first time too," she smiled warmly as Jem spoke. 

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 14, 2020, 07:16:25 PM

Officer's Mess

"There's not much not in the books." Kyle answered. "The Challenger and her crew are all pretty straight forward. What you see is what you get. We're not that ship that goes out looking for trouble but it does seem to find us quite often."

He took another bite as he finally caught a glimpse of Ruth. He had spent most of the down time on board and hadn't had a chance to speak with her since her return. She headed his way and he stood.

"No. No." Kyle replied as he stepped up and gave her a hug. "It's great to see you again. And be sure to thank Mrs Braithwaite for me. I love this stuff."

He had caught her look when she had entered and got it that they would talk more later. They had known each other long enough to know those looks.

"Well. I'm guessing you came for breakfast so I won't keep you. Just make sure we get together later and catch up." he added as he returned to his seat and took another bite.

He sat there as she introduced herself to the new doctor and spoke to Lisa for a moment.

[Mess Hall - Challenger]

Ruth returned Kyle's hug being the long-term friends they'd been it warranted it.  "Oh I sure will, Kyle, and plenty more where that came from!"

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on August 14, 2020, 11:23:00 PM

[Officer's Mess - USS Challenger]

Lisa gave her input along with Kyle.

"In my experience I've seen plenty of super young medical students at both med school and the Academy. Prodigies are more common than you think...but I think it's safe to assume that age really has nothing to do with it as long as the experience is there. And from what I've seen so far on the Challenger, Captain Galloway has had plenty." She didn't mean to discount what he was saying, but she also wanted to support Ian.

She responded to Kyle amiably. "I did! Well, sort of. This is kind of the most down time I've taken. I did do some reading for pleasure, book two of an Earth series called The Lord of the Rings. Maybe if I ever get away enough I'll see about getting a holodeck program made for it. But that's a really big if." She listened to the rest of the conversation play out and blushed slightly as the XO complimented the crew and herself. She scooped out some grapefruit and took a bite as she continued to listen.

Hearing this, the doctor smiled knowingly. This kind of question was what she had asked when she first came to the Challenger. As such, she saw the worth of the inquiry.

"Well, if you want to talk harmless gossip- that is, information that's friendly and isn't confidential, feel free to come over to my office. What I can tell you now is that I see examples of each of our crewmembers proving themselves every day. Unfortunately that sometimes means they're sent to sickbay for me to patch up as a result of their sense of duty, but it makes me proud to be here."

The conversation suddenly took a turn with the entrance of Ruth, and Lisa sat up in her chair with a slightly surprised look on her face. She hadn't heard about the transfer, but it meant she had a transfer file to go over. She locked that information away in the back of her mind, then responded to the new CSO's offer.

"Wow, I haven't had 'real' food in a while! Might just have to take you up on that, Commander. It'll give me an excuse to pay a visit to science for the first time too," she smiled warmly as Jem spoke.

"I promise not to try half killing myself, Lisa... so it's probably better for you to come to Sciences than me to come to Sickbay...however, I do promise to come for my medicals on time.  I'm not one of those officers that likes to hide from them.  Get them over and done with.  Having had a brain tumour... removed by Dr. Caleb Brighton a while back and no more crazy than normal since..." she gave a wink to Kyle, half expecting him to protest in jest about the craziness!

"... I don't take chances.  That said if I end up hurt, on an away mission I would rather see the team seen to before myself.  But 'shop' aside, the goodies are in my quarters rather than my office, but you're still welcome to visit me in either location since then you can take your pick but get there before Kyle does or there'll be slim pickings!  But, I'm pretty sure that since I now own Waring Manor outright, and the staff that goes with it... Mrs. B. will insist on looking after me and send me 'care packages' quite often.  So, I'll happily share them out, you'll get some 'real food' as often I do.  If there's any special requests, I'll pass them along.  Has to be preserved stuff or confectionery - fudge, toffees that sort of thing tho, sadly cakes wouldn't make it here without becoming 'science projects'!! But yeah, I'm happy to take a break from looking over report PADDs and have a cuppa with a friend if you want to visit me in Sciences!!" the CSO smiled at the doctor and was very happy that Challenger and indeed the Fleet in general wasn't afraid to put women in important positions.

