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S4:E5 - Die letzte Grenze

Started by Ian Galloway, August 11, 2020, 12:37:05 PM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 25, 2020, 02:13:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Smile and wave, smile and wave..." the CSO muttered at the thought of 'fake pleasantries'.  She knew exactly what Ian meant, having been there before.  She just hoped with the Challenger not exactly being at full strength, they could withstand another battle.  The Engineering team were geniuses keeping the ship alive.

"An Enigma Machine, I'd not thought of that.  However, we do have one advantage... or a lesson from history if you like.  They broke the Enigma using a simple phrase.  If there is anything in those messages that repeat, perhaps we could use that as a starting point.  I believe it was something like Heil Hitler in the original World War 2 decryptions but... it's a start." Ruth said with a shrug.

"As for the dimensional travel, I can set up a adaptive subspace echogram to track them, that would give us an indication of when the reinforcements turn up and where..and if maybe we follow them after we get rid of the Graf Spee, we could get out of here... I don't know, I'm pulling up blanks here, sorry."

The Science Officer, who still had a bit of a sore head due to a mild concussion, did her best Pooh Bear impersonation, beating the heel of her hand on her forehead and almost chanting "Think, Think, Think woman there's got to be a way out of this."

She set a search on the computers for anything relating to spatial rifts, dimension travel and finally it beeped with something.

File found.

Ruth quickly skim read the results.  Then adjusted her scans to see if she could post determine where the previous interphase to the one that had thrown them into this rift, and see if she could work out when the next one would be.

"Sir, I have a possible solution... I don't know if it will work, but I need to find when the next interphase rift is going to be, if I can work that out we can hopefully create enough of an energy discharge - possibly by blowing the Graf Spee to microchips - to ride us out of this rift." the CSO said with a small grin, which turned to a grimace as she read on.

=/\= Sigurdsdottir to Dr. Belmont or Dr. Seo, I think I have a reason for all the headaches.  According to this report I found about the USS Defiant while looking for a solution to the dimensional shift... the crew '...began to suffer from a distortion of the brain tissue in their central nervous systems, which manifested itself as violent and paranoid behaviour which ultimately led the crew to murder one another...' I don't think we've got that far yet but I'm pretty sure a distortion of the brain tissue would cause headaches at least and may knock out the Vulcans totally, different physiology?? I'm not a doctor, I'm guessing at that bit.  They counteracted it with a derivative of the nerve gas Theragen... =/\= she stopped, anticipating a protest.

=/\=I know it's normally lethal but mixed with alcohol it apparently had a calming affect and help ameliorate the effects of the brain distortions. =/\= Ruth said with a look to Lahr and the Captain and Mondo, wondering how their heads felt now.  =/\=Worth a try?  Better slightly tipsy crew members... that can be sorted out, than half dead and screaming headaches. =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Ruth came up with a plan that had merit to get them back to their own dimension.

"If'n you think you can figure out a pattern ta an interphase rift, then crack on. As soon as you ken when, I'll be certain ta generate an energy discharge that will blow von Haupt's knickers around his ears."

Ian then paused and gave Ruth a friendly expression.

"I get you feel you need ta help Commander, but I need you ta focus on that interphasic rift. Whatever is goin' on with the Vulcans is the doctor's problem ta resolve and she's fully capable of doin' that. Your priority of work is the rift."

Mondo'li Nari


USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo was shocked to learn that they were actually in some kind of alternate dimension.  He was further embarrassed to learn that he had missed connections between the current situation and a period of warfare in Earth's 20th century.  He did his best to incorporate these revelations into his tactical assessment of the situation.

"Is there any chance these people may have reformed their ways in the centuries since that deplorable era," Mondo asked.  Although he was a Security officer with Tactical training, and although his entire role revolved around conflict, he did not like to think that a human political party would have remained in a hostile state for so long.

He'd always believed that human beings represented the best potential of sentients in the galaxy.  People like Leyton were meant to be an anomaly.  Not the standard of an entire interstellar nation, presumably spanning many star systems.

