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Fleet Mission-Turning Point

Started by John Brown, April 30, 2014, 08:55:11 PM

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Zero Alpha

Quote from: Jiseth on May 06, 2014, 05:45:32 PM

"Because your emotions, above anyone else's, needed to be genuine. The level of grief, you can't fake that." Jiseth stopped herself. Going into details would just be insensitive. Her eyes, a mix of blood shot and evergreen, fixed onto Zero's as she stepped close to her, hovering her hand just above Zero's pale cheek. "When I found you in that box... that tiny torture cell they had you in at Medical... I had to do it. All I can do is ask, beg even... come back?"

Zero was still scowling at Jiseth as she stepped closer, the Augment standing her ground.  What her lover was saying, it both touched her and infuriated her.  "I am capable of defending myself!" she snapped.  "I am not a weakling human!"

She clenched her jaw, her hands balling into fists, looking down and to the side.  "I... I cannot.  Not yet.  I require time in order to work through these emotions."

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on May 07, 2014, 12:02:16 AM


Henriks grinned, tilting his head slightly as a delightful little squeak escaped from Chira. With a chuckle, he replied, "Then between the two of us, we have a fair bit of luck. But I'm not sure it's the kind that can get us out of a warzone."

He suppressed a sigh as she pulled away again but knew better than to push his luck. Jiseth had been in the Chief's office for some time now, and either one of them could emerge at any moment. He figured he was already on Alpha's bad side, and the lady wasn't in a particularly good mood to begin with. She'd probably tear them to shreds, and Chira was likely thinking along the same lines.

It was a relief to know Chira wasn't upset with him, but he still felt bad for it. Aside from her, only Jiseth, Fornell, and Alpha knew. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to face the rest of the crew if they knew his involvement in what happened. He'd seen the way Essai had spoken with Jiseth not too long ago, the curt tone in his voice.

Henriks nodded grimly. "It certainly has that vibe to it. The crew's still tense from the last mission, and with the war... the Gorn..." He struggled to remember the start of the Gorn war, but it was all a blur now. "What are your thoughts on the Gorn?" he asked Chira.


"You're not kidding, the crew's tense," Chira nodded, frowning again at the memory of everything that had gone down.  She wasn't clear on all of the details, but she knew it wasn't good.  There had been a rather disturbing trend of double-crossing senior-level officers on ships of the Task Force here, lately.  She wondered if that was normal or not.  "It's too bad we didn't have any downtime at all, between the...incident...and now.  We're going to have our work cut out for us."

Crossing her arms loosely, Chira leaned back against the bed.  "My brother, Gabriel, was on the Discovery during the last Gorn incursion.  In fact, he even shot a warp core at them," she grinned, thinking of the story he'd told only once.  "He met Archangel that day, too."  Chira quirked an eyebrow, smirking.  "Archangel is a person, not an angel.  Though...she is pretty amazing.  She's going to be my sister-in-law.  Anyway."

Idly tapping her index finger on her chin, Chira shrugged.  "I don't honestly know a whole lot about it, other than that.  I guess...if they attack, we'll have to defend our own."  She gave a rueful glance to the empty biobeds that likely wouldn't stay that way.  "And be there for those hurt in the process."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

James Booth

Corridor to Sick Bay

Jimmy had been reaquainted with an old feeling, one that he hadn't felt for many years. Back in his Alpha Six days, he'd always felt a rush of adrenaline. Something about the thought of going into a tense situation, something that the Chief had thrived on in his younger life. Some people thought it was an oddity in the man, one of the many things people thought about with Booth. Something about that rush, was the reason Jimmy always came back alive, or at least that was what he believed.

Sick Bay

Booth walked into the medical area, something of an atmosphere was present. Taking a breath he looked towards the person he'd come to find and announced himself. "Ladies and Gentlemen, one of you is about to win a star prize."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'


Quote from: Amy Lee Grix on May 05, 2014, 03:22:48 PM

"Thank you Christian, Can I use the Ready Room ?" she smiled as Christian nodded to her and then she turned to walk over to Scott "Can we have a talk for a few minutes Scott, I've just found out something that i want you to hear from me first" The happiness of being made Chief Engineer was suddenly countered by the fact Scott wasn't going to be coming with her.

Scott stood up and faced Amy, he gave his widest smile. He suddenly felt concerned, she was happy one second and then she showed sadness in the next. He'd heard her ask about the ready room, so he in turn gestured towards it and smiled as best he could. "Shall we?"


Quote from: Zero Alpha on May 07, 2014, 03:25:37 AM

Zero was still scowling at Jiseth as she stepped closer, the Augment standing her ground.  What her lover was saying, it both touched her and infuriated her.  "I am capable of defending myself!" she snapped.  "I am not a weakling human!"

She clenched her jaw, her hands balling into fists, looking down and to the side.  "I... I cannot.  Not yet.  I require time in order to work through these emotions."

