Mission 02:Strained Relations

Started by John Brown, February 06, 2014, 07:29:28 PM

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TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 10, 2014, 05:13:54 PM

Chris smiled and kissed her cheek, finishing his coffee and then holding his hand to help her stand "Shall we get back to the bridge, the sooner this day is over the sooner we can have our chat" he winked to her, hoping in his heart that he had finally found a woman who could understand him and the problems he suffered from.

He lead the way back to the bridge and transferred control back to the bridge consoles,

T'Mautlan followed Chris back to the Bridge.  As she logged onto Starboard Engineering Station she said You have found the right woman.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Christian Grix

Quote from: TMautlan Syrika on February 11, 2014, 03:07:09 PM

T'Mautlan followed Chris back to the Bridge.  As she logged onto Starboard Engineering Station she said You have found the right woman.

Once engineering was taken care of Grix became concious of everyone watching him and realised even though he had been reduced in rank he was still second officer. "Cadet Syrika you have control of engineering, I have a job to do elsewhere and ...... I Know" with that he made his way to the command seat and sat down "Come on people we have work to do, you can't all look at me all day" he gave one of those silly lopsided smiles he was known for as the crew returned to their work.

Pulling up the in arm display he scrolled through it as he thought Strange.... very strange when it did not appear to have any information about the current 'mission'.

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 12, 2014, 01:39:51 AM

Once engineering was taken care of Grix became concious of everyone watching him and realised even though he had been reduced in rank he was still second officer. "Cadet Syrika you have control of engineering, I have a job to do elsewhere and ...... I Know" with that he made his way to the command seat and sat down "Come on people we have work to do, you can't all look at me all day" he gave one of those silly lopsided smiles he was known for as the crew returned to their work.

Pulling up the in arm display he scrolled through it as he thought Strange.... very strange when it did not appear to have any information about the current 'mission'.

"Aye Sir."  Syrika answered. She turned to her console and tapped it, bringing up the current status of the Churchill's engines.

As she stood looking at the data appearing on her console, Syrika heard .....Strange.....very strange. in her mind.

Her thoughts then moved to Carver and Martland and how they have conducted themselves since coming aboard the Churchill.

"Carver and Martland can not be trusted. They must be kept under constant survelliance. Whatever they are planning will not be in the best interest of the Churchill and her crew. They must be stopped."   she said to herself.

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on February 10, 2014, 12:53:22 PM


Henriks and Amelie entered sickbay to find it nearly empty, a single patient occupying one of the several prepped and ready biobeds, attended by the nurse who was just about to get off shift. "It looks so busy," Amelie whispered to Henriks, a completely serious look on her face. "Do you think we can handle it?"

"I don't know," he replied, in an equally quiet and serious tone. "But we've got to try." Total silence ensued for the briefest of moments before one of them sniggered and they both broke out into grins.

The nurse looked up upon hearing the laughter and retorted, "Oh good. You're finally here. He's all yours." The nurse thrust her tricorder and hypospray at  Henriks and stormed off and into the corridor, the doors hissing at her as they closed.

"What's got her all huffy?" Amelie asked. "It's not like there was a whole lot going on."

Until then, the patient's face and identifying features had been blocked by the nurse, and now that she was gone, Henriks could clearly see that it was "Porter." He let the name slide of his tongue. "What is it today?"

"Sprained wrist," the yellow shirted ensign explained, gingerly holding his right wrist.


"Let me see your wrist," Henriks said, not all together believing Porter's claim. Half the time Porter showed up, it was just from nerves with no real medical emergency. Porter offered up his wrist, cringing slightly as he did. The ensign's wrist was in fact swollen, especially in comparison with his other one. "What on Earth were you doing, Porter?"

"I, uh, slipped," Porter replied meekly.

"Slipped doing what?" Henriks asked. But then he paused and said, "Never mind." Porter was just about one of the most klutzy people the ship and could injure himself doing almost anything. "Does it hurt when I press here?" He put pressure on various points around the wrist with Porter nodding vigorously, almost howling in pain, his eyes starting to water. "Show me with your other wrist how you fell on it." Porter shifted slightly to do as he was commanded.