"And Kyle we deffo have to catch up, such a lot to tell you!  I'll be on the Bridge soon as I've chucked this ratkajino down my throat."

She looked around for Lahr, and wondered how he was fairing with Burke and his friends.  Hopefully they weren't raking him over the coals too much.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger]

The Challenger entered the spatial anomaly at sublight speed as there was something unusual about the very fabric of the space resulting in interphasic qualities of the Expanse thought to be acerbated by using warp power.

Due to the unstable nature of the region, sensor readings were reduced in range and detail, making charting efforts much more complicated and slow going. In addition to mapping the area, the Challenger's mission including rescue or recovery of the five civilian ships missing in the Expanse. However, given the severe impairment of the sensor's capabilities, chances of finding an object as small as a ship seemed unlikely.

As the Challenger crawled along at one quarter impulse, Ian had time to study the missing ships. According to the mission briefing, four were science vessels and one was a freighter. The five ships were the Vulcan science vessel the Psthan; two science ships from Earth, the Oracle, and the Argus. There was also an old privately owned Bader-Class scout the Beagle, and finally the freighter Sabrina.

This last ship, caused Ian to frown as this region of space was usually avoided by commercial traffic. This got Ian to speculating why such a ship would enter the Expanse.

"What were you about captain? Smugglin', hidin' from authorities or pirates, chartin' the Northwest Passage?"

Shaking his head in wonderment as he looked out at the kaleidoscopic colors of the Expanse and decided to test what was possible here.

"Mister Litt, let's see if she'll handle one half impulse. Commander Sigursdottir, full range scans on all spectrums. Let's see if'n we can find any of these poor buggers."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger "" Deck 2 "" CSO's Quarters "" 15 mins before shift]

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 14, 2020, 03:13:38 PM

[CSO's Quarters - 15 mins before shift]

"Are you normally in the habit of talking to yourself?! You're the gorgeous one!" Ruth teased kissing him back.  "I'm not sure if that's a problem for Dr. Belmont or Lt. Mills!"  she gave another long kiss and said sadly "And that's got to last until we're alone again!"

She ran her fingers 'tousling' her mass of red hair even more and swung her legs out of bed.

"Brazen it out.  I asked you to come to my quarters - not a lie, to sort out the environmental controls, because for a Viking Ice Maiden it's far to warm at night and I can't seem to adjust it.... that's not a lie either, and to return this..."

She tossed over a rather crumpled tshirt, pulled out of a box of assorted jars, books and other bits and pieces.  Which judging by the labels on the case, had been following her since shortly after she had left Waring Manor.

"You left it at Waring Manor.  Knowing you were a friend of mine, Mrs. Braithwaite, you might remember her, the lovely jolly cook, ...."

Ruth pulled up a picture on her PADD and turned it

"...packed it up and sent it to me with a few jars of her jam, pickles and other jar goodies.  She said 'That nice blue boy with the white hair left this, can you see it gets to him...' So we both get to the Mess Hall, ASAP and if Burke decides to make trouble for you I'll make sure he rues the day.  You don't argue with a Commander, not this one anyhow!"  She eyed the axes on her wall speculatively.

She ordered fresh clothes from the replicator and tossed over a spray deodorant which had been Will's.  "In case you want the clothes to smell a little fresher.  We go in talking about the environmental controls... and I drop in that I had something of yours that I needed to return and we go from there.  I'm going to give Kyle a jar of this blackberry and apple jam too, that will explain why she sent the tshirt to me rather than trying to trace you... all one package!"

Lahr wasn't sure Ruth got the reason why Burke was a problem, nor why she mentioned the doctors but he didn't have time to question.   After their brief kiss, the Andorian continued getting dress into yesterday's uniform.   Roohz, he should have thought to hang it up so that there would be less wrinkles on it.   He could envision the Captain not appreciating the rumpled look of his Ops man.  But Lahr didn't have time to both go to his quarters to change AND meet with his former team.