[CMO's Office]

Cupping Zero's cheek, Jiseth turned the pale face she adored towards her own, "If it weren't for my grandfather's disruptor... I would have already been dead." She let her hand fall away, desperately wishing a kiss could heal everything between them. There was longing in her eyes. A moment later she caught herself leaning in, but another after that she placed her lips to Zero's cheek.

The tears were like small streams now as she pulled away. "I hope you have a better idea of what love is now." Wiping her face with her sleeve, there was a wet sniffle as she glanced to the door, "Just don't wait till the ship is exploding to tell me..."

Amy Lee Grix

Quote from: Scott Anderson on May 07, 2014, 08:16:37 AM

Scott stood up and faced Amy, he gave his widest smile. He suddenly felt concerned, she was happy one second and then she showed sadness in the next. He'd heard her ask about the ready room, so he in turn gestured towards it and smiled as best he could. "Shall we?"

As soon as the doors closed behind them Amy turned to look Scott in the eyes "Christian just told me i have been made Acting Chief Engineer of the USS Agamemnon, I wanted to tell you before you heard from anyone else, look after them for me and I will be back as soon as this mission is over" She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Scott her head on his shoulder as she looked up to hid face. She secretly prayed that he would not think she was leaving him "and you keep yourself safe!"

Deon Essai

Deon heard Booth's question to the Commander.  He waited, giving Booth time to answer, and hope against hope, he was asking to bring him along.  Be he never did he just left.  He wasn't the one Booth wanted to come.  That sting.  He just knew booth would ask to bring him.  But watch him turn his back and walk away put the final nail in the coffin.

"Nothing sir.  I'm sorry I have nothing to... Yes I do sir.  After this mission is over, sir.  I would like an official transfer off the ship.", Deon said.

Christian Grix

Quote from: Deon Essai on May 07, 2014, 10:48:09 AM

Deon heard Booth's question to the Commander.  He waited, giving Booth time to answer, and hope against hope, he was asking to bring him along.  Be he never did he just left.  He wasn't the one Booth wanted to come.  That sting.  He just knew booth would ask to bring him.  But watch him turn his back and walk away put the final nail in the coffin.

"Nothing sir.  I'm sorry I have nothing to... Yes I do sir.  After this mission is over, sir.  I would like an official transfer off the ship.", Deon said.

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in "Pardon Mr Essai, is there a particular reason you would like to leave us? Is there a problem I should know about?" Grix looked at Deon with a mix of confusion and pain on his face "Tell me please and let me try to change your mind" In Grix mind Deon was one of the up and coming members of the crew and one he relied on and trusted.


Quote from: Amy Lee Grix on May 07, 2014, 10:43:33 AM

As soon as the doors closed behind them Amy turned to look Scott in the eyes "Christian just told me i have been made Acting Chief Engineer of the USS Agamemnon, I wanted to tell you before you heard from anyone else, look after them for me and I will be back as soon as this mission is over" She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Scott her head on his shoulder as she looked up to hid face. She secretly prayed that he would not think she was leaving him "and you keep yourself safe!"

Scott raised his hand to the back of the Amy's head, he looked towards the window and stared for a moment. It was good that Amy was going places, albeit in a temporary capacity. From what he knew, these things had a way of becoming permanent. His heart sank at the thought of no longer being able to hold her, it was to say the least heart breaking. A tear formed in the corner of his right eye, light and hollow feeling went through him. Clearing his throat, Anderson used his free hand to wipe the tear away.

"That is....great, I'm so happy for you." Moving her away from him, he put a hand on each of her shoulders. "Look after yourself, I want you back." Pulling her back, Scott pressed his lips against hers.

Deon Essai

Quote from: Christian Grix on May 07, 2014, 11:07:30 AM

It took a few seconds for the words to sink in "Pardon Mr Essai, is there a particular reason you would like to leave us? Is there a problem I should know about?" Grix looked at Deon with a mix of confusion and pain on his face "Tell me please and let me try to change your mind" In Grix mind Deon was one of the up and coming members of the crew and one he relied on and trusted.

"No sir, I don't have a problem.",  Deon smiled, a sad smile.  "I've been thinking about this off and on ever since DS9.  I know we're about to make a big offensive on the specter.  And I will see that through to the end, sir.  But after that, my time on this ship is done sir.  I just want to tell you my intentions.", Deon said.

He straight out his back to stand at attention.

"That all, sir."

Amy Lee Grix

Quote from: Scott Anderson on May 07, 2014, 11:16:01 AM

Scott raised his hand to the back of the Amy's head, he looked towards the window and stared for a moment. It was good that Amy was going places, albeit in a temporary capacity. From what he knew, these things had a way of becoming permanent. His heart sank at the thought of no longer being able to hold her, it was to say the least heart breaking. A tear formed in the corner of his right eye, light and hollow feeling went through him. Clearing his throat, Anderson used his free hand to wipe the tear away.

"That is....great, I'm so happy for you." Moving her away from him, he put a hand on each of her shoulders. "Look after yourself, I want you back." Pulling her back, Scott pressed his lips against hers.

