Fleet Mission-Turning Point

Started by John Brown, April 30, 2014, 08:55:11 PM

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Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 04:42:00 PM

She wanted to ball her hands into fists, but there was a tinge of stinging pain when she tried and relaxed her hands again. With a solemn shake of her head, Jiseth closed her eyes, "Not quite..." she said more to herself. Looking up to Henriks, her lips scrunched to one side, "I take it she doesn't want to have anything to do with me still."

"I haven't really spent enough time around her to ask," Henriks replied. "But she seems more agitated than usual." He sighed, looking down to his unopened medkit. Even though Jiseth was back, there was still a long road and bumpy road ahead. "She'll come 'round in time. Chira could probably help with that. She has a way with words."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

James Booth

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 04:26:50 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

Slowly shaking her head, a sullen expression took hold. "I have no idea. No leads. While I was on the Discovery, I met an intelligence officer who had offered help in the matter. Honestly... I thought with Admiral Brown's connections I'd have a few names. Something. Anything." Her eyes trailed to the door, thinking about her hail to sick bay, "But... because of his help I have Zero here. She hasn't said a word since I was awoken. I know people do insane things for the people they care about, but if you had been in my shoes, what would you have done?"

Jimmy looked to Henriks as he entered, he didn't reply to the man. He wasn't trying to be rude, but his mind was on what the Lieutenant had asked him.

Taking Jiseths other hand, Booth began to work on it. She'd just asked a very tough question, what would he do? He took a deep breath and widened his eyes for a second. "Well....I'd want justice obviously." He watched carefully as the wounds closed, on the Lieutenants hand. "The Admiral owes me a favour or two, would you like me to speak to him, see if he can give us any information?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on May 02, 2014, 04:53:04 PM

"I haven't really spent enough time around her to ask," Henriks replied. "But she seems more agitated than usual." He sighed, looking down to his unopened medkit. Even though Jiseth was back, there was still a long road and bumpy road ahead. "She'll come 'round in time. Chira could probably help with that. She has a way with words."

Quote from: James Booth on May 02, 2014, 05:04:30 PM

Taking Jiseths other hand, Booth began to work on it. She'd just asked a very tough question, what would he do? He took a deep breath and widened his eyes for a second. "Well....I'd want justice obviously." He watched carefully as the wounds closed, on the Lieutenants hand. "The Admiral owes me a favour or two, would you like me to speak to him, see if he can give us any information?"

[Shuttle Bay 3]

"I think... that will be necessary, but at the moment... I could use a friend or two more than a medical device." Tilting her head to the side and back, she gestured with for him to join them on the burnt flooring. It was somewhat amusing. No one had ever worked on her hands as much as Booth was currently. Currently it was the closest she had ever come to getting a manicure. When the CPO had finished, she rubbed her knuckles gently with her finger tips, trying to remove some of the drying blood that remained. "Thank you, Chief..."

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Zero Alpha on May 02, 2014, 12:33:00 PM

Zero really didn't want to have to go and talk to Jiseth at that time.  The anger still boiled and raged under her sternum, a seething sea of roiling rage.  Her hands balled into fists on her desk.  She hit her commbadge.

"Alpha to Abols, a medic has been requested in shuttlebay 3.  Deal with it."  Tapping the badge again to close the channel, the Augment then looked at Chira with a bored expression.  "I do not intend to go," she said simply.

[CMO's Office]

Chira winced slightly as Zero slapped her own combadge with a lot more force than was called for.  She wanted to wince again as Alpha sent poor Henriks down to that shuttlebay in her place.  Whether or not the CMO knew of the way Henriks had felt...or did feel...or...whatever...over Jiseth, it still wasn't the kind of situation she'd want her friend to be sent into.

"Alright," she said, nodding.  "Fair enough."  The silence stretched on for a few more beats, starting to dip into awkward waters.  "Look, ma'am," Chira said, standing up from her chair.  "I know we're not going to get anywhere with this today, and there's no magic wand for any of this."  She shrugged, a small roll of a shoulder.  "I just want you to know...I'm here for you.  Any time you just want to talk about this.  I'm here."  Nodding, she turned to go.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Chira Arthur on May 02, 2014, 08:01:27 PM

[CMO's Office]

Chira winced slightly as Zero slapped her own combadge with a lot more force than was called for.  She wanted to wince again as Alpha sent poor Henriks down to that shuttlebay in her place.  Whether or not the CMO knew of the way Henriks had felt...or did feel...or...whatever...over Jiseth, it still wasn't the kind of situation she'd want her friend to be sent into.