When Ruth asked about the weapons of their potential adversary, Mondo clarified, "Sir, their weapons are similar to Federation and Klingon models from half a century ago.  The problem isn't their quality, but rather their quantity.  We can adjust shield frequencies for ideal effect, but at the end of the day, energy is energy.  You can brute-force your way to success even with aged systems.

My main suggestion in battle would be to maneuver behind them.  Most of their weapons cover the forward arc and flanks.  They have only half as much ordinance covering the rear."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on August 25, 2020, 10:30:53 PM

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo was shocked to learn that they were actually in some kind of alternate dimension.  He was further embarrassed to learn that he had missed connections between the current situation and a period of warfare in Earth's 20th century.  He did his best to incorporate these revelations into his tactical assessment of the situation.

"Is there any chance these people may have reformed their ways in the centuries since that deplorable era," Mondo asked.  Although he was a Security officer with Tactical training, and although his entire role revolved around conflict, he did not like to think that a human political party would have remained in a hostile state for so long.

He'd always believed that human beings represented the best potential of sentients in the galaxy.  People like Leyton were meant to be an anomaly.  Not the standard of an entire interstellar nation, presumably spanning many star systems.

When Ruth asked about the weapons of their potential adversary, Mondo clarified, "Sir, their weapons are similar to Federation and Klingon models from half a century ago.  The problem isn't their quality, but rather their quantity.  We can adjust shield frequencies for ideal effect, but at the end of the day, energy is energy.  You can brute-force your way to success even with aged systems.

My main suggestion in battle would be to maneuver behind them.  Most of their weapons cover the forward arc and flanks.  They have only half as much ordinance covering the rear."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As there was precious little Ian could as the repairs to the warp drive and Ruth worked on calculating the next interspatial rift, he could use the time to help Mondo understand human history a little better.

"Actually Mister Nari, in my experience, repressive totalitarian regimes never reform on their own, it takes an external force ta create change. As the entire Nazi ideology was based on the misbegotten belief that one particular sub-culture of humanity, the 'Aryans' were better than all other humans, I would think space travel would do nothing ta make them think otherwise. If'n you can make yourself believe you are superior ta other people of your own species based on ridiculous differences such as skin color, religion, or the region of the planet you are from, then that flawed logic is bound ta carry over ta actual alien species.

"I have ta imagine that the species we call friends like the Vulcans, Tellerite, Andorians, and so forth either live appallin' lives of servitude or have been exterminated. As for the Romulans, Klingons, and Breen either face the same circumstances as the others or, if'n they are lucky, they had the strength ta survive and the factions are locked in some sort of interstellar Cold War.

"Von Haupt carries himself as if he is an apex predator and he most likely is, therefore, I doubt there is anyone ta force a change on the regime. Thus, these people are likely ta be every bit as reprehensible as those of four hundred and fifty years ago were."

Ian paused to let the history lesson sink in and then addressed Mondo's tactical concerns.

"Thank you for those insights. In addition, with all the armor that beast of ship is sportin', she's probably as agile as a three-legged Tarkalian goon-ox. I'm certain Mister Litt is more than up ta the task of stayin' in their six. Add in the fact that they've never seen quantum torpedoes or our very special upgraded point-of-impact shields and the Graf Spee is in for a very rude lesson in this ship's capabilities."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 25, 2020, 03:46:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Ruth came up with a plan that had merit to get them back to their own dimension.

"If'n you think you can figure out a pattern ta an interphase rift, then crack on. As soon as you ken when, I'll be certain ta generate an energy discharge that will blow von Haupt's knickers around his ears."

Ian then paused and gave Ruth a friendly expression.

"I get you feel you need ta help Commander, but I need you ta focus on that interphasic rift. Whatever is goin' on with the Vulcans is the doctor's problem ta resolve and she's fully capable of doin' that. Your priority of work is the rift."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth let out a guffaw of laughter at Ian's expression about the knickers.  "I wonder if they are red with little white polka dot swastikas all over them... boxer shorts maybe, or maybe speedos... who cares, the visual you just gave me was an amusing one, Captain, I apologise for the outburst but I couldn't contain the giggles."