Kissing him back Amy could hold back no longer "Scott I will come back to you or i will find a way for you to come to me, I have never felt like this about anyone before and I don't care what anyone else says you are a good man, when SPECTRE had me on that ship, you were only concerned for me and that is why I love you Scott Anderson". She stepped back from him and smiled even as a tear ran down her cheek. "after this mission how would you feel about us spending some shore leave together somewhere?"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on May 07, 2014, 06:06:30 AM


"You're not kidding, the crew's tense," Chira nodded, frowning again at the memory of everything that had gone down.  She wasn't clear on all of the details, but she knew it wasn't good.  There had been a rather disturbing trend of double-crossing senior-level officers on ships of the Task Force here, lately.  She wondered if that was normal or not.  "It's too bad we didn't have any downtime at all, between the...incident...and now.  We're going to have our work cut out for us."

Crossing her arms loosely, Chira leaned back against the bed.  "My brother, Gabriel, was on the Discovery during the last Gorn incursion.  In fact, he even shot a warp core at them," she grinned, thinking of the story he'd told only once.  "He met Archangel that day, too."  Chira quirked an eyebrow, smirking.  "Archangel is a person, not an angel.  Though...she is pretty amazing.  She's going to be my sister-in-law.  Anyway."

Idly tapping her index finger on her chin, Chira shrugged.  "I don't honestly know a whole lot about it, other than that.  I guess...if they attack, we'll have to defend our own."  She gave a rueful glance to the empty biobeds that likely wouldn't stay that way.  "And be there for those hurt in the process."

"Who knows how much longer the crew can run like this," Henriks mused, looking at Chira. "And the worst has yet to come. Oh, they'll attack. There's no doubt of that. I don't know a whole lot about them, but their tech must be about on par with ours, with the battering they gave us. It was my first day on the job, and
there were just so many people in here. You could hardly take a step without bumping into anybody. I can remember this one young man who was brought in unconscious because he console exploded in his face. Poor fellow almost didn't make it. He was lucky."

Henriks sighed, wondering how bad things would get this time around. Sickbay would be stuffed to the gills and patients would be spilling out into the corridor. It was times like that that made him long for the ghost town phases that sickbay occasionally went through. At least people survived those. With a slight smile, he added, "I'm glad at least that something good came of all that mess. It's amazing how tragic events can bring people closer together. And if she makes your brother that happy, to marry her, then she must be an angel of sorts." Henriks smiled, wanting to pull Chira into another hug, but then the doors opened.

Quote from: James Booth on May 07, 2014, 07:57:19 AM

Sick Bay

Booth walked into the medical area, something of an atmosphere was present. Taking a breath he looked towards the person he'd come to find and announced himself. "Ladies and Gentlemen, one of you is about to win a star prize."

Chief Booth strolled into sickbay, and Henrik's initial reaction was still the desire to split out of there. But there was no place for him to run to, especially since he was already in sickbay and Oswald was no longer on the ship. Win a star prize? How? Henriks wondered, hoping there was no shooting involved. He hadn't had time to improve his scores, but in defense, there hadn't been any time to do so. Whatever it was, it didn't sound pleasant. "Medical emergency, Mr. Booth?" Henriks managed to force out, the muscles in his back beginning to stiffen.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: Deon Essai on May 07, 2014, 12:08:22 PM

"No sir, I don't have a problem.",  Deon smiled, a sad smile.  "I've been thinking about this off and on ever since DS9.  I know we're about to make a big offensive on the specter.  And I will see that through to the end, sir.  But after that, my time on this ship is done sir.  I just want to tell you my intentions.", Deon said.

He straight out his back to stand at attention.

"That all, sir."

"Well if your mind is made up I will not stand in your way, I will however state my disappointment at your decision I have always seen you as a man i could not only trust but rely on, in fact i saw you as Chief of the Boat in the future and one of my most valid advisors and friends" If Deon had infact made his mind up Grix was determined to help him get his wish, he owed the man that much,

Deon Essai

Quote from: Christian Grix on May 07, 2014, 12:40:56 PM

"Well if your mind is made up I will not stand in your way, I will however state my disappointment at your decision I have always seen you as a man i could not only trust but rely on, in fact i saw you as Chief of the Boat in the future and one of my most valid advisors and friends" If Deon had infact made his mind up Grix was determined to help him get his wish, he owed the man that much,

"Thank you sir, it's... It's good to know.", Deon said.  He looked down at his hands, and realized he had a PADD in them.

"Oh sir.  Here is the munition reports.  We are full stock and ready to go.",  he said handing to The Commander.

"With your permission I'll take my station sir.", he said

Christian Grix

Quote from: Deon Essai on May 07, 2014, 01:00:59 PM

"Thank you sir, it's... It's good to know.", Deon said.  He looked down at his hands, and realized he had a PADD in them.

"Oh sir.  Here is the munition reports.  We are full stock and ready to go.",  he said handing to The Commander.

"With your permission I'll take my station sir.", he said

"Thank you Mr Essai and as someone who was on the Churchill when we rescued the Admiral, prepare to return to hell" Grix took the PADD from Deon and nodded, He had nothing but respect for the man and hoped he would change his mind.

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