Mission 02:Strained Relations

Started by John Brown, February 06, 2014, 07:29:28 PM

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Deon Essai

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on February 15, 2014, 11:36:37 AM

McConnell gave the number some consideration. The Nefrayans didn't pose much of a threat and it seemed like a simple matter of negotiating their entry into the Federation.

"I think that we will be fine. Keep me in the loop on what's going on up here. Any issues, you get the away team brought back up."

Stepping up on the transporter pad,  he looked back at Grix.

"We don't need you losing another pip. Play nice with Martland."

Deon fellowed the commander onto the transporter pad.  he still didn't know what for, but he was sure he find out soon enough.

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on February 16, 2014, 01:07:36 AM

"I'm a third generation pilot. My dad flies civilian transports and my grandfather did it for one of the manufacturers before he became an engineer. Flying is my life essentially." Chewing on her current mouth full she glanced around the mess hall, "I've seen it from orbit, Latvia. I'd love to visit it in the summer at some point, I'm not exactly fond of the cold, but I might give it a shot. Perhaps you could show me around." Pondering it for a little bit, she realized that so far everything she had seen had been out a window, never actually landing and seeing what was there. "Have you ever considered going to Earth's moon?"

"I can't say I have," Henriks replied, folding his hands on the table. "When we would stare out into space, we'd stare right past the moon or in a completely different direction. We were more interested in visiting the distant corners of the galaxy, other stars, other planets. Though I guess the moon would be a cool place to see. I take it you've been?" He leaned back in his chair a little before continuing. "It's great that flying is your life. I guess it is for all of us here, though not all of us are at the controls, piloting this thing." He grinned slightly at the thought.

"And if we do ever get the chance, I would be more than happy to show you around my country. It is so beautiful in the summertime, with all the flowers and people strolling through the streets. Though if you do go, make sure it's for one of the song fest years. Lots of people dress up in traditional costumes and the music is stupendous. My father and younger sister are going to be playing in the next one. And Latvia is only cold in the winter, when we get such wonderful snow. It heats up more in the summer, when our part of the Earth is tilted towards the sun. Some days, the sun doesn't even set until ten at night. But I prefer the cold weather we get in the winter."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on February 16, 2014, 11:59:45 AM

"I can't say I have," Henriks replied, folding his hands on the table. "When we would stare out into space, we'd stare right past the moon or in a completely different direction. We were more interested in visiting the distant corners of the galaxy, other stars, other planets. Though I guess the moon would be a cool place to see. I take it you've been?" He leaned back in his chair a little before continuing. "It's great that flying is your life. I guess it is for all of us here, though not all of us are at the controls, piloting this thing." He grinned slightly at the thought.

"And if we do ever get the chance, I would be more than happy to show you around my country. It is so beautiful in the summertime, with all the flowers and people strolling through the streets. Though if you do go, make sure it's for one of the song fest years. Lots of people dress up in traditional costumes and the music is stupendous. My father and younger sister are going to be playing in the next one. And Latvia is only cold in the winter, when we get such wonderful snow. It heats up more in the summer, when our part of the Earth is tilted towards the sun. Some days, the sun doesn't even set until ten at night. But I prefer the cold weather we get in the winter."

"I went around the moon. Was supposed to land and spend two days there for an academy project, but my shuttle... broke. I was so close, just sixty nautical miles..." There was a faint smile that traced her lips, "There's a festival in Japan around mid-July, Obon. Commemorating one's ancestors and lots of dressing up. Fireworks, food and fun in public, but in private it's quite a somber time except when we go out to release the candle boats." There was a half-hearted chuckle as she glanced to her now empty plate, "Romulans really like it there... Is this year a song fest one?"

Cayden McConnell

McConnell looked to make sure all were accounted for. It seemed that Shanara was missing from the group.

"Have Shanara join us when she completes her tasks. Energize."

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on February 16, 2014, 12:20:41 PM

"I went around the moon. Was supposed to land and spend two days there for an academy project, but my shuttle... broke. I was so close, just sixty nautical miles..." There was a faint smile that traced her lips, "There's a festival in Japan around mid-July, Obon. Commemorating one's ancestors and lots of dressing up. Fireworks, food and fun in public, but in private it's quite a somber time except when we go out to release the candle boats." There was a half-hearted chuckle as she glanced to her now empty plate, "Romulans really like it there... Is this year a song fest one?"