"Alright," she said, nodding.  "Fair enough."  The silence stretched on for a few more beats, starting to dip into awkward waters.  "Look, ma'am," Chira said, standing up from her chair.  "I know we're not going to get anywhere with this today, and there's no magic wand for any of this."  She shrugged, a small roll of a shoulder.  "I just want you to know...I'm here for you.  Any time you just want to talk about this.  I'm here."  Nodding, she turned to go.

[CMO's Office]

Zero's expression darkened slightly as Chira spoke.  She was unaware of the previous relationship between Henriks and Jiseth and probably wouldn't be interested in any case.

"I do not recall asking for your advice, Miss Arthur," she said coolly, "nor do I require your services.  I am perfectly capable of dealing with this myself, thank you."

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 05:09:06 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

"I think... that will be necessary, but at the moment... I could use a friend or two more than a medical device." Tilting her head to the side and back, she gestured with for him to join them on the burnt flooring. It was somewhat amusing. No one had ever worked on her hands as much as Booth was currently. Currently it was the closest she had ever come to getting a manicure. When the CPO had finished, she rubbed her knuckles gently with her finger tips, trying to remove some of the drying blood that remained. "Thank you, Chief..."

Henriks set down his medkit with a soft clack and knelt to give Jiseth a hug. He wished he could just hold her for a long time but let go after a brief moment. "You have good friends on this ship who will do whatever they can to support you," he told her. He'd seen the way much of the ship had reacted to her death when they thought she had really gone. It felt like much of the ship had gone into mourning, and it felt like it had seeped into the very ship itself, into every crevice. "Have you tried to see Alpha yet?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Zero Alpha on May 03, 2014, 11:42:14 AM

[CMO's Office]

Zero's expression darkened slightly as Chira spoke.  She was unaware of the previous relationship between Henriks and Jiseth and probably wouldn't be interested in any case.

"I do not recall asking for your advice, Miss Arthur," she said coolly, "nor do I require your services.  I am perfectly capable of dealing with this myself, thank you."

[CMO's Office]

Turning, Chira leaned back against the doorpost as it swished open.  She smiled, giving a small shrug.  "I know you didn't ask, ma'am.  But you needed to hear it, anyway."  She also knew, though she wouldn't say out loud, that one of the major advantages to not being an officer was the fact that there was a lot more leeway granted to what you said and did.  To a point, that is.

"As far as your abilities, I have no doubt.  However...don't push her away for long.  I can guaran-damn-tee she's hurting as much as you are.  Because...you and I both know what happens to a wound that festers."  With that, she nodded once again, leaving the office.


Well, that could have gone better, Chira thought, idly drumming her fingers along the side of an empty biobed.  "Could have gone a lot worse, too, I guess," she muttered, wondering if she should go give Henriks some backup or not.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

James Booth

Quote from: Jiseth on May 02, 2014, 05:09:06 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

"I think... that will be necessary, but at the moment... I could use a friend or two more than a medical device." Tilting her head to the side and back, she gestured with for him to join them on the burnt flooring. It was somewhat amusing. No one had ever worked on her hands as much as Booth was currently. Currently it was the closest she had ever come to getting a manicure. When the CPO had finished, she rubbed her knuckles gently with her finger tips, trying to remove some of the drying blood that remained. "Thank you, Chief..."

The word friend rung in like an old fashioned fruit machine, Jimmy wasn't sure if she was referring to him being a friend or whether he would be a suitable friend to her. But with all she'd gone through, he could at least try and be there for her. He deactivated the device and placed it back in the medkit box. "You're welcome Lieutenant and I am here if you want me."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'


Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on May 03, 2014, 05:57:30 PM


Syrika walked through the entrance to Engineering and looked around. She was looking for Chief Engineering Officer, Lieutenant Commander Miller.

A few moments later she observed him standing by the Master Engineering Console looking over a PADD he was holding in his hands.