Henriks pulled out his tricorder. He was fairly sure what the diagnosis was already, but it wouldn't hurt to double check. "Oh, dear," he remarked, feigning seriousness. "We're going to have to operate."

Porter looked horrified. "R-really? Is it that serious?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Porter. It is serious. You have a grade two sprain." Henriks reached for the protoplaser. A grade two sprain just meant a few ligaments were torn, nothing too serious really. A few minutes later, Henriks put the tool away and said to the ensign, "You're good to go. It's going to be sore for the rest of the day, just be careful with it."

Porter hopped off the bed and scrambled to get out the door looking relieved. "You didn't have to do that to him," Amelie said.

"But just think of how much better he feels when he gets to leave so much sooner than he thought," Henriks countered.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb


[Mess Hall]

Jiseth entered the room quietly and headed straight for a replicator. The hours training Essai had left her quite hungry and even replicator food was desirable at the moment. "Ramen, gyoza, Fanta-Melon." She took the tray after it had completed her order and took it to a table near the windows, but far from everyone else. Sitting down she took the chopsticks and dunked the dumplings in soy sauce before eating each. Next she moved on to the large bowl of noodles. In many ways it was the closest Human food could get to Romulan although she had acquired a taste, even craving, for Japanese food when she was a small child. Every so often she would take a gulp from her cup, the green and bubbly liquid she found quite refreshing. Finally she put the bowl to her lips and drank down what was left of the soup before setting it down again and peering out the window.

Deon Essai

Quote from: Jiseth on February 10, 2014, 02:24:44 PM

From her side she pulled a PADD and began typing away. It was Essai's logbook that she was updating, adding in a passed simulator check ride and noting the main points of the flight in the comments section. Once she finished she handed it over to him, "Well done, Blitz. Maybe at some point we can take a shuttle out for a spin so you can log some hours outside of a simulator."

Standing, Jiseth stretched. One of the things she saw as a blessing and a curse was her height and being cramped into a small space was sometimes very uncomfortable, especially on her knees. "I suppose your performance warrants a steak and perhaps a piece of cake," she said glancing over with a smirk before walking towards the holodeck exit.

"Oh Steak and cake.  Sounds like a restaurant.", Deon said as he caught up to Jiseth.  Looking at the young woman Deon realized he didn't know much about her.
Quote from: Jiseth on February 13, 2014, 02:38:04 PM

[Mess Hall]

Jiseth entered the room quietly and headed straight for a replicator. The hours training Essai had left her quite hungry and even replicator food was desirable at the moment. "Ramen, gyoza, Fanta-Melon." She took the tray after it had completed her order and took it to a table near the windows, but far from everyone else. Sitting down she took the chopsticks and dunked the dumplings in soy sauce before eating each. Next she moved on to the large bowl of noodles. In many ways it was the closest Human food could get to Romulan although she had acquired a taste, even craving, for Japanese food when she was a small child. Every so often she would take a gulp from her cup, the green and bubbly liquid she found quite refreshing. Finally she put the bowl to her lips and drank down what was left of the soup before setting it down again and peering out the window.

Deon got his Steak from the replactor. And sat across for Jiseth

"So Oddball, if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up in starfleet?"


Quote from: Deon Essai on February 13, 2014, 05:05:52 PM

"Oh Steak and cake.  Sounds like a restaurant.", Deon said as he caught up to Jiseth.  Looking at the young woman Deon realized he didn't know much about her.

Deon got his Steak from the replactor. And sat across for Jiseth

"So Oddball, if you don't mind me asking, how did you end up in starfleet?"

Jiseth got up suddenly, then put her tray back in the replicator and returned with a glass of the green Fanta-Melon in each hand. She pushed the one in her left hands towards Essai and took a sip from the one in her right. "Because if you want to be happy living in the Federation, you join Starfleet." It wasn't quite what she wanted to say, more of an emotional outburst even though there wasn't any wavering in her tone. Mulling over what she had just said, she continued to take sips of her drink, "The news updates of the Dominion War were very different than what I later learned. I was nine when the Breen attacked Earth, in Tokyo at the time, I could see their ships in the sky firing down across the Pacific. People tried to talk about all the heroes and great things in Starfleet, but I couldn't take any of it to heart. Too much death..." There was a long stare into her glass before she finished the last of her drink and looked at Deon again, "The reason I'm sitting here and not in a Warbird right now is because I can't live with myself not being able to help end all the suffering this galaxy has to offer, Blitz."