"That's unfortunate..." he replied with an apologetic shrug. "But I hope you get to go to the moon soon. Would be something fun to do the next time the Church is out near Earth. Nautical miles... how does that compare to a regular mile?" Henriks didn't understand the difference between the two or why they had to be called two different things. He tried not to sigh again, so instead he shifted slightly in his seat as he continued.

"Obon sounds very interesting, reminds me a bit of November first celebrations, for remembering the dead." He paused for a brief moment to do the math in his head. The last song fest had been in 2386, if he remembered correctly. "The song fest takes place every five years, and it seems like you're in luck. The next one should be this summer." A grin began to return to his face. "It's glorious. I can't wait, and if I have to, I'll ask for a short leave to go. I don't want to have to wait another five years for the next one, especially since it's going to be my sister's first time taking part."

Gesturing to Jiseth's empty plate, he asked, "May I take that for you?" He had in mind to go back over to the replicators to discard his plate and unfinished sausage, as well as to get something to drink. It would only be polite for him to take her plate as well and save her the trip. "And would you like anything?"

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on February 16, 2014, 01:40:25 PM

McConnell looked to make sure all were accounted for. It seemed that Shanara was missing from the group.

"Have Shanara join us when she completes her tasks. Energize."

"Stay Safe" Christian said as he activated the controls and watched as the away team began to disappear, he couldn't help but think it was a plan to get Cayden off the ship.

Once he confirmed they were safely on the planet, he headed back to the bridge.


Resuming control of the bridge he settled back in the Capatin's chair "I want a transporter lock kept on the away team at all times"

He turned to tactical "run long and short range scans I want to know the slightest anomaly and notify me immediately of any ships who are on approach"

Grix sat in the chair more than a little frustrated he did not know what was going on.


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on February 16, 2014, 04:17:02 PM

"That's unfortunate..." he replied with an apologetic shrug. "But I hope you get to go to the moon soon. Would be something fun to do the next time the Church is out near Earth. Nautical miles... how does that compare to a regular mile?" Henriks didn't understand the difference between the two or why they had to be called two different things. He tried not to sigh again, so instead he shifted slightly in his seat as he continued.

"Obon sounds very interesting, reminds me a bit of November first celebrations, for remembering the dead." He paused for a brief moment to do the math in his head. The last song fest had been in 2386, if he remembered correctly. "The song fest takes place every five years, and it seems like you're in luck. The next one should be this summer." A grin began to return to his face. "It's glorious. I can't wait, and if I have to, I'll ask for a short leave to go. I don't want to have to wait another five years for the next one, especially since it's going to be my sister's first time taking part."

Gesturing to Jiseth's empty plate, he asked, "May I take that for you?" He had in mind to go back over to the replicators to discard his plate and unfinished sausage, as well as to get something to drink. It would only be polite for him to take her plate as well and save her the trip. "And would you like anything?"

"It's about one arc minute-" she stopped and looked at him, realizing that he probably had no idea what that was either, "A statute mile is 5280 feet and a nautical mile is 6076. In atmosphere, the geometry of the sphere is what gives a necessity to the nautical mile, helps with navigation, but in open space we stick with kilometers. Still, it helps to memorize all three and your operating limits within them." The thought of visiting some place new was rather appealing and she noted to herself to keep a period of time open for travel.

"Honeydew boba tea, please." Jiseth raised an eyebrow as she brought her hands to her elbows as she leaned on the table with them. "And thanks."

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on February 17, 2014, 10:13:10 AM

"It's about one arc minute-" she stopped and looked at him, realizing that he probably had no idea what that was either, "A statute mile is 5280 feet and a nautical mile is 6076. In atmosphere, the geometry of the sphere is what gives a necessity to the nautical mile, helps with navigation, but in open space we stick with kilometers. Still, it helps to memorize all three and your operating limits within them." The thought of visiting some place new was rather appealing and she noted to herself to keep a period of time open for travel.

"Honeydew boba tea, please." Jiseth raised an eyebrow as she brought her hands to her elbows as she leaned on the table with them. "And thanks."

Henriks felt himself beginning to relax as he listened Jiseth explain a concept he had little understanding off. She paused mid-sentence, perhaps seeing the confused look on his face as his brows furrowed slightly. He understood the rest, but it must have been rather tedious for her to put it into simple terms that he could understand. "I think I'm starting to get it..." he said, pausing to try and figure why she had used nautical miles when saying how far she was from landing on the moon. But he came to the conclusion that it was not terribly important at the moment and he could always ask later.