"I only offered the medical stuff as it was on the same file, and I thought it might be useful.  I know Dr. Belmont to be a totally capable doctor and surgeon.  As for the rift..." the CSO said with more seriousness, "If my calculations are correct, I'm just waiting on my team down in Astrometrics to confirm, we have about 10 hours and 28 mins to the next rift, and it'll be at 600km at heading 272 mark 9, pretty much due west of our current position, we're close enough that if we point our nose that direction and get the blast we want we can blow that ship out of the sky, knickers and other assorted lingerie includeid... I wonder if he wears sock suspenders..." she added with a mischievous look, "... and ride out the wave.  It'll be bumpy so I hope Mr. Litt is prepared for it!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 27, 2020, 08:11:05 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth let out a guffaw of laughter at Ian's expression about the knickers.  "I wonder if they are red with little white polka dot swastikas all over them... boxer shorts maybe, or maybe speedos... who cares, the visual you just gave me was an amusing one, Captain, I apologise for the outburst but I couldn't contain the giggles."

"I only offered the medical stuff as it was on the same file, and I thought it might be useful.  I know Dr. Belmont to be a totally capable doctor and surgeon.  As for the rift..." the CSO said with more seriousness, "If my calculations are correct, I'm just waiting on my team down in Astrometrics to confirm, we have about 10 hours and 28 mins to the next rift, and it'll be at 600km at heading 272 mark 9, pretty much due west of our current position, we're close enough that if we point our nose that direction and get the blast we want we can blow that ship out of the sky, knickers and other assorted lingerie includeid... I wonder if he wears sock suspenders..." she added with a mischievous look, "... and ride out the wave.  It'll be bumpy so I hope Mr. Litt is prepared for it!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian looked askance at Ruth, but didn't comment regarding her opinion on von Haupt's attire. He did however brighten when she gave him a solid timeline for the next rift.

"Well, it seems the next rift coincides with the restoration of our warp drive. That is most convenient, the only variable remaining is just how long it will take for Fritz's kamerades arrive."

Ian moved away from the science station to stand next to Lahr.

"Mister ch'Verret, what's on long range sensors?"

Jemason Seo

[USS Challenger - Sickbay]
"That's... certainly something."

Jem was genuinely surprised by Ensign Rashar's incredulity. "Why do you say that? We're looking at a genuine physical response to severe emotional trauma right in front of us." He sighed. Rashar was a Betazoid, Jem thought he of all people would understand. Commander Sigurdsdottir's message, while a little on the 'alternative' side of established Federation medicine, wasn't entirely without merit.

Jem had seen a group of unconscious Vulcans and tried pumping them full of stimulants, and produced nothing. Trill science taught that the mind and body weren't so physiologically separate. Symbionts, especially, seemed to react strongly to placebo effects, and that's ignoring the actual genuine evidence behind this. If what Rashar had said about their state of mind was so true, why wouldn't a sedative help calm their minds enough to lower their defenses?

"...That's the basic idea, anyway." Jem had explained. "Help their minds convince themselves that it's safe to come out by reducing the physical stress. Sedatives to relax the body, plexing to encourage endorphin production." Vulcans were humanoid enough to have a carotid artery, and plexing - a Betazoid technique that manually stimulated said artery - was a relatively common stress treatment.

They had the method, and the guinea pig - Lieutenant T'Kel, the highest ranking Vulcan aboard and the ship's tactical officer, an easily chosen priority.

It was only once Jem had injected the melorazine, and Ensign Rashar had positioned himself at the head of the T'Kel's biobed to begin massaging behind the patient's pointed ears, that he realised exactly how ridiculous this must've looked to anyone watching.

After thirty seconds of rather awkward massaging, Rashar looked up. Jem had stepped back by now, as though afraid someone might explode.

"Is it, uhm," Rashar had only spent a cursory glance at the plexing instructions. Despite his doubts, he wasn't stopping. "Is it supposed to last this long?"

If Jem ever had an answer to that question, he wanted to be airlocked. He'd mentally decided to give it a minute. Sixty seconds was more than long enough to watch without being put on some unspeakable list somewhere.

Forty-three-galaxy-class, forty-four-galaxy-class...

"I think I'm starting to get RSI..."


