S4:E5 - Die letzte Grenze

Started by Ian Galloway, August 11, 2020, 12:37:05 PM

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Jemason Seo

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 27, 2020, 06:06:51 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was in his command chair when the call from sickbay came in and he responded in a pleasant tone at the good news.

"Good work Doctor. Keep it up, I have a feelin' we'll need every member of the crew ta get home. Based on your recommendation, if T'Kel is fit for duty, please have her report ta the bridge."

"I, ahh-" Jem glanced over. Vulcan logic or not, T'Kel had stepped off the biobed... and onto her knees. He was already there, helping her back up. "She's a bit out of it at the moment, sir, I want her kept here until she's rested up."

Across the PCU, Petty Officer Heesou was working on waking the next Vulcan up, as Rashar was showing Lieutenant Davies the basics of plexing. "Same with the others, sir. I appreciate the alert status, but we don't want to see them relapsing."

T'Kel was now back on the bed, with a cordical monitor placed under her ear. Paired with Jem's tricorder, the monitor would give him a much more detailed readout of her brain activity. Sure enough, despite being out of the mental regression that Rashar had described, cortisol levels were ridiculously high. Her body was working hard to purge the stress hormones. "Relax, Lieutenant," Jem said, well aware of the irony, "you're not out of it just yet..."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on August 28, 2020, 10:55:58 PM


Kyle had been sitting in his seat, nursing a lump on his head that he had refused to let the doctor check. There had been other crew members injured worse than him. He hated being out of action even for just the few moments that had passed but he was glad to have such an amazing crew that could handle any situation thrown at the Challenger.

With all the chatter and ideas bouncing around, the only thing Kyle could focus on was the thought of the adversarial ship sending over shuttles with a boarding party.

He stood and turned to the Captain.

"Sir. With your permission, seeing as T'Kel is possibly returning to duty, I'd like to lead some security squads to the shuttle bays in case they actually attempt to send some people over." he said.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyle's suggestion and figured, as with Mondo's plan he could use the basic premise and at his own special twist to it.

"Actually Kyle, and I admit, I'm makin' a couple assumptions here, but I think they are sound assumptions at least. I believe that in addition ta not havin' transporter technology, their shield technology is also quite weak, which would explain why the ship is so heavily armored. If I am correct on those two points, then it stands to reason that we can breach their shields fairly easily and that means, we can beam security officers aboard them whereas they cannae respond in kind. Therefore, while I'm okay with sendin' a few security ta guard the shuttlebays, I also want teams in all four transporter rooms loaded for bear and ready ta give Herr von Haupt a very nasty surprise."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 29, 2020, 02:58:57 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr hoped the Tellerite could finish the repairs ahead of schedule.

Lahr chuckled at Nari's idea. He agreed with the Captain's assessment of the idea.  It was brilliant.  "Nice one, Nari!  Anything I can do to help with the probe configuration?" he asked though suspected that the sec/tac petty officer had everything under control.  Lahr didn't see the Hupyrian suggesting something he wasn't capable of doing on his own.

Besides which he had his attention returned to his console when there was movement from the Graf Spee"Captain, she's launching 2 shuttles."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's hands involuntarily clenched on the arms of the command chair on Lahr's report, but then he forced them to relax as he smiled evilly. He tapped the comm panel and spoke calmly.

=/\= "Galloway ta shuttlebays one and two. "I want Mjolnir, Onizuka, and Scobee on hot standby. We have incomin' hostiles and we need ta prepare a proper welcome for them. Bridge out." =/\=

Ian then addressed Lahr in the same calm tone.

"Mister ch'Verret, open a channel ta the Graf Spee."

The viewscreen switched from the starscape to that of the German officer.

"May I ask what are your intentions Captain? I believe I made it clear that if you make any attempt to board the Challenger, I would defend this ship by every means at my disposal. if your shuttles get closer than 120,000 kilometers. I can promise you they will not get further than that."

[Bridge - KRM Graf Spee]

Von Haupt looked down his aristocratic Prussian nose and sneered as he replied.

"You will not dictate the actions I take to protect the Reich to me Englander! Here, I am in charge and soon enough, I will have you at my mercy!"

Ian arched an eyebrow at being called an Englander, but pushed that aside for the moment as he tapped his comm panel.

=/\= "Shuttlebay one and two. Launch designated shuttles." =/\=

Returning his attention to von Haupt, Ian put on his coldest expression as he replied.

"Captain, unless you happen to have crew and shuttles to spare, I suggest you recall your men or I will burn them out of the black. Because while you think you are in charge, you are very sadly mistaken. This is your final warning. Challenger out."

Ian closed the channel and waited to see if von Haupt would listen or if things were about to get interesting. Just to be safe, the time for diplomatic niceties was over and he spoke firmly.

"Red Alert. Battlestations."

Mondo'li Nari


USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo smiled as the Captain seemed to approve of his plan.  He began to make preparations, adding the Captain's second probe to the mix.  When Lahr offered to help, Mondo was quite grateful.

"I could definitely use assistance, both from Ops and Flight personnel in the bays to facilitate clandestine launch, and to program the behavior of the probes in-flight.  At the distances and complex trajectories these probes will be operating, their behavior is less like a torpedo and more like a shuttle.  My flight training is... rudimentary.  And my programming also leaves something to be desired."

He glanced with some embarrassment towards the Captain, being forced to openly admit the limitations of his skillset.

But things soon escalated, with shuttles coming inbound and the Challenger readying a response.

That's when Mondo noticed something new on sensors.

"Sir... increased energy levels in their weapon systems are enhancing sensor resolution.  I think their phasers can best be compared to Type VIII rather that type IX.  But their phaser coils are massively oversized and overbuilt.  Perhaps for beam duration enhancement.

And I'm reading a massive magnetic flux buildup suggestive of a kinetic-kill weapon.  Like a coilgun.  It's hard to know how dangerous that will be.  It will depend on whether they intend to send a solid projectile or one containing a photon warhead.  Sir, these magnetic flux readings are coming from what I'd earlier assumed to be torpedo tubes.  They may, in fact, be magnetic acceleration cannons."

When the order came, he nodded, "Aye, Captain.  Red Alert."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on August 29, 2020, 03:25:00 PM

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo smiled as the Captain seemed to approve of his plan.  He began to make preparations, adding the Captain's second probe to the mix.  When Lahr offered to help, Mondo was quite grateful.

"I could definitely use assistance, both from Ops and Flight personnel in the bays to facilitate clandestine launch, and to program the behavior of the probes in-flight.  At the distances and complex trajectories these probes will be operating, their behavior is less like a torpedo and more like a shuttle.  My flight training is... rudimentary.  And my programming also leaves something to be desired."

