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Mission 04: Milk Run

Started by John Brown, March 11, 2014, 04:05:43 PM

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James Booth

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 1 on April 06, 2014, 04:02:28 PM

"I wish it was that simple Booth, but now the diplomat is dead we need an assassin and you fit the bill, no matter how much i would like it i'm affraid you are going back to ore processing, admit your part in the plot and I will get you assigned to a surface farm"

NPC - Cardassian Intelligence Officer Kammin Veltar
Belkriss - holding cell

Booth looked into her eyes, he couldn't tell if she was serious or not. A minute earlier she seemingly wanted him, now she was offering a choice between ore processing and a surface farm. The farm was the preferable choice, if he had to make one. But to get it, it came at quite a cost. He would have to plead guilty to being the assassin. He took a deep breath and replied. "My name is James Booth, I am a Federation Citizen, I will not answer any more of your questions."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Non-Playing Character 1

Quote from: James Booth on April 06, 2014, 04:52:29 PM

Belkriss - holding cell

Booth looked into her eyes, he couldn't tell if she was serious or not. A minute earlier she seemingly wanted him, now she was offering a choice between ore processing and a surface farm. The farm was the preferable choice, if he had to make one. But to get it, it came at quite a cost. He would have to plead guilty to being the assassin. He took a deep breath and replied. "My name is James Booth, I am a Federation Citizen, I will not answer any more of your questions."

"That is a pity Mr Booth I hoped we could be friends" she kissed his cheek once more and the walked out of the door "He's all yours " she walked up the corridor to the bridge.

Sitting down next to Gul Jorek she smiled as she rubbed his hand "I honestly think he is telling the truth, he's not innocent but he wasn't the bomber" At least here was a man she could manipulate exactly how she wanted.

NPC - Cardassian Intelligence Officer Kammin Veltar

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 06, 2014, 02:01:01 PM

Grix had to admit he liked Ezra's approach "Thank you this is the news i was hoping to hear, I want to be underway for Cardassia in two minutes"

=/\= Grix to sickbay, Mr Booth is not on board at the moment, can i help? =/\= he nodded to Ezra "Good Work Ezra Deon, please man your normal stations, Scott you have the engine room my friend please give us every ounce of power you can".

"Syrika I want you on the secondary console on the bridge monitoring the intermix ratio i DO NOT want a problem like last time".


Henriks felt the slightest bit of relief when Commander Grix made a reply. =/\=Not much,sir,=/\= he replied. =/\=Ms. Dyson lost quite a bit of blood due to the explosion, and she has a rare blood type. Mr. Booth is the only one who can give it to her. We can keep her stabilized, but I can't be sure for how long.=/\= His request, though unsaid, was well implied. They needed to get Booth as soon as humanly possible.

"We need to get her prepped for surgery," Henriks added to the other people in the room. "And until we can get that transfusion, she'll need some plasma injected to help with the blood pressure, and some packed red blood cells to help boost those numbers." He was debating whether or not giving her extra oxygen would help, given the circumstances. And while they could keep her chugging along for a bit and increase blood volume, there were vital blood components that she would only be able to get from Booth.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 06, 2014, 06:20:31 PM


Henriks felt the slightest bit of relief when Commander Grix made a reply. =/\=Not much,sir,=/\= he replied. =/\=Ms. Dyson lost quite a bit of blood due to the explosion, and she has a rare blood type. Mr. Booth is the only one who can give it to her. We can keep her stabilized, but I can't be sure for how long.=/\= His request, though unsaid, was well implied. They needed to get Booth as soon as humanly possible.

"We need to get her prepped for surgery," Henriks added to the other people in the room. "And until we can get that transfusion, she'll need some plasma injected to help with the blood pressure, and some packed red blood cells to help boost those numbers." He was debating whether or not giving her extra oxygen would help, given the circumstances. And while they could keep her chugging along for a bit and increase blood volume, there were vital blood components that she would only be able to get from Booth.