Rashar jumped back practically up the wall as T'Kel let out a tired, but low, groan.

It was like the Vulcan was waking up from a deep slumber. Jem watched as she seemed to stretch every muscle in her body. Only then did she open her eyes.

"...I-" T'Kel started, then stopped just as quickly. No doubt she was going to say 'this isn't my long-lost sister's home and you're not her dead fiancÁ©' or something similar, but the Vulcan mindset seemed to stop her. All the better, as Rashar took the time to compose himself. She, instead, took the deep breath. "How long was I out?"

Jem and Ensign Rashar exchanged a knowing look, a glance at the next Vulcan laying there, then simultaneously went for their commbadges. The Trill got there first, though.

=/\= "Ensign Seo to bridge and Doctor Belmont," These sorts of messages were always the best to relay, "your tactical officer is awake. Don't ask how, please.=/\=

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Jemason Seo on August 27, 2020, 05:07:36 PM

[USS Challenger - Sickbay]
"That's... certainly something."

Jem was genuinely surprised by Ensign Rashar's incredulity. "Why do you say that? We're looking at a genuine physical response to severe emotional trauma right in front of us." He sighed. Rashar was a Betazoid, Jem thought he of all people would understand. Commander Sigurdsdottir's message, while a little on the 'alternative' side of established Federation medicine, wasn't entirely without merit.

Jem had seen a group of unconscious Vulcans and tried pumping them full of stimulants, and produced nothing. Trill science taught that the mind and body weren't so physiologically separate. Symbionts, especially, seemed to react strongly to placebo effects, and that's ignoring the actual genuine evidence behind this. If what Rashar had said about their state of mind was so true, why wouldn't a sedative help calm their minds enough to lower their defenses?

"...That's the basic idea, anyway." Jem had explained. "Help their minds convince themselves that it's safe to come out by reducing the physical stress. Sedatives to relax the body, plexing to encourage endorphin production." Vulcans were humanoid enough to have a carotid artery, and plexing - a Betazoid technique that manually stimulated said artery - was a relatively common stress treatment.

They had the method, and the guinea pig - Lieutenant T'Kel, the highest ranking Vulcan aboard and the ship's tactical officer, an easily chosen priority.

It was only once Jem had injected the melorazine, and Ensign Rashar had positioned himself at the head of the T'Kel's biobed to begin massaging behind the patient's pointed ears, that he realised exactly how ridiculous this must've looked to anyone watching.

After thirty seconds of rather awkward massaging, Rashar looked up. Jem had stepped back by now, as though afraid someone might explode.

"Is it, uhm," Rashar had only spent a cursory glance at the plexing instructions. Despite his doubts, he wasn't stopping. "Is it supposed to last this long?"

If Jem ever had an answer to that question, he wanted to be airlocked. He'd mentally decided to give it a minute. Sixty seconds was more than long enough to watch without being put on some unspeakable list somewhere.

Forty-three-galaxy-class, forty-four-galaxy-class...

"I think I'm starting to get RSI..."


Rashar jumped back practically up the wall as T'Kel let out a tired, but low, groan.

It was like the Vulcan was waking up from a deep slumber. Jem watched as she seemed to stretch every muscle in her body. Only then did she open her eyes.

"...I-" T'Kel started, then stopped just as quickly. No doubt she was going to say 'this isn't my long-lost sister's home and you're not her dead fiancÁ©' or something similar, but the Vulcan mindset seemed to stop her. All the better, as Rashar took the time to compose himself. She, instead, took the deep breath. "How long was I out?"

Jem and Ensign Rashar exchanged a knowing look, a glance at the next Vulcan laying there, then simultaneously went for their commbadges. The Trill got there first, though.

=/\= "Ensign Seo to bridge and Doctor Belmont," These sorts of messages were always the best to relay, "your tactical officer is awake. Don't ask how, please.=/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was in his command chair when the call from sickbay came in and he responded in a pleasant tone at the good news.

"Good work Doctor. Keep it up, I have a feelin' we'll need every member of the crew ta get home. Based on your recommendation, if T'Kel is fit for duty, please have her report ta the bridge."