The priority however was his former team, so that's where he would go.

Ruth, in the meanwhile, was going on elaborately about a possible excuse for him to use should he be seen leaving her quarters, he guessed.    He glanced over as she held up the T-shirt he'd bought in Trondheim during their time together.  He'd wondered where he'd left that.   "Thanks, but I'll have to pick it up later. I'm not bringing that on shift."

Normally, the two wouldn't be headed to the same Mess "" she being an officer and he only enlisted but today was different.  "I'll walk with you to the Officer's Mess, I have reason to be there today."


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 3 - Officer's Mess]

Permission to gather together in the officer's mess to have this group breakfast to remember their fallen, had started not long after Innominatum. It was one of many special concession's Lahr had been granted by Ruth, much like his music on the bridge, and his being exempt from Away Teams.  The enlisted presence once a month had almost become tradition and thus was overlooked and not commented on - at least not while Ruth had been Captain.

Things however had changed much with a new Captain.  So far they were still able to meet there but the newer officers who weren't familiar with Lahr or his group of former security crewman.. no doubt likely wondered what the enlisted were doing in the wrong mess.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 14, 2020, 03:13:38 PM

[Mess Hall]

Ruth caught Kyle's eye and nodded, with a look of 'I'll explain later' knowing he'd both want a run down of what had transpired to bring her back to the Challenger and why she was arriving in the Mess with Lahr, then quite loudly said, "So you see, Mr ch'Verret, wasn't exactly the emergency that you took it for but being a Viking I hate my room being too hot, and since I had to return the tshirt you left at Waring Manor while we were there on R&R which Mrs. Braithwaite kindly put in with the jams, pickles, chutneys and assorted goodies she sent me... I'm just glad with her using actual glass jars none of them broke!"  the CSO forced a laugh.

"I'm not sure your precious tshirt would have looked so good with jam smeared all over it... but still, Ops are supposed to be good at things like Environmental controls and I had the tshirt to give you so - two birds, one stone.  I never expected you to come running.  I know I'm a Commander but I'm only the CSO not the Captain anymore you know and the place wasn't on fire.  Still I'm grateful, Mrs. B sends her regards too!  She said you were a very helpful young man and she quite misses you trying to get a lick of the bowl while she was making her cakes!  Oh Kyle..."

She took the jar of jam over to Kyle's table.  "Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Braithwaite sends this with her regards, and sends lots of hugs to 'the wee one' as she calls him.  There's more but I wasn't going to carry all of it up to the Mess!  That's just a taster.  Drop by my quarters sometime, she's sent an entire torpedo casing of goodies... or that's the way it seems, and Lahr here forgot a tshirt, I forgot 3 books, and there were a few other things people left behind that I've got to reunite with their owners!  Nice to see you Dr. Belmont.  While you never met Mrs. B.  If you like fruit jams, canned peaches, marmalade, chutney, pickles... please come and take some off my hands! And same goes for you... I'm guessing you're Dr. Seo?"

She shot a look to Lahr and smiled.  Let the hoi polloi dispute THAT.  She replicated a quick cup of coffee cooled with milk and sat for a few moments to catch her breath.

Lahr realized belatedly that he probably should have said not to go forward with her plan UNLESS Burke caused problems"¦ but nope he hadn't and the result was Ruth drawing attention to them both LOUDLY.   Oh Roohz!

He saw his former team, turn to look towards them, and even Burke "" who wasn't the sharpest of people "" got a look of understanding on his face.   Helga was facepalming.  Lahr so felt like he wanted to do the same but that would just confirm what everyone was already realizing.

May as well play along with Ruth's fabrication.

"Old habits die hard ma'am." he answered back when she explained about her room's environmental conditions.
"I'm used to responding immediately to your commands.  I'm glad it was nothing serious.  Anyways, I'll leave you to your meal, ma'am.  See you on the Bridge in a few."