He scooped his plate up into one hand and hers into the other, giving a slight shrug as if to say he wouldn't be long. Henriks quickly covered the distance to the food replicators and disposed of the dishes. "One honeydew boba tea, please," he asked the computer, ordering her drink first. He had no idea what it was supposed to look like, so when it materialized, he would just have to hope for the best and that it was what Jiseth wanted. Then for himself, he pondered a moment before deciding on a "Strawberry Italian soda." When that materialized, he took the two drinks back to where Jiseth was patiently waiting.

"What sort of things do you like to do," he asked, "when they aren't keeping you busy piloting the ship?" He took a sip of his beverage, savoring the sweet taste. Having completely run out of ideas for conversation, he fell back onto one of the standard get to know you better sort.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on February 17, 2014, 12:45:05 PM

Henriks felt himself beginning to relax as he listened Jiseth explain a concept he had little understanding off. She paused mid-sentence, perhaps seeing the confused look on his face as his brows furrowed slightly. He understood the rest, but it must have been rather tedious for her to put it into simple terms that he could understand. "I think I'm starting to get it..." he said, pausing to try and figure why she had used nautical miles when saying how far she was from landing on the moon. But he came to the conclusion that it was not terribly important at the moment and he could always ask later.

He scooped his plate up into one hand and hers into the other, giving a slight shrug as if to say he wouldn't be long. Henriks quickly covered the distance to the food replicators and disposed of the dishes. "One honeydew boba tea, please," he asked the computer, ordering her drink first. He had no idea what it was supposed to look like, so when it materialized, he would just have to hope for the best and that it was what Jiseth wanted. Then for himself, he pondered a moment before deciding on a "Strawberry Italian soda." When that materialized, he took the two drinks back to where Jiseth was patiently waiting.

"What sort of things do you like to do," he asked, "when they aren't keeping you busy piloting the ship?" He took a sip of his beverage, savoring the sweet taste. Having completely run out of ideas for conversation, he fell back onto one of the standard get to know you better sort.

"Usually in my quarters with a book or technical manual. I have a few hobbies, one of which is astronomy. Brought a reflecting telescope with me that has a thirty centimeter mirror. Every now and then I try to explore parts of the ship. It's easy for me to do since the shuttle bay is so far aft. Today though, I guess I was curious as to who I'm on this ship with." A few of the dark rounds spheres went up the straw as she sipped from the pale green slush. "How do you like yours? I prefer cherry with a little vanilla myself."

Ezra Shanara

Ezra had been so lost carrying out her upgrade assignments with Scott, that she'd somehow managed to disable her comm badge with a power coupler. Brushing herself off, she decided to head to the bridge. Securing her tools, she passed the toolkit to Scott and smiled. "Do you mind taking this back to Engineering, thanks."


Ezra walked onto the bridge and saw the ship had assumed orbit of Nefraya. With a quick visual scan, she noticed that Carver was absent, which boded well for her. She moved quickly to the ops station and took duty, the Crewman on duty shot her a confused glance before leaving. With a quick check, she saw that there was a sensor diagnostic in progress and a few other routine things. On the sensors, she made out the comm signatures of an Away Team that had left the ship.

A few minutes into her duty, the long range sensors chimed in a new contact. Looking to the command seat, she saw Lt Grix was in command. "Sir, I'm picking up a ship on long range sensors." With a flick of the wrist she called for an I.D of the ship, nothing came back. "Mmmm, not good" Another wrist action carried out a check on the ships composition. Again nothing. "Sir it's not transmitting any I.D and its not a ship that's recognised. It is also on a direct course for us"

Native of Dahkur Province

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on February 17, 2014, 02:28:06 PM

"Usually in my quarters with a book or technical manual. I have a few hobbies, one of which is astronomy. Brought a reflecting telescope with me that has a thirty centimeter mirror. Every now and then I try to explore parts of the ship. It's easy for me to do since the shuttle bay is so far aft. Today though, I guess I was curious as to who I'm on this ship with." A few of the dark rounds spheres went up the straw as she sipped from the pale green slush. "How do you like yours? I prefer cherry with a little vanilla myself."

"I spend most of my time in sickbay," Henriks remarked. "Lieutenant Oswald's called me in for quite a few extra shifts lately, because it's been a little understaffed. Things have finally quieted down, but I still go in to do extra work to keep mind my off things and to stay busy. And my quarters are on the same deck... so I don't normally see a whole lot of the ship." He took a sip of the fizzy red liquid in his glass, swirling the ice around a little. "I tend to prefer strawberry or mint flavored beverages, fizzy when possible. What are those round dark things?" he asked, referring to the spheres going up her straw.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb


Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on February 17, 2014, 02:58:44 PM

"I spend most of my time in sickbay," Henriks remarked. "Lieutenant Oswald's called me in for quite a few extra shifts lately, because it's been a little understaffed. Things have finally quieted down, but I still go in to do extra work to keep mind my off things and to stay busy. And my quarters are on the same deck... so I don't normally see a whole lot of the ship." He took a sip of the fizzy red liquid in his glass, swirling the ice around a little. "I tend to prefer strawberry or mint flavored beverages, fizzy when possible. What are those round dark things?" he asked, referring to the spheres going up her straw.