Quietly,  Syrika walked over to him. Then in a firm, but not to loud voice she spoke.  "Excuse me Lieutenant Commader Miller. I am Syrika and I am reporting for duty, Sir."

Miller looked up from his Padd and turned around to see who was speaking with him. As she came into his line of sight, he gave a small smile and nodded to the woman. (He would have given his usual huge trademark smile, but it seemed like (judging by her speech) she was here for strictly professional reasons.)


He was about to say more, but ... no more came to mind. It was truth that he was new here, and he didn't really know the procedure that everyone else was used to. In addition, he was only familiar with two of the crewmembers ... and he'd recently thought they'd died.

So lacking any other course of action, and becoming acutely aware of a semi-awkward pause that had almost lasted a full two seconds, he instead offered forth his right hand to shake.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Bradley Miller."

He had never been one to constantly use formality, and he liked to make friends with those around him. As such, he thought the informal intro may lead to ... something ... a friendship at least ... he hoped ...

Christian Grix

The computer in Grix Ready Room beeped telling him he had a meesage, he brought it up on screen and saw it was orders from Admiral Irvine well, well now i never expected, so soon

=/\= Lieutenant Grix and Chief Booth please report to the bridge as soon as possible =/\= he then locked the computer and made his way to the bridge, still no sign of Admiral Brown so he sat in the Centre seat.

=/\= Commander Grix to all departments please report on status of all systems and prepare to depart when ordered =/\= he sat back in the chair and used over the recent message.


After much deliberation, Scott decided to read the letter from Callie. Taking a deep breath, the Lieutenant tapped a control on the PADD and opened the letter. It was a brief letter, perhaps she was worried about her Husband finding out she was communicating with Scott.

Quote from: Callie Anderson on May 03, 2014, 06:37:07 PM

Lieutenant Scott Anderson,

I am writing you to inform you of a wonderful event that has taken place onboard the Chin' toka. Captain Anderson and I have very recently become the parents of twins. A boy, Michael Scott Anderson Jr. and a girl, Katie Elizabeth Anderson. They are both in good health and have their poppa's good looks.

Lieutenant Commander Callie Anderson

His heart was filled with warmth, the news of the birth caused a slight emotional stir. It was wonderful news and started Scott to think. How was he related to the babies? It could be said that he was their Father, any kind of biological test would point to that. Callie once told Scott, that she saw Mike and Scott as Brothers. He took a deep breath and turned off the device. Looking at his watch, he saw that he'd been gone for too long.

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on May 04, 2014, 02:21:29 PM

=/\= Lieutenant Grix and Chief Booth please report to the bridge as soon as possible =/\= he then locked the computer and made his way to the bridge, still no sign of Admiral Brown so he sat in the Centre seat.

Booth closed his eyes and let out a long sigh at the sound of the XO's voice. Opening his eyes, looked to Lieutenant Jiseth and gave a look of being sorry. Taking her left hand, he gave it a gentle squeaze. "I'm sorry, I'd better see what's going on. But we will deal with this, we'll get together and have a drink and I'm not talking that replicated crap." He flashed a quick glance to Henriks and then turned his eyes back to Jiseth. "We'll meet in my quarters, I've got a real drink in there."

Upon standing up, Jimmy quickly tugged his tunic and made himself presentable. "I'm quite serious Jiseth." He said before turning about and leaving the hanger bay. He took a deep breath once again and marched off towards the bridge.


The lift doors hissed open and admitted the Chief onto the bridge. Stepping out of the cubicle, Jimmy walked around to the command seats, he had to wonder where Admiral Brown had got to.

"Commander, you wanted to see me?"

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Deon Essai


[Deck 13, Torpedo Storage]

=/\="Well that should be the last of them PO.=/\=,  Sanchez said as the last of the torpedoes was transported in to place.  Deon check off his PADD

=/\="verything looks to be in place.  Thanks Sanchez."=/\=, Deon said

=/\="No problem.  Good luck to out there."=/\=, he replied.  Deon smiled a little at the comment.  They were going to need luck if the rumors were true.

=/\="Thanks Essai out."=/\=, he said tapping his badge.

"Computer where is Chief Booth?", Deon asked

=/\=Chief booth is in shuttle bay three.=/\=, Deon arched an eyebrow.  It was an odd place for the Chief to be unless.

"Is the chief with anyone?" He asked.