Afterwards, he headed over to the table where Burke, Helga, and the others were gathered.   "Sorry, I'm late.  The Commander called me in unexpectedly to deal with an issue in her quarters."  Saying that with a straight face was a chore but he thought he managed it until he heard Helga snigger.   He gave her a glare which she just shrugged off.

Lahr turned to Burke who was regarding him almost dumbfounded.  "I owe you now for that Alert prank."

He glanced about.  "So where's Nari?  He's back on strength, you know that right?"

Burke grimaced at the reminder.  "Dammit, I forgot that."

Lahr held out his hand.  "Commbadge." he ordered.

Burke glanced past towards the group of officers, before nodding.  Well he had his explanation.   He handed over the commbadge.

Lahr placed it on his wrinkled uniform and tapped it. =/\= "ch'Verret to Nari.   The team is up in the Officer's Mess for our Remembrance Breakfast.  I know it's late but join us if you can." =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 15, 2020, 01:27:15 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger "" Deck 2 "" CSO's Quarters "" 15 mins before shift]

Lahr wasn't sure Ruth got the reason why Burke was a problem, nor why she mentioned the doctors but he didn't have time to question.   After their brief kiss, the Andorian continued getting dress into yesterday's uniform.   Roohz, he should have thought to hang it up so that there would be less wrinkles on it.   He could envision the Captain not appreciating the rumpled look of his Ops man.  But Lahr didn't have time to both go to his quarters to change AND meet with his former team.

The priority however was his former team, so that's where he would go.

Ruth, in the meanwhile, was going on elaborately about a possible excuse for him to use should he be seen leaving her quarters, he guessed.    He glanced over as she held up the T-shirt he'd bought in Trondheim during their time together.  He'd wondered where he'd left that.   "Thanks, but I'll have to pick it up later. I'm not bringing that on shift."

Normally, the two wouldn't be headed to the same Mess "" she being an officer and he only enlisted but today was different.  "I'll walk with you to the Officer's Mess, I have reason to be there today."

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 3 - Officer's Mess]

Permission to gather together in the officer's mess to have this group breakfast to remember their fallen, had started not long after Innominatum. It was one of many special concession's Lahr had been granted by Ruth, much like his music on the bridge, and his being exempt from Away Teams.  The enlisted presence once a month had almost become tradition and thus was overlooked and not commented on - at least not while Ruth had been Captain.

Things however had changed much with a new Captain.  So far they were still able to meet there but the newer officers who weren't familiar with Lahr or his group of former security crewman.. no doubt likely wondered what the enlisted were doing in the wrong mess.

Lahr realized belatedly that he probably should have said not to go forward with her plan UNLESS Burke caused problems"¦ but nope he hadn't and the result was Ruth drawing attention to them both LOUDLY.   Oh Roohz!

He saw his former team, turn to look towards them, and even Burke "" who wasn't the sharpest of people "" got a look of understanding on his face.   Helga was facepalming.  Lahr so felt like he wanted to do the same but that would just confirm what everyone was already realizing.

May as well play along with Ruth's fabrication.

"Old habits die hard ma'am." he answered back when she explained about her room's environmental conditions.
"I'm used to responding immediately to your commands.  I'm glad it was nothing serious.  Anyways, I'll leave you to your meal, ma'am.  See you on the Bridge in a few."

Afterwards, he headed over to the table where Burke, Helga, and the others were gathered.   "Sorry, I'm late.  The Commander called me in unexpectedly to deal with an issue in her quarters."  Saying that with a straight face was a chore but he thought he managed it until he heard Helga snigger.   He gave her a glare which she just shrugged off.

Lahr turned to Burke who was regarding him almost dumbfounded.  "I owe you now for that Alert prank."

He glanced about.  "So where's Nari?  He's back on strength, you know that right?"

Burke grimaced at the reminder.  "Dammit, I forgot that."

Lahr held out his hand.  "Commbadge." he ordered.

Burke glanced past towards the group of officers, before nodding.  Well he had his explanation.   He handed over the commbadge.