[Deck 13, Main Engineering, USS Challenger]

Work continued on the tandem warp stabilizer, as several teams were working nonstop to get warp speed restored. Roman was silent as he was elbow-deep in the stabilizer assembly, and the rest of his team were assisting with the other parts of the section. Over the past hour or so, it's become a routine.

"œI overheard Tharn talk about the situation on the bridge"¦ our timejump, and Nazis?" Crewman Perez said and shook his head.

"œI'm not too familiar with Earth's history, but I know enough to understand that we should not be here." PO Kezki said as her engineering tricorder beeped, "œI have to replace this isolinear unit. I'll go get one from storage." She rushed away.

"œYou've been quiet." Perez said, glancing at Roman before taking another microresonator reading.

After a few moments, Roman sighed, "œYou know"¦ I've always been fascinated with time travel, and when I rejoined Star Fleet, I thought maybe I'd be lucky enough to experience it. I mean, what are the chances? But, here we are"¦ in an alternate timeline where the Third Reich are the rulers." He sighed again. "œWe need to fix this thing, so we can get the hell out of here."

Kezki returned with a new isolinear unit, replaced the chips and installed it all with speed and precision. "œTesting now"¦"

Perez ran his microresonator over the unit, "œclear of leaks."

Kezki, "œIsolinear unit showing green."

Roman's gravimetric caliper beeped, "œassembly showing green. We're green across the board."

He stood up and sent a progress report to Tharn. He was going to suggest they take a break, but he was hiding his nervousness of the situation, as well as the pain in his shoulder that was still stabbing at him. "œOn to the next section."

Richard James Litt

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Litt was at the Helm just watching the movement at the bridge and waiting his next orders in all of that crazy stuff that the Challenger was facing now.

When he heard the Captain talking about him he smiled and looked at the man.

"œI'm just waiting for your orders, sir"¦ Just say it!"

Right after that, he heard Ruth talking about her calculations and some plan, and he looked at her nodding his head.

"œI'll be ready commander!" He started to put the coordinates in his panel in case that was their next coordinates!

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 25, 2020, 01:01:12 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Lahr and Ruth's discussions, sighing internally at the lack of actual progress toward the essential question on how to return to their own reality.

"I would say the time ta jam communications has passed and despite the technological inferiority of the Graf Spee ta ours, no need ta antagonize von Haupt until we have ta destroy him. He thinks he has the upper hand, might as well let him keep on thinkin' that.

"As for the encryption they are usin', it wouldna surprise me if'n these Jerries are still usin' an Enigma machine. Not that knowin' that helps much, without the rotor and peg board configuration, even a modern computer would need more time than we have ta crack their cipher. As for speakin' ta him in his own language, I doubt that matters ta him, given the fact that sixty percent of our crew are untermensch ta him. No, there won't be any negotiations with these people. It will be fake pleasantries until it's time ta open fire.

"Finally, if'n there is any corollary ta the Battle of the River Platte, we're the one's alone, damaged, and with enemy closin' in. Mister ch'Verret, I'd suggest keepin' a very close eye on the long range sensors ta see how long before, and how many, reinforcements arrive. Commander, shelve the communications and code breakin'. What we need you ta concentrate on is whatever you can find on dimensional travel, so we get back ta where we belong."

The Captain had a point with it being a tad late to jam signals... oh well... seems they should expect company at some point.  Question was: how close were their Graf Spee's reinforcements?

Lahr nodded at that Captain's suggestion to keep an eye on the long range sensors, which the Andorian was already doing.  He didn't know what an Enigma machine was so did a historical search.  After reading up on the encryption device Lahr had a better appreciation for the Captain's comment on the matter.  Yeah, decrypting could take a while.

Lahr noted Nari's tactical suggestion of keeping behind them... easier said than done but after having seen Litt in action against Leyton's forces, the Andorian knew if anyone could it, it would be Litt.

Galloway seemed to agree as well saying such after giving a bit of a history lesson to Nari.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 26, 2020, 10:35:26 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As there was precious little Ian could as the repairs to the warp drive and Ruth worked on calculating the next interspatial rift, he could use the time to help Mondo understand human history a little better.

