Mission 05:Ahab's Quest

Started by John Brown, April 07, 2014, 11:01:10 AM

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James Booth

Quote from: John Brown on April 15, 2014, 06:53:15 PM

"Do'nt worry Ensign I have everything Under Control" Yelled Brown at the Young Ensign

Quote from: Ezra Shanara on April 15, 2014, 06:56:39 PM

"Sir the Chief is assaulting a Flag Officer." Ezra was determined to sort the matter. She wasn't about to leave the Admiral in a position, where he could be injured. "What is going on Sir?" Ezra asked.

Booth shot a glance to Ezra, he knew if she fired, it wouldn't just be him taking the discharge of the weapon, but the Old Man would be out for the count too. "Shanara, put the phaser down. All you'll do is shoot both the Admiral and me." Nudging the back of the Admirals neck. "Like he said it's under control."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: Zero Alpha on April 15, 2014, 05:06:19 PM

[CMO's Office]

Zero took the picture, recognising it as one that Jiseth had proudly displayed in their quarters.  Anger boiled up inside her.  Anger at Booth for going into their private space.  Anger at the faces in the photo for being so happy.  Angry at Jiseth for leaving her alone.  She leapt to her feet and hurled the picture at the wall before turning away from Grix in an attempt to hide the furious tears once again streaking down her face.

"She was the only one who deigned to love me despite my nature!"

"your nature is not the problem, the problem is other peoples nature towards you" Grix simply bent down and picked up all the pieces and placed them on the desk "I know hot it feels right now believe me it took me along time to get over the death of my wife" he turned to leave "When you are ready to talk call me"

John Brown

Quote from: James Booth on April 15, 2014, 06:59:27 PM

Booth shot a glance to Ezra, he knew if she fired, it wouldn't just be him taking the discharge of the weapon, but the Old Man would be out for the count too. "Shanara, put the phaser down. All you'll do is shoot both the Admiral and me." Nudging the back of the Admirals neck. "Like he said it's under control."

"Undercontrol yes its under control like you controlled Safi Larson...." Finished Brown as he used his weight to his advantage and fell forward as he felled onto the floor allowing Booth to fall on top of him then rolling taking Booths Body into the side of his Desk with full force

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on April 15, 2014, 06:58:08 PM


A giggle escaped Chira's lips, immediately causing her to flush solid crimson.  It had been a nervous reaction, more than anything, and highly inappropriate for the current situation, with everyone walking around like their dog had just died.  Or their wonderful, vivacious, Romulan crewmate, she thought.  Cupping her hand over her mouth, Chira seriously considered just walking out the goddamn airlock.  Her shade deepened even more in embarrassment at the poorly-timed suicide joke, even though it had only played in her head.

You have to pull yourself together, she thought.  You HAVE to!  Granted, she was still very new to the ship and her job, but still...how could she ever hope to become a counselor and give treatment to others, when she was cracking like a used-up dilithium crystal now?  Dilithium crystal?  The helll?  Where had that particular simile come from?  Maybe something her brother had said, once.

"I'm...sorry, Henriks," she said, shaking her head, palm on her forehead.  "I guess I just...feel...so goddamn helpless."  Chira glanced at the door.  If Grix had been allowed in, perhaps others would, too.  She had a duty to at least try and talk to the CMO.  Chira had no idea how that conversation would go.

Actually, she kinda did -- an Old Earth archival vid of an airship called the Hindenburg came to mind...


Chira let loose a small giggle herself, most likely due to being nervous herself, or perhaps the infectiousness of his own nervous laugh. Her giggle almost prompted another laugh of his own, but he caught himself, seeing the deep shade of red that colored her cheeks. "But you have such a gift for helping people," Henriks told her. "I think even your very presence or smile can be soothing."

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 15, 2014, 07:43:58 PM

"Your nature is not the problem. The problem is other peoples nature towards you" Grix simply bent down and picked up all the pieces and placed them on the desk "I know hot it feels right now believe me it took me along time to get over the death of my wife" he turned to leave "When you are ready to talk call me"

The doors to the CMO's office began to open as the XO made ready to exit. Henriks turned to Chira, saying, "I've no doubt that the Chief could use your magic, but I just need to speak with her alone real quick first. Should only take a minute." He would have simply sent Zero a message but he dared not write any of it down, lest it ruin the whole plan.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Chira Arthur

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 15, 2014, 09:36:38 PM


Chira let loose a small giggle herself, most likely due to being nervous herself, or perhaps the infectiousness of his own nervous laugh. Her giggle almost prompted another laugh of his own, but he caught himself, seeing the deep shade of red that colored her cheeks. "But you have such a gift for helping people," Henriks told her. "I think even your very presence or smile can be soothing."