Lahr placed it on his wrinkled uniform and tapped it  "ch'Verret to Nari.   The team is up in the Officer's Mess for our Remembrance Breakfast.  I know it's late but join us if you can."[/color}

[Ruth's Quarters > Mess Hall, Earlier]

Seeing that he'd got his commbadge back, Ruth was satisfied that for now at least there wasn't going to be any further recourse from their latest escapade.  Finishing her coffee in a large gulp she smiled at all of them on her way to the turbolift and stopped briefly to say "By the way... if no one has gotten around to saying, I'll have a word with Captain Galloway that this may continue for you... I suspect it's one of the things he won't care a jot about so long as everyone behaves themselves, but still better to have it 'officially' approved.  Carry on!"

Let them put that in their proverbial pipes and smoke it.  She'd caught the snigger from Helga, but she knew the Klingon woman wasn't easily fooled.  If she needed to she would have words.  She hoped that they had the sense to let it go, knowing that this privilege might be curtailed if they caused a ruckus!

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 15, 2020, 12:11:35 PM

[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger]

The Challenger entered the spatial anomaly at sublight speed as there was something unusual about the very fabric of the space resulting in interphasic qualities of the Expanse thought to be acerbated by using warp power.

Due to the unstable nature of the region, sensor readings were reduced in range and detail, making charting efforts much more complicated and slow going. In addition to mapping the area, the Challenger's mission including rescue or recovery of the five civilian ships missing in the Expanse. However, given the severe impairment of the sensor's capabilities, chances of finding an object as small as a ship seemed unlikely.

As the Challenger crawled along at one quarter impulse, Ian had time to study the missing ships. According to the mission briefing, four were science vessels and one was a freighter. The five ships were the Vulcan science vessel the Psthan; two science ships from Earth, the Oracle, and the Argus. There was also an old privately owned Bader-Class scout the Beagle, and finally the freighter Sabrina.

This last ship, caused Ian to frown as this region of space was usually avoided by commercial traffic. This got Ian to speculating why such a ship would enter the Expanse.

"What were you about captain? Smugglin', hidin' from authorities or pirates, chartin' the Northwest Passage?"

Shaking his head in wonderment as he looked out at the kaleidoscopic colors of the Expanse and decided to test what was possible here.

"Mister Litt, let's see if she'll handle one half impulse. Commander Sigursdottir, full range scans on all spectrums. Let's see if'n we can find any of these poor buggers."

[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger, Bridge - present]

Ruth had stepped onto the Bridge and it was like she'd never left, only difference was that she was sitting off to the side in Sciences 1 rather than the centre seat.  She was smiling but that was the joy of being on duty on the ship she called 'home' rather than the task in hand.

"Aye, Captain, scans active.  I'll check for ion trace and warp signatures.  Not holding out much hope however... we might get lucky."

The CSO set away the short and long range scans, and debated, then added a Scanning Pulse and a Polaron scan to look for any ships in the area.

"Captain, I'm getting a very faint warp signature, I have identified it as Vulcan but running through the databanks to see if they can find it.  This was bearing  240.7 about 165-170 million kilometers away, it's extremely faint. Once we get closer we can scan for lifeforms but at this range not possible, I don't think."

She'd have to wait for Ops to confirm that but she wasn't about to take over someone else's job.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 15, 2020, 02:36:45 PM

[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger, Bridge - present]

Ruth had stepped onto the Bridge and it was like she'd never left, only difference was that she was sitting off to the side in Sciences 1 rather than the centre seat.  She was smiling but that was the joy of being on duty on the ship she called 'home' rather than the task in hand.

"Aye, Captain, scans active.  I'll check for ion trace and warp signatures.  Not holding out much hope however... we might get lucky."

The CSO set away the short and long range scans, and debated, then added a Scanning Pulse and a Polaron scan to look for any ships in the area.

"Captain, I'm getting a very faint warp signature, I have identified it as Vulcan but running through the databanks to see if they can find it.  This was bearing  240.7 about 165-170 million kilometers away, it's extremely faint. Once we get closer we can scan for lifeforms but at this range not possible, I don't think."