He glanced with some embarrassment towards the Captain, being forced to openly admit the limitations of his skillset.

But things soon escalated, with shuttles coming inbound and the Challenger readying a response.

That's when Mondo noticed something new on sensors.

"Sir... increased energy levels in their weapon systems are enhancing sensor resolution.  I think their phasers can best be compared to Type VIII rather that type IX.  But their phaser coils are massively oversized and overbuilt.  Perhaps for beam duration enhancement.

And I'm reading a massive magnetic flux buildup suggestive of a kinetic-kill weapon.  Like a coilgun.  It's hard to know how dangerous that will be.  It will depend on whether they intend to send a solid projectile or one containing a photon warhead.  Sir, these magnetic flux readings are coming from what I'd earlier assumed to be torpedo tubes.  They may, in fact, be magnetic acceleration cannons."

When the order came, he nodded, "Aye, Captain.  Red Alert."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Mondo admitted to his lack of flight skills and replied in a reassuring tone.

"No one is an expert at everything. I could fly a Sovereign-Class starship through the eye of a bloody needle, but if'n you ask me ta explain the difference between a tetryon particle and a tachyon particle and you'll get nae more than a blank stare from me. However, if'n you want ta improve your flyin' skills, I have just the holoprogram for you. Even Mister ch'Verret has tried his hand at bein' a Flyin' Tiger. When we get back ta our own dimension, you are welcome ta join us."

Ian then thought about the new information about the Graf Spee and smiled.

"Thank you Mister Nari. That confirms my hypothesis that these space Nazis are several generations behind the Challenger's technology. I'm goin' ta add that the reason that Scharnhorst of theirs is ploddin' along at warp five is that's her best speed.

"So, let's go over what we know, or at least surmise. No transporter technology. Maximum speed of warp five. Heavily armored hulls as a back up ta weak shieldin'. Gauss cannon heavy weapons instead of photons and massively over engineered phasers. I believe that we are more than a match for both of the vessels it seems likely we will face. I nae want ta get overconfident, but if'n von Haupt insists on turnin' our situation into a fight, we have an excellent chance of showin' them the error of their ways. Now if'n we could just get our warp drive back, we could just make ourselves scarce until we are ready ta try and make the transit back ta our dimension."

[Deep Space - Alternate Dimension where the Sargasso Expanse should be]

The two shuttles the Graf Spee launched were at 140,000 kilometers and continued to close. As with their mothership, the shuttles were heavily built with all the aerodynamic esthetics of a brick. In addition to the approaching shuttles, sensors on the Challenger detected that the German ship had raised shields and had powered weapons.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge - prior to Graf Spee shuttle launch]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 29, 2020, 11:05:59 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Kyle's suggestion and figured, as with Mondo's plan he could use the basic premise and at his own special twist to it.

"Actually Kyle, and I admit, I'm makin' a couple assumptions here, but I think they are sound assumptions at least. I believe that in addition ta not havin' transporter technology, their shield technology is also quite weak, which would explain why the ship is so heavily armored. If I am correct on those two points, then it stands to reason that we can breach their shields fairly easily and that means, we can beam security officers aboard them whereas they cannae respond in kind. Therefore, while I'm okay with sendin' a few security ta guard the shuttlebays, I also want teams in all four transporter rooms loaded for bear and ready ta give Herr von Haupt a very nasty surprise."

Lahr hearing the Captain's intention to beam security teams over couldn't help but have his antenna droop a bit in worry over his friends.  They'd remembered their fallen friends just a few hours before.  He prayed he wouldn't be remembering yet more friends next month.
Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on August 29, 2020, 03:25:00 PM

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo smiled as the Captain seemed to approve of his plan.  He began to make preparations, adding the Captain's second probe to the mix.  When Lahr offered to help, Mondo was quite grateful.

"I could definitely use assistance, both from Ops and Flight personnel in the bays to facilitate clandestine launch, and to program the behavior of the probes in-flight.  At the distances and complex trajectories these probes will be operating, their behavior is less like a torpedo and more like a shuttle.  My flight training is... rudimentary.  And my programming also leaves something to be desired."

He glanced with some embarrassment towards the Captain, being forced to openly admit the limitations of his skillset.

Lahr's antenna lifted somewhat at hearing Nari's appreciation of the offered help.   "Sure thing! Am on the programming...  it'll be done in a jiffy."  The Andorian hoped that the plan to trick them worked.  If they could trick them, that might make these Nazis more likely to surrender without too much of a fight.  Or so he hoped.

He worked on the probes' programming as he kept watch on both the short and long range sensors.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 29, 2020, 04:53:14 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded as Mondo admitted to his lack of flight skills and replied in a reassuring tone.

"No one is an expert at everything. I could fly a Sovereign-Class starship through the eye of a bloody needle, but if'n you ask me ta explain the difference between a tetryon particle and a tachyon particle and you'll get nae more than a blank stare from me. However, if'n you want ta improve your flyin' skills, I have just the holoprogram for you. Even Mister ch'Verret has tried his hand at bein' a Flyin' Tiger. When we get back ta our own dimension, you are welcome ta join us."

At the Captain's mention of the Flying Tiger program, Lahr glanced up from his work to give Nari a something enthused nod.  The holoprogram was definitely a challenge but it was an. amazing experience.  He was glad he tried his hand at it.   Of course, Litt being an actual pilot, flew literally circles around him - doing the barrel rolls that still eluded Lahr's skill.  But the Andorian kept going back... he might be a bit slow to pick up some of the more expert skills but he was determine to keep it up.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 29, 2020, 04:53:14 PM

Ian then thought about the new information about the Graf Spee and smiled.

"Thank you Mister Nari. That confirms my hypothesis that these space Nazis are several generations behind the Challenger's technology. I'm goin' ta add that the reason that Scharnhorst of theirs is ploddin' along at warp five is that's her best speed.

"So, let's go over what we know, or at least surmise. No transporter technology. Maximum speed of warp five. Heavily armored hulls as a back up ta weak shieldin'. Gauss cannon heavy weapons instead of photons and massively over engineered phasers. I believe that we are more than a match for both of the vessels it seems likely we will face. I nae want ta get overconfident, but if'n von Haupt insists on turnin' our situation into a fight, we have an excellent chance of showin' them the error of their ways. Now if'n we could just get our warp drive back, we could just make ourselves scarce until we are ready ta try and make the transit back ta our dimension."

Lahr wasn't sure how the Captain came to the conclusion that the Nazis lacked transporter capabilities .... or that the shielding would be weak in comparison... but he hoped the man was right.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge - following Graf Spee shuttle launch]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 29, 2020, 11:05:59 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's hands involuntarily clenched on the arms of the command chair on Lahr's report, but then he forced them to relax as he smiled evilly. He tapped the comm panel and spoke calmly.