The doors to the CMO's office began to open as the XO made ready to exit. Henriks turned to Chira, saying, "I've no doubt that the Chief could use your magic, but I just need to speak with her alone real quick first. Should only take a minute." He would have simply sent Zero a message but he dared not write any of it down, lest it ruin the whole plan.


Glad to see that her ill-timed chortle had passed, mostly, without incident, Chira was surprised to find her cheeks flushing with color again as Henriks complimented her.  For God's sake, Arthur, she thought, will you grab a hold of yourself?  The entirety of her first mission had been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster ride.  And it didn't look to be slowing at any time soon.

"Henriks..." she began, grinning through her embarrassment, "thank you."  With that, she hugged the man again.

CMO Alpha's doors opened, and Commander Grix returned...and in one piece, still, she thought, as Henriks made his way into the office.  Nodding in greeting to the Commander, Chira keyed on a terminal, bringing up the latest inventory registers of dermaline gel.  Busy work.  But...she really wanted to be busy.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Chira Arthur on April 15, 2014, 10:40:26 PM


Glad to see that her ill-timed chortle had passed, mostly, without incident, Chira was surprised to find her cheeks flushing with color again as Henriks complimented her.  For God's sake, Arthur, she thought, will you grab a hold of yourself?  The entirety of her first mission had been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster ride.  And it didn't look to be slowing at any time soon.

"Henriks..." she began, grinning through her embarrassment, "thank you."  With that, she hugged the man again.

CMO Alpha's doors opened, and Commander Grix returned...and in one piece, still, she thought, as Henriks made his way into the office.  Nodding in greeting to the Commander, Chira keyed on a terminal, bringing up the latest inventory registers of dermaline gel.  Busy work.  But...she really wanted to be busy.


Henriks couldn't help but grin back a little, gladly accepting the hug. Such a thing, like the laughing, was also strangely infectious. "Paldies," he said, thanking her in his own language. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for what was to come and waited until Grix was out of Zero's office before stepping inside. Once the doors closed completely behind him, he spoke quietly, in a near whisper. "Ma'am, there is something you need to know about Jiseth. But if you tell anybody else or do anything to act on this information... I'll deny it all." Jiseth may trust her, but he was still a little wary of the new CMO, as far as such matters were concerned. He wasn't even sure he should be telling her, but it felt like she had to know Jiseth wasn't dead.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Christian Grix

Quote from: Chira Arthur on April 15, 2014, 10:40:26 PM


Glad to see that her ill-timed chortle had passed, mostly, without incident, Chira was surprised to find her cheeks flushing with color again as Henriks complimented her.  For God's sake, Arthur, she thought, will you grab a hold of yourself?  The entirety of her first mission had been nothing but an emotional rollercoaster ride.  And it didn't look to be slowing at any time soon.

"Henriks..." she began, grinning through her embarrassment, "thank you."  With that, she hugged the man again.

CMO Alpha's doors opened, and Commander Grix returned...and in one piece, still, she thought, as Henriks made his way into the office.  Nodding in greeting to the Commander, Chira keyed on a terminal, bringing up the latest inventory registers of dermaline gel.  Busy work.  But...she really wanted to be busy.

"Miss Arthur" Grix smiled as he greeted her on his way out of sickbay and Henriks walked past obviously with something on his mind.


Stepping onto the bridge and seeing no Senior officers he was just about to hail one when he heard a crash and raised voices.

Quote from: John Brown on April 15, 2014, 09:00:32 PM

"Undercontrol yes its under control like you controlled Safi Larson...." Finished Brown as he used his weight to his advantage and fell forward as he felled onto the floor allowing Booth to fall on top of him then rolling taking Booths Body into the side of his Desk with full force

He ran to the ready room and was greeted to the scene of Booth and the Admiral rolling around on the floor "OH FOR F............!" he started to say "Right!" he grabbed Brown by his collar and pulled him to his feet. "Admiral Brown, unless you sort yourself out and I mean very quickly I will have no other choice than to assume command of the ship and here is some advice for free, the answers you    no WE need to find aren't hidden in that bottle or any damn bottle for that matter, Believe me i spent a long tome looking for them". He pushed the Admiral back to his chair and then offered his hand to Booth to help him up.