"Actually Mister Nari, in my experience, repressive totalitarian regimes never reform on their own, it takes an external force ta create change. As the entire Nazi ideology was based on the misbegotten belief that one particular sub-culture of humanity, the 'Aryans' were better than all other humans, I would think space travel would do nothing ta make them think otherwise. If'n you can make yourself believe you are superior ta other people of your own species based on ridiculous differences such as skin color, religion, or the region of the planet you are from, then that flawed logic is bound ta carry over ta actual alien species.

"I have ta imagine that the species we call friends like the Vulcans, Tellerite, Andorians, and so forth either live appallin' lives of servitude or have been exterminated. As for the Romulans, Klingons, and Breen either face the same circumstances as the others or, if'n they are lucky, they had the strength ta survive and the factions are locked in some sort of interstellar Cold War.

"Von Haupt carries himself as if he is an apex predator and he most likely is, therefore, I doubt there is anyone ta force a change on the regime. Thus, these people are likely ta be every bit as reprehensible as those of four hundred and fifty years ago were."

Ian paused to let the history lesson sink in and then addressed Mondo's tactical concerns.

"Thank you for those insights. In addition, with all the armor that beast of ship is sportin', she's probably as agile as a three-legged Tarkalian goon-ox. I'm certain Mister Litt is more than up ta the task of stayin' in their six. Add in the fact that they've never seen quantum torpedoes or our very special upgraded point-of-impact shields and the Graf Spee is in for a very rude lesson in this ship's capabilities."

The Captain's history lesson regarding the Nazis beliefs, and his impression on what this dimension would be like was rather grim.  Lahr was rather grateful that they were just visiting and that he hadn't been born into this dimension.

A blip on long range sensors drew his attention and Lahr worked his console to call up the info.   While he did this, the Captain seemed to have a sixth sense about it.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 27, 2020, 12:06:43 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian looked askance at Ruth, but didn't comment regarding her opinion on von Haupt's attire. He did however brighten when she gave him a solid timeline for the next rift.

"Well, it seems the next rift coincides with the restoration of our warp drive. That is most convenient, the only variable remaining is just how long it will take for Fritz's kamerades arrive."

Ian moved away from the science station to stand next to Lahr.

"Mister ch'Verret, what's on long range sensors?"

Lahr was still fine-tuning the details.  The hit was at the far end of their sensor range so they weren't able to pick up much.

"Long range sensors have detected one ship headed at warp towards our position.  Currently it's traveling at Warp 5.  ETA is about 10 hrs.  It's designation is the KRS Scharnhorst"  Lahr stumbled over the pronunciation of it.  Like Klingon it was a very gutteral sounding language.

"Seems like we're gonna have company just before it times for us to leave.  Hope your good at stalling, sir."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 28, 2020, 04:11:31 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

The Captain had a point with it being a tad late to jam signals... oh well... seems they should expect company at some point.  Question was: how close were their Graf Spee's reinforcements?

Lahr nodded at that Captain's suggestion to keep an eye on the long range sensors, which the Andorian was already doing.  He didn't know what an Enigma machine was so did a historical search.  After reading up on the encryption device Lahr had a better appreciation for the Captain's comment on the matter.  Yeah, decrypting could take a while.

Lahr noted Nari's tactical suggestion of keeping behind them... easier said than done but after having seen Litt in action against Leyton's forces, the Andorian knew if anyone could it, it would be Litt.

Galloway seemed to agree as well saying such after giving a bit of a history lesson to Nari.

The Captain's history lesson regarding the Nazis beliefs, and his impression on what this dimension would be like was rather grim.  Lahr was rather grateful that they were just visiting and that he hadn't been born into this dimension.

A blip on long range sensors drew his attention and Lahr worked his console to call up the info.   While he did this, the Captain seemed to have a sixth sense about it.

Lahr was still fine-tuning the details.  The hit was at the far end of their sensor range so they weren't able to pick up much.

"Long range sensors have detected one ship headed at warp towards our position.  Currently it's traveling at Warp 5.  ETA is about 10 hrs.  It's designation is the KRS Scharnhorst"  Lahr stumbled over the pronunciation of it.  Like Klingon it was a very gutteral sounding language.