=/\= "Galloway ta shuttlebays one and two. "I want Mjolnir, Onizuka, and Scobee on hot standby. We have incomin' hostiles and we need ta prepare a proper welcome for them. Bridge out." =/\=

Ian then addressed Lahr in the same calm tone.

"Mister ch'Verret, open a channel ta the Graf Spee."

"Aye sir."

Lahr had his doubts of whether the Graf Spee would acknowledge the open channel.  But the Captain apparently had a better sense for these sort of a things.  Within moments of seeking communication... the channel connected.  And the scarred face of the opposing  Captain appeared.

"Channel open, sir." he announced before turning his attention back to his probe programming.   The first program was complete and sent Nari's way for upload to the probe which needed to be launched.   He was just working on the final touches to the second program - the one for the probe to be dropped from the shuttlebay.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 29, 2020, 11:05:59 AM

The viewscreen switched from the starscape to that of the German officer.

"May I ask what are your intentions Captain? I believe I made it clear that if you make any attempt to board the Challenger, I would defend this ship by every means at my disposal. if your shuttles get closer than 120,000 kilometers. I can promise you they will not get further than that."

[Bridge - KRM Graf Spee]

Von Haupt looked down his aristocratic Prussian nose and sneered as he replied.

"You will not dictate the actions I take to protect the Reich to me Englander! Here, I am in charge and soon enough, I will have you at my mercy!"

Ian arched an eyebrow at being called an Englander, but pushed that aside for the moment as he tapped his comm panel.

=/\= "Shuttlebay one and two. Launch designated shuttles." =/\=

Returning his attention to von Haupt, Ian put on his coldest expression as he replied.

"Captain, unless you happen to have crew and shuttles to spare, I suggest you recall your men or I will burn them out of the black. Because while you think you are in charge, you are very sadly mistaken. This is your final warning. Challenger out."

Ian closed the channel and waited to see if von Haupt would listen or if things were about to get interesting. Just to be safe, the time for diplomatic niceties was over and he spoke firmly.

"Red Alert. Battlestations."

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on August 29, 2020, 03:25:00 PM

But things soon escalated, with shuttles coming inbound and the Challenger readying a response.

That's when Mondo noticed something new on sensors.

"Sir... increased energy levels in their weapon systems are enhancing sensor resolution.  I think their phasers can best be compared to Type VIII rather that type IX.  But their phaser coils are massively oversized and overbuilt.  Perhaps for beam duration enhancement.

And I'm reading a massive magnetic flux buildup suggestive of a kinetic-kill weapon.  Like a coilgun.  It's hard to know how dangerous that will be.  It will depend on whether they intend to send a solid projectile or one containing a photon warhead.  Sir, these magnetic flux readings are coming from what I'd earlier assumed to be torpedo tubes.  They may, in fact, be magnetic acceleration cannons."

When the order came, he nodded, "Aye, Captain.  Red Alert."


Lahr gave a discreet glance to the side where Ruth sat at the science console.  She had found them the way home... they just needed to survive long enough to use it.

With the Red Alert sounding loudly around the bridge, Lahr looked to where Grelek was supposed to be 'waiting in the wings' as Lahr's back-up but the space was empty because Grelek was down in Sickbay because of who knows why.   Lahr messaged the Ops Chief - Lt JG Morgan - to remind her that Grelek was off the roster and that the bridge needed a stand-by Ops.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 29, 2020, 04:53:14 PM

[Deep Space - Alternate Dimension where the Sargasso Expanse should be]

The two shuttles the Graf Spee launched were at 140,000 kilometers and continued to close. As with their mothership, the shuttles were heavily built with all the aerodynamic esthetics of a brick. In addition to the approaching shuttles, sensors on the Challenger detected that the German ship had raised shields and had powered weapons.

Alert chimes ran out from his console.  "Captain! The Graf Spee has raised shields and powered up her arsenal." Lahr called out before sending the last probe program on towards Nari.  "Nari... the second program is ready for upload to the shuttlebay probe"
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 30, 2020, 10:31:44 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge - prior to Graf Spee shuttle launch]

Lahr hearing the Captain's intention to beam security teams over couldn't help but have his antenna droop a bit in worry over his friends.  They'd remembered their fallen friends just a few hours before.  He prayed he wouldn't be remembering yet more friends next month.

Lahr's antenna lifted somewhat at hearing Nari's appreciation of the offered help.   "Sure thing! Am on the programming...  it'll be done in a jiffy."  The Andorian hoped that the plan to trick them worked.  If they could trick them, that might make these Nazis more likely to surrender without too much of a fight.  Or so he hoped.

He worked on the probes' programming as he kept watch on both the short and long range sensors.

At the Captain's mention of the Flying Tiger program, Lahr glanced up from his work to give Nari a something enthused nod.  The holoprogram was definitely a challenge but it was an. amazing experience.  He was glad he tried his hand at it.   Of course, Litt being an actual pilot, flew literally circles around him - doing the barrel rolls that still eluded Lahr's skill.  But the Andorian kept going back... he might be a bit slow to pick up some of the more expert skills but he was determine to keep it up.
Lahr wasn't sure how the Captain came to the conclusion that the Nazis lacked transporter capabilities .... or that the shielding would be weak in comparison... but he hoped the man was right.

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge - following Graf Spee shuttle launch]

"Aye sir."

Lahr had his doubts of whether the Graf Spee would acknowledge the open channel.  But the Captain apparently had a better sense for these sort of a things.  Within moments of seeking communication... the channel connected.  And the scarred face of the opposing  Captain appeared.

"Channel open, sir." he announced before turning his attention back to his probe programming.   The first program was complete and sent Nari's way for upload to the probe which needed to be launched.   He was just working on the final touches to the second program - the one for the probe to be dropped from the shuttlebay.


Lahr gave a discreet glance to the side where Ruth sat at the science console.  She had found them the way home... they just needed to survive long enough to use it.

With the Red Alert sounding loudly around the bridge, Lahr looked to where Grelek was supposed to be 'waiting in the wings' as Lahr's back-up but the space was empty because Grelek was down in Sickbay because of who knows why.   Lahr messaged the Ops Chief - Lt JG Morgan - to remind her that Grelek was off the roster and that the bridge needed a stand-by Ops.

Alert chimes ran out from his console.  "Captain! The Graf Spee has raised shields and powered up her arsenal." Lahr called out before sending the last probe program on towards Nari.  "Nari... the second program is ready for upload to the shuttlebay probe"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian moved next to Lahr, not that he had to, he could have checked the Andorian's readings from the command chair, but he did so to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"As I suspected, their shields read as one sixth of Challenger's and that's nae countin' our point of impact shieldin'. Far weaken than I guessed. I suppose the bigger shock von Haupt will discover is that while our ablative armor is only thirty millimeters thick, it's twice as effective as his as 300 millimeters of steel. I suppose it's time ta talk ta him again. Open a channel."