She'd have to wait for Ops to confirm that but she wasn't about to take over someone else's job.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian did some calculations in his head and grimaced.

"Even at one half impulse, that's five hours away. Nonetheless, part of our orders are ta locate the the lost ships, so that makes the time irrelevant. Mister Litt, new orders. Plot an intercept course, best speed ta the coordinates from science."

Ian sat back and was satisfied that they would reach the sensor contact while alpha shift was still on duty. He looked at the data on the Psthan, still displayed on his console, specifically crew compliment.

"If'n it is the Vulcan ship, she's got a crew of 23 and has been missin' for two months. Even with limited power, she should have enough emergency rations ta hold out that long and Vulcans are a hardy lot. If'n anyone could hold out that long, it would be a Vulcan. Guess it's time ta see just how hardy Vulcans are."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 15, 2020, 03:32:59 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian did some calculations in his head and grimaced.

"Even at one half impulse, that's five hours away. Nonetheless, part of our orders are ta locate the the lost ships, so that makes the time irrelevant. Mister Litt, new orders. Plot an intercept course, best speed ta the coordinates from science."

Ian sat back and was satisfied that they would reach the sensor contact while alpha shift was still on duty. He looked at the data on the Psthan, still displayed on his console, specifically crew compliment.

"If'n it is the Vulcan ship, she's got a crew of 23 and has been missin' for two months. Even with limited power, she should have enough emergency rations ta hold out that long and Vulcans are a hardy lot. If'n anyone could hold out that long, it would be a Vulcan. Guess it's time ta see just how hardy Vulcans are."

[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger, Bridge - present]

"And...there's every possibility that we might find others en route, like I say the warp signature was very faint, but 'eyes on' visuals as well as the other scans picking up when we are closer...well you never know!" the CSO said with a shrug.

"So might be more fruitful than we imagine at the moment, and yeah... Vulcans are pretty resourceful too, injuries aside, if it's just a matter of survival... if anyone makes it, they will."

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Jemason Seo

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on August 14, 2020, 11:23:00 PM

[Officer's Mess - USS Challenger]

Lisa gave her input along with Kyle.

"In my experience I've seen plenty of super young medical students at both med school and the Academy. Prodigies are more common than you think...but I think it's safe to assume that age really has nothing to do with it as long as the experience is there. And from what I've seen so far on the Challenger, Captain Galloway has had plenty." She didn't mean to discount what he was saying, but she also wanted to support Ian.

Hearing this, the doctor smiled knowingly. This kind of question was what she had asked when she first came to the Challenger. As such, she saw the worth of the inquiry.

"Well, if you want to talk harmless gossip- that is, information that's friendly and isn't confidential, feel free to come over to my office. What I can tell you now is that I see examples of each of our crewmembers proving themselves every day. Unfortunately that sometimes means they're sent to sickbay for me to patch up as a result of their sense of duty, but it makes me proud to be here."

"That's all I need to hear." Jem nodded along, quite content with what he was hearing. The rest will, no doubt, hit us in the face like a photon torpedo.

People were starting to move out - it seemed like the ship was approaching this Expanse they were supposed to be... charting? Rescuing ships? The salient details had dripped out of his head.

"I should get to sickbay, I'm on duty soon." Jem finished his sushi and stood to leave. "Remind me to have a word with somebody about the replicators, there's something... I dunno, funny about the rice it makes. Not 'ha ha'-funny, more 'I'm sorry, how many lawsuits?'-funny. It was good to get to know people, finally." He smiled, making a point to nod politely to the XO in particular. He'd been the first to sit with Jem, which was definitely appreciated.

[Deck 7 - Sickbay - medical lab 02]
On the rare occasion that things were quiet in sickbay, and Jem needed to remain on call, he tended to make his nest in medlab 02. He was close enough to be on call if there was an emergency, happy and willing to aid anyone in any projects they were working on, and close enough to a decent chair and a console to keep abrest of the comings and goings of the ship and its encounters. Plus, he could sneak in some reading if the stars aligned enough.

Unfortunately, today, it seemed like medlab 02 was taken.