Deon Essai

Quote from: Jiseth on February 13, 2014, 06:44:22 PM

Jiseth got up suddenly, then put her tray back in the replicator and returned with a glass of the green Fanta-Melon in each hand. She pushed the one in her left hands towards Essai and took a sip from the one in her right. "Because if you want to be happy living in the Federation, you join Starfleet." It wasn't quite what she wanted to say, more of an emotional outburst even though there wasn't any wavering in her tone. Mulling over what she had just said, she continued to take sips of her drink, "The news updates of the Dominion War were very different than what I later learned. I was nine when the Breen attacked Earth, in Tokyo at the time, I could see their ships in the sky firing down across the Pacific. People tried to talk about all the heroes and great things in Starfleet, but I couldn't take any of it to heart. Too much death..." There was a long stare into her glass before she finished the last of her drink and looked at Deon again, "The reason I'm sitting here and not in a Warbird right now is because I can't live with myself not being able to help end all the suffering this galaxy has to offer, Blitz."

Deon listen to Jiseth without touching his steak.  He'd ask the question because he was curios to know more about her.  Well he just found out a lot.

"I lost my father in that attack.  I was five.  We're here for the same reason.", Deon said he steak forgotten.


Quote from: Deon Essai on February 13, 2014, 08:51:40 PM

Deon listen to Jiseth without touching his steak.  He'd ask the question because he was curios to know more about her.  Well he just found out a lot.

"I lost my father in that attack.  I was five.  We're here for the same reason.", Deon said he steak forgotten.

There was a long series of slight nods and then she glanced out the window again, "I wonder where mine is right now... He's a transport pilot." Slowly Jiseth spun her glass between her hands and her thoughts became those of home. One thing she had always done since she was little was try to envision what one's last moments would be like, what thoughts would be going through their minds and all the regrets pouring out at once. Over the years she grew to severely disdain anyone who couldn't do the same, especially if they were Starfleet personnel, but she didn't get the vibe from Essai that he wasn't anything other than thoughtful. "Why did you decide to go yellow-shirt?"

Henriks Ābols


Amelie favored him with a sour looks, crossing her arms as she replied, "Porter has enough issues without you adding to things." Henriks shrugged. "Seriously, Henriks. We're supposed to treat them and make them feel safe, not scare the living daylights out of them. That increases the heart rate, and therefore the blood flow. And that," she said tapping her forehead, the German way of calling a person crazy, "will only make the injury all the more painful because of the increased swelling. You can be such a dummkopf sometimes."

"Hey," Henriks protested. "No need for names. Besides, it was only for a minute. His injury wasn't that bad, just a grade two sprain. Could've been much worse." Additionally, he was bored. And with Porter now gone, sickbay was empty, save for him and Amelie. There wasn't much to be done. They could always do another inventory check, but that was already done prior to the ship leaving dock, and there was little use to doing it again so soon.

"Where do you think we're heading this time?"

"Beats me," Henriks said, scratching his head. "What makes you think they tell me that sort of thing. I'm just a lowly medical crewman. I just patch people up when they suddenly turn up in sickbay," he added, pausing briefly to survey the mostly empty room, "or don't. I know it sounds kind of bad, but I kind of wish somebody else would show up just so we had something to do."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on February 08, 2014, 10:20:51 PM

[USS Churchill - Ready Room]

Quickly issuing a command to wipe the communique, Carver switched off his terminal and moved to the bridge. Moving to his command chair, he observed the helmsman.

"Helm lay in a course to Nefraya, you will see the planet is six hours away at warp eight. Engage" Ordered Carver.

5 1/2 hours later

Grix had actually got comfortable in the Captain's chair and was surprised how long he'd actually been sat there as the helm reported they were approaching Nefraya.

=/\= This is the Bridge Lieutenant C   Christian Grix speaking All hands to stations =/\= as soon as he gave the order he hailed Carver.