Ian returned to his command chair as the viewscreen broadcast the German officer and his furious expression.

"I'd like ta say it's good ta see you again Captain, but we both ken that would be a lie." Ian replied allowing his Highland burr to emerge. "By now, I'm certain you have noticed the strength of this ship's defenses, and I can assure you our offensive capabilities are just as impressive. Therefore, you are at a crossroads. You can put that stiff Prussian neck further into the noose, or you can step back and pull it out. Pull back your shuttles and stand down with your weapons as we will do the same. If'n you do that, you, your ship and your crew survives.

"If'n those shuttles get closer than 120,000 kilometers and this ends poorly for you. I must grant that you were wise ta be suspicious of us. You see, the Challenger is the advance scout for the Galactic Transplanetary Union. We've pioneered interdimensional travel and our ships can appear anywhere within your space time continuum and you won't even know it until we appear. When we locate a useful dimension, we send scouts, such as the Challenger and verify if the resources we detected are worth takin' and then we take them. Resistance is futile."

Ian paused to let all that sink in as he warmed to the role he was playing.

"You see, the reason we are so technologically superior ta you is, rather than subjugate or eliminate those that are different than humans, we have embraced them as friends and our resultin' union has paid dividends that you cannae imagine. You serve a morally bankrupt government Captain and should you choose to cross swords with me, I could exterminate both your Graf Spee and your Scharnhorst limpin' along at your sad warp five speed limit at my leisure. So, the choice is yours, stand down and live, or fight and die. Galloway out."

[Bridge - KRS Graf Spee]

Von Haupt listened to the reports from his crew and stood there in abject disbelief.

"This simply cannot be, the Reich is all powerful!" He raged internally. Out loud, he snarled.

"Check again, it must be a trick!"

"I haf Herr Kapitan, four times. The Englander's shiff's shields are more powerful than those of our strongest star fortress."

"Verdamt! We must wait for Scharnhorst to have any hope against this ship. Recall our shuttles. Drop shields and reduce power to weapons to standby."

"Jawohl Herr Kapitan!"

Von Haupt stared at his viewscreen and seethed at the image he saw.

"If I must call in every ship in the sector, I will wipe that smug expression off that Englander Galloway's face."

Von Haupt silently vowed and gave the word sending for everything the KRM had available to converge on his location.

[Deep Space - Alternate Dimension where the Sargasso Expanse should be]

As von Haupt raged, an odd signal began to register on both Mondo's and Lahr's consoles. It was badly garbled, but it had a Federation signature.

Kyle Briggs

Transporter Room 1 - Team 1]

Kyle had sent word out once again for the teams to arm themselves and report to their respective transporter rooms. The Captain had said he wanted all security teams prepped and ready but given the specs he had heard while he had still been on the Bridge, he didn't feel it called for an army so he didn't take eighty people again. He'd deal with any fall out later.  It had only been a few weeks since their last encounter and some of the security division were still recovering from the hectic shoot outs they were involved in. Granted, it was what they had been trained for but it had been above and beyond. He called for five teams of six including himself and sent the team manifests to Ian.

Transporter Room One, Deck 10: Briggs, Sauk, Donahue, Blackfeather, Li and Farmer
Transporter Room Two, Deck 18: Bailey, Connor, Vakok, Tragnar, Wilkes and Flores
Cargo transporter one, Deck fifteen: Teams 3-5

Once everyone had checked in, he contacted the Captain.

=/\= Briggs to Bridge. Away teams are ready and standing by.  =/\=

Mondo'li Nari

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo nodded to Lahr, "Thank you.  And just in time.   All of this activity will obscure the launch."

He transmitted the new programming to the probe's flight control sub-processor module.  Then he coordinated with the shuttle-bay crews to facilitate the clandestine launch of the probes while making it look like part of a defensive shuttle launch.  By the time the enemy stood down, the covert probes were on their way.  One, to take a holding position.  The other, to stand by.

"Probes on their way, Captain," Mondo reported.

Then he peered at his console.  Something unexpected was being picked up by long-range sensors.

"Sir... I'm picking up a faint Federation signature hit.  But I could use a second opinion.  Could this be coming to us through the rift that brought us here?"

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge - following Graf Spee shuttle launch]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 31, 2020, 02:29:32 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian moved next to Lahr, not that he had to, he could have checked the Andorian's readings from the command chair, but he did so to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"As I suspected, their shields read as one sixth of Challenger's and that's nae countin' our point of impact shieldin'. Far weaken than I guessed. I suppose the bigger shock von Haupt will discover is that while our ablative armor is only thirty millimeters thick, it's twice as effective as his as 300 millimeters of steel. I suppose it's time ta talk ta him again. Open a channel."

Ian returned to his command chair as the viewscreen broadcast the German officer and his furious expression.

"I'd like ta say it's good ta see you again Captain, but we both ken that would be a lie." Ian replied allowing his Highland burr to emerge. "By now, I'm certain you have noticed the strength of this ship's defenses, and I can assure you our offensive capabilities are just as impressive. Therefore, you are at a crossroads. You can put that stiff Prussian neck further into the noose, or you can step back and pull it out. Pull back your shuttles and stand down with your weapons as we will do the same. If'n you do that, you, your ship and your crew survives.

"If'n those shuttles get closer than 120,000 kilometers and this ends poorly for you. I must grant that you were wise ta be suspicious of us. You see, the Challenger is the advance scout for the Galactic Transplanetary Union. We've pioneered interdimensional travel and our ships can appear anywhere within your space time continuum and you won't even know it until we appear. When we locate a useful dimension, we send scouts, such as the Challenger and verify if the resources we detected are worth takin' and then we take them. Resistance is futile."

Ian paused to let all that sink in as he warmed to the role he was playing.

"You see, the reason we are so technologically superior ta you is, rather than subjugate or eliminate those that are different than humans, we have embraced them as friends and our resultin' union has paid dividends that you cannae imagine. You serve a morally bankrupt government Captain and should you choose to cross swords with me, I could exterminate both your Graf Spee and your Scharnhorst limpin' along at your sad warp five speed limit at my leisure. So, the choice is yours, stand down and live, or fight and die. Galloway out."

[Deep Space - Alternate Dimension where the Sargasso Expanse should be]

As von Haupt raged, an odd signal began to register on both Mondo's and Lahr's consoles. It was badly garbled, but it had a Federation signature.