=/\=PO 3rd Class Henriks Á,,â,¬bols and Lieutenant Junior Grade Jiseth=/\=, the computer said.  Bring out a sigh in Deon.  Every since he found out she was alive Deon took any excuse not to be in a room she was in.  The report could wait till later, but that didn't sit well with Deon.   If they were going to battle Booth would need to know this info.  With a slow intake and a hot exhalation of breath.  Deon exited the room.

Quote from: James Booth on May 04, 2014, 07:18:41 PM

Booth closed his eyes and let out a long sigh at the sound of the XO's voice. Opening his eyes, looked to Lieutenant Jiseth and gave a look of being sorry. Taking her left hand, he gave it a gentle squeaze. "I'm sorry, I'd better see what's going on. But we will deal with this, we'll get together and have a drink and I'm not talking that replicated crap." He flashed a quick glance to Henriks and then turned his eyes back to Jiseth. "We'll meet in my quarters, I've got a real drink in there."

Upon standing up, Jimmy quickly tugged his tunic and made himself presentable. "I'm quite serious Jiseth." He said before turning about and leaving the hanger bay. He took a deep breath once again and marched off towards the bridge.


The lift doors hissed open and admitted the Chief onto the bridge. Stepping out of the cubicle, Jimmy walked around to the command seats, he had to wonder where Admiral Brown had got to.

"Commander, you wanted to see me?"

[Shuttle Bay 3]

A few minute later he walked through the shuttle bay door with his head on a swivel, only to finding Jiseth.

"Lieutenant.", Deon greeted her.  There was a distance in his voice he never knew he had until that moment.

"Is Chief Booth here?"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Deon Essai on May 04, 2014, 09:04:41 PM

[Shuttle Bay 3]

A few minute later he walked through the shuttle bay door with his head on a swivel, only to finding Jiseth.

"Lieutenant.", Deon greeted her.  There was a distance in his voice he never knew he had until that moment.

"Is Chief Booth here?"

Booth flashed a quick, terrifying look at Henriks, making him want to shudder. He said a few more words to Jiseth before straightening his tunic and walking off, presumably towards the nearest turbolift. Henriks couldn't say he was sorry to see Booth go, but he felt a strange new respect for the man. Henriks still thought he was the most terrifying man on the ship, but this was the second time he'd seen a softer, non-growling side of him.

No sooner had one man left than another came in. Henriks rose, frowning at the curt tone in Essai's voice. "Booth's just left here," Henriks replied. "I think he's gone up to the bridge." He looked back to Jiseth, tilting his head slightly as he did. "Is there anything that you need Jiseth?" he asked warmly. "I should probably get back to sickbay so Chief Alpha doesn't get after me... but you know you can always give sickbay a ring. Or better yet, why don't you just pay a visit now?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Deon Essai

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on May 04, 2014, 09:39:15 PM

Booth flashed a quick, terrifying look at Henriks, making him want to shudder. He said a few more words to Jiseth before straightening his tunic and walking off, presumably towards the nearest turbolift. Henriks couldn't say he was sorry to see Booth go, but he felt a strange new respect for the man. Henriks still thought he was the most terrifying man on the ship, but this was the second time he'd seen a softer, non-growling side of him.

No sooner had one man left than another came in. Henriks rose, frowning at the curt tone in Essai's voice. "Booth's just left here," Henriks replied. "I think he's gone up to the bridge." He looked back to Jiseth, tilting his head slightly as he did. "Is there anything that you need Jiseth?" he asked warmly. "I should probably get back to sickbay so Chief Alpha doesn't get after me... but you know you can always give sickbay a ring."

"Thanks Henriks.", turned and walked out of the Shuttlebay, as fast as his legs could take him.   He didn't stop until the he reached the turbolift doors.  When he walked in there his mind had been so focus on Jiseth, he completely forgot about Henriks.  He was off mentally, and he had no one but himself to blame.  Why did he have to care so much about a woman, who clear cared nothing for him.

"Stupid. Stupid! Stupid!!!", he said as he bang his fist against the bulk head.  The doors open to a very surprised young crewman.  Who jump on the last fist fall.  She hurry pass Deon with her eyes looking at the floor.  Another sigh left, as he entered the turbolift.  He shook out the new pain in his hand.


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