"...isn't Nathaniel a human name?" Instead of kicking the poor ensign out, Jem was using the momentum from the mess hall wisely and getting to know his more direct colleagues. That gave him a warm, happy glow in the back of his brain, a sign that the symbiont seemed to approve. "I'm not having a go at you, mind, I'm just curious."

Ensign Nathaniel Rashar, a fellow junior medical officer, was decidedly not human. Jem wasn't sure what was going on in his head (Rashar remained facing the console, much to Jem's annoyance - hey, do you suppose that's how Rose feels when we do that?) but he half expected the ensign to start preempting his sentences. Betazoids were empaths, but he'd read the research on the strong ones. The rare telepaths.

"My mother was in Starfleet, grew up on Earth." Ensign Rashar shrugged. "I imagine she probably had a friend with the name, and it stuck in her head when she became pregnant." He glanced back, clearly a little annoyed. "Look, I didn't ever think to ask her, okay? Do you know why your mom named you Jemason?"

Jem frowned. Wasn't that obvious? "Well, my mom's father was called Jemas, and died before I was born. Nevermind that my dad's dad is still alive, his name is Vinaed, and I don't think Vinaedson has the same ring to it. Trill often name their children after their grandparents, especially if a grandparent dies before the child is born. It's not just the symbionts that are interested in maintaining legacies, I suppose. What, don't Betazoids do anything similar?"

That was enough to make Rashar smile. "Forget about Betazoids, ask Commander Sigurdsdottir the same question some time."


[USS Challenger, Main Engineering, Deck 13]

When the ship and crew were not in an urgent situation, Roman held weekly meetings with his team, PO Kezki and Crewman Perez. He wanted to make sure they were all on the same page, as text messages on the network were sometimes impersonal. These meetings coincided with Lt. Tharn's maintenance briefings.

"œThis mission is a rescue/recovery, so be ready to be called on, should any damage or repair situations arise. Probably not, but better to be prepared." Roman said, then glanced at his PADD, "œI'm a bit concerned about our limited maneuvering capabilities in this expanse, but Tharn doesn't seem to be"¦ so"¦" he shrugged.

"œI've never even heard of the Sargasso Expanse." Perez said.

"œNeither have I." Kezki said. "œI know there are many regions of space like this."

"œI've heard of it, but never visited." Roman said. "œI had a friend from an old crew who lost a brother in there like ten years ago. Said the ship was never heard from."

Perez looked concerned. "œThe sooner we finish up here, the better."

Roman chuckled, "œThat ship was some old freighter. Who knows why they went into the Sargasso Expanse. Personally, I wouldn't go into a region like this in anything less than the Challenger."

"œMaybe with a couple of Klingon escorts." Perez said.

Kezki laughed, "œWell, shift will be over soon. Roman, I know you worked another double shift"¦ I'm sure you can use a drink."

Roman thought about it, "œYeah, sure, why not. We'll meet at the Officer's mess at 1900."

Kezki and Perez exchanged glances, "œYou want us to meet you at the Officer's mess?"

"œYeah." Roman paused. "œOH, right"¦ I keep forgetting they do it differently here." He sighed. "œIs there neutral ground?"

"œThe Lounge." Kezki said. "œDeck 8."

Roman checked his PADD, "œthe diagnostic report is coming in from the updated power couplings and flow regulators. I want to make sure we have enough juice as I'm sure our sensors are going to be working overtime while we're in the expanse. I'll meet you both in a couple of hours."

Ian Galloway

[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger]

The Challenger initially shuddered as she accelerated to one half impulse, but smoothed out as Litt got a feel for the currents and eddies of the Expanse. Maintaining sensor contact with the warp trail was very difficult, but Ruth being an old hand at the task, she kept them roughly on course during their slow approach. However, once within 250,000 kilometers of the contact, the ship, because what it was became instantly clear when it powered up and started to move! Things were happening quickly, but two things were obvious. One, the ship was not Vulcan, it was Breen, and two, it was turning toward the Challenger with shields and weapons powered!

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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