Lahr hadn't been aware that he'd been 'telegraphing with his antenna again.. but it seemed it hadn't taken Captain Galloway long to be able to interpret the Andorian's apprehension and worry by his antennae position.   That the man took the time to offer some non-verbal reassurance was appreciated.  Lahr glanced up to the Captain, who stood at his side looking down at the sensor readings on the Ops display, and bobbed his head in an acknowledging nod of the reassurance.

Lahr could see that the Captain had been correct about the tech level of these Nazis, but still the Andorian would be happier when there was a dimensional rift between them.  But that was still hours away from being possible.

When the Captain called for an open channel to the Graf Spee once more, Lahr complied and yet again the call was answered.   Lahr smirked listening to Galloway intimidate the other ship's Captain but glanced down to quickly to hide his confusion from the viewscreen seemingly busy with his console when Challenger's Captain made up some lie about Challenger being an advance scout ship of some trans galactic planetary union or something like that.  Roohz!  Some advance notice would have been nice.

After the Captain closed the comm, Lahr kept a close eye on his sensors... ready to call out in warning the moment the Graf Spee attacked or it's shuttle crossed that 120,000 kilometers.  As he did that he notice some faint transmission with Federation signature.  But he wasn't the first to note it  - and Nari beat him to the announcement.

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on September 01, 2020, 12:57:20 AM

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo nodded to Lahr, "Thank you.  And just in time.   All of this activity will obscure the launch."

He transmitted the new programming to the probe's flight control sub-processor module.  Then he coordinated with the shuttle-bay crews to facilitate the clandestine launch of the probes while making it look like part of a defensive shuttle launch.  By the time the enemy stood down, the covert probes were on their way.  One, to take a holding position.  The other, to stand by.

"Probes on their way, Captain," Mondo reported.

Then he peered at his console.  Something unexpected was being picked up by long-range sensors.

"Sir... I'm picking up a faint Federation signature hit.  But I could use a second opinion.  Could this be coming to us through the rift that brought us here?"

Lahr shook his head at Nari's suggestion that it was coming through rift.  "Nah, that ain't from the rift. That's coming from deeper into the Expanse.  And yeah that's definitely a Federation signature. Once sec... I'll see if I can tease out its registration code."

But at present the transmission was far too faint to make out much of anything, but Lahr would keep at it... he'd find out who it was eventually.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Vasilisa Belmont

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 25, 2020, 02:13:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Smile and wave, smile and wave..." the CSO muttered at the thought of 'fake pleasantries'.  She knew exactly what Ian meant, having been there before.  She just hoped with the Challenger not exactly being at full strength, they could withstand another battle.  The Engineering team were geniuses keeping the ship alive.

"An Enigma Machine, I'd not thought of that.  However, we do have one advantage... or a lesson from history if you like.  They broke the Enigma using a simple phrase.  If there is anything in those messages that repeat, perhaps we could use that as a starting point.  I believe it was something like Heil Hitler in the original World War 2 decryptions but... it's a start." Ruth said with a shrug.

"As for the dimensional travel, I can set up a adaptive subspace echogram to track them, that would give us an indication of when the reinforcements turn up and where..and if maybe we follow them after we get rid of the Graf Spee, we could get out of here... I don't know, I'm pulling up blanks here, sorry."

The Science Officer, who still had a bit of a sore head due to a mild concussion, did her best Pooh Bear impersonation, beating the heel of her hand on her forehead and almost chanting "Think, Think, Think woman there's got to be a way out of this."

She set a search on the computers for anything relating to spatial rifts, dimension travel and finally it beeped with something.

File found.

Ruth quickly skim read the results.  Then adjusted her scans to see if she could post determine where the previous interphase to the one that had thrown them into this rift, and see if she could work out when the next one would be.

"Sir, I have a possible solution... I don't know if it will work, but I need to find when the next interphase rift is going to be, if I can work that out we can hopefully create enough of an energy discharge - possibly by blowing the Graf Spee to microchips - to ride us out of this rift." the CSO said with a small grin, which turned to a grimace as she read on.

=/\= Sigurdsdottir to Dr. Belmont or Dr. Seo, I think I have a reason for all the headaches.  According to this report I found about the USS Defiant while looking for a solution to the dimensional shift... the crew '...began to suffer from a distortion of the brain tissue in their central nervous systems, which manifested itself as violent and paranoid behaviour which ultimately led the crew to murder one another...' I don't think we've got that far yet but I'm pretty sure a distortion of the brain tissue would cause headaches at least and may knock out the Vulcans totally, different physiology?? I'm not a doctor, I'm guessing at that bit.  They counteracted it with a derivative of the nerve gas Theragen... =/\= she stopped, anticipating a protest.

=/\=I know it's normally lethal but mixed with alcohol it apparently had a calming affect and help ameliorate the effects of the brain distortions. =/\= Ruth said with a look to Lahr and the Captain and Mondo, wondering how their heads felt now.  =/\=Worth a try?  Better slightly tipsy crew members... that can be sorted out, than half dead and screaming headaches. =/\=


Rashar jumped back practically up the wall as T'Kel let out a tired, but low, groan.

It was like the Vulcan was waking up from a deep slumber. Jem watched as she seemed to stretch every muscle in her body. Only then did she open her eyes.

"...I-" T'Kel started, then stopped just as quickly. No doubt she was going to say 'this isn't my long-lost sister's home and you're not her dead fiancÁ©' or something similar, but the Vulcan mindset seemed to stop her. All the better, as Rashar took the time to compose himself. She, instead, took the deep breath. "How long was I out?"

Jem and Ensign Rashar exchanged a knowing look, a glance at the next Vulcan laying there, then simultaneously went for their commbadges. The Trill got there first, though.

=/\= "Ensign Seo to bridge and Doctor Belmont," These sorts of messages were always the best to relay, "your tactical officer is awake. Don't ask how, please."  =/\=

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

After patching up the Bridge crew, (without the usual requests for them to go to sickbay once this was all over- she was pretty tired from the recent ordeal) Lisa started helping Seo with what she had begun to call the "Vulcan Problem." She started helping, but found herself being called away to deal with other problems like bonked heads and superficial wounds. As a result, Seo, Rasher, Davies, and a few others had made considerable progress by the time she made it back to the ICU. So much progress in fact, that they had managed to get T'Kel awake. She had received the comm messages from both Ruth and Seo but hadn't had the time to acknowledge them. Now that she had the time to breathe, multiple theories were swimming through her head as she headed over to the tactical officer's biobed.