At the same time he looked to the Ensign, it took guts to do what she had done and he respected that "Thank you Ensign, If he moves Stun him" Grix nodded towards the Admiral.

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 16, 2014, 12:35:53 AM


Henriks couldn't help but grin back a little, gladly accepting the hug. Such a thing, like the laughing, was also strangely infectious. "Paldies," he said, thanking her in his own language. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for what was to come and waited until Grix was out of Zero's office before stepping inside. Once the doors closed completely behind him, he spoke quietly, in a near whisper. "Ma'am, there is something you need to know about Jiseth. But if you tell anybody else or do anything to act on this information... I'll deny it all." Jiseth may trust her, but he was still a little wary of the new CMO, as far as such matters were concerned. He wasn't even sure he should be telling her, but it felt like she had to know Jiseth wasn't dead.

Zero stood in a corner of her office, leaning on her forearms against the wall as she struggled to get her emotions under control, ignoring Henriks' presence in her office.  Ghost moved to stand next to the crewman, whining quietly as he looked from his owner to Henriks, as if asking him to do something.

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 16, 2014, 02:44:40 AM


Stepping onto the bridge and seeing no Senior officers he was just about to hail one when he heard a crash and raised voices.

He ran to the ready room and was greeted to the scene of Booth and the Admiral rolling around on the floor "OH FOR F............!" he started to say "Right!" he grabbed Brown by his collar and pulled him to his feet. "Admiral Brown, unless you sort yourself out and I mean very quickly I will have no other choice than to assume command of the ship and here is some advice for free, the answers you    no WE need to find aren't hidden in that bottle or any damn bottle for that matter, Believe me i spent a long tome looking for them". He pushed the Admiral back to his chair and then offered his hand to Booth to help him up.

At the same time he looked to the Ensign, it took guts to do what she had done and he respected that "Thank you Ensign, If he moves Stun him" Grix nodded towards the Admiral.

Booth ground his teeth as he approached Brown, he jabbed his index and middle finger into the man's chest. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, what happened to that man I knew all those years ago." Moving towards the exit, shoving past Grix as he did so. Jimmy turned in the doorway. "Don't ever use Safi as a weapon, I'm going to put out a warrant for Greyson and if you get dragged down with then I'm afraid that's on you!.....Sir."

Natalya Simonova 'Natalya sipped her drink again before turning to look at Booth "His exact words were stay away from Jimmy Booth he makes James T Kirk look like a Vulcan monk"'

Christian Grix

Quote from: James Booth on April 16, 2014, 07:11:37 AM

Booth ground his teeth as he approached Brown, he jabbed his index and middle finger into the man's chest. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, what happened to that man I knew all those years ago." Moving towards the exit, shoving past Grix as he did so. Jimmy turned in the doorway. "Don't ever use Safi as a weapon, I'm going to put out a warrant for Greyson and if you get dragged down with then I'm afraid that's on you!.....Sir."

Grix nodded to Ezra and mouthed watch him "you have the bridge ensign thank you"

He then turned on Brown "WELL JUST WHAT IS GOING ON BECAUSE RIGHT NOW YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL. I would not be over stepping the mark if I threw you in the brig and turned this ship around, we've had one death, when does it end? When we are all dead!" He then picked up the bottle and held it to the Admiral, "Here lies John Brown the man who lost his bottle" he then threw it against the bulkhead "Tell me what's happening or so help me you will be removed from command"

Ezra Shanara

Quote from: Christian Grix on April 16, 2014, 08:37:18 AM

Grix nodded to Ezra and mouthed watch him "you have the bridge ensign thank you"

He then turned on Brown "WELL JUST WHAT IS GOING ON BECAUSE RIGHT NOW YOU ARE OUT OF CONTROL. I would not be over stepping the mark if I threw you in the brig and turned this ship around, we've had one death, when does it end? When we are all dead!" He then picked up the bottle and held it to the Admiral, "Here lies John Brown the man who lost his bottle" he then threw it against the bulkhead "Tell me what's happening or so help me you will be removed from command"

Ezra holstered her phaser and returned to the Ops seat. SCPO Booth had disappeared from the bridge, presumably in the direction of his office. She wasn't at all sure about what she'd just seen, the Chief had restrained the Admiral and then subsequently departed in something of a rage.