=/\= Grix to Captain Carver, Sir we are approaching Nefraya, is there anything we need to be aware of Sir? =/\=

Sittiing there Christian was sure he made the right decision in staying on the ship even if it did cost him his third pip.

William Carver

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 14, 2014, 03:54:59 AM

5 1/2 hours later

Grix had actually got comfortable in the Captain's chair and was surprised how long he'd actually been sat there as the helm reported they were approaching Nefraya.

=/\= This is the Bridge Lieutenant C   Christian Grix speaking All hands to stations =/\= as soon as he gave the order he hailed Carver.

=/\= Grix to Captain Carver, Sir we are approaching Nefraya, is there anything we need to be aware of Sir? =/\=

Sittiing there Christian was sure he made the right decision in staying on the ship even if it did cost him his third pip.

Carver walked onto the bridge as Lt Grix gave his report and requested information. Moving to the command chair, he looked towards the view screen at the planet.

"Remain seated Lieutenant, I want an Away Team led by Commander McConnell to get down there as soon as" He handed the Lieutenant a padd, which had the mission parameters on it. They described the objective as, ensuring the Nefrayans opt for Federation protection, due to their resource rich planet. The Federation did not want any others to plunder the planet.

"Anything else, if so, I'll be in my ready room" Carver stated.

Christian Grix

Quote from: William Carver on February 14, 2014, 09:33:50 AM

Carver walked onto the bridge as Lt Grix gave his report and requested information. Moving to the command chair, he looked towards the view screen at the planet.

"Remain seated Lieutenant, I want an Away Team led by Commander McConnell to get down there as soon as" He handed the Lieutenant a padd, which had the mission parameters on it. They described the objective as, ensuring the Nefrayans opt for Federation protection, due to their resource rich planet. The Federation did not want any others to plunder the planet.

"Anything else, if so, I'll be in my ready room" Carver stated.

Grix started to rise and then sat back down "Aye Sir"  he watched as the Captain disappeared towards the ready room, he then scanned the PADD and wondered what the Captain had in mind in way of persuasion.

=/\= Grix to McConnell, Commander you are required to put an away team together to 'ensure the Nefrayans opt for Federation protection' =/\=

Grix looked around the bridge again as a really bad feeling formed in the pit of his stomach.

TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 14, 2014, 10:26:56 AM

Grix started to rise and then sat back down "Aye Sir"  he watched as the Captain disappeared towards the ready room, he then scanned the PADD and wondered what the Captain had in mind in way of persuasion.

=/\= Grix to McConnell, Commander you are required to put an away team together to 'ensure the Nefrayans opt for Federation protection' =/\=

Grix looked around the bridge again as a really bad feeling formed in the pit of his stomach.

Syrika listened to the exchange between Captain Carver and Lieutenant Grix without drawing attention to herself.

Then as Carver moved toward his Ready Room, she reached out to Chris' mind.

"I don't trust him or Martland. All my senses are screaming they are up to no good. Nam-tor tun-bosh t'hy'la."

Pulau na'vathular k'nuhk; Shiyau thol'es k' thorai ri k'ahm
qaStaHvIS wej qaStaHvIS pong ta' Qot batlh

Cayden McConnell

Quote from: Christian Grix on February 14, 2014, 10:26:56 AM

Grix started to rise and then sat back down "Aye Sir"  he watched as the Captain disappeared towards the ready room, he then scanned the PADD and wondered what the Captain had in mind in way of persuasion.

=/\= Grix to McConnell, Commander you are required to put an away team together to 'ensure the Nefrayans opt for Federation protection' =/\=

Grix looked around the bridge again as a really bad feeling formed in the pit of his stomach.

McConnell looked up from the PADD he was studying as the hail came through.

=/\= Acknowledged. Have Cadets Essai, Shanara, and Syrika meet me in the transporter room. I would also like to speak to you before I transport down.=/\=

Picking up the PADD he was studying, he grabbed a hand phaser and slid it into the holster. Turning, he headed out the door to the transporter room.

[Transporter Room]

Entering the transporter room, he dismissed the transporter operator and waited for the rest of the away team to arrive.

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

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