"So I'm obviously very impressed," she began, beaming at her team members, "and we'll go over the details later but right now I'd like to ask...do you think this will last? Will she remain conscious?" She said this in sort of a hushed voice, though she knew there was no chance of scaring the Vulcan officer. Or maybe there was, given the nature of their...problem. Either case, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Mondo'li Nari on September 01, 2020, 12:57:20 AM

USS Challenger - Bridge

Mondo nodded to Lahr, "Thank you.  And just in time.   All of this activity will obscure the launch."

He transmitted the new programming to the probe's flight control sub-processor module.  Then he coordinated with the shuttle-bay crews to facilitate the clandestine launch of the probes while making it look like part of a defensive shuttle launch.  By the time the enemy stood down, the covert probes were on their way.  One, to take a holding position.  The other, to stand by.

"Probes on their way, Captain," Mondo reported.

Then he peered at his console.  Something unexpected was being picked up by long-range sensors.

"Sir... I'm picking up a faint Federation signature hit.  But I could use a second opinion.  Could this be coming to us through the rift that brought us here?"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on September 01, 2020, 04:40:33 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge - following Graf Spee shuttle launch]

Lahr hadn't been aware that he'd been 'telegraphing with his antenna again.. but it seemed it hadn't taken Captain Galloway long to be able to interpret the Andorian's apprehension and worry by his antennae position.   That the man took the time to offer some non-verbal reassurance was appreciated.  Lahr glanced up to the Captain, who stood at his side looking down at the sensor readings on the Ops display, and bobbed his head in an acknowledging nod of the reassurance.

Lahr could see that the Captain had been correct about the tech level of these Nazis, but still the Andorian would be happier when there was a dimensional rift between them.  But that was still hours away from being possible.

When the Captain called for an open channel to the Graf Spee once more, Lahr complied and yet again the call was answered.   Lahr smirked listening to Galloway intimidate the other ship's Captain but glanced down to quickly to hide his confusion from the viewscreen seemingly busy with his console when Challenger's Captain made up some lie about Challenger being an advance scout ship of some trans galactic planetary union or something like that.  Roohz!  Some advance notice would have been nice.

After the Captain closed the comm, Lahr kept a close eye on his sensors... ready to call out in warning the moment the Graf Spee attacked or it's shuttle crossed that 120,000 kilometers.  As he did that he notice some faint transmission with Federation signature.  But he wasn't the first to note it  - and Nari beat him to the announcement.

Lahr shook his head at Nari's suggestion that it was coming through rift.  "Nah, that ain't from the rift. That's coming from deeper into the Expanse.  And yeah that's definitely a Federation signature. Once sec... I'll see if I can tease out its registration code."

But at present the transmission was far too faint to make out much of anything, but Lahr would keep at it... he'd find out who it was eventually.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Once the viewscreen returned to the image of the Graf Spee and her retreating shuttles. Ian couldn't help himself from laughing out loud at von Haupt's expense.

"Did you see the look on his gob? I think he just about shat himself in apoplexy. I shouldna have done that, but he so bloody deserved it."

He turned so he could face Mondo and Lahr as he continued.

"Good work with the probes gentlemen. That whole 'Galactic Transplanetary Union' caochan was ta lay the ground work for the sudden appearance of our 'cruiser'. I'm nae certain he believed me, but when you are dealin' with a government that breeds paranoia, just a hint of what he's already predisposed ta believe goes a long way ta gettin' him ta believe the whole kit and kaboodle. If'n it comes ta a fight, we will see if the bluff worked."

He canted his head at the report of a signal and smiled.

"That's even better news. See what you can do ta clear it up. If'n help is on the way, that would be bloody good ta ken."

Jemason Seo

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on September 01, 2020, 11:44:47 AM

"So I'm obviously very impressed," she began, beaming at her team members, "and we'll go over the details later but right now I'd like to ask...do you think this will last? Will she remain conscious?" She said this in sort of a hushed voice, though she knew there was no chance of scaring the Vulcan officer. Or maybe there was, given the nature of their...problem. Either case, it was better to be safe than sorry.

For a brief second, a spark of thought in the back of Jem's head wanted to say nothing really lasts, Doctor Belmont. His better angels triumphed, though.

Instead, the junior doctor checked his tricorder, still connected to the cordical monitor on T'Kel's neck. "Her brain pattern seems stable, ma'am. Stress levels are dropping, though the sedatives are sapping her energy levels. I don't know what'd happened if... whatever happened, happened again..." His hand briefly went to the, still quite fresh, bump on his noggin. His voice raised to normal speaking volume, glancing back to the biobed behind him. "Lieutenant T'Kel, how do you feel?"

"I-" As she went to sit up, there was a brief tensing of her jaw. Imperceptible if you didn't know it when you saw it. Aera has spent plenty of time with Vulcans and knew the look of a tired one - emotions or not, they always seemed to proud to yawn in front of people. "-I am fine, doctor. I do feel fatigued, but I doubt that it is permanent."

Jem nodded. "Most likely, no." Then his gaze shifted back to Doctor Belmont. "Honestly, this all sort of feels like uncharted territories. Have you ever heard of a patient who was... what did Rashar say, afraid to wake up? And a Vulcan at that?"

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 01, 2020, 01:06:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Once the viewscreen returned to the image of the Graf Spee and her retreating shuttles. Ian couldn't help himself from laughing out loud at von Haupt's expense.

"Did you see the look on his gob? I think he just about shat himself in apoplexy. I shouldna have done that, but he so bloody deserved it."

He turned so he could face Mondo and Lahr as he continued.

"Good work with the probes gentlemen. That whole 'Galactic Transplanetary Union' caochan was ta lay the ground work for the sudden appearance of our 'cruiser'. I'm nae certain he believed me, but when you are dealin' with a government that breeds paranoia, just a hint of what he's already predisposed ta believe goes a long way ta gettin' him ta believe the whole kit and kaboodle. If'n it comes ta a fight, we will see if the bluff worked."

He canted his head at the report of a signal and smiled.

"That's even better news. See what you can do ta clear it up. If'n help is on the way, that would be bloody good ta ken."

Lahr slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand at the Captain's explanation about the Galactic Transplanetary Union. "Oh!... so that's what that was all about...  laying out the ground work.  Got it.  Well, hopefully they weren't watching my expression too closely cause yeah that threw me.  I was like 'What?!'"

After reporting out the about the signal, Lahr acknowledged the Captain's order to 'clear it up'.  Doing so meant diverting a little more power to the receiver.  He took this from secondary systems and not any of the primary ones.

The signal came in a little cleaner.  Cleaned up, it was even more of a puzzle than he'd initially thought. Maybe Mondo hadn't gotten its source wrong and it was him who tracked a 'signal ghost'.

"Sir.. I got that signal in a bit stronger.  It's encrypted.. with one of the Fleets most recent encryption codes."   What the... huh!?  No way this encryption was from any one of the missing ships, like he'd sorta of initially thought.