"Seems like we're gonna have company just before it times for us to leave.  Hope your good at stalling, sir."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian took in Lahr's report that reinforcements would arrive before repairs to the warp drive were complete with a sigh and tapped the comm panel on the command chair.

"Dashlish, tactical update. Our friend will have company in ten hours, which by my count is about half an hour before we have warp capability again. I know you said eleven hours, but if'n you could shave a wee hour off of that estimate, it would greatly improve our chances of survival. Do what you can. Galloway out."

Ian ran his hand through his hair and began thinking about what he could do regarding Lahr's suggestion of stalling.

Mondo'li Nari

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo brought up the long-range sensor hit on his own console.  Not much about the ship could be read at this range.  But he could see that it was a three-nacelled design.  Starfleet had, from time-to-time, toyed with three-nacelled configurations.  Usually, they employed that configuration on proposed heavy cruiser designs.  The idea was that such a ship could sustain high-warp for longer periods of time.  That had been the idea.

In reality, the configuration lacked stability at high warp, and was inefficient.  Not only did the ships employing three nacelles tend to shake beyond Warp 5, forcing the installation of upgraded inertial dampeners and structural-integrity fields, they required a larger than normal warp core, using a larger than normal amount of fuel.  The burden of the larger warp core did have ancillary benefits, however.  It meant that the ship could carry heavier weapons and sustain fire for longer periods of time.

Ultimately, Starfleet had largely abandoned the concept of the triple-nacelle design, preferring to pursue nacelle pairs.  But one could look at history and see that most three-nacelled ships had been veritable battleships in all but name.  It was for this reason that the abandoned Starfleet 'Dreadnaughts' were known to Mondo as a topic related to his tactical training.  If such a ship arrived at their position, it was not likely to go well.

"Sir.  We may be able to convince the new vessel to delay its progress.  We could configure a Class V clandestine Reconnaisance probe with a false sensor beacon.  As you know, such probes are crafted with low-observability hull materials and coatings.

If we fire such a probe towards the approaching vessel, it will not be likely to see it coming with decades-old sensor technology.  When the probe gets near to the vessel, the sensor beacon could be activated in such a way as to spoof a cruiser-sized sensor return.  Then it could veer away.  We can expect the approaching vessel to pursue this false sensor return, delaying its arrival at our position."

Mondo gestured to the viewscreen, "We could issue a sensor pulse from our main deflector towards the nearby dimensional anomaly, in an apparent attempt to scan it.  This would conceal the moment of probe launch from the nearer vessel.  Thus allowing our ruse to succeed."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on August 28, 2020, 01:02:31 PM

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo brought up the long-range sensor hit on his own console.  Not much about the ship could be read at this range.  But he could see that it was a three-nacelled design.  Starfleet had, from time-to-time, toyed with three-nacelled configurations.  Usually, they employed that configuration on proposed heavy cruiser designs.  The idea was that such a ship could sustain high-warp for longer periods of time.  That had been the idea.

In reality, the configuration lacked stability at high warp, and was inefficient.  Not only did the ships employing three nacelles tend to shake beyond Warp 5, forcing the installation of upgraded inertial dampeners and structural-integrity fields, they required a larger than normal warp core, using a larger than normal amount of fuel.  The burden of the larger warp core did have ancillary benefits, however.  It meant that the ship could carry heavier weapons and sustain fire for longer periods of time.

Ultimately, Starfleet had largely abandoned the concept of the triple-nacelle design, preferring to pursue nacelle pairs.  But one could look at history and see that most three-nacelled ships had been veritable battleships in all but name.  It was for this reason that the abandoned Starfleet 'Dreadnaughts' were known to Mondo as a topic related to his tactical training.  If such a ship arrived at their position, it was not likely to go well.

"Sir.  We may be able to convince the new vessel to delay its progress.  We could configure a Class V clandestine Reconnaisance probe with a false sensor beacon.  As you know, such probes are crafted with low-observability hull materials and coatings.