Looking to the sensor readout, she saw that they were now three and a half hours away from the station. But the Churchill was now close enough to get better readings of the station and its surrounding area. A single Gorn cruiser was in the area, in fact it was right above the station.

Native of Dahkur Province


Quote from: James Booth on April 16, 2014, 07:11:37 AM

Booth ground his teeth as he approached Brown, he jabbed his index and middle finger into the man's chest. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, what happened to that man I knew all those years ago." Moving towards the exit, shoving past Grix as he did so. Jimmy turned in the doorway. "Don't ever use Safi as a weapon, I'm going to put out a warrant for Greyson and if you get dragged down with then I'm afraid that's on you!.....Sir."

Ensign Meru had wondered after over twelve hours if Jiseth's plan was working when she heard the commotion in the ready room. Turning in her chair she saw Ensign Shanara, a fellow Bajoran, with a drawn phaser when the door opened as the Chief left. She sat with her eyes wide open, a fair bit in shock at the spectacle. Slowly, Meru turned back to the helm console and tried not to look in the direction of the office. Thinking to herself, At this rate there'll be a damn mutiny...

Henriks Ābols

Quote from: Zero Alpha on April 16, 2014, 06:55:27 AM

Zero stood in a corner of her office, leaning on her forearms against the wall as she struggled to get her emotions under control, ignoring Henriks' presence in her office.  Ghost moved to stand next to the crewman, whining quietly as he looked from his owner to Henriks, as if asking him to do something.

Henriks heard the dog begin to whine quietly and looked down to find Ghost standing right next to him. Ghost looked over to Zero and then back to him, making Henriks wonder if Ghost had been asking permission to strike. But no, the dog hadn't been growling. He just hoped Zero's reaction wouldn't change that. Gulping, Henriks hesitated slightly before adding in a low voice, "She's not dead."

A few seconds passed before he continued. "Go to Fornell's quarters," he told Zero. "He'll be able to explain the whole situation better than I can." Now that it'd been said, Henriks turned to leave before the situation went south on him.

"Me, I see a stiff, one I didn't have to kill myself, I just get the urge to, you know, do stuff..."
-Jaybe Cobb

Zero Alpha

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on April 16, 2014, 10:58:25 AM

Henriks heard the dog begin to whine quietly and looked down to find Ghost standing right next to him. Ghost looked over to Zero and then back to him, making Henriks wonder if Ghost had been asking permission to strike. But no, the dog hadn't been growling. He just hoped Zero's reaction wouldn't change that. Gulping, Henriks hesitated slightly before adding in a low voice, "She's not dead."

A few seconds passed before he continued. "Go to Fornell's quarters," he told Zero. "He'll be able to explain the whole situation better than I can." Now that it'd been said, Henriks turned to leave before the situation went south on him.

[CMO's Office]

Zero turned sharply on her heel to face Henriks, but the enlisted medic was already gone.  She slowly dropped into a crouch, rubbing Ghost's ears as he darted toward her and snuffled at her hands, as if he wanted to know if she was ok.

"Computer, locate Fornell."

Flight Officer Fornell is in his quarters

Gritting her teeth, Zero stomped out of her office, Ghost trotting along with her as she headed for the man's quarters.

[Outside Fornell's Quarters]

Now that her anger had had a little time to mature, Zero was absolutely furious.  As such, just after ringing the bell, she thudded her fist against the door, not caring and ignoring the pain as she heard something in her hand crack and splinter.

Species : Genetically Engineered Human

Archangel T'Koris/Ilana Telak/Persephone M'rai/Rachel Deacon

Chira Arthur


First Henriks, and now Alpha, had come stomping out of the CMO's office.  Chira's natural sense of curiosity practically begged her to ask Abols just what the hell was going on, but she held her tongue.  If he wanted her to know, he'd tell her.  Chira could imagine that their conversation, brief as it was, had been of a personal nature.

Shaking her head, Chira leaned against a biobed, exhaling a long sigh.  "This entire place has just lost its collective freaking mind," she muttered.

For full bio, just click that knowing smile.
"May we never find space so vast, planets so cold, heart and mind so empty that we cannot fill them with love and warmth." - Dr. Tristan Adams

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