"Running it through the encryption key now." he stated as he did so.  He didn't have long to wait.   His antenna bounced up in surprise.

"It's a brief message from the USS Tesla, sir - with orders to 'Follow the source of the message.'"

Lahr look confused... but then tapped on his console.  Adding after a moment,  "The signal is carrying an attachment which is being downloaded now.  The message is signed from the Chief Science officer - Commander Yost Grenig."

His fingers flew over his console as he called up from the ship's vast database.. the most current ship roster of the USS Tesla.  "That matches our records sir."

Finally the download finished - it took longer than usual as the signal strength was still pretty crappy.  When he opened the download, Lahr blinked at it uncomprehendingly.  "Um, I'm not sure what the hell this is ... something sciencey?!" Lahr glanced over his shoulder towards Ruth.  "Commander, got a moment to spare to take a look at this?"

Over the intervening time since Ruth had first arrived, Lahr had gotten better at separating out how he addressed her professionally versus privately.  Calling her his 'sweetcake' in the midst of battle, while sounding amusing, would definitely not go over well.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on September 01, 2020, 01:06:27 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Once the viewscreen returned to the image of the Graf Spee and her retreating shuttles. Ian couldn't help himself from laughing out loud at von Haupt's expense.

"Did you see the look on his gob? I think he just about shat himself in apoplexy. I shouldna have done that, but he so bloody deserved it."

He turned so he could face Mondo and Lahr as he continued.

"Good work with the probes gentlemen. That whole 'Galactic Transplanetary Union' caochan was ta lay the ground work for the sudden appearance of our 'cruiser'. I'm nae certain he believed me, but when you are dealin' with a government that breeds paranoia, just a hint of what he's already predisposed ta believe goes a long way ta gettin' him ta believe the whole kit and kaboodle. If'n it comes ta a fight, we will see if the bluff worked."

He canted his head at the report of a signal and smiled.

"That's even better news. See what you can do ta clear it up. If'n help is on the way, that would be bloody good ta ken."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth turned and grinned at the Captain.  "Well, that's what you get when you call a proud Scot an 'Englander'! I mean c'mon you barely speak English, it's pure whisky and haggis!" she said with a wink.  It was cheeky, but she knew Ian well enough and it was a backhanded compliment to the nation of Scotland as well as the Captain too!

"And by the way... since he's yours now... you get to use the nickname for Mondo if he permits... he was and is the 'Battle Butler'! I'll tell you over a scotch sometime! Suffice to say, he finds the best solutions in the most unobtrusive ways... Silent but deadly!" she said with a grin up at Mondo.  It was good to be serving with him again.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on September 02, 2020, 05:24:34 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand at the Captain's explanation about the Galactic Transplanetary Union. "Oh!... so that's what that was all about...  laying out the ground work.  Got it.  Well, hopefully they weren't watching my expression too closely cause yeah that threw me.  I was like 'What?!'"

After reporting out the about the signal, Lahr acknowledged the Captain's order to 'clear it up'.  Doing so meant diverting a little more power to the receiver.  He took this from secondary systems and not any of the primary ones.

The signal came in a little cleaner.  Cleaned up, it was even more of a puzzle than he'd initially thought. Maybe Mondo hadn't gotten its source wrong and it was him who tracked a 'signal ghost'.

"Sir.. I got that signal in a bit stronger.  It's encrypted.. with one of the Fleets most recent encryption codes."   What the... huh!?  No way this encryption was from any one of the missing ships, like he'd sorta of initially thought.

"Running it through the encryption key now." he stated as he did so.  He didn't have long to wait.   His antenna bounced up in surprise.

"It's a brief message from the USS Tesla, sir - with orders to 'Follow the source of the message.'"

Lahr look confused... but then tapped on his console.  Adding after a moment,  "The signal is carrying an attachment which is being downloaded now.  The message is signed from the Chief Science officer - Commander Yost Grenig."

His fingers flew over his console as he called up from the ship's vast database.. the most current ship roster of the USS Tesla.  "That matches our records sir."

Finally the download finished - it took longer than usual as the signal strength was still pretty crappy.  When he opened the download, Lahr blinked at it uncomprehendingly.  "Um, I'm not sure what the hell this is ... something sciencey?!" Lahr glanced over his shoulder towards Ruth.  "Commander, got a moment to spare to take a look at this?"

Over the intervening time since Ruth had first arrived, Lahr had gotten better at separating out how he addressed her professionally versus privately.  Calling her his 'sweetcake' in the midst of battle, while sounding amusing, would definitely not go over well.

"Yost?!  And for our lovely Ops Officer...Sure!" she said and gave Lahr her brightest smile, and a mocking wink, between friends and fellow crewmembers, it was the best that she could do at the moment.  "Hmmm...an order to follow the source of the message,...well Petty Officer ch'Verret will be your man for telling where that came from as co-ordinates,  a very specific intermix formula...wait I recognise this...it's the intermix formula for cold-starting the warp core. As Dashlish would tell you, normally this would take between 25-30 mins ish... because it requires regeneration or heating the mix.  This one involves time and antimatter. There's only about a ten thousand to one chance of success. and has the side effect of generating more engine power than we might be able to read the ships instrumentation, and a warp speed greater than is theoretically possible to achieve in normal space, the USS Enterprise used it once. The ship escaped the time warp by simply reversing power, and an odd warp field configuration...got it static warp shell.  I know what Yost's saying."

The CSO sent the calculations to Ian's arm PADD, Lahr's console and down to Engineering, in 'dumbed down' versions as to 'what you need to do', having taken on board the message that Ian would 'stare blankly' at science-y stuff.

"We need to initiate a static warp shell in three different time periods, to act as artificial subspace barriers to separate time and anti-time, thereby collapsing an anti-time eruption. Collapsing the this phenomenon we're will, in relation with the trick with the warp core, and 'tethering' us to Yost's co-ordinates, take us back where we were, or least on a timeline we recognise, might not be 100% in the same place but be out of this place with no Cyber-Nazis insulting the Captain's heritage around, and a friendly starship.  It's risky, it's gonna take some fancy flying but we have Litt, you Captain and me, the best Ops officer in the Galaxy now that my late hubby is no longer around..."

She looked at Lahr with a grin "You were always joint best, just different tricks you use!...and Dashlish down in Engineering ... I think we can manage it! Challenger has never backed down from a ...erm... challenge!  Nor has any Scot I know!  Details, the trimmed down version to your consoles and Engineering now, Captain! We might have to hold on tight as we go to tartan speed!  You have time if you still want to kick Herr Untermensch's swastika-clad butt into the cosmos in little bits!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on September 02, 2020, 05:24:34 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Sargasso Expanse - USS Challenger -  Deck One - Bridge]

Lahr slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand at the Captain's explanation about the Galactic Transplanetary Union. "Oh!... so that's what that was all about...  laying out the ground work.  Got it.  Well, hopefully they weren't watching my expression too closely cause yeah that threw me.  I was like 'What?!'"