If we fire such a probe towards the approaching vessel, it will not be likely to see it coming with decades-old sensor technology.  When the probe gets near to the vessel, the sensor beacon could be activated in such a way as to spoof a cruiser-sized sensor return.  Then it could veer away.  We can expect the approaching vessel to pursue this false sensor return, delaying its arrival at our position."

Mondo gestured to the viewscreen, "We could issue a sensor pulse from our main deflector towards the nearby dimensional anomaly, in an apparent attempt to scan it.  This would conceal the moment of probe launch from the nearer vessel.  Thus allowing our ruse to succeed."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As he was going over his options, Ian blinked at Mondo's suggestion and smiled ferally.

"That Mister Nari is bloody brilliant. Go ahead and initiate the plan right now. However, I'm goin' ta add that you not only launch one toward the Sharnhorst, but that you place another in dormant mode locally. Just toss it out one of the shuttlebays so there's no launch signature. That way, when the fightin' starts, I want the Graf Spee ta believe they have a cruiser up their arse. It could serve ta get them ta sheer off at a critical moment and allow us ta bugger them good before they realize what happened."

Kyle Briggs


Kyle had been sitting in his seat, nursing a lump on his head that he had refused to let the doctor check. There had been other crew members injured worse than him. He hated being out of action even for just the few moments that had passed but he was glad to have such an amazing crew that could handle any situation thrown at the Challenger.

With all the chatter and ideas bouncing around, the only thing Kyle could focus on was the thought of the adversarial ship sending over shuttles with a boarding party.

He stood and turned to the Captain.

"Sir. With your permission, seeing as T'Kel is possibly returning to duty, I'd like to lead some security squads to the shuttle bays in case they actually attempt to send some people over." he said.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 28, 2020, 11:11:29 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian took in Lahr's report that reinforcements would arrive before repairs to the warp drive were complete with a sigh and tapped the comm panel on the command chair.

"Dashlish, tactical update. Our friend will have company in ten hours, which by my count is about half an hour before we have warp capability again. I know you said eleven hours, but if'n you could shave a wee hour off of that estimate, it would greatly improve our chances of survival. Do what you can. Galloway out."

Ian ran his hand through his hair and began thinking about what he could do regarding Lahr's suggestion of stalling.

Lahr hoped the Tellerite could finish the repairs ahead of schedule.
Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on August 28, 2020, 01:02:31 PM

USS Challenger - Bridge

"Sir.  We may be able to convince the new vessel to delay its progress.  We could configure a Class V clandestine Reconnaisance probe with a false sensor beacon.  As you know, such probes are crafted with low-observability hull materials and coatings.

If we fire such a probe towards the approaching vessel, it will not be likely to see it coming with decades-old sensor technology.  When the probe gets near to the vessel, the sensor beacon could be activated in such a way as to spoof a cruiser-sized sensor return.  Then it could veer away.  We can expect the approaching vessel to pursue this false sensor return, delaying its arrival at our position."

Mondo gestured to the viewscreen, "We could issue a sensor pulse from our main deflector towards the nearby dimensional anomaly, in an apparent attempt to scan it.  This would conceal the moment of probe launch from the nearer vessel.  Thus allowing our ruse to succeed."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 28, 2020, 03:37:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As he was going over his options, Ian blinked at Mondo's suggestion and smiled ferally.

"That Mister Nari is bloody brilliant. Go ahead and initiate the plan right now. However, I'm goin' ta add that you not only launch one toward the Sharnhorst, but that you place another in dormant mode locally. Just toss it out one of the shuttlebays so there's no launch signature. That way, when the fightin' starts, I want the Graf Spee ta believe they have a cruiser up their arse. It could serve ta get them ta sheer off at a critical moment and allow us ta bugger them good before they realize what happened."

Lahr chuckled at Nari's idea. He agreed with the Captain's assessment of the idea.  It was brilliant.  "Nice one, Nari!  Anything I can do to help with the probe configuration?" he asked though suspected that the sec/tac petty officer had everything under control.  Lahr didn't see the Hupyrian suggesting something he wasn't capable of doing on his own.

Besides which he had his attention returned to his console when there was movement from the Graf Spee"Captain, she's launching 2 shuttles."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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