Well, Chira thought, this wasn't exactly how I was expecting to come aboard this ship...  Any possibility of having lighthearted thoughts, though, dissipated immediately when she re-considered the girl's condition.  "Well," Chira muttered, "just where the hell is that guy, anyway?"

At the mention of prepping, Chira moved instantly, rolling up her uniform top sleeves.  "Doctor," she said to the man, "has she been given any tri-ox?  Is she stable enough for it?  Chira Arthur, by the way.  It's my first day on the job."

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams


Quote from: Christian Grix on April 06, 2014, 04:39:10 PM

"Plot an intercept Course and engage, let's see if i was any good at my old job and use those engines to get Mr Booth back".

=/\= This is Lieutenant Commander Grix to all hands we are taking the ship into Cardassian space, they have arrested a member of the crew in error, we now have proof he is innocent of the charges. You will need to be at maximum awareness and expect trouble =/\=. he turned to Jiseth "Lieutenant, I have a plan but It will need some of that fancy flying you are famous for"

Jiseth sat in the XO's chair and glanced to Grix, "What did you have in mind?"

Meru watched as the docking indicator flipped to red. The airlock had sealed and began to retract, white puffs of leftover atmosphere dispersing into space. Monitoring all the engine power levels, everything looked within the norms and so the Ensign gave a slight smirk knowing Jiseth would likely have her show off her talents rather than it be solely the Lieutenant's on display.

All the RCS thrusters gave a sustained burst of blue downward and the Churchill began to rise above the end of the docking arm. The station turned slowly beneath as the ship's underside cleared the same elevation as the airlock it was just attached to. The impulse engines came to life, one slightly brighter than the other. The different throttle settings pushed the ship into a turn away from the station and aligning towards their intercept point.

The ensign did not hesitate to engage the warp drive to maximum. The view screen flashed and stars began to streak by. She had heard Jiseth's complaints about the ship feeling heavy at the controls, but Meru this was the smallest vessel Meru had been on. She noted the slight vibrations in her chair as the ship continued to accelerate, "T-2:59:13 till intercept at maximum warp, sir."

John Brown

Quote from: Scott Anderson on April 06, 2014, 04:31:32 PM


Scott looked to Grix, his mention of the last time struck a nerve. Did the Commander blame him for the collision and the subsequent mishap on the holodeck. Scott had been sat at the bridge work station, when the accident happened. He looked at Syrika for a second and then back to Grix, his face displayed an expression of disappointment and betrayal. "Yes Sir" He took a breath. "If you'll excuse me"


Anderson left the bridge in silence and feeling down again. He arrived at Engineering a few minutes later, only to be greeted by Emilio Vargas. Ensign Vargas headed straight for Anderson, as he always did, he was like an old dog that was faithful to its Master.

"Hey man" Emilio's smile faded quickly. "What's the matter Scotty, you got rejected didn't you?"

Anderson frowned with confusion. "What?" He asked.

Vargas' smile widened, he liked to think he had all the answers. "You asked the lady in red out and she turned you down" It was more of a statement than a question.

"No I haven't asked anybody out." Scott shook his head. "We need to have this ship ready to fly as fast as she can, like yesterday. Now monitor the intermix chamber. Keep in touch with Miss Syrika."

"Yes Sir" Vargas replied. He took the hint and moved off to the warp core.

Scott felt bad for upsetting Emilio, he was the only one, who didn't seem to judge Scott for what he was. Looking around feeling frustrated, Scott slapped his comm badge.

=/\=Anderson to bridge, we are ready to go, Anderson out=/\= Scott nearly spat the words into the badge and deactivated it before anyone could answer.

[Ready Room]
==^==Brown to Grix take the Ship to Warp 9.975 and Go to Cardassia Prime==^==

John Took the PADD he was looking for then he looked out towards Space before opening a Channel to the Cardassian Goverment

Mission End:April 7th

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