After reporting out the about the signal, Lahr acknowledged the Captain's order to 'clear it up'.  Doing so meant diverting a little more power to the receiver.  He took this from secondary systems and not any of the primary ones.

The signal came in a little cleaner.  Cleaned up, it was even more of a puzzle than he'd initially thought. Maybe Mondo hadn't gotten its source wrong and it was him who tracked a 'signal ghost'.

"Sir.. I got that signal in a bit stronger.  It's encrypted.. with one of the Fleets most recent encryption codes."   What the... huh!?  No way this encryption was from any one of the missing ships, like he'd sorta of initially thought.

"Running it through the encryption key now." he stated as he did so.  He didn't have long to wait.   His antenna bounced up in surprise.

"It's a brief message from the USS Tesla, sir - with orders to 'Follow the source of the message.'"

Lahr look confused... but then tapped on his console.  Adding after a moment,  "The signal is carrying an attachment which is being downloaded now.  The message is signed from the Chief Science officer - Commander Yost Grenig."

His fingers flew over his console as he called up from the ship's vast database.. the most current ship roster of the USS Tesla.  "That matches our records sir."

Finally the download finished - it took longer than usual as the signal strength was still pretty crappy.  When he opened the download, Lahr blinked at it uncomprehendingly.  "Um, I'm not sure what the hell this is ... something sciencey?!" Lahr glanced over his shoulder towards Ruth.  "Commander, got a moment to spare to take a look at this?"

Over the intervening time since Ruth had first arrived, Lahr had gotten better at separating out how he addressed her professionally versus privately.  Calling her his 'sweetcake' in the midst of battle, while sounding amusing, would definitely not go over well.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on September 02, 2020, 10:05:24 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth turned and grinned at the Captain.  "Well, that's what you get when you call a proud Scot an 'Englander'! I mean c'mon you barely speak English, it's pure whisky and haggis!" she said with a wink.  It was cheeky, but she knew Ian well enough and it was a backhanded compliment to the nation of Scotland as well as the Captain too!

"And by the way... since he's yours now... you get to use the nickname for Mondo if he permits... he was and is the 'Battle Butler'! I'll tell you over a scotch sometime! Suffice to say, he finds the best solutions in the most unobtrusive ways... Silent but deadly!" she said with a grin up at Mondo.  It was good to be serving with him again.

"Yost?!  And for our lovely Ops Officer...Sure!" she said and gave Lahr her brightest smile, and a mocking wink, between friends and fellow crewmembers, it was the best that she could do at the moment.  "Hmmm...an order to follow the source of the message,...well Petty Officer ch'Verret will be your man for telling where that came from as co-ordinates,  a very specific intermix formula...wait I recognise this...it's the intermix formula for cold-starting the warp core. As Dashlish would tell you, normally this would take between 25-30 mins ish... because it requires regeneration or heating the mix.  This one involves time and antimatter. There's only about a ten thousand to one chance of success. and has the side effect of generating more engine power than we might be able to read the ships instrumentation, and a warp speed greater than is theoretically possible to achieve in normal space, the USS Enterprise used it once. The ship escaped the time warp by simply reversing power, and an odd warp field configuration...got it static warp shell.  I know what Yost's saying."

The CSO sent the calculations to Ian's arm PADD, Lahr's console and down to Engineering, in 'dumbed down' versions as to 'what you need to do', having taken on board the message that Ian would 'stare blankly' at science-y stuff.

"We need to initiate a static warp shell in three different time periods, to act as artificial subspace barriers to separate time and anti-time, thereby collapsing an anti-time eruption. Collapsing the this phenomenon we're will, in relation with the trick with the warp core, and 'tethering' us to Yost's co-ordinates, take us back where we were, or least on a timeline we recognise, might not be 100% in the same place but be out of this place with no Cyber-Nazis insulting the Captain's heritage around, and a friendly starship.  It's risky, it's gonna take some fancy flying but we have Litt, you Captain and me, the best Ops officer in the Galaxy now that my late hubby is no longer around..."

She looked at Lahr with a grin "You were always joint best, just different tricks you use!...and Dashlish down in Engineering ... I think we can manage it! Challenger has never backed down from a ...erm... challenge!  Nor has any Scot I know!  Details, the trimmed down version to your consoles and Engineering now, Captain! We might have to hold on tight as we go to tartan speed!  You have time if you still want to kick Herr Untermensch's swastika-clad butt into the cosmos in little bits!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to Ruth's explanation of the message and while he understood the warp intermix part and that the suggested formula would get them back to their own dimension, the rest of it was beyond him. However, that was why he had a science department, it was their job to understand it and make it work. One part he did understand was that von Haupt was not going to like them being on the move.

"Well he can bloody well try ta stop us if'n he doesn't like it."

He thought before issuing new orders.

=/\= "Lieutenant Tharn, you're about ta get some instructions from Ops, we've had contact from our own dimension and the information we've received is how ta get us home. We're goin' ta have ta move the ship, but fortunately, it will only require impulse ta get us there. I know you are pushin' your people as hard as you can, but now there is an even bigger impetus for us ta have warp speed. Report when you are ready. Galloway out." =/\=

Ian then spoke to Lahr.

"Open a channel ta the Graf Spee."

Once again the viewscreen displayed von Haupt and this time he was clearly agitated at the call.

"This is a courtesy Captain. For reasons that do not concern you. We are goin' ta be movin'. You are welcome ta parallel us if you so choose, but if'n you get closer than 150,000, I will open fire. Galloway out."

Von Haupt was in mid sputter when Ian closed the channel, leaving him no time to object, although it was clear he had multiple objections. Regardless of those objections, he knew he couldn't engage the Challenger on his own, so the Graf Spee followed, her captain seething as he waited for the Scharnhorst to arrive.

As the Challenger moved at one half impulse to the source of the Tesla's signal, Ian glanced at the ship's chonometer and saw five hours had passed since the repairs on the warp drive began. In addition, Ian noted that long range sensors showed a total of eight ships heading to rendezvous with the Graf Spee. The Scharnhorst was still the closest at five hours away, but within twenty-four hours, all eight of the Kriegsraum Marine would arrive.

"I hope these boffins have the right of whatever they have cooked up, because nine Nazi ships, even with mass cannons and weak shields would be more work than I'd like ta have the old girl have ta do."

Ian thought as they made their way toward where the Tesla needed them to be.

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