"Tapioca. Beverage dates back to the late twentieth century on Earth. Taiwan to be precise. I usually go for melon-flavored things, berries if I can't find anything else. Root beer is another favorite, but there is one beverage that I only get during special occasions because of my fond memories of having it with my father and grandfather. It's a type of ginger ale, brewed in Wisconsin, which has a nice caramel flavor. It also is so bubbly that you must exhale slightly while you sip it or you'll choke from the fizz. Quite wonderful really." She leaned back in her chair with a slightly menacing grin.

Christian Grix

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on February 17, 2014, 02:37:02 PM

Ezra had been so lost carrying out her upgrade assignments with Scott, that she'd somehow managed to disable her comm badge with a power coupler. Brushing herself off, she decided to head to the bridge. Securing her tools, she passed the toolkit to Scott and smiled. "Do you mind taking this back to Engineering, thanks."


Ezra walked onto the bridge and saw the ship had assumed orbit of Nefraya. With a quick visual scan, she noticed that Carver was absent, which boded well for her. She moved quickly to the ops station and took duty, the Crewman on duty shot her a confused glance before leaving. With a quick check, she saw that there was a sensor diagnostic in progress and a few other routine things. On the sensors, she made out the comm signatures of an Away Team that had left the ship.

A few minutes into her duty, the long range sensors chimed in a new contact. Looking to the command seat, she saw Lt Grix was in command. "Sir, I'm picking up a ship on long range sensors." With a flick of the wrist she called for an I.D of the ship, nothing came back. "Mmmm, not good" Another wrist action carried out a check on the ships composition. Again nothing. "Sir it's not transmitting any I.D and its not a ship that's recognised. It is also on a direct course for us"

"Thank you Cadet, did you get everything done in engineering? I hailed you to join the away team, but from what you have just told me you stay right there and monitor the approaching ship, try to get an Id for me" Grix first day in the big seat was not eactly going as smoothly as he had planned.

=/\=Churchill to away team, Commander we have an incoming ship on an intercept course, we have no reasonn to suspect they are hostile but as of yet we have no ID on the ship =/\=

Grix stood up and walked over to the helm and Ops console "Ensign George plot a course, if we need to take evasive action I want us to be ready" and then turning to Ops "Good work Cadet today" he then walked up to tactical and spoke quietly to Ensign Weston "monitor the incoming and at the first sign of trouble i want the shields up and the weapons online, i'm hoping for a peaceful encounter but only a fool would ignore the risk around here".



[Bridge - NPC Ensign Regina George]

"Yes, sir." Regina's heart fluttered at the thought of a potentially hostile ship. A starship isn't a fighter, I can't turn this thing on a dime... Her quiet frustration seemed to intensify as she looked at the seemingly bleak outlook and lack of options. There was a planet below them and not much else. Looking at the overlay, she remembered vaguely something about speed being the crucial factor in orbits. Then a little more came from basic physics about potential energy of objects due to gravity. For a brief moment she wished she had paid more attention during lectures, but she had what she needed. Plotting a descent, the ship would accelerate at full power and use the boost from the gravity well to slingshot away.

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Jiseth on February 17, 2014, 03:29:00 PM

"Tapioca. Beverage dates back to the late twentieth century on Earth. Taiwan to be precise. I usually go for melon-flavored things, berries if I can't find anything else. Root beer is another favorite, but there is one beverage that I only get during special occasions because of my fond memories of having it with my father and grandfather. It's a type of ginger ale, brewed in Wisconsin, which has a nice caramel flavor. It also is so bubbly that you must exhale slightly while you sip it or you'll choke from the fizz. Quite wonderful really." She leaned back in her chair with a slightly menacing grin.

Henriks involuntarily snorted on his drink in an effort not to choke. "I'm not sure whether to be startled or laugh," he croaked after a second. He wiped his mouth with the edge of his sleeve. "And I do agree that root beer is good, though only cold and in something glass. Ginger ale is good too, but ginger beer is even better, a little bit stronger."

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

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